Important tips to know. Folk omens and superstitions

  • 23.09.2019

What does the word sign mean? Signs are a connection between two events, when one of them occurs as a fact, and the second as a consequence. At the same time, the phenomenon that actually happens is perceived as a sign that is interpreted in a certain way, and entails the events that follow it.

Signs and superstitions have their roots in antiquity. Previously, people did not understand many phenomena, but they noticed a certain connection between some events. The word "sign" itself comes from "notice". That's the way it's arranged human brain to look for causal relationships everywhere and try to somehow predict the future. If people noticed that some event was followed by a certain incident, and this happened more than once, then it was further interpreted as a sign. What is the meaning of the word "sign"? It is explained as a harbinger of some event, good or bad. Signs and superstitions are so firmly rooted in the human mind that, despite all the scientific and technological progress, they continue to be passed down from generation to generation, and many people believe in them just as they did in ancient times.

Signs are good and bad. Some people can manage themselves (for example, getting up in the morning on the right foot - so that the day is a success, or in case of forgetfulness and the need to return to the house - look at yourself in the mirror to avert failure). And some occur regardless of human will (a bird hit the window, crows croaked over the house, etc.).

good omens

Belief in good omens helps a person to tune in to a positive mood, because they are interpreted as the help of light forces that protect and protect from evil. Many people in modern world understand that the so-called good sign"- does not always promise 100% luck. But when, for example, a person sees a rainbow, which is considered a harbinger of happiness, then even for a split second, hope will arise in the soul. what is an omen. Good omens are a kind of opportunity to perceive more optimistically the world, reading certain "signs" and believing that they will bring good luck. People in general have a need to believe in something good, otherwise life will not be joyful.

Signs for the fulfillment of desires

There are a number of signs that promise good luck. For example, if a tricolor cat crosses your path, this is good. Or if you see a beetle in flight on the road, this is also a good omen. However, the most significant period of time for performing rituals for the fulfillment of desires is the meeting of the New Year. It is believed that on this magical night, if you make a wish under the chiming clock, it will certainly come true. Like it or not, but from year to year, most people do just that. Some still write their desire on paper and burn it, believing that this will bring success.

bad omens

It is human nature to quickly forget the good, taking it for granted, but at the same time focus on unpleasant events. Therefore, in the world there are many signs "not good." Bad omens are when certain phenomena are perceived as signs that portend negative events. The danger of believing in bad omens is that a person programs himself for failure in advance, interpreting some event as a bad sign. If you set the setting to negative, it is quite possible that the trouble will actually happen, and it will not be the sign that is to blame, but the strong belief that something bad must definitely happen. What we attract to ourselves is what we usually receive. Therefore, do not pay too much attention to any signs that promise trouble.

Signs about birds, animals and insects

Everyone knows the sign about a black cat. what are omens and superstitions. It is so firmly rooted in the minds that some people to this day curse the poor animals who dared to cross their path. It’s not clear what they deserved this, because every person in his life has already had several dozen cases when a black cat that crossed the road did not bring any trouble, and the day passed as usual. However, this sign does not lose its relevance. There are also bad omens associated with birds and insects. It is considered a very bad omen if a bird hits a window and dies. Killing a spider also counts. bad sign. Among animals, the bat is also notorious. If she flew into the house - this is not good. These are just some of the bad omens associated with birds, animals and insects. In fact, there are many more.

household signs

There are many signs associated with everyday life. Such signs are a set of signs that can be observed in Everyday life from day to day. For example, there is a belief that spilled salt will certainly lead to a quarrel. folk signs and their meaning. This is one of the most common household signs. There is also a superstition that after sunset you can’t sweep the house or take out the trash - the house will leave the well-being. Of the well-known signs, there is still a belief that keeping broken or broken dishes at home means attracting trouble. There is also a large number of less common superstitions: to give loved ones a watch - to a quarrel, to put the keys on the table - to lack of money and others. There are also household signs that are interpreted in positive side. For example, an accidentally broken cup or other utensil is fortunately; accidentally pour tea - to a pleasant surprise, etc.

