Matryoshka production. Matryoshkas to order

  • 23.09.2019
aslan wrote on May 13th, 2015

In the village of Polkhovsky Maidan, Nizhny Novgorod region, little has changed over hundreds of years. The same wooden houses with tiles. The same broken roads. The same linden forest. The same trade. For four centuries in a row, the most recognizable souvenir of Russia, the nesting doll, has been born in the local workshops.

The peasants of the village took over the turning trade from the monks of the Sarov Monastery. At the beginning of the 20th century, wooden crafts began to be burned out, and a little later, they were painted. It was then that the characteristic Maidan ornament and landscape compositional plot took shape.

Previously, there was a whole production and was called "Red Dawn", where the whole village sharpened and painted matryoshkas. They even went from house to house and checked if anyone was sharpening at home. But with collapse Soviet Union the factory was gone. The whole village is now sharpening houses. Today, the traditions of fishing are continued by private entrepreneurs. The secrets of turning and the unique Polkhov-Maidan painting are passed down from father to son, from mother to daughter.

People live simply here. They work honestly. They harvest the forest, which will then be used for wooden utensils and toys. Raw material is taken from the forest. Who does not want to go to the forest, buys wood, ordering complete car ZIL (in winter the cost is 17,000 rubles), and in summer - 20,000. Residents say: “They will throw half a car of snags, sort it out yourself later. There is a forest 12 km from the village. There you buy a permit from the forester, and he shows you where you can cut and where you can't. There are also people who cut without documents, but if they are caught, a fine of 100,000 rubles will be issued.”

A turning workshop for the male half is like a second home. Here they spend 10-12 hours a day. Otherwise, you can't make money on handicrafts.

At first glance, they are twin sisters. In fact, no two are alike. Handmade.

The process of making nesting dolls begins with the choice of wood. Of the many types of trees, linden is chosen, as it is very soft and easy to work with. The best time for harvesting material - early spring. The tree needs to dry out in order to take shape, after which the linden is sawn.

The lower part of the matryoshka is sharpened from dry wood, which has dried for several years. The upper part is raw, as the wood dries out later, and therefore the matryoshka closes tightly. First, they sharpen the smallest solid one-piece. Then proceed to the second, consisting of two parts.

From the inside, all the wood is removed so that the smaller doll fits snugly inside. Then the process is repeated for a larger doll, etc. After the nesting doll, women paint oil paints. Coated with varnish.

Previously, fashion was in Moscow, you sharpen odnerka, zuvyndochki, in our opinion, (odnerka is the smallest nesting doll, its size is 15 mm.). The thieves loved to wear them on their pants... and hang them everywhere. The fashion used to be like this. One ruble was worth it. It was possible to have a hangover on him.

Formerly Maidan wooden crafts sold only in neighboring villages. After the lathes became electric, nesting dolls were seen by distant cities of Russia and other countries. From the fairgrounds of Nizhny Novgorod and Moscow, round-faced beauties disperse all over the world. They are packed in ordinary bales, Chinese bags, dragged off-road.

And in the rain, and in the snow, they have to languish on the counter. Before someone chooses a nesting doll from hundreds of competitors. There is little creativity in the matryoshka trade. This is business. In souvenir shops in Moscow and St. Petersburg, nesting dolls for five people cost from 250 to 7,000 rubles.

In addition to traditional sharpening and nesting dolls with portraits of heroes from fairy tales, as well as Easter eggs, whistles, Christmas trees, cockerels, maces. Fashion for wooden products is changing. Demand creates supply.

Once, Papa Carlo was cutting a little boy Pinocchio. Everything was different for us. The Maidan people carved and painted a hardworking girl, smart and beautiful. She gave work to the whole village and became a symbol of all of Russia.

