Waking up in a dream several times what does it mean. Why dream of waking up

  • 20.09.2019

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Dream Interpretation - Feelings and states in a dream

Rejoice in a dream - confidence in your affairs.

Furiously rejoice - to sadness.

Laugh - the goal is not achieved.

Laugh uncontrollably - to sadness

Curiosity in a dream - beware of gullibility.

Strong excitement to feel - to strive for clear self-consciousness.

Crying in a dream - to joy and to all good things.

Feel offended - disputes with loved ones.

Remorse to experience - your adviser is right.

Irritation to feel - a good friend will help.

To feel indignation is to live in the world, but in an unfavorable environment.

Aversion to people - caution is needed.

Aversion to objects - your stomach is not right.

To feel envy - a faithful heart cannot forget you.

Pity - you have the right to a clear conscience.

Malice - fidelity, a joyful day ahead.

Rage in anger - a small delusion will have dire consequences for you.

To carry out revenge in a dream - you cannot achieve justice for a long time.

Fear in a dream is a danger from joyful hopes. Secret worries that you chase during the day, danger from what you love. Feelings of guilt, obsessions.

Shame and disgrace in a dream - beware of trusting others, interference from your own incontinence in feelings.

To be slandered - beware of thoughtlessly divulging a secret.

To sue in a dream - you will be ridiculed.

Being late in a dream is a near death.

To be lazy in a dream, to be indifferent - to sadness, loss.

To be stingy in a dream, to be greedy - you have to go through horror.

To be cruel in a dream - you have to leave your home.

Interpretation of dreams from

Understand that this is a dream and no one can harm you. To make sure that what is happening is unrealistic, just try to do something that you simply could not physically do in real life.

Look around. Try to notice something strange, for example, if you see a flying pig, you will immediately realize that you are dreaming, because this does not happen in life. Once you are aware that you are dreaming, you can wake up at any moment.

Decide what you want: run away from the object of fear or fight with it.

To “come out” of sleep, look down and start spinning in place. Images will begin to swirl in front of you, so you will start having another dream, and you don't even have to wake up.

First of all, try main method to wake up. Tilt your head back and try to open your eyes. Concentrate on awakening and use all your will for this. If you don’t succeed, don’t worry, many people need practice for this.

If the previous step didn't work, try controlling your dreams. This will work best if you have a good imagination. Try, for example, to teleport to some safe place or somewhere with an alarm clock.

If you want to wake up, try reading the inscriptions or some written phrases in your sleep. Focus on what is written there. Typically, this activates a part of your brain that is turned off during REM sleep. Remember that it takes practice. For the same reason, you should not panic if in a dream you are not as smart and strong as in real life.

Blink! Close your eyes and wait a few seconds before opening them again. Since your eyes are already closed in real life, by opening your eyes again in a dream, you can open them in real life. Thus, you will be able to "escape" from bad sleep. Perhaps this technique will not work for you the first time.

Classical: try pinching yourself. This usually works.

If none of the above work for you, try just flying away! This will signal to your brain that you are in a dream. To do this, first jump up and then just… fly!

Stop thinking about the nightmare. Close your eyes and try to think about the real world. Think about your bed, your room, how everything looks when you wake up. Talk to yourself and then try to open your eyes. You will feel that your eyes do not give in. Just try again to focus on the real world.

Another way to escape: climb some structure or tall building, and then try to jump off.

Run straight into the wall. You won't get hurt! You will just wake up. Or let the enemy or the object of your fear hurt you. Don't be afraid, you won't die or get hurt in any way - you'll just wake up.

If you can talk in your sleep, repeat to yourself:"wake up!"

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I dreamed of Waking up, but there is no necessary interpretation of sleep in the dream book?

Our experts will help you find out why you dream of Waking up in a dream, just write the dream in the form below and you will be explained what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

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    my girlfriend had this dream, I'll tell you briefly. She dreamed Small child who wanted to kill her, she attacked him, grabbed him by the hair, and when she woke up, she had someone's blond hair in her hand. well, that's all!
    Thank you in advance!!!

    • Artem, perhaps this dream suggests that she should be more attentive towards strangers.

      I dreamed of such a thing, I was walking along a bridge along a footpath, and on the roadway an accident, two cars crashed head-on, and one of them hit a sheep and a pack of dogs before the collision, a sheep without a skin lies in one place, and the skin under by car, several dead dogs are still being exchanged, and other dogs that survived after the collision are trying to be taken away by the cops on leashes, but many of them begin to die from their injuries !!! (I have not seen this collision) And I continue to descend from the bridge, watching with indifference for everything that's going on!

      • Artyom, perhaps a dream in which you witness an accident indicates that in real life you will find yourself in a very unpleasant place.

        • Alice, the fact that you woke up in a society of people probably promises you unexpected situations in the future.

          I woke up with a girl I knew for a long time, Raili, whom I once wanted to meet, although I have a girlfriend. And so I go into the kitchen, and she and her parents are cooking something. After that, I lay down in the bedroom, and woke up from the fact that I heard Raila, who did not notice me, say to her sister - calm down, everything will be fine with her (Raili's) with me. And then Raili's boyfriend comes along and we start fighting. After beating me, he cries about something.

          • Raf, such a dream most likely indicates that you are afraid of trouble because you are spending time with this girl.

            i dreamed that I was waking up in the car of my beloved boyfriend, but I don’t understand how it happened! on my finger wedding ring but I don't know if he is my husband! and we are, as it were, in some kind of boarding house, in the forest, on a picnic or something .. then I see my beloved and call him, and he finishes smoking and comes down to me .. then I see his relatives, they say something to him! and then he calls me and we go to look for some boat by number ...


            Hello! I dreamed that I wake up, while still lying in bed, I open my eyes. The windows are open, not curtained, as I usually do in the summer and see how it dawns. Most of the view from the window, as always, is blocked by a high-rise building, but I can see that the lower part of the sky is dark blue, and then a sharp transition to orange and gold. I see my mother with peripheral vision and I tell her: “Look, it’s five in the morning and it’s so light. That's what spring means! Although it was January 21 in the yard. What could such a dream mean? Thanks

            • Such a dream, most likely, is a harbinger of just such moments in the near future, perhaps this spring.

              I had some kind of multiple “dream within a dream” ... That is, I wake up, then I understand that this is a dream, I try to wake up for real - I wake up again and again I understand that this is still a dream ... and so several times .. in the last such “awakening” I couldn’t open my eyes, then I opened it and was very happy, got out of bed, went somewhere .. and woke up again)) but for real)

              • Most likely, the dream in which you woke up warns that many fundamental changes await you in the near future.

                I dreamed of bugs in a dream, a huge number of black scary bugs, got scared, and woke up in a dream in my room in bed. I look around, there is a guy. I called, he came up, I wanted to kiss, I looked closely, and this is my face. I woke up on this.

                Hello. In a dream, I was with a girl unfamiliar, a woman was hunting for her. I took her hand (I wanted to move to another place), but I suddenly woke up in a dream and only her was lying next to me left hand I began to consider it and then I really woke up.

                Hello, I dreamed that I woke up and in a dream I understand that I woke up in a dream and that I will still wake up, but I remember a dream in which I had a lot of large and the same fish, they are all silver and alive, and my stepfather folds some of the small ones with a fan in a row one after another, packs like a bouquet and gives it to your hands, here it is for you. And then some kind of low square well, flowers float there, it is old in Italian style and the water is clear and fresh, and I look at this well and understand so I wake up now, and I don’t remember, as always, what I dreamed of and I force myself to say everything I see, rose fish, well, stepfather, water ... what does this dream mean, please tell me.

                • The fact that you saw such a fish in your dream most likely warns you that a fateful chance awaits you.

                  and you can still tell me, my boyfriend dreams that he lives in a dream in the city of his childhood, although this city is no longer alive, it is abandoned, life is still in full swing in it, and he continues to live there, and when he met me he and he settled me there, now in a dream I also live with him, and he constantly returns to this dream, he lives there almost every night, we have a family there. I will be very grateful if you help me to decipher this dream

                  • Dreams of this kind, most likely, reflect his strong attachment to the times associated with childhood.

                    • Thanks!!! I always solve dreams only on your site, apparently not in vain !!! You are very kind, thanks again :)

                  • Hello, today I had a strange dream and some very unpleasant aftertaste from it, tell me, please, what it can mean: I remember some snatches, but the fact is that I seem to have become very ill with something, and woke up only after exactly 3 months, I went home with my friend Anya (although at the moment I quarreled with her), and she told me that at one of the exams (which I will have in a few days) I became ill and was admitted to the hospital, the doctors said that it was from a very strong excitement. What happened then I don’t remember very well, but I remember that emptiness, that rejection from others, I didn’t see my young man, they told me that he thought that everything was already with me, 3 months is too long and he started talking about me forget the last moments: my mother’s girlfriends come to me at the door of the house, I saw one that she was all in black, and on the other some kind of very high hairstyle with wavy hair, they said that we thought that you were all, they were a little embarrassed. Then there was a moment when I got up with my relatives in Ukraine and went to eat Olivier salad from a large bowl, my grandmother saw me and was surprised, but, it seemed to me, somehow without joy. And I see some kind of garden and one Christina (school friend) is sitting on the ground quite far away and really grieving. I just have such a terrible feeling of emptiness to this day, I would really like to know the meaning of this dream, thanks in advance!

                    • Such a dream of yours most likely indicates that you can move away from important events in your life.

                      I have a dream that I am at home ex boyfriend and he's there with his new girlfriend, they're sleeping. she wakes up, does something, and doesn’t see me, I start beating her, and she doesn’t even respond to beatings, continues to do something of her own. but the guy does not hear this and is still sleeping. I want him to wake up and he stays asleep. I would really like to know the meaning of this dream, thanks in advance!

