Which roller to choose for oil paint. Choosing a paint roller

  • 20.06.2020

The main advantage of a roller over a paint brush is that it provides an opportunity to cover a much larger surface area for processing. It is much more profitable to paint walls and ceilings with such a tool, as well as process wide panels, apply paint to various products.

There are times when it is inferior to brushes in some work, for example, in painting hard-to-reach places, corners, lines of construction interfaces, but basically it is the roller that can significantly reduce the time of painting. painting works.

Based on the desire to get as much pleasure from work as possible, and not turn it into a long painful process, people seek to acquire convenient quality tools.

This also applies to rollers. You always want to know in advance which roller is better. Their quality largely determines the ease of work. In this regard, you need to carefully look at the main elements of the tool: a fur coat, a cylinder.

Varieties of fur coats

In the modern construction market, you can buy rollers of any type and for any work. The difference between the products lies in the type of material used for tailoring fur coats. Most often, foam rubber, fur, velor, polyamide are used in the work.

foam roller

The cheapest option is to sew a foam rubber coat. It is excellent for priming surfaces with water-based paints. But for a water emulsion, this type of fur coat is not suitable.

The main advantage that a foam rubber roller has is its low price. At the same time, it is not recommended to take it for painting walls and ceilings, since when rolling it forms splashes and stripes. But to paint the carpentry with them is a nice thing.

Such a roller will paint a wooden window in just five minutes. The main thing is to first seal the perimeter of the glass adjacent to the glazing beads with masking tape.

fur coat

Fur as the main cover of the tool is convenient for working with any compositions. With water-based and oil. The fur surface perfectly absorbs paint, does not create bubbles on the working surface and evenly applies and rolls out the composition. With such a tool, it is good to mask the places where cracks, chips, and small depressions appear.

Among the disadvantages of the fur roller for painting, the possibility of partial loss of pile during dyeing. It is worth carefully choosing fur coats of this type. If you save money and buy a cheaper option, you will need to get ready to clean off numerous villi from the treated surface.

Roller with a fur coat from velor

Velor in terms of its properties and the quality of surface coloring is on a par with the fur coating of the instrument. To some extent, he even surpasses him. Coloring with a velor fur coat makes the surface smooth after drying. This fur coat is great for piercing wooden surfaces (parquet, floorboards).

How to understand the dimensions of the tool

The rollers have their own division by size. To have a visual representation on this topic, you can view photos of paint rollers. It will be found that the presence of different parameters greatly facilitates the workflow. Comfortable conditions for working with the tool are created.

First of all, the dimensions of the main part - the cylinder - are taken into account. The parameters of the handle play a smaller role. This feature divides instruments into the following types:

  • Type - mini. The cylinder has a diameter of no more than 9 cm and a height of about 15 cm. The product is suitable for painting surfaces in hard-to-reach places.
  • Type - midi. The diameter is the same, but the height is increased to 20 cm. The tool is universal and is recommended for finishing walls, ceilings and other wide surfaces. An additional advantage is the low weight of the roller.
  • Maxi type. The length of the roller reaches 30 cm, and the diameter value is 8 cm. Such a roller is a professional tool. Accordingly, its price will be significantly higher than the previous types.

Such a tool can be used both for interior work and for exterior facade work.

Separation of rollers by functional types

On a functional basis, the rollers are divided into several groups. According to the location of the working surface, the tool is referred to as intended for internal processes and external ones.

For example:

  • Front rollers. As an interlayer they have an intermediate packing. Due to this, uniform sliding is achieved, excluding splashing of paint.
  • Textured rollers. The top cover of the cylinder can be rubber, plastic, metal, fur, and so on. Are intended for creation of relief drawings. Involved in the application of decorative plaster compositions.
  • Needle rollers. Indispensable when working with polymeric floor coverings. Roll the mixture quickly and evenly over the floor surface, hiding all small cracks.
  • Rubber roller. This tool is used by professionals. This is one of the varieties of textured look, also associated with the application decorative plaster.

Photo of paint rollers

Among the huge number of devices for painting surfaces different type rollers should be especially highlighted. These simple tools have a fairly large list of advantages and are clearly popular. They have been known for a long time, but not everyone knows how to choose the right roller for the wall of an apartment. But it will depend on the quality of the work performed.

Types of paint rollers

Classification of modern rollers can be performed according to various criteria. In addition, you should be aware that Russian manufacturers do it in a completely different way than their foreign partners. For example, on a domestic product, you can see such characteristics as the name, material, and purpose. The title is clear. According to the use of material for a fur coat, rollers are classified either into products from natural fur covering, or into products from artificial covering. According to the method of appointment, they are divided into:

  • Universal;
  • Special;
  • For simple jobs;
  • For a certain type of paint.

That is, everything is clear with this and it does not cause difficulties how to choose a paint roller from a Russian manufacturer. But with foreign goods, confusion arises, since most countries have their own, separately taken classification. For example, when choosing a roller made in Finland, you will have to choose from seven types of goods.

A completely different approach to the classification of their products is used by the Swedish company ANZA, one of the leading companies in this area, highlighting only three types: mini, midi, maxi.

What is the most important thing in choosing a roller

Among all known parameters, the main feature of the instrument is its coating. It is from him that the quality of the completed painting and the finished appearance of any surface will depend. The material of the fur coat is an extremely important aspect, and before choosing a roller for painting the ceiling, you need to familiarize yourself with useful information. Of course, you can rely on the advice of the seller in the store, but whether it will be true, there is no certainty.

The more rough the surface, the longer the pile should be.

For the manufacture of "clothes" for the roller, modern manufacturers use the following materials:

  • artificial (foam rubber, polyamide, polyacryl);
  • natural (rubber, velor, felt, animal fur)

The variety of materials used indicates another important feature of the tool - the choice of pile length. There are certain length standards, based on which a pile roller is used:

  • up to 5 mm are usually used for varnishing, parquet, wood, metal;
  • from 5 mm to 10 mm are used for painting putty walls and ceilings in an apartment;
  • from 5 mm to 20 mm is used for painting porous concrete surfaces, raw wood and plaster with a rough surface;
  • from 20 mm to 30 mm is used if the surface is made of concrete blocks, bricks and plaster with a strong roughness.

Experts say simpler: smooth and smooth walls and ceilings are painted with a short pile roller, and highly rough and porous surfaces with a long pile roller.

It is difficult to doubt the usefulness of the roller. With its help, the repair process is much faster and more comfortable. But this is only with the right choice of tool. Thus, information should not be neglected.

When choosing a roller with a long pile, you must remember that it will absorb a large amount of paint. This is not entirely economical, but, on the other hand, the surface will be covered with a thick solid layer. The disadvantage is that the long pile is strongly deformed, bent, the villi stick together, leaving bald spots when painting. Modern technologies avoid this and most manufacturers use special metal threads. They are woven into the pile and make it more stable and durable. The tool lasts much longer, although it costs more.

Important! when painting the ceiling, it is good to prime the surface with this, you will be able to save paint and it will be unnecessary to apply extra layers.

The main disadvantage of a long-haired roller is that if you paint the ceiling with a thick helmet, the surface will be rougher. The advantage is that the roller picks up more paint and paint faster. Especially if the area is large and the paint dries quickly.

long pile roller

The short pile roller has a fine thread of its own and creates a thinner coat of paint. It absorbs less paint, which is quite economical. This allows you to use it for decorative surface finishing, paint wallpaper and smooth plaster. It can be used with glossy paint, which is very moody.

