Strong beliefs worth developing. Man's Beliefs Are Dreams of the Mind

  • 11.10.2019

Beliefs. How do they stack up


Show that a person's beliefs depend on his knowledge, moral culture and his environment; to prove that a person's beliefs depend on his decisions and actions.

To reveal the content of the concepts: behavior, persuasion, choice of action, knowledge, decision, desire, line of conduct.

The concepts and principles of "I want" and "need".

Reflection of the moral culture and beliefs of a person in his actions.

move class hour:

Explain how you understand the expression "respect a person, his freedom."

Explain the content of the concepts: personality, freedom, respect.

Why do we not approve of disrespect, humiliation, insult of a person?

What does non-verbal communication?

Prove the need to develop a demeanor in yourself? Why?

Can someone learn to respect people for you?

Do you think it is necessary for a person, when performing actions and deeds, to be convinced that he is right?

What is meant by the term "belief"?

Belief - a firmly established opinion, a confident look, a person's point of view on something. Belief is the moral basis of a person's activity, which allows him to consciously perform actions and actions, with a reasonable understanding of the necessity and expediency of a decision. Belief - called deeply rooted in the mind of a person moral standards, ideals, rules, principles and concepts that he necessarily follows.

Conviction - a person's attitude to his actions and beliefs, thoughts, actions, in which his confidence in his own rightness is manifested ... represents the moral and psychological basis for the development of certain qualities of character in a person: courage or cowardice; will or lack of will; stamina or weakness; restraint and patience or irascibility, impatience, etc.

Do you agree with these definitions? Or not? Why? Justify your opinion.

What does the concept of human behavior mean?

A person always has a choice to solve problems, which way to go and which line of behavior to choose. What is a "choice"?

Choice - the ability of a person to set a goal, make a decision, achieve its implementation.

A decision is a procedure for a moral, conscious choice of an act, action, attitude, often as a result of an analysis of the situation.

The correctness, humaneness of the decision depends on the ability of the individual to make decisions, with knowledge of the matter, personal moral experience and culture of the individual.

Desire is an inner desire to achieve something, or to possess something.

For example, after graduating from school, each of you faced a choice: what profession to choose, how to realize yourself in life. This is an important task. Your whole future life depends on it. The main thing is not to make a mistake. Having made a decision, it is necessary to achieve the set task, to realize it, because if a person is engaged in an unloved business, he cannot benefit society and, most importantly, enjoy his work.

What do you think? Do you agree with this statement?

Give your examples of when a person needs to make a choice in life and achieve the intended goal.

Behavior (moral) - a set of human actions that have moral significance, i.e. moral activity of a person, characterized by a purposeful and morally motivated action.

There is the concept of "line of conduct", i.e. a person has developed a relative sequence, consistency of individual actions and distinctive features activities of a person or group.

The line of behavior is the direction, mode of action, views, actions of a person in dealing with people.

Acting, we commit actions that by no means always carry a positive charge. If a person's conviction corresponds to the norms of moral culture, then, of course, the person's actions are approvingly evaluated from the outside. But, unfortunately, it happens differently, i.e. a person, without thinking about what he is doing, commits negative actions, some people commit such actions on purpose, which society does not approve of. For example: a teenager offended a younger one, insulted an old man, or stole something from a store counter.

The actions of a person reflect his level of moral culture. Let's remember what structure moral culture has:

moral consciousness;

moral attitude;

moral activity.

How do you understand what these terms mean? Let's think about the meaning of Margarita Aliger's poem.

And yet I insist

And yet the mind insists:

Is the snake guilty of being a snake,

Or a porcupine born of a porcupine?

Or a two-humped camel, finally?

Or some kind of monster in a certain state?

But the scoundrel is to blame for being a scoundrel.

He was still born human!

How do you understand these words of M. Aliger?

Why does she think that the scoundrel is to blame for being a scoundrel?

How is a person different from an animal?

How is this reflected in the choice of actions?

An act is a decisive, active action in difficult circumstances.

An act is a part of moral activity, action as a whole of deeds, goals and means, intentions, motives and consequences ... a reflection of a person's moral consciousness. We can say that an act is made up of several elements: motive, intentions, goals, deeds, consequences of a person's self-assessment of his act and his attitude to the assessment of others.

What should a person do in order not to commit rash acts? What do you think?

Learning to manage our feelings, psychological state, we get a double benefit: we develop and strengthen the necessary character traits.

