Do-it-yourself cold-smoked smokehouse - drawings, dimensions and construction instructions. Homemade smokehouse, do-it-yourself smokehouse in stages Project of a smokehouse for hot smoking

  • 27.06.2020

Do-it-yourself hot smoked smokehouse is a rather straightforward process, but there are certain nuances.

Basically, the smokehouse is used for smoking fish or meat, but you can also smoke other products, such as lard and much more.

Hot-smoked fish and meat have a delicate taste and exquisite aroma.

But in order to fully enjoy the unique taste, certain subtleties of smoking should be taken into account.

An electric smokehouse, which can be bought at any store, is quite expensive, so many amateurs try to create a device on their own.

We will talk about how to make a hot smoked smokehouse yourself from a brick, bucket, refrigerator or barrel in this article.

Features of a hot smokehouse

Sometimes it is difficult to decide which type of smokehouse is better to do with your own hands - hot or cold smoked?

If the goal is to get tasty fish in a short time, then there is no need to spend time building a cold smoked smokehouse.

Hot smoked fish will cook fish quickly and tasty. With this type of smoking, the fish will be ready within 40 minutes.

Cold smoked fish will take longer. High-quality preparation of cold-smoked fish takes from three to five days.

Also, the construction of a cold-smoked smokehouse takes a lot of time. The meaning of cold smoking is that the resulting smoke passes underground, while losing temperature.

For a cold-smoked smokehouse, the length of the chimney should be about 10 meters so that the smoke reaches the fish cooled down.

Also, for cold smoking, two chambers are needed - one produces smoke, the other contains products. Therefore, cold smoked fish can be smoked for several weeks.

Cold smoked products have a more refined taste.

The basic principle of smoking is that at the optimum heating temperature, the wood does not burn, but smolders, and a lot of smoke is generated.

For proper hot smoking, the bottom of the smokehouse must be heated to 300-350C.

When this circumstance is met, sawdust slowly smolders, and when the temperature rises even by 50 degrees, the wood at the bottom of the smokehouse burns out and releases carcinogens.

Soot settles on the products and they become unsuitable for consumption. The purpose of smoking is to prevent the wood from charring while smoking the fish.

The smoking temperature of the products themselves is 70 - 120 degrees.

In large-sized smokehouses, fish is smoked more correctly, since volume and weight prevent overheating of the smokehouse, which negatively affects the taste of fish.

Another condition for proper smoking is light smoke. Do not allow large fractions of smoke to fall on the products.

As in the process of cold smoking, with hot smoking, products are processed with smoke. Gradual penetration plays a big role in the process of hot smoking.

Light smoke should linger near the fish, only then the aroma will penetrate the fish evenly.

The concentration of smoke for hot smoking is considered optimal if the fish is completely shrouded in smoke and is poorly visible.

All these tips are relevant if you decide to create such a device yourself. But if there is no time, then an electric smokehouse is suitable for you, which you can buy at any thematic store.

We make a smokehouse with our own hands

To make a smokehouse, you need to know its structure and principle of operation.

The smokehouse should have two chambers: one for placing products, the second for sawdust. In most types of smokehouses, these two chambers are combined in one container.

Before starting to make a smokehouse with your own hands, you need to make drawings, and then do all the work.

by the most simple option is an electric smokehouse that does not require manufacturing effort, you can simply buy it in a store and start the smoking process.

However, homemade smokehouses are more advanced. If you make a smokehouse yourself, then smoked meats will surprise you with their unusual taste.

The article presents drawings and a process diagram of how to make a smokehouse from a brick, bucket, old refrigerator and barrel.

Bucket smoker

If you plan to smoke a small amount of products, then you can make a mini-smokehouse with your own hands. Making this type is suitable for beginners in this matter.

This will require an ordinary iron bucket (maybe another container) and a lid.

At the bottom of the bucket, you need to install a grate, and make holes on top for rods with hooks on which the fish is hung.

It is necessary to make holes in the lid for the smoke to escape.

Sawdust and wood chips are poured to the bottom, then the smokehouse is put on fire. When heated - sawdust and wood chips begin to smolder, after which the products are suspended.

The fire under the smokehouse is only needed to maintain the temperature, so it should not be large. Cooking lasts 30-40 minutes.

A small flame is allowed only in the rain or just in cloudy weather.

Smokehouse from a barrel

When you plan to smoke a large volume of products, you can make a smokehouse from a wooden or metal barrel. from a barrel is a fairly popular smokehouse option.

When making a smokehouse from a barrel, first of all, it is necessary to clean the barrel of paint if it is metal. To do this, it is enough to hold it on the fire for 60 minutes.

In the presence of wooden barrel- It must be washed and dried in the sun.

Then, in the walls of the barrel, make holes for attaching rods for hanging products.

Now you need to make a glass of metal pipe, whose dimensions are 40-50 cm in length and 0.5-0.6 cm in diameter, the wall thickness is not more than 3 mm. The glass is inserted into the hole through the bottom of the barrel.

