Mineral stones according to the signs of the zodiac. Precious and semi-precious stones according to the zodiac sign

  • 16.10.2019

This classification "Stones-mascots according to the signs of the Zodiac" was compiled in 1912 at the congress of the Russian National Association of Jewelers. Later, the list was called "List of stones of the month of birth in accordance with the sign of the Zodiac."

Correspondence of stones to the signs of the Zodiac (1912)

Aries (date of birth March 21 - April 19) : Diamond is undoubtedly the main stone of this fire sign. Amazonite, purple amethyst, rock crystal, beryl of all colors are also Aries stones. Blue turquoise is a wonderful talisman for the signs of spring. Aries can also wear garnet and pearls, coral and all kinds of quartz, flint jewelry and hematite. A labrador sparkling with blue flashes of light, blue lapis lazuli, green jade, striped onyx are also stones of the talismans of this zodiac sign. Aries are also suitable for obsidian and pink rhodonite, ruby ​​and sardonyx, selenite and carnelian, serpentinite (the old name is serpentine), hawk's eye (a type of tiger's eye), chrysolite, chrysoprase, amber, jasper, preferably green or red.

Taurus(date of birth April 20 - May 20) : Ruby and sapphire are the main stones of this zodiac sign. Agate and aventurine, amazonite and beryl are also mascot stones. Blue turquoise is very favorable for Taurus. Bull's eye (a kind of tiger's eye), black jet, green emerald, rose quartz, white cacholong, white coral will also protect the representatives of this sign and help them. The impact of the energy of such stones as flint and lapis lazuli, onyx and rhodonite is favorable. Green malachite and jade, silky selenite, orange carnelian carnelian, tiger's eye are Taurus stones, the list also includes topaz, chrysoprase, zircon, blue spar, jasper.

Twins(date of birth May 21 - June 20) : Ideal talisman stones are emerald, sapphire and alexandrite. Good properties for Gemini have agate and purple amethyst, beryls of all colors, blue turquoise, rock crystal. Seawater-grown pearls and coral are also gemstones of Gemini. Flint and green jade, pink rhodonite and orange carnelian stone, selenite and tiger's eye are very favorable for those born under this sign of the zodiac circle. Also suitable for Gemini are topaz, green uvarovite garnet, fluorite (violet and greenish), chrysoprase and chrysolite, golden citrine and jasper of any color and texture.

Cancer(date of birth June 21 - July 22) : Very good talismans for this sign are aquamarine, emerald, ruby, amethyst and chrysolite. Agate and aventurine, adularia (moonstone) and amazonite, belomorite (moonstone), beryls of all colors are suitable for those born under the signs of Cancer. Blue and greenish turquoise, like no other stone, suits the spirit of the water element of this zodiac sign. Crayfish can also wear heliotrope, jet, sea and river pearls, corals, light cat's eye, morion (black smoky quartz), hematite, jade, obsidian (all types), onyx, noble opal. Pink rhodonite, orange carnelian are suitable as a talisman , hawk's eye (a type of tiger's eye), blue topaz and chrysoprase.

a lion(date of birth July 23 - August 22) : The talismans of this bright fire sign are emerald, opal, ruby, chrysolite, amber. Iridescent aventurine, beryls of all colors, bull's eye (a type of tiger's eye), yellow heliodor, rock crystal, heliotrope and hyacinth will also protect those born under the sign of Cancer and help them. Garnets are suitable for them, especially green demantiod, citrine, rhodonite, jade, carnelian, topaz, chrysoprase, jasper, flint, onyx, zircon,

Virgo(date of birth August 23 - September 22) : Diamond, emerald, sapphire, noble opal, rock crystal are ideal for Virgo. Agates, light beryls, blue and greenish turquoise, all kinds of pomegranates will have a very favorable effect and help to these people. Rhodonite, selenite, flint and corals are suitable for virgins, especially red. Iridescent cat's eye and tiger's eye, labrador sparkling with blue flashes, green jade and sunny orange carnelian, chrysolite, onyx, chrysoprase, golden citrine, multi-colored jasper are also good talismans for Virgo.

scales(date of birth September 23 - October 22) : For representatives of this sign, diamond, amethyst, emerald, rock crystal, tourmaline (especially pink tourmaline rubellite), agate are very suitable. Green demantoid garnet, smoky and rose quartz, white cacholong opal, multi-colored corals, yellow flint, lapis lazuli will be good talismans and amulets. Scales can also wear jewelry made of malachite, morion, selenite, jade, turquoise, jet, rhodonite, olivine, carnelian. This sign will also suit decorations made of hawk's eye, green uvarovite garnet, lilac fluorite, chrysolite and chrysoprase, zircon and citrine, multi-colored jaspers.

