For a woman, a fish is a charm of a stone. What gems are suitable for a Pisces woman

  • 26.09.2019

The most mysterious Sign in the astrological horizon. Outwardly, very nice, sensitive, kind representatives of the Sign, do not always themselves know what they want from the world around them and from themselves in the first place.

Their creativity and talents are unmatched, but they rarely make significant headway in this field, preferring to "go with the flow." Pisces love both recognition and material goods, but they will not bother themselves with finding a way to acquire them.

They have all the inclinations for self-development and improvement, but Pisces lacks determination and perseverance to achieve any success in this direction. Representatives of this Sign are characterized by frequent mood swings, for no apparent reason, cheerful and cheerful Pisces suddenly become melancholic and apathetic, then suddenly again acquire optimism and faith in a wonderful future.

Friendly and sympathetic representatives of the Sign are very trusting and terribly dependent on other people's opinions. Often, Pisces become losers, not so much because of their own laziness or unwillingness to fight difficulties, but because of the ability to let through all other people's negativity and take negative emotions of strangers to heart.

Combination of stone and date of birth

Saturn (02.21 - 03.01) - bloody jasper, tiger's eye - will make the romantic and dreamy representatives of the Sign, who were born in this period, descend from heaven to Earth and change their lives for the better.

Jupiter (02.03 - 11.03) - hairy, coral, opal - are indispensable for Pisces who want to achieve recognition and glory.

Mars (12.03 - 20.03) -, tourmaline, chrysolite, are indispensable for those who want to achieve all the benefits of civilization on their own, representatives of this Sign.

  1. Opal. The mineral gives the representatives of the Sign inexhaustible energy to maintain family and friendly relations, will become a reliable protector from other people's evil and envy, and will give a good supply of physical and spiritual stamina.
  2. Jet. A reliable and proven protector of the creative and mental potential of the owner, who was born under the sign of Pisces. Often, representatives of this Sign rush to defend other people's interests, they themselves become victims of malicious intent. The amulet with jet will reliably "cover the back" of its owner in such a situation, make him be more careful.
  3. Heliodor. Responsible for the mood of Pisces, gives them new hopes and faith in their own capabilities, raises the fallen mood of the owner, preventing depression and apathetic states.
  4. Moon rock. It will have a calming effect on the owner, remove nightmares from dreams and the habit of being nervous about trifles.
  5. Aquamarine. Will teach Pisces to think more about their own interests than about outsiders, will make the owner not waste on helping people who are not worth it.
  6. Jasper. It will bring more real, grounded interests into the life of the owner, reduce the owner's dreaminess, remove "rose-colored glasses" from his eyes.
  7. Chrysolite. It will make you fall in love with your appearance, will give you an awareness of your own beauty and attractiveness, confidence in your own importance.
  8. Coral. It will give the owner courage in solving important issues, decisiveness in defending his own interests. The stone tries to attract to the side of the owner as many interesting events as possible that can enrich his beloved owner. Talisman with coral will reliably protect against all manifestations of alien magic, strengthen logic and intuitive thinking. Also, the coral will try to comprehensively strengthen the physical health of its favorite.
  9. Hematite. The mineral will come in handy for Pisces who want to change their usual life. The gem will strengthen physically and spiritually, suggest the necessary solutions and give strength to implement the innovative aspirations of the owner. The mineral will make his pet a little more stubborn, but will not allow him to turn into a narrow-minded fanatic of his business.

Stones for a woman born under the sign of Pisces

Stones for a man born under the sign of Pisces

Nephritis. He is able to turn the representatives of this sign into a worthless sufferer, carrying his heavy cross with a martyr's air. The mineral will surround the Fish with loneliness, repelling people close and dear to him from the owner.

Pisces are the antagonists of Virgo, so sardonyx, jasper, yellow topaz and olivine are completely unsuitable for them. These stones have a fairly strong energy, just like all minerals of intense red color, they greatly harm the subtle the spirit world representatives of this Sign of the Zodiac, both physically and mentally. For example, all shades force the representatives of this Sign to treat close and dear people with cruelty unusual for this Sign, which, undoubtedly, can lead to a split personality on the spiritual level.