The hardest thing to paint is the ceiling, so choosing the right roller for painting the ceiling is extremely important. A tool with neither a long pile nor a short one is suitable here. It's better to stick with the average. And, accordingly, pay attention to the manufacturer.

Roller with rounded edges with high performance. Suitable for interior work with ceilings. Creates a medium rough finish.


Thick rope roll with excellent covering power. Suitable for interior wall and ceiling applications where a smooth and low maintenance finish is required. Creates a fine textured finish.


Judging by the reviews, this roller is the leader. It is ideal for painting walls and ceilings in the apartment.

Important! The smaller the roughness of the wall you want to get, the shorter the pile should be, ideally for ceilings from 5-10 mm.

You can determine which roller manufacturer is better only by trying the tool in action. ANZA has long been a leader among manufacturers of paints and varnishes and tools. Swedish rollers are of very high quality and are very popular. They have undeniable advantages over other brands.

Thus, by choosing the right roller, you can save yourself from many problems and paint different surfaces with high quality. The video story will tell you very clearly and clearly about which roller to choose.

Preparing the roller for work

Painting is one of the easiest ways to update a ceiling surface. Such a simple, but very effective type of home repair is available to almost everyone who knows how to hold a roller and a can of paint in their hands. However, sometimes there are many pitfalls behind the obvious elementarity of a process, and the final result directly depends on how you overcome this barrier. How to paint the ceiling with a roller? simple and difficult question at the same time, the price of which is your satisfaction from the work done. We offer the most helpful tips by choice and some painting secrets.

  1. What determines the choice
  2. What rollers are
  3. Useful tips for choosing
  4. Conclusion

What determines the choice

"Don't think down the tools"- a paraphrase of a quote from a well-known song that has already set the teeth on edge here is just right. Most people who start repairs are very frivolous in choosing the necessary tools. Especially when it comes to painting. Here, the whole narrow-minded fantasy comes down to acquiring the first roller that came into view in a hardware store.

It’s also good if, before buying, a person holds it in his hands, checking for a comfortable grip. However, often this moment is also successfully dissolved in a hasty desire to buy everything necessary and start (finish) the repair.

  • type of surface to be painted;
  • the quality of the paint used;
  • the nature of the prepared surface.

The ideal type of surface for uniform coloring with a roller is drywall. It perfectly absorbs any kind of paint, stably keeping the chosen color. True, before direct painting, it would be useful to walk along the entire ceiling surface with an acrylic-based primer, which will somewhat reduce the absorption rate of the cardboard sheet. And in this article you can learn more about the features of painting the ceiling with water-based paint.

Most often, ceilings are painted with water-based or water-dispersion paint, which brilliantly retains color, is not afraid of moisture and is generally absolutely safe for humans.

Depending on the type of ingredients used, it can be acrylic, silicate, latex. The answer to the question of which roller is better to use for painting the ceiling, in each individual case, will directly depend on the choice of paint type. So, water-dispersion paint is great for painting plastered surfaces, which means that we will select the tool, taking into account this fact.

In addition, the choice of roller is also influenced by the overall quality of the prepared surface. How ready is she for coloring? Are all cracks sealed? What are the gaps between the sheets when it comes to plasterboard ceilings? What primer was used to finish the ceiling surface? All this is just a small part of the questions, knowing the answers to which allows you to correctly determine the tool in each individual case.

What rollers are

Trying to sort out all the rollers for sale on the shelves is still a gamble. The fact is that a variety of criteria can serve as a starting point for classification. Starting from the type of fur coat used and ending with the size of the drum. All this ultimately affects not only the speed of the work, but also the immediate convenience at the same time. Let's try to systematize the accumulated experience and sequentially go through each of them.

Handle size

As a rule, in rollers of domestic production, this indicator fluctuates within 30-50 centimeters . Experts note that it is these dimensions that allow you to confidently hold the roller in your hands and carry out uniform painting. If the task is to paint individual elements, and not the ceiling as a whole, then you can choose a roller with a smaller handle - 15 centimeters . As a rule, the manufacturer of such products are foreign companies.

A great option is a tool with interchangeable handles, one of which is short and the other, on the contrary, is long. Such a roller can be successfully used to perform a number of completely different tasks.

Drum size

The standard drum size in modern rollers is from 20 to 40 centimeters . Of course, you can always find options both smaller and larger, but such tools cannot be called universal, since they are not very convenient for general painting and are more suitable for use in solving a local problem associated with painting visible decorative elements of the ceiling surface .

Drum design

The drum can be mounted on the body of the roller both on one side and on the other. By all accounts, the first option is preferable, as it allows you to change the drum coat over time, making the tool suitable for solving other problems.

The double-sided design, alas, significantly limits your “user interface” and you cannot change the fur coat.

coat type

Probably one of the most important indicators that should be taken into account when deciding on a tool.

  • fur;
  • foam;
  • polyacrylic;
  • polyamide.

The advantage of a fur coat is in saving paint and its uniform distribution over the entire surface. The natural fibers used to make these coats have a reference absorbency, but are easily wrung out during the dyeing process. Of course, the final usability is correlated with the length of the pile.

A longer pile allows you to absorb more paint and apply a much thicker and more thorough layer. It uses a strong and thick thread. In rollers with short or medium pile, the thread is much thinner, and the surface of the ceiling after processing with a roller will be covered with a thin and even layer of paint.

Now correlate the information received with what you want to see the ceiling surface in the end - and make the right decision.

Foam rollers are best used when you are aiming to create some texture, relief on the ceiling. They are perfectly “friendly” with oil paint, which has the most dense high-quality structure.

As for polyacrylic and polyamide paint rollers, the main area of ​​their use is decorative works. To emphasize some curious detail on the ceiling, to freshen up the color mood, to diversify the fragment - just such a roller should be used to paint the ceiling if your goal lies in this plane.

Current prices for ceiling rollers

The most popular ceiling paint rollers and their cost are shown in our table.

Name Price per piece
Faux fur roller with handle 250mm SIBRTEH 80114 93 rubles
Natural fur roller 200mm SIBRTECH 80128 53 rubles
STRUCTURED foam roller with handle, MATRIX MASTER, 80221 288 rubles
Polyacrylic roller FIT mini 02693 102 rubles
Roller with plastic handle, 250 mm, pile 18 mm, D 40 mm, MATRIX 80887 128 rubles
Roller ANZA PLATINUM Anteks 250/38 mm 580025 379 rubles

  1. avoid using rollers with a plastic handle - as a rule, it is not very durable and does not withstand high pressure;
  2. complex relief patterns can be decorated with a velor roller - for this you need to perform intermittent and sharp movements during the painting process;
  3. also for decorative design ceiling surface, you can use special rollers with ready-made patterns on the surface of the drum;
  4. when buying a roller in a store, buy several replacement elements right away - this will save you time later when the roller becomes unusable and you will hastily pick up a pen or a fur coat for undeformed parts;
  5. ceiling paint rollers are often equipped with a special container, which is fixed on the axis of the tool - it is there that all excess paint flows down, which makes the painting process as convenient and non-irritating as possible.


