How to choose an induction oven. Electric stoves with induction hobs Induction stoves for the kitchen with an oven

  • 20.06.2020

To disprove or confirm this often mentioned myth in the media, we need to understand how the induction hob works.

Let's pay attention to Fig. 1 and understand how the dishes are heated on the induction surface. So. The induction hobs use the same glass ceramics that are used in traditional ceramic hobs. The main difference between induction is “stored inside”... And inside we have “hidden” not a traditional HiLight heating element, but an electromagnetic coil.

We put the dishes on the hob and turn it on. In this case, the coil creates an electromagnetic field that generates heat not in the blind, as in a conventional hob, but in the dishes themselves. That is, in other words, glass ceramics acts as a support for dishes. The heat in the dish is formed from the fact that in the bottom of the dish the molecules begin to move at high speed due to the action of magnetic field.

However, if we raise the dishes 1 cm from the glass ceramics, then the magnetic field immediately disappears and the generation of heat in the dishes stops. That is, as you and I understand, there are limits to the propagation of a magnetic field. How big is the magnetic field? Can it harm human health? A device for measuring the magnetic field will help us answer this question.

Let's take an example from life. We all blow dry our hair after taking a shower in the morning. Have you ever wondered if it's bad for your health? Probably not, because we do not tend to think about the bad. However, when measuring the level of magnetic field strength, a surprise awaited us. The intensity level of the hair dryer at a distance of 3 cm from it was 2000 μT (Miklo Tesla). At the same distance, the intensity level of the induction hob was 22 µT. Surprised? We, too!

induction hob 91 times safer than a regular household hair dryer! Measurements at a distance of 30 cm were also in favor of the safety of induction: 0.65 versus 7 for the hair dryer.

Well, the myth is completely refuted: the induction hob will not be able to harm your health and the health of your children!

Myth 2. For induction, you need to change all the dishes at home.

This myth is exactly as old as there are induction hobs on the home appliances market in Russia. The fear of something new always breeds myths like this one. Many of those who have purchased an induction hob had no idea that, for example, their old enamel cookware, which is 15-20 years old, has ferromagnetic properties and is suitable for an induction hob.

Why not remember the story of aluminum cookware and the hostess who threw it away without thinking that the bottom of such dishes could be from a different ferromagnetic material and could it fit the conditions for cooking on an induction hob? There are many stories and even more than you can imagine. That is why this myth is very easy to refute.

In order not to throw out all old crockery on which you are used to cooking, you need to check its bottom for ferromagnetic properties and this is done very simply: remove the magnet from the refrigerator and attach it to the bottom of the dish from the outside. If the bottom is magnetic and the magnet “sticks” to the dishes, then this means only one thing: this pan / frying pan is suitable for cooking “on induction”. The myth has been refuted again, and the old favorite dishes will be able to delight you again and again!

Myth 3. Induction heats up like a regular glass-ceramic cooker (with Hi Light elements)

One of the most common myths, although the induction hob was created so that the glass ceramics do not heat up to high temperatures, but the dish is still cooked. Well, to the delight of those who doubt the acquisition of an induction hob, the next attempt to refute this myth is dedicated ...

So. As you and I already found out in the myth #1 about “safety of induction hobs”, an induction hob makes the food hot by heating the dishes with an induction coil. Those. heat is initially generated in the bottom of the dish, and only then this heat is transferred to the glass ceramics. In a conventional hob with Hi-Light heating elements, everything is exactly the same, but vice versa: the heat is created by a tape heater, the glass ceramics are heated from this heat, and only then heat is transferred from the glass ceramics to the dishes.

On fig. Figures 4 and 5 show experiments carried out by our company to disprove this myth. Try to do the same at home on a hob with Hi-Light heating elements ... * Afraid? Right! Because if food, water or other objects get on a conventional working glass-ceramic hob, they will immediately burn. This will not happen with an induction hob due to a different principle of operation.

Of course, glass-ceramics on “induction” will heat up from hot dishes during cooking, but there will be no burning and glass-ceramics will not be. The glass-ceramic induction hob will continue to delight you with its advantages! Another myth busted and sent to the treasury of completed Hansa MythBusters rebuttals!

