Pisces man, attitude towards women and sexual addictions. Pisces woman and Pisces man are two halves of one whole, compatibility in love of sensual signs

  • 11.10.2019

Compatibility horoscope: compatibility of zodiac signs Pisces woman and Pisces man - the most Full description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

The relationship between a Pisces woman and a Pisces man is confused, incomprehensible, there are a lot of “buts”, and, despite the similarity, they are somewhat strange for each other. Marriages between Pisces are concluded quite often, but the success and duration of such a marriage entirely depends on them. The zodiac sign of Pisces characterizes their chaotic movement through life. There is no certainty, specifics, a lot of secrets and isolation. The course of life, which carried them into the same river of relationships, will force them to reckon with similar character traits in their chosen one.

Pisces woman and man are quiet, peaceful, calm people for those around you. They are burdened by responsibility, they will have to choose for a long time who is in charge in the family, constantly shifting the burden of leadership on each other. They like to be on the sidelines of events, watching various stories or the lives of other people, selflessly criticizing or analyzing people's actions, simply gossip.

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The couple have the same interests, they like everything unknown, unknown to mankind. Often they can be found behind deep philosophical arguments about the meaning of life, about other planets or the other world. Both believe everything and everyone, are easily suggestible, someone else's word is authoritative for them, especially if the information is gleaned from print media or TV.

They are very acutely aware of falsehood and quickly react to it, but at the same time, it will also not be difficult for them to “powder their brains”. Both try not to stand out in life, lead, as a rule, a reclusive lifestyle, trying not to attract extraneous attention to themselves. Pisces are endowed with sensitive intuition, sometimes they see prophetic dreams or signs that promise upcoming changes. By directing their abilities in a professional direction, guided by them, they could achieve good results.

The Pisces woman understands and sees her man literally through and through. Her insight will not miss a single detail and change of mood. Conflicts and quarrels pass quietly without shouting and noise, and only because of minor misunderstandings. The Pisces man feels comfortable, cozy with the Pisces woman, he is impressed by the same carefree and easy outlook on life. He does not need to remind or control his chosen one; in alliance with her, he completely trusts her.

The love of Pisces is on an invisible level, intangible, intangible, magical. They are drawn to each other, they are always together, they are rarely seen apart. For outsiders, their union seems to be a real still pool, and no one really knows what kind of relationship there is.

In relationships, a special place is given to love, respect, feelings, even if they are not ostentatious and not visible to everyone. In disagreements, they always find a compromise and a solution to problems. The couple is faithful and honest with each other and aims only for a peaceful and kind existence in marriage for many years.

Pisces Woman and Pisces Man Compatibility

Being a mirror image of the signs of the zodiac from Aries to Aquarius, Pisces is both the final path of the old and the start of a new cycle in nature. Only individual horoscopes can show the nuances of any of the personas of this sign, because Pisces are very versatile personalities. But a single psychological characteristic applies to all signs of the zodiac, and Pisces is no exception:

The main goal of Pisces is the pursuit of beauty, spirituality, and the ideal. Penetrate the mysteries of existence and reach supreme harmony These are the goals they are trying to achieve. The people of this zodiac sign are united by excessive daydreaming and sensitivity. In anticipation of better and more profitable opportunities, they miss out on the valuable that lies on the surface. They are too inattentive to notice good luck.

Both the woman and the man of the water sign of the zodiac often identify themselves with the environment, adjusting to the situation around them. Pisces girl is easily influenced, can be very malleable and receptive. Of the existing signs of the zodiac, Pisces are the most contrasting - they are either very insidious or very conscientious.

Subordinating to the water element, people of this sign in life create fog, chaos and muddy the water. Weakly use criticality, therefore, in order to combat temptations, it is necessary to strengthen the inner core. Both a man and a woman Pisces are able to keep silent and keep silent important information. For them, a special role is played by upbringing in childhood and the attention of parents at the beginning of their life.

Their passion is secrets, riddles and hidden places. Often a Pisces girl is interested in psychology and connects her work with this science. This is the most musical sign of the zodiac. The central problem of Pisces is their confusion in thinking, which they find difficult to cope with. Representatives of the zodiac Pisces perceive the world intuitively.

The compatibility of two lovers of the same zodiac sign in the case of Pisces is quite high. Everything is determined by the perception of the partner, life principles, family norms and personal qualities. Pisces has excellent compatibility in the emotional and spiritual spheres. The prospect of high-quality and long-term interaction is possible if a woman and a man bring themselves to a realistic worldview.

Another stumbling block may well be the lack of responsibility and commitment of partners. Neither a man nor a woman is ready to take all the responsibilities on themselves, giving preference to the second half. Therefore, without someone's initiative, such a couple is not destined to be together for a long time.

Difficult-to-achieve harmony between lovers will appear if both have practicality. Although such impressive compatibility is achieved with the help of compliance and calmness, which Pisces does not hold. Pisces woman and Pisces man may question their compatibility due to unpredictable developments in personal life. In the initial stages of a relationship, passion takes on the form of an all-consuming and spontaneous, despite the amazing romance and tender feelings for each other. Pisces are almost constantly subject to the illusory world built by them personally.

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The inability to get out of there for one person leads to luring his partner into this web. The psychological instability of Pisces, their inconsistency in alliance with a person of an identical zodiac sign doubles both negative and positive traits. The following aspects should be taken into account for such couples:

  • It is advisable to opt for a mature partner. Since their compatibility in this case is enhanced due to energy, self-confidence and strong-willed decisions.
  • A distinctive feature of Pisces is early marriage. This is not a particularly suitable relationship for family life. Common problems have to be solved by the parents of the spouses.
  • In the union, Pisces acquire various bad habits which were not observed before marriage.
  • The changeable mood of the representatives of this sign turns into frequent scandals with a bad mood. Which are then replaced by repentance, forgiveness and a short peace.

By avoiding household chores and hoping for a partner's help, Pisces have earned a reputation as not economic individuals. And such behavior reflects badly on life together, when both spouses do not seek to take on the required part of the obligations. Inability to properly allocate finances. Inactivity and alcohol, which help to avoid stress and send Pisces into the world of illusions, alienate them from their husband or wife. For this reason, the couple can drown in uncertainty and deceit.

