Famous scorpio men. famous scorpions

  • 26.09.2019

Scorpio is ruled by Pluto. Pluto is the highest form of Mars. Pluto is the planet of war, death and atomic energy. An active Pluto gives a person great willpower, endurance and endurance, the ability to research work especially in physics, chemistry, philosophy and medicine. Professions associated with Pluto: investigator, forensic scientist, intelligence officer, politician, nuclear scientist, surgeon. Scorpio is a sign of the water element, so many people born in this sign have a strong receptivity and impressionability, a deep worldview, so they make good writers, actors, psychologists and psychotherapists.

Famous Scorpions

famous scorpio men

James Cook, born October 27 (November 7), 1728 - English navy, explorer, cartographer and discoverer.

Theodore Roosevelt, born October 27, 1858 - American politician, 25th Vice President of the United States, 26th President of the United States in 1901-1909, Representative Republican Party, winner of the Nobel Peace Prize in 1906.

Martin Luther, born November 10, 1483 - Christian theologian, initiator of the Reformation, translator of the Bible into German. One of the directions of Protestantism, Lutheranism, is named after him. Considered one of the founders of the German literary language.

Mikhail Lomonosov, was born on November 8 (19), 1711 - the first Russian natural scientist of world importance, encyclopedist, chemist and physicist.

Niccolo Paganini, born October 27, 1782 - the famous Italian violinist and virtuoso guitarist, composer.

Fedor Dostoevsky, born October 30 (November 11), 1821 - the famous Russian writer and thinker.

Cesare Lombroso, born November 6, 1835 - the famous Italian prison psychiatrist, the founder of the anthropological trend in criminology and criminal law.

Francois Auguste Rene Rodin, born November 12, 1840 - the famous French sculptor.

Lev Trotsky, birth name Leib Davidovich Bronstein, born October 26 (November 8), 1879 - a revolutionary figure of the 20th century, a practitioner and theorist of Marxism, an ideologue of Trotskyism.

Alexander Kolchak, born November 4 (16), 1874 - Russian military and political figure, oceanographer, polar explorer (1900-1903), naval commander (1915-1917), who went down in history as the leader of the White movement during civil war in Russia. Supreme Ruler of Russia and Supreme Commander of the Russian Army.

Pablo Picasso, born October 25, 1881, is a famous Spanish painter, sculptor, graphic artist, ceramist and designer.

Nestor Makhno (Father Makhno), born October 26 (November 7), 1888 - the famous anarcho-communist, leader of the detachments of peasant rebels operating in the southern theater of the Civil War.

Evgeny Primakov, born October 29, 1929 - a famous Soviet and Russian political and statesman.

Prince Charles, born November 14, 1948 - heir to the British throne, field marshal, admiral of the fleet and marshal of the Royal Air Force of Great Britain.

Bill Gates, born October 28, 1955 - famous American businessman, billionaire.

Roman Abramovich, born October 24, 1966 - famous Russian businessman, billionaire.

Patriarch Kirill, born November 20, 1946 - Bishop of the Russian Orthodox Church(ROC); since February 1, 2009 - Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia.

Alain Delon, born November 8, 1935 - famous French film actor, theater actor, director, producer, screenwriter.

Arkady Raikin, born under the sign of the Zodiac Scorpio on October 11 (24), 1911 - the famous Soviet pop and theater actor, director, screenwriter, humorist, People's Artist of the USSR.

Eldar Ryazanov, born November 18, 1927 - famous Russian and Soviet film director, screenwriter, actor, poet, People's Artist of the USSR.

Roman Viktyuk, born October 28, 1936 - famous Soviet, Russian, Ukrainian theater director, Honored Art Worker of Russia, People's Artist of Ukraine, People's Artist of Russia.

Joe Dassin, born November 5, 1938, is a famous American-born French singer, composer and musician.

Nikolai Karachentsov, born October 27, 1944 years - famous Soviet and Russian theater and film actor, People's Artist of the RSFSR, Laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation.