The height of the barrel is determined by the convenience of installing the glass. When using a wooden barrel, the glass is protected by asbestos cloth from overheating.

You also need a cover, for which a sheet of plywood is used. For a snug fit of the lid to the smokehouse, you can put a weight on top.

Now you need to warm up the chimney for one hour (sawdust combustion period) using a blowtorch or gas burner. The flame must be controlled to avoid excessive smoke.

After the smokehouse has completely cooled down, you can take out the products. It is advisable to let them air out in the air to remove unburned sawdust.

Smoker from the refrigerator

Do-it-yourself home smokehouse is an unpretentious thing and you can even make a smokehouse from an old refrigerator, the main thing is to make the device correctly.

First you need to remove all plastic parts and aluminum freezer. It is necessary to leave only the metal case and the lattice shelves.

If the refrigerator body is cracked, then they need to be patched with pieces of iron sheet.

An electric stove is placed at the bottom of the refrigerator and connected to the mains. It is necessary to turn off the stove after 3 minutes.

Chips are poured onto the spiral with a layer of about three centimeters. The fish is smoked with the refrigerator door closed for about 6 hours, the meat is cooked longer.

Fish and meat for smoking are laid out on lattice shelves or hung on rods.

brick smokehouse

The principle of operation of a brick smokehouse is no different from others. A brick device is similar to a Russian stove, as a wooden door is used instead of a lid.

The door must be overlaid with clay, and the clay must be covered with a sheet of iron to prevent shedding.
For a brick smokehouse, you need to make a strong foundation.

The dimensions must be planned in advance and the laying of the smoking cabinet from ceramic brick.

The size of the brick smokehouse chamber depends on the amount of products that are planned to be smoked. However, the chamber should at least be twice the size of the firebox.

It is necessary to create an air duct at ¼ of the height of the smokehouse and protect the junction with a collar. Above the inlet of the duct, it is necessary to arrange drainage of the same type as for the furnace.

Around the brick smokehouse it is necessary to compact the soil.

A brick home smokehouse can also be made with a lid, which can be made from a metal sheet or board. The walls are built of bricks.

Under the lid, for tightness, burlap is spread.

For smoking, you need to remove the lid, lay firewood and make a fire. The lid is put in place, but you need to leave a small gap for air to enter.

The smoke enters smoking cabinet through the duct. After the coals have formed, you need to add fruit chips.

Then fish or meat is placed in the cabinet, and after the cabinet is filled with smoke, the lid must be closed. It takes about an hour to smoke.

Smoker from a gas cylinder

If a gas cylinder remains on the farm, then the device can be built with your own hands even from this unnecessary thing.

At first glance, making your own hands may seem complicated, but in fact everything is much simpler.

Before starting any work, it is necessary to release the remaining gas from the cylinder. Why is it necessary to take it to the wasteland and saw off the valve.

To check that the container is empty, you need to apply soapy water to the valve, and if there are no bubbles, then the container is safe.

Now the balloon needs to be rinsed, for this it is enough to fill it with plain water. In a cleaned container, you can start making a smokehouse.

To lay fish or meat, you will need a large door, so the walls must not be cut completely. The next step is to weld the hinge of the future door.

When the hinges are ready, the doors can be cut to the end. Then you need to cut off half the bottom. You need to make a firebox from thick sheets of iron and then weld it to the cylinder.

Before the first use, it will be correct if you heat the cylinder with firewood.

Smoker for hiking

A large catch of fish makes you wonder what to do with it before the fish goes bad. The easiest way out of the situation is to smoke the fish.

After all, a camping hot-smoked oil lamp with your own hands is not difficult to make.

Making a smokehouse will require a hole in the ground with a diameter of 35 cm and a depth of 45 centimeters. This is a smoke pit.

Now you need to dig a trench, which will be the chimney of the smokehouse, then another hole for the fire. Thus, 2 pits are obtained, which are connected by a trench.

The smoke from the first fire hole will travel down the chimney to the second hole containing the fish. The trench must be closed with branches, preferably wet, and sprinkled with earth or sand.

The smoke outlet in the ground needs to be slightly raised using the ground, so that the smoke will not scatter to the sides.

After creating a semblance of a pipe at the outlet pit, all holes must be covered with sand or earth. This is how a do-it-yourself camping smokehouse is made.

For smoking, you need to kindle a fire in a deep hole and warm it up. After warming up, close the hole. After a couple of minutes, smoke will start to come out. We put the fish on the outlet.

Smoke for about 40 minutes.

The right choice of sawdust

Sawdust plays an important role in the smoking process. Therefore, it is important to choose sawdust correctly. The taste of smoked products depends on the choice of sawdust.

But the best taste and aromatic qualities will give fruit trees(apple, apricot, pear, cherry and others).

An excellent choice would be juniper chips.

