The candle in the church smokes black smoke. Why does a church candle crackle and smoke?

  • 14.10.2019
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1. If everything is in order in a person’s life, the candle set by him burns with an even high flame, without forming any sagging.

2. As soon as some mental problems arise, the candle begins to “cry”: influxes run along it.

3. If the lines of influxes go obliquely and intersect, this means that a person is threatened with death from a serious illness, and he himself or the one who “made” him such a fate may be to blame.

4. If a line of influx runs through a candle just placed from top to bottom, this means: a curse has fallen on a person. If two lines - two curses. Larger numbers are extremely rare.

5. If you drive a burning candle clockwise in front of a person’s body from the head and in some place it starts to smoke black smoke, then internal organs in this place are blocked by the disease and must be treated until (on re-diagnosis) the candle stops smoking.

6. Keep in mind, the candle should always be kept with one side towards the patient. If influxes are formed on his part, he himself is to blame for his illnesses. If with the opposite, then the disease “made” him.

7. If a “tear” rolls down the candle on the left or right, this is a sign that there is an energy struggle between the patient and someone else. If the “tear” is black, then the person is in a state of negative energy. If the traces on the candle are the same color as itself, then the end of sagging is close.

8. When candles are placed in the church, the picture remains approximately the same as at home, but in the temple the candles are sometimes bent. It means that the person is obsessed evil spirit. The influxes sometimes resemble the profiles of the devil or the person who sent the curse.

9. If the candle goes out, it smells like death and you need to urgently take action: repent, ask for forgiveness from those who offended you, and forgive those who offended you.

10. You can put a stearin candle near your feet, heating its lower end and sticking it to a large saucer. If, having started to “cry”, the candle forms at its base evenly around the circumference of cakes with a diameter of 2-3 cm, adjacent to it, this is a serious indication of possible oncological diseases.

"A candle is an obligatory attribute of my work. A person comes, we sit down at the table, and the first thing I do is light a candle. If the fire is even, calm, it connects our words and thoughts, helps to understand the fate of a person. If during a conversation Wax, like tears, slowly flows into the candlestick - this is the first sign that the human soul is crying, that it hurts. a lot of darkness and malice, insidious thoughts. The candle feels this and therefore smokes. And if the person who comes lies, it begins to burn out from one side. No witchcraft is needed, the candle will tell you who is who. If you want, check for yourself: a person will come to you, put between yourself and him a candle, you will find out who has come to you.

If you have been severely offended, insulted in better feelings and late in the evening sleep does not come to you, go into the kitchen or into the room - where no one will disturb you - and light a candle. Put her on the windowsill, sit next to her and, slowly, whisper to her about what happened. Tears will appear, do not be shy about them, cry. Let resentment and pain come out in tears. The fire of the candle will tremble, flicker, listen to you and soothe. And as the wax melts, your grievances will melt, they will not seem as significant as at first.

Another secret: if there was a scandal at home and a lot of rude, cruel words were said, patiently wait for the night when everyone falls asleep and silence reigns. Light a candle and go around all the household with it in your hand. Standing at the head of each bed, mentally wish them good night. Don't think bad.

Remember how many happy, joyful days were lived together.

Wish they were repeated many, many times. The candle will burn in your hands, and words of kindness, tenderness and love will fall like smoke on the faces of the sleeping people. All the good that is in your heart, through the fire of a candle, will be imprinted on the faces of your relatives and friends.

And finally, the last secret. If they themselves have sinned, acted dirty, hurt someone - it is never too late to admit and confess. First, to yourself. Light a candle in front of a mirror. Looking at your reflection through her fire, tell everything as it was. Don't lie or it won't work. Speak - fire will destroy vile deeds and deeds. Purifying in the flame of a candle, you will feel that even the worst in yourself can always be corrected for the better. And it will become much lighter and brighter on the soul.

