Which stone is suitable for Aries men. Stones that are contraindicated for Aries

  • 26.09.2019

Nelly Frolova

Specialization: Astrology, Parapsychology
Education: Professional

Articles written

It is no secret that precious stones affect a person's condition, his physical and mental well-being.

Astrologers believe that depending on the sign of the zodiac, some gems are able to attract good luck and protect from troubles, while others, in turn, bring negativity and a breakdown.

Which gem will bring happiness, and which one will become a source of problems if you or your loved one is Aries according to the horoscope.

Aries is an active sign. He knows what he wants from life, is purposeful, efficient and self-confident. He loves attention, is positive and emotional.

By date of birth, the type of zodiac sign is determined, which affects the choice of amulet. The right talisman will be able to contain negative traits and enhance positive ones.

  • March 21-31 are the birthdays of people subject to Mars. They are brave, passionate, purposeful, selfish and narcissistic. For such people, items made of quartz, agate, rock crystal, tiger eye, jasper, lapis lazuli, hematite, carnelian, serpentine and hawk's eye.
  • April 1-11 are the birthdays of solar rams. The sun makes its wards noble, faithful, brave, proud and capable of strong love. Amber, cat's eye, heliotrope, sardonyx and pearls are suitable for such people.
  • April 12-20 are the birthdays of people who are ruled by Venus. They are passionate, impulsive, gentle, creative, adventurous. Ruby, sapphire, garnet, diamond and zircon will help to tame their ardor and direct it in the right direction.

In addition to knowing the names of stones, you need to understand what character traits and characteristics of a person they affect.

Charms and amulets for Aries

When choosing minerals, you should know that the talisman warm color enhances the characteristics of the zodiac sign. In turn, a cold-colored gem muffles the negative sides.

The main stone suitable for all Aries is the ruby. The red mineral gives activity to the one who wears it, helps to quickly replenish the lack of strength, promotes sound sleep and easy awakening. A light ruby ​​restrains the emotionality of its owner, does not allow it to turn into aggression. It is important to know that the ruby ​​does not combine with other gems. Therefore, if you have chosen it, put the other gems back into the box.

Agate will help Aries to concentrate and gather their thoughts. This property of the stone will be especially useful for schoolchildren, students and people who have devoted themselves to science and mental work.

Amethyst will help calm the active and quick-tempered Aries. A talisman from this mineral gives its owner patience, peacefulness and kindness. It promotes easy contact and reduces manifestations of selfishness.

To keep the adventurous Aries out of harm's way, wearing a Labrador Retriever is recommended. This amulet will help reduce emerging risks, keep calm and confidence. However, young people (under 30 years old) should not wear a stone, since the labrador will only increase the desire for extreme and dangerous adventures.

Gems for Aries woman

A woman born under this zodiac sign is active, bright and purposeful. Gems for an Aries woman, they should be solid like her character, bright or transparent.

1 Diamond, due to its hardness and transparency, is strong amulet. Diamond enhances self-confidence, protects from the evil eye. It is advisable to wear this mineral on the skin (arm, neck), then its properties are revealed in full force. It is important to know that diamonds are not recommended for unmarried women. It is better for them to use a charm made of citrine or transparent zircon.

2 Married women perfect for yellow zircon. A talisman made of zircon protects against depression, brings inspiration and helps to find a way out of the most difficult situations. Zirconium amulet helps to find new goals and tune in to the positive.

3 green diamond strengthens the feminine principle, helps in planning pregnancy, its successful course and childbirth. This stone is a symbol of motherhood.

4 In pursuit of her career, the Aries woman often forgets about herself, wasting her energy only on work. red jasper will help his mistress to plan and distribute forces so that they are enough for all aspects of life. Jasper amulet patronizes the mother and the mistress of the hearth.

5 Rauchtopaz (smoky quartz) keeps the love in the family. Pomegranate gives this zodiac sign harmony and success, and lilac amethyst reveals intuition.

Gems for Aries men

Men born under the sign of Aries are leaders and successful leaders.