                      Hello! Help me understand my dreams!
                      I have been dreaming for 3 months now, I try to wake up, but I can’t. I shake my head in my sleep, I try to scream, but nothing works! After I wake up, I feel tired ... In one of these dreams, when I tried to wake up, there was a feeling that another person lives in me, but a very bad one, and I knew that when I woke up I would get rid of him.
                      Thank you in advance!

                      • Banal harassment of evil spirits. She likes to scold people who are not very strong and especially ignorant. Somewhere on the Internet I came across an explanatory description of such cases with some systematization and advice, for a long time, now it is no longer found. Try searching for "brownie" or "sleep paralysis". For example, was there good advice- when you do not understand whether you have woken up, turn on the light. In a dream, the switch clicks, but the light does not light up. Checked, it works. You can wake up with a simple build-up of effort.
                        A remark about another person looks intimidating. This can be serious, as long as it's not really just a dream.

                    • I dreamed that I woke up at my young man's house and he was not around. I went to look for him, and found him in the summer kitchen, but I was embarrassed to go there because he was talking with his aunt. I went into the house and started cleaning up. On the table were dishes with fruits and sweets (grapes, chocolate, cookies in the form of nuts), I sat and sorted through them.

                      I dreamed that I wake up in a dream and understand that this is a dream and try to wake up again and so 10 times, even in a dream I called my husband to pick me up, walked with him and realized that I was still sleeping. It was very difficult to wake up in a dream, my legs and arms did not obey, my eyes did not want to open. Finally woke up. Creepy. What does this mean? Thank you in advance.

                      I dreamed that I woke up in a dream four times. Each time I woke up at a new level and thought, I finally woke up! I even got up, walked, saw the whole room in detail, only at each level there were one or two details that differed. she smelled, took money in her hand the last two times, felt the roughness of the paper. At the average level, she woke up twice: she woke up and fell asleep, and then woke up again. Yes, the last time I really wanted to wake up really, because it was already late, I thought somewhere - then the hour of the day, when I really woke up, it turned out to be 11. And that, 5 times.

                      i was sleeping i got a call i talked and fell asleep….. the time was 15:08 (I was at level 3) started wrestling with one distant acquaintance and took him to the choke and started to choke himself…… (level 2) woke up on the bed with my stomach down my head I looked to the right and I understand that from another room someone ran up to me with a vile laugh and entered me ...... .. I felt how my soul ached, it hurt very much and I felt my heart beating strongly and quickly I repeat it was very painful .. and I was pulled out of bed. I tried to read prayers but my jaw went numb, I continued with all my strength and still finished ... and I woke up (level 1) in the same position, turned sharply, pressed my back against the wall and started kicking so that this creature would not come up to me ... .. but something blocked my eyes that I did not see who it was! and suddenly I started twitching like an epilepsy. in all 3 levels, suffocation continued. and now I really woke up in the same position, but only already slightly pulled out of bed, but I felt that my neck had been released recently .... and that someone was standing behind me, I began to read prayers without turning around and then turned around and everything was fine! and i doubt it was a dream…… i think 70-75% it was real! such a dream cannot be so realistic! because my neck hurts! I looked at the time - it was 15:58 and in general I didn’t sleep for 3 days!

                      • Descriptions of the so-called "praralysis of sleep" from the point of view of neurophysiology abound. Look at Wikipedia. Although the conclusions from beautiful neurological studies are not very good. Something like: "If you are being raped, relax and enjoy."
                        https://supersleep.ru/?ITEM_ID=2813: “Some people may experience hallucinations during an episode. You can see, hear and feel phenomena and objects that do not exist. https://www.sonnikson.ru/paralic.html: "Experiencing sleep paralysis is ... the cause of ... visions of demons, incubi, succubi and out-of-body experiences." - that is, the same as the folk descriptions of the harassment of evil spirits in a dream. The traditional way of dealing with this also does not fail. Accumulate personal strength (of course, not physical).

                      I dreamed that I was waking up with my friend in the same bed and a mongrel dog was running around us beige colour:) I have a feeling of fear in front of my parents, they were sleeping somewhere nearby.

                      had a strange and terrible dream. rather a few. I don’t remember the first dream clearly, but there’s nothing special about it, then I wake up, everything seems to be fine, but I look at the time - 16:30 (I think I slept for a long time, all day) I sit down at the computer and pick up a magazine , leafing through, everything is normal, as in real life. then I get up and go into the room to my flatmate, but he is not there (which surprised me) I return to my room, open the magazine, and there are no pictures, only inscriptions. I was seized with fear, I looked at the computer and there was interference, I screamed and woke up. I sigh, but after a minute I understand that I am again in a dream, the sky outside the window is dark orange, I start walking around the rooms, there is no one, a state of terrible anxiety, I force myself to wake up, but I find myself again and again in this dream, then I wake up in another place and on I have a dark silhouette, I can’t move, I can’t speak either, I try to scream, but a weak moan escapes. finally I wake up in a sweat from all this, I look out the window and there again the sunset and the sun has taken the form of an ominous face. after which a neighbor wakes me up, says that I was screaming, I couldn’t wake up myself, no matter how hard I tried. at 12:30 pm (I usually sleep until 8-9 o'clock) please tell me what it could be

                      i dreamed of a complete heresy, it was already creepy in a dream, initially there was an incomprehensible feeling that I was separated from the body, I was in some kind of building that was constantly changing, as a result, I began to pray in a dream, it seemed like I was at home in my room and I just don’t remember my friends who showed a video from my phone how I, standing at the window, disappeared like a ghost, and then again I got into this fucking building, then I started praying to myself again, and then I suddenly wake up, I get up in a dark room, I tried to turn on the light, but it didn’t work, I remember for sure, I opened the door passing by the kitchen, looked to the right and between the archway to the kitchen there was a clear outline of an incomprehensible structure of a person (it was dark) about 40 cm from me, then I said awwwwww and realized that I was sleeping because I heard myself how it was said in short for the first time I immediately got into the Internet, but waking up in a dream is just a calaps)) honestly it was already somehow dumb

                      I had a dream of such a plan: I am lying on the couch sleeping, I feel something is wrong, I try to open my eyes, it doesn’t work, with great effort it turns out to half-open my eyes. Out of the corner of my eye on the left below I see a glimmer of light, I try to get up, but it doesn’t work. Again with a heavy effort, I barely get up. I see a reflection of light from below, from an open laptop, I begin to remember where the laptop came from, then I remember that I don’t have a laptop and the room is not mine. I’m trying to put my “brains” in order, I mentally say to myself, “so, I fell asleep on the couch, in such and such a room, I didn’t go to visit anywhere, so where am I?” Pressure and heaviness are present in the whole body, I think I need to walk to get up, turn on the light, I try to get up, I can’t, I start to swing myself in order to get up from the sofa by inertia, some kind of flicker appeared in front of the bottom, I feel that it is " prevents me from getting up, ”I still begin to sway even more to get up, the flickering intensifies and I feel that I will get up now and wake up at this moment lying on my couch. The dream was very real, I even wondered why I was again lying on the sofa and not sitting on it. The thought about the brownie visited after a dream, but disappeared immediately, the fear was from flickering, but quickly passed, I didn’t feel a threat, rather surprise and an attempt to drive me away, it feels like I occupied someone’s body and the soul of the owner of this body was flickering, who tried to kick me out and get her body back. All these thoughts literally scrolled through me for a minute after I woke up. Well, that's all.

                      Today I dreamed that I was riding in a big and white bus up a very steep spiral road, with some people, I don’t remember them ... The weather is great, the birds are singing, the sun is shining ... and at some point the driver loses control and turns off the road falling inside the asphalt spiral, the whole bus falls down, I'm ready to fall, I'm very scared, but I hold on and don't even scream. ready for pain. we fell into the water, crystal clear, I'm drowning, the last thought was how to get out and climb through the window, but I wake up in bed with my boyfriend, (continuation of sleep) I shook him hard, squeezed him, woke him up, he told me brought a glass of water, I drank it calmed down and woke up for real. and I wondered for a long time why he was lying next to me and that’s all, and did nothing, when it seemed to me that I was just writhing while drowning ... The verdict is very interesting ..

                      periodically, but rarely, I wake up in a dream, I don’t just wake up, but I realize myself as if in reality. and so on up to a certain point, perhaps some critical one (I don’t know). and so three times in a row. example: I see the situation, I wake up - it's a dream, I wake up and it's a dream, I wake up again and it's a dream. and everywhere I am aware of myself as if it is a reality. well, when I wake up and wake up)))) fu ...))) dream)))))) (it's like a nesting doll in a nesting doll) today I had the same dream, in the third dream, I tried to wake up my body, (sometimes in a dream like this it happens that the body sleeps, and I'm awake, as in real life))) but at the end of futile attempts, I came up with the thought that damn I'm dead, so do what you want. "I'm not going to die"

                      I dreamed of my dead mother. As if we went to bed, then I woke up and left the house. And already from the street I see that my mother also woke up, opened the windows, looked at me and smiled. Then she came out to me on the street, hugged me, advised me something, said goodbye and left. And I stayed and cried. What does this mean?

                      Hello! In my dream, I and, as it were, my team (strangers, of different ages), we are building a huge ship on which we are going somewhere. I was not a captain, but still managed the construction, etc. But it would be all right if I didn’t wake up in a dream, along with all those people, it turned out that we all meet somewhere and we all had this dream about a ship, there were a lot of people, in my life I don’t know any of them and didn't see it. What is it for?

                      Here is the background: my mother died, two years later my wife and child left, I was left alone, I see a dream !!!

