Candles are red. List of multi-colored candles and their purpose

  • 23.09.2019

Color contains an important part of the creation of the rite, and each color has its own magical meaning. Color can direct force within the required limits. Using colored candles, herbs and our magical oils, you can enhance the overall effect of a magical ritual. The color of a candle can be compared to a key that unlocks a certain area of ​​your subconscious and being. The actual meaning of each color of our candles may not match the traditional meanings, or accepted in different schools.


Physical strength, love, passion, enthusiasm, health, energy, courage. It is used in rituals aimed at sexual attraction and passion, love and marriage. Promotes fertility, courage, willpower, increase in magnetism. Faith, vitality, fellowship, protection. Red color gives protection against physical and mental attacks. Helps overcome laziness.


Symbolizes the sun at the height of summer. The color of strength and power. Adaptation, energy, enthusiasm, authority, power, luck, adaptability, attractiveness, weight loss, friendship. Justice, court cases, trade, property transactions. Calm. Used in rituals to attract success, "necessary things" and " the right people", fulfillment of desires.

Honor, glory, honor, respect, morality, romantic and sensual love, friendship. Femininity, softness, attractiveness, affection and harmony. Understanding, purity, prophecy, education, fidelity, reconciliation. It is also used in rituals for mental healing or sensual pleasure.


Removal of spells, divination, prediction. Ambition, business development, power, domination, submission, success. Wisdom, hidden knowledge, third eye, meditation, treatment of serious illnesses. Intuition, self-esteem, understanding, spirituality.
Strengthening your own magical abilities.
Can be used in rituals to acquire spiritual power. Effectively drives away evil, breaks the conditions and circumstances that bring misfortune.

fuchsia color

Candles of this color are usually used with other candles in a ritual to hasten the desired result, or in rituals aimed at obtaining quick changes.


Attracts victory, strength, masculinity, happiness, cosmic energy. Brings quick luck.

Gives confidence in spells, gives strength to the concentration of will and imagination in rituals. Used in divination, divination and clairvoyance. Energy, creativity, attractiveness, intelligence, memory improvement, learning acceleration. Breaks mental blocks. Removes obstacles and all that brings misfortune. Used in rituals whose purpose is to get someone to do what you want. Gives a charge of cheerfulness, drives away negativity.


Balances the connection with nature and the outside world. Used to attract money and overcome the financial crisis. It is also used in spells to attract and help the spirits of the earth.
Home magic, healing, animal magic. Love and affection of animals, treatment of animals. earth connections, persistence, learning, telepathy, finding things that have been lost. The success of a common cause, professional goals.

Healing, meditation, calmness, forgiveness. Wisdom, harmony, inner light, truth, luck, protection. Spiritual inspiration. Prophetic dreams. Use in rituals to strengthen human public relations(friendship, partnership), on the success of a group of people.

Calmness, harmony, patience, health. Devotion, inspiration. Spiritual color, helps in piety or meditation, brings peace and tranquility. Spiritual and psychic requests. It can be used in spells aimed at making a person devoted to you, for peace and blessings.


understanding, thinking, moon magic, creative potential. Turquoise causes changes that allow you to "unblock" the problems that prevent your development or achievement of the goal.

Navy blue

Depression, impulsivity, volatility.

The color of inertia, stops situations or people, induces deep meditation.

Symbolizes nature and material gain. Promotes wealth, fertility and success. Finance, luck, monetary success, career, achievement of personal goals, employment. Decisiveness, will. Youth, beauty. The magic of trees and plants. It is also used in spells aimed at positive changes in circumstances, at repeating or renewing a desire or intention and consolidating the result.

emerald green

Captivating love, social pleasures, fertility.

greenish yellow

Illness, cowardice, cowardice, anger, envy, jealousy, disagreements.

dark green

The color of ambition, greed, envy. Counteracts this in rituals.


Symbolizes stability and neutrality. Helps to remove negativity, helps to develop physical abilities. Astral energy, telepathy, intuition and dreams, receptivity and self-healing, clairvoyance. It is used in rituals to eliminate any existing negative influences.

Charm, charm. Neutralizing, color canceling. Useful for reflection and meditation.

Expulsion of spirits, treatment of serious illnesses, absorption and destruction of negative energy, removal of obstacles. Used to induce deep meditative states, opens the deep levels of the unconscious.
Works well in banishing rituals. A black candle is charged for almost any action, since the black color perfectly absorbs any kind of energy.
It can be used in both creative and destructive magic.