Picking up precious or semi gems as a gift to a person born under the sign of Pisces, one should remember about the subtle mental organization of this Sign, about the extraordinary sensitivity and inner emotions that he experiences practically from the moment of his birth until his death. Therefore, the selected gem should not dominate. Its purpose is to support and protect the owner in difficult times or when solving difficult problems and fulfilling their own plans.

All gemstones recommended for the representatives of the Sign should be left alone with themselves from time to time, so that the negative accumulated in the mineral can leave the jewelry or talisman, allowing the gems to be purified and with renewed vigor to attract the luck and protection of the Universe into the life of Pisces.

Each zodiac sign has its own talismans that have an impact on a person's life. Using your mineral, you can get rid of bad qualities, gain energy, which is sometimes so lacking.

Those people who were born under the zodiac sign of Pisces are considered mysterious. In addition to this character trait, people born under this sign are active in social life... They enjoy life, are in good location spirit. Such people attract the attention of others, make a good impression. This sign is able to sympathize, but is unable to fully understand itself. They are characterized by lack of initiative.

February 21 - March 1 is the first decade in which truly dreamers and romantic natures are born. The patron saint of Pisces is Saturn, which affects isolation and remoteness from everyday problems. For such people, gems with strong energy are suitable. For example, aventurine, blood jasper, amethyst, moonstone, tiger's eye.

March 2-11 is the second decade that affects the honesty and frankness of Pisces. The patron saint of people born during this period is Jupiter. Its influence is manifested in the desire for recognition, universal love and glory. Minerals that help for this purpose: pearls, corals, hairy, opal.

March 12 - March 20 - the third decade. Pisces born during this period are under the influence of Mars. Specific traits their character: capriciousness, fervor, sociability. Such representatives are characterized by independence and a desire to achieve their goals. Their talismans: emeralds, diamond, alexandrite, chrysolite, sapphire, aquamarine, tourmaline.

You should pick up a charm according to the horoscope. Science says that the patrons of Pisces are moonstones, chrysolite, aquamarine and pearls. Sapphires, amethysts, emeralds have a positive effect on humans. The talismans also include opal, amber, jade and garnet.

In addition to favorable amulets, there are those that should be avoided by Pisces. These are yellow topaz, rubies, serpentine, diamonds, quartz.

Stones depending on the year of birth

  • for those born in the year of the Pig, a moonstone is suitable;
  • pearls are suitable for the year of the Dog;
  • aquamarine is needed for those born in the year of the Rooster;
  • Opal is needed for the Monkey;
  • will bring good luck and success to Sheep pomegranates;
  • for Horses choose aquamarine;
  • chrysolite is suitable for both Serpents and Dragon;
  • for the year of the Rabbit ideal option pearl stones will serve;
  • Tigger - amethyst;
  • the tiger's eye will have a beneficial effect on a person born in the year of the Ox;
  • the pomegranate will suit the Rat.

You should know which mineral is suitable for Pisces. It is also important to focus on intuitive sensations, harmony with the stone, which will become your talisman.

Stones for women

A number of talismans are suitable for girls that they possess magical properties. Matching stones in this case are lunar, aquamarine, chrysolite, pearls. Moreover, the last talisman needs to be presented, self-purchase is not recommended. A jewel adorned with pearls is perfect as a gift. According to ancient traditions, pearl jewelry is presented at the engagement. This is a symbol of love, which will bring the owner not only happiness, but also good luck.

When choosing which gems are suitable for a girl, you should focus on individual preferences, the sensations that arise next to the talisman.

For emotionally unstable Pisces, an aquamarine stone is suitable. It stabilizes the state of inner harmony, helps to concentrate. This has a good effect on the mental work of a person, in particular at work or during the educational process.

For the active zodiac of Pisces, Chrysolite is suitable. A person who is actively involved in sports, for example, professional athletes, requires a small amulet. Mineral helps to avoid injuries, risks that come with the life of such people.

A creative zodiac sign requires the use of a special stone. The lunar talisman is suitable for a sensitive, emotional person. It accompanies the attraction of success in creative activity, harmonizes the emotional state of the girl. V love relationship pleasant changes will take place. Jewelry based on this stone looks great.

Note! The pendant with the image of two fish with the eyes of the necessary stones has the strongest energy. This option will have the greatest positive impact.