Anatoly Papanov, born October 31, 1922 - an outstanding Soviet theater and film actor, teacher. People's Artist of the USSR (1973).

Oleg Menshikov, born November 8, 1960 - Soviet and Russian theater and film actor, theater director, People's Artist of Russia (2003).

Alexey Batalov, born November 20, 1928 - Soviet and Russian theater and film actor, film director, screenwriter, teacher and public figure. Hero of Socialist Labor (1989). People's Artist of the USSR.

Mikhail Ulyanov, born November 20, 1927 - Russian theater and film actor, director, People's Artist of the USSR.

Igor Talkov, born November 4, 1956 - famous Russian Soviet singer, songwriter, poet, film actor.

Viktor Sukhorukov, born November 10, 1951 - Russian actor, People's Artist of Russia.

Alexander Novikov, born October 31, 1953 - Soviet and Russian songwriter in the Russian chanson genre.

Dmitry Dibrov, r was born on November 14, 1959 - the famous Russian journalist, television presenter, musician.

Victor Gusev, born October 27, 1955 - Russian TV presenter, sports commentator on Channel One.

Arthur Smolyaninov, born October 27, 1983 - Russian theater and film actor.

Owen Wilson (born November 18, 1968) is an American film actor, screenwriter, and film producer.

Matthew McConaughey, born November 4, 1969 - American actor, film director, screenwriter and producer.

Matt Smith (born 28 October 1982) is a British stage, film and television actor best known for his role as the Eleventh Doctor in the British science fiction television series Doctor Who.

Alexander Granovsky, born October 27, 1959 - Soviet and Russian rock musician (bass player), one of the founders of the Aria and Master groups.

Evgeni Plushenko, born November 3, 1982 - Russian figure skater, two-time Olympic champion.

famous scorpio women

Cleopatra, born November 2, 69 BC e. - the last queen of Hellenistic Egypt from the Macedonian Ptolemaic dynasty. Glorified thanks to the dramatic love story for the Roman commander Mark Antony. During the years of her reign, Egypt was conquered by Rome, Cleopatra herself committed suicide so as not to become a prisoner of Octavian

Margaret Mitchell, born November 8, 1900 - American writer, author of the novel Gone with the Wind.

Indira Gandhi, born November 19, 1917 - famous Indian politician, Prime Minister of India (1966–1977 and 1980–1984).

Whoopi Goldberg, born November 13, 1955 - famous American theater and film actress, producer, screenwriter, TV presenter.

Julia Roberts, born under the sign of Scorpio on October 28, 1967, is a famous American actress, Oscar winner.

Maya Plisetskaya, born November 20, 1925 - famous Soviet and Russian ballet dancer, choreographer, writer, actress, People's Artist of the USSR.

Lilya Brik, born October 30 (November 11), 1891 - "the muse of the Russian avant-garde", beloved of Vladimir Mayakovsky.

G alina Vishnevskaya, born October 25, 1926 - famous singer, People's Artist of the USSR.

Ludmila Gurchenko, born November 12, 1935 - famous Soviet and Russian theater and film actress, pop singer, People's Artist of the USSR.

Tamara Semina, born October 25, 1938 - Soviet and Russian theater and film actress, People's Artist of the RSFSR.

Natalya Negoda, born November 12, 1963 - Soviet and Russian film actress (films: "Little Vera", "Tomorrow there was a war").

Lolita Milyavskaya, born November 14, 1963 - famous Russian singer, actress, TV presenter and director.

Marina Khlebnikova, born November 6, 1965 - the famous Russian pop singer and TV presenter.

Vika Tsyganova, born October 28, 1963 - Soviet and Russian singer, actress, composer.

Emma Stone (born November 6, 1988) is an American actress. Winner of the Oscar (2017), Golden Globe (2017), BAFTA (2017) and three US Screen Actors Guild Awards.

