How to make a septic tank on the site without the involvement of specialists? Sewerage septic tanks are a key element of autonomous sewerage Tire construction.

  • 20.06.2020

In a country house intended for permanent residence, it will not be comfortable without a well-organized. The cesspool needs frequent access to the sewers, making life difficult for the residents. Many people don't like the thought of a septic tank that needs to be cleaned several times a year.

But competently installed septic tank without pumping - the best choice, which can serve for a very long time without requiring your intervention.

Types of septic tanks for country house differ according to the principle of action:

  • Accumulative - sealed containers connected to the drain system coming from the house.
  • Septic tanks with soil aftertreatment - consisting of several tank chambers, the last of which does not have a closed surface.
  • Deep cleaning stations - are equipped in places where sanitary norms prohibit the discharge of poorly treated water.

How does a septic tank work

A septic tank without pumping for a private house or cottage is a structure in the ground.

It consists of:

  • Several connected containers.
  • Ventilation holes in each container.
  • Airtight lids for each container.
  • Pipes connecting septic tank containers.

Wastes enter the first chamber with a concrete bottom through the sewer pipe, settle, and the sediment sinks to the bottom, where they are gradually processed by anaerobic bacteria. Waste gradually decomposes and emits gas that escapes through the vents.

When the first chamber is filled with water up to the pipe connecting the chambers, the water flows into the second. If it is finite, then it does not have a solid bottom, if not, then it also has a concrete bottom, for settling a dense layer. From this compartment, water flows into the next. The open bottom of the last chamber rests on a cushion of rubble and sand, and the water goes into the ground.

Anaerobic bacteria process almost all organic waste, so a septic tank without pumping out may not need to be cleaned for 15 to 20 years.

It is also important to determine the volume of the septic tank. The standard for daily water consumption per person is 200 liters. The volume is calculated based on three days of continuous water use and. Accordingly, 4 people need a two-chamber septic tank, with a volume of 3 x 3 m each.

Choosing the materials of manufacture

It is possible to equip a septic tank on the site of a private house without pumping out of concrete, iron concrete rings, bricks or using special plastic containers. It should be noted that brick and plastic septic tank and will not ensure the operation of the septic tank for more than 10 - 20 years.

The arrangement technology is quite simple if you do everything according to the instructions.

We determine the place for bird

First you need to determine the location of the septic tank, taking into account the level groundwater and sanitary standards.

  • The septic tank should be located at a distance of 1 m from outbuildings and 5 - 7 from residential buildings.
  • The septic tank should not be closer than 15 m from open water bodies and 50 m from the water well.
  • Between the septic tank and the fence separating the plots, there should be a distance of 2 m.
  • The septic tank should not be higher than the house or outbuildings.

Pit preparation

The construction of a septic tank begins with a foundation pit. A common volume of a septic tank is a pit of 8 cubic meters. m with dimensions 2x2x2 m.

Aligning the walls

If the septic tank will consist of plastic containers, they are installed in a pit on an already concreted bottom. In the last container, the bottom is removed and it is placed on a pillow of crushed stone and sand.

Filtering septic tank
When building a brick septic tank:
  • We prepare a pillow of crushed stone and sand, fill the bottom of the waste processing chambers with concrete and reinforce it.
  • We lay out the area around the perimeter with bricks. At the same time, we connect with cement and finish the walls from all sides.
  • In the last chamber, we do not concrete the bottom, and lay the bricks on the minimum amount of mortar. This contributes to the flow of purified water into the ground.

When arranging it using reinforced concrete rings:

  • In the pits we make a pillow of crushed stone and sand. The bottom of the chambers, not counting the last one, is made of reinforced concrete.
  • After it hardens, we install concrete rings, connecting them to the bottom, and to each other with concrete mortar.
  • We make holes in the chambers for connecting pipes and ventilation. A piece is suitable for the connecting pipe PVC pipes large diameter. For ventilation, you can use the same pipes of small diameter. The joints between the pipes are reinforced with concrete.
When self-pouring concrete:
  • Leveling the bottom.
  • For each of them we prepare from sheets, scraps of a plastic sewer pipe. We make holes in the formwork to drain water. For this in osb sheets we cut out round holes for cutting pipes in increments of 0.3 m. To strengthen the osb around the perimeter of the sheet, after 0.5 m we attach a beam to it with self-tapping screws. Ideally, make a collapsible formwork so that it can be rearranged to other walls of the septic tank. The formwork must be securely reinforced, for this it must be well wedged with a beam in the pit. After that, insert the prepared pipe cuts. They should go deep into the soil by 5 cm.
  • At the bottom of the chambers we make a pillow of crushed stone and sand.
  • The bottom of all chambers, except for the last one, is poured with concrete mortar and.