Paint roller design

There are paint rollers with different structures. There are three main types of forms:

  1. The simplest and cheapest rod pen. You can put a finished roller on it.
  2. Rod handle with side holders that serve to replace the roller coat.
  3. Frame handle equipped with a special shock-absorbing holder.

What are the types of rollers for painting surfaces

At home, you can use different rollers. First of all, they can serve for walls, floors and ceilings. By purpose and type, the following paint rollers are noted:

  • foam;
  • polyacrylic (velor);
  • fur;
  • polyamide from twisted threads;
  • textured;
  • wallpaper rollers;
  • frame;
  • facade.

To understand all their differences, you should familiarize yourself with each type separately.

foam rollers

These inexpensive synthetic polyurethane rolls are short lived and not suitable for active formulations. In particular, they are used for priming and painting surfaces with water-dispersion paints. But they are easy to use and affordable. They can be washed and dried quickly. Fur coats are easy to change, so this option is quite practical and helps save money. Thanks to the foam rollers, the paint is applied evenly and accurately. Can be easily painted on the sides and in hard to reach places if the size of the roller allows.

Polyacrylic (velor) rollers

This type is ideal for paintwork materials, water-based and oil paints. Despite the light fleecy texture, no fluff from the roller remains on the surface. The paint is applied neatly and evenly thanks to the velor roller. It can be used for ceiling, walls and other smooth surfaces.

Fur rollers

They are made from natural sheepskin or polyester-based faux fur. The roller has a hard fleecy surface, so it is great for enamels and oil paints. The length of the pile should be chosen depending on the type of surface. If the wall is not smooth, but rather porous or rough, then you should pay attention to a roller with a long pile. They can paint walls, floors and other surfaces.

Polyamide rollers

There are different pile rollers and polyamide ones are one of this category. It is they who have the longest pile, so they are suitable for painting such rough surfaces as putty, drywall and the like. They are relevant for water-based enamel paints.

Textured rollers

If you are not satisfied with just a smooth surface, but do not want to use wallpaper, then you should pay attention to embossed rollers for decorative plaster, wet putty and the like. They have a design similar to all ordinary rollers, but at the same time they do not have a soft fur coat, but only a rubber base with some kind of pattern. There are many different options that you can choose according to your taste and preferences.

Wallpaper rollers

This type of roller is used for wallpapering. During wallpapering, air may linger under the canvas, as a result, it must be removed from there. For this, a special roller with a fairly rigid surface serves wonderfully. With it, smoothing the wallpaper will not take much time. After use, it can be easily washed and dried quickly.

Frame rollers

These rollers are called frame rollers because they are made differently from all the others. They are not just wearing a finished coat. There is a fully finished frame on which a soft coating is attached. When used, the roller absorbs less ink. Their cost is low, but they are good to use.

Facade rollers

They are distinguished by a long pile and the presence of a special intermediate padding, which slows down the speed of rotation of the roller. This contributes to better painting and the absence of splashes during painting.

What to look for when choosing a paint roller

Arriving at the store, it is difficult to analyze the quality of the roller solely by its appearance. Not all sellers have personal experience in the use of paint rollers, so they can only advise on manufacturers, price and similar characteristics. The paint roller should be chosen correctly so that it is convenient to use, and the result obtained fully satisfies expectations.

Here are some tips to help you choose the perfect paint roller:

  1. When painting the ceiling, you should choose a light tool so that your hands do not get tired in the first couple of minutes. Ideally, long-handled rollers are suitable for the ceiling so that you can paint while standing on the floor, but they weigh a lot and are more suitable for professional painters.
  2. For walls, the weight of the tool is also essential. Take, for example, a fur roller. After impregnation with paint, it becomes even heavier, and it is very difficult to use it for a long time without good physical condition.
  3. Coat colors may also vary. It is much more convenient to work with a white fur coat or any other. Rollers with dark pile tend to shed over time, while long pile of low-quality rollers can remain on the wall along with the paint.
  4. Make sure that there are no seams on the fur coat, because this will cause discomfort during painting. From such rollers, traces remain on the surface. Of course, they can be removed, but for this you will have to apply another coat of paint, and maybe more than one.
  5. Feel free to test each handle for strength. You can press on the roller in order to understand how hard it is, whether it bends during use. Also, the handle itself should be comfortable, for this you need to hold it in your hand.

The most important thing when using a paint roller is that the painting process is simple, and the surface is well painted even after the first coat. At the same time, I want the cost of the tool to be low. A huge selection of options in hardware stores fully fulfills all the requirements of buyers, so feel free to go looking for your roller, armed with our tips.


What kind of roller to paint the walls

Before you start choosing a paint roller for painting walls, you should decide on the type of paint. The type of roller itself largely depends on this. For example, you can work with water-based paints foam roller. It is also suitable for applying various water-adhesive compositions (primer, wallpapering). It is not recommended to apply emulsion paints with such a roller. Foam rollers are the most inexpensive of all. Their main disadvantage can be considered fragility. In addition, they cause a lot of splashes if you work vigorously.

Which roller is better? Making a choice

To work with various types paints, including those that have an organic base, rollers with fur, velor, thread surfaces are well suited. These materials absorb a relatively small amount of paint, apply it more evenly to the surface to be painted, do not splatter or create streaks (streaks).

When painting walls, it is important that the paint layer is uniform. Deal with it well fur rollers. In addition, they perfectly paint over various wall surface defects (small irregularities, cracks, depressions, chips). The minus of fur rollers can be considered their ability to climb, leaving "hairs" on the painted surface. This mainly applies to cheap tools.

How to paint the walls and ceiling with a roller? Fur checked by time

Velor rollers have characteristics similar to fur. But they create an even more uniform layer of paint. After applying them, the painted surface looks completely smooth. This type of roller is used for responsible work on painting walls. They say that this is a roller for real professionals. If a beginner uses a velor roller, any marriage is noticeable on the walls. By the way, this tool is optimal for applying varnishes.

Velor roller

In the case when quality is not as important as the speed of work (for example, if the surfaces have a very large area), it is convenient to use thread roller. When working with it, remember that too high a speed of rotation of the cylinder can lead to splashing of paint. Therefore, it is better not to rush too much. The thread roller gives the painted wall a pleasant texture.

Thread roller for walls

Choosing a roller for painting walls: pile length

There is a rule: the rougher the surface of the walls, the longer the pile of the “fur coat” should be. A roller should be long-haired, with which it is planned to paint a relief surface (for example, textured plaster or wallpaper imitating it). Long pile paints well various notches, dents, depressions. For smooth walls you need a short pile roller! This is important: if you use a long pile roller on a smooth surface, smudges, streaks and uneven color may occur.

How to paint the ceiling with a roller

The roller for ceilings must be selected according to the same criteria as for walls. Typically, a ceiling roller, unlike a wall paint tool, has a relatively short or medium-sized handle. The requirements for the quality of painting the ceiling are usually higher, so the roller must be chosen carefully. Most often, for painting ceilings, rollers with a slightly elongated soft pile are used. It is very good if such a pile is made from natural materials, for example, from wool. Too short pile picks up insufficient amount of paint. You can use a foam roller for the ceiling, but this is not the best choice: it forms "bubbles".

The paint applied to the roller must not be rolled directly on the ceiling, as this will lead to an uneven layer. First, it must be rolled out on a sheet specially prepared for this from linoleum, hardboard or other similar material. It can also be a special paint tray if the size of the roller is small.


