Yandex - information about the company - Search suggestions. Yandex.Browser - a detailed overview of the settings and optimization of the speed of work Displaying Yandex search hints

  • 11.11.2020

Search suggestions from Yandex and Google are a valuable source of trending key phrases to enrich the semantic core. They also help to determine the interests of the audience, which can be used to link products in an online store or fill out a recommendation block. Tips from YouTube are used to form tags for videos and to search for new stories.

Consider a tool from PromoPult that allows you to collect all these types of search suggestions in a couple of clicks.

Search suggestion parsing tool from PromoPult

Gathering search tips manually is a waste of time. Literally in seconds, parsers, including PromoPult, cope with this task.

The main features of the parser:

: list or XLSX file;
  • available search engines: Yandex, Google, YouTube;
  • regionality management: all regions of search engines are available;
  • ways to collect phrases: according to given phrases, according to initial phrases with the addition of Cyrillic alphabet letters [A-Z], Latin alphabet, numbers separated by a space;
  • parsing depth: 1-3;
  • automatic backing track of phrases: there is.
  • Tool Benefits:

    • the lowest price on the market - 2-3 times lower than that of competitors;
    • the tool works "in the cloud" - no need to download and install software;
    • parsing is done in the background, no need to keep the browser open;
    • there is no need to create fake accounts in search engines and enter captcha;
    • parsing results are stored on a remote server and are available for download in XLSX format at any time.

    A bit of theory: What are search suggestions and what is their value?

    Search suggestions are phrases that appear as an auto-complete list as soon as the user starts typing a search phrase in the search box.

    Here are examples of search suggestions in Yandex, Google and YouTube:

    Please note that search engines give different hints for the same phrase. The fact is that each search engine generates tips according to its own algorithms, but there are a number of common factors:

    • search query popularity at a given time(actual and trending queries like " what is inauguration" or " what is cryptocurrency» displayed first);
    • custom search history(each user tends to view pages of certain topics more often than others, and search engines form tips depending on their interests);
    • user location(relevance of requests for a particular region is taken into account);
    • diversity factor(search engines “mix in” suggestions from different topics to increase the likelihood that the user will use auto-substitution).

    Hints are updated at least once a day. The same cannot be said about the databases of Yandex.Wordstat and Google Keyword Planner. Therefore, they are more relevant at the moment, reflect current trends and information needs of the audience.

    Phrases from hints expand and supplement the basic semantics (including LSI phrases), allow you to catch “hot” and seasonal traffic. Among them, you will surely find keys that neither Wordstat nor Keyword Planner will issue.

    Example. Suppose you are faced with the task of optimizing the catalog page of an online store for the query " Bosch lawn mowers". Enter a query in the Yandex search box and get a list of tips:

    As a result, you have a whole list of additional LSI phrases (names of popular Bosch lawn mower models and accessories) that are worth mentioning in the text.

    No time or opportunity to promote the site? Run in the PromoPult system. Selection of keywords, their distribution on landing pages, internal optimization, link building, content creation - everything is automated here. You just have to follow the growth of positions!

    How to use the search suggestions parser?

    Step 1. Add keywords

    To start using the tool, you need to register on the website (in order to gain access to your personal account where reports will be stored), and then go to .

    Source queries can be added in one of the following ways:

    1. By loading an XLSX file (PromoPult takes into account all the phrases from the first sheet of the file; the content of one cell is identified by the system as one key phrase, so make sure that the cells do not contain auxiliary information - marks, column headings, line numbering, etc.).
    2. By adding key phrases as a list in the appropriate field (each new phrase must start on a new line).

    If phrases are duplicated in the list, the system merges them into one. That is, there will be no budget overrun.

    Before uploading a list of keywords, consider a number of recommendations:

    • Use key phrases in different cases, plural and singular. For example, in the phrases " multicooker a bosch" and " multicooker and bosh» hints are different. In the first case, the search engine offers mainly specific models, and in the second case, queries that can be used to go to the catalog.

    • Use different spellings of brands - Latin and Cyrillic. Hints will vary depending on how you write.

    • Add synonyms and similar words (" Installation of air conditioner» + « air conditioner installation»; « machine for shaving» + « razor» + « Shaver»; « auto lawyer» + « auto lawyer» + « car accident lawyer" etc.).
    • If you have an online store, you should not indicate only brand names (for example, " Siemens" or " Bosch”), since there will be many options for hints, and some of them may not suit your topic. It's better to be specific (" refrigerators Siemens", "Bosch drills", etc.). This advice applies not only to brand names, but also to other high-frequency phrases when the intent (intention) of the user is not completely clear.
    • When collecting information-oriented semantics, be especially careful when generating a list of initial requests, otherwise there is a risk of collecting an array of non-target commercial keys. In this case, it is better to specify requests with information markers (" how…», « when…», « why…», « TOP 10…», «… do it yourself" etc.). Details on how to distinguish information requests from commercial ones are described in this article.

