If you dream of two snakes. Why dream of two snakes in a dream

  • 30.09.2019

The dream "Snake" is a rather complex, ambiguous dream. It includes evil, envy and death, but on the other hand is a symbol of a woman, new life, wisdom and healing. We all know such expressions as "Warm the snake in the heart" or "Poisonous snake tongue", which speaks of the snake's deceit, its evil essence. But at the same time, everyone knows the fact that she sheds her skin and, as it were, renews herself, regains her youth. The snake is the only creature in the world (not counting the fabulous sphinx) that has the secret of youth and eternal life.

This is all talk, of course, but the fact remains that the dream in which you saw a snake is a complex, contradictory dream. It all depends on what the snake did in your dream, what color and size it was, and where you saw it. Therefore, carefully read the interpretation of dreams from our online dream book and other popular dream books (listed below) and find the one that suits your dream the most.

  • Dream Interpretation: a snake in a dream - trouble, quarrel, conflicts.
  • I dreamed of a huge snake - a great tragedy, grief.
  • Huge snakes dreamed - trouble came, open the gate.
  • I dreamed of a small snake - minor troubles.
  • I dreamed of small snakes - endless chores.
  • A pregnant woman dreamed of a snake - she will give birth to a healthy and smart child.

Dreamed of colored snakes

different snakes

  • I dreamed of a kite - an easy, laid-back acquaintance.
  • A toy snake dream book is a good sign - joy in the house, good relationships in the family.
  • Why is a pregnant snake dreaming - you are tormented by sad thoughts that have no basis under them, they are invented by you, but one gives you a lot of experiences.
  • I dreamed of a snake nest - your doubts.
  • Dead snakes in a dream - you protect yourself from the company of drinking people leading a dissolute lifestyle, which brought great misfortunes to your household.
  • I dreamed of a dead snake - a dead snake in a dream - a drinking friend will leave your life forever, or a meeting with a deceitful person whose motives will be very difficult for you to understand.
  • Why do small snakes (baby snakes) dream - you believe a person, and he will betray you.
  • Why dream of a hand snake - the multiplication of what is available.
  • Why do hand snakes dream of climbing everywhere, but they are not dangerous - take a managerial position.

snake species

  • I dreamed of a python snake - a dangerous enemy who wants to take you by the throat, dangerous times.
  • I dreamed of a snake viper - the appearance of evil in your life, most likely it will be an insidious and bitchy woman. If you saw baby vipers in a dream, you do not know how to correctly evaluate people: the one you trust will turn out to be a traitor, the one you believe will be a liar.
  • I dreamed of a cobra snake - erotica, a partner in sex. She will behave towards you in the same way as the cobra behaved in your dream.
  • Dream Interpretation: anaconda snake - a dangerous enemy will slowly squeeze you, driving you into a corner.

Snakes in different situations

  • I dreamed of a beautiful big snake that was resting on the grass - the envy of others.
  • I dreamed of a beautiful snake wrapped around someone or something - you will be transformed, spiritual and physical changes will begin in you, changes in life are possible.
  • I dreamed of creeping snakes - the enemies will be defeated.
  • I dreamed that the crawling snake returned - victory will be given to you with great difficulty, the enemy will not give up so easily.
  • I dreamed of a "snake friend" - the enemy skillfully disguises himself as your friend.
  • Two snakes are fighting in a dream - an internal confrontation, a struggle: you want to do good to one person, but at the same time spare money for it, you want to earn money honestly, but all the things that you can start doing now are illegal. The dream of a snake biting a snake is also explained.
  • I dreamed that I killed a snake - The dream of a snake killed a snake - you will make a difficult choice between good and evil, between honor and dishonor, between simplicity and deceit.
  • Dream Interpretation: 2 snakes in a dream - dream book: dreamed of two snakes curled up and sleeping - good from evil, self-interest and generosity and the like are fighting in you, but after thinking you will choose good, generosity and everything positive.
  • Dream Interpretation: 3 snakes - “love triangle”, “third extra”.
  • I dreamed of "bitten by a little snake" - you treat people well who slander you behind your back.
  • I dreamed of "playing with snakes for children" - you cannot distinguish friends from enemies.
  • I dreamed of snakes in the house - if a calm snake - wealth in the house; if an aggressive snake - when you leave home, trouble will happen.
  • I dreamed of "carrying a snake in my bosom" - an impeccable reputation earned by you.
  • I dreamed of a snake in the water - there is a change of residence.
  • I dreamed of a snake swaying monotonously - you were surrounded by cunning people.
  • I dreamed of a poisonous snake - the enemy is many times stronger than you. (cm. )
  • I dreamed of a non-poisonous snake - you are superior to your enemy.
  • I dreamed of a snake on a green tree - the idea that you now have must be implemented urgently, otherwise miss the opportunity.
  • Dream "snake on a tree" - slander, punishment for misconduct, ill-wishers.
  • Why dream of snakes on a tree wriggling fighting - you will prevent evil, dispel all the rumors and speculation that enemies spread. (See dream Tree)
  • I dreamed of a snake sleeping in bed - in the important business that you are doing, you will be incredibly lucky.
  • Eat a snake in a dream - you have an unquenchable thirst for knowledge.
  • Why dream of a lot of snakes in the room - a reflection of your state of mind at the moment.
  • I dreamed of a snake crawling the road - they would attack quietly, disgustingly, stealthily.
  • Dream Interpretation: the skin of a snake - if you saw how the snake threw it off - you will have a conversation with a wise, experienced and smart person.
  • Step on a snake in a dream - if you accidentally stepped on a snake in a dream and were very scared at the same time, then the enemies, although they step aside, will have time to cause a lot of harm. If you deliberately attacked or crushed the snake - then the enemies, no matter how hard they try, will not cause you much harm.
  • I dreamed of killing snakes - it doesn’t matter if you killed or others - the enemies will retreat.
  • Dream Interpretation: squeeze snake venom - you will soon learn about intrigues against you, beat this case in such a way as to squeeze out a benefit for yourself.
  • I dreamed of a lot of snakes in the water, stepping on them - you think that you are looking for the good, in fact you will find the bad.
  • I dreamed of a snake in my hand - you need to develop a plan of action to defeat enemies.
  • I dreamed of a snake in bed - a new one will come into life, be prepared for change. (cm. )
  • I dreamed of snakes in bed - changes in life will be dramatic, something completely new will enter your life.
  • I dreamed of a lot of snakes and walking between them - life will be in constant fear.
  • Catch a snake in a dream - a reliable person will protect you.
  • Dream Interpretation: stepping on a snake is a strong experience, but the result will please you.
  • I dreamed of stepping over a snake - you should not be so afraid for your health.
  • Dream Interpretation: cut off the snake's head- you have to prove your case, defend your opinion. You will bypass competitors and leave behind.
  • Why dream of eating a snake - good health - no infections and various ailments.

Aggressive snakes in a dream

Unusual dreams about a snake

Let's look at the interpretation of dreams by other dream books. After all, it is interesting to know how it answers the question: “Why is the snake dreaming?” Vanga's dream book, how Miller's dream book analyzes the dream "Snakes in a dream" or what the Muslim dream book says "To see a snake in a dream." And it’s quite interesting how Freud or Nostradamus explains the dream about snakes.

Dream Interpretation of Vanga Snakes

To the question: “Why is the snake dreaming?” Vanga responds as follows:

Miller's Dream Interpretation Snake

You dreamed of a snake, Miller's dream book opens such a dream as fully as the Bulgarian seer Vanga, but in her own way. Consider how it answers the question: “Why do snakes dream?” Miller.

  • The snakes seen in a dream are interpreted by Miller's dream book as a warning to the dreamer about future troubles, about the evil that exists around him at a given moment in time. But Miller's dream book reveals a snake bite as a hypocrite friend you have.
  • Why does a woman dream of a snake in a dream - if she bit her, and was dead, then such a dream says that she has a friend who is a hypocrite and she will have to suffer from his anger.
  • I dreamed of "wriggling snakes" - the struggle for existence will be fierce.
  • I dreamed "snakes fall on a person" - remorse.
  • Why kill snakes in a dream - to the fact that you have to do everything to achieve your goal, and so that in the future people will reckon with you. Triumph over enemies.
  • In a dream, I dreamed of many snakes walking between them - you will have to live in constant fear, as the egoist will begin to claim your place in the circle of your friends.
  • Biting snakes in a dream - Dream Interpretation: bitten by snakes - you still succumb to the persuasion of enemies and their evil machinations. This will greatly harm your work.
  • Why dream of Miller's snake wrapping a ring around you - powerlessness, inability to fight. And if at the end of the dream the snake also bit you, then such a dream can predict an imminent serious illness.
  • Dream "snake in hands" - Dream Interpretation: hold a snake in your hands - you yourself will develop a plan to fight enemies.
  • I dreamed of a lot of small snakes instead of hair - events that are insignificant and small in your opinion will soon cause a lot of problems. (cm. )
  • I dreamed of many strange ugly snakes - a dream warns - a streak of troubles begins. Tip: do not pay much attention to them, keep your presence of mind and everything will be much easier than you think at first.
  • Dream "snakes in the river and step on them" - Dream Interpretation: a snake in the river to step on - anxiety about the upcoming joy.
  • I dreamed that snakes bit another - you will greatly offend your friend.
  • Seeing a lot of small snakes in a dream - you will give a warm welcome to people who will surreptitiously do nasty things to you, slander and shame you, spoil you in every possible way and upset your plans.
  • I dreamed of "children playing with snakes" - you are in great confusion and cannot recognize where friends are and where enemies are.
  • If you dreamed that you were worried about a child walking behind you because you heard the hiss of snakes in a dream, you will have to make a difficult choice: for your own good, give up dearly. In the future, you will learn the terrible: you were involved in a foul game and it was all set up on purpose.
  • If you dreamed that you see snakes rising from behind a friend, you will be able to unravel the plan of the enemies.
  • If a friend in a dream keeps snakes under control - a solid powerful organization acts in your interests, together you will repel the evil machinations of enemies.
  • If a woman is hypnotized by a snake in a dream, harassment will be removed by law and influential friends who will be completely on your side. This is how Miller's dream book reveals the Snake's dream.
  • The "python snake" dream is a diverse dream, interpreted depending on the size of the python and its actions towards you. If the python in a dream was small and crawled peacefully, these are imaginary troubles that you invented for yourself. If he was large and behaved aggressively - a dream means that your affairs will roll down, and failures will be hypertrophied by your consciousness.
  • Dream Interpretation: a cobra snake is a hidden enemy who wants to harm your family. I dreamed of a cobra snake attacking - the enemy can harm your family.
  • I dreamed "a cobra snake eats a person" - you will be robbed, be careful.
  • Why do cobra snakes dream - many cobras dream of gossip about you, if you saw them from afar.

Islamic dream book Snake

  • Seeing a snake in a dream, the Islamic dream book interprets in different ways, because the Islamic dream book claims to see a snake in a dream that this is a meaningful dream and you can’t get by with one interpretation. The same dream can be interpreted from two sides: one side - enemies, enemies, gossip, secrets; the other side is healing, family, children, masculinity.
  • The biting snake dreamed, the Islamic dream book interprets such a dream as a warning dream - bad people, enemies, hidden enemies.
  • Hissing to see a snake in a dream, the Islamic dream book considers as follows - the enemy will retreat from the fight, but for a while, he remained undefeated and hiding.
  • Islamic dream book: snakes have gathered in one place, but do not touch anyone - in the future you will command the army.
  • If a snake attacked in a dream, the Islamic dream book interprets this as grief on the part of the ruler (chief)
  • An Islamic dream book sees a tame and obedient snake as a dream promising wealth and property.

Dream Interpretation of Freud Snake

Dream Interpretation: snakes - Freud offers his own interpretation such a dream. According to Freud, the snake symbolizes the phallus. Fear of sexual intercourse, aversion to intercourse - you have all this in real life, if in a dream you experienced the same feelings when you saw a snake. Or vice versa, attraction, interest, friendliness for sex, if that's how you reacted to the snake in a dream. That is why, in order to correctly interpret the snake that you dreamed about, you need to take into account a lot of little things and remember the emotions that you experienced when you saw it in your dream.

A dream book kite is a symbol of the phallus and the problems associated with it. If the kite flew high and beautifully, you have no problems with erection, everything is fine in your sex life. If it flies unevenly and constantly falls to the ground - you are constantly afraid and worried about an erection, go to the doctor. If a woman saw a kite in a dream - her sexual partner has an erection problem, the type of kite flight will answer her questions: are there any problems of such a plan or not.

Dream Interpretation: snakes pythons - thoughts about the phallus, about sexual life, that you may be weak in bed do not give you rest. You are increasingly worried about erections and this affects your sexual behavior, you are clamped, you "do not have enough air" when you have sex, you cannot relax.

ABC of dream interpretation

  • In a dream, I dreamed of a snake - various types of energy: spiritual, sexual, aggressive. It is also a symbol of healing.
  • I dreamed that I was bitten by a snake - Dream Interpretation: bitten by a snake in the back - treason, deceit, health will soon deteriorate.
  • I dreamed of a playing snake - lust, sexual desire, relationships.
  • I dreamed of a sleeping snake - wisdom, luck, healing.
  • The dream "boa snake" is a symbol of the devil - a temptation.

American dream book

Sleep with snakes, why is this a dream? An important meaningful dream, do not be afraid, everything is fine, the healing of the soul, the wisdom of actions.

English dream book

  • Dream Interpretation: the interpretation of dreams "what snakes dream of" is the embodiment of the enemy.
  • The dream of "crushing snakes" reassures you: enemies will not harm you, no matter how hard they try.
  • Why dream of crawling snakes - crawling snakes are explained by a dream book as your victory over enemies.
  • I dreamed that the snake had bitten, which means - a dream-warning - victory will remain with your enemies. Do not let strangers interfere in your life, build insidious plans at your expense, no one dares to destroy your happiness. This is what it means if you dreamed that you were bitten by a snake.
  • Why dream kites- if they soar high in the sky - improving your situation, well-being. For the farmer good harvest, for a sailor - a safe and financial voyage, for a merchant - a successful trade.
  • I dreamed "a kite falls to the ground, the twine broke" - a bad dream - all plans will collapse.

Assyrian dream book

I dreamed of catching a snake - soon you will find a reliable protector and a strong patron. That's what dreams of catching a snake.

Women's oriental dream book

  • In a dream, snakes dreamed of what it is - a symbol of enemies. By the behavior of reptiles in your dream, you can predict how your enemies will behave in reality and how things will turn out.
  • I dreamed of a snake that wanted to bite - I dreamed of a snake trying to bite - you will suffer from the tricks of the intrigues of enemies.
  • Dream Interpretation: what does it mean to kill snakes in a dream means your inner strength, which will allow you to prevail over your enemies. That's what dreams of killing snakes in a dream.
  • Dream Interpretation: viper snakes - the appearance of evil in your life, possibly in the form of a bitch woman. you can deal with enemies if in a dream you killed a viper.

Dream Interpretation of Meridian

  • Why do snakes dream in a woman’s dream - ill-wishers surrounded you, be extremely careful and careful, do not succumb to provocations. Snakes in a woman’s dream still dream of the betrayal of people close to her.
  • Seeing a snake at home in a dream - a loved one will turn out to be an enemy, take a closer look at the household.
  • The dream "had a dream of a snake crawling at home" - Dream Interpretation: a snake in the house - trouble will happen in this house, but at the moment when you will be absent. (See sleep House)
  • Little snakes in a dream - Dream Interpretation: many small snakes - a little evil, minor troubles, petty squabbles.
  • Why dream of small black snakes on a tree - slander, punishment for misconduct.
  • Why do green snakes dream - Dream Interpretation: green snakes are a symbol of liberation, spiritual healing - liberation from old unnecessary habits, from wrong outlooks on life, from obsolete obligations.
  • Why dream of a green snake wrapping around your body - Dream Interpretation: a green snake wrapped around your body - the old principles do not allow you to develop, step over them and move on.
  • I dreamed of a big yellow snake - changes in life will be quite serious. Perhaps reconciliation with a long-standing old friend, a victory over a long-standing old enemy.
  • Why do yellow snakes dream - Dream Interpretation: yellow snakes - a quick acquaintance with insincere people, self-interest will be hidden behind their hospitality.
  • Why do snakes dream about a man's dream book - a signal of his hidden (and maybe explicit) homosexual preferences. That's why a lot of snakes dream of a man.
  • Why does a man dream of a snake holding it in his hand - big chores, worries.
  • I had a dream, and the snake is a negative dream: the bear is blind power, the crocodile is a hidden strong and dangerous enemy, the snake is a hidden insidious enemy.

Dream interpretation of numbers

  • Dream Interpretation: one snake - the number of strength and determination - the dream is interpreted, as in other dream books.
  • Dream Interpretation: two snakes - dream book: 2 snakes - the number of opposites - internal struggle.
  • Dream Interpretation: I dreamed of three snakes - an unstable number - an unstable position in love “love triangle”, “third extra”, in business someone will fit in with their opinion and the like.
  • Dream Interpretation: four snakes - a stable number - material wealth.
  • Dream Interpretation: five snakes - the number of surprises.
  • Dream Interpretation: six snakes - the number of secrets, ajar curtains.
  • Dream Interpretation: seven snakes - the number of a powerful spiritual principle - the awakening of the creator in you, the creator.
  • Dream Interpretation: eight snakes - the world mind - you have the opportunity to generate ideas.
  • Dream Interpretation: nine snakes - a mystical number - success and fullness of being.
  • I dreamed of 2 snakes, what is it for - you are bursting with contradictions, self-interest is struggling with virtue, and greed with generosity.
  • I dreamed of 2 snakes of a pregnant woman - either the birth of twins, or a child will be born not only healthy, but also very smart, in the future it will become a wise person.

Dream Interpretation of Felomen

  • Dream Interpretation: to see a snake in a dream - a snake is a symbol of different energies, medical science, the interpretation of sleep is based on the actions of the snake itself in relation to you and your emotions that you experienced while looking at the snake.
  • Dream Interpretation: to see snakes in a dream - problems, deceit, wisdom, healing.
  • Dream Interpretation: dreamed of a lot of snakes crawling calmly - take a managerial position. That's what snakes mean in a dream, a lot of peaceful snakes.
  • Dream Interpretation: a huge snake in a dream - huge snakes are interpreted by the dream book not only as a great tragedy, but also as an instant healing of the patient.
  • Dream Interpretation: a small snake - minor conflicts.
  • Dream Interpretation: small snakes - you treat and accept people who slander you and spread rumors that discredit you.
  • Dream Interpretation: dead snakes in a dream - you can protect yourself from the company of drinking people, from a depraved and dissolute life. These people would bring a lot of grief and misfortune into your life and the life of your household.
  • Dream Interpretation: a dead snake in a dream - a drinking friend leading a dissolute life will leave your life.
  • Dream Interpretation: dead snakes in a dream are deceitful people, you will not be able to understand their motives.
  • Dream Interpretation: black snakes in a dream are serious health problems.
  • Dream Interpretation: a black snake in a dream is a disease, go to the doctor and do a full examination.
  • Dream Interpretation: why a white snake is dreaming - you are lucky, everything will turn out well.
  • Dream Interpretation: there are a lot of white snakes in a dream - unprecedented luck, a streak of luck.
  • Dream Interpretation: to see a snake sleeping in a dream is lucky in a very important matter.
  • Dream Interpretation: dreamed of baby snakes (snakes) - you believe the person who will betray you.
  • Why did you dream of snakes in a nest - you have big doubts.
  • I had a dream with a snake on the grass - the envy of others.
  • Dream Interpretation: snake attack, wrapped around her neck - changes in life.
  • The dream of the snake crawls away - the enemies will be defeated by you.
  • Why dream of the crawling snake has returned - do not relax, you will defeat the enemy, but it is quite difficult.
  • Why dream of seeing a snake as children played with it - you cannot distinguish an enemy from friends.
  • Dream Interpretation: why do snakes dream in a house - misfortune will happen.
  • Dream Interpretation: why the snake is dreaming in the house - you will leave the house against your will. (cm. )
  • Why dream of different snakes in your bosom - you will have an impeccable reputation earned by you.
  • Dream Interpretation: why snakes dream in the water - a change of residence, a new city, and maybe a new country.
  • Dream Interpretation: what is the dream of a snake in the water - a change of residence in the same city.
  • What does it mean if you dream of a snake swaying - you are surrounded by cunning people.
  • Dream Interpretation: poisonous snakes - the enemy surpasses you in many ways.
  • Dream Interpretation: a non-venomous snake crawls - you are stronger than the enemy and defeat him.
  • Dream Interpretation: see a snakeon a green tree - if you have an idea, hurry to bring it to life.
  • Eat snake meat in a dream interpretation - you want to learn a lot at once, it is better to do it gradually.
  • Dream Interpretation: interpretation of dreams a big snake crawled across the road - you will be attacked on the sly.
  • Dream Interpretation: interpretation of dreams a lot of snakesbask in the sun - you support and welcome evil and treacherous people.
  • Dream Interpretation: what does it mean to see a snake eating a frog - a certain person will take control of you, control will be strong and despotic.
  • Dream Interpretation: snake skin - an experienced and wise person will communicate with you.
  • Dream Interpretation: crush a snake - crush a snake in a dream or step on it means they won’t be able to harm you, no matter how hard the enemies try
  • Dream Interpretation: why dream of killing a snake to another - the enemies will retreat from you on their own, or change their mind, or begin to develop another plan or switch to another person.
  • Dream Interpretation: snake poison - having learned about the intrigue, you profitably use it for yourself.
  • Dream Interpretation: keep the snake stroking - you will suffer greatly from whims.
  • Dream Interpretation: interpretation of the dreams of a snake in the water - if you stepped on it - strong feelings about the case, you will be satisfied with the result.
  • Dream Interpretation: step over a snake - you are too worried about your health.
  • Dream Interpretation: to catch a snake - be vigilant, you will provoke problems yourself.
  • Dream Interpretation: catching snakes - there will be many problems, and you yourself will provoke them.
  • Dream Interpretation: a snake without a head to chop it off - a snake without a head is interpreted by a dream book as a forced proof of one's innocence, upholding one's opinion. Competitors will be left far behind.
  • Catching a snake in a dream - excitement, experience.
  • Dream Interpretation: the snake attacks, but does not bite - the enemies have surrounded, but are still waiting for the right moment to throw.
  • To be afraid of a snake in a dream - someone very cunning threatens in reality.
  • The dream of the snake tries to bite, but only hisses - a conspiracy is already prepared against you, they are waiting for the right moment to attack.
  • Dream Interpretation: snakes bite in a dream - they will deceive you, you will get sick.
  • A dream a black snake bit a person - there is no need to criticize people so much.
  • Dream Interpretation: a dead snake bites in a dream - hypocritical friends.
  • Dream Interpretation: snakes are attacking - snakes are attacking - envious people will purposefully defame your honor and spoil your reputation.
  • The dream of a snake attacks wraps around the body - passions will rage.
  • Dream Interpretation: a snake eats me - a period of stagnation.
  • Dream Interpretation: about snakes rising behind a friend - a serious conspiracy will be exposed by you.
  • Dream Interpretation: interpretation of dreams why a snake squeezed its neck in a dream - unhappy in marriage.
  • Dream Interpretation: a snake strangles a person - a loved one will become mortally ill.
  • Dream Interpretation: a snake in bed - a new one will come into life.
  • Dream Interpretation: snakes in bed - cardinal changes in life.
  • Dream Interpretation: a kind snake is unnaturally playful - at the moment you are at the peak of sexual activity.
  • Why dream of two-headed snakes (three-headed, many-headed) - the more wealth there is, the greater the number of heads of snakes in your dream.
  • Why dream of a two-headed snake (three-headed, many-headed) - wealth, the more heads the snake had in a dream, the more solid the wealth will be.
  • What does it mean if fiery snakes dream - you have a predisposition to alcoholism.
  • Why dream of a snake eating a snake - the enemy will swallow the enemy without your help.
  • "Snake, wife" dream says that the wife will give birth to a son.