                      The dream itself: I wake up in my room (the former nursery), only the bed is as in my distant childhood, it’s dark, for some reason I get up not on my feet, but on my hands and slide to the floor with my stomach, I see slippers under me, I get up, put them on and I go to the toilet on the way, I notice a light in my mother’s room, I go into the room, the bed is like in our room with my wife, also in the middle and in the same direction, someone is lying under the blanket, whether the lamp is on or the chandelier, definitely not I remember, I lift the blanket under it, my mother lies, who died a long time ago, I start calling my wife, although I understand that she is not there, because I woke up alone, we broke up, but there is no one else to call for help, after the death of my mother, she was the most close friend, I I scream for her to wake me up, hoping that she will hear me in another room, because a dead mother can only dream, there is no voice, I wheeze, my legs don’t go, I can’t move away from the bed and it’s like I’m already lying down in it, my mother is looking at me. it seems like I see that I’m already in our former bedroom with my wife and I understand that my wife wakes me up, but can’t wake me up, then everything goes back to my mother’s room, I scream again, suddenly my wife comes in,

                      and lies down next to her mother and covers herself with a blanket, as if to rest, and with the words you still lie down here early, they try to kick me out of the room, and it’s all kind of gentle, with a smile, as if it should be like that ....... I move away from the bed in fear, they just lie and look at me, covered with one blanket just above their chest, smile slightly, seeing me off, the bed linen is white, the yellowish light, I don’t remember what flickers ... ... .. woke up!

                      i dreamed that I was on the street with people, we were resting, it was at night we were in a modest company, we were watching from afar, elderly people were watching the fact that I didn’t know anyone from the companies there were 2 girls and guys, then we saw how the elderly began to leave and after a couple of seconds, everyone with whom I was sitting also began to leave, more precisely, as if to sell one girl came to the table where only I was and took my money, I tell her this is mine, she answered something, I don’t remember, and immediately I woke up in some room I want to take I take phones, but I don’t have a network, the menu doesn’t work, I can’t call anyone, I opened the door, went out and saw that I was inside a high building with long caledors, these caledors were very long and scary, I found myself all alone, I can’t understand what happened, I tried to wake up, but I couldn’t not how and for some reason I thought that I had died and there were such thoughts that I didn’t even have time to say goodbye to anyone it hurt me very much I started crying even I was looking for a way out of these koledors but I couldn’t find this went on for a very long time, I tried to wake up, pinched myself, but it didn’t help, I began to suspect that I was already really dead and this feeling didn’t leave me, it became even more painful for me, I was worried about my brother’s mother and all my relatives, I was afraid that I would never see my all my relatives , then I woke up all the same and was very glad that I didn’t die and I already had tears of joy that I woke up, I didn’t even want to sleep ... ... .... and from Friday to Saturday I quarreled with my family and lay down on the floor to sleep when everyone was already sleeping, I dreamed like they want to kill me 2 sisters I was sleeping suddenly I get up and go into the room watching TV the children are watching cartoons and it’s night outside I turn off the TV and then one child goes to turn it on and mumbles something and the other one jumps on me behind and hits something on the head then connects and the other one, I didn’t even feel my hands, as if it had crawled through, I stood on my knees, I couldn’t move, but then I woke up from shock and realized that this was a dream, but on Eve ... why do I have such strange dreams on the stretch e two days

                      dream: I wake up, open my eyes (everything is as usual), and my stepfather is sitting near the bed waiting for me to wake up, as a result, he began to harass me, and I call my mother for help .. here (as if) my dream ends .. comes my mother sits on the next bed, and I retell my dream to her .. and everything is lying, as I have grown to the bed .. I look at her and suspect that this is not reality but a dream, and then my mother began to disappear then appear, I got scared. I shout to her: "Mom, where are you, I can't see you." And it turns out that she sees me, the picture of me didn’t disappear from her, and she was offended, she says to go look at daddy, I see him more often. I want to get up, and I realize that I'm in a dream again .. (here comes the frightening thought that I'm in a coma, and if I don't wake up, I will remain a vegetable) I try to wake myself up .. I scream: "wake up, wake up" , I ask my mother to wake me up, and everything is empty .. (I woke up several times) In reality, the phone began to ring, I heard in a dream and realized that this was the only chance to wake up - finally I woke up, I was so happy, but I was afraid that this again just a dream.

                      I woke up in my apartment, which I don’t live in, and there is the same furniture as before, only there are no beds in the bedroom. The apartment is bright and sunny, and in it my friend and her adult daughter clean up and say that now they will live here, supposedly our parents (being deceased) decided so. And now we seem to be living in their apartment now. I was against it, I wanted to go and deal with my parents, but I didn’t find my things and woke up

                      I dreamed that I wake up in my apartment, where I don’t live, and there my friend and her already adult daughter are doing the cleaning, her daughter washes the window in the kitchen, which is already clean, the friend is doing something in the toilet and they say that now they are here will live, supposedly so decided by our parents (already deceased). And in the apartment everything is as before, only there are no beds in the bedroom and the apartment is bright and there is a lot of sun. And we will live in their apartment and it seems that my parents are there. I'm going to go check with my parents because I don't want to change apartments, but I couldn't find my things and woke up

                      Hello. I have such a situation ... it was last night; I quickly fell asleep, but suddenly I wake up and see my room, I see myself in what position I am lying, my husband is sleeping next to me, but then I understand that I am actually still sleeping, trying to wake up ( I heard that it helps when you shake your head from side to side) I open my eyes, well, I thought everything woke up, the picture is the same as I described at the beginning, but then I look at my husband and see that he is sleeping in some kind of T-shirt with drawings, but I understand with my head that he I wasn’t wearing a T-shirt when I went to bed, so I didn’t manage to wake up, I start trying to wake up again, I open my eyes again, the same feeling that I woke up, but I turn my head to the side to the corner of the room and see a gap there, you know, as if the walls are with each other they don’t converge with each other, and light comes from there, the fear is already rolling in that I couldn’t wake up again, I start trying to wake my husband up in a dream, but he doesn’t react, since he doesn’t react, then I have to try to wake up again, and I succeed, I really woke up on a In my case, and I had “sleep paralysis”, I couldn’t move for some time (get up, open my mouth, etc.), then everything went away, I got up, went to drink water and fell asleep again. After such a night it’s scary to go to bed again, it seems that I won’t wake up anymore, I asked my husband about the fact that (did I wake you up at night?) Says no, the horror is huge, I don’t know what to do, I read literature about this but didn’t find anything suitable ... help me figure it out.

                      Or here is another oddity that happened to me not long before such a crazy dream as I have already described. I lay down to sleep in the afternoon, fell asleep, and I see this picture: I see myself on the couch from the side as I sleep, everything in the room is the same, the sun shines through the window, the cat sleeps next to my legs, in short, everything is the same when I went to "nap ”, but I was scared that I see myself from the side, I start to wake up, I didn’t succeed, I open my eyes and again I see myself from the side, attempt number 2 to wake up, but it’s all useless, and suddenly I see that I’m falling off the couch and I’m already lying on the floor, I’m trying to push myself again from such a dream that I don’t really like it, and suddenly I wake up and I had a shock, I open my eyes and realize that I’m lying on the floor next to the sofa. I got up from the floor and lay back on the sofa and let's think about what had just happened to me. don't know to do...

                      i had a dream when a friend arrived from the sea, I started asking her there how she went and all that, but then I wake up (it all happens in a dream) I start to feel bad, dizzy, I understand that I'm dying, I have darkness in my eyes I call my mother, but then I understand that I can’t move my lips because my heart had already stopped and I died, I lay like that for seconds 2, and woke up abruptly .. everything was like for real, I was very scared, tell me what such a dream could mean ??

                      I saw the strangest dream in my life, I will try to describe it briefly.

                      In a dream, about 6 different events took place, which I could not influence in any way, I was in a state of some kind of affect. After the events, I woke up in a dream, and, most surprisingly, everything started all over again, the same dream, the same events, but with a slightly different interpretation. And this happened 3 times in a row, until I finally woke up for real. Moreover, at the very end of the last dream, I felt that I was leaving the body, I became very sad and, having collected my thoughts with the body, I woke up. What could it be?

                      Hello. I dreamed about how I wake up in horror, and next to me is the guy with whom I broke up. Soothes, hugs, but suddenly his girlfriend appears (they do not meet in life) with a bloody mouth and fangs, although she is peacefully disposed towards me. I’m trying to fall asleep again, when suddenly they kiss me, at first it seems that this is a girlfriend, but when I open my eyes, I understand that this is an ex. I also dreamed of a drum set scattered around the room.

                      I had a very long dream. At first there was one plot, but then I woke up in a dream (but not in reality). Then, after I woke up in my dream, another dream began. And I woke up again in a dream, thinking that I had dreamed all this, and the next plot went on. So I woke up in a dream about 5 times, until I woke up in reality. I was very impressed with this dream!

                      Dream: I'm in some hospital. Trying to catch up with me unknown guy he wants to rape me. I run to call for help, but no one answers. Here I begin, as it were, to squander the past (dream), at what point I could have done differently so that this guy would not notice me at all. And then I remember that I saw him on the stairs. And I think to myself if I hadn’t started going down those stairs, I wouldn’t run away from him now. At this moment, the dream seems to be rewinding (as if at my request). I find myself at the top of that ladder again, but now I know the future, and I don't go down to meet a rapist guy. And I go up. There I meet my familiar friends with whom I already feel protected. With them, I go down the stairs (to the exit), but along the way, we no longer meet the rapist. I open the doors... and wake up.

                      I had such a strange dream “I’m going to my hospital in the hospital best friend we’ve been friends with her since childhood, Amina’s name is her, I go into her room and she doesn’t recognize me and passes by, I follow her, she sits down and next to her are 2 girls and some kind of boy and I sit next to me and I wake up all ”in 2 days I write to Amina “Amina are you all right???” she says “well, except for the fact that I was in the hospital for 2 days”

                      Hello! Help me deal with my strange dream.

