Competent speech: how to make your speech beautiful. Basics of correct beautiful speech

  • 17.10.2019


Start your speech development training with articulation exercises. Speech training will help you achieve clarity of pronunciation. If you speak quickly, but swallow at the same time half, then no one will be with you. You, most likely, want to achieve not only high speed, but also speech quality. Therefore, articulation exercises should not be neglected.

Stand or sit in front of a mirror, straighten your shoulders and lower them down, your back is straight. Pull your lips forward with a tube and stretch them into a wide, open smile. Perform the exercise 10 times at an average pace and 10 times at a fast pace.

Puff out your cheeks as you inhale balloon. As you exhale, blow them off sharply, exhaling through your mouth and pulling your lips forward. Repeat 8 times.

After training the articulatory apparatus, proceed to the pronunciation of tongue twisters. Choose tongue twisters with the combination of sounds that are most difficult for you. First pronounce them, clearly pronouncing each syllable. When you learn the tongue twister by heart and master it, increase the speed of pronunciation. Memorize a few verses and recite them quickly and with expression.

Replenish your vocabulary and general level of knowledge. The larger the arsenal of words you own, the easier it will be for you to select the ones you need for fast speech. A storehouse of knowledge will allow you to speak freely and confidently. Practice every day in front of a mirror by saying speech on a given topic. write down speech to the voice recorder and evaluate the speed and quality of pronunciation. Make note of the mistakes you made and try to fix them next time. With regular practice, you will definitely achieve success.

Speech disorders and diction defects occur in the vast majority of children. Timely corrected bite, and sometimes cutting the frenulum, classes with a speech therapist work wonders. However, not everyone manages to get rid of speech problems at a young age. It is not surprising that many adults, dissatisfied with their accent, turn to the services of specialists. A professional will immediately tell you how soon a person can hope for an improvement in speech development, since some shortcomings are more difficult to eliminate. Nevertheless, speech can be developed at any age if you have patience and perseverance.


If you are working with a speech therapist, he will most likely determine for you the best ways to develop speech. However, there are also several universal ones that are suitable for anyone who improves their pronunciation. For example, correct speech breathing. To develop it, you need to perform several daily simple exercises. Sing out the sounds a, o, y, and, s on the exhale, try different combinations of them, for example, ay, oi, and so on. Alternate pronunciation of sounds with short breaths. Also, as you exhale, count out loud to ten, trying not to interrupt the sounds.

Learn tongue twisters. Say them every day in front of a mirror, making sure your articulation is clear. Start slowly, in a whisper, accentuating each growling, hissing sound. Each time, read the tongue twisters faster and louder, but do it without “chewing” or “swallowing” the sounds. Patter can be anything, including those that are familiar to you: "Sasha walked along the highway", "Three ships tacked, tacked." But still, when choosing them, try to pronounce more often those in which there are sounds that are problematic for you.

One of the developed speech is the correct intonation. That is, the placement of stress in words, pauses, volume during the story. An adult can learn intonation expressiveness of speech. To do this, write on a piece of paper simple sentences or children's, for example: "A bull is walking, swinging, sighing on the go ...". Read them aloud, with different intonation, each time changing the stress in the sentence so that and changes. Take logical breaks. Train yourself not to blurt out the whole text in one fell swoop.

Development fine motor skills is an important part of the overall child development. Due to the increase in the dexterity of the child's fingers, the correct formation of the speech apparatus occurs, the baby begins to speak faster, learns knowledge more easily and masters manual skills. What ways help to quickly and imperceptibly develop fine motor skills?

Useful games

Most babies are big fans of grabbing, trying to touch, crushing or tearing. Many parents try to rid their child of these habits, but in vain. Translate the desire of children to act with their hands for good.

In the process of actions with fingers, the active work of the speech centers of the child's brain begins. Don't restrict your baby. Prepare items that are not a pity, let the child wrinkle and tear them with pleasure. The smaller the resulting pieces, the better.

You can play with different items. Perfectly contribute to the formation of fine motor skills classes with cereals, beads, coins. Such games can be played with children over three years old and only under adult supervision. For kids, manufacturers have already come up with a lot of special soft toys that are filled inside with small balls.

Drawing and modeling

Children's plasticine is an excellent tool for the development of fine motor skills. Give preference to modeling mass, which is made of safe materials, easily kneads and does not dry out. Invite your child to mold their favorite toy, animal, fairy-tale character. Toddlers can simply knead plasticine in their hands, any actions with fingers with effort help to form speech.

Drawing should be unusual. Try to paint a picture together not with an ordinary brush, but with your fingers. This method is within the power of even the smallest. Surprisingly, the drawings are no worse. And the benefits of such drawing are much greater.