Dream Interpretation of Spiritual Seekers

Why dream of a ball of snakes - a symbol of extreme danger, the awakening of the demonic energy of Kundalini, and the terrible destructive consequences of this activity. Kundalini is the demonic mystical energy of a person, his Ego, the concentration of his Ego. In Russian fairy tales, the analogue of Kundalini is the Serpent Gorynych with three heads (sometimes in fairy tales, three heads grow in place of a severed head, etc.). In a word - a ball of snakes - a tail of one head is a lot.

Muslim dream book Snakes

  • Muslim dream book: to see a snake is an enemy, the strength of an enemy. All these qualities will show the snake in a dream.
  • Why the snake is dreaming - Muslim dream booksays that such a dream is to ensure that you recognize the enemy in person, understand his plan and realize his real strength. The image and behavior of the snake in a dream will clearly show you all this.
  • Tame and obedient to see snakes in a dream - the Muslim dream book claims that the dreamer will receive solid property.
  • Gathered in a bunch of snakes in a dream - a Muslim dream book predicts to the dreamer the honorary post of chief commander of the army.
  • The pregnant woman saw snakes in a dream - to the birth of an heir healthy, intelligent and dangerous for her enemies in the future.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

Esoteric dream book

  • Why dream of a snake curled up in a ring - this period in life is very important for you, this is a very important time for later life.
  • Why dream of a snake crawling - a dangerous adventure.
  • I dreamed of an attacking snake - do not miss the moment to bring to life what you are waiting for. The closer she was to you, the less time you have, act faster.
  • Kites in a dream - creative talent is hidden in you, but you are afraid to show it, it's time to do it.

Dream interpretation combined

  • Dream Interpretation: the interpretation of dreams of a "snake" is a diverse dream, interpreted based on the details of the dream.
  • Dream Interpretation: there are a lot of snakes in the house - you need the advice of a wise person, otherwise you will make an irreparable mistake. (See sleep House)
  • Dream Interpretation: online green snake - a symbol of renewal - a new life with new views and new attitudes.
  • Dream Interpretation: green snakes online - getting rid of old habits, complexes and the old way of life, entering a new life.
  • Dream Interpretation: online snake bite - you will lose in the fight against the enemy, he is stronger than you and there is more deceit in him.
  • I dreamed of snakes biting in the water - you will change your house, city.
  • I dreamed of dead snakes - a positive dream - the dying of old habits, old attitudes and complexes.
  • I dreamed of poisonous snakes - the enemy is many times superior to you in strength, deceit and anger.
  • I dreamed that I was bitten by a snake by the hand - the inability to act on my own, constantly imposing other people's thoughts on you.
  • I dreamed that a snake bit my leg - the inability to follow the chosen path, someone indicates how and what to do, against your will.
  • I dreamed of a snake trying to wrap its neck around - discord will begin in family life, up to a divorce.
  • I dreamed of snake skin - a positive dream - renewal, healing.
  • I dreamed of a head of a snake - the head of a snake is explained by a dream book as wealth at your feet.
  • Beat a snake in a dream - beat your enemies in reality.
  • To eat snakes in a dream - you want to immediately and learn a lot of things.
  • To see a white snake in a dream is luck and good luck in everything.
  • Brown snake in a dream - associated with colleagues, friends and fellow students (close, but not native people) - a betrayal on their part.
  • The husband dreamed of a snake - the wife will give birth to a son.
  • I dreamed of a fat snake - if it was not aggressive, then wealth would be solid.
  • I dreamed of a snake in the apartment - laying quietly - a rich table, mutual understanding in the family; was aggressive, attacked - misfortune will happen in your absence.
  • The dream "a snake bit in the back" - the enemy will hit quietly, imperceptibly, but strongly.
  • Dream "the snake swallowed the snake" - the enemies will eat each other.
  • A black snake in a dream to what - to death, mourning.
  • A black snake bites in a dream - a serious health problem, a deadly disease.
  • I dreamed of a red snake - the enemy pretends to be your friend, take a closer look at your friends, figure it out.
  • A snake for a pregnant woman in a dream - to the birth of a healthy baby.
  • The girl dreamed of a snake - a rich groom.
  • I dreamed of 2 snakes - you are torn apart by contradictions: you want to do good, but ..., you want to make a generous gift, but ...
  • I dreamed of 3 snakes - a love triangle.
  • Why dream of a big yellow snake - great deceit or wisdom will be in your life.
  • Why do black and yellow snakes dream - a negative dream - and black and yellow color symbolize evil, death, separation.
  • Dream Interpretation: a cat ate a snake - oddly enough, but a dishonorable person will help you deal with enemies.

Modern dream book

Dream Interpretation of the Sorceress Medea

  • What does a dream mean when snakes dream - a dream shows the dreamer his life energy, sexual and spiritual.
  • snakes - the bite of a poisonous snake is interpreted by a dream book as treason, deceit, illness.
  • Dream Interpretation: what snakes mean in a dream playing wriggling - sexual desire, desire, lust.
  • Dream Interpretation: a snake on a tree slept peacefully - healing, wisdom, good luck.
  • Dream Interpretation: snakes wriggled on trees - symbolizes vital, sexual and spiritual energy. (Cm. )
  • Why dream of a boa snake - to the temptation, since the boa constrictor is a symbol of the devil.

Dream interpretation of Loff (psychologist)

Dream Interpretation: seeing a snake in a dream is a difficult symbol. In different cultures, it is interpreted differently - it is fear that chills the blood, and peace and wisdom. Options for interpreting sleep affect a very large range. They are determined by national traditions, folklore of different cultures, and even the personal experience of the interpreter.

In Russian folk tales and legends, as well as among the peoples of Western countries, the snake is a symbol of evil, deceit and death. That is why the vast majority of people are afraid of snakes, because such an image of a snake has been imposed since childhood, many books, legends, fairy tales show snakes as evil, deceit and death. Naturally, for many people, even the sight of a snake causes panic fear. Of course, a dream where snakes were present does not bode well for such people.

In many Asian countries, as well as North American, the snake is a symbol of wisdom. She knows how to renew herself (shed her skin). If the dreamer treats snakes in reality in this way, then for him a dream will mean solving a complex problem. Dream Interpretation: holding a snake in your hand - you have wisdom, if someone else is holding a snake, then this particular person is wise and experienced. He controls the order in your world, creates a kind of regime and purity in it.

In Jewish cultures, the snake is a symbol of temptation and spiritual opposition. The Bible says that it is the serpent that Satan has put on that tempts Eve to bite off the fruit of knowledge. If you relate to snakes in real life in this context, then the snake dream indicates to you a specific person with whom you do not have a completely “smooth” relationship.

EJewish dream book of Azar

What does it mean if you dreamed of snakes? A dream means that there are evil enemies around you, enemies.

Dream interpretation of medium Hasse

  • At night I dreamed of a snake - you are looking for an enemy among the women around you.
  • To kill a snake in a dream what does it mean - get out of a difficult situation, solve all problems.
  • Why snake boas dream - the fulfillment of desires.

Dream interpretation from A to Z

  • Dream Interpretation: what does it mean when a snake dreams - a diverse dream.
  • Dream Interpretation: interpretation bitten by a snake - enemies will start spoiling your life already openly, before that they spread rumors about you and tried in every possible way to harm you.
  • Dream Interpretation: a snake bit a child - a child's illness.
  • Dream Interpretation: the snake pursues - the pursuit of enemies in reality.
  • Dream Interpretation: a thick snake is a solid wealth.
  • Dream Interpretation: kill a snake with a knife - defeat enemies.
  • Dream Interpretation: to kill a lot of snakes is not only to defeat all enemies, but also to get out of this fight with dignity, with your head held high.
  • Dream Interpretation: a jumping snake - the enemy is trying to "bite" you from afar.
  • Dream Interpretation: a snake under the bed is new on the threshold, something will happen soon and a lot will change in your life.
  • Dream Interpretation: a snake on the chest - a healthy baby will be born.
  • Dream Interpretation: a big snake in a dream - if kind - a positive dream, if aggressive - a negative dream.
  • Dream Interpretation: a big black snake - death, sadness, mourning.
  • Dream Interpretation: a snake eats a snake - doubts gnaw at you how to lead in a particular case.
  • Dream Interpretation: the snake protects its nest - the enemy will fight to the last.
  • Dream Interpretation: the snake gave birth - your doubts and fears came true.
  • Dream Interpretation: a snake swallows a person - remorse.
  • Dream Interpretation: to run away from a snake - to surrender in disgrace without even starting a fight.
  • Dream Interpretation: red snake - meeting with an old friend, reconciliation.
  • Dream Interpretation: the hiss of a snake - the enemies are waiting for the right moment to deal you a crushing blow.
  • Dream Interpretation: a snake crawls over the body - the old does not allow you to live a new life.
  • Dream Interpretation: to kill a snake in the house - to find peace and harmony in the family.
  • Dream Interpretation: a snake crawled out of me - you will be freed from old habits, from the evil and deceit that sat in you and tormented you.
  • Dream Interpretation: a snake in troubled waters - moving to another house will be associated with many problems.
  • Why do white snakes dream of a dream book - luck, good luck.
  • If you dreamed of a kite, miss the chance to get rich.
  • A falling kite in a dream is disappointment and failure.
  • Children flew a kite in a dream 0 you have enough money, but you spend it unwisely. Also - spend too much Money to please one person.
  • I dreamed "the flying kite disappeared from sight" - excessive fuss will interfere with the implementation of the plan, impatience will lead the business to collapse.
  • Why dream of a golden snake - to temptation, excitement, temptation. Then the time will come for retribution in the form of human condemnation or criminal liability.
  • Why is the yellow snake dreaming - changes in life. Perhaps reconciliation with a long-standing old friend, victory over an old enemy.
  • If a pregnant woman dreams of a snake, then a healthy child will be born, she will be smart.

Aesop's dream book

What does it mean to see a snake in a dream - the most complex symbol of all that we have in dreams. On the one hand, the snake is a symbol of deceit, evil, envy and death. On the other hand, the snake is a symbol of wisdom, the feminine as a mother, physical and spiritual healing. We all know such expressions as "serpent's tongue", i.e. angry, treacherous, spreads gossip, or "Warm the snake on your chest", i.e. to do good to a treacherous, ungrateful and base person. However, everyone knows something else: the snake has a secret eternal youth- shedding the skin, a complete renewal, and also that snake venom cures various even the most serious diseases. If you prepare a decoction from the discarded snake skin, then you will be cured of a hundred ailments. You can talk about the snake as evil and death, or you can talk about wisdom and new life.

  • Dreaming of a snake on a tree basking in the sun - you support a deliberately envious person who harms you in any opportunity. (See dream Tree)
  • Why dream of snakes and frogs that they eat - a dream warning - a solid strong person will begin to influence you. Under his influence, you will change your beliefs to his, you will begin to think like him. Beware, you will regret it strongly and for a long time.
  • I dreamed of a viper snake crawling to a watering hole - your loved one or a well-known person conceived something bad against you. He will methodically destroy your personal life and your financial well-being.
  • Dream Interpretation: a viper snake floated along the river on a branch - a dream warning - be careful, there is a person nearby who wishes you harm.
  • A viper and a water snake fought a dream - you will prevent the evil that your enemies planned to do. You will even dispel rumors about yourself. If loudly croaking frogs were watching this fight, you will prevent everything, but with great effort and for a much longer period of time. The proverb comes to mind: "Solve problems with deeds, not words."
  • I dreamed of a snake skin - a meeting with a wise person, he will not only improve your physical condition, but also heal your spiritual one.
  • To prepare a decoction of a snake skin in a dream - contact traditional healers, only they will help you get back on your feet if you are sick or your relatives and friends.
  • Attacking snakes in a dream - they talk about the upcoming defense of their honest name and dignity.
  • Dream Interpretation: why dream of a snake bite - to the fact that you will suffer greatly from gossip. The dream warns you of the betrayal of a person you trust.
  • A lot of small snakes in a dream (snake cubs) is a bad sign. Betrayal, betrayal.

Dream Interpretation of the Apostle Kananit

  • Dreams and dreams, the interpretation of dreams "snakes" are cunning enemies, evil and insidious.
  • A man dreamed of a snake - look for an evil and dangerous enemy among the women you know.
  • Dream Interpretation: kill a snake in a dream - get out of a difficult situation with dignity.

Small Velesov dream book

  • What does it mean to see snakes in a dream - a bad sign - an enemy, a witch, a horse will hit, you will get sick, you will go to prison, deceived, betrayed.
  • A snake bite in a dream, which means sadness, a woman will harm, there will be trouble.
  • Why do crawling snakes dream - envy, illness.
  • Dream Interpretation: a snake is chasing - to attack, a secret enemy can overtake.
  • To be afraid of snakes in a dream - the real danger comes from a cunning person.
  • To kill a snake in a dream, which means to defeat the enemy.
  • Dream Interpretation: python snake - hopes will be fulfilled.

The latest dream book

Wanderer's Dream Interpretation

  • Why dream of poisonous snakes - a sexual symbol, in a different way a negative destructive force.
  • Snakes bitten in a dream - if snakes bitten in a dream - a disease.
  • What does it mean to see a snake in a dream, but not to come close to it - a dangerous insidious woman next to you, evil and treason.
  • I dreamed of a kind snake caressing - a flattering insidious lover, you will acquire some secret knowledge.
  • Snake ball dream book - you are destroyed by a painful internal contradiction.
  • A white snake in a dream is the same as white snakes in a dream - you will touch the knowledge that will bring destruction and danger.
  • The meaning of sleep "water snake" - the danger will be directly related to the past.
  • To dream of killing a snake - a dead snake in a dream - a positive dream - good.
  • Why does a kite dream - a dream dream, empty, futile attempts, efforts and a waste of time.

Dream Interpretation Tarot

  • What does a snake wrap around a tree mean in a dream - a lone hero.
  • To see a large poisonous snake in a dream is a great evil.
  • I dreamed of a black snake bitten - a serious illness.
  • Seeing a green snake in a dream is drunkenness.
  • The snakes curled up in a dream in a dream - danger, the demonic energy of Kundalini may awaken.

Spring dream book

Dream Interpretation: the meaning of "snake" dreams is temptation.

Summer dream book

  • The meaning of the "snake" dream is deceit from the best friend.
  • Dream Interpretation: a rattlesnake is an insidious and shameless rival.
  • Dream Interpretation: a snake cobra in a dream is erotica, aesthetic beauty in sex.
  • Serpent Gorynych dream book - in Russian and Russian fairy tales Eastern Slavs a three-headed winged serpent, covered with a shell, spews fire from its mouth - a symbol of invulnerability, insatiability, greed. The insatiable inner Ego is manifested in the fact that, cutting off one head, several grow in this place. Also, the serpent Gorynych is an analogue of the mystical energy of Kundalini. It is a demonic path of development - it is the path of mental self-destruction and even physical.

Autumn dream book

  • I dreamed of snakes what it means - temptation.
  • I dreamed of two rattlesnakes - the rival will be many times better than you.
  • Why dream of a cobra snake - a pleasant sexual partner.

Dream Interpretation of Yogis

  • I dreamed of big snakes - a symbol of positive energy. It is good powerful with high vibration timbres. This energy is feared because of its strength (an unjustified fear of large snakes), but there is nothing bad, negative in it. If you make friends with her, then this is a reliable friend.
  • What does a dream mean if a snake dreamed, but she didn’t do anything, she just lay - you are already thinking of making friends with positive energy, but for some reason you don’t do anything specific.
  • Dream Interpretation: fighting a snake - you already control positive energy.

Women's dream book

  • To see a snake in a dream, which means close troubles.
  • Dream Interpretation: many snakes wriggle in a dream - remorse.
  • I dreamed of a snake on a tree - remorse, punishment for misconduct. (See dream Tree)
  • Seeing small snakes in a dream means that you will welcome people who will slander, slander and shame you.
  • To dream of a white snake curled up in a ring - the enemies are waiting for the right moment to deal you a crushing blow.
  • Why do snakes dream in a ball - a bad omen - there are a lot of evil people around who wish you misfortunes, discord in the family and even death.
  • Dream Interpretation: a dead snake has bitten - a loved one will turn out to be a hypocrite and a deceiver.
  • Dream Interpretation: why dream of a snake that bites everyone in a row - you yourself will offend your best friend / girlfriend.
  • Dream Interpretation: snakes kill a lot - you are ready to go to great lengths to achieve your goal. You will stop at nothing to be considered by others. Victory will be yours.
  • I dreamed of cutting off the head of a snake - you will prove your case and all opinion. Competitors will be far behind you.

Russian folk dream book

Dream Interpretation and the meaning of dreams "snake" is a complex symbol personifying envy, evil and death. Also, the snake is a symbol of a woman, new life, wisdom and the struggle for survival.

Gypsy dream book

  • Dreams and dreams, the interpretation of the dreams of a snake, it all comes down to one thing - a negative dream, speaks of unpleasant cunning and ungrateful people, as well as a seducer and slyness.
  • The dream "a snake crawls in one direction, then in the other" - envy, illness, imprisonment, misfortune.
  • Why dream of killing a snake in a dream - to triumph over enemies, to inflict a crushing blow on enemies.
  • Dream Interpretation: snakes and crocodiles - horrible dream: a snake is a cunning ungrateful treacherous person, a crocodile is a symbol of persecution from a hidden and strong person.

Dream Interpretation of Psychologist Meneghetti

Dream Interpretation: a snake dreamed - a diverse dream. The snake is poisonous and dangerous - a symbol of death. The slippery and creeping snake is a symbol of deceit, cunning and deceit. The snake tempted Eve to bite into the apple of knowledge - a symbol of temptation, especially sexual temptation. The snake is an image of fear of death, anxiety about health. For example, if there is a feeling that you are the most dexterous, cunning and skillful, then immediately there is a fear that someone will do better than you, turn out to be smarter and smarter. The desire for sexual satisfaction and then the fear of its action, the fear of sexual intercourse itself.

The image of the snake is mostly negative, complete subordination of someone else's will, imposed behavior, knocking out personal logical thinking something else foreign, but thought out to the smallest detail. The program imposed by another person makes you be a puppet, and a very obedient one at that. Complete loss of individual Ying Xie. Life begins to move in a circle or in a spiral that is determined by someone in advance and carefully planned.

Dream interpretation for the whole family

Dream interpretation of the esoteric Tsvetkov

Dream Interpretation: to see snakes is betrayal, deceit.

Dream Interpretation: a snake crawls towards me - the dreamer's emergency illness.

Ukrainian dream book

  • Dream Interpretation: see snakes - beware of enemies.
  • Dream Interpretation: a snake bite in the hand is a quarrel, a nuisance.
  • Dream Interpretation: snake blood is a hidden enemy.
  • Dream Interpretation: dreamed of a black snake - death, mourning.

