List all occupations. Types of professions and their description

  • 10.10.2019

The message about professions for children can be used in preparation for the lesson. A story about professions will help children in choosing their future.

Professions Report

Profession - the main occupation, labor activity.

Sometimes a profession is called the community of all people engaged in this type of work. These people work in different corners countries at different enterprises in different institutions, and, of course, not everyone knows each other by sight. But they are busy with one thing, it makes them related. People of the same profession are engaged in one business, have similar interests, knowledge, skills, lifestyle.

There are a lot of professions on earth. Currently, there are more than 8 thousand professions, and this list is constantly updated. Most likely, you have not heard of the vast majority of them, and you have a very vague idea about many of them.

Some professions disappear, and some appear. More recently, such professions have appeared:

1. Web designer
2. Programmer
3. Blogger
4. Trend watcher
5. Community Manager
6. Style Consultant
7. Nano-medic

But I would like to tell you in more detail about professions that have been relevant for a long time.

A story about the profession of a PILOT

The pilot is a very brave profession. There are pilots who fly passenger planes, and there are those who fly cargo planes. And there are pilots who fly small planes: put out fires, scatter fertilizers, deliver food and letters to polar explorers. The pilot must lift the aircraft up into the air and at the end of the flight gently land it on the ground. Devices help him manage such a colossus. They show how fast the plane is flying, what the weather is overboard, they also warn the pilot about problems. In the cockpit with the pilot there is a navigator, a mechanic, a stewardess, and on the ground - an air traffic controller.

A story about the profession of a DOCTOR

The doctor is a very difficult and ancient profession. The doctor must know a lot about the structure of the human body and the work of its internal organs, be able to understand the symptoms (signs of the disease), and there are a lot of diseases in the world. Of course, now doctors have assistants - special devices, for example, x-rays (it was invented by physicists). Doctors need it to make a diagnosis. These devices are very complex, and the doctor must be able to handle them. And most importantly, a real doctor should be kind, feel sorry for his sick patients and try very, very hard to help them recover.

A story about the profession of METALLURGER

Even in ancient times, people made various things from metal: weapons, dishes, jewelry, and today you simply cannot do without iron. It is made from iron ore, which is melted in huge furnaces. The resulting metal is poured into special molds in which it solidifies. Ingots are obtained in the form of large bricks. Of them are made hardware. Parts of planes, trains, cars, and even the hooks on which we hang clothes are all made of metal that is smelted by a metallurgist.

A story about the profession of an ENGINEER

Very the right profession both in the city and in the countryside. Engineers help scientists, doctors, miners by creating new devices, engines, pumps, machine tools and other useful equipment. Engineers know everything about technology: how it hurts, how to treat it. Engineers work together with inventors. The inventor invented and drew on paper, and the engineer must calculate everything from this drawing and make a drawing. According to these drawings, workers will assemble desired car by details. The testers will test this machine and report to the engineer what is good and what is bad in it, and he will eliminate these shortcomings.

A story about the profession of a DRIVER

The driver drives cars, trucks and buses, while working on buses controls the observance by passengers of the rules for exiting and boarding, and eliminates problems that have arisen along the way. The profession of a driver is very interesting. But it is simple only at first glance. Firstly, the driver must know the rules of the road well so as not to violate them and not to miss road signs. Secondly, he must know the structure of the car in order to be able to fix it: after all, if his faithful horse breaks down somewhere along the way, the driver will have to repair it himself, not counting on a technical assistance car. In addition, the driver must know the brands of all cars, and there are a huge number of them: Zhiguli, Volga, Mercedes, and BMW.

A story about the profession CARPENT

Many people think that a carpenter is the same as a carpenter, but you should not confuse these two different professions. The only thing they have in common is that they work with wood. A carpenter makes furniture and other products from wooden boards and other materials, and also decorates them with wood carvings. Where does he get all these materials from? wooden planks, panels, etc.? All these things are made by a carpenter. The material for them is mainly coniferous wood, from which, after processing, the carpenter makes logs, beams, boards, plates, plywood sheets, wooden plates and other standard wooden structures, from which the carpenter will then make various products, for example, furniture.
A carpenter is also involved in wood processing, and he can work with carpentry tools or use special machines - it all depends on the scale of the construction. For the construction of large objects, wood processing is carried out on woodworking machines, and with a small amount of work, the carpenter does everything himself. His main tools are saw, axe, planer, chisel and others.
Having processed the wood, the carpenter proceeds to manufacture various products and parts from it - building materials. He also works on the installation of various wooden structures. Piling installation, laying of wooden foundations, erection wooden walls and partitions, floors and roofs - all this is included in his work.
To become a carpenter, you need to get a special education, know geometry, mathematics, physics, chemistry and be a responsible person: after all, the stability and service life of a building, and therefore the lives of many people, depend on the quality of a carpenter's work.

Veterinary, work with animals

Pet Protection Agent - Inspector of the Special Rescue Service. Its mission is to stop cases of cruelty to animals.

An aquarist is a specialist in the creation and maintenance of closed ecosystems in artificial pools.

A veterinarian is a doctor who treats animals.

A veterinary assistant, as in “big medicine”, is a specialist with a secondary medical education who has the right to make a diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

A groomer is a specialist in grooming pets (usually dogs and cats).

A trainer is an artist who trains animals to perform in front of an audience.

A zoopsychologist is a psychologist who specializes in the behavior of animals.

Cynologist - a specialist in the education and breeding of dogs. He can work with a wide variety of breeds, because awe-inspiring bull terriers, calm Labradors, and nervous tiny dogs, which are commonly considered sofa dogs, live next to a person.

A taxidermist (from the Greek derma - skin, skin and taxis - cooking, processing) is a specialist in the manufacture of stuffed animals and birds (stuffed animal).


A felinologist is a specialist in domestic cats.

In the jewelry business, the gemologist is the number one figure. A professional gemologist can easily determine the type of gemstone and its origin, distinguish between synthetic analogues and imitations. precious stones from natural gems.

A surveyor is a specialist in compiling terrain maps, making calculations necessary to describe the terrain.

A geologist is a specialist in the study of the composition and structure of rocks for the purpose of prospecting and exploration of mineral deposits. The profession of a geologist closely combines the solution of production problems and the development of theoretical problems, the study of natural objects and patterns, and the assessment of the possibilities of their practical use.

A petroleum geologist is a specialist in the exploration of oil and gas fields, the most important energy sources of modern civilization.

A geophysicist investigates the origin, evolution, structure, properties of the Earth and the processes occurring in it and its shells.

