Tips from Vanga for all occasions. Wise advice from Vanga for every day

  • 16.10.2019

Baba Vanga is a prominent Bulgarian specialist in the magic of money, fulfillment of desires, attraction of luck. The prophecies, prayers and conspiracies of the blind witch are described in the books of numerous followers. Vanga's spells save from enemies, ill-wishers at work, the vicissitudes of life. Here we will consider conspiracies and prayers, strong rituals for money and good luck from Vanga.

Most rituals for the fulfillment of desires and wealth are easily organized at home. We will consider Vanga's spells for love and health in a separate article. All conspiracies in this article will be devoted to money, apartments and luck. Surely you will successfully cope with them.

Before proceeding to the study of conspiracies for money from Vanga, it is worth a little study of her biography. The healer was born in the Macedonian town of Strumica, in 1911. The sorceress went blind early, so her father was forced to send her to a special Zemun school. Vanga spent most of her life in the village of Rupita.

It was in Rupita that Vanga acquired the ability of clairvoyance and became famous for all time for her predictions. Money conspiracies, which the sorceress read, have long turned into a legend. Since 1967, Vanga collaborated with the Bulgarian special services and the KGB (the monthly salary was 200 leva). The witch died in August 1996.

The famous prophecies of the healer

Vanga not only conjured for good luck and money, she regularly looked into the future. The reputation of the sorceress grew, because she helped many people. Here are some examples:

  • the beginning of World War II in 1939;
  • Hitler's seizure of power in Germany;
  • the election of a US president with African American roots;
  • collapse of the USSR;
  • the September 11 tragedy in New York;
  • sinking of the nuclear submarine Kursk.

Many people live in fear of the future seen by Vanga. So, she prophesied for the year 2043 the introduction of the Arab caliphate in Europe. Vanga predicted space flights, searches alternative energy and human immortality. The fortuneteller also made mistakes (World War III in 2010).

Vanga's recommendations for attracting wealth and good luck

Take into account that Vanga's white conspiracies for every day help only benevolent people. Live in world harmony, avoid negativity, honestly earn a living. Cast spells when the moon is waxing or on a new moon. There are other helpful tips:

  1. Hang a horseshoe, an elderberry sprig or a cross at the doorstep (they attract happiness and money).
  2. Carry a piece of turquoise quartz in your wallet.
  3. Rearrange furniture during the new moon (then the case will lead to a real increase in income).
  4. You can’t leave a sticking knife in bread if you want money to flow.
  5. It is forbidden to take change when buying artifacts (candles, threads, pins).

To stay at work, avoid table swearing (food absorbs negativity). Create the strongest attracting rituals with prayer and good thoughts. Always give thanks higher power for the help provided. If you have extra money, share it with the poor.

The strongest money rites

One of the best conspiracies Wangi for money and good luck is recommended to create on Friday. The spell must be read in your own bed with your eyes closed. Present the required amount, understand the need to attract financial flows. Next steps:

  1. Say the phrase ("My wish will come true, because I want it so").
  2. Repeat the text nine times.
  3. Take an alarm clock and set it for four in the morning.
  4. When you wake up, go to the threshold of your home.
  5. Read the main part of the spell (this is done three times).
  6. The named amount should be spent on the purchase of what you have planned.

The text of the conspiracy for wealth: “In the early morning I got up, turned my eyes to the clear sun, received a blessing. Sunbeams, fulfill my innermost desire, give me quick money. I need (exact amount) to buy (item name). Guide me to good luck in my work, help me quickly gain prosperity. Amen".

charmed water

The most powerful conspiracies to improve life are associated with the use of holy water. You will need to fill a glass container with spring water, then read money prayer. The water is drunk at the end of the ritual. Prayer text:

“People who cross the threshold of my house will become to me faithful helpers. Enemies will go away, they won't be able to find the way to me. Every time the door opens, the goodness in my life multiplies. Evil spirits and misfortunes will bypass these edges. Good and happiness - in the house. Amen".

If you need career growth at work and a constant increase in profits, create an appropriate talisman. To do this, you will need a piece of sheep's wool, which you need to speak and hide in the apartment. The wool must lie for a year, after which the ceremony is repeated. And this is what you need to say:

“Mother sheep, you wore a fur coat, wandered around the world. And now come into my life, attract success and prosperity. May my dwelling be filled with goodness, gold and silver. Abundance remains with me, the benefit flows into the wallet. Be sculpted and strong, my words. Amen".

Ritual with bread and water

There is one effective conspiracy for good luck in business, but it takes place in two days. The first stage is connected with a trip to the temple and the blessing of water. The next day, you will have to completely give up food and food. Procedure:

  1. Sit down at table.
  2. Pour holy water into a glass, place the container in front of you.
  3. Cut a loaf of black bread in half.
  4. Place the cut half on a plate.
  5. Now you need to read the plot three times.
  6. Drink some water.
  7. Divide the bread among relatives (let them eat it).

“Jesus fed the suffering with bread, so let it help my family too. I don’t want to need it anymore, I’ll get a high salary at work. I will have plenty of food and coins, and even more left over. Prosperity will come to the house, the wallet will be filled. And I will spend wisely what the Lord sends. Amen".

Complicated midday rite

Among the conspiracies and prayers, strong, for money and good luck from Vanga, midday rites stand out. Light it up at noon kitchen table three green candles. You will also need three coins, a teaspoon and a bowl (coins should have a low denomination). A conspiracy for coins is accompanied by certain ritual actions:

  1. Begin the ceremony at noon.
  2. Place a teaspoon each of cinnamon and nutmeg into a bowl.
  3. Mix the ingredients, constantly thinking about money and enrichment.
  4. It is not worth guessing exorbitant amounts - you can lose everything.
  5. Start tossing coins (two heads and an eagle should fall out).
  6. Place the coins in the spice bowl.
  7. Read the plot for money.