Toys with laces and buttons

Get ready-made toys equipped with threading laces and large buttons. Practicing fastening, unbuttoning, getting a button into a buttonhole or a lace into a hole, the child imperceptibly trains manual skills. In a playful way, the baby acquires the necessary skills, and the mother gets some free time.

natural material

Children are very fond of collecting cones, chestnuts, acorns. Going to nature in autumn, do not forget to pick up a lot of forest gifts. At home, be sure to dry all the collected material, put it in an elegant box and put it in the nursery. You will smile, but from simple things, the baby can come up with many different crafts. Even a simple shifting of forest "treasures" from place to place is of great importance.

For the development of fine motor skills, it is not at all necessary to buy special aids that are not cheap. Improvised materials, used correctly, give the same effect. Turn on the fantasy, show the baby how to interact with objects around. Your desire and his curiosity guarantee the success of the future development of the child.

When a child is two years old, the process of active speech development accelerates. But it's different for every baby. Some children immediately speak in coherent small sentences, while others pronounce only single words. In any case, parents should help the child in the further formation of correct speech.

Features of the pronunciation of certain sounds by children of two years

By the age of two, a child is often not able to pronounce all the sounds. The age norm of two years is considered to be a clear pronunciation of the vowels “a”, “y”, “and”, “o”. But the sounds "s", "e" children often replace the sound "and". As for the consonants, most of them are still very difficult to pronounce for kids. Therefore, they replace some hard consonants with soft ones, which are easier to pronounce. This also applies to the front-lingual sounds "g", "d", "s", "h". Then instead of "give" they say "day", etc. In speech, hissing sounds and the sounds “l”, “r”, “r” may be absent.

Most children at two years old should be able to correctly pronounce the following sounds: "p", "p", "b", "b", "m", "m", "f", "p", "p", "in ”, “v”, “t”, “t”, “d”, “d”, “n”, “n”, “s”, “l”, “k”, “ky”, “g”, "g", "x", "x". You should not run in a panic to a speech therapist if the child has difficulty mastering whistling and hissing, as well as “r”, “r”, “l”. He can replace them with simpler ones or skip them altogether.

What activities are useful for the development of children's speech in 2 years

It is worth starting with a joint examination of the pictures. You can ask the child to name the objects depicted. It is necessary to discuss everything that is around with him as often as possible. On a walk, you can show him the surrounding objects or phenomena. And then ask the child to name them independently. Thus, the passive vocabulary will be replenished. The child will begin to distinguish between prepositions (y, for, in, about, etc.), adverbs (far, close, high, low, etc.), pronouns (there, here).

Be sure to read books to your child. This is one of the first rules for successful speech development. After reading the book, discuss what you read. It is useful for the child to restore the plot from memory. To do this, parents need to ask clarifying questions. The simplest fairy tales (“Teremok”, “Turnip”) can also be played out: open and close the door of an imaginary house, imitate the sounds of fairy-tale characters.

Poems, songs and counting rhymes are useful to memorize not only for the development of memory. This has a positive effect on the development of speech. It is necessary to stimulate an independent children's monologue as often as possible. Let the baby himself answer the question “what?”, Describing things or phenomena. Good to pay attention detailed description surrounding objects. For example, a flower consists of a stem, leaves, petals. Petals vary in color and shape, etc. Due to this, the child will quickly replenish the vocabulary.

Puzzles will help develop the speech of a two-year-old child. He can try to describe the resulting picture. These activities help develop fine motor skills. And it has a positive effect on the development of speech. So the benefit is twofold.

You can do articulation exercises. This will facilitate the further pronunciation of many sounds. Two minutes a day is enough to fold your lips with a tube together with the baby in front of the mirror. These and other activities, as well as the efforts of parents, will help make the child's speech correct and competent.

The development of speed reading technology improves attention, memory, and imagination. It also stimulates creativity and thinking. To achieve good results, you need to perform several exercises described below.


Squeeze your teeth tighter and repeat to yourself: "One, two, three ...". And so on, don't whisper the words. Get rid of articulation when reading the text (mental words or pronouncing them in a whisper). This will help you exercise "Percussion of the rhythm." When you read any text "to yourself", tap out the rhythm with your hand, but it should not correspond to the usual rhythm of speech. This can be a two-beat tapping with percussion elements in measure 1 and two in measure 2, and tap the first element of each measure with significant amplification. Twenty academic sessions with percussion of the rhythm will be enough for a new brain to be "programmed" to ensure the processing of information that enters the brain through the visual channel.

When reading, move your eyes across the page not from left to right, but from top to bottom. Cover with one glance not one or two words, but a group. Do not stop and do not look back at the read pieces of text.

Train the peripheral, while trying to cover as many words as possible with your eyes. Schulte tables are used to develop peripheral vision. Each is a 20 x 20 square divided into 25 cells with numbers from 1 to 25, which are entered into the cells in random order. The arrangement of numbers should not be repeated.
For training, you need to use 8 tables. Before starting, fix your eyes in the center, you should see the whole table. Next, look for the numbers by

A pleasant voice, correct diction and the ability to build beautiful sentences are the foundations of effective communication with people. It is no secret that our voice affects the feelings of the interlocutor, and figurative and competent speech easily reaches his consciousness and convinces. Therefore, it is so important to learn how to speak beautifully and competently, correctly and clearly expressing your thoughts.