The color of finished smoked meats also depends on the choice of wood species. For example, mahogany sawdust will give the fish a beautiful golden color.

Alder and oak chips will give a brown or dark yellow color. Hornbeam shavings will add a unique color and taste to fish and meat.

Mostly dry wood is used. Dry sawdust increases the humidity of the smoke, burns slowly, as a result of which soot settles on the products. Therefore, it is better to wet the wood a little.

The amount of sawdust depends on the size of the smokehouse and the number of products.

You need to adhere to the following rules: for 3 kg of fish or for 40 liters of smokehouse volume, use one handful of sawdust.

This dosage is sufficient, since smoke occurs within 15-20 minutes and during this time the wood has time to fulfill its purpose - to be absorbed, after which the fish acquires a unique aroma.

You can not abuse sawdust, as this will negatively affect the taste, and exceeding the norm is harmful to health.

The taste of homemade smoked meats cannot be compared with store-bought products. The reason for this is the change in smoking technology in the industry. This process used to take quite long time. Now it’s enough to dip salty foods into “liquid smoke” and you can immediately send them to the supermarket counter.

Whether it's natural smoked dishes that you can cook yourself. It is only necessary to build with your own hands a useful metal smoke structure in the country or in field conditions and enjoy delicious delicacies. It is worth noting that the smokehouse is an indispensable item for those who love hunting, fishing, or simply a gourmet. To make it, you do not need special skills, just select the desired drawing or photo and reproduce the structure, although, however, you can do without these attributes.

  1. Smokehouse from a bucket. You will need an old unnecessary metal bucket, a few grates and sawdust. Grids are inserted into the bucket: one 10 cm from the bottom, and the second at a distance of 5 cm from the original. Sawdust is laid on the bottom with a thin layer and the smokehouse is ready.

    Smokehouse from a metal bucket

  2. Smokehouse made of stainless steel. A simple device that is convenient to use in field conditions. A metal box, inside which gratings are welded at a distance, as in a bucket. The design is installed on a fire or barbecue, and on top is covered with a lid or a sheet of iron. In 15-25 minutes, you can get appetizing fish, meat, chicken, etc. from such a smokehouse.
  3. Metal refrigerators (second-hand). Old Soviet refrigerators are perfect for this option. From them you need to get all the insides, cut off the roof from above. It will act as a chimney. It is necessary to install three pairs of corners, two of them for the grills of the smokehouse, and the lower one for the tray on which fat and juice will collect. At the very bottom of the refrigerator, you need to install an electric stove, after turning on which the smoking process will begin.

    Smokehouse from an old refrigerator

  4. Smokehouse from a barrel. Common way. The design is not much different from the previous versions. The smoking shed is equipped with grates, a fat tray. Add a chimney and you get a cold smoked smokehouse, and if you place it over a fire, you can cook hot smoked delicacies.
  5. Smokehouse with a water seal. Making this design at home will not work. But it can be easily purchased at a store or in the market. Her hallmark is a reservoir that is filled with water. And thanks to the sealed lid, the smoke does not go out, which makes it possible to use it in the apartment.

    Smokehouse with water seal

Advice. You can learn more about the options by watching the video.

We make a homemade hot-smoked metal smokehouse (drawings and photos)

To make a hot-smoked metal smokehouse with your own hands, you will need:

    • Bulgarian;
    • fittings;
    • apparatus for welding;

When making a metal smokehouse, you cannot do without a grinder
  • carpentry corner;
  • sheet metal 2 mm thick (67 x 157 cm) - 2 pcs.

All the necessary equipment is ready, it's time to get to work. The main thing is to strictly follow step by step instructions.

Hot smoker options

Such a simple sequence of actions will help you build a homemade metal smokehouse for hot smoking. It is perfect for cooking bacon, meat, fish, game, etc.

How to build a cold-smoked metal smokehouse with your own hands (drawings and photos)

The difference between a cold smoked unit and a hot one is that the temperature is much lower (about 35–40 degrees). This effect is achieved due to the partial cooling of the smoke during its passage through a special pipe. The cold smoking process is longer.

Cold metal smoker
  1. Dig a hole in the ground 50 x 50 cm and a meter deep. This will be the firebox. If desired, it can be overlaid with refractory bricks.
  2. Next, you need to dig a chimney that will lead from the firebox to the smokehouse chamber. Its diameter must be at least 30 cm.

    Scheme of arranging a smokehouse for cold smoking products

  3. Dig a trench, and cover it with sheet iron from above. To prevent smoke from escaping, iron sheets are sprinkled with soil on top.
  4. The place where the chimney and smokehouse will be connected should be equipped with a filter. Its role can be played by a metal mesh with small cells. It will not allow soot to get on the products.

    Preparing the trench for the chimney

  5. At the top of the smoking chamber, grates are installed on which hooks hang. It is convenient to hang fish and meat for smoking on them.

Attention! A hot smoked smokehouse can serve as a cold smoked structure, but for this you need a chimney that will connect the firebox and the chamber.

