Taurus and Scorpio - compatibility of signs, common character traits, difficulties in relationships. Compatibility: Male-Taurus and Female-Scorpio

  • 26.09.2019

Their relationship is always contradictory, as her too bright temperament comes into conflict with his calmness. In love, she is submissive, passionate and tolerant. But she is not just waiting for love, she may well stand up for herself. Their relationship will always be exciting - light or full of experiences for him. He will balance between the two states all the time, even after years of dating.

Taurus and Scorpio compatibility in LOVE

Despite their calmness, they are full of emotions. She cannot but be impressed by his solidity and sentimentality. For him, love is the meaning of life, therefore, before his beloved, he reveals himself without fear of ridicule. And she will not laugh at him, because she herself wants to be understood. But even vivid feelings do not allow her to open the last door in front of her secret. And he will try to find a solution all his life.

They will never come to an even relationship. She will be loyal and attentive to him, but his slightest inattention, the jealousy caused by him can become a catalyst for a powerful explosion. And this explosion usually does not go unnoticed for this couple. After that, they can improve relations, but they will not become the same as before the showdown. And this state will be normal for them, when equal feelings will be replaced by a hurricane of passions.

Taurus and Scorpio Compatibility in MARRIAGE

In marriage, they need to learn to forgive. At the same time, forgiveness should not be begged, but realized during the conversation. They should close their eyes to some points in order to maintain a relationship. If they don't learn to forgive, it will be difficult for them to stay together. Most often, their relationship in this case falls apart, and they remain close by force of habit. To prevent this, it is worth speaking out to both as sincerely as possible.

Other areas of relationships are not difficult to understand. She can provide him with the necessary level of comfort. And he strives for financial stability, which is also important for her. They have a reverent attitude to finance, so they always come to a common decision. Raising children will completely fall on her shoulders, and she will not mind, since she is ready to devote all her time to them. In return, he will provide a stable level of income.

Taurus and Scorpio compatibility in BED

Their attitude to intimacy is too different. She considers this act a tribute to love, full of secrecy and passion. She wants to convey to the chosen one that not only her appearance is valuable in her, but all the qualities of her nature. He cannot always understand such an attitude towards intimacy, since for him it is just a physiological need. This area may be the key to a deeper understanding, but their understanding is too different.

They will never have a specific scenario of intimacy. Both love everything their bodies can give them. She will love his gentle touch, and he will appreciate his sensual appeal with his eyes. Everyone is endowed with imagination, which they use boldly and creatively. At the same time, in this area, they rarely feel constrained, therefore they can give each other the highest pleasure. Such opportunities allow them to feel deeper in their partner.

It is important for girls to know!

In order for him to become your ideal life partner, you should trust him more. He is unlikely to look for a reason to have fun on the side, if you completely suit him. You can become a good wife and mother, and he will give you attention, love and financial stability. But for this you need to learn to forgive him, forget unpleasant moments. This will be beneficial not only for the relationship, but for yourself as well.

The Taurus man and the Scorpio woman are a couple whose compatibility can be described as extraordinary and, at the same time, strong. Taurus needs the constant support and encouragement that a Scorpio woman can easily give him. In return, she receives constant interest and lust from the man, which guarantees a reliable and lasting relationship. But this rule is true only under the condition that mutual understanding is reached in the couple, and in order to achieve it, it is important to understand the inner world of the partner.

Taurus personality

Taurus man, due to his zodiac sign, is tied to the earth, but this does not mean that he is a down-to-earth person and is not capable of romantic acts. It combines slowness and pragmatism with love for beauty, including the beautiful half of humanity.

The main characteristic of a Taurus man is the ability to slowly but persistently move towards his goal. To begin with, he without haste picks up a lady of the heart, and then the period of courtship begins. This is exactly the case when a man shows his attention in a very beautiful and extraordinary way. He remembers the exact date of his acquaintance, presents original and worthwhile gifts for any reason, wishes good night in SMS.

It is worth noting that this person is not exchanged for feelings. He will not court a woman if she is not interesting to him. Therefore, others often perceive a Taurus man as a calm, purposeful, independent and serious person, but only his chosen one understands what he really is.