  1. Ruby or garnet products will be good for them. Ruby will enhance intellectual and physical abilities, protect against melancholy and depression. A talisman with a pomegranate will help you to successfully move up the career ladder.
  2. To pacify the quick-tempered Aries, it is recommended to use amethyst. According to some sources, this stone also maintains mental clarity when intoxicated.
  3. Men striving for realization in the profession, who love to command, should wear a ring with a stone on their index finger.
  4. Romantics in search of sincere love should use a pendant or amulet to wear around the neck or around the heart.
  5. The cut of stones should be made of silver, steel or cupronickel. Platinum and gold do not suit the energy of Aries.

For an Aries man, engraving will become an additional enhancement of the properties of the stone. A ram, a wolf or an owl will give the stone more strength and energy.

In addition to gems, Aries is great for bone products that protect their owner from trouble.

What is contraindicated for Aries

In addition to those minerals and gems that suit this zodiac sign, there are those that are strictly contraindicated for it.

  • Stones recommended for Libra (Aries antagonist): malachite, beryl, coral, lapis lazuli, chrysolite, opal.
  • Products from rhodonite and aventurine.
  • Stones of the water element (black, deep blue or green). They will argue with the fiery essence of Aries.

With such a variety of gems, which amulet to choose? It is important to remember that you may need the support of different gemstones at different stages of life. Therefore, it is useful to have 3-4 types of minerals in the box.

The choice of gems should be deliberate. should be excluded immediately contraindicated stones, weed out unsuitable colors and shades. When buying jewelry, it is important to touch it, consider it. Then it will immediately become clear whether it suits you or not. The stone should not cause internal contradictions and discomfort. If you like the mineral, suits your sign and gender, wear it with pleasure. And knowing the birthday of another person and his zodiac sign, you can pick up a warm and sincere amulet made of stone for him.

Precious and semi-precious stones are not just jewelry. For the most part, they are strong talismans that can protect the owner from evil forces, grant him wealth, good luck and attract love. However, all this can be achieved only if you choose the right stone.

The fact is that some of them may not coincide with their energy with the energy of the owner. That is why astrology recommends choosing stones according to the horoscope, i.e. according to the sign of the zodiac. In this article, we will find out which stones are suitable for Aries, and which ones they should not wear.

Many astrologers advise choosing for Aries those stones that suit him by date of birth:

  • Aries, who were born in the first 10 days of the action of this sign, i.e. from March 21 to 31, are under the auspices of Mars. Such Aries are distinguished by stubbornness, the desire to always achieve their goals and selfishness. It is better to choose stones as a talisman:, jasper, quartz, agate, and.
  • Aries, who were born in the next eleven days of this sign, i.e. from April 1 to 11 are characterized by attachment to loved ones. They honor the traditions of their family and try to instill them in their children. They are suitable for stones such as,.
  • Aries, who were born from April 12 to 20, are under the auspices of Venus. It is best for them to choose the following amulets: ruby, zircon and.

In addition, it is recommended to pay attention to the shade of minerals. So, stones of yellow, orange and red color enhance all the character traits of Aries. However, they must be chosen with great care, as they enhance both good and bad character traits. If the stone has blue, blue and green tint, then it will soften certain character traits and remove aggressiveness.

In addition, Aries must choose a transparent stone - a talisman. The fact is that it is believed that this zodiac sign is crystal clear. Therefore, it is better that the mineral is transparent. It does not matter if it is transparent or has any color.

You should also look at the faceting of minerals. Gemstones for Aries should be rectangular, square or round in shape.

Common stones talismans for Aries

If we talk about which amulet is suitable for Aries, without paying attention to the date of birth, then it is best for representatives of this zodiac sign to choose a ruby. The fact is that given stone is the symbol of Mars. enhances the owner's energy, gives him a positive attitude, calms, and also improves brain function.

If we are talking about Aries schoolchildren and students, then it is best for them to choose. The fact is that this stone gives the owner patience, improves memory and helps to concentrate on learning.

A good talisman for Aries is this. He grants protection from evil forces, and also protects from any danger and premature death. In addition, this talisman is recommended to be worn by family Aries. He protects the family, bestows harmony and helps to preserve the feelings of the spouses. However, selfish Aries is not recommended to wear this stone. The fact is that it enhances all character traits, and such a trait is best eradicated, not strengthened.

Aries is suitable as a talisman. This mineral bestows protection, and also smooths out aggressiveness, stubbornness and cruelty. It makes the owner kinder and more responsive. In addition, amethyst helps a person find " mutual language' with the people around you.

