What role does the sun play in our planet? Research work on the topic: "The role of the Sun in the life of the Earth" Grade 5

  • 07.08.2020

It's hard to overestimate. It is thanks to him that life exists and people have the opportunity to enjoy every new day. The sun is a luminous ball of gas of colossal dimensions, in the depths of which complex processes take place, accompanied by a constant release of energy.

In the center of the star is an energy source that heats it up and does not allow it to cool down. The outer layers press on the substance of the inner ones, and the deeper, the stronger. When immersed in a star, along with pressure and temperature, the density increases. In the core, the temperature reaches 15,000,000 °C. Here, the synthesis of atoms of light chemical elements into atoms of heavier ones takes place. Although the radius of the core does not exceed a quarter of the total radius of the star, half of its entire mass is concentrated in it. The release of energy to the surface is a rather slow process. It takes millions of years for the photons to travel the distance from the nucleus to the photosphere, because they often change direction, return, collide. So, if the heart of the Sun stops, we will know about it only after a few millennia. With its radiation, the Sun has a direct impact on the processes taking place on Earth, starting from atmospheric phenomena and ending with the behavior of a person who has been observing this connection since ancient times. Long before the new era, the priests were well aware of the periods of the Earth's revolution around the Sun, calculated the length of the year and day, and predicted eclipses. However, this connection has been studied more thoroughly during the last centuries, when observation devices appeared. As it turned out, our star enveloped the Earth with very subtle and important connections. Sunspots, protuberances, torches, solar flares, coronal rays and other phenomena that affect terrestrial processes are combined under the general concept of solar activity.

The sun is “losing weight” by more than a billion kilograms per second. The culprit for this is the solar wind - a stream of particles blowing away from the surface of the Sun in different directions. Its nature and causes are not fully understood. The Earth is like a most complex mechanism with the most precise settings, which is sensitive to any influence from the outside, and, above all, the Sun. The sun's rays ionize air molecules, thus determining the level of cloudiness in the atmosphere. In this case, part of the energy is transferred to the atmosphere, causing the distribution of atmospheric pressure and affecting the amount of precipitation. Due to changes in atmospheric circulation, climate change occurs, which plays a key role for living beings. The Sun influences plants not only through the climate, but also directly. Charged particles that occur during solar storms cause a change in the Earth's magnetic field, which leads to an increase in the permeability of cell membranes and an increase in the efficiency of metabolic processes with the external environment, i.e. the plant can receive nutrients more intensively. In addition, due to solar activity, the number of various microorganisms changes. Climate fluctuations and plant growth cause cyclic changes in the populations of all animal species. Thus, the bio-sphere largely depends on solar activity. If hThe value of the Sun for the Earth can be estimated explicitly, then its explicit and implicit influencealthough it is spreading, it is rather difficult to delimit the spheres of this influence. In addition to climatic influences, the factor of influence on the vital activity of all microflora is important for him. The degree of a person's predisposition to certain diseases to a large extent depends on solar activity, taking into account fluctuations in the physicochemical reactions of the body. For example, cholera epidemics occurred during the years of greatest solar activity. Of course, people are too complex systems for the Sun to influence them directly. Most likely, this influence is indirect and not too high. Evidence of influence on behavior has also not been obtained, that is, a strict relationship between solar activity and the number of crimes, wars and other social upheavals has not been found. However, it would be rather naive to explain the processes in such a complex phenomenon as human society by the presence or absence of sunspots. However, the sun's rays still have a direct effect, mainly on the technical activities of people. These are magnetic storms, and hard radiation, which may cause electronics to fail, and if the Earth's surface is even more or less protected, then satellites suffer much more often. Astronauts also feel dangerous flashes, and, in addition, powerful emissions can deprive entire regions of radio communications and electricity. An increase in solar activity indicates that magnetic shifts are taking place. At this time, the polarity of the magnetic field disappears and spots form on the surface of the Sun, which are cooler regions (with a temperature in the range of 4500 ° C), which appear dark against the background of hot regions. Spots have a strong magnetic field, and when they move, “closures” of fields occur, intense solar flares develop here - this is the strongest manifestation of solar activity that affects the Earth, since in this case the entire array of the solar atmosphere is affected. In terms of energy, a flash can correspond to the solar energy that the Earth receives over the course of a year. This is approximately 100 times greater than the amount of thermal energy produced by burning all known oil, gas and coal reserves on Earth.

In 2009, British and Mexican astronomers calculated that there were 7.6 billion years left before the Earth was swallowed up by the Sun. These calculations, of course, do not say anything, since over such a long period of time the life of mankind will undergo a number of qualitative changes, which it is impossible to judge today.

