How to connect stranded and solid wire - and do it right. How to connect wires in a junction box How to wind an electric twist of wiring in a house

  • 27.06.2020

During installation electrical wiring special attention is paid to electrical contacts, since the quality and reliability of the entire electrical network as a whole depends on this. An integral part of such contacts is the connection of wires. For this, they are used as modern technologies and old methods. Each method has its own disadvantages and advantages. What type of twisting of wires to use is selected from the conditions and possibilities.

Wire Twisting Requirements

Twisting the wires together is the most popular and easiest way, but at the same time the most unreliable. To understand how to twist the wires correctly, it is necessary to imagine what processes can take place at the junction. Over time, as a result of temperature exposure, the clamp loosens. This is caused by the linear expansion of the conductor during the passage large quantities current. The contact at the junction is weakened, its resistance increases, and, accordingly, the place of twisting is heated. The wires oxidize and overheat, contact disappears or insulation breakdown occurs, which is fraught with a short circuit and fire.

The requirements for twisting wires are regulated by the rules for the installation of electrical equipment (PUE). The basic rules for any method of connecting wires are to ensure contact without additional resistance. That is, this value at the place of twist must not exceed the minimum the resistance value of the wires themselves. This is also true for the requirements of mechanical strength, the contact point should not be less durable than the strength value of the wires themselves.

Therefore, according to the PUE, simply made connections in the form of twisting during the installation of electrical wiring are prohibited. After twisting, additional operations are required to increase its reliability. It can be soldering, welding, crimping, mechanical clamping.

It is important to note that twisting is applicable only if the conductors to be connected are made of the same material. Otherwise, a chemical compound is formed due to oxidation, which quickly destroys the twist.

Exist Various types twists:

  • parallel simple;
  • sequential simple;
  • parallel groove;
  • consistent groove;
  • bandage.

Before starting the connection, it is necessary to prepare the wires. To do this, you will need to remove the insulation over a length of at least 50 mm, clean the bare wire with fine emery, and only then proceed to twisting. Parallel connection applied when it becomes necessary to combine the ends of the wires with each other, for example, in junction boxes. Sequential twisting when making branches.

Parallel Connection Method

Parallel connection is a simple operation that involves a method in which two wires, stripped to the same length, are applied parallel to each other. Next, the bare ends are crossed so that the edges touch each other. Then, with a rotational movement, they begin to twist. Turn in one direction, in which - it does not matter.

The insulated parts of the conductors must not be twisted together. First, the conductors are twisted by hand, forming a direction, and then they are tightened with pliers. At the same time, the ends of the wires are taken with pliers to give uniformity to the twist. The “parallel groove” method implies that during twisting, one core is motionless, and the second braids it. To do this, starting from the end of the insulation, one wire makes three to four turns around the second. We lay the first one with a tight touch parallel to the second and at the end we perform again three to four turns.

Description of the sequential method

Serial simple connection is carried out in a different way. The stripped ends of the wires are not applied to each other, but are located opposite, overlapping. The middle of stripped veins are applied to each other, and then braided in one direction and in the other. In this case, it is necessary that the stripped wires do not fall on the insulation of the opposite wire. When twisting with a groove, each core is braided with the other only at the end of the insulation, and in the middle it passes with a tight touch.

Cable twisting

Runs in parallel , and the sequential method. In the first method, the wires are pressed against each other with an insulating layer, and a third conductor is wound around the stripped conductors with spiral movements. To do this, one end of the additional wire is held with fingers, and the other is wrapped around with the help of pliers, firmly squeezing the wires to be connected to each other. In the second method, the stripped cores are applied in parallel, but opposite each other, not reaching one or two millimeters to the insulation of the opposite wire. Then they are tightly rolled in with an additional conductor.