  • When pouring walls, the work is divided into several stages, since the height concrete walls, poured at the same time should not be higher than 0.4 - 0.5 m. We lay each layer with stones.
  • We build a wall from or. It is recommended to make an overflow hole 0.4 m below the sewer pipe leaving the house. Ideally, you need to equip the overflow hole with a sewer tee.
  • Upon completion of the finishing, the septic tank without pumping is left open for 2 weeks to dry.

At the end, tightly close the lid on the cameras.

Lids are provided in plastic containers, and for septic tanks made of other materials, it can be made in two versions:

  • A lid firmly planted on the upper concrete ring, level with the ground;
  • For brick or other, made independently, sheets of steel, tightly laid on the edges of the walls, are suitable.
How to increase the life of a septic tank

Same an important factor is its ventilation, made from a sewer pipe brought to the surface. It will allow the water to partially evaporate.

When using a septic tank, it is prohibited:
  • Throw construction debris into the sewer. This will quickly clog the first part of the septic tank.
  • Use it for the disposal of polymer waste. Cellophane, cigarette butts, personal hygiene products are not processed by aerobic bacteria.
  • Use detergents, which can harm microorganisms that decompose organic matter
  • Drain pipe cleaning chemicals, engine oil, acids, alkalis into the sewer

Permitted to use for:

  • Use a septic tank to treat drains
  • Throw toilet paper

A competent device and the use of a septic tank in a private house will increase its service life several times. And the periodic use of modern biological preparations that decompose solid sewage makes it possible to avoid cleaning the septic tank for a long time.


V country houses the owners strive to create conditions comparable to those in city apartments. Comfort in the house is unthinkable without a sewer system. Often there is no central sewerage outside the city, so you have to create autonomous system- an example can be seen in the photo. In its arrangement, two principles are used: the construction of a cesspool and self-treatment of wastewater. When using a sump, there is a need for its regular cleaning. An antiseptic for cesspools can make life easier for the owners.

Creation of external sewerage

Usually the system looks like this: all pipelines are removed from the house and other buildings and are combined into a single drain, through which all sewage water flows to a common reservoir - drain pit. To clean the drive, you have to periodically call a sewage truck. Sometimes not cesspools are equipped, but septic tanks, in which drains can be cleaned. They are of several types:
  1. Absorbent. At the bottom of sealed tanks are special adsorbing substances that process harmful impurities from wastewater. The spent adsorbent is subsequently removed by a sewage machine.
  2. Sealed. Cleaning in such septic tanks does not occur. In them, drains accumulate until the entire volume is filled. Then the containers are cleaned with vacuum cleaners.
  3. Multilevel cleaning systems. In them, drains are cleaned, passing through several chambers. Inside such septic tanks there are microorganisms that, in the course of their life, process organic matter, dividing it into simple chemicals that do not harm humans. Sewer sanitizer is used to colonize beneficial bacteria. Subsequently, the purified liquid can be used, for example, for watering plants, or simply diverted into the ground.

Calculation of the volume of a septic tank

The volume of the storage tank must be at least three daily volumes of effluents. It is generally accepted that each person uses about 200 liters of water per day, which is discharged into the sewer. Based on this, the volume of a septic tank for a family of three should be at least 1.8 cubic meters.

Cleaning methods

There are two ways to treat wastewater, which can be applied to both a cesspool and a septic tank in case of an insufficient degree of filtration.

The easiest way is to call sewer truck for pumping sewage. However, in this case, there are regular costs for calling equipment. In addition, the site must be designed in such a way that the equipment can easily drive up to the sump (near the road, in open space).

Currently, the second method is more commonly used, which consists in local wastewater treatment. In this case, you can save a lot, not only on the services of sewers, but also on water, since the purified liquid can be used for technical needs (more: "").
For the treatment of wastewater, special bacteria are used that decompose organic and inorganic matter into simple chemical elements. It is important to bear in mind that some substances are detrimental to microorganisms - for example, household chemicals. Therefore, with large volumes of drains from a washing machine, dishwasher, it is recommended to make separate tanks (read: "").

Septic tanks and antiseptics for cesspools

Cleaning septic tanks decompose organic waste into simple components. To do this, you can use both natural and artificial colonies of bacteria. Artificially grown microorganisms purify wastewater better, since the enterprises select such a composition of bacteria that contributes to a faster and more efficient decomposition of organic matter. Usually putrefactive bacteria, enzymes and yeasts are included in such preparations. With the skillful use of septic tanks, the need for the services of sewers completely disappears. Effluent treated with biological agents can be used for agricultural purposes.