Scorpion (date of birth October 23 - November 21) : Good amulets and talismans for Scorpions are sapphire, ruby, agate, adularia and belomorite (types of moonstone), hematite-bloodstone, aquamarine, alexandrite. Amethyst, amazonite, multi-colored beryls, jet will also have a good effect. For this watermark, blue and greenish turquoise, white coral, cat's eye, translucent green chrysoprase are very good. Scorpios also need to wear jewelry made from garnet, smoky quartz, morion, malachite, opal, selenite, carnelian, serpentinite (serpentine), topaz, multi-colored tourmaline, jasper and labradorite.

Sagittarius(date of birth November 22 - December 21) : The main stones-talismans of Sagittarius are amethyst, turquoise, emerald, sapphire, chrysolite, chrysoprase. A favorable effect on people born under this sign of the Zodiac will be hyacinth, garnets, especially green demantoid garnet, blue quartz and flint, light corals, lapis lazuli, labradorite. Iridescent selenite and orange carnelian, tiger's eye and falcon's eye (a kind of tiger's eye), obsidian, onyx, topaz, beryl, amber jasper are also good talismans and charms of this zodiac sign.

Capricorn (date of birth December 22 - January 19) : alexandrite and agate, amethyst and turquoise, ruby, olivine (chrysolite), red garnet are suitable for representatives of this sign of the Earth as talismans and amulets. Representatives of this sign are also suitable for pink tourmaline (rubellite), cat's eye, malachite, morion, jade, coral, obsidian, opal (ordinary and noble), onyx, smoky quartz (rauchtopaz), light beryl, hawk's eye and tiger's eye, chrysoprase, carnelian, zircon, jasper of any color and color.

Aquarius(date of birth January 20 - February 19) : The stones of this sign are aquamarine, amethyst, emerald, sapphire, turquoise, hyacinth, agate, garnets, green demantoid and uvarovite garnets are especially suitable. You can wear pearls and rose quartz, flint and coral, lapis lazuli and beryl, jade and obsidian in jewelry. Opal (noble and ordinary, as well as cacholong), orange carnelian, hawk's eye (a type of tiger's eye), fluorite and chrysoprase, rock crystal, citrine, landscape jasper are also suitable for Aquarius.

Fishes (date of birth February 20 - March 20) : This water sign can wear jewelry with alexandrite, aquamarine, sapphire, adularia and belomorite (both are called moonstone), amethyst, opal (noble opal, common opal, cacholong) and chrysolite. For Pisces, good talismans are amazonite, beryl, turquoise of any color, jet, green demantoid garnet, sea and river pearls and corals, lapis lazuli, morion, jade, hawk's eye and tiger's eye, carnelian, chrysoprase, spinel and euclase.

Correspondence of stones to the months of the year

January- pomegranate, hyacinth; February- amethyst, hyacinth; March- jasper, amethyst; April- sapphire, jasper; May- malachite, agate, emerald, sapphire; June - emerald, sapphire; July- onyx, emerald; August- carnelian, sardonyx; September - chrysolite, sapphire; October- beryl, aquamarine, chrysolite; November- topaz, beryl; December- ruby, topaz.

Classification of stones according to connections with planets (Eliaphas Levi, 19th century)

The sun: chrysolite, diamond, hyacinth, aventurine, ruby, heliotrope, chrysoprase; moon: opal, adularia, aquamarine, beryl, pearl, coral; Mercury: golden topaz, emerald, corneol, agate Venus: light sapphire, agate, pearl; Mars: ruby, hematite, jasper, diamond, garnet; Jupiter: turquoise, sapphire, lapis lazuli; Saturn: onyx, amethyst, dark topaz; Neptune: amethyst, adularia, rock crystal.

Since ancient times, mankind has believed in the miraculous power of natural minerals. Our ancestors were sure that the amulet stone helps in healing diseases, brings prosperity and prosperity, inspires and guides the one who wears it. However, you can not keep any stone with you. It is necessary to select a talisman either by date of birth, or by correspondence with the sign of the zodiac. Only then will the mineral perfectly adapt to the energy of the person wearing it and will perform its protective functions.

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    How to choose your talisman?

    Only precious (rarely found in nature) can serve as a talisman.) and semi-precious (mined in large quantities) stones. They are also called gems (for the variety colors), minerals (according to their structure), natural or natural stones (since they are mined from the bowels of the earth).

    Such stones have a special energy that can adapt to the biorhythms of the owner. The maximum power of the talisman is manifested when a person believes in his power. The right amulet will be able to:

    • protect from the evil eye and negative energy;
    • improve health;
    • help in the arrangement of personal life;
    • bring good luck and wealth to the house;
    • give strength and energy.

    The amulet stone needs energy replenishment, because it gives a lot of strength to its owner. It is recommended to saturate the talisman with the energy of the earth by putting it in a flower pot for a while.