Stones for Aries woman

If we talk about which stone is suitable for Aries, depending on gender, then it is better for a woman to opt for solid minerals. They are in harmony with the character of the fair sex. As for color, stones for Aries - women should have a yellow, white, blue, red and green tint. Best of all for the fair sex of this zodiac sign, a diamond is suitable. This is especially true for those women who want to have children. promotes conception, as well as the birth healthy baby. To do this, it is recommended to wear the stone on the wrist of the left hand so that it is in contact with the skin. However, only a green mineral guarantees such an effect.

A green diamond will not suit an unmarried girl - Aries. As for the transparent mineral, it can be chosen by all the fair sex. He will protect the owner from evil forces, damage and the evil eye.

red jasper

In addition, Aries women are suitable. She bestows vitality and a powerful surge of energy that modern women need to fulfill their goals and objectives. In addition, this stone increases efficiency, helps to focus on a specific matter and set priorities correctly. With the help of red jasper, a woman can build good career and also realize themselves as a wife and mother.

Also Aries - suitable for women. It helps to cope with depressed mood, stress and depression.

Stones for Aries men

If a man is Aries, then the most suitable stones for him according to the sign of the zodiac are grenades. Thanks to the red color, they are in harmony with the owner in terms of energy. In addition, the pomegranate grants protection from evil forces and helps to climb the corporate ladder. Wearing such a stone is recommended only for courageous men who are confident in their own abilities. Also, the representatives of the stronger sex of this zodiac sign will suit green pomegranate. He grants protection from premature and violent death.

Men - Aries can wear a red ruby. It increases physical endurance and improves brain activity. In addition, this stone helps to achieve the goal and bypass all the obstacles that stand in the way. The talisman protects against depression and improves mood.

Representatives of the stronger sex of this zodiac sign are recommended to wear stones in a ring. It should be worn on the index finger. However, this only applies to those Aries who want to take leadership positions. If a representative of this zodiac sign dreams of finding his soul mate, then he is recommended to wear a stone in the form of a pendant or pendant. The talisman should be located at chest level. It is not recommended to enclose stones for Aries - men in a frame made of gold or platinum.

In addition, since Aries is a sign of fire, he should not wear stones, which are a symbol of water. In this case, it is a destructive element that will not benefit this zodiac sign. Stones - symbols of water will not give happiness to Aries. On the contrary, they can completely destroy the owner's aura, which can have the most dire consequences.

Aries are not suitable for minerals that have dark shades. These include black stones, dark blue and dark green.

Choice suitable stone- a talisman for Aries - this is an important and responsible matter. The mineral can either enhance the wearer's aura or completely destroy it. Therefore, Aries are advised to wear only stones that suit them, and which ones we talked about in this article.

The sacred power of gems is recognized by all astrologers and is taken into account even by notorious nihilists. Opinions about the specific action of each natural mineral under certain conditions may differ, but the influence of a stone on a representative of a particular zodiac sign is beyond doubt. The same stone can develop positive qualities in one person, and only suppress them in another. In order not to unconsciously make a harmful gift to yourself or close person, it is better to find out which stones will become a talisman, which ones will be a simple decoration, and which ones will only bring harm.

A person born under the sign of Aries is distinguished by confidence in his abilities and the correctness of his judgments, perseverance in achieving his goal, high efficiency and active life position. Aries are energetic and sociable, loving attention and able to create a good reputation for themselves. They are loved for their positive mood, faith in a bright future and straightforwardness. At the same time, Aries' pride can easily reach tactless selfishness, and excessive emotionality and impulsiveness often prevent the completion of the work begun.

The Aries talisman stone should not come into conflict with the inner world of the owner, but should restrain the manifestation negative traits nature, interfering in public or personal life. Astrologers recommend fiery Aries stones with strong energy: and, as well as and. The use of other minerals as faithful amulets depends on individual characteristics identity and date of birth.

Choosing a stone by date of birth

Depending on the date of birth, Aries can be patronized by Mars (03/21–31/31), the Sun (04/01–11/04) and Venus (04/12–20/04), which form three types of sign: purposeful and narcissistic egoists, noble and faithful family men and passionate and romantic adventurers. In each type there are typical features of Aries, but they have a different degree of severity.