You can manage your feelings using: self-approval, self-persuasion, self-criticism, self-hypnosis. If a person can control his feelings, it will be easier for him to overcome the contradictions between “I want” and “I have to” do.

It is necessary - something that is very necessary for a person, a team, a state.

Want (want) - to have a desire, intention, goal, to feel the need for something.

The clash of “want” and “need” often leads to conflicts or conflict situations in which a person's convictions, his ability to defend honor, dignity and duty, to show what his conscience can resolve, manifest themselves very clearly.

If moral standards determine the content of a person’s actions and actions, prescribe what and how people should do, then the culture of behavior reveals how exactly a person fulfills moral standards and requirements in his actions and actions, what appearance of a person, to what extent, naturally and naturally, these moral norms merged with his way of life, became for him a daily rule of life.

The level of knowledge and conviction of a person of this moral requirement will find expression in courtesy, delicacy, tact in dealing with people, fidelity in a given word and promise, respect for someone else's time, etc., i.e. it includes many moral norms.

The culture of behavior also includes the culture of work, i.e. the ability of a person to properly organize working time and place, the ability to find appropriate methods and operations to maximize the achievement of high results of labor and high level labor productivity. How do you understand it? Justify your opinion.


To understand yourself and your delusions-beliefs, you need to figure out how it all began. How did I become such a bore?

A person's inner beliefs are formed under the influence of many factors:

Family influence. Traditions, features of the relationship between parents and relatives, their own beliefs of parents. Family behavior patterns, rituals, verbal programs.

The influence of ethnicity, society, historical traditions, culture, atmosphere and spirit of the environment in which a person is formed.

The influence of literature, science, art, etc.

The influence of cinema, the Internet, the media.

A person's values ​​and beliefs are formed long before he is born.

Strange as it may seem, the very fact of conception and the attitude of future parents towards the birth of a child already contains the first grain of his future convictions. Is it desirable or will it appear unplanned? Already loved or seen as future problem and burden? Do his parents respect each other? How do they treat themselves, the world, people? All this, one way or another, will manifest itself in the future. In that thin network of a wide variety of little things that will envelop the newborn.

A baby who is loved, not left alone for a long time, protected, cared for, will accept the world as a wonderful place where you can be happy and loved. This is a future optimist, lucky, merry fellow. The future brave and open fighter for his own and everyone's happiness. But it can also be a future narcissistic egoist, preoccupied exclusively with his own well-being.

A child can meet something completely different in this world: indifference, cruelty, lack of warmth and care, rudeness, coldness, a sharp change in emotions and many different difficulties that will force him to defend himself. Look for replacements, feign, cheat, deceive. And all in order to regain a drop of warmth and light, which every newborn has the right to count on. Such a person will fight the world all his life, prove his worth. He will forever look for love and will not be able to see it where it lives. And all because he did not know her in childhood.

The most stable are the beliefs embedded in a person during the formation of his personality. That is, those that have developed in the family and school under the influence of loved ones and relatives, teachers and educators, purposefully involved in the formation of the child's personality. With all the planning and awareness of such an impact, some influences turn out to be detrimental to the human psyche and form beliefs that will subsequently become an obstacle to the normal existence of a person in society.

Careless and unaware parents definitions that they give to their own child (a slob, a bore, a mess, a dumbass, mediocrity, etc.) form negative programs for the future life of the baby. In childhood, all those erroneous patterns of behavior, beliefs, mental projections are rooted, which later will cause problems, crises and conflicts that a person faces in adulthood.

The most persistent and vivid beliefs of a person are laid down at a high emotional level and are associated with:

or with the peculiarities of children's perception, capable of being surprised even by the most insignificant events

or - with acute critical moments of life, emotionally saturated and having a shocking effect on the psyche. For example, during a conflict, war, collision, overcoming obstacles, insight, discovery. Sometimes it is associated with important milestones in life: marriage, divorce, birth, death, illness, career successes and failures.

A vivid experience (negative or positive) is imprinted in the mind, remembered, remains in the subconscious, linking subsequent events and their assessment with the experience that was obtained as a result. Based on this experience, a person develops a certain set of reactions to events. In any case, these reactions express a desire for comfort, for the better. A person either strives again to experience a feeling of pleasure and spiritual uplift, a state of happiness. Either he is trying to avoid the negative that one or another brought him life situation. To prevent bad things from happening again, he needs to work out protective measures, come up with a mechanism to avoid or reduce negativity. Such a desire forms certain life beliefs in him. Thus, life beliefs are formed under the influence of two main factors:

pursuit of happiness;

avoidance of misfortune.