Paint roller: types

On the modern market, there are paint rollers suitable for various types of repairs and paintwork. In order to choose the right roller for painting with water-based paint, it is better to first of all pay attention to the material from which the product is made.

To cover the surface with water-based paint, you need a roller consisting of the following materials:

  • pile;
  • velours;
  • foam rubber.

rollers from different materials are within the same price category, so it is quite difficult for an inexperienced buyer to choose. Feel free to ask sellers and consultants which roller is better and what features of operation are typical for each of them. The material from which the roller is made directly affects what the final result of painting will be.

The final result of painting depends on the material from which the roller is made.

From foam rubber

The main advantage of using foam rollers for applying water-based paint is the low cost, as well as the ability to purchase them in any, even the smallest, repair shop. One roller can be made from several types of foam rubber.

Pay attention to the percentage of high-density foam, it is he who provides resistance to mechanical stress.

However, foam rubber products have their drawbacks:

  • the roller absorbs more than necessary, the amount of paint, which is unprofitable from the point of view of the rational use of materials;
  • due to excessive impregnation of foam rubber with water-based paint during work, a large number of bubbles may form on the surface and the coating will be uneven.

The main advantage of foam rollers is their low cost.


It is advisable to choose such a roller for painting a flat, smooth surface. Velor is a synthetic material and products made from it are much cheaper than, for example, mohair rollers. Also, the undoubted advantage of velor rollers is resistance to the aggressive effects of solvents.

However, the inconvenience in using this type of product lies in the fact that velor poorly absorbs water-based paint. In order to achieve an even, uniform coating, you will have to dip the tool in the coloring solution too often, which presents a lot of inconvenience to the painter.


Pile rollers are best suited for painting with water-based paint. In order to determine what length of pile to choose, you need to clearly know the characteristics of the surface to be painted. For hard surfaces, it is better to stop at the purchase of products with a long pile.

If you are not well versed in the intricacies of painting, then buying a product with an average pile length will be a win-win option.

The material directly affects the cost. Rollers made of natural fur or felt will cost more than artificial substitutes. The quality of the material of the fur coat determines what the result of painting will be, so you should not save.

Pile rollers - ideal for painting with water-based paint

Advantages of pile rollers:

  • the ability to correct paint absorption using different pile lengths: by choosing a roller with a long pile, you can immediately cover the surface with water-based paint with a thick layer, and in order for the layer to be thin, you can purchase a product with a short pile;
  • implementation of decorative painting work: for such purposes, rollers with a short pile are best suited;
  • natural fur coat material ensures long-term operation;
  • The long pile roller is indispensable for uniform coverage of rough and porous surfaces.

Other selection criteria

Having decided on the type and material of the coat, you should not immediately rush to the checkout. The quality of paintwork is also affected by the size of the paint rollers. If a fairly significant amount of work awaits you and there are several types of surfaces, then one roller of a certain size is unlikely to satisfy you.

Before buying, you need to check:

  1. The quality of the seams on the coat. The accuracy and smoothness of the seam determines how evenly the paint is distributed over the surface. Rough seams indicate a poor quality product and will leave marks on the painted surface.
  2. For fluffy products, it is advisable to carry out such a check: lightly squeeze the pile with your fingers and pull it towards you. If the material is of high quality, then the villi will not fall out. If, after checking, you notice that the pile is easy to pull out, then it is better to choose another product.

  1. For ease of use, the handle is of great importance. It should be comfortable, easy to squeeze and not slip in your hand. For painting walls or ceilings, it is desirable that the handle can be extended.
  2. Some manufacturers also offer a set of interchangeable fur coats. This is very convenient for practical use. If the tool is damaged during the paintwork process, its fur coat can be immediately replaced. The cost of the product is much higher than that of products with glued fur coats, however, when worn, the handle does not need to be replaced.
  3. There are also rollers with limiters and regulators. The presence and quality of auxiliary parts affects the price category of the product.

When choosing a size, it is better to be guided by the principle of correspondence - the larger the surface, the larger the tool and vice versa. Also keep in mind that when impregnated with paint, the roller will become much heavier. This is important to understand in order to ensure the convenience of future work.


Convenient design

The device of the roller is quite simple: it consists of light metal or a plastic cylinder, on which a special coating is put on (the so-called fur coat). A handle is attached to the cylinder, which can be of different lengths. This simple and time-tested design allows the roller to remain the most popular painting tool for applying any type of paint to the most various surfaces(excluding curly ones). The tool is used to work with oil, water-based, acrylic, acrylate and latex paints.

The versatility of the tool also lies in the fact that it can be used to apply glue, antiseptic, primer and other liquid mortars.

What is more convenient - a roller or a brush?

The paint brush has its advantages in repair work and remains an indispensable tool for painting a wide variety of surfaces. The use of the brush allows us to paint the most inaccessible places, covering elements of any shape.

However, when it comes to the ceiling, which is a flat plane, the use of a brush is not advisable: the roller provides a smoother finish, speeds up the work, makes it easier and more efficient. The contractor is less tired and generally does the job of painting the ceiling much faster.

A brush can come in handy only if the ceiling is a curly structure and you want to paint corners and hard-to-reach places with high quality.

What should I pay attention to when buying a roller?

There are several parameters that you should pay special attention to when buying a roller; these include:

  • pile length;
  • coat material;
  • cylinder diameter;
  • roller width;
  • handle length.

The type of coating and the length of the pile (if we are talking about pile materials) are especially important when choosing a roller.

What material is better?

If you are painting the ceiling with water-based paint (which is most often due to suitable characteristics this type of building material), it is preferable to choose a roller with a long pile. Such a tool has good absorbent properties and can provide a smooth surface and dense paint. A short pile absorbs less solution, resulting in a less dense layer, which forces the performer to dip the roller into the paint more often.

However, with all the advantages of a long pile roller, such a tool does not give a perfectly smooth surface, so it should be used for the lower layers. The final layer is best done with a new roller with an average pile length.

Foam rubber and velor rollers have their drawbacks when painting the ceiling: foam rubber absorbs a small amount of paint, which makes it inconvenient to use. Velor can leave air bubbles.

Table number 1. Types of rollers according to the type of coating material.

Type of roller cover material Advantages disadvantages
Sheepskin Natural wool is suitable for any surface and any type of paint. Allows you to get an even coating, applies a fairly thick layer (you will need to apply literally two coats of paint). High price. Big weight products (the hand gets tired faster). Falling out of the villi.
Nylon plush Light weight tool. Provides high quality, even coverage. Lower cost compared to sheepskin roller. Divorces may remain. Requires certain skills to use.
Foam rubber Allows you to save paint. Suitable for many types of paint (water-based, oil, acrylic). Light weight (hand does not get tired). Great for oil paint. It does not always give a perfectly flat surface, often there are stains. Ensures the application of too thin a layer of paint. Requires experience. Short-lived. Not suitable for applying paint based on synthetic resins.
"Golden thread" (pile reinforced with metal thread) Durable. Paint resistant. Does not deform during operation. High price.
Decorative skin Gives beautiful pattern, unique ceiling surface. Used for final coverage. The roller is intended solely for creating a decorative surface. Has a high cost.