Katerina Shpitsa, born October 29, 1985 - Russian theater and film actress, TV presenter.

Yulia Kovalchuk, born November 12, 1982 - Russian singer, former member of the Brilliant group.

Olga Orlova, born November 13, 1977 - Russian pop singer, actress, songwriter, TV presenter. One of the first soloists of the female pop group "Brilliant".

Every person has the potential, which, if developed, he will be able to achieve great success and recognition. Representatives of each Sign of the Zodiac are able to become famous in one area or another, but each has its own ways and opportunities for this.

How Scorpios Succeed

Scorpios can and can be both good and bad. No one knows better than them how to play on the feelings of others, no one knows better than them about what it is to be truly honest or deceitful. They know a lot about the nature of people and they are not accustomed to keep silent about it. Therefore, among the Scorpios there are many iconic writers: Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky is the most ideal example, because he is known throughout the world for his drama Crime and Punishment. In it, he plays on the nerves and feelings of readers, like a violinist on a violin. Speaking of the violin, the most mysterious, most interesting musician of the 19th century, the virtuoso violinist Niccolo Paganini, was also a Scorpio.

The combination of mystery and the ability to show people what they can be is the best combination for actors, of whom there are a lot of Scorpios. They are rightly called the best actors in the world: Arkady Raikin (the best comedian of the USSR), Julia Roberts (the greatest Hollywood actress of our time), Alain Delon (the greatest actor in France), Leonardo DiCaprio (the famous actor of our time).

famous scorpio men

Musicians: Joe Dassin, Igor Talkov, Eros Ramazzotti. These people are known for the sensuality of their works, which for Scorpions is the best way talk about human nature.

Actors: Joaquin Phoenix, Matthew McConaughey, Alain Delon, Sam Rockwell, Leonardo DiCaprio and many others. Such a stellar cast speaks volumes: these people know how and can play in such a way that the viewer experiences incomparable emotions. It is difficult, and it takes an innate talent that requires self-study and years of practice.

Other great people: navigator Ferdinand Magellan, Bill Gates and Roman Abramovich who made a fortune, Diego Maradona and Gus Hidding, who became famous in sports.

famous scorpio women

Actresses: Anne Hathaway (The Devil Wears Prada), Jodie Foster, Whoopi Goldberg, Scarlett Johansson, Winona Ryder, Maya Plisetskaya. Very charismatic personalities, giving even the ordinary and the simplest emotions in such a way that no one can do it better.

Scorpio women know how to be unusual. Such as, for example, Björk, a singer and composer who struck the world with her individuality. Women of this Zodiac Sign are strong politicians, because they are strong in spirit and very self-confident. Proof of this are Indira Gandhi and Hillary Clinton.

Famous Scorpio people amaze us with their skills and innate talents, developed to genuine impeccability. You can observe this in yourself or in your Scorpio acquaintances. Remember that each person is unique, regardless of belonging to one or another Zodiac Sign. We wish you success in all your endeavors, be happy and don't forget to press the buttons and

04.01.2016 00:40

Each of us has the opportunity to succeed and become famous. And innate will help you get what you want ...

In order to get what you want and gain success and fame, it is enough to know your virtues and ...

Representatives of the eighth sign of the zodiac - Scorpio - are considered outstanding personalities: they know how to attract attention, love beautiful things and a sincere atmosphere. Once you meet them, you can't get them out of your head. But at the same time, representatives of this sign have many shortcomings: stubbornness, careerism, frequent mood swings and hobbies. True, these qualities only complement and brighten people born under the star of Scorpio. Let's see who these characteristics helped to succeed. Photos of Scorpions celebrities are also posted in the article.

America's Discoverer

Christopher Columbus was born under a lucky star. Four successful sea expeditions have brought his name into world history. He discovered America, Cuba, the islands of the Atlantic Ocean, brought potatoes, tobacco, and corn to the European continent. If not for his courageous desire to conquer the world, then the development of many countries simply would not have been realized.

