Dreaming of talking on the phone with. How to understand a dream in which you spoke on the phone

  • 21.09.2019

Dial a phone number in a dream and get stuck on the number "9" means that in reality you will remain in the cold, as your entourage weaves all sorts of intrigues behind your back.

However, the person who first comes to you or calls on the 9th or 18th will help you get out of the fetters of intriguers with minimal losses.

If you dial a phone number consisting of only nines, then in life you will have to give up comfort and convenience for a while.

If at the same time it is difficult for you to turn the disk or you do not get your fingers on the buttons, then a period of deprivation and failure will take you by surprise.

If you quickly cope with the number, then the streak of bad luck in your life will pass quickly and leave no trace.

To dial a phone number in a dream and remember only the number "9" means you need the help of a person who is superior to you in mind.

Most likely, this person will find you on the 9th or 27th, or his phone number ends with "18".

If in a dream you add up all the numbers in a phone number and get a nine, then a global event will soon happen in your life, for example, you will be given a Nobel Prize or sent to prison.

Whether the change will be pleasant or not depends on whether it was easy or difficult for you to make calculations: if it’s easy, then you can rejoice, if not, then get ready for the worst.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation by numbers

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Dream Interpretation - Phone

The phone appeared a long time ago, but even in the most popular ones this symbol is absent, since they were compiled even before the advent of this miracle of technology.

Today this is very unfair, because the phone is an indispensable attribute of our life, so it may well appear in dreams.

If you call someone on the phone, it means that confidential information will soon be entrusted to you, but you, unfortunately, will spread it “in secret to the whole world”, what will follow is better for you, because only you can realistically assess the importance of the information received and the degree her secrecy.

If they call you on the phone: in collecting gossip, to which you devote all your leisure time, and not only leisure time, you will not Starting point, but only one of the links in the chain of rumors, but this will amuse you, which cannot be said about the person around whom these gossips curl.

Interpretation of dreams from

In dreams, a person can dream of anything. Dreams are like a movie and reality at the same time, because not only do different events take place in them - familiar or unusual, but they also evoke a lot of emotions, as in real life.

This is why they are unusual, because you never know what you will experience and survive in a dream! And besides, every dream, without exception, has its own meaning, and it's worth knowing!

Suppose you had a call. At the door or telephone, joyful or anxious, long-awaited or frightening, the call of a beloved guy, former man or a mysterious stranger, or maybe even a dead person ... What did you feel in a dream - or joy? Remember all the details of sleep, they are very important for decoding.

Dream Interpretations offer many options for such dreams, choose yours:

  • Phone call in the middle of the night.
  • A long-awaited phone call, for example - from a loved one.
  • The boyfriend is calling.
  • In a dream, an ex-boyfriend called.
  • The ex-husband is calling in dreams.
  • I had a call from a dead person.
  • Hear the doorbell ring.
  • Be afraid of trills.
  • Persistently, they ring at the door for a long time.
  • Rejoice at the call.
  • The doorbell rang in a dream, but no one was there.
  • The postman was at the door.

These dreams can scare or, on the contrary, cause incomprehensible joy, moreover, regardless of the details of the content. Remember that emotional coloring should also be taken into account in the interpretation of dreams, and do not forget the details, they are especially important. So what does the dream promise?

My phone rang...

So, you had such a dream, and you want to know the meaning. It's simple, the dream book is ready to help! The main thing is to remember who exactly called you, and other details of the dream.

1. I wonder why the bell that sounded at night is dreaming. This symbolizes surprise - someone new will literally “break in” into your life, entail changes, bring a new rhythm and new colors to your everyday life.

Perhaps you will be pleasantly surprised, or maybe your life will completely change in better side beyond recognition. Expect the best and do not be afraid of change - they will lead to happiness!

3. But what is the dream of a call from a loved one, boyfriend or husband? This is a good symbol, a beloved boyfriend or spouse loves you, remembers before going to bed and thinks only of you. You will find joy and good relations with your soulmate, and if you are in a quarrel, then this will soon pass, and you will be happy together!

4. News from the former in dreams is a serious sign. If your or a man called you, then higher power give advice: take a step in new life, let go of your past that is holding you back, preventing you from living to the fullest and enjoying life. Remember only the best moments of the past, but do not hold on to what is already gone. Open up for a new life, new acquaintances, and you will be happy!

5. If you had a conversation with your ex-spouse, then you still miss him. You miss his support, and that's not a bad thing. Maybe we should talk, make ourselves felt - in a friendly, warm and open way? This can benefit both your state of mind and him too.