* Hansa LLC warns about the dangers of such an experience and does not recommend it.

Myth 4. Any object that falls on a working induction cooker will get very hot.

Oh, how those manufacturers who did not release induction at the moment when it appeared on the market loved this myth. What could be heard from such “specialists”: “If you keep your hand with a ring on your finger on the hob, it will heat up and your finger will burn”; “Any metal object that gets on it will heat up,” etc.

Hansa induction hobs have minimum diameter cookware, which is 8 cm. If this diameter is lower, or the total heating area is small, the induction hob will not turn on. This is a very important parameter for the safety of your health and the health of your family. It should also be noted that if the dishes are not suitable for use on a given surface, then it will not heat up.

Hansa induction hobs have a cookware detection sensor and if you try to turn it on without using the cookware, you will not be able to do it. No, no, and again no: it will not work, as, indeed, with your children, who want, for example, to “push” the buttons of a new object in the house. Myths, myths... how much they "eat" into our consciousness, although they have no good arguments for this... Another myth has been destroyed by Hansa specialists!

Myth 5. Induction hobs and hobs should not be installed above ovens, dishwashers and washing machines, as well as refrigerators, freezers and other devices with metal surfaces.

Oh yeah! Our favorite myth, which at one time was a stumbling block for the consumer, who chose the classic installation layout for himself and wanted to install the hob above the oven. There were also those who installed these items separately: a cabinet in a column, and a surface on a countertop. “But why waste space under the hob?” - the consumer thought - "I'll put a box for storing cutlery under it!".

And at this moment the most interesting thing began: salons and kitchen studios, not having Hansa induction surfaces available, convinced the consumer of the need for such a surface and argued with all the myths that we have already refuted, including this myth. “Your forks will get hot!” - said the employee of the kitchen salon ...

Well. It's time to debunk this myth. Go! So, what is a magnetic field and how is it formed? The magnetic field manifests itself in the effect on the magnetic moments of particles and bodies, on moving charged particles (or conductors with current (Fig. 10)) . In this case, the current passes through an electromagnetic coil hidden under glass ceramics, and the second important component of the formation process electromagnetic field is a feromagnet - in this case cookware suitable for induction heating. Electromagnetic coils are arranged parallel to the tabletop. In this case, theoretically, the magnetic field should act both on objects above the hob and on those below it. And this is absolutely true on the basis of theory, if not for one BUT.

There is one caveat that concerns Hansa induction hobs. Our surfaces use a special magnetic field insulating component called a "heat sink" (Fig. 11). It just does not allow the magnetic floor to act on the forks, spoons and knives located in the box under the hob. In addition, there is a belief that a cabinet cannot be placed under the induction surface. Do you already understand what can be done? :-) The distance from the hob to the cupboard is about 20 cm, and the magnetic field is 1 cm above the hob. The aforementioned heat sink is responsible for the absence of this field at the bottom of the induction surface.

Well, the 6th myth crumbles like confetti in New Year. It is destroyed in the same way as the legend that storks bring children was destroyed. This myth, very popular with many, will finally remain a myth and will not disturb the minds of those consumers who have made their choice in favor of induction hobs!

Massive stoves with built-in ovens are gradually becoming a thing of the past. Modern kitchens more and more began to look like an exhibition of furniture art. Therefore, household appliances, in order to look aesthetically pleasing against the background of the interior, must have one useful quality - the ability to fit in. So, an independent induction panel above the oven, built separately into the kitchen table, looks stylish and beautiful.

Features of the induction hob

The induction hob is a more advanced version of the conventional electric panel. It combines all the advantages of its predecessor and minimizes the disadvantages. However, the differences between them are significant, despite the fact that they both require electricity to heat the burners.

Difference from electric stove

As mentioned above, the induction hob is included in the category of electric stoves. But its principle of operation is significantly different from a conventional electric furnace, in which, by means of electricity, the heating element is first heated, and then the hot spiral gives off its heat to the dishes standing on it.