In general, the Pisces woman and Pisces man is a very fruitful combination of most zodiac signs. They will have to go a long and burdensome way to reach mutual understanding without words and learn to perceive a partner without reproaches. Half of marriages suddenly fall apart. But the man and woman who remain together find support in their loved one, the foundation for building a strong family and reliable support in old age, so their relationship lasts for many years.

The only serious disadvantage may be their need for hard experiences and suffering. Pulling into the arms of longing and loneliness, the native water element will become a destructive point in the relationship of Pisces. The source of happiness is simple - such a couple should travel more often and engage in different activities. To have time to get bored and happily plunge into the next stage of a strong family life.

Horoscope of compatibility of a woman and a man with the zodiac signs Pisces and Pisces

Love compatibility of a couple Pisces woman and Pisces man

Compatibility horoscope promises interesting union this couple. They will easily understand each other, because they are a complete reflection of each other.

Pisces girl and Pisces guy will be an excellent couple, true friends and associates, whose relationship will be very relaxed and harmonious.

The main difficulty for this union will be the fact that both are indecisive and like to soar in the clouds. There is a risk that they will be so preoccupied with dreams and fantasies that they will lose their sense of reality.

It will be difficult for them to cope with difficulties, since none of them will be able to look at the problem through the eyes of a realist. However, one of them will have to dominate the relationship and take responsibility for solving problems.

In the first years of marriage, the marriage of this couple will be romantic and carefree. They will often be attached to shared fantasies and dreams. Soon they will get a slap in the face from the cruel reality. And when this happens, both will hide in a world invented by them, and each will expect some action from the partner.

However, this marriage is not doomed to failure as they live in harmony with each other. This couple must learn to solve their own problems without relying on someone else to do it.

Try to look at the world with wide eyes, be more determined and you will be able to solve any problem.

If this man and this woman have true feelings for each other, then they are able to overcome any problems.

What makes this union so successful is the complete mutual understanding of the partners. For the sake of each other's happiness, they are able to go to great lengths.

They just need to take off their rose-colored glasses and find a rational way to solve problems.

Pisces man and Pisces woman compatibility in love and marriage


Psychological compatibility Pisces men and Pisces women in a relationship

Pisces relationships can be illustrated as follows: two drops of water barely touch each other until a slight breeze of wind merges them together. In order for these two to become a single whole, heavy impact is not required at all, since the peculiarities of the nature of Pisces allow them to dissolve without problems in a partner. Changeable water signs are incredibly susceptible to other people's influences, and therefore they bring a whole bunch of outsiders into their relationships. psychological attitudes. Every person a Pisces has ever met is forever "written" in their souls, including parents (especially mothers), brothers, sisters, lovers, teachers and friends. The relationship between a Pisces man and a Pisces woman is the sum of the collective experience of both. It's never clear who exactly this union brings together, but there is an attraction between them, so the connection will certainly be interesting.

Sexual Compatibility Pisces Man and Pisces Woman

Pisces are prone to merging. They become one with a partner and enjoy the various manifestations of his sexuality. In response, they demonstrate to others the magic of their inner world.

Pisces-men and Pisces-women should take into account the danger of final dissolution in a partner. It is good if they are aware of their addiction to this kind of behavior, but this is not available to most of them. So one day they may suddenly find themselves worrying about how their lover will react to the way they tie their own shoes. However, by that time, as they say, the train had already left. In spite of such negative phenomena, Pisces can find solace in different kind sexual "quirks". When they meet in the bedroom, it makes sense that at least one of them don't wear latex and leather.

Business Compatibility Pisces Man and Pisces Woman

Business partnerships and professional relationships related to creative business ventures or the arts can work between two Pisces. But as colleagues or in a combination of boss-employee, they are not recommended to work.

Pisces-Pisces Compatibility: What you need to know about each other

Pisces, you are without a doubt the most complex of the zodiac signs. Your way of being, against the background of the lack of an inner core, is amazing to most people. Pisces men and Pisces women like to live without rules and act according to their instincts, not logic. You are changeable and easily influenced by others - often without noticing it - which causes a desire to escape from reality through alcohol, drugs, spiritual practices or through television.

As a rule, you are religious and, at worst, can isolate yourself from the world with your ideals, allowing only those people or information that correspond to your beliefs to reach you. Without internal restraints, you need some system of spiritual balances that would not allow you to go crazy. Since Pisces men and Pisces women are not able to develop a specific role model in their soul, your commitment to any particular person should often be seen as an attempt to protect yourself from other influences. The relationship between Pisces-men and Pisces-women can result in mutual recriminations and a struggle for power (much depends on the location of the planets in their natal charts), but you have an innate capacity for compassion to avoid such a plot.

Compatibility Pisces men and Pisces women: chances for the future

Despite all of the above. Pisces can still form an affectionate relationship based on mutual care and understanding. Pisces are capable of strong love and affection for their chosen ones. They are also so compassionate that they literally wouldn't hurt a fly. The combination of such deeply feeling and compassionate people can lead to the formation of a stable pair of like-minded people. To some, their relationship will probably seem frivolous, but Pisces does not care. Pisces men and Pisces women must keep their partners from falling into excessive drama, or at least curb his tendency to overly deeply empathize with someone else's pain. They are usually incredibly strong and able to frighten even the worst bully, but do not be fooled by them - in fact, they are the greatest humanists. This connection, of course, has the right to exist, if each of them recognizes as acceptable to himself a set of qualities that make up the personality of his partner. but maybe they'd be better off just being friends.

Is there any compatibility between a Pisces man and a woman

Compatibility in love relationships of representatives of the same horoscope sign is an ambiguous matter. Pisces woman and Pisces man are absolutely identical in character. Despite this, it can be said for sure about such a couple that boredom and the absence of pronounced emotions are not about them. Representatives of this sign of the horoscope are impractical, dreamy and often lack initiative.

Compatibility between Pisces and Pisces

A distinctive feature of both women and men is the need for love, they can be safely called loving, and sex is far from last in their list of vital needs. The relationship of this couple depends on who takes the lead, and this is difficult, since both are rather passive. An established couple, where he is Pisces and she is Pisces, is like Siamese twins: partners always try to stick together. They don't go to events one by one, and they have fun at boring parties because they communicate mostly with each other.

