Flooding in the house in a dream. Why dream of a flood, water filling your home? The main interpretations of different dream books - what is the dream of a flood

  • 17.10.2019

Seeing a raging element in a dream means changes, unrest taking place in a person’s soul. Being in a stressful state, the body sends a message: I am exhausted, I need rest. Dreams showing revelry natural disaster, is a serious excuse to check your health. When figuring out what the flood is dreaming of, think: what external factors provoked the vision? Evaluate the events of recent days, possible prerequisites from the future. Stop taking what is happening to heart, otherwise you will not be able to bear the burden. A more specific meaning will be prompted by the details, the plot line of dreams. We advise you to remember the nuances in order to conduct a correct analysis.

The meaning of the elements

Did you dream of a flood at night, causing a panic state after waking up, fear, heavy thoughts, unpleasant expectations? Most likely, problems will come in reality. Subconsciously, the dreamer understands: there is no chance to avoid difficulties. The coming event causes fear, which transforms into the plot of a raging disaster.

As the classic dream book says, the image symbolizes strong emotional unrest. The water element is a psychological projection of the sensual sphere of the human mind. Our experiences, anxieties, fears are represented by the subconscious in the form of a flood, creative or destructive. What do others say?


According to the dream book of an American psychologist, a flood is a depressive symbol associated with large financial losses. However, a bright, calm element speaks of the stability of the financial situation, a balanced internal state. The observer of dreams sees in a dream a flood that takes him away along with various debris, dirt? Miller advises to abandon vigorous activity, to leave ideas without implementation for the time being.


Explaining the meaning of the image, this interpreter says that soon the observer of dreams will be prosperous, family well-being, happiness. True, the water should be transparent, a dirty liquid is a harbinger of bad news.


Explaining why the flood is dreaming, the Bulgarian connected the raging elements with a bleak, difficult period in real life. Pay attention to the presence and size of the clearing waves. The higher they are, threateningly, the harder it will be in reality. Problems will pile up, causing depression. If you dream of a small flood, playfully rolling light waves, expect a miraculous deliverance from adversity.


As this dream book says, a flood is a symbol of a panic attack. An event will happen that leads to uncontrollable horror. Don't get depressed. To see yourself rapidly spinning in a whirlwind is to experience psychological problems in reality.


The famous Austrian, deciphering the flood in a dream, associated the image with thoughts concerning possible pregnancy. Moreover, both the dreamer and the spouse, girlfriend, relative, enemy - any important person. Gender matters a lot here. For a woman to see a flood in a dream - to be afraid of waking conception, childbirth. For a man, such a dream is a messenger of maturity for creating a family.

Modern interpreter

As this dream book says, a flood predicts changes that are about to happen. Control own feelings, temper the excitement! Otherwise, anxiety will consume, turning life into a stressful existence. The interpreter says: a smooth, noisy stream, slowly flooding a huge space, portends financial success, stable well-being. Wave brought human remains? Expect mental torment, illness.

Ancient Slavs

The interpreter explained the flood in a dream as a real encounter with difficulties that could be overcome. The dreamer may suddenly find himself in a strange, even frightening place or difficult situation. Did you manage to get out of the water? In reality, everything will be resolved successfully, it is possible to forgive past grievances, clarify protracted relationships.

Many interpreters insist: the image of the flood indicates the inability of the individual to correctly express their own emotions. Keeping feelings inside, a person accumulates experiences, reinforcing them many times over. Having seen a dream with a flood, think about it: why didn’t you tell your loved ones, what omissions exist in communication with others?

State after waking up

The subconscious often gives a hint, leaving a certain aftertaste. Remember the feeling that came right away. Any negative symbolizes disturbing waking experiences, future bad news, lurking problems. If, despite the frightening plot, the dream left pleasant memories, relax. Ahead expect good incidents, life changes.

Deciphering the vision in detail

The general meaning is reinforced by the features of the storyline, the nuances that determine the course of dreams. Carefully analyze the dream: what happened, how, how it ended. So you will unravel the essence of the mysterious message.

Elemental Behavior

A formidable, seething stream, destroying everything in its path, symbolizes many problems that have already happened in reality, or are brewing. Second meaning: a loud scandal, a conflict in which the observer will become a participant. Expect a sharp life turn, most likely negative.

Why dream of a flood with a slowly incoming liquid? Symbol of an impending threat. Perhaps the health of the dream observer, or property, will suffer. Do you want to maintain prosperity, defend the won positions? We will have to fight, otherwise the usual way of life will collapse.

According to the dream book, a large flood wave promises mass panic.