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3. Making nesting dolls

According to a long tradition, popular toys are legendary. In this regard, matryoshka is no exception. They say that at the end of the 19th century, someone brought a Japanese chiseled figurine of the Buddhist saint Fukuruji to the Mamontov family - famous Russian industrialists and patrons of art - either from Paris or from the island of Honshu, which turned out to be with a "surprise" - it broke into two parts. Inside it was hidden another, smaller one, which also consisted of two halves. There were five such pupae in total. It was assumed that this was what prompted the creation of our nesting dolls by Russian masters. Matryoshka - on behalf of Matryona. The birthplace of the new toy, which quickly gained fame as a national souvenir, was the workshop "Children's Education" by A.I. Mamontov in Moscow, where since 1898 the turner V.P. Zvezdochkin. Therefore, from now on, you can count the age of the nesting dolls. Despite its Moscow origin, Sergiev Posad near Moscow, the largest center of handicraft toy production in Russia, a kind of "toy capital" became the real homeland of the matryoshka. Mass production of nesting dolls began after the World Exhibition in Paris in 1900, where the Russian toy made a successful debut. The well-known Russian seasons of S.P. also influenced this. Diaghilev. Since 1909, the Russian matryoshka has become a permanent participant in the Berlin exhibition and the annual handicraft market, held in London at the beginning of the 20th century. After the renaming of Sergiev-Posad in 1930 to Zagorsk, the style of painting nesting dolls began to be called "Zagorsk". The "Zagorsky style" - emphatically picturesque, with an abundance of carefully drawn out small details and gilding - was replaced in 1930 by a more economical and close to the original idea of ​​​​S.V. Malyutin (an artist who created his famous "Berendeev" style in arts and crafts, for example: "a bull in a chamberlain's suit"). At the mention of the "Zagorsk" matryoshka, an image of a chubby Russian girl in a headscarf and a sundress covered with an apron, painted juicy and brightly uncomplicated flowers, leaves and dots, rises before your eyes. In the painting, 3-4 colors are usually used - red or orange, yellow, green and blue - with the addition of black to outline the face and clothing with thin lines. After the socialist revolution, the production of nesting dolls became widespread. Factory opened. Until the end of 1980, in the form and painting of the toy, there was a simplification associated with the need for their further replication. In addition to "Zagorsk" nesting dolls, "Semyonov" and "Merin" matryoshkas were famous abroad (the village of Merinovo near the city of Semenov in the Nizhny Novgorod region was famous for its turning products). In 1922 the Merino craftsman A.F. Mayorov bought a "Sergius" toy. Arsenty Fedorovich carved a similar shape himself and, together with his daughters, painted it in his own way. Since then, this craft has remained the main one for Merino craftsmen to this day. Distinctive features"Semyonov" style - an unpretentious solution to the image, but more vivid and original in painting, reminiscent of a lush bouquet. Almost simultaneously with the "Merino" toys, another matryoshka appeared in the Volga region - in the village of Polkhovsky Maidan, or Polkhov Maidan in common parlance. Features of the "Polkhov" matryoshka: emphasized elongated shape (column), with a rigidly outlined head. "Flowers with eyeliner" - painting on a previously applied black outline - a typical painting in Polkhovsky Maidan. Perhaps the most sophisticated technology the type of matryoshka is different from the production - it comes from Vyatka. The Vyatka painting uses straw inlay. With all the abundance of plots and ways of decorating nesting dolls, the "Sergius" style is popular today: a shawl, an apron and a sundress are a must, with a bold combination of colors and Russian traditions. "Peasant" and "boyar" styles are equally popular. So, for the most popular Russian toy, this is an anniversary decade. The collection of nesting dolls in the collection of the Artistic and Pedagogical Toy Museum in Sergiev Posad convinces us of the idea that this wooden figurine was conceived precisely as a toy that helps the child to master such concepts as shape, color, quantity, size.

Workpiece grinding

It is best to apply paint on a smooth sanded surface. In special cases, putty and primer should also be used.

Glue application

Glue on the matryoshka is applied in the form of a pattern: in this figure we circle the butterfly. In the future, this will serve as the basis for applying imitation of gilding - sweating. This wonderful material gives the product a golden sheen and originality.