Eternal "friend"

The Scorpio star is best known for his role in the television series Friends. For 10 years, the television saga about 6 young people from New York has captured the eyes of millions of viewers from all over the world. The role of Ross was surprisingly boring. Well, who would like a loser with an interest in dinosaurs who was dumped by his wife for another woman? But thanks to perseverance and charm, the actor was able to win the love and respect of viewers around the world. Especially since salient feature Scorpions - not to sit idly by - just manifested itself in Schwimmer. He became a producer, director and screenwriter of many television projects. And the success of the series American history crimes" only cemented its popularity.

star boy

Nobody needs to introduce Leonardo DiCaprio. This celebrity is a Scorpio man. Appearing once as a little boy in the film "What's Eating Gilbert Grape?", He immediately attracted the attention of millions of critics with a brilliant performance. Later, Titanic, Inception, The Wolf of Wall Street, and Django Unchained appeared on his cinematic list. These are films that have stayed on top lists for decades. True, when there was an Oscar for the film Titanic, his name was not even included in the list of nominees. He got angry. But, like a true Scorpio, he swallowed the grudge and proved that he is capable of something that many cannot even imagine. In The Revenant, his character wrestled with a bear, and this scene became one of the best in cinema. According to many, it was for her that he was given the long-awaited film award.

"God's Golden Hand"

“Football God”, “Golden Leg”, “Gift of God” - these epithets and many others refer to the bright representative of the “clan” of Scorpions, football player Diego Maradona. He is also a Scorpio star. His career is still legendary. The way he gave himself to the game, how he fought to the last for the victory of the team is an example to follow for young players in the world. But after a brilliant career, a period of drugs, drunkenness and hooliganism began. But, as a true representative of his sign, he found the strength to rise again and become a successful and healthy pensioner.

The most famous governor

The Chukotka region has never attracted the attention of tourists and ordinary people. It was believed that there are constant frosts, cold, blizzard and caviar. But with the advent of the governor, the Soviet businessman Roman Abramovich, this region made itself known to all. Under his able leadership, Abramovich brought Chukotka out of the economic crisis. But he also took care of himself by buying the English football club Chelsea. By this, he proved that Scorpios often change their occupation. A profitable place is not the main thing for them, but they want to enjoy their work.

The richest man in the world

Bill Gates, as a bright representative of celebrities under the sign of Scorpio, has proven that they do not like to sit around doing nothing. At a young age, he came up with the Microsoft company, which allowed him to become the richest man in the world. Computer developments and improvements in the work of the company have helped him to be at the top of the list for several decades. the richest people peace. After the termination of work in this direction, he headed the fund for the protection of nature. Having switched to environmental work, the billionaire began to glow with happiness, which once again proves that it is important for Scorpios to feel important in an interesting job.


Whoopi Goldberg is a celebrity born under the sign of Scorpio. Her name did not leave the pages of the most famous newspapers in the world. Many recognized her as the best comedy actress. But she entered the history of cinema as an actress of the tragic genre. For the film "Purple Blossom" she was even nominated for the main thing that was noted after working with her - this is the ability to give joy to people. Looking at her wide smile, there is no doubt about it. But she was not always so cheerful and cheerful. The iron character inherent in Scorpios helped her overcome beatings and bullying from her father, drinking and beatings from her husband, constant miscarriages and hints from producers about bad appearance.

The woman who gave heroes

Swedish writer Astrid Lindgren is also a celebrity born under the sign of Scorpio. She dreamed of writing books all her life. But the household, two children and caring for her husband did not give her the opportunity to fully immerse herself in the literary world. During her daughter's illness, she nevertheless took the reins of power over her fate into her own hands and wrote a story about the adventures of the Kid and Carlson. Later, such works as "Pippi Longstocking", "Brothers Lionheart", "Mio, my Mio" were written. These stories educate more than one generation of young people, investing best qualities inherent in the writer Scorpio. After all, only this zodiac sign is not afraid to drastically change his life.