Dreamer behavior

  • Seeing disaster from the sidelines? Thanks to some incident that happened, you will radically change your point of view in reality;
  • Swimming in the water, feeling the icy cold? In reality, you will experience sincere repentance, however, belated;
  • Rescuing a person from the power of the elements? Expect an illness that disrupts plans;
  • Are you running away from the flood in a dream? In reality, close your eyes to what is happening, hoping that the problems will be resolved by themselves. Wrong position;
  • As the interpreter says, to escape the flood is to actively resist real rock.

Water condition

For the interpretation of such dreams, it is of great importance appearance liquids. Dirty, muddy waves with garbage promise negative changes that bring a lot of trouble. Clear, clear water - to positive events. Failed to see such details because the flood was observed from afar? Get ready to meet material well-being, but not soon.

Location of the incident

If you dream of a flood on the street, expect a real revival at the point you saw. The reasons are different: a rally, a festive procession, festivities. Alternative meaning: a strong surge of emotions, unexpectedly covering a person with a head.

Explaining why a flood in a city can be dreamed of, the interpreters warn: a disaster is possible involving a large number of people. Usually such dreams have a negative prophetic meaning. Streams are a symbol of the loss of many human lives.

According to dream books, flooding in the sea marks the mental instability of the individual, depressive states. The flood that formed in the apartment - to the loss of a sense of security at home. Large natural areas - to a good cash increase.

End of the world

According to dream books, the flood as an apocalypse speaks of a complete life upheaval. Another meaning: getting rid of damage, removing negativity from the observer of the vision.

Unraveling what the flood is dreaming of, you can comprehend yourself deeper, recognize the carefully hidden truth. Listen to emotions, evaluate the internal state and understand the reason for what you see. The subconscious gives a hint by sending dreams, it is important to comprehend the meaning by comparing the details.

A flood in a city in a dream is interpreted by a dream book as a significant symbol that never appears in night dreams just like that. What the great flood is dreaming of portends turning events that can completely change the life of the sleeper. Find out what twists and turns of fate you should be prepared for in order to meet them fully armed.

Miller's forecast

Miller's dream book considers what a flood is dreaming of in a city or any other settlement as a warning. The dreamer is threatened with loss on a material and spiritual level. Among the most likely catastrophes are bankruptcy and depression.

Remember the details of what you saw in a dream: if you dreamed about how streams of water destroy material values, beware of losses. When the current carries people away, take care of peace of mind. If you happened to see yourself among the victims, the disease can disrupt plans.

What Freud Says

Freud's dream book addresses different predictions for men and women, why a flood in a city is dreamed of. IN female interpretations the plot is directly or indirectly connected with future motherhood. In anticipation of the baby, the dreamer experiences quite natural excitement, worries about a friend or relative in a position, dreams of becoming a mother.

Sometimes the image in a dream is inspired by an extreme reluctance to have children, which means fear of an unplanned pregnancy. In such cases, the dream causes panic.

A flood in a city in a man’s dream means a strong bond with his mother, warm first memories. Such a dream can be dreamed of by a man who dreams of becoming a father. Sometimes the dreamer is attracted to pregnant women.

Feelings and moods

Interpreting what the flood in the city is dreaming of, the dream book is often based on the emotions that prevailed in a dream and after waking up.

  • Grief or fear is a reminder that it's time to take control of your feelings;
  • Confidence in one's own invulnerability portends remorse;
  • Maintaining equanimity is possible for those who in reality are able to objectively see themselves from the outside;
  • With joy to see how the familiar landscape goes under water - life will change for the better.

Visiting Neptune

It is curious to know what the city is dreaming of, the flood in which occurred a long time ago. Often the symbol reflects nostalgia for the past or a thirst for travel that you cannot dare. The details of what you see in a dream often give a different meaning.

For those who dreamed of a flooded old center in which one of the houses is yours, Aesop's dream book portends a cloudless family life.

If you dreamed of cars scurrying along the underwater streets, or ships sailing overhead, the Wanderer's dream book promises big changes. The temple in the depths of the sea represents a sense of guilt, perhaps well-deserved.

If you go around the underwater old center on foot and you breathe easily, the dream book promises that happiness will come into your hands on its own. Difficulty breathing warns that it will not be easy to get what you want.


If you dreamed of muddy seething streams, the Psychoanalytic Interpreter warns that the tricks of the offspring will add gray hair.

Natural disasters - hurricanes, tsunamis, tornadoes and floods - have always frightened people, which is not surprising, because they have no power over the weather and are unable to resist natural disasters. Dreams in which a person sees flooded city streets or a rolling ocean wave are extremely frightening and unpleasant. What is the dream of a flood, and is such a dream a warning of an impending disaster?

Dreams in which a person sees flooded city streets or a rolling ocean wave are extremely frightening and unpleasant.

Most dream books interpret night dreams in which there is a flood or tsunami in different ways, but almost everyone agrees that such dreams are not particularly favorable.

