What is the height of the submarine. The largest submarine in the world - characteristics and photos

  • 22.09.2019

The first cases of the use of submarines for combat purposes date back to the middle of the 19th century. However, due to their technical imperfection, submarines for a long time played only a supporting role in the naval forces. The situation changed completely after the discovery of atomic energy and the invention of ballistic missiles.

Goals and dimensions

Submarines have different purposes. The size of the world's submarines varies depending on their purpose. Some are designed for a crew of only two people, others are capable of carrying dozens of intercontinental missiles on board. What tasks do the largest submarines in the world perform?


French strategic nuclear submarine. Its name means "triumphant" in translation. The length of the boat is 138 meters, the displacement is 14 thousand tons. The vessel is armed with three-stage ballistic missiles M45 with multiple warheads, equipped with individual guidance systems. They are capable of hitting targets at a distance of up to 5300 kilometers. At the design stage, the designers were tasked with making the submarine as invisible to the enemy as possible and supplying it with efficient system early detection of enemy anti-submarine defense systems. Careful study and numerous experiments have shown that the main reason for disclosing the location of a submarine is its acoustic signature.

When designing the Triumfan, all known methods for reducing noise were used. Despite the impressive size of the submarine, it is a rather difficult object to detect acoustically. The specific shape of the submarine helps to reduce hydrodynamic noise. The level of sound produced during the operation of the ship's main power plant has been significantly reduced due to a number of non-standard technological solutions. Triumfan has on board an ultra-modern sonar system designed for early detection of enemy anti-submarine weapons.


A strategic nuclear-powered missile submarine built for the Chinese Navy. Because of advanced level secrecy, a significant part of the information about this vessel does not come from the media, but from the intelligence services of the United States and other NATO countries. The dimensions of the submarine are based on a photograph taken in 2006 by a commercial satellite designed to receive digital imaging earth's surface. The length of the ship is 140 meters, the displacement is 11 thousand tons.

Experts note that the dimensions of the nuclear submarine "Jin" are larger than the dimensions of the previous, technically and morally obsolete Chinese submarines of the "Xia" class. The ship of the new generation is adapted to launch Juilang-2 intercontinental ballistic missiles equipped with multiple nuclear warheads. The maximum range of their flight is 12 thousand kilometers. Missiles "Juilang-2" are an exclusive development. Their design took into account the dimensions of the Jin-class submarines intended to carry this formidable weapon. According to experts, the presence of such ballistic missiles and submarines in China significantly changes the balance of power in the world. Approximately three-quarters of the territory of the United States is in the zone of destruction of the Jin boats located in the Kuril Islands. However, according to information available to the US military, test launches of Julang missiles often end in failure.


A British strategic nuclear submarine that rivals the largest submarines in the world. The vessel is 150 meters long and has a displacement of 15,000 tons. Boats of this type have been in service with the Royal Navy since 1994. To date, the Vanguard-class submarines are the only carriers of British nuclear weapons. They are equipped with Trident-2 ballistic missiles. This weapon deserves special mention. It is produced by the famous American company for the US Navy. The British government took on 5% of the cost of developing missiles, which, according to the designers, were supposed to surpass all their predecessors. The Trident-2 hit zone is 11 thousand kilometers, the accuracy of hitting reaches several feet. Missile guidance is independent of the US Global Positioning System. "Trident-2" deliver to the target atomic warheads at a speed of 21 thousand kilometers per hour. On four boats "Vangard" are placed in total 58 of these missiles, representing the "nuclear shield" of the UK.