weather notes

Many signs are also related to weather conditions. They are for bad weather, rain, or, conversely, for good weather. For example, a quiet forest - to a thunderstorm; crows and jackdaws cry - to the rain; and if in the evening mosquitoes swirl in a flock - this is for favorable weather. There are signs associated with the months of the year. For example, signs of September: mild autumn portends a long winter; if thunderstorms often occur in September, it means that autumn will be warm; if there are a lot of acorns on the oaks, it will be snowy before Christmas. Almost every day of any month has its own beliefs. Many people believe that folk omens and their meaning help predict the weather for the coming seasons. Like it or not, it is difficult to judge. On the one hand, people have been accumulating for centuries this experience On the other hand, beliefs do not always come true. It follows from this that it may not hurt to know signs about the weather, but you probably should not rely on them entirely.

Controversy will take

What are omens and superstitions different peoples? The same events in different countries ah can carry a completely opposite meaning. There are practically no universal signs that would be interpreted the same way all over the world. The same notorious black cat, which we do not favor, in England, for example, brings good luck and prosperity. signs for the fulfillment of desires. Sailors also believe that absolutely black cat on the ship will make swimming successful. This suggests that belief in omens is completely subjective. It's just that in every country the indigenous people have their own remnants of the past, some customs and beliefs that are passed down from generation to generation. And there is no objective connection between certain events, there is simply a need to believe in something and a tribute to traditions.

The opinion of the clergy about superstitions

The Church in no way encourages belief in all sorts of signs. And that's why. What is a sign, according to the Church? The clergy believe that superstition has its roots in paganism, when people worshiped not only God, but invented idols. Not knowing how to explain certain events, people endowed various physical phenomena, inanimate objects with supernatural abilities. There were whole rituals on how to make it rain, how to appease the spirits of the harvest, and so on. After the Messiah came to earth and gave humanity the true faith, it is sinful to continue to worship idols. Superstition is a belief in vain, empty, something that has absolutely no meaning. You need to believe only in Divine protection and rely only on the Creator.

What is an omen? This is what you can believe in and what you can ignore. Everyone chooses for himself. However, you should always remember that it is not worth becoming a hostage to superstitions and building your life on signs alone. This can develop into a phobia and a painful addiction. Compliance with empty rituals, as well as expecting something bad after seeing "signs" can significantly poison life and bring considerable harm. It is better to always believe in the good, and hope for a favorable outcome of any business.

Do you know what signs exist specifically for the fair sex and where did they come from?

For example, such a sign is well-known: if a girl hurts her elbow,
it means that at that moment a single gentleman remembers her ... Most likely, this
nothing more than a consolation: after all, bruising an elbow is quite painful, and here and
the mood will rise, and self-confidence will appear - well, I
I enjoy success!

If a girl meets a guy, then before the wedding she should not give
him his portrait or photograph. They can jinx it! Any image is
the imprint of human energy. Influencing it, you can
have an impact on the original - to bewitch or damage. Who
knows in whose hands the picture will fall?

The sign has the most realistic explanation. All of a sudden
the photo of the future bride will not be liked by the relatives or friends of the groom, and those
Will they dissuade him from marrying?

The bride and groom should never be photographed together.
before going to the registry office, otherwise the wedding will be upset. There will always be someone who
looking at this picture, he will envy your happiness and say unkind
word. The consequences can be the most dire.

The bride should marry in old shoes. As a rule, girls
want to buy new shoes for the wedding. They forget that they first
will have to meet guests, and then dance until nightfall. BUT new shoes, as
rule, presses. Definitely not worth wearing to a wedding. used shoes,
but you may well buy new shoes a couple of months before the celebration and
carry them on the wedding day. Guests will not notice anything, and you will be comfortable.

1. You can’t put your bag on the floor (for example, when you come to a restaurant) - otherwise there will be no money.

The bag must be placed on a nearby chair or on a special stand for
bags. Also, to attract money into life, glamorous girls are advised
start large wallets - the size of an evening clutch bag. Understandably,
that a wallet of this size is an inconvenient thing. But you have to be patient, because you
Do you want to have a lot of money?