In an induction cooker, current is supplied to the coils, which, unlike heating elements, do not heat up, but create a magnetic field that also remains cold. But as soon as an object with specific ferromagnetic properties falls under this radiation, it immediately begins to heat up. The bottom of a metal dish has such qualities. specially designed for cooking on an induction hob. At the same time, at the hob, only the area that is affected by the heat of the pan or pan standing on it is heated.

Important! People with a pacemaker should remember that it reacts to a magnetic field at a distance of 30 centimeters from the radiation source. Therefore, it is not recommended to purchase such a hob. Otherwise, you should not approach it closer than 33 centimeters, since the field also extends over the burner.

Features of work

When purchasing an induction oven for the purpose of installing it above the oven, you should consider work features such a device.

Advice! You should refrain from leaning on the included induction oven, since in its work it uses the same waves as the microwave oven, and their effect on the human body has not yet been fully studied.

Rules for installing a stove above the oven

When choosing a classic installation option, namely, when the hob is located above the oven, you need to follow the installation rules. The main condition is the observance of a gap for air circulation. If induction hob desktop, then it has legs that create a gap above the surface of the table for ventilation. And if the stove needs to be built into the countertop , 2 cm around the device must remain free of any objects. It is this distance that is necessary for the normal circulation of the air flow.

Each induction hob has bottom thermal plugs. They are located just below the coils and prevent the spread of magnetic waves and heat down from the device. Compliance with the above clearance allows these heat traps to be cooled to a safe temperature. It is also desirable that there is no back wall at the table where the induction surface will be placed. Distance between the wall and the device should be from 6 to 10 centimeters.

The operating instructions forbid placing objects with magnetic properties immediately below the unit. In view of this, a box with cutlery should not be placed under the tile. Also, for normal operation of the fan, it is necessary to exclude the possibility of various debris or small objects getting into it. So it is better to leave this area completely empty. You can install a drawer only if the stove is combined, but only from the side of conventional electric burners.

To protect saw cuts in the countertop from moisture, need to seal them. And to prevent the flow of various liquids on the electrical parts of the device, it is necessary to put the tile not immediately on the countertop, and using a special gasket supplied with the hob.

Important! It is necessary to remember the minimum distance from the hob to the lower section of the hanging furniture or the hood. It must be at least 650 mm. And the section with the plate itself must be securely fixed for stability.

Before you buy such equipment, you need to remember about compatibility of such devices with electrical wiring in the house. You need to choose a hob of suitable power, otherwise you will have to change all the wiring. Leading electrical cable must not come into contact with the body of the stove and oven, and the connection must be reliably grounded.

There is a false opinion that the waves emitted by such equipment have a bad effect on the operation of other household appliances. As stated above, beyond three centimeters, the effect of magnetic radiation does not apply. In addition, the stove is equipped with a special screen - thermal plugs. So worries about a built-in oven, especially if it is electric, are groundless.

Advice! You need to be aware of the possibility negative impact radiation of the induction cooker on mobile phones and television antennas.

Benefits of an induction hob

Despite all the nuances in operation and when installed in a furniture set, induction hobs have a number of undeniable advantages.

Advice! To save on the purchase of dishes with a ferromagnetic bottom, you can buy special adapter stands that heat up from a magnetic field and then transfer heat to ordinary pots (pans). But in this case, most of the advantages of induction panels over electric ones are lost.

Analyzing the pros and cons of induction panels, it is clearly seen that the positive aspects are much greater than the negative ones, which include only the high cost of the stove itself and the need to purchase special dishes. As The main advantages should be highlighted safety and efficiency in operation. These hobs are easy to use and the cooked food does not contain harmful substances characteristic of burning products on electric and gas stoves.

The best induction hobs

Hob Bosch PIF672FB1E on Yandex Market

Cooktop Hansa BHI68300 on Yandex Market

Hob Electrolux EHH 56240 IK on Yandex Market

Cooktop MAUNFELD EVI 292-BK on Yandex Market

Hob Bosch PUE611FB1E on Yandex Market

Plate - key element household appliances, without which it is impossible to do in any kitchen. And if earlier the assistants to the hostesses were electric and gas, now induction furnaces are gaining popularity. And this is justified, because they have a lot of undeniable advantages: fire safety, economy, high speed of heating and cooking.
Induction Furnaces- the most modern household appliances for the kitchen

The principle of operation of the induction furnace

The induction furnace appeared on the household appliances market in the 80s of the last century, but the invention was treated with distrust due to the high cost and incomprehensible principle of operation. Only after restaurateurs began to use the induction hob and felt its benefits, hostesses who wanted to simplify and speed up cooking took advantage of their example.