Symbolizes purity, truth, sincerity, wisdom. Promotes spiritual enlightenment, purification. Clairvoyance, healing, peace, purity, divinity, protection, peace, truth. Balances all other colors, if necessary, can replace any other color.

Candle magic and color magic are two simple yet powerful forms of magic. Each color carries a different energy frequency. In a spell, the energy of flowers is used to attract certain energies according to the principle of sympathetic magic.

For rituals, you can use purchased candles or made yourself. I order very beautiful colored candles on Aliexpress.

The most common candle colors and their uses are:


It is the color of purity and new beginnings. Use the white candle for rituals related to healing, new beginnings, and spiritual growth. Also, white candles are associated with prayer, memory and devotion. White can be replaced by any other colored candle when that color is not available.


A strong, banishing color, it is associated with transition and rest. Light a black candle to absorb negativity, break a bad habit, or mark the end of a phase in your life. Many defensive spells include a black candle.


Red is love, strength, sex and vitality. A red candle draws these qualities to you and helps with any spell that requires strong, fiery energy. A red candle is often used in combination with a black one. To expel the negative, they light the black one, and then with the help of the red one, they attract fresh energy.


The blue color helps to invoke the peace and patience of the water element. Blue carries a gentle yet powerful energy. If you want truth and justice, choose a blue candle. It is also suitable for spells related to emotional healing. very spiritual blue color help to awaken and heal the psyche.


Yellow associated with the element of Air and the powers of the mind. Light a yellow candle for success in school or the arts, for better relationships. Yellow also enhances intuition. Yellow candles are a great choice for business spells. If you need fresh ideas and inspiration, perform a yellow candle ritual.


Green is the color of money magic, it symbolizes growth in every sense. A green candle attracts abundance and earthly well-being. Use for prosperity, health and working with Nature. Green also a good choice for spells related to luck.


The vibrant shade of orange evokes ambition and creativity. Orange candles are well suited for a career, or for any ritual to assert one's strength and personality.


It is the color of mystery and magic, and purple is associated with psychic matters. Use the purple candle for divination, astral travel, and to strengthen your connection to the unseen realms. Historically the color of royalty, purple is also suitable for magic associated with wishes, ambition, power and authority.


Pink is the color of emotional well-being, sensuality, and matters of the heart. Choose a pink candle when you want to bring compassion and love to yourself or others. Forgiveness and reconciliation spells also require gentle Pink colour.


Halfway between white and black, gray is the color of neutrality and balance. A gray candle can be used in protective magic when you want to neutralize negative energy that may be directed at you. Also used to gain insight and wisdom.


Calming, cleansing energy blue color used for healing spells as well as dispelling anger. Light blue evokes the calming properties of the water element, without its deeper, more dangerous properties. The color of daylight is light blue, also good for seeking the truth.


Turquoise is the color of the sea. It carries the soothing, healing qualities of light blue. Turquoise also stimulates creativity and the spirit of exploration. Turquoise candles are sometimes used to connect with Undines and Fairy water.


Lavender combines the innocence of white with the spirituality and passion of purple. Lavender lavender candles are used for love, intimacy and friendship spells.


This color is similar in meaning to white, but with a hint of earthy brown. Ivory is good for full moon work, initiations, or any time you need an alternative to bright white. Since this color corresponds to pearls, it is also used to attract luxury and abundance.

light green

Light green is used to evoke the lighter qualities of the earth element—good luck, prosperity, and celebration.


Purple, dark pink candles take on the loving energy of pink and push it up. While pink candles show compassion and tenderness, strong pinks bring passion. Use the purple candle for sexual confidence spells and for flirting. They are also used to attract a lover.


Brown is the color of the earth. It is used to achieve emotional stability, balance and build confidence.

Ruby (burgundy)

This hair color is filled with expression, chic, courage and sophistication. Rituals on it help to bring your passionate desires to life.


Silver is associated with the Moon, psychic receptivity, dreaming, love, rest and healing. On the Wiccan altar, a silver candle is often used to represent the Goddess.


Gold corresponds to the Sun, wealth, confidence, willpower, generosity and optimism. A golden candle can be used to represent God. A gray or white candle can be replaced by silver, but there is no substitute for the attractive sheen of gold.

Keep in mind that the spell can be effective even if you don't have the "correct" colored candle. (In Dorothy Morrison's Magic in modern life» the story is described, when she urgently needed a brown candle for a spell, she attached a beige rag found in her purse to a white candle with a bracket). You can also decorate the candle with ribbon or cord. desired colors, or just use your imagination.