                      I dream that I am my husband and our mothers at sea, we quarrel with my husband and throw out the ring, the cat grabs it and tries to carry it away, I go into the sea and understand that I see the other side of the sea, the waves carry me away, although they are not strong . Seeing that I was far from my family, I wanted to go back to them, and the sea turned into snow and ice on which you can safely walk, as strangers tell me, I follow them, I come to my husband, I take back the wedding ring. And then a lot of people come from somewhere, they leave us, I understand that they are demons, I start reading a prayer, and I wake up. (in a dream) My husband and I are lying as always, in our house, he tells me that our friend is walking around the house, we cannot turn on the light, only one big candle is lit, we catch her, ask her questions about how she got in, what she needs it, she is silent and smiles, I cross her and read a prayer, she disappears, I wake up again (in a dream), My husband and I are lying on the bed in an embrace, he says that we have survived everything, and just a cat howl is heard from the street , loud, we kiss and wake up for real.

                      About 2 years ago I had a dream: as if I wake up in my room as if in reality (the state was not like in reality), only there is no furniture and windows in the room (windows are sealed with something with stones or bricks) without curtains, the walls without wallpaper are dim, the light is on in the room, dirt, as if in an abandoned house, some boards were lying around, the feeling of sleep was unpleasant in itself, there was some kind of fear, trying to leave the room, I found myself in the dark and could not turn on the light, and as if I woke up and again in this broken room. and so 5 times woke up in a dream as if in reality. In general, I could not wake up for real!

                      I had a dream that I came to my grandmother. By the end of the day, I went to bed as usual. And in this dream I had a dream that I went to my friends, I don’t remember, but somehow I dreamed of a river and there was fog around. And then we ended up in some kind of room and someone was hunting for us. out of fear, I woke up in my dream next to my grandmother. And then I realized that something was wrong and woke up already in my bed. This is the third time I've dreamed that I'm sleeping in a dream.
                      What does it mean?

                      I have been dreaming for 3 nights that I want to wake up (in a dream), but I can’t open my eyes, I can’t even move.
                      And I am tormented (in a dream) by the fact that I should help someone, but I can’t.
                      Something is holding me. Why could it be?

                      Woke up in a dream. I didn't understand how exactly I knew the time. The relative did not sleep at this time either. It was 07:00. Then they heard some sound in the kitchen (similar to opening a window). The relative went to look at the kitchen. Then he shouted something. For some reason I thought that a cat had entered the house. Then from the kitchen, something ran. I was still in bed when it ran over me and darted under the sofa. When it ran over me, I jerked my legs. After that, I woke up. As it turned out, the clock was 05-00.

                      I dreamed that I woke up either in some kind of hostel, or in some kind of barracks, went to wash, met a colleague in former job who said something like that I sleep for a long time or overslept .... Another dream that night was that some papers / documents (something not particularly important but not trifling), several sheets were in a “file” (a plastic bag for papers) I had to give to someone. I was riding or cycling dirt road(quite broken, with a ditch in the middle), I walked or drove less than 100 meters, I look around - there is an empty “file” on the trunk of the bike, but there are no papers (documents). I ran the path several times, saw various other pieces of paper, but did not find my own and woke up.

                      constantly having nightmares - I wake up in a dream - I walk around the apartment telling my wife that I had a horror dream - then something unusual appears in a dream and says something like a boy and you are still sleeping and laughing insidiously - I always wake up wet - terrible fear - I also want to say that I don’t fall asleep - but fall into this dream - my head starts ringing in my ears and I’m all there - as if I get there and something won’t let me go back

                      Hello Tatiana! I dreamed that I woke up (in a dream) from a knock on the door. I open the door, there is a guy and a girl, tall, much taller than me. Like, like, to drink. I don’t remember how, but we are in the yard (I live in a private house) the dog sits in a booth and for some reason does not bark at strangers. The guy has a teapot in his hands, and he is going to pour tea directly from the teapot (as in the cartoon) into his mouth, I say that there, in the teapot, is herbal tea. Further, the feeling that we are students (I graduated from the institute 18 years ago) and they behave like senior students who came to junior students and demand, as it were, to eat, I begin to resent. There is a verbal confrontation, I think I told them that in the event of a physical confrontation, my faculty will be stronger. I don't remember further. Can this dream be prophetic, and what can it mean.

                      We are standing in one of the rooms of my apartment, without electricity: I, one or two of my acquaintances and a middle-aged man with us, from a conversation with him I understand and from somewhere I know that he is an ordinary military man, with the rank of approximately a lieutenant colonel. The room is illuminated by a dim light from the window, and he simply talks about the attack of the Vrysk in the field. That supposedly with a chain, and I tell him that they will kill him faster with a chain, while I myself understand that all this is a dream and I’m trying to wake up ... ... at that moment he starts to go at me and captures me, supposedly by intent to prove that it is necessary to fight in the field in this way. At some point, I see part of the room through a parted eyelid, I try to move and I can’t, then, having gathered myself with mud, I loudly moo and immediately strength comes. Tan, what the hell?

                      In a dream, I dreamed that I was sleeping, and I couldn’t wake up, something was holding me in a dream, I thought that I was dying, my head was buzzing, I couldn’t even move, but at the same time I was torn out of myself, I just got up, my girlfriend was sleeping next to a kitten was lying on the other side, I woke up in a dream trying to move and barely whispered that I couldn’t get up here abruptly woke up not in a dream, but in life, what had the kitten and the girl lay in the same position as in a dream. I got up, drank water, went to the toilet, pinched myself to make sure that this was not a dream and lay down again. For another 20 minutes I could not fall asleep, digesting everything, the dream was so real, even the feeling was left from sleep.

                      Hello, it happens to me that it drags me straight into a dream, it feels like by force, and then it’s hard to wake up, and so several times, at such moments someone constantly lifts me into the air and it’s hard to fight it, but when I wake up completely, I understand that it all happened in a dream, that something made me fall asleep in a dream and I woke up in a dream too, please explain what all this is for.

                      I dreamed that I woke up in a dream and the apartment was a mess! Pogrom! The neighbor explained that her friend's young man came and collected her things. Somehow the carpet ended up hanging on the door. Sleep time was 5:44. We sat with her for a bit, then I went to bed because I have to work. I went to bed at 6:11 am. When I woke up on an alarm clock, already in real life, the dream seemed very realistic. What could dream about?

                      Hello! I dreamed that I woke up on the bridge and realized that I could fall off it, I was glad that I woke up on time. and I also got ready for the road with my things, rode the bus and arrived, but I didn’t know where to stop, there was a bad feeling. I would be very grateful for the decoding of the dream!

                      mother, who died three years ago, came in a red coat. I touched her face (it was hot) and said that I missed her. Mom replied that my sister (mother's step-in-law) was saving money for me and that rita (?) was disturbing her with a roar

                      I was awakened by noise in the yard, woke up and saw a crowd of guys, they went in for sports, jogging, and fought sparring, one guy showed me to go into the entrance, I went into the entrance with fear, it was light and comfortable, then he went in and climbed up I stood on the stairs and watched as he easily climbed the stairs

                      I dream that a guy sitting on a chair wakes me up and talks to me, and I communicate with him. He strokes my back and I feel his touch, but in fact there was no one around and could not be. I toss and turn on the bed, pulling the blanket all this in a dream, and in reality.
                      Help me please!!! Thank you in advance

                      Hello! I often have dreams where I seem to wake up in a dream. But in reality, I'm dreaming. And in the dream it felt like it was all a dream. I don't even know how to convey it. If you manage to break out of sleep, wake up, come to your senses .... but after a couple of minutes I start to fall asleep abruptly and the body seems to blow, I know that everything will start again .... even afraid to fall asleep unpleasant feeling... What is this someone saying from fatigue .. Different versions

                      hello! this is the second time I’ve been dreaming that I wake up in a dream and I’m scared and wake up screaming! I sleep in the kitchen and when I start alone I don’t hang the night curtains! and in a dream when I wake up they are always closed and when I weigh them they again turn out to be curtained and the light does not turn on! I feel that someone is touching my hair, but I don’t see anyone nearby and it becomes very scary

                      I dreamed that I was waking up, then I realized that I had a dream and woke up again, and so several times. Like a dream within a dream. I wanted to wake up but I couldn't really wake up. It was a real relief when I opened my eyes and realized that this time it was for real.

                      Hello Tatyana, today in the morning I had a dream what kind of dream I woke up strongly creaked and pointing my finger into the corner shouted this phrase oh look look oh oh but the fact is that I don’t remember what I dreamed about how the happy ones told me that I was very much surprised by something in general, I very rarely see dreams, but this is the first time this has happened to me, and I also couldn’t fall asleep for a very long time in the evening, as if something was bothering me, maybe this will somehow help thanks in advance

                      I had a dream that someone was chasing me, then I understand that it is a zombie and he is not alone, I run into the elevator, and there is another one, I pierce his head with scissors, but he does not die. then I close my eyes and tell myself, that this is just a stupid dream and decided to pinch myself to wake up, because I understand that this cannot be in reality. I wake up in my bed, get up and tell myself that I was right, that it was just a stupid dream, but then someone grabs my leg from under the bed and I fall, at that time some guy comes in and kills what grabbed me. And I understand that the nightmare continues. But then I really wake up in my bed and understand that something was a dream within a dream.

                      My phone rang and I woke up but it was ringing only in my head. In a dream, I already realized that I was sleeping and lay down to wake up for sure. When I woke up it turned out that I was still sleeping and the phone was still ringing in my head and then I woke up.