AT Everyday life the ability to talk beautifully will also give you and help you easily solve any problems.

The human voice is a powerful tool in the formation of interpersonal relationships. With it, you can work wonders: repel or charm, attract attention, cheer up or lull. As a rule, the gift of eloquence is rarely given to someone by nature, usually there is a lot of work behind this. Therefore, if you want to speak beautifully, so that they want to listen to you, you will have to practice.

Below are tips and techniques that will help you get rid of the dialect, master the basics of oratory and learn how to speak beautifully and correctly. First, try recording your voice on a voice recorder. Did you listen, how did you like it? Probably not very... Noticeable stammering, swallowing endings, unnecessary pauses and many other unpleasant moments. Now it is clear what needs to be changed and what to work on in order to gain a beautiful speech. So let's get started.

Speech technique

It is divided into four subsections:

1. Breath
The key to successful communication is flawlessly delivered deep diaphragmatic breathing. This must be learned in order to reduce the pressure on the speech apparatus, then the voice turns out to be deep and sounds beautiful. Many breathe shallowly, while the voice becomes weaker, acquires a hoarse tone, becomes muffled, gets tired quickly and sometimes even sits down.
When you succeed in breathing properly, you will have a healthy glow on your cheeks and improve your overall well-being.

2. Diction
Good diction is the first condition for beautiful speech. When you eat endings or sounds, speech sounds unintelligible. This happens due to lethargy and immobility of the lips. Because of this, burr, lisp and lisp appear. To speak beautifully means to smoothly pronounce each word, opening your mouth well for a clear pronunciation. It is necessary to learn not to pronounce phrases too quickly or in a tongue twister, as the speed of your interlocutor's thinking may differ from yours, and it will seem to him that you are speaking unintelligibly.

3. Voice
And again, breathing, because this is the basis of the sonority of the voice. To put the voice you need to learn how to breathe with the diaphragm and understand how to use the resonators. Sometimes you notice when you talk a lot, your voice sits down, becomes hoarse, a sore throat appears, it becomes difficult for you to speak and you lower your tone. But it can be made strong, sonorous, flexible, with a wide range of sound. But for this you will need to improve your speech technique, strengthen it and develop it.

4. Orthoepy
This science studies laws and regulations correct pronunciation. Deviation from the rules leads to problems in communication, the listener ceases to understand what you are saying to him and does not perceive the information that you want to convey to him. Give orthoepy a little time and your ability to beautifully express your thoughts, competently placing stress even in complex words, will definitely be appreciated by others.

Important! Before you start doing speech development exercises, do exercises. Physical exercise improves blood circulation, warms up muscles, relieves physical and emotional clamps, relaxes the forearms, shoulders and neck, and all the muscles that affect the voice.


  • tilting the head in different directions, rotating the head in a circle;
  • swings and circular movements with hands;
  • turn and tilt the body in different directions, drawing circles with the hips.

After charging, you need to lie down on the mat and relax. Imagine a beautiful landscape, feel a light breeze, feel how the sun warms you and you inhale deeply the fresh air.
Now you are ready to practice.

Learning to breathe correctly

If you want to communicate beautifully and for a long time, so that your voice sounds and does not break, you just need to learn how to include the diaphragm in the process of sound production. It is located in the solar plexus area.
To get started, practice your posture using the wall exercise every day for 5 minutes for several weeks. Press your back against the wall with your whole body from head to toe. Inhale through your nose, exhale through your mouth. 6 very deep breaths. On 1,2,3,4 inhale and on 5,6,7.8 exhale. Then walk around the house at different speeds, while the position of the back should remain unchanged. Say to yourself more often: “I am brave and resolute!”, your body will automatically react to these words of conviction with a straight back.

Diaphragm Breathing Exercises

The ability to express your thoughts beautifully is only half the battle. You probably noticed that some people want to listen, while others, albeit very smart ones, are not. What is the point then? You will be surprised, but what really matters is not what a person says, but how he does it. A pleasant timbre, correct abdominal breathing and the ability to pronounce phrases with different intonations can turn even the most boring report into an exciting show. Below are 3 exercises, having worked out which, you will become the master of your voice.

Candle- practice slow breathing. Imagine that you are blowing on a candle, if it is difficult to imagine, then light a real one. Focus your attention on your stomach. Exhale slowly, try to keep the flame tilted.

Stubborn Candle- take a deep breath, hold your breath a little, and then start blowing sharply and with force, trying to put several such energetic exhalations into one breath.

Extinguish 10 candles- the principle, as in the previous exercise, only increase the number of candles from 3 to 10, spending less and less air on blowing out the candles, and leaving the amount of air inhaled the same.
After a few weeks of these exercises, you will notice how your diaphragmatic breathing has become automatic.