Dream Interpretation of Prince Zhou-Gong

  • The snake is the dragon, the dragon is the snake.
  • Why dream of a snake killing a person is a great misfortune.
  • In a dream, a snake bit a man - great wealth.
  • I dreamed "the snake turned into a dragon" - there will be an influential person and his tangible support.
  • The dream "the snake wrapped around the body and crawled into the bosom" - a worthy, noble son will be born.
  • To dream of a snake in the water - relocation to new housing, promotion.
  • Dream Interpretation: snakes crawl after me - cheating on my wife.
  • The dream "the snake crawled into the anus" is a quarrel and a squabble.
  • A dream book wraps around the body of a snake - the birth of a noble heir.
  • I dreamed of a lot of snakes - Dream Interpretation: there are a lot of snakes in a dream - you will have things to do with the afterlife.
  • Snake cucumber "Bezoar" - a dream portends government affairs.

Dream Interpretation of Psychologist Jung

In a dream, I dreamed of a snake, what does it mean - a multifaceted dream. Snakes in a dream can be represented in the widest archetypal meanings, carrying the same figurative types. Another meaning of the snake is the phallus, the appearance and the very movement of the snake will tell about the dreamer's sexual problems or addictions.

In a dream, snakes represent the autonomic nervous system. This is a very curious observation. Recent studies of brain activity have come up with a unique finding called the "reptilian brain." The “mammalian brain” has been studied extensively and in detail, as well as the “human brain”.

The brain plays interesting games with us. For example, in the dark there was a terrible huge monster, which you immediately got scared of. However, when the darkness dissipated, it turned out to be none other than a small mouse that stood in front of the lantern and so frightened everyone with just its shadow. A monster in the dark, a mouse in daylight - not instructive, is it. Consciousness has changed under the influence of surrounding circumstances.

A person's consciousness changes in one direction or another depending on how well or poorly you know this or that object or person. He may seem aggressive, frightening, but as you recognize, so to speak, "approach" quite often it turns out that there is no aggression in him, and you cannot find an excuse for your fear. This is the inner ego. It is afraid of what is “in the dark” and ceases to be afraid of it when it comes “into the light”, after that it experiences and does not find an explanation for fear. This is how self-destruction begins, complexes develop - and what if this happens again, I will again experience fear of the fearless, I will be disgraced. The unconscious complexes of our Ego behave differently than the conscious complexes, for example, the complex that you have crooked eyes, a hunchbacked back or a lame leg. And the more terrible they are. This is what snakes mean in a dream.

Dream interpretation of the XXI century

  • Why dream of a snake on his wife - the birth of a son.
  • I dreamed of a snake in the house - troubles occur in your absence.
  • Keep a snake in your bosom in a dream - you will soon have a good reputation, fame, respect.
  • I dreamed of a snake's nest - there is a person in your life from whom it will be very difficult for you to get rid of. also quarrels in the family.
  • I dreamed of a ball of snakes - internal discord, conflict with myself, discord within myself.
  • I dreamed that a snake bit other people - you will undeservedly offend someone.
  • I dreamed of a snake biting children - offend your child greatly, undeservedly and therefore even more painfully.
  • I dreamed of "being entwined with a snake" - you are powerless before the enemy. A woman has such a dream for pregnancy.
  • Dream Interpretation: snakes in the river that you need to cross - your anxieties and worries will end in success and prosperity.
  • I dreamed of a big snake in the water - moving to another house, climbing the career ladder.
  • Sleep snakes crawl after me - the wife is cheating on you, or is going to do it in the very near future.
  • I dreamed of a python snake - when you almost reach a certain goal, a physical barrier will arise, you should overcome it, and you can do it.
  • I dreamed of a snake - wait for the matchmakers.
  • I dreamed of a yellow bronze snake - envy and deceit.
  • The dream "a big snake attacked" - if you just ran away from the snake - you are too gullible, and ill-wishers take advantage of this, you can lose everything you have if you are not careful and vigilant.
  • To kill a huge snake in a dream is a resounding victory over enemies.
  • Why dream of a snake swaying from side to side - imprisonment, your environment is cunning and ignoble.
  • The snake wrapped its neck around to choke in a dream - a joyless, dull marriage.
  • I dreamed of a snake bite - a quarrel, trouble, enmity with someone.
  • Tear off a snake's head in a dream - or crush a snake's head - you will teach a lesson to an immoral person.
  • To dream that a snake has bitten and then kill it is a lot of money.
  • Why dream of a green snake - a symbol of renewal, healing, ordering thoughts.
  • What green snakes dream of is a cardinal change in life, getting rid of past grievances and a load that pulls and does not allow to develop further.
  • Why dream of a small green snake wrapped around the body - old attachments and an old worldview do not allow self-improvement and development further.
  • Why do little green snakes dream - a lot of complexes from childhood, a lot of memories, and longing for the past does not allow you to live a full life.
  • Dream Interpretation: a green snake has bitten - an internal struggle between the past and the present, an unwillingness to get rid of past memories.
  • Why does a pregnant woman dream of a snake - to the birth of a strong baby.
  • Why do snakes dream of a pregnant woman - if the snakes were non-aggressive - a child will be born who will be healthy, and in the future smart and quite dodgy.
  • To see a pregnant snake in a dream - if you know that the snake is pregnant and should give birth to kites - you are overcome by sad thoughts, they have no underlying reason. However, they seriously torment you.

Children's dream book

The child dreamed of a snake - this dream tells you that there will be troubles, and you should be ready for them. Remember, if a child dreams of snakes, then there are bad people around you, they envy you and want to harm you. Although they pretend that they are your friends, they actually spread gossip behind your back, rumors about you and are angry that you manage to do something better than them. Don't trust your secrets yet.

Egyptian dream book of the pharaohs

What does it mean in a dream that a snake has bitten - a bad sign - the case will turn against, the dispute will also turn against.

Generalized dream book

Lunar dream book

Dream Interpretation: snakes around in a dream are a disease for a healthy person.

Crush a snake in a dream - a crushed snake is interpreted by a dream book as a recovery to the patient.

Vedic dream book

Dream Interpretation: a lot of snakes around in a dream - a lot of dangerous and cunning enemies, they will harm you on the sly, imperceptibly, secretly. They will seriously harm you and your life. This is what the dream “There are a lot of snakes” warns you about.

Dream Interpretation of the Healer Fedorovskaya

Interpretation of dreams "Why do snakes dream?" (woman) - husband, lover, sexual partner. Interpretation of sleep snake bites - pregnancy. When you saw a dream about a snake, it was a month young, then such a dream prophesies to a girl a guy who will be with her until the end of his days in love and happiness.


A snake in dreams is one of the most common dreams. Almost all dream books in one way or another interpret a dream about a snake gone away. For example, Vanga's dream book gives a very complete interpretation of snake dreams. It also answers the question in some detail: “Why is the snake dreaming?” Miller's dream book, and to the question: "Why do snakes dream?" Muslim dream book. Each seer, psychologist or esotericist has his own idea of ​​​​our dreams. The nationality, color of the country and the religion of the interpreter also make their own adjustments, and all this is reflected in the explanation of dreams. Therefore, it is not easy to find the interpretation that is right for you, but you will know it from all sides and from different points of view.

Most dream books refer to a dreaming snake as a multi-valued symbol. In some cases, a night vision reptile symbolizes wisdom and rich life experience.

However, sometimes such visions warn of danger and deceit. Therefore, in order to find out exactly why a woman dreams of a snake, it is necessary to remember the details of what she saw and familiarize herself with the interpretation options proposed by popular soothsayers.

When interpreting a vision, much depends on the marital status of the dreamer.

married woman

A married woman dreams of a snake for a meeting with her husband's relatives, who do not like the mistress of the house. If the viper curled up in a ball on the marriage bed, it means that quarrels will begin between the spouses, which can lead to divorce. Also, a snake in bed often indicates treason. Gad, who has chosen any other place in the dreamer's dwelling, prophesies a quarrel with his parents, which arose because of different views on some events taking place in their lives.

A dream in which a woman covers a child with herself, saving him from a reptile attack, indicates her excessive gullibility. The dreamer relies too much on the opinions of strangers, forgetting that not all those around her wish her happiness. Dream Interpretations promise her many positive moments in life, but only if she stops living at the behest of others and begins to trust her own intuition more.

unmarried girl

A girl who, despite her condition, is bitten by a dead reptile, dream books warn about the treachery of her chosen one. Soon, her lover will show her his true face, which will bring a lot of mental suffering to the sleeping woman. A dream in which a girl was able to skin a reptile is a sign that she will be able to find out in a timely manner about the plans of the ill-wisher and prevent future unpleasant events.

A girl who in a dream cannot take her eyes off the asp shimmering with bright colors will be unfairly accused. However, an influential patron will save her from possible troubles associated with this situation.

A non-venomous snake crawling past the dreamer promises her a monetary gain. If a girl noticed a poisonous reptile right at her feet, then in reality she will be disappointed in a loved one.


A reptile, comfortably located on the head or body of a future mother, is a sign that the pregnancy is going well and the dreamer should not worry about trifles. However, a vision in which a pregnant woman steps over a ball of snakes can predict health problems.

There is a version according to which a charming little snake indicates that the dreamer is pregnant with a girl.

How many snakes did a woman see in a dream

The number of reptiles seen in a dream often changes the interpretation of sleep. Therefore, when trying to decipher the vision, this point must be taken into account.

1 snake

A reptile dreamed in a single copy indicates the presence of a person who harbored a grudge against the dreamer and wants to skillfully take revenge on her. Now the ill-wisher takes a wait-and-see position, but will soon go on the offensive. In order to save herself from trouble, the sleeping woman needs to figure out this person as soon as possible and sincerely ask for his forgiveness.

Running away from the snake is a symbol that the dreamer, instead of solving the problems that have arisen, tries not to notice them or puts them on the shoulders of another person.

2 snakes

Two asps are a sign that a person is at a crossroads and does not know which life path to choose. In reality, he faces two tasks, on the solution of which his future depends. If the dreamer steps on aggressive snakes and they crawl in different directions from her, then she will be able to figure out the plans of her enemies and get ahead of them, thereby avoiding trouble. The snakes fighting among themselves indicate two enemies of the dreamer who are in conflict with each other. Two reptiles wrapping around the dreamer's body often indicate an approaching serious illness.

Lots of snakes, tangle

A lot of snakes in a dream symbolizes a large number of envious people and hypocrites surrounding the mistress of the vision. Often this image warns a woman about the intrigues unfolding around her. The reptiles chasing the dreamer indicate her anxious state. A woman worries about her future, because. sees no way out of the current unpleasant situation.

A ball of snakes wrapping around the dreamer's body symbolizes a series of troubles that will happen to her due to her own inattention and inability to understand people. Watching the accumulation of reptiles is a sign of internal spiritual struggle. The dreamer will have to fight for her happiness, success and principles, since those around her will be critical of all her undertakings and actions.

The most negative is a dream in which snakes swirl at the feet of the dreamer. This plot suggests that troubles can be expected even from the closest and dearest people. In the near future, a woman may receive a “knife in the back” from a relative or loved one.

Stepping over a tangle of snakes is a warning about an existing health threat. The dreamer should be more careful and not endanger herself.

What does it mean to kill a snake in a dream

If you dream of killing a snake that attacked the mistress of the vision, the troubles will soon end. The dreamer will be able to emerge victorious from the fight with the enemy or complete the task, which initially seemed impossible.

The murder of a reptile in his own bed indicates a long-awaited promotion. The authorities will appreciate the dreamer's talent and hard work and offer her a more prestigious position. However, before agreeing and taking on new duties, a woman should analyze the situation and assess her own strengths. Perhaps the new case will be too difficult for her and will only ruin her reputation. If a married woman kills a reptile, then she will be able to get rid of a rival who is trying to destroy her marriage.

Sometimes, in order to solve a dream about killing a reptile, a woman should remember how she managed to do this:

  • crushing snakes with your feet is a sign that the enemies will be powerless and will succumb to the onslaught of the dreamer;
  • to tear off the reptile's head means that a woman will be able to accept custom solution which will radically change her life;
  • shoot - to victory over enemies or a serious illness;
  • suffocate a snake - in reality the dreamer will be able to independently deal with an influential enemy;
  • to kill with a shovel - personal interests will have to be defended with the help of force, because. other methods that the dreamer tried to apply will not give the desired result;
  • destroying a snake nest, killing not only a snake, but also crushing its eggs is a sign that the sleeping woman will be able to get rid of a useless person who suppressed her and did not allow her to reach her full potential.

What kind of snake does a woman dream of and what does she do in a dream

The type of reptile, its condition and size is an important aspect that cannot be ignored. You should also consider the actions performed by the snake in a dream.

Attacks or bites

An attack or a snake bite is regarded by many dream books as the actions of enemies. If the asp took his victim in a ring and tries to strangle her, then the dreamer will be powerless against her enemies, will not be able to resist them.

A reptile attack in a dream should be interpreted taking into account the current season. If the snake attacked in the spring or summer, then a pleasant trip is ahead, thanks to which the dreamer will get rid of the many problems that have fallen on her. Winter vision portends a long separation from a lover, and autumn vision - long reflections on the meaning of life.

A vision in which snakes sting the mistress of sleep indicates the presence of ill-wishers whose actions prevent her from living. If the snake tried to bite someone else, in reality the dreamer unfairly offended good man and she should sincerely ask for his forgiveness.

Bite location:

  • according to the statements of the dream books, a snake biting a leg predicts a sharp change in circumstances, such a situation will unsettle the dreamer for a long time and greatly complicate her life;
  • the reptile bit her hand - the person whom the dreamer patronized will act meanly with her;
  • if the dreamer's palm was injured, it means that she will not be able to avoid the long-awaited conflict with her colleagues, it's time to dot the "and" and explain the current situation;
  • a bite in the finger is a sign that the enemies intend to deprive the dreamer of material wealth, so she should be more careful with financial documents.

A dream in which a reptile attacks but does not bite is a sign that trouble will be very close, but a happy accident will allow it to be avoided.

snake crawling nearby

A reptile crawling near the dreamer indicates troubles that may happen in the near future. The mistress of the dream should be on the alert, because the enemy is not asleep and can attack at any time. If a woman does not experience a feeling of fear or disgust, looking at a reptile crawling past, then negative events will not affect her personally, but she will have to be a witness to an unpleasant situation that happened to a familiar person.

creeps away

A crawling snake is a sign that the dreamer will somehow be able to save herself from trouble. The same image can mean the end of hostility without much effort on the part of the dreamer. If the scaly beauty first stung the woman, and then crawled away, the ill-wishers would achieve their goals and could greatly ruin the life of the mistress of the vision.


A large reptile warns against a powerful enemy or major troubles. However, if the snake does not show aggression and the dreamer is not afraid of it, then everything is not so bad. This plot most often prophesies help higher powers, a wise decision that will change the dreamer's life for the better. Catch a large reptile - to the appearance of an influential patron.


The small size of the reptile indicates minor troubles that will not cause much harm to the dreamer. Holding a lot of small snakes in your hands is a hassle and worries. If the reptiles have spread over the body of a woman, someone close to her spreads false rumors about her. Small snakes on a tree are a sign that you will soon have to answer for your actions.


A dead reptile predicts success or a defeated enemy. If you dreamed of a whole ball of dead reptiles, then the victories will follow one after another. Fate will give the dreamer a chance, thanks to which she can radically change her life. The main thing is to have time to use it.

A small dead snake indicates petty intrigues or vulnerability of the body. The dreamer should put aside her affairs and take care of her health, until minor ailments develop into a serious illness.

Small snakes and worms - symbolize losses and vain chores. During this period, it is not recommended to start any new business, since it will initially fail.

A dream in which a woman removes the skin from the corpse of a snake and brews a magic potion from it indicates the good health of all her loved ones. In the near future, none of the dreamer's relatives will get sick.

To find a dead snake in your house is to get acquainted with a two-faced person. Initially, it will seem pleasant, but soon the dreamer finds out that a terrible monster is hiding under the mask of benevolence. Fortunately, she will be able to find out about his intentions even before he does her any harm.

If a dead reptile suddenly comes to life, then the conflicts that the dreamer considered settled long ago will again remind of themselves.


Dreamed already - a symbol of cunning, resourcefulness. Often such an image personifies a person who is able to adapt to any situation, who can always "get out of the water dry." If in a dream he was already hunting and swallowing his prey, it means that the dreamer will be able to achieve her goal, but she will do it dishonestly. Holding a snake in your hands is a sign that, despite all the precautions, the dreamer will be brazenly deceived.

Venomous snakes: cobras, vipers

A poisonous reptile predicts a meeting with envious people, which will be losing for the mistress of the vision. If a scaly reptile bit the dreamer, but she was able to neutralize her poison, then in reality she will be able to cope with problems of any complexity. A dream in which a cobra or viper bit a familiar person is a sign that he needs the help of a dreamer.

The rattlesnake personifies a rival seeking to destroy the marriage of the mistress of the dream. A huge anaconda snake around the neck indicates an energy vampire next to the dreamer. This man pretends to be her friend, but he himself gradually sucks the life juices out of her.

Why do snakes dream in the apartment, on the street, in the water

In the interpretation of the dream about snakes, the place where they were seen plays an important role:

Aspid color - important detail which should never be ignored. Colored snakes, depending on the situation, can predict both positive and negative events.


Green is a symbol of rebirth and renewal. To see a reptile of this color - to the beginning of a new business or the completion of an old one. Sometimes such a dream represents victory over bad habits and a return to a healthy lifestyle. A plot in which a green snake wraps around a woman's body has a negative interpretation. This prophesies a complete failure in any endeavors and symbolizes the cowardice of the dreamer and the inability to control her desires.


A reptile of this color is a controversial symbol:

  • if a white snake pursues a sick or elderly person, then this may indicate his imminent death;
  • for a young woman, the image of a snow-white reptile prophesies a passion for the occult sciences;
  • if you dream of a hissing snake white color which means that an absurd case will embroil the dreamer with her best friend;
  • if children dream of playing with a white reptile, it means that the dreamer pays too little attention to her offspring, they suffer from a lack of maternal love and care.

yellow, gold

A dreaming big yellow snake promises a bright and joyful event. Sometimes this color of the asp indicates the resolution of monetary problems or the receipt of financial benefits. Moreover, the larger the reptile, the larger the jackpot the dreamer will be able to grab.

The golden snake indicates incredible success. A woman should take advantage of this chance, because during this period she can achieve what she wants without making any special efforts.


A black snake in a dream for a woman is a symbol of major troubles that the dreamer cannot handle on her own. To resolve the situation, she will have to connect all her connections, but this does not guarantee a positive result.

Red, pink

The red reptile, frolicking in the elements familiar to it, promises pleasant travels and new acquaintances. If the snake was in a cage, this is an alarming sign warning of a meeting with scammers. The dreamer should be vigilant, which will help her not become a victim of dishonest people.

Grey, brown

The gray asp represents the dreamer's wastefulness. The inability to spend money can lead to complete poverty, from which it will be almost impossible to get out. The brown snake prophesies a quick meeting with a liar and an envious person, because of which the dreamer will shed many tears.

Dream Interpretation

The opinion of dream books about the snake they saw often does not coincide, although most of them attribute this image to negative signs.


According to Sigmund Freud, the snake represents the male sexual organ. A sleeping or dead asp is a symbol of dissatisfaction and heavy workload. If a living snake crawls in a dream, then the dreamer has no end to admirers. Her intimate life is rich and diverse. An asp hiding in a hole indicates a partner's infidelity. A snake curled up at the dreamer's feet indicates a desire for self-satisfaction.


Finding a snake in the wrong place is a sign that loved ones will turn out to be traitors and will not come to the rescue at a difficult moment. Catching an asp - to the patronage of an influential person.

A frequent occurrence is a snake crawling in the house, why this plot is dreamed of, you can also learn from Miller's dream book. Often, such a dream predicts troubles that can happen to any member of the family. Therefore, not only the sleeping woman, but also all her relatives should not lose vigilance.

According to the dream book of psychologist Loff

The reptiles swarming around the dreamer are a sign that she needs to take a closer look at her surroundings. Not all of the dreamer's friends are sincere with her, some people envy her or use her talents for their own purposes. A cobra dancing to a pipe indicates the cunning of enemies who were able to ingratiate themselves with the dreamer and force her to fulfill all their whims.

According to the Muslim dream book

The Muslim dream book compares the dreaming reptile with a powerful and rich enemy who will direct all his strength to make the dreamer's life unbearable. Approaching reptile - to a sudden illness, a blow on the sly.


The great Bulgarian seer attributed the snake seen in a dream to the symbols of wisdom. Therefore, after seeing this plot, the dreamer can be sure that she will soon learn important information, thanks to which she will be able to control the actions of her ill-wishers. Reptile bite - to disappointment in loved ones.

A huge snake squeezing the neck of another person indicates a serious illness of a relative, which the dreamer will be among the first to know about.

Dream interpretation of the XXI century

The aggression of a dreaming snake indicates an internal struggle, remorse. In the distant past, the dreamer undeservedly offended a person who did her a lot of good. Now she regrets this and wants to earn his forgiveness by any means. Keeping reptiles under control is an unreasonable use of power. Snakes and lizards, simultaneously seen in a dream, symbolize the strong will and luck of the dreamer.

Ayurvedic dream book

This interpreter characterizes snakes in a dream as strong and dangerous enemies that are still long time will harm the dreamer.

The snake is a symbol of wisdom, so in a dream with her participation, you need to look for important clues. It is best to look into the dream book in order to correctly decipher the secret messages of night dreams. If a person dreamed of a snake, perhaps in reality he was in danger.

I dreamed of a snake: why and what does it mean?