This is how the beliefs of an optimist and a pessimist are formed.

From this point of view, two opposing beliefs can be considered.

"The world is beautiful and kind to me!" and “I can achieve any goal if I want to!” - such a conviction is born in a person who once experienced the happiness of a triumph, won a victory. The state of the winner inspires, and makes a person happy from the consciousness of his own strength, faith in himself. It is no accident, therefore, school psychologists advise to create moments of victory for children more often. Even if insignificant, but tangible from the point of view of the value identity of the individual. Each of us, in order to believe in our own strength, needs even the smallest approval.

On the other hand, the loser syndrome is formed by such negative factors as constant criticism, negative labels, physical punishment, and rudeness. Subconsciously trying to avoid negativity, a person gradually develops such beliefs: “The world is disgusting and cruel to me!” and “All the same, nothing will work, my hut is on the edge!”

Is it safe to say that the pursuit of happiness is better than the avoidance of unhappiness? It is difficult to give a definite answer. Sometimes beliefs associated with protection from the negative impact of the external environment help a person avoid mistakes, protect him from rash and dangerous steps that can cost him dearly.

On the contrary, the predominance of conviction in one's omnipotence and rightness often manifests itself in such unpleasant qualities as selfishness, lust for power, arrogance or recklessness, hatred. Ultimately, an initially positive belief imperceptibly rejects a person from society, over which he triumphantly rises, makes him a marginal, lonely and unhappy person.

A person's life beliefs are made up of many imperceptible and significant influences, they depend on his experience, knowledge, environment, and will. And if the deep inner beliefs that were formed in infancy and early childhood are extremely difficult to change, since they are often in the area of ​​the unconscious, then later beliefs that were formed during growing up under the influence of books, art, cinema, the Internet, society and etc., may undergo significant changes.

At a certain period of his life, a person can consciously form his moral convictions without waiting for someone to make a piece out of him on his ideological chessboard. He just needs to stop blindly trusting the usual sources of information, analyze the knowledge gained, question the formulations imposed from the outside. A person can learn to live in harmony with himself and the world, become flexible and mobile only when he understands how and under the influence of what his beliefs were formed. He will find the origins of his mistakes and limitations, realize them and get rid of them.

Can we conclude that a person's behavior and the level of his culture characterizes (reflects) his spiritual and moral and ethical culture, his beliefs in the need to comply with moral norms and rules.

20 ways to convince people - the ability to convince as the basis of success in business life

Not the stronger one who has great knowledge, but the one who is able to convince is a well-known axiom. Knowing how to choose words, you own the world. The art of persuasion is a whole science, but all its secrets have long been revealed by psychologists in a way that is easy to understand, simple rules which any successful business person knows by heart. How to convince people - advice from experts ...

  • Control over the situation is impossible without a sober assessment of the situation. Evaluate the situation itself, the reaction of people, the possibility of the influence of strangers on the opinion of your interlocutor. Remember that the result of the dialogue should be beneficial for both parties.
  • Mentally put yourself in the place of the interlocutor. Without trying to "get into the shoes" of the opponent and without empathizing with him, it is impossible to influence a person. Feeling and understanding the opponent (with his desires, motives and dreams), you will find more opportunities for persuasion.
  • The first and natural reaction of almost any person to pressure from outside is resistance.. The stronger the “pressure” of persuasion, the stronger the person resists. You can eliminate the "barrier" from the opponent by positioning him towards you. For example, to play a joke on yourself, on the imperfection of your product, thereby "lulling" the vigilance of a person - there is no point in looking for flaws if you have listed them. Another of the tricks is a sharp change in tone. From official to simple, friendly, universal.
  • Use “creative” phrases and words in communication - no denial or negativity. Incorrect: “if you buy our shampoo, your hair will stop falling out” or “if you don’t buy our shampoo, you won’t be able to appreciate its fantastic effectiveness.” Correct option: “Restore strength and health to your hair. New shampoo with a fantastic effect! Instead of the questionable word "if", use the convincing "when". Not “if we do…”, but “when we do…”.