Soviet submarine built during the Cold War. The main goals of the creation of the boat were to increase the range of missiles and overcome American sonar detection systems. The expansion of the affected area required a change in the dimensions of the submarine compared to previous versions. The launch silos are designed for D-9 missiles, the launch weight of which is twice the normal one. The length of the ship is 155 meters, the displacement is 15 thousand tons. According to experts, the Soviet designers managed to complete the original task. The range of the missile system has increased by about 2.5 times. In order to achieve this goal, the Murena-M submarine had to be made one of the largest submarines in the world. The dimensions of the missile carrier did not change for the worse the level of its secrecy. The design of the boat was designed to dampen the vibration of the mechanisms, since at that time the US sonar tracking system became a serious problem for Soviet strategic submarines.



The development of this nuclear submarine began in the Soviet Union. It was finally designed and built in Russian Federation. Its name comes from the name of the ancient Greek god of the north wind. In accordance with the plans of the creators, the boat "Borey" in the foreseeable future should replace the submarines of the "Shark" and "Dolphin" classes. The length of the cruiser is 170 meters, the displacement is 24 thousand tons. Borey became the first strategic submarine built in the post-Soviet era. First of all, the new Russian boat serves as a platform for launching Bulava ballistic missiles equipped with multiple nuclear warheads. The range of their flight exceeds 8 thousand kilometers. Due to funding problems and the disruption of economic ties with enterprises located on the territory of the former Soviet republics, the deadlines for completing the construction of the ship were repeatedly postponed. The boat "Borey" was launched in 2008.


According to NATO classification, this ship has the designation "Typhoon". The dimensions of the submarine "Shark" surpass anything that has been created throughout the history of the existence of submarines. Its construction was the answer Soviet Union American project "Ohio". The huge size of the Akula heavy submarine was due to the need to place R-39 missiles on it, the mass and length of which significantly exceeded those of the American Trident. Soviet designers had to put up with large dimensions in order to increase the flight range and weight of the warhead. The Shark boat, adapted to launch these missiles, has a record length of 173 meters. Its displacement is 48 thousand tons. To date, the Shark remains the largest submarine in the world.

Generation of an era

The first lines of the rating are also occupied by the USSR. This is understandable: the superpowers involved in the Cold War believed in the possibility of delivering a preemptive strike. They saw their main task in quietly placing nuclear missiles as close to the enemy as possible. This mission was entrusted to large submarines, which became the legacy of that era.

Dear comrades, surely many of you have visited naval saloons, climbed the uncomfortable trembling gangways to the decks of huge ships. We wandered around the upper deck, examining the missile launchers, sprawling radar branches and other fantastic systems.

Even such simple things as the thickness of the anchor chain (each link is about a pood weight) or the radius of sweeping over the trunks of naval artillery (the size of a larger summer cottage "six acres") can cause sincere shock and bewilderment in an unprepared layman.
The dimensions of ship mechanisms are simply Huge. Such things are not found in ordinary life- we learn about the existence of these cyclopean objects only during a visit to the ship on the next Navy Day (Victory Day, during the days of the St. Petersburg International Naval Show, etc.).

Indeed, from the point of view of a single person, small or large ships do not exist. Marine equipment is striking in its dimensions - standing on the pier next to a moored corvette, a person looks like a grain of sand against the backdrop of a huge rock. A "tiny" 2500-ton corvette looks like a cruiser, and a "real" cruiser is generally paranormal in size and looks like a floating city.

The reason for this paradox is obvious:

An ordinary four-axle railway wagon (gondola car), loaded to the brim with iron ore, has a mass of about 90 tons. Very bulky and heavy piece.

In the case of the 11,000-ton missile cruiser Moskva, we have only 11,000 tons of metal structures, cables and fuel. The equivalent is 120 railway wagons with ore, densely concentrated in a single array.

Anchor of the submarine missile carrier pr. 941 "Shark"

How does water hold THIS?! The conning tower of the battleship New Jersey

But the cruiser "Moskva" is not the limit yet - the American aircraft carrier "Nimitz" has a total displacement of more than 100 thousand tons. Truly great is Archimedes, whose immortal law keeps these giants afloat!

