New los designs for summer cottages. Modern autonomous private sewerage system for a country house, cottage or dacha

  • 03.03.2020

To make life in the country comfortable, it is necessary to carry out the main communications - plumbing and sewerage. On the suburban areas often there is no centralized sewerage network, so each owner of the house solves the problem on his own. Periodic use of the dwelling does not require the installation of expensive and complex equipment, it is enough to arrange a septic tank.

Often in summer cottages, the function of collecting wastewater is performed by a cesspool. If the house is not equipped with a plumbing system, this option is quite justified, but with the installation of plumbing fixtures and a large volume of drained water, it is not enough. In this article, we will talk about how to make a sewer in a country house with our own hands in various ways (from concrete rings, barrels, without pumping), and also demonstrate diagrams, drawings, photo and video instructions.

Sewerage should be built according to the developed project, including schemes for external and internal piping.

Two-chamber septic tank

The most convenient is the installation of a collector of two chambers connected by an overflow pipe. Let's find out how to arrange it yourself.

  1. Work begins with digging a pit in a place chosen taking into account all sanitary requirements. The volume of the structure depends on the number of people living in the country. You can dig a pit manually or with an excavator.
  2. At the bottom of the pit, a sand cushion up to 15 cm high is formed. The depth of the pit is 3 meters.
  3. It is necessary to install formwork from boards or chipboard. The design must be reliable. Next, a reinforcing belt is formed from metal rods tied with steel wire.
  4. It is necessary to make two holes in the formwork and insert pipe trimmings. These will be places for the entrance of the sewer line and the overflow pipe between the sections.
  5. The formwork is poured with concrete, which is distributed throughout the entire volume with the help of a vibrating tool. The design of the septic tank must be monolithic, so it is advisable to fill the entire formwork at a time.
  6. In the first compartment, the bottom is poured with concrete, a sealed section is formed, it will serve as a sump. Here, the wastewater will be divided into solid coarse fractions that sink to the bottom, and clarified water that overflows into the adjacent section. For better decomposition of solid residues, aerobic bacteria can be purchased.
  7. The second compartment is made without a bottom; it can be made not only from monolithic walls, but also using concrete rings 1-1.5 meters in diameter, stacked on top of each other. The bottom of the well is covered with a thick layer of sedimentary rock (crushed stone, pebbles, gravel) to filter wastewater.
  8. An overflow pipe is laid between the two sections. It is installed at an angle of 30 mm on running meter. In height, the pipe is located in the upper third of the wells. The number of sections is not necessarily limited to two; a four-section septic tank can be made to provide better cleaning.
  9. The overlap of the septic tank is made independently, using formwork and concrete, or ready-made reinforced concrete slabs. Be sure to arrange a hatch that allows you to control the filling of sections and exhaust. The pit is filled with sand and selected soil. The sump of such a system will be cleaned every 2-3 years.

Due to the ease of installation, many summer residents prefer to make a septic tank from concrete rings.

If the soil in the area is clayey or groundwater is very close to the surface, it will not work to arrange a septic tank of this design. You can stop at a sealed container of sufficient volume, securely installed and secured to concrete slab in the pit.

Another option is a biological treatment plant. Local stations are convenient and efficient, they are indispensable for suburban buildings of a large area. Specialists are engaged in the installation and launch of the device, the cost of such a station is acceptable for a narrow circle of summer residents.

External line laying

From the exit of the sewer pipe from the house to the septic tank, it is necessary to lay a pipeline. The main line must lie at a slope providing the flow of polluted water. The larger the diameter of the pipes you use, the smaller the angle of inclination required for their operation, on average it is 2 degrees. The depth of the trench for laying pipes should be greater than the amount of winter freezing of the soil. If the trench is shallow, provide thermal insulation for the line.

The average depth for laying sewers is 1 meter, in warm regions it is enough to go down by 70 cm, and in cold regions you will need to dig a pit up to 1.5 meters. The bottom of the dug hole is covered with a dense cushion of compacted sand. This procedure will protect the pipes from soil displacement.

The best option would be to lay a direct pipeline to the collector. If necessary, make a turn, this place is equipped with a manhole. For the line, you can use plastic and cast iron pipes with a diameter of 110 mm, their connection must be tight. After installation, the pipeline is covered with sand, and then with soil.

The design, which does not require regular pumping of sewage, consists of several tanks operating simultaneously. It can be two / three-chamber septic tanks. The first tank is used as a sump. It is the largest in size. In two-chamber septic tanks, the sump occupies ¾ of the structure, and in three-chamber ½. Here, a preliminary treatment of wastewater takes place: heavy fractions settle, and light fractions are poured into the next compartment as the first one is filled. In the last part of the septic tank, the final post-treatment of wastewater takes place. The water is then directed to the filtration fields/drainage well.

The first 2 compartments must be sealed. The last chamber has holes in the walls/bottom. Thus, purified water seeps into the ground, which helps to avoid the systematic pumping of waste without causing irreparable damage to the soil.

It is worth considering that in wastewater, in addition to organic matter, there are also insoluble impurities. In view of this, such a design will also have to be periodically pumped out in order to get rid of the sediment that accumulates in the sump. This can be done with a fecal / drainage pump. The frequency of maintenance of a septic tank depends entirely on the size / volume / composition of wastewater.

For the independent construction of such a septic tank, you need to correctly calculate its volume. It depends on the water consumption of your household. The norm of water consumption per person is 200 liters per day. So, multiplying this amount by the number of households, you will get the daily rate of water consumption in the house. Add another 20% to the resulting figure.

18 m 3. In this case, you need a septic tank that has a depth and length of 3 m each, and a width of 2 m. Multiplying all sides, you get 18 m 3. Minimum distance from the bottom of the septic tank to drain pipe- 0.8 m.

The advantage of the treatment system is that the sludge is processed by anaerobic bacteria, as a result of which it settles to the bottom in a much smaller volume. Gradually, this sediment thickens and rises. When the sludge reaches the overflow level, the septic tank must be immediately cleaned. The septic tank needs to be cleaned infrequently. This is due to the fact that the volume of sludge for 6 months will be from 60 to 90 liters.

Volatile septic tanks have built-in pumping units. Their non-volatile analogues should be cleaned manually or using sewage equipment.

However, not so long ago, biological preparations with special enzymes appeared, processing sludge into acid, and then into methane and carbon dioxide. To remove these gases, you just need to install ventilation in the septic tank. Thus, your septic tank will become an absolutely waste-free, safe and energy-independent treatment plant.

Bacteria need to be "fed" with oxygen for greater efficiency of their work. Tanks for a septic tank can be bought or made independently.

Before installing the finished structure of the septic tank, it is necessary to determine a suitable place for this. The minimum distance between the septic tank and the house is 5 m. The sewer pipes leaving the house should go directly to the septic tank. Turning the pipeline is best avoided, because it is in such places that blockages form.

The septic tank should not be installed near trees, as their roots can damage the integrity of the body. The depth of the septic tank and sewer pipes directly depends on the level of soil freezing.

