Useful tips during renovation. Useful tips for repairing an apartment with your own hands

  • 23.06.2020

To perfectly paint the walls, windows and not ruin all the furniture and nerves, subtleties from the masters of painting will come in handy. With them, any repair will be painless and like clockwork.

Started a renovation with repainting walls or furniture? Fine. But before you put on an old t-shirt and take on a roller, try these life hacks. They can save the apartment from ugly stains, and you from claims from the other half for poor-quality work.

1. How to remove old wallpaper neatly and without traces

Before moving on to painting, you need to get rid of the old decor. To avoid messing with chaotic scraps of paper stuck to the wall, treat your old wallpaper with laundry softener. To do this, dissolve a couple of tablespoons of softener in a bucket warm water and sponge on the wallpaper.

2. So that the paint on the wall lies in an ideal layer without “bubbles” ...

... you need to make sure that there is no dust on the surface. It does not hurt to vacuum the wall (no matter how strange it may sound), and then walk with a damp towel. Start painting only after the wall is completely dry. And then the paint layer will lie perfectly smooth, without bumps and roughness.

3. Protect screws and hinges from paint

Topical advice when painting doors and walls: if you do not want to paint over small details, treat them with Vaseline. The greasy consistency of the cream will not let the paint through, and after that it can be easily removed. At the same time and door hinges stop creaking.

4. If the paint gets on the skin or rubber ...

… hurry to the kitchen and treat the stain with olive oil. The oil will do a great job with fresh paint stains and will not harm moody leather or rubber surfaces.

5. How to replace masking tape when painting windows or a cabinet

If you forgot to put scotch in the basket at the checkout counter of the building market, find a couple of unclaimed newspapers. Cut them down to right size, soak in water and stick on the glass. After painting the frame, you can remove the newspaper and enjoy the clean result.

6. How to get rid of the obsessive smell of paint

Add some liquid vanilla extract to the paint tray or container. This culinary additive will not affect the consistency and properties of the paint in any way, but the aroma will become much more pleasant. Plus, it stays on even after it dries.

7. To accurately paint over small details with spray paint…

... put the object in a large cardboard box and paint right into it. So the floor and other pieces of furniture will remain unharmed and without blots. It is only better to carry out the whole procedure on fresh air, but otherwise you can “breathe”.

8. How to remove excess paint from the brush and not splatter everything around

Wrap a jar of paint with a tight elastic band, as in the photo. Just swipe the gum with a brush, and all the excess will return back to the container.

9. The perfect roller storage case exists

And this is a box of the famous Pringles chips. More precisely, not a box, but a very tube. And if you need the roller to not dry out between paints (for example, if you paint in two passes with a difference of a day), then wrap it cling film, and after that “pack” into a tube. This will keep the roller slightly damp and ready to go.

- an important place from where the day of each tenant of the apartment actually begins. Everything here should be comfortable, practical and cozy. These helpful renovation tips will be a godsend for those who decide to completely optimize the space and make their kitchen perfect.

Space optimization

Useful advice when renovating the kitchen will be freeing up space, especially for those who have a very small square. Here, it is a great idea to replace the old bulky batteries with new compact ones, which will save window space.

It is also a great solution to combine the kitchen with a room or a balcony.

Plumbing Solutions

It is worth not being lazy and install water filters in the kitchen, as running water is often used for cooking.

Just worth it install a water heater so that during the shutdown of the feed hot water I didn't have to freeze my hands.

The kitchen needs quality lighting And in large numbers sockets, so you should include all these subtleties in advance in the design project.

An excellent solution would be installation of lighting and a block of sockets on each work surface of the kitchen.

You also need to think in advance about the location of the refrigerator, microwave oven and other electrical appliances for mounting sockets.

When finishing the ceiling, walls and floor in the kitchen, it is advised to use practical and easy-to-care materials and coatings.

The best option wall and ceiling finishes will become, which also involves a lot of creative proposals and solutions.

As for the working area near the stove, the decoration of this space or a moisture-resistant panel is popular.

It is desirable to choose floors that are resistant to damage and durable.. The most active movement is concentrated in the kitchen, which requires hardy floors. good decision becomes or , but not a tree.

Arrangement and selection of furniture

Furniture in the kitchen should be practical, easy to maintain and optimize space.