We put the vote

In order for your voice to be spacious and beautiful, you need to learn how to use the upper (skull, mouth and nose) and lower (chest) resonator systems. Breathe deeply into your belly ten times. Short inhale and slow exhale. And you can start exercising.

Moan- Don't forget about posture. Say the sound "M" with closed lips. Say it on the exhale, do not strain. Now begin to change the position of the head, pronouncing the same sound. Gradually, you will begin to feel a vibration in the upper resonator. Having mastered the sound “M”, start adding other vowels: o-a-i-s-y, so that they sound like “mmmm-e-mmm-o-mmm-a-mmm-and-mmm-u-mmm-s ". When you have mastered this practice, move on to the continuous pronunciation of different variations of these sounds.

Tongue Twisters. Saying tongue twisters is really great way hone your speech and master the art of speaking beautifully, clearly pronouncing each letter. Try to say the phrase: “stranded, .. stranded, stranded, .. stranded, stranded, stranded”, while rubbing your forehead. We do the same with the words “we are lazy” - rubbing the nasal cartilage, “we caught burbot” - rubbing our cheeks.

Horn- straight posture, lips with a tube, pronounce the sound "U" as you exhale. Next, combine it with other vowels. The main thing is not to change the position of the lips.

Poems– read them aloud and with intonation, using a medium tone. At the end of each line, inhale and say the line as you exhale. I recommend on the Internet to find the poem "Reading Rules", which was written by A.V. Pryanishnikov. It is ideal for the correct execution of this exercise.

We train diction

First, do a warm-up with the speech apparatus. Do all these exercises 5-7 times.

  • Close your mouth and relax. Say the sound "U" a couple of times, stretching uuuuuu. Now A, slowly opening her mouth vertically, no more than 3 centimeters.
  • Show your teeth. Clench your jaws and stretch your lips in an unnatural smile.
  • Fold your lips into a tube, jaws are closed. Make circular movements with your lips up and down, from left to right. With the tip of the tongue we touch the lower row of teeth, we open the mouth no wider than 3 cm. Now lift it to the upper palate, then to the cheeks of the left-right.

Now you can do articular gymnastics.

  • Speak the vowels on one exhalation, trying to use all the muscles: I-E-A-O-U-S. Gradually increase the speed of pronunciation and put several ligaments into one exhalation. After you master this bunch, start experimenting with others.
  • Do the same with vowels, substituting consonants for them. Example: Bi, ba, bo…. , beep..., beep, beep..., then with the sound of P, TD, KG, FV, M, N, L, R. Gbdi .., Bdgi .., Ftki .., Mi-mi .., Mrli ... You do the same with whistling and hissing sounds S, Z, Zh, Sh, Sh: Si-sis .., Zissi .., Zdi .., Sti .. etc. Putting them in groups and combining.
    And also read as many tongue twisters as possible, they will perfectly help you work out the speech apparatus.


A science that studies, a set of rules for standard literary pronunciation, stress in words, the beauty and sound of speech, as well as the rules for the articulation of sounds and phrases. Since there are countless rules in orthoepy, if you want to speak beautifully, pronouncing words correctly, you need to turn to the relevant literature.

We work with speech

You need to be able to correctly put intonation in your speech, in order to learn how to do this, it is best to train on expressive reading aloud of literary texts, recording on a voice recorder. Listen, analyze how correct it is, correct the shortcomings and read it again. Do the same with an article from a newspaper, technical literature, or any other source. Bring life and brightness to your voice - start speaking correctly!

The ability to speak well is not given to everyone. But this is not a problem - you can learn everything if you have a desire.

Oratory skills lead a person to success. You don't have to be an announcer, toastmaster, tour guide, professor to apply your skills. If an individual is able to clearly express his thoughts, then the people around him form a positive opinion about him. As a rule, such interlocutors do not arrange disputes, they clearly convey their thoughts to others, convincing them that they are right, thanks to relevant arguments.

How to learn to speak and express your thoughts beautifully and competently: 10 best tips and rules

Correct, clear speech with a change of intonation is good practice position your opponents. If you have such an art, then you can not only promote your business well, but also achieve high altitudes in political activity.

It is good when, starting from a young age, parents give lessons in the development of speech, teach their kids to pronounce words correctly by their example. If in childhood there was no such chance, you should not be upset, you can learn oratory skills on your own. The main thing is to follow these tips:

  • Read literature, replenish your vocabulary. This is where you need to start preparing for public speaking. It does not hurt to learn a dictionary of synonyms. It is not aesthetically pleasing to use the same expressions very often in the text of your speech. It is advisable to replace them with phrases similar in meaning.
  • To prepare your speech, try to select examples of lectures that are similar in meaning. Check out TED. Here you can find your favorite speakers. Evaluate their performances, try to notice the little things. Analyze the gestures of your opponents.
  • Learn to write your own texts. Rehearse in front of a mirror, retell these stories. To train your imagination, logic, make up short stories from given words.
  • Record your speech on video or voice recorder. Listen to what you got. Correct errors in diction and pronunciation of words, shortcomings in the text.
  • Expressiveness, figurativeness of speech is trained when reading poetry. Moreover, it is better to learn such works by heart. This perfectly helps to convey emotions, thoughts in a particular speech, to highlight the main thing.
  • Adjust your pace of speech. Too fast sayings, not all opponents understand. If you worry, your performance will fail. Also control the tone of your voice. Trembling, loudly spoken phrases can irritate the listener and not be perceived correctly by him.
  • Inappropriate facial expressions, too broad gestures are perceived by the audience, at least strange. Therefore, train in advance in front of the mirror. In public, control your movements.
  • The most important priority in this case is diction. All speech defects can be eliminated hard work and exercise. Speech therapists cope with even the most neglected cases.

IMPORTANT: In general, the process of improving one's professionalism in oratory consists of three main components: a clear pronunciation of phrases, an increase in the vocabulary, work on speech errors, correcting them.

How to work on your speech: exercises

It is a pity that sometimes there are cases when an individual has a huge vocabulary and the ability to behave in front of the public, but there is no purity of speech. More precisely, the speaker swallows the letters and does not pronounce them articulately, or worse, incorrectly pronounces sounds, etc. In such cases, he needs to contact a speech therapist who will prescribe a series of exercises. And a person through perseverance will be able to achieve a good result. After all, no one will listen to a radio station host who cannot correctly pronounce half the letters of the alphabet.

During a conversation in public, your breathing should be correct, then there will be no unfinished phrases or prolonged pauses. This greatly distorts spoken phrases. In other words, to avoid stuttering, breathe in a special way. Consume air sparingly, inhale oxygen in time. To do this, training is recommended, you need to learn how to breathe with the help of the diaphragm.

  • Useful an exerciselearn to speak on the exhale. To do this, first break the expressions into small phrases, pronounce them as you exhale. Then take a small breath and say the next part of the phrase. On the next exhalation, say the whole sentence without breaking it into phrases. Practice breathing calmly without sharp breaths. Such training will balance your breathing and your speech will be smooth.
  • Practice your speech by pronouncing the words at different paces. Do it quickly, and then slowly, clearly, paying attention to how you speak. A mirror will help you with this.
  • Say tongue twisters, make sure that all sounds are clear without errors. If it doesn’t work the first time, then try to pronounce them until it comes out.
  • Then focus on different consonant sounds. Pronounce with an emphasis first on one consonant, then on others.
  • Learn to talk with nuts in your mouth so that it turns out as if nothing is stopping you. Do this exercise with care so as not to choke.

After the above exercises, you need to practice the correct pronunciation of phrases. It is carried out as follows:

  1. Record your speech on a voice recorder.
  2. Listen to it, critically evaluate the quality.
  3. Let others evaluate your report and point out errors.
  4. Without offense, compare all the opinions, highlight the shortcomings, correct them.

Pay attention to what mistakes occur most often in the pronunciation of phrases:

  1. Incorrect pronunciation: e, and, a, o, i, yu, etc. (vowel unstressed sounds).
  2. Omission of some consonants.
  3. "Eating" vowels.
  4. Incorrect use of consonants (in the wrong order).
  5. Incorrect pronunciation: s, w, u, s, g, c.
  6. Indistinct pronunciation of soft consonants.

A speech therapist will immediately point out all the shortcomings of the speaker's speech. Shows you how to correct errors. Don't be afraid to contact them if needed. Sometimes it is impossible to cope with the problem on your own with all the desire.

Video: How to speak Russian beautifully?

Many businessmen are interested in the question of how to develop spoken language, because this skill is important for negotiating, effective cooperation with customers and partners. It also plays an important role in self-development.

In this article, you can familiarize yourself with the conversation development program, which includes six tasks. It takes three days to complete each of these tasks. Before embarking on a new task, you need to repeat what you have already learned. At first, the training will last 15-20 minutes, and at the end of the program - about an hour. Then you can, if you wish, re-perform tasks individually or the entire complex as a whole. After completing 2-3 repetitions of the program, a student with a certain talent will be able to be proud of fairly developed skills in the field of speaking.

1. Expanding vocabulary

For the exercise you will need text and dictionaries. The task is to replace the occurring words with synonyms. For example, select all the adjectives and choose the appropriate epithets in the text. One word can be replaced by an idiomatic phrase or catch phrase. The same can be done with other parts of speech. At first you will need a dictionary, but then you can do without it. This activity expands passive vocabulary and helps to improve knowledge of both native and foreign languages.

2. A short story about keywords

For this task, you need to take five unrelated words. Any book is suitable for this - just open it on an arbitrary selected page and poke your finger at any word. It can be any part of speech that carries a semantic load. Having thus selected five key points, compose a short text and speak it. Each story should take no more than three minutes of presentation. One exercise should include no more than 3-4 texts. This task develops imagination, logic and ingenuity.