A lit candle is a living fire. The most ancient rituals used candle magic. It releases the energy of light, acts on a metaphysical level as a source of purification and awakening of a new life force. When a candle burns, the color of the candle is activated, released and passes into the space surrounding it. The color of the candle has its healing effect on those who are close to it. Even if you just stand next to a burning candle and look at it, it will have an impact on a person on a physical and more subtle level. The more a person focuses on contemplating the flame of a candle, the stronger its effect will be.

white candle symbolizes purity and strength. It has the ability to awaken hope and enhances the effect of candles of other colors. If a lit white candle crackles and smokes, then burning is taking place. negative energy and clearing space. The soot has stopped, the candle burns evenly - it means that the space has been cleared. White contains all colors, and can be used for all positive purposes: protection, purification, peace, truth, spirituality, sincerity, integrity, insight, dedication, any achievement in business, in feelings and in relationships.

black candle has a strong protective effect. It is used in meditation to find light in darkness. It reveals the innermost, helps to gain confidence and see the goal, to understand why one has to make sacrifices. A black candle, as a rule, is lit at the same time as a white one, since its color acts depressingly and, if in excess, can cause depression. However, black is a symbol outer space and can be used for positive purposes: getting rid of negative energies, diseases and bad habits, the absorption of negativity, the eradication of evil, protection, the end of past affairs and the beginning of new ones, the return of missed opportunities.

red candle symbolizes love and health, helps in the fulfillment of desires. Red - life and death, creation and destruction, punishment, retribution and reconciliation, love, passion, sex, courage, defense and attack, attraction, career, health maintenance, physical strength and energy.

pink candle- a candle of love and success. It awakens in a person the desire for a worthy and impeccable life, purity of intentions. A pink candle helps to see the truth. Pink - all emotional unions, romantic love, marriage, friendship, intimacy, compassion, spiritual awakening, healing of spiritual wounds, overcoming evil, entertainment and good mood.

orange candle- a candle of joy and creativity. It attracts to a person other people, animals and things that he wants to become the owner of. Orange - energy in its purest form, the attraction of feelings, desires and events, increasing personal physical strength, career, success, approval, ambition, courage, solving legal problems, adaptability to reality.

Yellow or golden candle helps make wishes come true. This is the main color of the meditation candle. Yellow - intelligence, trust, eloquence, persuasion, attraction, charm, imagination, mental strength, inspiration, art, creativity, memory, education, concentration, divination and clairvoyance, new plans, action, movement, travel, vehicles.

golden candle- glory, quick luck, success, wealth, prosperity, fertility, protection, intuition, understanding, the influence of higher powers.

green candle means growth and movement, it harmonizes the energy of the body and mind. Stimulates the subconscious and energy. Green - money, financial papers, prosperity, employment, growth, abundance, wealth, success, luck, recovery, health, fertility and good physical condition, marriage, family and family ties.

blue candle awakens faith in life and is itself a symbol of life. It symbolizes spiritual understanding. It is known that it has a particularly strong healing effect on children. Blue - peace, happiness, patience, loyalty, understanding, wisdom, accuracy, calmness, creative power; inspiration, good health, protection, harmony in the home, mental and spiritual awareness, prophetic dreams, astral forecasts, area of ​​mental influence, communication with the mysterious, positive or negative impact on the subconscious of other people, neutralization of witchcraft, elimination of evil, gossip and lies.

purple candle symbolizes spirituality, strength and skill. This is a candle for success, exaltation and the achievement of spiritual aspirations. Violet - the development of witchcraft abilities, communication with the higher forces of nature, foresight, clairvoyance, maintaining health, curing diseases.

purple candle symbolizes spirituality, strength and skill. Purple - curing serious illnesses, accelerating the healing of physical and spiritual wounds, meditation, religion, spiritual strength, higher psychic abilities, wisdom, development, ambition, success, idealism, protection, predictions.

Gray represents clarity. It is used for meditation to understand how best to realize their new goals and initiatives. A gray candle awakens that level of the subconscious, at which intuition awakens and a person understands how life revolves around him. Gray - neutralization, annulment of past events, agreements and decisions, peaceful termination of alliances, balance of power, legality, regularity, the necessary sequence, indifference, neutrality.

silver candle develops personal magical power. Silver - insight, intuition, inspiration, dreams, astral energy, victory, stability, meditation, psychic abilities, elimination of negativity.

brown candle can awaken a sense of confidence and help to sort out the situation. Its impact is neutral. Meditating on it can help find missing things. Brown - Agriculture, farming, protecting domestic animals, getting rid of their diseases, attracting financial success, real estate, balance of power, solving family problems.