There are disagreements among astrologers on the selection of the most appropriate gems for the sign, and it is very difficult to understand the individual manifestations of temperament. Therefore, such a division is advisory, not prescriptive.

Stone Talisman for Aries

When choosing the ideal talisman, it must be borne in mind that such sunny colors as, and enhance the energy of the fiery zodiac sign, and, and - do not allow certain character traits to develop to their negative manifestation.

Thus, if some features of the sign appear too sharply and carry a negative connotation, then it is better to choose stones with a green, blue, light blue color or.

The blood ruby ​​gives vitality to conquer peaks, activates mental activity and helps to quickly restore strength. Less saturated shades of ruby ​​have the same properties, but restrain the manifestation of aggression and excessive emotionality. A transparent and durable diamond gives confidence and strengthens character, but is not suitable as a talisman for young unmarried girls.

Agate, as a talisman, will suit students born under the sign of Aries. It helps to focus on learning, develops self-organization and restrains the impatience of its owner.

Aries often take risks without evaluating their capabilities, so they need a mysterious protector stone. To reduce the manifestation of aggression and harshness in communicating with loved ones will help.

Stones for Aries woman

Bright representatives of the sign are recommended to wear diamonds, garnet, ruby, amethyst and rauchtopaz. The green diamond is a symbol of femininity and motherhood. Juicy pomegranate will help you find love and harmony. Amethyst - a stone of fidelity, develops female intuition, but for Aries it is allowed only in lilac. helps to keep the love of the spouses.

For young women, it is beneficial to wear clear zircon, for mature women, yellow zircon is preferable. This stone gives strength and saves from depression.

It is well suited for careerists and business women, which helps to plan the day and distribute their forces in such a way that it remains to create home comfort and tenderness for their loved ones. After all, Aries women are completely immersed in work, forgetting about the family.

Stones for Aries men

All representatives of this sign are characterized by the development of leadership qualities. In men, this character trait is more pronounced; they always take the position of commander and organizer. good talisman for leaders will become , as well as .

Responsibly should be taken and the choice of frames for the stone. For the energy of Aries, the use of gold and platinum is unacceptable.

If a man aspires to the top of the career ladder and wants to be realized in a certain activity, then it is better for him to wear a stone on his index finger. For romantic men looking for true love, it is better to purchase jewelry in the form of an amulet or pendant. For tough and quick-tempered men, it is recommended to wear amethyst, which subdues anger and helps improve family relationships. Its properties are enhanced in a silver setting. According to legend, this stone protects against alcohol intoxication, while maintaining a clear mind.

Any stone acquires additional power if it has an engraving depicting a ram, an owl, a wolf or a rune.

Stones that are contraindicated for Aries

It is possible that among the preferred gems, Aries will not find a stone to their liking. In such cases, it is better to listen to your intuition and choose what will be to your liking. However, there are stones that Aries should avoid. These are the natural minerals that are attributed to:,. Products from and are contraindicated.

For impulsive and aggressive representatives of the sign, it is advisable to choose a ruby ​​​​of pale shades or transparent.

It is undesirable for Aries to wear stones of cold shades, symbolizing the water element. Such jewelry will come into conflict with the fiery nature of the owner and break his harmony. Do not correspond to the open character of Aries black, dark green and dark blue colors stones.

Even having studied the advice of astrologers, it is difficult to stop the choice on any one talisman stone. This is not worth doing. At different periods of life and different situations may require the strength and support of different gems. It is useful to have several pieces of jewelry, but some of them will have to be worn separately. Many stones with strong energy do not tolerate the neighborhood of other stones (for example, ruby). Others, on the contrary, are successfully combined in one piece of jewelry, increasing their impact on a person.

The choice of a souvenir or jewelry made of natural stone according to the sign of the zodiac should be multi-level. A person, like a gem, has a complex internal structure, which manifests itself in different ways in the process of life. At the first stage, those stones that are contraindicated should be discarded. At the second stage, we choose those that would help in the development of any qualities of character, would serve as support and support. After that, we filter out inappropriate colors and shades. The next step is visual perception. You can't force anyone to wear something they don't like. This will already cause an internal contradiction. When stones are chosen that are pleasant in appearance, you can proceed to a detailed study of the influence of each stone on representatives of a certain zodiac sign, taking into account gender.