3. We talk with a mirror

The exercise is to pronounce individual words with different intonations - words can also be taken from a book. Tell your essay from the previous task, first without the participation of facial expressions, and then connect it. See which facial expressions are more suitable for this text.

Watch your facial expression. Do you like it? Will the people around you like it? This task helps to develop the habit of consciously controlling your facial expressions.

4. Keyword Story #2

This task is no different from exercise 2, but now you will need 10 words instead of 5.

5. Listen to yourself

Take a voice recorder or use the one built into your mobile. Speak texts and appeals, writing them down. This task will help you to hear from the weak and strengths Svey speech to correct shortcomings and learn how to use the highlights of your reprimand.

While listening to the recording, evaluate yourself according to two criteria:

  • do you like your speech;
  • Will other people like it (in your opinion).

Artistic texts and poems are used to work with the recorder. First, read them from the page, and for re-recording, retell (if prose) and learn by heart (if poem). Pay special attention to the placement of stresses, if you are not sure - check in the reference book. Write in your notebook words with stress that are difficult for you to remember.

6. Exercise with an interlocutor

For the development of dialogic speech, you need an interlocutor. It is best if this person, like you, uses these exercises to develop conversational speech. In this case, it will be necessary to work out the dialogue, starting from the task of constructing a text using keywords. In this case, there may be a different number - one, three, five, seven.

If you do not have such an associate, choose one of your friends who will agree to help train. Prepare in advance the topic of the conversation, its plan and convenient time for dialogue. The primary task of this stage is to learn how to interest the counterpart in the topic of conversation, arouse curiosity in him and hold his attention for at least five minutes. The task can be considered completed if the interlocutors have successfully conducted several short dialogues on the topics they have been asked.

This program is aimed at the rapid and effective development of spoken language in adults who need the skills of a good interlocutor in work or social activities. By doing all the exercises, you will observe an improvement in your oratory skills over and over again. .

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The list of skills and abilities that a child at the age of 1-3 years old masters is very extensive. Parents will have to help the baby learn to roll over, crawl and walk, hold a spoon, manipulate toys and, of course, talk.

Why is language development so important for a child?

Timely mastery of speech skills is very important for the development of the child as a whole. Speech contributes to the improvement of the mental activity of the baby, expands its capabilities in understanding the world, positively affects the mental state of the child, plays an important role in regulating the behavior of the crumbs.

In addition, sufficient developed speech makes successful acts of communication between the child and any close adult and reduces the risk of aggressive reactions of the baby to misunderstanding on the part of adults.

Many parents believe that this skill will form by itself and no additional effort is needed. However, this opinion is erroneous. Developing a child's speech is the task of mom and dad, who must first of all constantly talk to him from infancy.

In addition, it is important for parents to constantly initiate communicative situations. If you do not engage in native speech with the baby, at least he will speak quite late, and in the worst case, you can miss neurological problems and developmental delay.

What stages of language development does a child go through from birth?

From the first sounds to the first words of the baby, the path is not close and not easy. The baby, along with his parents, has a lot to learn. In the speech development of a child, six main milestones can be distinguished:


This means of communication is available to the baby from birth on a reflex level. When a child feels discomfort caused by hunger, painful sensations, wet diaper or something, he screams, expressing his displeasure.

Over time, the mother may notice that the baby can scream not only out of need, but simply in order to call her. The child gives a voice, then pauses, waiting for someone to come to his call. If no one rushes to the baby, he starts screaming louder.

Moreover, the cries of a baby of three months old already differ in intonation and volume, and therefore in content, so that observant parents can already understand by sound what exactly the baby wants to say.


This is the next milestone in speech development. The sounds uttered by the baby during this period (from approximately 2-3 to 5-7 months) are varied: these are both vowels and consonants, which the baby seems to sing: “aaa”, “gyyy”, “agu”, “guu” .

The child is especially active in the presence of loved ones, when they play or talk with him.

It is good if the mother does not hesitate to repeat the sounds that the baby makes, because then he, trying to repeat after her, will master them even better. The older the baby becomes, the longer the chain of sounds available to his articulatory apparatus he can skip.


The next stage in the development of the baby's speech after cooing is babbling. Now the baby is tasting the syllables: “ma”, “ba”, “pa”, etc. At first, he pronounces these sound combinations once, and remembering how to do it and what comes of it, he tries to pronounce several identical syllables: “ma -ma-ma", "tu-tu". This is a responsible step on the way to mastering words.

First words

The first words the child usually pronounces at the age of 11-12 months. Actively continuing to babble, the baby may notice that from the small combinations of sounds familiar to him, longer ones are formed, to which the family also reacts very joyfully: “ma-ma”, “pa-pa”, “ba-ba”.

At this stage of speech development, it is very important for adults to get involved as actively as possible, “throwing” the baby with a lot of short words, the meaning of which will be clear to him. Onomatopoeia is well remembered: “av-av”, “boom”, “bam”, “ko-ko”, “bi-bi” and others.