If groundwater is close to the surface, then reinforce the bottom of the pit with a concrete slab / screed. The size of the pit will depend on the size of the septic tank. If you have to install a compact structure, then it is easier to dig a pit manually in order to save money.

The pit should be slightly wider than the septic tank body. The gaps between the walls and the ground should be at least 20 cm, and preferably more. If there is no need to strengthen the bottom, then you should still lay a sand cushion 15 cm thick (meaning the thickness of compacted sand).

The top of the septic tank should rise above the ground. Otherwise, melt water in the spring will flood the equipment of the device.

After installing the base of the pit, lower the septic tank into it. This can be done with the help of cables placed in the stiffeners of the septic tank. In this case, you can not do without an assistant. Next, connect the device to communications, after digging trenches for pipes, laying a sand cushion and installing pipes. They should be laid under a slight slope - 1-2 cm per linear meter. Pipe laying is carried out to a depth of approximately 70–80 cm.

The septic tank should be installed strictly according to the level. It will work better in a horizontal position.

To connect the sewer pipe to the septic tank, a hole of the appropriate diameter should be made in it. This is done according to the instructions for the cleaning system. After that, you need to weld the pipe to the hole. To solve this problem, you will need a polypropylene cord and a building hair dryer. When the pipe has cooled down, it will be possible to insert a sewer pipe into it.

If you are connecting a volatile septic tank, then after these steps you need to connect the electrical cable. It is carried out from the shield to a separate machine. It must be laid in a special corrugated pipe and placed in the same trench as the sewer pipe. The septic tank has special holes with stamps. Connect a cable to them.

If the level of soil freezing in your area is large enough, then insulate the septic tank. Any heater can be thermal insulation material which can be used for laying in the ground.

After completing the connection of electricity and pipes, the septic tank should be covered with soil. This is done in layers of 15–20 cm. To equalize the pressure in the process of backfilling the soil, water must be poured into the septic tank. In this case, the water level should be slightly higher than the backfill level of the pit. So, gradually the entire septic tank will be underground.

If you are not satisfied with a ready-made plastic autonomous sewage treatment system, due to its size or cost, then you can make a septic tank from several compartments yourself. An excellent inexpensive material for the implementation of the plan is concrete rings. You can do all the work yourself.

Among the advantages of a septic tank from reinforced concrete rings, we note the following:

  • Affordable price.
  • Unpretentiousness during operation.
  • The ability to perform work without the help of specialists.

Of the shortcomings, the following deserve attention:

  1. The presence of an unpleasant odor. It is impossible to make the structure absolutely airtight, and therefore the formation of an unpleasant odor near the septic tank cannot be avoided.
  2. The need to clean the chambers from solid waste using sewage equipment.

It is possible to reduce the frequency of the need to pump out a septic tank if bioactivators are used. They reduce the amount of solid fractions due to the fact that they accelerate the process of their decomposition.

If the installation of the rings is illiterate, then the septic tank will be leaky, which will increase the risk of untreated sewage penetrating into the ground. But, with proper installation, the septic tank will be airtight, so this drawback of the system is rightfully called conditional.

The scheme for the construction of a septic tank, as a rule, includes 1-2 chambers designed for settling and treating wastewater and a filtration field / filter well.

If few people live in your house and at least plumbing devices, then you can easily get by with a septic tank, consisting of one sump and a filter well. And vice versa, if you have many households and many devices are connected to the sewer, then it is better to make a septic tank from two chambers and a filtration well.

How to calculate the required volume for a septic tank has already been described above. According to building codes, the septic tank chamber must contain a three-day volume of wastewater. The volume of the reinforced concrete ring is 0.62 m3, which means that in order to build a septic tank for 5 people, you will need a sump of five rings. Where did this amount come from? For 5 people, you need a septic tank with a volume of 3 m 3. This figure must be divided by the volume of the ring, equal to 0.62 m 3. You will get a value of 4.83. It needs to be rounded up, which means that in order to equip a septic tank in this particular case, you will need 5 rings.

The pit must be of such a size that it can accommodate the septic tank chambers and the filter well. These works, of course, can be done manually, but it is long and very difficult, so it is more cost-effective to order digging a pit from a company with earthmoving equipment.

The bottom of the pit at the installation site of the sedimentation chambers must be concreted in order to avoid the possibility of penetration of untreated effluents into the ground. Before starting concrete work, it is necessary to drain a part of the bottom of the pit for the installation of sedimentation tanks, laying a sand cushion on it, with a layer of 30–50 cm.

If you do not want to concrete the bottom, then you can purchase reinforced concrete rings with a blank bottom. They will need to be installed first in a vertical row.

The place for the filter well also requires the preparation of the base. Under it, you need to make a pillow of sand, crushed stone and gravel with a thickness of at least 50 cm.

To install the rings, you will have to order the services of lifting equipment. It is very difficult to perform these tasks manually. You can, of course, install the rings by digging under the bottom ring. But this method is laborious. Yes, and the bottom will have to be filled after installing the last ring, which will entail whole line inconvenience. In view of this, it is better not to save on ordering lifting equipment.

Typically, the rings are fastened together with a solution, but for greater structural reliability, they can be fastened with metal plates or staples. In this case, your septic tank will not suffer due to ground movement.

Now it's time to organize an overflow, and for this you need to bring pipes to the rings. It is better that they work on the principle of a water seal, that is, they must be installed with a bend.

To seal the joints, you need to use a solution with an aqua barrier. From the outside, the tanks must be treated with coating or built-up waterproofing.

Another option is to purchase plastic cylinders installed inside the well. In this case, the likelihood of dirty water ingress will be minimized.

Installation of ceilings / backfill

Finished wells must be covered with special concrete slabs, in which holes are provided for mounting sewer manholes. Ideally backfill the pit should be carried out with soil with a large percentage of sand in its composition. But if it is impossible to realize this, the pit can be covered with soil removed from it before.

Now the septic tank can be put into operation.

The wastewater treatment system from barrels, as well as a similar design made of concrete goods, can be two- or three-chamber. Wastewater will flow into it by gravity, so it must be installed below the sewer pipes. The principle of operation of this device is similar to the construction of reinforced concrete rings.

For the arrangement of an autonomous sewage system according to the principle of a treatment system, you can use any containers. It may be old metal / plastic barrels. The main thing is that they are airtight.

If you decide to make a septic tank from metal barrels, then they should be pre-treated with an anti-corrosion agent.

Plastic containers have several advantages over their metal counterparts:

  1. A wide range of plastic containers that can be used to equip a septic tank.
  2. Barrels are highly resistant to the aggressive effects of effluents. Therefore, they last longer than their metal counterparts.
  3. The light weight of the containers simplifies their installation at the place of permanent deployment.
  4. Plastic does not need to be further processed, unlike metal.
  5. The high tightness of the barrels eliminates the possibility of dirty water penetrating into the ground.