Geochemist - a specialist in geochemistry, geochemical methods of search, with knowledge in the field of regional geochemistry, geochemistry of elements and their isotopes. He owns methods of experimental and theoretical modeling of natural processes, methods of instrumental analysis of the chemical composition of natural objects, determination of the absolute age of minerals and rocks.

Hydrogeologists are engaged in the search for groundwater and their study. At present, when surface water sources are polluted, the problem of quality becomes relevant. drinking water. So the profession of hydrogeologist is in demand more than ever.

A geological engineer is engaged in engineering and geological surveys in construction, during the reconstruction of buildings and structures and is responsible for the stability of buildings. At present, when the construction of buildings and structures is in full swing, this profession is especially important and in high demand.

The work of a cadastral engineer is primarily associated with land surveying, that is, with determining the coordinates of the boundaries of land ownership, the implementation of land survey plans and the preparation of all necessary documents for state registration of property.

A cartographer is a specialist in the preparation of paper and electronic maps.

A mine surveyor is a specialist in geodetic measurements and marking in the exploration of mineral deposits, the construction of mining enterprises and underground structures.

Design and applied arts

A guitar maker is a master in the creation and repair of guitars.

Graphic Designer specializes in the design of the environment by means of graphics. It works with signs, billboards, posters, signs, signs and diagrams that we see in large numbers around, and also takes care of the readability of the information we need, such as websites, magazines, newspapers, leaflets, book and CD covers, menu in a restaurant, product catalogs, business cards, as well as packaging of products, manufactured goods and graphic design of shop windows.

An interior designer is a specialist in creating new projects of a harmonious environment to improve human living conditions.

A clothing designer is a light industry specialist who develops sketches of new clothing models.

Type design is the most inconspicuous and at the same time the most responsible job in the field of graphic design and visual communications. Creating signs that encode and convey information is a high-class craftsmanship.

The designer-visualizer works in the field of architecture and interior design. But this specialty is also quite common in the field of graphic design, especially in packaging design studios. The visualization designer develops the project and, in addition to other documentation and drawings, provides the customer with its visualization made using three-dimensional programs.

The art of beautiful writing, which the calligrapher owns, still finds its connoisseurs.

landscape designer- a specialist in the artistic organization of gardens, parks, personal plots.

Layout designer - a master of creating layouts of existing or planned buildings, structures.

The craft of a puppet master is a game, fine arts and needlework at the same time.

The master of machine embroidery is a specialist in working with an embroidery machine.

Weaving from a vine is an old profession that is experiencing a new heyday.

Hand embroidery is a type of applied art in which the image is made by hand with a needle or crochet.

A mosaicist is an artist or craftsman who works in the mosaic technique.

Art bookbinder is a bookbinding master who creates bindings and covers for books.

From English. VIP - Very Important Person (Very important person). Such a specialist looks after the clothes and shoes of the VIP-person who hired him, and also takes care of the dressing room and manages the wardrobe-related household.

A glass blower is a craftsman who creates products from heated glass mass using blowing and other techniques.

The job of a technical designer is in many ways similar to that of a prepress specialist. The only difference is that a prepress specialist works more often directly in a printing house, and a technical designer's workplace is almost always only in an advertising agency or design studio.

Phytodesigner (Designer - florist)

A phytodesigner is a specialist in landscaping and decorating interiors with the help of plant compositions.

Artist of miniature painting - a master in the design of lacquer products in the tradition of folk miniature painting.

A fabric painter is a craftsman who decorates fabric by hand-painting.

Enamel painter - an artist who specializes in painting enamel products.

Textile and light industry artist-technologist - a specialist responsible for the development of textile design.

Image Processing Specialist. The color corrector works with various types of images, its job is to prepare these images for printing in a printing way or for publishing on a website.

Silk-screen printer - screen printing printer using the silk-screen printing method.

A jeweler is a master in the manufacture of art products, jewelry made of precious metals and stones.


A driller is a specialist who controls from the surface of the earth deepening the bottom of the well, fixing rocks on the walls of the well, creating a kind of formwork from high-strength pipes and cement mortar, the opening of productive deposits and the influx of oil and gas, the elimination of complications and accidents. A driller is a profession of real men.

Carries out blasting operations in the opening of soil layers, rocks, etc., will carry out seismic surveys, delivery of explosive materials, preparation of charges and blasting operations.

A geologist is engaged in the search and evaluation of mineral deposits, as well as the study of other features of the earth's crust.

There are also professions that are directly related to nature. This job is a mining engineer. Similar occupations are considered to be such professions as a geologist, geophysicist, hydrologist or mining exploration engineer. Many social and social needs of people are satisfied thanks to mineral wealth and oil and gas production.

A miner is a mining worker who is somehow connected with the extraction of minerals. These are geologists involved in the search and exploration of deposits, and repairmen who maintain mining equipment, and miners working deep underground, and mine rescuers, on whose professionalism the life of miners who find themselves in a difficult situation largely depends.

Livestock and crop production

An agronomist is a specialist in the field of agriculture, who has comprehensive knowledge in the field of growing and harvesting plants.

Arborist - tree specialist, specialist in the care of green spaces.

The forester is a forest protector. Without his help, the forest cannot resist human carelessness and natural disasters.

A forester is a specialist in forest management, protection and use of the forest. Many people call a forester a forester, and so: a forester and a forester are two different professions.

A beekeeper is a specialist in breeding bees, keeping them and obtaining beekeeping products.


is a specialist responsible for compliance with the norms and rules of labor protection at work.

Communications engineer - a specialist responsible for the operation of radio equipment and communications.

Hydraulic engineer - an engineer who specializes in the design or operation of structures for the use of water or for protection against it (hydroelectric power plants, dams, canals, etc.).

A structural engineer of buildings and structures develops building structures and calculates the load (strength calculations) on all its important and load-bearing parts: foundation, frame, beams, columns, suspended lifting equipment. He works with buildings for various purposes: civil, industrial, warehouse, commercial, their designs can also be different: reinforced concrete, metal, wood, stone. The design engineer also draws up project documentation and drawings.

Design engineer - an engineer who develops schemes and precise plans for structures.

Ventilation, heating, water supply and sewerage design engineer

This design engineer works with systems of external and internal water supply, sewerage and heating, fire extinguishing, smoke removal, underfloor heating, ventilation and air conditioning of residential, public and industrial buildings and also designs boiler rooms.

The design engineer of low-voltage systems works with communication networks, it can be television, radio, telephone, intercom, as well as with video surveillance and alarm systems (security, fire), access control and management systems, CCTV system, loud-speaking communication, clock system ( time synchronization throughout the entire facility) and other cable systems for civil buildings and industrial facilities.