The cold smoked smokehouse is ready. The only thing left is to cook your favorite dishes. Delicate taste, incredible aroma and naturalness of products, guaranteed quality of handmade smokehouse. Even a beginner can build it, and it will not take much time. But the result will exceed all expectations. You will be able to please your friends and loved ones with new gastronomic delights.

Making a metal smokehouse with your own hands: video

After processing, the products have a pleasant taste, unique aroma. Smoking work is available only to the person who takes into account the rules of processing, observes them.

Because of this, amateurs create the design on their own. For some people, its choice is simple: for them, making a smokehouse is considered commonplace. These are skilled people. Master's products are made from different materials: bricks, buckets, old refrigerators, barrels. Having own site, a rare gardener does not take the opportunity to have a smokehouse in the garden. The main thing during the construction of a structure is the creation of safety for the operation of the device, the ability to draw drawings correctly.

Rules for proper smoking:

  • smoke must flow to the product in a measured manner;
  • the product must be processed on each side;
  • the appearance of light smoke during the process is mandatory;
  • the haze is characterized by a pleasant smell, white color.

The parameters of the structure are not considered significant indicators, the correctness of smoking is more important. The processing process is performed at 70-120 degrees. The choice of processing device depends on the preference of the owner, the suitability of the selected container, and the volume of processed products. Also, in the manufacture of fixtures, their dimensions are taken into account.

The smokehouse is a responsible design. The turnover of smoke in it is carried out in a short time, which is why the requirements for construction are so important. It smokes fish in 40 minutes, the meat processing process lasts much longer.

The work lies in the formation of the best temperature for heating the chips. At the desired temperature, the components will begin to smolder, a a large number of smoke. The bottom of the device itself is heated to 300-350 C. This parameter will create slow smoldering for the sawdust.

If the upper temperature is exceeded, the fuel will simply burn, and it will release carcinogens. Soot appears on the processed components, they become unsuitable for food. During the processing process, the wood should not be charred, otherwise the home smokehouse will not work properly. In containers with large sizes, the process of smoking fish occurs correctly.

The mass prevents the structure from overheating. When properly smoked, the appearance of a light smoke from the fuel is considered a good sign. A large influx of smoke is considered a negative sign, it will certainly go to the wrong place. For hot smoking, the gradual flow of smoke to the product is an important indicator.

A light smoke near the fish can linger only for a certain moment, but even during this period it will pass into the product evenly. Full envelopment in the smoke of the device - good sign: means that the accumulation of incoming smoke is good, the fish is almost invisible, and the smoking work is done accurately.


When creating a design, you need to know how it will work in the future. Usually two chambers are equipped inside: one is the one in which the products are placed, and sawdust is placed in the second. In many devices they are combined. At the beginning of production, it is necessary to draw drawings, a sketch with the correct parameters, only then do the work.

Connoisseurs say that if it is made by hand, products from it - meat or fish - have a special taste.

Bucket tool

This type of mini-smoker is recommended for beginners. When creating a structure, they use an ordinary metal bucket, adapt a lid to it. Lattice devices are placed on its bottom, holes are made in the upper part of the bucket, designed so that rods with hooks can be inserted. It is on these hooks that fish are hung to be smoked.

Holes are made in the body of the lid so that the smoke can freely escape. Then the smokehouse with fuel components is set on fire. After heating, the fuel components begin to smolder little by little. At this time, hang the fish. Fire is required only to maintain the temperature, its large flame is forbidden. The fish is cooked for 30-40 minutes, the meat requires a longer process.

Important! If the weather during the period of work is cloudy, it rains, then the flames create a small one.

Metal barrel tool

If you need to process a large number of products, use a larger container - a metal barrel. A barrel smokehouse is a spacious building. The manufacturing process is simple:

  • at first it is fired from colorful inclusions. When firing spots, the barrel is placed on a fire, left for 60 minutes, colorful spots burn completely;
  • placement height determines the possibility of inserting a glass. If it is made of wood, the glasses are protected with asbestos cloth from overheating;
  • make a cover using plywood pieces. For a better fit, a heavy load is placed on top.

After that, the chimney is heated for 60 minutes, this time is necessary for the combustion of sawdust. For the combustion process, a blowtorch is used, in the absence of a gas burner. Its flame is monitored, avoiding excessive smoke. As soon as the barrel cools down, the products are immediately taken out. First, they are aired, unburned sawdust is removed, then used for food.

From the fridge

At the beginning of work, plastic elements, a freezer are removed, the body, lattice shelves are left. The body must be solid, cracks are patched with pieces of metal cut from solid material, inspected to check the tightness.

Put on the bottom of the refrigerator electric stove, its cord is plugged into an electrical outlet. After three minutes, the stove is turned off. Chips are poured onto the spiral tiles, its layer is three centimeters. Smoking with closed doors takes place for six hours; for meat products, a different time is used, longer. Meat products for smoking are placed on grates, sometimes hung.