Plastic barrels must be securely fixed when installed in the ground, because due to spring floods or winter frosts, they can be squeezed out of the ground. In view of this, plastic barrels are attached with cables to concrete base(it must first be poured or a reinforced concrete slab installed). In order not to crush plastic barrels, backfilling should be carried out very carefully.

For seasonal use, sewage from metal barrels is also suitable, but for stationary use this is not an option.

The popularity of metal containers for arranging sewerage is associated with their compactness and ease of installation. As a cover, you can use the appropriate size wooden blank or the one provided by the manufacturer. To install a metal septic tank, you need to dig an appropriate pit, which also needs to be concreted - walls and bottom.

Metal containers do not have a long service life even after they have been treated with anti-corrosion compounds. Therefore, their installation as a septic tank may be unprofitable. Buying stainless steel containers is not an option, as these products are very expensive.

Maybe you decide that in this case you can buy barrels with thin walls. However, this is also not the best solution, since during operation such a septic tank can be pushed out. Yes, and such barrels have a limited capacity - up to 250 liters, which is not suitable for a large family.

For the installation of a reliable wastewater treatment system, it is better to use factory polymer barrels.

To make a septic tank from 220 l barrels, you will need the following materials:

  • geotextile - 80 m 2;
  • sewerage pipe Ø110 m, length 5 m;
  • crushed stone fraction 1.8–3.5 cm, approximately 9 m 3;
  • corner for sewerage at an angle of 45 and 90º - 4 pcs.;
  • plastic barrel with a volume of 220 l - 2 pcs.;
  • coupling, flange - 2 pcs.;
  • wooden peg - 10 pcs.;
  • Y-shaped sewer tee - 4 pcs.;
  • building level;
  • drainage perforated pipe in the filter 5 m - 2 pcs.;
  • epoxy two-component sealant - 1 pc.;
  • glue for PVC - 1 pc.;
  • water tape - 1 pc.

Of the tools you will need:

  • Shovel.
  • Electric jigsaw.
  • Rake.

For a summer house / small country house, with economical use, standard plastic barrels are suitable. Installing such a cleaning system is easy. If you do not drain black drains into the sewer, then the septic tank will be unpretentious in maintenance. If the house has a toilet, then the sewer will have to be cleaned regularly, calling for sewage equipment.

For private houses with permanent residence, barrels will not be enough. For sewage, it is better to purchase plastic cubes / tanks / tanks. The process of their installation in the ground does not differ from the installation of barrels.

The distance of the septic tank from the house should not exceed 15 m. Too much distance will complicate the process of connecting the sewer to the house:

  • there is a need for a large deepening of the pipeline;
  • on the way to the septic tank, you will need to install a revision well.

The sewerage system from metal barrels does not require large financial investments And complex work by installation. To begin with, as in previous cases, you need to prepare a pit, and then install 2 barrels, each of which has a volume of at least 200 liters. Then pipes are installed for overflowing liquid from one barrel to another and a transition to the filtration fields / drainage well.

Each subsequent container must be located below the previous one in level.

The joints must be sealed, and the barrels must be insulated with foam. After that, the pit with a septic tank is filled up. Since, as mentioned above, metal barrels are short-lived, you need to be prepared for the fact that after 3-4 years they will need to be replaced.

Pipe laying


Clean air, remoteness from city problems and bustle are typical for a country house. The opportunity to come into contact with nature and enjoy its gifts charges with positive energy and positivity. However, the lack of a familiar set of communications can upset owners and create problems. In order for the country sewer system to function well and allow you to lead a familiar lifestyle, buy septic tanks for cottages. The tasks they perform can be divided into:

  • Cleaning of drains.
  • Utilization of sewer waste.

Septic tanks for cottages are absolutely environmentally friendly, therefore, they exclude harmful effects on the environment during use. What are the tasks of a septic device? Firstly, it cleans large mechanical waste: paper, pieces of food, etc. This is followed by the processing of organic substances, thanks to the special bacteria of the purification system. At this stage, organic impurities settle to the bottom. And in the end, there is a small mechanical wastewater treatment and further disposal, for example, discharge into the soil.

Normal operation depends on the quality of the septic tank for cottages and the literacy of the installation process. Installation should be carried out by specialists (and not with your own hands), taking into account many norms and features. However, further operation will no longer cause any problems, due to its versatility, septic tanks are used in many summer cottages.

Treatment facilities for giving

  • Groundwater level.
  • Method of disposal of the purified liquid: through the ground or into water bodies.
  • The intensity of use of the structure (seasonal or permanent residence).
  • Free area on the site.

We do not recommend do-it-yourself installation, as it is difficult for a non-professional to take into account all the factors that affect the success of the installation. But in any case, you will have to pay attention to the distance from the building, the planting depth, the layout of the pipes on the site.

To control installation work, see the list of actions to be performed. First, you need to prepare a list necessary materials(crushed stone, sand, slate, brick, cement, pipes, reinforcing mesh and others). Secondly, to approve the scheme and project of land works. Thirdly, prepare a pit and a trench, strengthen the soil. Fourthly, lay pipes, according to the design documentation, observing slopes and other features, install and concrete the structure, preventing the concrete from drying out. The final stage is the work on insulation and commissioning.

The list of benefits determines the positive feedback from consumers. Treatment facilities for summer cottages provide high-quality elimination of unpleasant odors, no need to call a sewage truck, to pump out sewage, lower the level of soil pollution with human waste products.

Today we will consider the main issues regarding the choice of such installations.

  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of aeration plants?
  • Is it worth separating "black" and "gray" drains?

The operation of these stations is based on the aerobic process of biological wastewater treatment. In other words, organic matter is decomposed by microorganisms that use atmospheric oxygen for their life, with which the effluents are saturated with the help of a compressor or a drainage pump.

What are the benefits of aeration plants?

  • High degree of wastewater treatment, reaching 95-98%. In this connection, VOC manufacturers admit the possibility of diverting treated process water from their facilities to the relief - into a village drainage ditch, ditch, nearby forest, reservoir, etc. This is a significant advantage of VOC over septic tanks that require post-treatment of wastewater in soil filtration facilities (about septic tanks from , and for them we have described in detail in our articles).
  • Aeration plants - the best option for autonomous sewage, when on the site clay soils- with poor filtering ability. That is, when it is very difficult to arrange filtering facilities. Or when there is simply no place for them on the site. So, the option with a septic tank disappears.
  • Aeration units are suitable for areas with heaving soils and with high level groundwater (GWL). Such units are manufactured from plastic - most often from polypropylene or fiberglass - in the factory. Therefore, they have a durable and sealed body, equipped with stiffeners and protruding elements. This allows VOCs to avoid deformation and extrusion to the surface.
  • Compared to septic tanks, aeration plants are less likely to have to be cleaned of excess sludge. But you still need to pump it out.

What are the disadvantages of aeration plants?

