The magic of numbers on banknotes. Number of money and wealth

  • 16.10.2019




With the help of numbers, you can change the course of life: attract love, restore relationships, increase wealth, push back troubles ...
Here are some of the combinations that anyone can use.
3-3-3-5-7-9-9 - The code of attracting the energy of abundance, helps in solving financial problems, attracts monetary energy.
1-8-5-1-5-1-8 - A code that helps to overcome obstacles.
5-1-1-2-4-6-1 - A code that gives confidence and strength, helps to harmonize personal relationships.
8-9-3-1-5-4-2 - The code of good luck in any endeavor, gives strength, power and health.
Don't believe me? Try it yourself!


If you need to speed up this or that process (for example, you are late for work, and, as luck would have it, there is no transport, or there is no money left in your wallet, and the long-awaited salary is delayed), repeat to yourself as often as possible: “twenty”. 2 will multiply your efforts, and 0 will negate the force of opposition.

If, on the contrary, you need to slow down this or that process (for example, the child told you that he intends to get married urgently, but this is not included in your plans), repeat to yourself: “four.” 4 is a square, the most stable figure. It is she who will delay, ground the action. In addition, all sides of the square are equal, so wherever you rush, it is the same everywhere - stability and slowdown.

If you need to add something (for example, the number of banknotes in your wallet or the number of fans), imagine this and repeat: “seven plus one.” 7 is the number of mysterious action, 1 is the number of purpose and energy, but 8 (7+ 1) is the number of infinity.

If you need to reduce something (for example, your own weight), imagine yourself slim and repeat: “ten minus one.” But in this case, be prepared for changes: 10-1 = 9, and 9 is the number of changes.

If you need to build or restore something (new year, relationship with your boss or loved one), imagine this something and repeat: “forty forty.” Say “forty forty” and what you talk about will multiply indefinitely.

If, on the contrary, you need to destroy something, you must imagine this something and say to yourself: "forty-four."
First, these numbers look like two lightning bolts.
And secondly, the imposition of one square (4) on another square (4) crushes any stability into parts, because there are eight corners, and 8 is the number of infinity.
So crushing to infinity will come out - into dust.

If you lack happiness, luck, lightness, repeat: “twenty-one.” By the way, if you calculate the numerological meaning of the word “happiness” (that is, add the letters in their numerical calculation), then 21 will also come out!

If you do not have enough time, repeat to yourself: “ninety-one.” 9 is a change, 1 is the fastest digit. In addition, 1 is the beginning, 9 is the end, that is, the full coverage of the time cycle.

This series of numbers will always bring you good luck, you can write it on a piece of paper and always carry it with you, you can pronounce it in difficult situations. You can use these numbers when playing the lottery or as important dates.

Start at new moon!

7753191 - this is a magic mantra that came to us from Tibetan monks.
By repeating this seven-figure mantra 77 times daily (pronounced
one digit each: “seven seven five three one nine one”), you will attract
into your life money and other material goods.
The mantra really works.

What to do with a piece of paper on which the numbers 7753191 are written after
of how the time of 77 days will pass? -

It is necessary to connect four elements to this leaflet.

You have to start with the element EARTH. If you have a pot of earth at home
(for flowers), then you need to purchase some seeds of the plant and first
bury your leaflet with the numbers 7753191 with the words:
“The earth is full of riches, now my dream is in you” (say 3 times).

Then plant the seeds (but not the shoot of the plant). pouring water,
You will attach the element WATER. Watering, you need to say the words:
"Water and earth, revive the seeds" (3 times).

The element AIR must be attracted by simply airing the room,
and the pot with the Earth should be brought for a minute to the open window with the words:
“I need you, Air, like light, and give Dawn to my dream” (3 times).

This can be repeated every day, but always three days.

When the sprout appears, then it is necessary to attach this event to the elements of FIRE.
Light a small candle and say the words (3 times):
"Burn, Fire, candle, burn and destroy poverty,
Let the sprout grow that hides the money sheet.
And I will prosper with him, attract wealth in money.