A big difference

Unlike surface ships and vessels that can be seen in any port, the submarine component of the fleet has an increased degree of stealth. difficult to see even when entering the base - largely due to the special status of the modern submarine fleet.

Nuclear technologies, danger zone, state secret, objects of strategic importance; closed cities with a special passport regime. All this does not add popularity to the "steel coffins" and their glorious crews. Nuclear-powered boats quietly nest in the secluded coves of the Arctic or hide from prying eyes on the coast of distant Kamchatka. Nothing is heard about the existence of boats in peacetime. They are not suitable for naval parades and the notorious "flag display". The only thing these sleek black ships can do is kill.

Baby C-189 against the backdrop of "Mistral"

What does "Baton" or "Pike" look like? How big is the legendary "Shark"? Is it true that it does not fit in the ocean?

It is rather difficult to find out this question - no visual aids on this account no. Museum submarines K-21 (Severomorsk), S-189 (St. Petersburg) or S-56 (Vladivostok) are half a century old "diesels" of the Second World War and do not give any idea about the real size of modern submarines.

The reader will surely learn a lot of interesting things from the following illustration:

Comparative sizes of silhouettes of modern submarines on a single scale

The thickest "fish" is a heavy strategic missile submarine.
Below is an American Ohio-class SSBN.
Even lower is the underwater "aircraft carrier killer" of project 949A, the so-called. "Baton" (it was to this project that the deceased "Kursk" belonged).
A multi-purpose Russian nuclear submarine of project 971 (code ) lurked in the lower left corner.
And the smallest of the boats shown in the illustration is the modern German diesel-electric submarine Type 212.

Of course, the greatest interest of the public is associated with the "Shark" (it is also "Typhoon" according to NATO classification). The boat is really amazing: the length of the hull is 173 meters, the height from the bottom to the roof of the cabin is equal to a 9-storey building!

Surface displacement - 23,000 tons; underwater - 48,000 tons. The figures clearly indicate a colossal reserve of buoyancy - more than 20 thousand tons of water are pumped into the ballast tanks of the boat to submerge the Shark. As a result, the "Shark" received the funny nickname "water carrier" in the Navy.

For all the seeming irrationality of this decision (why does the submarine have such a large reserve of buoyancy ??), the “water carrier” has its own characteristics and even advantages: in the surface position, the draft of the monstrous monster is slightly larger than that of “ordinary” submarines - about 11 meters. This allows you to go to any base, without the risk of running aground, and use all the available infrastructure for servicing nuclear submarines.

In addition, a huge reserve of buoyancy turns the Shark into a powerful icebreaker. When blowing through the tanks, the boat, according to the law of Archimedes, “rushes” up with such force that even a 2-meter layer of arctic ice, strong as a stone, will not stop it. Due to this circumstance, the "Sharks" could carry out combat duty in the highest latitudes, up to the regions of the North Pole.

But even in the surface position, the Shark surprises with its dimensions. How else? - the largest boat in world history!

You can admire the shark view for a long time:

"Shark" and one of the SSBNs of the 677 family

The boat is just huge, there is nothing more to add here

Modern SSBN project 955 "Borey" against the backdrop of a gigantic "fish"

The reason is simple: two submarines are hidden under a light streamlined hull: "Shark" is made according to the "catamaran" scheme with two durable hulls made of titanium alloys. 19 isolated compartments, duplicated by a power plant (each of the robust buildings has an independent nuclear steam generating plant OK-650 with a thermal power of 190 MW), as well as two pop-up rescue capsules designed for the entire crew ...

Needless to say - in terms of survivability, safety and ease of placement of personnel, this floating Hilton was out of competition.

Loading a 90-ton "kuzkina mother". In total, the boat's ammunition included 20 R-39 solid-propellant SLBMs


No less surprising is the comparison of the American submarine missile carrier "Ohio" and the domestic TPKSN of the "Shark" project - it suddenly turns out that their dimensions are identical (length 171 meters, draft 11 meters) ... while the displacement differs significantly! How so?