This specialist works with power supply systems, internal and external, different type voltage (high, medium, low), with distribution and transformer substations.

An energy engineer is a specialist who is engaged in the development, production and operation of thermal and energy supply systems.

A metrologist is a specialist in measuring the accuracy of measuring equipment.

A marine engineer is an engineer who specializes in the construction of ships, their engineering components, or their maintenance.

A patent examiner is a specialist in filing applications for registration of inventions.

Radio mechanic - a specialist in the repair of television and radio receivers, electronic equipment.

A radio engineer is a specialist in assembling, configuring, testing and operating radio engineering systems and devices.

A roboticist is a specialist in the development of robots and their maintenance.

A quality expert examines the quality of goods, as well as the raw materials from which these goods are made.

An electrician is a specialist in the installation, repair and maintenance of electrical equipment and electrical circuits.

Information Technology (IT)

— a professional in the field of three-dimensional graphics, which sets up computer characters for game animation, ensures the movement of drawn models and objects. Speaking in a high style, the art of a 3D animator is to breathe soul into the character and create a living, animated world around.

3D Generalist (3D Generalist)

3D Generalist is a generalist who owns the collected knowledge and advanced skills in the field of creating three-dimensional graphics.

Engaged in the creation, updating, improvement of mobile applications and software for smartphones, tablets, e-books, game consoles and other devices running on the Android operating system.

is a specialist engaged in the development, maintenance, testing of embedded software.

ERP-consultant (consultant for the implementation of ERP-systems) - a specialist in the implementation and adjustment of enterprise planning systems.

An ERP programmer is a specialist who ensures the functioning of an ERP system. ERP programmers work in consulting companies or in the IT departments of large companies, such as banks, commercial enterprises.

is an animator who creates animation products using the program Macro Media Flash, which allows you to create animated videos, games, banners, icons, splash screens.

Front end developer(from the English “front-end developer”) is a programmer who develops the user interface, that is, the external public part of the site in the browser. The main task of a front-end developer is to make user interaction with a website or web application as convenient as possible.

Game developer or gamedev— a specialist involved in the creation of program code, visualization and the concept of the game, as well as the choice of means for the implementation of the tasks.

Engaged in the creation of games, software, interfaces and updates for devices created under the Apple brand (iPad, iPod, iPhone, Watch).

An IT evangelist is a specialist responsible for promoting software products.

QA-engineer- Quality Assurance engineer (Quality Assurance literally means “quality assurance”) is a specialist in functional software testing at the development stage. Its activities are aimed at improving the software development process, preventing defects and identifying errors in the product. In practice, it is sometimes mistakenly believed that a QA engineer and a software tester are one and the same. In fact, a software tester is engaged in testing ready-made software, and a QA engineer works on the formation of testing processes.

SEO-specialist(from English SEO - Search Engine Optimization) carries out search engine optimization sites.

Web Analyst is an IT specialist who collects and analyzes various information about site visitors in order to increase the efficiency of a web resource.

A web designer is a person with artistic taste and knowledge of Internet technologies who creates Web pages and combines them into Web sites. The main task of a web designer is to design an Internet project in such a way that as many users as possible become interested in it.

A web programmer is a specialist in the field of computer technology, namely web programming. Designed to bring to life the projects of web designers, creating a functioning website. A programmer is not a profession, but a vocation.

A database administrator is a person who maintains databases.

Site administrators are responsible for maintaining the site and ensuring network security, manage the placement, updating, moderation of content.

is an architect of virtual reality, a specialist who creates a new virtual space.

is an experienced technician who manages a whole group of employees. He is engaged in choosing a technology for storing data, creating and optimizing queries, draws up a development plan and technical requirements for subordinates, can design and optimize the database, and monitor database security.

Back end developer(from English back-end (back side) developer) this is a specialist who deals with the software and administrative part of a web application, the internal content of the system, server technologies - database, architecture, program logic.

(game designer, gamedis) is a game creator in the broadest sense of the word. He can be called a game producer responsible for the game design of the project.

A cybersportsman is a participant in computer video games.

This is a specialist in the development of the structure of a corporate software system (SW), its design and implementation control. He makes decisions about the internal design and external interface of the software, referring to the requirements of the project and existing resources.

As a specialist, the link manager is considered the link between the optimizer andweb-master, doing most of the routine work associated with large amounts of information.

is a specialist who develops software applications for various mobile devices: tablets, smartphones. The profession is currently the most fashionable, promising and in demand. After all, it is in the field of mobile development that such interesting novelties as a voice and gesture interface have appeared.

Forum Moderator

The forum moderator is responsible for the operation of the forum, answers questions from visitors, acts as a censor (monitors the behavior of forum participants, and stops attempts at incorrect or obscene statements or advertising messages).

Electronic equipment installer - a specialist in the installation of radio-electronic equipment.

A programmer is a specialist who develops algorithms and computer programs based on special mathematical models.

A 1C programmer must have all the qualities inherent in a classical programmer: patience and endurance in the process of developing and debugging a program, the ability to quickly adapt to new things, and responsibility. Since a 1C programmer works in the field of accounting, he needs such personal qualities as balance, stress resistance, logical thinking and perseverance.

Specializes in the development of web applications, desktop and cross-platform applications, games, cloud services, applications for devices running on the Windows Phone mobile OS, and other software products.

— a specialist who creates applications of varying complexity using the oldest programming language. He not only writes the program code, but also implements, tests, Russifies programs, and modifies the code.

Ruby programmers- These are specialists who have rich experience, technical knowledge, use a dynamic programming language. Developers use this language to create websites, web interfaces, corporate applications, software.

— a specialist who develops and improves the ways of interaction of Internet users with an IT product, creating its attractive interface and appearance. That is, a product designer does everything to make the IT product profitable, and to make it convenient, understandable and easy for users to use the application or website.

Database Developer- a specialist who is engaged in the creation of databases, their debugging, modernization, maintenance.

A system administrator is a specialist in the maintenance of computers and local computer networks.

A system analyst, in a broad sense, is a specialist in solving complex organizational and technical problems of an interdisciplinary nature, using methods of system analysis.

— a specialist who configures and maintains internal computer networks, office equipment and PCs, he also trains employees and helps them use the software.

The system programmer is almost never involved in application programs that make life easier for users. Its task is to build a multi-level structure that will combine individual components into modules, and modules into a single computer organism or computer network.