2. You can’t look in the mirror with your girlfriend at the same time - quarrel over a man.

That is, it is quite safe to look in the mirror with strangers.
women - for example, in the toilet in a nightclub. And with a hairdresser in one
the mirror is also not scary to look at. But stand next to a friend and
to discuss which of you suits the new M.A.C lip gloss more - already
mistake. The sign, they say, works within a year.

3. You can’t pour yourself tea from a teapot (not at home, but in a restaurant) - this is loneliness.

It is necessary that the waiter or companions pour. In general, take care of
it is not recommended for modern girls. For example, never
you can not buy jewelry for yourself, even jewelry. Worth it once
start - and that's it, don't wait for more gifts! If you really want to buy
I need to call my mother and give my mother money. Mom can't hurt.

4. You can’t let your jewelry be tried on - the trying on can steal your happiness.

And about borrowing jewelry for the evening is out of the question. That
the same goes for dresses, bags and cars. From habits
purchased at a pioneer camp, where all the clothes on the first day of the shift
declared common, it is necessary to get rid of.

5. You can’t pour wine from your glass into another - there is a risk of giving your happy share.

If you still had to do this - for example, you have a bachelorette party, you need to
clink glasses, and one of the girls ran out of wine, and it is also in the bottle
over - and so, in such a situation, you can take a piss, but you need to silently
say: "Enough for everyone." Three times. Better ten.

6. It is necessary to avoid meeting with strangers naked women -
for example, in a bathhouse or a locker room of a sports club - this reflects badly on
energy balance.

If it is impossible to avoid a meeting, try to hide behind a bathrobe,
towel or bathing suit. Under no circumstances should you look
foreign naked women. Joyful thoughts like "she's fatter than me"
you have to get rid of yourself. Starting conversations with naked women - as if
they are dressed and nothing special - strongly not recommended.

7. If you put something on inside out, immediately take it off and hit
yourself on the arm - this will help prevent defeat of any scale: from
layoffs before traffic jams.

After you hit, go to the closet and design yourself a new outfit
for the coming day. A thing turned inside out should lie down without
affairs. If the thing turned inside out was not found at home, it should
immediately run into the store and buy a replacement for her. Better two.

8. If the mother-in-law seeks to quarrel you with your husband, you must discreetly
glue under her bed a picture of some loving couple with a large
experience of living together - for example, cut out of some "yellow"
rags photo of Menshov and Alentova.

This is what feng shui experts advise you to do. Also to ensure
family happiness, all portraits of single women should be removed from the house.
For this, you will have to sacrifice even your own successful portraits.
seven years ago. And the mother-in-law should be presented with your wedding
photo in a frame. And it’s better not one, but two ... Four, six or
eight. How much fantasy is enough.

Belief in bad omens is characteristic of residents of different countries of the world. For example, in China, it is customary to avoid the number "4", because it is believed that this number symbolizes death. In Haiti, they do not sweep the floor at night, so as not to invite misfortune on their home. In India, you cannot wash your hair on Saturday and cut your nails on Tuesday.

In Russia, too, there is a whole "bouquet" of bad omens, known to almost everyone. An old woman with empty buckets walking towards her, a black cat crossing the road... But is there any sense in these bad omens? It turned out that there is - they not only warn of the approach of trouble, they help prevent misfortune.

TOP 10 worst signs

10. spill the salt . Let's start with the most harmless of harmful signs. Even little child it is known that . But where did this superstition come from? It turns out that in ancient times, salt was valued almost worth its weight in gold. She was put on the table only if they were waiting for a dear guest. Therefore, it is quite natural that spilled salt could provoke a family quarrel. To neutralize the effect of a bad omen, it is enough to sprinkle sugar on top of the salt.

9. Look in the mirror after sunset . In Russia, mirrors have long been considered an invention of the devil. People believed that through a reflective surface, evil spirits could penetrate our world.

Good Christians were not supposed to look at their reflection for a long time, especially after sunset, when the forces of darkness gain power over this world. Seeing a vague silhouette in the mirror at night is a very bad omen.