It is important to pay attention to the working triangle:, washing. They should be close and convenient.

The choice of furniture for the kitchen will also be an important aspect. The best option would be cabinets with drawers.

Crossbars or special hangers for dishes that are mounted on the wall will also help save space.

This video has a lot of useful tips for those who make repairs in the kitchen with their own hands.

The bathroom is often very limited in space and it is worth distributing furniture and plumbing as practical as possible. This will help beginner repair tips.

Space optimization

Installation of warm floors

It is important for beginners to remember that orienting in the length of the heating cable or mat is not the total area of ​​the room, but only the surface that is free from furniture. So you can avoid overheating of the cable itself and save a lot of electricity.

It requires special attention when performing repairs in it, because several factors are important for a child: safety, practicality, space, colors.

High quality and safe materials

It is important to use only non-caustic and safe materials that will be easy to maintain.

Sockets and wires should be hidden

It is very important that the wires are out of reach for the child. It is also very practical to use sockets protected by a lid.

In the design project, it is worthwhile to include a sports corner for the child in advance. But it’s not worth cluttering up the room with unnecessary decor elements for the baby. It is even better, on the contrary, to pay attention to transforming beds, which will not only save space, but also money.

Lighting and colors

It has long been no secret that certain colors affect the psyche of even an adult, let alone a child. It is very important to choose the colors of the interior, coordinating them with the baby.

As for lighting, it should be sufficient. You should also think about the presence of a night light in advance. But the switches can be set smooth and below the standard level.

This video describes in detail all the details of the repair in the children's room, which can be quite useful advice for beginners.

They say that the repair disaster It cannot be ended, it can only be stopped. And this is largely due to the fact that, already examining our freshly renovated living space, we often think - but it would have been better to do it differently. Today we have compiled for you a list of other people's regrets and the main repair mistakes that were made during the repair process, and we hope that someone else's experience will teach you no worse than your own. There are many letters waiting for you, but they are worth mastering 🙂

Of course, everyone has their own list of regrets, but there is a set of basic mistakes, and we want to introduce you to them. For ease of reference, we have divided the list into repair errors in specific rooms.

1. Spontaneous repair
One of the most significant and subsequently costly regrets is the approach to repair without a clear plan of action. Even before you start peeling the wallpaper or buying plaster, you need to get a complete picture of what and in what room will end up. Perhaps the main mistake in the design of an apartment renovation is the lack of design as such.

2. Combining a bathroom and a toilet
A shared bathroom is convenient for a small apartment where 1-2 people live. If the population density is higher and there is no second bathroom in the apartment, then it is better to separate the “privacy rooms”.

3. Wall painting
Painting the walls may seem like a very attractive idea, but only until the moment when fingerprints appear around the switches, and if there are children in the house, they will be everywhere.

4. Electrical
Often, when the kettle-microwave-washing machine ensemble is activated, power outages occur, so experienced repairmen recommend immediately installing machines on each device with high consumption.

5. Location of outlets
The approach to the electrician and the plan for arranging the sockets should be done only with clear view about what and where the furniture will be located. Otherwise, the situation will have to be saved with extension cords and surge protectors. Also, do not place sockets too low - they will interfere with cleaning. In general, it is better to make more outlets than originally planned, on average - by 20%.

7. Switches
The European standard for the height of switches (90 cm) is quite suitable for Russian houses. The cherished buttons for turning on the light at such a height are available to both adults and children. It will also be convenient to double the switch in the bedroom so that the light can be turned on at the entrance and turned off at the bed.

8. Interior doors
Doors with glass inserts are quite attractive and have almost no complaints, however, if there is a bedroom or a nursery behind the door, the light from other rooms penetrating through the insert should not reach the bed and interfere with sleep. It is better to place the switches on the side of the door handle, even at the right height, the switch on the side door hinges very inconvenient.

9. Warm floors
In fact, underfloor heating is one of the best inventions of mankind, but before you make them, you should also decide where the furniture will stand so as not to waste electricity and your money on heating a refrigerator or cabinet.

10. Rough and Ribbed Floor Tiles
Of course, such a tile can be beautiful, but you should always remember that it is also a floor covering, which means that it will have to be washed. A floor with roughness delivers a lot of unpleasant emotions when cleaning, so it's worth considering what is more important - aesthetics or practical value.