Information security specialists are directly involved in the creation of an information security system, its audit and monitoring, analyze information risks, develop and implement measures to prevent them.

Engaged in the creation, support and promotion of various information resources (Internet projects).

is engaged in the development, maintenance and implementation of various information systems.

Software tester(from the English test - test, verification) is a specialist who is engaged in software testing, controls its quality.

Timlid is not an honorable completion of the IT career ladder from junior to senior. This is just the beginning of a true understanding of where you want to go next.

(or "usabilist") researches, analyzes and improves the user interface of web resources in order to create a more "user-friendly" interface, and ultimately - to get high conversion and increase sales rates.

Arts (music, theatre, cinema, visual arts)

The actor is a professional performer of diverse roles in performances, films, commercials, video clips.

A make-up artist is a master who knows the art of transforming the appearance of an actor with the help of paints, stickers and other tricks.

The theater, film and television playwright creates the literary basis for future productions. In cinema and on TV, he is also called a screenwriter. Only a good script can make a good movie. And only the best plays outlive their creators for a long time.

A sound engineer is a specialist in sound recording and sound processing.

A sound engineer is a specialist responsible for the sound design of a film, television, radio program or show.

An icon painter (isographer, image painter, icon painter) is a painter who specializes in creating icons.

A projectionist is a film demonstrator in a cinema.

A cinematographer is a very important specialist in the field of filmmaking, who usually lives in the shadow of the director's fame, while doing the colossal work necessary to shoot a film, not just from a technical side, but especially from an artistic side.

A film producer is a specialist in the administrative and financial support of the creation of a film.

Film director

A filmmaker is a director who directs the production of a film.

A costume designer is a specialist responsible for the storage and preparation of costumes in a theater, film studio, etc.

A location manager searches for and prepares locations for filming a movie or TV show.


A producer is a person in the entertainment industry who manages creative, financial, technological, and other processes.

Editing director - a specialist who combines the footage of a film or television program into a coherent work.

Director-producer - the head of the creative team working on the creation of a film, play or show.

A sculptor is an artist engaged in the creation of sculptures, that is, works of volume-spatial form, three-dimensional and tangible.

A television producer is a person who creates specific television programs and is responsible for the broadcast policy of the channel as a whole.

A photographer is a person or specialist who creates photographs using a camera and special equipment for printing them. A photographer is a person who captures beautiful moments of life.

A costume designer in film, theater and television creates clothes for characters. He helps the actors in their reincarnation.

The production designer creates a visual solution for the film, which helps to reveal the director's intention and gives the desired emotional mood.

Cooking, food industry

A winemaker is a specialist in creating recipes for wines and cognacs. He comes up with the composition of drinks and monitors compliance with the technology.

The taster is a specialist in sensory analysis. It determines the quality of the product (tea, wine, etc.) by taste and smell.

Confectioner - a master of making sweets.

A blender is an employee responsible for mixing raw materials in a certain proportion to obtain the best taste. It is generally believed that blenders work with wine. But winemaking is just one of the options for this profession.

A deboner is a meat industry worker who specializes in separating meat from bones.

A baker is a specialist in baking bread and bakery products.

A brewer is a specialist in brewing technology.

A pizza maker or a pizzaiolo is the name given to a pizza maker.

A cook is a food preparation specialist. A good cook is sometimes called a magician, because he can cook a real masterpiece from the most ordinary products, which will bring joy and delight to people.

Remuer is a master of shaking bottles of maturing champagne. The profession is rare, but very important in winemaking.

A catering technologist is a specialist in the development, production and quality control of culinary and confectionery products at catering establishments.

Light industry

Knitter knitwear - a specialist in working on a knitting machine

A cutter (cutter) is a specialist in cutting materials in the manufacture of clothing, footwear, and other textile and leather products.

Mezdrilshchik skins - a master of leather, fur business, responsible for cleaning the skins from subcutaneous tissue, remnants of fat, meat, etc.

Fashion designer - a specialist in the development of new models of clothes, shoes, hats, accessories.

Furniture assembler - a specialist in the assembly and disassembly of different types of furniture.

Shoe assembler - a shoemaker, a shoemaker who creates finished shoes, boots and boots from individual parts.

A furrier is a master of dressing skins for fur, sewing fur products.

Weaver (weaver) - a master in the production of fabrics on a loom.

Linguistics, communications

A librarian is a specialist in servicing library visitors, processing information about library collections.

A blogger keeps a personal diary (blog) on ​​the Internet or writes on behalf of an organization. Most often, a blog is dedicated to a specific topic.

A video blogger is a person. who shoots a video and puts it on the web

An announcer (from the Latin "dictor" - "speaking") reads informational, political, artistic or advertising texts at a microphone for recording or live.

A linguist (linguist) is a specialist in linguistics (linguistics, linguistics), whose subject of study is the history of the formation and development of languages, their structure and characteristic features.

Translator - the general concept of specialists involved in the translation of oral or writing from one language to another.

A translator is a specialist with a higher linguistic education who is able to translate a phrase from one language to another without losing its meaning.

A polygraph examiner is a person who professionally provides polygraph testing services.

The Profiler is a lie detection expert. Such a specialist can evaluate and predict a person's behavior by analyzing his actions, facial expressions, gestures and the way he speaks.

The simultaneous interpreter starts translating the phrase even before it is said to the end. This is the most difficult type of interpreting.

A sign language interpreter (also known as a fingerprint interpreter) is a specialist in translating spoken language into sign language and vice versa.

Logistics, warehouse, foreign trade

A warehouse manager is a specialist who manages the work of a warehouse and is personally responsible for its functioning.

Storekeeper - a warehouse employee who keeps records of material assets.

Logistician - a specialist involved in the control and management of traffic inventory, the organization of a rational process of promoting goods and services from the supplier to the consumer.

A foreign trade manager is a specialist who manages the export or import of foreign goods.

Purchasing manager - a specialist who purchases goods from suppliers on the most favorable terms for his company.

The customs clearance manager prepares, checks and approves documents for customs clearance of goods.

Foreign trade specialist - oversees all operations related to the foreign economic activity of the company.

Specialist in customs clearance of goods (cars) - deals with paperwork for cars coming from abroad.

A customs broker is a participant in foreign economic activity chosen by the declarant (customer) to provide intermediary services for customs clearance of goods, payment of customs duties, etc., as well as transportation.

Forwarder is a person who delivers goods, cargo from one object to another.

A PR manager is a specialist responsible for creating and maintaining a favorable image of a company or a particular brand owned by this company.