Gluing sweat

Modern technologies and materials allow you to work wonders and turn a piece of wood into a work of art. By the way, the works of modern masters of folk crafts in many respects surpass the products of ancient artists in terms of quality of performance and entertainment.

Background drawing

Now you need to do the design of the product and start naturally from the background. On classic nesting dolls, this is a scarf or a fur coat decorated with flowers, on this souvenir, I will draw a summer meadow and a bright blue sky to create the appropriate mood.

Small bugs in the grass, the grass itself, the details of the butterfly are drawn with bright colors. At this stage, the main plot of the souvenir is actually created.

Drawing details with a stroke allows you to emphasize them and highlight them against the general background. After it, the finished product is actually obtained. As soon as the matryoshka is ready, it passes visual quality control, and only then it enters the last stage.


The final stage - the souvenir is covered with a layer of varnish. Lacquer protects

products from moisture and dust, and also gives a special shine to the souvenir.


One of the foreigners called the matryoshka "a mystery and a symbol of Russia", which gave rise to serious philosophical discussions on this topic. The collection of nesting dolls in the collection of the Art and Pedagogical Museum of Toys in Sergiev Posad convinces us of the opposite - this wooden figurine was conceived as a toy that helps the child to master such concepts as shape, color, quantity, size.

The history of the development of Russian folk craft testifies to its enormous possibilities, which allow creating more and more original works, interest in which has not been lost to this day.

According to a long tradition, popular toys are legendary. In this regard, matryoshka is no exception. They say that at the end of the 19th century, the Mamontov family - famous Russian industrialists and patrons of the arts - either from Paris ...

Workpiece grinding. It is best to apply paint on a smooth sanded surface. In special cases, putty and primer should also be used. Applying glue. Glue on the matryoshka is applied in the form of a pattern ...

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In the village of Polkhovsky Maidan, Nizhny Novgorod region, little has changed over hundreds of years. The same wooden houses with tiles. The same broken roads. The same linden forest. The same trade. For four centuries in a row, the most recognizable souvenir of Russia, the matryoshka, has been born in the local workshops.

The peasants of the village took over the turning trade from the monks of the Sarov Monastery. At the beginning of the 20th century, wooden crafts began to be burned, and a little later, they were painted. It was then that the characteristic Maidan ornament and landscape compositional plot took shape.

Previously, there was a whole production and was called "Red Dawn", where the whole village sharpened and painted matryoshkas. They even went from house to house and checked if anyone was sharpening at home. But with the collapse of the Soviet Union, the plant also disappeared. The whole village is now sharpening houses. Today, the traditions of fishing are continued by private entrepreneurs. The secrets of turning and the unique Polkhov-Maidan painting are passed down from father to son, from mother to daughter.

People live simply here. They work honestly. They harvest the forest, which will then be used for wooden utensils and toys. Raw material is taken from the forest. Those who do not want to go to the forest buy wood, ordering a full ZIL car (in winter the cost is 17,000 rubles), and in summer - 20,000. Residents say: “They will throw half a car of snags, sort it out yourself later. There is a forest 12 km from the village. There you buy a permit from the forester, and he shows you where you can cut and where not. There are also people who cut without documents, but if they are caught, a fine of 100,000 rubles will be issued.”

A turning workshop for the male half is like a second home. Here they spend 10-12 hours a day. Otherwise, you can't make money on handicrafts.

At first glance, they are twin sisters. In fact, no two are alike. Handmade.

The process of making nesting dolls begins with the choice of wood. Of the many types of trees, linden is chosen, as it is very soft and easy to work with. The best time to harvest material is early spring. The tree needs to dry out in order to take shape, after which the linden is sawn.

The lower part of the matryoshka is sharpened from dry wood, which has dried for several years. The upper part is raw, as the wood dries out later, and therefore the matryoshka closes tightly. First, they sharpen the smallest solid one-piece. Then proceed to the second, consisting of two parts.