The principle of operation of induction cookers is based on the use of magnetic field energy. Glass-ceramic under a copper coil, when passing through the turns of which electricity converted to inductive. When a cookware with a magnetic bottom is placed on a burner, the current acts on the electrons of its ferromagnetic material, setting them in motion. As a result of this process, heat is released, due to which the dishes heat up and the contents in it come to the cooking stage.

Cooking on an induction hob requires special utensils.

Induction hobs are fundamentally different from electric and gas hobs in the following aspects:

  1. Coating heating. In traditional stoves, the burner heats up first, after which it transfers heat to the dishes standing on it. Induction heating involves heating directly the bottom of the pan or pan. Glass ceramic hob at the same time, it heats up from the dishes, and after removing it, it cools down for 5 minutes.
  2. Coefficient useful action. Induction electric stoves have an efficiency of 90% due to the fact that energy is not spent on heating the burner, but acts on the bottom of the pan.
  3. Saving electricity. Adjusting the temperature of the induction furnace occurs almost instantly, which leads to rational energy consumption.
  4. Safety. During the operation of the stove, the panel itself does not heat up, so you can not be afraid of getting burns.

Features of cooking

Often, housewives deliberately refuse to buy electric induction stoves, because they are afraid of difficulties when turning on and cooking. In fact, there is nothing complicated in turning on the induction cooker.

After connecting the appliance to the power source, a signal will sound, notifying that the hob can be turned on. Each zone has a power regulator and an adjustable timer.

Unusual design induction cooker

How to cook on an induction hob is described in detail in the instructions for its use. There are marked temperature conditions and power parameters necessary for a specific cooking process of a particular dish. For example, boiling water occurs at level 7-9, stewing - 5 or 6.

Types of plates

On the home appliance market, ovens of various functionality and cost are presented. Users can purchase both inexpensive induction cookers for the kitchen and multifunctional systems mounted in cafes and restaurants.

The main types of this equipment include:

  • compact desktop induction cookers with one or more burners;
  • built-in appliances or separate hobs;
  • combined stoves - combine elements operating on the principle of magnetic induction and electric heating burners.

Combined induction gas cooker

When choosing a stove based on the energy of a magnetic field, you should pay attention to the power capabilities and the number of modes. Intensive heating function allows you to cook the dish faster .

Infrared sensors control the maximum heating of the bottom of the pan and prevent food from burning: in my opinion, this function is necessary in the device.

It is worth thinking about the shape of the burner: it can be flat or recessed. The possibility of using dishes with a different bottom will depend on this. Multifunctional devices, such as induction cookers with an oven and a large number of burners, will allow you to cook several dishes at the same time.


Depending on the type and cost, electric induction furnaces have the following technical characteristics:

  • the maximum heating temperature is 60 degrees Celsius;
  • power ranges from 50-3500 W;
  • the number of adjustment modes is differentiated from 12 to 20 depending on the type of device;
  • devices are equipped with a touch panel;
  • the heating element operates on the basis of induction;
  • The device is equipped with a timer.

Like any technique, this one is not immune from breakdowns, however, it will not be difficult to find spare parts for induction cookers. In addition, people who understand the laws of physics can easily make an induction cooker with their own hands. However, remember that it is worth taking on this business only if you have the necessary knowledge and experience.

We select dishes for the induction cooker

Many housewives are sure that they will have to buy all the dishes for the induction cooker again, since the existing one will not work. This is not entirely true.

To bring the induction hob into operation, it is necessary to use cookware with ferromagnetic properties. Checking this is quite simple: you need to attach a magnet to the bottom. If it sticks, the cookware is suitable for use on the stovetop.