Building with bricks

Do-it-yourself construction made of bricks is similar in appearance, action with an old Russian stove, only instead of covers they use a door made of wood. It is covered with a clay composition, covered with a sheet of iron so that it does not crumble. For the construction, a reinforced foundation is made. The design parameters are determined in advance, the masonry is performed using ceramic bricks.

The parameters of the smoking chamber depend on the volume to be processed. The chamber of a brick structure should be approximately twice as large as the firebox. Smokehouses are created only from ceramic bricks. Then they create a fixture for an air duct equal to 1⁄4 of the height brickwork, the joints are protected by a collar element.

Drainage is arranged above the duct inlet as for a firebox. The surrounding space on the ground is compacted. Prepare a metal cover, wood cover. Burlap is used to seal the lid. During processing, the cover is removed, fuel is placed in the device, and a fire is lit. Then it is placed in place, leaving a small hole: it is intended for the entry of air masses.

The smoke into the fixture passes through the duct. As soon as coals are formed from the fuel, wood chips are added. Then food is placed inside - meat, lard or fish. As soon as the chamber is completely filled with smoke, the lid is immediately covered. Continue smoking, it takes about 60 minutes to complete the complete process.

Use an empty bottle

If the owner uses liquefied gas in cylinders, there comes a point when the cylinder becomes unsuitable for further use. The thing becomes unnecessary, but you can find a use for it.

Carefully! gas cylinder can only be used after complete removal from the liquefied gas cylinder. According to the rules, only a specialist, a gasman, can release condensate from a cylinder. The condensate in the cylinder is under pressure.

In the future, the balloon is used as a metal container. First, an empty cylinder for the presence of pressure in it is treated with soap and a brush. If there is no pressure inside the balloon, the soap will not bubble, the balloon is safe. Saw off the valve. It is well washed, filling with water. When the inside of the balloon is cleaned, make a device for the smokehouse. The sides of the balloon are cut, but not completely.

This is how walls are formed. Weld hinges for future doors. When they are done, the sides are cut completely. Cut off 1/2 of the bottom. A firebox is made using sheets of iron, welded to the cylinder. They make a trial heating of the furnace, then the design is used for its intended purpose.

Smoker for hiking

A big catch of fish is just the moment when a smokehouse is needed. Until the fish has deteriorated, it needs to be smoked. It is simple to make a structure, it is enough to dig a hole 45 cm deep, 35 cm in diameter. It is required for outgoing fumes. Then they dig a trench - this is the smokehouse chimney. Another hole is dug for burning fuel. The result of the adaptation is two pits connected by a trench.

The smoke from the first hole, where there is a fire, passes through the chimney to the location of the second hole, where the fish is already located. The trench is closed with branches, preferably moistened with water, sprinkled with soil a little. The hole with a change in smoke in the ground is slightly raised, in this position it will not diverge to the sides. As soon as the pipe for the exit pit is created, the holes are covered with soil. The result is an excellent camping device.

What is better to heat

The taste of the finished product depends entirely on their correct selection of furnace raw materials. Connoisseurs recommend using wood chips, sawdust from tree species: aspen, ash, alder, oak, beech. The best aroma for smoked products is created fruit trees, shrubs - cherry, pear, apricot, apple. The best aroma is created by sawdust, the chips of which are made from juniper.

Important! Birch chips, coniferous are not used. Components give the products a bitter taste.

Grape branches are used as an additive to obtain the best aroma, giving the products a spicy taste. All kinds of components can be added after mixing. The colors of smoked meats also depend on the choice of trees. If use different types sawdust, wood chips, then their color will be varied.

For example:

  • mahogany chips give the ingredients a golden color;
  • alder, oak - brownish, dark yellow;
  • hornbeam shavings give an unusual color, affect taste sensations.

Wood for processes is used only in a wet state. Dried sawdust does not increase smoke, burns slowly, soot deposits settle on smoked meats. The amount of sawdust consumed is influenced by: the parameters of the structure, the volume for processing.

Important! According to the rules, a handful of sawdust is used for three kg of product. .

This dose is enough to smoke the components in 15-20 minutes. It is during this period that the wood will fulfill its purpose - it will be absorbed into smoked meats, they will acquire a unique smell. The use of excess sawdust when smoking is considered a harmful action, increases the danger.

Like all food processing accessories, these smokers or others require some care. They are kept clean if they are going to use the items repeatedly. If the use of the device is not expected, dispose of it in a certain place.

Stainless steel has the highest preference for manufacturing. Then comes a brick structure, other metal containers. To make the design correctly, experience, tools, drawings are required.

It is necessary to decide in advance: what will be the design: portable or stationary, determine its parameters, although they do not have any effect on the quality of cooking.

Design requirements - tightness, ease of use, tight-fitting lid. It should be "easy to control" so that less smoke leaves the container during smoking. Smoked meats are prepared because of the smoke, it is emitted by sawdust, wood chips, if they are well heated.