In addition, it is useful to comment on your actions and the actions of the baby, read more aloud and train the muscles of the cheeks and lips of the child with a variety of exercises:

  • articulation gymnastics,
  • playing the fife and harmonica,
  • blowing soap bubbles,
  • even blowing off dandelion parachutes.

Thus, the vocal apparatus of the crumbs will be prepared for the next stage - active speaking.

Mastering more difficult words and increasing vocabulary

Mastering the words of an adult lexicon is another step towards full-fledged speech. There comes a period of active expansion of the vocabulary, and for the development of the speech of the crumbs, it is important for parents to use words in communication with the child different parts speeches:

  • nouns,
  • Verbs,
  • adjectives.

The baby learns more and more various objects and actions and begins to call them by their proper names, even if sometimes distorted: “lyalyaka” (roly-poly), “ampka” (light bulb), “babaka” (dog).

It is important not to scold the baby if he fails to pronounce the word correctly, but to repeat it over and over again in the correct version. Gradually, the baby will cope with articulatory tricks and will be able to speak quite clearly, but first he will try to put a few words together.

Putting words into phrases

Combining words into short phrases, and then into long ones, is usually available to a child closer to two years. During this period, the child is simple phrases like "lyalya is sleeping", "the dog is walking."

If at the previous stages of speech development the baby heard enough words denoting not only objects, but also actions and main signs, it will be easy for him to combine familiar words into understandable phrases, comprehending various situations.

How to develop a baby's speech at home?

The child begins to express his emotions and desires from the first days, including through verbal means. Therefore, language skills should be developed as early as possible. Of course, this does not mean that in a month the child will be reciting Barto by heart, the classes will have a cumulative effect.

From birth to six months

So, the baby settles in the house. Parents and the baby continue the recently begun acquaintance with each other, look for a convenient daily routine, get used to the changes. One of these changes is commenting on your actions.

Verbal contact with the child

Of course, no adult in their right mind would do this just like that. However, for the parents of a baby, this is absolutely normal and even necessary: ​​“Who woke up with us? This Ksyushenka woke up! Now Ksyusha and I will wash, like this, first we will wash the right eye, now the left, ”and stuff like that.

Please note that from a very early age, you need to talk to the child, although affectionately, but not distorting the words, pronouncing them clearly, not lisping. This will give the child the opportunity to memorize lexical units in the correct form.

Educational songs and rhymes

It’s great if a mother has several nursery rhymes and songs in her arsenal: rhythmic combinations of words will interest the baby, their sound is useful for developing a child’s speech, sense of rhythm, and hearing.

A very good effect is shown by reading nursery rhymes during daily rituals: massage, bathing, games. Each type of activity has its own rhyme, its own lexical group, its own intonations. Over time, the baby will recognize both the procedures themselves and the words that correspond to them.

Praise and support

If you notice that the child is showing speech initiative, trying to pronounce new sounds, be sure to support him in this difficult task. Repeat the sound yourself, praise the baby, help the baby pronounce the new sound again.

Articulation gymnastics

With the onset of cooing, you can perform articulation gymnastics with your baby in the form of a game. An adult can puff out his cheeks, stick out his tongue, lick his lips and encourage the child to repeat after him.

And if you also smile between grimacing, the baby will understand that this is real. fun game, and wants to try to make it as funny.

From 6 months to a year

Maintaining speech dialogue, games

And during this period, you should not leave constant commenting on your actions and the actions of the baby, as well as the repetition of rhymes during daily procedures. It is also important to respond in a timely manner to all the sounds and syllables that the child utters, answering them with a short phrase and thus forming a dialogue.

The well-known games “Forty”, “Ladushki” are good for children at this age - both motor skills, and coordination, and speech develop immediately. You can't do without a game of hide-and-seek with the same "cuckoo".


You can also start introducing your baby to animals, offering him one or two toys each, talking about one or another animal and uttering a sound that is characteristic of her: “Katya, look what a pussy. The pussy is beautiful, white. The pussy says "meow meow!".

It is important to say about the same thing every time you show a toy until the child starts to recognize it and show it at the appropriate request (“Show the pussy. Where is the pussy? Here is the pussy: “meow-meow”). Onomatopoeia children memorize willingly and easily.

From one to two years

If the parents are carefully engaged in the speech development of the baby, then in the period from 15 to 18 months there should be a jump, when a large part of the child’s vocabulary carefully formed by adults passes from a passive state to an active one.

In other words, the baby begins to use words, naming certain objects, actions, denoting situations. However, in anticipation of this moment, as well as after it, it is important not to stop classes aimed at mastering the speech skill.

Repetition of sounds and words

Continuing interaction with toys (remember our cat "meow-meow"), a new element should be introduced into the situation - to encourage the child to pronounce the sound that the animal says.