Roll size

The ceiling area can be very large, so the use of a roller of small diameter and a small cylinder width may not be practical. Therefore, it is usually recommended to purchase a large roller. There is one “but” here: such a painting tool can be heavy. Please note that you will have to work for a long time, holding the roller on weight. And after absorbing the paint, it becomes even harder. Therefore, we recommend choosing a medium roller (up to 30 cm wide), which is more convenient to use, since it is easier to keep it on weight.

Another point is the shape of the ceiling. It can be curly, multi-stage. It is difficult to paint over such a shape with a large roller - you will need a medium-sized tool. Perhaps, the arsenal will have to be supplemented with small rollers and paint brushes of various sizes.

Modern manufacturers offer the most advanced roller designs: you can find rollers with a special telescopic handle (retractable) in hardware stores, as well as tools designed specifically for painting the ceiling and having a special trough (tray) for draining excess paint.

Also, in order to save money, manufacturers offer customers replacement elements for roller handles. This is a smart choice, because the handle of the roller lasts much longer than the skin itself, and by buying replacement skins, we save on the metal base of the tool.

Video - Choosing a paint roller: types, sizes, features

How to choose a quality tool?

In order not to be mistaken with the quality of the tool, test the roller directly in the store. So you can protect yourself from acquiring low-quality things. Of course, the price already says a lot. A more expensive roller will last longer and provide a smoother finish, while an inexpensive tool may be short lived and require more time and effort to create an attractive ceiling finish.

The required actions are listed below.

Step 1. Try to check how strong the instrument you choose is. Squeeze the roller itself: will it deform? If yes, then it is better to pay attention to another model.

Step 2 See how well the roller is made for you. If a seam stands out on a fur coat, then such a tool will not be able to provide a high-quality coating on the ceiling surface (traces may remain).

Step 3 If you choose a roller with a long pile, just try to pull it by the pile and see how strong the material itself is. Is there any lint left in your hand? If so, this is a reason for doubt. Might be worth considering a more expensive option.

Instructions for painting the ceiling with a roller

The process of painting the ceiling with a roller is not difficult, you just need to use high-quality materials and act in accordance with the instructions.

Table number 2. How to paint a ceiling with a roller.

Steps, illustrations Description of actions
Prepare the surface. Clear layers old paint. You may need to flush the ceiling with special means and wait for it to dry completely. Also, if necessary, the ceiling is leveled (using putty) and cracks are repaired.
Remove mold marks (if any). Treat the surface with special antiseptics. Wait for drying.
Apply primer. This stage will improve the quality of the surface and extend its life.
Prepare the paint (dilute it or just mix it, depending on the manufacturer's recommendations - look for them on the package). Mixing is best done with a drill equipped with a special mixer attachment.
Prepare a tray for rolling paint with a roller (or a fragment of old wallpaper, linoleum, boxes).
Dip the roller in paint. It is recommended to completely lower the roller into the paint so that the entire working surface of the tool gets wet.
Roll out the roller on the tray (or a piece of wallpaper). It is not recommended to roll it on the ceiling, as this can lead to stains and uneven painting.
Paint the ceiling area. In order to avoid noticeable irregularities and joints at the boundaries of the plots, it is necessary to paint the ceiling in one go.
It is recommended to perform smooth movements when painting, do not rush and act too abruptly, as this will have an impact on the quality of the painting - the layer may look uneven. In order to achieve uniformity of the surface, a minimum of verified movements is required.
Taking breaks is not recommended. You can not tint the drying layer, it is better to perform another full painting.
If sagging is found, it is recommended to remove them with a dry sponge. Wait for complete drying. Apply another coat of paint.
Painting the ceiling is carried out in two layers (this is a minimum, 3-4 layers are recommended). To move on to the next layer, you must wait until the bottom layer is completely dry. It is recommended to install a heater in the room to speed up the process.
The direction of painting of the second and subsequent layers should be perpendicular to the underlying layer.
For painting corners, as well as decorative elements, you will need a brush.

The final layer must be applied in the direction away from the window.

You will find detailed instructions for painting the ceiling with a roller in this article! We also recommend reading about how to paint the ceiling with water-based paint with a roller.


Types of rollers

When it comes to a paint roller, first of all, we mean the roller nozzle and the material from which its fur coat is made, because it is the composition and structure of the absorbent material that affects the final result and the quality of paint and varnish coatings. In order not to be disappointed by the remaining stains, unpainted areas, splashes or bubbles at the end of the work, it is worth understanding the intricacies of selecting a tool.

The working surface of the roller is a fur coat

The working surface of the roller, called a fur coat, is mounted on a cylindrical frame and is made of different materials. When the tool is dipped into a container of paint, the fur coat absorbs the substance and transfers it to the surface to be treated. Depending on the type of work and coloring materials, rollers with different ink output and, accordingly, a different fur coat are chosen:

Rollers with a foam coat suitable for water-based paints and water-based adhesives used for priming and wallpapering. Foam rollers are cheaper than others, but they also need to be changed more often - the fur coat wears out quickly. Foam rubber is afraid of paints and varnishes, which include acetone. When exposed to destructive components, foam rubber swells, deforms and practically dissolves. In addition, the foam roller creates splashes during rapid operation and leaves small air bubbles on the painted surface.

fur roller

Fur coat qualitatively covers unevenness, depressions and cracks ensuring uniform application of paint to the surface. The working surface of the fur absorbs a sufficient amount of paint, does not create smudges, streaks and splashes. Fur is used mainly synthetic, less often - natural sheepskin. The main disadvantage of rollers with a fur coat is the villi that come out and remain on the painted surface.

Velor roller

Velor is a fabric base with a pile imitating plush. It does not roll, does not splatter paint and ensures uniform application of the coloring or adhesive composition. A wall painted with such a roller will look absolutely smooth. Velours excellent for applying oil, alkyd, water-based paints and varnishes and is not afraid of solvents. But this tool is not suitable for a beginner in the construction business, because the slightest marriage will be noticeable.

Velor-coated rollers are mainly used by professional painters for finishing work. In addition, due to the short length of the pile, velor absorbs a small amount of paint, so the tool often has to be dipped into it.

thread roller

The fur coat of the thread roller is made of a large number of threads fixed on a woven base. Such a roller it is convenient when painting large areas and is suitable for any kind of paint and varnish materials. It is comfortable and durable, provided that it is washed well after each use. The thread coat leaves a pleasant texture on the painted surface, but when working with such a tool, you should not rush - the quick rotation of the nozzle contributes to paint splashing.

Advice: Whichever roller you choose, when buying, be sure to check the quality of the clamps and the fur coat - it must be intact, neatly fixed on the base. The roller is considered of poor quality when a pile climbs out of it or threads of different lengths stick out.

Coat fastening method

The working surface is mounted on a cylindrical roller in three ways, depending on which the rollers are divided into glued, hot glued And with a coat on.

IN glued rollers the fur coat is a narrow strip wound and glued at an angle onto a cylindrical roller. The fur coat forms a kind of spiral, the edges of which are connected "butt to butt". Glued rollers evenly paint the walls due to the absence of seams. But they have a drawback - fragility. During operation, the paint destroys the glue and the fur coat “falls off” from the base.

The most advanced technology is used to manufacture hot-melt rollers. In this case, the fur coat is soldered into the plastic base, thereby increasing the wear resistance of the tool.

Rollers with a fur coat They are a base-cylinder, on which a fur coat is stretched, having the shape of a sleeve. In most models, from the sides of the cylinder, the working surface is clamped with end caps, and only small-sized foam rubber coats are held on the base due to the elastic force.