  • Do not impose your opinion on the opponent - give him the opportunity to think independently, but "highlight" the right path. Wrong option: "Without cooperation with us, you lose a lot of advantages." Correct option: "Cooperation with us is a mutually beneficial alliance." Wrong option: "Buy our shampoo and see how effective it is!". Correct option: "The effectiveness of the shampoo has been proven by thousands of positive reviews, multiple studies, the Ministry of Health, the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, etc."
  • Look for arguments to convince your opponent in advance, having thought through all the possible branches of the dialogue. Put forward arguments in a calm and confident tone without emotional overtones, slowly and in detail.
  • When convincing an opponent of something, you must be sure of your point of view. Any of your doubts about the “truth” you put forward is instantly “caught” by a person, and trust in you is lost.

  • Learn sign language. This will help you avoid mistakes and better understand your opponent.
  • Never give in to provocations. In persuading your opponent, you must be a "robot" who cannot be pissed off. “Balance, honesty and reliability” are three “pillars” of trust even in a stranger.
  • Always use facts - the best weapon of persuasion. Not “grandmother told” and “read on the Internet”, but “there are official statistics ...”, “on personal experience I know that…”, etc. Witnesses, dates and figures, videos and photographs, opinions of famous people are the most effective as facts.

  • Learn the art of persuasion from your children. The child knows that by offering his parents a choice, he, at least, will not lose anything and even gain: not “Mom, well, buy!”, But “Mom, buy me a radio-controlled robot, or at least a designer”. By offering a choice (and by preparing the conditions for the choice in advance so that the person makes the right choice), you allow the opponent to think that he is the master of the situation. Proven fact: it is rare for a person to say “no” when offered a choice (even if it is an illusion of choice).

  • Convince your opponent of his uniqueness. Not by vulgar open flattery, but by the appearance of a "recognized fact." For example, "Your company is known to us as a responsible company with a positive reputation and one of the leaders in this field of production." Or "We have heard about you as a man of duty and honor." Or "We would like to work only with you, you are known as a person whose words never diverge from deeds."
  • Focus on the "secondary benefit". For example, "Cooperation with us means not only low prices for you, but also great prospects." Or "Our new kettle is not just a technological super-novelty, but your delicious tea and a pleasant evening with your family.” Or "Our wedding will be so magnificent that even kings will envy." We focus, first of all, on the needs and characteristics of the audience or opponent. Based on them, we put accents.

  • Do not allow neglect and arrogance towards the interlocutor. He should feel on the same level with you, even if in ordinary life you drive around such people for a kilometer in your expensive car.
  • Always start a conversation with moments that can unite you with your opponent, not divide. Immediately tuned to the right “wave”, the interlocutor ceases to be an opponent and turns into an ally. And even in the event of disagreements, it will be difficult for him to answer you “no”.
  • Follow the principle of demonstrating shared benefit. Every mom knows that the perfect way to talk a child into going to the store with her is to let them know that the checkout is selling candy. with toys, or “suddenly remember” that his favorite cars were promised big discounts this month. The same method, only in a more complex execution, underlies business negotiations and agreements between ordinary people. Mutual benefit is the key to success.

  • Position the person towards you. Not only in personal relationships, but also in the business environment, people are guided by likes / dislikes. If the interlocutor is unpleasant to you, or even completely disgusting (outwardly, in communication, etc.), then you will have no business with him. Therefore, one of the principles of persuasion is personal charm. It is given to someone from birth, and someone has to learn this art. Learn to highlight your strengths and hide your weaknesses.

AT art of persuasion idea 1:

Video about the art of persuasion 2:

To start


Beliefs- this is generalization any relationship between the various manifestations of life experience.

  • what and how it is arranged
  • what is the consequence of what and how everything is connected

We see in the world what we are used to seeing "through" our beliefs ( For example, two old men, instead of having fun and singing to the guitar, a young man and a woman)

Belief examples:

  • Everything is created by God
  • The earth is round
  • Good education is the key to success
  • Most can't be wrong

Beliefs are conditionally divided into "limiting" and "supporting"

limiting beliefs , as you understand, create strict rules, the observance of which limits a person in his thinking and his actions.

  • Men do not cry
  • The most important thing in a woman's life is family.
  • I can never make it
  • I am a loser
  • I can't because I don't have money (education, connections, etc.)
  • Now the crisis and no one buys anything

Supporting Beliefs , on the contrary, create conditions for freedom of thought and action

  • If others can do it, then I can too.
  • I can change myself
  • It is in a crisis that you should try something new.
  • There will always be other ways and possibilities.
  • People can be different
  • I have a right to love (success, my life, etc.)