After the end of the session, the enchanted coins and spices are poured into the closed compartment of the wallet. This will be a special wallet, keep it together with securities and important documents. Get ready for promotion at work and the transition to a "tasty" position. Spell text:

“Money powder, help me get a better life. I conjure so that they take a job with prosperity, and coins and banknotes are not transferred in the wallet. I want to find happiness, reject poverty, provide for my family. As I say, so be it. Amen".

Doorway and attract good luck

Enrichment happens faster if you are lucky. Bad energy usually enters the home through the door, bringing poverty, strife and illness. Therefore, prayers for good luck help people protect themselves from external influences. Wait for the waning moon, go to the door and read the plot three times to gain luck:

“People pass through the opening, and streams of luck flock to my house. The more guests, the more luck, happiness and joy. A bad person will not cross the threshold, but health and wealth will visit my house. When luck gets inside, it will no longer be able to leave the home. Amen".

You can strengthen the opening with pre-prepared holy water. If you want luck to stay in the apartment all the time, dip your fingers in water. After crossing the door three times, sprinkle the rest of the water on the threshold.

Selling conspiracy

Vanga has conspiracies to sell a car or apartment. They should be resorted to if the item being sold is of no interest to anyone. Procedure:

  1. Place a jar of spring water on the windowsill in the evening.
  2. Rise at dawn the next day.
  3. Go outside with a jar in your hands (a balcony will do).
  4. Look at the morning sky.
  5. Cross yourself and the jar.
  6. Read the spell three times, referring to your guardian angel.
  7. Take three sips, sprinkle the dwelling with the rest (dill and parsley sprigs are used for this).
  8. Re-exit the house (not to the balcony).
  9. Pour the rest of the water under your feet, blessing life path.

The text of the prayer: “Holy angel, I turn to you with prayer words I ask you to forgive my sins and delusions. Bright angel, help me in a dashing moment, support me on the roads and on my journey. Make sure the deal goes well. Let them buy from me (product name) at a good price, they will give the money without cheating. Attract good luck, protect from troubles, enlighten and enrich. Amen".

We pray to the owner of the water

Some conspiracies from Vanga seem strange, but this does not prevent them from effectively changing our destinies. The ritual below is extremely powerful, although oriented towards pagan pre-Christian culture. Before you is a conspiracy to attract good luck with the help of the owner of the water.

When you wake up at dawn, fill a glass bowl with well water. Until noon, leave the bowl outside - so that the sun illuminates the vessel well. Further procedure:

  1. Exactly at noon, leave the house to the courtyard.
  2. Read the plot to bring good luck.
  3. Take 7 sips from the bowl.
  4. Strip naked and throw out the remnants of the charmed water.

Prayer text: “Great water spirit, protect me from all sorts of troubles and misfortunes. Take aside disease, poverty, curses and the machinations of enemies. Have mercy, endow me with luck in any endeavors. Give me beauty and strength, let others love me. Let the black winds go around my dwelling side. I speak strongly, my word is sculpted.

Bread money prayer

A charmed piece of bread has amazing strength capable of multiplying material wealth many times over. In the early morning, take out black bread, speak it three times and eat it. The rest of the bread should be washed down with holy water. The text of the bread prayer:

“Bread feeds people, makes everyone happy, even if it supports my family. I want to live well and in abundance, not to count money, not to know grief. Direct, heavenly powers, silver and gold to my doorstep. I will spend it wisely, I will use it for good. I will praise Jesus, help the poor. Amen".

Raspberry Conspiracy

Here is another effective ritual for employment and a decent income. Suitable for anyone who is changing an old employer or is going to a difficult interview. Procedure:

  1. Go to the forest and look for a piece of bark lying under your feet.
  2. Remember the place where you took the artifact.
  3. Also in the forest you need to collect a bowl of raspberries.
  4. After returning home, rub the raspberries into the bark (where the smooth part is).
  5. Take a pen (the rod should be black).
  6. Write on the bark the place of work (position, company) that you dream of.
  7. Use the same pen to add your name.
  8. Go to the forest and bury the bark where it was found.
  9. Eat the rest of the raspberries at home, saying the incantation words.

The ceremony is organized on Wednesday, since this day is patronized by the monetary Mercury. Wednesday - the best time for career advancement and attraction of financial flows. Spell text:

“Raspberries are ripening, and my career is getting better. Wherever I go, I will be useful everywhere, the authorities will like me, I will get rich. Success will accompany everything. Amen".

Help of the saints

There is a very strong conspiracy to fulfill financial wishes, but it takes a long time to prepare for it. Three days before the ritual, go on a strict fast (fruits, vegetables, cereals). Quit smoking and alcohol completely. Here is what happens next:

  1. Silently go to the church (it is strictly forbidden to talk to passers-by).
  2. At the church threshold, mentally say Vanga's prayer.
  3. Inside the temple, purchase seven candles and place them in front of any icons.
  4. Pray (texts do not play a role).
  5. Wish your loved ones health and good luck.
  6. At home, repeat the prayer of the Bulgarian healer.
  7. Continue fasting until late at night.

The text of the prayer: “Holy saints, I humbly ask for your help. Send forgiveness to the sinner (your name), wish a good share and a well-fed life. Grant me a bit of earthly happiness, protect me from adversity, illness and dashing people. Let the sorrows go away, and the heart be filled with grace. My steps will go to the heavenly abode, I will move on the righteous path. The Lord Savior will be with me in prayer. Amen".