It is necessary that these ingredients do not ignite, but smolder gradually. If there are no thermometers, the master focuses on his experience. For a beginner, thermometers are a must. With constant operation, the metal is deformed, the lid loses its tightness. Since the main condition during work is the observance of the impermeability of the smoking chamber, the deformed product must either be changed or a new one must be made.

Having made a smokehouse with your own hands, you will enjoy the unique taste of fragrant products smelling of fresh smoke.

Smoked products can be classified as delicacies with a specific aroma and taste. Their store value is quite high, and the taste can sometimes be poor, as smoked meats that are often sold are made using liquid smoke. A do-it-yourself smokehouse made at home from improvised means will help you get a real smoked product.

The smokehouse is not a complex structure, and almost anyone can make it, but for this you need to know the rules of smoking, objectively determine your abilities, prepare the material, and only after that proceed with the manufacture of the device.

Before you start making a smokehouse, it is recommended to get acquainted with the nuances of smoking:

Types of product processing

To make a quality smokehouse, it is worth getting acquainted with the types of smoking:

  1. Cold smoking. Produced at a smoke temperature not exceeding +50°C. For example, the process of smoking salted fish usually lasts about 6 hours. A large meat ham can be kept in the chamber for about 3 days. Products obtained by cold smoking can be stored in the cellar for about 1 year.
  2. Hot smoking. The procedure lasts about 15 m for fish and about 4 hours for ham. Smoking takes place at a temperature of +70 ... + 120 ° C, but hot smoked products are stored for only a few days, and they are much inferior in taste to smoked meats obtained by cold processing with smoke.

The specifics of food processing with smoke

The type of smoking depends on the distance of the chamber where the products for smoking are laid, and the smoldering hearth where the sawdust is located. For example, a do-it-yourself hot-smoked smokehouse should emit high-temperature smoke; for this, the hearth is arranged next to the smoking chamber. And for cold cooking of smoked meats, it is quite small, within + 35 ° C, the temperature of the smoke, therefore, to cool it, the hearth is arranged far from the smokehouse.

The hearth is located at a distance and is connected to the chamber through a long chimney with an upward slope, where it is cooled to a certain temperature. The temperature is not enough for the heat treatment of products, so the fish meat should be prepared in advance for consumption. In this case, smoked meat acquires only the appropriate aroma, color and high taste qualities.

The disadvantage of cold smoking is the length of the process, which can take several days.

The hearth for smoke is located next to or under the smokehouse chamber, due to which a constant high temperature is formed in it, and the smoke not only saturates the smoked meats with a specific aroma, but also heats them until they are ready for consumption.

During hot smoking, semi-finished products are placed in the chamber in the form of salted meat, lard or raw fish, which is also sprinkled with salt.

The typical question of how to make a smokehouse at home can be answered like this: hot smoking equipment can be compared to a conventional brazier with sawdust or wood chips laid on it. Only she is located at the bottom oven, in which products are laid for further smoking. Smoldering sawdust gives off smoke and certain temperature, thanks to which the products undergo heat treatment in the oven and are saturated with the aroma of smoke.

A self-made smokehouse can have the most simple design operating on the principle of convection. By ensuring a constant supply of smoke to the products and maintaining it at a certain temperature, it is possible to smoke not only meat and fish, but also vegetables at home. At the same time, it is not necessary to build special brick smoking ovens or bulky metal constructions when everything can be done using improvised materials. After all, the principle of operation of smoking equipment does not change.

This is the simplest do-it-yourself cold-smoked smokehouse with a hearth for obtaining smoke, located at a distance from the oven smoking cabinet.

The usual average length of the chimney is about 2.5-3 m. For the free passage of smoke, a trench is dug about 25-30 cm deep and about 50 cm wide. Its bottom, along with the walls, is laid out with bricks on a clay mortar. Metal sheets or flat slate are laid on top, which are then sprinkled with earth.

If there is a ceramic chimney with a diameter of about 200-250 mm or similar made of metal, it can be put in a dug trench instead of a brick.

At the top of the firebox, to regulate the access of air to the hearth and remove excess smoke, it is imperative to install an air damper.

The junction of the chimney pipe with the smoking chamber must be airtight. To do this, you can use a solution of clay.

Smoke chamber

A simple smoking chamber is easiest to make on your own from a metal barrel with a capacity of 100-200 liters.

To do this, the top cover on the barrel is completely cut off, and a hole is cut in its bottom according to the diameter of the pipe taken out of the chimney.

A removable tray is installed from the middle of the barrel below, which will be needed to collect the fat released from the smoked products during processing. There must be space between the pallets and the walls of the chamber for the free passage of smoke.

Above the pallet, at least one grate is mounted for laying products, and on top, to the inner wall of the barrel, special stops are welded for laying trim pieces of reinforcement, on which, with the help of hooks, it will be possible to hang fish or other products prepared for smoking.