8. Spit on the ground (to the well). always gave people food, and springs and wells - water.

Therefore, those who spit in wells or on the ground, in fact, showed black ingratitude towards mother nature. This was followed by an inevitable retribution - a person had "lean years".

7. Black cat crossed the road . This bad omen has its own history. almost invisible at night. If she crossed the road to the equestrian rider, then the horse could be frightened and suffer from surprise. In this case, the rider was in serious danger. Over time, a sign has formed that says - if a black cat crossed your path, then it is better to put aside all your affairs for another time and return home.

6. An old woman (alternatively a woman) with empty buckets .

This is a well-known omen of failure. If you saw a woman with empty buckets, then this means that the planned business will not succeed.

Unfortunately, from this bad omen there are no protective equipment or conspiracies.

5. Say hello across the threshold . To greet someone, as well as to hand something over the threshold, means to give away your luck.

In Russia, it was not customary to greet on the threshold, the guest should have been invited into the house. This rule was observed even if the visitor was deeply unsympathetic to the hosts. However, not everyone observed such etiquette.

4. Leave the knife on the table or eat straight from the knife.

If a knife remained on the table after a meal, it was believed that a scandal was inevitable. However, our ancestors figured out how to avert trouble from themselves. To do this, it was required to stick a knife into the bread, or simply cut off a slice of bread. It was not supposed to eat from a knife for the reason that a person who begins to do this regularly will inevitably deteriorate in character.

3. Borrow money after sunset .

He who gives money or salt from his house after sunset dooms himself to poverty. Together with money or other material object, you run the risk of passing on your luck. If it is not possible to refuse the petitioner, then when handing over money or a thing, you should say to yourself: “I give you (this and that) but I leave luck to myself.”

2. Leaving nut shells on the table .

Another bad omen that can attract evil spirits into your home. Our ancestors believed that if, after a meal, a nutshell is left on the table, then evil spirits will definitely come to crunch for fun. Everything would be fine, but the evil spirit may wish to stay in your house and begin to cause all sorts of troubles for you.

1. Bird that hit the window . If the bird hit the window, then expect trouble. Such a bad omen portends a serious misfortune - fire, ruin or even death. There was a special ritual to ward off misfortune. It was necessary to go out into the field before dawn, throw a handful of wheat or other grain in front of you, and say: “Birds of heaven, peck the grain, but forget about my house! Fly all over the world, take trouble and sadness with you.

In Denmark It is not customary to throw away fragments of broken dishes. The shards are supposed to be kept for the time being, so that later they can be handed over to their loved ones on New Year. This is such a present! The Danes believe that the more porcelain fragments the owner of the house has, the more successful the coming year will be for him.

Egyptians There is a strange superstition about scissors. They believe that if a person opens and closes scissors without cutting something, then he can bring trouble on himself. In addition, scissors are not supposed to be kept open. And if a person is haunted by nightmares, then to help him get rid of unwanted dreams, you just need to put scissors under the pillow.

Have you ever thought about taking care of your belly button? And in Japan, every child knows this! They have a belief that if a person does not cover his stomach during a thunderstorm, then the god of thunder will appear and eat the navel. Such a strange superstition ... However, not the strangest. Inhabitants South Korea It is believed that a fan must not be left on at night in a closed room. They believe that this electrical appliance is capable of killing a person in their sleep.

Our site is dedicated to folk knowledge. But not only herbs had healing power. Today I will begin to tell you about folk signs and superstitions. I will add information piece by piece. I'm still working, and there is not much time left for the site. If you want to add something, you can add it in the comments, and if you want, I can insert your information with the name of the author into the article.

Folk omens and superstitions, I have long wanted to tell you about some of them. Over the centuries, a large number of signs and superstitions have accumulated. I can’t tell everything, firstly, it’s impossible to know everything, and secondly, we don’t need everything. We only know what is peculiar to our region. There are indeed some subtleties on some points, so I want to start with them.

Folk omens and superstitions.

How to hang a horseshoe.