Iron, enameled and cast iron pans have ferromagnetic properties. Glass, ceramic, porcelain and copper containers are not suitable for a magnetic oven.

In the case when there are no suitable pots and pans available, it will not be difficult to choose dishes for induction cookers if you use a few tips:

  • bottom induction cookware must have a diameter of at least 12 cm to ensure the optimal area of ​​​​contact with the surface of the stove;
  • the thickness of the bottom of the grill pan for an induction cooker or other container must be at least 2 and not more than 6 mm;
  • the bottom surface should be flat, without bends;
  • the icon on the cookware for induction cookers, which looks like a horizontal spiral and means the use of a ferromagnetic material, can help in choosing the right container.

There are many companies involved in the production of pots, pans, stewpans, braziers and even Turks for induction cookers. Therefore, buying them is not difficult.


If it is not possible to purchase a complete set of special cookware, you can use an adapter for an induction cooker. It is a disc 2-3 mm thick with different diameters depending on the size of the pots and pans. The principle of operation is as follows: the coil transfers heat to the adapter for the induction cooker, which, in turn, heats the dishes standing on it. When using such a device, it is not necessary to buy a special kettle for an induction cooker, you can easily use your favorite ceramic one.

The main advantage of an electric induction cooker is that the bottom of the cookware heats up very quickly, while the work surface itself remains cold. As a heating element in such devices, an electromagnetic coil is used, through which a current passes, due to which a high-frequency magnetic field is created. It delivers heat directly to the bottom of the cookware, and the cooking time is reduced by 15-20 minutes. Such household appliances can be of two types. Desktop induction electric stoves are suitable for cottages. They are compact and light weight making them easy to transport and store. electric stoves standard sizes, equipped with an oven, are installed in an ordinary kitchen.

The main advantages of induction electric stoves

  • Safety. The surface of the turned on stove does not heat up, so there is no risk of burns.
  • Simple and easy maintenance. Remains of food and stains that have fallen on the work surface do not burn, and you can remove them with the help of wet wipes however, the use of abrasive cleaners is not recommended.
  • Profitability. Induction electric stoves consume little electricity.
  • heating rate. The surface heats up in minutes: it takes only 3-4 minutes to boil 1.5 liters of water.
  • Booster. Many modern electric stoves are equipped with this function. With its help, you can heat up food very quickly: the booster redirects power from one burner to another for a while, thus increasing its productivity.

Where to buy an induction electric stove?

A large selection of induction electric stoves, the price of which is affordable, is presented in the Eldorado online store. Orders with delivery in Moscow and any other city in Russia are accepted online via Personal Area user registered on the site.

Everything you need to know about induction ovens with an oven: from choosing a model to self installation.

Induction ovens, especially with an oven, are not yet very common in our kitchens, but gradually these models are gaining a place for themselves. They are stylish, economical, and most importantly, the safest, because they heat only the metal bottom of the dishes. If you decide to purchase such equipment for your kitchen, you must at least get to know it in absentia so as not to make a mistake when choosing.

Problems of induction - real and far-fetched

Everything that seems unusual causes distrust, and the appearance of each technical novelty is often accompanied by myths and horror stories. In the case of induction, this did not acquire much scope, since, in general, we all studied the principle of their work at school in physics lessons.

Here, the heating element does not increase its own temperature, but only affects the dishes if they contain sufficient iron content. All other items can be safely left on the induction cooker - nothing will happen. This is what worries the housewives, who think that now they will have to change all the pans and pans and buy a new set. In fact, most stainless and enameled steel utensils continue to work properly under the influence of induction.

To determine if your favorite pot is suitable for your new stovetop, simply hold a magnet to the bottom of the pot. If it is attracted, then the burner coil will also act on it.

However, induction ovens are indeed very selective in terms of cookware. All models have restrictions on the diameter of the pot or stewpan installed on them - if the bottom is less than 12 cm (rarely 8 cm), the coil will not turn on. On the one hand, this ensures that a spoon accidentally left on the stove does not trigger the induction burner. On the other hand, your beloved Turk and small stewpans will still have to be sent to rest.