6. As the dream book says, a phone call from is a hint that you should not forget about your loved ones. Do you devote too much time to business and work? Remember your family, loved ones, they need you!

They rang the doorbell...

Consider what the call is dreaming of, what portends and what it promises. This is a completely different symbol that has a special meaning. The main thing is to remember who was behind the door, what you felt, and other details that took place in your dreams.

1. Hearing a doorbell in a dream - to the news. The dream interpretation does not bother to clarify whether they will be good or disturbing, but it all depends on your attitude to life. One way or another, you will learn something, receive news from a distant friend, or be surprised by unusual events around you. Expect the best, believe that only joy awaits you, and it will be so!

2. If you are scared, then in reality expect a surprise from friends or relatives. They are preparing something amazing for you! It could be a gift, an unexpected event, or something else. Do not try to find out what your friends are preparing for you, because then there will be no surprise!

3. If they rang the doorbell for a long time and persistently, this is a hint that in reality it would be time for you to tackle your old affairs. You, perhaps, put off “tomorrow” for too long, and now there are so many things that have accumulated that it is simply impossible to live in peace.

Get rid of the old "trash": solve cases that have been lying and waiting for a long time, make the necessary calls, finish projects. You will be surprised how pleasant and easy it will become for you, and how many new things will open before you!

4. Were you glad to hear the doorbell in your dream? Be sure that even greater joy awaits you in reality, and there will be a significant reason for it!

Your cherished dream will come true, it will entail amazing changes, life will be fabulous and happy. The dream interpretation does not exaggerate, and remember - the scale of your happiness and joy directly depends on how strongly and sincerely you believe in it!

5. If there was no one behind the door, in reality you should be a realist, this advice is given to you by higher powers. Give up ghostly illusions, be here and now, do not endow people with those qualities that they even do not have.

This does not mean that you should not trust anyone and not believe in miracles, not at all! Just look at things soberly, it will make you stronger. But the postman, who was on the threshold, portends unexpected news. You will be surprised!

Your actions?

Perhaps you called? Such "active" dreams have special interpretations, which we will consider in detail.

Before making any decision, think carefully about the information that you received from the dream book. Believe in the best and know that it will definitely come true! Author: Vasilina Serova

If you dreamed of talking on the phone, then this can symbolize hidden prospects, moving to a new place of residence, and even the loss of something valuable. Dream books can best explain why a telephone conversation is dreaming. For a correct interpretation, do not forget to clarify who communicated with you and on what topics.

Short but to the point

If all that you remember from the general plot is just a telephone dialogue, it’s not scary, dream books will tell you what such a vision is dreaming of.

  • Cooing with your loved one - something in reality “does not stick” with you.
  • To see a lot of noisy people in a dream - it will take a long time to wait for the fulfillment of the plan.
  • I dreamed of a telephone conversation with my late grandmother - some secrets will be revealed to you.
  • “Trash” in a dream on a mobile phone with a girlfriend - someone will play a decisive role in your career.
  • Phoned her husband, but to hear, not him - the relationship came to a standstill.
  • Listen to the conversation on the payphone of two old women, one of which loudly broadcasts - some news will cause you bewilderment.

Dream Interpretation of Gustav Miller

The phone is a sign that someone who will fool his head will appear in the dreamer's life, Miller's dream book believes. The representative of the beautiful half of humanity dreamed of her own telephone conversation with someone - a vision means that someone is jealous of her. But if the connection is so bad in a dream that the interlocutor is almost inaudible, then this means the loss of a valuable thing for you.

Friendly "chatter" - someone else's influence is good for you

Would you like to find an explanation of why you dream of talking on the phone with a man you know or with a woman? Dreaming indicates insufficient attention from the opposite sex. Spoke with by a stranger in a dream or with a woman - you will have a patron. Chatting with a man on women's topics - someone's influence will have a very favorable effect on you.

Did you have a phone conversation with your mom? Someone wise will give you useful advice. Calling my mother was problematic due to interference - do not take any steps without consulting.

A call from a betrothed, or Work on oneself

For those who are concerned about not knowing what the telephone dialogue with their beloved life partner is dreaming of, Miss Hasse's dream book gives a hint: you are very far away from each other. You wanted to “coo” with your loved one, but you couldn’t get through to him - it will be very difficult to establish contact.

The interpretation of the dream in which you twittered with your beloved guy gives Eastern dream book. The vision predicts a warm relationship that you will be able to achieve by “enveloping” the faithful with care.