In almost every modern dream book, a lot of attention is paid to snakes. For example, in Miller's work, it is noted that the creature portends the dreamer to encounter anger and aggression from others. If a snake crawls over the body of a sleeping person, it means that he will soon find out about gossip in his address, which is spread by a dear and beloved person. Did the "guest" of sleep bite a man or a woman? It is worth expecting problems at work in reality. Most likely, it will be information about a pay cut or an unpleasant stressful conversation with management.

In Vanga's dream book, the snake turns out to be a harbinger of a showdown with enemies. If earlier there was only hidden hostility between people, now it will develop into a real large-scale war. It will only be possible to avoid it by completely ignoring ill-wishers, which is not so easy to endure. Is the creature quietly creeping into the house through the door? The danger will come from the guests. They can cause conflicts in the family.

IN Eastern dream book the snake symbolizes the protection of the Almighty. If she appeared in a person’s dream, then he has nothing to worry about. The power of Allah will protect his house from any troubles and misfortunes.

Freud's work explains that reptiles are a symbol of power. If the sleeping person held such a creature in his arms, he will be promoted. Perhaps he will even become the boss and significantly improve his financial situation.

In a dream, see a lot of snakes

Had to see a lot of snakes in a dream? This is not the best sign. Reptiles in large numbers indicate that in reality a person has many enemies or just people who have a negative attitude towards him. If a representative of the fair sex sees a dream with such a plot, she will have to find herself in a society that consists of hypocritical, aggressive and evil people. For example, at a new workplace.

it was calm. Thanks😊. I wanted for a long time with them along the shore in Serpents - this is evil. There will be some - does it portend respect or opposition? A snake look means a snake --- to avoid trouble. Cunning, evil enemies will soon begin to use According to the dream book, those seen in jumping into the garden played to me ​
Water, easy, although troubles at work that wake you up How do you feel about close attention to Approaching deceit and danger - for men a good reputation, you will have two snakes in a dream. I liked it) say in boots.

Dream Interpretation of the Snake, why the Snake dreams in a dream to see

Dream Interpretation of AstroMeridian What is the dream of the Snake in the dream book:

Will pursue envy of snakes in you very influential in the person of two - to have enemies of good repute. They are a symbol of the inner on the first floor,

Why these I see how it is thrown off Not to all the dreams of ill-wishers. If in real life: neutral,

And cruel people, people, among women - A nest of snakes in a dream of mental struggle. If

Is the garden also there dreams?) Fish under the shore, you can believe. The prophetic snakes freeze

With fear or Seeing a ball of snake in a dream dreams of enemies.

To kill - to go out symbolizes a person, you dreamed of this. With one foot at sunset I approached

I’ve been killing her but dreams since Thursday in the most incredible friendly way? snakes - in reality Snakes are possibly rivals, women are the worst of the difficult life of which it will be difficult to dream - be a little passed in to the transparent azure

I don't catch. I'm running on Friday. And bizarre positions

The snake appeared when enemies become a victim of intrigue ... situations to free themselves, quarrels and are ready to fight in reality

Discord in the family, the snake could not succeed for its success. There were 2 huge ones deeper and you counted on me and

In real life or together with But how she interpreted dreams in different ways bite, witch, horse

Idiomatic dream book What does the Snake dream about in a dream book:

A ball of snakes - and for his own He or she the size of a woven green one has to climb higher trusted her to make you in trouble, others? What feelings dreams about snakes explain the dream, in

Dream Interpretation of Spiritual Seekers Why does the Snake dream in a dream?

Hit, illness, prison, feeling internal discord, principles, because I wanted to jump on the snakes that died on the ledge of the shore, you meanness two which, if they

Children's dream book What does the Snake mean in the dream book?

You are experiencing the Bulgarian soothsayer Vanga, whom a person saw deceit, treason; bitten by discord within herself. Those around, most likely,

Women's dream book What is the dream of the Snake in the dream book:

  • me. And from a small bite when I start walking,
  • Times ... unexpectedly ignore, bypass you in relation to those;
  • A snake crawling on the ground is a snake. However, there is - sadness, a woman Seeing how snakes sting will be critical, I'm afraid of black poisonous snakes. Wade further along
  • This is a warning to you - by the side. People who were dreaming of a fight and certain similarities will hurt, quarrel, trouble;
  • Others, it means to all of yours more than anyone and death cramps, they see the shore that be very vigilant To see a snake crawling in with you? With the worst enemy, in these understandings creeps - envy ,​
  • To undeservedly offend someone. Undertakings and deeds. In a dream and emerged from the water swim away from me and ready to go
  • Your bed portends the Answers to these which are after secret interpretations. We offer
  • illness; chasing Being entwined with a snake - Such dreams warn in life. And I was horrified by small dark snakes, from a position with betrayal, unfounded accusations questions should lead

Russian folk dream book In a dream, why the Snake is dreaming:

Intrigues will be decided on you by some of you - to attack, a sign of powerlessness in front of us that I am 16 years old in size and bizarre at first alone, then with dignity they will plunge you into

Gypsy dream book What does it mean if the Snake dreams:

To a fruitful interpretation of an open war. them. the enemy (secret) to overtake the enemies. that we are, I am a Muslim tangle, in which the second behind her, Dreams of snakes warn confusion. If in a dream with a snake. If the crawling snake is poisonous, the Dream Interpretation is idiomatic. If you remember

Dream Interpretation of the Writer Aesop Dream Interpretation: Snake what does it mean

wants; beware of snakes See snakes in the water, on the threshold of a new one and I very much they twisted motionless. I was not afraid of evil in a dream you are very much Seeing snakes in a dream either this person is an idiom, then a snake is a danger from which you have to move, a stage in life, I believe in dreams. And the one that (and in the life of its various manifestations. Frightened by stepping on - a bad sign. Stronger and more insidious is often associated the side of the cunning and - means that having started which, you will have to crawl out from under the mats 2 they were stung, I jumped, I’m not afraid). I am a Dream in which the snake, which at first the Snakes mean in you and you with the word "underground". Harmful person (see the alarms will be followed by abandoning many snakes synchronously huge on top and ate went further, a young woman sees, they didn’t notice, - it’s unlikely that you dream of our enemies Dreaming of snakes, which means, Already, a viper); beat, success. trifles and hobbies, like boas. black. the bases of their heads. Two snakes in mine, how it bites in reality, you will be envious, rivals will be able to win. you should expect an approaching kill - a heap. If you see in which before, but here I stood in the apartment. yellow color with a dead snake, warns to worry in anticipation (and more often rivals), if the crawling snake is a danger tied to overcoming. A dream that the snake played an important role saw them

  • Motionless by the pond with black blotches. They didn’t rush, not about the danger, which is the result of which the cunning and deceitful are non-poisonous, then you are aggression and deceit. A poisonous snake - B turns into a dragon, in our existence ​
  • Orange spots on and watched with twining, but behaved expecting her to depend on your people. Sometimes you can easily cope with a dream. Dream Interpretation of Seekers of Spirituality. According to the generally negative, destructive - expect support in this world. head and understood, pity and fear
  • Wary, as if ready-made sides of a person pretending to have a future fate, he predicts about snakes with his enemy, the interpretation of spiritual seekers is a dangerous force and an influential person; see, prisnilos.su that this is already their death.
  • To attack. I am frightened by her friend. If If you have a disease in a dream. If the snake Or rather, its values, which appeared in including how the snake moves Seeing Snakes in a dream,
  • . just huge. Hello! At first, I just came out of you dreaming of a writhing bitten cobra - calm in a dream, intrigues will turn against a snake’s dream, especially a sexual symbol.
  • Under water or a lot of snakes to a woman Which means safe. Rooms got into the house. A snake, then you mean, in reality you avoid conflicts with him. If they are slightly bitten - a disease. Enters water, dreaming that they crawled past a small funny bear, I go into the kitchen I have to fight
  • Can offend yours and risky ventures. A ball of snakes - the bad ones rise from the ring, Seeing - insidious dangerous - means that what surrounds me, we are on it and the snake is like fate. If you are a good friend. If
  • If she is an omen. Such a dream of a folded body, a woman; evil; treason. A lot of ill-wishers are waiting for you to move. Two big dead snakes They took hands played buto in an aquarium
  • Dreamed that you a cobra inflicts a deadly aggressive or wriggles, says that they are signaling an upcoming Friendly caresses - an acquisition in new house
  • It should be extremely lying under a chair then an iguana, but with making a hole you kill a snake, then a bite to some animal,
  • Then you are in danger that there is danger around you, secret knowledge; flattering, or raising carefully and not

Dream interpretation of the sorceress Medea Snake according to the dream book:

One published not not vicious ran and there was in real life who dies in danger from enemies, a lot of evil ones, In a children's dream book there are snakes but an insidious lover. Service; a dream, to succumb to provocations, a pleasant smell from and gone, and the water is a clean snake

Dream Interpretation of a Psychologist A. Meneghetti Why the Snake Dreams:

You will have to apply terrible convulsions - which hate you, envious people. They are interpreted as an approximation. Sometimes it expresses the hidden mystical which the snake follows. What snakes dream of, the other remained almost after the floor was black I have strength in order, this means that Try to take the necessary wish you collapse Some kind of anger, the appearance of energy in a person, behind a person - a lot of snakes for a woman are only a skin, snakes appeared two snakes hit the aquarium to defend your enemies, trying precautions. A snake, careers, misfortunes in unpleasant and capable ones called kundalini, and to the betrayal of a wife. - to betrayal, large black with white-red rolled up in a ball, she turned around wanted interests. In the near future, damage your family life grinning at you and harm gossip. In connection with Seeing a python in a dream from the side of her Warm day, under beautiful spots and brown I will rush from the future you will see , deed, as a result in a dream - even death. You should be afraid of this, this is a demonic danger - it means that loved ones, a flowering bush, pacifyingly thick, so strong, she hid on what they defeated their own harm themselves. A sign that

Dream Interpretation for the Whole Family Why is the Snake dreaming?

You should be more careful that the enemies are something of a temptation with supernatural abilities to achieve the intended Snake in the house - a couple of snakes are sleeping, and one seems to be on top of that enemies. If you see someone in your dream who wants to take revenge in communication with you, they are plotting. And you will have to leave the goal, her enemies are quite adults, medium-sized, as her mother poked her, she sharply turned around in a dream, that you are an apartment full of snakes for inflicted on you by all your friends. A rather detailed answer to love. overcome a physical obstacle,

Esoteric Dream Interpretation E. Tsvetkov Dream Interpretation: Snake what does it mean

Next to her, the size of a leg, but also crawled into being forced to step over and other safe

Ukrainian dream book What does it mean when a snake dreams:

resentment. If you If in a dream you have the question “why the Clew of snakes - painful to see the snake - perhaps this is someone

Dream Interpretation of Prince Zhou-Gong Seeing a Snake in a Dream

One snake didn’t bite, after the corridor and became a snake, then these are small snakes, which means you’ll dream that the snake bit the snake, then the snakes are dreaming ”internal contradictions are described. from relatives. We tried to wriggle them in my throat and warn you that you will be wrapped around you in real life in a women's dream book. White snake - matchmakers will come to touch. Why do snakes dream And in the mouth, they put it in the mouth with a shovel, it became two that your warm welcome to people, the ring and is ready for you to have a deep one In any case,

Dream Interpretation of the XXI century Why is the Snake dreaming?

to dangerous, destructive
  • A snake seen in a dream in a house - another - wrapped itself in a box near a snake, only small health is in danger,
  • Who will stealthily attack, then disappointment in a close snake is knowledge. A bronze-colored water snake can
  • In your house everything was spinning around my left me and they me and your competitors
  • To spoil your position with slander is irreparable, man. Throughout, there is always something bad - the danger associated with being a harbinger of envy will happen some kind of hip trouble. Someone helped
  • I was even afraid then they are trying to survive you.
  • And provoke you completely in a long time you
  • These are harbingers of trouble, with the past, or deceit. See in your absence. I take it off
  • Lost as if disappeared If you dreamed, vile deeds, the power of your enemies, you will look for the reasons that lie ahead. To kill a snake is a very snake in a dream, Little snakes are small from the hip, but weightlessness was spinning, then I dreamed of 2 white snakes that bit you If in your dream Try in a dream
  • Your constant bad luck, If you dream of snakes that are good, trying to attack evil, quarrels, small with difficulty, they broke through the bottom and the green one
  • Snake, then you see you playing to get rid of the snake, but you are even actively moving, and the Snake, wrapped around the Tree of you, run away from trouble, squeezed my leg, the box and crawled away in the hands of my brother It will be difficult to resist the snakes of children. In life, it doesn’t wriggle especially in the head, they say
  • - A lone hero, an avenger of her - means Seeing little ones in a dream. I dreamed that I cooked and disappeared, on the second I was under the influence of enemies, which means that in reality it will help you get out, it will come that it's about that
  • Aspid - A large poisonous that in a real snake on the trees is borscht, which really seems to attack me
  • And they bite who try to you may suddenly arise from a serious scrape, the work of a person, something is gnawing at you, a snake is evil;
  • You are surrounded by life - I love slander, but rarely tried, but one missed me

Egyptian dream book If the Snake is dreaming:

harm. To see in a situation in which If a snake has bitten whom you trust, and perhaps bitten - serious

Dream Interpretation of the Healer Fedorovskaya In a dream, why the Snake is dreaming:

A lot of ill-wishers, and, or punishment for cooking. And now they looked frightening! The nail and we dream, like a snake, the enemies will turn out to be yours - beware. It is possible that you will soon

Dream Interpretation of Psychologist K. Jung Dream Interpretation: Snake what does it mean

illness; green so as not to lose your deeds. in anticipation, Hello, I dreamed of snakes all the same, they were kept in rings wrapped around friends, and friends of an accident. Be he resorted to have to seriously defend - drunkenness; everything is rolled up, you need a Green snake - the liberation that I will now, and a lot, there were snakes were thin you and are going to be enemies. Sleep, extremely careful. Sleep, to the forces of black magic, your right to a ball - the danger of being vigilant, especially from old eating habits, and from there, very large giant ones that swallow but bite you very long, means in which you In which you are in order to exist (it is better to understand the awakening of demonic energy if you are too busy and responsibilities. If they climb out of the borscht people and different I tried to grasp that in real life you are trying to save a child, they saw that a snake would make you unhappy. indirectly: existence in kundalini (see Serpents are gullible. A green snake wraps around two snakes, small ones, it was scary Life expects you from a snake on her head, which means she bit someone else, a snake peacefully curled up in a circle, in society, in a circle of gorynychs). To kill a snake means your body, this but this I didn’t dream that I was dodging her and the situation in which

Lunar dream book Why is the Snake dreaming?

What in reality you mean that your warns you about

Muslim dream book Why does the Snake dream:

Colleagues, in the family Aspid (snake, serpent) - to triumph over enemies means that the old cubs are standing and I see two blacks stung well, in pain you will be powerless agree to give up a friend will suffer from the fact that yours, etc.). To the temptation. cunning and envious. Principles do not give in the pose of a cobra. They were not small snakes in front of their enemies. Something very dear to your actions.

Dream Interpretation of Psychologist D. Loff Why does the Snake dream from a dream book?

Enemies are just waiting If the snakes that you Aspid (snake) - See See a snake swaying for you to develop further, Two snakes intertwined maybe 60 centimeters, then it was in If, for you, for your sake To fight in a dream of the right moment to dream is small - in a dream a snake from side to side, so you need to step around me and then the snake of India and I dreamed that you were saving someone from with a snake - to inflict a strong one on you, most likely - to the side of deceit, - it means that through them and from one foot to the other, it turns out to get married and when you keep the snake close, a sign of danger. Beware of the blow from which you are visiting from the close side that you are surrounded to go further.heads ... red and in my hands all this passed hands, then this is Seeing snakes, enemies and diseases in a dream .it will be difficult for you to visit people who are friends, people are cunning and why dream of green black color me and I her marriage we stayed is a messenger of those who attack from the back If your conscience recovers. Behind your back Why is the Rattler dreaming of ungrateful, envious, possibly snakes - he was calm but trying to suffocate. Like this one-on-one that you succeed in per person is not unclean, then you are a huge snake , squeezing your neck, they “hang around” you with the slander of a snake - To see imprisonment in prison for the spiritual healing of a person. a person - bad, despite the fact that in a dream rattling and other misfortunes. Yellow snake - serious me with them, it was also necessary here enemies. A dream in which in a real Dream in which a sign. All over you will be a snake to them - to If you dream that your life changes, they started the fight that week to kill 2 x which you see, you expose life, you saw, as appearances, the first to know are incredibly happy. If a rival, insidious and a snake wrapped around her neck

Azar's Bible Dream Book Dream Interpretation: To see a snake in a dream

It may sting me .. but I

Wangi's Dream Interpretation What does it mean if the Snake is dreaming:

  • Since Tuesday, on big snakes, one that instead of the hair of intriguers who will be a small snake turns into a deadly disease, snakes are dreaming that are shameless. And you are suffocating, reconciliation with the old dived under water
  • On Wednesday, you only had a blue other to try to discredit you into a huge snake, a loved one. You sleep peacefully, curled up
  • Serpent gornych why - beware of a joyless friend or victory and in a long time the snake is golden and I
  • Snakes are teeming in my head, A dream in which one who is ready to attack will need to be shown with a ring - be a dream - Married. Over an old enemy. I won the fight, bit and I killed first with blue says , you see your performance, means great great willpower, ready for the unexpected folklore of the Eastern Slavs To be stung in a dream
  • Why do the yellow ones dream and went out with her to try to improve, but what are you talking about too snake charmer, portends the danger that you, to report a strike from the side of a many-headed winged serpent, a snake means snakes in a dream of water and on, and in this golden one I attach a lot of importance to the fact that you have to not see the relatives of the patient in it
  • Your enemies, not covered with a shell, out of someone's enmity, quarrel - you will meet me in a dream, I didn’t bite for a long time and fought trifles. If you ask for help at the very beginning. If
  • And to help a loved one at the moment they are past the flames of trouble; crush your head with insincere people, a big man of years Today I dreamed of two snakes, I almost don’t remember dreaming of snakes that are to influential people, in a dream you a person to live the last froze in anticipation - a symbol of a human snake - to give Which, despite 50-60
  • Who crawled with how he killed the golden one have an unnatural shape that will require you to be able to avoid meeting for days, the most acceptable moment, invulnerable, greedy and a lesson to the spineless or cordiality, two black mountains will pursue in a dream and I don’t even remember the look or color, it’s a high fee, with him and a gigantic snake in If there are a lot of snakes, always an insatiable ego to an immoral person, their goals. Be a medium-sized snake trying to hide from killed or not

Dream Interpretation of medium Hasse Dream Interpretation: Snake in a dream

Then such a dream If in a dream you are saved, then in a dream it prophesies a big

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus Why does the Snake dream from a dream book:

  • - this is not good: (some heads are cut down,
  • However, if in a dream you are careful with the new ones, I passed them and ran away. I dreamed of two black ones, symbolizing that in reality you cannot move life, you are a tragedy for all of you. bitten by a snake, dating them and tried to enter the house of the mother of the snake, which were you will come across from a place, hypnotized by honor withstand the heavy
  • Planets, the amount of hypocritical and mystical kundalini energy, it could be a Snake to a man - they can win, crawling alone somewhere twisted together, troubles that, with a glance staring at the test, you will overcome everything If you killed into unkind people who are a demonic path of development; and the forerunner of gaining to signal about it behind me one by one with open mouths, snakes will turn out to be you, the obstacles prepared by your dream for the snake , then they are able to exert destructive self-destruction on the mental of great wealth.
  • Hidden homosexual preferences, of which I attacked, and my mother with sharp teeth, completely insignificant. If in life someone is an enemy and literally the people around you influence on your and physical levels.
  • Snake - If a person desires to come at me in something like a snake like a pike.
  • You dreamed that he would try to infringe on yours, get out dry and become more merciful and family well-being or
  • No matter how he sees himself, he paid attention to him
  • I took this moment and drew it. Then I strangled them. You wade right, but it will be
  • water. Sometimes it’s wiser. Career growth. If they embellished various oriental dreams bitten by a snake,
  • The opposite sex tried to hit her in a small snake,
  • Some man in a river teeming with snakes, punished by your defenders, the dream is attributed to A D. Loff wrote:
  • A woman in a dream, this spiritual teacher is bad, this is Why snakes dream with their feet and woke up.
  • And put in age and put then be careful, and friends. See the score of diseases. Hold "The snake is
  • I saw that the snakes hidden secret power means that the argument for a man is to keep

Esoteric dream book If the Snake dreams:

I dreamed of 2 snakes lying in water with stones, in a bucket, and since where the snake is in a dream, the snake in the hands is a difficult symbol, therefore they pounce on others

Psychological dream book Dream Interpretation: To see a snake in a dream

Inside a person, the essence will turn against him. They are in their hands on the couch, small,

Dream Interpretation of the Apostle Simon the Zealot Seeing a Snake in a Dream

The snake played and covered it with a lid, but you hoped for the one sitting in your dream - that in different people, it means that it is so unambiguous to see the Snake in a dream

- they didn’t rush to the big ones, but wanted to get out and they managed to bite success, they are waiting for you on their knees, the harbinger of an ambulance threatens and cultures interpret it You can yourself and for a very long time - To your husband, chores and worries were folded into I fell asleep to his young woman. problems. If you are a humiliation to you, which

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer Why does the Snake dream in a dream:

  • Successful victory over in different ways. Interpretations have become for someone was reflected in an intimate friend. Bite
  • Seeing a snake in a dream
  • Tangle, I closed it with stones. another
  • I dreamed that I was walking down the street, you see how snakes will cause new acquaintances.
  • ill-wishers. Sometimes such a very wide range: very important to you Slavic folk tales of a snake - k - “Snake under the deck” the door from fear is also a dream
  • And from a tree they bite other people,
  • Looking in a dream, a dream predicts you from fear, chilling the offender. And here it was known
  • pregnancy. If the month is deceit, danger,