When choosing which stone is suitable for fish, women, they rely on character, features of its characteristic features. It is worth noting that Pisces women are well-groomed, refined natures. At the same time, they have special modesty. Their pursuit of excellence and charm remains the same with age.

Aquamarine, emerald, amethyst, or sapphire are suitable for a woman. Each gem has its own healing, magical properties.

Discerning, wise and honest Pisces will do well with aquamarine.

For leaders, people with a tenacious grip, an emerald is suitable. The stone will only increase the success of a woman at work, help in attracting profits. In addition, emerald has a beneficial effect on family harmony.

For the elderly, amethyst is best suited. The mineral is a symbol of goodness and peace, which preserves health and positive mood.

Strong magic stone for Pisces, sapphire is. The stone should be chosen by women who are confident in themselves, strong in character. Sapphire will bring success to such personalities.

Stones for men

Choosing which stone is suitable for fish men, take into account its complexity of communication with people, inner worldview. When choosing a talisman for a man, choose aquamarine. Thanks to its energy, it contributes to spiritual development, strengthening of intuitive feelings. The gem protects from bad influence, or intrigue.

Another advantage of this choice is to increase the man's confidence. The energy and strength of the man's body increases. This zodiac sign becomes emotionally balanced, begins to understand its inner world.

Correctly selected jewelry for men promises success and prosperity from a financial point of view, teaches you to take care of others.

Another stone is chrysolite. The talisman has an energy that favorably affects the professional activity and financial well-being of a man. There are positive changes in the behavior of the stronger sex: courage, improvement in public speaking, patience, thoughtful making of important decisions.

Stones for the sign, talismans and amulets

American designer Jeni Kwon wrote: "Jewelry has the power to be that little thing that makes you unique." It is easy to agree with this expression. After all, correctly selected jewelry will only emphasize the charm, individual character traits of the personality.

Fish are prominent representatives of the water element. The color of jewelry can be green or blue.

There are a number of charms that have a beneficial effect on the life of a Pisces:

  • gives courage, self-confidence aquamarine. The gem helps to open up from the side of sensitivity, to show charisma;
  • focuses on problem solving, promotes logical development chrysolite. Its use has a beneficial effect on the financial position, profit rationalization;
  • unsure individuals will be helped by jade. It is a companion to Pisces who have irresistible desire change something in yourself and your life. Its peculiarity is the possible darkening. This is an alarming sign that promises imminent danger, or sin. Jade pendants, or other jewelry help to establish family relations, achieving harmony;
  • relieves of unnecessary worries, "uncertainty" rock crystal. Its influence is beneficial in the field of communication with people. To maintain prosperity in the house, it is necessary to store a large mineral. Also positive side its use has been observed in the health sector. Often, it is for medicinal purposes that it is acquired;
  • strength, life energy is embodied in disgrace. Amulets made of such a stone protect the Fish from bad energy. Changes are also observed on the part of improving mental work, strengthened fortitude;
  • calms, protects from thoughtlessness, emerald clears thoughts. It is often used during meditation. Its energy contributes to the fact that a person begins to hear himself and understand his own inner world;
  • instills the desire to learn new things, to improve the jasper;
  • for the brave representatives of this horoscope sign, hematite is suitable. It gives a boost of vivacity, increases a person's stamina.

Semiprecious stones are distinguished separately: quartz - hairy, almandine, agate, carnelian, beryl. This category also includes carnelian (neutral stone for fish), labrador, onyx.

Stones that are contraindicated for the sign

It is clear which stones are suitable for fish women. It is also important to highlight a number of stones that should be discarded.

Prohibited stones for the zodiac sign Pisces:

  • pyrope;
  • black onyx;
  • quartz;
  • carnelian - it will not harm, but it will not give any benefit either. It can be a beautiful decoration, nothing more;
  • yellow topaz;
  • ruby;
  • turquoise;
  • yellow diamond;
  • coil;
  • blue topaz.

Bright, red stones contribute to the manifestation of excessive aggressiveness in the behavior of Pisces.

Video on the topic: Stones talismans for Pisces


In general, we can say that Pisces is a rather controversial sign of the zodiac. They do not have a clear guideline where to move along life path... Despite this, this zodiac sign strives for perfection, constantly evolving. This is a manifestation of perseverance and determination.