4.1. What do church candles mean? Why are they placed in the temple? A candle is a symbol of prayer burning before the Lord, His Most Pure Mother, before the saints of God. A candle is a sign of a voluntary sacrifice to God and His temple and a symbol of a person's involvement in the Divine light. A burning candle is a visible sign that expresses ardent love, goodwill towards the one to whom the candle is placed. And if there is no this love and good will, then the candles have no meaning, the sacrifice is in vain. Therefore, it is impossible to put a candle formally, with a cold heart. Outward action should be accompanied by a prayer - even the simplest one, in your own words.

4.2. What does the candle placed in front of the icon symbolize?

- The fire of a church candle symbolizes eternity, a prayer appeal to God, to Mother of God, to the saints. The fire always rushes upward, no matter how the candle is tilted, so a person, under any life circumstances, must turn all his thoughts and feelings to God.

4.3. When should candles be placed?

- Those who come to the temple should light candles before the service begins. It is not good to violate the decorum in the temple by passing candles during the service or to squeeze through to the candlestick, distracting the worshipers. Latecomers to the service should light candles after it ends.

4.4. How to place a candle correctly?

- Church candles are lit one from the other, burning, and placed in the nest of the candlestick. The candle must stand straight. Matches and lighters should not be used in the temple if there are already burning candles in the candlesticks. You should not light a candle from a lamp, so as not to drip wax into the oil or accidentally extinguish the lamp.

4.5. Who and how many candles should be placed?

- There are no binding rules on where and how much to put candles. Their purchase is a voluntary sacrifice to God.
First of all, it’s good to put a candle to the “holiday” (central lectern) or a revered temple icon, then to the relics of the saint (if they are in the temple), and only then - about health (to any icon) or repose (on the eve - square or rectangular table with a crucifix).

4.6. Is it possible to put a candle on a candlestick if there is nowhere to put it?

- That's how it should be done. Those who put church candles two in one cell or remove someone else's candle to put their own do it wrong.

4.7. Is it possible to hold a burning candle in your hand and stand with it?

– With lit candles, it is customary to stand at the memorial service, during the divine service of Matins of the Great Heel. Church candles are also lit on polyeleos, but this tradition has mainly been preserved only for the clergy. A burning candle must be handled carefully: make sure that the wax does not drip onto the floor, and that the clothes on the person who is standing in front do not accidentally ignite. The rest of the time it is more correct to put a candle on a candlestick, which is specially designed for this. In the temple, you must follow the established order, and not do as you like.

4.8. To whom to put a candle for the remission of sins? What to read about the remission of sins?

- Sins are forgiven only after a sincere, detailed confession of all of them in the presence of a priest and the reading of a permissive prayer by him. A candle is a symbol, in itself it does not free from sins and does not connect with God.

4.9. Which saint is better to put a candle in case of family discord, when the husband wants to leave the family?

- O family well-being they pray to the Mother of God, Saints Guri, Samon and Aviv, Saint Blessed Xenia of Petersburg.
It is also useful to remember and realize your guilt in relation to your husband, ask for forgiveness, try to reconcile. In all family discord, both parties are usually to blame, but someone must take the first step towards reconciliation. The Apostle Paul advises: “Put on … mercy, goodness, humility, meekness, long-suffering, condescending to one another and forgiving each other, if anyone has a complaint against anyone: as Christ forgave you, so do you. Above all, put on love, which is the bond of perfection” (Col. 3:12-14).

4.10. Is it possible to put a candle on an unbaptized newborn child who is sick?

- You can pray for the unbaptized with your personal prayer and put church candles for them, you can’t just write their names in church notes, since the Church does not pray for the unbaptized.
A sick child should be baptized as soon as possible. If the child is seriously ill, you can call the priest home or to the hospital. In the Sacrament of Baptism, the child will receive a special grace that will help him. If a child dies unbaptized, there will be sin on the parents. And a baptized child can be given communion, ordered magpies, prayers for health - this is the first aid in illnesses.

4.11. Who can light a candle about a person who is addicted to drugs?

- For deliverance from this passion, you can pray and put a candle in front of the icons of the Mother of God "Inexhaustible Chalice", the martyr Boniface, the righteous John of Kronstadt.