If the baby did not answer the question the first time, the adult does it himself: “What does the pussy say? Kitty says "meow". Ksyusha, tell me, how does the pussy say? This contributes to the removal of words from a passive dictionary to an active one, helps the baby begin to use knowledge in practice.

Examination of books and poems, their discussion

This is really a whole field for the development of both speech and other intellectual abilities: you can read and look at images, discuss, name objects, colors, look for something in the picture, etc.

It is important to do all this for an adult and a child together, and not just once, but repeating every day. It is necessary to read with expression, in different voices and with different intonation, as required by the text. Monotonous reading will not interest the baby, and the lesson will not bring either pleasure or benefit.

Verbal participation in dialogue with adults

It must be remembered: the age from 1.5 to 2 years already implies the participation of the child in the dialogue verbally. If earlier it was enough that the question "Where?" the baby showed the desired object, now questions and tasks should involve a simple verbal answer: “What is the elephant doing?”, “How does the dog bark?”, “Who came?”, “Let's call dad. How shall we call papa?

Verse negotiation

After a year and a half, the child is able to cope with such interesting and not too interesting things. a simple task like scribbling rhymes. Those verses that you have already studied with the baby through repeated repetition are probably already well imprinted in his memory.

When reading, try not to finish the last word stanzas and ask the baby to finish the rhyme, while you can silently pronounce the word, actively moving your lips, so that the child understands what they want from him.

Such reading of poems can become one of your favorite things to do together. Over time, it will be possible to encourage the baby to finish the word in each line, and soon the baby will surprise adults with a fully told rhyme.

Vocabulary expansion, phrase building

As in previous periods, it is important for adults to comment on everything and everyone - at home, on a walk, during the game, while continuing to develop the child's vocabulary and give him an example correct construction phrases.

This will give the baby the opportunity to build phrases from 2-3 words by 20 months. And in order for the speech capabilities of the child to be embodied in practice, do not forget to create situations in which the skills of the little man will manifest themselves. In other words, ask questions that a child at 2 years old is able to answer.

From 2 to 3 years

In this period speech development The child goes in three directions:

  1. The vocabulary and vocabulary continues to grow.
  2. There are attempts to build more complex phrases (two parts: “The bear is sleeping, and the bunny is walking”, with subordinating conjunctions “because”, “when” and others).
  3. The sound of speech is “cleaned”: hissing, whistling sounds, unpronounceable “r” and other shortcomings are corrected (tongue twisters are well suited for this).

Question answer

Almost continuous commenting can be replaced by answers to the baby's questions. Most likely, there will be quite a lot of them, so parents still will not have to be silent. The main thing is to answer in a language accessible to the child and without overloading with unnecessary information.

Toy plays and performances

At this age, kids will be interested in participating in a toy performance. You can play a small situation, the heroes of which will be the child's favorite characters.

In other words, it is already story game, suggesting both a real and a speech situation. For example, you can offer to feed the dolls lunch, commenting “Let's arrange the dishes. Who wants a cup? And this one? What color is the mug? Who will eat?

Such a game will develop the child's thinking abilities and encourage him to use the appropriate words for the situation.

Special exercises and techniques for the development of children's speech activity

Of course, all children are different and not all of them, as if on command, begin to pronounce the first words by the year, and build phrases a little older than one and a half.

It is in the power of parents to help babies develop speech, and, in addition to those described above, general rules There are also special techniques that provoke the child to participate in the dialogue in one way or another:

Artificial misunderstanding (provocation)

If the child is already at the age when he can name toys, but does not do this for some personal “beliefs” and only tells his mother to give this or that thing with a command squeak, the mother can pretend that she does not understand: “I can’t understand , what do you want? Typewriter? Doll? Ball?"

As a rule, children easily succumb to this trick and either in the end name the desired object, or at least react in the affirmative to any word in the process of listing.

Choice Situation

When going for a walk or seating your baby for dinner, ask: “Will you wear a white blouse or a red one?”, “What are we going to drink, juice or milk?”, Encouraging the baby to think about the answer and express it in verbal form.

Games for the development of motor skills

Games with natural material and any other material that promotes the development of fine motor skills also develop speech skills in children. A number of experts argue that such activities directly affect the improvement of their abilities.

An impulse to a different way of expressing thought

You should not get carried away with only one side of development, that is, speech. The child must be available various ways perception of the world around and expression of their thoughts about it.

Gestures and facial expressions, drawing and application, design - all this allows the baby to express his idea of ​​​​a particular event, object, phenomenon, while developing his sensory abilities. And it will be easy to accompany the action with a word.

The development of speech in a young child is not an easy task. However, if the classes are properly organized, they will gradually become firmly established in the life of the family and will seem an integral part of everyday affairs, and even more so they will not cause discomfort.

Remember that if the baby is bad mood or does not want to devote time right now to the development of speech, you should not insist. Well, if the baby is ready for active knowledge of the world through speech - speak, sing, read with him, repeat as many times as he asks, and soon you will hear the first verses performed by your two or three years old.