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Table of contents

    Introduction ……………………………………………………………………… 2

    Chapter I. About what the sun is and how it looks …………………... 4

    Chapter II. Why do we need the sun …………………………………………….. 5

    Conclusion ………………………………………………………………… 8

    References ………………………………………………………... 9


Every day we see the sun in the sky. Everyone knows that the light of the Sun is important for plants, animals, and people. We wake up and walk when the sun is shining. And when he is not in heaven, then we sleep.

“The sun is shining brightly in the sky.

What for? And the earth is hot from the light At the same time. I want to know soon what's what. Sunshine, shine brighter! And I understand!

The purpose of the work: To learn what the Sun is, to show its significance in the life of animals, plants and humans.

    Find answers to questions: What is the Sun? What does it look like? What is the size of the Sun? Why is the Sun needed? Is it far from it? Why is it warm? Why is it day and night? Why are there summer and winter, spring and autumn? What planets other than Earth revolve around the Sun?

    Conduct experiments and observe plants and animals.

Everyone needs our work so that everyone understands that it is important to be observant, to love nature, to protect it.

The research work consists of an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion, a list of references, an appendix.

Chapter I. About what the Sun is and how it looks

When evening comes, the sky darkens and the brightest stars appear on it. Gradually the stars become more and more. How many? Many millions! say scientists who have studied photographs of the starry sky.

The Sun is the closest star to the Earth. It is a hot gas ball. Other stars are millions of times farther from us, so they seem to us only faint points in the dark sky.

According to our ideas, the Sun looks like this:

Compared to the billions of stars in the universe, our Sun is considered average in size, i.e. half of the other stars are larger than it and half are smaller. The Sun is 109 times larger than the Earth.

Chapter II. Why do you need the sun

Planets are cold celestial bodies. They, like our Earth, move around the Sun. The sun illuminates the planets, and therefore we can see them. Eight major planets revolve around the Sun - they are Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune.

From the Earth to the Sun is approximately 150,000,000 kilometers. In order to get to it, a tourist would need 15 thousand years, a car - 200 years, an airplane - 20 years, and an artificial satellite - 7 months.

The temperature on the surface of the Sun is 6,000 degrees. Inside the Sun, the temperature is even higher than on the surface - 15 million degrees. Solar energy in the form of light and heat is dissipated in outer space and after 150,000,000 km comes to Earth to give life to all living things. It takes only about eight minutes for the sun's rays to travel through outer space and reach the Earth.

Due to the attraction of the Sun, the Earth and other planets of the solar system are kept in their orbits. The energy of the Sun also determines the weather on Earth - the heat of the sun causes the movement of air (wind), as well as rain, enhances evaporation. Without sunlight and heat, all living things could not exist on Earth.

Light is life! Heat is a necessary condition for life.

We became interested to see what happens if the plant is placed in a dark place. For the experiment, we took 2 bulbs and put them in glasses of water for germination: one on the windowsill, the other in the closet. Two weeks later, they compared: in the light, the onion feathers grew shorter and greener, in the closet thinner, longer and yellow (Appendix). The bow with yellow feathers was left standing on the windowsill. A day later, it also turned green. From the book, I learned that in the light, plants release oxygen and get chlorophyll (green color) - food for plants.

Mom often turns indoor flowers on the windowsill in the other direction, because the leaves are constantly reaching for the light.

Every year our parents bring potatoes to a warm and bright place in the spring for germination. In heat, it quickly sprouts, and in the light it turns green. This is important for landing.

In December, we brought a willow twig to class and put it in the water. We noticed that the buds began to swell and by the end of January there were “fluffs” (Appendix).

Our teacher did not close the window in the classroom for the night and the flower on the windowsill froze (Appendix).

Plants serve as food for animals and humans. Animals in the light see and navigate better.

On the territory of our village there is a poultry farm where our parents work. According to the stories, we know that special artificial lighting and heat are installed in the buildings, so that the chickens lay eggs better and more.

We read that a frog is active when it is warm, and when it is cold, where it is, it freezes there.

In the light, people and animals receive vitamin D, which is necessary for health. The Sun has a positive effect on a person's mood.

They concluded that light and heat are necessary for the life of plants, animals and humans.

Everyone knows that it is light during the day and dark at night. Day happens on that part of the globe that is turned towards the Sun and is illuminated by its rays. And the other half of the Earth at this time is turned away from the Sun and is in the shadow. It's night there. The globe rotates all the time like a top, and therefore day and night succeed each other.

In summer, the sun rises high in the sky. The days are long and warm. And in winter the sun goes low in the sky. The days are short and cold. Why such difference? The Earth is a satellite of the Sun, and it goes around it once a year. When the Earth is located as shown in the first figure (Appendix), the Northern Hemisphere in which we live is better illuminated by the Sun, and we have summer at this time.