  1. If a person dreamed that he witnessed a flood, then perhaps in real life he is overwhelmed with thoughts and emotions that prevent him from concentrating on his usual affairs. You should try to distract yourself from difficult thoughts, especially if they interfere with work or relationships with a loved one.
  2. Seeing a flood from afar may mean that there is a person next to the dreamer who draws energy from him and vitality. It is necessary to calculate such an ill-wisher and avoid communication with him in the future.
  3. Watching a flood in a dream and not experiencing fear or panic at the same time means that the dreamer knows how to analyze his actions and tries to deal with his own shortcomings.
  4. For the fair sex, flood dreams are a signal that they have a rival who is doing her best to take her loved one away from her. After such a dream, women should carefully look at their own girlfriends or husband's colleagues.

For a man, a flood in a dream may be a sign that he will receive a promotion at work or a position that he has long dreamed of.

Flood in a dream book (video)

Why dream of a flood in the city, on the street, in the house

Depending on what happens in a dream, night dreams with natural disasters can have different meanings.

  • If you dream that a huge wave has hit the city, washing away trees and cars in its path, then such a dream serves as a warning that you will have to cope with unexpected difficulties at work. In the near future, it is desirable to refrain from risky projects and adventures.
  • Flooded streets in a dream may be a sign that a flood may actually happen and you should prepare for it.
  • If you dreamed that a dark, seething wave of water was approaching the village, then in reality the dreamer can expect unfulfilled dreams and unrequited love.
  • To see in a dream how a big wave carries people who are unable to resist the elements - to possible loss or material damage. You should carefully sign valuable documents and carefully study contracts.
  • Did you have a nightmare in which water floods your own house? The dreamer needs to devote more time to family and relatives. Most likely, such a dream warns of possible family conflicts or lack of understanding with children.
  • A person who sees in a dream that water has flooded his house and is being blown away by a wave along with furniture and household items, then this auspicious sign promising good luck in financial matters.
  • If a girl dreams that her apartment was flooded by neighbors, then among her fans there is a boyfriend who is set for a serious relationship, and perhaps she will be offered a hand and heart.

Flooded streets in a dream may be a sign that a flood may actually happen.

A dream in which a person sees gardens, fields or valleys flooded with water is considered auspicious and promises well-being, a calm family life.

Save yourself from the flood in a dream

Dreams with a flood or big waves, tsunamis can be frightening, but night dreams, in which the dreamer finds himself in the center of a flood or tries to escape from the water approaching him, are doubly terrible and unpleasant.

  • Running away from the flood in a dream denotes unexpected obstacles that may interfere with the realization of the goal. Such a dream warns that you will have to take active and decisive action in order to succeed in the intended business.
  • If a person dreamed that he fell into a seething whirlpool and, despite all efforts, could not swim out, then this is a warning that someone is trying to interfere with his plans.
  • A dream in which the dreamer is carried by a stormy water stream, and he does not even try to fight for his life, means that in reality he is too passive and this prevents him from achieving the desired result at work or in a love relationship.
  • A dream in which a person is floundering in a stream of water, and someone nearby is trying to help him get out, promises that in real life they will give him a shoulder or help in solving a difficult problem.
  • Saving other people from a flood means that loved ones suffer from the dreamer's indifference and need his attention and care.
  • If the water in the wave that carried a person was clean and transparent, this portends that he will soon be swirled by a whirlpool of new love experiences and passionate thoughts.

Running away from the flood in a dream denotes unexpected obstacles that may interfere with the realization of the goal.

A dream in which a dirty and muddy stream covers the dreamer with his head may be a harbinger of an upcoming serious illness or injury. Also, such a dream warns that it is better to postpone all serious matters until better times.

Seeing water coming from everywhere in a dream

Watching in a dream how water coming from everywhere slowly floods the whole earth, leaving not a single piece of dry land, portends that fate will be favorable to the dreamer in all his endeavors. Persistently moving towards the intended goal, he will be able to realize his plan.

Watching in a dream how water coming from everywhere slowly floods the whole earth, leaving not a single piece of dry land, portends that fate will be favorable to the dreamer

A dream in which a stream of water from all sides arrives very quickly and floods the entire area means that you should not take risks in financial matters by making rash decisions, as you can lose all your fortune and become bankrupt.

Why dream of a flood, a big wave, a tsunami

Sometimes flood dreams are not limited to the flow of water that floods the streets of a city or village. Often people dream that they are covered by a giant tsunami wave or blown into the ocean by swirling water. But, oddly enough, most dream books interpret such dreams as exceptionally favorable.

  • He is in a dream on the ocean and watching how large foamy waves roll on the surf - to a strong and all-consuming feeling of love that will overwhelm the dreamer and give him new unknown emotions. You just need to be extremely careful not to drown in this pool and not lose yourself.
  • Tsunami waves can dream of upcoming turbulent events in which a person will plunge headlong. Such a dream means that the dreamer will not be bored in the near future and he will have a lot of interesting work.
  • Dreams with large ocean waves and tsunamis are especially favorable for people involved in trade. Such a dream promises them many new customers and excellent profits.