Stones have different properties, are not suitable for everyone. By choosing the right stone, it will become your amulet, will affect the life of the Pisces. The talisman gets rid of the bad side, replenishes vitality.

Approach the choice of your stone seriously, focus on individual character traits and inner world.

As you know, Pisces is one of the most sensitive and receptive signs of the zodiac. They easily recognize not only the mood of other people, but sometimes, as it seems to those around them, thoughts. However, they almost never use this knowledge. After all, Pisces, like no one else, is far from the image of manipulators, they do not like to act. These are creative people, and often they, in addition to this, manifest the world of fantasy they like much more than the real one. If the Sun in the horoscope of the representatives of this sign is damaged, they may try to abstract from what is happening around them with the help of drugs, alcohol or virtual life. What stones are suitable for Pisces, this touching and, as a rule, defenseless sign in the face of the surrounding reality?


If a particular type of pearl may be suitable for representatives of other signs, then in the case of Pisces there are no such restrictions at all. River and sea, pink, black or white - in a word, you can choose whatever your heart desires. The main function of pearls in this case is to minimize the number of actions and actions performed on impulse. Why should he be sure to be mentioned when it comes to which stones are suitable for Pisces? Quite often in life they are guided by impulses, and later they begin to suffer because of their behavior, regret some perfect deeds and their consequences. At the same time, pearls give Pisces the opportunity to become balanced, harmonious and calm. Its influence allows you to get rid of internal grievances and direct all forces to spiritual development, finally, to become an interesting whole person.


What other stones are suitable for Pisces? Of course, these are all kinds of talismans and crystal products. The sensitivity of these people often becomes the reason for their resentment, they often harbor anger, displeasure, envy inside for a long time. And it is crystal that allows you to cleanse your soul of such negativity, learn to live in a positive way and not spoil your mood because of little things.


Another stone that is definitely worth mentioning when studying which stones are suitable for Pisces is, undoubtedly, spinel. It is no secret that without a reliable patron on whom you can rely and trust him 100%, it is often difficult for Pisces. Spinel, which attracts financial well-being, love and good luck to a person, can become just one.


The people often call it a "healer stone". When choosing which stone is suitable for Pisces men and women equally, it is worth stopping your choice on it. It is the amethyst that protects its owner from a variety of addictions, in particular from drunkenness. The healing abilities of this are also manifested in the spiritual plane: with the help of it, it is easier for Pisces to find and choose reliable and loyal people as friends. Like spinel, it attracts love and luck and opens up many new perspectives for a person.


When studying which stones are suitable for Pisces, it is impermissible not to mention coral. After all, it is he who makes it possible to discover and develop one of the most strengths its owner - intuition, enhances the gift of clairvoyance. And in general, coral has a very good effect on the psyche.


Emerald can also be advised for those who are looking for which stone is the sign of Pisces. It is extremely beneficial for memory, normal functioning nervous system maintaining internal balance... Also, the emerald brings happiness and prosperity to the family.

Girls born under the sign of Pisces are very sentimental and feminine, so discreet, transparent or light shades of jewelry are ideal for them. As a talisman, you can use minerals that resemble the sea, since people born in the period from 20.02 to 20.03 belong to the element of Water. The stone for the Pisces woman should be one that can skillfully emphasize the tenderness and sophistication of its owner and at the same time become reliable protection from the intrigues of enemies, negative energy sent from the outside and their own bad thoughts.

The water sign of the zodiac is patronized by the mysterious Neptune - the planet of dreams, unrealizable fantasies. This information is enough to understand which stones are suitable for Pisces women. will become the most powerful amulet for an impressionable and modest girl, but in order for this noble gem to bring happiness and good luck in business, it is necessary to make an engraving on it in the form of a swan, eagle, horse or deer.

Those who were born in the third decade of the Pisces sign should also pay attention to aquamarine. These stones can only be worn by a trusting, kind and honest girl. will be an excellent assistant in the search for a decent job, he will quickly find mutual language with colleagues and stay in place for a long time. This mineral is not suitable for capricious individuals who do not know what they want from life. The stone for the Pisces woman is a source of inspiration, therefore, opal, which awakens the potential of creative personalities, will serve as an excellent talisman.