The smoking chamber can be laid out of brick - this will be the best solution, but it is not cost-effective to build it if smoking will be done in rare cases.

Schematically, the equipment for hot cooking of smoked meats looks something like this: a brazier filled with sawdust is installed above an open flame. It can also be placed on an ordinary hot stove, here, the main thing is not the source of the flame, but the creation of a temperature from which the sawdust will smolder.

Hot sawdust smoke passes into the chamber where the products for smoking are placed, and, impregnating them, simultaneously performs heat treatment. Products are placed above the tray, which collects the fat emitted by the products under the action of hot smoke, while excess exhaust smoke is removed from the chamber through the vent of the cover or a special chimney.

The second option for hot smoking is a barrel with a firebox built into it. instruction, how to make a do-it-yourself smokehouse with a firebox:

  1. Several oblong holes are cut in the bottom of the barrel to remove the ash accumulated from smoldering sawdust. At the same time, these holes will act as a blower for supplying air to the furnace.
  2. A hole about 200x300 mm in size is cut out in the bottom wall of the barrel. Doors are made from a cut sheet, which are hung on an opening cut in a barrel.
  3. A sheet of metal is placed above the furnace, the diameter of which is equal to inner diameter barrels. The sheet is welded to the wall of the barrel and separates the firebox from the smoking chamber, which should occupy about 2/3 of its volume.
  4. A hole is cut in the welded sheet of metal, which is the bottom of the chamber, and a chimney is inserted.

Camera for kitchen

Before you make a smokehouse with your own hands, you need to do the following:

free smoking

This option is the easiest. If an extractor hood is mounted above the stove, a tin can of sawdust is placed on the burner with a light flame. The product prepared for smoking is suspended from the hood above the jar, and one should not forget about the fat collector, which can also be made from a tin can.

The smoke rising from sawdust will be cooled to some extent, and fat droplets will most likely fall already hardened. The same procedure can be carried out on an electric stove. True, this method cannot prepare a lot of products, but enough for a small feast.

A homemade mini-smoker can be quickly made from an ordinary metal bucket:

  • sawdust is poured on its bottom;
  • above them, retreating a short distance, a grate is attached, on which a tray is installed for collecting fat;
  • holes are made at the top of the bucket for inserting metal rods, on which products prepared for smoking with hot smoke will be hung with special hooks;
  • a small vent is made in the lid through which excess smoke will be removed.

The finished smokehouse is placed on a small fire, when the sawdust is smoldering, the prepared products are hung on the rods, and the bucket is closed with a lid. The smoking process can take 30-60 minutes.

old refrigerator

All the insides are completely removed from the refrigerator, the lining is removed and the insulation is removed. All freed up internal space is adapted for the smoking chamber.

Installation of food grates, a fat collector, a sawdust brazier and a smoke supply - everything is done in the same way as for a barrel. Only in the barrel, all work is done through the top, and in the refrigerator - through its door, which closes during operation.

Currently, there are several common options for smoking products. One of them is hot way. To get the most delicious and delicious dishes, you need to have a smoking chamber. It can be purchased at a retail outlet or you can assemble an apparatus such as a hot smoked smokehouse with your own hands. For this you need to study design features this device and the procedure for creating it.

Unlike the cold method this method implies a stronger temperature effect on products. On average, this figure is 100 ºС. The duration of the cooking process is less than when using devices that operate on wood.

Varieties of smoking: hot, semi-hot and cold. Do-it-yourself smokehouses made of brick, stainless steel, barrels. Councils for assembly and operation.

Do-it-yourself hot smoked smokehouse: diagrams and photos

It is not necessary to draw up a drawing of this device yourself. On the Internet you can find a huge number of ready-made schemes containing all required dimensions. With your own hands, a drawing is made only when you need to make a device that will best suit individual needs.

A small smokehouse can be made quite quickly - in just 1-2 hours

For example, there may not be a drawing on the Internet that fits some non-standard options plates. And also the scheme will be needed in the case of making a smokehouse from improvised means. Do-it-yourself drawing of a hot-smoked smokehouse should include the following details and their detailed description:

  • firebox;
  • camera;
  • grids and holders;
  • pallet;
  • smoke tube.

All of the above elements are necessary in the design of the simplest hot-type metal smokehouse. It is important to remember that the dimensions of this device must correspond to its purpose. A small portable smokehouse runs quite quickly - in just 1-2 hours. Before proceeding with the manufacture of this device, you need to purchase the appropriate tools and materials.

Note! Undoubtedly, the best option is to draw up an individual scheme. Such work will make it possible to produce the most suitable design for a particular case. To save time, on specialized sites on the Internet you can find photos of drawings of hot smoked smokehouses. It is much easier to assemble this design with your own hands if the work is done according to a scheme drawn up without errors.