And in order to conquer such a man, a scorpio woman just needs to correspond to his ideals. It means being mysterious, interesting, tactful and gentle. Taurus does not like it when others openly point out to them the shortcomings, and therefore, if you go to fix something in Taurus, then you need to do it carefully and wisely.

Scorpio personality

A woman born under the sign of Scorpio has a very powerful energy field... This applies to both daily and sexual life. She takes love seriously, most often these are people of the same love. She seems to take her chosen one into love captivity, and the stronger the desire to bind a man to herself, the more active her actions will be.

It may seem that there is too much of her in a man's space, however, this is only until the time when she is convinced of the sole possession of the chosen one. Such a woman will always breastfeed to protect her partner, even if he was wrong, she will defend his point of view. The Scorpio woman combines a sensual lover and a devoted friend.

Scorpios have great intuition and determination. They are able to "feel" a person, but even if they are present good location to the opposite sex, then the lady will not rush into the pool with her head. First, she will try to get to know the person better, get to know his interests and goals in life. Only after that will she take the next step to create a love union.

Love relationship

The Scorpio man, like the woman of this sign, has a similar trait - they can be silent for a long time, but in a fit of anger or resentment, they will express everything sore. Moreover, these will be true and adequate reproaches and remarks. And a Taurus man, having heard reproaches addressed to him, is not able to calmly react to them, which is why he will immediately fight back.

Taurus' loud statements in the process of sorting out a relationship can deeply hurt a partner. And although in his heart he does not think so, he was obliged, as a fighter, to fend off the attack of the weaker sex.

It is important to learn not to piss off each other, as such scandals can end very badly. Even a break in relations is possible.

The Scorpio woman belongs to the water element, she is characterized by enterprise, ambition and quick decisions. Therefore, she will not immediately be able to perceive the calm reaction of Taurus to what is happening, and his temporary inaction can be regarded as indifference. It is necessary to convey to her characteristic feature men - first analyze, think over their actions, the outcome of the situation, and only then act.

Marriage compatibility

If compatibility in love is present, and the marriage was not concluded spontaneously, then we can confidently talk about the success of such a union, and this applies to all spheres of life. Scorpio will support the stubborn Taurus in all his ideas and aspirations. A relationship based on trust and understanding can help a couple achieve tremendous success in their careers and lives.

Business compatibility of the zodiac signs leaves much to be desired ... Often they are not able to take the business qualities of a partner seriously. Taurus is a pragmatist who loves to calculate moves. At the same time, he does not consider it necessary to devote Scorpio in detail to his plans. And the scorpion looks from its bell tower and, not seeing the general picture, considers the man's actions to be erroneous. In order to reach mutual understanding in financial matters, you should trust each other, share ideas and plans, make joint decisions.

Sex compatibility

In terms of sex, the horoscope guarantees complete harmony and mutual understanding. Such a couple will complement each other, their intimate relationship is full of tactile sensations, passion and tenderness at the same time. In bed with Taurus, the Scorpio girl can throw out all her sexual energy, but at the same time she is not afraid to be misunderstood. Another partner might be afraid of the sexual pressure of the lady, but not Taurus.

He knows how to use the sexuality and desire of Scorpio, wrapping everything in sheer pleasure for both. Do not forget that Taurus in bed knows how to work miracles, he will do everything possible to give a woman maximum pleasure. Interest in each other in such a pair will not cool down even after a long time.

In order to make the union long and happy, both partners need to avoid imperiousness, groundless jealousy, and aggression.

Taurus is calm and balanced, and Scorpio is spontaneous and emotional, and therefore it is important to find the golden mean going to meet each other. Trust and dedication play a huge role in this case. Any union is the ability to negotiate, yield and understand a spouse. It is important to always keep these simple rules in mind.

Compatibility of the signs of Scorpio woman and Taurus man is considered very good for a love relationship. However, they should remember that the love ecstasy of the first stage of the relationship does not persist when creating a family and entering into marriage. Opposite signs of the zodiacal circle are usually attracted to each other. In a pair of Taurus and Scorpio, there will be a lot of physicality, eroticism, feelings and a little jealousy.