"Lower Society Princess"

Actress Julia Roberts is a worldwide celebrity, Scorpio woman. She never considered her life hard. She thought that everything could be achieved only through incredible work. There were days when she had 25 auditions a day. Her legs were buzzing with fatigue, but the only thing she heard from the producers was the phrase "You have an ugly appearance." Any woman would give up trying to become famous, but it paid off. She was invited to a role in the film "Steel Magnolias". It received several Oscar nominations at once. She was noticed. And success was secured by the film "Pretty Woman", in which she played the role of a prostitute who fell in love with a millionaire. Later, she secured a successful career by receiving a golden statuette. She also took place in the family plan: she has three children and a charming husband. The main quality of Scorpio inherent in the actress is the ability not to sit idly by, constant work on oneself.

"Unrejected" actress

Anne Hathaway is another celebrity Scorpio by horoscope. She was never afraid to experiment in the acting profession. In her professional portfolio there are very explicit roles that more eminent actresses refused (for example, the role of a freedom-loving wife in Brokeback Mountain or a sick girl in the sexual drama Love and Other Medicines). But she did not stop experimenting with roles, changing her image. From a long-haired beauty, she turned into a short-haired girl for a role in the movie Les Misérables. She finally achieved real recognition - she won the Oscar for Best Actress. But even this peak seemed too small for her. She found a husband to match and gave birth to a baby from him, becoming a happy mother. Now she combines the joy of motherhood and career. The character of Scorpio manifested itself in emancipation and the desire to impress other people, but at the same time make yourself happy.

Girl not from this time

This is what critics called the actress Scarlett Johansson (she is also the star of Scorpio) after the release of the film "Pearl Earring". She quickly gained popularity, received four Oscar nominations. But never in her career were there similar roles to each other. She excels in both comedy and drama. She believes that emotional stagnation is the worst thing that can happen to an artist. Therefore, all his potential directs to self-improvement.

Not the first iron lady

Hillary Clinton has become a household name among the first ladies of American presidents. She was able to absorb the style of Jacqueline Kennedy, the wisdom of Eleanor Roosevelt and the mind of Martha Washington. She showed Scorpio willpower during the discovery of her husband's affair with Monica Lewinsky. She not only forgave her unfaithful spouse, but also dared to declare it on television. It turned out to be easier for her to forgive than to start looking for a new soul mate and abandon past happy memories. The role of the first lady turned out to be so small that she decided to first run for governor, and later for president. And although she did not win a victory, the number of her fans is constantly growing.

Great director

With a good dozen paintings included in the top list of the best movies in the world. "The Departed", "Goodfellas", "Shutter Island", "Casino" and other tapes opened the director's side of the man in different ways. And this is one of the main features of Scorpio - to constantly improve and find endless ideas within themselves.

Vivien Leigh

Who else was born under the zodiac sign Scorpio? Celebrity Vivien Leigh is a fatal beauty who became famous for her role as Scarlett O'Hara. She was so irresistible that she even captivated the heart for a while. Millions of girls of that time envied her that she could be (albeit for a short time and pretend) in the arms of this handsome man. But she showed scorpion fortitude and remained faithful to her husband Laurence Olivier. In addition to popularity, this picture brought her the coveted statuette.


Without watching the films of Eldar Alexandrovich Ryazanov, not a single one will succeed New Year. And even without holidays, his films leave a piece of warmth of the great director. Despite the fact that almost all of his films are comedies, the director found the right shots to penetrate people's souls and make them think about many things. Eldar Alexandrovich had to use Scorpio in the fight against the Soviet Ministry of Culture, which wanted to mercilessly cut "undesirable" films. But it is thanks to these scenes that the master's films are so fond of people. Now it is already impossible to imagine that someone would not watch "The Irony of Fate", "Office Romance", "Forgotten Melody for the Flute", "Girl without an Address". These films have long become classics, on which many generations grew up.