Stranded cable twisting

With this connection, there are small nuances. To increase the contact area, the same methods are used, but with a preliminary separation of the cores in each wire. After removing the insulation, the cores are bred in each wire, and two to four pigtails are created from them with equal amount lived in each. Then they are stacked one on top of the other, and the wires are twisted one pigtail from each wire. At the end, the resulting pigtails are intertwined. In this way, the correct twisting of wires with strong mechanical strength and low resistance will be obtained.

The number of turns that is obtained during operation should be more than six. Types of wire connections do not depend on the material used and are performed the same for both aluminum and copper wires. It's important to understand what to twist different types wires cannot be connected to each other, and the aluminum wire may break off if twisted too much. If it is necessary to twist more than two wires, then the process technology will not change.

Additional technological operations

Since the PUE prohibits only twisting, and connecting different materials impossible, then the twisting process should end with a terminal block or soldering. To make the connection reliable, the following technological operations are used:

  • soldering;
  • welding;
  • screw terminals;
  • crimping in special spring devices;
  • crimping.

Soldering and welding when connecting

The only drawback of this operation is the complexity of the work. Soldering requires tin and flux. When working with copper, rosin is used as a flux, while for aluminum, highly active fluxes containing oleic acid and lithium iodide are used. If a soldering iron with a power of up to 100 W is enough for soldering copper, then aluminum is welded using a gas heater, the heating temperature should be 400-500 degrees. Solder for copper is used lead-tin. And for aluminum with zinc content.

The technology itself is simple, since the thermal conductivity of the twist is greater than that of the solder, then when melted, it goes to the junction, creating a thin layer. When soldering, large flows of solder are not allowed, it should be evenly distributed over the entire surface.

Application of screw terminals

Screw clamps in their principle of operation imply mechanical squeezing of twisted surfaces by means of a bolted connection. For this, steel pads are used. The finished twist or individual strands of wire are placed under a steel washer and compressed by screwing in the screw. In this case, the clamping is carried out both by the washer itself and only by the screw. The first method is better, since the contact surface is larger.

The terminal block itself looks like a plate on an insulator with a group of contacts. With the help of terminal blocks, both copper wires and aluminum wires of different sections are connected.

Use of spring devices

Allows you to make the fastest connection without the use of a tool. Wago terminal blocks are widely used. They are produced not only different sizes, but also for a different number of connected wires. With their help, single-core and multi-core wires of different sections and types are connected. The wires are combined both separately and among themselves. To do this, the terminal blocks have a latch-flag, which allows you to lay the wire and clamp it inside after snapping. Or use a clip-on device.

Using the Wago terminal, aluminum and copper can also be connected to each other. But for this, a special paste is used that prevents air from entering, and the cores of the wires are bred into separate cells.

Crimping of connected cords

If it is necessary to connect wires of large cross section, lugs (sleeves) are used. The wires are stripped and inserted into the sleeves, then with the help of press tongs the sleeve is compressed and the wire is crimped. Such a connection is considered reliable, but requires a specialized tool.

Connecting insulating clamps (PPE) are also considered a kind of crimping. After twisting the wire, depending on the diameter, the caps are screwed on top of the connection, pressing the contact and isolating it.

The last final stage after the connection is made is its thorough isolation. As an insulator, a dielectric electrical tape or a thermotube is used. The insulation should be 2-3 cm larger than the junction itself. The insulation must be of high quality, otherwise there is a possibility of a breakdown between the wires, which will lead to a short circuit.

In stranded wires, the cross section is formed by several, sometimes intertwined with each other, cores. Knowing how to connect stranded wires to each other, you can quite easily do this work yourself and get a strong, absolutely safe contact during operation.

Where are stranded wires used?

Any stranded conductor contains at its base a large number of thin wires. The use of a multi-core cable is relevant in areas requiring a large number bends or, if necessary, pull the conductor through holes that are too narrow and long enough.

The scope of application of stranded conductors is presented:

  • extended tees;
  • mobile lighting devices;
  • automotive wiring;
  • connecting lighting fixtures to the electrical network;
  • connecting switches or other types of leverage to the electrical network.