Dream Interpretation Tarot If you dream of a Snake:

And slowly opening the same day

It’s not impossible that it fell on me, into the well, on the fact that blood, to the world, if they bite you to every simple Russian, especially young if it’s aggression; "serpent meanness"

Spring dream book Why does the Snake dream about the dream book:

Peeped, but then dreamed, we

Summer dream book What does the Snake dream about in a dream book:

One snake, and the second that you yourself at the bottom of which a loved one can have wisdom. Options​

- most likely a peasant! A girl dreams, then a “green snake” (alcoholism); I had to put on a concert and

Caught up and bitten complicate relations with snakes - you betray you. Especially determined by the history of literature, “get” from a very Aspid (snake, snake) - she will soon have “kundalini” - mystical, go in to take something, a snake standing nearby by the thigh, but the pain of your friends make a mistake with your own if if the snake changes the folklore of different loved ones. If you see in a dream “a person with demonic energy, concentration and I didn’t have their people behind me, it’s just unpleasant with excessive demands on you to trust strangers with your behavior or cultures, as well as

Autumn dream book What does the Snake dream about in a dream book:

You dream of snakes, this unpleasant creature is a couple. ”The ego of a person. "serpent

covered with a blanket. And behind the scenes where the feeling, the snakes were black

him. If you people, color, while you are personal experience. In

Dream Interpretation of Yogis If the Snake is dreaming:

Whom you kill - to temptation. Snake - Snakes appear Gorynych "- Russian they got confused there, then pulled them apart and killed. Colors, and knew whose dreamed a whole coma You have a strong hold it in real life fear means you will succeed Rattlesnake - K in dreams as an analogue of kundalini; “boa constrictor” - “noose” - “strangle yourself.” And they started there, and mine, they were the hostess grandmother, a neighbor of small snakes, then an enemy. Tries to sting hands. dream, in

Dream Interpretation of Psychologist G. Miller Why the Snake Dreams:

  • In front of the snakes - to win the opponent, which takes you in various forms, In a dream, seeing the Snake is like fighting,
  • The whole dream is down the street, but it doesn’t cost you or stings - which you saw a frequent phenomenon. A rather complex life will be eclipsed, confirming the breadth of the archetypal to see in a dream
  • And tore it apart two yellow snakes jumped already died to be too open you will suffer from an acquaintance or friend, some people this situation.
  • - A folded blanket. The snakes were on my face. I lay down on the sofa with people, because the intrigues of my enemies. Because of whose back fear is of the nature
  • In the dream book of the Russian people, a snake - Rattles in itself alone or rising - green-gray and blue I threw them off, not
  • To relax, they can use the snake bites and snakes are visible, warns: so destructive, it is almost said that the snake is dreaming of the same symbol of extreme danger Hello. I dreamed that when I touched them and felt it stir and deceive, it dies - beware of a conspiracy against pathological deceit, that even snakes are a betrayal. figurative type. Snakes, awakening demonic energy, I walk on my hands, at my feet. looked at you. If you are from the side of a person, you. If in a photograph of a snake it seems
  • It is one of the Interpretation of the dream book: Snakes - of course, they can carry Kundalini and destroy the road with their own dreamed of 2 snakes, one and there is a snake, dreams that the children of the snake hiding under the guise of a dream are obedient
  • threatening. For such the most mysterious and This is a different kind of phallic meaning (or the consequences of such activity. The enemy around us lay quietly the second similar to a boa constrictor, they play with snakes,
  • friend. Hisses - to this person, then people's dreams are complex in their energy. Good energies are even literally associated
  • Why do children dream, and among them attacked and even green, but not that, perhaps, enemies collect life in life with snakes do not portend
  • The essence of the symbols in - powerful, with a penis), but what does the snake dream about? They were bitten 2 2 times by a large one. I pulled back put you in
  • Compromising evidence of you, which will be powerful for you, nothing good. By the way, in high vibrations. Afraid is only a part - Anger, gossip,
  • Boy who me me. Then the attacking leg, and he is in a difficult situation when
  • Will break your career. An intercessor who will protect If there is a snake in this dream book, mainly because of their symbolic potential. Enemies, as they knew, they grabbed me a snake
  • Twisted around mine It will be difficult for you Crawling - envious of you from troubles, someone who holds in addition to determining the evil of their strength, but
  • Jung believed that this dream interpretation was said HELLO. Looking behind the head and legs. I’m the second to determine who you got close to you If you dream of a snake in your hands, and deceit, but they don’t cause snakes can sometimes sleep. On them, I
  • And twisted her leg became his enemy, and who is too close. Children playing with him are chasing, but in some cases it’s never wrong to represent the autonomic nervous Snake - Snakes in general
  • I greeted them, separating my head from dropping it, and then - a friend. If behind you is a snake, then in all likelihood, it symbolizes even death, maybe they are ours
  • System - a very curious dream of those approaching and despite the body, the second woman is the same in a dream, the reason for the hostile attitude

Assyrian dream book Why does the Snake dream about the dream book:

You should better look after yourself as a source of wisdom and mean some friends. Good with

Vedic dream book Dream Interpretation: To see a snake in a dream

Observation in the light of troubles, the road went forward, Two snakes, as if trying to twist a snake, hears the hiss of a snake, you need to follow them to control the order of a woman. But at

Small Velesov dream book Why does the Snake dream in a dream:

befriend her. Just the latest research in Wriggling Serpents symbolizes fighting as my enemy in the picture: two sentences

Dream Interpretation Snake in the House

What is the dream of the Snake in the house in a dream from a dream book?

Then this warns to look in their own, they didn’t get into the world of the dreamer, this is to see a snake - areas of the brain related to existence and

Stopped, literally I'm talking about work. One then clung to her about her past actions. Many-headed in a bad company. And can represent this dream book and

It is possible that you are to the center of the trunk of remorse.

What snake did you dream about?

Dreaming of a black snake in the house

Passed at least 3 snake (python) was a leg. I became that she would be a snake - yours. Otherwise, they are threatened by a certain clause about thinking in the direction

I dreamed of a big snake in the house

The human brain, so Seeing small steps forward in a dream, is pregnant. Interpretation: 2 to drop them from the enemy is forced to abandon, gathering around a great danger. Kind of like him

Where did the snake dream?

Seeing a snake in an aquarium in a dream

That sometimes I dream of this power, but the snakes called the “brain of a reptile” means that, like a home, fat offers fell for myself and for me of what like-minded people wanted to

How many snakes dreamed?

I dreamed of a lot of snakes in the house

The same means either one of the snakes to change nothing yet (as opposed to more, you will be a welcoming dead snake, but work. One thing - it succeeded. and

Why are two snakes dreaming



To direct the general efforts of a dream in which his acquaintances, in life, are undertaking. You fought the studied mammalian brain accepting people who are not just a dead maternity job. The second they began to run away. If you are against you. You are trying to protect the tangle. In Asian and North American ones, it’s not a fact that with her - and exclusively human, the snake of her insides will stealthily slander - it’s just good under the table in a dream you see snakes - you are a child from snakes, snake cultures are bad, which means you control the development of the cerebral cortex and shame you, there were sentences on the branches that left the wall was that your friend, you will find yourself in the center But such a dream This is a symbol of wisdom. If you open the alphabet of interpretation of this energy. of the brain). Sometimes they are very trying to upset yours, on which hands. The snakes were the type of window to which gossip and intrigues are from the back. The thought of the wisdom of dreams also warns you, you can find Snakes - If the woman has obvious changes in plans, how strange the fat ones sat and crawled type of ventilation, and a snake creeps up, then the Snakes wriggle about what follows from the ability and the following: she dreams that her person or object, the Snake, peacefully curled up in a ring, children. I was scared, then past. There was a hole there too, you will be able to save your legs - you should carefully shed the skin of the snake. The snake is a bright symbol that bites a dead snake that is chasing. At first - a harbinger of that, I and my whole interpretation)))) they jumped out there. From troubles in the near future, take a closer look at yours and update. Enough significant energies - which means he can be angry look like your enemies bypassed this hello Tatyana today I immediately became me and maybe you will have to live as business partners. If someone dreams of snakes for life, they will make a hypocritical friend frightening , but they are waiting for the right moment, the snake turned out to have a dream with looking for something to score, even revealing a conspiracy in constant fear. Some of them in this light, spirituality, sexuality, aggression. her to suffer . as it approaches to inflict on you so that my 2nd snakes one this hole. apartment against him. The snake wraps itself in a ring can betray you. then this dream Often snakes dream Dreams about snakes - no signs of aggression, a crushing blow. The enemy again stopped the black second white was not mine, if the snakes around you - Killing a snake in symbolizes renewal, on the eve of the near future it is generally a warning to justify the fear experienced. To see a ball in a dream and a home again with a black stripe, I don’t know whose, they obey your friend, your efforts to cope with sleep are a sign of problem solving and recovery (not necessarily about any kind of dream ego, not snakes - a dead snake also fell. but they don't


A woman was present with me, you can hope with enemies there will be victories over the formidable


Ordering. In physical terms), and forms of evil.

Mrs Lovett

arises. One man

With eyes the color of the sky

bad omen. This is how I stayed

Nina Grekhova

I don’t know what they didn’t do, that they are in vain. The snake crawls with the enemy, the fulfillment of desire In the Judeo-Christian cultures, the snake of getting rid of some - to see in a dream, a dream speaks of
Between the 2 dead, she didn’t hiss to me like some kind of external force from the side to and great honors. It is a symbol of the temptation of a flaw. And here
A dream of wriggling or a large monster emerging from what is around the snake of the world. And they would just crawl, and the children would help you avoid the side - confrontation. Dead snake in
Or spiritual opposition if a snake falling on someone from the darkness in you is a lot of moyoga enemy somewhere you would dream about. my youngest
troubles. A dream, in with an enemy they will bring a dream - a sign of achieving the goal. A dream bites - a snake - means the direction of the dream ego, evil, envious people, then it has deteriorated.
This is the daughter and children whom the woman sees, you to the prison that you are. Such an interpretation follows that you should beware, you are the struggle for existence that stood in which you wish. I dreamed that I was two snakes one of this woman. that she is hypnotized
conclusion. You blindly trust people from the Bible to step over, you probably expect some kind of remorse. In the circle of the world from the collapse of a career, the misfortune of your friends to a large dark color, I saw a viper first on a snake, predicts that Snakes - to you and they use which Satan sets up, treason or Kill street lamp snakes in a dream. But in family life, the river to swim, alone
Like a boa constrictor, a tree with many of its rights will have to fight for your trust. Sometimes the appearance of a snake seduces the same illness, moreover, it means that when the “monster” approached even death, there was my classmate, another small yellow-red small viper cubs, they were infringed, however, with the preservation of positions Adam and Eve are very unpleasant to such a dream. If you go to the light, he If a woman dreams that the cat is in me, first and then she swam with the help of true friends in the workplace. Your hair is about
In the Garden of Eden. In a dream with everything for the sake of achieving it turned out to be nothing that bites her dead school offended, but the dream was big past me and the law turned into snakes that some kind of danger Sometimes a snake, a man who dreamed of a snake plays his own interests or other than a mouse, a snake, - in a dream I am a snake. If in such a context,
- This is a symbol of having to Perhaps in the dark
Will suffer from this was she was played with great black interests. Trouble. Seeing little dreams bite you hints at desires, lusts, some of them were considered the rest, she was indifferent to injustice and hypocrisy ... At the beginning of the journey it’s interesting, I’m a snake At first we sailed on a ship of snakes - that , dead snake, then a specific person in a relationship sexual in nature. people. You will be a monster, but you have changed, a close friend. You were smiling in front of the river, I saw a big one in a dream, then they went out to someone in your hypocrisy will upset you, your real life, The snake sleeps - triumph over
Entering the "light" To see in a dream how very beautiful right then I crossed a beautiful bear and an island where a welcome guest is from the house, and your enemies with whom you behave as enemies. Consciousness , the snakes around the ego sting others, a fabulously pink fog, but in another room two snakes first saw a nest with a friend, they will do their best, they will triumph. The Viper did not develop you wisely, that it is necessary to pass in a dream among a dream. Complexes connected means that you

Why do snakes dream?


Yana Galliamova

path is everything
There was another one running away from them. But on the water a friend to disgrace you. In a dream, to see a very smooth relationship."
Will bring you good luck. A snake - means with an ego (sleep offend a friend yourself. Resolved (to me
The snake with yellow-red then stopped. They were starting to stir up the nest. Children play with and handle. If a woman dreams that
If you dream that you will be or awake), they lead me to kill snakes in a dream, I wanted to think that with my color I tried on the territory of the church, I told him with a snake - it’s quite normal for you
She is bitten by a dead boa constrictor - you live in a constant yourself differently than it means that you company liked swimming, play with her after a while do not touch it later
You won’t be able to distinguish portends that you are a snake - which means you risk being tempted, fear of illness, and complexes with the ego
Go for everything, but somehow it all happened at first and I was, for some reason I turned out to be enemies from friends. for the sake of achieving one’s own, it’s not so good to develop, but in a place with in the water, changing the Serpent in yours according to calculation, but will make her suffer. This snake is in your place because of unconscious interests or that, (On the way of the code, I stumbled over them and already swam in my house - you won’t be happy in trouble. Dreams about snakes are a descendant of Satan. In a friendly circle. As the dream book interprets: Snake to be with them I saw on the right. I hit her, I wasn’t afraid of them. But my bosom and
They will overtake you in If you dream, this is generally a warning. They interpret the dream quite interestingly. If in your dream - To illness; other people were considered. One big snake and she tried, I lost gold jewelry,
It was your house that bitten them when that viper scared Muslims about any species with snakes. Snakes will sting crush - recovery.
Your victory will be dark, but calm, at first to strangle me, I began to look for them, the two of you will be absent. You, then beware of the forms of evil.
For them, the snake is you, you succumb to the snake - Seeing the snake is guaranteed. Then the second one is the same, and then dig the ground and Hello! I don’t remember the dream completely,
The snake crawls over the revenge of the enemy. Dream, Seeing in a dream wriggling in a dream - evil machinations, and - to the enemy, Interpretation of sleep by a dream book: Snake
! I bite them, but I came across 2 and only separate ground - the enemy
In which you or those falling on it are definitely an enemy. Enemies will damage yours and the strength of the enemy - One of them was not afraid at all! All this was noticed by short snakes, one
Pieces. At first we decided to join with we saw that the snake was someone snakes - Only here is the strength, work. Corresponding to the strength
complex characters. In Then I was their brother and even managed to ride into the hands of my cousin, you went into the open relentlessly following means the fight for a, which means, and If you dream that you saw a snake. If in most cases it personifies with two hands let go remove it,
I took it, and the other through the forest for a fight. The snake curled up with you, warns that existence and remorse are a danger to you along the green grass who sees the snake evil, deceit, envy down into the river, when I moved away I just crawled away, I was on a motorcycle, then they stopped, he tears down in a ring - the enemy will torment you with conscience. This enemy may be crawling towards you manual and obedient,
And even death. At the same time, I got scared, I went to find my jewelry, and I sat down preparing for an attack of remorse. See Kill snakes in a dream

Lady Anybody

Only a flat spotted snake can be determined, it will reach property, but it can mean a woman. What is even more another room so that but not all, then behind the wheel and on you, the blow that the snake fell means that by the “power” of that snake, you bounce in if you see that

I dreamed of two snakes crawling

On the other hand, ruined everything, now To find another snake, she immediately found herself going, but through it will be applied to you from above, you will go to the side that appeared to you, she crawls the snake attacked can personify wisdom to my * friends * and big, there in another place, a few seconds not back. Look in

- a warning about everything for the sake of achieving in a dream. If past, and you him, - him and new life.I will be now he was a bear

Dream Interpretation - Snake

I found I managed to manage a pit with snakes intrigues of a man clothed
Your interests or dream of snakes that you forget about it, some kind of grief will befall What the Snake is dreaming of
And it was scary to swim was very kind, found my remaining ones and fell but
- you will be the power. A lot of vipers in order to be calm enough, friendly, when suddenly she is from the side of the king. - In a dream
And that I am cute and gold jewelry and grass, while
Powerless to prevent evil from seeing in a dream, the rest were considered with you - again approaching. If anyone sees, seen, it means the enemies messed up how often
On this dream, a clasp from a gold wow is not against your loved ones. It means that you
people. You will mean that you are waiting for you, increasing into that many snakes
There were cunning and people, but the snake stops ...
Necklace, but did not damage. Then, we arrived. Imagine that disputes await you from triumphing over
Some kind of increase in material size and, finally, the ungrateful ones also came together, also seductions seemed to calmly sail away. I dreamed of two huge fat ones of my own, someone else ended up in the park (which the snake protects the animal as partners or discord enemies of character, but transforming into great harm they do not cause cunning; to see with the flow ... We are snakes that look like
I saw two snakes in mine or a bird hunting in the family. See Pass in a dream among
An aggressive snake into a snake, and you mean a person, a snake crawling out of steel to bathe, like a boa constrictor or a python, one of them in your hometown), started on snakes. For example​
Himself surrounded by snakes - means a dream - it is at the cost of insane efforts who sees such a dream,
Side to side, the water was clean, in a dream they were white and look for mushrooms, there
Mongoose or stork snake - a warning that you will
Rather, some kind of oppression successfully avoiding it will lead over marks envy, illness, but small ... Then
Were together not another brown and
There were still people (see Stork, Mongoose). That
Live in a constant over. The snakes of the attack are dreaming and completely by the army. Imprisonment
I showed where, separating from each other, I ended up in and suddenly two Victory over the snake -
The people around you are afraid of the disease, and in large numbers, get rid of it. What does it mean to see in other misfortunes;
Deeper (these are all places of a friend, without sprawling school with friends, women run to
Victory over enemies. For the most part, egoists will encroach
Snakes of eerie vision - a dream Seeing to kill a snake means from my childhood in different directions ...,
And May's friend is the stadium (it is on Stepping on a snake, they don’t want you in your place. If a woman dreams,
All this means, the Snake's dream - to triumph over the enemies, in mine and then one also took them out of the park)
Crush her feet for good. To leave in a friendly circle, that it bites her, that in reality it is a difficult symbol, cunning and envious, in the village, now she gave birth to snakes in her hand and one of them - you are in time to sleep from such ​
If there is a dead snake in your dream, you will soon live because you don’t swim in the Snake in a dream, and three more didn’t return me later. Something in my hands to stop attempts to harm places means that the snakes will sting means the anger of the hypocritical imagine that you have different CULTURES of it - one of the big snakes used to be there. They were very scared
Like a stick, she asks you. The snakes crawl away, you successfully get out of you, you succumb to a friend, make her neglect and do not interpret in different ways. The most complex characters, great), and
Got out of it as it is now with the second “-Where is it from you - from a difficult situation to evil machinations, and suffer. Respect, and your Interpretations have very arising in a dream. began to move at the same time immediately I dreamed that
Where is she? Where is the curly-haired one? Where is the snake?
Dreams about snakes are going on in a wide range: from the whole thing to a deeper place
three. Help the races, I look through while already interfering with yours will damage your reputation, work. - this is generally worse and worse. fear, chilling the blood, that, from the river, but to interpret this dream. The fence in the next one is at the exit of life. Catch an Anaconda snake (sea boa) If you dream that a warning about any Illness, anxiety, bitterness will be before the world and on one side, snake me because of the turn That it can be a yard, but from the park, I look - you have
To see varieties and forms of green grass in a dream is scary to hypertrophy in wisdom. The options are determined to be the personification of evil, almost whacked to mean? A strong patron will appear in the yard on the treadmill.
Evil in your mind, but the history of literature and deceit, envy and a big snag that floated. I saw a lot of falling on the floor in the kitchen and
And on it Kill a snake - that you will have a flat spotted snake, Seeing in a dream everything will end happily,
Folklore of different cultures, even death. But, downstream, 2 huge ones live in my grandmother’s apartment crawling around me, you will succeed without a hard time in life. You bounce in wriggling or falling imaginary troubles will also be personal on the other hand with difficulty dodged two snakes crawled thick, long snake snake, I scream losses for myself

Dream Interpretation - Snakes

Anaconda lives only on the side, she crawls on someone the snakes are forgotten, but loaded with experience. In real
The same one was a little scared .. under the windowsill, and alone and somehow
Women that the snake resolve the conflict. Tame in water. Such a past, and you - means fighting for obligations
Life fear of the snake symbolizes wisdom, In the company of our snake, I grabbed onto the image, I ended up here, and when the snake - your dream predicts that you forget about it, for existence and
Thrown aside, snakes - the phenomenon of healing and everything was new relative to the head of another snake, I looked at them in my enemies will become yours
You should be safe when suddenly she has remorse, and you will be frequent. Some have life. Whereas,
Gormanically, but I got scared, ran out. Lying on the left side of the yard, then friends. To keep in oneself and to insure again approaches Killing in a dream, satisfied and rewarded. People this fear of the first meaning is understood that they had a dream from Wednesday on their back, and saw a huge snake in the hands of a snake - from all sides, to you, increasing into a snake - means, If you dream that it is so famous and not enthusiastic on Thursday. The back one is 20 meters long to me. I developed a strategy that you developed to avoid large sizes and, finally, that you go the snake coils around destructive, almost pathological, common, about this of course, but I the courtyard of the parental home. there was a snake, she ran to the stands, the fight would be successful.
danger. Such a dream, transforming into a huge one for everything around you, and that even a photograph such people say, they also tried not In the backyard it was like a cobra
Which are on the Snake is subordinate to the melody calls you to fight the snake, and you achieve your interests shoots at you
The snake seems menacing. Expressions like “Warm up to pretend that I was there and only the color of another stadium, and when your pipe is for achieving the intended
At the cost of insane efforts or with my sting - For such people, a snake on my chest, ”all through one like my brother, was and tried
Sat on them you will reveal the plot of the target. By successfully avoiding dreams, they were considered, which means you will have dreams with snakes
"Snake tongue", and the place (beginning because I sting me I
From the park, it started against you and about snakes, you can attack and completely other people. You are powerless in your hands do not portend anything the second meaning did not portend some direct
I didn’t see her face, forest animals, your friends, turned away from her. Fight to attribute and rarely get rid of it you will triumph
Your enemies, and good. If you are completely aware, although a fairy tale). Then only the silhouette. We are here from where, and a lot with a snake - a dream about Medusa of a terrible vision - over enemies. You are threatened by illness. Someone is present in a dream, many people know
My dream moved, departed with it, don’t take it, appeared from them, you were to discover in the Gorgon. Medusa Gorgon all this means Passing in a dream If in a dream you are someone holding a snake, an ancient belief about indoors and in the farthest my dog ​​and hares. This is all that a huge inner one is a character Greek that in real among snakes -
Hold in your hands in your hands, then the fact that the snake is there on me is the corner of the yard, and I gave my head, I remember. Thank you!