Belief functions:

  1. Beliefs make the world “clear” and simple for us.
  2. They create a "map of reality", based on which we make decisions and act in this reality.

As our beliefs are, so is our life.

  1. God has no other hands but yours. To achieve what you want you need act in reality
  2. Actions are determined by our "map of reality"
  3. Our map of reality has been created out of conviction(about what is arranged, what follows from what and what is connected with what)

It turns out I, that if you cannot achieve the Success you desire (set goals according to the specified criteria), although it is accessible to others, then your “map of reality” is to blame for this, i.e. your beliefs.



There is an irrefutable truth. Something is undeniable and the only truth. There are no alternatives (I don't see it, I don't accept it, I consider it false, etc.). I and everyone must rely on these truths and adhere to them.


There are certain "correct and uniform for all" evaluation criteria. If you do not correspond to them, then you are not correct (defective), which means you are not worthy of receiving your success.


Everything is interconnected. The past influences the future. The past cannot be changed. This means that nothing can be changed in the present and future. And that means you don't have to try.


If there is A, then there will be B, or if there were A, then there would be B.

Two or more events are linked into a single whole by establishing a causal relationship


You can't change anything because that's how the world works.

Belief is neither explained nor substantiated.


…. understand that

Everything is not as it seems!

Beliefs- this is some habitual, once fixed in our consciousness and subconscious generalization on which we rely without thinking and without checking its adequacy for a given context.

Our brain is just automatically issues these generalizations when given some stimulus to simplify our decision-making process.

Belief is an ILLUSION OF MIND, created once and by someone, perceived by you as truth, embedded in the subconscious as information that you can trust, and used as the basis for making decisions

Everything you think about the world, about yourself and circumstances is fruit of your imagination or your upbringing, entrenched in rigid linguistic forms and now governs your thinking and behavior

Beliefs are fixed in the head based on:

  • statements received from elders in childhood and received the status of truth
  • own experience, when repeated 2-3 times
  • summarizing the experience of some significant people beside

Beliefs are a conditioned reflex of the mind, a habit, a stereotyped reaction of understanding, explaining the situation when a certain stimulus appears.

Good news:

FROM conditioned reflexes can work. They can be installed and removed as you wish.

But more on that in one of the following articles.

In the meantime, if you find yourself with any of the beliefs described above, then To start, ask yourself questions:

And one more very important note.

Limiting beliefs often have a protective function for a person. They cover themselves secondary benefit, which a person receives when he acts or does not act, based on this belief.

For example, very comfortably do not strain and avoid negative assessment of others or defeats hiding behind the conviction “What to do. This is how the world works. All for one, nothing for the other."

So another question that might be helpful in this situation

All upcoming events on the page

This is what a person believes in, attitude to himself, attitude to the world around him. Beliefs are an essential part of a person's personality. From internal attitudes and beliefs, it completely depends on how his fate and life develops. Beliefs are also experience and knowledge gained as a result of life or transmitted, at the level of genetic microprograms, from previous generations. These attitudes, transformed into representations, images and sensations, are the basis for a person to make all his life decisions.

Powerful positive attitudes make a person morally strong with a powerful core inside, making him successful, efficient, rich, happy. Weak attitudes and inadequate beliefs make the inner core of a person weak and weak.

The life principles and qualities of a person's character are built on fundamental beliefs, ideas and attitudes. Such beliefs can be called fundamental or pivotal:

Your relationship to the environment

What do you see with your own eyes: Is the world dangerous or beautiful? Thousands of opportunities and success or the world is hostile to me and it's only suffering? Is the world filled with good or evil? Is there good and evil in this world?

Self-perception, self-attitude

Answers to the questions - who am I and why do I live? The answers to these simple but profound questions must be consistent with all internal settings. These are the basic and basic definitions that characterize a person. For yourself inside, for your own strong or weak position in life, you definitely have to answer these questions. Am I an animal or just a body controlled by instincts? Am I divine, bright and strong in nature energy with great potential? Maybe it's the matrix that I don't really live in?

What is the sense of life?

A normal mature person should without hesitation answer the following questions about life: Is life a continuous punishment or is it pain and suffering? Life and perfection for true noble purposes - to bring life and love to the universe? Is my life a gift of Destiny, a unique opportunity for development, creation and struggle? NO!