Looking at a happy pair of fish, others often feel envy at the sight of sincere passion and love with some detachment from the outside world.

Marriage of two fish

In the family life of Pisces women and Pisces men, compatibility in love does not play any role. The percentage of success in such a relationship is 50/50. They will become a happy couple only if everyone works on the relationship. When they meet, a connection instantly flashes between them, they literally eat each other with their eyes, so a fairy tale romance begins with romantic deeds and violent passions.

Unfortunately, it is the boats of the representatives of the zodiac sign Pisces that break into everyday life. Big influence the representatives of this sign are affected by the moon, strengthening their desire for spiritual and esoteric quests. At an early age, Pisces girls are overly dreamy, it is difficult for them to leave the world of their fantasies and devote themselves to their families. Young men of this sign devote too much time to finding themselves and their place in the world, which also does not contribute to the upbringing of responsibility. They do not know how to answer both for the material side and for the interpersonal side.

Difficulties in family life

When each of the partners is not confident in himself and is afraid of losing his soul mate, mistrust invariably appears in a couple. For a pair of fish who understand each other perfectly, a little mystery of each spouse is only welcome, but it is extremely important not to cross the line between easy mystery and isolation in oneself.

If a man and a woman are too open, they simply lose interest in each other. These people should not be together at work: every day spent separately gives a reason to get bored and arrange a romantic date in the evening, even if the spouses have been married for many years.

The influence of the eastern horoscope on the compatibility of fish

The compatibility of the zodiac signs Pisces and Pisces is also strongly influenced by the eastern horoscope, because regardless of the signs of the zodiac, the year of birth and its symbol have a certain impact on everyone.

The most successful pairs of fish, taking into account the eastern horoscope:

  • Bull (aka ox) and Snake;
  • Ox and Rooster;
  • Snake and Rooster;
  • two Snakes, two Bulls or two Roosters.

Such couples are more successful than others, due to the fact that these three signs of the eastern horoscope are executive, selfless and purposeful. The imprint of these qualities allows Pisces to be closer to the earth and the material world.

An equally successful result will bring the compatibility of Pisces in pairs.

  • Tiger - Horse
  • Tiger - Dog
  • Horse - Dog
  • two Dogs, two Horses, two Tigers.

This union of strength and stability will be added by the focus of people born under these signs on serving others. But at the same time they are assertive, proactive and hardworking.

The outcome of the marriage between Pisces and Pisces will not be the happiest if the partners were born in the year of the Cat (Rabbit or Hare), Dragon, Goat. Representatives of these signs themselves are emotional, selfish and quick-tempered, which does not leave a very good imprint on the nature of dreamy partners. In addition, such people are very sensitive and artistic even without zodiac influence.

Pisces born in the year of the Boar, Rat or Monkey are very initiative, but they do not go further than the initiative. These people simply gush with ideas that they never put into practice, and the union of such dreamers most often leads to collapse.

The joys of marriage

If one of the spouses has decided to become the leader of the family and firmly adheres to the chosen role, the compatibility horoscope of Pisces and Pisces will be the envy of many other couples. Partners can remain in love throughout their lives. The main thing is to be able to miss each other so that each meeting is like the first. Children from such a union grow up surrounded by love, care and tenderness.

A wife who does not need to spend her energy on earning money becomes an excellent housewife. These women are true keepers of the hearth, who serenely take care of their beloved home, hiding behind the reliability of their husbands, who pay tribute to the family at work. Love in the relationship of such families is visible in everything from how they go shopping together to how they eat.

Compatibility in sex: he is a Pisces and she is a Pisces

The sexual life of this couple is much more successful than the family one, but, unfortunately, it is impossible to keep a partner with the help of sex alone. In bed, the fish are 100 percent compatible. The compatibility of Pisces and Pisces in sexual relationships is largely built on the partners' propensity for fantasy. Girls of this sign are sexually liberated, and men are skillful and active. Their love games can take place everywhere: not only at home, but also at work, in the cinema, etc., they eat each other with their eyes, flirt and flirt, so that after some time they merge with their bodies.

Compatibility Pisces man and Pisces woman. Together

ARIES + PISCES - Compatibility - Astrotypologist Dmitry Shimk

Compatibility Pisces man and Aries woman. Together

Compatibility Sagittarius man and Pisces woman. Together

Unfortunately, a family cannot be built on sex alone. But relying solely on the horoscope is also not worth it. Whatever the compatibility of the couple according to the horoscope, every relationship is a special case. Every love story can grow into a long and happy family life. For two representatives of this sign, it is important to remember not only the bright feelings of the partner, but also his needs in material terms. Any relationship and marriage is work, each spouse daily cultivates tolerance for the partner’s shortcomings, the ability to find a compromise between desire and necessity, responsibility for themselves and their family members.

If he is Pisces and she is Pisces, then their union will not be like the compatibility of other zodiacs. The two of them are united by common character traits, which, however, can turn against them if one of the partners does not dare to take on the burden of responsibility and face reality.

Pisces woman and Pisces man zodiac sign compatibility

Characteristics of the union Pisces woman - Pisces man

They know how to get along well with each other. Together, Pisces will never be bored. The similarity in characters will only please them, and not bother them. They are both compliant, calm, sensitive and form a fairly strong couple. In this union, partners are primarily interested in emotions, and they will have no problems with this.

Pisces man is extremely sensitive to the violation of his emotional peace. He does not like it when assertive and active personalities unceremoniously break into his inner world. The Pisces woman is the exact opposite of her soul mate. She is friendly, calm, moderately sociable, not assertive, cheerful, but at the same time, she does not try to become the soul of the company. The Pisces man will immediately find with her mutual language.

Remarkably, representatives of this zodiac sign, most often they get acquainted not in clubs, at exhibitions, or in restaurants, but in a completely different setting: at work or in a friendly company. Pisces are not reserved, gloomy people, they appreciate and love the company, but there is always something else hidden behind their fun. This duality of mood is especially noticeable in those moments when they are resting, working or studying something, that is, they are engaged in those matters in which it is difficult to be outwardly detached and immersed in oneself. This layer of mood can be called a deeper one, which will be best seen by other Pisces. It is they who will clearly see this salient feature a fellow sign, and, seeing their own reflection in it, Pisces will be drawn to other Pisces.