There is no secret here - "Ohio" is almost twice as wide as the Soviet monster - 23 versus 13 meters. Nevertheless, it would be unfair to call the Ohio a small boat - 16,700 tons of steel structures and materials inspire respect. Underwater displacement "Ohio" is even greater - 18,700 tons.

Carrier killer

Another underwater monster, whose displacement surpassed the achievements of the Ohio (surface displacement - 14,700, underwater - 24,000 tons).

One of the most powerful and perfect boats cold war. 24 supersonic cruise missiles with a launch weight of 7 tons; eight torpedo tubes; nine isolated compartments. The working depth range is more than 500 meters. Underwater speed over 30 knots.

In order to accelerate the “loaf” to such speeds, a two-reactor power plant was used on the boat - uranium assemblies in two OK-650 reactors burn with terrible black fire day and night. The total energy output is 380 megawatts - enough to provide electricity to a city for 100,000 inhabitants.

"Baton" and "Shark"

Two "batons"

But how justified was the construction of such monsters to solve tactical problems? According to a popular legend, the cost of each of the 11 built boats reached half the cost of the aircraft-carrying cruiser Admiral Kuznetsov! At the same time, the "loaf" was focused on solving purely tactical tasks - the destruction of AUGs, convoys, disruption of enemy communications ...
Time has shown that multi-purpose nuclear submarines are the most effective for such operations, for example ...

« Pike-B"

A series of Soviet nuclear multi-purpose boats of the third generation. The most formidable underwater weapon before the advent of American nuclear submarines of the Seawolf type.

But, you do not think that "Pike-B" is so small and frail. Size is a relative value. Suffice it to say that the baby does not fit on the football field. The boat is huge. Surface displacement - 8100, underwater - 12,800 tons (on the latest modifications, it increased by another 1000 tons).

This time, the designers-designers managed with one OK-650 reactor, one turbine, one shaft and one propeller. Excellent dynamics remained at the level of the 949th "loaf". A modern sonar complex and a luxurious set of weapons appeared: deep-sea and homing torpedoes, Granat cruise missiles (in the future - Caliber), Shkval rocket-torpedoes, Vodopad PLUR, thick torpedoes 65-76, mines ... at the same time , a huge ship is operated by a crew of only 73 people.

Why do I say "everything"? Just an example: to control a modern American boat-analogue of the "Pike" - an unsurpassed underwater killer type, a crew of 130 people is required! At the same time, the American, as usual, is saturated to the limit with radio electronics and automation systems, and its dimensions are 25% smaller (displacement - 6000/7000 tons).

By the way, an interesting question: why are American boats always smaller? Is it really all the fault of "Soviet microcircuits - the largest microcircuits in the world" ?! The answer will seem banal - American boats have a single-hull design and, as a result, a smaller margin of buoyancy. That is why the "Los Angeles" and "Virginia" have such a small difference in the values ​​of surface and underwater displacement.

What is the difference between single hull and double hull boats? In the first case, ballast tanks are located inside a single strong hull. Such an arrangement takes up part of the internal volume and, in a certain sense, negatively affects the survivability of the submarine. And, of course, single-hull nuclear submarines have a much smaller margin of buoyancy. At the same time, it makes the boat smaller (as small as a modern nuclear submarine can be) and quieter.

Domestic boats, traditionally, are built according to a two-hull scheme. All ballast tanks and auxiliary deep-sea equipment (cables, antennas towed by the GAS) are moved outside the pressure hull. The rigid body stiffeners are also located on the outside, saving precious interior space. From above, all this is covered with a light "shell".

Advantages: the reserve of free space inside the rugged case, which allows the implementation of special layout solutions. More systems and weapons on board the boat, increased unsinkability and survivability (additional depreciation for close explosions, etc.).