How to get the required amount

If you need to quickly get a specific amount of money, you should resort to the appropriate prayer. To do this, you need to wake up before dawn and leave your home. On the street, turn around to face the east side and calmly wait for the first rays of the sun. Say a magical spell.

To enhance the effect, constantly think about the amount of money you need. When the dream comes true, spend money on those things that you originally planned to buy. If you do otherwise, wealth will go away, and poverty will settle in the house. Spell text:

“I get up in the morning, I meet the red sun, I open my cherished thoughts to the sky. The three wise men settled in the lands of the east. The first one knows what I intended to receive. The second sees the path to acquiring the thing. The third will tell you how and what I should create. I open the cherished secret: help me buy (the thing is called). Let the desired come, and wisdom will not leave me. Amen".

How to Save Savings

Reasonable spending is a great art, which will help to master money magic. Water represents cash flows, so turn all the taps in the apartment tightly. Get a red ribbon, cut it and tie the pieces around the plumbing drains. Then do this:

  1. Tie eight knots on each piece (so you stop the mystical outflow of funds).
  2. Get a red notebook and record income and expenditure transactions there.
  3. Plant in red pots Money Tree and basil.
  4. Put the pots in the far (from the doorway) left corner of the room.
  5. Sit down at table.
  6. Light four candles blue color(they symbolize stability).
  7. Tie your credit card (or several bills) with yellow ribbon in a criss-cross pattern.
  8. Read the plot.

It is forbidden to remove a sling from money (or a card). A yellow bow should always remind the owner of the ritual performed. And the text of the spell is:

“My money is multiplying, clinging to each other. Candles burn, silver and gold attract. I tie expenses with knots, I tie bills (cards) with ribbons. Henceforth and forever in my house, wealth will not be transferred. Until the ribbon is untied, the wallet will be full. Amen".

good luck on a full moon

If you want to become lucky and forget about bad luck, wait for the full moon and perform the Vanga ritual. As in other rituals, you need to get up at dawn. Set the alarm - you should see the first rays of the sun. Procedure:

  1. Wash yourself in running water and fill a glass vessel with it.
  2. Whisper a conspiracy into the water.
  3. Put a few drops on your head.
  4. Wash again from the vessel.
  5. Allow your face to dry (do not dry with a towel).
  6. Keep the ritual a secret.
  7. Repeat the ceremony on the next full moon (it can be done regularly).

Prayer text: “Vodichka-sister, steep banks, pebbles and sands. You see off the nights, you meet the dawn, you give happiness and good luck to people. Cleanse me from filth, give me a grain of luck. Amen".

Baba Vanga knew a lot about predictions, attracting good luck and prosperity. Those who turned to the wise woman for advice lived happily ever after. So do not neglect the recommendations of the witch, follow the ritual algorithms exactly. And your house will turn into a full bowl.

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The world-famous prophetess and clairvoyant Vanga helped many people with her advice. Her recommendations apply to all areas of life, including home improvement.

Great Vanga always advised people to focus on living their lives correctly, not wasting energy on unnecessary grievances, hoarding and achieving deliberately false goals. She always recommended that you maintain your home and the atmosphere in it in order to feel not only under reliable protection, but also use your home to recharge positive energy. To do this, she advised to have objects of power in the house that can attract well-being and scare away negativity.

Objects of power in the house

1. Horseshoe has the ability to attract positive energy. As you know, luck is always on horseback, so Vanga recommended hanging a horseshoe at the entrance to the house so that luck can always freely enter your home.

2. Garlic- one of the most effective amulets that scare away evil spirits. It must be hung in the attic under the roof, placed in the basement or in the corner of the front door. Where there is garlic, there is no room for negativity.

3. Honey- a symbol of prosperity and wealth in the house. It is necessary for everyone who wants to have a house-full bowl. In addition, honey is the first means to make friends with brownies. His presence in the house suggests that the owners are under reliable protection.

4. Apples needed in the kitchen. Vanga said that prosperity in the house begins with ripe apples. In addition, these fruits have the ability to recognize the negative energy of the house. An apple left overnight in the morning will “tell” you about the energy of your home. If it has deteriorated, then it's time for you to clean the house of negativity.

5. Pins and bells- protect from evil thoughts, evil eye and damage. They "absorb" negative energy, protecting your family. They must be hung and stuck near the entrance to the house and replaced if they become rusty.

6. Boots- a symbol of comfort, health and longevity. Fate is favorable to houses in which there is always a pair of boots for her. Vanga said that Fate would definitely give gifts to generous household members for their care.

7. Staff- a symbol of change and readiness to always start the journey. It accumulates the energy of the family and helps with new beginnings, travel, long trips and moving. The staff helps to strengthen the strength of the spirit.

8. Soap- a necessary thing in any home. Always keep ready a bar of the most ordinary soap without fragrances and dyes. It will not only help wash away ailments and diseases, but also scare away evil spirits. Pieces of remnants can be laid out in the darkest corners so that evil spirits do not take it into their heads to settle there.

9. Church candles and icons- the ultimate defense. Each Orthodox Christian having an iconostasis in the house and lighting candles, protects both himself and his house from any evil.

10. Mirror should be round and yours. Vanga said that the owner who has a mirror in his house is happy. However, it should not reflect the negative: deaths, scandals, quarrels - all this contributes to the accumulation of heavy energy.

11. wind toy able to help the owner learn to speak with the wind and use its power to free their own home from evil.

12. A ball of woolen threads- a symbol of comfort and peace. Each hostess who has such a ball in the house will contribute to attracting happiness and prosperity to the house.