Duplicity: Female

Triplicity (element): Water

Quadruplicity (quality): Fixed
Scorpio is imaginative, passionate and emotional, secretive, stubborn and uncompromising.

Ruler planet: Pluto, god afterlife and the dead. In astrology, Pluto governs the regenerating forces, the beginning and end of life cycles.

Symbol: Scorpion, a secretive ruthless creature that poisons its enemies with poison. Its bites often result in death.

Glyph (graphic symbol): This pictogram represents the sting of a scorpion connected to the human reproductive organs (Scorpio governs this part of the body). In ancient times, this symbol referred to the phoenix, the immortal reborn bird. Curved lines and an arrow symbolize strong emotions combined with practicality and the desire for higher knowledge.

Motto:"I wish"

Polarity: Taurus
Scorpio is the sign of inheritance. Those born under this sign have a sense of purpose and purpose, find the highest happiness by giving their vitality others. Taurus is a sign of possession, possession, those born under this sign strive to own, collect and have. They hardly part with their property.

Parts of the body ruled by Scorpio: Sex organs. Scorpios are prone to urinary tract infections and sexually transmitted diseases. Their changeable emotions often become the cause of exhaustion and ill health.


Day: Tuesday

Numbers: 2 and 4

A rock: Topaz. He releases higher power and bestows peace of mind, protects from enemies and diseases.

Colors: Raspberry, red-brown, maroon - glowing colors of passion.

Cities: Liverpool, New Orleans, Washington, Newcastle

Countries: Norway, Algeria, Morocco, Tahiti

Flowers: Chrysanthemum and rhododendron

Trees: Blackthorn, shrub species

Metal: Plutonium

Animals ruled by Scorpio: Insects and shelled.


The secrecy and jealousy of Scorpio awakens anger in other people. His blunt, prickly nature can also provoke violence.

Your most attractive trait: Idealism

This is a sign of extremes. People born under it are described in very different ways - as strong, weak, independent, affectionate, passionate and cold. Undoubtedly, you are a tangle of contradictions, reflecting the best and worst qualities of human nature.

The main thing in your personality is fury, maximalism. Charming, emotional, capable of showing remarkable strength, you hide your energy in the depths. In Scorpio, the water element is fixed, which gives rise to an association with an iceberg or a bottomless well. You may seem impassive, sometimes impregnable, but passions are always seething inside you, invisible from the outside.

You need a positive way of expressing yourself - in career, love or creativity - without which your feelings turn inward, become locked up and sometimes destructive. Scorpios, more than anyone, live with violent emotions. Them negative traits- gloominess, jealousy, intolerance, even vindictiveness. positive trait is unwavering devotion to the one who has captured your feelings. Scorpio has tremendous energy, perseverance and endurance. First of all, you seek to give meaning to your life, to find a higher purpose.

You are endowed with a philosophical mindset and may be interested in religion and the occult sciences. Intuition allows you to anticipate events. You have a gift for understanding other people's feelings and revealing the secrets of life. All water signs (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces) have a subtle psyche, but you penetrate into the depths of consciousness that frighten others. It is the sign of birth, death, sex and reproduction - the spheres human life in which the individual encounters the mysteries of the universe. Scorpios often become brilliant doctors, surgeons, scientists, and spiritual leaders. Jonas Salk, Christian Barnard, Marie Curie and Martin Luther are among them. The complexity of your soul does not allow you to skim the surface; you have to uncover what lies in the depths. Whether you're learning a new subject or a foreign language, looking for information, or just reading for fun, your brain always gets to the core.

Your relationships with people are often confusing. This is not surprising when you consider that you can be generous, gentle - and sharp, unpredictable at the same time. When the sun shines on your soul, your inner barometer may portend imminent bad weather. You are selflessly devoted to your friends, but at the same time you are extremely jealous and behave like an owner. You are unable to come to terms with the idea that your lover may be interested in someone else. You want all or nothing. Moderation and restraint are not in your emotional vocabulary.