To protect against the evil eye and heal the cardiovascular system, it is worth wearing coral jewelry. Emerald is able to improve memory, relieve depressive mood, but it must be inherited or donated from the soul. Stones for Pisces women are protectors and amulets from surrounding troubles. The most powerful talisman is pearls of any color. This sea or river mineral is considered a symbol spiritual development and harmony. It helps to make the right decisions, protects against rash actions, brings happiness and promotes longevity.

A stone for a Pisces woman should be associated with water, and who, if not aquamarine, resembles a drop of sea water! This mineral personifies the soul of the ocean, therefore it is considered a talisman for sailors. The gem gives courage, gives self-confidence, teaches calmness and restraint. Aquamarine is able to reflect the mood of its owner: if everything is fine with it, then the stone shines and glows with an inner light, if the owner is sick or failures await him, the mineral fades.

The stone for the Pisces woman must still be endowed with magical properties. This is amethyst, but it is not recommended to wear it constantly. Lilac-purple mineral gives peace of mind and pacification, promotes the sympathy of others, helps to overcome unreasonable fears and anxiety, to become kinder. The talisman strengthens the social status of the owner, helps to fight, makes a person brave, cheerful and aware of eternal values.

Pisces is the most mysterious but energetically vulnerable sign of the Zodiacal circle. Therefore, natural mineral helpers are of particular importance to him. Well-chosen stones for Pisces will share their strength, and a person will become a healthy self-confident optimist.

What stones should be for Pisces

Astromineerologists have found that each Zodiacal constellation there is an ally in the kingdom of minerals. They also established that the element of man must correspond to the element of stone.

The best stones for Pisces as a sign of Water are translucent or opaque (moonstone, aventurine, pearls, topaz, aquamarine).

You can use gems of a friendly element. For Water, this is Earth. It includes lapis lazuli, turquoise, heliotrope, cacholong, coral, and others.

Fish stones

Aquatic minerals have zero compatibility with fire minerals. Talismans in such a combination are useless, since the energies of the elements will destroy each other.

The main stones of Pisces are pearls, opal, selenite, cacholong.

Pisces is the only sign in the zodiacal circle with which pearls are friends.

The use of "air" minerals requires caution: together with water stones in jewelry, they create vibrations that are uncomfortable for sensitive natures.

Select by date of birth (decade)

Astrologers suggest choosing a stone talisman by date of birth.

February 21 - March 1

These romantic persons are patronized by Saturn. Minerals suitable for Pisces of this decade are energetically powerful: aventurine, amethyst, jasper, selenite, tiger's eye. The stones will reduce the degree of dreaminess in Pisces, will help to look at things pragmatically. Leave alone speculative problems, paying attention to everyday life.

Stones suitable for fish by date of birth

March 2-11

Mighty Jupiter takes care of those born in the second decade. They have a soul wide open, but with an admixture of vanity. They need to wear golden hairy quartz, heliotrope, pearls, coral, light opal.

Light opal

Having guessed with the option by date of birth, they realize the desire to be recognized by others.

12 - 20 March

The curator of the final ten days of Pisces is the warlike Mars. People born these days are purposeful, cheerful, sociable. But these are perfectionists, sometimes making increased demands on themselves and the environment. They value earthly joys and seek them out. The best Pisces stones of this period are alexandrite, aquamarine, sapphire, chrysolite, emerald, tourmaline.

Gems that fit according to the canons of astrology will allow you to achieve results without regard to someone else's opinion. Creative natures mood swings are easier to overcome with them.

Depending on the year of birth

You can choose a gem according to the Eastern horoscope:

  • Rat... Will soften the tough temper of the owner, make pomegranates more forgiving to people. Along the way, it will add strength for great achievements.

  • Bull. Tiger's Eye will become a strong support and protection in problem situations. It will help develop intuition in order to avoid mistakes and correctly interpret doubtful signs.
  • Tiger... Amethyst will become a tool in the implementation of creative ideas or projects. The person will become financially independent.
  • Rabbit (Cat)... Pearls will be an amulet against curses, evil eye, damage, a talisman for life. The owner will first think, then act (and not vice versa), choose expressions.
Gold earrings with pearls
  • The Dragon... Chrysolite is better than others according to the horoscope. He will make the owner a confident, solid, more sociable person.