A woman and a man of this zodiac sign are subconsciously compatible - they are attracted, therefore, in order to win each other, they do not need special tricks. Their softness, kindness and similarity of characters will do everything for them.

Family union of Pisces woman and Pisces man

Pisces woman and man always stick together. They rarely go to any events alone. In the company of friends, they are friendly, cheerful and easy to communicate with. Sometimes one gets the impression that, along with a general conversation, they have a relationship with each other.

telepathic dialogue - they understand each other so well. It should be noted that no matter what company Pisces are in, they never get bored: if they become uninterested in what is happening around, then they always have a good, loving and understanding interlocutor nearby.

The main thing for which Pisces strive for a joint union is love. This keyword which characterizes their relationship. Neither a profitable union, nor passion, nor anything else, but true and sincere love. Next to each other, having managed to overcome obstacles on the way to an ideal union, Pisces gain tenderness, care and other real feelings. They are extremely devoted and faithful to each other, therefore they avoid rudeness, lies and all sorts of rash acts in their own behavior.

They have excellent sexual compatibility and moral harmony. When children appear in such a family, they grow up in an atmosphere of kindness, love and tenderness. Regarding the financial situation of Pisces, it is not easy to say something definite: they are indifferent to money, but this cannot exclude the possibility that they may have a highly paid profession or wealthy relatives.

Difficulties in the union of a Pisces woman and a Pisces man

It should be noted that the difficulties of this couple are quite obvious and lie in the problems of everyday life, because Pisces is not particularly practical. But this is the biggest difficulty of their union. Domestic problems divert attention to themselves, seem to be the main problem, and Pisces strive to solve them as soon as possible, not noticing the main thing at this time. The true problem between a woman and a Pisces man is hidden in themselves, which is why it is the most difficult to find and fix.

The patron of the zodiac sign Pisces is Neptune. This is the planet of illusions. But illusions are not only useful, but also harmful. The source of harmful illusions lies in deceit, insincerity and lies. The absence of truth creates an illusion, showing the world as completely different from what it really is. The second source of harmful illusions is any actions that “disconnect” a person from reality (low-intellectual series, implausible reality shows, social networks, etc.). In addition, the illusion can be created by high doses of alcohol and drugs. All of the above can distort the true understanding of the feeling of love in Pisces and alienate them from each other. Unfortunately, most people of the Pisces sign are extremely impressive with one of these illusions. And it often happens that they try to find refuge in them from quarrels and scandals that are caused by domestic problems.

How to avoid difficulties in the relationship between a woman and a Pisces man?

In order not to lie to each other and not to get entangled in your own deception, in order not to hide from your partner’s problems behind the created illusions, you need to find more constructive solution Problems. Neptune is a symbol of deception, but, in addition, it also symbolizes falling in love. Pisces need to love each other, constantly fueling this feeling with romantic dates and sincere compliments. They need to fill the relationship with their own phrases, favorite music, or travel to places that can be called significant in their relationship. This will help bring back those romantic feelings that they had at the very beginning of the relationship. As for drugs and alcohol, Pisces men and women have an increased risk of getting involved in such things. Only real strong feelings will help to refrain from this.

Compatibility of Pisces women and Pisces men in business

If you do not take into account the fact that Pisces are people of a not particularly business nature, then there is nothing to object to their joint cooperation. They perfectly understand each other, rarely show aggression, easily adapt to any situation. And even their penchant for constant intrigues is not terrible, since a woman and a man are not interested in intrigues and discussing employees together, and in business matters they rarely reach those peaks where intrigues can cause significant damage to the company.

Pisces woman and man understand each other well, are not subject to scandals and easily adapt to working together. If the professional sphere does not imply frequent hands-on work, then this business parameter is not bad to show itself. And, here, as for their own business, they do not have enough leadership qualities for this. Most likely, both partners will prefer to dream rather than implement, so the success of their own business is very doubtful and can manifest itself, at most, in the creative field.

If the Pisces woman is the boss and the Pisces man is the subordinate

A Pisces man can be a good subordinate, but a woman of this sign is unlikely to be able to correctly set goals and take control of employees. Therefore, the performance of her subordinates is not too high, especially for the Pisces man, who is not distinguished by initiative and self-discipline. On the other hand, such an employee will not try to take the place of the boss, like many others who have felt her weaknesses. Therefore, in such an alliance they will have a fairly good relationship (but this will negatively affect the very process of work).

If the Pisces woman is a subordinate and the Pisces man is the boss

Unlike the Pisces woman, the man of this sign often imitates the process of vigorous activity, affecting global projects, and creating turmoil and confusion among subordinates. In such a situation, the Pisces woman tries to protect herself from what is happening at work, and tries not to participate in the vigorous activities of those who have little understanding of the boss and have not yet realized that his energy will not be enough for a long time.

The compatibility of fish and fish in a marriage is quite high, since the two representatives of the water sign get along remarkably well with each other. Due to the fact that their characters are similar, they can form strong alliances - cooperation, friendship or love affair.

However, such an alliance has its own characteristics that you should be aware of. We learn from the horoscope about the compatibility of fish and fish in marriage and other areas.

How to create an alliance with a fish man

The male half of the water sign of the zodiac appreciates its inner world and loves to adhere to harmony in everything. He will not be comfortable in the company of emotional and quick-tempered people.

For this reason, a fish man often chooses a fish wife as his companion. This is due to the fact that she has a calm, balanced character. She can achieve what she wants without the onslaught, by pressing the right buttons and influencing certain receptors of the man's fish. Although it is often not necessary to resort to female tricks, a common language is found by itself.

Where to meet a Pisces man

How can two fish find themselves in the ocean? A female fish needs to look for a partner in non-standard places, as he does not like to attend exhibitions, does not wander around the evening streets and does not sit in in social networks looking at photo. His time is taken up by having fun with colleagues or friends. In alliance with fish, you won’t be bored, fun, and smiles will always be there. But do not consider them frivolous and superficial, it is not. Despite the fact that the fish man is the soul of the company and the ringleader, he has a thin, vulnerable soul that can sincerely love and be devoted.

If two representatives of the water element meet in a company, they themselves will swim towards each other, as they can be a reflection and continuation of each other at the same time.