13. Amber serves as a guard not only Money but also a symbol of longevity and health. Everyone who has amber at home is immensely happy.

14. Sharpener for knives, according to Vanga, is a symbol of renewal and purification. With such an object of power in your house, a weapon against evil spirits will always be at hand.

15. Hourglass is not just a decoration in your home, but also a way to save time. “If you tame time, frozen in glass and turned into sand, you can manage it and use it for your own good.”

16. Living plants- a sign of well-being in the house. Vanga said that in any house there should be at least one living plant, which has a beneficial effect on the situation in the house. An indicator of success is its growth and flowering.

17. Black Roadside Stone, picked up by you after a long journey, will protect your home. Its strength lies in the fact that it drives away bad dreams from the household.

These items, according to Vanga, are sources of not only strength, but also wisdom. They are able to attract all the blessings to your home and save you from bad luck and a black streak in life. However, the person himself must understand that happiness lives where there is love and mutual understanding. We wish you good luck and prosperity, and do not forget to press the buttons and

The advice of the famous Bulgarian healer and seer Vanga for those
who wants to attract the energy of well-being into their lives.

“If you want neither a bad person nor any evil to be able to cross the threshold of your house, but luck has become a frequent visitor, hang elder branches crosswise over the front door.”

“If you want well-being and good luck in everything, in the morning, getting out of bed, put on your right foot first, and then your left. And never look for a second slipper, if the first one is already on your foot, first find both, and then put them on.

“If you want good luck to come to your house, keep coins of other states in your house as a talisman, but only in silver color.”

“In order for a new, happy streak to begin in your life, wait for the new moon and rearrange the furniture in your house. Luck will not keep you waiting."

“Never leave half-eaten pieces of bread on the table if you don’t want to leave your happiness. Pieces of bread, even dried, spoiled, cannot be thrown away, otherwise wealth will leave the house. Better feed the birds, the animals."

“If luck has turned against you, pour salt on all the windowsills in your house. Let the salt lie until luck returns. After that, it will be necessary to carefully sweep away all the salt, without touching it with your hands, put it in some kind of bag and take it away from the house, where it will be buried in the ground.

“If you tell someone about your luck, knock three times on something wooden and spit three times over your left shoulder so as not to jinx it.”

“If you stumble with your right foot, this portends trouble. To avoid them, you need to stomp on the ground with your right foot three times and say: "Go into the ground, trouble, away from me." If you stumble with your left foot, this portends good luck and happiness.

"If you want to have money all year round, count large sums on New Year's Eve."

"If money luck has turned away from you, put some moss or algae on the floor under the carpet in your house, Money will begin to come."

"Counting money, as well as borrowing and lending is possible only in the morning (until noon). If you do this in the evening, then you will not have money."

"If you give someone a wallet, be sure to put a coin or a bill in it - only then your gift will bring good to the person you give it to, and money will be found in his wallet. And your well-being will grow. In the same way, do not give empty bags, suitcases, vases and other containers, as well as dishes. If you borrowed a bag, a pot, a frying pan from someone, do not return it empty, put something in gratitude for letting these things be used. Then you will arrive " .

“After sunset, you can’t transfer money from hand to hand, otherwise you can become poorer. You need to put the money on the table or, even better, throw it on the floor so that the one to whom you give it will pick it up.

“For money to flow, wait until a young month appears in the sky after the new moon, go outside and show the month the money by taking it out of your wallet or pocket.”

“When the dough rises in the house and pies are baked, in no case should you swear and even think bad things. Otherwise, the pies will not work, and they will do harm, and trouble will come to the house.

“If you want to get out of poverty, carry a green quartz stone in your wallet.

You can attract money if you constantly carry turquoise in your wallet. Only it is necessary to get it from time to time to warm it in your hands.

Attract wealth rings of eye quartz - tiger eye or a cat's eye in a gold or silver frame.

Wealth can be attracted if you constantly wear any jewelry made of topaz or carnelian in a setting of precious metals.

“Never put keys or a hat on the table, and also don’t sit on the table - this is to poverty.”

“If a mirror breaks in your house, to avoid trouble, rinse its fragments with water, and then bury them in the ground. If someone was sick for a long time in the room where the mirror is hanging, or there was a quarrel, or some kind of trouble happened, you need to wipe the mirror with holy water.

"Never leave a knife stuck in bread unless you want to know poverty, need and hunger."

“Never give to the poor the money that you were given change after buying bread or salt - otherwise you yourself risk falling into poverty. Also, do not give the last change that was left in the wallet.

“When you have bought a new wallet, put an expensive gold jewelry in it for a while. There will be big money, wealth will come.

“If you want to always have money, and you don’t want to make yourself needy, never roll money into a tube, don’t count money in a piggy bank until you are going to spend it, and don’t put a bag on the floor where a wallet with money lies ".

“Put in your wallet, and also where you keep money, a mint leaf and a whisper of cinnamon. Money will start to attract you.

Baba Vanga. Her real name was Vangelia Pandeva Dimitrova, but everyone in Bulgaria knew her as "Baba Vanga" or simply Vanga. At first she lived in Strumica, but at the end of her life she moved to the Bulgarian town of Petrich. There are many questions in her life story, but the biggest mystery is related to her blindness. According to one version, in her youth she was kidnapped by a sudden hurricane, he lifted her into the air and threw her to the ground. Her eyes filled with sand, and her sight never returned to her.

Vanga, thanks to her great gift of prediction, is world famous, and even after her death, the clairvoyant does not lose popularity.