Usage natural stones as a gift quite original, but requires great responsibility. Guessing preferences can be very difficult, so do not rush to buy the first thing that caught your eye. All Aries appreciate attention to their person and a gift chosen with the smallest details in mind will not leave them indifferent. However, if a mistake is made in the choice, then the straightforward Aries will not be stingy with eloquent comments.

Astrologers believe that stones are nothing more than special living beings that have the ability to exert a certain influence on the people in whose hands they are. In this regard, it is especially important which stone is suitable for Aries men in order for their life to sparkle with new facets, to become more interesting, diverse and happier.

Talismans for Aries men

Aries men are especially active. This is the most courageous of all the signs of the zodiac. After all, it is no coincidence that it is Aries who begin the zodiac circle. An amethyst can become a companion of Aries. It will help the indefatigable Aries become more restrained, calm his aggression and reveal secret talents. In a difficult situation, amethyst will tell you the correct and most prosperous way out.

Aries have a benevolent character, not without perseverance and courage, they have an inexhaustible charge of optimism and sincerity. Their outstanding abilities, perseverance and willpower can bring them to a pedestal in any kind of activity. Therefore, for quick-tempered stubborn Aries, it is important to take into account the complex nature when choosing a talisman stone.

Men born at the end of March under the sign of Aries are prone to unreasonable aggression and have a strong character. Jasper, crystal, lapis lazuli or agate are perfect for them.

Aries born in early April are under the auspices of the Sun. They are distinguished by courage and nobility, but not without pride. They are suitable for red corals, pearls or heliotrope.

Born from April 12 to 20, Aries are extremely quick-tempered, but at the same time very vulnerable people. They are suitable for diamonds, garnets, rubies or sapphires. They will help Aries achieve their goal.

When choosing a stone for an Aries man, beware of stones dark shades- black, blue or green stones will not work. Such stones will definitely have a bad effect on the male health of an ram. But onyx will give Aries health and optimism.

A stone called rauchtopaz has a very good effect on Aries men. It is a type of smoky quartz. This mineral will help Aries men find a way out of the most difficult situations, in which he constantly falls with amazing persistence.

Turquoise is very suitable for strong Aries. This stone brings them victory, social recognition, financial stability and protection on long journeys. Turquoise will help Aries to focus on the main thing and achieve his goal.

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People born from March 21 to April 20 are Aries according to the horoscope. The patron planet is Mars. It gives him infinite energy, mobility and dynamism of thinking. This positive sides but these people can also be aggressive, impatient and reckless. Be sure to consider this when choosing a stone for a man under this zodiac sign.

Which mineral is suitable

Diamond (brilliant) and ruby ​​(yakhont) are the two main gemstones that are suitable for men under the sign of Aries. It is necessary to pay attention to the color: the red yakhont will accelerate the development negative traits character. A white or blue ruby ​​​​will have a positive effect, they will reduce the manifestation of aggression and excitability.

The mineral spinel is very similar to the red ruby, which is categorically contraindicated. Therefore, during the acquisition you need to be careful.

These stones contribute to the purposefulness of Aries men, as well as the concentration of energy on achieving their plans. They do not allow energy to be spent on the negative, directing it in the right direction.

Suitable for:

  • Zircon will help create a communication channel with the guardian angel.
  • Amethyst suppress aggression as well as discover hidden talents.
  • Sapphire will give firmness and deep understanding in the current situation.

Semi-precious stones will perfectly affect the Aries man:

  • rose quartz;
  • all kinds of agate;
  • pomegranate.

They balance the impact of jewelry.

According to date of birth

It is advisable to select an expensive mineral by date of birth.

For representatives of the strong part of humanity, born in the first decade (March 21-31), the following character traits are inherent:

  • Excessive sense of superiority, it is difficult for them to accept equality.
  • For those born during this period, a white or blue diamond is suitable. Precious stones increase the sense of responsibility, help to cope with aggression, replacing it with fruitful activity.
  • Precious zircon connects Aries with protective forces.
  • Amethyst will help you discover hidden talents. It also brings peace and philosophical view for certain things.

These stones will restrain irascibility and harsh statements, but sincerity will not suffer.