We live in such a diverse and interesting world, where there are thousands of professions, choose any! Every young person closer to graduation thinks about what profession to choose for the future, what suits me best? It is good to choose such a specialty so that the soul rejoices and you do not have to worry about wages. And popular professions that are in demand immediately come to mind. What choice can the modern world offer us?

Professions related to creativity

To understand the exact definition of the creative profession is impossible by definition. Very much diverse concept of creativity. As a rule, this term is most often applied to the field of cultural values ​​and art. Creative professions often combine technical activities, but are truly creative, such as, for example, a musician or an artist.

In creative activity, an important skill is to think creatively and express any ideas individually. To find atypical, non-standard solutions, to show a special approach in certain activities - this is the main task for a person who wants to improve in a creative profession.

The name of the specialties is constantly growing and being updated. because progress does not stand still. Copywriters and web designers, creatives and political scientists are the achievements of modern times. To surprise and inspire, to create something special and piece, new and unusual is a truly interesting and exciting activity.

From time to time, the media form a list of ratings of the most creative specialties. The most popular of them are designers, animators and artists.

The top creative specialty is not always adequately paid. In this area, everything is individual and depends on many factors.: fame of the name, demand from customers, the ability to sell their services or a product of personal creativity, etc.

Choosing one of the creative areas of activity, a young man should rely on his own inclinations. They can appear already in childhood and it’s good if those around them noticed them in time and allowed them to develop. Creative direction is following the path to which the soul calls.


Future creatives are different non-standard behavior and ingenuity. Often, such qualities interfere with the successful training of the profession, and there are reasons for this:

Feeling special and unique. I am a creator. It makes it difficult to communicate with other people, the society perceives such egocentrics with hostility. Although such a quality is necessary for the creative process.

Traditions in teaching. Typically, in our educational institutions teach logical algorithms, follow any patterns. At the same time, the student simply does not receive the skill of creative insight, the template does not provide for a non-standard and individual approach to solving problems.

Lack of culture in society. A creative personality implies development not only in the chosen specialty, but also general development. A person must have not only knowledge in his field of activity, he must have a broad outlook, constantly develop, be interested in related areas of culture, visit conservatories, theaters and museum complexes. Often success in the creative profession depends on how interesting and versatile the person is.

Gender difference in way of thinking

In the recent past, there was a division into women's and men's professions in the field of creativity. Creative professions for girls were limited by conventions. Types in society clearly assigned roles: a hairdresser, a cook or a make-up artist must be a woman, but a producer or director is a man. V modern world conventions ceased to exist and the dividing borders were erased. We often see successful examples of male hairdressers and female directors. Therefore, there are no special gender requirements for the profession now.

Much more often allocate requirements for your creative qualities, although sometimes it is difficult to evaluate everything:

  • Possession of special thinking, the ability to think outside the box.
  • Possession of a sense of style, the presence of taste.
  • The presence of imagination, creativity.
  • Having a sense of aesthetics.

Creative professions list

  1. Actor- must be able to be both himself and reincarnate into another person, taking along with a new image a certain new style of behavior that must be felt and understood. Play a role based on a new, previously unknown personality for him. To be able to show not only a different appearance with the help of makeup and clothes, but also to clearly show the viewer the character and style of behavior. At the same time, everything should change: motor skills, demeanor, gait and speech.
  2. . Demanded direction. There are several varieties of this profession. Fashion design, interior design, web design, landscape design. A very interesting specialty for a girl and no less difficult. Designing a space that is convenient for the customer or user. You need to understand what the person who will use your design wants. The designer needs to understand the needs and requests modern man. A broad outlook and erudition, the presence of style and taste, unusual thinking can help with this. But the activity is really very exciting - the designer is experimenting with shape and color, has a figurative vision of future products. Can build in his head a model of the original design or layout. Every person who equips his home is also a bit of a designer. Proper selection of room decor furniture and accessories can create a unique atmosphere of warmth and comfort, in which it is pleasant to be, what is called favorable energy.
  3. Visagiste- must be seen in ordinary person individuality and create a beautiful image with cosmetics. A make-up artist needs attentiveness, observation, knowledge of color combinations by type of appearance and the ability to competently handle professional cosmetics. Essentially, the makeup artist does good mood for the client, gives a feeling when a person likes himself.
  4. Stylist develops and offers the consumer appearance. He must have an understanding of what style and clothes are most suitable for the type of person. Guess his need and discover new opportunities. A good stylist is able to greatly surprise and puzzle. There is a lot of room for creativity in this profession.
  5. Makeup artist- very in demand for all sorts of celebrations and holidays, every person in the photographs wants to look attractive. A makeup specialist will help you hide imperfections in your appearance and emphasize your dignity.
  6. Beautician. Specialist in the field of beauty and attractiveness of the skin. Helps the client to choose facial care programs suitable for skin type. Must be constantly up to date with the latest skin care products. Knowledge in this profession should be not only in cosmetics, but also in medicine.
  7. gallery employee- one of the newfangled and sought-after areas of activity. The main requirement is good organizational skills and a high degree of communication skills. Must know styles and trends in art, have a broad outlook and understand the needs of the client. Be able to advertise and sell the work of any author. The gallery owner is looking for sponsors, organizes art exhibitions.
  8. fashion designer designs clothes, creates new trends in the fashion industry. His task is not only to create a new model of clothing, but also to correctly design a pattern, select the texture of the material for the manufacture of the collection. Finding a zest, beautiful decor, creating an image unlike anyone else is an interesting and exciting activity. There are varieties of clothing modeling - this is the modeling of shoes, fur products, accessories and much more.
  9. Multiplier requires a special perception of life, passion for fairy-tale characters and unbridled fantasy. A person who has chosen this profession must have the ability to see the picture in three dimensions, this specialty is similar to directing when the creator creates a new action.

Simple specialties that do not require university education

If you feel called to creativity, want to earn money, but are not ready to receive higher education, pay attention to the demanded creative professions:

Whatever creative specialty you choose, remember that it is always development and the search for something new. If this is your life principle, you are definitely on the right track!

A lot of boring, sometimes interesting, but, in my opinion, absolutely useless publications have been written about the types of professions. I got to know them, of course. Basically, two typologies of professions are considered. The first belongs to Professor Evgeny Aleksandrovich Klimov, and the second to J. Holland. I will briefly tell you about them, but I will focus on the third option.

Yes, yes, now another, in my opinion, the most successful classification of professions will appear on the Web, which focuses on strategically important aspects. But let's start with Klimov and Holland.

Classification of professions according to Klimov E. A.

So, Professor Klimov structured professions in conjunction:

Man + object of labor.