You never forget the kindness shown and strive to repay it a hundredfold. On the other hand, you remember the offense for a long time and will wait for years for an opportunity to pay. In most cases, retribution is not enough for you - you want revenge. It is not recommended to harm Scorpios. You are a dangerous enemy, insidious and ruthless, as a symbol of your sign.

You are fierce in competition, although you often manage to hide it from others. You hoard scraps of information, facts, names, and use your knowledge without hesitation at the right moment. Noticing the weakness of the enemy, you quickly kill him.

You adapt well, able to quickly direct your energy in a new direction or master a completely different profession. Faced with adversity, you will try to turn it into success. Practical and insightful, you set tangible specific goals for yourself, and you excel in focusing your efforts on achieving the desired result.

You are skilled in finance and frugal, so you have an excellent chance of making a fortune. In business, you prefer to complete operations first and then make them public. When the enemy finds out about your achievement, it is already a fait accompli.

You are naturally subject to manic aspirations that do not obey the mind. You will rule over everyone who allows you to. Alert, suspicious, you are reluctant to give another person your heart. But if you do this, then love deeply.

Often astrologers, when describing Scorpio, forget to emphasize how loving, kind, loyal, even gentle he can be. Under this sign, many idealists were born, committed to higher principles and turning their great positive energies for the benefit of others.

All Scorpions are united by the power of feelings. Emotions not only guide you, they define your character. You are passionate in love and in everything you give yourself to: work, relationships, hobbies, struggles. Your personality is painted in bright, juicy colors, in color scheme Scorpio has no pastel colors.

Famous people born under the sign of Scorpio:

Spiro Agnew
Marie Antoinette
Christian Barnard
Sarah Bernard
Edwin Butt
Fanny Brice
Charles Bronson
Richard Burton
Albert Camus
Johnny Carson
Dick Cavett
Benvenuto Cellini
Prince Charles
Chiang Kai-shek
Stephen Crane
Walter Cronkite
Marie Curie
Fedor Dostoevsky
Indira Gandhi
Felix Frankfurter
Michael Dukakis
Ruth Gordon
Billy Graham
Moss Hart
Katharine Hepburn
Rock Hudson
Eugene Ionesco
Mahali Jackson
James Jones
George S. Kaufman
Grace Kelly
Robert Kennedy
Hedy Lamarr
Vivien Leigh
Martin Luther
Charles Manson
Joseph McCarthy
Francois Mitterrand
Claude Monet
Pablo Picasso
George Paton
Georgia O'Keeiff
Sylvia Plath
Emily Post
Ezra Pound
Claude Raines
Dan Rader
Auguste Rodin
Will Rogers
Theodore Roosevelt
Herman Rorschach
Carl Sagan
Jonas Salk
Robert Louis Stevenson
Lee Strasberg
Billy Sunday
Joan Sutherland
Dylan Thomas
Leon Trotsky
Kurt Vonnegut
Evelyn Waugh
Stanford White

June 19, 1992 was taken into custody under Art. 90 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation on suspicion of stealing 55 wagons with diesel fuel from the Ukhta oil refinery in the amount of about 4 million rubles. The case was sent for investigation.

On December 19, 1999, he was elected to the State Duma of the Russian Federation of the third convocation in the Chukotka single-mandate constituency B No. 223.

In the State Duma, he did not enter any of the factions and deputy groups. Since February 2000 - Member of the State Duma Committee on the Problems of the North and the Far East.

Venedikt Erofeev. Writer (poem in prose "Moscow-Petushki"). Birthday: October 24, 1938. Date of death: 11/5/1990

In addition to the poem, which became almost the national anthem of Russia in the second half of the 20th century, V. Erofeev wrote the composition "Dmitry Shostakovich" (1972), the text of which was lost, the essay "Vasily Rozanov through the eyes of an eccentric" (1973), the essay-montage "My little Leniniana" (1974), the tragedy "Walpurgis Night, or the Steps of the Commander" (1985).

