Buldakova Irina Vasilievna, teacher-speech therapist. Synopsis of entertainment for the development of speech "In the book corner" for children of senior preschool age

  • 30.09.2019

Speech therapy leisure for children of the senior group "How the letter-eater stole the letters"

Author of the work: Radulova Svetlana Mikhailovna, speech therapist teacher, Bendery Kindergarten No. 9, Bendery
Description of work: the scenario of the final speech leisure was developed for the senior speech therapy group with OHP. The content of leisure reflects the relationship in the work of a speech therapist teacher, educator, music director. The material will be useful to speech therapists, educators in working with children of older and preparatory group to consolidate skills in the development of speech and literacy.

Target: sum up the results of correctional work for the academic year in a festive atmosphere.
Correctional and educational tasks:
Automate correct pronunciation set sounds in speech.
Improve the grammatical structure of speech (form relative adjectives, nouns and adjectives with diminutive suffixes, cognates to the word a fish, antonyms).
Improve sentence reading skills.
Correction-developing tasks:
Develop gross and fine motor skills.
Improve intonation.
Develop coherent speech, phonemic perception, thinking, memory.
Correctional and educational tasks:
To educate children in mutual assistance, sympathy, a sense of collectivism.
To develop in children an emotional response to what is happening.
Equipment: the book "Fairy Tales", letters from the word FAIRY TALES, blue cloth, planar images of fish, stones with puzzles, logs with sentences written on them, salad bowls and pots with vegetables, subject pictures of animals and cubs, cards for games "4 extra", "Say vice versa”, a bucket with a fishing rod, leaflets with elements of letters, felt-tip pens, cards with written sentences.
Preliminary work. Automation of the pronunciation of set sounds in poetry, tongue twisters. Formation of single-root words for the word a fish in private lessons with a speech therapist. learning finger gymnastics"In the forest", dances. Making costumes "River", "Fisherman", "Flower Fairy", "Forest Fairy", grandfather "Bukvoed", gnomes, hats of flowers (bell, chamomile, cornflower, poppy, violet).

Leisure course

Children enter the hall to the music.
Speech therapist. Hello dear guests! We invited you to our final speech holiday! Guys, but first, let's remember the secrets of the correct and beautiful speech.
1 child. We always speak beautifully, boldly, but slowly.
2 child. We speak clearly, clearly, because we are not in a hurry.
3 child. Speak as you exhale smoothly and clearly.
4 child. Before you speak, think about what you want to say.
The children stand in front of the mirror.

Articulation gymnastics.
If you believe in a fairy tale with all your heart,
The doors to the magical world will open!
Exercise "Window".
You can easily get there
On a magic carpet plane
Hold a wide, relaxed tongue counting from 1 to 10.
On a flying big ship
Or with Baba Yaga on a broom,
On a raft on the milky river
And riding the Humpbacked Horse.
You can fly into a fairy tale on a firebird,
You can roll on Kolobok,
"Delicious jam"
You can drive in like an Elephant on a Hedgehog.
Ouch! We seem to be in a fairy tale already ...
Children sit on chairs.
Speech therapist.
There lived a boy.
He knew how to read.
And every evening with a book
Sitting by the window.
A boy comes out with a book, sits on a chair, “reads”.

Girls approach the boy.

Vitya, don't stay at home
Come out to the yard!
Don't interfere, I won't go
I want to read the book!
Vitya, who is this, look!
He comes to us, does not knock ...
Music sounds. Grandfather Bukvoed comes out.
Grandfather Bookvoed.
I'll take all the letters
And I'll spread it around the world.
The bookworm takes the letters from the book and leaves.
What should I do, where are the letters?
How can I find all the letters? (Crying).
Speech therapist. Children, can we help Vita?
Children. Yes.
Speech therapist.
We can't slow down at all.
Let's go friends!
Music sounds. Vitya walks down the hall and approaches the river. On the blue fabric there are planar images of stones with puzzles, fish, on the shore of a log with sentences.

Speech therapist.
The river in front of them appeared on the way.
It's hard for me, I'm tired.
Help me friends!
Remove the stones!

Solving puzzles.
Speech therapist. We need to solve puzzles and the stone can be removed from the river.
Children solve puzzles.

Game "Correct the sentence."
Speech therapist. To cross the river, you need to build a bridge. There are logs on the shore. Correct the sentences and we will build a bridge out of logs.