Nuclear waste storage facility in Saida Bay (Kola Peninsula). Dozens of submarine reactor compartments are visible. The ugly "rings" are nothing more than the stiffening ribs of a durable case (the light case was previously removed)

This scheme also has disadvantages and there is no escape from them: large dimensions and area of ​​wetted surfaces. A direct consequence is that the boat makes louder noise. And if there is a resonance between a durable and lightweight body ...

Do not flatter yourself when you hear about the “reserve of free space” indicated above. Inside the compartments of the Russian "Pike" it is still impossible to drive mopeds and play golf - the entire reserve was spent on installing numerous hermetic bulkheads. The number of habitable compartments on Russian boats usually ranges from 7 to 9 units. The maximum was achieved on the legendary "Sharks" - as many as 19 compartments, excluding sealed technological modules in the light body space.

For comparison, the robust hull of the American Los Angeles is divided by airtight bulkheads into only three compartments: central, reactor and turbine (of course, not counting the system of isolated decks). The Americans traditionally rely on the high quality of manufacturing of hull structures, the reliability of equipment and qualified personnel in the crews of submarines.

A whopping big fish. American multi-purpose nuclear submarine of the "Sivulf" type

Another comparison on the same scale. It turns out that the "Shark" is not so large compared to the nuclear aircraft carrier of the "Nimitz" type or the TAVKR "Admiral Kuznetsov" - dimensions aircraft carriers completely paranormal. The victory of technology over common sense. Small fish on the left - diesel-electric submarine "Varshavyanka"

These are the key differences between schools of underwater shipbuilding on different sides of the ocean. And the submarines are still huge.

The largest Russian submarine "Akula" belongs to the class of heavy strategic missile submarines. The start date for her project is December 1972.

The first "Shark" was built in the USSR at "Sevmash" (Severodvinsk) and launched on September 23, 1980. From 1981 to 1989, a series of six boats of this type was commissioned. The place of their basing was the water area of ​​the Nerpichya Bay in the Northern Fleet.

Structural specifics of the case

The Akula nuclear submarine of project 941 has a very light overall hull, inside which there are 5 inhabited strong hulls. Two of them have the maximum dimensions and are the main ones, they are located on the principle of a catamaran, in a horizontal plane parallel to each other. Such a characteristic layout is determined by the large dimensions of the ammunition load.

Both main durable cases are interconnected by three transitions and are divided into 8 compartments:

  • reactor and turbine compartments with a total length of 30 m;
  • three bow compartments 54 m long;
  • three adjacent to the main command post (GKP) 31 meters long.

The remaining three durable cases are:

  • reliably insulated bow hull of the torpedo compartment;
  • building for placement of GKP and radio equipment;
  • aft transitional body with a total length of 30 meters.

The compartment of the main command post, the torpedo compartment, the main hulls are made of titanium alloy, and the light hull is made of steel with subsequent anti-hydroacoustic coating.

The developers of the submarine (TsKBMT "Rubin") for the first time used in its layout the original layout of the missile silos. They are located forward of the cabin in front of the submarine, between the two main main buildings.

Power point

The large power plant of the 3rd generation has a block design consisting of two echelons located independently on the starboard and port sides. Each block includes:

  • water-cooled nuclear reactor with a capacity of 190 MW on thermal neutrons OK-650VV. Reactors of this type are equipped with: pulse equipment for monitoring their condition, a battery-free cooling system (BBR) in case of a power outage;
  • turbine with a capacity of 50,000 hp. With;
  • propeller in the form of a propeller shaft with a 7-bladed propeller, the diameter of which is 5.55 meters, the rotation speed is 230 rpm. To reduce noise, the propellers are installed in special fenestrons (circular fairings);
  • four steam turbine nuclear power plants BPTU 514 with a capacity of 3200 kW.