It is winter in the Southern Hemisphere at this time. Six months later, when the Earth moves so that it is on the other side of the Sun, as shown in the second figure (Appendix), the Northern Hemisphere will be poorly illuminated by the Sun, and there will be winter. And in the Southern Hemisphere at this time summer will come.

The sun can be beneficial and harmful. Harmful - if you do not follow the rules of behavior on the street when it's hot. You can get sunstroke if you don't wear a hat or get burned if you're on the beach for a long time. Useful, since the sun gives heat and light to all living organisms.

The sun does not shine all the time, so solar panels accumulate sunlight and generate electricity.


After studying the literature and making observations, we concluded that the Sun gives life to all life on Earth. And life without the Sun on Earth is impossible.

The goal of the work has been achieved - we have learned that the Sun is a star, which is a huge ball of hot gas. It is of great importance in the life of animals, plants and humans. The sun is a source of light and heat for the life of animals, plants and humans. Light is life for living organisms. And warmth is a necessary condition for life.

We got acquainted about the change of day and night, why there is winter and summer, spring and autumn. Learned how to work with books.

Everyone needs our work to understand how important it is to be observant, to love and protect nature.

A cloud is hiding behind the forest, The sun is looking from heaven. And so pure, Kind, radiant. If we got him, We would kiss him. (G. Boyko)

Bibliographic list

    D.V. Koshevar "Excellent encyclopedia" publishing house "AST", Moscow, 2015.

    D. Elliot and K. King "Children's Encyclopedia" publishing house "Rosmen-Press", Moscow, 2005.

    Internet site resources: http://otvetkak.ru/interesting-facts/planets/skolko-planet-v-solnechnoj-sisteme.html, http://www.kakprosto.ru/kak-883495-kakogo-razmera-solnce, http://shkolazhizni.ru/world/articles/4520/.


The sun plays a very important role in the life of our planet. It is the source of light and heat on Earth. Evaporation of water, precipitation, river flow, storms, thunderstorms, droughts and all other phenomena that determine the climate and weather on Earth depend on the heating of the Earth by the Sun and change depending on the changes that occur on the Sun.

So, according to V.I. Vernadsky, the most significant feature of the biosphere is the biogenic migration of atoms of chemical elements, caused by the radiant energy of the Sun and manifested in the process of metabolism, growth and reproduction of organisms Vernadsky V.I. Biosphere (selected works on biogeochemistry). M., 1967. - S. 56-61. .

A peculiar kind of cycles in the biosphere include its rhythmic changes. Rhythm is the repetition in time of a complex of processes that each time develop in one direction. At the same time, its two forms are distinguished: periodic - these are rhythms of the same duration (the time the Earth rotates around its axis) and cyclic - rhythms of variable duration. Periodicity in the biosphere is manifested in many processes: tectonic, sedimentation, climatic, biological, and many others. Rhythms are of different duration: geological, secular, intra-secular, annual, daily, etc.

Some rhythms are associated with uneven irradiation of the Earth due to its movement around the Sun. The change in the time of the equinoxes, the inclination of the axis of rotation to the ecliptic and the eccentricity of the earth's orbit corresponds to periods of about 21,000 years, 40,000 years, and about 92,000 years. These periods, identified by the Yugoslav scientist M. Milankovich, could be the cause of climatic fluctuations. Fundamentals of the doctrine of the biosphere. M., 1989. S. 108.

Solar radiation is the energy of solar radiation coming to Earth in the form of a stream of electromagnetic waves. The sun radiates powerful electromagnetic radiation around. Only one two-billionth of it enters the upper layers of the Earth's atmosphere, but even that is a huge number of calories per minute.

Not all of the energy flow reaches the Earth's surface. Most of it is thrown by the planet into the world space. The earth reflects the attack of those rays that are detrimental to the living matter of the planet. On their way to Earth, the sun's rays encounter an obstacle in the form of water vapor filling the atmosphere, carbon dioxide molecules and dust particles suspended in the air. The atmospheric "filter" absorbs a significant part of the rays, scatters them, reflects them. The reflectivity of clouds is especially high. As a result, the earth's surface directly receives only 2/3 of the radiation that is transmitted by the ozone screen, but much of this part is also reflected in accordance with the reflectivity of various surfaces.

A little more than 100 thousand calories per 1 cm2 per minute enter the entire surface of the Earth. This radiation is absorbed by vegetation, soil, the surface of the seas and oceans. It turns into heat, which is spent on heating the layers of the atmosphere, the movement of air and water masses, and the creation of all the great variety of life forms on Earth.

Solar radiation reaches the earth's surface in various ways:

1) direct radiation: the receipt of radiation directly from the Sun, if it is not covered by clouds;

2) diffuse radiation: the receipt of radiation from the firmament or clouds that scatter the sun's rays;

3) thermal radiation: radiation comes from the atmosphere heated as a result of exposure to radiation.