The river gives the first letter.
Speech therapist.
Guys, guess who's on the shore
Sitting with a fishing rod in the morning
And following the float?
Children. Fisherman.
A fisherman enters with a bucket and a fishing rod.
I am a happy fisherman
I fish on a hook.
I have for every fish
The worm is ready.

The game "Name the family of the word."
Speech therapist. Guys, let's form the words of one family for the word fish. For every word the fisherman will catch a fish.
Children name the words: fish, fish, fish, fish, fish, fisherman, fishing, angler, fish, fisherman, fisherwoman). A fisherman uses a fishing rod and a magnet to catch fish from the river.

Oh thanks for helping
Catch a lot of fish.
It's time for me to say goodbye to you
And return home with a catch.
The fisherman gives the second letter.
Speech therapist.
Vitya received the letter
He hurried on his way.

Speech therapist.
Where did we get?
Here is a big carpet
Nobody wove it.
He unraveled himself
Lying by the blue river
And yellow, and blue, and scarlet!
Children. To the meadow.

Speech therapist. The mistress of the meadow is the Fairy of Flowers.
To the music, the Flower Fairy enters with a basket containing pictures of animals and babies.

Fairy of Flowers.
Hello, friends!
Meet the Fairy!
I always live in flowers
And drink flower nectar.
Girls in hats of "flowers" come out.
I'm in a trendy blue hat
The bell is mischievous.
Whom I won't meet
I bow down to the ground.
I am a daisy with a golden heart
I have a tall stem.
I'm blue like a river
Cornflower warmed by the sun.
I am the brightest, the scarletest
My petals are like a flame
I am a red poppy, only a day blooms
And I love the sun!
I am a young violet!
I'm growing on the edge.
Fragrant and tender
Our eyes are good!

Game "What?"
Educator. Pick up the words: bell "What?"
Children. Blue, delicate, fragrant, fragrant.

The game "Call it affectionately"
Educator. I will name the flowers, and you will pronounce the same words affectionately. Blue cornflower.
Children. Blue cornflower.
Children call: little white chamomile, blue forget-me-nots, etc.
Fairy of Flowers.
In the meadow, flowers - uncountable!
There are cornflowers, chamomile,
Scarlet dawn colors,
Covered in poppies.
blue bell,
Everyone shakes his head
Dear bug,
Sat on chamomile.
Happy butterflies, bumblebees,
What flowers have bloomed! (L. Aleinikova)
Moths, come soon!
And pollinate the flowers!

Dance of flowers and moths.

Game "Help mom find her cubs"
The Flower Fairy distributes pictures of animals and babies to children.
Educator. Birds came out to the meadow, animals with cubs.
To the music, children walk around the hall and look for a couple (goat - kids, etc.). Each child makes a sentence based on their picture.
1 child. The bunny has a bunny.
2 child. Chickens at the hen.
3 child. The horse has a foal.

Fairy of Flowers gives the third letter.
Speech therapist.
Vitya received the letter
He hurried on his way.
Music sounds. Vitya is walking down the hall.
Speech therapist.
It is green and thick
He is tall and big
That - spruce, then - oak,
That is aspen-pine.
Come into the green house -
You will see miracles in it!
Where did we end up?
Children. In the woods.

Speech therapist.
In the forest, the mistress is different.
The Forest Fairy lives here.
The Forest Fairy enters to the music with a basket containing cards for the game "4 extra".

Fairy Forest.
Hello dear guests! Glad to see you!
Sorceress - Forest Fairy
I'm in charge here in the forest.
I know everything and I can
I eat strawberries, I drink dew.

Finger gymnastics "In the forest"
Christmas trees grow in the dense forest
The fingers are interlaced, the thumbs are the top of the head.
And evil-evil wolves roam.
Show "clacking mouth"
Sometimes a bunny will run
Show bunny ears.
And the branch of the tree will tremble.
The fingers are bent - "paws".
There is a clumsy bear
Fingers intertwined, thumbs - muzzle
He will touch the tree with his paw.
And the old hedgehog, prickly side,
Sleeping under the tree
Curled up into a ball.
The fingers are folded into a "ball".

The game "The Fourth Extra"
The fairy gives the children cards to play with. Children find an extra object and explain. The Forest Fairy gives the fourth letter.

Fairy Forest. It's time to say goodbye to you. But I want to introduce you to my old acquaintances, fabulous gnomes.

Gnome 1.
Hello dear friends!
Gnome 2.
We are two funny gnomes,
We live for hundreds of years
In our beautiful house
Soup is waiting for us at lunchtime.

The game "What salad?"
Educator. For lunch, the dwarfs cooked a coleslaw. What salad?
Children. Cabbage.
Children name salad and soup according to the pictures.