Reserve means of movement

  1. Two diesel generators of the ASDG-800 type, 800 kW each.
  2. Lead-acid battery.
  3. Two standby electric motors with a capacity of 260 kW.
  4. Thrusters with swiveling propellers for maneuvering in a pinched position. They are equipped with electric motors of 750 kW.

The main armament of the "Shark"

The basic weapon "Shark" project 941 consists of:

  • ballistic missile system D-19, equipped with 20 solid-propellant three-stage intercontinental missiles of the R-39 "Variant" class (RSM 52 sea-based. Firing range - 8500 km, warhead divided with 10 warheads of 100 kilotons each;
  • D-19U missile system with 20 R-39UTTH "Bark" ballistic missiles of intercontinental range with shock-absorbing rocket launch system. The combat range is up to 10,000 km, there is a unique system for passing through the ice.

The launch of the entire missile ammunition of the Shark project can be carried out from a dry mine both underwater (at a depth of no more than 55 meters) and on the surface.

The largest nuclear submarine in Russia is armed with six torpedo tubes (TA) with a caliber of 533 mm, equipped with fast-loading devices and a special Grinda-type TA training system. The full ammunition load consists of 22 Shkval class torpedoes (SAET-60M, SET-65, USET-80 types), as well as Blizzard and Vodopad missiles. They use six-torpedo torpedoes for firing rocket-torpedoes, torpedoes and for installing minefields-obstacles.

Air defense is carried out by MANPADS (8 units) of the Igla-1 type. Full ammunition - 48 anti-aircraft guided missiles (SAM).

Radio electronic equipment

On board the Akula-type submarine of project 941 there are several complexes with high-precision equipment of various classes.

  1. The combat information and control system of the Omnibus type is used for: collecting, processing and displaying information, calculating the effectiveness of the use of a particular weapon, targeting technical and fire weapons, navigation and combat crews;
  2. Hydroacoustic equipment SJSC "Skat-3" MGK-540 consists of:
    • SJSC Skat-KS MGK-500 with 4 antennas and the ability to simultaneously track 12 targets;
    • hydroacoustic station (GAS) mine detection "Arfa-M" MG-519;
    • GAS measurement of cavitation "Screw" MG-512;
    • GAS measuring the speed of sound "Shkert" GISZ MG-553;
    • Echoledometer "North" MG-518.
  3. Radar complex "Radian" RLC MRCP-58 with radio-technical intelligence station MRP-21A.
  4. The navigation complex has:
    • satellite complex "Symphony";
    • NK class "Tobol";
    • circular and adjustable navigation detector NOK-1 and NOR-1.

The submarine is equipped by special means communications, retractable periscopes, antenna systems.

Performance characteristics of the submarine "Shark"

Main dimensions: maximum length - 173.1 m, width - 23.3 m, draft in the wake - 11.2-11.5 m.

Full speed and displacement characteristics:

  • full surface displacement at a speed of 12/13 knots - 29500 tons,
  • full underwater at a speed of 25/27 knots - 49800 tons.

Diving depths:

  • limit - 500 m,
  • working - 380 m.

The autonomy of navigation is about six months. The total crew size is 163 people, officers and warrant officers are 52/83, respectively.

The total mass of the equipped submarine missile carrier is 50,000 tons.

The world's largest submarine "Shark" 941 has a developed cruciform empennage of the stern and horizontal rudders (front retractable) placed behind the propellers. Thanks to the block system for placing units and mechanisms, as well as rubber-cord two-stage pneumatic shock absorption, the nuclear submarine has low noise levels and improved vibration isolation of all units.

Video about the submarine Akula (Typhoon)

The Akula-class strategic missile submarine has not only solid dimensions, but also a high margin of safety and buoyancy, which allows it to perform maneuvers with breaking through ice up to 2.5 m thick. high latitudes up to the Arctic.

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Among the various achievements of mankind, there are many records, the authorship of which belongs to our compatriots. One of these is the creation of the largest submarine in the world. The Soviet submarines of the Akula project, built in the 1980s, are still unrivaled in size to this day.