A little about her

Father in Vanga was Bulgarian, mother was Macedonian. She was born on October 3, 1911 in the Macedonian city of Strumica. She was orphaned at the age of three when her mother died. After she became blind, her father sent her to a school for the blind in the city of Zemun. When she was seventeen, her stepmother died and she returned home to take care of her siblings. She spent most of her life in the village of Rupite. This was her place, from where she drew strength, ate energy and where she offered prayers to God. The place where her gift of clairvoyance gained recognition and fame. On August 11, 1996, she died in a hospital in Sofia, and her clairvoyant ability gained immense popularity not only in Bulgaria, but throughout the world. About the action strong conspiracies and the prayers uttered by Vanga tell whole legends.

Recently, her prophecies have begun to be analyzed and considered by the Western media.

Although two decades have passed since she left this world, the controversy surrounding her gift does not stop. Her extraordinary abilities were used in her work by the KGB, and since 1967 she was in the service of the Bulgarian intelligence as a clerk with a salary of 200 leva per month.

As strange as it sounds, even the US military was afraid of her. Particularly depressing was the fact that a blind clairvoyant could "see every document on the desk of every executive in the United States." The threats from this grandmother were taken seriously, they even planned an operation to kidnap her.

Baba Vanga predicted

It is interesting that Vanga could predict upcoming events. The list of her predictions relating to the modern world is impressive. Researchers claim that all her prophecies come true by 85%.

  1. Hitler's rise to power.
  2. Beginning of World War II.
  3. The collapse of the Soviet Union.
  4. The election of a black president in the United States.
  5. The death of the submarine Kursk.
  6. Attack on the World shopping center in New York City.

The Bulgarian also had many prophecies for the future. In the early 1990s, she spoke of a "major Muslim war in Europe". This warning is especially true in our time. The threat of the warriors of Allah, who have entered Europe as refugees, is visible to every sane human being, and their field of activity is still growing.

Currently, many are skeptical of Vanga's predictions, others are finding more and more evidence of the veracity of her words.

Prophecy for the future

The next prophecy is the Muslim takeover of Europe and the introduction of the Caliphate in 2043. In her opinion, weapons of mass destruction will be used against the Europeans. Shortly thereafter, Europe will be completely empty.

  1. Search for alternative energy sources on Venus (2028).
  2. Creation of an artificial sun.
  3. immortality of mankind.
  4. Human life in space.
  5. Communication with representatives of other planets.
  6. Life in complete harmony and a state of direct communication with God.

Immortality is a very tempting prospect, but the predictions seem implausible as her previous predictions regarding the future of the earth are greatly exaggerated. We must also remember that Baba Vanga is 15% wrong. In 2010, she predicted a third world war which will last four years. Vanga's prayers and conspiracies, her advice is effective and does not really help people overcome depression, improve their health, and find a job.

The Bulgarian clairvoyant, a prophetess, who is valued and respected all over the world, strove to live in harmony with the surrounding world and nature, to respect its laws. Vanga said that the path to happiness and health lies through the restoration of spiritual harmony. Practical Tips Wangi in modern world popular and relevant, because they have repeatedly proven their plausibility, reliability and effectiveness. The prophetess says that her advice is effective and helps people with a pure soul and bright thoughts.

enjoy every day

Vanga helped all the people who came to her for advice: she helped to succeed, to get a job. Her prayers attracted happiness and good luck, helped to earn money and achieve success. Her simple tips helped change lives for the better.

For men and women:

  • In order to protect your home from various negative influences and uninvited guests a cross should be hung on the door, and a sprig of elderberry above it. You can put a horseshoe in front of the threshold, this will attract good luck, money and prosperity. All keys placed nearby will increase her strength.
  • In order for you to be lucky and successful on this day, you need to get out of bed in the morning and put your right foot on the floor first, and then your left. It is also important before putting on slippers, put them together, side by side.
  • So that you always have money and have no problems with their shortage, carry a piece of green or turquoise quartz in your wallet. Do not leave a knife in the bread, as this will lead to loss of money and poverty.
  • If you want to change your life for the better, find a new job, attract success, health, money, prosperity, you need to rearrange the furniture in the house on the young moon.
  • At the onset of a period of failure, you need to take salt and draw on each windowsill horizontal stripes. Salt absorbs negative energy and takes away all problems. When negative phenomena in life and problems at work persist, it is necessary to collect salt on a piece of newspaper and throw it out the window into the yard.
  • Who is interested in maintaining a figure or wants to lose weight, he needs to eat boiled wheat grains once a week, washing them down with boiled water. This will help cleanse the body of toxins.
  • When cooking, do not swear, do not shout, and do not even think about the bad. The healer said that the food absorbs all negative energy and apart from harm, nothing will bring to the body, but only diseases and problems.
  • Many people are interested in Vanga's health advice, as she had the ability to heal from various diseases. Vanga valued the summer time the most. At this time, you can walk barefoot and receive energy from the earth, which helps to maintain a healthy mind in the body.
  • People should not take drugs, as they block and block the access of positive energy and the "entry" of useful substances into the body.
  • If in the room where the patient was or dead man, a mirror hung, it is necessary to wipe it with holy water, since its surface absorbs all the negativity, which will adversely affect other family members and guests.
  • You can not leave pieces of half-eaten bread on the table, as with them a person loses strength and health. Crumbly bread should not be thrown into the trash, it would be right to give it to birds and animals.
  • For a peaceful atmosphere, tranquility and silence in the house, one should not forget to feed the brownie - the invisible and unspoken owner of the hearth. Each brownie should have his own bowl, into which pour a little warm fresh honey and put it near the stove or in the corner near the radiator. In the morning, pour the honey away and by no means eat it.