Most dream books interpret such dreams as exceptionally favorable.

Interpretation of the flood in various dream books

  • In Miller's dream book the flood and the big water symbolize prosperity, prosperity and stability.
  • According to Freud, night dreams with a flood for a woman are a sign of imminent pregnancy. For men, such a dream means readiness to create a family and take care of children.
  • IN Vedic dream book the meaning of the flood in a dream is unfavorable. It promises illness or serious health problems.
  • Velesov dream book interprets such a dream as a pleasant trip or a bargain.
  • Reconsider your relationship with your loved one offers erotic dream book . In it, the dream of a flood is interpreted as dissatisfaction in sexual life and cooling off towards a partner.

Why dream of water (video)

In most cases, dreams in which the dreamer becomes a witness natural Disasters or turns out to be their participant, serve as a warning of impending dangers or possible failures. But do not forget that no dream should control a person’s life, because only he can find a solution to all problems and troubles if he shows all his will and strength.

Attention, only TODAY!

Why dream of a flood

Miller's dream book

If in a dream you see a city or a village flooded with dark raging waters, this means a catastrophe that will entail great misfortunes.

To see people being carried away by a flood portends heavy losses and deep hopelessness, making life sad and useless.

See vast expanses flooded clean water- promises prosperity and peace, gained after a seemingly hopeless struggle with fate.

If you dream that the turbulent water of a flooded river carries you along with the debris, this is a harbinger of a disease or a suspension of an important business for you.

Why dream of a flood

Freud's dream book

Flood - is a symbol of pregnancy or childbirth.

If a woman dreams of a flood or flooded places, she or someone close to her will soon become pregnant or give birth.

If a man rides along the river during a flood, he is attracted to pregnant women.

If he is watching the flood, he wants to have children.

Why dream of a flood

Family dream book

A city or village seen in a dream, flooded with water, portends a catastrophe.

A dream in which vast spaces are flooded with clean water promises prosperity and peace.

People carried away by the flood - dream of bereavement, sadness and a sense of hopelessness.

If you dreamed that a turbulent stream of water was carrying you along with the wreckage, beware of some kind of illness or suspension of an important business for you.

Why dream of a flood

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Hope of Winter

Flooding in a dream means strong feelings that can suddenly flood over you. Perhaps some events will lead to the fact that your emotions get out of control, harming you. After such a dream, you should not give vent to feelings. Try to keep a calm mind in any situation.

Why dream of a flood

The latest dream book G. Ivanova

If the water is clean - to the money of domestic origin; muddy - to the currency.

Stormy flood - unexpected illness, damage, evil eye. In this case, you should be treated by an experienced healer.

Why dream of a flood

Spring dream book

Flooding - for money.

Why dream of a flood

Summer dream book

Seeing a flood in a dream - to the revelry of the elements.

Why dream of a flood

Autumn dream book

Seeing a flood in a dream - to the exit from the banks of the river.

Why dream of a flood

Dream interpretation from A to Z

To see a dream in which a spring flood turned into a fatal flood and a river that overflowed its banks flooded your city - this portends a profitable enterprise that will bring big profits.

Being surrounded on all sides by water, unable to leave your shelter, which becomes unsafe - such a dream means the onset of events that will destroy all your plans.

If in a dream water flooded your house and rises quickly, it means that in reality you will have a stubborn struggle for your well-being. If you see that the water began to gradually subside - succumb to bad influence. If the water took you straight to the bed, this portends a happy find or unforeseen happiness.

sail in cold water in case of a flood, it means repentance and recognition of one's mistakes. Seeing people carried away by the flood - to heavy losses and a bleak prospect.

Seeing a flood flooding vast expanses of coastal lands portends well-being and peace found after long hardships and ordeals.

See yourself among the rescuers during severe flood- a harbinger of a serious illness, because of which you will not be able to complete an important matter. If you find people who drowned during a flood and catch their corpses, you will have a losing streak in literally everything.

Why dream of a flood

Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya

If you dreamed that you were in a city or village during a flood, you may find yourself in an area where a flood will occur.

Watching the flood is a big commotion in the house.

Why dream of a flood

Esoteric dream book

Flood to see - to panic, hopelessness.

Fall into a flood - you may be overwhelmed by panic, group psychosis. Don't give in!

Why dream of a flood

dream interpretation modern woman

If in a dream you see streets flooded with dark, seething waters, a catastrophe is possible in reality, which will entail great misfortunes.

Seeing people carried away by the current portends heavy losses and deep hopelessness. Huge spaces covered with clear water mean prosperity and peace found after an exhausting struggle with fate.