11. Double-glazed windows
Replacement of double-glazed windows, if it is planned, is best done before cosmetic repairs, otherwise the design of the room may suffer greatly during installation.

12. Chandeliers
Another design refinement that can be difficult to clean is horizontal shades. Dust accumulates in them, the cooled bodies of insects flying into the light and other not very pleasant things.

13. Leveling
Before wallpapering or installing flooring, it is best to level the walls and the floor itself. Unprepared walls can distort the pattern of the wallpaper and lead to bends at the joints, and different levels of the floor look ugly and lead to minor household injuries.

14. New building
If you have settled in a new building, the repair, in essence, can go to waste in a couple of years, until the house has completely shrunk. This factor affects the ceilings especially strongly - beautiful suspended ceilings or plasterboard arches can squint and crack. Correcting such repair errors is especially expensive and unpleasant.

15. Children's room
The main mistake when repairing a nursery is too expensive furniture. It will change as the child grows, so it is quite rational to limit yourself to inexpensive, but functional and eye-pleasing things.

1. Closed up the space under the bathroom
Often there is not much usable space in the bathroom, and under the very “font” there are most often taps and pipes, access to which you will still need.

2. Surgical bathroom
White, blue and grey-blue tiles in the bathroom, combined with cold light, create the feeling of an operating room in the bathroom, where there are no sources of natural light, which does not create comfort.

3. Sockets in the bathroom
One of the regular bathroom renovation mistakes is not enough sockets or their awkward position. It is best to provide for the possibility of simultaneously turning on 2-3 devices, and bring the sockets themselves closer to the mirror and equip them with a moisture-proof cover.

4. Bathroom borders
The space between the bathtub and the wall can simply be filled with sealant, however, in this case, water may collect on the bend. Borders made of tiles or other moisture-resistant material will help to avoid this.

5. Noise isolation
If you use plastic pipes for sewerage, then it is worth remembering that they resonate any sound quite well. It is better to wrap such pipes with sound-absorbing material.

6. Light
An ideal option for the bathroom is the ability to control the brightness of the light and a separate backlight by the mirror. If it is not possible to make variable light, then it is better to avoid dim - such a repair error can threaten injury.

7. Plumbing
One of those mistakes that become apparent after the repair. Poor-quality plumbing quickly loses its appearance and spoils the whole impression of a renovated home.

8. Stretch ceilings
In the bathroom, a stretch ceiling is not only beautiful and neat, but also additional insurance in case of a flood from above. The only thing is that the ceilings themselves must be of high quality and moisture resistant.

9. Mosaic
Mosaic tiles in the bathroom and patterned tiles often bring their owners a lot of problems during the installation process, and if it’s still difficult to call it a repair mistake, then it’s quite a regret.

10. Floor heating
Bathroom with her high humidity often creates a feeling of dampness. If you know that the heating in the bathroom is not at the highest level, then underfloor heating may well compensate for this.

The main mistakes in the repair of the kitchen

1. Flooring in the kitchen
There are several regrets on this point. Firstly, parquet or laminate in the kitchen, with all the advantages and beauty of these coatings, cannot be called practical solution. It is best to choose coatings that are more resistant to water and “injuries”. And here a second regular mistake occurs - poor-quality linoleum or tiles quickly deteriorate, so it’s better not to save on materials.

2. Height of kitchen cabinets
Another common kitchen renovation mistake is the wrong height of all the much-needed kitchen cabinets. It is best to hang them at eye level, a lower position will deprive you of some useful space, a higher one will be uncomfortable.

3. Materials near the stove
The use of gas stoves, high-quality hobs or grills involves a strong heating of the materials surrounding them, which means that they must be heat resistant.

4. Hood
Should be located as close to the stove as possible. One of the indicators of an unsuccessful repair is corrugation through half the kitchen from the hob to the wall. By the way, the corrugation itself should be packed in a durable case - this is both functional and stylish.

5. Work area
When planning a kitchen, be sure to consider working area Near hob. Despite the beauty of alternative solutions, using them if you cook at home will be very inconvenient.