Money codes

Write in green ink on blue paper.
Carry in your wallet.


Store in a safe or box.


Write in red ink on pink paper.
Store at home


Write in blue ink on white paper.
Carry in your wallet.


Write in purple ink on pink paper.
Carry with you on deals.


Write in green ink on yellow paper.
Carry in your pocket.


Write in gold ink on green paper.
Keep in your pocket when you gamble.


Write in pink ink on white paper.
Carry in your wallet.


Write in blue ink on pink paper.
Store in a safe.


Write in blue ink on green paper.
Take with you on business trips.


Another money code, very


Charging business cards.

This rite is for business people who do not leave home without a business card. I'm nervous, God forbid!

It's just that not everyone has them. I have, and I did the ceremony.

Helps great! The purpose of the rite is to attract success to the sphere of your business.

It is performed as follows: write in tiny letters in one of the corners of the card the magic word in Latin letters -


Put a stack of business cards with a written word on the table, sit at the table in a dim room, you can light a candle. Look at them for 40 minutes without looking away and mentally imagine how they fall into the hands of the people you need, how much money they will help you earn,

how you spend this money, how great everything is and happiness smiles at you. Imagine how much money you will earn with these business cards. Transfer your energy to the cards, take them in your hands, think of them as your friends and helpers. Then blow on the stack three times. Set the cards aside.

This must be done for 28 days. Yes, the rite goes on for a long time! But he's worth it! Then business cards can be put in a purse and, if necessary, distribute them. It is best to start the ceremony on Wednesday. Your success is guaranteed!


It is written on a wallet, on a credit card, you can write on a piece of paper and put it in a purse.

In order not to frighten others, for example, on a gold-colored credit card, you can write in gold ink to match. After writing, do not use the card for several hours, the code is activated.
If later the code is erased - it's not scary, it has already been applied energetically.

The magic of numbers to attract money is a fairly common tool.

Magical tools literally "roll around underfoot." But we do not see them and, accordingly, do not use them. But it's so simple. It just takes patience and attention to detail.

If you missed it, then you can spend the twelfth, but only as a last resort. It's better not to make mistakes.

  1. On the sixth day (ideally June) you need to buy six candles in the temple.
  2. Bring them home, after putting the same amount for the health of yourself, relatives, friends, colleagues, competitors and enemies.
  3. Be sure to leave six coins (bills) for charity or give to the same number of beggars.
  4. In the evening, arrange the candles in a semicircle and light them one by one.
  5. For each read the following words:

“I pass on my concerns to the angels. I free my fate from evil. I have six Angels, followed by six Archangels. They open the roads for me, cover them with gold and silver. Whatever I do, I'll get rich. Amen!"

Wait until all the candles have completely burned out. If by chance one or more go out, then leave them like that. When you're done, collect what's left. As a rule, it is a little wax.

Make a small ball out of it. If the candles go out without burning out to the end, then attach them to your ball.

Take it to front door and attach to the jamb.

The ritual should be repeated every sixth day. Then new ideas will arise, promising chances will turn up. In general, life will change.

We've looked at the numbers so far. But there are more complex combinations that are also not recommended to be neglected.

For example, the number 15 helps to reveal creative abilities. It should be written on a piece of paper and hung in the place where you are doing work.

The same should be done before an event that should affect well-being. For example, when you go looking for a new job.

Draw on the pulse of the left hand 15 in the morning. As a rule, such a small ritual leads a person to an organization where the income will be good and his abilities will be fully revealed.

The number 21 encourages activity in business. In addition, it activates the desire for leadership, reveals the ability of this direction.

Take a blank white sheet, write 21 on it three times and carry it with you.

This will help you to take a higher position if you want it.

In addition, try to ensure that personnel orders regarding your movement in the service, going on vacation fall precisely on such a number. This is also, and, consequently, wage growth.

You can also use monetary figures in another way. For example, if you want to earn income, then play the lottery. But use the magic of numbers on money.