How do two fish pair up?

If two fish meet in a body of water, it is almost impossible to separate them. It is unlikely that they will separately attend friends' birthdays or go to exhibitions. Only together will they feel complete and whole. For others, such a couple is an example of family relationships:

  • gallant man
  • Attentive woman
  • Joint Dialogue
  • Common interests

And this is not the whole list of properties that others see. It is worth saying that the fish couple does not have to be bored. Even in the company of librarians, they will find something to do and cheer up the company.

FISH+FISH - Compatibility - Astrotypologist Dmitry Shimko

Pisces Man and Pisces Woman Compatibility

Compatibility Horoscope - Pisces

If you try to characterize the union of two fish in one word, then this word is Love with a capital letter. Moreover, this feeling is not overshadowed by profit or lust, only 100 percent love. Such a union can only be envied. In family life there is no place for omissions and lies, and rudeness and disrespect always remain outside the family raft.

In addition to full love compatibility Pisces man and Pisces woman, they have complete order in bed. Children in such unions are born and grow up in love and go into adulthood, bringing love and happiness.

Stumbling blocks in the union of two aquatic inhabitants

Despite the rosy description of the water couple, there are certain difficulties that each such union faces. Pisces man and woman are too carried away by wonderful feelings and forget about earthly hardships, it is safe to say that everyday problems can lead fish representatives into a stupor. Difficulties arise in such banal questions:

  • Cooking food
  • Buying products
  • financial management and so on

The thing is that the illusory planet Neptune directs the thinking of fish creatures, so it’s simply not interesting for them to think about something mundane, it’s easier to live in the illusion that everything is fine, and utility bills, for example, will pay off by themselves.

Often, representatives of the water sign of the zodiac move away from pressing problems into their familiar world of illusions, but they can find it in alcohol, and sometimes even in drugs.

How to strengthen the union of two fish

How can a marriage between two fish be saved, how can one not let problems escape into a fictional world that can only aggravate the situation? First of all, you need to be considerate friend to a friend, do not forget about small gifts and romantic trifles. When choosing between watching the next series or completing a level in a computer game, prefer a family, even with problems and unresolved tasks.

As for misunderstandings and disagreements, do not accumulate them, but solve them as they come. It is much easier to solve the problem right away, taking a minimum of time, than to unwind a clod of hostility and misunderstanding. If you follow this principle, the likelihood of turning to alcohol and drugs is not so great.

What is the compatibility of fish in professional activities

Speaking about the compatibility of the zodiac signs of fish and fish in work, you need to remember that this zodiac sign flies more in the clouds than others. However, the fish is distinguished by good working capacity and well-coordinated work in a team, especially if there are as many as two fish in it.

If there were squabbles at the workplace, then with the advent of fish inhabitants, they can worsen. These representatives of the signs of the zodiac, in connection with the desire for communication, will be happy to participate in gossip and discussions, sometimes they can become the initiators of boycotts. However, it is worth saying that the fish know where to stop, so things will not go further than gossip, and the organization in which they work will not suffer damage.

Can fish become business partners

Are these two characters compatible at work? If a fish man and a fish woman become full partners in a joint business, the nature of their cooperation changes radically. There will be no place for those squabbles and intrigues that were written about earlier. Work can in some cases absorb them completely, leaving no room for feelings and emotions. However, success will accompany in any endeavors.

If emotions overwhelm your head, you will most likely have to forget about business. Since doing two things at the same time is not a lot for this zodiac sign.

If a woman is a leader, and a man is a fish subordinate

Pisces tend to obey, as they are used to being led. For this reason, the fish man in the role of a performer is ideal, as he will perform the tasks assigned to him unquestioningly. The question is, can a Pisces woman be a leader? The answer to this question is ambiguous. Due to the dreaminess of this zodiac sign and the personal ambitions of the director, the activities of the organization may come to a standstill sooner or later.

From positive traits such an alliance at work, it should be noted that a male fish will never get in the way of his boss. What can not be said about other employees who often take advantage of the weak points of the fish woman and try by all means to take her place.

When a man leads and a woman obeys

In the case when the fish man runs the processes in the organization, the work is in full swing. However, this is often just the visible part of the iceberg. If you dig deeper, you can see unorganized work processes and irrational organization of work.

It is difficult to work in such teams, since no one really understands their function and does not know the ultimate goal to which it is worth going. In such situations, the fish woman prefers to step aside and not take active steps. This is because she understands what is happening and can predict what such irrational leadership will lead to.

Is friendship between a man and a woman a fish possible?

Above, it was told about love relationships and about the joint professional activities of two fish. How are things in the matter of friendship, what is their compatibility? Pisces can find a common language with each other, as they have common interests and similar views on the world. Therefore, it is safe to say that there will be friendship between the two fish.

It is worth saying that fish can and can be friends. But due to close communication, there is always the possibility that seemingly harmless friendly gatherings can sooner or later develop into something more.

Sexual life of fish

The union of fish is good in all plans, including sexual relations, so we can say that the sexual compatibility of a man's fish and a woman's fish is great. In connection with complete harmony and mutual understanding, they will perfectly understand and feel each other in bed. At the very beginning of the relationship, both representatives of the Pisces zodiac sign are open to sexual experiments, which adds color and taste to life together. In the future, the fuse may decrease, but sex will remain an integral part of seminal life.

fish man and sex

A male fish opens up with a partner who can clearly say what she wants from him and what exactly gives her pleasure. To independently find an approach, spend time on long preludes and search erogenous zones, the male fish will not. But on the other hand, if the partner gives instructions in bed, the courageous fish will be extremely uncomfortable and the sex life will crack.

What excites a man born under the sign of a fish? First of all, the rejection of the ordinary. That is, the partner should be ready for experiments, both on his initiative and independently offer innovations in bed.

What is a fish woman in sex

A fish woman is a skilled lover, and this cannot but lure a fish man. Erotic lingerie, subdued lights, a few candles, rose petals and relaxing music under the light of the moon - this is how the ideal sex of a fish woman seems to be.

It is worth saying that the romantic mood is far from the main component intimate life fish girls, novelty and looseness of a partner are important to her. No need for long preludes and words, a fish woman is always hot and ready for sex, as she is used to getting the most out of it. It is believed that fish are so skillful in the matter of sex that the author of the Kama Sutra must have been a fish according to the sign of the zodiac.