It was not from scratch that the opinion arose that it was impossible to install another one under the induction cooker. household appliances, since the electromagnetic field of the coils will also affect its operation. This is partly true, but modern manufacturers offer a way out of this situation for a small kitchen - to purchase models where the magnetic effect on surrounding metal objects neutralizes a special heat sink.

Otherwise, the kitchen induction cooker is a great example of an easy-to-use and effective technique. This is no longer a myth, but real fact. Although its power is not lower than that of other electric stoves, about 90% is spent on cooking. At the same time, conventional stoves use a fair amount of energy to heat the kitchen. Savings are achieved through several technical solutions at once:

  • Automatic shutdown of the induction hob as soon as the bottom of the pot is within a centimeter from the hob.
  • Independent choice of a stove of sufficient power, depending on the area of ​​​​the bottom of the dishes.
  • The presence of separate programs for cooking without wasting energy - such an oven will not simmer the soup in vain if it has already been cooked.
  • Fast heating and faster cooking speed (about 1.5 times compared to gas burners), although of course it still takes some getting used to.

When using induction cookers, do not forget that the glass-ceramic on their surface does not heat up from the coils, but it simply cannot remain cold on contact with hot dishes. Be careful around the stove and do not touch the burners where food has just been cooked. To prevent accidental burns, many manufacturers equip their models with an indication of the so-called residual heat.

Choosing an oven with an oven

Freestanding induction ovens, where there is both a hob and an oven, are still rare in our market. And if the range of built-in stoves is simply breathtaking in its diversity, it is already more difficult to purchase multifunctional equipment that will meet all the requirements of the owners. Nevertheless, there are options, which means that you need to navigate the features of the presented stoves with ovens.

In the store, pay attention to the following parameters:

  • Dimensions

If you cook often and a lot with your own hands, you need a roomy induction hob and a spacious oven. These requirements are met by standard ovens with a width of 60 cm and large-sized 90 cm models. For a small kitchen, it is undesirable and it is better to contact. But as a compromise, a narrow oven with a width of 45 cm is quite suitable.

  • Functionality

Electric stoves generally please with the number of modes and options, but induction models do not have the possibility of their smooth adjustment. Therefore, the more different programs in your oven, the tastier and more varied the table set with your own hands will be. The oven must have a browning function, quick cooking and defrosting (aka drying) is highly desirable, microwave and grill modes are at the request of the hostess.

  • The interior of the oven

The convenience of using an induction furnace depends on this. For example, retractable telescopic skids or shelves that move out when the door is opened make it easier to control the dishes in the oven. The presence of convection is welcomed for more fast food, especially if you use multiple levels at once. For built-in models, a tangential fan is mandatory - it will save kitchen furniture from excessive overheating while the oven is in operation.

Installation of induction cookers

Do-it-yourself installation and connection of furnaces with electromagnetic coils is not too different from working with a similar kitchen appliances. Due to the high power, as always, you will need to draw an additional line from the shield and install a separate RCD. But if you are not familiar with electrical installation, it is better to leave this part of the work to professionals.

It is also necessary to carefully study the complete set of the induction cooker. If a cord with a plug is provided here, the stretched cable is connected to a grounded outlet, the presence of a terminal box indicates that the connection will have to be made directly and, most likely, to a three-phase network. It is not difficult to do this with your own hands, if you carefully study the diagrams in the instructions and correctly determine the phasing both on the terminal block and on the three-core cable:

  • The phases on the box are marked with the letters A, L (1 and 2), the return wire comes in a brown and black braid.
  • Zero is marked with the letters B or N and a core in a blue sheath is thrown onto it.
  • PE and yellow (or any other color) wire is ground.

When connecting an induction stove with your own hands to a 220 V network, you must use an additional jumper that is placed between the two phases.

Returning to the plug option, you should also pay attention to the characteristics of the outlet. It must withstand the power that the induction cooker consumes and the current strength of at least 25 A. A prerequisite is the complete coincidence of the socket and plug connectors, since the use of adapters is not allowed here.

Separately standing ovens do not need any complex installation, except for their connection to the mains. But the built-in two-module systems will make you do a little more work with your own hands to take a comfortable place in the kitchen cabinet. The installation procedure is as follows.