The height of the submarine of the Shark project is approximately equal to the height of a nine-story building. Now imagine a nine-story building moving confidently forward at a depth of several hundred meters - such a picture can shock even a not too impressionable person!

But the Soviet designers who worked on the “941 project” were the last to think about records. The main task was to ensure the preservation of military parity between the USSR and the USA.

By the 1970s, it became clear that submarines with nuclear weapons on board play a very important role in ensuring the security of the state.

From intelligence reports, the leadership of the USSR learned that work had begun in the United States on the creation of nuclear submarines of a new generation. The new Ohio-class missile carriers were supposed to provide the United States with an overwhelming advantage in sea-based nuclear launchers.

In December 1972, the Rubin Central Design Bureau for Marine Engineering received a tactical and technical assignment for the design of a third-generation Soviet missile carrier. The chief designer of the project was Sergey Kovalev, the legendary creator of Soviet submarine missile carriers.

"Shark", view from the right shell. Photo: commons.wikimedia.org

Size matters

On December 19, 1973, the government of the Soviet Union decided to start work on the design and construction of a new generation of strategic missile carriers.

The new Soviet three-stage intercontinental ballistic missile R-39, specially designed to arm a new type of submarine, surpassed the American counterpart Trident-I in its performance. R-39 had the best performance flight range, throwable mass and had 10 blocks against 8 for the Trident.

But you have to pay for everything. The high qualities of the R-39 were combined with dimensions unprecedented for sea-based missiles - almost twice as long and three times as heavy as the American counterpart.

This meant that a completely unique submarine cruiser had to be developed, the dimensions of which would be unparalleled.

As a result, the Project 941 missile cruisers had the greatest length - 172.8 meters, the largest width of the hull - 23.3 meters, a surface displacement of 23,200 tons and an underwater displacement of 48,000 tons.

The lead ship of the series, which was supposed to build 7 missile carriers, was laid down at the Sevmash plant in 1976. The launch of TK (heavy cruiser) 208 took place on September 23, 1980.

Anchor "Shark" in Severodvinsk. Photo: Commons.wikimedia.org / Schekinov Alexey Victorovich

"Sharks" of different types

When the hull of the boat was still in the slipways, on its bow, below the waterline, one could see a painted grinning shark that wrapped around a trident. And although after the descent, when the boat got into the water, the shark with the trident disappeared under the water and no one else saw it, the people have already dubbed the cruiser the “Shark”. All subsequent boats of this class continued to be called the same, and a special sleeve patch with the image of a shark was introduced for their crews.

There is some confusion with domestic underwater "Sharks". The name of the project does not apply to any of the boats included in it. According to NATO codification, this project is called "Typhoon".

In NATO codification, "Sharks" refers to domestic multi-purpose submarines of project 971 "Pike-B". The lead boat of this project, K-284, bore its own name "Shark", while not having any relation to the "Missile Sharks".

And the first "Shark" in the history of the Russian submarine fleet was a submarine designed engineer Ivan Bubnov launched in 1909. The Shark, which became the first Russian-designed submarine in the Russian Navy, sank in the Baltic during World War I.

But let's get back to the Record Shark. The first boat of the new project, TK-208, entered the Soviet Navy in December 1981, almost simultaneously with its rival Ohio.

"Shark" in the ice. Photo: Commons.wikimedia.org / Bellona foundation

High reliability missile carrier

The main armament of the missile carrier is 20 R-39 three-stage solid-propellant ballistic missiles. The missiles have a multiple warhead for 10 individually targetable warheads, each with 100 kilotons of TNT equivalent, the range of the missiles is 8300 km.

From the boats of the Shark project, the entire ammunition load can be launched in one salvo, the interval between missile launches is minimal. Missiles can be launched from the surface and underwater position, in the case of launching from a submerged position, the immersion depth is up to 55 meters, there are no weather restrictions for launching missiles.