Compositions with antiseptic properties are able to completely neutralize sewage fluids.

Differences between biological and chemical antiseptics

Previously, chemical antiseptics were the most popular, but recently many owners of private houses prefer biological preparations.

A chemical antiseptic for drain pits differs in many ways from a biological agent:

  1. Chemical preparations are suitable for harsh climates, since the active substances remain active at any temperature. But biological ones should be used at a temperature in the range of -4 - +30 degrees, otherwise the bacteria die.
  2. When using chemical antiseptics, there is no need to create separate drains, since household chemicals do not affect their action. Even chlorine does not harm such drugs. As for living microorganisms, they immediately die from chemicals for sewer pits.
  3. Substances contained in chemical preparations can react with sewer elements, especially metal ones. In addition, their entry into the ground harms the environment. Therefore, the use of a chemical antiseptic for the toilet is only allowed in sealed tanks built mainly of concrete or polymer materials. As for biological preparations, they are absolutely safe for nature, so the wastewater treated with them can be discharged into the ground, and the requirements for such sewer systems are not so stringent.
  4. When using chemical antiseptics, decomposition products cannot be reused because they contain many harmful substances. But the compost formed under the influence of biological preparations serves as a good fertilizer.


Now on sale there is a huge selection of biological antiseptics. They are recommended to be used for cleaning wastewater containing organic inclusions, since their action is similar to the natural processes of decomposition and decay. They don't harm environment, so the liquid purified with their help can be reused for technical purposes. However, microorganisms are sensitive to low temperatures, so in order for them not to die in winter, the tanks have to be insulated.

Chemical antiseptics

These antiseptics are divided into 3 types:
  1. Containing formaldehyde. This substance used to be very popular, but recently scientists have reported that it is carcinogenic and highly toxic. Therefore, at present, formaldehyde-based antiseptics are practically not found.
  2. Based on nitrate oxidizers. These antiseptics are not cheap, but they quickly decompose organic residues, and they are not affected by drains containing household chemicals.
  3. Based on quaternary ammonium compounds. They not only accelerate the process of decomposition of organic matter, but also completely eliminate bad smell. But at the same time, they cannot be used in tanks that receive effluents from washing and dishwashers. Presumably, such antiseptics have a negative impact on the environment if they seep into the ground.

Any do-it-yourself antiseptic for cesspools is easy to use: you just need to add it to the contents of the tank according to the manufacturer's instructions.

Well organized system autonomous sewerage became the key to comfortable living outside the city. Here, a septic tank has replaced the centralized connection to utilities. The disadvantage of its design was the regular maintenance of the sewers. Today, most summer residents know how to make a septic tank without pumping out with their own hands. There is nothing complicated in its device and principle of operation, it is enough to study the installation scheme, the nuances of placement and the main characteristics of the models.

Scheme of a three-chamber septic tank

The design of the treatment plant

The complexity of building a septic tank without pumping out depends on its performance, device and selected material. All models of the treatment plant operate on the same principle: wastewater is mechanically separated into fractions, treated with anaerobic bacteria and sent for filtration and discharge.

High efficiency in wastewater treatment can be achieved using a design with a compressor and aerator. The output of such a system is technical water suitable for household needs. Station biological treatment has high performance, it does not need to be pumped out and is environmentally friendly. The main drawback of the device is the need to connect to the power supply, therefore, for the smooth operation of the sewer system, it is better to choose a non-volatile option.

The septic tank provides accumulation and filtration of drains. Their purification occurs under the action of microorganisms. In order for the bacteria to have time to qualitatively disinfect the waste before seepage into the soil, it is not enough to install a single-chamber structure. The best option for an autonomous septic tank for a country house would be the construction of a two or three-chamber treatment plant.

Attention. It will not be possible to completely avoid pumping out, but with the right size of the septic tank, it is produced every 10 years.

The principle of operation of the "eternal" septic tank

The best option, which ensures the long-term operation of the structure without maintenance, is the installation of three tanks. Two of them have a sealed structure, and a layer of gravel and rubble is poured on the bottom of the third. Each tank is equipped with a maintenance hatch and a vent pipe for venting gases. The process of processing organics is slow, so an unpleasant odor does not spread from the septic tank.

A drain from the house is connected to the first chamber, all parts are interconnected by overflows located in the upper part of the structure. The container into which the effluent enters has largest size, it occupies 50% of the total volume. Settling takes place in the receiving chamber, during which heavy fractions sink to the bottom under the action of gravity. Oily film and small suspensions remain in the partially clarified water, which, after reaching the overflow level, is sent to the next chamber.