4.12. To whom to put a candle if the child is seriously ill?

- A candle can be put to any icon: the Lord Jesus Christ, the Mother of God, the saints of God.
In addition, you need to know that a child’s illness is a time of prayer and repentance for the whole family. It seems to stimulate the spiritual life. The baby should be given holy water, washed with this water. And the most important thing is the communion of a sick child with the Holy Mysteries of Christ. Communion can be both at home and in the hospital, and in the temple, depending on the condition of the baby. If the child already knows how to pray, let him do it himself, but if he does not know how, then parents and godparents should do it for him. And, of course, spiritual work must be combined with treatment that a professional doctor can recommend.

4.13. Which icon is better to put a candle before the upcoming operation?

- You can put church candles and pray to the holy great martyr and healer Panteleimon, the holy unmercenary doctors Cosmas and Damian. And you also need to prepare for Confession and Communion, order a prayer service for a successful outcome of the operation, find out the name of the doctor and pray that the Lord will control his hands.

4.14. Is it possible to light a candle for the health of oneself?

- Of course, you can put candles and pray for your health. A candle is a symbol of prayer appeal to God. And most of the prayers are written in the first person.

4.15. Is it possible for a pregnant woman to put candles for the dead?

- Putting church candles and praying for the dead is possible and necessary for everyone.

4.16. To whom to put a candle about well-being in business?

- Whoever wants to receive something from the Lord or from the saints, he must not only pray to them, but also build his life according to the commandments. Through the Gospel, God addresses everyone with a request to be kind, loving, humble, etc., but people often do not even want to hear about it, but they themselves ask Him to help them in their affairs.
For prayers to be successful, one must pray with words coming from the heart, with faith and hope for God's help. And it should be remembered that not everything that a person asks from the Lord is useful for him. The Lord is not a machine that fulfills all desires, one has only to press the right button; and that everything He sends is directed to the benefit and salvation of the soul, although sometimes people think this is unfair.

4.17. Where to put a candle from a conspiracy?

- The fear of sorcerers comes from two reasons: from lack of faith and from religious illiteracy. There is true faith, and there is. There is the fear of God, and there is the fear of the enemy. George the Recluse said beautifully about this, that whoever is afraid of demons does not have the fear of God, but the fear of the enemy, born of unbelief. That is, the loss of the fear of God is a departure from the true faith, and it leads either to faith, but only to the enemy, or to fear of the devil.
Fear is a temptation and hostile action. The enemy tries to keep a person in constant tension due to fear. You only need to be afraid Doomsday, which is inevitable for every person. The Lord warns about this: “Do not be afraid of those who kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul; but rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body in Gehenna” (Mt. 10:28). That is, real fear is the fear of sinning, the fear of offending God.

4.18. Is it possible to light candles for the tragically deceased unbaptized and in general for the repose of the unbaptized?

- You can put candles and pray for the unbaptized, but you can’t rest with the names of the unbaptized.

4.19. Is it possible to put candles for health and repose on Easter?

- You can always put candles for health and repose, but prayers for the dead on Easter and on bright week The Church does not commit, they are transferred to Radonitsa - the second Tuesday after Easter.

4.20. Is it possible to pray and put church candles for animals?

– Since God is the Creator of every creature, it is possible to pray for animals. In the prayer books there are special prayers that are read in case of illness and loss of livestock. “The righteous one also cares for the life of his livestock, but the heart of the wicked is cruel” (Prov. 12:10).
Animals have a soul that dies with the body. Death does not entail for them either bliss or torment. The human soul is immortal, since it was created in the image and likeness of God and received a gift from Him. eternal life. The church candle has many deep spiritual meanings, one of which is evidence of a person's involvement in the Divine light. Therefore, it is more correct to put candles for people, and not for animals.

4.21. Which saint and is it possible to light a candle for the victory of a football team?

– Staying in fasting, prayer and abstinence, the saints, in front of whose icons candles are placed, led a strict ascetic life, for which they were rewarded by God with the Kingdom of Heaven. They should be addressed with requests that are useful for the salvation of the soul. Gambling is incompatible with the spiritual life.