The relationship of opposites also presupposes the presence of problems. Such partners are very similar, but they also clearly see the difference, unpleasant sides and disadvantages of each other. The Scorpio woman and the Taurus man have a hard time taking on the ambitions and career aspirations of a partner. They have different ideas about the concept of wealth. In this context, the well-being of a family depends on its financial situation and on the extent to which everyone can independently develop and grow.

The Scorpio woman is a creative, mysterious and romantic nature, so it is better not to force her to do everything according to a certain order and schedule. Yet, before the Taurus man realizes that no one can fix the Scorpion, he will torment her with petty quibbles and methodical instructions.

And then Scorpio's revenge awaits him in the form of betrayal, often even against her wishes, but only in order to annoy his annoying husband. Taurus will not understand that he himself is to blame for this problem and, seeing such black ingratitude, he, who always treats people well, can at one moment say goodbye to the Scorpio girl.


If there is love and understanding in the family, then this is sincere on both sides. The many virtues that the Scorpio woman possesses compensate for the shortcomings of the Taurus man. She will never demand from another that she cannot do herself.

If these partners have common hobbies and areas of interest, then this girl will become a reliable friend and companion in business. At the same time, it is also important that the man takes care to provide support to his girlfriend in time by listening to her and sharing her feelings, then loyalty and fidelity are ensured.

Business relationship

For a successful business partnership, Taurus needs to restrain their despotism, then they will work well with Scorpio. The confidence of the Taurus man makes the Scorpio more calm and confident. At the same time, the Scorpio woman should not be afraid to entrust the Taurus man with important tasks, not control or rush him.

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Having met once a Taurus woman, a Scorpio man will not be able to pass by. Crazy sexual energy will be felt even before they even look at each other. The magnetism of a scorpion seems to paralyze the calf, and the latter will quickly be in his power. These signs in the zodiacal circle are opposed to one another. Therefore, the relationship is interesting, exciting and contradictory.

Summary of Compatibility Percentage

Both one and the other sign of the zodiac are strong personalities. But this also creates additional difficulties at the beginning of a relationship. If they can survive a fatal and insatiable passion, then the union promises to be strong and stable.

However, this still needs to come. It is highly likely that, unable to withstand the heat of emotions, they will part, painfully wounding each other.

It is not known how events will develop. It is only clear that with serious intentions and a willingness to change, there are more chances for a favorable outcome. Then the compatibility of the zodiac signs in percent is as follows:

  • in love - 100%;
  • in sex - 100%;
  • married - 90%;
  • in life - 90%;
  • in work - 90%;
  • in friendship - 90%.

How do they fit together?

The potential of the couple is huge. You can be sure that together they can move any mountains. These are purposeful individuals who will provide mutual support at the right time, and not only in word, but also in deed.

A man chooses his companion very carefully. But a Taurus woman will not have to try hard to become his chosen one. Scorpio will like its solidity, stability and reliability from the first minutes. In addition, a woman has an enviable degree of patience. She will be able to maintain a calm and calm appearance in such a situation when the scorpion would have lost patience long ago.

The couple's feelings and emotions will continue to boil even after years of marriage. For a long time, the main connecting link will be the sexual component. Throwing scorpion sparks of passion easily ignite the blood of an earthly woman. Do not believe the couple's apparent composure. This is just a mask for everyone around. And they wear it very successfully. But in reality, a serious and indefatigable passion is raging between them.

The union of representatives of the two zodiac constellations, where the girl Taurus guy Scorpio has endless potential for spiritual growth. All their lives they will have to study each other. And having started a joint activity, they can carry it out extremely safely.

What do not fit together

There is a trait inherent in both in this pair, which greatly complicates their union. This is jealousy. Scorpio and Taurus are both creepy owners. And due to the fact that they are extremely sexual, jealousy will certainly be present in the union. The courageous and erotic scorpio attracts the looks of all women, from 16 to 60 years old. The feminine Taurus, according to the scorpio, will always remain too bright, whether she is 20 years old, 40 or 60 years old.