The game "Say the words the other way around."
Educator. Gnomes love to play with words backwards. Shall we play with them?
The teacher shows a pair of pictures and calls the word. Children choose a word that is opposite in meaning.

Gnomes give the fifth letter.

Pronunciation of tongue twisters.
Speech therapist. Let's sit down on a hillock, tell tongue twisters.
Children pronounce tongue twisters learned in individual lessons. Grandfather Bookvoed enters to the music.
Grandfather Bookvoed.
You cheated, that's it!
I rejoiced early.
I'll give you the letters now,
Guess them first.
And don't think it's easy
Handle the task for you.
The letter-eater disappears.

Game "Add letters"
Speech therapist. Grandfather Bookvoed gave us letters, but they are broken. Take felt-tip pens and finish the letters.
Children draw parts of the letters on the pieces of paper.



    Educational: Achieve clarification of knowledge about the place of sound in a word; to systematize knowledge about the ways of forming words; improve the dialogical form of speech; promote the development of the ability to distinguish consonant sounds by ear.

    Developing: to work out the development of children's speech; consolidate the ability to describe the subject; to provide the ability to use nouns with a generalizing meaning in speech; improve the intonational expressiveness of speech; help children use nouns in the nominative and accusative cases correctly in speech.

    Educational: create a joyful mood; evoke in children a sense of responsiveness, a desire to help loved ones.

Region Integration: Speech development, physical, cognitive.

MATERIALS FOR THE LESSON: pictures of fruits and vegetables, animals; team emblems.




Hello dear guests! We are very glad to see you and we want this meeting to be remembered by you with smiles, fun and good mood. Today we have a holiday-Native Language Day. The most understandable and native language for every person is the one in which he uttered his first words. What language do we speak?

CHILDREN: In Russian.

VED: Why do you think people need it?

CHILDREN: To communicate with each other.


VED: Guys, you hear! Someone is running to us here, someone is in a hurry to us here!


Hello guys! Hello dear adults! How beautiful it is here! What is your holiday!

VED: Today is Mother Language Day! Our children will demonstrate how correctly and beautifully they can speak. And if you want, we will teach you!

BURATINO: I really want to! Here I will listen to smart guys and become smart and reasonable!

VED: Pinocchio, in order to be smart and reasonable, you need to study and work a lot, and for this you need to visit Kindergarten and school. But, today, you really can learn a lot from our children. And you will not be bored, because we have 2 teams competing in knowledge of the language -"Znayki" And "Literates" . Let's welcome them!

And you, Pinocchio, I advise you to choose a team.


And now, teams, your mottos!


VED: To find out who we have a real connoisseur of the Russian language, I announce contests.

    the contest is called"Team Advertising" . For this competition, team members, speaking one word at a time, try to characterize the team.

    "Magic Chair" . A child from the other team is seated on"throne" and all members of the opposite team compliment him.

    Who will more accurately determine the location of the sound in the word.

    "Conductors" Participants demonstrate the ability to divide a word into syllables.

VED. Our guest guys seem to be a little tired. I suggest you play with it.


And now they all stood up together, played with Pinocchio,

Together with him, we stretched, touched our hands with our knees.

Left, turned right.

And now everyone sat down together, everyone looked at me.

5 competition. "Repeat the tongue twister"

    Our Polkan fell into a trap

    On the rocks we found burbot

Now let's ask our parent viewers to say the following tongue twisters“The little chatterbox chatted milk, chatted, but didn’t blurt it out.” and one more "A jackdaw on a poplar, a pebble on the shore"

6. And now a very difficult competition"Understand me"

1 player is offered a word"cow" . The player turns to a neighbor and asks to guess the word according to the following signs -"it's a pet, it has horns" If the player guesses, then he explains the given word to the 3rd player of the team, using other words.(in this competition, players cover their ears)

7. "Say kindly"

8. "Collect a picture"

All team members are invited to collect a picture that depicts a vegetable or fruit. Then it is necessary to characterize it(sour, sweet...) and name the juice that is obtained from it.

9. "Name the Cubs"

10. Competition of captains. They are asked to answer the following questions.

Questions to the captain of the 1st team:

What is Grandma missing all the time?

What is the name of the bull's wife?

Birch, is it a fruit tree?

What is the name of Baba Yaga's plane?

Questions to the captain of the 2nd team:

What are the sounds?

What is the name of Santa Claus' granddaughter?

Name the baby sheep.