4.22. Can one believe that in one service one cannot light several candles for one person?

“Don't believe any pointless recommendations. It is not the number of candles that is important, but the sincerity of faith and prayer. You can pray without candles at all.
There are many superstitions around the church, and they are all meaningless. You should not believe the talk that a candle should only be lit right hand; that if it went out, then there will be misfortunes; that the lower end of the candle must not be scorched for stability in the hole, and so on.

4.23. Is it possible to put candles bought in another temple?

- Candles are usually purchased in the temple where they come to pray - this is a small sacrifice to this particular temple.

4.24. What to do with a candle after the consecration of Easter cakes and eggs? Can you take her home?

- You can take it home and light it during home prayer, or you can put it in the temple in front of any icon.

4.25. Why do they remove candles that are only half burnt, because we pay money for them ...

- Because of a large number wishing to light candles, they are sometimes removed not completely burnt out. There is no need to be embarrassed by this, and also by the fact that the incompletely burnt candle was extinguished after the end of the service - the sacrifice has already been accepted by God.

4.26. When is incense used? Can you use it at home?

- Frankincense is used in the Church during divine services, as well as during the funeral of the dead, during the consecration of dwellings by a priest. You can also use incense during home prayer. Frankincense is the purest product of nature. Its burning can be regarded as a reminder to Orthodox Christians of the duty to serve God with a pure heart and with ardent faith in Him.

A practical guide to parish counseling. St. Petersburg 2009.

    They melt normal candles in their churches, mix the wax with water and cast it again. Candles are thin and burn poorly, but you can sell more (and you don’t have to pay taxes for this). That is why a candle sometimes burns poorly, and at low temperatures (when a drop of water falls on the wick), the wax does not have time to burn out and remains in the form of black smoke.

    The candle could have been made of low-quality wax, with the addition of some impurities that made the flame uneven and smoky.

    Maybe it's release and combustion negative energy, cleansing the air and the atmosphere around, some bad thoughts might have been present, to which the candle reactedquot ;.

    Perhaps you have a heavy load on your soul, not forgotten grievances, guilt or hatred for someone, which is why the candle began to crackle.

    This may be a change in air pressure, a draft, an insufficient amount of oxygen in the air.

    smoke church candle Maybe for two main reasons.

    A candle can smoke because of low-quality wax, this happens. But it can smoke and good candle, cast from the best wax according to all the rules, without any water. And then this is already a sign to those who understand that somewhere something is wrong with your energy. The candle feels the negative directed at the person and then burns with soot.

    Interestingly, when a person is cleaned with a candle, it happens that at first the candle smokes, and smokes great, and then stops smoking. This is because the negative has burned out and the candle has cleared subtle bodies person. But it was the same candle - both at the beginning and later.

    There is no sign or omen, please note that all the candles bought in the church crackle and smoke heavily, and people are afraid of this. This happens because there are different impurities in the paraffin, this reduces the price of candles so that each affordable was to buy.

    It is possible that this is due to the fact that the candle is of poor quality, there may not be enough wax in it, which results in such an effect, well, or another option is that there is an evil spirit in the room that needs to be illuminated.

    When a burning candle begins to crackle and smoke, there is an opinion that the person who lit this candle is not in good health, there are black blots of negative energy in his biofield. But how do we know this? I think this is just another lie.

    But still, I think that it’s just low-quality paraffin candles that burn, which include water or other additives in the form of small debris.

    It is worth buying a wax candle, which is more expensive, and lighting it, there will be no cod and soot, so do this experiment and see for yourself.

    There is no need to be afraid of this, because this means that they could have done it in bad faith at the plant: for example, if you take and mix badly with each other, mix ceresin and paraffin.

    Do not even think about damage and the evil eye.

    A candle most often smokes for the reason that it burns out the negative that is present in the surrounding space or in a person. No wonder they say that fire cleanses. Many healers who heal a patient with their hands, after a session with a person, also clean their hands over the flame of a candle, especially the spaces between the fingers.

    Sometimes, of course, there are low-quality candles. But what to think when all the candles burn normally in a two-kilogram pack, and when a certain person has come and the candle smokes and shoots next to him? What, someone specially slipped one defective candle into such a pack?