                      I dream that I sleep on the bed during the day. I want to get up, that is, wake up, but I can’t. I start screaming and calling for help, It feels like I feel everything, I hear everything, I scream, but I can’t get up and wake up. Several times in a dream a child of 5 years old came up to me, took my hand, wanted to help me wake up. His hands were warm. Then I again start screaming alone. he calls me. At this time, I wake up for real and my son is really standing at the toilet. He heard my lowing, as he put it, and began to call me

                      I dreamed that I wake up at home, but across the bed! I wake up not alone, but with a guy who I really like. At the same time, in a dream, I understand that when I came home, I immediately passed out, I, he nicely lay down next to me. Waking up, he looked at me sweetly, hugged and kissed me! then dad came into the room and asked where the guy I came with, I replied that he had left a long time ago, although in fact I hid him under the covers. When dad left, we continued to laugh cutely, etc.

                      Hello, I've been in love with a guy for a while. It seemed to me that I
                      too, but he did not continue to meet me, once there was an attempt to tell me something, but failed. Although he never had problems with girls, he thinks that I'm too right for him. Yesterday I found out that he started dating someone else. That same night, I dreamed that I was lying somewhere on the street and accidentally fell asleep. When I woke up, I saw this guy, got up, stretched and hugged him. Could this dream mean something? love it so much…thanks in advance.

                      Woke up with an ex-boyfriend (with him great relationship in real life) in someone else's apartment. There were three children and two adults, the apartment is very warm and nice, however, these people did not know how we got into their apartment, but they treated us very well. Then my boyfriend and I drank tea with them and left. Then he kissed me in the yard.
                      It's all kind of strange.

                      Woke up with an ex-boyfriend (we have a great relationship in real life) in an unfamiliar apartment. There were three children and two adults, they did not know how we got into their apartment and where we got the keys from, but they treated us very well. Then we drank tea with him, talked, gave the keys and left. Then we sat with a guy in the yard and he kissed me. And he kissed me the way he used to, even when we met, sensually, with all love. Help me please.

                      It was like waking up from a long dream within a dream. As if another world and I slept there all my life. Like in a coma. But I woke up. I saw myself sleeping from the side. Warm tones. Mom is reading a story. How I woke up. Gloomy room, abandoned, creaky. People different from our world. Someone on the outside. Someone towards me. And I was constantly tormented by the thought that I was sleeping. She even pinched herself. wanted to wake up

                      I’m sleeping, but I understand that I woke up, as if in reality, I see the room in colors, everything is clear, as in reality, my eyes are open, but I can’t get up or say something because I don’t move, I feel like I’m paralyzed and I have a wild feeling that someone else is in the apartment besides me, although I understand that my wife is at work, I wake up on a day off after that and I still remember how in reality the feeling of fear is such that the blood runs cold in my veins, I immediately ran around the whole apartment, but I didn’t find anyone, the fear was until the very evening

                      In a dream, I woke up abruptly, I understand that it’s already 10 in the morning, and I have to go to work by 10. I woke up where I live now, I start frantically getting ready for work, I completely forgot to do it in the evening, I forgot that I had a shift, panic. But somehow later I find myself in another city where I grew up and already there I rush to work, and it takes about three hours to get from there. In my head, the schedule of electric trains, time ... I see many friends, relatives.
                      In reality, during such a dream, I woke up, fell asleep again and highlighted the continuation. Sometimes I watch my dreams like this...
                      Maybe this is due to the fact that right now I have changed shifts at work, I don’t know, tell me please.

                      There were a lot of events in my dream, but, to be honest, I didn’t remember them very well, besides, I’m already used to seeing strange dreams. But I was very excited about one moment. In a dream, I wake up in my bed, I want to get out of bed, but my ex-boyfriend presses me to him and says that you can sleep a little more. I have not seen him for a year and a half, all feelings have passed and now I have a relationship with another person. But this dream.. What could it mean? Maybe I just somehow casually remembered him and my subconscious just threw this information out in a dream?

                      Hello Miller! From what I dreamed, I remembered only that I woke up with great difficulty in a dream. I slept so soundly and could not wake up, I felt in a dream that I was opening my eyes and could not open it, but in the end I opened my eyes in a dream. Please tell me why and what to expect??

                      in short, I had such a dream, I mean I’m in some place that I don’t understand where there are a lot of people and as I understood it was some kind of event and Putin was there, then we all went somewhere, Putin was ahead of me and when I passed it I started to soar above the ground, then when I had already moved away from him for a decent time, I began to fly up and found myself in some kind of space where there was absolutely nothing but darkness, and then I wake up in a dream and go to the aquarium and see that my presence affects the fish and they start to rush about and I let you down right hand to the aquarium with the palm of the hand to the fish and they accumulate at the place where I raised my palm and then from my hand it starts to beat some energy on the glass of the aquarium and I can’t do anything about it I move away from the aquarium and the energy in my hand went berserk and I try to calm her down with the power of thought, but nothing happens, and at that moment I have thoughts in my head that I discovered a power in myself that I cannot control and then I woke up !!!

                      I had a dream, you could say a dream within a dream. The dream was colorful and quite pleasant, but when I woke up I saw a real room with the lights turned off, I realized that I woke up in reality, but I could not move my body parts. Because of this, there was a slight panic. I tried to get up and wake up, when I patted my face with great difficulty I woke up. What could this mean...

                      i dreamed of my dog, who died not so long ago, she ran away from me. i dreamed of my house, we brought a cat for a cat, they began to mate. I went for a walk with my boyfriend. At some point, he just stopped talking and began to walk faster than me. A very steep and uncomfortable staircase (or bridge) stood before us; we had to cross something. he crossed it very quickly, but I could not. But she didn't ask for help. I tried to climb (moreover, I held on to some kind of rope made of women's hair). jumped off, saw a guy, he was standing with some people in the distance with shovels. I just turned around and went home. It was then that I dreamed that I woke up. And it was so true that I began to look at Wall Clock. they showed 23:49. I realized that something was wrong, as I went to bed at 10 am. there was a telephone nearby. There were unreal numbers on the dial and they were constantly changing. I got up and thought that I had lost my mind and with firm confidence decided to take a walk down the street. I just got up. as the TV began to flash pictures of me sleeping on the couch. and I finally woke up.

                      Hello, I dreamed that I woke up and there was a hand on my stomach, very heavy, I thought it was mine, I tried to remove it, but it didn’t work out, it seemed to be numb, I started biting it, pinching it, but I didn’t feel anything , and soon I realized that this was not my hand, because I raised my two hands up, and this one remained lying, and then I started screaming, loudly, yelling at the top of my lungs, but nothing was heard, I see how I open my mouth , but I can’t hear, then I took this with both hands cold hand and with all her strength, she lifted her up, jumped out of bed, but there was already nothing on her and ran to the kitchen, and in a moment, I was already lying in bed again, but I had already woken up. What's this? I’m scared because about 7 months ago, I had a similar dream that I supposedly got up, but why can’t I get up ...

                      Hello! I realized in a dream that I was sleeping and went to my friends, I don’t understand how I ended up there, and after that I went to a friend and met 2 stars, one of them was not recognized and she put on glasses, then I ended up in the bath and watered myself water and then I saw worms in the water, after that I felt the smell of fried meat in the kitchen through a dream, I got up and went to the kitchen, and then I got out of bed again and went to the kitchen, and it happened 4 times, for 5 I really woke up

                      I dreamed a lot today weird dream i I slept on the couch in the hall, and in a dream it was the same, but in a dream it seemed to me that someone was walking around the apartment, as if one of the family members was at home, although in reality there was no one. And it’s like someone is stopping me from sleeping, wakes me up, I get up and see someone, but I can’t say who, and it seemed to me that this was really happening. I tried to sleep, but someone again interfered with me, as if they wanted to steal the TV remote control from me, I felt somehow scared, I began to call Olya, my brother’s wife, for help, but I couldn’t, I didn’t have a voice, I call, I call, do not get. I decided to get up and look for Olya, and I got up in a dream, but only with difficulty, but it seemed to me that it was real that I was not sleeping, I went into the room and there were some two girls at the computer, I came up and got scared, and even on the computer, a photo of my cousin was displayed in a black background and the sound of the tacos came out sharply, like in a terrible movie, I was so scared. I went back to the hall on the sofa, I wanted to sleep again, but again someone bothered me, I was already scared , I realized that I was in a dream, but I couldn’t wake up in any way, I hit myself on the cheek and pinched my leg and head shook and yet I woke up, and my heart was beating so!

                      I was on a holiday, then I went to sleep, then I started waking up in a dream, at first I didn’t fall asleep there, where I fell asleep, but everything was not for revenge and the third time everything fell into place and I slept again and dreamed of friends and school walking there. this is my whole dream

                      Hello! Today in the morning I dreamed that I was going to have sex in the apartment in which I grew up with my dead father (there was nothing like this in my life and even thoughts) I realize this moment I feel very ashamed, and I see how my Mom, I run to her. I go to sleep on the bed on which I slept as a child, I smell it, then I feel how dad touches me scared. Mom is sleeping on the next bed, but for some reason she is very old, I scream at her to wake me up, she is sleeping, I take her hand and I start to yearn, she still doesn’t wake up, it’s in a dream. And then I realize that this is a dream, I want to wake up and I can’t, a feeling of horror and the presence of someone nearby. I try to wake myself up, I try to reach my sleeping husband and I can’t, there were several attempts to push my husband to wake me up, in the end I wake up from the fact that I push him, this is real.

                      I don’t remember the dream exactly, but I was struck by the fact that I was subconsciously able to hear the doorbell ring and the voice: They came. And at that moment, in a half-asleep state, I began to realize that I was going to the door to see what kind of mine. It was at 5 o'clock in the morning on the 25th of September this year.

                      Hello, on Thursday I went to the surgeon and met a friend there, we often see each other, we hug each other and that’s it, there are rare short conversations. I left the surgeon’s office and this guy was waiting for me there, we live nearby, so he waited for me. We walked for about an hour, although you can walk to the house in 15 minutes and went to him, drank tea, and then went into the hall, kissed for a long time, the next day, they told me that he had a girlfriend, but he often asks about me best friend. Now he constantly appears to me abruptly in all my dreams, from this I jump up and cannot fall asleep for a long time, and I really remember the dream too. What does this mean?