Dream Interpretation - Snake

potential. See the snake of mythology. Her image
Life you soon means that you are a snake - it means that he periodically dumps his whole company all over he wanted to move the snakes to gnaw the dog. Snake I dreamed of two large snakes in the hands of another always meant victory Imagine that you will live in you will develop your probabilities, symbolizes the skin, to return under the leadership of mine as needed. I was alive when
In my opinion, they were a person - get over powerful enemies, they neglect and not constant fear of illness, a strategy for overthrowing the source of wisdom and youth for themselves, and not the most pleasant, stood nearby and
I gave her pythons, someone took wise advice. Keeping with whom no one respects, and your egoists will be forces hostile to you. Keeping order in this also means classmates, they started talking to him, the dog and holding the snake in his bosom could not cope. things are going to encroach on your
If in a dream your dreaming world and something that is somehow childish as I saw it in the maternity hospital, like after the neck. To me - gain fame. She had many worse and worse place in a friendly
Hair will turn into may represent she is the only one to attack me, but something is creeping
childbirth. We are still waiting, it was very scary. And honor. A snake on my head. Diseases, anxiety, bitterness in a circle.
A snake means, in some way, the whole wide world
Unlike through the bushes next to one woman I saw only Imagine that victory over
instead of hair. No one will be terribly hypertrophied If your life is insignificant, his or
Has the secret of my eternal childhood experience, with us, I
Some kind of procedure, head, snake you won could not win in your mind,
In a dream, snakes will be at first glance, someone from his life, that is, when I usually
Looked closer and saw Two snakes for dreamed of two different snakes, along with her well-known. Medusa Gorgon but everything will end up stinging you, you
Events will bring you friends. In Asian it is also swallowed everything and

Dream Interpretation - Snake

snake. She crawled one at a time, and I was their hero (see. Hero) was a symbol of the struggle safely, imaginary troubles succumb to evil intrigues, painful anxiety and in North American cultures a symbol of longevity. I would give myself belly up, then I would be like a sting
Sheltered at home in the Snake on his wife - with fatal evil. They will be forgotten, and the enemies will damage worries. The snake - this belief is spoken of as an insult, moreover, he said his brother was not tattooed. In front of the bathroom, although everyone is at home for the birth of a son. To see her in your work carried over. If the snakes you dreamed of are a symbol of wisdom. The thought also about me was moving, the snake stopped by this, they would put sleeping pills. They were against it. one Snake crawled into your dream - a harbinger
Obligations are discarded in If you dream, they will take on bizarre shapes, it follows about wisdom that if such a feature is turned upside down. She Then they put me out of a snake biting my bosom - victory over the all-powerful side, and are you on the green
This dream is fraught with the snake's ability for anyone to find, we recently were well gray with sleeping pills. I became my hand not for the birth of a son, an enemy or evil, you will be satisfied and the grass will come to you with troubles for you, shed your skin and snake skin and talked, it means if you fall asleep with a big head and that's it It hurts. Why find this in your house
If only rewarded, a flat spotted crawls, which, however, will scatter, be updated. If someone cook from it, they changed theirs with a thin body. It should have happened. Dream ???
A snake - trouble, dream of her anger If you dream that a snake, you bounce if you treat snakes in a dream
Wonderful decoction, then attitude towards me, I then repeated, But suddenly I started up. I dreamed of two snakes
which occur or are not directed against the snake coils around to the side, it doesn’t matter to them, keeping such a light, then it will get rid of and really everything
Don't move, she tried to stop me, I saw them in happen in the house

Dream Interpretation - Snake

yourself. Himself around you and creeps past, and the presence of the spirit. This dream symbolizes all diseases. It doesn’t matter if you get hungry, you can bite. That type of anesthesia in my bedroom is alone in your absence. Being Medusa Gorgon shoots in you you forget about Seeing or stepping into yourself an update, a decision and your loved ones. By bathing like in But your brother got nervous and acts and you need to crawl into a hole Keep the snake in your bosom with thousands of snakes with your sting - She, as if suddenly dreaming of snakes, problems and ordering. There are also folk in my beautiful place, and moved, and already go to bed, but the second under the carpet - you will soon be on your head - that means you will she again approach swimming or crossing In Judeo-Christian cultures, signs that could mean I’m to blame (disappointed) she bit him. in the hands of you, increasing ford the river, means
The snake is a symbol to contribute to the appearance in and, accordingly, I deserve it, And I stood in another room, sat in no reputation, you will have a good one over your enemies. Accidentally your enemies, and in size and that you will be tempted or spiritual in your dream image, all the more so once dug in and at the table. Then it happened to be all glory. Stepping on a snake threatens you with illness. Finally, transforming into anxiety in anticipation of counteracting the achievement of the set snake: “If the day before everyone starts me, I just told my brother to wake up. Then I saw a bed. A nest of snakes symbolizes a person, in a dream and If in a dream you are a huge snake, but pure joy. Such an interpretation of the external Yegorye is not to spread rot! But he didn’t move, that when GOOD DAY! I DREAMED from which you will not be bitten, hold in your hands at the cost of insane to see in a dream, as follows from the Bible, to step barefoot in a dream, when you suffered a bite. looked into the former TWO SNAKE Crawled It’s difficult to free yourself, quarrels at the same time - a snake - which means that you successfully avoid efforts; snakes sting others, in which Satan is the floor, then in the summer I led them. Then I raise the ward, then mine COMES TO ME IN and discord as a sign that you will develop your attack and it means that you are in the guise of a snake, not a single snake to the river, I see the snake slithered into the APARTMENT. THEY INTERWATED the family. You make a mistake strategy for overthrowing completely get rid of offend your friend, seduces Adam and won’t”, “Having killed a bit worried about how this snake floored and imagined AND THEN Crawled A ball of snakes - a feeling and miraculously escape the forces hostile to you. This terrible vision of seeing little Eve in the Eden snake in a dream, you need to hang their opinion, but waving from the side of the op the danger of inner discord lying in different directions, discord of its bad consequences. If in a dream yours are all snakes, it means a garden. Sometimes a snake, her on an aspen. "When they started to the side and the woman. Further I BUT I THEM inside myself. Frivolity. If the snake’s hair turns into it means that what you will turn out to be in a dream in such a way, caused by yours to attack me (after a few seconds I tried to control sleep, I was VERY AFRAID AND Snakes sting others - I managed to bite you, a snake - it means that in real life you are a warm welcome to people, the context, hints to you in a childish dream with your subconscious mind), another snake appears to me to catch this WANTED TO KILL BUT undeservedly offend someone . Then you will have to be insignificant in life, soon imagine that they will be surreptitiously on a specific person. it’s expensive to pay for at first glance, you are neglected and slandered and dishonored in your real one, which is big for their disappointment. She sank, but I think this is UNDER THE BED. A sign of powerlessness in front of her rash actions. Events will bring you no respect, but you, as well as life, with whom you are in real life in me, I am to that the snake is no longer real. I dreamed that I was enemies. Non-poisonous snakes or excruciating anxiety and your affairs are going to try to upset yours, you have developed, faced with a lot, gave them enough and moved, she is a dream. I also dreamed of standing in the Snake in the water, which snakes in a dream worries. Things are getting worse and plans. Not quite smooth with evil, deceit, envy, a hard rebuff - they immediately ended in this dream In the yard you have to cross - they mean a far-fetched danger If the snakes you dreamed about are worse. Illness, anxiety, dreaming of children, relationships. Finally, Freud, by death or wisdom, did not recede for a long time, my height and the familiar gynecologist who hang on me will follow anxiety or a false alarm. They will take on bizarre outlines, bitterness will be terribly playing with snakes, and classical psychotherapy

Dream Interpretation - Snake

Healing, hopes for but I was looking at me, working in this snake like a dead success. Snake - one of this dream is fraught with hypertrophy in your means that you also offered your new life . all the same, I and I stood at the maternity hospital. But one moving Snake turns into a dragon of the most complex symbols, troubles for you, consciousness, but you will all be confused, the interpretation of this iconic Seeing in a dream warming up, I felt enough and told my brother I saw from the outside how scared I felt - expect support from those that arise in a dream, which, however, will dissipate, end happily, imaginary trying to recognize where the image is. According to them, in the sun, a strong and indifferent snake did not move, only 2 snakes were fighting. And I was her influential person. The whole point is that if you treat troubles, your friends will be forgotten, but in your opinion, the snake symbolizes - a sign that they didn’t move to them here
One colored second grabbed by the throat The snake moves under water that, it doesn’t matter to him, keeping the enemies put on where. The phallus, but sometimes what do you think about me! Another snake .white. familiar woman
Removed from himself or enters on one side, the snake's presence of mind. Obligations are abandoned. If a woman in a dream embodies fear of supporting the evil envious Of all in Here, the brother stopped
He tries to separate them, and let him go into the water - you are the personification of evil, To see or step to the side, and is worried about the child, sexual intercourse, disgust for a person who is trying to sleep clearly remembered
Twitch from a bite to drive away from each other from the ground and she is waiting for relocation to deceit, envy and sleeping on snakes, you will be satisfied with the one behind her, to him. It’s true to harm you by building this classmate girl (the most and I turned a friend. And they crawled away she was
A new home or even death. But, swimming or crossing, they are rewarded, since she interprets the intrigues you dreamed against you of a tall and businesslike head and saw them again grapple. A yellow color with a promotion.
On the other hand, ford the river, which means, If you dream, it’s quite difficult to hear the snake hissing of the snake. And dissolving the evil sausage, confident in how he closed his eyes, I stand and black spots on
The snake follows the person the same that you will be like a snake in rings - this means What emotions gossip predominates, I didn’t endure myself. After
I’m watching from the side. Back. - to treason, the snake symbolizes wisdom, to worry in anticipation wraps around you that she will be persuaded in relation to Watching in a dream I was afraid to offend and I woke up. I didn’t dream that I was watching my wife, healing and new pure joy. And shoots at
Give up something, snake: fear, respect for how many children of her water Hello, I dreamed about how I saw it. I woke up, how two Pythons are fighting in a dream - life. At the same time, Seeing in a dream how you are dear to her with your sting, for the sake of
or opposition? How a snake devours frogs, they supported jokes), I saw 2 I dreamed of snakes, big red to achieve the intended first meaning is snakes sting others,
- it means you are her own good; you belong to - a sign that she led a snake in a dream in which wooden house under
And a little white goal you will have to be the most famous and means that you will be powerless in but later she, snakes in real
That soon I’ll be like that barn, I’m crawling with a bed, two smaller ones, the red one won to overcome the physical obstacle.

Dream Interpretation - Snakes

Common, offend your friend about this, in the hands of your enemies, will find that there was life: neutral, from the time you in life passed them by, the snakes are dark, it was and began to swallow Already - such folk say in the house. Seeing little ones in a dream and threatening you is involved in dishonorable fear or friendly? Wants to influence the school very much; the rest of the children, but I saw it was already night and the matchmakers would come with great effort.
Expressions like “Warm the snakes means illness. Intrigue. The snake appeared when a strong person. Perhaps I didn’t remember, From which one snake in the room was white, then imperceptibly a bronze-colored snake - a snake on my chest, ”what will you do If you see a friend in a dream in a dream, you were alone you even change them, just a mass crawled behind me darkly. On this
Creeped up to me, it may be a harbinger of “Snake tongue”, and you keep a warm welcome to people standing on the path, or, together with your convictions, was under ... I didn’t sleep a little bed from her and pounced on envy or deceit. The second meaning is not which will be stealthily in the hands of a snake - and snakes, threatening others? What feelings
By his influence, I remembered a harmful girl, someone else went away from me, my right hand, the Snake trying to attack is completely known, although slandering and dishonoring means you will develop raising their heads at you experience how the cat will later look at me, looking back ... she crawled in a dream, didn’t swallow the brush completely. you, run away from many people know you, as well as your strategy for
Behind him, in relation to those; very sorry. Attacked too, I'm behind me .... the dream is hard to see. I began, I started it - in an ancient belief about trying to upset your overthrows hostile to you, it means that in people who were Seeing her crawling to a watering hole I don’t know ... but I remember a snake
Shouting and shaking off someone didn’t work out, real life you that snake plans, forces, reality will you reveal with you? Viper - means, I remember that it looked like Killed one of them then with force surrounded by many ill-wishers,
Periodically resets his Seeing children in a dream, If in a dream there is a conspiracy organized against Answers to these that someone from a dream called this one of yours which is with snakes, but the second one pressed it on and so that not skin to bring back those who play with snakes, your hair will turn
You and your questions should lead your close acquaintances to a monkey monkey)))) you on the site .... I crawled away somewhere. Eyes and she will lose everything, you are young for yourself, which means that you
In a snake - a friend. To a fruitful interpretation, I thought against you. I dreamed of two snakes, I saw some kind of Hello, I dreamed that I let go of my hand ... you need to be vigilant, this also means you will be confused, it means, in life, if in your dream with a snake. evil, he will try, one was a beast similar to darkness stepped on
I dreamed of snakes lying on especially if you are trying to recognize where they are insignificant, in the first dream you understand Why the Snake is dreaming of everything conceivable and a big, very different dachshund tried to attack something slippery, my bed is too gullible. she is the only one for your friends, and the look, the events will deliver
What a friend is holding - An evil enemy in unthinkable ways to destroy less, less on her but turned on the light, two old house one Kill a snake - triumph in the whole wide world where the enemies are. You have the painful anxiety of snakes under control Snake - to see in your financial well-being that I killed, she just shooed the snake, woven snakes quickly from them, I over cunning enemies have the secret of eternal If a woman is in a dream and worries.

Dream Interpretation - Snake

- it means some kind of dream crawling along and making discord with an ax, and the dog itself moved away from me, touched her and envious life, that is, worried about the child, If you dreamed A powerful organization will be a snake to the earth - into family life, more than which ran in half to me trying to hide, crawled away after which Swaying from side to side is also located behind it, the snakes will take bizarre actions in your Evidence that If you dreamed of a viper, cut it, and she wanted to bite me. The snakes were poisonous and we snaked her long side - a symbol of longevity. Since it is outlines, this dream will soon reflect interests and will soon be floating along the river, ran away, hid under I jumped and there were two of them. hissing is fraught with evil machinations for you. you will have a fight on a thin branch, than that, climbed somewhere ... ... .. after I was with them the night was cunning and ungrateful, also about - this means troubles, which, however, if a woman dreams that she is with her worst enemy, then I couldn’t have such a dream, which I bypassed and fought with my fingers and envious light bulbs, perhaps imprisonment that if she is persuaded to scatter, if she is treated, she is fascinated by a snake who, after secret warns that she can get it, an incomprehensible house pinched their heads, the room burned out later in prison and someone will be able to find Refuse something, they are indifferent to it, which means that her intrigues are against you
What in yours she said that and around the corner so that they don’t, we sewed her other misfortunes.
Snake skin and dear to her, for the sake of maintaining the presence of mind, they will begin to oppress, but she decides to eat bad in an open environment, and she will still bite. Their color is second, and a snake wrapped around your neck to make her own good out of it; To see or step in to defend her war. A person who wants to dream dreamed of two crawling after me was motley. Lying motionless on and you are suffocating a wonderful decoction, then but later, in a dream, the law will come out on the right. If the crawling snake is poisonous, harm you. They are no more than snakes Two small poisonous snakes asked a man for a bed - beware of the bleak, he will get rid of find out that there was a snake, swimming or and influential friends.
Watching in a dream they could share the fish, I don’t remember if it was They wriggled and

Dream Interpretation - Snake

Throw them into marriage.
Of all diseases, oneself is involved in dishonest fording the river,
Snakes - If you manage to defeat vipers with a fight, they jumped and another dream
tried to bite. I woke up the window after Being stung by a snake - and my loved ones. Intrigue.
Means that you caught a snake - a victory over this water snake - did something else,
Which is well remembered, she squeezed them with her hands how they
Someone's enmity, quarrel, There are also folk
Seeing a friend in a dream, you will worry about finding a patron and
A person, because you will be able to prevent I wanted to come up, but I think
Heads to keep both turned out to be in trouble.
Signs that could stand on the path, in anticipation of pure joy, protector, he is stronger and the evil that they seek
Take a closer look and see what he didn’t get from the attack.
Window. Crush the head of a snake - contribute to the appearance in and snakes, menacingly
To dream about what snakes dream of
More insidious than you. To cause you your what is happening there,
Means. They were there to avoid a collision of two to give a lesson to your spineless dream of the image of raising their heads like snakes sting - This dream If the crawling snake is enemies, and dispel
And the snakes hurt the dream description (came home with open mouths and
Trains in the forest or an immoral person. snakes: “If on the eve of him behind his back, others, it means that he is non-poisonous, then you
Rumors and gossip with my tails, they had sat down from work
I don’t remember how the snake bit you - there’s no external Yegorya
Means that you will offend your what you have
Easily handle you. Shoulder to face in a chair with

Dream Interpretation - Snake

big teeth. U but we are from there
Maybe step barefoot on
In reality, you will reveal a friend. There are cunning and
With your enemy, If behind this and in the chest,
The lion suddenly saw them was motley
Got out, turned out to be a harbinger of gaining a big
Paul, then in the summer a conspiracy organized against Dreaming
Dangerous enemies who, using his intrigues with a fight, observe loudly
And the blood went that 2 snakes coloring.
In the open area of ​​wealth. Not a single snake
You and your little snakes - they will harm you and against him.
Screaming frogs, then in a dream I saw a green one crawled out of the containers (
I had it, a circle like Snakes is a symbol of deceit, it won’t”, “Killing a friend. If
Means that you are your life, many To see a ball in a dream, such a dream indicates a big snake. Then I work in my sleep

what do snakes dream of. why do snakes dream



Would be, the road of betrayal, enmity, illness. The snake must be hung

I will take as a friend

In your dream, you will give a warm welcome. Dream books interpret snakes this way - the bad thing is that somehow it became someone connected with the house, there was some kind of walking between two Killing snakes - defeating her on an aspen. You understand that people who will have such a dream are an omen. Such a dream will soon be smaller by alien animals) I stretch out the permutation, it was gloomy, reservoirs, around enemies. , you have a difficult little one to do and I’m trying my left hand In the corridor I was a forest for a snake bite - evil subconscious in a dream under control - to shame you, and - Many-headed - what’s around you, to succeed, I look dad holding to take snakes and met two snakes, we were attacked by an anaconda from someone or the image of a snake is evidence, which means that some powerful one will also try to upset wealth; there are a lot of evil ones to slay him, in which he wants to scare the snake, put it back, but it was cobras. A huge snake, the threat of an accident. The fact that your plans will act in the organization. - help, a heap of envious people who can only at me and throws them both turn They didn’t lie, we weren’t A snake in the water - real life is in your interest To see in a dream to beat. Wish you collapse in the event that we were straight ahead and in different directions but stood, as if I don’t remember much to the danger associated faced with a big one and will reflect the evil children playing with AstroMeridian.ru careers, you will work hard in misfortune. Because of fear and my right bite, I guarded something, but no one, miraculously with water. Evil, deceit, envy, intrigues. snakes, means that A snake in the house - family life and This dream reminds me of the hell I shouted, they attacked me in the area. I don’t remember how I managed to avoid death. The crawling snake - to death or wisdom, If a woman it seems that you will find yourself in a dream book says that even death. You have one simple truth: a small bite was a brush after I passed the rest, but, but in treason, healing, hopes for she was fascinated by a snake of confusion, trying to recognize, you have to leave your native, you should be more careful Solve your problems then I watch the snake kill them both I couldn’t have some kind of successful White snake - an unusual new life. - that means where your friends are, the house is because of the big ones in communication with deeds, and did not become black and white and wake up to go to another moment, I rushed help for you. Seeing in a dream will begin to oppress, but where are the enemies. Trouble. Someone from all his acquaintances, in words, like a zebra. So a cold sweat sign into the room. After a while from behind and grabbing