Advice. Bottom sediments are treated with anaerobic bacteria, microorganisms can be added from the outside, lowering them into the sewer.

Decomposition continues in the second chamber organic matter for silt and gas. When the level rises, the water enters the last chamber, which is a filter well. Thanks to a layer of crushed stone, the remains of solid fractions are removed from the liquid.

The need to pump out the septic tank may arise when bottom sediments fill the first chamber, but due to its size and the vital activity of bacteria, this process takes years.

Performance and location of the treatment plant

The first thing they encounter when choosing a sump model is its size. For self-calculation, a simple formula is used: the standard of 200 liters is multiplied by the number of residents and tripled. For a family of four you will need: 200x4x3 \u003d 2400 liters or 2.4 cubic meters. m. According to this scheme, it is easy to find out the optimal volume of the septic tank. When calculating, it is worth adding 20% ​​for the reserve, because over time, bottom sediments will increase and take away the usable area.

Attention. An incorrect calculation of productivity with an excess volume turns into the death of bacteria, with an insufficient size - flooding of the site.

When choosing a site for a treatment plant, consider:

  • sanitary standards;
  • level ground water;
  • freezing depth in the region.

According to sanitary rules and documents, the safe distance from the septic tank to water bodies and buildings is:

  • residential building - 5m;
  • well - 20-50 m;
  • reservoir - 30 m;
  • water pipes - 10 m;
  • adjacent plot - 2m.

A septic tank without pumping and smell, when installed with your own hands, is buried to a depth below freezing. It should be separated from the aquifer by at least 1 meter.

What materials are used to build a reliable septic tank?

In the manufacture of a treatment plant on their own, they try to use improvised Construction Materials, but not all of them are able to provide tightness and durability of operation. The most common design options are:

  • construction of plastic containers (Eurocubes);
  • concrete rings with a bottom and a filter layer;
  • septic tank from car tires;
  • monolithic concrete structure.

To understand the strengths and weaknesses listed materials, we will consider in detail each structure.

Eurocube construction

For a septic tank, you will need two or three containers. One of them has a bottom cut out to create a filtration layer. Plastic containers must be placed in metal carcass, welded from a profile, this will protect the structure from soil exposure. Before installation, inlet and outlet pipes are inserted into the containers and holes are cut out for ventilation pipe. All joints are treated with silicone.

The pit for the tanks is dug with a slope, the second tank should be located 20 cm lower than the first. To fix light eurocubes at the bottom of the pit, it is poured concrete slab to which the tanks are attached. This will prevent the rise of the septic tank by groundwater.

Eurocube septic tank with ventilation pipes


  • tightness of containers;
  • simple installation;
  • durability.


  • the need for reinforcement.

Tire construction

Car tires are sometimes used in installations without electricity. The design is designed for a small amount of waste. Two pits are dug under the tires, according to the estimated performance. Tires are connected with clamps, and the joints are treated with sealant. The bottom of the first chamber is lined with polyethylene or roofing felt, with better installation - concreted. For big family use larger tires.

Connecting tires for a sewage treatment plant


  • the availability of the material;
  • simple installation.


  • freezing in winter;
  • rapid loss of shape and tightness;
  • short service life.

Reinforced concrete rings

You can quickly assemble a septic tank without pumping out and electricity from factory concrete rings. They are offered in a complete set, with a bottom and an overlap. Sturdy construction, bonded at the joints cement mortar, and treated with waterproofing, provides high tightness and safety from flooding. Tanks from rings are obtained the same size, their connection is made with plastic pipes with a diameter of 110 mm.

Under such a septic tank, labor-intensive earthworks will be required, including digging two or three pits and trenches for a sewer pipe. The depth of the wells from the rings is 3-4 meters. Tees are installed at the ends of the inlet and outlet pipes to avoid clogging. For access to the elements and cleaning, use hatches or ventilation holes made directly above the tee. All chambers are covered with slabs with hatches and sealed. When the wells fall asleep, they make a clay castle.

Advice. For equipment of a drainage well, you can buy a special ring with perforation over the entire surface.


  • strength and durability;
  • the material is not afraid of ground pressure;
  • the structure does not freeze in winter.


  • the complexity of installation;
  • the need for thorough waterproofing;
  • use of a crane.

Wastewater treatment plant made of monolithic concrete

One of the most successful designs of a non-volatile septic tank for giving without pumping is made of concrete. For non-permanent residence, you can make a structure into two sections, and for a country house it is better to increase its size to three. This option is not inferior in strength to a septic tank made of concrete rings, but is performed independently, without the involvement of special equipment.