Thanks to removable end caps, a worn fur coat can be replaced with a new one if necessary. Removable fur coats are more durable than glued ones, but they have their drawback. For their manufacture, the material is sewn together, and when applying the coloring composition to the walls or ceiling, the seam may interfere with the uniform distribution of the paint.

Advice: When purchasing replacement roller nozzles, buy several pieces at once. It would be a shame to stop painting if the fur coat suddenly peels off or the end clamps of the roller break.

Roller dimensions

The choice of roller is influenced by the size of the surface to be treated - for a larger area, a tool of greater length and diameter is chosen. Depending on the size, paint rollers can be divided into three groups:

Universal (standard)

The length of universal rollers is 140-250 mm. Professionals consider the 180 mm roller nozzle the best option, so tools with standard sizes are most often used for painting work.


Facade rollers usually have large diameter and length from 180 to 270 mm. When impregnating wood, painting the foundation or floor covering a large area does not require a high quality finish, so it is more advisable to use oversized rollers.

small rollers

The length of small rollers ranges from 50 to 150 mm. They are convenient to paint corners, narrow surfaces and hard-to-reach places.

Roll pile length

Replaceable nozzles-rollers are available with a pile length of 4 to 25 mm. The choice of pile length depends on the quality of the treated surface - the more irregularities on the wall, the greater the length of the pile must be applied. For smooth walls, short-haired fur coats (4-9 mm) are used, which will evenly distribute the paint over the prepared wall. If you use a long-haired roller for a flat surface, excess paint will form smudges and streaks.

For embossed wallpaper, textured plaster and rough surfaces, rollers with a pile length of 12-25 mm are used. Due to the sufficient length of the pile, the paint penetrates into all the depressions, recesses and protrusions on the wall. A short pile will not cope with this task and will leave unpainted areas.

Roller design

Depending on the type of attachment of the roller to the handle, the design of the tool is clasp or frame. Let's consider each of them.

Clasp roller

The clasp fastening system is popular and loved due to its versatility and simplicity. The clasp tool consists of a handle with a holder in the form of a metal rod, called a clasp, and a roller equipped with a device for fixing and rotating. Assembly of the clasp roller is quick and easy - the roller is mounted on the clasp, and the tool is ready to work.

The clasp system allows you to use the same clasp handle and change roller nozzles depending on the type of work and paints and varnishes. At the same time, there are no problems with the selection of the diameter of the inner hole: clasp for rollers of standard sizes have a diameter of 8 mm, and for small ones - 6 mm.

Frame roller

The frame roller consists of a clasp handle and a roller in the form of a hollow cylinder-frame, on which the fur coat is fixed. Such a system fixes the frame on a metal rod with the help of plastic bearings permanently fixed on the clasp. In building materials stores, you can buy a frame roller, the fur coat of which is put on a plastic or wire "skeleton". It is convenient to paint over structural surfaces with such rollers - the paint will penetrate into depressions, cracks and recesses.

Frame rollers are not as popular as clasp. The leader in the production of rollers on frames is the Swedish company ANZA. The tools produced by her are of high quality, but expensive, so not every professional will spend money on a branded roller, to say nothing of ordinary people. Although Chinese "clones" are affordable, they become unusable after 2-3 hours of operation.

Roller handle

The handles are made of plastic and give them an ergonomic shape to make it easier for the master to work for a long time. Tool handles are also two-component - made of plastic and elastomer with anti-slip properties. Due to the shape of the handle, the paint does not fall on the hands of the painter during the runoff. Roller handles are easy to store hanging thanks to the holes they are provided with.

Handles come in different sizes, but the most comfortable for standard work length is considered to be 25 cm.

This length is recommended when painting the ceiling if the work is carried out from a stepladder or construction goat. The universal shape of the handles allows the use of telescopic rods that can increase the length of the handle by 0.8-4.0 m. Using such extensions, you can paint the ceiling or walls of any height directly from the floor.

In addition, the same handle is used repeatedly, and if the replaceable roller nozzles are worn out, it is enough to buy new ones and fix them on the holder.

Rollers for decorative painting

The peak of their popularity in our country, decorative painting rollers experienced in the 70s of the last century, when, due to a shortage of wallpaper, residents tried to add at least some variety to the boring interior of plainly painted or whitewashed rooms. Now the tasks and the quality of materials have changed, but the technology for applying drawings has remained the same.

A modern paint roller, for all its seeming simplicity, is a design tool and is widely used for decoration - patterned rollers are equally convenient to apply a pattern on walls and ceilings, furniture and wallpaper for painting, fabric and even paper. With the help of such tools, any pattern can be created on the surface to be painted, whether it is an abstraction, imitation of stone or wood, a geometric or floral pattern. Rollers for decorative painting, depending on the material of the roller, are rubber or foam rubber.

On the surface of rubber textured rollers there is a convex pattern, which remains on the painted surface during knurling. Textured roller consists of two rollers- patterned and feeding, adjoining close to each other and fixed on one handle. The feed roller can be fur, foam rubber or velor, its task is to absorb the paint and give it to the patterned one. The textured rubber roller can be chosen with any ornament and replaced if necessary.

Textured rubber rollers are an order of magnitude more expensive than conventional ones, but having bought a tool once, you can use it for quite some time. For long-term use of the patterned roller, it is enough to thoroughly rinse it after every work.

Textured rollers with a foam coat are able to create a geometric ornament or pattern that imitates the structure of natural materials. Foam rollers are short-lived, but their price is low. The advantages of a paint roller can not be overestimated: this simple and versatile tool helps to reduce the consumption of coloring materials, covering the surface with a thin, even layer; reduces the time for finishing work; provides a high quality coverage compared to brushes and brushes.

The quality of the future coating depends not only on the paints and varnishes used, but also on the features of the painting tools chosen for their application. A properly selected roller not only guarantees an excellent result: it can significantly increase the productivity of work and ensure their comfortable performance.

Characteristics of paint rollers

The roller consists of three main parts: a handle, a metal rod and a rotating roller. The comfort of the master during the performance of work depends on the type of tool handle. The quality of the rod affects the reliability. The rotating roller consists of two elements - a bushing with a core and a fur coat (plush). Plush is the most important element, as it determines the quality of the future coverage.

When choosing a painting tool, professionals are guided by several characteristics:

  • plush material;
  • roller width;
  • pile length;
  • core diameter;
  • the presence of a lining;
  • diameter of the hole for the clasp;

When painting rough and rough surfaces, as well as corners, long-haired rollers will provide an excellent result. An even, smooth coat of paint and no splatter ensure a short-haired plush. For painting deep irregularities, use padded rollers.

The material from which the paint coat of the roller is made is responsible for working with certain types of paintwork materials. Plush for high-quality, professional rollers is made of polyamide, microfiber, nylon, velor and filt. Foam rubber (polyurethane foam) rollers are also distinguished, both with and without a flock coating.

The choice of paint roller by type LKM

For getting quality coverage it is necessary to responsibly approach the selection of the material of the paint coat. The role of the main criterion when choosing a plush is given to the type of paintwork. Consider the most optimal combinations.