Flexible stranded conductors can be repeatedly and easily twisted, which does not negatively affect the functionality of the system. Among other things, it is this type of electrical wiring that is distinguished by plasticity, and greater flexibility and elasticity is given to the wire by weaving a special thread, which is a bit like nylon in strength and composition.

Methods for connecting stranded wires to each other

The methods used today for electrical connections of stranded conductors are distinguished by the ability to obtain not only strong, reliable and durable, but also completely safe contact of the cores.

Stranding stranded conductors

This option is the simplest and most intuitive, not requiring the use of special equipment or professional tools.

Twisting is the easiest way to connect stranded wires

The second method consists of the following steps:

Twisting wires by the third method:

There is also a fourth method, which is as follows:

Soldering method

Soldering conductors with a household soldering iron provides high-strength contact and good electrical conductivity. Tinning of stranded conductors is carried out using rosin (flux) and standard solder according to standard technology.

Terminal Type Connections

The use of terminals of various types is the most affordable way to connect stranded wires in everyday terms. In most cases, the terminal blocks used are divided into a couple of basic types.

The principle of operation of the clamping terminals involves fixing the wire using a built-in spring mechanism.

Terminals are often used to connect wires.

Terminal block screw type assumes reliable fixation of all connected stranded wires with a screw. To increase the area of ​​wired contact with a conductive surface, it is required to perform an additional bend of the core.

In the terminal block, the wires are fixed by tightening the screws.

Phased work:

Crimping method

The crimping method involves connecting wires or cables using a copper or aluminum sleeve using special hydraulic or manual crimping pliers.

In this case, the connection is made using a special sleeve

The pressing technology consists in stripping the insulation according to the length of the sleeve, and too thin wires should be connected by twisting. Then all the cables are folded together and placed inside the sleeve, after which a double crimping is performed along the entire length. The method allows you to perform a reliable and safe connection of stranded wires made of different types materials.

Bolted connection

The simplest but not enough in a reliable way connection of stranded wires is twisting followed by bolt fixation. This type of plug-in connection is most often used in open wiring conditions.

Bolted connection is the simplest, but not very reliable

To increase the level of reliability of the connection of stranded wires, it is recommended to strip the ends of the insulation, then tin the cleaned sections and fasten them with a bolt.

Application of connecting insulating clamps

PPE elements are used when it is necessary to connect stranded wires with a small cross section (within 25 mm 2). The design feature of this clamp is a plastic housing with a built-in conical spring.

This method is suitable for connecting wires with a small cross section.

Stranded wires are first connected into one bundle using a twist, on which the clamping part is then wound. Among other things, the wire connection does not need additional insulation.

welding method

Permanent connection is the most reliable way when working with stranded wires. With properly performed welding, the general indicators of mechanical strength and contact resistance in terms of reliability do not differ from those of a solid conductor.

Welding wire connection is considered the most reliable

Welding can be performed on alternating and direct current. On the preparatory stage the wires are stripped of insulation, after which they are twisted and aligned by trimming the ends. To ensure that the conductors do not overheat during the welding process, it is necessary to ensure high-quality heat removal.

Security measures

In order to ensure measures safe operation connected stranded wires, it is important to isolate all parts of the electrical wiring without fail. Proper insulation helps to prevent dangerous contact of conductive parts with each other or with the human body. When choosing an insulating material, it is necessary to take into account the operating conditions of the electrical circuit, but in most cases, insulating tape is used for this purpose, as well as a special vinyl or heat shrink tube.

If the connection area is exposed to the negative effects of high-temperature conditions, it is recommended to use varnished cloth or fabric insulating tape as an insulating material. Of great importance is correct execution all stages of electrical installation. Only with a reliable connection and proper connection of all elements of the electrical network can it be possible to minimize the risk of areas with poor contact, as well as prevent local overheating and breaks in electrical wiring.