Person is the subject of labor (the one who works), and object of labor- this is what or with whom this person works. Evgeny Alexandrovich singled out five objects of labor:

  1. 1. Person.
  2. 2. Nature.
  3. 3. Technics.
  4. 4. Sign.
  5. 5. Artistic image.

As a result, the following types of professions were obtained:

  • Man is man. These professions are focused on working with people. These include: teachers, doctors, journalists, hairdressers, etc.
  • Man is nature. Here we are talking about those professions whose representatives are associated with nature. These can be huntsmen, gardeners, agronomists, ecologists, etc.
  • Man is technology. Representatives of this type of profession are directly related to technology. For example, mechanics, technologists, engineers, plumbers, washing machine repairmen, etc.
  • Man is a sign. We are talking about people working with sign systems (numbers, codes, letters and other symbols). This category includes programmers, accountants, financiers, analysts, etc.
  • Man is an artistic image. This includes various creative professions, such as an artist, actor, singer, composer, director, etc.

This is how the classification of professions according to Klimov looks like. In my opinion, it is imperfect, if only because in real life one profession can contain signs of several types. For example, a sales representative in the course of his work encounters technology (drives a car), works with sign systems (compiles reports in Excel), communicates a lot with people (his suppliers and customers), and also often holds corporate events in nature, where at the top of his lungs bawls songs to the guitar (homegrown singer). Here is such a "vinaigrette" we are offered by modern realities. Where will we enroll this patient?

I think everyone will agree that this typology is rather weak. Let's move on to J. Holland's version.

Psychological classification of professions by personality types

In his theory, J. Holland tries to convey one interesting idea. There she is:

The effectiveness and success of a person depends on how the profession suits his personality type.

This idea, in my opinion, is quite interesting, but absolutely useless. I'll explain why a little later. Well, now more about Holland's psychological classification.

  1. 1. realistic type are people of action. They are not emotional, they are not afraid to take risks and make decisions, they understand technology - in general, they are typical representatives of male professions.
  2. 2. Intelligent (research) type These are people of intellectual labor. They are prone to self-learning, analytics, observation, as well as various studies. They will be comfortable working in think tanks, research institutes, marketing companies, etc.
  3. 3. social type These are communication oriented people. They easily establish contacts, know how to negotiate, are able to convince, like to work in a team. The most suitable areas for them are social activities, teaching, medicine, work in the service sector.
  4. 4. Standard (conventional) type- These are people focused on a clearly structured activity. They adhere to generally accepted norms and traditions, are focused on performing specific tasks, are assiduous, diligent, like to work with symbolic systems, are often uncommunicative and uncommunicative. As a rule, their professions are related to calculations and documentation: accountants, financiers, notaries, programmers, librarians, etc.
  5. 5. Artistic (artistic) type are creative people. They are rarely guided by social norms, they are quite emotional and sensitive, they like to be in the center of attention, they have their own (often complex) views on life, as well as a heightened intuition and rich imagination. They work in the field of art (actors, artists, musicians, etc.), they can also be good bloggers, speakers, and successfully make presentations.
  6. 6. Entrepreneurial type They are born managers and businessmen. You can learn more about them from the publication:. Such people go into business, politics, advocacy, journalism, etc.

This is what J. Holland's psychological classification of professions looks like. In general, it is interesting - it gives some food for thought and analysis, but I think that in practical terms it does not bring any benefit. The fact is that:

A person subconsciously focuses on professions that correspond to his personality type.

If you are a fidget, then you are unlikely to be interested in the profession of an accountant. The intellectual does not burn with the desire to be a commando, a born actor dreams only of the stage. In general, I think that the theory of J. Holland is unsuitable for practical career guidance.

Friends, do you hear a drum roll somewhere in the distance? Yes, yes, now the fun begins! I will tell you about the strategically important types of professions. You are ready? Then I begin!

Types of professions by qualifications

This classification is mentioned in passing in various textbooks and publications. Strange, but for some reason no one focuses on it. In my opinion, this classification is the most important and practically useful. That is why I decided to correct the situation and tell you about it in detail.

So, I would like to receive from my profession, at least, a decent salary and respect from management. Now the important point:

The personnel of any company can be divided into three groups: valuable employees, mid-level specialists and bananas.

It is by these criteria, I believe, that professions should be classified, friends! Remember:

The amount of your salary and the degree of your importance depend on only one thing - how valuable you are.

All this poetry about personality types and objects of labor is, in essence, analytical informational dust.

Let's take a closer look at the above groups.

  1. 1. Valuable Employees- these are personnel, the training of which takes years and decent financial investments. For example, an advanced programmer. Well, it's impossible to learn how to program well in three months. The situation is similar with surgeons, dentists, lawyers, chief accountants (please do not confuse with ordinary accountants), jewelers, designers, etc.

    Do you understand what we are talking about?

    We are talking about specialists who are hard to find a replacement!
    They are valued and respected. They are well paid. They are protected and tried to keep. And the most important thing:

    They are not afraid of being fired because they are always in demand!

  2. 2. Intermediate specialists- These are personnel, the preparation of which takes a little time. For example, a salesperson, sales manager, driver, bricklayer, plumber, seamstress, director. Yes, yes, directors are included in this group.

    We are talking about professions that can be quickly mastered.
    Naturally, the employer has "room for maneuver" here. You can relatively quickly find a new seller or driver. However, no one will do this without extreme necessity, since these specialists, although not valuable, are still qualified.

  3. 3. "Bananas" are unskilled workers. For example, janitors, loaders, couriers, laborers and, of course, "bananas". How difficult do you think it is to find a person who will hand out leaflets to passers-by in a banana costume on the street? The answer to this question leads to the conclusion:

    People in these professions have the lowest value in the labor market.
    Yes, a loader can earn good money, but this money is given to him by hard work. Well, if necessary, the employer will be able to quickly find a replacement for him.