If in a dream you are rushing through the stormy waters of a flooded river, this is a harbinger of a disease or the suspension of an important business for you.

Why dream of a flood

Dream Interpretation of Azar

Flooding - well-being, unexpected wealth.

Why dream of a flood

Dream interpretation of Evgeny Tsvetkov

Flooding (clean water) - a temporary postponement of affairs, a temporary hindrance; cloudy and overwhelmed - a strange situation in strange place; surrounded by water - to be in luxury.

Why dream of a flood

Modern dream book

See in a dream how the flood floods large spaces, and water carries you along with dirty debris - predicts illness, loss in business affairs and the most unpleasant situations in family life.

If you dream that cities and villages are flooded with dark, bubbling water, in real life you will experience failure and misfortune due to a terrible disaster.

Seeing in a dream how people are washed away during a flood predicts heavy loss and despair that will make life bleak and ruinous.

Seeing huge areas filled with clean water promises profit and peace after a seemingly hopeless struggle with fortune.

Why dream of a flood

Eastern dream book

If you see how water spills and covers more and more land, get ready for the vagaries of fate.

It's especially bad if the stream of water washes you away - similar dream may portend illness, financial loss, family troubles.

Why dream of a flood

Dream Interpretation of Schiller-Schoolboy

profitable business, wealth.

Why dream of a flood

Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

Flood - You dream of a flood destroying some kind of settlement - such a dream predicts a catastrophe, misfortunes that will be relevant not only to you. You see people dying during a flood - after heavy losses, life will seem useless to you, full of sorrows; hide from all troubles in your house; find the courage not to break, and the day will come when the sun will shine, and life will again be filled with meaning. Streams of water during a flood seem to take you away with them - due to a serious illness, you will have to postpone all business; growing children will involuntarily push you into old age. You dream that pure water has spilled to the horizon - after a long exhausting struggle, after ordeals and wanderings, a calm life in abundance awaits you.

Why dream of a flood

Noble dream book by N. Grishina

Flooding, as it were, to observe from afar is a warning from an obsessive person.

It threatens your life, and you are saved from it - to give birth anew to a completely new course of life or thoughts / a dream image of baptism and the fear associated with the moment of “rebirth” / you hope to avoid responsibility.

Why dream of a flood

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

Flooding (muddy, dirty water) - distress, strong negative experiences, hopeless situation.

Pure water Well, big purchase.

The water carried away - major changes (based on the context of the dream). Drowning (but not drowning!) To wealth.

Why dream of a flood

Dream Interpretation of the Healer Akulina

You dreamed of a flood - you are in danger of a serious illness. Imagine that the water quickly leaves, the sun comes out from behind the clouds, everything dries up in its rays.

Why dream of a flood

Star dream book

You dreamed of a Flood - to a national catastrophe or global rumors.

Why dream of a flood

Modern dream book

Flood - Profitable enterprise, wealth

Why dream of a flood

Creative dream book

You dreamed of a Flood - see also Water. 1. Flood dreams are fascinating because they are always frightening, but they signify the release of positive energy. Usually in a dream, a flood occurs when a person is overwhelmed with the depressed. or unconscious feelings that he needs to get out of the way in order to move on. To be in the center of a flood is to be aware that we are overwhelmed by the above feelings, while to watch it is just to watch ourselves. Unfortunately, dreaming of a flood also speaks of an upcoming depression. 2. If we have not succeeded in verbal self-expression, then dreaming of a flood can allow us to deal with our worries and feelings in the right way. 3. The end of one cycle and the beginning of another. Old sorrows and emotional cobwebs have been washed away, the head has cleared, ahead is a clear path.

Why dream of a flood

Big dream book

Flooding - Clean water - temporary postponement of affairs, temporary interference; muddy and overwhelmed - a strange situation in a very strange place; surrounded by water - to be in luxury; to be carried away by the waves and freed - remorse in the past.

Why dream of a flood

Dream interpretation of Artemidor

You dreamed of a Flood - A dream that occurred on Monday night means an unforeseen difficulty. Having a dream on the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday, it means that you will have temporary difficulties, but it will not take you much trouble to improve the situation. Seen on the night of Saturday or Sunday, he is a threat that should not be given too much importance.

Why dream of a flood

Explanatory dream book

Seeing a dream Flood - To be carried away by the waves and freed - remorse for the past; with a bed - a happy find or unforeseen happiness, this is how what you dream about is deciphered.

Why dream of a flood

Old Russian dream book

Flooding - Seeing means complete ruin and important adventures.

Why dream of a flood

Dream Interpretation of the Sorceress Medea

Flood - Warning of uncontrolled emotions that overwhelm and overwhelm. Seeing a flood from afar is a warning about a dangerous connection, a bad acquaintance. A flood that threatens the dreamer's life - suffering, loss, a change in lifestyle.