If you follow these simple but powerful tips, you will see how your life has changed for the better in a short time.

Conspiracy for wealth

The ritual ensures the attraction of money with a young moon. One has only to perform a spell and perform a ceremony that will attract money to the house.

You cannot find a person in the world who would not want to become rich, have a lot of money and be independent.

  1. At noon (the best time to plot to attract money), place two light green candles on the table and light them.
  2. Set out a small bowl and a teaspoon, and also take three small coins of a small denomination.
  3. Pour a teaspoon of nutmeg and the same amount of cinnamon into a bowl.
  4. Mix the ingredients and constantly think about the amount of money you would like to have. But do not be too greedy, because you can get the notorious figure, as in the tale of the fisherman and the fish.
  5. Think about the amount of money without ceasing. Take three coins in your hands and throw them until one heads and two tails come up. After that, put the coins along with the spices, place in the old wallet and say the spell:

    “A powder that helps me attract money, so be it. Send me as much happiness as I need.”

  6. Place the wallet with the contents in the place where you store financial documents, bills, statements from bank deposits. Don't throw away your wallet.

After some time at work, you will be promoted and increased wages, things will get better, success and prosperity will await you.

Raspberry Conspiracy

It's for getting a new job. Consider a career and use the gifts of summer to perform a special crimson ritual. This will help you get a promotion or find a new job.

In village magic, it is believed that red raspberries in the garden protect the house from the evil eye.

  1. Whether you are unemployed, an employee, a worker, or want to change employers, this spell works for everyone.
  2. Find a piece of bark in a park or forest (no need to take from a growing tree, just find one that has fallen off by itself) and bring it home. Remember the place where you found it.
  3. Take raspberries in a bowl. Several ripe berries rub the raspberries into the smooth part of the bark so that the wood becomes red.
  4. Grab a black ink pen and write the name of the company and the job you want. Write your name next to it.
  5. Bury a piece of bark under the tree you found it next to.
  6. Eat the rest of the raspberries thinking about new job and repeating the words:

    "Let my career ripen like a raspberry."

  7. Say the conspiracy on Wednesday, because this day is under the auspices of Mercury, which favors professional problems and help you achieve success.

Conspiracy to save

Water symbolizes the magic of cash flow. So make sure all taps are closed and no water is wasted.

  1. Buy a red ribbon and tie it to the pipe drains. Tie eight knots. This symbolically stops the outflow of money from the house, and the red color attracts success and wealth.
  2. Write down all your expenses in a notebook with a red cover.
  3. Plant basil and a money tree at home. Pots must be red. Put them in the left corner of the farthest door of your house.
  4. Place and light four light blue candles on the table as a sign of stability. Take a gold or yellow ribbon and tie it criss-cross (like a gift box) on money, credit cards, and other securities you want to keep.
  5. Say a spell:

    "Let my money multiply, cling to me and multiply."

  6. Do not remove the bow from the money. When you take out a banknote or credit card under the influence of the moment, the bow will remind you of the ritual performed.

Conspiracy to attract money

Vanga's spells work if a person believes in their power. Therefore, mental attitude is important. Think about your desire, cherish it, and it will come true. You should also know that the money that came to you after performing the ritual should be spent only on good deeds, which will help your family members and other people.

It is not necessary to deliberately kill yourself in order to achieve any financial independence - it is enough to use a good plot

  1. Consecrate some water in the temple.
  2. The next day, at sunrise, perform the ritual.
  3. You can’t eat or drink before the procedure (must be observed).
  4. Place a glass of holy water and a plate with a piece of black bread on the table in front of you. Say the words:

    “If the Lord could feed all the hungry with bread, then he will help my family too. I wish you not to need anything, and that there is always food in the house, and prosperity reigns. Show me the way to wealth, and I promise that I will spend money wisely.

  5. Repeat the prayer three times without a break.
  6. Drink water from a jar, and distribute bread to all family members.
  7. Do not tell anyone (even your closest relatives) why and why you need to eat this piece of bread or drink water so that the conspiracy does not turn around in the other direction.

Conspiracy for good luck

Vanga's conspiracies on front door. After all, it is through it that they enter the house various people, and with them not only positive and positive energy, but also negatively charged, negative, provoking discord, failures, quarrels. Above doorways people broadcast amulets that protect the home, cast spells. The conspiracy from the prophetess Vanga is strong, will protect housing from evil spirits and evil spirit, and not only from failures, but also will give you strength, confidence in your abilities, make you a real lucky one, but on the condition that you believe in the ritual, its strength and conduct it correctly.

There are many in everyone's life difficult situations. Sometimes elementary luck is not enough to emerge victorious from them.

  1. It is necessary to carry out the ritual in the phase of the waning moon.
  2. Put a glass of holy water on a shelf in the hallway.
  3. Get in doorway and quietly, so that no one living with you hears, say the words three times:

    “How many people enter my door, so much luck will be in my life. Let a bad person not be able to enter, only health and wealth will visit my house and remain in it forever. Amen".

  4. Dip your fingers in holy water and cross the front door three times. Sprinkle holy water on the threshold.

After a properly performed ritual, only positive can penetrate through the front door into your house, and misfortunes and disappointments will bypass your threshold.

Prayer for money and good luck

Vanga had a strong energy, many of her conspiracies and prayers served and still serve people, helping them gain health and happiness, as well as material wealth. Vanga's prayer is suitable for everyone, and it does not matter what religion he professes, what saint he worships. Before reading it, you need to tune in to your desire, to what you want so that your soul asks for it, every cell desires its fulfillment. And if you read the prayer with such a mental attitude, luck will be on your side, you will get everything you want.