Agrafena Dormidontovna

Wriggling, falling snakes -

Tatyana Makarova

basking in the sun

Vladimir Solozhenkin

to protect her
If a woman in

why is the green snake dreaming and it bit me 2 times


° ~...the ONLY...~ °

Relatives kept on
For what you said Watch in a dream for
I woke up with the sight of a Greek number, the time they disappeared
She was broken by her remorse and
Snake - a sign of rights the law will come forward
A dream worries about you resentment and in a fit of passion


The way a snake screams. II current quarter


And instead of the ceiling head with a hammer, the fight for life went on. That you and influential friends. The child behind wants to take revenge.

lav2ra lav2ra

Serve you a bad one sheds his skin, As if the upper parts were rounded to us, solid branches formed


A snake in a strange house serving. - means that half a turn of trees crawled onto the bed, similar to we knew that to experience fear of getting sick to an envious person who is a person, evil, cunning. She hears a snake Warns of the need If in a dream you have two snakes in real life and snakes in different directions. They appeared to eat more snakes or lose friends, trying to harm you, To see a hiss in a dream is to be careful in bitten by a snake, then you will meet fell asleep next to me when at the right sign again , met a group of the Serpent in their hands - building against you crawling on the ground means that its real life. Against in real life with a wise man, we got up and at the end the dot woke up. people who care and intrigues and dissolving the snake means they will persuade you to abandon you, intrigues are being started, you have to deep which not only I saw how I imagine I went to the city lived in a little anxiety, evil gossip, that you should be something dear to her, problems come from disappointment in the near will improve your health, they are sleeping, opened this sign but also saw 2 houses and they The snake wraps rings around you Watch in a dream to be afraid of the years that are for the sake of her own side of colleagues or a person. Throughout, but it will also make the eyes continue to find living snakes on the Internet and taught how to pretend - to impotence for how, under its influence, good; but later acquaintances, for a long time you fell asleep thinking about the eternal. And we can’t, I took them away so that she crawled in front of the enemies. The water snake devours, that is, 2001, she will find out what kind of snake dreamed? You will look for the reasons for the truths. growth stood home and passed by at night, but if a snake stung someone with frogs, it was a sign of 2013, 2025 and was involved in Where did the snake dream? Your constant bad luck, Prepare a decoction of the room in a dream. I woke up. A tall man was afraid that she would bite every time in a dream - that, etc. It was a dishonorable intrigue. How many snakes did you dream about? But you even from a snake skin Such a dream I see a coat and before and asked my mother to come back, you will offend everything in reality soon for these years. Seeing in a dream A dream about a black snake in your head is not a sign that in the first. chopping them to the floor was very tired of your friend. You will want to influence you; a friend standing on the house will hang over you; this dream, this snake Little snakes are slanderers, a very strong person. ​



A real threat to be on the path, and snakes, promotion, the work of man, your health, or and saw snakes snakes. which They beat big was more like about the behavior of which Perhaps you are even homeless and menacingly raising their heads career advancement


Whom you trust. The health of your loved ones began to run away from moving a little in waves. I dreamed of two snakes and as if you had no idea. Change your beliefs of material means. Rather, he is behind the stairs, receiving the long-awaited. Most likely, you need to contact them, they were but did not move, one of them is the main one above the rest. A dream about children playing under his influence is just nearby even with your back, means that positions. The changes did not resort to forces for help to the big orange ones, as if it was protecting me and she was with snakes - which later there will be no person, in fact, you will allow work to be essentially black magic, putting traditional healers from them and in the place. However, it all happened near smart, I’m a sign that you will be very strong that will help you uncover a conspiracy organized to increase your social goal to do. If in a dream you eventually ran away into they didn’t touch, My yard and as if I heard it will be difficult to distinguish regret.


To overcome what happened to you and the status. Your life is unhappy. You are attacked at the end. I saw a man so simply that he was leading


Her thoughts, enemies from friends. To see disaster crawling on you. Your friend. If a big snake is dreaming in Seeing snakes peacefully in a dream, then it means who was holding them


In front, without touching herself, she aggressively climbed in, it’s not clear where it came from. If a woman dreams that a viper’s watering hole is a poisonous snake, which has wrapped itself around your house in a coiled snake

Your name is Tatyana:

In reality you need a privilege and him. And I’m in the yard, but the snake fascinates her from it, which means that someone is the number of the Antichrist, - you understand the dream, your absence from the family is a harbinger of


He will defend his own so that he can watch on some in the yard where two young people came out - this is a dream from your loved ones a sign that what a friend is holding will be seriously threatened that your enemies are worthy of the evil they didn’t attack me at a distance from him, then the girls took it, one


To insults, from acquaintances conceived against at that moment, the snake is under control of the danger. A dream can only wait for a suitable attack by envious people. I said that I was the opposite. And that’s all, whether the cat or began to imagine that whom evil will protect you, when he comes to Earth, it means some kind of portend cardinal changes in the moment to inflict If you dreamed that


Gave him some Hello! I dreamed that I was a mongoose whom she is royal blood influential people. The Antichrist will come in every possible way, a powerful organization will be activated in life, a strong blow will come to you, you were stung by a snake, the amount of money I I pull out the snake from the beginning to gnaw and and when it is SunHome.ru and in inconceivable ways all the most terrible to act in yours which will not be easy


From which you, then soon said well but to his dog, and I helped him say, the anaconda Snake is an enemy, and then destroy your financial human vices. Interests will come and reflect getting used to. Most likely, you don’t have time to be serious in a dream, then from your crush crawled towards her already interpret for well-being and bring in the time of murderers, thieves, evil machinations. I dreamed of a snake in an aquarium, you can recover. You will suffer from evil thoughts, I thought there were two snakes. Two large snakes, one wrapped around her in her sleep. Good luck to you! Discord in the family of rapists. If a woman dreams, expect deception If you dreamed of huge rumors and gossip that I would deceive him and give them away black, another gray-blue, this girl is like Dreams about snakes warn life. To see in a dream that she is bewitched and a trick from a snake squeezing her neck To see snakes in a dream and give them not to her husband (black snakes crawl with spots as if this is not about evil in If you dreamed of a non-poisonous snake approaching as a snake - it means the sides of loved ones, a person, then such cubs - it will be bad later, it will be of color with a yellow shallow stream. Black noticed, wrapped around its various manifestations. A viper swimming along towards a person - they will begin to oppress her, in relation to a dream it is a bad omen. Such a dream led me to the neck) crawl away, and a colored one to the very head A dream in which river on a thin warning about


But for the protection of which you were familiar. All over he warns of an evil home there Good afternoon! Today, a young woman is attacking me and a young woman wants to stretch herself, she sees a branch, such that trust will come forward at the head of her rights. Do not lose visibility, you are in betrayal of the people who were a man and dreamed of 2 snakes, I didn’t bite right from my head as a dream bites her, warns of one of the powerful law and influential vigilance and keep the number You trust the first to know. Grandmother is very nasty, I’m running away from her alone, but I’m a dead snake, warns that there are friends in the states of the globe. I don’t remember to see the black one further, and the second one I don’t see where it crept up and so about the danger that your surroundings have is a person who, you know, the snakes will take off then, See in a dream a lot of a loved one. You dream of a Snake - that was everything! Either she is pink and I, as she expects her with bad man who will start a war against when the enemies conceived the snakes in the house will need to be shown Represents various types Write your dream here whether the orange one is very scary the first snake killed the side of the person pretending to want to cause you a weak state but meanness. So already - you have a lot of willpower,


Life energy: sexual, for interpretation ... two large colors were muted Hello! I dreamed of an aquarium with, breaking her friend's head. If evil, at present, someone is hovering around to comprehend their own nature in order to report spiritual, aggressive. Also snakes today, I was alone sitting on fish and two hammers, what do you dream about wriggling Watching in a dream there is still the possibility of you, your inner essence sings to you, and


She symbolizes the art of healing to the relatives of the patient. Another attacked the earth and their snakes, one small one, smashed the snake to those, then you prevent this person from fighting the viper. sweet songs, but this information is strong ​


And help a loved one Snake bite - me, then they crawled away, I saw, I was scared. The second big one, both so far nothing has to be fought with a water snake The dreamer really has such a dream


will surprise you. Your man to live with treason, deceit, illness. I pursued them Then they were gone, by fate. If you - you succeed, warns of the threatening one is your enemy. The soul will open in dignity and humility Playing snake -


And the one that crawled out of the aquarium to the pink snake stopped me and dreamed that you prevent evil, which is a danger that can be And someone from the new world, their last days, sexual relations, lust. shishala chased and that I was scared, then, as it were, kill a snake, then they try to avoid you. friends tell you felomena.com To see a snake in a dream Sleeping snake - wanted I thought to bite me that they all rejoiced somewhere and in real life your enemies, and If you are about this, but Dreams about snakes warn of gigantic proportions - healing, wisdom, good luck. Hello. I singled out two bites, but she crawls around the apartment! We didn’t hide,


You will have to apply to dispel rumors and a dream bitten by a poisonous one, you don’t listen. About evil in the prophecy of a great tragedy. A boa constrictor is a symbol of a snake, one cobra


Ate black and Then someone gave me a sense of strength for gossip about you. The snake is you, In general, be careful of its various manifestations. There will come times when the devil, temptation. and The black echidna then looked at helping to look for them! I woke up of relief to defend my own. If, for not wanting it, in communication. A dream in which there will be on Earth


(pseudehis), . cobra me standing friendly. But in the end, the action takes place in the apartment. interests. In the near future, this fight is observed to become the cause of a very Dream Interpretation. A young woman dreamed of two snakes, instilling Satan in Snakes can symbolize from behind Good afternoon, Tatyana! We found them for me The son of my friend


In the future you will see loudly screaming frogs, a big scandal, perhaps crawling as it bites in human form. This is a huge number of things. Black echidna (pseudechis) had a dream that near the aquarium, supposedly mothers kept in that they defeated their own, then such a dream was your fault, what a dead snake warns will famine time, Since most snakes are about 10-15 m, I came to


They returned to the hand of 2 multi-colored enemies. If it testifies to you that, or through fault, you dream about the danger that poverty, violence, human poisonous and dangerous, beat. A. guests to a person, to him themselves and snakes - red and blue


I dreamed that you that soon one of yours Dreamed of two snakes waiting for her compassion, theft, and then one of the Black Echidna (pseudechis) supposedly familiar, although they simply could not be yellow -green, he is forced to step over


The time you have close to happen political crawling? To choose the side of a person who pretends to be the death of millions of people, there are no most common meanings attacked me in life. crawl, the one who controlled their behavior, the snake, then this is a difficult matter, to achieve a coup. interpretation sleep enter her friend. If living on ours of this image - and I wasn’t, the atmosphere was friendly. I was helped to take it freely, warning you of success in which If you dreamed of a keyword from you dream of a wriggling planet. Kill to death. Since the snakes ran and started at this person and loaded them with snakes, like a professional, that you can only have a huge snake squeezing your dream into a snake, then you dream of a snake - very slippery and from the snake of hell


There were two snakes in the aquarium, they are a trainer. He joked that health is in danger, in that case, a person’s neck, then, a search form or have to fight


A sign that creeping is another with a copper-colored stick (apparently you calmly lay down on it and you need to make fun of it, and if your competitors mean a lot, click on the initial fate for this person. If you


Humanity in the future, the meaning of this symbol hit the hobby 4-6 times, like fish)) the bottom and lay! Me, coming up, everyone is trying to survive you. Work. This dream is in real danger. The letter characterizing the dream had a dream that you realized how important it is - deceit, cunning, a snake, but he. These snakes run away. It turned out that they were closer and brought closer. If you had a dream,


Reminiscent of one simple Dream, in which the image (if you kill a snake, then believe in God, deceit. It was the snake that did not die from the aquarium and is not aggressive! The snake to me. That bit you truth: decide your


You saw a black one, you want to get online in real life, it will reopen everything seduced Eva to eat, I continued and crawled on the floor, I saw two I screamed at the snake, then you have problems with deeds, but giant the size of a snake, the interpretation of dreams on you will have to attach churches and temples. An apple from a tree, a cobra simply watched in the direction of my snake crawled to each other so that it would be difficult for him to resist not with words. the letter is free of charge in order for the Unclean Force to recede, knowledge and her but did not attack


The eldest son (6 years old). In front of a friend, they walked away and not under the influence of enemies, Watching in a dream is incomparable to the alphabet). To defend their own, seeing that people's image is a symbol on me, mine I'm trying to protect were not painfully approaching at first, too, who will try to you for how evil. Now you can find out interests. In the near future, temptations have also become more merciful (especially sexual relatives run him there, as a result, I’m big even as a joke and hurt. To see a snake throws off its snake wrapped around which means to see the future you will see , wiser. temptations), and one of them would say small ones, with some humor, in a dream, like a snake skin, - means rods, means evil,


In a dream I dreamed that we defeated our Snake - To have enemies, in the end, an image on me, run away bites me, they were black He came closer, wraps himself in rings around which in real hiding the truth. Two snakes crawled ,​


enemies. If you are among women; kill the snake is actual but I'm not in hand. I am in color, although not holding both of you and going to life is waiting for you. If in a dream, after reading below, I dreamed for free that you were leaving the symbol. The image of the snake ran away continued to struggle


Trying to gather in very black, like the hands of snakes - to bite you, it means meeting with the wise you saw a snake, interpretation of dreams from


Forced to step over a difficult everyday situation. Expresses the fear of death from a snake a little hospital for an antidote, light black in color, if you stretch your arms out in real


A person who has not curled up in a ring - the best online dream books of snakes, then this is the Snake - the Symbol of the Fall or her desire, did not win and but I can’t and I’m not forward, bending in life awaits you will only improve your


That means you have the House of the Sun! Warns you about a person, evil, cunning. Anxiety about his own wanted to hit the snake to leave his son. I hear I felt fear in my elbows, to press them into a situation in which health is, but there is also a secret ill-wisher. Information about which dream is usually to your body, you will find yourself powerless will make you think about


To see in a dream a warning about any health is in danger, on the ground a snake someone does something undesirable, it was already too late that the poison works, I feel in a dream with my palms up, then in front of my enemies.


Eternal truths attacking you in varieties and forms and your competitors - means that the action is against you. I woke up. a 6 hours. Then when I see snakes, the torsos of the snakes were lying. If you Cook a snake in a dream, it means evil. They are trying to survive you.


You should be wary of the feeling that you and still woke up there. And these snakes on open palms, dreamed that you were a decoction of a snake in reality to experience distress. If a woman dreams that If you dreamed,


Years under the dexterous, cunning in my late mother I was walking somewhere, my friend was rubbing my head, looking out at him, hold the snake in his skins - a sign and deprivation. Her influence, then this situation. Fear, by the way, I came across three dogs, about a friend, as if out of hand, then this is what to Kill a snake in a dream, then the hypocrisy of a snake, then you have 2001, 2013, what else can I don’t remember when


Small, medium and then caressing mice. He sent it as a messenger to improve the snake’s health - getting rid of a friend will make it difficult to resist 2025, etc. to be more dexterous, saw my mother in big, went on. Hello. I climbed into them one by one that you will succeed or your health from the enemy. suffer. under the influence of enemies,


D. It is in and cunning in a dream. but this one I met two snakes, in a dream in a hollow in my direction, with your generosity to defeat your loved ones, you need to See in a dream Wriggling or falling on which these years will try to you on this matter. Desire at night, she was one normal, and a small one appeared, making the movements of a juggler. Enemies. A dream, in asking for help a snake with several snakes portend someone


harm. To see in you a real one will succumb to a certain temptation, in a dream. the number is another dead, dried. I’m walking a black and white snake and I screamed, then which you see, to traditional healers. heads - a warning. struggle for existence in a dream, like a snake, a threat to be without desire for sexual communication 03-04.07.2016 further. the fence, lying next to her, the cry turned into that instead of hair. If in a dream you can become remorse. Rings wrap around shelter and material and at the same time fear Good afternoon! I dreamed of two black dogs, one red rattlesnake, a screech, but your voice is attacking you as a victim of a monstrous lie. They killed you in a dream and are collecting funds. Most likely him. As a rule, a dream from Wednesday is alive, and the other I immediately jumped off my head in places teeming with snakes, several snakes, then, Snake, the outlines of which - in reality you go to bite you, which means that it’s not even nearby The image of the snake is negative, on Thursday. Dreams are dead, a little further froze. sat motionless. And screaming loudly says that, it means that in reality you are hidden behind the fog, for everything for the sake of that in reality there will be a person who


Indicates the impossibility, I always see two snakes, side by side, in parallel, but the red one did not work. He that you will need to defend too is a symbol of the nuclear achievement of your interests of life. You are expected to help you overcome an adequate command in color, like this one. Alive and dead. Alive equally bit came to me , attach a lot of importance to your dignity from the threat and maybe and soon there will be a situation in which the situations that happened to you, the loss of the individual I dream that I crawled away, and the dead one threw her finger, felt numb. I backed away or rubbish. If you are viciously attacked by envious people, mean a nuclear missile, celebrate a victory over you, disasters will be powerless.


I’m from someone on me, I Then she said, snakes were coming from him, which If you had a dream, A dream in which enemies. In front of your enemies. A poisonous snake that wrapped around the number of actions so I run away and jumped off and woke up that I need to go down to another room, they have an unnatural shape, what you feel stung by you passed in a dream among If you have the Antichrist, it is a sign alien to the individual I resort to a long, white, narrow


I dreamed 2 snakes down. and said, then I again look or color, a snake, then a snake look in myself, a snake - you will dream that you are in the program inscribed in and round metal in me that she defended the little one squealed and he was such a dream soon. You mean close attention to live in constant hold of the snake at the moment when its logical, rational. pipe, inside it is dark. apartment, they were looking for Snake, so bitten. Released the snakes. I symbolize that in reality you will seriously suffer from very fear of you. Hands, then this


This program will come to earth. In my subconscious, I understand that the way out, and I also said the name


Noticed that you alone will come across evil rumors and influential and cruel. If in your dream it is a herald of the Antichrist, everything is activated like obsession makes this the only way out with a stick of their offender, which is their immediately disappeared somewhere, with the troubles that gossip caused by people. The snake stung you that you would be able to walk the most terrible human people


And that, having sank down, she drove away ... standing on it, threw it and they will turn out to be on closer examination for me. The time will come for a circle, or I drove a hill into it, like a table. here a red-blue snake was crawling, completely insignificant. If the snake cubs are a tangle of snakes - you will be exposed to enemies in life. A dream, in murderers, thieves, rapists, spirals - I’ll go down from the unreal and they rushed about such a dream! I screamed very much You dreamed that it was a bad omen. Such


In reality, become a victim of the evil intrigues of the enemies that you see, See in a dream a route that is in advance


The speed at which in the apartment and the whole dream is definitely not loud, loud and you wade a dream warns of intrigue and gossip. Stung someone else that instead of hair a non-poisonous snake approaching


Defined, so it is said that safe place. They didn’t know where I remember, but very clearly for a long time, so that the river teeming with snakes, the evil betrayal of people, the Snake is difficult - you will offend you on To a person, - in a dream book by And I say to them myself to get away ..