Correct answer: The value and meaning of life is the same for everyone - true love for another person and the endless desire of the universe for perfection and beauty

What is happiness?

Naturally, every person should know the answers to the questions: What is commonly called a happy person, satisfied with his life. What happiness consists of, its visual representation and the foundations of a happy life.

Happiness is the coloring of a person's emotional state at the present time, characterized as the middle line of emotional memories and the sum of bright positive and negative emotions recorded in deep memory. These are just our memories!

Having clear attitudes in life is the road to my Happiness, here is the action plan, here are my main criteria. Here is my insurance and here are my canned bits of happy moments. Here's my next goal. I am my perseverance - as a character trait!

Relations with other people in society and society

Mandatory installations that you already have inside you are the attitude towards your environment. How to deal with the environment? People around me wish me harm and should I hit first? And of course you are right! There are absolutely different people, there are worthy and there are villains. With whom to communicate and bind their fate? What is your attitude towards society, that there is nothing good in society, or vice versa? From these answers, a person's worldview is built. These answers and attitudes determine the personal qualities of a person and his life principles. This determines - a deceitful person or an honest one, responsible or irresponsible, brave or cowardly, strong in spirit and will or spineless and weak.

Conscious and subconscious beliefs

Conscious beliefs are written in a person's head and most often they can be characterized as declared. Subconscious beliefs are more truthful, they are implemented in a person's life, and work at the level of his qualities, emotions, reactions and habits. To change the quality of life, it is IMPORTANT to CHANGE habits and attitudes - subconscious ones. It is they who determine by 98% all your actions, life, destiny, social status, happiness.

You have probably often met people who consciously know and understand everything and how to live right, and what to believe in, and what you need to do to be happy, successful, joyful, strong, rich, kind, courageous. However, in their lives they cannot realize anything, remaining externally and internally poor and weak.

The difference in beliefs, some beliefs are recorded in the subconscious, and completely different ones are realized in the consciousness. The contradiction between conscious and real behavior gives rise to many contradictions in a person. Such behavior is called declared. Closely related to a person's beliefs are various habits.

Positive and negative beliefs

positive beliefs include all beliefs that give true joy and a state of happiness, strength, confidence and energy. Belief in success, high efficiency and positive results. Positive beliefs are always supported by human feelings and the response is gratitude and love of other people, spiritual and material rewards. Internally, a person grows and he is happy. Positive beliefs are strong, complete and adequate answers to life's most important questions. These beliefs bring Joy and elation. vitality, remove restrictions, suffering, pain, maximize the potential of the person himself.

Negative Beliefs These are inadequate ideas and attitudes. These attitudes and inadequate ideas lead to a loss of joy in the heart, to pain and suffering, to a loss of strength and energy. Negative beliefs and emotions ultimately lead to the destruction of a person's life. Negative beliefs can be internal and inherited, but most often they are introduced from outside. Contagious negative beliefs constantly accompany our information background. Unfortunately, this negativity and attitudes are contagious. A simple example is the signs that people constantly reproduce by ear, trying to remind them. These beliefs and folk omens greatly affect and harm our lives. All bad subconscious attitudes must be identified and replaced with positive ones.

Testing your subconscious attitudes

To check your settings recorded in the subconscious - ask yourself questions, say to yourself or aloud, the beginning of the installation, for example:

  • For me the world is...
  • I live for……
  • The meaning of my life is...
  • For me happiness is...
  • People around me….
  • Love is…

Listen to yourself, write down the answers, analyze your answers and attitudes. Important point- this must be done in writing. Answers must be sincere! Listen to yourself, your subconscious, what thoughts will follow the beginning of the phrase. What definition of the World will your subconscious give? Your amazing inner world will unfold before you! Make an analysis, read the correctness of the settings, if the settings and definitions are incorrect, you need to work on them. Remove the negative, replace with the positive.

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Today in the blog: How the psychology of persuading a person works, psychological methods of persuasion, how you can convince another person, or, if you like, the art of persuasion.
(see psychological games)

Greetings, dear readers of the blog, I wish you all mental health.

Psychology of human beliefs - impact on consciousness

The psychology of persuading a person is based on the fact that, by convincing, the speaker affects the consciousness of the personality of the person being convinced, referring to her own critical judgment. essence psychology of persuasion serves to explain the meaning of the phenomenon, cause-and-effect relationships and relationships, highlight the social and personal significance of solving a particular issue.