How to hang a horseshoe. All of you must have heard that the horseshoe is a symbol of well-being and protection from evil forces and evil spirits, and it was considered good luck to find. It is as relevant now as it was before. The only difference is that they used to find horseshoes on the road, but now they mostly buy souvenir horseshoes. Horseshoes were usually placed either above or near the entrance. It was believed that a horseshoe should hang with its horns down above the entrance. Mostly hung inside the house. Thus, she did not let evil spirits into the house. And if a horseshoe hung near the entrance to the house, then they hung it with the horns up. And if you look at the horseshoe, it resembles a bowl. The people said so “a horseshoe will bring a full cup of good”, meaning prosperity and abundance of material wealth. And if they hung a horseshoe on a barn, then they wanted all animals to be found in abundance in the barn, i.e. believed in the power of the horseshoe to make livestock prolific.

How to wear a safety pin.

In almost every village there lived a grandmother healer, less often a healer. They treated not only physical diseases. And they treated not only with herbs, but also with various conspiracies and actions incomprehensible to us. One of these actions was a pin pinned to the chest. They used to talk, but now we wear them just like that. And our protection from evil people. For example, if the pin hung upside down, it was believed that this would protect us from the evil eye. We sort of gouged out our eyes with this pin. If the pin hangs with its head down, then this protected from an evil tongue, from various slander. We seemed to prick the tongue of those people who would like to slander us. Now the pins are very widely represented by our jewelers both in pure form and in the form of various brooches. It is not necessary to wear a pin strictly vertically, you can also wear it horizontally with a slight inclination in the direction you need.

Folk signs and superstitions have been known for a long time, but not all of us understand their meaning. I remember as a child, my mother often said: don’t eat from the knife, don’t come back half way, don’t give anything over the threshold ... you just can’t do this and that’s all, that’s what my mother said. And so I was always very interested, well, why not ... Today I want to talk about the most common signs and superstitions and tell the reasons for the emergence of all these signs. All signs, whether bad or good, originate from antiquity, then humanity did not yet possess scientific knowledge to correctly interpret them. Centuries have passed since then, and folk signs and superstitions have become very deeply rooted in the human mind. It’s impossible to do this or that ... but it’s impossible to explain why, not everyone can, what is the reason for this?

Among the most common folk signs and superstitions, there are more bad ones than good ones. This is due to people's fear of some objects, dates, prejudices, superstitions.

It is believed, for example, that dishes beat for good luck! In no case should you scold children or get upset yourself if you even broke your favorite cup or plate, because just our favorite dishes accumulate negative energy and if it breaks, then you need to get rid of it. Do not store broken, broken or beaten dishes in the house, you can no longer pour tea and pour food into such dishes, it is better to throw it away immediately.

The most common folk omens and superstitions.

  • A fork or spoon fell - for the visit of a woman.
  • The knife fell - for the visit of a man.
  • An empty bottle on the table - to lack of money.
  • Sweep crumbs from the table with your hand - there will be no prosperity.
  • Salted food is a sign of love.
  • A thing dressed inside out means: to be beaten.
  • Giving sharp objects - to trouble and quarrel(if the gift contains something sharp, you need to take a coin for it).
  • Laugh for a long time - to tears.
  • Sew on yourself - there will be no memory(if you still have to do this, you need to bite the thread and not talk while you are sewing something on yourself).

Salt spilled out.

I remember as a child my mother often said that if you sprinkle salt, there will be a scandal in the family. Where did this omen come from? Previously, in Russia, salt was considered a symbol of prosperity, salt was highly valued, not everyone could afford to buy salt, so not every home had salt. Guests were greeted with “bread and salt”, and if a guest spilled salt, it was considered disrespectful to the hosts, which led to a quarrel between them ... Agreements that were concluded between tribal leaders were also sealed with salt, from one dish each leader took a little salt into his mouth, so in this way, if you sprinkle salt, it was considered to be enmity ... Honestly, I’ll tell you what you believe in, that’s what happens, because you believe, if the salt crumbles, then there will be a quarrel and you are already on the “platoon” waiting for this quarrel.

Why not celebrate 40 years?