The most unpleasant repair, of course, is washing off the emulsion from the ceiling and removing old wallpaper. To facilitate this work, stick old newspapers on the ceiling. When the glue dries, you can peel them off along with the paint. Apply a wet rag to the wallpaper, iron it with a hot iron: the wallpaper will be removed from the wall with ribbons.

You can not glue the wallpaper until the wall is clean of whitewash and paint. Otherwise, the wallpaper will not lie on the wall. The wallpaper seam will not be noticeable if you start gluing the wallpaper from the window.

To evenly paste over the walls with a film, use a wooden stick, after sticking foam rubber on it. When sticking the film, smooth it with this foam rubber. He will repeat the irregularities of the wall and press the wallpaper against it. To eliminate bubbles on ordinary wallpaper, iron them with a slightly heated iron (naturally, when they are dry).

To avoid visible brush marks during painting, it is necessary to apply last layer paint towards the window, the penultimate one - across. On the wall, the last coat of paint must be applied from top to bottom.

When painting a ceiling or the top of a wall, it is common for streaks of paint to run down your hand. In this case, you need to make a cap from a waterproof material and put it on the brush handle: it will collect dripping paint.

In order not to paint over the window when painting the frames, attach the cardboard to the glass. Then you can safely paint over all the corners.

It is desirable to paint large surfaces with a roller. First, smears are made crosswise, and then rubbed. The paint is applied in a thin layer several times. But before using the roller, it is necessary to paint over all the bottlenecks with a brush.

To prevent alabaster from sticking to the walls of the dishes where it is kneaded, put a bag in it before diluting the mixture.

Pushpins can be inserted into the holes that are in the walls. If necessary, they can be found with a magnet.

If by doing redecorating you decide to execute Finishing work on your own and paint the walls, you will need some tricks that craftsmen use when working with paint.

1. If you come across a paint brush in which the bristles do not hold well, pour universal glue between the bristles (for example, “Moment”), and the brush will serve you for a long time.
2. In an open can, it is very difficult to stir the settled paint so as not to stain your hands and clothes. Make a small hole in the lid of the jar, insert a curved rod attached to the drill chuck into this hole, and turn on the drill. One minute will be enough to stir the paint well and not get dirty at the same time.
3. A piece of wire bent on both sides, put on a bucket of glue or paint, will serve as both a brush stand and a brush cleaner.
4. If there is oil paint left in the can, before closing the can and storing it, place a circle cut out of oil on top of the paint. thick paper, and fill with a thin layer of machine oil - so the paint does not dry out during storage and a film does not form on its surface.
5. Give a variety of interesting shades of white water-based paint You can use aniline dyes for fabric.
6. If a film has formed on the surface of the paint, it is not necessary to filter it - you just need to dip an old nylon stocking into the paint, and you can safely dip the brush right through this stocking, while the paint is completely used.
7. Even the most inexperienced painter can stretch an even panel along the wall if for this he uses a brush with a metal transverse rod and a ruler with a beveled edge.
8. It is very difficult to completely paint a pipe passing in a corner or lying on the floor with a brush. Take a piece of an old zigeyka and sew a kind of mitten out of it with the fur on the outside, then put it on your hand. Dip this mitt into the paint and paint the pipe by simply running your hand along it.
9. If you need to remove the old oil paint from the surface of the wall, iron it through the aluminum foil until softened - then the paint can be easily cleaned off with a scraper or spatula.
10. Two or three thin coats of paint are much stronger and smoother than one thick coat.
11. If you are applying paint with a roller, start with a few strokes in a criss-cross pattern, and then rub the paint.
12. The final coat of paint must be applied from top to bottom, otherwise brush marks will be visible.

Do-it-yourself ceramic tile laying

When renovating a bathroom and kitchen, one of the main steps is to change the tiles on the walls and on the floor. Now the prices for laying tiles by specialists are approaching the prices for the tiles themselves, so it makes sense to do everything yourself - with your own hands.
You should start by preparing the surface on which the tiles will be laid. First, free the room from furniture, mirrors, plumbing. When the room is empty, you can start preparing. It doesn't matter whether it is walls or floors, the surface must be solid and even.
In principle, it is possible to lay new ceramic tiles on old ones, but in this case it is likely that old glue will not withstand excess weight, and the entire tile will begin to crumble. In addition, a few extra centimeters of the area of ​​​​the room did not interfere with anyone.