    Selection rules

    There are quite a few criteria for choosing a stone-amulet, but the most in an efficient way the selection of a talisman according to the sign of the zodiac is considered. In addition, when choosing an amulet, you should follow some recommendations:

    1. 1. Try to feel "your" stone from several proposed options. Esotericists believe that the right amulet will make itself felt. A person will feel warmth emanating from a correctly selected stone, or, conversely, cold if the amulet does not fit.
    2. 2. Never buy jewelry from a pawnshop, especially if it is meant to be an amulet. In jewelry owned by someone else, the negative energy of the previous owner can be preserved.
    3. 3. Having received a stone as a gift and deciding to make it a talisman, you need to inspect the surface for chips, cracks or spots. If such deficiencies are found, you must immediately remove it from the house. Natural minerals with broken integrity often serve as accumulators of negative energy.

    The best amulets are stones that are inherited, as well as donated by loved ones.

    Charms by date of birth

    Astrologers are sure that the number of birth plays a significant role in a person's life. It defines the character life path And personal qualities. The talisman stone is also revealed by the date of birth. To do this, you need to make simple calculations and find out the essence of the number:

    1. 1. Write down the day, month and year of your birth in a row on a piece of paper (for example: 01. 04. 1984).
    2. 2. Add them up: 1+4+1+9+8+4=27.
    3. 3. Since the essence of the number must consist of one digit from 1 to 9, the resulting number must also be added: 2 + 7 = 9. The essence of the number is 9.

    The value of the figure must be viewed in the table:

    Number Name Characteristic
    1 SapphireGives the wearer energy and determination. It is a love talisman - protects relationships from contention and quarrels
    2 CitrineClears the mind and directs to the right path. Gives impetus to making the right decision
    3 CoralMaintains health and prevents injury. Restores lost peace of mind
    4 EmeraldProtects from the evil eye and evil thoughts of negatively minded people. Creates powerful protection for its wearer
    5 TurquoiseHarmonizes the relationship between its wearer and the outside world. Reconciles the warring parties
    6 CornelianUnleashes creativity. Helps to develop professionally
    7 DiamondAttracts good luck and prosperity to its owner. Helps in negotiating deals and contracts
    8 RubyHelps to improve relationships in the team and family
    9 RhinestoneHelps in solving problems. Clears the mind of unnecessary and painful thoughts

    In some cases, the amulet can be determined without taking into account the year of birth - only by the number of the month and day of the week in which the person was born.

    Talisman by day of the month:

    • 1, 10, 19, 28 - amethyst, opal, lapis lazuli, coral;
    • 2, 11, 20, 29 - carnelian, cat's eye, opal, hyacinth;
    • 3, 12, 21, 30 - aventurine, amber, sapphire;
    • 4, 13, 22, 31 - malachite, chrysolite, jasper;
    • 5, 14, 23 - turquoise, moonstone, pomegranate;
    • 6, 15, 24 - jasper, agate, pearls;
    • 7, 16, 25 - onyx, emerald, rock crystal;
    • 8, 17, 26 - diamond, turquoise, coral;
    • 9, 18, 27 - amber, tiger's eye, ruby.

    By day of the week:

    • Monday - any white stone;
    • Tuesday - blue, red and dark minerals;
    • Wednesday - stones with a blue tint;
    • Thursday - purple stones;
    • Friday - a green mineral or stone interspersed with this color;
    • Saturday - all dark minerals;
    • Sunday - yellow stones.

    But this method, which does not fully take into account the date of birth, is considered by astrologers to be not entirely accurate and they advise looking for an amulet by calculating the essence of the number.

    Oriental sages divide gems into male and female. Stones with energy "yang" (for men) are designed to enhance masculine qualities and have bright warm shades (amber). Stones with "yin" energy (for girls and women) emphasize attractiveness and grace. They should be cold tones (turquoise). Otherwise, the rules for choosing amulets for both girls and men are the same.

    Stones by zodiac sign

    Along with the date of birth, determining the talisman by the sign of the zodiac is considered one of the most reliable methods for selecting a talisman stone. Astrologers are sure that any natural stone is associated with the cosmos and has a specific energy. Since, when born, a person acquires a zodiac connection, then he must choose his talisman, focusing on the horoscope.