  • Quite high cost, especially quality products.
  • The relative complexity of the design: there are moving elements.
  • Energy dependence. Although the cost of electricity for the operation of VOCs is relatively small, when the electricity is turned off, the installation quickly ceases to function normally.
  • Unstable work, subject to intermittent residence in the house, which means uneven flow of effluents.
  • The need to store the installation for the winter if it is not expected to live in the house at this time of the year.
  • VOCs require regular service (often 3-4 times a year), which can be a hassle for homeowners.
  • Compared to septic tanks, aeration plants are not as “omnivorous”: there are serious restrictions on what can be dumped into the sewer. Most often, it is impossible to dispose of the remains of vegetables and fruits, spoiled products, construction waste, filter washings, a large number of drains with chlorine-containing preparations, etc. But you can dump toilet paper, kitchen drains and drains from dishwashers or washing machines there.

Sergey Shemaev CEO of Septico

During the conservation of the aeration installation for the winter, it is strictly forbidden to pump water out of it, otherwise the station may be deformed or squeezed onto the surface of the earth. To avoid this, always leave the unit filled with clean water.

What is the difference between the installations of different manufacturers?

Two main types of VOCs can be distinguished, depending on whether aeration is carried out using a compressor or a drain pump. There are much more stations of the first type on the market. This is due to the time-tested efficiency of fine bubble aeration provided by the compressor.

Installations of this type are presented trademarks Tver, Topas, Astra, Eurolos (PRO series), Eco-Grand, BioDeka, etc. In general terms, the principle of their work is similar. Drains sequentially pass through several chambers.

First, they settle in the receiving chamber, then they enter the aerotank - a chamber where they are saturated with atmospheric oxygen. Air is supplied through a fine-bubble aerator connected by a tube to a compressor. Thanks to oxygen, there is an intensive reproduction of microorganisms already contained in wastewater. Some models of VOCs are supplemented with bioreactors (loads) that promote the reproduction of these microorganisms. As a result, activated sludge is formed, which destroys the organic compounds present in the wastewater.

Further, the clarified water with sludge particles is sent to another settling tank, where the sludge settles and again enters the aerotank. And the purified water enters the next chamber, from where it is discharged outside the station - by gravity or forcibly, using a pump. Depending on the installation model, the liquid is moved either by airlifts (jet pumps), or combined - by gravity and airlifts. In some VOC models, additional settling chambers are provided, as well as a bioreactor (loading) in a non-aerated chamber. A biofilm of anaerobic microorganisms is formed on the bioreactor. All this is designed to improve the quality of cleaning.

In most stations of this type, the compressor and control unit are located inside the unit itself. This moment causes criticism from opponents of compressor stations. They remind that the possibility of VOC flooding cannot be ruled out. For example, when there is a power outage and the pump stops working, forcibly pumping water out of the installation. Flooding will lead to a breakdown of the compressor and control unit, the replacement of which will cost a lot.

However, in some LOS this problem is solved due to the fact that the compressor is taken out into the house. However, you need to be prepared for the fact that a constantly running compressor will make noise, although not strong. A compromise option is to place the compressor and control unit in an electrical box mounted on a rack located next to the station.

Peter Kukhanovich head of sales department TD Engineering equipment»

Placing the compressor of an aeration unit in a dry, heated room has a number of advantages. First, the compressor is not affected by moisture. Secondly, it is unaffected by toxic gases generated in the treatment plant that can corrode the copper parts of the compressor. All this ensures a long service life. Thirdly, a compressor located in a heated room guarantees high-quality wastewater treatment in the winter.The fact is that the biological processes necessary for cleaning proceed at a water temperature not lower than +8°C. If the compressor is outdoors, it will supply the unit in winter cold air. And therefore, there is a possibility of a decrease in the temperature of the water in it and, as a result, a deterioration in the quality of cleaning. If the compressor is located in the house, then it will only supply warm air, and this problem is excluded. Moreover, when the compressor is located on the street, and in winter there are arrivals in the house and the drains flow unevenly, there is a risk of water freezing in the installation when severe frosts. When the compressor is placed in a heated room, this will not happen.

Aeration plants of the second type are represented on the market by the trademarks Kolo Vesi, Eurolos (BIO series), etc. In such stations, also multi-chamber, wastewater is first clarified and then saturated with oxygen. Saturation occurs due to the fact that the effluent is sprayed by a submersible recirculation drainage pump onto the sprayer, after which it flows through the biofilter with a load. The biofilter is located in the mouth of the installation. It has a large surface area thanks to the voluminous loading elements made of synthetic material. In fact, the biofilter performs the function of a mechanical wastewater aerator. Passing through the biofilter, the effluents are cleaned by microorganisms in the form of activated sludge and biofilm on the feed. Then the effluents are additionally settled and discharged outside the station. All overflows between the chambers of the station are gravity. The control unit is moved outside the LOS.

Among the advantages of such installations are more simple design in comparison with the VOC of the first type, reliability due to the absence of a compressor, the ability to operate in septic tank mode during a power outage due to the gravity flow of wastewater between the chambers (although in this case, wastewater is cleaned much worse). Critics of such stations argue that the efficiency of aeration due to the pump is lower than due to the compressor, which is why the quality of cleaning in "pumping" installations is worse. The manufacturers deny this. At the same time, it can be noted that the market is looking for solutions aimed at improving the aeration of the treated liquid in plants of this type. So, stations have recently appeared where additional aeration is provided due to the ejector.

Konstantin Feldmanhead of the wholesale department of the company "Eurolos"

The new technical solution lies in the fact that the clarified wastewater supplied by the recirculation pump is divided into two streams: the first is sent to the biofilter sprinkler, and the second to the ejector provided in one of the settling chambers. Thanks to the ejector, the amount of oxygen that saturates the water increases. The use of an ejector made it possible to achieve a more stable quality of cleaning, as well as speed up the process of reaching the station's operating mode at startup.

We add that some manufacturers of "pumping" aeration plants recommend adding bioactivators to the water at the initial start-up or after a long downtime of the station to speed up the release of VOCs to the declared mode of operation.

How to determine the required volume of aeration installation?

To determine the required volume of VOC, the following points should be considered:

  • Productivity of installation (l/days). It is always listed in technical specifications VOC.
  • The number of people permanently living in the house. The daily norm for water consumption is approximately 200 liters per person (according to SP 30.13330.2012 "Internal water supply and sewerage of buildings"). Knowing how many people are in the family, you can calculate the daily volume of wastewater that will need to be diverted to the sewer. Thus, for a family of five permanently residing in the house, an installation with a capacity of about 1000 l / day will be optimal. As a rule, manufacturers allow short-term excess of the volume of effluents by 20-30% per day, for example, when guests come to you for the weekend. But a long-term increase or decrease in the volume of wastewater will lead to a deterioration in the quality of treatment.
  • Many installations are critical to volley water discharge. Therefore, often in their characteristics the maximum allowable volume of one-time drains from various plumbing fixtures is indicated.
  • Often, homeowners want to direct the “black” drains from the toilet to the aeration unit, and dispose of the “gray” drains from the bathroom and kitchen in some other way, for example, to drain directly into the filter well. At the same time, the savings consist in the acquisition of a smaller aeration unit. We do not recommend doing this, since "gray" drains are also dirty, and dumping them into the ground without cleaning means harming the environment. And the filter well will quickly become clogged. In addition, when separating wastewater, the aeration plant will not receive the nutrient medium it needs in the required volume, sludge will not form normally, which means that it will not be able to treat wastewater with high quality.