                      Hello! Lately, I have been suffering from moans in my sleep. It happens somewhere between dream and reality, i.e. I am just starting to fall asleep and at the same time I dream of something similar to the environment around - the same room where I fall asleep, the environment. And then the continuation. For example, yesterday I dreamed that I was falling asleep, then some kind of strong wave threw me against the wall and I started to climb up it to the ceiling. But I myself understand in a dream that this is a dream and I need to wake up, but I can’t! At this moment, panic seizes me and I start to moan, I wake up either from this moan or from the fact that someone (if not alone at home) wakes me up and says that I was moaning. Very unpleasant. Dreams are repeated, the dream itself may be different, but the essence is the same.

                      woke up in silence. the apartment windows were open. the balcony is destroyed. there was no wall alone in the apartment. in the bathroom some unfamiliar red-haired man. Entrance door opened "from" the apartment, and not as it is now "in".

                      being in someone else's apartment, she fell asleep on the couch with 2 other people's children and her favorite person. waking up, I saw that my beloved was not around and there was no car under the windows either, but there was snow on the street, and the children were no longer strangers, but as if they were mine.

                      Not the fact that this system works, well, let's check)
                      the beginning that I remember - I wake up at home, at the tram stop (which was not there in my life), I collect my things and go home, I meet my mother on the way, she asks where I was all night, and as if nothing had happened, I say that slept._. then I come home, everything is not the same as at my house o_O she tells me about something that needs to be done, or to find someone and says “I just have such a book” .. and gives me some kind of book with magic \ spells, I say that it is possible, if carefully, I pick up this book and fall to the ground, and as if nothing had happened, she went to the kitchen (cooking something), I lie on the ground and feel how my strength is leaving me, and then I got scared and woke up

                      i had a dream in which I woke up, I felt everything as if in reality I was talking with my relatives, then I went to bed again and woke up again in a dream, I realized that I was still sleeping and woke up in the present

                      Hello Tatiana! I lay down to sleep during the day and saw in a dream that I wake up, go to the mirror and see my face in the reflection - pale and stained with dried blood, and fresh blood in my nose. I put my hand to my mouth and start picking at my gums. There is blood on the fingers. I walk away from the mirror and wake up already awake.

                      Hello, help me understand. I don’t remember exactly what I dreamed about, but something very unpleasant, I tried to wake up, I didn’t succeed, then I woke up, I thought that it was in reality, but it was in a dream. I tried my best to wake up, I couldn’t, I even started to panic, it felt like I was in some other world, I felt my body, but I couldn’t move and wake up. This was my first time.

                      I dreamed as if I couldn’t wake up, I hear sounds around, I see objects in the room, what kind of entities, it’s dark around. I scream, but no one hears, and I cry from this, I pray, I ask God for the last chance, but still I don’t wake up, and it’s as if I can’t move. I thought in a dream that I had died. Then I wake up again, several times, but in fact I was sleeping.

                      I woke up in my room, walked around the apartment, went up to the window, near the window I got the confidence that I could fly away now, but I stopped the fear of not returning ... (although I periodically have lucid dreams with flights that bring real pleasure). Gradually, the feeling came that I was sleeping, but it didn’t help to wake up in any way ... I pinched myself in a dream, without any sensations, there was a slight panic, then the thought came to lie down on the bed again ... I woke up - my close relatives were around me - mom, dad , sister ... everyone except my brother, I asked what they were doing here, they said that I screamed a lot and they came to find out what was the matter ... I asked how they got there, they said that they had their own set of keys (it's true), the thought came to ask where the brother is ... and then I woke up for real ...)

                      I had such a dream today.
                      everything was like that.
                      in a dream, I slept and I understood that I was sleeping, while I could, as it were, from the side to observe what was happening outside the door.
                      there was some fuss, there was my brother, his girlfriend, mom and dad.
                      and then I woke up, went to the door to listen to what was happening there.
                      then the door opens and I see the head of my brother's friend and he smiled, I started to prop up the door so that no one would come in, but he opened it anyway.
                      and he came into my room, and behind him in the corridor were my brother, his girlfriend, mom and dad.
                      and I have no idea why he came into my room and why he dreamed at all, because we don’t even communicate.
                      for some reason, I abruptly rushed to the bed and began to dress quickly, then I raise my head and see another person who was standing next to everyone and they were all watching me.
                      it was the boy I like.
                      we communicate with him in life in the social. network, but in reality it was not possible to communicate, except for the usual "hello"
                      in general, at the same time he said loudly to me "HELLO"
                      and I started to get ready even faster, but at that moment my brother's girlfriend was standing next to me and I really wanted to tell her that this is the same boy that I like and he knows everything (something)
                      and this girl, she just really knows something about it, but not everything
                      in a dream, I was already ready to tell her about it, but something stopped me and I didn’t tell her about it
                      I put on a lot of clothes, I had big warm pajama pants and a T-shirt, then a sweater and another jacket like the pants, warm and big
                      and most importantly, it was seriously warm and I have no idea why I wore this
                      I quickly went to the bathroom and for some reason everyone followed me, plus this boy that I like followed me too.
                      he also came up to me, rubbing my back, asked “why are you dressed so warmly, it’s hot”
                      So I didn't say anything and left.
                      then there was some gap and I don't remember it
                      but then, I stood in my room, sort of, and saw how that boy and my brother were talking, even talking very well
                      this confused me, I don't know why
                      they went to my brother's room and I followed them
                      when this boy sat down, he unlocked the phone and I opened up a view of this picture in the phone, there were his dialogues and in these dialogues I saw their dialogue with my brother
                      and it is from that page that only I know
                      and then I decided in my head “I will now check their dialogue with my brother,” I don’t know why.
                      something like that

                      Hello, I dreamed that I first screamed at a meeting with a friend, and then I abruptly wake up at home, my husband is in another room, and I ask him how much I slept, he said 10 years and I felt uneasy and I thought that I slept the most interesting, but at the end of the dream, other people told me that I slept for only 4 years, although the feeling remained too !!!

                      i dreamed that I had been sleeping for a very long time, somewhere for more than one year, when I woke up in a dream it was difficult to get up, everything hurt, woke up in an unfamiliar place and began to look for my son .... I found my son, but panic fear did not disappear ... after that I met a friend who tried to put me to bed back by force. My son and I ran...

                      woke up ... decided to check whether I was sleeping or not ... closed my nose and tried to breathe, it turned out ... I realized that I was still in a dream ... I got up ... it was dark ... it was night outside the window ... something began to frighten ... not the fear that perhaps I was already dead ... I just felt that there was something else in the room ... I don’t remember further ... after that I woke up again. I thought it was not a dream ... I bit my finger. I felt pain ... it’s not like a dream ... I touched the blanket to feel it, it was very similar at the beginning, but then the sensations seemed to pass through my hand ... then I heard a rustle ... I looked towards the source of the noise, and there a little man, as if from plasticine, was hiding from me ... I was scared, began to scream, call for mom ... the voice was hoarse, quiet. then it became similar to mine, but it was still wheezing ... no one came to the screams and woke up ... I don’t remember further ... then I woke up two or three more times ... once I caught this little man .... then I realized by touch that he was made of plasticine ... also hoarsely shouted and called, felt fear ... after woke up for real ... my heart was beating fast, cold sweat, my head ached ... I went for a smoke, and then to sleep ... while smoking, I looked at the clock, it was about two in the morning ...

                      I slept, at first I had a normal dream, then I found myself in my bed, got up, went to the door, pulled the handle, felt that something or someone was pulling me back to bed, I tried to get up again, but it went on again and again (many times), but nevertheless I understood what was happening in reality and in a dream, in general, I understood that I wanted to wake up, but I couldn’t, something or someone was pulling back, trying to wake up different ways but couldn't.

                      I dreamed that I woke up in a dream, and at the same time it happened several times, I first woke up in a dream, it seemed like a normal day, after which I woke up again in a dream, without waking up naively. And it was several times somewhere around 3-4 times I woke up in a dream. Without waking up on a willow.

                      I woke up from the feeling of a hundred someone moving in my bed behind my back. I thought the child had come. And I can’t pronounce the name. And someone started shaking me. nobody there

                      I work as a driver, I load the goods and I arrive at the client, but I fall asleep early in the car, I wake up in the crane cabin, the cabin starts to fall, I can’t understand what’s going on with a pause, and all at first, for the third time, I understand that I was escorted through the checkpoint without being panned

                      I dream that my cat, who disappeared about a month ago, returns home, we go to bed, he lies next to him as and when he was there, then I wake up in a dream and again the same dream, this is repeated many times

                      I dreamed that my friends and I went to celebrate something in a cafe. They all drank, except for me and one other person. As it turned out later in a dream, I recognized him as my current boyfriend. Later in a dream, I wake up in a pure white, soft bed in someone's apartment. For some reason there are 3 TVs in the room. A guy comes out of another room. We are talking about something, I ask where I am, in response he replied that I was at his house, after the cafe I was tired and he brought me to him. When asked if there was something at night, in response I heard that he would not have touched me in such a state. Then he asks what I would like for breakfast, and they bring us 2 mugs of some kind of cocktail (there were fruits in it and he himself was pink or purple (light) in color.

                      i dreamed that a telephone conversation took place (I really look forward to this call in real life), then I dream that I supposedly wake up and do not believe that this call took place, to make sure of this, I look at my mobile phone and see a really incoming call. After that I woke up at night. I tried to remember the dream.

                      Hello! I dreamed that I woke up in a dream 3 times. For the first time I had a terrible dream and I wanted to wake up ... Something pushed me out and then again a dream and again ... And every time everything happened at night, jumping from windows, etc. Talking about rats ....