Beliefs appeal to analytical thinking, in which the power of logic, evidence prevails, and the persuasiveness of the arguments is achieved. A person's conviction as a psychological influence should create in a person a conviction that the other person is right and his own confidence in the correctness of the decision being made.

Psychology of human beliefs and the role of the speaker

The perception of information that convinces a person depends on who reports it, how much an individual or the audience as a whole trusts the source of information. Trust is the perception of a source of information as competent and reliable. There are three ways to create an impression of his competence in the listeners who convinces a person of something.

The first- start to express judgments with which the listeners agree. Thus, he will acquire a reputation as an intelligent person.

Second- be presented as a specialist in the field.

Third- speak confidently, without a shadow of a doubt.

Reliability depends on the way the persuasor speaks. People trust the speaker more when they are sure that he has no intention of convincing them of anything. Those people who defend what goes against their own interests also seem to be truthful. Confidence in the speaker and conviction in his sincerity increase if the one who convinces the person speaks quickly. Fast speech, in addition, deprives listeners of the opportunity to find counterarguments.

The attractiveness of the communicator (persuader) also affects the effectiveness of the psychology of persuading a person. The term "attractiveness" refers to several qualities. This is both the beauty of a person and the similarity with us: if the speaker has either one or the other, the information seems to the listeners more convincing.

Psychology of human beliefs and the role of the listener

People with an average level of self-esteem are most easily persuaded. Older people are more conservative in their views than younger people. At the same time, attitudes formed during adolescence and early adolescence can last a lifetime, because the impressions acquired at this age are deep and unforgettable.

In a state of strong excitement, agitation, anxiety of a person, his psychology of persuasion (susceptibility to persuasion) increases. Good mood often favors persuasion, partly because it encourages positive thinking and partly because it creates a connection between good mood and communication. good mood tend to look at the world through rose-colored glasses. In this state, they make more hasty, impulsive decisions, relying, as a rule, on indirect signs of information. It is no coincidence, obviously, that many business issues, such as closing deals, are decided in a restaurant.

Conformal (easily accepting someone else's opinion) are more easily persuaded (test: Personality Theory). Women are more persuasive than men. It may be especially ineffective psychology of persuasion in relation to men with a low level of self-esteem, who are acutely worried, as it seems to them, of their uselessness, alienation, who are prone to loneliness, aggressive or suspicious, not stress-resistant.

In addition, the higher the intelligence of a person, the more critical their attitude to the proposed content, the more often they absorb information, but do not agree with it.

Psychology of human belief: logic or emotions

Depending on the listener, a person is more convinced either by logic and evidence (if the person is educated and has an analytical mind), or by influence addressed to emotions (in other cases).

The psychology of persuasion can be effective, influencing a person, causing fear. Such a psychology of persuasion is more effective when they not only frighten with the possible and probable negative consequences of a certain behavior, but also offer specific ways to solve the problem (for example, diseases, the picture of which is not difficult to imagine, are more frightening than diseases about which people have a very vague idea ).

However, using fear to convince and influence a person, one cannot cross a certain line when this method turns into information terror, which is often observed when advertising various drugs on radio and television. For example, we are enthusiastically told how many millions of people around the world suffer from this or that disease, how many people, according to the calculation of doctors, should get sick with the flu this winter, etc. And this is repeated not just every day, but almost every hour, moreover It is not taken into account at all that there are easily suggestible people who will start inventing these diseases in themselves, run to the pharmacy and swallow medicines that are not only useless in this case, but also harmful to health.

Unfortunately, intimidation in the absence of an accurate diagnosis is often used by doctors, which goes against the first medical commandment "do no harm." This does not take into account the fact that the source of information that deprives a person of spiritual, psychological peace can be denied trust.

More convincing person is the information that comes first (primacy effect). However, if some time passes between the first and second messages, then the second message has a stronger persuasive effect, since the first has already been forgotten (the effect of novelty).

The psychology of a person's beliefs and the way information is received

It has been established that the arguments (arguments) given by another person convince us more strongly than similar arguments given to oneself. The weakest are the arguments given mentally, somewhat stronger those given aloud to ourselves, and the strongest are those brought by another, even if he does it at our request.