For example, buy three tickets on the eighth (sixth) day. Or head to the casino located in the twenty-first house.

In general, make sure that in life money numbers are encountered as often as possible.

For everyone, financial stability is presented in different ways: for some it is the presence of yachts, factories and steamships, for others it is restaurants and beautiful things, for others it is the opportunity to travel, but for the fourth it is just good food, but to find a way to provide for yourself monetary happiness, one ... by all means increase your well-being.

The numerology of money and wealth can help with this, money numerology. Like money, this science is connected with numbers, which means that it is she who will answer which numbers will attract finance, and which, on the contrary, will repel. Thanks to this knowledge, you will be able to easily answer such questions: “How much can I borrow, and what is better not to borrow?”, “How much money to put in the bank?”, “How much to invest in a business?” other.

Determination of the numerological number of a given amount of money

So, you have decided to give someone a loan, but you do not know whether to do it or not. For example, you were asked for 1200 monetary units. Calculate what the numerological number will be: 1+2+0+0=3. Three is a good monetary figure, so you can give money without worrying that they will not be returned or that it will hit your pocket. If the number is unsuccessful, for example, 7, then you just need to add a little more, 20-30 monetary units, bringing the amount to a favorable numerological figure.

Calculate your number of money and wealth for free using this online form:

Amount of money in numbers:

The meaning of numbers in monetary numerology:

This number is next to zero, so any number - one - is a kind of zero, emptiness, irresponsibility. In no case should you invest such an amount of money in banks, lend it, and you should not take it, since the financial situation will get worse every day in any scenario. You should not purchase goods for an amount that corresponds to one, you may not sell them or they will be stolen, some kind of trouble will occur - fire, flood, etc.

This number indicates that you will have to share this amount of money, so partners should not have it, a financial conflict is possible. If a person receives a salary, the amount of which corresponds to a deuce, then he will quickly spend it or completely distribute it for debts, that is, share it. The fact is that the deuce is unstable and does not try to be balanced - a symbol of poverty and economy. For the same reason, you should not put banknotes with deuces in a piggy bank, in two wallets or in two banks - you will never see them. To correct the influence of the deuce, you need to divide the amount corresponding to it into three banks, or invest only a part.

One of the best numbers in terms of money, because it is a sign of financial opportunities and big earnings. If you have a sum of money that is a multiple of three, you need to urgently give it movement - borrow, invest or purchase goods for it, storage will only slow down material well-being. Try to invest “treshnye” amounts in a new business, as well as purchase a lottery for it - it will most likely be winning.

Four is the number of reliability and guarantees of financial success, both in the present and in the future. It is better to postpone the amount under the influence of the four, as it will last for a long time and even bring its dividends. This money is not going anywhere. By the way, such an amount can be excellent for starting a joint business, however, you will have to work hard to earn what you want, and it is advisable to invest them in four different places, since it is better to keep a four-fold amount, as they say in the well-known folk wisdom about eggs, in “different baskets" to be more whole.

Five is the number of spending, in contrast to the three that make money, and from the four that are accumulators. It is good to take the amount under the influence of the five on a trip in order to spend it fun and informative. By the way, the “five” can become a money magnet, and this loan will help return the money with interest. In no case do not buy big purchases for the "five" amount, such as a car, real estate, furniture, etc. - very soon they will leave your life. ... And not always good - fires, accidents and other accidents.

This number is a limitation, since this amount of money will be enough only for what is necessary. It will not be possible to postpone something from it, and there will always be an obsession with loss, a desire to calculate the remainder. But it is easy to earn such an amount together - with a family, a team or by opening a business with someone, then it will bring prosperity and business development. Although the opportunity is greater than planned, it will not be possible to spend.

A dangerous number for material well-being, as it is a risk figure, a risk figure. No wonder scammers and freeloaders love it so much. However, free cheese is only in a mousetrap, so the amount under the influence of the seven both comes easily and leaves quickly, but with consequences, often severe - problems with the law, the influence of criminal structures, etc. It is better not to lend the amount of seven, not to put it off, and it is also not worth it to borrow and give it, since nothing good will come of it. Unless the owners of gambling and gambling establishments are lucky.