Scorpio ignores or throws away everything that he does not like. Taurus will be embarrassed by the behavior of her lover if he does not accept some of her friends or opposes hobbies. There is another not very attractive feature in scorpions. It is difficult for him to leave a woman even if the love has already passed. In this regard, the man will begin to methodically harass the woman with psychological pressure, because of which she will break down more and more.

The scorpion is generally restless in nature, and this makes him engage in psychological vampirism. There is nothing you can do about it. Scorpio just needs an emotional jolt that helps him develop. In addition, a man strives for everything new and mysterious. But calm and balanced all this is also unlikely to please. Therefore, it is desirable for her at the start of the relationship to figure out whether such behavior of a loved one will become acceptable to her. If not, then it is better to disperse right away - with dignity and beauty. Otherwise, it will be much more painful to do it later.

Features of signs in a relationship

When a Taurus woman meets her Scorpio man, she miraculously is changing. It is known that the representative of this zodiacal constellation very stubborn, assertive and wayward. However, with him in love, she will quickly transform into a soft and gentle woman who will not say a word contrary to the opinion of her lover.

The man will also not be like himself. She will charm him so much with her magnetism and hidden sexuality that he will quickly forget his predatory disposition and dissolve in his beloved. They are like two halves of one whole. A man will surround his beloved with care, and she will give him a feeling that makes him want to fly.

Features of signs in love

Taurus and Scorpio will quickly fall in love with each other. It can be difficult for a woman to show her emotions, but he will help her find out what she is hiding inside, even from herself. He will teach her to be gentle, changeable, passionate and idealistic. Scorpio needs a support that can stop all raging passions with just one phrase. He needs grounding rather than reassurance. And the Taurus will be able to give it to him like no other. At times, their relationship can become unstable. However, they will always be gentle, rich and deep.

The courtship period in a couple is fleeting. Scorpio, seeing such a suitable partner, will do everything to get her into his network. And having caught this girl, she will not let go and quickly decides to legalize the union with a stamp. But the Taurus doesn't mind this in the least. She will agree with pleasure and without even hesitation.

Most likely, the scorpio will propose to the chosen one in a very original form. After all, Taurus has become so dear to him that he uses his mind and imagination to remember this moment for a lifetime. Their wedding will be extraordinarily beautiful, as both the groom and the bride look great. But they will not have a grand wedding. The celebration, for sure, will bring together only the closest relatives and friends. That is why the atmosphere at the holiday will be warm and cozy.

Features of signs in marriage

A woman wants to legitimize the relationship from the beginning, as she prefers everything to be clear and simple. also wants family and children. Therefore, with a successful development of events, they will definitely get married. This is not to say that their life will always be smooth. The husband's temperament will show itself from time to time. However, the calmness of the wife will help to get around all sharp corners. Both are determined to be near each other until the day they die.

They are a happy couple. For a complete idyll, it is desirable that the interests of both coincide, at least partially. Taurus will make it so that it will always be beautiful and pleasant to be in the house.

Being already married, the newlyweds do not want to drag out with children for a long time. Moreover, both will not stop at one child, as they want to have a noisy and large family. Traditional feasts in the family will be loved and revered by everyone. Per festive table children, old people and young people will begin to gather.

The frustrations that arise will not be loud. Such issues are resolved quietly and for closed doors... Moreover, the quarrels between the scorpion and the calf do not last long. They feel each other so much that one or the other partner will definitely give in at the X-hour in order to avoid climax and scandals. This will allow the couple, after a short time, to peacefully resolve any disagreements.

With an unfavorable development of events, the Taurus will want to correct his spouse. But doing this is strongly discouraged. You cannot force such a mysterious, creative and romantic person to do everything in order and by the hour. If she torments her spouse with petty quibbles, then she risks facing the vengefulness of a scorpion. He will respond to this with a lot of cheating, even if he really doesn't want it, just to annoy his wife. Upon learning of this, she is able to cross out everything that was between them instantly, collect her husband's suitcase, and put him out the door.