To fix the gratings on the walls of the smokehouse, you need to make special corners in advance

To assemble the body of the smokehouse, you will need a sheet of stainless steel or galvanized steel. Plain steel is not recommended because it has more low stability to high temperatures. And you should also prepare a metal grill in advance, which can be obtained in an old refrigerator. Metal corners are used to fasten the walls of the chamber to each other.

And finally, you will need a pallet and a thin tube that will take the smoke outside the chamber. If necessary, you can buy such a device for a very reasonable price. The price of a hot smoked stainless steel smokehouse is 4-5 thousand rubles.

All you have to do is buy the right tools. To assemble the smoker, you will need a hacksaw, a file, a mallet and a wooden block. In addition, the work takes into account the use of a drill and welding equipment.

How to make a hot smoked smokehouse: instruction

Each process that takes into account the installation or assembly of certain structures can be divided into several stages. Creating a device for smoking food at home is no exception to this rule. Consider step by step how to make a hot smoked smokehouse with your own hands.

Stainless steel sheets for the manufacture of smokehouses must be at least 2 mm thick

First of all, you need to take a sheet of stainless steel or galvanized. Focusing on the drawing drawn up earlier, it is necessary to cut a box out of it. The connection of individual sheets to each other is carried out using welding equipment and a bar. The block must have a 90° angle so that the edges of the box can be aligned using it as a mold. The tool for alignment is a regular hammer. Further, the resulting structure is connected by welding.

The next step is to make a cover from a metal sheet. It is desirable to equip it with curved edges. They can be obtained by welding or you will need to cut the edges and bend. Then you need to make a hole in the cover for the smoke pipe. After that, it remains only to weld the tube to the desired location. Attentiveness will allow you to competently assemble a hot smoked smokehouse with your own hands. The drawing and the dimensions indicated in it should always be at hand.

Thus, making a smokehouse with your own hands is not as difficult as it seems. At the next stage, it is necessary to place corners inside the metal tank, on which the fat tray and the food grate are installed.

Note! In order not to make mistakes during the assembly process, it is recommended to watch a training video on this topic.

How to make a hot-type smoker with a water seal

To assemble a device equipped with a hydraulic seal, it is first necessary to prepare a stainless steel sheet. It should be noted that such models often differ small size which makes them easy to transport.

When choosing a material, you should pay attention to its thickness. It is not recommended to use thin-walled stainless steel, as it may not withstand exposure to high temperatures. However, too thick sheets of metal are not good choice, since their use does not allow to provide the conditions required for smoking. If necessary, you can buy a hot smoked smokehouse. The price of a device equipped with a water seal ranges from 4 to 7 thousand rubles.

The water seal itself is quite simple. It is a groove that can be welded on the top of the chamber (around the perimeter). In addition to organizing the groove, the cover of the device should also be modified. Sides directed downwards are welded to it.

Before proceeding with the implementation of such a unit, you need to download from the Internet or make your own drawing of a hot smoked smokehouse. The principle of operation of the hydraulic seal is to immerse the protrusions of the cover into the water, which fills the groove. This design prevents the penetration of air from the outside, ensuring proper sealing of the chamber.

The differences between a smoker with a hydraulic shutter and other models do not end there. The bottom in this design has one feature: it is removable. A metal sheet, performing this function, is equipped with sides that have an upper direction. It is also recommended to supplement the bottom with legs (from below).

How to smoke in a hot smoked smokehouse: meat, fish and other products

Smoking is a method of preparing foodstuffs that heats and smokes them. Most often, this method is used in order to obtain meat and fish dishes. If desired, other provisions (for example, cheese or vegetables) can be subjected to similar processing.

When cold smoked, the final product has a more refined and delicate taste. The difference in this case lies in the temperature and duration of the process. The first indicator should be lower, and the second, respectively, higher. Cold devices are most often used for fish. How to make a cold type smokehouse at home? This question can be answered by studying the information on the Internet.

As for the hot oil lamp, its use can significantly speed up the process of smoking products. This is due to the fact that the temperature in such a unit is on average 100 ° C. For example, hot smoking of fat takes no more than 1 hour. Moreover, after 20 minutes of cooking, the temperature in the tank must be lowered to 90 ° C. The shelf life of bacon prepared using this technology is only a few days.

Helpful information! The shelf life of any product that has been smoked in a hot oil lamp does not exceed a week.

So what is the right way to smoke food in such devices? It is worth remembering that the smoldering temperature of the fuel (chips) during this process should be between 300 and 350 °C. In this case, the smoking temperature will not go beyond the required indicators, which range from 70 to 130 ° C.

Before using this type of unit, it is recommended to study the videos on this topic. They will allow you to quickly figure out how to smoke lard, as well as other products, in a hot-smoked smokehouse.

Hot type smokers are a good alternative to cold smoked devices. The speed of bringing products to readiness in such units is ten times faster. At self-manufacturing hot smoked devices, it is recommended to first study the drawings, the work plan, and also read the training videos on this topic.