Men whose birthdays are in the second decade (April 1-11) have a sense of balance despite their stormy temperament. Suitable for them:

  • Diamond and Yacht white and blue color, they will help to cope with hostility. All energy will be directed in a positive direction.
  • Red ruby ​​balances energy and increases sensuality.
  • Zircon is conducive to strengthening communication with the guardian angel.
  • Heliotrope and cat's eye increase the desire to be close to family and friends.

From April 12-20, the third decade begins. People who were born during this period are characterized by a combination of purposefulness with idealism. The result can often be weak will, timidity, insecurity. For men born in this decade, the following talisman stones are suitable:

  • diamond;
  • zircon;
  • red, blue and white rubies;
  • sapphire;
  • pomegranate;
  • coral;
  • hematite;
  • red jasper.

Sapphire and red yakhont contribute to strengthening masculinity, firmness in achieving the goal. Semi-precious stones increase passion, with their help the influence of the patron of Mars increases.


They give a man additional positive qualities character. The talisman stone is not a talisman, because it protects a person from internal dangers and negative emotions. And the amulet is protection from external influence.

Talismans may be identical in form, but different in functionality. It can be a ring or a bracelet, which contains a certain energy program. Often it has a mental character, which is created by the ritual. In this situation, the material from which the talisman was created does not matter. It only increases or decreases efficiency.

Energy is in the structure of the mineral itself, so magic is not needed.

Each mineral, suitable for this zodiac sign, has a strong energy. Thus, they can noticeably influence the mood and life of their wearer. But we must remember that talismans are not omnipotent, and they cannot protect against rash and risky actions.


Let's analyze which stone is suitable for Aries men to improve the financial sector.

  • To attract good luck in money, you need a heliotrope. It contributes well to the development of business and the emergence additional sources wealth.
  • Carnelian will help you invest correctly. He is also responsible for thrift.
  • The diamond will favor the achievement of the goal, but it must be handled very carefully.


Diamond and heliotrope are talisman stones that have a beneficial effect on the well-being of Aries. Heliotrope has a strong hemostatic effect. It is useful for those who have blood pathologies, diabetes, and convulsions. Diamond improves mental activity.


For increase male power and passions, such stones according to the zodiac sign Aries as:

  • red ruby;
  • red jasper;
  • cornelian;
  • coral;
  • pomegranate.

harmony in the family and mutual love will help to achieve a cat's eye. A charm with a diamond love sphere promotes purity, devotion and sublimity of feelings.

How to wear

Talismans are often worn so that they are not visible to the eyes of others. But precious stones have a natural protective power, so they are not afraid of negativity. If it is in a ring or a ring, then this is a double protection, since it has the power of a protective circle, personifying the wheel of life.

It is necessary to put on amulets on the left side. Talismans are worn with right side. It has to do with the perception of energy flows. The left limb receives them, but the right one gives them.

Any artifact can be in the center of the body, such as a tie clip. The effect of it will increase if it comes into contact with the skin. If you wear several stones and artifacts, there is a small risk that they will weaken each other's effect. It is undesirable to use red pebbles, as they will provoke the appearance of aggression.


To avoid contradictions, you need to know how to properly combine talismans with each other.

  • It is undesirable to combine a rough diamond and ruby ​​with garnet, rose quartz, jasper, heliotrope.
  • Coral and quartz are incompatible with garnet, yahont, agate, jasper, carnelian, diamonds and zircon.
  • Garnet and jasper cannot be combined with diamonds, zircon, pearls, yahonta and black agate.
  • Dark agate is forbidden to combine with diamond, zircon, ruby ​​and coral.
  • Amethyst has no contraindications.

The following minerals are allowed to be combined:

  1. Diamond and ruby ​​are allowed to be combined with minerals such as agate, coral, lapis lazuli, carnelian, amethyst.
  2. Coral and quartz are combined with amethyst and sapphire.
  3. Pomegranate and jasper can be combined with heliotrope, agate and sapphire.
  4. Amethyst will enhance energy together with adamant, quartz, blue agate.
  5. Sapphire and blue agate will go well with diamond, zircon, amethyst, yahont, heliotrope, jasper.
  6. Dark agate can be combined with carnelian and moss agate.

The right stone can be an excellent gift for a loved one, but a woman should carefully select it before giving it.