The answer to this question is extremely simple, because the number forty is associated with funeral traditions, it coincides with the memorial day after death and is considered fatal in practice in all religions. It is believed that if you celebrate your fortieth birthday, it's like welcoming your own death. However, according to this logic, it turns out that it is also not recommended for a child to celebrate 9 years old, but there is nowhere not to talk about this.

Why can't you eat with a knife?

Well, first of all, because you can cut yourself. Some people believe that if you eat from a knife, you will become evil, others believe that if you eat from a knife, you will have an operation, some people believe that licking food from a knife can make your heart hurt ... Where did this sign come from. Well, firstly, a knife has been the most common murder weapon since ancient times, and the approach of a knife to a person negatively affected his biofield. Secondly, negative, negative energy is concentrated on the tip of the knife; when the knife is brought to the body, the human energy field is disturbed. It is believed that as a result of this, a person's mood worsens, a feeling of apathy, malaise arises.

And in the Caucasus, mountaineers eat with a knife, and there it is considered a sign of courage.

They say it's bad luck if a black cat crosses the road...

remember the song? Another sign is considered not good if a black cat crosses the road. Where did this omen come from? In the Middle Ages, during the Inquisition, people believed that a black cat could turn into an evil witch or sorcerer. There is another version, the witch received from evil spirits as servants of the household spirit that accompanied her everywhere, it could be a cat, a crow, a goat ... And people also believed that angry witches prepared their mysterious potion using the brain of a black cat. As a result, the black cat began to be considered by the people as a symbol of failure.

Get on the track.

Why do people sit down before leaving the house when they are going on a trip? They sit most often on a bag, backpack or suitcase. There is a logical explanation for this. When we are going on a long journey, we are always very nervous, we pack things, we have a lot of questions in our head, what to take, what to lay out ... and we also need to turn off the lights, turn off the water, do not forget the documents ... we are nervous, worried. Sitting on the path is an occasion to sit down, relax, think about whether you forgot something important and calmly leave home. There is another option, while a person sits “on the suitcases” for several minutes, he can think about whether he should go on this trip at all or not ...

Why can't anything be passed over the threshold?

It is believed that it is best to either give a thing, for example, in a house or leave the house and in no case pass it over the threshold. Where did this superstition come from? The thing is that in ancient times the ashes of the dead were kept under the threshold of houses, passing something through the threshold meant disturbing the dead ancestors, it was considered extremely dangerous. For the same reason, one should not sit on the threshold of the house, it is believed that the threshold is the border between two worlds, the world of the living and the dead.

Why can't you return halfway home?

Probably this happens to everyone, you left the house on business, and then you remember that you forgot something, you return home ... The sign that you can’t return halfway is connected with the threshold, that is, the border between the worlds. The man did not fulfill his plan, returned home, but not satisfied, and the spirits of his ancestors are supposedly waiting for him on the threshold. So what if you still need to go home? Entering the house, take a look in the mirror, looking in the mirror doubles your energy and strength.

Why can't you donate a watch?

What is it for? They say that to give a watch for separation. Somehow they gave me a watch for my birthday, after that we really didn’t communicate with this person, not because we quarreled, but because we went to different cities and somehow didn’t even call up ... This superstition arose back in China, a gift in the form of a clock is an invitation to a funeral. We believe that if you donate a watch, then mutual insults and even quarrels can arise between people, since the clock hands are sharp, which can cause disagreements between people. You can avoid failures by giving a coin for a watch, thus, it turns out that you bought a watch.

Friday the 13th.

Friday the 13th is sometimes referred to as Black Friday. This superstition has its origins in old testament It is believed that on this day Cain killed his brother Abel. Also, there were 13 participants in the Last Supper, and the betrayal of Judas is mentioned in chapter 13 of the Gospel. Over time, many troubles and misfortunes began to be attributed to the number 13. In some hospitals, for example, there is no 13th ward, and in some hotels there is no 13th floor.

Why is it not allowed to borrow money and give any things from home after sunset?