    The horoscope of stones according to the signs of the zodiac is presented in the table:

    Sign Charm stones Characteristic
    AriesSerpentine, carnelian, jasper, garnet, amethyst, beryl, coralThey teach wisdom and generosity. Relieve nervous tension. Have healing properties
    TaurusEmerald, malachite, chrysoprase, ruby, labradorite, moonstoneProtect from the evil eye and negative energy. Attract luck and finances
    TwinsRock crystal, alexandrite, sapphire, hawk's eye, topazThey give the wearer strength and self-confidence. Protect against rash and risky actions
    CancerAquamarine, obsidian, pearl, rhodonite, citrineProtect along the way. Bring longevity and prosperity. Create powerful protection against envious people
    a lionBull's eye, amber, chrysolite, serpentine, hematite, lapis lazuliHelps to connect with other people. Replenish energy reserves
    VirgoChrysoprase, sapphire, sultanite, jade, jasperProtect the owner from the harmful effects of enemies. Improve family relationships
    scalesTourmaline, olivine, amethyst, jet, apatiteHelp in work and career growth. Gives determination and self-confidence
    ScorpionGarnet, turquoise, coral, aventurine, tiger's eye, amethystPromote strong family relationships. Increase attractiveness to the opposite sex
    SagittariusHyacinth, blue quartz, carbuncle, malachite, cat's eyeProtect from envy and intrigue. Contribute career growth and implementation in the profession
    CapricornCrystal, citrine, agate, onyx, serpentine, hematiteReplenish missing energy. Have healing properties
    AquariusJade, amethyst, turquoise, ruby, diamondStrengthen friendships. Raise self-esteem. Bring inspiration to creative people
    FishesOpal, emerald, alexandrite, mother-of-pearl, pearlsReturn peace of mind, subdue anger. Protect from stress

    When choosing your talisman, you should trust your intuition. Even if the stone fits according to the horoscope, but does not cause any feelings or even repel you, you should not buy it: this means that it is energetically incompatible with the biorhythms of the chooser.

    Talismans by month of birth

    Experienced esotericists advise, in addition to the natural mineral selected according to the zodiac connection, to carry an amulet according to the month of birth. It will enhance the effect of the main amulet and help release its internal reserves.

    Stones by month:

    Month Name Characteristic
    JanuaryPomegranateContributes to success. Strengthens friendship
    FebruaryAmethystEnhances the masculine. Promotes Spiritual Wisdom
    MarchAquamarineBrings peace. Strengthens health
    AprilDiamondProvides energy. Heals from ailments
    MayEmeraldPromotes success in personal life
    JunePearlEnhances intuition. Gives inspiration
    JulyRubyIncreases passion in marital relationships
    AugustPeridotPossesses healing properties. Helps to find harmony with the environment
    SeptemberNacreMaintains close relationships
    OctoberOpalPromotes spiritual maturity. Heals diseases
    NovemberTopazProtects from bad influences, negative energy
    DecemberTurquoiseStrengthens the protective properties of the body. Promotes Wisdom

    Amulets by name

    Astrologers believe that some stones are not only associated with a person zodiacally, but also respond to the sound of a name.

    The most common names and stones associated with them are presented in the table:

    Women's names stones Male names stones
    VeronicaZirconValeryblack jasper
    Evgeniyacat eyeVladislavOnyx
    Lilyrose quartzKonstantinNacre
    Raisarose quartzStanislavOlivine

    healing stones

    many precious and semiprecious stones can be used for healing various diseases. For medicinal purposes, they are used without taking into account the date of birth and the sign of the zodiac - in this case, it is important to know which disease this or that gem treats.

    The table provides a list of the most common diseases and minerals that help cure them:

    Disease healing stones
    Pathology of the central nervous system and peripheral nervous system
    • Lapis lazuli, alexandrite, malachite, bloodstone, chrysoberyl, moonstone - against exhaustion of the nervous system;
    • topaz, alexandrite (in combination); corals, emerald (in the form of a necklace) - soothe, have a beneficial effect on memory;
    • rock crystal, lapis lazuli, azurite, hyacinth, ruby, turquoise, ruby ​​- eliminate night fears;
    • corals, ruby, jadeite, cat's eye - against shuddering in a dream;
    • amber, emerald - eliminate hysterical reactions;
    • jet, magnetite, malachite, sapphire, chrysoprase - relieve convulsive conditions;
    • sardonyx, rock crystal, sapphire - have a calming effect
    Headache, migrainesJade, amethyst, rauchtopaz, carnelian - applied to the eyelids and acupuncture points
    InsomniaChalcedony, amber, coral
    Mental problems
    • Sapphire, lapis lazuli, diamond, topaz, amber, cat's eye, pearls, corals, ruby ​​- against depression, exacerbations of schizophrenia;
    • malachite, pearls - alleviate melancholic conditions;
    • jasper, ruby ​​(epilepsy), the same - sapphire, moonstone, emerald, jet (fumigation during a seizure)
    Cerebral hemorrhage, paralysisAventurine, chrysoprase, serpentine, emerald
    AlcoholismMalachite, amber
    Auditory disordersJasper, selenite, topaz, amazonite, carnelian, malachite
    Diseases of the heart and blood vessels
    • Serpentine, amber (strengthening the heart muscle);
    • agate, sapphire, heliodor, alexandrite - strengthening blood vessels;
    • red jade, tiger's eye, topaz - regulation of the heartbeat
    Bronchial asthmaSapphire, amber, carnelian, rutile quartz (bronchite), amethyst, mother-of-pearl
    RheumatismDiamond, jet, lapis lazuli, hematite
    BleedingChalcedony, hematite, garnet (nosebleed), jadeite, turquoise, amber, carnelian, chrysoprase, sardonyx, pearl
    Diseases of the liver, biliary tract
    • Agate, hyacinth, malachite, turquoise - against jaundice;
    • rock crystal, zircon, emerald, diamond - for pain in the liver
    Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract
    • Jasper, emerald - from pain in the abdomen, dysentery;
    • corals - against peptic ulcer;
    • aquamarine - treats chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
    • topaz - improves taste sensations
    Diseases of the kidneys, bladder and urinary tract
    • Lapis lazuli, malachite, jadeite - from stones in the bladder;
    • hyacinth, rock crystal (kidney stones), corals, moonstone - against venereal diseases;
    • jet, hyacinth - with difficulty urinating
    burnsAmethyst, chalcedony, quartz
    Wounds, ulcersMalachite, onyx, carnelian, corals, heliodor