    In we will talk about how to properly position the aeration unit on the site and how to properly mount it. And also we will touch upon the acute question - is it possible to divert water from the aeration installation to the relief?

The city dweller, in general, only cares about the line “Sewerage” in the column of the services provided to the tenant in the receipt that comes at the end of the month. But the owner of a private house has many questions related to domestic wastewater. Or rather, where they go or how they are cleaned.

The principle of operation of treatment facilities

Today, the attention of the user in the construction market is offered a whole bunch of different VOC(local treatment plants). Each manufacturer claims that only in its products is complete wastewater treatment almost up to drinking water standards, however, the vast majority of the range of offers of autonomous treatment plants in one way or another uses only 1 method of wastewater treatment: biological.

Biological method of wastewater treatment It consists in the use of microorganisms that convert organic matter present in wastewater into minerals that are absorbed by plants. biological it is named because this process of decomposition of organic matter is typical, continuously occurring in nature (soil, reservoir).

So the organic compounds present in the dead parts of plants, the bodies of dead animals and the excrement of living beings are converted into minerals: the main ones required for plant nutrition (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium), well, and a whole series that are called trace elements. Their presence in the "diet" of plants is necessary, but in small doses. These are elements such as magnesium, zinc, and others. So Nature it is quite capable of coping with organic pollution on its own. In nature, they are not called pollution: dead organic matter is food for entire armies of representatives of the microworld.

So, you can count on Nature and not bother with the creation of treatment facilities? No matter how! Only a certain amount of organic matter can be mineralized by natural forces, and a person produces much more waste from his life, and, unlike all other living beings, he strives to do this locally. If there is more organic waste than the inhabitants of the soil and water bodies are able to handle, then natural oxidation processes are not activated, but, on the contrary, are inhibited, and the water body or soil area rots.

The task of artificial treatment facilities operating on the natural principle of purification is to create conditions for microorganisms that contribute to the intensification of the process. In particular - to make the process continuous, without weekends and winter holidays. What is the difference between the products offered for sale for a local sewerage device?

Different types of VOCs

Most often, when choosing a VOC, you can hear the word "septic tank". Manufacturers and vendors are confusing the user's understanding of the process. They call septic tanks and, in fact, themselves septic tanks, and more complex cleaning plants, and even just storage tanks - a plastic analogue cesspool, which is essentially just a big garbage can, and not a treatment plant. I will try to streamline the classification of the proposed structures for the treatment of domestic wastewater.

Most of the facilities available for sale use, as mentioned above, the biological principle of cleaning. They differ technological process. Compilers "Manuals for the design of autonomous engineering systems of single-apartment and blocked residential buildings» (Minstroy) - the fundamental document for the design of treatment facilities, there are 4 types of factory treatment plants: biological principle installations with activated sludge, treatment facilities with biofilm And combined containing elements of both structures. The fourth type is devices that operate on physical and chemical principle.

Manufacturers of sewage treatment plants add more and more to the range proposed by the Ministry of Construction septic tanks, which the authors of the "Manual" are supposed to be built directly at the facility, and not to be purchased in finished form. Let's start the review with this most simple device, besides being one of the elements of all four varieties.

septic tank

septic tank- This is a settling tank in which the preliminary treatment of effluents takes place. The name comes from the Greek word septikos(putrefactive). Septic tanks available for sale are one, two and three-chamber. These are tanks made of plastic or fiberglass of various shapes - from a simple tank with pipes-wells for revision, to structures that look like a giant lemon grenade.

Installation of a new septic tank for 4000 l

If the septic tank has more than 1 chamber, the compartments inside are separated by a partition and equipped with pipes for overflowing wastewater from one compartment to another, as well as for air exchange between the chambers. A necessary element of this design is a ventilation pipe with check valve, which releases the released gases to the outside.

The “Manual” of the Ministry of Construction recommends using a single-chamber septic tank if the volume of wastewater does not exceed 1 m³ per day, and a two-chamber one if the amount of wastewater is greater. The document does not mention three-chamber septic tanks, although such designs are on sale.

The model of the septic tank is selected depending on the designed system of treatment facilities and the volume of wastewater. The main cleaning method used in septic tanks is gravity settling. It consists in the following: sewage entering the septic tank begins to delaminate. The heavier particles sink to the bottom under the action of gravity, while the lighter ones remain floating on top, gradually gathering into a crust. Quite large particles accumulate at the bottom: pasta that fell into the drain of the kitchen sink, other food leftovers from plates, sand, glass fragments, and so on.

Sometimes, at the outlet of the fan pipe, an additional filter is installed in the first chamber of the septic tank - a regular mesh that catches large debris, as well as grease trap- a filter that traps grease, which is abundant in kitchen drains. Fat is extremely reluctant to decompose, and a large amount of it can disrupt the work of treatment plants. The grease filter can also be a separate device, and not part of a septic tank, and stand at the very beginning of the sewer path. This option is preferable because it will prevent the formation of fatty plugs in the sewer line.

Complex organic substances that make up domestic wastewater are decomposed into simpler ones in the first chamber of the septic tank: aldehydes, alcohols, fatty acids, carbon dioxide, hydrogen and ammonia. Partially purified liquid enters the next compartment. It decomposes organic substances and household chemicals with the help of microorganisms.

Since there is no oxygen access to either the first or the second chamber (a water seal is installed at the entrance to them, allowing the drains to move in only one direction), anaerobic bacteria. As a result of their vital activity, mineralization of organic matter occurs with the release of methane, therefore the second chamber of the septic tank is called metatank. Although partially the process of methane fermentation begins in the first chamber.

Wastewater treatment plant and biogas plant in Bayeux, Normandy

Plants for the production of biogas. Of course, the amount of organics in the effluents of one cottage is not enough to produce any decent amount of methane that would pay for the installation of special equipment. Therefore, at home, attempting to benefit from ... well, from what has flowed down the toilet, is impractical.

In domestic septic tanks, methane and a small amount of other gases escape into the atmosphere through the exhaust ventilation pipe. The escaping gases also produce flotation cleaning. True, in its natural form, without additional gas supply to the liquid, the fraction flotation in the treatment of wastewater in septic tanks is negligible.

Flotation cleaning method is to supply gas to the drains. Bubbles are formed in the gas jets, to which particles of contaminants adhere. A bubble of gas with contaminants adhering to its surface rises to the surface, where, together with the same bubbles, it forms foam. Foam with impurities is removed from the surface.

But back to the third chamber of the septic tank. Here, the drains (already sufficiently clarified) once again settle with a fine insoluble suspension falling to the bottom and, finally, pour out. But it’s impossible to direct the septic tank drain directly outward (for example, into the gutter). It's forbidden Sanitary standards.