Why dream of a flood

Russian dream book

What does the Flood mean in a dream - a symbol of the destructive elements, cleansing from earthly desires; the image is also associated with emotional life - some of your emotions and feelings are destructive both for you and for those around you.

Why dream of a flood

Dream Interpretation of E. Erickson

What does the Flood mean in a dream - unexpected problems in money matters.

Why dream of a flood

Women's dream book

Flooding - If in a dream you see streets flooded with dark raging waters, a catastrophe is possible in reality, which will entail great misfortunes. Seeing people carried away by the current portends heavy loss and deep hopelessness. Huge spaces covered with clear water mean prosperity and peace found after an exhausting struggle with fate. If in a dream you are rushing through the stormy waters of a flooded river, this is a harbinger of a disease or the suspension of an important business for you.

Why dream of a flood

Dream Interpretation of a Housewife

Flooding - anxiety, anxiety.

Why dream of a flood

Dream Interpretation of Cleopatra

Seeing a flood in a dream promises a change in the usual sexual lifestyle, which is associated with the emergence of a new sexual partner. There is a threat of a change of orientation, but only if something pushes you to such a decision, for example, if a representative of sexual minorities lays eyes on you.

Why dream of a flood

Psychotherapeutic dream book

Flood. To be carried away by the waves and freed is remorse in the past; with a bed - a lucky find or unexpected happiness.

Why dream of a flood

Male dream book

Seeing a flood in a dream - to troubles and misfortunes.

If you see a flood in a dream, then this portends a long and exhausting struggle for a stable financial situation. If you see in a dream that a flood is approaching your house, then in reality you will face difficulties and trials. If you see in a dream that a flood is taking people away, then this portends you heavy losses and hopelessness. If you dream that a flood has happened and muddy water carries various garbage, this is a sign that they are trying to slander you. If you dream that you are drowning during a flood, then this indicates that your affairs are upset and you do not see a way out of this situation. If you see yourself drowning in muddy water, this is a warning of a severe debilitating disease.

If you see a flood in a dream from Thursday to Friday, then this indicates that you are wasting time on a fruitless struggle. If you dream of a flood from Friday to Saturday, then you have to make a lot of efforts to overcome pressure from business partners. If you see a flood from Saturday to Sunday, then this is a harbinger of a disease and health should be taken care of.

Why dream of a flood

Old Russian dream book

clean water - temporary postponement of affairs, temporary interference; muddy and overwhelmed - a strange position in a strange place; surrounded by water - to be in luxury.

Why dream of a flood

Dream interpretation for women

Seeing a flood in a dream - to various adverse events. If in a dream you see that water is coming to your feet, then in reality you will have troubles associated with real estate. If you see that the flood floods your house, then you have big problems in family life, the situation is so serious that you need to think first of all about your marriage. If you are not married, then you need to reconsider your relationship with your fan.

If you dream that the water is very muddy during a flood, then this indicates troubles associated with intimate life. If you dream that you are drowning during a flood, this is a warning that you need to take your health seriously, as illness awaits you. And if you dream that you are drowning in muddy water, then the illness will be long and severe.

Why dream of a flood

Explanatory Dictionary of Dreams

To be carried away by the waves and freed is remorse in the past; with a bed - a lucky find or unexpected happiness.

Why dream of a flood

Dream Interpretation of the Future

Flooding is a profitable enterprise, wealth; if you are carried away by waves - this is to unforeseen happiness or a successful find; but if the water is dark and seething, it means disaster and misfortune.

Why dream of a flood

Dream interpretation for the whole family

Seeing a flood in a dream - to various adverse events.

If in a dream you see that water is coming to your feet, in reality you will face troubles related to real estate.

If you see that a flood is flooding your house, it means that you have big problems in family life, the situation is so serious that you need to think first of all about your marriage.

If you are not married, you need to reconsider your relationship with your fan.

If you dream that the water is very muddy during a flood, this indicates troubles associated with intimate life.

If you dream that you are drowning during a flood, this is a warning that you need to take your health seriously, as illness awaits you. And if you dream that you are drowning in muddy water, then the illness will be long and severe.

If you see in a dream that a flood is approaching your house, then in reality you will face difficulties and trials.

If you see in a dream that a flood is taking people away, this portends you with heavy losses and hopelessness.

If you dream that a flood has happened and muddy water carries various garbage, this is a sign that they are trying to slander you.

If you dream that you are drowning during a flood, this indicates that your affairs are upset and you do not see a way out of this situation.

If you see that you are drowning in muddy water, this is a warning about a severe debilitating disease.

If you see a flood in a dream from Thursday to Friday, this indicates that you are wasting time on a fruitless struggle.