Multi-core cables are a popular and common option, widely used for arranging electrical wiring for various purposes. General rules separate connection of stranded and solid conductors do not have any differences or features, therefore it is allowed to use twisting, screw clamp, PPE elements, welding and soldering for this purpose.

The electrical circuit is placed over the area of ​​virtually the entire frame, providing the room with electricity for household and industrial appliances, depending on the purpose of the building. In fact, a cable is supplied from the central network, which is subsequently placed in a control room, from which several more come out, are bred to different ends of the room and connected to junction box, from where the final wires come out, ultimately connected to sockets, switches, etc. Right in the distribution. boxes create the greatest number of connections, and sometimes a soldering iron, welding, connectors are not used there, but wire twisting, for which you do not need special devices, a tool, but only those things that are actually present in everyone (knife, pliers).

How to make a twist of wires

In order to reduce the actual impossibility of the occurrence and ignition, the twists in the junction boxes must be made with high quality. If a person performs such an action for the first time, for a start it is better to read carefully the rules of such a connection, and only after that begin to work. We will figure out how to make twists correctly, what types of them are and what problems you may encounter when performing these works.

To begin with, it is worth saying that the connection of two wires from different metals with the help of twisting is not recommended. A lot of analytical articles and arguments have been written about this, why this should not be done:

  • different coefficients of thermal expansion (metals react differently to heating and cooling, as a result of which the contact gradually worsens);
  • the appearance of an oxide film on an aluminum wire (it does not allow to fully conduct current, the wire heats up and collapses over time);
  • structural destruction of aluminum during electrolysis (these two metals form a galvanic couple, and after exposure to a humid environment, the metal ends are subject to heating, and subsequent destruction).

Stranding copper and aluminum wires

Do not connect copper and aluminum directly. However, in many houses it is aluminum wires that need to be connected to copper wires, and twisting is sometimes the only way connections. In this case, it is important to adhere to certain rules that will allow such fastening to last a maximum period.

  • To begin with, it is worth noting that the conductors must be wrapped around each other with high quality. If their diameter is significant, there should be at least 3 turns, and if the diameter is up to 1 mm, in this case it will be necessary to wrap the wire around each other more than five times to ensure high-quality transmission of the electrical flow. Also, after that it is very important to treat the bare surface with a special varnish, which has the properties of resistance to water and moisture.
  • When connecting copper and aluminum wire, it is better to use a special steel plate placed between them. This will avoid their direct contact. Thus, the service life of such a connection will be much longer. If there is no such component at hand, then you can resort to processing bare copper wiring with solder, which will also avoid mechanical contacts between these two metals.
  • The ideal solution for connecting copper and aluminum conductors is to pre-coat copper core solder. Especially such pre-treatment is often used when connecting a solid and stranded wire, when in this way a wire consisting of several conductors is converted into a solid wire.

Twisting wires of different sections

This type of work implies the unambiguous use of additional means for connection. Such devices can be screw clamps, self-clamping terminals, bolts, copper-tinned tips, holes of the “Nut” type. Also, in order not to buy additional components, you can use soldering or welding, others.

If the difference in the diameter of the wires is insignificant, for example, 4 and 2.5 mm, then it is not so difficult to connect them with a twist. To do this, you need to wrap them with high quality with each other, after which you need to apply welding or soldering. Such a fastening of two conductors will last more than one year without complaints.

In other cases, the twisting of wires will not have reliability and durability. In such situations, you simply cannot do without additional components. In various situations, one or another device is used:

  • if significant, it is best to use a self-clamping terminal;
  • for a branch from the main line to the distribution. the shield uses a branch clamp, which among experts is also called "Nut";
  • to connect wires with a large diameter, a copper-puffer lug is used.