Septic tank - only 1 element of treatment facilities. Drains in the septic tank are cleaned by 65 percent of the required sanitary norms, further purification is required. The most commonly used method is the post-treatment of wastewater after a septic tank in the soil: in filtration fields, in filter wells, trenches, cassettes.

Treatment using activated sludge

Treatment plants using activated sludge(about what is activated sludge you can read in the section Biological treatment in the publication) have the following elements in their design: a septic tank, an aerotank and another secondary sump. This is a single block. The supply and disposal of sewage in it, as a rule, is gravity-flowing. If we dealt with the first component - a septic tank, then now is the time to find out what it is aerotank.

Unlike a septic tank, aeration treatment plants are more complex in their design. This type of treatment involves another type of bacteria in its work - aerobic. Their life requires oxygen, the supply of which is provided by a more complex, in comparison with septic tanks, arrangement of aerotanks.

Air can be supplied to the aerotank pneumatically or by jet, and the amount of air used is quite large: for 1 m³ of the aerotank volume - 2 m³ of air per hour with pneumatic supply. To do this, use a compressor with the possibility of continuous operation. When jet feeding, jet pumps are used, in which a mixture of sludge is used as a working fluid.

The volume of the aerotank compartment depends on the amount of wastewater. Usually in the calculations it is taken at 150 liters per user. Continuous air supply is a prerequisite for the efficient operation of this type of treatment plant. Not only does the life of aerobic bacteria need oxygen, but the activated sludge layer should not accumulate in the tank and cake, otherwise it will rot in a rather short time.

Internal arrangement of aeration treatment plants. Photo from

Activated sludge moves between compartments: as a rule, towards the outlet by gravity, and back, to the first tank - by pumps or airlifts.

These facts - the need for constant aeration, mixing of activated sludge and the need to return it to the initial stage of movement - are among the obvious and obvious disadvantages of this type of treatment. They are volatile, and a power outage, even for a short time by human standards, can lead to the death of bacterial colonies living in the bowels of the VOC, and hence to a failure in the work of treatment plants.

Treatment plants with biofilm

As in the treatment plants described above using activated sludge, cleaning with biofilm consist of a primary clarifier - a septic tank, a biofilter chamber and a secondary clarifier. If in devices using activated sludge one of the design tasks is to prevent stagnation, then in treatment plants working with biofilm, the situation is reversed. Microorganisms, being mostly unicellular, form a conglomerate in the biofilm, closely adjoining each other and forming extracellular matrix- mucus, consisting of a polymeric substance secreted by individual microorganisms.

In wastewater treatment plants, biofilm is formed on the backfill, for which, for example, granite gravel can be used. In modern biofilters, in addition to natural materials, plastic or ceramic balls, cylinders or other forms are used. A biofilm is formed on the backfill of the filter. This construction is called biofilter.

The effluents that have passed the initial treatment and decomposition in the septic tank-sump enter the section with a biofilter. On its surface, wastewater is dripped, slowly seeps through the backfill and flows into the third chamber - the secondary sump. The thickness of the biofilter loading is about 1 m, and the area of ​​contact with wastewater depends on the amount of wastewater and is assumed to be 0.2 m² per sewer user. Periodically, the sediment from the secondary septic tank is returned to the septic tank using a pump.

For more complex wastewater treatment, combined treatment facilities and devices with physical and chemical principle work. As a rule, this applies to industrial effluents and such complex treatment facilities are not used for domestic sewage.

What to choose?

To answer this question, it is worthwhile to figure out for what purpose we choose treatment facilities. It would seem that the question is stupid: how, why - to clean domestic wastewater.

What are stocks

drains- these are any waters, including those of natural origin, rains and melt waters that have deteriorated their characteristics as a result of human activities, diverted into natural reservoirs (through a sewerage system or by gravity). In this case, we are not interested in industrial and production facilities, because everything is completely different there: wastewater treatment standards, treatment plant designs, and volumes. And even large residential facilities such as a city or village are not considered in this perspective: local sewerage and local treatment facilities are arranged in order to provide sewerage and cleaning of a private house or several blocked houses.

"Benefit" The Ministry of Construction divides stocks into:

  • household;
  • industrial;
  • production;
  • rain and melt water
and gives the following figures regarding the amount of pollution in domestic wastewater:

For a more extensive list of contaminants, see "Methodological recommendations for calculating the quantity and quality of wastewater and pollutants received in the sewerage system of settlements" approved by Gosstroy. From internal sewerage of a private house, provided that they simply live in it (wash, wash, go to the toilet), it is household waste that flows out. There are no particularly dangerous pollutants (well, at least in a dangerous amount) there. These are mainly organics of animal and vegetable origin and surfactants (surfactants) from household chemicals.

The biological method removes only organic contaminants. Everything else - bismuth, copper, lead, mercury, phenols, formaldehydes, ethyl alcohol, etc. is found in domestic wastewater in insignificant concentrations, and therefore they are not specially treated. Partially, other pollutants are absorbed by the activated sludge, and partially, they simply remain in the clarified waters.

As mentioned above, all these organic pollution are quite familiar to nature: the same processes constantly occur in the soil and natural reservoirs. Microorganisms complete the food chain by mineralizing organic residues and converting them into a plant-assimilable form - this is how the cycle of substances in nature takes place. Difficulties cause only volumes of pollution. It is precisely this - the destruction of large volumes of organic pollution - that microorganisms are engaged in treatment facilities operating on the biological principle of purification.

More about septic

For an individual house, a simple septic tank is quite enough. If the volume of wastewater is less than 1 m³, then a single-chamber one, if more, it is worth choosing a two-chamber one. The volume of the septic tank itself is taken with a 2.5-fold excess of the number of daily drains. For ease of calculation, you can use a volume of 150 liters per person per day. That is, if there are 3 people in your family, the size of the septic tank must be at least 1125 liters. Naturally, it is worth taking with a small margin - suddenly guests will come to you.

After cleaning in a septic tank, the effluents are quite suitable for disposal directly to the soil surface: the nitrogen and phosphorus present in the effluents will be absorbed by the plants and they will still say “thank you” to you.

Drains after a septic tank contain:

  • organic matter 40-60%;
  • nitrogen - 1-3%;
  • phosphorus (P(2)O(5)) - 1-4%;
  • potassium (K(2)O) - 0.2-0.7%;
  • calcium (Ca) - 3-5%;
  • there are also magnesium, sulfur, and other macro- and microelements necessary for plant nutrition.
The sediment has a reaction close to neutral (pH 6.5-8.0) and can be used as an organo-mineral fertilizer, similar to bedding and bedding-free or. " Benefit" The Ministry of Construction directly advises using drains after a septic tank for.

However, there are 2 snags that prevent you from doing this directly:

  • the first - the water from the septic tank still has some smell, not very pleasant to smell, especially within a small area and dense buildings,
  • second - this option is not suitable for our climate and year-round use of treatment plants due to banal freezing. The pipes will freeze from frost, and the site will be covered with a “skating rink” of drains.
Therefore, after the septic tank, it is necessary to arrange additional elements of treatment facilities: filtration fields, filtration wells, trenches, cassettes - depending on the composition of the soil, the height of groundwater, the size of the site and the size of the wallet.