Gold ring with chrysolite
  • Snake... Chrysolite will make you believe in yourself and your external attractiveness, look at the world more confidently, be kinder to people.

  • Horse... Too much emotion neutralizes aquamarine. Jewelry with a gem is especially necessary for people prone to panic if something went wrong.
  • Goat... It will smooth out the roughness of the character, energize the owner, add a pomegranate decoration to optimism.

  • Monkey... Opal will tell you how to make your dream come true. Will bring peace to the soul, burning with righteous anger. It will help reason prevail and choose a new vector of life.

  • Rooster... The Rooster's immoderate boast will be diminished by aquamarine. The gem will force you to control yourself, keeping your cool in a force majeure situation.

  • Dog... An accessory or a pearl bead will be a talisman and amulet at the same time. The mineral will make the owner invulnerable to negativity, wean him from the tendency to gossip or backbiting.

  • Pig... The moonstone will add strength, relieve fatigue or stress. The person will become an optimist.

You can use the power of talismans in jewelry or individual crystals. But they must be natural.

Woman Pisces stones

Astrology for the Pisces woman advises the following gems as allies:

  • Cacholong. Stone number one. Rare beautiful view(the second name is pearl agate) is needed by a lady of any age, social or family status. It will help doubters make a decision, trust people, and is able to protect against tears and disappointments. The hostess is not threatened with betrayal or reasons for jealousy. She will believe in herself more. Suitable for a teenage girl.

  • Aquamarine... Needed for anyone who doubts personal attractiveness. Will add confidence, courage, independence. The owner of the stone will easily achieve goals, calmly react to problems. The gem will warn you of potential danger or disease by clouding.

  • Selenite(moon rock). Heals body and soul (especially the female sphere). Will awaken in the "iron lady" natural femininity and fragility. To make the union strong and long, they "organize" a gift of jewelry with a mineral from the second half. If you need to find it, use the "moon" accessory.

Besides these "three whales", there are other stones that are appropriate for Pisces women.

Older women mascot - amethyst... The gem will help a woman to be healthy physically and emotionally.

Pisces women are well suited for the emerald stone. This is the boss lady's best ally. He will attract and provide business success, financial abundance and family well-being.

Sapphire is considered to be energetically strong, therefore it is acceptable only for a self-sufficient Pisces woman.

Pisces stones men

Stones suitable for a Pisces man - pearls, aquamarine, amethyst:

  • A good luck mineral that guarantees a positive outcome of affairs and financial abundance. Protects people of knowledge or business. Teach you to take care of loved ones, without neglecting personal interests.

  • Aquamarine... It is necessary for people working on themselves: it will sharpen their intuition, establish a channel of communication with Higher powers... Will teach you how to neutralize intriguers or envious people. Neludimov will make you more open and sociable.

  • Amethyst. It will become a "battery" for the body, especially the exhausted one. Will tell you how to use your inner potential in order to develop harmoniously, believe in yourself, understand the world... The mosaic of talents and abilities will form a single puzzle. Necessary for those who are unable to cope with emotions or alcohol addiction... Heals the body as a whole.

A narrower specialization for other gems intended for Pisces.

Sapphire is indispensable for health, since it protects against diseases, especially those associated with nerves; instills a sense of joy and positiveness.

With tourmaline, you can achieve success in the field of creativity.

Coral is a stone that brings good luck to financiers: it helps to focus, accept the right decision, establish relationships with partners, implement the project.

Individual talismans and charms

People born under the constellation Pisces are favorably influenced by Neptune and Jupiter.

They have several patrons in the mineral world. Since the sign is energetically weakened, stone talismans or amulets, on the contrary, are strong in this regard:

  • Aquamarine. It will teach you to really evaluate people and help only those who are worthy of it, at the same time not forgetting about yourself. Pisces will become bolder, more assertive, make others respect themselves.

  • Amethyst. The properties of the stone are indispensable for everyone who is powerless to say goodbye to alcoholism or drug addiction. Helps when calling "to the carpet". In silver, it is a "magnet" for money, establishes business ties, attracts lucrative contracts. It is of particular importance for women wishing to become mothers.