If you dream of a flood from Friday to Saturday, then you have to make a lot of efforts to overcome pressure from business partners.

If you see a flood from Saturday to Sunday, this is a harbinger of a disease and health should be taken care of.

Why dream of a flood

Dream interpretation horoscope

Flooding - the collapse of hopes and plans.

Why dream of a flood

American dream book

Flooding - you are overwhelmed with feelings.

Why dream of a flood

Vedic dream book of Sivananda

Flood, for traders such a dream - predicts successful trading and safe travel. But, ordinary people it promises poor health and difficult circumstances.

Why dream of a flood

Old English dream book

For sailors and gentlemen involved in shipping, to see a flood in a dream - good sign promising successful trading and safe sailing; but for all others that do not belong to these categories, this is bad dream, portending illness, a lost lawsuit, as well as the evil actions of enemies sowing slander at every turn.

If you have a loved one, your opponent can suddenly snatch the object of your adoration from your arms like a frantic stream.

water flood

Dream Interpretation Flood If in a dream you see streets flooded with dark, seething waters, a catastrophe is possible in reality, which will entail great misfortunes. Seeing people carried away by the current portends heavy loss and deep hopelessness. Huge spaces covered with clear water mean prosperity and peace found after an exhausting struggle with fate. If in a dream you are rushing through the stormy waters of a flooded river, this is a harbinger of a disease or the suspension of an important business for you. Modern dream book

Dream Interpretation Flood To dream about how a flood fills large spaces, and the water carries you along with dirty debris: predicts illness, loss in business affairs and the most unpleasant situations in family life. If you dream that cities and villages are flooded with streams of dark bubbling water, in real life you will experience failure and misfortune due to a terrible disaster. Seeing in a dream how people are washed away during a flood predicts heavy loss and despair that will make life bleak and ruinous. Seeing huge areas flooded with clean water promises profit and peace after a seemingly hopeless struggle with fortune. Modern dream book

Dream Interpretation Flood If you see water flooding the earth, this means that your life will go better and better, there will be some progress in it, luck will turn to face you. If the water comes too quickly and causes fear in you, it means that it will not be easy for you to adapt to the rapidly changing conditions of your life, you will be at a loss for some time. Do not waste time thinking, but take matters into your own hands, otherwise you can miss a happy chance. Children's dream book

Dream Interpretation Flood Flooding (clear water): temporary respite of affairs, temporary disturbances muddy and overflowing: a strange position in a very strange place surrounded by water: to be in the luxury of being carried away by the waves and freed: remorse for the past. New dream book 1918

The meaning of sleep Flood To see a dream in which the spring flood turned into a fatal flood and the river that overflowed its banks flooded your city - this portends a profitable enterprise that will bring great profit. Being surrounded on all sides by water, unable to leave your shelter, which becomes unsafe - such a dream means the onset of events that will destroy all your plans. If in a dream water flooded your house and rises quickly, it means that in reality you will have a stubborn struggle for your well-being. If you see that the water began to gradually subside, then succumb to bad influence. If the water took you straight to the bed, this portends a happy find or unforeseen happiness. Swimming in cold water during a flood means repentance and recognition of one's mistakes. Seeing people carried away by the flood - to heavy losses and a bleak prospect. Seeing a flood that has flooded vast expanses of coastal lands portends prosperity and peace found after long hardships and ordeals. Seeing yourself among the rescuers during a severe flood is a harbinger of a serious illness, due to which you will not be able to complete an important task. If you find people who drowned during a flood and catch their corpses, you will have a losing streak in literally everything. Dream interpretation from A to Z

Dream Flood Flood: destructive, negative aspect of vital energy. The source of the danger may lie in the unconscious and may include regressive and introverted tendencies. Being flooded by the unconscious or instinctive impulses. To be flooded: "flooded" by love. Psychoanalytic dream book

Dream Interpretation Flood Flooding: a warning of uncontrolled emotions that overwhelm and overwhelm. Seeing a flood from afar: a warning about a dangerous connection, a bad acquaintance. A dreamer's life-threatening flood: suffering, loss, change in lifestyle. ABC of dream interpretation

Dream Interpretation Flood Suffer from a flood in a dream: in real life, you are often overwhelmed by primary instincts that bring a lot of grief to you and your loved ones. Our advice to you: try not to focus on what your base instincts dictate to you, in no case do not succumb to their elemental power. Try to direct your energy into a more peaceful and harmless channel for others. Watching the flood from the side: a dream means that soon something global will happen in your life that will overturn the previous order and destroy all your principles. Dream Interpretation of the White Magician