A call from an ex is a sign of grief

Those who dreamed of talking on the phone with ex-boyfriend or with a girl, you need to be prepared for trouble. But this statement is true only if in reality you quarreled, parting.

Did you lose your friendship when you broke up? Lunar dream book this explains why a phone chat with an ex-boyfriend or girlfriend is dreaming: your “yesterday’s” sweetheart will help you get out of a difficult mess.

Dreams about talking on the phone have many interpretations, which depend on even the smallest details of the dream. If, when trying to talk, the connection breaks off or the subscriber is inaudible, then this is a sign indicating problems in communicating with people from a close circle, the dreamer's insecurity in his abilities. Speaking in raised tones promises a person health problems due to nervous strain. A calm heart-to-heart conversation speaks of the beginning of a bright streak in the dreamer's life. The same interpretation has a dream in which the dreamer communicates on a new mobile phone.

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    Key values

    If a person dreamed of a phone, then this portends him a meeting with insincere people who hide some important information. Hearing the ringtone - to unexpected news from afar. However, other interpretations of the dream are also possible. It all depends on the different circumstances of the dream:

    • bad sign is a dream in which a person cannot get through to the desired subscriber. This is a sign of a barrier in communicating with loved ones. If you managed to talk with the interlocutor, this is a sign of a meeting with an old friend, about whom nothing has been heard for a long time.
    • If you happened to turn the phone dial and hear constant short beeps, the dream characterizes the dreamer as a person who is unsure of himself and his abilities. He needs not to succumb to such strong self-criticism and carefully consider his every decision.
    • Talking for a long time with someone on the phone is a big family scandal due to the dreamer's inattentive attitude towards her lover.
    • If you had a dream in which a person throws the phone during a family quarrel - to an unpleasant conversation with relatives.
    • Hearing a phone call, but not picking up the phone is a sign of fear of gossip and rumors about your person, rushing to pick up the phone and talk - looking for important information in reality, but the information received may turn out to be a lie.
    • Listening to the telephone conversation of other people, but not understanding the meaning of the conversation - the dreamer has a serious problem that he cannot solve.
    • The dreaming phone book suggests that the dreamer makes excessive demands on her chosen one.

    Why does a girl dream - interpretation of dream books

    The nature of the dream dialogue

    When interpreting a dream, it is necessary to take into account the mood and emotions with which the communication took place:

    The nature of the conversation The meaning of the dream
    In high tones A loud conversation characterizes the dreamer as a person who takes everything too close to his heart. This becomes the main reason for the development of ailments on the basis of nerves. It is necessary to more easily perceive life's troubles and problems.
    Calm, quiet To the beginning of a bright streak in the dreamer's life. A dream promises a married couple a romantic trip to distant lands. The trip will leave only pleasant memories and impressions.
    unpleasant Soon a difficult period awaits a person when a lot of decisions will have to be made. difficult questions with which a person can successfully cope on his own
    Heart-to-heart A sincere conversation on the phone portends the dreamer a calm and measured life, when he can forget a little about the daily hustle and bustle and enjoy the rest
    Dispute, conflict The time has come to decide what the person wanted to do in life

    Phone features

    If a person dreamed that he was buying a phone in a store, then this dream portends positive changes in a person’s life. An interesting journey or business trip awaits him, which will be exciting and will provide an opportunity to get acquainted with interesting people. Buying a means of communication can promise the purchase of a telephone set in real life.

    If you dreamed of a new mobile phone bright color - a symbol foreshadowing the beginning of a bright streak in the dreamer's life. Dark color the device promises trouble at work.

    In some cases, a telephone means unexpected news that the dreamer should receive from day to day. Some interpreters believe that a dreaming phone is a symbol of interference or unforeseen difficulties that will suddenly appear on the way. The phone also means a life choice, as often people have a choice: answer the call or not pick up the phone.

    An old broken apparatus - to solve an old problem or the emergence of new information that will be very useful for the dreamer in the future. A split phone screen speaks of the dreamer's selfishness and rudeness. This behavior can cause big scandals with best friends. In order not to lose reliable comrades, you need to think about your actions and attitude towards loved ones.

    A dreamed payphone or payphone promises a fleeting acquaintance or meeting with first love. Being inside a telephone booth is a meeting with a person who has similar interests with the dreamer. If the dreamer cannot call, because the handset in the phone booth is cut off - to receive false information.

    Seeing a telegraph in a dream - to troubles and obstacles in the implementation of plans.