In what fairy tale main character– a traveler made of flour?

What tree does cabbage grow on?

VED: While the jury is counting the points scored by the teams, we will play an outdoor game"How.." (the game reveals the ability of children to use numerals in speech)


BURATINO: Children, thank you very much! Now I can teach my friends, Malvina and Perro, a lot! I'll run into my fairy tale so as not to forget.


Compiled by the educator of GBDOU No. 5 of the Pushkinsky district of St. Petersburg Borodacheva Elena Borisovna


Nowadays, many children cannot boast of active vocabulary and the ability to coherently express their thoughts. Therefore, the modern educator is faced with the task of teaching children to speak competently and beautifully. Speech holidays and entertainment allow solving this problem. After all, game tasks help to cultivate interest in the environment, stimulate the cognitive activity of preschoolers, and contribute to the development of mental and speech activity. The game relieves the tension that arises in direct educational activities.


  1. Educational: Achieve clarification of knowledge about the place of sound in a word; to systematize knowledge about the ways of forming words; improve the dialogical form of speech; promote the development of the ability to distinguish consonant sounds by ear.
  2. Developing: to work out the development of children's speech; consolidate the ability to describe the subject; to provide the ability to use nouns with a generalizing meaning in speech; improve the intonational expressiveness of speech; help children use nouns in the nominative and accusative cases correctly in speech.
  3. Educational: create a joyful mood; evoke in children a sense of responsiveness, a desire to help loved ones.

Integration areas: Speech development, physical, cognitive.

MATERIALS FOR THE LESSON: pictures of fruits and vegetables, animals; team emblems.



Hello dear guests! We are very glad to see you and we want you to remember this meeting with smiles, fun and good mood. Today we have a holiday-Native Language Day. The most understandable and native language for every person is the one in which he uttered his first words. What language do we speak?

CHILDREN: In Russian.

VED: Why do you think people need it?

CHILDREN: To communicate with each other.


VED: Guys, you hear! Someone is running to us here, someone is in a hurry to us here!


Hello guys! Hello dear adults! How beautiful it is here! What is your holiday!

VED: Today we have Mother Language Day! Our children will demonstrate how correctly and beautifully they can speak. And if you want, we will teach you!

BURATINO: I really want to! Here I will listen to smart guys and become smart and reasonable!

VED: Pinocchio, in order to be smart and reasonable, you need to study and work a lot, and for this you need to attend kindergarten and school. But, today, you really can learn a lot from our children. And you will not be bored, because we have 2 teams competing in knowledge of the language - "Znayki" And "Literates" . Let's welcome them!

And you, Pinocchio, I advise you to choose a team.


And now, teams, your mottos!


VED: To find out who we have a real connoisseur of the Russian language, I announce contests.

  1. the contest is called "Team Advertising" . For this competition, team members, speaking one word at a time, try to characterize the team.
  2. "Magic Chair" . A child from the other team is seated on "throne" and all members of the opposite team compliment him.
  3. Who will more accurately determine the location of the sound in the word.
  4. "Conductors" Participants demonstrate the ability to divide a word into syllables.

VED. Our guest guys seem to be a little tired. I suggest you play with it.


And now they all stood up together, played with Pinocchio,

Together with him, we stretched, touched our hands with our knees.

Left, turned right.

And now everyone sat down together, everyone looked at me.

5 competition. "Repeat the tongue twister"

  1. Our Polkan fell into a trap
  2. On the rocks we found burbot

Now let's ask our parent viewers to say the following tongue twisters “The little chatterbox chatted milk, chatted, but didn’t blurt it out.” and one more "A jackdaw on a poplar, a pebble on the shore"

6. And now a very difficult competition "Understand me"

1 player is offered a word "cow" . The player turns to a neighbor and asks to guess the word according to the following signs - "it's a pet, it has horns" If the player guesses, then he explains the given word to the 3rd player of the team, using other words. (in this competition, players cover their ears)

7. "Say kindly"

8. "Collect a picture"

All team members are invited to collect a picture that depicts a vegetable or fruit. Then it is necessary to characterize it (sour, sweet...) and name the juice that is obtained from it.

9. "Name the Cubs"

10. Competition of captains. They are asked to answer the following questions.

Questions to the captain of the 1st team:

What is Grandma missing all the time?

What is the name of the bull's wife?

Birch, is it a fruit tree?

What is the name of Baba Yaga's plane?

Questions to the captain of the 2nd team:

What are the sounds?

What is the name of Santa Claus' granddaughter?

Name the baby sheep.