In conclusion, we say that the union of two fish can be safely called one of the most successful. Of course, it has features and problems, but they can and should be dealt with, maintaining harmony in relationships, since compatibility in love relationships is high.

Compatibility in love Pisces and Sagittarius cannot be called cloudless. These are signs that are too different with values ​​and interests that are far from each other. They are ruled by the opposite elements of Water and Fire. But still Sagittarius in love with Pisces can live happily ever after.

Relationship between Sagittarius woman and Pisces man

The physical attraction between a Sagittarius woman and a Pisces man is very strong. If they find each other attractive, passion flares up instantly. In a love relationship, the signs are doing great, but when it comes to a long-term union, the horoscope warns of numerous difficulties and low compatibility.

What can a Sagittarius girl give to a Pisces man? She will burst into a magical whirlwind into his quiet, boring and measured life, give an eternal holiday and a kaleidoscope of bright emotions.

What can the Pisces guy give her? Protection, peace, confidence in the future and tender love.

It is not for nothing that astrologers call this union mystical. Fire cannot be combined with Water. And if they are still nearby and feel at ease, it could not have done without magic. And the most powerful magic in the Universe is the magic of Love.

In marriage, Sagittarius and Pisces exist, as it were, in parallel worlds. A woman from the element of Fire simply cannot live in the measured rhythm of Pisces. Therefore, she finds the opportunity to run away to parties with her friends, participate in social events and be where life is constantly in full swing.

The Pisces man understands that they are only partially suited to each other and does not require too much from his Sagittarius wife. She creative person, but it does not have the same depth of perception. Therefore, she does not share many of the interests of her husband. But she is an excellent mother, mistress and what to hide, the best lover.

What can threaten a successful relationship?

Sagittarius and Pisces compatibility is problematic in many ways. In principle, it cannot be complete, and one cannot dream of any 100% or even 80%. Therefore, it is so important to understand each other's features and look for common ground.

A marriage of signs can come apart at the seams due to simple communication differences. The Sagittarius woman is domineering and loves to arrange life around her at her own discretion. But she is not stupid and will not harm the marriage knowingly. The difficulty lies in the unique character of the Pisces man.

He is silent. Actually, silent as a fish. Does not express any displeasure, and the Sagittarius woman mistakenly accepts this as a lack of influence on her part. She increases the pressure, and the man leaves. How so, after all, nothing foreshadowed a break?

The fact is that the Pisces guy will never prove anything. If the atmosphere becomes unbearable, it will simply leave the area. No wonder the proverb says that the fish is looking for where it is better.

But then the men of this sign are the best listeners in the world. They can listen to their favorite talkative Sagittarius woman for hours and understand her to the core. At the same time, they will not stop loving and will not leave. What else can you dream of?

Relationship between Pisces woman and Sagittarius man

Opposites attract, and the quiet, gentle girl Rybka is often fascinated by the cheerful and easy-going guy Sagittarius. He is not immediately caught on the hook of her timid charm, but she knows how to wait. The horoscope claims that they converge on the basis of common hobbies for esotericism or other unusual phenomena. They both care about everything.

The Pisces woman never gets tired of listening to the Sagittarius man and sincerely admires his many talents. Their compatibility rests on common sympathy and sincere friendship.

The life of a couple before marriage is much easier and more fun than after. Love relationship involve less responsibility and commitment. But in the family, the wife of Pisces often has to reproach her husband Sagittarius for being optional. It is important for her to rely on her husband at a difficult moment, and he does not mind, but he may not always be in place. He has wide interests and many things to do.

The Pisces woman is more plastic than the men of this sign. She is less annoyed by the fuss and hubbub that her indefatigable and sociable husband arranges around him. Therefore, they often have guests and, moreover, very unusual guests. The Pisces-Sagittarius couple loves any exotic, cares, cherishes it and very successfully includes it in their usual life.

Where might danger lie in wait?

Sagittarius and Pisces in love are distinguished by ingenuity and brightness. But this is not enough for a representative of the element of Fire. He is fickle and dependent on new impressions. Therefore, betrayal by the windy husband of Sagittarius is not excluded.

And then disaster strikes. There are legends about the intuition of Pisces - and rightfully so. Pisces women almost immediately understand that something is wrong. It is impossible to hide change from them. Their unique insight allows them to feel when a man is just thinking about another, let alone physical intimacy.

What to do, how to avoid such situations? It is important here not to take the path of pressure on the Sagittarius man, because his needs come from within, and they cannot be crushed by fear or the threat of a break. It may break from time to time.

Rybka Girl can use her amazing sixth sense for another purpose. Fish are different. There are sharks and predatory pikes, exotic fish and affectionate roach. And yes, we should not forget about the seductive mermaids and the mysterious Sirens. They are also fish to some extent.

Therefore, the only way out in this situation is to change and be different. Try on different roles and images.

The Pisces wife noticed that the Sagittarius husband began to fall for the fatal beauties - yes, please. Scarlet lipstick and black lace lingerie, a cheeky look, that's what the image desired for your beloved has developed.

Thus, although the horoscope does not promise an easy life for the zodiac pair Pisces - Sagittarius, they have good prerequisites for compatibility. This will help them:

  • A general fascination with unusual things.
  • Need for spiritual growth.
  • Physical attraction to each other.
  • Friendship.

A woman born under the sign of Pisces is the embodiment of tenderness, purity, defenselessness and romance. She is incredibly feminine and charming, often surrounded by many admirers, each of whom is convinced that he is the very hero who is entrusted with the mission of defending this fragile creature.

The Pisces woman is mysterious, silent and has a penetrating look, with which she, most often, conquers her chosen one. She never reveals her heart to the end, but she prefers to choose a partner based on her sincere feelings and genuine attraction. Arranged marriages are not for Pisces.

Allowing yourself to be taken care of can be seen in two ways. On the one hand, in this way, the fair sex, born under the sign of Pisces, allows her partner to feel like a real man, on the other hand, she subconsciously makes it clear that her chosen one is simply obliged to constantly work, earn well and “carry her in her arms” .