The psychology of persuasion. Methods:

fundamental: is a direct appeal to the interlocutor, who is immediately and openly introduced to all the information that makes up
the basis for proving the correctness of the proposed;

contradiction method: based on the identification of contradictions in the arguments of the persuaded and on a thorough check of their own arguments for consistency in order to prevent a counteroffensive;

method of "drawing conclusions": arguments are not presented all at once, but gradually, step by step, seeking agreement at each stage;

"chunks" method: the arguments of the persuaded are divided into strong (accurate), medium (controversial) and weak (erroneous); they try not to touch the first, and the main blow is applied to the latter;

ignore method: if the fact stated by the interlocutor cannot be refuted;

accent method: accents are placed on those given by the interlocutor and the corresponding common interests arguments ("you yourself say ...");

two-way argumentation method: for greater persuasiveness, first state the advantages, and then the disadvantages of the proposed solution method
question; it is better if the interlocutor learns about the shortcomings from the persuader than from others, which will give him the impression of the impartiality of the persuader (this method is especially effective when persuading an educated person, while a poorly educated person is better amenable to one-sided argumentation);

method "yes, but ...": used in cases where the interlocutor provides convincing evidence of the advantages of his approach to resolving the issue; first they agree with the interlocutor, then after a pause they provide evidence of the shortcomings of his approach;

apparent support method: this is a development of the previous method: the interlocutor's arguments are not refuted, but, on the contrary, new arguments are given
in their support. Then, when he gets the impression that the persuader is well informed, counterarguments are given;

boomerang method: the interlocutor is returned his own arguments, but directed in the opposite direction; arguments "for" turn into arguments

The psychology of persuasion is effective when:

1. when it concerns one need of the subject or several, but of the same strength;

2. when it is carried out against the background of a low intensity of the persuading emotions; excitement and agitation are interpreted as uncertainty and reduce the effectiveness of his argumentation; outbursts of anger, abuse cause a negative reaction of the interlocutor;

3. when it comes to secondary issues that do not require a reorientation of needs;

4. when the persuading person himself is sure of the correctness of the proposed solution; in this case, a certain dose of inspiration, an appeal not only to the mind, but also to the emotions of the interlocutor (by “infection”) will enhance the effect of persuasion;

5. when not only one's own is offered, but also the argumentation of the persuaded is considered; this gives a better effect than repeated repetitions of one's own arguments;

6. when the argument begins with a discussion of those arguments on which it is easier to reach agreement; it is necessary to ensure that the persuaded more often agrees with the arguments: the more assent you can get, the more likely you are to succeed;

7. when a plan of argumentation is developed that takes into account the possible counterarguments of the opponent; this will help build the logic of the conversation, make it easier for the opponent to understand the position of the persuasive.

The psychology of persuading a person is appropriate then:

1. When they show the importance of the proposal, the possibility and ease of its implementation;

2. When they present different points of view and make an analysis of forecasts (in case of persuasion, including negative ones);

3. When the importance of the advantages of the proposal is increased and the magnitude of its disadvantages is reduced;

4. When take into account individual characteristics the subject, his educational and cultural level and select the closest and most understandable arguments to him;

5. When a person is not directly told that he is wrong, in this way one can only hurt his pride - and he will do everything to defend himself, his position (it is better to say: “Perhaps I am wrong, but let's see ...”);

6. When, in order to overcome the negativism of the interlocutor, they create the illusion that the proposed idea belongs to him (for this, it is enough just to lead him to the appropriate thought and provide an opportunity to draw a conclusion); they don’t parry the interlocutor’s argument immediately and with apparent ease, he will perceive this as disrespect for himself or as an underestimation of his problems (what torments him for a long time, others are allowed in a matter of seconds);

7. When it is not the personality of the interlocutor that is criticized in the dispute, but the arguments cited by him, which are controversial or incorrect from the point of view of the persuader (in this case, it is desirable to precede the criticism with the recognition of the correctness of the person being convinced of something, this will help to avoid his offense);

8. When they argue as clearly as possible, periodically checking whether the subject understands you correctly; arguments do not stretch, as this is usually associated with the speaker having doubts; short and simple phrases are not built according to the norms literary language, but according to the laws oral speech; pauses are used between arguments, since the flow of arguments in monologue mode dulls the attention and interest of the interlocutor;

9. When the subject is included in the discussion and decision making, as people better adopt the views in the discussion of which they take part;

10. When they oppose their point of view calmly, tactfully, without mentoring.

This concludes the review of the psychology of human persuasion, I hope that the post was useful.
I wish you all good luck!