In which fairy tale is the main character a traveler made of flour?

What tree does cabbage grow on?

VED: While the jury is counting the points scored by the teams, we will play an outdoor game "How.." (the game reveals the ability of children to use numerals in speech)


BURATINO: Children, thank you very much! Now I can teach my friends, Malvina and Perro, a lot! I'll run into my fairy tale so as not to forget.



  1. vscolu. ru/korablik_archive/korablik_archiv. html
  2. V.P. Lapkovskaya, N.P. Volodkova "Speech entertainment in kindergarten" , Moscow, 2009
Author information

Rumyantseva I.V.

Place of work, position:

MDOU kindergarten No. 15 in Yaroslavl, teacher-speech therapist

Yaroslavl region

Characteristics of the lesson (classes)

The level of education:

Preschool education

The level of education:

Special (correctional) education

The target audience:


The target audience:


The target audience:

Educational psychologist

The target audience:



speech therapy



The purpose of the lesson:

Objectives: To develop cognitive interest, increase the level of language development of children. Consolidate the material learned in class. To create an emotionally high spirits, a feeling of joy from the holiday.



to systematize in children the knowledge gained in speech classes;

develop coherent speech logical thinking, memory, speech attention, visual attention, auditory attention; develop the ability to analyze, generalize, classify.

Corrective : automate delivered sounds in connected speech; develop intonation expressiveness and diction, self-control during pronunciation, activate vocabulary, improve word-formation skills relative adjectives; exercise in the coordination of speech and movement, develop the ability to navigate in space, consolidate the ability to put together a picture from parts, develop fine motor skills.

Educational: to cultivate independence, self-control, activity, self-confidence, ability to work in a team; Build positive relationships with peers and adults.

Lesson type:

Knowledge consolidation lesson

Used equipment:

Equipment: a chest, a paper key of 6 parts on which tasks are written, a board, a lotto “What grows in a garden, a kitchen garden, a forest”, pictures with a certain number of berries and fruits, envelopes with split pictures - animal shadows (for each child), flower templates, clothespins in 3 colors, a ball, a tape recorder, gifts - sweets, coloring.

Short description:

This synopsis is intended for entertainment with children of the older group with a diagnosis of ONR. During the entertainment, parents invited to the holiday participate.

Entertainment progress:

Organizing time

Speech therapist: Guys, you all learned to say different sounds, and therefore we have a holiday today. Your parents came to visit us. They will see what you have learned.

surprise momentSounds like music .

Speech therapist: I hear footsteps, someone else is coming towards us!

Included Forest Fairy.- Hello, friends ! (children greet)

Children who do not know me. Fairy I'm called forest.

I know birds and animals. Flowers, mushrooms and berries are my friends!

Main part

Forest Fairy: I came to visit you, and brought with me a chest from the forest kingdom. But here's the problem - he was bewitched by the goblin. You need a key to open the chest. And you can collect the key with the help of completed tasks. Can you help me?

Forest Fairy: Task one : all the guys read the verses, correctly pronouncing the sounds that they learned to speak.

Speech therapist: Natasha, Ilya, Kira, Olesya, Yegor will tell poems with the sound "l":

1. Mom didn’t feel sorry for soap, mom Mila washed soap with soap.

Mila did not like soap, Mila got soap in her eye.

Why are you crying, our Mila? - I'm crying out soap!

2. Lena was looking for a pin,
And the pin fell under the bench.
It was too lazy to climb under the bench,
Been looking for a pin all day.

3. Dear, dear Michael

did not like to wash with soap.

He said: "No need for soap,

I'm very cute without soap"

Speech therapist: And Kirill, Anya and Dima know tongue twisters with the sound “l”:

La, la, la. La, la, la - Mila swam in a boat.

Lo, lo, lo. Lo, lo, lo - the sun is shining warmly.

Ly, ly, ly. Ly, ly, ly - Milochka's songs are heard.

Klava was sitting in the boat, singing songs with Mila.

Speech therapist: Mark and Vanya will tell poems with the sound "sh":

1. My car has new tires.

I'm rolling over pebbles, whoever you want, I'll roll!

2. Ears on top
The cat and the mouse
But the cat has ears
More than a mouse.

Speech therapist: Nastya, Kristina and Milena know the joke with the "sh" sound:

What's a cat for lunch? - Chocolate. - Of course not.

Maybe a mouse? - Of course yes.

Mice, shoo! Trouble has come!