Dream Interpretation Flood Flood. If in a dream you see a city or a village flooded with dark rushing waters, this means a catastrophe that will entail great misfortunes. Seeing people being carried away by a flood portends heavy loss and deep hopelessness, making life sad and useless. Seeing vast expanses flooded with clean water promises prosperity and peace gained after a seemingly hopeless struggle with fate. If you dream that the turbulent water of a flooded river carries you along with the debris, this is a harbinger of illness or a suspension of business for you. Big dream book

Dream Interpretation Flood Flooding: a profitable enterprise, wealth if you are carried away by waves: this is an unforeseen happiness or a successful find, but if the water is dark and seething, this means disaster and misfortune. Dream Interpretation of the Future

Dream Interpretation Flood A city or village seen in a dream, flooded with water, portends a catastrophe. A dream in which vast spaces are flooded with clean water promises prosperity and peace. People who are carried away by a flood dream of bereavement, sadness and a sense of hopelessness. If you dreamed that a turbulent stream of water was carrying you along with the wreckage, beware of some kind of illness or suspension of an important business for you. Big universal dream book

Dream Interpretation Flood For sailors and gentlemen involved in shipping, seeing a flood in a dream is a good sign promising successful trading and safe sailing; but for all others who do not belong to these categories, this is a bad dream, portending illness, a lost lawsuit, as well as the evil actions of enemies who sow slander at every turn. If you have a loved one, the opponent can suddenly snatch the object of your adoration from your arms like a frantic stream. Old English dream book

Dream Interpretation Flood FLOODING - muddy, dirty water - distress, strong negative experiences, a hopeless situation. Clean water is a boon, a major acquisition. The water carried away - major changes (based on the context of the dream). Drowning (but not drowning!) - to wealth. Dream Interpretation Master of Dreams

Dream Interpretation Flood Dream Interpretation of Medea

Dream Interpretation Flood If in a dream you see streets flooded with dark rushing waters, a catastrophe is possible in reality, which will entail great misfortunes. Seeing people carried away by the current portends heavy loss and deep hopelessness. Huge spaces covered with clear water mean prosperity and peace found after an exhausting struggle with fate. If in a dream you are rushing through the stormy waters of an overflowing river, this is a harbinger of a disease or a suspension of an important business for you. Dream Interpretation of a Modern Woman

Dream Interpretation Flood If the water is clear: to the money of domestic origin muddy: to the currency. Stormy flood: unexpected illness, damage, evil eye. In this case, you should be treated by an experienced healer. The latest dream book

Dream Interpretation Flood Warning of uncontrolled emotions that overwhelm and overwhelm. Seeing a flood from afar is a warning about a dangerous connection, a bad acquaintance. A flood that threatens the dreamer's life - suffering, loss, a change in lifestyle. Dream Interpretation Tutorial

Dream Interpretation Flood A city or village seen in a dream, flooded with water, portends a catastrophe. A dream in which vast spaces are flooded with clean water promises prosperity and peace. People carried away by the flood: dream of bereavement, sadness and a sense of hopelessness. If you dreamed that a turbulent stream of water was carrying you along with the wreckage, beware of some kind of illness or suspension of an important business for you. Family dream book

Dream Interpretation Flood For women: Seeing a flood in a dream - to various adverse events. If in a dream you see that water is coming to your feet, then in reality you will have troubles associated with real estate. If you see that the flood floods your house, then you have big problems in family life, the situation is so serious that you need to think first of all about your marriage. If you are not married, then you need to reconsider your relationship with your fan. If you dream that the water is very muddy during a flood, then this indicates troubles associated with intimate life. If you dream that you are drowning during a flood, this is a warning that you need to take your health seriously, as illness awaits you. And if you dream that you are drowning in muddy water, then the illness will be long and severe.
For men: Seeing a flood in a dream - to troubles and misfortunes. If you see a flood in a dream, then this portends a long and exhausting struggle for a stable financial situation. If you see in a dream that a flood is approaching your house, then in reality you will face difficulties and trials. If you see in a dream that a flood is taking people away, then this portends you heavy losses and hopelessness. If you dream that a flood has happened and muddy water carries various garbage, this is a sign that they are trying to slander you. If you dream that you are drowning during a flood, then this indicates that your affairs are upset and you do not see a way out of this situation. If you see yourself drowning in muddy water, this is a warning of a severe debilitating disease. If you see a flood in a dream from Thursday to Friday, then this indicates that you are wasting time on a fruitless struggle. If you dream of a flood from Friday to Saturday, then you have to make a lot of efforts to overcome pressure from business partners. If you see a flood from Saturday to Sunday, then this is a harbinger of a disease and health should be taken care of.
For children: FLOODING - if you see water flooding the earth, this means that your life will go better and better, there will be some progress in it, luck will turn to face you. If the water comes too quickly and causes fear in you, then it will not be easy for you to adapt to the rapidly changing conditions of your life, you will be at a loss for some time. Do not waste time thinking, but take matters into your own hands, otherwise you can miss a happy chance.