Since ancient times, people began to notice that various minerals have different influence per person. How to find out which gem according to the sign of the zodiac corresponds to you?

Experts have identified certain patterns. It is important to figure out which stone according to the zodiac sign will help you feel more confident in Everyday life. For some people, specific jewelry has a positive effect: they feel good, they are lucky in all their affairs and undertakings. And others with the same stone feel unwell, they do not succeed, things are not going well.


How to determine the right gemstone by zodiac sign? Aries can acquire one of the most expensive and rare minerals - a diamond. An uncut stone is rather plain, but if it falls into the hands of a real master, it will become a real treasure and will be four times more expensive and stronger. So Aries, if he does not rush and fully understands the situation, will be an indispensable and very strong player in his field.

Decoration will add perseverance and determination to Aries, he will want to actively develop and move forward. The stone will provide an opportunity to gain some elegance and caution in work matters. To solve problems on the personal front or to awaken passion in a relationship, Aries needs to wear rubies. You can use rock crystal, agate and onyx in your jewelry.


For Taurus, an emerald will become a real talisman and helper. How to choose the right gemstone according to your zodiac sign? Astrologers assure that the emerald will help to gain the power and power of Taurus, which are so necessary for him to achieve success. In fact, the stone contributes to the fact that people of this sign feel confidence, determination and a taste of real life.

It is obligatory for Taurus Women to wear an emerald, as it is considered a symbol of fertility and serves as a defense against a bad look. It would be nice for representatives of this sign to also purchase turquoise, which has an individual pattern. It has a positive effect on Taurus. According to experts, it is a stone of friendliness, hospitality and good income. Turquoise will allow its owner not only to draw attention to themselves, but also to find mutual language with those around you. Carnelian and bull's eye have a good effect on Taurus.


The main stone of this sign is agate. He will help the owner to fulfill his cherished dream and realize his goal. This stone is useful for people who doubt and do not believe in their abilities, hoping for a miracle. It is advisable to choose a bright color agate.

Other minerals that suit Gemini are topaz and citrine. The first will give patronage and strength, and the second - lightness, understanding and sociability. All these stones balance active people and make hidden and enslaved Gemini sociable. Wearing such jewelry has a positive effect on the general condition of people born under this sign. Jade and tiger's eye can also be used to manifest the positive qualities of Gemini.


Who is moonstone suitable for? The sign of the zodiac, whose representatives can safely choose such jewelry, is Cancer. Selenite perfectly reveals the whole essence of these people. It enhances positive qualities and reduces manifestation negative traits character that Cancer carries.

Moonstone calms when people are upset or very upset. He helps those born under this sign in solving problems related to children. Another mineral suitable for Cancers is pearls. It also allows you to find peace and ease, promotes the choice right decision in important life matters.

Chalcedony has a love effect. It gives a feeling of lightness, correctness and simplicity, which Cancers sometimes lack. Representatives of this zodiac sign are also suitable for such mineral stones like emerald, quartz, carnelian.

a lion

For Leo, the most important minerals are tourmaline, ruby ​​and opal. Tourmaline will help in undertakings, both creative and related to monotonous work. Ruby will take over Negative influence the world around, since the Lion is one of the symbols of power and patronage. And such people always have envious people and competitors. In addition, this stone loves hardworking and resourceful people.

Ruby gives a good impetus to action. Opal protects from unnecessary thoughts and extra information. It fills with energy and gives strength to achieve the desired impact on others. Leo would do well to have jewelry with such interesting stones as hyacinth and aventurine. They help to show restraint and intelligence in various situations. Diamond and amber will be beautiful and appropriate on Leo.


For Virgo, chalcedony is perfect. He will reveal all the tenderness and loyalty that lurks inside the people of this sign. Chrysolite will endow its owner with sharpness of mind and frugality. These two minerals provide Virgo with the opportunity to get rid of melancholy. Rock crystal is also suitable for this zodiac sign. It is recommended to wear it as a decoration for work, because it increases efficiency.