The Pisces woman is submissive, but her mood may be too changeable. Most often, she becomes a loving and caring mother, who practically does not show much strictness towards her children.

The representative of the fair sex, born under the sign of Pisces, retains her femininity and charm for life. She remains quite attractive even in adulthood.

Pisces Woman Compatibility with Aries Man

Pisces woman and Aries man rarely unite in a single union. At the same time, a strong feeling may well arise between them, cementing their relationship without obligations for many years.

The combination of a Pisces woman and an Aries man cannot be called ideal. She is a sophisticated, romantic and dreamy nature, he is a solid, active and assertive practitioner who, moreover, wants to see a good housewife next to him. For the Aries man, the Pisces woman is a charming, fragile and feminine creature that he likes outwardly, but he prefers to connect his life with a more decisive and economic partner. Together they can build quite good and even marital relationships, but for this they will need outside help. For example, for order in the house, they can hire a housekeeper, and for raising children - a nanny.

Pisces Woman Compatibility with Taurus Man

Tender and passionate feelings often arise between a Pisces woman and a Taurus man. At the same time, the secretive nature of the fair sex often gives rise to many ambiguities and inconsistencies, which casts a shadow on their relationship with a partner. She sees in her chosen one a real man and a reliable shoulder, but she does not always manage to demonstrate or express this.

The Pisces woman does not like housekeeping very much, so home comfort and comfort, which is very important for the Taurus man, is unlikely to reign in the union of representatives of both signs.

Pisces Woman Compatibility with Gemini Man

Pisces woman and Gemini man are good business partners or friends. Between them, a short-term hobby or a civil marriage without any obligations may arise. Pisces needs the energy and enthusiasm of her partner, while Gemini is touched by her fragility, tenderness and defenselessness.
If the marriage bonds connect Pisces and Gemini together, then in such a union there will be no clear organization, responsibility and firm decisions on the part of the head of the family. You should also not expect any commitment or practicality from his female half. Such couples get along best with the parents of one of the partners, allowing them to solve all problems for themselves.

Pisces Woman Compatibility with Cancer Man

In the relationship between a Pisces woman and a Cancer man, there are often silences and secrets. Despite the fact that the possession of good intuition makes it possible for both partners to feel understatement, they prefer to turn a blind eye to this and remain silent, rather than violently and openly sort things out. As a result, the union of representatives of both signs becomes far from ideal, and over time it may well collapse. To prevent this from happening, both partners should be more open.

Pisces Woman Compatibility with Leo Man

The Pisces woman and the Leo man have every chance of creating a completely strong and long-term union. Both partners are the complete opposite, but this is exactly what they complement each other. Leo can fully realize himself in a career and caring for his family, and Pisces gladly gives him his love and tenderness. In order to maintain such an idyll, a man should not expect and demand more thriftiness and practicality from his partner. Most likely, it will not be possible to re-educate her character.

Pisces Woman Compatibility with Virgo Man

A Pisces woman and a Virgo man are an almost perfect couple. Both partners complement each other, making it possible to realize all their desires. She allows herself to be taken care of, and he, being hardworking and responsible, does everything to take care of her and the family as a whole.
The fair sex, born under the sign of Pisces, is comfortable and comfortable with her partner Virgo. Often it is he who performs most of the work on the farm and deals with household issues.

Pisces Woman Compatibility with Libra Man

A woman born under the sign of Pisces can be a very suitable partner for a man born under the sign of Libra. Both are not inclined to exert any pressure on each other, accepting all the advantages and disadvantages of their partner. Together, they do not feel discomfort about the fact that complete order does not always reign in their house, and the only darkening moment in the relationship can be the secretive nature of both, giving rise to reticence and concealment.

Pisces Woman Compatibility with Scorpio Man

The union of the temperamental, assertive and impetuous Scorpio man with the serene and romantic nature of the Pisces woman looks quite unusual. Nevertheless, they are passionate lovers and reliable partners in marriage. Both need each other like air. And, although the Scorpio man, most likely, will not see a caring housewife in his chosen one, nevertheless, he feels quite comfortable, bathing in her halo of tenderness and tranquility. The Pisces woman, in turn, finds a reliable and loving partner in the Scorpio man.

Pisces Woman Compatibility with Sagittarius Man

The relationship between the Pisces woman and the Sagittarius man develops in the most unpredictable way. On the one hand, they can see in each other the features they lack and create a complementary and quite strong alliance, on the other hand, they have too different ideas about the ideal partner to opt for each other.
Tolerance and non-criticality are the two main components that will help maintain relationships for a long time.

Pisces Woman Compatibility with Capricorn Man

A woman born under the sign of Pisces and a man Capricorn are an ideal married couple. Outwardly not similar, representatives of both signs have much in common in characters and views. This is what gives them the opportunity to find a common language, to be good friends and loving partners.

Pisces Woman Compatibility with Aquarius Man

The Aquarius man and the fair sex, born under the sign of Pisces, are two sensual and emotional natures capable of giving each other a sea of ​​love and tenderness. A certain sharpness of sensations in their relationship is brought by constant worries about the fidelity of a partner. Often they develop into emotional showdowns that can cause a break in their union.

Pisces Woman Compatibility with Pisces Man

A man and a woman born under the sign of Pisces are able to create an almost perfect union. Both of them are sensual and not very practical, but their individuality makes it possible to build relationships between two complementary natures.
The only stumbling block will be the secretive nature of both partners, which can lead to omissions and secrets. However, their soul mates and similar natures give them the opportunity to maintain their union.

Like any two Yin (Water or Earth) signs, two Pisces get along well. Together they will not be bored, the similarity of characters will delight, and not bother them. They are both calm, compliant, sensitive and form a strong couple. Pisces in love are primarily interested in emotions, and partners will give them to each other in abundance.

Pisces-Pisces Compatibility: How to Seduce a Pisces Man?