When digging a pit, keep in mind that inner size sections will be smaller due to the thickness of the walls. The construction of such a structure will take more time than other options. The pouring of walls from concrete occurs in stages, with breaks for solidification. The septic tank is a rectangular sealed tank, divided into sections. The walls and bottom of the chambers must be reinforced before pouring concrete. Used as formwork and struts edged boards. Overflows are inserted into the partitions at an angle plastic pipes, a drain from the house is supplied to the first chamber. Here, the effluents will be separated and flow into the second section, where decomposition by microorganisms will continue. The last section is carried out without a bottom, sand is poured instead, and then a layer of rubble. Through a natural filter, effluents will go into the soil.

Two-chamber septic tank made of monolithic concrete

Advice. In the manufacture of concrete, Portland cement grade M400 is used.

After the construction of the septic tank, the floor slab is poured. A hatch and a place for a ventilation pipe are left in it.


  • tightness and reliability;
  • durability;
  • high performance;
  • autonomy.


  • laborious and lengthy building process.

Bath septic tank

Bath is one of the attributes of country life, its use involves domestic wastewater that needs to be disposed of. Depending on the device or the absence of a toilet in the room, a sump with one or two chambers can be made.

Single chamber structure

To treat "grey drains" consisting of soapy water and a small amount of organic matter, you can build a tank without a bottom. In it, water is purified, passing through a filtration layer of crushed stone and gravel. The depth of the well should be at least 1 meter. The material for its construction is:

  • plastic container with holes;
  • a barrel without a bottom;
  • concrete rings;
  • brick.

Double chamber cleaning

If faecal matter is present in the drains, more thorough treatment is necessary. In this case, a septic tank for a bath without pumping out requires the equipment of two chambers. In the first one, effluents will be settled and divided into fractions. The clarified water will overflow into the drainage well, which is the second chamber, and seep into the soil.

A do-it-yourself septic tank without pumping out is not inferior in efficiency to factory models, but it will cost much less.

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Making your home comfortable is the task of every owner. One of the conditions for comfortable living is an efficient local sewerage system. If earlier cesspools were mainly built to collect wastewater, today such a solution is not acceptable. Therefore, most homeowners decide to build a septic tank - an installation in which drains not only accumulate, but are also cleaned. Consider, how to make a septic tank in a private house, without resorting to the help of professionals.

Why is it recommended to build for the arrangement of local sewage overflow septic tank? The fact is that this installation, unlike a simple cesspool, is capable of not only accumulating, but also treating wastewater, providing water drainage. Therefore, the owners of such installations use the services of vacuum trucks much less frequently, as a rule, it is recommended to clean the chambers from sediment once a year.

It is quite possible to build a septic tank yourself. Moreover, the homeowner has the opportunity to choose which septic tank to build on his site. But before you start construction, you need to learn how to properly make a septic tank so that the built installation works efficiently and is environmentally friendly.

The principle of operation of a septic tank without pumping

The principle of operation of a septic tank is quite simple. When processing wastewater, two methods of treatment are used - mechanical (sedimentation) and biological (anaerobic fermentation and aerobic purification in filtration fields).

The water purified from impurities is filtered into the soil. If the septic tank is built in clay soil, which does not absorb water well, then it is necessary to carry out the drainage of water differently, constructing an annular drainage around the treatment plant.

Primary requirements

Before you make a septic tank with your own hands, it is important to remember the basic principles of it. effective work:

  • Multistage. The effectiveness of the settling process is ensured by the fact that the effluents go through several stages of treatment. To do this, the installation is divided into 2-3 chambers. In each chamber, the settling process takes place, and in the first compartment, large inclusions are deposited, and in subsequent chambers, the smallest impurities precipitate. It is this organization of upholding that allows you to achieve the best results;

  • Tightness. This condition for the construction of a septic tank ensures the environmental safety of the installation. Sealed septic tanks eliminate the possibility of seepage dirty water into the ground, therefore, there is no threat of contamination of the soil and soil water. In addition, the tightness of the chambers excludes the possibility of penetration of soil water into the interior, which could lead to flooding;

Advice! When building a septic tank, you need to take care not only of the tightness of the chambers themselves, but also of the junctions of the body with pipes. Silicone-based sealants or elastic seals made of rubber are widely used to seal joints.

  • Volume. The quality of wastewater treatment directly depends on how long the contaminated liquids are in the chambers. In order for the drains to settle well, they must be in the septic tank for at least three days. Therefore, the volume of the treatment plant chambers must be large enough to accommodate the effluent generated over three days;
  • Thermal insulation. Biological cleaning processes require sufficient heat in the installation. Therefore, if the septic tank is installed at an insufficient depth, then it is necessary to carry out work to insulate the body of the treatment plant;
  • Ventilation. In the process of fermentation, organic matter decomposes into simple components, including methane and other gases. To remove gaseous decomposition products, it is necessary to provide a septic tank with a ventilation pipe.