Errors when twisting wires

The most common problem with connecting conductors in this way is winding one wire onto another. This is completely wrong. The wires should evenly wrap around each other, thereby ensuring reliable passage electric current and create mechanical strength so that such fastening lasts for many years.

The length of the twist depends directly on the diameter of the conductors themselves. At the same time, it should be taken into account that the minimum threshold for this characteristic should be at least 3 cm. Otherwise, everything depends on the diameter of the wires: the larger the diameter, the greater the length of the created twist should be, but there are no specifically prescribed rules for this, each specialist decides for himself what this value should be in order for the connection to be reliable and of high quality.

At installation work twisting wires is used to create reliable contacts in electrical circuits.

An electrical wiring device for any purpose - in the domestic sphere and in industry - is carried out according to certain rules.

These rules require that there is no additional resistance to the flow of current at the junction of the wires. If the resistance is higher than normal, then the contact point is constantly heated.

To make a connection meet this requirement, the following methods are used:

  • twist;
  • welding;
  • soldering;
  • screw clamp;
  • terminal blocks and blocks;
  • self-clamping express terminals;
  • PPE caps.

Wiring Requirements

If we conduct a retrospective analysis of the processes that took place in the electrical industry, we can highlight several characteristic points.

Half a century ago, twisting was used everywhere. The main tool that the installer needed - special knife, screwdriver and pliers.

This set was enough to connect the ends of the wires in the junction box. Electricians had to do such operations constantly for many years.

Experience has shown that properly performed stranding will serve reliably for many years and even decades.

However, it is necessary to take into account the operating conditions and loads that the networks mounted in this way can withstand. The load on them was minimal.

If we compare it with modern values, then the growth is in the hundreds of percent. Then the apartment had a minimum of electrical appliances - only light bulbs and a radio.

For this reason, the use of aluminum wire is limited. specifications, and the use of copper is highly recommended.

Selecting the connection method

Over time, the tool with which the wiring is carried out has become different. If in the recent past it was possible to get by with good pliers, today this is not enough.

Welding wires requires a special apparatus. Soldering the ends without a minimum set of equipment is also impossible.

The connecting insulating clip, which is briefly called PPE, was also invented not so long ago. One method is used to connect aluminum wires, and another is used to connect copper wires.

In each case, you need to choose the right connection method, and do it according to the rules of electrical equipment devices - PUE.


You can make a twist in one of three ways:

  • simple twist;
  • bandage;
  • groove twist.

The first method is most often used in everyday life. Properly chosen tool, the use of PPE caps allows you to get good contact.

In this way, the ends are connected in the junction box.

Bandage twist is used to make wire connections large diameter. To provide strong connection aluminum conductors, twisting with a groove is used.

If the connection technology in the junction box is performed accurately, then the contact can serve for a long time and reliably.

All listed species twists require a certain skill in work.

Simple twisting takes up very little space in the junction box. For better contact, you can “wind up” the PPE cap.

With a wire cross section of 6 squares and above, PPE caps in the junction box are not used.

To strengthen the bandage twist, soldering is used. Technological instructions do not allow simple twisting of aluminum and copper wires.

Such connections can be made after preliminary tinning of copper.

All of the above methods are used to connect multicore cables and wires. All operations in the junction box must be done carefully. Especially in the case when there are more than three cores in the cable.

If you want to make an additional tap on a certain section of the line, then all actions are performed according to a standard and familiar pattern.

The only difference is that the stripping of the supply wire must be done in the middle, and not at the end. The tool will need the same - pliers and a knife, which removes the insulation.

To make a reliable twist of aluminum wires, the electrician requires theoretical training and practical skills.

With enough experience, he can quickly complete any connection. In this case, the place of twisting must be cleaned. Aluminum oxide has insulating properties.

If the contact at the place of twisting heats up, then it is most likely that the stripping of the aluminum wire was not done well. It's no secret that you need to do all the operations correctly.

This law is strictly applied in electrical engineering. The fitter must have a good tool and an examination according to the operating rules electrical installations He must submit within a certain time frame.