The Pisces man is sensitive to the violation of his inner peace. He does not like it when unceremonious, active and assertive people break into his world. Pisces woman is the exact opposite of what is described. She is calm and friendly, sociable, but not assertive, cheerful, but does not strive to become the soul of the company. With her, the Pisces man will immediately find a common language. Interestingly, more often Pisces meet not at an art exhibition, in nature, or during dreamy walks around the city, that is, in places traditionally considered “fishy”, but in a completely different setting: at work or in cheerful company. Why? Pisces are not "beeches" or gloomy silent people closed in themselves, they love and appreciate the company, but there is always something else behind their fun. It is like ripples in the water, when the reservoir itself hides calm, motionless depths. This duality of the Pisces mood is especially noticeable when they are having fun, working or studying something, that is, doing things in which one cannot be outwardly detached and immersed in oneself. It is this second, deeper layer of their mood that other Pisces will best notice. It is they who will see the features of a fellow zodiac sign, and, seeing their reflection in it, Pisces will definitely reach out to other Pisces. The man and woman of this sign intuitively strive for each other; to conquer the Pisces man, a woman does not need special tricks. Her softness, flexibility, kindness and inner similarity of characters will do everything themselves.

What does an ideal couple look like: Pisces woman - Pisces man?

Two Pisces usually stick together. They are reluctant to go to any events alone. Among friends, they are cheerful, friendly and easy to communicate with. One gets the impression that simultaneously with the general conversation they have a telepathic dialogue with each other - they understand each other so well. Interestingly, Pisces never get bored in any company: if they are not interested in what is happening around them, then they have the best in the world, understanding and loving interlocutor next to them. What else do Pisces get from an alliance with each other, for which reason should they strive for an ideal partnership? In order to answer this question, you need to remember the key word that characterizes Pisces. This word is love. Neither passion, nor profitable union, but sincere, sacrificial and merciful love. Next to each other, Pisces, who managed to overcome obstacles on the way to an ideal union, gain love, tenderness and care. They feel that they are part of the Divine World, filled with love, and therefore they avoid lying, rudeness, and rash acts in their behavior. They have good sexual compatibility and spiritual harmony. The children of this couple grow up in an atmosphere of love and tenderness. It is difficult to say something definite about the financial situation of a Pisces couple: Pisces are indifferent to money, but this does not exclude their highly paid profession or wealthy (and helping them) relatives.

What are the difficulties in the union of a Pisces woman and a Pisces man?

I would like to say that the difficulties of this couple are obvious and lie in everyday problems, because Pisces are impractical. But, unfortunately, this is not the biggest difficulty of the union. Domestic problems draw attention to themselves, seem main problem, and Pisces rush to solve them, not noticing the main thing. Not thriftiness, inability to manage money, isolation from reality - this is all external, lying in the objective areas of life "money", "work", "life". And the true problem of Pisces is hidden in themselves, so it is more difficult to find and fix it. The patron saint of Pisces is Neptune, the planet of illusions. But illusions can also be harmful. What is the source of harmful illusions? In deceit, lies and insincerity. A lie creates an illusion, shows the world not as it is. The second source of harmful illusions is negative meditations. We are talking about any actions that introduce a person into a state of trance, and not about meditation in the narrow sense of the word. An example of negative meditation is sitting for many hours in front of the TV watching TV shows (series “disconnect” a person from reality) or the same hours of talking about nothing with a girlfriend on the phone (this is another zombie action). And finally, chemicals create illusions - alcohol and drugs. All of the above distorts the true understanding of love in Pisces and alienates them from each other. Unfortunately, most Pisces are susceptible to one temptation or another of illusion. Very often they seek refuge in them from scandals caused by domestic turmoil.

In order not to lie to each other and not to get confused in the end in one's own deceit, in order not to fence oneself off from the problems of a partner behind "Tanks" and serials, so that there is no temptation to "relax" with alcohol, all these illusions must be opposed by others - constructive ones. Neptune symbolizes deception, but it also symbolizes falling in love (also a kind of “deception”, when falling in love, a person does not see the real features of the object of love). Love each other, constantly warm up this feeling, arrange romantic dates and be gentle with each other. Meditations on series computer games and other harmful (in large quantities) things, contrast the creation of an imaginary world for two. Fill it with phrases understandable only to you, your favorite music or memorable corners of nature. As far as alcohol and drugs are concerned, the best thing to remember here is: You can't do that. “Not a table, not half a table” - Pisces has an increased risk of getting involved in such things. Things of a higher order inherent in Neptune will help to resist temptation: love, faith and spirituality.

Compatibility of Pisces Woman and Pisces Man at Work

If you do not take into account that Pisces are people of a not particularly businesslike warehouse, then there is nothing to object to the cooperation of Pisces. They understand each other well, are not aggressive, easily adapt to the situation. And even their tendency to intrigue and "muddy the waters" is not terrible - a man and a woman are not interested in plotting together and "washing the bones" of employees, and in business matters they rarely reach those peaks where intrigues can cause serious damage to the company.

Compatibility of Pisces woman and Pisces man - colleagues or partners

They understand each other well, easily adapt to working together, do not quarrel. If the work does not involve frequent hands-on work, then this business couple will show itself well. But in own business both have little leadership qualities, both will prefer to dream rather than realize, so the success of their business is doubtful and happens in some specific areas (for example, in creative unions).

When the Pisces woman is the boss and the Pisces man is the subordinate

The Pisces man can be a good subordinate, but the woman of this sign does not know how to set goals and control employees. Therefore, the efficiency of the work of her subordinates is low, and this is especially true of the Pisces man, who is not distinguished by self-discipline and initiative. On the other hand, he will not "hook up" the boss and rush to her place, like many others who felt her weakness, and therefore they will have a good relationship (though often to the detriment of work).

When the Pisces woman is the subordinate and the Pisces man is the boss

Unlike the Pisces woman, the men of this sign often imitate violent activity, take on global projects, create confusion and turmoil among subordinates. In this case, the Pisces woman fences herself off from what is happening at work and does not participate in the vigorous activity of those who have not yet figured out the boss and did not understand that his fuse will not last long.

Pisces Woman and Pisces Man Compatibility in Friendship

Pisces get along well with each other. They are easy and interesting together, they have the same temperament, interests and tastes. Often, Pisces friends eventually begin to consider each other as something like relatives. And given that the love of Pisces is to some extent asexual, they love not only a partner, but also relatives, friends and people in general, then such a pair of outside friends is often confused with a couple in love. They happily spend a lot of time together, do not quarrel and take care of each other. Their "halves" need to be on the alert: the relationship of the two Pisces will easily grow from friendly to romantic.