Speech therapist: Nikita and Timur learned how to pronounce the sound "h" correctly:

1. Above the houses and over stoves
Smoke rises into the sky.
Smoke from small rings
Transforms into sheep.

2. Tanechka washes her shoulders and face with water. Washes fingers, barrel.

How to wash the tongue?

Forest Fairy: Well done, the first task was done well!

Speech therapist: Fairy, and now the guys and I invite you to our round dance "If you like ..." (Movements: click your tongue - 2 times, clap your knees - 2 times, jump - 2 times, spin around yourself - 1 time)

Forest Fairy: Task two - guess my riddles and find out who my friends are:

The house is open on all sides, it is covered with a carved roof.

Come into the green house - you will see miracles in it! (Forest)

Girlfriends in white dresses fled along the edge. (Birches)

What kind of girl is this: not a seamstress, not a craftswoman.

She does not sew anything herself, but in needles all year round. (Spruce)

An angry fidget lives in the wilderness of the forest.

There are a lot of needles, but not a single thread. (Hedgehog)

Jumping on the branches, but not a bird. Red, but not a fox. (Squirrel)

Under the pine tree by the path, who is standing among the grass?

There is a leg, but no boot. There is a hat - there is no head. (Mushroom)

It was green, small, then I became scarlet.

I have matured in the sun. And now I'm ripe. (Strawberry)

Forest Fairy: Well done! Mission completed.

Do vegetables and fruits grow in my forest? Where do they grow?

Task three - choose the right picture in the loto "What grows in the garden, vegetable garden, forest"

Speech therapist: Fairy, check if the guys completed the task correctly.

Speech therapist: Fairy, and our children know what can be cooked from vegetables (mashed potatoes, casserole, pie, salad, soup, caviar). And from fruits? (juice, jam, jam, soufflé, salad, compote, pie). Let's show the Fairy how we know how to choose the right words.

Held ball game "Tell me a word"

carrot juice (what?), mashed potatoes?, etc. (apricot jam, peach jam, pear compote, pea soup, apple pie, zucchini caviar, carrot casserole, pineapple juice , cherry jam, cranberry juice, potato casserole, beetroot salad, raspberry jam)

Forest Fairy: And now task four - need help puzzles solve.

Speech therapist: Our guys will definitely help you!

Forest Fairy:

1. May beetles lived under the bushes near the river: daughter, son, father and mother.

2. Four ripe pears swayed on a branch. Pavlusha took two pears.

How many pears are left?

3. Four hares walked from school. And suddenly they were attacked by bees.

Two bunnies barely escaped. And how many did not have time? .. (two)

4. There are two shovels near the bed, three shovels near the tub.

Count all the blades! How much will? Exactly ... (five)

Speech therapist: Fairy, and our guests - parents can also help solve more difficult problems.

Forest Fairy: tasks for parents -

1. Marina had a whole apple, two halves and four quarters.

How many apples did she have? (three)

2. How did they share? Mother carried five apples in a basket. Her children were with her. The mother says to the children: - You have five children. Divide these apples among yourselves so that everyone gets a whole apple and one is left in the basket. The kids were smart. They divided the apples as their mother had asked. How did they do it? (One took an apple with a basket)

Forest Fairy: Well done to both children and parents. They coped with the task.

Guys, are you careful? Now I'll check . Task five.

Let's play Find your number game. The children are given images with a certain amount of berries and fruits. Children dance to the music, as soon as the music ends, the children find the right numbers located in different places of the group.

Forest Fairy: Yes, I see, you are attentive, no one was mistaken!

Do you know how you can call my friends - a squirrel, a bear, a fox, a hedgehog? (wild animals). Are there other animals that live at home, what are they called? Who belongs to them?

Task six - pets sent their shadows, you need to make pictures, find out and name who it is . Each child receives the envelope with the task, collects the animal and tells

Forest Fairy: So the tasks are over, our chest can be opened, Let's see what's in it: gifts (candies and coloring pages) for you.

Speech therapist: And the guys also want to give you flowers as a gift, now they will make them with their own hands.

Forest Fairy: How will they do?

Speech therapist: Look, we have clothespins, and the guys will make flowers for you from them.

Held game "Collect a flower" (Children are divided into three teams. Participants take turns running up to the flower template and attaching clothespins - “petals” desired color)

Children give flowers to the Forest Fairy.

Forest Fairy: Thanks! To keep the flowers from wilting, you need water. There are many streams in my forest.

final moment

Speech therapist: And we know how to play "Brook", we invite you to play with us.

Game of low mobility "Brook"

At the end of the game, the Fairy says goodbye and leaves.