Unlike American Ohio-class submarines, which were primarily built with a focus on service in tropical waters, Shark-class missile carriers have increased strength, allowing them to break ice 2.5 meters thick. This makes it possible for the Shark to carry out combat duty in the Far North and even directly at the North Pole.

One of the design features of the boat is the presence of five habitable strong hulls inside the light hull, two of which are the main ones, their largest diameter is 10 meters, they are located on the principle of a catamaran - parallel to each other. Missile silos with missile systems are located in front of the ship, between the main pressure hulls. In addition, the boat is equipped with three pressurized compartments: a torpedo compartment, a control module compartment with a central post, and an aft mechanical compartment.

The durable hulls were made of titanium alloys, the light hull was made of steel and has a non-resonant anti-radar and soundproof coating, the weight of which is 800 tons.

The unique design of the Shark ensures the survival of the crew in the event of an emergency on board, similar to the one that occurred on the Kursk submarine.

Ohio-class nuclear submarine. Photo: commons.wikimedia.org

"Floating Hilton"

Not only were unique combat characteristics new submarines, but also almost everything connected with them.

The project envisaged the construction of a special training center for submariners in Obninsk, near Moscow, with all the infrastructure for crew members and their families.

It was assumed that each of the "Sharks" will receive three crews - two main and one technical, who will serve on a rotational basis.

The first crew, having made a military campaign lasting 2-3 months, was supposed to leave the base in the Moscow region, and then go on vacation. At this time, a technical crew was supposed to work on the boat. At the end repair work the technical crew handed over the boat to the second main crew, who had rested, had additional training in Obninsk and was ready to go to sea.

Much attention was paid to the life of submariners on the boat itself. A lounge, a sauna, a solarium, a gym, two wardrooms and even a swimming pool - Soviet submariners had never seen anything like it before. As a result, the Sharks received another nickname - the "floating Hilton".

Own among the whales

The main weakness of the first domestic nuclear submarines was the high noise level that unmasked them. The hulls of the Sharks were designed so well that the noise level was much lower than even the designers expected. For the Americans, the "silence" of the "Shark" was an unpleasant surprise. Indeed, it somehow becomes uncomfortable at the thought that somewhere in the ocean a “nine-story building” is moving silently and imperceptibly, with its salvo capable of turning several American megacities into a radioactive desert.

Submariners claim that the "Shark" managed to merge with the ocean so much that whales and killer whales often mistook the missile carrier for a relative, thereby creating additional "cover" for it.

The appearance of Project 941 Akula missile carriers in the USSR Navy deprived the US military command of hopes of gaining an overwhelming advantage over the USSR in sea-based nuclear forces.

But big politics intervened in the history of this project. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, US representatives, proposing new disarmament treaties, showed a lively interest in the decommissioning and disposal of the Soviet "Sharks".

TK-202 in 1999, before scrapping. Photo: commons.wikimedia.org

The first one is the last one

Of the seven Sharks planned, six were built, the last of which was accepted into the fleet in September 1989. The hull structures of the seventh boat were dismantled in 1990.

TK-202, TK-12 Simbirsk and TK-13 were scrapped between 2005 and 2009 with US financial support. TK-17 "Arkhangelsk" and TK-20 "Severstal" in 2004-2006 were withdrawn to the fleet reserve due to the lack of ammunition and are now also awaiting disposal.

The only missile carrier of the Akula project that is still in service is the same TK-208 submarine, launched on September 23, 1980.

In 2002, TK-208 was given the name "Dmitry Donskoy". The largest submarine missile carrier in the world has been upgraded according to project 941 UM and has now been converted to the Bulava missile system. It was from the Dmitry Donskoy that most of the test launches of the Bulava were carried out. It is assumed that the missile carrier will continue to be used as a test platform for sonar systems and weapons systems designed for the latest types of Russian submarines.