From the inside, all the wood is removed so that the smaller doll fits snugly inside. Then the process is repeated for a larger doll, and so on. After the nesting dolls, women paint with oil paints. Coated with varnish.

- Previously, there was fashion in Moscow, you sharpen odnerka, zuvyndochka, in our opinion, (oddnerka is the smallest nesting doll, its size is 15 mm.). The thieves loved to wear them on their pants... and hang them everywhere. The fashion used to be like this. One ruble was worth it. It was possible to have a hangover on him.

Previously, Maidan wooden products were sold only in neighboring villages. After the lathes became electric, nesting dolls were seen by distant cities of Russia and other countries. From the fairgrounds of Nizhny Novgorod and Moscow, round-faced beauties disperse all over the world. They are packed in ordinary bales, Chinese bags, dragged off-road.

And in the rain, and in the snow, they have to languish on the counter. Before someone chooses a nesting doll from hundreds of competitors. There is little creativity in the matryoshka trade. This is business. In souvenir shops in Moscow and St. Petersburg, nesting dolls for five people cost from 250 to 7,000 rubles.

In addition to traditional sharpening and nesting dolls with portraits of heroes from fairy tales, as well as Easter eggs, whistles, Christmas trees, cockerels, maces. Fashion for wooden products is changing. Demand creates supply.

Once, Papa Carlo was cutting a little boy Pinocchio. Everything was different for us. The Maidan people carved and painted a hardworking girl, smart and beautiful. She gave work to the whole village and became a symbol of all of Russia.

According to a long tradition, popular toys are legendary. In this regard, matryoshka is no exception. They say that at the end of the 19th century, someone brought a Japanese chiseled figurine of the Buddhist saint Fukuruji to the Mamontov family - famous Russian industrialists and patrons of art - either from Paris or from the island of Honshu, which turned out to be with a "surprise" - it broke into two parts. Inside it was hidden another, smaller one, which also consisted of two halves ... There were five such pupae in total. It was assumed that this was what prompted the creation of our nesting dolls by Russian masters. Matryoshka - on behalf of Matryona. The birthplace of the new toy, which quickly gained fame as a national souvenir, was the workshop "Children's Education" by A.I. Mamontov in Moscow, where since 1898 the turner V.P. Zvezdochkin. Therefore, from now on, you can count the age of the nesting dolls. Despite its Moscow origin, Sergiev Posad near Moscow became the real homeland of the matryoshka - the largest center in Russia for handicraft toy production, a kind of "toy capital". Mass production of nesting dolls began after the World Exhibition in Paris in 1900, where the Russian toy made a successful debut. The well-known Russian seasons of S.P. also influenced this. Diaghilev. Since 1909, the Russian matryoshka has become a permanent participant in the Berlin exhibition and the annual handicraft market, held in London at the beginning of the 20th century. After the renaming of Sergiev Posad to Zagorsk in 1930, the style of painting nesting dolls began to be called "Zagorsk". The "Zagorsky style" - emphatically picturesque, with an abundance of carefully drawn out small details and gilding - was replaced in 1930 by a more economical and close to the original idea of ​​​​S.V. Malyutina (an artist who created his famous "brandey" style in arts and crafts, for example: "a bull in a chamberlain's suit"). At the mention of the "Zagorsk" matryoshka, an image of a chubby Russian girl in a headscarf and a sundress covered with an apron, painted juicy and brightly uncomplicated flowers, leaves and dots, rises before your eyes. In the painting, 3-4 colors are usually used - red or orange, yellow, green and blue - with the addition of black to outline the face and clothing with thin lines. After the socialist revolution, the production of nesting dolls became widespread. Factory opened. Until the end of 1980, in the form and painting of the toy, there was a simplification associated with the need for their further replication. In addition to "Zagorsk" nesting dolls, "Semyonov" and "Merin" matryoshkas were famous abroad (the village of Merinovo near the city of Semenov in the Nizhny Novgorod region was famous for its turning products). In 1922 the Merino craftsman A.F. Mayorov bought a "Sergius" toy. Arsenty Fedorovich carved a similar shape himself and, together with his daughters, painted it in his own way. Since then, this craft has remained the main one for Merino craftsmen to this day. Distinctive features of the "Semenov" style - a simple solution to the image, but brighter and more original in painting, reminiscent of a lush bouquet. Almost simultaneously with the "Merino" toys, another matryoshka appeared in the Volga region - in the village of Polkhovsky Maidan, or Polkhov Maidan in common parlance. Features of the "Polkhov" matryoshka: emphasized elongated shape (column), with a rigidly outlined head. "Flowers with eyeliner" - painting on a previously applied black outline - a typical painting in Polkhovsky Maidan. Perhaps the most complex manufacturing technology is the type of matryoshka doll - originally from Vyatka. The Vyatka painting uses straw inlay. With all the abundance of plots and ways of decorating nesting dolls, the "Sergius" style is popular today: a shawl, an apron and a sundress are a must, with a bold combination of colors and Russian traditions. "Peasant" and "boyar" styles are equally popular. So, for the most popular Russian toy, this is an anniversary decade. The collection of nesting dolls in the collection of the Artistic and Pedagogical Museum of Toys in Sergiev Posad convinces us of the idea that this wooden figurine was conceived precisely as a toy that helps the child to master such concepts as shape, color, quantity, size.