It is no secret that much in the rituals depends on the choice of a candle. A candle is used by esotericists in almost any ritual. Sometimes even its simple ignition becomes a rite.

The color of the candle plays an important role in ritual practice. After all, the power of color cannot be underestimated. So, the right colors in the wardrobe or interior can change life quite a lot, and in the process of the ritual, the color of the candle will definitely play its role.

If you are just starting esoteric practices and do not know where to start, you can simply light candles in the house regularly. Fire has the ability to purify the energy of housing and remove negativity. And to give this action more power, get candles of a certain color. Just the one you need.

white candle

Candles of this color may seem ordinary and ineffective to you. But in vain, because far from always a pretentious form or an unusual shade are the essence of the ceremony. White color is very strong energetically: it is the color of protection from any evil. Candle white color, ignited once every few days, at least for a short time, can strengthen well-being and protect against trouble. Such candles help to clear energy and overcome negative programs. To do this, with a lit white candle, you need to go around the entire apartment.

Red colored candles

When choosing red candles as your assistants, you need to pay attention to their shade. Traditionally, red candles are associated with attracting love, but this is not always the case. Dark, burgundy tones can speak of strong passion, bright scarlet can give you fame and recognition, and colors closer to orange in the palette are likely to primarily affect your love of life and attitude. To attract romantic affection, pink candles are suitable. And it’s worth lighting them, of course, in the bedroom.

Green and yellow candles

We have not accidentally combined these colors, talking about their impact. Both colors are associated with wealth: gold, growth and development, prosperity and green overseas banknotes. Candles of such shades will contribute to material stability. Light them on the growing moon, and in order not to miss this favorable money rituals phase, look at .

Cold tone candles

Blue, cyan or purple candles also have powerful energy. They are most connected to the universe. By lighting such candles, you can engage in meditation and the opening of the chakras, in a word, in every possible way strengthen your sixth sense and connection with Higher powers. Such candles will help to calm down, find harmony and successfully engage in spiritual growth.

black candles

The black color of the candle speaks for itself. As a rule, such candles enhance the negative impact and are used to inflict an energy blow on someone. But this is not necessarily so: with the help of a black candle, you can push a powerful negative impact away from yourself or from your home. But you should not keep such a candle in the house for a long time, otherwise it itself can become a source of negativity.

If you are no longer a beginner and have knowledge of rituals and rituals, you can create a strong ritual candle yourself. Made by hand, it will have much greater energy potential. Tips from Victoria Rydos, the winner of the 16th season of the Battle of Psychics, will help you make a candle for rituals on your own. Good luck to you, and don't forget to press the buttons and

02.05.2016 08:17

Many people know own experience what it is to yearn for a loved one. For some, circumstances have developed in such a way that they had to leave, ...

Christmas time is a time of divination and rituals, the invariable attribute of which is a candle. Divination candles are easy...

Candles are used in magic in various rituals and ceremonial actions. At the same time, their shade plays a significant role, because the result of the mystical action will depend on the value of the color of the candle. Therefore, if you are ready to conjure, we advise you to carefully read this material.

To master the magic of candles, you do not need special training or training. It is available to almost everyone. The main feature of such magic is that for the ceremony you will need to stock up on a few candles, as well as have pure thoughts and unlimited faith in a positive result.

Fortunately, today the shops are replete with a very wide selection of candle products. In general, what kind of candle you get - the usual one, which we use if the light is turned off, or purchased in an esoteric store - does not really matter.

But it is extremely important that the candle is brand new. After all, if it has already been lit (even for a short period of time), then it has managed to fill up with a certain amount of information and it can negate the entire effect of the rite. In addition, the previously used candles give off vibrational flows into the Cosmos and will no longer help you in the fulfillment of your desires.

An important nuance. The magic of candles will work only if the ceremony is completely transparent and pure.

In general, it is ideal to make candles for a magical ceremony with your own hands. Candles self made filled with the energy of the one who creates them and this helps to create real miracles. Therefore, if you have the makings of a sculptor, be sure to use this and make a few candles with your own hands. Thanks to this, you will be able to attract a very powerful flow of energy, which will give you confidence that absolutely any dream can really be realized.

The shade of ritual candles is also very important. Each shade is different different characteristics, therefore, when choosing candles for the ceremony, be sure to consider the purpose for which you need them and what events you want to attract into your life.

Why pay special attention to the color of the candle?