Reading a prayer from a piece of paper will not have the same effect at all, so learn it by heart and, while reading, turn your face to the East. You need to get up early in the morning to meet the sunrise with the dawn.

  1. Take a glass of water.
  2. Keep it in front of you.
  3. Read the prayer to the "Bright Angel" three times.
  4. Relax, bow to all four sides.
  5. Take water treatments.

“A bright angel looking at us from heaven. I bow before your purity and turn to you with a request. Help me to earn money and succeed, not for the sake of malicious intent, but so that my life flows calmly and measuredly, is secure and quiet. Bright Angel, your help is as important to me as the sun is for a clear day, my fate depends on your help. For heaven's sake, send me luck, put it on me. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, Amen."

When saying a prayer, think only about the good and kind, about those good deeds that you can do, having received prosperity and money. Let good and warm words fill your soul, and prayer comes from a pure heart.

Do not forget about prayer and perform a ritual every morning, going out to the balcony or garden if you live in a private house. It does not matter from which side and from where the money and prosperity will come to you, but they will definitely be, not in a day, not in two, but maybe in a few weeks or months. Do not worry, Vanga's prayer is strong, and is programmed for a positive result and success.

Prayer for good luck

So that luck does not leave you or makes you happy with your presence, you must:

  1. Wait for the full moon.
  2. Wake up at dawn with the sunrise.
  3. Wash yourself with running water and say the following words on the vessel with water:

    “Vodichka-vodichka, my sister. You flowed mountains, underground paths, dark forests, wide fields, where lowlands and meadows, steep banks, pebbles and sands, mother earth and clear skies. You met the dawns, saw off the nights, washed yourself with dawns, wiped yourself with the sun, cleansed yourself with white light. Cleanse me too, water, wash away dirt and filth, wash my soul, fill it with purity. So that my deeds are clean, shine with light, fill with goodness, add up, argue, fill with good luck. Amen".

  4. Drop water on your crown.
  5. Wash your face with water from a vessel and wait until it dries on your face.
  6. Keep the ceremony that you performed secret from everyone so that luck does not turn away from you in the opposite direction.
  7. Repeat every full moon.

Prayer for failure

To evil and dark forces they couldn’t offend you and didn’t do evil, you need to enlist the support of your Guardian Angel, whose appeals and prayers will protect and save you from misfortune and any trouble. If your life path is smooth and even, there will be no bumps on it, there will be health and a strong family, there will be prosperity, peace and tranquility, wealth and prosperity.

Vanga did not hide from anyone and shared prayers and conspiracies with all people, her soul was bright and pure, and so that everyone could protect themselves from evil, she advised:

  1. In the evening, take a glass jar and fill it with water.
  2. Put on the windowsill all night.
  3. At dawn, take the jar in your hands and go out onto the balcony or outside.
  4. Cross yourself, cross water in a jar.
  5. Hold the jar in your hands, look at the sky and quietly read "Our Father".
  6. And now read the prayer to your Angel three times from failures:

    “My holy angel, guardian of body and soul! I overshadow myself with a cross, in a pure prayer I turn to you. I beg you for repentance: forgive my sins, committed in ignorance and error. Bright angel, do not leave me in a good moment, or in a dashing moment, always be with me on all my paths and paths. Guide me to the path of righteousness, pleasing to God, drive away evil from me, and attract good luck. Protect me from troubles and give me happiness, so that I glorify the name of the Most High God in my deeds, help my neighbors from a pure soul. Establish the will of God in everything, teach me a righteous life. Amen."

  7. Take a few sips from the can. With the remaining water, using a sprig of a Christmas tree, parsley, or a clean drawing brush, sprinkle the house, starting from the front door.
  8. Go outside the threshold of the house, pour out part of the water in front of your feet, and throw the rest in front of you so that the prayed water will sanctify your path.

Prayer to your Angel will protect you from the "evil eye", attract good luck to you, protect you from evil intent and protect your health.

Prayers reflect all human needs, aspirations and aspirations for the salvation of the soul

Prayer for the help of the saints

Prayer is strong and if you follow the ritual correctly, it will contribute to good luck in work, luck in life, help attract money, health, good luck, and your entire life path will be filled with joy and love from loved ones. Before you start praying, you must:

  1. Fast for three days (to give up meat and dairy products). The diet should contain only fruits, vegetables and consecrated water or thawed ice.
  2. Avoid alcohol, cigarettes and coffee. Cleanse your thoughts from filth, direct them to good deeds and thoughts. Read any prayers to the Lord.
  3. Go to church. Standing on the threshold, before leaving the apartment, read the prayer:

    “God's saints, patron saints! I humbly ask you for protection and help. Bring your holy prayers to Jesus Christ for me, sinful slave Ivan (or your name). Beg him for repentance for my sins, for a good share and earthly happiness. Through your prayers, I will receive my share, protection from sorrows and illnesses. May my heart be filled with heavenly love, and my soul with joy. My steps will follow the path of the righteous, and will lead to the heavenly abode of my heavenly father. Do not reject my humble request in the name of our Lord and Savior. Amen"

  4. Do not enter into conversations on the way to the temple, it is better to be silent. Before entering the church, read the prayer again.
  5. Buy seven candles and put them on any icons.
  6. Read any prayers you know or just turn to God and ask him for mercy and protection, love and prosperity for yourself, your family and friends, for friends.
  7. Upon returning home, read the prayer for the help of the saints again and continue the fast until the end of the day.