So, friends, you got acquainted with three typologies of professions. It remains to analyze them thoughtfully and make your choice. By the way, about the choice! Do you know that there is a problem of choosing a profession? Surely many of you are now puzzled over the questions: “Who to be? What to do? How to earn a living? let's consider

1 General characteristics of professions, requirements of professions to personality traits.

A profession is a historically emerged form of activity that is necessary for a person, and for the performance of which he must have a sum of knowledge, skills and abilities. Also have appropriate professional abilities and professionally important qualities. It is necessary for society and limited due to labor. This is the area of ​​application of the physical and spiritual forces of a person, giving him the opportunity for existence and development. There are various classifications of professions: according to working conditions, according to the subject of labor, according to the goals of professional activity, etc. Let's consider the subject of labor. Professions, according to this classification, are divided into five main types. Consider table 1:

Table 1 - a brief description of groups classified by subject of labor

Group name

Brief description of the group

Man-tech All professions related to the creation of technology, its maintenance and management; professions associated with metals, with electrical equipment, with the creation of the operation of buildings and structures, with the production of industrial goods, with the extraction of minerals.
Man is man Professions related to education, training, treatment, information, consumer services and people management.
Man is nature All professions related to plant, animal organisms, microorganisms.
Man-signs Everything related to numbers, drawings, notes, diagrams, physical and chemical symbols, etc.
Man - artistic image Professions related to music, art, literature, acting, etc.

Each of the employees, regardless of the field of activity, has special requirements. The main aspects of the requirements are distinguished:

1. Professional Requirements.

· High level of professionalism, ability to adapt quickly.

· System vision of production processes.

· Readiness for continuous professional growth.

· Collaboration with specialists from other specialties.

2. Personal requirements.

· Having personal and social experience.

· Constructiveness, mobility, non-productive reserves of the individual.

· Ability to make decisions in a situation of choice.

The ability to predict the consequences of their decisions, to bear responsibility for them.

3. Socio-economic requirements.

Knowledge information technologies.

· Knowledge of the basics of major subjects.

4. Creative requirements.

· Creative attitude to work.

· Knowledge of methods of engineering and artistic creativity.

Also, special attention is focused on professionally important qualities that determine the professional suitability of a specialist.

Professionally important qualities are a set of human qualities that characterize him as a subject of labor, affect the effectiveness of professional activity and the success of its development.

There are three main groups of professionally important qualities:

1. Qualities that guarantee the professional orientation of the individual. This, as a rule, is a system of emotional value relations of a person, which determines the corresponding hierarchical structure of motives that induce a person to self-affirmation of professional activity. Where, professional orientation is characterized as ideas, beliefs, principles, attitudes, attitudes.

2. Qualities that determine the professional competence of the individual. There are two types of professional competence: subject-professional competence and socio-professional competence.

3. Features of psychophysiology - features of thinking, memory, perception, age, gender, temperament and character.

There are also general professional quality. The classification of which we will consider in table 2.

Table 2 - General professional qualities



Attentiveness Sensitivity to changes in a person's mood and behavior and the ability to consider the person's well-being when making a decision.
Emotional stability Resistance to environmental factors and negative reactions of people to production situations.
General characteristics of behavior Interest and respect for people, an active desire to provide assistance and support, personal exemplification, decency, commitment, adherence to principles, cleanliness.
Characteristics of speech Accuracy, expressiveness, intelligibility, intellectual and emotional richness.

The concept of professionally important features. All the diversity of the psyche, one way or another, manifests itself in the labor activity of a person, but at the same time these manifestations are of a different nature, which is due to objects and tools specific to each profession, as well as labor tasks. To study this diversity, the selection of professionally important features can be carried out according to the following plan; psychological features of sensory activity, and then, although these are all inseparable from each other, consider attention, memory, emotional-volitional sphere and personality traits.

sensory activity in different types labor can differ, first of all, in terms of the load on one or another analyzer of visual, auditory, skin, musculo-articular, etc., or a complex of analyzers. For example, if a tuner of musical instruments has a leading auditory analyzer, then such professions as a radio operator, a tuner of radio and television equipment, along with visual perception, require no less auditory perception; subtle distinction of noise, distinction of pitch and timbre of sounds, etc. There are professions where touch can be the leading analyzer, such as polishing graders, where touch issues are of great importance. There are types of labor in which smell and taste play a rather, rather large role. First of all, these are professions related to tasting. And if we talk about the sense of smell - then some types of chemical and oil refining industries.

In addition to the analyzer, one must bear in mind the peculiarities of the nature of perception itself. A number of professions require long-term monitoring in a wide sensory field. A number of professions, on the contrary, require a sharp narrowing of the field of perception, but for a long time.

There are professions in which tracking moving and flickering objects is of great importance. This must also be taken into account when we analyze the profession in terms of perception.

Professional features of mental activity. Thinking is an indispensable component of any activity, but thinking as a professionally important feature, first of all, is distinguished in those professions where you have to evaluate some situation that requires making a certain decision depending on this situation and implementing it in the form of some adequate actions.

We imagine that scientific and technological progress, mechanization, automation all the time increase the requirements, even in working professions, for thinking. In fact, in many activities it is difficult to separate physical and mental labor.

In a number of types manual labor Most often, the so-called visual-effective thinking takes place. But there are types of labor, especially in automated systems, where the role of the intelligent component is greatly enhanced. We have to assess the situation in terms of a number of parameters, find a solution taking into account the probability of an event occurring, and choose different actions depending on changing situations.

Professional features of motor activity.

When talking about motor activity, it is more correct to consider sensorimotor coordination even in cases where the motor component of the activity is extremely simple; pushing a button or lever. Why? Because any motor activity is caused by the sensory component, and the implementation of this action is also controlled by the sensory component.

In terms of sensorimotor coordination, professions differ very sharply from each other. There are professions in which the motor component of the action is of a very simple nature, namely; in response to some situation that has arisen, carry out some manual actions - turning a lever, pressing a button, etc. But in some cases, here, on the one hand, the reaction speed plays a role, i.e. the action itself is simple, but everything must be implemented quickly enough. Slowing down may cause unwanted results. On the other hand, a number of professions have complex sensorimotor coordination not only of the hands, but also of the legs. These are driving professions; drivers, pilots, as well as the profession of a seamstress-mechanic and other professions of machine operators.

Professional features of attention.

Attention, which performs the function of controlling activity, is inseparable from perception, from thinking, it is necessarily present in any activity. But in different professions, individual properties of attention have different meanings. There are professions (selectors, controllers, assemblers, etc.) that require long-term, throughout the working day, steady attention to one or even several objects and its periodic concentration.

There are professions that require an exceptionally wide expansion of attention and switching attention. In general, in work activity it is very difficult to separate the distribution of attention from its switching. A number of operator professions that have a wide field of view require all the time to distribute attention and switch attention from one object to another. But there are professions in which it is necessary to alternately concentrate attention, then switch it.

Professional features of memory.