The shade of the candle should be selected based on the specifics of the planned ceremony.

Specific colors attract certain types of energy, so the color can both enhance and reduce the impact of the ritual being performed.

And in order not to make a mistake, you need to familiarize yourself with the meaning and characteristics of each of the colors in candle magic.

Candle magic: characteristics of flowers with their properties

Consider the purpose for which you need to use a candle of one color or another:

  • White candle - correlates with cleansing, health, sincerity, truthfulness, divine power, peace and tranquility. You can light it in meditation practices and during prayer. Also used when working with the 7th energy center. White candles are also used as altar candles.
  • Ruby red. This shade, as a rule, is used in love magic, helps to influence people's feelings (both in a positive and in a bad way). This means that using a candle given color you can both provoke a feeling of love and anger, hatred and jealousy.
  • Red - has a wide range of effects. With the help of a red candle, it is really possible to attract love and passion into a person's life. It also helps restore health and bestows physical strength. The red hue is related to the element of fire and can be used to help a person achieve their goal (for example, advance in a career). Corresponds to the 1st chakra.
  • A pink candle is a symbol of femininity, attractiveness, romantic and friendly relations. A pink candle will help attract tender and pure love, and will also help build a serious relationship if you suffer from self-doubt.
  • Orange candle - helps to control the situation and change it. Associated with strength, attractiveness, power. Also, the spectrum of action of the candle is everything related to sexual life and everything that gives a person pleasure. Orange is associated with the 2nd chakra.
  • Yellow candle - with its help you can increase creative energy, imagination, and also fill a person life force and activity. Corresponds to joy and attractiveness. Increases the assimilation of information, improves memory. A yellow candle is good to use in clairvoyance or divination. With its help, you will better concentrate on something, your imagination will grow. The correspondence of the yellow candle is the 3rd chakra.
  • Light brown candle - it is used in money magic. Thanks to her, you will receive financial benefits and benefits.
  • Brown - allows you to successfully solve court cases, and also treats pets. Also, with the help of a brown candle, you can search for missing items.
  • Olive - attracts money, luck in gambling, business, promising work. The difference between olive and green is that the former has a softer and longer lasting effect.
  • Green light - will also attract good luck in gambling, business, Good work, good harvest. More green color correlates with harmony, rejuvenation, healing of the physical shell, marriage union, mercy. It has a connection with the 4th energy center.
  • Candle of the color of the sea wave - helps to heal emotionally, comforts, protects.
  • Blue - associated with spirituality, meditation, prayer, peace, tranquility and protection in the home. Helps to pass exams. Blue is associated with the fifth chakra.
  • Blue candle - shown in the use of rituals that give a person wisdom and protection, in meditative practices. Promotes healing, improves well-being. Reveals spiritual potential, fills with inspiration. It will help to achieve peace and harmony in the home. It also promotes weight loss. Its correspondence is the sixth chakra.
  • Dark blue - can be used when turning to the forces of light for help. Dark blue candles will help with fractures, improve the process of bone fusion.
  • Purple candle - will help with clairvoyance and divination. Also, a purple candle can be lit when spiritualistic contacts are being made. Associated with the 7th energy center.
  • Purple candle. Purple is a highly spiritual color. It is used when spells are removed, dark forces are expelled, and also when serious illnesses are treated. Hue will help with clairvoyance, divination, seances and contact with the other world. In addition, it correlates with power, domination, subordination, management, control. Associated with the 7th energy center.
  • Gray candle - promotes soft expulsion dark forces successfully copes with various negative influences. Also, a gray candle can be used in the process of thinking about complex tasks. It is associated with charm, charm.
  • Black candle - it is often used in cases where you need to absorb and destroy negative energy. She binds evil forces and protects. It will help to get rid of the evil eye and damage. Often, black candles are used as altar candles (along with white ones) to normalize the energy balance.

The influence of the phases of the moon on magical rituals

In many ways, how successful will magical ritual, will depend on the phase of the moon. Before carrying out any ceremony, it is necessary to carefully study the lunar calendar.

  • The growing moon is suitable for those rituals that are designed to increase something (money, strength, energy, love), for creative actions;
  • The waning moon is suitable for rituals for the destruction of something and getting rid of the unnecessary (obstacles, misfortunes, difficulties, illnesses are eliminated, and also various troubles are caused);
  • At the time of the full moon - you can resort to any rituals;
  • At the time of the new moon - lapels and exiles are held.

Now you know what shade of candles you should choose for your magical actions.

In conclusion, it is worth watching an interesting thematic video material:

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