1. Using a chisel and a hammer, you need to remove the old tile, as well as the adhesive base under it. The main thing is to ensure that the surface becomes perfectly flat. Once this step is completed, you need to make sure that the total slope of the surface does not exceed 4-5 mm. You need to check this using a level, the length of which should not be less than a meter. The slope of the walls can be checked using a plumb line - a rope with a load attached to the end. If the slope in your room is more than the desired value, you need to get rid of it. To do this, use a primer. It is best to start applying it from the place where the roughness is maximum. At one time, you can not apply a layer thicker than two centimeters, otherwise it simply will not dry out.

2. When the surface is ready, you can proceed directly to laying the tiles.
First you need to unpack the pre-prepared tiles. Let's say a few words about how to choose the right ceramic tiles: in addition to desired color, pattern and size, you should choose a tile based on its wear resistance. For example, for the bathroom and stairs, for walls and floors, it is advisable to buy different tiles- more about this in the article "How to choose ceramic tiles."
In addition to the tile itself, you also need to stock up on glue. It is best to use special dry building mixes. You can find them in any store. Mixtures used for wet rooms, outdoor work, etc. differ from each other.
Before laying, you need to prepare an adhesive solution (the instruction should be on the package). The solution should not be too liquid and too thick, that is, it should not spread and slide along the wall, but at the same time without special efforts deform.
Usually, laying tiles starts from the walls, and from top to bottom. It is recommended to mark the surface (for example, using stretched ropes) so that the rows of tiles are even.

3. Next, you need to apply an adhesive solution to a small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe surface of the wall or floor, it is recommended to use a notched trowel.
After that, carefully attach the tile to the adhesive base and, tapping rubber mallet straighten it out. Using the level, you can make sure that the tile lies flat. If the tile is too much recessed into the solution, then you need to carefully separate the tile and lay it again, adding a little solution under it.
The main thing in laying ceramic tiles with your own hands is to constantly ensure that the rows are even relative to the walls.
The gap between the tiles of the tile should not exceed 4 mm, but should not be less than 2 mm.
Usually the difficulty is laying non-integral parts of the tile. This is due to the fact that they first need to be prepared. You need to cut the tiles using a special tool - a tile cutter.
It is recommended to plan the laying in such a way that non-integral parts fall down the walls, along the edges of the floor, or in the future are covered with pieces of furniture.

4. After all the tiles are laid, you need to let it dry. After drying, the surface must be cleaned of dust and adhesive solution, and fill the seams with a fugue (it is recommended to use a rubber spatula).

13 tips for apartment renovation.

1. Removing old dowels. We advise you to leave the old dowels in the wall, as the dowel hole often becomes even larger in the process of removing them. If, for example, a new hole needs to be drilled in the immediate vicinity, then they take a corkscrew, screw it into the dowel and thus remove it from the wall. Then the old hole is sealed with plaster.

2. Cotton wool for walls
This trick works best with wallpaper with a rough surface.
The holes from the dowels are filled with a piece of cotton wool instead of plaster, and then covered with a layer of wall paint.

3. There is no such thing as "the dowel does not hold": it all depends on right choice. For each wall offers a suitable dowel.
Detailed information can be obtained from a consultant in a hardware store or on the company's website.

4. Quickly fill small cracks
Small cracks (whether they are stress cracks in new buildings or the manifestation of aging in old ones)
homes) can be quickly and easily filled with acrylic grout.
Acrylic has one advantage: it can be painted over in the future. To level the mass, use a spatula or a finger dipped in detergent.

6. Leave deep cracks open
Deep cracks deepen to brickwork with a hammer and chisel, then wetted (you can use a sponge) and only then filled with putty mass.

7. Gypsum mass without lumps
The secret of the mass without lumps lies in the sequence of mixing the components. First, water is poured, then gypsum is poured.
By no means the other way around! At the same time, the container is filled with water by about one third, and then gypsum is poured in a little bit until it turns into an even mass covered with a layer of water. The mixture is left to stand for some time.
Then, using a thin spatula, gypsum is mixed until a viscous mass is obtained.