Water based paints

When working with water-based paints, the most quality material today is polyamide. This synthetic fiber is obtained from petroleum refining. It is characterized by high strength, does not stick together when rolling paint, well picks up, holds and gives paintwork. At the same time, it is easy to clean, which significantly increases the service life of the roller.

In the catalog of professional painting tools STORCH these rollers are represented by two lines MULTICOLOR and EXPERT.

The MULTICOLOR polyamide plush rolls are characterized by very good ink absorption and release, which increases productivity. At the factory, the fur coat is washed for an hour at a certain temperature of water in a special machine. Thanks to the pre-wet treatment, the roller does not lint. However, before starting work, we still recommend moistening it.

Roller STORCH polyamide MULTICOLOR

MULTICOLOR polyamide rollers are compatible with all types of water-based paints intended for painting facades and walls. To work with varnishes, use painting tools from this line with a short pile.

Professional painting tools from the EXPERT line are recognized by professionals as one of the best when working with water-based coatings. They are made from a single piece of "endless thread" polyamide fiber. When painting, the pile does not separate and does not fall on the surface to be treated, which makes it possible to achieve excellent coating quality.

Roller STORCH polyamide Expert, endless thread

EXPERT rollers are ideal for applying dispersion, latex, silicate paints, silicone colored resins. The short pile paint tools in this range work well with water-based acrylic/polyurethane varnishes as well as alkyd varnishes where a perfectly smooth finish is not required.

Solvent-based coatings

The best option for working with solvent-based varnishes and paints are plush rollers made of natural sheep wool (velor). This material is not afraid of aggressive chemical compounds.

Roller STORCH velor

Professional STORCH velor rollers do not contain synthetic additives, so their shelf life is much longer than that of conventional painting tools. Short pile allows you to apply a high-quality finish on a smooth surface. Rollers made of 100% sheep wool are ideal for working with alkyd varnishes.

Impregnations, primers and antiseptics

For the application of these materials, STORCH recommends the use of microfiber paint rollers (microfine interlaced threads). They absorb the maximum amount of material, perfectly hold and transfer it to the surface in an even thin layer, without splashing. The microfiber plush is lint-free, easy to clean and resistant to wear.

Roller STORCH microfiber

These rollers proved to be excellent in working with impregnations, antiseptics, primers and other liquid coatings.

Thick coatings

Two-component varnishes and paints and thick coatings are best applied with nylon rollers. Plush of nylon endless threads perfectly absorbs materials with a high viscosity coefficient and allows you to achieve high quality dyeing through uniform distribution.

Roller STORCH nylon

Professional STORCH nylon rollers are additionally stabilized and compacted, which improves their painting characteristics and ensures excellent quality of the future coating.

Water-based and solvent-based varnishes

STORCH offers a choice of four professional painting tools for working with different types of varnishes.

The Superfein polyurethane foam roller is a new word in surface varnishing. It is distinguished from other foam rubber painting tools by its superfine structure and the highest possible density. The result is a perfectly smooth, bubble-free finish.

Roller STORCH polyurethane foam Superfein

Bubble-free coating is also provided by SoftForm Pro professional paint rollers. They are made from finely porous dense foam rubber, therefore they are distinguished by high absorbency and uniform return of the material. To achieve perfect varnishing without stripes, special cone-shaped recesses made from the ends of the tool allow. Thanks to them, when rolling, a minimum amount of varnish is released from the edges of the roller and the finish surface is unprecedentedly smooth and uniform.

Roller STORCH polyurethane foam with end recesses SoftForm Pro

The SoftForm flocked roller is made of high-density polyurethane foam and is characterized by a fine-pored structure, which allows it to absorb and release varnish much more efficiently than other painting tools. In turn, flock fibers do not allow the formation of bubbles. As a result, you get an absolutely smooth coating without a single defect.

Roller STORCH flocked polyurethane foam with SoftForm end notches

Separately, we can highlight the innovative monofilament polyester plush, which is ideal for all types of varnishes: both water-based and solvent-based. It has good coverage and does not leave lint. Filt rollers have proven themselves well in working with thick paints and new generation coatings.

Roller STORCH filt polyester

The choice of roller depending on the type of surface and its area.

  • Use short pile rollers to apply coatings on smooth surfaces. They do not splatter the material, absorb well and evenly give it to the surface. The exact length of the pile depends on what result you intend to achieve. For perfect smoothness, for example varnishing, choose rollers with a pile length of up to 5 mm. If a perfectly smooth result is not so important, then a pile up to 12mm will do.
  • Uniform staining of rough and rough surfaces will provide painting tools with a long pile, optimally from 12 to 18 mm. Thanks to the long bristles, depressions and irregularities are filled with material without pressing and reapplying it. This increases productivity and saves paintwork.
  • First-class coverage of embossed (very rough) surfaces can be achieved with lined rollers having a pile length of 18 mm or more. When pressed lightly, the pile adheres more closely to the surface to be treated, filling the deepest depressions with paint. The lining is located under the paint coat and completely encircles the sleeve, while not absorbing the paintwork material, so as not to weigh down the roller during operation.
  • Especially for painting corners, STORCH has developed a roller with a specific plush shape. A paint coat with a long pile, as it were, “creeps” from the edges onto the sleeve. As a result, we can paint corners quite comfortably.
  • The special professional STORCH roller for corners allows you to perfectly paint complex corner surfaces. It is characterized by a round narrow shape and a long pile. The painting tool is characterized by high absorbency and good return of the material, and most importantly, it allows you to quickly and comfortably paint over corner places. Fast and high-quality results when painting large areas will be achieved with paint rollers with an increased core diameter XL. With their help, the master covers more surface compared to conventional instruments. Thanks to their larger size, they absorb more paint, which extends the time of continuous painting and positively affects productivity..
  • Mini rollers are indispensable when working with small surfaces. They are perfect for touching up and finishing. In terms of the quality of painting, small size rollers are in no way inferior to full-size tools. With their help it is convenient to paint the slopes, decorative elements and other small areas.

When choosing a painting tool, also pay attention to the system for attaching the roller to the telescopic extension, the structure of the core and the clasp. Read about these features in the design of the rollers in one of the following articles.

Working with STORCH telescopic extension with LOCK-IT locking system

STORCH has vast experience in the development and creation of new generation painting tools aimed at solving all kinds of problems. The assortment includes more than 40 items of professional rollers made of high quality materials. Our painting tools are loyal and reliable assistants that allow you to achieve first-class painting of any type of surface with any paintwork.

You can get acquainted with the entire range of STORCH rollers, as well as purchase them on the website (online store) of the company -

It is more convenient and faster to choose the right plush according to the booklet-table. Open the booklet designed by STORCH here

A paint roller is a roller tool with a handle designed to apply paint to various surfaces. It is the most popular coloring tool, and not only.

These tools come in a variety of types, sizes, shapes and finishes. At the same time, the question of how to choose a paint roller depends on the type of work that you are going to carry out with it.

The classic paint roller consists of a roller and a clasp with a handle.
The roller is a hollow tube that rotates freely on the yoke. It is made of plastic or light metal. A colored coat is attached to it.

The type of fur coat depends on the purpose of the roller. This part is where the paint is applied. It can be foam rubber, velor or fur (made of artificial or natural fur). Fur coats also vary in pile length.

The clasp is a metal curved base on which the roller is attached.

Pen. It is usually made of plastic, rubberized material or wood. Special cavities are now being made on it for ease of holding. Such a handle will not slip out of your hands during operation.