    Step 2. Backing track of phrases

    This function allows you to exclude phrases with specified negative keywords from the parsing results. We advise you to use it in order to reduce the amount of work to clean up the semantics from "garbage".

    To add negative keywords, specify them as a list (each word/phrase starts on a new line).

    The backing track works in one of two modes:

    1. All word forms. Enabled by default. In this case, all phrases that contain the specified negative phrases in one or another word form are removed from the list. For example, if you set the negative keyword "repair", then the phrases "refrigerator repair" and "refrigerator repairman" will not be included in the list.
    2. One word form. In this case, phrases are excluded only if they contain negative keywords in the given word form. That is, in the example with the negative keyword “repair”, the phrase “refrigerator repair” will be excluded, but “refrigerator repairman” will remain.

    Step 3. Selecting Search Engines and Regions

    The tool collects tips from three systems: Yandex, Google and YouTube. Which systems to choose depends on the tasks:

    • if you plan to promote in Russia and / or Belarus, then choose Yandex and Google;
    • for Ukraine, Kazakhstan and Western countries, Google is relevant;
    • if you want to collect phrases to optimize your own YouTube channel, choose this system.

    We advise you to carefully consider the collection of tips simultaneously in three systems. The fact is that the set of initial key queries for optimizing YouTube videos will often differ from the set of queries for optimizing a site for Yandex and Google. Keys for promotion on YouTube will be predominantly informational. Therefore, in order to avoid wasting money, we advise you to collect tips separately for Yandex and / or Google, and then (taking into account filtering out inappropriate requests) - for YouTube.

    The development of search engines does not stand still. New features and algorithms are introduced every year. Some users are so used to it that it seems as if they have always been there. One such search feature is search suggestions.

    What is it

    They are a convenient tool for Yandex and Google systems, which makes it possible to simplify and speed up the work of users in finding the necessary information. When you enter your word in the search bar, the user sees all the possible options for proposals on this topic. In this case, the possible options change depending on the next word entered in the line.

    Google introduced them first. It happened in 2004. After another 4 years, these system capabilities were improved. In 2010, the functionality got even better - now you can see the results loading as each word is entered.

    The mechanism that displays only relevant, that is, recently entered phrases in the tips, led SEO optimizers to the idea that this can be used to create the semantic core of the site. With this approach, the content of the site will be as relevant as possible to the request of users.

    How search suggestions are formed in Google and Yandex

    Based on real requests on the network. The more popular the query, the more likely it is to appear on the list.

    Also, the formation is directly related to:

    • history of previous requests of this user;
    • Relevance - rather, the system will issue those keywords and phrases that have been used recently;
    • the language that is selected as the main language used;
    • geo-belonging - the most popular requests in a particular region, city are shown.

    Search engines update suggestions to keep the search function up to date. Deletion occurs in the following cases:

    1. If the hint has lost its relevance.
    2. In the presence of personal information.
    3. At the request of the court.
    4. In the case of an obvious
    5. Calls for violent action or racial hatred.
    6. Related to pornography.

    The last 2 options are eliminated immediately, at the first stage of verification.

    Many optimizers try to "put" the brand in the tips. Although search engines are actively fighting this phenomenon, sometimes they skip brands in the search results:

    • when compiling, stimulating users to search for a site, you can provide a large number of requests for this brand. Which, in turn, becomes the brand's "pass ticket" to hints;
    • participation in large-scale events also attracts a large number of users seeking information about it. If the brand acts as a sponsor or participant of the event, this may contribute to its appearance in the tips, but less likely than the previous method;
    • the "Hint" service also makes it possible to appear in the search results upon request. This happens by adding a branded request in the service. Thus, the task is given to participants, selected by their geographical location, to search for a site for a given request. This allows us to ensure not only a rapid growth in brand requests, but also a long-term interest. This situation helps to get into the search engines.

    How to get a list of search suggestions

    Can be obtained in several ways:

    1. Using the additional search block in the Google system "Together with ... often searched." To do this, a query is entered, and you can see what they are looking for along with it.

    This view is not very convenient, because, firstly, it shows only about a dozen hints, which is very little to create the semantic core of the site. Secondly, each phrase has to be typed separately, which takes a lot of time. You can't upload results for multiple queries at once.

    2. By means of tools for the parser of search engine hints:

    This service will tell you what words users are looking for along with the given "keywords". In this case, additional words are separated from the given main one by the “+” sign. Alphabetical sorting makes working with data convenient for the SEO optimizer.