Selection of a construction site and assessment of local conditions

It is extremely important to choose the right location for the septic tank. In addition, conditions such as soil structure and groundwater levels will need to be taken into account. When choosing an installation site, you will need to fulfill the requirements of SanPiN and SNiP. Among these requirements:

  • The septic tank should be located at the maximum distance from the water intake. The minimum allowable distance is 30 meters;
  • The septic tank must be at least 5 meters away from the house;
  • It is not allowed to build a treatment plant close to the fence with a neighboring plot, it is necessary to step back from it by at least a meter;
  • It is advisable to choose a construction site so that equipment can drive up to the site. Equipment will be required during the construction process (for preparing the pit, installing heavy parts, etc.). In addition, the passage of equipment is necessary to perform periodic pumping of sediment from the chambers.

Advice! This requirement is justified by the fact that if the treatment plant is located close to each other, it is possible to wash away and prematurely destroy the foundation.

The construction of a septic tank involves not only the construction of sedimentation tanks, but also the construction of filtration fields, which are necessary to perform post-treatment of wastewater and filter purified water into the ground. When arranging such fields, it is very important to correctly assess the structure of the soil, as well as the level at which groundwater flows.

With a high GWL or when building on clay, it is necessary to organize water drainage alternative ways, since the construction of a septic tank according to the standard scheme under such conditions is impossible.

Advice! Alternative scrapings during the construction of a septic tank in difficult conditions include the installation of ground filtration cassettes, the use of biofilters, the construction of filtration fields by partial replacement on the site clay soil etc.

In some cases, it is necessary to organize a forced drainage of water. This option has to be resorted to if gravity drainage is not possible. Forced drainage of water is carried out using a drainage pump, drainage is possible into a gutter or a filter well.

Pit preparation

Let's figure out how to make a septic tank with your own hands. Whichever option is chosen for the construction of a septic tank, work always begins with the preparation of a foundation pit. This work can be done in several ways:

  • Dig a pit by hand. This is the cheapest solution, but you will have to spend a lot of time and effort on land work;
  • Dig a pit by hiring a team of excavators. In this case, digging a pit will be expensive, and in time the gain will be small;
  • Dig a pit by renting an excavator with a driver. When choosing this option, the pit will be ready quickly, the cost of renting equipment is comparable to the cost of a team of excavators. However, it is not always possible to use the technique, for example, due to the lack of access;

  • The size of the pit must be larger than the body, so that there is free access to the walls of the installation during operation;
  • The bottom of the pit is carefully leveled. Then it is necessary to fill in sand and soil at the bottom. The height of this cushioning layer is 20-30 cm;
  • To install some types of septic tanks, it is necessary to lay a reinforced concrete slab on a sand cushion.

Advice! If you need to make a septic tank yourself on a site with high-rising soil waters, then at the stage of constructing the pit, it is necessary to build an annular drainage to ensure that rising water is removed from the installation body.

Construction options

There are several options for building an overflow treatment plant. Consider what you can build a treatment plant from and how to properly make a septic tank.


This is the strongest and most durable option. Construction begins with the filling of the bottom. For reinforcing concrete, metal rods or a finished metal wire mesh are used.

After the bottom has dried, they begin to build the formwork for pouring the walls and internal partitions. The thickness of the body of a monolithic septic tank must be at least 20 cm. At the same time, you need to remember the need to install embedded parts at the places where pipes are laid:

  • The inlet pipe should be located 5-10 cm above the level to which the septic tank will be filled;
  • The overflow pipe connecting the first and second chambers is located a little lower - at the filling level of the first chamber;
  • Overflows are made with a slight slope and are made of pipes with a diameter of 150 mm;
  • From above, the septic tank must be closed with a floor slab, in which holes are set aside for installing a ventilation pipe and hatches for pumping sediment from the chambers.

From well rings

What can be used to build an overflow septic tank as quickly as possible? It is convenient to assemble cameras from ready-made concrete products - well rings. For the construction of such a septic tank, the use of lifting equipment is mandatory:

  • Chambers are built by placing rings one on top of the other;
  • To give the septic tank strength, the rings are fastened together with brackets;

  • It is important to seal the joints of the rings well. To do this, the joints are smeared with cement mortar, and then treated with waterproofing mastics;
  • The top of the wells is closed with a plate with a hole for installing a hatch.