The number of infinity, so the eight can be called the most monetary figure. It will always increase investments and deferred cash, will always ensure the movement of financial flows. Although this “infinitely rich” eight has one big drawback - it never brings money to those who want to spend it on something bad - buying stolen or “squeezed out”, there is a big risk of parting with this amount forever.

This is the number of spirituality, so the amount of money influenced by the nine should be spent on buying paintings, books, musical instruments and other works of art. It will not bring any profit or large waste, a neutral number. Therefore, investing such an amount in the bank will not bring any interest.

To home and destiny. Usually, the alignment is associated with Tarot cards and the suit of coins: a certain combination is responsible for everything related to finances and earthly needs. The most successful of them were numbers such as 4, 6 and 8. However, in all numerology, each number from 0 to 30 also has a monetary value. And some of them can activate both wealth and poverty. How the magic of numbers works to attract money and how to put it into practice.

Number attraction: simple secrets

Let's take a closer look at the meaning of each layout:

  1. "3" – cash flow activity. In Tarot, the symbol "three of coins" means cash inflow, funds that will be constantly in circulation, activity associated with material well-being. If your affairs were unfavorable, they were stagnant or in a state of uncertainty, then “3 coins” means opening a cash flow. The number 3 by itself is considered a card reinforcing its significance. So if you want to get money into your hands and secure it constant inflow, perform various rituals involving "3 coins". By the way, rituals can be performed on them both to attract money, wealth and personal happiness, and to get rid of negativity and damage. The damage to “3 coins” is widely known, which is done to ward off misfortunes or negativity. To do this, they conduct a ceremony and change the banknote so that 3 change coins are obtained. After that, a conspiracy is read over them and they are thrown at the crossroads. Whoever finds them will get all the trouble and negativity, so you can’t pick up “3 coins” on the street, even large ones. Most likely, they made a conspiracy.
  2. "6" - is considered a monetary number, which is ruled by the planet Mercury. The magic of numbers to attract big money is used in such a sense, both in numerology and in the layout of Tarot cards. The number corresponds to the earth element, activates the material sphere. In Tarot magic, "6 coins" means material assistance from outside, funds that you will receive from other people or with their participation. There are many rituals based on various combinations of the number 6. In the following, ways will be considered on how to become richer with the help of numerology.
  3. "8" is a magic number, which means that you yourself will attract well-being into your life. In magic, it is used in order to get a decent result of their work. It shows that a person is the "blacksmith" of his own happiness and can find a "gold mine". The number 8 activates money for your work, activity. It can be used by those who are dissatisfied with their salary or want to receive more.
  4. "21" is the career number. This number means career and personal growth.

How the magic of numbers is practically used to attract money

A few simple rituals will help you activate your cash flow.

  1. Name day date. Those born in June and on the 6th, 16th, 18th or 4th will be accompanied by money throughout their lives. However, such periods can be different, both short and long. It all depends on the personal qualities of a person and his ability to catch his chance.
  2. Dates and dates of the month. Planning financial affairs, major transactions is best on the growing moon. The best numbers in the date are 6, 12, 16 and 18. However, for some, 29 becomes a good number, as it attracts good luck.
  3. Wednesday is considered the best day of the week for financial transactions, successful purchases or receiving money.
  4. You need to get rid of damage to money on a waning moon. The most suitable day for this would be Friday or Saturday.
  5. It is worth starting to save money on the growing moon, especially if the date 2, 6, 11 or 18 is chosen.
  6. Shopping is a modern number magic designed to attract money advises on or around the full moon, preferably on the 17th, 19th, 21st and 24th.

To activate money with numbers, you need to use the right numbers. Number magic to attract money works well when using the numbers 1, 0, 3, 6, 8, 16, 18, 21 and 24. money rituals on the waning moon, as well as when the date contains the numbers 5, 9, 7, 11 and 13. At this time, you risk losing everything or getting less than expected.