Direct and diffuse radiation enters only during the day and together they make up the total radiation. That solar radiation, which remains after the loss by reflection from the surface, is called absorbed. Solar radiation is measured with an actinometer.

Cosmic rays are a stream of high-energy particles falling on the Earth from all sides. Nuclear reactions in the high layers of the atmosphere are caused by cosmic rays of galactic rather than solar origin. And yet, the intensity of these cosmic rays is related to solar activity: the more spots on the Sun, the weaker the cosmic ray flux. This connection is carried out by the solar wind.

The solar wind at a distance of about 1013 m, i.e., at a distance of approximately fifty radii of the earth's orbit, compresses the lines of force of galactic magnetic fields. For more details, see: Byalko A.V. Our planet earth. M., 1989. S. 133. Cosmic rays propagate mainly along the magnetic field. Only the most energetic cosmic ray particles from the Galaxy can penetrate deep into this magnetic bubble around the Sun. The solar wind travels the distance to its border in half a year - a year. When the Sun is quiet, the solar wind is weaker, the boundary of the solar magnetosphere moves closer and becomes less dense. As a result, the intensity of cosmic rays reaching the Earth and the proportion of 14C in atmospheric carbon dioxide increase.

The thermal radiation of the Sun is constant. Solar activity changes only the short-wave, non-thermal part of the radiation at wavelengths less than 100 nm. This region, however, accounts for less than 1% of the total solar luminosity. The short-wave part of solar radiation does not penetrate through the upper layers of the earth's atmosphere. Therefore, solar activity practically does not change the heat flux coming to our planet, and has almost no effect on the Earth's weather. Variable short-wave radiation from the Sun significantly changes the state of only the outermost shell of the earth's atmosphere.

Both winds and currents are caused by radiation from the Sun falling on the Earth. It gives energy to the movements of the atmosphere and the ocean. This energy dissipates, turns into heat, and in this case friction forces actually arise. However, these forces are internal. For each such force that slows down the rotation of the planet, according to Newton's third law, there is an equal and opposite force that accelerates the rotation of the Earth. The total moment of all internal forces is equal to zero. Solar radiation does not change the angular momentum of the Earth - winds and currents do not, on average, slow down the Earth and do not accelerate it.

Thanks to the sun, life appeared on our planet, sunlight provides the vital activity of all living things. The benefits of the sun are clear and undeniable. But recently, there has been an opinion about the dangers of exposure to ultraviolet rays on the human body. A variety of data are regularly cited, allegedly confirming the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation on human skin.

Today, the fact has already been absolutely proven that it is possible to successfully avoid certain diseases, including cancer, by eating foods or preparations containing this vitamin leads a person to certain health problems, up to the occurrence of malignant tumors. The main source of vitamin D is a variety of animal products, but the largest amount of cholecalciferol (vitamin D) is formed in the layers of the skin under the influence of ultraviolet rays.

The sun's rays provide harmonious health, but prolonged exposure to the sun is very dangerous for a person, it can cause not only but also overheating. As a result, dehydration of the body, heat stroke, sunburn are fraught with skin cancer.

With prolonged exposure to the sun, you need to drink a lot of water, and existing moles on an open surface must be protected from direct sunlight, for this it is enough to seal the mole with a band-aid. When staying in bright sunlight during the daytime, it is advisable to use special protective equipment for the skin, glasses and a hat.

Dosed, but sufficient exposure to sunlight allows a person to get stronger, get the necessary supply of vitamins. With moderate exposure, the benefits of the sun are an obvious fact. It is sunlight that improves mood, vision, hearing, normalizes the functioning of the circulatory system, and speeds up metabolic processes. Solar energy accelerates recovery in various diseases of the skin, nasopharynx. Bright sunlight helps to heal even depression.

Each person determines the time spent in the sun for himself based on the condition of the skin and general health, and if necessary, on the advice of a doctor.

The amount of ultraviolet in sunlight depends on the angle at which the rays fall. Naturally, in the summer at noon, ultraviolet rays are much more than at noon in autumn or spring. Therefore, spending a few winter hours under the sunlight can be much more beneficial than spending half an hour in the sunlight on a hot summer afternoon.

The intensity of ultraviolet radiation depends on many factors. These are the terrain, the percentage of air humidity, the presence of a reservoir in the immediate vicinity, the proximity of industrial facilities, and the gas content of the environment. A polluted atmosphere reduces exposure to ultraviolet rays by about a quarter.

Research shows that the benefits of the sun are at their highest at dawn or dusk.

Charging with solar energy, the body receives a powerful positive impulse, the mood is evened out, the nervous system calms down. Sunbathing is the best stress reliever. Observing the well-known rules of being in the sun, you can get an attractive appearance, a lot of positive emotions, vivid impressions, recharge your batteries, improve your health, and prevent various diseases. Take care of your health!