From eurocubes

It is convenient to build a treatment plant from plastic containers - eurocubes. These containers can be purchased relatively inexpensively. For construction, a tie-in is made into the plastic casing of pipes. For greater strength, it is recommended to weld the metal lattice frame of eurocubes by welding.

To protect lightweight plastic septic tank from ascent, containers are attached with bandage straps to embedded parts reinforced concrete slab laid at the bottom of the pit. When building any of the listed options for a septic tank, the drainage of water from the treatment plant is organized so that the liquid enters the post-treatment plant.

But the installation option for post-treatment is selected depending on the geological conditions at the site. This can be a filter well, platforms with a drainage layer or an additional biofilter. Discharge of water from a septic tank without post-treatment is strictly prohibited.

So, before making a treatment plant, it is necessary to correctly determine the volume of its chambers, remember the basic requirements for placing a septic tank on the site, correctly assess the characteristics of the soil and select a construction site.

The presence of a wastewater collection system is one of the most important conditions for the comfort of living in a country cottage or in the country. Designing and assembling sewer lines usually does not cause great difficulties, but here the installation of a septic tank in a private house, a key task in creating a local sewer system, is associated with “linking” solutions to several problems together. And the solutions are sometimes mutually exclusive!

A modern septic tank is a rather technically complex installation, easy to maintain and durable in operation. However, these features are retained only if the installation and connection of the installed treatment equipment is correct.

Each septic tank is connected differently, so professionals should do the installation. Source

Types and features of septic tanks

The simplest and most primitive septic tank is a two-chamber cesspool, the primary chamber of which must be periodically cleaned. Its disadvantages are well known - not the most pleasant smell and practically untreated sewage entering the soil. Plus - the relative complexity in the technical implementation.


Since cesspool great difficulties arise when choosing a place for its location - after all, from the point of view of financial costs and the efforts made, it is most convenient to place the pit as close to the building as possible. But the presence in such a sump (which is practically not a sealed container) of a considerable amount of pollution, with a high degree of probability falling directly into the ground, dictates the need to move the septic tank as far as possible.

Cesspools will need to be cleaned frequently. Source

Factory-made septic tanks

The most acceptable option for including wastewater in the local ecosystem is to install a septic tank industrial production. Such equipment, due to the peculiarities of its design, is characterized by almost ideal operational qualities:

    light weight;

    ease of installation;

    strength of the body made of polymeric materials;

    high degree of purification of polluted water;

    complete processing of mud masses;

    complete autonomy;

    minimal maintenance.

If it is not possible to use special equipment, then, if necessary, modern septic tanks can be installed manually, but without knowledge of the technology, you can still do it

The hardest part of the job is digging a hole for the septic tank and a trench for sewer pipes Source

On our website you can find contacts of construction companies that offer the service of design and installation of sewerage and water supply. You can directly communicate with representatives by visiting the exhibition of houses "Low-Rise Country".

Criteria for choosing a septic tank installation site

The choice of installation site for a septic tank, even if it is completely sealed, is determined not only and not so much by convenience. construction works and operational service. Sanitary and epidemiological standards and rules are decisive here - for example, those displayed in SNiP 2.04.03-85. According to these rules, the location of the septic tank must meet the following conditions:

    distance to nearest source drinking water(well, well) should not be less than 30 m;

    to a stream, river or other natural reservoir should be more than 10 m;

    to the outer walls of a residential building, the distance should not be less than 4 m;

    the boundary of the site should not be closer than 3 m;

    the nearest public road should not be less than 5 m.

In addition, a septic tank in a private house should not be located close to trees - a minimum distance of 2 m.

General rules for choosing a place for a septic tank Source

Additional terms

It is necessary to take into account not only these mandatory norms (in case of violation of which considerable sanctions are possible from oversight bodies!), but also take into account local conditions. These include both the characteristics of the soil (the depth of groundwater and soil freezing, the relief of the site), and the presence or possibility of supplying related utilities - some types of factory-made septic tanks are energy-dependent and need a three-phase power supply.

The design and dimensions of treatment plants are not standardized, however, when choosing the location of treatment plants, it should be taken into account that the main drain pipe must approach the septic tank with a slope of at least 2 degrees. In other words, take into account the magnitude of the required depth of the pit and the technical feasibility of observing it.

Selection of the performance of a septic tank

home technical specifications any septic tank is its performance, which characterizes the volume of effluents received and processed over a certain period of time; usually within a day. It depends, first of all, on the volume of the settling chamber, and secondly, on the technology used in the treatment unit for treating polluted waters.