As a rule, they sell rollers with fur coats already put on the roller. But you can also purchase the components separately. This option is suitable for large-scale construction work, when it is more economical when the coat is worn out, just replace it with a new one.

Sizes and types of paint rollers

In turn, paint rollers differ in the length of the fur coat, the width and diameter of the working surface.

The length of the handle for rollers is also different - from 35 cm to 50 cm. If necessary, you can purchase a telescopic handle. It will lengthen the roller, and then with its help you can paint a surface that is high and not use a stepladder.

Roller models

There are several types of paint roller

  1. For painting. They are used for painting walls, ceilings, applying varnish, primer, etc.
    A soft fur coat absorbs the paint, then it is applied to the surface with a rolling motion.
  2. Textured models for plaster. With their help, you can create all kinds of reliefs and patterns on a plastered or painted surface.

    A kind of textured roller - paneled. It is intended to create a decorative painting on the walls without using a stencil.
  3. Needle rollers.
    An option for a self-leveling floor is a roller with rubberized spikes. They are used to remove air bubbles from a poured solution or when working with viscous paints.

    For drywall, the roller has sharp spikes that pierce the surface so that the material is better saturated with moisture and can be bent to the desired shape. Also, such a roller is still used during repairs to remove old non-woven or vinyl wallpaper from the walls.
  4. Corner roll. This is a narrow wheel of small diameter on a byugel with a handle. Such a roller is used for painting corners or hard-to-reach places in a room.
  5. Roller for pipes and radiators. Such a model is a kind of elongated wire handle, at the end of which two or three rollers are attached. The diameter of these rollers can be different, depending on the diameter of the pipe.
  6. Pressure (or stitching) roller. This is a construction with a dense rubber or polyurethane coating. It is used in wallpapering to smooth and remove air bubbles.

Roll coat material

The types of material from which fur coats are made for the roller are quite diverse.

  • Polyamide, nylon. This is a man-made fiber with increased resistance to chemical attack and abrasion. The length of the pile is from 8 to 20 mm. Such coats are used mainly for applying water-dispersion paints. The longer the pile, the easier it is to apply paint with such a roller on a rough surface.
  • Acrylic (polyacryl). Synthetic fiber that resembles wool, but with a dense pile. This type of pile allows you to reduce the amount of splashes during staining. Also suitable for water-based paints, but not suitable for chemically aggressive materials.
  • Polyester. Outwardly, it resembles a synthetic winterizer. It has excellent absorbing and holding abilities, does not leave lint when applied. But it is very short-lived and has low durability.
  • Fur covering. Includes both natural and artificial fur. Natural fur They are made mainly from sheep's wool. Suitable for use with various enamels, varnishes, oil and water-dispersion paints, but recommended for working with lime. If the wool is poorly dressed, then such a roller can leave villi on the painted surface.

    Faux fur (vestan) is used for applying all kinds of paints. In this regard, a fur coat made of faux fur is considered universal.
  • Velours. This is a woven base with plush pile. Doesn't splatter or flake paint. These rollers are used for finishing smooth surfaces. Solvent resistant. Such rollers are used when working with alkyd paints, oil and water-dispersion paints.
  • Foam rubber. Apply to work with water-dispersion paints and varnishes on a water basis. Such a fur coat quickly restores its original shape, but, in the process of work, small bubbles remain on the surface, making it uneven.
  • Flock. Polyurethane fiber glued to a textile base. Very durable, waterproof and eco-friendly material. It is used for finishing painting of especially smooth surfaces.

    As a rule, the manufacturer indicates on the packaging for which types of painting this or that roller is intended. When choosing a model, be based on what you need a roller for.

Fastening the roller coat to the roller

There are several types with which the fur coat is attached to the roller.

  • Glued look. A strip of a fur coat is wrapped in a spiral around the roller treated with glue. The connection is carried out end-to-end, and because of this, the roller is seamless. When working with such a roller, the paint is applied evenly, without forming stripes, but, due to the fact that the fur coat is not removable during this application, it cannot be replaced. The roller will have to be thrown away when it has served its time.
  • Hot glued. This is a method of heat sealing the material of the fur coat onto the roller. The tape of material is wound on a roller heated to the maximum allowable temperature. The surface is also seamless and does not leave marks on the painted surface. Such rollers are more durable than glue rollers.
  • Interchangeable coats. Such fur coats are fixed on the roller with special plugs.

How to choose the right paint roller

As already mentioned, each type of roller has its own purpose, based on its characteristics. But the manufacturer indicates on the packaging only the types of paint that this or that roller is able to “withstand”. When choosing a roller, first of all, proceed from what kind of work you need it for, and what surface area you are going to cover with it.

If you are going to paint a small area, a small mini size roller will do. For walls and ceilings, you need to take a medium-sized universal roller (midi). The roller must first of all be of high quality. To avoid unpleasant incidents during painting:

  1. Check the selected roller before buying. You can do it right in the store. With force, crush the coat of the selected roller. If it is strongly wrinkled, deformed and hardly returns to its original form - do not buy such a model.
  2. Check the seams on the coat. When they are clearly visible, or they can be detected by touch, you will not be able to get a uniform color.
  3. If you choose a roller with a long pile - try to pull it. If after this manipulation the villi remain in your hands, then they will remain on your ceiling or wall. It is better not to buy such a roller.
  4. It is better to purchase a telescopic handle for a roller immediately before starting painting work. It allows you to cover more area in less time. That is, the work will move faster.
  5. Pay attention to the quality of the metal from which the clasp is made. It should not be soft and flexible.

If you are going to work with paints of several colors, then it is better to purchase one high-quality roller and several interchangeable fur coats for it.

Which roller to choose for painting walls and ceilings

For painting walls or ceilings, it is better to choose a roller with a fur coat with a medium pile. Such rollers are considered universal. The length of the pile is approximately 1 cm. The fur coat can be either made of fur (natural or artificial) or synthetic (polyamide or nylon). Their pile is very soft, so it holds and distributes coloring compositions well. They perfectly cover a flat surface, leaving no traces on the ceiling or wall. Also, these rollers are suitable for primer or wallpaper glue.

Why do you need a roller with a long nap

Such rollers have a pile length of 1.5 to 2 or more centimeters. They are very convenient to paint porous surfaces with pits, irregularities, facades. Long pile covers all such irregularities the first time. But it is not recommended to apply a primer or wallpaper paste with such a roller due to the fact that the primer does not hold well on long hairs, and the wallpaper paste is too thick.

Where is a velor paint roller used?

The velor roller creates a very perfect, smooth finish due to the fact that its coat consists of a very dense fine pile about 3 mm long. But for painting walls and ceilings, such a roller is not suitable. Its pile absorbs very little paint, and because of this, it will take more time and effort to paint. In addition, paint drips and runs off the roller, and unpainted streaks remain on the surfaces.
A velor roller is great for working with varnish. It perfectly rolls varnish on parquet or wooden flat surfaces.

What is a foam roller for?

Painting with a foam roller is not recommended. Instead of scrolling, it simply glides over the surface. This is due to the fact that the foam rubber absorbs paint a lot, and then it is squeezed onto the walls. But the foam paint roller holds the primer and distributes it wonderfully. Therefore, with a foam roller, you can prime surfaces of various degrees of evenness, and the result will always be wonderful.