Virgos who are prone to frequent stress and nervous problems are better off wearing jade jewelry. It promotes balance and calmness. Can be worn jewelry from aventurine, pearls, onyx, heliotrope, pomegranate, citrine.


It is best for these people to purchase opal jewelry. The stone balances all the feelings and thoughts of Libra. It perfectly meets all the qualities and characteristics of the representatives of this sign. People who are interested in how to choose the right gemstone according to the zodiac sign should pay attention to the diamond. His firmness will allow him not to deviate from his principles in a wide variety of situations. In addition, the stone will make its owners the happiest.

Tourmaline will help you find exactly what can emphasize everything positive sides person. As you know, Libra is a changeable nature, it is difficult for them to make a choice. The stone will help determine work, clothing and other things that excite or will excite those born under this sign. Also in the arsenal of jewelry can be such beautiful stones as rose quartz, rock crystal and lapis lazuli.


As with some other signs of the zodiac, topaz will be a good companion for Scorpio. He will calm and balance all thoughts and help put things in order. Pomegranate will cheer up, and will also look harmoniously on the hand or on the neck of its owner.

How to choose a gemstone according to your zodiac sign? It is necessary to take into account all its properties and characteristics. The diamond will help to fully reveal the power that lies in the "scorpions". Also suitable are minerals that emphasize strength, courage and endurance: hematite, jet, serpentine and amazonite. The romanticism of Scorpios, which is hidden in the depths of their souls, will be emphasized by alexandrite. It will also help in solving mysterious and interesting problems.


Topaz jewelery highlights everything good performance this difficult sign. It is in perfect harmony with the fiery energy of Sagittarius and draws attention to the inconsistency of Taurus. Tiger's Eye it will help to lead others around you, and will also give you the opportunity to understand people well.

Amethyst has the ability to open a person from the inside. The stone is especially good for Sagittarius if it was presented from a pure heart. Moonstone zodiac sign Sagittarius, or rather, a person born under this sign will wear with pride and joy. After all, such a stone looks great on a ring or in a necklace. It will suit creative individuals and will help them to be in harmony with the world around them. Minerals such as turquoise and agate will also help this Sagittarius to manifest themselves.


What should Capricorn pay attention to? It will not be difficult to pick up stones according to the zodiac sign if you study all the information and connect your intuition. Tourmaline will help Capricorn make their dreams come true, stand out from the crowd and play by their own rules. It looks good in jewelry that is suitable for everyday life.

Many people think about the question: “Which stone to choose?” magical properties, zodiac sign - all this is important to consider when choosing jewelry. Capricorn will get along well with onyx. The stone will bring sublimity to all feelings and deeds.

Chrysoprase will be a good companion for Capricorn. It allows you to appreciate all the bright colors outside world, because it is known that most people born under this sign are pessimists. Some people think about the question: "What properties does a garnet (stone) have?" The zodiac sign Capricorn endows people born during this period with perseverance and hard work. Wearing jewelry with garnet enhances their manifestation. Agate, rock crystal and obsidian can also correspond to Capricorn.


For such a peaceful air sign good helpers life will be turquoise and sapphire. The first will help Aquarius to find friends and keep friendship for many years. She will endow communication skills and ease of communication.

Sapphire, in turn, adds strength, so necessary for important matters. Another such stone will help Aquarius to show creativity. Amazonite would be a good addition. This mineral removes rose-colored glasses from Aquarius and returns to reality. Stones will also help develop abstract thinking and show the right path in the search for love. Citrine, rock crystal, garnet, lapis lazuli, rhodonite are also well suited for Aquarius.


Which mineral corresponds to the zodiac sign Pisces? Coral stone. It will protect from the evil eye. Emotional Pisces will help to calm down aquamarine. It contributes to the concentration of its owner in certain situations. Aquamarine is suitable for people of all ages. It is also recommended to use it in any undertakings. The most powerful aquamarine stone is the one given to Pisces with love.

What other jewelry should you pay attention to people whose zodiac sign is Pisces? Pearl stone. He is advised to thrifty people with professions that are associated with care and return. He not only bestows positive qualities, but also give a little royal charm. Stones such as heliotrope, opal, lapis lazuli, jasper will balance all the qualities of Pisces, and emphasize those that are necessary for life.

It is necessary not only to know which stones are suitable for the signs of the zodiac, but also to be able to use the information received. Each mineral has many characteristics, but the same mineral is not suitable for everyone. Therefore, before choosing jewelry, it is necessary to study all the properties of the selected stone. It is up to you to decide which mineral is most suitable as a talisman for you or your friends. When studying stones according to the signs of the zodiac (photos are presented in the article), pay attention to the positive and negative characteristics of a particular gem and be sure to make sure that it does not harm its owner.