Inside, the septic tank consists of several divisions, so its real performance cannot be determined based on an external examination. Source

The peculiarity of the work of septic tanks is that high-quality wastewater treatment cannot last less than three days; accordingly, the volumes of the chambers should be sufficient to contain a three-day discharge of sewage. That is why it is advisable to choose the volume of the treatment plant with a margin - but with a reasonable margin, since there is one more rule: for efficient operation, the septic tank chamber must be filled at least a third ...

According to existing standards, one person produces about 200 liters of wastewater (0.2 cubic meters) per day - this is a fairly average indicator, but it is quite acceptable as a baseline for calculating the performance of a septic tank. It should only be borne in mind that if you like to soak in the bath every day (one-time discharge of water from which can exceed 300 liters) - this calculated rate should be at least doubled.

Thus, for a family of three, the required volume of a septic tank can vary from 1.8 to 3.6 cubic meters. m. Taking into account the stock - from 2 to 4 cubic meters. Moreover, the number of chambers in the treatment plant does not matter - what matters is the volume of the first of them, the receiving (“settler”).

Septic tanks are made on the basis of plastic containers of various sizes. Source

Scheme of the treatment system

Having decided on the volume of the sump, it is necessary to think over and draw up a scheme of the treatment plant, in which all local features should be taken into account. Since installing a septic tank correctly means ensuring its long-term operation without unnecessary headaches, it is necessary to calculate all possible options.

The simplest version of the treatment system includes the following main elements:

    a pipeline connecting the outlet of the home sewer system to the receiving chamber of the septic tank;

    receiving (septic) chamber;

    pipeline from the chamber to the soil treatment plant (if its installation is planned);

    aeration fields for the final treatment of wastewater and their transition to the ground.

The scheme for the withdrawal of treated wastewater from the septic tank through the filtration field - if the level of wastewater treatment is low, then about once every 10 years you will have to dig up the filtration field and wash or change the rubble Source

Material selection

The main part of the septic tank is the chambers for drains, which can be made from a variety of materials:

Plastic septic tanks

The most common piping material is polypropylene pipe suitable diameter. It is inexpensive, light in weight, has a very high strength and is easy to process. If desired, you can use asbestos-cement, cast iron or other metal pipes- but their service life is significantly less than that of polypropylene, and the cost is much higher.

The septic chamber is usually made of plastic or reinforced concrete, in simple cases brick can be used. Using iron barrels of a suitable size as a container is a bad idea: they not only rot quickly, but pollute the soil in the process of rusting. Perfect option- industrial septic tanks, easy to install and reliable in operation.

The device of a septic tank for a private house - plastic version septic tank Source

Septic tanks from reinforced concrete rings

A common version of septic tanks is made of reinforced concrete rings. Their cost is quite high; in addition, for the delivery and installation of such rings, due to their considerable weight, special equipment is needed. However, for large-volume chambers, the use of reinforced concrete products can be fully justified.

Installation diagram of a septic tank from reinforced concrete rings Source

Monolithic structures

The most time-consuming and expensive version of a septic chamber is a monolithic structure, when a formwork is assembled in a prepared pit to fill the walls and bottom with concrete. Due to its high cost and the need for large physical costs, this method is justified only with very large volumes of drains, which are practically unrealistic for a private courtyard.


General terms

In any case, the materials used in the construction of the treatment plant must be resistant to aggressive environments. Polymers ideally meet this requirement, but they have one drawback: they are very light ... the low weight of the camera, of course, facilitates its installation, but at the same time greatly increases the likelihood of its ascent, especially at low groundwater levels. Therefore, together with such containers, it is necessary to use "anchors" of any available type.

Since the installation of a septic tank in a private house does not always mean that the most purified water will go into the soil, in some cases filtration (aeration) fields are included in the treatment system. Of course, they take up quite a lot of space, but they allow you to dispose of wastewater as efficiently as possible.

Installation of septic tanks

Installing a septic tank always begins with digging a foundation pit. right size. When installing ready-made "tanks" of factory production, it is imperative to provide a concrete cushion to which it will be necessary to fix the septic tank so that heaving forces do not push it out.


In addition to the pit for the septic tank itself, it is necessary to dig trenches for the supply of sewer pipes and the removal of treated effluents. If the septic tank will be operated all year round, then the pipes must be laid below the freezing level of the soil.

The septic tank is connected to the sewer.

Completion of earthworks: the gap between the walls of the pit and the outer side of the walls of the box is filled with any available material; usually - the soil taken out when digging a pit.

Video description

How the installation of a septic tank is carried out, see the video:


Today, a local sewer system is an indispensable element. country cottage or giving, and if necessary, it may well be mounted independently. But considering a large number of factors that must be taken into account when designing it, for drawing up a specific scheme treatment facilities it is better to contact specialists.