Matryoshka manufacturing technology

Workpiece grinding. It is best to apply paint on a smooth sanded surface. In special cases, putty and primer should also be used.

Applying glue. Glue on the matryoshka is applied in the form of a pattern.

In the future, this will serve as the basis for applying imitation of gilding - sweating. This wonderful material gives the product a golden sheen and originality.

Applying sweat.

Modern technologies and materials allow you to work wonders and turn a piece of wood into a work of art. By the way, the works of modern masters of folk crafts in many respects surpass the products of ancient artists in terms of quality of performance and entertainment.

Matryoshka- this is a hollow wooden brightly painted doll in the form of a semi-oval figure, into which other similar smaller dolls are inserted.
(Dictionary of the Russian language. S.I. Ozhegov)

How is a matryoshka born? The process of making nesting dolls is quite complicated and requires considerable skill and patience. Every master has his own secrets. First you need to choose a tree, because not every wood is suitable for the production of nesting dolls. As a rule, it is linden, birch, aspen. And it should be smooth, without knots. The tree is cut down in winter or at the beginning of spring so that there is little juice in it. The trunk is processed and stored so that the wood is blown. It is important not to overdry the log. Drying time is approximately two years. The masters say that the tree should ring.

The next step in the manufacture of nesting dolls is the turning of figures. The smallest matryoshka that does not open is the first to be born. Following it is the lower part (bottom) for the next one. The upper part of the second matryoshka is not dried, but is immediately put on on the bottom. Due to the fact that the upper part is dried on the spot, the parts of the matryoshka fit snugly together and hold well.

Painting nesting dolls
When the nesting doll body is ready, it is skinned and primed. And then the process begins, which gives each doll its own personality - painting nesting dolls. First, the base of the nesting doll pattern is applied with a pencil. Then the contours of the mouth, eyes, cheeks are outlined. And then they draw clothes for the nested doll. Usually when painting, they use gouache, watercolor or acrylic. Each locality has its own painting canons, its own colors and shapes.

A good nesting doll is different in that: all its figures easily fit into each other; two parts of one matryoshka fit snugly and do not hang out; the drawing is correct and clear; Well, and, of course, a good nesting doll should be beautiful.

Currently, both souvenir factories and individual matryoshka masters are engaged in the manufacture of matryoshka. Of course, a nesting doll, carved and hand-painted by a talented artist, is an order of magnitude more valuable than a factory one.