                      It is a dream that we went to rest with friends. The essence of rest - we go into the apartment, and there are several rooms and in each they sit different people(try on some image) and entering each room you need to adapt to them. It was a new kind of entertainment. And after visiting each room, we are going to leave. I didn’t drink alcohol, but in the morning I wake up in my ex-boyfriend’s apartment and can’t remember how I got there, after that apartment it’s a complete failure. At what the guy had some business, and he could not realize them due to the fact that I was with him, he was dissatisfied (in appearance), but did not express anything to me. I quickly started getting ready to leave and woke up.
                      I also recently had a similar dream, a vacation with friends - a failure - I wake up at his house. It becomes uncomfortable for me and I try to pack up and leave faster. I have a dream that I am lying on the couch, it’s like my granddaughter is sitting next to me and then the window suddenly opens, I want to get up and something is holding me, I try to scream and there is no voice and it’s so hard to get up I can’t, but then I got up with difficulty, I woke up

                      this dream was in an instant, I don’t really remember it, I remember that in a dream I suddenly woke up in my own room, but not in the place where I go to bed, that is, as if the rearrangement was in my room, I saw all this literally in an instant and immediately woke up to the reality of such a dream that is, I never had to wake up in a dream like never ...

                      Hello! I dreamed that birds attacked me and my friends, in order to escape, I realized that I was sleeping. I tried not to “fly out” of sleep, but woke up. While lying in bed, the computer turned itself on. He showed some movie familiar to me, but with the altered name. I tried to turn off the computer by pressing the button on the system unit, it did not work. Pulled the cord, it worked. Then he turned on again! With cord pulled out. Mom and dad are sleeping (we are in the same room), but I called my mom to help sort it out. I'm calling. I say: “MAM, MAAM” she woke up: “What do you need?”, Some girl answered the phone: “Ale ale ale.” After that I woke up for real.

                      Hello, my name is Nikolai, I dreamed that I woke up, I got out of bed, went to the kitchen, looked in the mirror and didn’t see myself. Then I opened my eyes again and decided to get up, but before that I decided to look at my hands, and didn’t see them either, it was again a dream, and so it went on over and over again, I woke up thinking that I woke up, but everything seemed like a mirage to me, I started to get angry that I couldn’t get up for real, after I started calling for help with screams, thinking that my parents would hear me in the house, I was very scared that I had a dream deceives me that I do not control the situation, but still I felt my body as if I feel it out of sleep. What is this my email please answer me please!??? please I am very interested

                      Hello Tatiana. Today I had a dream in which I hugged and walked with my ex-girlfriend, whom I had not seen for several years. We kissed, then we were surrounded by familiar joyful people for us. For a moment it seemed to me that the girl was tangled in my legs, after which it seemed to me that I woke up, but it was a dream. It became uncomfortable, since I did not see anyone around, it seemed for a minute. that I died. then I saw my hands and my wife sitting next to me, for some reason there was shaving foam on her face, we talked about something and I wanted to wake up again and seemed to even woke up, and then fell asleep again. Remarkably, this ex girlfriend I dreamed almost a month ago and we had sexual intimacy in a dream. We met as a couple 11 years ago.

                      I fell asleep in my dream. And when I was sleeping in my dream, I had a feeling of sleep paralysis, i.e. I tried to force myself to wake up, but nothing worked, and I also couldn’t move, I remember that at that time I heard some kind of noise that was coming with a stronger force and as if something was trying to penetrate my consciousness, but I didn’t allow, and then woke up and it also turned out to be a dream

                      I dreamed that I got on the bus but didn’t pay at the end of the bus my friend Elya was sitting then we ended up in the forest she was blindfolded and she was looking for me and I laughed and ran away then she found me and we saw people approached them my friend Elya gave me ememdens and people started running after us, they also wanted ememdens, we ran away and crawled out onto a very very large stump and lay down to sleep there, and when I woke up in a dream, I saw that a lot of people were walking around and I was on the same stump and next to me lay the guy I like…….what does that mean?

                      It’s as if I wake up and start telling my MCH my dream, but it turns out to be still a dream, then I wake up again and it’s still a dream, in general, I tried to wake up like that several times. And all the dreams (when I “woke up”) seemed very real!

                      I was waiting for my boyfriend, he had to wake me up, several times I allegedly woke up and he came into the room, the dream was too real. Further, I dreamed that I closed my eyes and seemed to jump out of my body to the ceiling and sharply back the dream took my breath away. Then I dreamed that I was waking up, but I couldn’t move my body. Someone whispered in my ear, turning around and there was no one there. Then I had wild laughter in my ears, closing my ears it became stronger. I dreamed of something like that, but so obvious and incomprehensible - for the first time

                      At first I played with children, but they were kind of strange (aggressive), when they played they didn’t notice that they were hurting each other (for example, pushing) and no one paid attention to it. Then one of the children said that someone was coming and we had to go to bed (we put away the toys and lay down). When I was lying down, I thought about how quickly we put the toys away in their places, that none of the adults would have guessed that we were playing at night (it was funny to me). Someone came in, opening my right eye and I saw a shadow on the wall (I was lying facing the wall and it was dark in the room), then I did nothing (I just thought about what I wrote earlier). It was a woman, she asked: "What are you doing?" (the voice was serious), and I was so scared that I started to tremble and I couldn’t see who was behind me (I couldn’t get up), only then she pulled me towards her and I saw grown woman, but I realized (from fright) that this was a dream, and again lay. When I was lying, I realized that I was still in this room again. The woman again pulled me towards her and I saw her in front of me, she was with big eyes and looked into my eyes so, I thought that she was reading my thoughts or looking into my soul. Soon she told me to sit on my knees (there were no children and other beds) and she herself sat down opposite me. She had some kind of round box (or jar) in her hand, she seemed to be waiting for something from me, and then I again realized that this was a dream, but I didn’t wake up, but was between the real world and sleep. And she seemed to be asking me with her eyes: “Will you stay or not?” (maybe it seemed to me), but I decided to wake up completely and for another 2 minutes I didn’t understand whether I woke up or not, and then when I drank water I realized that I was very scared and I started crying.

                      Hello, this is a dream
                      I sleep at home, I'm scared to get up, I try to turn on the light, but it doesn't turn on.
                      I go out into the kitchen, I look at the door ajar to the street and someone is standing behind it, I eat to close the door, but he goes into another room, and I ran into my room, took the phone and ran out into the street, there was some kind of car and they dragged me into it,
                      And so a couple of times, but I sip and start the same thing, but then it changes, then I eat to run, but I can’t, then I eat to ignore, and in last snippet I woke up and realized that right now everything was a repeat, I got up, took the phone, looked at the clock, it was beating at 01:12 (the minute was not exactly, but it was a deuce) I took the phone of cigarettes, I ran and closed the house, the guy stayed in the middle, I started to run and suddenly it began to grow light, I was walking along the road, I see some grannies were sitting, I lit a cigarette and I watched the sun rise, I decided that I needed a returnee and screeched the police dialed the number ... ..
                      And everyone woke up who can mean something ??? When I woke up at 12:42 pm Dream 2: I wake up early in the morning in a boyfriend’s shirt (I don’t really have a boyfriend), a huge room with open windows (large windows, to the floor, overlook the balcony), the walls in the room are light green, pastel, and the smell of breakfast from the 1st floor. The room has a bed, mirror and bedside tables.

                      good afternoon tatyana. i dreamed that I was sitting and opposite me was a girl who was swimming. she is drying her hair, clearly she has bathed or taken a shower and is dressed. She doesn't know me, but I know her and I decide to get to know her. we get to know each other, talk and then fail. then I remember that I went to her apartment, said or did something wrong, and she was offended by me. after that I go to my grandmother who is friends with her grandmother and ask her to talk to the grandmother of this girl so that she finds out what I did or said wrong and how I can apologize. To which she answered me so that I myself went to find out and not be afraid, and I said that I don’t remember if it was or I dreamed and then I woke up. my email thanks in advance

                      I went to bed yesterday. I’m sleeping in a dream, I see a girl, I’m worried why I feel some kind of danger and I can’t wake up, then I dream of two children, I also feel danger and I can’t wake up and say nothing, and when I wake up I’m afraid to fall asleep

                      I went to bed and I have a dream that I see some girl in black, she is talking to my boyfriend, for some reason I feel danger, but I can’t do anything and I can’t wake up. then I see two children I feel the same and then when I wake up I'm afraid to fall asleep

                      Hello, I often have dreams in a dream, and I realize that I am in a dream. I have such dreams every month for 1,2 or 3 nights in a row. last month I dreamed bad dream, which I followed late grandfather, and then she ran away from him and woke up, barely felt a pulsation, then she barely fell asleep and didn’t notice that I was already sleeping, took the phone to see the time, went to the window, returned to go to bed and saw myself sleeping, realized that I was sleeping, lay down and think “I need to wake up” , then I wake up and the same picture and so on 9 times, then I go up to my brother in a panic, take him by the breasts and shake him with screams "wake me up, I can't stay here, otherwise I won't wake up," then I woke up and again in dream, shake my brother again, and for 4 times I already started to pray in a dream, and then shake my brother, I woke up for the 5th time, I came up to shake my brother, but it turns out I can’t sleep anymore, I scared the child. and yesterday I had a dream, the usual dream is simple, colorful, then I wake up and realize that in a dream I woke up, went to the next room, I see my aunt and uncle are quarreling, then I walk around the house and think "fun, my soul walks while I sleep, and no one sees me, there is a knock on the door, a friend came to my brother, they both don’t see me, I walked around them, went to the mirror, took the phone and wanted to take a picture, I was wondering if I would be captured in the frame or not, so when I wake up to look and then they woke me up.