8. Laying the cable in the wall
Laying cables under plaster is one of the most time-consuming and dirty work. Often, home craftsmen do this with a hammer and chisel. Make it easy for yourself - use a wall chaser with a dust extraction device. Such a tool can be rented at hardware stores.
This investment will quickly pay for itself, especially in the case of solid solid brickwork.

9. Convenient wall chaser
If you want to lay a channel for a cable in plaster or in light building bricks, it is best to use a small wall chaser.
It is attached to the drill as an additional attachment.

10. Keep your distance
Cable, plug and junction boxes installed at a distance of 30 cm above the floor and 30 cm under the ceiling. The distance to doors and windows should be 15 cm
Switches should be located at a height of 105 cm.

11. Laying the electrical cable
Do you want to lay the cable in a grooved channel, but do not have cable clamps at hand? Hammer small nails crosswise into the wall near the cable, then close the channel with plaster. After the plaster has dried, remove the nails and fill the holes with plaster.

12. Crack bridging
Tensile cracks caused by various building materials, even after filling may appear again. The way out of this situation is to stick a special self-adhesive adhesive tape for cracks based on a grid.

13. Plastering walls without bumps
Metal beacon strips, fixed perpendicularly and in parallel, ensure uniform application of the plaster solution.
Planks must be laid so that the board for applying the plaster fits well to them.

A house without mistakes - tips are worth their weight in gold!

According to the standard, the height of the kitchen base is 85 cm. Furniture customers often forget to make a “adjustment for height”. As a result, having received a set of lockers and work surfaces of standard height, they are forced to either stoop or stretch upward with all their might. If you, having a large growth, bought ready-made furniture, then you can put the lower cabinets on legs and decorate them with a plank. For a country-style kitchen, ordinary facing bricks with beautiful finish. If the furniture is too high for you, you can file its legs.

A common mistake is to refuse a sink with a drainer or a second bowl: to save space. In the kitchen where they cook for big family, you can’t do without a voluminous multifunctional sink. On the wing - a kind of continuation of the countertop - you can put hot dishes or put washed vegetables and fruits. The second bowl will allow you to wash large pots and fruits at the same time.

Do not rush to hang shelves in the kitchen. Organize your drawers to save space and keep your work organized. The space in the box is easy to divide into sections and place any containers in them. Access to them will be convenient. Just pull out the drawer - and everything is in full view. Internal partitions can be ordered separately or use ordinary plastic containers.

Recesses instead of handles on the doors look unusual and aesthetically pleasing and fully comply with modern look kitchens. But you can ... hate this apparent simplicity, trying to open the door with wet hands or without removing the grip. The exit is the “click-clack” system, which allows you to open the doors even with your elbow. This system will satisfy even the pickiest owners. kitchen furniture and will minimize the space of any kitchen.

5. Indelible mark
Steel furniture fronts, tiles and refrigerator are trendy and elegant and especially popular with young couples. However, even clean palms leave traces on such a surface. And this makes the diligent housewife regularly wipe and wash shiny objects. There are two solutions to the problem: purchase polishes for stainless steel, which not only remove dirt from such surfaces, but also prevent it, or steel equipment from leading manufacturers treated with a special protective coating.

6. Cozy corner
The desire to create comfort in the kitchen should not lead to disastrous results. Walls or their fragments, upholstered in fabrics, look great, but quickly accumulate unpleasant odors and dirt.

You can achieve the effect of a warm room, sweet for the eyes and soul, using wallpapers that imitate matter. Of course, in the kitchen, washable ones are most suitable.

7. Which REFRIGERATOR is convenient?
The shops household appliances They offer a wide range of refrigerators. Economical energy consumption, a beautiful front, a convenient freezer and a suitable price are important purchase conditions. But imagine: the layout will require you to move the refrigerator - you will need to change the hinges so that the door opens in the other direction, but it turns out that this is impossible. Therefore, think about it even in the store. The complete set of the refrigerator should correspond to the composition of the family and its lifestyle. External design is important, but internal arrangement is also important.

The absence of partitions between the living room, hallway and kitchen makes the room bright and spacious, but less comfortable. If a TV is on in the guest area, cutlets are fried in the kitchen, and children are playing nearby, then the noise disturbs absolutely everyone. Yes, and the sounds from the stairwell will be heard throughout the apartment, and not just in the hallway.