    If the wax is not of high quality, then it is quite clear that the candle smokes. It's all about the quality of the candle and the material from which it is made. But according to church canons, if the candle smokes, then the person is sinful and he needs to cleanse himself with his soul, after which the candle stops smoking.

    The reason, as usual, is in a material snag, when there is not enough money to buy a quality product, they choose what is cheaper, and in this case. Wax is not purchased best quality, on the better money no, that's why soot and crackling, and some believe that supposedly this is damage, evil eye, love spell, etc., in fact, no.

    A person who has a church candle crackling and smoking in his hand is always noticed nearby. standing people. At the same time, their reaction may be different: someone backs away from this person, someone looks reproachfully, and someone looks with pity. Such a reaction arises because there is an opinion that a candle smokes and crackles in a sinner or a person with impure thoughts, with a negative aura. That's why they back away or look reproachfully. And they look with pity because, again, there is an opinion that this person is seriously ill, that his biofield has a gap. This is in terms of psychological perception, superstition and fear of the unknown. But the crackling of a candle and the attention of others make a strong impression on the person himself, without causing good emotions.

    And from the point of view of reality - this is a poorly made candle that smokes and cracks. There is a lot of water in it and impurities in paraffin. And the person in whose hands it cracks was simply unlucky - he got just a defective church candle.

An ordinary church candle is made from three standard elements: animal fat, and a wick. It would seem that the usual composition, which, in fact, it is impossible to surprise anyone now. However, all Christians sincerely believe that church candles are large enough. This is due to two factors. Firstly, they directly symbolize the person himself, having a material (wax) and spiritual (wick) shell. Like all people, candles can burn, bewitch, give a little warmth. Secondly, they have a somewhat magical effect. It is believed that if you whisper any prayer and set fire to a candle at the same time, then its strength will increase. And it does not matter at all whether the worshiper is in the temple or in his home.

Since ancient times, a church candle has been used by people as a powerful tool of a magical nature. that the church, in principle, denies the existence of various bad entities that harm a person, even if they just happen to be next to him for a few minutes, many feel their presence in our world. It should be noted that they cannot endure the flame from church candles. Therefore, you can clean your home from these unpleasant guests on your own.

It is not uncommon for a church candle to help women find their happiness. Often girls with various diseases turn to the church and faith. Many, after certain prayers with lit candles, got the opportunity to become pregnant, despite the fact that doctors had long ago given up hope and ruled out the prospect of childbearing. In principle, several such examples could be called accidents if their systematic nature were not noted. So maybe candles have their own magic? Perhaps they can give people health, hope and faith in the future even when it seems to them that there is no way out?

There is also a belief that no one can keep the secrets of any person better than a church candle. Many people who trusted them with their secrets say that the flame answers words. Sometimes it becomes bright and restless, and, as a rule, this happens when the story is about something bad. Then it gradually calms down. It should be noted that after this it becomes easier for a person. It seems that he had a real interlocutor who understood everything and sympathized.

The most popular is the use of the cleansing properties of fire. For example, such a ritual as cleansing an apartment with a church candle was spread throughout. It was believed that only its flame was able to burn out all the bad things that are next to a person: various negative entities, demons, even remove damage or the evil eye. However, this is not the only attraction of church candles. A photo of any such element can clearly show you that their fire is always calm, with rare exceptions. Therefore, they also have a calming effect on a person. Even if he cannot call himself a believing Christian, the presence of church candles in his house will not cause harm.

1. If everything is in order in a person’s life, the candle set by him burns with an even high flame, without forming any sagging.

2. As soon as some mental problems arise, the candle begins to “cry”: influxes run along it.

3. If a line of influx runs through a newly placed candle from top to bottom, this means: a curse has fallen on a person. If two lines - two curses. More, according to the academician, he did not meet.

4. If the lines of influxes go obliquely and intersect, this means that a person is threatened with death from a serious illness, and he himself or the one who “made” him such a fate may be to blame.

5. If you drive a burning candle clockwise in front of the human body from the head and it starts to smoke with black smoke in some place, it means that the internal organs in this place are blocked by the disease and they must be treated until (with repeated diagnosis) the candle stops smoking .