Astrology, which originated as a scientific discipline in ancient india, is very popular today. And this is despite the fact that many scientists do not perceive it as a serious science.

Astrological teaching is closely connected with the science of minerals, precious stones. In a special section of astrology - astromineralogy - are stones distributed according to signs? Pisces, Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius. Let us analyze in more detail which element and sign of the zodiac corresponds to which stone.

Gemstones according to the signs of the zodiac: the element of Fire

If we talk about the element of Fire, then the following signs of the zodiac belong to it? Aries, Leo and Sagittarius. them by zodiac horoscope stones that have pulsating yellow, red, orange colors are suitable. From metals, it is preferable to choose gold or platinum (stones should be set in them when creating jewelry).

Aries? creature stubborn and quick-tempered. A diamond will help to slightly cool his irrepressible fiery temper. He directs energy in the right direction. Ruby will help Aries cope with heartache and awaken such a feeling as compassion, and amethyst, the “stone of wisdom”, will help you be more prudent and not make hasty decisions.

Leo zodiac stone it is, first of all, amber as the warmest, "sunniest" mineral. This stone perfectly relieves stress, treats cardiovascular diseases, and helps with childbirth. Also, astrologers recommend Leos to wear chrysolite (olivine) and topaz. The first helps to make the lion nature more understandable to others, to gain their favor, and the second brings wealth and tames rage.

If we talk about the third fire sign, Sagittarius, then stones such as turquoise, chrysolite and topaz are very suitable for him. Since Sagittarius are optimistic by nature, turquoise helps them maintain this attitude, promises good luck in business, especially in trade. Chrysolite and topaz help Sagittarius as well as Leo.

Air Stones

The "air" signs of the zodiac include the following: Gemini, Libra and Aquarius. Let's analyze the correspondence of precious stones to the signs of the zodiac of the air element.

Gemini should pay attention to agate, alexandrite, beryl and topaz. Agate calms too nervous Gemini, alexandrite helps to achieve balance, beryl? to complete the work begun, and topaz protects from dangerous passions.

As for the sign of Libra, for its representatives, the best mascot stones will be aquamarine, lapis lazuli, opal and tourmaline. Aquamarine helps Libra to endure sudden mood swings, lapis lazuli wakes up intuition, opal keeps from apathy and all sorts of extremes, and tourmaline gives doubting Libra optimism and faith.

Aquarians will certainly be happier if they wear amethyst, zircon or hyacinth. Amethyst helps to tame the fickle nature of Aquarius, zircon improves mental abilities, and hyacinth helps to improve positive karma and is especially recommended for those born during a solar or lunar eclipse.

Gemstones according to the signs of the zodiac: the element of Water

The water signs of the zodiac traditionally include Pisces, Cancer and Scorpio. Water signs? the most emotional representatives of the zodiac circle. As a rule, "watermen" understand well only each other and, possibly, some signs of the Earth. In general, these are people who are very closed and incomprehensible to other representatives of the zodiac.

Gems for the Pisces sign can be as follows: aquamarine, pearls, amethyst. Aquamarine gives shy Pisces courage, teaches them to protect their self-esteem. Pearls bring longevity and happiness, while amethyst helps to remain faithful to the object of love.

Cancers will be very comfortable with talismans such as moonstone, pearls, emerald, cat's eye. Moonstone symbolizes the magical power of the lunar fields, so it is very suitable for those who were born on a full moon. Pearl? traditionally a sea stone that protects against unrequited love. "Cat's eye" helps to draw attention to its owner (which suspicious Cancers often lack to gain weight in society).

Mysterious Scorpions as an amulet fit aquamarine, garnet, black opal. Aquamarine helps cool passion and relieve stress, pomegranate returns good mood and positive thoughts, black opal weakens a stubborn disposition, helps to establish contact with people.

Earth Element Stones

Earth signs include Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn. These zodiac signs also have their own talisman stones. For Taurus the best talisman will there be an emerald, a stone of sages and soothsayers, which gives spiritual harmony and awakens dormant talents, as well as green stones? chrysoprase and chalcedony.

But what gems for the virgin will be the most suitable: chrysolite, jasper and jade. Chrysolite helps Virgo get rid of excessive criticality, jasper makes Virgo wiser and allows you to win over the audience, and jade strengthens vitality and protects against migraines and kidney disease.

Finally, ruby, onyx and green malachite can be named among the gems-talismans for Capricorn. Ruby brings good luck in love, onyx strengthens the position in society, helps to lead people, and malachite has a positive effect on the state of the nervous system, drives away bad thoughts.

Thus, we can say that each of the twelve signs of the zodiac has its own gemstone talisman, and not just one.

The zodiac sign is definitely one of the the most important criteria stone selection. By its sign, you can limit the set suitable stones. Choose your sign to find out which stones are most suitable for you according to your horoscope.