Each number has its own energy charge, on which its ability to attract good luck depends. various fields, including financial ones. What number should you bet on so that the money never leaves your wallet?

Your money number

The first thing to do is to determine your money number, which you received when you were born. It denotes the main line of the financial sector and depends on the birthday.

  • If you were born on the 1st, 10th, 19th, or 28th (of any month), your money number is 1. Quite unfortunate for those who need to improve their financial situation. Money comes from hard work.
  • For those born on the 2nd, 11th, 20th or 29th, the money number is 2. It, like a unit, prevents the flow of money. In addition, “two” people tend to give everything away: they will take off their last shirt to help the one who asks.
  • Were you born on the 3rd, 12th, 21st or 30th? Your money number is 3. It is difficult for you to save money for the future: the desire to reach new heights eats up almost everything that you put aside. But there is always potential for development.
  • For those born on the 4th, 13th, 22nd, or 31st, the money number is 4. You have the opportunity to save up, however, not very big. Your income, although stable, is still small.
  • People who came into this world on the 5th, 14th or 23rd correspond to the monetary number 5. Your wallet is never completely empty, but there are practically no savings either. You just do not consider it necessary to limit yourself in something.
  • If your birthday is the 6th, 15th, or 24th, your money number is 6. It actively attracts money. True, there are often obstacles on your path to financial success.
  • Those born on the 7th, 16th or 25th correspond to the money number 7. People- "sevens" are rarely rich: they tend to build grandiose, but far from always realistic plans.
  • Those born on the 8th, 17th or 26th are lucky: your money number is 8. You have excellent chances to attract money if you keep your nose to the wind.
  • Were you born on the 9th, 18th or 27th? Your money number is 9. You are not particularly sought after financial flows because you are not attuned to them: you are more interested in the spiritual side of life.

If the monetary number is unlucky

As can be seen from the descriptions of money numbers, most of them cannot be called a magnet for finance. And so you have to readjust.

For example, you are a "four". Analyze your spending and optimize your budget. If you are in debt, try to quickly pay off your creditors - and start your financial life with clean slate. You can also: look for another job (or maybe a profession - this is a chance to finally do what you love), take a part-time job.

The Seven should look at things more practically. When calculating the result, first of all keep in mind the most unfortunate possible. And in no case do not get involved in dubious adventures.

Of the other numbers, the most difficult is “one” and “two”. If the idealistic “nine” itself does not strive to meet monetary energies (and money does not come without an invitation), the “five” loves pleasure too much to tighten its belt tighter (although it is quite within its power), and the “three”, due to its indefatigability, never is stranded (and you just need to concentrate on a specific case), then people with money numbers 1 and 2 do not have many options to improve the situation.

Still, there is no reason to despair. Just avoid in Everyday life numbers 1,2, 5, 7 and 9. But 6 and 8 - on the contrary, attract: they are favorable for absolutely everyone! Keep on the desktop not one, but 6 pens at once; went to the store for apples - buy 6 or 8 pieces and so on. It will definitely work!

How to save money

Money must be respected, not squandered. And also - correctly postpone so that they do not flow through your fingers. Be sure to make a "first contribution" to the piggy bank of your future material well-being (at least a symbolic amount) - without this, the money will not find its way to you. But first calculate the number of the amount of money. If it is favorable (6 or 8), then everything will go according to the saying: "Money - to money."

The number of the amount of money is determined simply. Suppose you want to set aside 3500 rubles. We add the numbers that make up this sum: 3 + 5 + 0 + 0 \u003d 8, you can postpone. Another example: 2800 rubles. The number of the amount of money is: 2+8+0+0=10. We turn to single digit according to the rule of numerology: 1+0=1. A "one" is a direct road to lack of money. What to do? By selection, adjust the amount so that in the end it turns out 6 or 8. Successful for the "stash" will be 2780 rubles (2+7+8+0=17, 1+7=8) or 2760 rubles (2+7+6+0= 15, 1+5=6).