    • Keyword Tool is a free service. It is based on Google suggestions for different regions and languages ​​of a given search engine. The service also allows you to see semantics from Bing, AppStore and YouTube. As a standard, a word is entered into the search bar, selection is made by the database and language.
    • Slovoder is a program that allows you to work with several search engines at once, since it works through a proxy server. To get started, you need to download the program, after launching it, enter the search word and select the desired search engine - Google, Mail, Rambler, Yahoo, Nigma. Then you need to click on the "Parse" button and wait for the results to be displayed.
    • autodreem

    You can find up-to-date information on what a successful website design should look like in.

    Where to find search clues in the form of questions and how to collect

    These services are convenient in their own way. But there is a service that is most suitable for the work of an SEO optimizer to create a semantic core for a particular site. This service is called Provigator.

    Its peculiarity is that it makes it possible to receive search engine hints in the form of questions. These questions are real user requests. By answering these questions, you can attract a large number of visitors to the resource. Using the service is quite simple:

    Now, according to these words and phrases from the online collector, you can make a promotion or an information resource. They perfectly complement the existing semantic core of the site.

    • Switching to the "Questions only" tab will help you see a list of phrases that consist only of questions. They can be used to write an article that is relevant to user requests.
    • The "batch export" feature will allow you to view search suggestions for several key phrases. The service allows you to enter up to 200 such phrases and get search suggestions for each in the form of a report. To do this, key phrases are entered in the required field, the results are filtered by toponyms and only interrogative options for prompts are selected.

    Using search suggestions to create or expand an existing semantic core allows you to get a list of relevant and relevant phrases that will definitely lead to the site. After all, these are the queries that real users use to find goods and/or services.

    But it should also take into account the fact that many users are trying to remove hints from the search engine. And quite rarely turn them on again.

    Sincerely, Nastya Chekhova

    Search engines play a very important role when using the Internet. Most Internet users often start their “working day” with search engines, where they try to find much-needed information and solve their problems. Of course, the majority of users used, use, and will use classic search engines. Today, the most popular Russian-language search engine is Yandex.

    There is so much information on the Internet that its search is already turning into a separate task and takes a lot of time. Today we will talk about how to facilitate the search for information on the network using the Yandex search engine. And let's start, perhaps, with the simplest - search hints.

    Search Suggestions- this is an additional search feature, thanks to which you can evaluate, refine and quickly select the appropriate query option while typing a query, without typing it entirely.

    How to use?

    Start typing in the search bar. After typing a couple of letters, you will see a list of queries containing these letters.

    As you type letters or words, watch the list as it updates.

    If the required request is in the list, you can click on it with the mouse. This action will automatically take you to the search results page for that query.

    You can also use the arrows to select the appropriate query. "up down". To go to search, click "Enter".

    To refine the request, using the selected option as a sample, continue typing further words - the list of hints will be updated.

    To send the selected request to Yandex, press the button "Enter" ("Enter").

    Enable/disable tooltips

    You can enable or disable hints on the Search settings page by unchecking the checkboxes in the column Personal search(located at the bottom of the page). Don't forget to click Save after all manipulations

    The browser has an autocomplete function that, when filling in the fields, prompts you to select an option from the previously entered lines. If prompts are disabled, old requests from autocomplete will be shown; if prompts are enabled, data from autocomplete will not be displayed.


    Links to sites

    To reduce the time it takes to find a site, in some cases, Suggestions allow you to go directly to the site without accessing the search results. A link to a site will be shown in tooltips if it can be said with a high degree of confidence that this site is a good answer for the user.

    To help you make sure that you go to the site you need, tips are provided with descriptions.

    Correction of typos

    In Yandex, all search queries go through the typo correction service, which detects and corrects errors in phrases and individual words, and also knows how to recognize text typed in the wrong keyboard layout and automatically correct it.

    Typo? Don't worry - in the list you will see an already corrected request, use it!

    If the typo correction service detects a typo for which the correction variant is known with a high degree of certainty, for example, in the word "yandex", it will correct it automatically and you will immediately see a page with search results for the corrected variant "yandex".

    For each query word, the typo service tries to find a word that is similar in spelling but more commonly used in the query. If such a replacement can be found, the search engine gives a familiar hint "Perhaps you meant...". In addition to the hint, in some cases, the search results may also include the results found for the request that was picked up by the typo service (as in our case)

    Well, of course, you can still search strictly for your query if you wish :o) For example, if you think that the service is in error and you want to view the search results for the original (uncorrected) query, click on the text- links Search only<...>

    Wrong layout?

    Typed gjbcr instead of search? Don't rush to switch layouts. Moreover, you do not need to type the request again. Hints "predict" what you wanted to type and show queries already in the correct layout.