If a septic tank completely solves the problem of cleaning household wastewater from a small house, then why are so many different local treatment facilities sold? I see 5 reasons.

  1. Aeration treatment plants are needed when there are too many effluents - more than 25 m³.
  2. If there is a need to discharge wastewater not into the soil, but into a reservoir. In this case, the requirements for cleaning are much stricter, and installations with forced aeration, for example, do clean drains better than a simple septic tank.
  3. If the house stands in a swamp and the soil of the site is simply not able to dispose of and clean up the drains.
  4. If it is not possible to exclude the possibility of runoff entering aquifers in the immediate vicinity of the water intake.
  5. Because they are bought.
The last reason in our market time is perhaps the most compelling. User Choice 4 The best aerator 5

One of the most important issues when buying a plot, cottage or country house is the availability of communications. And if, as a rule, there are no problems with water or electricity, then central sewerage in the private sector, especially far from the city, is a rarity. And the fastest and practical solution of this problem is the purchase of a septic tank.

The two most common types of individual treatment facilities are a non-volatile (autonomous) septic tank and a volatile station. Both types of waste disposal devices use several stages of treatment: mechanical sedimentation of suspended matter, filtration and biological treatment. Self-contained septic tanks use anaerobic bacteria to process waste, which do not need oxygen, but act slowly. In volatile devices biological filtration occurs with the help of more active aerobic microorganisms that require the use of aerators. But the level of purification in such septic tanks reaches 98%.

The choice of the optimal model of the cleaning device depends on several factors:

  1. Required performance. For one person, the volume of wastewater is usually laid equal to 150 - 200 liters per day.
  2. Availability of electricity on site.
  3. Plot size. Autonomous septic tanks require a larger area, as they are equipped with additional ground filtration fields.
  4. Ground water level. High GWL may require the use of additional engineering solutions.
  5. Soil composition. For areas with hard rocks, it is better to use horizontal septic tanks, since they require a shallower pit.

Our review contains models of septic tanks with the best technical and operational characteristics. When compiling the rating, the following were taken into account:

  • recommendations of civil engineers;
  • feedback from users who have installed specific models of cleaning devices in their area;
  • value for money septic tanks.

Useful video - how to choose the right septic tank

The best budget septic tanks for summer cottages

Septic tanks for installation in a summer cottage are small and relatively cheap. As a rule, these are simple stand-alone models that act as a sump and are connected to an additional filtration system. They have an extremely simple one-piece design, a low level of productivity, and are also unpretentious in maintenance.

4 TANK-1

Excellent price/performance ratio
Country Russia
Average price: 19,500 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.6

Tank-1 is the youngest model in the line of non-volatile septic tanks Triton Plastic. Its design is simplified to the limit: there are only two chambers: coarse primary treatment and secondary biological treatment. But, nevertheless, this small septic tank, capable of treating up to 600 liters of wastewater per day, has all the advantages inherent in more expensive models companies: it has a horizontal layout and a durable one-piece cast body with special stiffening ribs, which increases the service life and excludes the penetration of groundwater into the internal volume of the structure.

This compact model is ideal for installation in the country and is designed for use by two or three people. The level of wastewater treatment for this septic tank is 75 - 80%, therefore, it is recommended to use a special infiltrator in which additional treatment takes place with it. Buyers note the compact dimensions of the septic tank, easy installation and trouble-free operation. However, you still have to clean the chambers from sediment once every few years.

3 Termite Profi 1.2

The strongest container
Country Russia
Average price: 23,500 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.6

This miniature vertical septic tank can serve no more than two people. The degree of wastewater treatment reaches 85%. Due to its small weight - only 80 kg, Termit Profi 1.2 is easily transported and mounted. This is a great option for a small country house or a free-standing bath. An additional advantage is that the wall thickness of the Termit Profi 1.2 tank reaches 20 mm, and the shape of the body is specially designed for optimal performance under load.

According to user reviews, this septic tank is easy to install and maintain. Experienced summer residents recommend that it is imperative to sprinkle the container with sand cement to increase the service life of the structure. Among the disadvantages is the impossibility of using this septic tank with a high level of groundwater on the site.

2 MICROB 450

Best price
Country Russia
Average price: 12,400 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.8

For a dacha that is visited by 1-2 people, a guest house or a change house for the period of building a house, the best option would be a budget septic tank Microb 450. Its capacity is 150 liters per day, and its weight is only 35 kg. Of course, to install it, you will need to make a sand cushion, and apply a layer of insulation on top, since its wall thickness is small. But this septic tank can be installed in areas with any level of groundwater - of course, with the implementation of the manufacturer's design recommendations.

Customers especially like the device's reasonable price and easy installation. Of course, for a country house you will need a septic tank with a larger capacity, but for periodic trips to the country and with a limited budget, Microb 450 is ideal.

As mentioned above, septic tanks are divided into autonomous and volatile. What is their peculiarity, what are the strengths and weaknesses - we learn from the detailed comparison table:

Type of septic tank




Low, compared to a volatile septic tank, cost

Generally higher reliability

Does not depend on power supply

Does not create additional energy costs

– The need for underground filtration of wastewater

– In some cases, it does not isolate the surrounding space from a fetid odor

– Gradual accumulation of sludge requires periodic pumping

– The need to equip access roads for a sewage truck


No sediment buildup

The ability to take the septic tank to a third-party place, there is no need to equip an access road

Complete isolation from unpleasant odors

Installation of filtration fields is not required (for soil treatment of runoff)

– Compared to stand-alone models, higher price

– Dependence on electricity and, as a result, significant additional costs

– The presence of a larger number of constituent elements reduces the theoretical reliability

1 Rostok Mini

Stable performance in all conditions
Country Russia
Average price: 24,120 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.9

Inexpensive autonomous septic tank for a small country house. According to user reviews, due to the small volume (1000 liters) and the lightness of the design (total weight is 65 kilograms), installation does not cause much difficulty. The filtration capacity is 200 liters per day - this is not much, but the septic tank is designed for one or two users. The Rostok Mini copes well with the assigned functions, it requires pumping out once or twice a year (provided that all the supplies and the system are in good order). A very good option for equipping a summer house or a house, which will not hit the pockets of potential consumers hard.


  • seamless durable and lightweight (65 kilograms) plastic case;
  • the presence of additional stiffeners to give structural strength;
  • completely blocks unpleasant odors;
  • low, but stable performance;
  • does not require frequent maintenance;
  • attractive price.


  • for its price category - no.

The best volatile septic tanks

Treatment stations, whose biological filters are populated with aerobic microorganisms, are the most technically advanced version of septic tanks. They produce 98% purified water at the outlet - it can be used for irrigation, other technical needs, or discharged directly into the ground. Cleaning the tanks from silt is needed every couple of years, and the organic sediment itself is an excellent fertilizer for plants on the site. Since the drains do not need additional ground filtration, the structure takes up a minimum of space.