Install high soundproof doors and re-wall the room. The last trick is possible, even if you do not want to lose the desired space. Use movable or translucent screens or partitions. Install part-height partitions or shelves open on both sides. Sliding or folding doors across the entire width of the room will also help.


Deciding on a radical change in style or just going to update and ennoble the premises, trust the colors. The main advantages of staining are versatility, simplicity and accessibility. However, there are some subtleties here, the knowledge of which will help you in choosing a paint, coloring will make the process enjoyable, and the paintwork will be beautiful and durable.


Before making a choice, you should know that all modern paints and varnishes (LKM) for internal works divided mainly into two large groups: water-based paints and solvent-based paints.

Solvent-based paints have good water repellency, the coating they form is easy to clean with household products. These paints are mainly used for surfaces with harsh operating conditions, good for wood and metal. Resistance to external factors in alkyd paints is higher than that of water-soluble, but alkyd paints not very healthy and environment(remember the smell of the solvent).

Water-based paints are the best choice for interior work. In addition, they have a number of advantages. Most of them are environmentally friendly, as they do not emit harmful substances neither during application nor during the operation of the coating. They have the ability to "breathe" - the surface is permeable to air and vapors, but does not allow liquids to pass through. Another significant advantage is fire safety. As for ease of use, here HP paints are unrivaled: they do not flow, accidental dirt is easily removed with a damp cloth, the tool is cleaned with ordinary water.

Very often, during the repair on your own, situations arise that you have to puzzle over. Or some time after the repair, unpleasant moments appear.

Sequence of work

When repairing, it is very important to follow a certain sequence so that later you do not have to redo everything again.

If you plan to change the floor, and grinding work is expected, then this should be done first of all, BEFORE finishing the walls and ceiling. If the floor will be made of laminate or finished boards, then this is done AFTER finishing the walls and ceiling.

If you plan to change the doors, then this should be done AFTER the floor, because the doors may not open.

A lot of dust and debris is obtained when changing windows. This work is also best done in the first place. If it is planned to replace the wiring, then it is also done before the start of finishing work.

Also, first of all, work is being done to replace plumbing and heating.

Finishing work

So that the white glossy enamel does not turn yellow after painting, add ink from a regular pen to the can of paint before painting. For 1kg. enamel, one rod is enough. The enamel will keep White color within 3-4 years.

If suddenly, soon after the repair, the wallpaper begins to move away from the walls, and there is no glue left, then ordinary laundry soap will help out. It must be soaked in water to soften the soap, moisten inner surface wallpaper with a damp cloth, smear with soap and press well against the wall.

After the repair, the smell of alcohol, varnish, paint lingers in the apartment and does not disappear - it’s not scary either. You need to take a bucket, pour water, add ice and 10 g. ammonia. If there are several rooms, then put buckets in each room.

Open all windows and doors and leave overnight. In the morning the smell was gone. When removing old whitewash, a lot of dust is generated. To avoid this, the surface must first be smeared with a paste.

Before gluing the wallpaper, you need to thoroughly clean the walls, otherwise the wallpaper simply will not stick. To remove old wallpaper, you need to paste over it with old newspapers, let it dry, and then, when removed, they will pull the old ones with them. Common painting problem surfaces - traces from the brush. To avoid them, the penultimate layer is placed across, and the last along the surface. When painting the ceiling, the last layer is placed in the direction from the window, and vertically on the walls. It is better to paint large planes with a roller, and before that, paint over all the corners and joints with a brush.

The paint must be carefully rubbed over the surface, otherwise smudges will inevitably form. It is better to apply 2-3 thin layers than one thick one. When whitewashing and painting ceilings and the upper parts of the walls, the paint often pours over hands. To do this, you can put a cap from the bottom on the handle of the brush. plastic bottle or rubber, and the paint will run down there.

If hairs come out of the brush, then they can be strengthened with superglue, and the brush will last a long time.

When preparing alabaster mortar in a bucket, it quickly seizes and sticks to the walls of the bucket. Insert a plastic bag into the bucket and the bucket will be clean. If you add a little alcohol to the water for alabaster, then the alabaster will be softer and more elastic.