This is considered a bad omen, there will be no return ... It is also believed that the sunset symbolizes the time of the kingdom of darkness, as well as dark forces, and dark forces want to quarrel people and make them enemies. After sunset, it was not even allowed to start cutting a new loaf of bread, that is, to start a new business. Also, you can’t throw garbage out of the house in the evening, they say there won’t be money in the house, that is, you take wealth, material wealth out of the house. You need to have time to take out the garbage before sunset.

Why can't you pick up items at the crossroads?

The crossroads has long been considered a mystical place where intersect Parallel Worlds. There is a lot going on at the crossroads magical rituals which are aimed at bad deeds. It is believed that if you transfer your illness or, for example, failure to some object or coins, and throw the object or coins at a crossroads, then you can get rid of illness and failure forever. In order not to take on other people's troubles, failures, illnesses, you do not need to pick up anything at the crossroads. Remember, the more valuable and expensive the thing you find there, the stronger nuisance which has been translated into it.

Knock on wood.

Where did this tradition come from to knock on wood three times, spit three times over the left shoulder? Some people even knock three times on the head. The answer is simple, so that we do not jinx it, or we do not jinx ourselves if we boast of something. We inherited this sign from our ancestors, since even in ancient times people believed that if you touch wooden surface means to touch Christ, who was crucified on a wooden cross, so we ask for protection from evil forces. This superstition arose precisely because of the custom of giving refuge to a fugitive criminal in a church. Whoever touched the church gates, he considered himself saved, it was from that moment that the church took a person under its protection. It is very good to knock or touch the oak, since the oak has long been a symbol of the family, the oak can avert misfortune, which you yourself sometimes call with your boasting ... Of all the trees, only the aspen is considered a cursed tree, since according to legend, Judas strangled himself on the aspen, the aspen is extremely rarely used in crafts and construction. Why knock 3 times? Because 3 is a sacred number for all Christians. Why is it necessary to spit over the left shoulder? According to beliefs, an angel sits on our right shoulder and shows us the right path, and on the other sits a “devil” and pushes us to do all sorts of stupid things, and spitting three times, like a sign of the cross In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, we give it so to speak “resistance” to evil forces, so that evil forces cannot harm us. Therefore, it is customary to knock and spit over the shoulder in order to expel evil spirits.

Folk signs and superstitions to attract money to the house.

  • In order to attract money into the house, the broom in the house should be upside down with a whisk, and not with a handle.
  • To make money, eat before dinner and after dinner a small piece of bread with salt, and it is also believed that this brings good luck.
  • If you decide to borrow money, then it is best to do it on a growing moon, and give it away on a waning one.
  • Always take money with your left hand, but let's take it with your right.
  • To attract money to the house, you can lend in the morning.
  • Keep in your wallet paper bills to itself "face".
  • Banknotes of different denominations should lie together in the wallet, and not mixed up.
  • You can’t keep crumpled banknotes in your wallet, the money should lie flat.
  • The table should always be covered with a beautiful tablecloth. Put money under the tablecloth, so there will always be money in the house and there will be prosperity.
  • Money “loves counting”, so count them often to attract money.
  • After the guests leave, shake out the tablecloth on the street so that the money flows.
  • If you want to give a beggar a coin, then do not give the coins that you received for change when buying bread or salt.
  • To attract money into the house, put a coin in each corner and do not touch them.
  • To attract money to the house, you need to put a coin in front door under the rug.
  • And in order for big money to come to you, be sure to carry a bill with you, do not spend it and do not exchange it for anyone, just always carry it with you, this bill will attract other money to you.

Of course, it will accept, there are a lot of superstitions and prejudices. I believe that if you strongly believe in something or think, for example, about the bad, then this will definitely happen. We ourselves attract everything good or bad into our lives. You need to believe that nothing bad will happen to you and it will. Well, you decide for yourself to believe in signs or not ...

Magic in the home. Important signs that you should know.

Turns out, life modern man full of signs or rituals that can be safely attributed to magic .

Everyone knows that spilled salt - to a quarrel. But not everyone knows where this sign came from.

In the old days, salt was very rare, and therefore an expensive product. And the waste of such value in vain inevitably led to a showdown.

Hence and omen.