Features of signs in bed

Sexual life between representatives of these zodiac signs is varied and rich. The woman is distinguished by sensuality, although, according to her husband, it would not hurt her to develop a little more imagination and eroticism.

A man is unusually passionate, he regards physical connection as magic ritual love, in which the couple gets to know each other better.

Love will make the intimate side of life very harmonious. Scorpio in bed will be a conqueror, and she will gently succumb to his pressure. In public, they seem restrained and calm, but real passions reign in the bedroom. Both partners are absorbed into this abyss, and will be able to enjoy each other in this way for many years.

Features of signs in life

Few zodiac signs can boast of such perfect combination... This pair is favored by the stars themselves. Therefore, the obstacles that arise are easily overcome, and doubts, as a rule, do not play big role... A married couple can quite happily live up to the golden wedding, and then tell the younger generation about their sincere feelings for each other.

True, each of the partners is so suitable for each other that it will irritate the envious. Taurus and Scorpio need to protect their relationship from such people, especially if they begin to make every effort to break enviable happiness.

Features of signs in work

Relationships at work and in business can develop in different ways. It depends on how interested they are in cooperation. Both representatives of the zodiacal constellations are strong personalities. Based on this, they will either complement each other perfectly, or conflict, and in an acute form.

In the case of a partnership, the situation is good, as long as there is no competition. Otherwise, struggle and enmity will be inevitable and fraught with losses. When working on the same project, where there is no need to try to fulfill their duties better than the other, the couple will achieve great results. Scorpio will propose innovation, and Taurus will know exactly how best to implement it.

A wonderful combination of signs is formed when Taurus is the boss and the Scorpio is the subordinate. The woman is endowed with excellent organizational skills, and takes care of her subordinates, in addition to work. Despite her conservatism, she will appreciate the man's desire to improve everything around him (but within reason).

Even better, the tandem will be created with a woman subordinate, and a man - a boss. Scorpio selects employees very carefully. If a woman got into him, then he considers her worthy. He likes the practicality and loyalty of the calf. Even when it seems that the scorpio is too suspicious or commits rash, in the opinion of the Taurus, actions, one must remember that he is doing this, including for the benefit of employees.

Other useful information

Taurus is a great friend. She is loyal and loyal. Therefore, representatives of almost all signs of the zodiac are drawn to such a woman. The same cannot be said for the scorpion. This is too straightforward and aggressive a sign in life that many do not like. He does not tolerate fawning, but considers himself an authority for other people.

Not everyone can withstand all this in friendship. But a Taurus woman will succeed, especially if he is really an influential person. Such friends are a woman's liking. If he finds a calf with a scorpion mutual language, the latter will be able to reveal itself, which this hidden sign does very rarely. The problem may lie in the fact that the friendship between two representatives of the zodiacal constellation often turns into a horizontal position.

Cons in a relationship with a competent approach are easily overcome. The following guidelines will help keep your Taurus / Scorpio relationship happy for a long time:

  1. To avoid too obvious a manifestation of the scorpion's jealousy, the calf should be in society next to him and praise him so that he knows and hears it. Of course, the jealousy will not diminish. But this behavior will instill in him more confidence in his beloved. In addition, if a woman simply confides in a man, he, being discerning, will appreciate it. It is enough to realize: if the calf is married to a scorpion, then he chose her, and this is worth a lot. Such a man does not intend to change his choice.
  2. It is advisable for both not to waste energy on a showdown. It would be much easier if you initially agree on the distribution of roles. Scorpio has superhuman intuition. With wisdom and leadership qualities, he will make an excellent head of the family. Taurus, on the other hand, will ideally cope with the role of the hostess and performer, as he will be able to realize even the far-reaching plans of the spouse. Therefore, a woman is not advised to try to re-educate her scorpion. She won't be able to do it anyway. Better to learn to accept him as he is.

There is something else known to the scorpion, but not the calf. There is an expression: "Marriages are made in heaven." The Universe itself stands for this union. Meeting them is granted by fate. Therefore, you need to make every effort to overcome the obstacles on the path to creating harmonious union, fortunately there are not so many of them. Then they will find true happiness and learn not only physical, but also spiritual closeness.

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