Memory is always needed, regardless of the type of work. But we are talking about a professionally important sign of memory for types of work. The fact is that a large load on memory is required when teaching this type of work, when the skills have not yet been formed, but when the basic skills have been formed, but when the basic skills are formed, then the load on memory is reduced. People who have perfectly mastered the machine should not each time specifically remember which levers to operate, what to look at. Drivers do not have to think about which hand or which foot and which movement to make. But there are professions in which memory is one of the most important features. For instance; in the work of a telegraph operator, a typist, where it is required to keep positions, situations in memory for some short time. In this case, we are talking about short-term or short-term memory as the most important professional attribute.

Professional features of the emotional-volitional sphere of personality. In the psychological analysis of labor activity, it is better to consider the emotional-volitional sphere together with personality traits. If we talk about any activity, then it evokes a certain attitude towards itself, it is emotionally experienced. What is it connected with? This is connected with motives, with the needs of a person, with an interest in work. These are, for example, general emotions at work. They can be positive and negative.

Positive emotions, this, for example, satisfaction with one's work, a sense of duty, competition. On the other hand, there may be negative emotions. This, first of all, concerns those cases when people, although they work, do not like this work. They do it out of a sense of duty, maybe in good faith.

In the psychology of work, in a number of cases it is necessary to take into account one more moment of emotions. It is the mood of the day that affects performance, i.e. the mood with which a person comes and does the work.

It is also important to take into account the specific emotions that are caused directly by a particular work activity. These emotions stand out primarily as professionally important. They are divided into two subgroups. The first subgroup is those emotions that connect the relationship of people with the team in the process of this collective type of labor.

The second subspecies of professional emotions are those emotions that arise in the course of the work itself. These are, first of all, those professions in which emergency situations may arise and where an incorrect, delayed decision-making can lead to an accident under conditions of high emotional tension (pilots, steeplejacks, some types of operator work). In these professions, emotionally unstable people cannot work.

A number of professions make special demands on various other personality traits: accuracy, organization, pedantry in some cases, sociability or isolation.

Along with the study of professionally important features, you need to pay attention to individual characteristics person, on the individual style of his work, as one of the ways to adapt a person to the profession. In order to understand the individual characteristics, individual style of activity, it is necessary to carry out comparative analysis those workers who perform the same work, using different methods and actions.

2 Individual psychological characteristics of a person and their manifestations in professional activities

2.1 Abilities

In the most general form, abilities are individual psychological characteristics of a person that ensure success in activities, in communication and ease of mastering them. Abilities cannot be reduced to the knowledge, skills and abilities that a person has, but abilities ensure their rapid acquisition, fixation and effective practical application. Success in activity and communication is determined not by one, but by a system of different abilities, while they can be mutually compensated.

There are a number of classifications of abilities. We reproduce one of them, the most significant:

1. natural (or natural) abilities are basically biologically determined, associated with innate inclinations, formed on their basis, in the presence of elementary life experience through learning mechanisms such as conditioned reflex connections;

2. specific human abilities that have a socio-historical origin and ensure life and development in a social environment (general and special higher intellectual abilities, based on the use of speech, logic, theoretical and practical, educational and creative). Specific human abilities, in turn, are divided into:

a) general, which determine the success of a person in a wide variety of activities and communication (mental abilities, developed memory and speech, accuracy and subtlety of hand movements, etc.), and special ones that determine a person’s success in certain types of activity and communication, where a special kind of inclinations and their development are needed (mathematical, technical, literary and linguistic, artistic and creative abilities, sports, etc.). These abilities, as a rule, can complement and enrich each other, but each of them has its own structure;

b) theoretical, which determine a person's inclination to abstract-logical thinking, and practical, which underlie the inclination to concrete-practical actions. The combination of these abilities is characteristic only of versatile gifted people;

c) educational, which affect the success of pedagogical influence, the assimilation of knowledge, skills, the formation of personality traits by a person, and creative, associated with success in creating works of material and spiritual culture, new ideas, discoveries, inventions. The highest degree of creative manifestations of a person is called genius, and the highest degree of a person's abilities in a certain activity (communication) is called talent;

d) the ability to communicate, interact with people, namely, human speech as a means of communication, the ability to perceive and evaluate people, social and psychological adaptability to various situations, getting into contact with different people, their location to oneself, etc., and subject-activity abilities associated with the interaction of people with nature, technology, sign information, artistic images, etc.

A person capable of many and various types of activity and communication has a general giftedness, that is, the unity of general abilities, which determines the range of his intellectual capabilities, the level and originality of activity and communication.

Abilities, inclinations and individual differences

The vast majority of psychologists believe that inclinations are some genetically determined (innate) anatomical and physiological features of the nervous system that make up the individual natural basis (prerequisite) for the formation and development of abilities. However, some of the scientists (for example, R. S. Nemov) believe that a person has two types of inclinations: innate (natural) and acquired (social).

Individual (individual-psychological) differences are the features of mental phenomena (processes, states and properties) that distinguish people from each other. Individual differences, the natural prerequisite of which are the features of the nervous system, the brain, are created and developed in the course of life, in activity and communication, under the influence of education and training, in the process of human interaction with the outside world in the broadest sense of the word. Individual differences are the subject of study in differential psychology.

The nature of human ability

Here, first of all, we should talk about the nature of the so-called social abilities, the biological basis of which has not yet been precisely established. These are the highest, culturally conditioned abilities. The conditions and prerequisites for their development are, first of all, the circumstances of a person's life: life in society, the presence of a socio-cultural environment created artificially by the labor of many generations of people; childhood learning to use appropriate objects, such as musical instruments; participation in a number of complex, highly organized activities and communication; the presence of a circle of people who are able to transfer the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities with the help of effective means and methods of training and education; the lack of a rigidly programmed behavior in a person from birth, the presence of immaturity of brain structures with their ability for subsequent formation through training and education.

The anatomical and physiological basis of social abilities, when they become developed, is the so-called functional organs - in vivo developing neuromuscular systems that ensure the functioning and improvement of the corresponding abilities.

Ability Development

Abilities are not static, but dynamic formations, their formation and development takes place in the process of organized activity and communication in a certain way. The development of abilities occurs in stages.

An important point in the development of abilities in children is complexity - the simultaneous improvement of several complementary abilities.

The following levels of abilities are distinguished: reproductive, which provides a high ability to assimilate ready-made knowledge, master the existing patterns of activity and communication, and creative, which ensures the creation of a new, original one. But it should be borne in mind that the reproductive level includes elements of the creative, and vice versa.

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Above the material, I would like to say that all the characteristics given in this section, describing the features of a number of diagnostic methods, are of a directed recommendatory nature and serve the purpose of optimizing the diagnostic process during an individual professional consultation. In this section of the work, we have not touched on many valid, scientifically based methods, but with some