There are many such examples, including the sign of an empty or full bucket being carried towards you, or the need to sit down in home in front of the road.

Several centuries ago, mothers knew how to treat their children, as it was believed that a person connected by blood ties is able to heal from any ailment.

In especially difficult situations turned to the help of otherworldly forces. Every woman of childbearing age had in her arsenal spells for almost all occasions: protection from those in power, from unrighteous judges, from sickness, from the evil eye, and so on. Such "conspiracies" were based not only on words. This is a unique combination of words, desires, thoughts, actions and special auxiliary items.

Now, few people practice conspiracies and spells in everyday life, but still it is necessary to know them in order to protect your home from troubles and misfortunes, in order to be able to withstand negative influences from other people, in order to bring prosperity and prosperity to your home.

One of the most important rooms in the house is the bedroom..

It is especially important to harmonize the space if a young couple lives in the room. It is believed that a bed by the window is for constant traveling. It is better if the spouses sleep on the same bed - a sofa or a double bed. Two shifted "one and a half" - not the best way if you do not want discord in your intimate life.

By the way, it is recommended to sleep under a large one-piece blanket. Any obstacle between the bodies of partners entails an energy separation, it is extremely important to prevent this, especially during the first few months of life together.

If during sleep the body is located with its feet towards the exit from the room, then during the night they leave vitality. The custom of carrying the deceased forward with their feet is very closely connected with this sign.

Be sure to properly position the mirrors in the apartment.

In the bedroom, in no case should you put or hang a mirror so that sleeping people are reflected in it, even some part of the body. The mirror in the hallway should be on the side of the front door, but not opposite.

Since ancient times, the mirror has been attributed magical properties, considering it a door to another world. And again we recall the signs of the dead. If the body of a deceased person is in the house, then the mirrors must be hung with a dark cloth so that they do not “remember” sorrow and grief, and the soul is not lost in the “looking glass”.

If you want to lure money into the house, you can do one or more rituals.

Count the money in your wallet regularly. You can not give or borrow in the evening, especially after sunset.

Under the front door mat, you can put a few coins "eagle" up. And put a bill under the tablecloth in the kitchen. Try not to brush the crumbs off the table with your hand.

Do not throw anything out the window, even if it is a simple cigarette butt. This action entails leaving the house of material values.

You can hide "treasures" in the house. Coins and banknotes are removed in hard-to-reach places: several books in the closet, behind desk, under the clothes on the shelves. Each time, removing the money in a secluded place, say: "money to money." And then prosperity will surely come to you, because you will already surround yourself with various amounts of money everywhere.

When guests come to you, you should be especially careful.

Do not allow them to wash dishes in your house, this can lead to strife in the family.

The custom of treating guests also has a fairly good reason. Previously, it was believed that you should not attack a person, wish him harm or harm if you shared bread and salt with him.

If some kind of holiday is celebrated in the house, then you need to cover all the invited guests, plus one more - for an unexpected guest. Even if the place is free all evening, this simple omen will attract money and peace to your hospitable house.

By the way, this custom has a quite practical orientation. If suddenly an unexpected guest appears, then the hostess will not need to fuss to find cutlery, plates, a chair for him.

When the guests have left your house, you need to pay attention to a few points when clearing the table. In no case should you eat up from other people's plates or drink from other people's glasses - you can take the illnesses of others for yourself.

There are many household signs that can predict your future or even influence it.

If you often hold on to the corner of the table, then there is a high probability that your living space will appear in the near future.

Broken or chipped dishes should be immediately taken out of the house in order to maintain harmony and prevent quarrels.

If you return or give someone a certain container (jar, box, bucket), then you must definitely put something inside, preferably a small coin. If you give away part of yours, you will receive it back in an increased equivalent.

You can’t look at the same mirror at the same time - to a quarrel and division of any property. For two young girls, this could mean that they fall in love with the same guy.

And finally, the most important sign.

It should be treated with special respect. If you are doing something for the home, like what is listed in this article, DO NOT TELL ANYONE ABOUT THIS. You are doing this for yourself and for your home, a stranger's eye (and sometimes it can be unkind) is completely useless here.