    Even if one or more typos were made when typing the query text in the wrong layout, the typo correction service will try to correct them.

    Also, you can always view the search results for the original (uncorrected) query. To do this, click on the link text in the message "In a request<...>restored keyboard layout. located directly below the search bar.

    Fixing a query when nothing was found

    Automatic correction of the request occurs in one more case - when nothing was found for the original request, and the typo service found an error in the request. In this case, query autocorrection is performed regardless of the reliability of the replacement. There is usually nothing to look at in empty search results, and automatic correction usually saves the user the time it takes to correct the request manually.

    If you still want to return to the uncorrected query wording, click on the link text in the message "At the request<...>nothing was found" under the search bar or "The desired combination of words does not occur anywhere."

    How would it be in Russian

    Do you know the exact spelling of the word? Pick up the way you know. In many cases, you will see the hint before you type the word to the end.

    Origin of search suggestions

    Internet users set a variety of queries to the Yandex search engine. The request that Yandex receives more often than others is shown in the first place. The less frequently asked query follows, and so on.

    That is, Yandex sorts Tips in descending order of the popularity of requests from users.

    My queries in search suggestions

    What it is?

    Search suggestions can be personal - show not only general query options, but also your personal queries that you have already asked before. Your requests are highlighted in color among other prompts.

    How to enable personal requests?

    To enable "my queries", log in to Yandex, go to search suggestions settings, check the box "My requests in hints" and press "Save».

    By the way, on the same page you can enable / disable all Search bookmarks, as well as add your favorite sites to search bookmarks.

    My favorite sites in search suggestions

    To make it even easier to discover the sites you visit most frequently from search, you can include them in Personal Suggestions (check "Favorite sites in tips" and press "Save"). You can see your favorite sites without even typing a request - just click on the empty search bar. Turn on

    For example, if you regularly type the query “classmates” or “vkontakte” in Yandex, then the tooltips will link to the relevant resources.

    For example, for [kittens], search understands that you may be looking for pictures of kittens, are about to buy a kitten, and so on, and suggests appropriate suggestions. In one click, you can go to the search results for the specified query and get only the answers you need.

    To undo this action, just click on the cross in the tooltip or remove the specification in the search bar.

    While the user is typing a query, they are shown an average of ten sets of hints. For the whole day, Yandex shows hints to all users more than a billion times.

    Like search answers on yandex, search suggestions depend on the user's region. For example, when starting to write a query [cinema] or [restaurant], a Petersburger and a Muscovite will most likely have in mind establishments in their city. And they need hints for St. Petersburg and Moscow, respectively. Each region has its own list of search suggestions based on queries from that region.

    By default, Yandex itself determines your region by IP address. For example, he gives me this in the issuance of responses to requests

    And I, for example, want only Russian sites. We'll talk about how we set up the desired region next time...
    According to

    It is almost impossible to independently raise your site for a high-frequency commercial request to the first lines of search results. To do this, you need to have very large financial opportunities and a good promotion strategy in Yandex. That is why Yandex search suggestions have become popular, or rather, their output when requested. The higher the user's interest in a particular query, the more favorable position he has when displaying search suggestions.

    • the more clicks, the higher the hint position
    • in order for the hint to stay in its position, it must be constantly clicked
    • Yandex decides when a hint enters the list and determines how long it stays there
    • Yandex has the right to remove or replace the hint
    • therefore, we recommend regularly changing and updating the departed hints. Updating and adding new tips contributes to a more active promotion of the site. Yandex sees that the site is visited by different words and phrases, which means that the site is in demand and interesting to the user
    • The click of each key request helps to increase the CTR of the site and its promotion.

    How Yandex tips work

    1 STEP

    The user is looking for a cafe. Types a query in the Yandex search bar. When typing the first three letters "kaf ...", hints appear.

    2 STEP

    The user clicks on one of the first hints.

    3 STEP

    The user receives a search result: the first four positions are occupied by ads that match the hint used

    4 STEP

    The user clicks on one of these links and gets to the website of the cafe, on the tip of which he clicked on the second stage of the search.

    Thus, if your clue is in the first ranks of the list of search suggestions, then this potential client is practically YOURS.

    Why are hints beneficial?

    • search suggestions are seen by 100% of the audience
    • when you click on your hint, TOP-6 of the search results is occupied by your site
    • no need to pay extra in Yandex. Direct
    • no need to pay for SEO services
    • several positions of hints are possible (up to 6!) for the same request
    • potential for hints with hyperlinks
    • using the output of hints, you can attract targeted traffic for highly competitive commercial queries in a short time
    • real clicks on hints are reflected in Yandex. Webmaster