Why is it important to choose the right stone for your zodiac sign? This question interests many girls who are not indifferent to their own destiny, life harmony, health and success. Let's figure out how to choose the right stone according to the horoscope, which will help and benefit its owner.

How to choose the right stone for yourself?

Your zodiac sign is the starting point

The sign of the zodiac is, of course, one of the most important criteria for choosing a stone. By its sign, you can limit the set of suitable stones. But... There are 12 billion people in the world. And each person is unique. It will not be entirely correct to simply divide all people into 12 signs and say: "You are a calf, so you can wear a moonstone, but you can’t have a pomegranate."

Your female intuition is the main tool

To choose the right stone for you, it is very important to consider your zodiac sign. But you also need to listen to your intuition. Women have it easier. A woman will never buy a stone that is harmful to her. She simply does not like such a stone outwardly. And this is the most important and simplest criterion for selecting a stone according to a horoscope.

So just see what your eyes fall on. It is this stone that will be the best option.

Why does each zodiac sign have several stones?

For each sign of the zodiac, indeed, many different natural stones. Their characteristic is that various stones upon contact with representatives of various signs of the horoscope, certain properties are activated. That is, the same stone can bring confidence to one zodiac sign, health to another, and a calming effect to a third. Therefore, ideally, acquire several amulets that will help in various life situations.

Is it possible to wear a stone of the zodiac sign every day?

Of course, if you have chosen a stone according to your zodiac sign, then you want to wear it every day. But the amulet can get tired, accumulate negativity in itself. In this case, be sure to let him rest. We have already written about how to clean the stone above. It is good to wear stones depending on the situation. For example, if you are to stressful situation and you need to calm down, put on the stone of your sign, which is responsible for calm and harmony. If, on the contrary, you need to be active and self-confident, then put on a talisman that brings success and confidence to your zodiac sign.

Why should you clean your stone?

We clean the stone for the first time when buying

In order for a stone according to the sign of the zodiac to be beneficial, it must be cleaned. Since other people can touch the stone and leave a mark on it. By the way, touch is not necessarily physical contact. Talismans feel the thoughts and views of others. Also, if you buy yourself a stone talisman in an unknown place, be sure to clean it immediately after purchase. After all, many people touched him, and it is not known what kind of energy these people had. For example, in order for our Clients to receive only a positive charge from the amulet, only people with a good heart and good karma are allowed to work in the store.

Then we clean it once every two weeks.

With the constant wear of the talisman, it is enough to clean the stone once a week, you can once every two weeks. You will feel the right moment. When you get tired of wearing jewelry, you want to put it away. Protecting you, the stone absorbs a certain negative energy and asks that he be released.

How to cleanse your stone by zodiac sign?

To clean your jewelry, place it in a glass of plain water. And put a glass on the window. The glass must be transparent. Then the stone will be simultaneously cleansed by both water and the sun.

Also, stones can be cleaned with salt. She absorbs negativity very well. Naturally, after the stone cleansing procedure, the salt must be thrown away.

How can you test your feelings with a stone?

There is one interesting way to test the feelings of your lover. Ask him to give you a ring with a stone for your zodiac sign. For example, a turquoise ring is suitable for Taurus. After that, wear the gift as often as possible. And, if suddenly something happens to the ring, it may mean that the beloved has cooled off towards you.

Is it true that you can just buy a jewelry with a stone in the store, and it will become a talisman?

Any stone carries a strong energy. Therefore, even if a person does not know anything about the magic of stones, the stone will still help him, just not at full strength.

In order for the decoration to really be useful, you need to choose it personally for yourself. You can also choose a stone depending on your purpose. Everyone knows that stones perfectly improve health, affect the character and even the fate of a person.

To choose the right stone according to the signs of the zodiac, think about what you expect from it. Do you want to attract love or wealth into your life? Or can it help the body cope with some kind of disease? Many women attract love or the joy of motherhood with the help of stones.

When you decide on the goal, look at the stones you need. You will definitely see yours among them. As we have said, you will feel attracted to such a stone, it will beckon you.

How to wear the stones of your sign?

Naturally, the most common way is in the form of decoration. It is very convenient, besides, you can not be afraid to look stupid, as in the case of carrying a solid stone just in your pocket.

If the stone is chosen as a way to treat an illness, then it is better to wear it closer to the affected area. If a stone is needed to attract wealth, then it is recommended to wear it in the form of a ring on right hand. For fertility, it is best to wear long pearl beads.

Is it possible to wear a stone in a metal frame?

Metal and stones have long been close to each other. Therefore, they can and should be combined. In addition, the same rings with stones are simply inconvenient to wear without a rim.

There is only one wish here - to combine stones with the metal that suits them. What do we mean? Stones of cold shades and transparent stones are best worn in a silver frame. And warm shades (amber, ruby) are framed in gold.