Connection by welding

Practice shows that wire welding, as a technology, as a tool for connecting wires, is used in combination with other methods.

Most often, welding is used as one of the options for processing twists. A correctly “twisted” contact does not heat up and can serve reliably and for a long time.

However, during operation, there is always the possibility of weakening the twist.

This should not be allowed, especially in the junction box, which is located in an apartment or a private house.

Welding quickly and with minimal cost gives the contact the necessary parameters.

The state fire control requires that welded joints be made.

One of the three popular ways to improve the quality of the strand is soldering.

This technology does not require a special transformer or other complex tool.

Here you need a hundred-watt soldering iron and the right solder.

The desoldering of the ends is done in the junction box before putting PPE caps on them.

When connecting stranded wires, soldering is used more often than other methods. The most common soldering flux is rosin.

It should be emphasized that soldering is used to connect copper wires.

For aluminum products, other technologies are used.

Screw terminal and terminal blocks

If the connection of copper and aluminum wires by twisting is not allowed, then this problem has to be solved in other ways.

Can't help here and welding. In this case, screw terminals and terminal blocks are used.

When solving any technical issue, it is very important to correctly assess the operating conditions of wires and contacts.

In circuits with a load of more than 100 watts, the contact of the aluminum wire with copper heats up intensively.

To avoid this effect, terminal blocks of various designs are used.

It is advisable to purchase a device of this type from a heat-resistant material that will not react to how the contact heats up.

Self-clamping devices

The main argument given by opponents of the use of twisting is that the contact obtained in this way is heated.

Which can lead, and sometimes leads, to serious incidents.

Connectors with spring-loaded insulated clamps do not have this drawback. They started making such a device in Europe a few years ago.

If such a clamp is correctly applied, then the electrical circuit will serve without interruption. In practice, welding is still more often used, although there are more and more supporters of the clamping device over time.

The connection of stranded wires using self-clamping connectors is performed better.

PPE connecting caps are made specifically to improve the twisting of wires.

In fact, this is a tool that is designed to perform two functions - to isolate the contact and make it better.

When using a PPE cap, no tape is needed.

The design of this product is not as simple as it might seem. Inside it is a conical spring.

The correct selection of the number and cross-section of the wires to be connected ensures reliable contact.

Contact with such protection is practically not heated.

When screwing the PPE cap onto the place of twisting, the edges of the spring remove the layer of oxides from the surface of the wire.

The safe operation of the electrical network depends on whether the wires are twisted correctly, whether the features of the connections between copper and aluminum cables are taken into account. It is necessary to take into account the cross section and the number of cores in the wires. Basic knowledge of the basic principles of cable splicing is the key to quality work on the installation of an electrical network.

It is important to know and apply, but why?

Electric current is a source of increased danger. Neglect of the rules for installing the electrical network can lead to such consequences as:

  • electric shock;
  • poisoning with toxic smoke from burning insulation;
  • fire.

Poor quality twisting is one of the reasons for such consequences. In places of poor connection, the passing current experiences increased resistance. The resulting thermal energy does not have time to dissipate, excessive heating occurs. With an increase in load in this section of the circuit, the resistance grows even more, and a short circuit occurs.

Twisted wire connections made in compliance with the rules guarantee safe work networks. At the point of contact, the resistance will not increase, the current will pass through the conductor. Connected electrical wires can be hidden in a box or under plaster. There will be no consequences if you follow the instructions for twisting.

Basic ways

Cores made of one metal, for example, copper wires, can be twisted directly together. The most common are the following:

  • simple twist;
  • bandage;
  • chute twist.

The simple correct twisting of electrical wires is known to every electrician who once connected them together with his own hands. For two cores with a cross section of more than 4 square meters. mm. you need a bandage method, in which they tie it with a third wire. Twisting a gutter is a method of connecting aluminum wires when the ends are bent with a hook, hooked and wrapped.