The main disadvantage of such systems is the need for electricity. As part of the aerobic system, there is always an aerator-compressor that saturates the liquid with oxygen necessary for the vital activity of bacteria. It is this fact that explains the higher cost of volatile stations - both during purchase and installation, and during operation.


Optimal price-quality ratio
Country Russia
Average price: 60,900 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.7

The body of this treatment plant It is made using rotational molding technology, which guarantees the absence of seams and uniform thickness of the material. As part of the septic tank, Japanese compressors and German pumps are used in order to ensure the smooth operation of the entire system. In case of loss of power supply, the station can operate normally for two days, after which it switches to the mode of an autonomous septic tank with an anaerobic filter.

Users note, first of all, the excellent value for money of this model. With a capacity of 800 liters, it consumes only 1.5 kW per day and provides a volume of water disposal sufficient for the permanent residence of 4 people. You can choose either a gravity-fed installation or a forced discharge option for areas with a high groundwater level.

4 Tver-0.5P

The best aerator
Country Russia
Average price: 75,000 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.7

The service life of this septic tank declared by the manufacturer is 50 years. This becomes possible due to the fact that a special structural plastic is used for casting the case, and the compressor equipment is made in Japan. The degree of water purification in this line of treatment facilities reaches 98%, which eliminates the need for additional soil filters.

The maximum productivity of the equipment is 500 liters per day, so Tver-0.5P can be recommended for a dacha or a country house with permanent residence of 2 - 3 people. Customer reviews are almost the same: the device does its job perfectly, there are no smells and noise, and periodic maintenance is required only once a year. The only drawback is the high price with relatively low performance.

3 Unilos Astra 5

User Choice
Country Russia
Average price: 76,000 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.8

One of the most famous septic tank models on the domestic market, which does not have a single visible weak point. If you do not take into account the price level, then the fifth Astra fully meets the requirements of a premium class product (if this is acceptable in this case). The system is based on a very fine filtering effect on the incoming wastewater - thanks to aerobic and anaerobic filters, it is possible to achieve almost 100% of the purification rate. Thus, up to one cubic meter of wastewater is processed per day, which is a normal average value. The input of the drain pipe can be organized at heights from 0.6 to 1.2 meters relative to the ground level, which greatly simplifies the installation of the tank.


  • high degree of aerobic and anaerobic purification (98%);
  • reliable container body;
  • good throughput (filtering up to one cubic meter runoff water per day).

2 Eco-Grand 15 (Poplar)

Best processing ability
Country Russia
Average price: 148,230 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.8

Dimensional volatile septic tank, ideal for large equipment country houses. Except that the tank weighs 380 kilograms, there are no problems with installation. And in terms of performance, everything is very good: the entire volume of the septic tank is divided into four compartments, two of which are equipped with aerators. After the effluents enter the receiving chamber (volley ejection can reach 450 liters), due to aeration, the solid fractions begin to decompose.

In a separate compartment under the controls there is a compressor for pumping wastewater through the system. By the way, the latter consumes a total of up to 2.8 kilowatts of energy per day - a little, but a decent amount accumulates over a long time of operation.


  • active filtration and aeration of incoming wastewater;
  • good performance (1.8-2.0 cubic meters of wastewater per day);
  • capacity equal to six cubic meters.


  • high price;
  • increased power consumption.


The most economical model
Country Russia
Average price: 99,875 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.9

One of the most economical energy-dependent septic tanks available to a wide range of consumers. Putting such a tank in the country is not entirely justified - it is much better suited to a small country house. The convenience of manual installation (as in stand-alone models) is no longer provided here - the entire structure weighs nearly 350 kilograms. Thanks to the installed filters, it does not require cleaning, it well limits unpleasant odors, and also filters up to 1.5 cubic meters of wastewater per day. According to users, the cost of power supply is noticeable, but much less than that of competitors and older models of this series - the septic tank consumes only 1.5 kilowatts per day.


  • popularity among users;
  • low power consumption;
  • high efficiency filtration;
  • reliable case;
  • ease of operation and low maintenance requirements.


  • not detected.

The best autonomous septic tanks

Autonomous septic tanks that do not require an electrical connection are the best option for a summer cottage or a country house in a remote area where there are problems with electricity. Their design does not contain moving mechanical parts, so they are simple, reliable and will perform their functions in any case.

Of course, there are also disadvantages - lower productivity, worse level of effluent clarification. Top Models provide no more than 85% purification, and, therefore, the water needs additional filtration. There are several ways - drainage fields, infiltrators, filtration wells - and all of them mean additional cash costs and reduce the useful area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe site. However, for houses with periodic residence, such structures may be more preferable, since they do not consume electricity and can be easily mothballed if necessary.

3 Uponor Sako

Good quality plastic
The country: Sweden/Finland (made in Russia)
Average price: RUB 67,575
Rating (2019): 4.7

The Scandinavian concern for the production of serious household equipment has quite successfully entered the Russian market. The domestic branch has launched the production of autonomous Uponor Sako septic tanks, suitable for installation both in a private house and in a summer cottage. In general, the system is not bad: it reliably retains unpleasant odors, filters wastewater without problems (but not perfect), and also does not impose high maintenance requirements. The problem area, judging by user reviews, is the extreme intolerance to the removal of rain and drainage water to the local cleaning system. Why this is so is a matter of intense debate. But the fact that this is an obvious minus is supported by all and unanimously.


  • good standard filtration efficiency;
  • quality body materials.


  • rainwater or drainage water entering the treatment system leads to a deterioration in filtering capacity.

2 Termite Profi 3.0

Maximum degree of cleaning in the class
Country Russia
Average price: 49,100 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.7

The performance of this model, which uses the principle of anaerobic clarification of wastewater, is 1200 liters per day. At the same time, the level of purification reaches 85%, which allows minimizing the area of ​​the final soil filtration. Such a septic tank with a sufficient supply provides permanent residence for six people. The tank is flushed only once a year, while the structure is completely autonomous.

According to user reviews, the septic tank fully complies with the characteristics declared by the manufacturers, is reliable and practical. It is especially convenient to use it for seasonal living: mothballing it for the winter and then putting it back into operation is not a problem. The disadvantages include a rather complicated installation procedure.

1 Triton-ED-3500 Horizontal

Profitable price
Country Russia
Average price: 43,500 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.8

This one is relatively inexpensive option cleaning system for a summer residence or a country house, where there are significant problems with the power supply. Productivity of model - 700 liters a day that provides requirements of 4 - 6 people. At the same time, the septic tank does not require an electrical connection, and the sludge can be pumped out once a year. Of course, in order for the water discharged into the ground to be sufficiently purified, it will be necessary to additionally apply a drainage field or an infiltrator.

Buyers especially like the horizontal layout of the septic tank, which allows you to limit the depth of the pit, as well as its independence from the mains. The disadvantages of the device are that it must be placed away from living quarters, since it is not possible to completely get rid of odors. This treatment plant especially well suited for a country house in which a family of 2-3 people lives, but guests periodically come.