  • Listen more to the voice of your heart. What is it telling you now?
  • Learn to rest properly. The day is for work and the night is for sleep.
  • Always think carefully before you say anything. Words are material: they can bring happiness, but they can also bring a lot of unhappiness into your life.
  • Some people think that having money can buy love, but this is in vain. Money can't buy love. Or he thinks: I’ll get rich, and I will have complete order, but this is also an empty business. A person works, works, saves money and things, and then he takes it and dies and leaves everything to others. Those who have accumulated a lot are unlikely to use what they have accumulated. Others will get it. Therefore, it is wiser not to save, but to spend money - this is a means, not the goal of life.
  • You have to try to be kind! Look at the tree. Spring comes, and it is covered with flowers, but not all of them give an ovary, many flowers turn out to be empty flowers. It is very sad.
  • From an early age, teach children to work. You are setting a bad example for them, because you yourself have already forgotten how to work. They live on everything ready, you satisfy all their desires and beat off their craving for work, and then your children, in "gratitude", send you to a nursing home.
  • Go to bed early: at 22:00. And get up early: at 5-6 o'clock. It is during these hours that both the body and the brain rest best, nerves calm down, muscle tension weakens.
  • Move more and work hard. Idle pastime is a disease that destroys not only the soul, but also the body.
  • Always, in any situation, be human: don't steal, don't lie, don't kill! Do not dishonor the human name.
  • Never think that you are superior to everyone. Who is higher, who is lower, who is better, who is worse, only God knows.
  • Start the morning with a smile, and then the day will bring joy!
  • Do not think that your health will always be perfect! Years take their toll on each person. If you want to be healthy, not only in your younger years, live right. Resentment, fear, anger take away health no less than the most terrible diseases. Remember this every minute of your life!
  • Do at least one good deed every day! Then in old age you will be able to tell yourself that you have not lived your life in vain.
  • I need to drink more herbal tea. Reduce fat content in food. Those who are healthy should gradually reduce the proportion meat dishes It's better to avoid meat altogether. At least once a week you should eat boiled rye and drink clean water. This is what will give a person the strength to cope with various ailments.
  • If you want to have leisure, don't waste your time.
  • I never get tired of advising all people not to live in evil, not to take revenge on anyone, not to hold grudges, to do good deeds. To listen to your heart. Always only the heart, the head is more often mistaken. The heart is connected with the cosmos. But not everyone distinguishes the voice of the heart from the voice of the head.
  • Don't quarrel among yourselves. Love each other. Good causes good, and evil causes evil.
  • First of all, don't overeat. Products are now so spoiled with all sorts of chemicals that they can be poisoned. In addition, abundant food is burdensome for all human organs. Probably, the Almighty would give us two stomachs if he could assume that we would eat so much. If I were asked what to sow in the fields, I would say: as much rye as possible. People should eat more rye bread to keep healthy. Today, more than ever, the importance of rye in the diet is great.
  • Cleanliness should become an indispensable condition of your life! Dirt - physical or spiritual - disgusts God's creation, which is always clean and beautiful.
  • Be careful! Soon there will be unfamiliar, unknown diseases to people (recording of 1981). People will fall in the streets, get seriously ill for no apparent reason. Even those people who have never been ill with anything will become seriously ill. But a general disaster can be averted, everything is in your hands.
  • Treat everyone with respect and respect. Learn to listen. Learn to be silent. Then you will see how many wonderful things live in human souls.
  • Do not fight fools - they are not painfully scary, do not try to correct or change them. Much scarier assholes. They are ready to present something that can excite the whole people.
  • Do not set unrealizable tasks, know what you can do and what you can’t, otherwise you will have to blame yourself later.
  • A person must love himself and everything around him. In our difficult times, this is most needed. And he should also be grateful to God for help in difficult times, for wisdom, to which he owes his success.
  • Don't think that your whole life is ahead of you! It's a delusion. The gap between the time when a person is still young and the time when he is already old is very small.
  • Drink tea from forest fruits and plants more often - they are clean and a source of health. Eat boiled wheat at least once a week with it clean water. Thus, you will constantly cleanse your body, and therefore maintain your vitality.
  • Don't train yourself to put things off until tomorrow. One today is worth two tomorrow.
  • Don't let yourself be lazy! Nature knows no stop in its movement and severely punishes all human inactivity.
  • Always remember: to whom God has given great abilities, much will be required from him. To do something great, you need to direct all the forces of the soul to one point, you must always work, only then will you justify your destiny.
  • Hurry up! But always be smart.
  • Don't be too quick to judge people. Every person has a difficult life in their own way. Do you feel like you would never do the same as the one who is standing in front of you right now? But only life can answer this question with certainty: would you have acted this way or otherwise.
  • When sad days come in your life, accept them with a calm heart. Nothing lasts forever, and sorrows will pass. And if you worry a lot, rush about, exclaim: “What am I doing this for?!”, sorrows will neither become easier nor shorter.
  • If someone offended you, shut up. It is not in vain that people say that of the two who quarrel, the one who is smarter is always to blame.
  • We should neither indulge in regrets about the past, nor complain about changes that are a burden to us! Without change, life is impossible. Change teaches us, helps us become wiser. And we must thank life for the fact that it does not stand still.
  • Treat everyone with kindness, then people will treat you kindly.
  • Don't lie! Even the smallest lie generates great evil and leads to great troubles.

Vanga attached great importance to morning dew, believing that in the early morning plants secrete many healing substances. To the parents of a child who could not sleep well and beat his head against the wall, she recommended bathing him in the morning dew. By bathing, she meant the following: spread a clean sheet in a clearing after the morning dew falls, and then collect adhering grasses and other plants from it. The child must be wrapped in this moisture-soaked cloth. Later, the child's father came and reported that the child had calmed down and was feeling well.