6. Keep in mind, the candle should always be kept with one side towards the patient. If influxes are formed on his part, he himself is to blame for his illnesses. If with the opposite, then the disease “made” him.

7. If a “tear” rolls down the candle on the left or right, this is a sign that there is an energy struggle between the patient and someone else. If the “tear” is black, then the person is in a state of negative energy. If the traces on the candle are the same color as itself, then the end of sagging is close.

8. When candles are placed in the church, the picture remains approximately the same as at home, but in the temple the candles are sometimes bent. This means that the person is possessed by an evil spirit. The influxes sometimes resemble the profiles of the devil or the person who sent the curse.

9. If the candle goes out, it smells like death and you need to urgently take action: repent, ask for forgiveness from those who offended you, and forgive those who offended you.

10. You can put a stearin candle near your feet, heating its lower end and sticking it to a large saucer. If, having started to “cry”, the candle forms at its base evenly around the circumference of cakes with a diameter of 2-3 cm, adjacent to it, this is a serious indication of possible oncological diseases.

"A candle is an obligatory attribute of my work. A person comes, we sit down at the table, and the first thing I do is light a candle. If the fire is even, calm, it connects our words and thoughts, helps to understand the fate of a person. If during a conversation Wax, like tears, slowly flows into the candlestick - this is the first sign that the human soul is crying, that it hurts. a lot of darkness and malice, insidious thoughts. The candle feels this and therefore smokes. And if the person who comes lies, it begins to burn out from one side. No witchcraft is needed, the candle will tell you who is who. If you want, check for yourself: a person will come to you, put between yourself and him a candle, you will find out who has come to you.

And here are some more simple secrets of the Moscow witch. If you have been greatly offended, offended in the best of feelings, and late in the evening sleep does not come to you, go to the kitchen or into the room - where no one will bother you - and light a candle. Put her on the windowsill, sit next to her and, slowly, whisper to her about what happened. Tears will appear, do not be shy about them, cry. Let resentment and pain come out in tears. The fire of the candle will tremble, flicker, listen to you and soothe. And as the wax melts, your grievances will melt, they will not seem as significant as at first.

Another secret: if there was a scandal at home and a lot of rude, cruel words were said, patiently wait for the night when everyone falls asleep and silence reigns. Light a candle and go around all the household with it in your hand. Standing at the head of each bed, mentally wish them good night. Don't think bad.

Remember how many happy, joyful days were lived together.

Wish they were repeated many, many times. The candle will burn in your hands, and words of kindness, tenderness and love will fall like smoke on the faces of the sleeping people. All the good that is in your heart, through the fire of a candle, will be imprinted on the faces of your relatives and friends.

And finally, the last secret. If they themselves have sinned, acted dirty, hurt someone - it is never too late to admit and confess. First, to yourself. Light a candle in front of a mirror. Looking at your reflection through her fire, tell everything as it was. Don't lie

/03-08-2012 /Olga/ I caught my husband with his cousin still badly. I was in church, put a candle, and it began to melt black. What is it???
/17-12-2014 /Irina/ I had 5 parallel influxes on the candle when, on December 14, 2014, on the world day of remembrance for dead children, I put a candle in memory of the deceased on October 5, 2014. 37 year old son. The candle was crying and I was crying too.
/14-06-2015 /Kseniya/ Hello, I burned my husband with candles and the candles turned black from below, why from below? After firing, my husband's mother dreamed. What should I do next?
/15-08-2015 /Inna/ Why was there an influx of non-black on the wedding candle, on the left?
/31-10-2015 /Galya/ While in the church, I lit a candle in front of the image of the Son of God, mentally asking for help, when suddenly the candle went out and after a moment my husband approached me, with whom we have not lived for a year and a half.
/02-11-2015 /Nastya/ I have formed a figure of Jesus Christ, what can this mean and the candle has been burning all night, does not go out
/10-12-2015 /Larisa/ please tell me why there are cat heads on my candles what does it mean tell me what to do
/23-06-2016 /Natalia/ Hello, for many years now my candles have turned black as soon as I light them. It doesn't matter where I am, at home or in church.