Pisces money stones - pearls, coral, amethyst, jasper.

  • Jet. A strong assistant to truth-lovers and a protector of the weak, it makes Pisces cautious and restrained. Increases resistance to adversity.

  • Heliodor. Semiprecious stone associated with the Sun, will pull out of despondency and melancholy. Will make self-sufficient respected people, teach you to love and appreciate yourself. Serve as a social lift.

  • Hematite. An ideal attribute of rebels who decided to swim against the tide. It will give you direction, give energy and courage. However, a person will realistically assess himself and make only realizable promises.

  • Coral. Will awaken intuition, suppress doubts, suspiciousness or self-flagellation. Any decoration (except for dark red inserts) will present the owner with love and money. Corals also help with travel and travel (but not business).
  • Opal. A valuable stone for Pisces who prioritizes family values and love sphere... Dreamy natures will receive protection from envious people, creative people will enhance their potential, scientists will work more efficiently. The gem will nourish physically and emotionally.

  • Selenite. Mysteriously shimmering moonstone will wean you from worrying or panicking about little things, to follow the words. Will evoke prophetic or pleasant dreams, will be soothing around the clock. This is a barometer of tender feelings: with the extinction of love, it dims. The new moon allows you to start life anew, discarding empty dreams and unrealistic plans.

  • Chrysolite. Will open it up for a man best qualities, will show personal beauty, adding charisma.
  • Jasper. An earthy mineral (other than dark red) will bring dreamers back to reality.

Jewelry with turquoise, lapis lazuli, sapphire - suitable options to achieve creative or business heights. They also attract wealth.

Connection with chakras and metals

For the chakras associated with the sign of Pisces, minerals of blue-blue color or indigo are beneficial.

Stones lapis lazuli, blue aventurine, amethyst are used in manipulations with the sixth, Brow chakra (Ajna). Pearls, topaz, selenite - from the seventh, Coronal (Sahasrara).

Pisces metal - silver... This is a universal natural amulet against the evil eye, disease and troubles. It guarantees success in all spheres of life, especially personal.

What stones cannot be worn by the sign

Pisces are energetically weak, natural minerals of the opposite sign of Virgo in the zodiacal circle are dangerous for them.

They will "draw out" all forces on the physical and mental plane.

Rocks with dark or red shades are not suitable for fish.: they create uncertainty, catching up with a hopeless depression.

This applies to jewelry with coral (if you want, you can pick up a green, blue-blue or olive variety) and jasper. She serves only a person who unconditionally trusts her, therefore it is contraindicated as a stone talisman for freedom-loving creative natures.

The following gems require caution:

  • opal is needed only for those who know exactly what they want from life and how to achieve it;
  • onyx- delicate Pisces do not perceive these almost universal stones according to the signs of the Zodiac; the energy of gems makes the outcome of any of their projects negative;
  • will not intrigue Emerald, but you need to wear it occasionally, in crucial moments (for example, in case of problems in the love sphere).

However, the number one banned mineral is carnelian.

He makes a fanatic-hard worker out of a person, which for weak Pisces is fraught with nervous and physical exhaustion. They will lose confidence in themselves at the slightest shake-up. The stone will complicate contacts with relatives and friends, creating an impenetrable cocoon of emptiness around the owner. Jewelry with red stones will make you aggressive.

Features of using stones

Stones talismans for the sign of Pisces will work if the jewelry is worn correctly:

  • professional success and self-confidence will provide men with silver cufflinks or a tie bar;
  • a woman on a date should wear beads or earrings with a moonstone;
  • since the energy of the zodiac sign Pisces circulates in the area of ​​the feet, it is better to decorate the ankle: the jewelry talisman is a figurine of fish on an elegant chain;
  • Only jewelry made of one type of stone is suitable for fish, a combination of several is unacceptable: the chaotic energy of gems will provoke mental disorders and diseases;
  • stones-amulets or amulets are not flaunted so that bad energy does not pass over to them; it is better to wear such things under clothes.

Suspicious, insecure or prone to mood swings, Pisces require a remarkable return from the stone chosen according to the sign of the zodiac.

From time to time they are sent to rest in a box. If it is made of wood, it is better to choose a wood-mascot of Pisces as a material: willow, birch, linden, elder or pine.