Another repair trick - visual

Beyond purely construction works when repairing, it is necessary to use the so-called visual effects. With the right finish, you can increase or decrease the space, increase or decrease its height. As a general rule, light colors make a room look larger, while dark colors make it smaller.

You can visually raise the ceiling if you make it light, or use wallpaper with a vertical pattern. And if, on the contrary, you need to reduce the height, then here you can use wallpaper with a transverse pattern or make stretch ceilings.

most dark wall rooms need to be pasted over with lighter wallpaper, and the room will become lighter.

When laying tiles, you should also take into account some of the nuances. Due to the color and size of the tiles, the way they are laid, you can achieve a change in the size of the room.


  1. Of course, you know that before painting it is necessary to close everything that should not be exposed to it.

The most troublesome places are skirting boards, all kinds of pipes and other complex shapes. You will avoid these troubles if you close up the entire relief with old wet newspapers. The newspaper will dry, repeating the shapes exactly and leaving no chance for paint to penetrate.

  1. Another misfortune is the constantly falling bristles from the brushes.

And then they come to the rescue people's councils for repair. Soak brushes in water for 1 hour before painting. The bristles will swell and will no longer bother you. Her nerdy perseverance will dissolve in water!

  1. But in general, amazing in its simplicity, but a very necessary trick.

Put plain foil on the bottom of your paint tray and you won't have to wash both the tray and your hands every time from the next portion of this terribly sticky liquid.

  1. Working with paint, although not dusty, is fraught with difficult-to-wash consequences.

Especially unpleasant are drops or splashes of excess paint at the moment when you carry the brush from the can to the target.

Home craftsmen, sharing the secrets of repair, advise pulling an ordinary clothesline over a can of paint. Remove yourself calmly all the excess coloring liquid about it.

Brilliant! And just!

And for a snack painting works Oh.

  1. If a film has formed on the surface of the paint, do not blow on it like hot milk. And don't strain!

Why suffer so? Invite the lady of your heart to a candlelit dinner, and then use her stocking. By asking permission, of course!

Dip a piece of nylon stocking into the paint can and dip the brush right through it. The paint will be completely used, and you will forget about the film. It is not necessary to wash the stocking and give it to the hostess.

  1. About windows and doors

Before painting frames and doors, they must be washed. And in order to easily remove stains after painting, wipe the glass with an onion cut in half or with a cloth soaked in vinegar. Don't let the smell bother you. You will definitely say thank you later when the paint can be easily removed from the glass.

  1. About wallpaper

Now imagine that you have pasted children's wallpaper. They tried so hard to create comfort and beauty for your child, and then the attack is a bubble. It often happens.

Do not despair!

Arm yourself with a regular syringe with glue. Pierce the swelling with a needle, squeeze out some glue and smooth with a wallpaper spatula. That's it, the enemy is defeated!

  1. About nails

Without soap, as folk craftsmen say, you won’t even hammer a nail. It turns out that if you need to drive a nail into fairly hard wood, smear it with soap or oil. And do you really remember kind word and repair tips, and everyone who shares them. We hope, of course, that we will be among the last!

  1. About the ceiling and wallpaper roller

It is difficult to glue wallpaper on the ceiling. For this, a large roller with a long handle is better suited. But what if you only have a small one?

Don't rush headlong into the store. Take a cardboard roll from paper towels, make a hole in it, insert a long stick there and wrap this whole structure with tape. Yes, this roller will not spin, but you don’t need it in this case. The hand will not fall off, and this is the main thing!

  1. About tiles

But, for example, in order to prevent unnecessary splits and breakage tiles, hold it for 45 minutes in water. In the bathroom or in a large basin. After such a “swim”, the tile will become easier to cut and it will not break.

Well, for a snack in this block of repair tricks →

  1. Try playing terminator!

Yeah, what does an American superhero have to do with home improvement advice? And the most direct.

Find a magnetic bracelet, put it on your hand. And then no iron trifle will hide from your magnetic hand.



Of course, the complex design and renovation of apartments is best left to professionals. But even in front of them, you can safely trump one of the repair tips that you just read.

We do not claim the scale of our brief instructions.

And it is simply impossible to cover all the existing folk tricks and tricks. But we hope that we could tell you something new and useful.