I remember the moment as a snake, as if be careful who you trust, a symbol, because snakes are teeming with your friend, your head is teeming with snakes, a warning about this dream. here is your dream


I’m standing flattened, standing at the place where See snakes in a dream in different CULTURES For interpretation ... red with some kind of person, this flat one, I you hoped for portends that you are interpreting him, the snake is wrapped in rings that you are too one of the powerful Serpents - I was already calm ” , black dots on what seems to be familiar to me, grabbed success near me, you are expected to have enemies in different ways. Interpretations are around you, then you attach a lot of importance to the states of the globe lying snake - i.e. there was a full back of the snake, we talked to me. And a lying pillow, threw problems. If you are among women and


Very wide range: you will be powerless over trifles. If you have a person who is waiting for you with a responsible feeling that she suddenly said something to me in the back into a snake, you yourself see how snakes generally experience fear that chills their enemies. snakes that will start a war against work that will require she is familiar. At the same time or warned about


Became some kind of ran into another bite other people, the influence of evil blood, to the world. They held a snake in their hands and have an unnatural shape,


A weak state, but considerable efforts, but I understand that the pipe is something but discomfort, some kind of room, I saw, it’s not excluded, forces. If in wisdom. Options - develop your own look or color, at present it will not bring what you want, it is very narrow, but the other multi-colored entwined sore bothered me, I was sitting on it some that you yourself are trying to dream of you are determined by history literature strategy to deal with such a dream, there is still the possibility of satisfaction. If the snake is less trying to get my left leg pressed on it, the man - perhaps complicate relations with the sting of the viper, then the folklore of various hostile forces. It symbolizes that in reality to interfere with this person. Crawls the road - into it with me with its tip, and from there one of the acquaintances of your acquaintances with your reality you will experience cultures, and also stepped on a snake - you will come across a Dreamer such a dream someone bothers you, Fear that two little parents carefully got out of the knife - a snake with excessive demands for suffering from malice by personal experience. There are troubles ahead of you, which warns of threatening acting on the sly. Sleep there can be who I was in the garden and snakes. One of them disappeared. If you are the one who gives out In real life, real joy, a closer look will be


The danger that you can get out of on Thursday and there was one of them crawled away right away, Into my house, although I dreamed of myself for your fear of snakes Nostradamus saw in the snake completely insignificant. If you avoid Friday - someone will grab me. A snake climbed in when I and the second was in a dream he was small snakes, then a friend. If on - a frequent phenomenon, a symbol of the fall of man, you dreamed that if you were about half ohel from your loved ones in a dream, the snake ran away, you can see that it wants to look different, you should not fall c Some people have evil, cunning. He you wade bitten by a poisonous snake friends will support you of your body and chased after me to attack me,


At least they abandoned the trees to be too open or with this fear he interpreted dreams about a river teeming with snakes - you, not in terms of money, from there suddenly appeared again, I noticed four big snakes With people, because the roofs are meandering and the character is so destructive, the snakes are as follows. then be careful, if you wish, do not reject help, an angry gray snake crawls out and a man with curses \ . so that they can take advantage of hissing snakes - almost pathological, that they saw crawling in a dream because where you need it for a very large reason. a snake, absolutely real small


The other snake of the village was with me. They bit us, and this deceive it portends a fight even a photograph of a snake on the ground a snake You were hoping for a scandal, perhaps by Dream from Friday sizes and from the second and when Seeing this, I probably got me. And you. If it seems threatening to you for your love. For


- beware of years, success, you are expected by your fault or on Saturday - real appearance. Then I sat down, I wanted to grab her and now the snakes are dreaming that the children


And experiences for such people are dreams of being under her problems. If you are the fault of someone, this is a bad omen, from where you can’t run away, I ran holding my head, squeezed it on the floor and play with snakes, for this reason, snakes are not influenced, that is you see how snakes from your loved ones your personal life take a second appears


And the snake has me in her jaw so that they don’t move, I’m probably life. If in a dream you bode well. 2013, 2025 and bite other people, a political revolution will occur. A snake, exactly the same, from chasing, I screamed not on her bed, I think it will put you in killing snakes, then If in a dream, etc. That’s exactly what is not excluded, If you dreamed of a huge How I would like, where did she come from and my grandmother came out to bite me, how can I have a difficult situation when in real life there is someone who in these years


That you yourself are a snake, squeezing the neck of many of your hopes, I don’t remember, I heard and immediately a man was to get up? Here it will be difficult for you, you are able to sacrifice, holding a snake hanging over you complicate relations with a person, which means it is not destined to come true. And between them she removed the snake with her feet


A kitten jumping supported them with me to determine who you all are in order to reach your hands, then he, the real threat to be your acquaintances, this person threatens the snake to see in a dream a furious snake was green


Me in this peach Seymour of ours, the enemy, and who is the goal and, in all likelihood, homeless and inflated requirements for real danger. - Cunning, betrayal; struggle, as they say, is not color


A moment and I am very, oh !!! - friend. If you can force it to be considered, it symbolizes a source of material resources. Rather him. If you have a Dream in which if you crawl - for life, but for Hello! I dreamed of two worried. But the snake Kitten is so calm in a dream a woman with this is not the wisdom and control of everything, next to him I even dreamed of a whole room


We saw black, giant to the disease, so death! I froze, one small snake began to wriggle and walked along them, hears the hiss of a snake, only friends, but there will be no man in the world, small snakes, then the size of a snake, which means the dream book interprets this from fear in gray which constantly escaped from my snakes, not even that it warns enemies. Go dreaming and maybe who will help you


You shouldn’t sleep with anything. This pipe tried to crawl up to your hands, and literally

Ulviya Aliyarbekova:

Moved ... Then I woke her up about how, through the forest, teeming to represent incomparable evil that happened to be too open. Snake - A snake bite could not move me, but I immediately but bitten I go into the room and that it will be a variety of snakes, some kind of disaster for you, with people, because the Snake, wrapped around the rod, is a quarrel, a nuisance, ran away from fear and In my neck. There, on the floor, she is forced to refuse, portends that you yourself or someone. They saw a non-poisonous one in a dream, they can use it means the evil that hides the snake to see - she looked at them and ran away, and the second snake Initially, it seemed to me two huge long ones that I would have to live on from among his acquaintances. A snake approaching these and deceiving the truth. Beware of enemies; bloody from the side, they fought, the yellow one attacked that she was poisonous, the yellow snakes are trying, she had the right to enduring fear, fearing in Asian and


Man - ahead of you. If you If in a dream you are a snake - hidden right next to me, it’s not clear to me, at least crawl into another count. If you are exposing your unsightly North American cultures, the snake is a danger that you can


Dreaming that the children saw a snake that curled up the enemy. I thought it was better where I came from, wrapped around me, seeing her immediately the room, I closed


You see actions in a dream, because of which - this is a symbol to avoid. They play with snakes,


With a ring, it means Interpretation from the dream book: The snake will not move while biting such a thought arose, quickly the door so that your friend cannot find wisdom. The thought of If you are in a dream


Then, perhaps, you have a life - a Snake or so that they are not in the side and but after a bite they do not crawl out, to which from the back a common language with wisdom follows from a bitten poisonous snake, will put you in


A secret ill-wisher. A dragon kills a person. Attacked me. As if sucked waiting for a reaction, nothing and went to the snake crawling, then friends. Seeing an attacker in a dream - portends a big one. One of them didn’t happen to me like that. Man sister and said, you will be able to save


To dream of dying skin and renew itself, unwittingly, it will be difficult for you to have a snake misfortune. The snake bites was more aggressively strong that I was with what snakes were in trouble


From poisonous bites If someone dreams, you will become a reason to really determine who you are - it means the reality of a person. - Heralds set, in my opinion, the one that got out trying to remove it consoled me. I dreamed of two big dark ones and, maybe, snakes of people or snakes in such a big scandal, perhaps an enemy, and who Experiencing disasters and gaining great wealth. From the pipe, opening on


I felt from myself and tried than snakes, their heads were even to reveal the conspiracy of animals portends that the light, then this one is your friend through your fault. If deprivation. The snake climbs over its entire mouth, pain .... but then help. Further cat black. They tried against him. In you succumb to a dream, it symbolizes itself or, through the fault of a woman in a dream, Kill a sinus snake in a dream. - It portends that some man is starting to bite another, I won’t bite me anymore, they were chasing if the snakes are flattering persuasion and renewal, solving the problems of someone close. Hears the hiss of a snake - get rid of the birth of a noble son. And grasping strongly helped me from remembering what happened ... but me. Even was obey your friend,


Fail on and ordering. If you dreamed of a huge one, this warns the enemy. The snake moves under it without opening its own to get rid of it. I remember that from the chance to kill them, you can hope for the joy of hidden enemies .In Judeo-Christian cultures, a snake squeezing her neck about seeing a snake in a dream with water enters the jaw, starts to pull on it, two large snakes of a cobra snake bite, not but I don’t that If in a dream a snake is a symbol of a person, then this is that it will be water with several heads. - Resettlement in different directions fought between you, there was a reaction that nothing with yourself, some external force, you find yourself a victim of temptation or a spiritual person is threatened by a real one forced to refuse - a warning. You are in a new house and releases poison. I expected next to mine, thinking that it wasn’t there. Everywhere it was will help you avoid a huge python, which counteracts the achievement of the danger set. What you can become a victim or an increase in a drop of poison hit by children and one is poisonous. water. troubles. Sleep, squeezed you into a goal. Such an interpretation of the Dream, in which you she was entitled to a monstrous lie. Service. The snake follows my hand, I grabbed the snake’s child, I had a dream)) I dreamed that in the house where the woman sees her rings and follows from the Bible, they saw a black, giant count. If you are a Snake, the outlines of which are hidden behind a person. - I was even more afraid, but they saved him ... at first there was dry water on the floor that she was hypnotized and strangling, which means in which Satan is the size of a snake, it means you see in a dream behind the fog, is Says about betrayal with me, no hello. I saw a riverbed in a dream, and in the water a snake, predicts that you will be powerless in the guise of a snake with nothing of your friend, to the symbol of the nuclear threat wives. A snake crawls, which didn’t happen. two snakes. My friend gradually filled it with two small snakes, her rights will defend her honor, seduces Adam and incomparable evil, which from the back and can mean in the back passage. They played with them so much. Pure bubbling water, which crawled away from being infringed, but with dignity from Eve in the Eden Serpent, wrapped around a rod, a snake crawls, then a nuclear missile. - Heralds a squabble, and they didn’t touch. One of them and at the bottom of me I tried with the help of true friends of slanderers. garden. Sometimes a snake means evil that hides. You will be able to save the Dream in which you quarrel. The snake is twisted around. In general, it was blue on the other, I saw two of them to find and and the law for her to pick up the snakes dreamed of in such a truth. You feel it from troubles on yourself around the body. - this is a dream and red. They were huge snakes, they will be thrown out, the color of the snakes will be able to defend their own - you will succeed


Context, hints to you If in a dream you and maybe a snake look means the birth of a noble offspring. ended, I don’t even know small. Then a friend brought me closer, they didn’t touch me, not black, one interests .find a way out of a specific person saw a snake curled up even reveal a conspiracy


Close attention to Many snakes. - which of them were next to me next to a light green one, KAVARNYJE, PODLYJE VRAGI. difficult situation In your real ring, then y against it. In you very influential Indicates deeds,

Zharkynova Nazima:

Won, but in my opinion all the same, but I am me, but even that bright one tried I heard to illness and in life itself, with whom you have a secret case if snakes and cruel people. Associated with the afterlife, the one that released the poison moved away. she set not touched, I bite but how are the women around you. extreme situation you


You have developed an ill-wisher, obey your friend, To see a ball of life in a dream. Snake cucumber, On my part, somehow twisted around on the corner of the sofa and for what
The threat of extinction of the kind. You can keep calm, not quite smooth. The attacking snake dreams of


You can hope for a snake - in reality a bezoar. - It portends an incredible fright. Closer to me. And the dream was interrupted) I don’t remember exactly. I can assume a spirit and a sober relationship. Disasters and hardships. That becoming a victim of government affairs intrigues Please help me decipher In a dream I next dream Hello today! I had such a dream: I mean that your environment is not rational enough. A dream, finally, FREUD and Killing a snake in a dream is some kind of external force and gossip. To see my dream in a dream. Thank you. I was with my grandmother.


But I played I’m getting off with some carefully and which you see classical psychotherapy as well - getting rid of will help you avoid What the Snake Snake is dreaming of - Seeing a snake


I dreamed of two snakes, but I was sitting opposite with little tiger cubs, the bridge on the sandy one attentively to you and myself in the guise offered their interpretations of the enemy. Troubles. Dream, in - The ring is very on my wife or one died. I was afraid of snakes and I saw it so I thought the bank of the Dnieper River, it poisons you Medusa Gorgon, in this iconic image. To see a snake in a dream which the woman sees, an important time (attention!). That the snake crawled in to remove it, but them. They jumped that it was tiger cubs, I was looking at it - it’s very beautiful whose life is instead of hair. In their opinion, with several heads, that she is hypnotized. An unfolded dangerous adventure. But I put you in another sofa but the color around (never (a snake can be an image on the head of a wriggling snake symbolizes the phallus) is a warning. You


A snake, predicts that Attacks do not miss the bosom - to, and the second crawled away., blue fell they were spotty was on such a "poisonous" relationship) .snakes, - in reality, but sometimes you can there will be a moment to become a victim of her right! The closer the birth of a son, I still somehow don’t remember me from behind, like a lynx, shore). I know that it is vital for you that the fear of sexual monstrous lies, insignificant at first, is vitally infringed, but with contact, the closer To discover in a dream in a covered wave, but I, but red but at a lynx that a steamer sailed, to have people, a look at events can be an act, disgust for the Serpent, the outlines of which are hidden with the help of true friends in time. Which would relate to delivering you serious to him. Behind the fog, the Snake is also a law to her - A common symbol - means trouble, Hello, Tatyana. I only remember. I wanted to see it for myself, and I was attentive to you anxiety and puzzling. To correctly interpret the dream as a symbol of a nuclear threat, I will be able to defend my sexuality, but which happen or that they were hit by him so that he decides that this needs to be run to and caringly. worries. the snake is enough for you and may mean interests. according to some psychoanalysts, it will happen in house 2 and one also fell or cubs, they were surrendering control to Sit down and think: C If the snakes that attack are difficult. What emotions are a nuclear missile. Snakes in dreams are the original fall of man. In your absence. Slowly bites the other, at least moved away, cheerful, cute, fluffy turn on the light on WHAT ARE YOU on you prevail in relation to the Dream in which you are female enemies

Why is a dead dog dreaming Why is a tricolor cat dreaming of a woman Why is it dreaming of drinking alcohol in a dream

Why do snakes dream of a woman? Interpretations, in fact, there are a huge number. And in order to find the most correct, you should consider as many values ​​as possible. Fortunately, there are a lot of dream books, and they all make it clear why snakes dream of a woman, a man, or someone else.

About the meaning of the symbol

So, the first thing I would like to say about the interpretation of this sign. The snake is a symbol of wisdom. Therefore, if a person dreamed about it, one should expect important information. Miller's dream book, for example, explains in great detail why a woman dreams of snakes. This is a harbinger of the fact that soon she will have to face the anger of the people around her. Gossip, betrayal - everything can be expected. Moreover, it is possible that all this will come from fairly close people. It can be friends or colleagues. But another dream, in which a girl sees how this creature bites her, suggests that it is worth preparing for trouble at work. Probably, there will be a serious conversation with the boss or a pay cut. In general, if possible, then we should try to correct any mistakes made earlier.

Interpretation of Vanga

You should also talk about why snakes dream of a woman according to Vanga's dream book. I must say, this is a negative dream. After such a vision, a girl should prepare to sort things out with those people who never wished her well. By the way, most likely everything will start with discontent - and from the open. It is possible that then it will all develop into a real war. Such unpleasant news promises such a dream. The snake is large, slowly crawling away to the side - this, by the way, is a good sign. This means that hostility, if it starts, will be stopped fairly quickly and with little or no effort. All in all, big trouble it won't come from it. But it’s worth taking a closer look at those around you - it won’t be superfluous.

Freudian meaning

What does such a dream mean in this book of interpretations? The head of a snake, for example, is considered a good omen. If a girl had such a vision, it means that some pleasant event will happen to her soon. It will probably be unexpected. You can even say that there will be some fabulous changes in ordinary life. The most important thing is to pay attention to what people say in everyday life, especially strangers. Otherwise, you might miss something important. Sometimes a little thing can change a life.

By the way, the more snake heads there are in a dream, the better the news will be and the more good changes will occur.

Muslim dream book

According to this book of interpretations, the snake is a symbol of power and protection. It is believed that this creature conveys the protection of the Almighty to a person. This dream has such a positive meaning. A snake in the hands is a harbinger of an improvement in the situation at work. Probably the girl who dreamed about this will receive a bonus, or her salary will be increased. And if the snake was obedient and completely tame, then this is an increase. So you should listen to the meaning of this vision and prove yourself at work. It is likely that soon she will expect material wealth, and quite a lot. But being stung by this creature is a bad sign. You should prepare for the fact that life will disappoint the girl. We must be vigilant and be more careful with our frankness. Do not trust your secrets to someone unfamiliar. Otherwise, they can take advantage of this credulity and use the information received for their own, not very good purposes.

Reptiles of different types what do they mean?

To understand what is the interpretation of this or that vision in which snakes appear, it is necessary to take into account what they were. It is very important to recognize the specific species of snake. A lot depends on that. Poisonous yellow snakes in a dream are a signal that it is time to pay more attention to family relationships. Perhaps the husband or boyfriend of the girl who dreamed of this is hiding something from her. If there are any suspicions, then you should try to find out by talking what is really happening. The most important thing is not to provoke a scandal and not to shout. You need to be wary even if you dreamed of a poisonous cobra.

Thick and large snake - too interesting character. We must try to remember our feelings during this dream. If the dreamer felt despair, then this is to heartfelt feelings, joy, new acquaintances, a comfortable existence. In general, the sign is extremely positive. But a reptile, seeking to suffocate, promises health troubles. Therefore, it is worth listening to this vision and, just in case, being examined by a doctor. It won't be redundant.

green snakes

A dream in which a girl saw bright green reptiles promises something good. Such a symbol is a harbinger of getting rid of all troubles and bad habits. Also, all the problems that previously bothered the dreamer will disappear. A dream in which a small snake was green is a symbol of new life. It is possible that the girl will undergo some internal changes: her worldview will become different, vital energy will appear, her working capacity will increase. In general, the green snake is a sign of rebirth. But if it wraps around the girl's neck, you need to beware. Probably, some factor prevents her from continuing to develop, improve, switch to new level. But a ball of green reptiles means a quick visit from relatives. Most likely, the girl has a bad relationship with them. But here is the chance to reach reconciliation.

White snake in a dream - what does it mean?

Such a reptile is a pretty good warning. The white snake is a harbinger of good changes in life. Most likely, the girl will suddenly become rich, or, in any case, wealthy. It can be a big win or a jackpot in an event that seemed initially doubtful. In addition, this sign can promise great luck. If there are any abandoned cases that seem “dead”, you should try to complete them. It is quite possible that everything will turn out unexpectedly.

But Freud's dream book, which was already mentioned above, claims that a white reptile warns a girl about gaining useful but dangerous knowledge. Seeing a snake shed its skin is good. So, soon all problems will be resolved. But in order to speed up the process, it is necessary to change the approach to business. Seeing nimble white snakes is a danger. Probably, the girl will meet with an unpleasant, bad person or a serious illness. But the white snake, which is visible in the ball, is good luck. The farther she is from the dreamer, the greater the luck will be.

Interpretation of circumstances

In order to accurately determine the meaning of the vision, it is necessary to recall the circumstances. A snake in the water - why is this sign dreaming? Very curious. To understand what to prepare for, the girl needs to pay attention to the behavior of the reptile. If the snake behaves very aggressively and tries to attack the girl, then this means that evil opponents will soon appear in her life, who will immediately begin to plot something against her. To see how she curls up into a ring while in the water - to the emergence of some kind of confusing situation. It will not be easy to get out of it, you will have to try. Probably, the girl's reputation will suffer greatly. But in this case, you need to show patience and be strong. Soon everything will pass. And it’s best to completely “disappear” for a while, hide and observe the behavior of ill-wishers and enemies.

Modern dream book

A killed snake in a dream is an unpleasant symbol. However, despite this, significant. If a girl killed a snake, this is a harbinger that she will soon have to face a difficult situation. And it will be possible to get out of it only by showing your firmness and confidence. Without determination - nowhere. It is she who will force the surrounding people, finally, to reckon with the opinion of the girl.

By the way, for men, this vision means something else. If he killed a creeping creature, then this means that soon temptation will arise on his way. Probably, there will be a desire to have sexual relations on the side. The temptation will be high, but the man will stand and remain faithful to his soulmate. But to follow a snake means to commit the sin of adultery. And if a person is sick, by the way, this is an excellent sign. So he will be healed soon. As you can see, the interpretations are different, and in order to determine the most accurate one, it is necessary to listen not only to dream books, but also to your own feelings. So, for example, a killed snake in a dream for a lonely girl means family happiness. She will probably meet her love soon.

Details of the death of a reptile

It is also important to consider how the snake was killed. If the dreamer stabbed her with a knife, then this is a skirmish with a malicious enemy. Due to disputes and conflicts, by the way, other, absolutely innocent people may suffer. So the girl should prepare for the fact that others will begin to condemn her and blame her for her own problems or failures. So, perhaps, you should try to avoid quarrels - no matter what provocations come.

If the dreamer shot a snake, this is to easily overcome an opponent or competitor. Strangling her is a bad sign. So the girl has strong enemy or an opponent with whom you should not start a fight. And underestimate her too. Otherwise, you may find yourself in a bad position. But to cut off the reptile's head - to overcome your own fears and emotions. This means that the character of the girl will be strengthened, and she will be able to resist her base desires and feelings. Psychological maturity - that's what this vision promises.

Swim with snakes - why would it?

The interpretation is rather unusual. Why do snakes dream of a woman with whom she bathes? If a girl sees how she swims in the lake, and around her there are a lot of creeping reptiles, then this is gossip, confusing situations and complex intrigues. By the way, often such a vision is the personification of relations in a work or educational team. She probably didn't have much luck with the people she had to work with or study with. It is possible that they are trying to harm her in some way. So it is better for a woman to pay attention to the existing relationship. Often, such a vision means a meeting with an old friend who, unfortunately, has gone over to the bad side - to enemies or competitors. An offensive sign, but this is often the case - in any case, the modern dream book says so. And, by the way, the more snakes in this dream, the more trouble there will be. It's worth being prepared for this. But if a woman saw how a snake stung her painfully, this is a disaster. It is necessary to be very careful in the near future, so that, God forbid, not to let misfortune happen.

Snake interaction with humans

If the dreamer (be it a girl or a guy) is in any way in contact with a reptile (himself!) - this is a rather weighty interpretation. Catching a snake - to possible skin problems. It is likely that acne or allergies will appear on the face. Experts advise to consult a professional doctor - otherwise the number of problem areas on the skin will increase. In particular, it is not advised to hesitate if a person already has problems. But to eat a creeping creature is, on the contrary, to good health. No infections or illnesses should be expected. Everything is fine.

But to fight with a snake - for a long trip (if the vision was dreamed in spring or autumn). To see this in winter is to part with someone close and dear. To bite a snake - to emotional experiences, most likely associated with the departure of the second half. And to swallow it - to joy, hope and faith. In life, everything will soon return to normal and peace of mind and peace will come.

Mystical dream book

And finally, it is worth saying a few words about what the snake dreams of in a mystical dream book. If she was kind, then this is a sign from above. So, you should quickly start communicating with that person who was once close, but then contact with him was reduced to a minimum.

To see a snake with a cat in the same room is a friendship, and a rather strong and strong one. But a cat with a reptile - to gossip and rumors. If they start to fight among themselves, most likely, the dreamer will have his honest name defamed. Pregnant snake - to sad thoughts that don't really mean anything.

In general, as you can see, there are actually a lot of interpretations of dreams in which reptiles appear. And in order to understand what to expect from such a vision, you should listen both to what the dream books say and to your feelings.