AT last years Venedikt Erofeev was thinking about a play about Fanny Kaplan, which was supposed to take place in modern Moscow at a glass container collection point. But perennial painful illness, which took away the voice of the writer, did not allow the plan to be realized.

Pablo Picasso was born on October 25, 1881 in the Spanish city of Malaga. Picasso received his first lessons in artistic skill from his father, a drawing teacher, and soon mastered them to perfection.

Johann Strauss (son) Composer, conductor and violinist. Birthday: October 25, 1825 Year of death: 1899

Like his father, Strauss traveled all over Europe with his orchestra; in 1872 he conducted four concerts in New York and fourteen in Boston, and also performed The Blue Danube with a 20,000-strong orchestra and choir. The fiftieth anniversary of Strauss' first performance at Dommeyer's restaurant, October 15, 1894, was celebrated throughout Vienna, with greetings from Bismarck, Verdi, Leoncavallo and many other celebrities.

Belonged to the symbolists of the "younger generation" (together with A. Blok, Vyach. Ivanov, S. Solovyov, Ellis). In 1904, the first collection of poems, Gold in Azure, was published, supplemented by a special section, Lyrical Fragments in Prose. A. Bely was one of the theorists of Russian symbolism of the "second wave", the developer of a new aesthetic worldview.

Singer Jennifer Flowers told the press that she had an affair with Bill Clinton that lasted twelve years. As a rule, such a scandal means the political collapse of a candidate for the presidency. Hillary saved her husband's career by appearing with him on the hit TV show 60 Minutes.

Hillary Clinton was the most powerful White House hostess in the history of the United States. She is a vain woman, well aware of her competence and her importance.

In history sexual relations her husband with White House intern Monica Lewinsky, Hillary again came to the defense of her husband. As if nothing had happened, she continued to travel around the country, speaking in support of Democrats running for Congress, and her popularity ratings grew by leaps and bounds.

Hillary is now a public politician herself. She won a seat in the Senate on the first try.

Thai by father and Chinese by mother, Vanessa spent the first three years of her childhood in Singapore, where she was born. After that, she moved to London with her mother, where she now lives. In addition to the violin, which Vanessa started learning at the age of five, she has been playing the piano since she was three years old.

Vanessa performed for the first time at the age of nine, at the age of ten she was already playing with the Philharmonie Orchestra. At the age of 13, she had records of three classical works on her account. At the age of fourteen, she began work on the album "The Violin Player", which soon after the release led the ratings in more than twenty countries. In 1996, Vanessa was nominated for "Best Artist of the Year" at the BRIT Awards, held in the UK. It is noteworthy that Vanessa became the first classical music performer to be nominated for this competition and awarded.

Niccolo Paganini. Violinist and composer. Birthday: October 27, 1782. Date of death: 05/27/1840

Born into the family of a small merchant. At the age of eleven, he gave an independent concert in Genoa (among the performed works - his own variations on the French revolutionary song "Carmagnola").

The personality of Paganini was surrounded by fantastic legends, which was facilitated by the originality of his "demonic" appearance and romantic episodes of his biography. The Catholic clergy persecuted Paganni for anti-clerical statements and sympathy for the Carbonari movement.

After the death of Paganini, the papal curia did not give permission for his burial in Italy. Only many years later, the ashes of Paganini were transported to Parma.

Paganini was the first violinist to use the game by heart in concert practice, he laid the foundations of modern violin technique, influenced the development of pianism and the art of instrumentation.

Cook made three times trip around the world, and 2 times as a captain.

On February 14, 1779, Captain Cook, as well as Corporal Thomas, Privates Hinks, Allen and Fatchett died at about 9 a.m. near the village of Kaavoloa on the island of Gwavy in a fight with the local population. The cause of the fight remains unknown to this day. According to the most reliable sources, the captain tried to sort out mutual complaints about theft. An accidental shot and misinterpreted gestures led to tragedy.