                      Hello! For some time
                      That time I go to sleep with the child during the day and I dream constantly different things from sleep to sleep. Today I dreamed that I go to bed and wake up in a dream and find myself with my parents’ apartment and, as it were, I walk past the hall and squeeze out my late brother, and in a dream I understand that I’m sleeping and as if he, too, he smiles at me, makes faces and I consciously stretch out my hand to him so that he gave me five, he gives and I wake up again in a dream, I go to the kitchen to check whether I woke up or not and I see a little niece with whom someone is playing, but I don’t see him. I run to my sister’s mother, I tell her and turn around and there is a gypsy and two little girls of 12 years old and my sister says thank them and go, I say thank you and run quickly to lie down to wake up and wake up again in a dream and dream of a train that is coming towards me I am very frightened and crumble already in reality, but I do not immediately understand this. This is what I wrote to you nap. I was even longer from sleep to sleep about six times when I woke up I didn't even realize I woke up. Tell me it's not scary that I have such dreams. It can't be that I'll go to bed without waking up thanks for the reply in advance. Sorry for the errors when typing SMS, the screen twitches and you can not see what you are typing

                      Good afternoon! Today I woke up almost in tears. I dreamed that my boyfriend or civil husband I don’t know (we’ve been living together for 4 years) got drunk and sleeps on the ground, and I kept asking him to go home, then for some reason I walk with my girlfriends who now live in Moscow while he was sleeping there, then we we approach him, and I’m already trying to wake him up there, and they say that he died, but he really seems to be petrified already, I try to wake him up, I ask him something and he answers me, and I tell everyone that he’s alive, he answers but lies all the same. I'm terrified of this dream when I remember the dream, tears flow. Please tell me what this dream can mean. Thank you in advance!

                      hello, I had a dream in which I woke up in a different place and in another city when I woke up in a dream I was surrounded by other people, most of the girls seem to play on their own and when I asked where I was and how I was, the courts half said like this hostel or borak when I asked how I was the court got answered mine brought someone but I didn’t remember this in a dream how I got there why this is a strange dream I can’t understand could you help if you can

                      Hello! I dreamed that I woke up so many times in my dark room, was afraid of something, and then flipped the switch because she wanted to turn on the light. I didn't succeed. Then she went to her parents, saw some body on their bed. They said they couldn't see him and that I was pranking them on April 1st. And I clearly clearly felt that I was waking up. I had a dream from Friday to Saturday, please help.

                      Hello! I dreamed that I woke up in my own room, and it was an incredibly realistic dream: I saw all the things, as they remained before going to bed, I could touch, smell, etc. So, when I woke up, I saw two familiar girls at the entrance to my room: the first one, the one I know personally ironed things, and the second one, which I don’t personally know, stood next to her and watched her, but looked sideways at me with peripheral vision, and when she noticed that I was admiring she turned around and smiled sweetly. Why could this be a dream? Thank you.

                      I sleep and have a dream that my friend and I were skating and another guy whom we don’t know in life, but we know him on the network. Then I find myself at home and it was very cold, and then it happens that I supposedly already sleep, like as if at the moment I’m turning over on my left side with my brother, and I’m sleeping and I want to wake up from the fact that it’s cold and I can’t, my whole body is cramping and not moving as if glued over with glue, I periodically opened my eyes and tried to somehow wake up and move my body and when I opened my eyes I saw that my brother was lying on his bed and looking down at me and smiling, I try to wake up, but I can’t, I’m scared, I periodically tried to open my eyes and saw how he was above me and smiling, I start yell and try to wake up and understand that if I can’t wake up, then they hear me, I scream mom, mom, ahhh, help, and open my eyes and he keeps looking and smiling as if it should be so, I clutch my head with my hands and continue to scream as if he would bind me and wild fear takes me, and then in a dream I continue to yell and try to wake up, as a result, I slowly open my eyes and understand that it was just a dream, and it was so scary because it seemed to me as if it was far from a dream and that I rolled over not in a dream on the same side

Throughout human history, the Moon has seduced, fascinated and frightened us. Under the moon, we quarrel, kiss, declare our love. We spent $26 billion to fly to this mysterious planet. What is the phenomenon of the Moon and how does it affect our sleep and does it affect at all?

One dream for two - the highest level of interpersonal communication

The human subconscious is fraught with many hidden abilities, and one of them is communication with another person in a joint dream. One dream for two is highest level lucid dream, which, however, each person can achieve by following a special technique and opening up to their hidden abilities. Dreaming together is a special kind of interpersonal communication in a reality created in a dream.

Dream or reality?

Did you know that the human brain does not distinguish between dream and reality? It sounds incredible, but when we dream, the brain perceives our dreams as reality.

Why dream of waking up

Wake up in a modern dream book

The dream in which you dream that you woke up is a warning of a very serious danger. It can be a danger to your health, to finances, to family relations. It is possible that people close to you are in danger. The circumstances that accompanied this dream are able to suggest where exactly the threat comes from. Such a dream has a special interpretation for those who want to master the practice of lucid dreaming. In this case, a dream in which the dreamer wakes up unexpectedly for himself speaks of the destructive processes that have begun in the body. The reason for such processes is your magical studies. Often, waking up in a dream, but at the same time remaining asleep in reality, means an upcoming special spiritual insight. Probably, you have to understand something fundamentally new, to realize what was previously hidden from your understanding. It is possible that you will take a fresh look at something that has never attracted your attention. But in any case, the dream in which you wake up reminds you of the need to be attentive to the events taking place around you.

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

"wake up to new life", "wake up".

What does the dream in which Awakening dream means, wake up

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

Hazard warning. Spiritual insight, awareness of what was previously hidden from the attention of the sleeping person. Many false awakenings in sleep. (waking up, acting in a dream, but not waking up while awake) - a warning about health hazards in general, and specifically: about beginning ...

The meaning of sleep about Awakening, wake up

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

Hazard warning. Spiritual insight, awareness of what was previously hidden from the attention of the sleeping person. Many false awakenings in a dream - waking up, acting in a dream, but not waking up while awake - a warning about health hazards in general, and specifically: o ...

Dream Interpretation: why dream of Waking up

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

Wake up to a new life, wake up.

How to interpret the dream "Dig the earth, sow, plant in a dream"

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

One way or another, in a dream, from time to time you have to either dig the ground, or sow something, plant, or dig it out. Well, let's figure out why we dream of land work. Digging the ground in a dream is always bad! Yes. If you are going to dig in a dream ...

Dream Interpretation: why Anger is dreaming

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

Anger at oneself: this is a state of fullness of the liver: a physical and mental imbalance, when struggle and domination are chosen from all possible states. Any possibility or need for submission is annoying and considered humiliating and unworthy. A person is directed to the future (a state of anger) and does not recognize ...

Dream Interpretation: what is Steam dreaming of

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

Couples to see him - to a meeting with your first partner. Your feelings are not yet so faded as not to wake up again. However, try to listen to the voice of reason and not be led by emotions. Do not try to resurrect the past, it is no longer ...

Dream Interpretation: what the Cage is dreaming of

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

It may seem to you that to dream of yourself being caged means to be locked up, captured, or restricted. If in a dream you experience fear, such an interpretation may be correct. However, the cage, in addition to this, also symbolizes protection. Do you want to close...

How to interpret the dream "Mountain"

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

If a young woman dreamed that she was passing a mountain in the company of a cousin and a smiling sibling, this means that a change in life awaits her in better side, but at the same time it is also a warning: do not flatter yourself with friends, because ...

How to interpret the dream "Noise"

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

The strange noise that you hear in a dream is preparing you for some unexpected and unpleasant news. If the noise of your sleep made you wake up, unexpected changes for the better will occur in your affairs.

Dream Interpretation: why dream of Kissing

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

To see a dream in which a certain woman kisses a man, then this dream means that in the real world you know a lot of personal things about them or take an active part in their life. Kissing your children in a dream - you will have a lot ...

Dream Interpretation: why dream of Fear

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

To dream of the fear of other people, but not being able to help them, speaks of disappointment and helplessness in your current situation. such a dream promises a lot of trouble for the people you dreamed about. Besides, similar dream see during the growing ...

Figure skating - see in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

If you saw a figure skating competition or a corresponding show in a dream, then the events that will happen very soon will help to establish shaky relationships with some people. I dreamed that at such an event you were sitting in the chair of a jury member - this is a romantic ...

Dreaming "Unbreakable dream" in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

To dream about how you sleep and can’t wake up in any way - your body requires rest that you cannot afford.

To dream of falling

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

A dream about a fall portends loss, illness, trouble or insult. In any case, your plans, health or happiness are in danger. To feel in a dream that you are falling means the bitterness of loss and worries about it. Sometimes such a dream can mean missed opportunities, loss ...

What does the dream in which you dream Dream, sleep mean

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

"oversleep" - be late, miss significant event, event. "fall asleep forever" - death. "sleep and see ..." - strongly desire. "go to sleep" - step back from business. “sleep in a deep, sound sleep” - insensitivity, unconsciousness. "wake up" "wake up to a new life."

Dream Interpretation: why dream Dream, sleep

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

Oversleep - be late, miss an important event, event. To fall asleep forever is death. To sleep and see ... - to wish strongly. Go to sleep - step back from business. Sleeping in a deep, sound sleep - insensitivity, unconsciousness. Wake up Wake up to new life.

If in a dream you see "Noise"

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

Hearing a strange noise in a dream is bad news. If the noise from your dream made you wake up, expect unexpected changes for the better in your affairs.

Dream Interpretation: Why Blasphemy Dreams

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

To blaspheme with others and not be stopped by anyone in impious actions entails a fire in the house you inhabit, or a huge theft, and the more terrible details of wickedness this dream lasts, the worse the consequences can be. Therefore, it is best to immediately ...

If you dream of Noise, what is it for?

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

If in a dream you hear a strange noise, this portends unpleasant news for you. If the noise of your sleep made you wake up, there will be unexpected changes for the better in your affairs.

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