When connecting copper and aluminum, which have different resistances, an additional conductor is required. It can be a brass tube, a connecting block or a captive terminal. Apply and threaded connections with the obligatory use of additional washers with a cut. In such connections, it is necessary to increase the contact area, which is achieved by flattening the cores and reducing the resistance to the passing current.

Modern materials

Manufacturers of electrical installations offer their own solutions to the issue of connecting wires. Prefabricated compact connectors are a modern alternative to cable twists. For example, PPE clamps for twisting are a cone-shaped spring installed in a dielectric housing. Caps inserted into such PPE, bundles of wires are scrolled several turns and securely fixed.

For quick connection, Wago terminals of the same manufacturer are suitable. The joint in them occurs automatically: when the core is inserted into the corresponding hole, a flat-spring clamp is triggered. Such terminals are either disposable or reusable. Due to the ease of use, wiring is easy and the contact is reliable.

Do not forget the standard terminal blocks, which are universal for any type of connection. Made using a last, the connection is not inferior to either Wago or PPE caps.

One-piece crimping

For twisting stranded wires, special one-piece crimped connections are used. This connection method should be used for identical metals, because due to the difference in resistance in each crimping, contact, for example, copper with aluminum, will lead to heating. If the twist is made of copper wires, this should also be the connecting tube, the diameter of which approximately corresponds to the thickness of the connected cores. Pre-twisting the wires is optional.

The cables inserted into the tube are crimped with press tongs on both sides. At least three layers of insulating material are applied to the resulting joint. As an alternative to electrical tape, ready-made crimps with an insulating cap can be used. Such a tube is crimped immediately with a polyethylene cap, which gently deforms and reliably insulates the joint.

Tip: before twisting the wires, it is necessary to calculate the load on the electrical network. To do this, the power of all electrical installations that can work simultaneously is summed up. The minimum section of one of the cables to be connected must correspond to the calculated load.

What about a larger section?

Use of standard connection options for conductors with a cross section of 10 mm. sq. and is no longer allowed. In such cases, the ends of the cable are pressed with a special tip, on the sides of which there is a sleeve and a ring. One or more twisted wires are inserted into the sleeve and crimped with press tongs such as PK, PMK, PKG or PK. The ferrule ring is designed to be connected to a terminal or contact pad of another wire.

As a rule, connections through a lug with a ring are used to connect a contact wire in power shields. In such installations, it is not allowed to simply twist the cores together, because. high voltage instantly burn the wires at the joints.

Soldering iron to help

In addition to twisting, soldering is used at the joints. This method is used in places high humidity, where the requirements for the resistance of wires to oxidation are most important. The pre-made twist is melted with rosin, after which solder is applied to it. At the same time, the power of an ordinary household soldering iron is enough, it is important to exclude the formation of sharp burrs on the solder. After drying, they are removed with a needle file, because. there is a risk of damage to the insulation.

The use of solder helps to connect twisted thin stranded wires. The contact surface after processing with a soldering iron increases, therefore, the contact area of ​​the joints becomes larger. It should be borne in mind that the load on the connected wires, regardless of the use of soldering, is calculated according to the cross section of the smallest of them.

original solutions

About how to do correct twist using non-standard solutions, it is not necessary for everyone to know, but in some cases it is precisely such knowledge that helps to cope with the work. For example, how to make a twist in which it is necessary to connect not two or three cores, but several dozen pairs? For this, a special mechanical device is used - manual press equipment. Both stranded and single-core wires of the same metal are twisted with such a press.

Sometimes, on the contrary, it is necessary to decide how to properly twist for low-current installations: power cords, LEDs, telephones, etc. For this, special connectors are used, which are plastic caps for twisting wires, inside of which there is a metal alloy plate in a special solution. It is a hydrophobic gel that prevents rust and protects the contact from oxidation and moisture ingress.

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