    Receive a fax message - to work hard to complete the work begun, send a message - to make an important decision, on which the fate of not only the dreamer will depend.

    Who dreamed as an interlocutor?

    key value for the correct interpretation of dreams about telephone conversations, it has the personality of the interlocutor. This can significantly affect the meaning of the dream:

    Who was the dreamer talking to? Dream interpretation
    By myself with myself A dream characterizes the dreamer as a self-contained person who has serious problems with communication. It should be remembered that a person lives in society, so communication with other people is absolutely necessary for him.
    With animals An unfavorable symbol that portends great anxieties and experiences. The dreamer's worries are caused by his unreasonable fears and a sense of insecurity in himself and his strengths. It is necessary to cast aside all doubts and boldly move towards achieving your goals.
    FROM a stranger For a woman, a dream in which she had a telephone conversation with a man suggests that the dreamer is in a depressed state, as she is unsure of her attractiveness. She can safely count on the understanding and support of her relatives.
    With spouse A telephone conversation with a husband is a favorable symbol that promises an improvement in family relations. A married couple will be able to boldly face any adversity and life obstacles.
    With a celebrity The dream portends bright and memorable changes in life for the better.
    With mom An alarm sign that says that you need to visit your loved one
    With a friend Soon, relations with a friend will become stronger, since in difficult times it is this person who will come to the aid of the dreamer
    With a dead person If you dreamed of a deceased relative or friend, then this is a warning sign. He tells the dreamer that he is on a false life path. A dream can mean upcoming problems in your personal life and other minor troubles that the dreamer will successfully cope with.

    Who dreamed of a telephone conversation?

    If married woman dreamed of talking on the phone - this is not auspicious sign, which tells the dreamer that she needs to pay attention to her immediate environment. Among friends and acquaintances there are people who envy family happiness and success at work. However, the intrigues of malicious ill-wishers will not be able to cause harm. For an unmarried girl similar dream says that she has an insidious rival who is trying in every possible way to destroy her personal life.

    If a woman dreamed that she had bought a modern expensive phone, then this dream characterizes her as a person capable of committing rash and impulsive acts. If the dreamer does not know how to handle her purchase, then this indicates that at work she will have to perform a responsible task instead of someone else.

    If a woman dreams of a telephone conversation with a man or a person she likes, it is a favorable sign that such a conversation will take place in reality.

    Dial the wrong number - to a meeting with an ex-boyfriend. She will remind the dreamer of her former relationship with this young man. The possibility cannot be ruled out that former lovers will be together again.

    Men dream of a telephone conversation if the dreamer devotes too little time to his other half. Should arrange for the wife romantic evening or give a gift that she has been dreaming of for a long time. This will help bring new breath into the relationship of a couple in love.

    If during the conversation the connection is lost, the possibility of parting with your beloved is not excluded.

    If a man dreams of talking on the phone with a stranger, this is a symbol of receiving important information, which will radically change fate.

    A dreamed conversation with an ex-girlfriend promises disappointment in the current chosen one.

    Interpretation of a dream according to the Numerological dream book

    To see or hear the number of the desired subscriber - to unexpected news. If before a telephone conversation the dreamer dialed a number and clearly remembered its numbers, then the numerological dream book will tell you their meaning and influence on the dreamer's fate:

    Number Dream interpretation
    1 An unfavorable symbol, portending deceit and betrayal of the second half in reality, the result of which will be decision about parting with a loved one. This will happen towards the end of the year. If someone helped the dreamer write down a phone number with a unit, then this indicates the acquisition of real estate or an expensive purchase for home improvement. If a dream caused a person negative emotions- one should expect the insidious intrigues of enemies and ill-wishers who are trying to denigrate the dreamer's reputation and his position in society. It is not excluded that envious people will be able to get the dreamer fired from work
    2 A dream in which a deuce in a phone number was clearly remembered portends cardinal changes in the dreamer's life. If the number was easy to remember, then success in love affairs should be expected. In the event that a person has difficulty remembering numbers, a dream promises material problems, for the solution of which it will be necessary to take a loan
    3 A triple in a room is a good omen, promising big success in all endeavors. The dreamer can boldly declare his original and extraordinary ideas and projects. The authorities will appreciate the efforts of the dreamer, who will receive a significant salary increase or a new promising position
    4 The four promises a fateful meeting with their other half. The feelings of lovers will be sincere and mutual. If you managed to easily remember the numbers, then most likely this number belongs to a person who in 4 days will introduce you to someone who will experience strong feelings. If it was difficult for an unmarried woman to remember the number, then it may turn out that her current lover is married to another woman. This circumstance will become an obstacle to the dreamer's personal happiness.
    5 Sleep suggests that a person is in a depressive or stressful state. An event that will happen in 32 days can help him. The dreamed phone number will belong to the person who will lend a helping hand in a difficult situation. Another meaning of sleep is to drop all business and pay attention to relationships with your other half as soon as possible. Otherwise, after 5 days, a person will have a serious rival who will have every chance to achieve the desired result.
    6 The dream is a symbol of the mistakes of the dreamer's past. Perhaps he did things or said rash words in the heat of the moment, for which he is now ashamed. It is necessary to monitor your behavior in order to prevent ill-wishers from spreading unpleasant rumors.
    7 Calling the number with the number 7 is a symbol of the appearance in the dreamer's life of a person whom he met 7 years ago, but right now this person will influence the dreamer and help to cope with important issues. A different meaning of the dream about the seven in the phone number promises health problems for the dreamer. These problems will arise if in a dream a person could not write down desired number or call him, but this number has the number 7. However, the treatment of the ailment that has arisen will take about 7 weeks. If a friend of a sleeping person helped write down the number, then next weekend the dreamer will be invited to visit his best friends
    8 The dream suggests that the dreamer will envy the success of his colleague. If the dreamer had a chance to talk on the phone in a dream with the person he was trying to reach, then this suggests that after 8 weeks the person will achieve no less significant success in his work. The one who has a lot of eights in the number will help a person in this
    9 If you dream of a conversation with a person who has only nines in his room, this indicates the presence of envious and schemers in the immediate circle of a person. They try in every possible way to prevent the dreamer from realizing his plans and projects. A person whose number ends with 18 will help to cope with unexpected obstacles, or he himself will find a dreamer, which will happen on the 9th, 18th or 27th
    0 An unfavorable sign that promises great material losses, bankruptcy. To avoid trouble, it is worth remembering that now is not the time to sign important documents with unreliable business partners. Another meaning of sleep is parting with a loved one due to unreasonable jealousy and distrust.

    Interpretations of famous dream books and soothsayers

    Gustav Miller's dream book claims that the person with whom the dreamer is talking on the phone means a lot to the dreamer. If communication caused positive emotions, then soon this person will help the dreamer to solve a difficult life issue. In the event that the conversation was unpleasant for the dreamer, it is necessary to think about whether it makes sense to continue the relationship with this person, since he can cause big problems in life.

    According to the dream book of the great Bulgarian soothsayer Vanga, if the dreamer urgently needs to call and talk on the phone with a person, but he cannot dial the desired phone number, this is an unfavorable dream, which indicates that there are many gossips and envious people around the sleeping person. If the dreamer is afraid to answer the phone, this is a symbol of a great desire to take a break from communication in real life and retire to a quiet corner of nature.

    Sigmund Freud believes: a conversation with a specific person on the phone suggests that the dreamer is trying in every possible way to shorten the distance and get closer in reality to this person. A dream in which the dreamer calls her beloved guy, but he does not pick up the phone, promises a painful separation from her lover.

    Tsvetkov has his own interpretation of the dream of telephone conversation: a dream promises great unrest and worries about the well-being of someone close to you, but these worries will be in vain.

Dial a phone number in a dream and get stuck on the number "9" means that in reality you will remain in the cold, as your entourage weaves all sorts of intrigues behind your back.

However, the person who first comes to you or calls on the 9th or 18th will help you get out of the fetters of intriguers with minimal losses.

If you dial a phone number consisting of only nines, then in life you will have to give up comfort and convenience for a while.

If at the same time it is difficult for you to turn the disk or you do not get your fingers on the buttons, then a period of deprivation and failure will take you by surprise.

If you quickly cope with the number, then the streak of bad luck in your life will pass quickly and leave no trace.

To dial a phone number in a dream and remember only the number "9" means you need the help of a person who is superior to you in mind.

Most likely, this person will find you on the 9th or 27th, or his phone number ends with "18".

If in a dream you add up all the numbers in a phone number and get a nine, then a global event will soon happen in your life, for example, you will be given a Nobel Prize or sent to prison.

Whether the change will be pleasant or not depends on whether it was easy or difficult for you to make calculations: if it’s easy, then you can rejoice, if not, then get ready for the worst.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation by numbers

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Dream Interpretation - Phone

The phone appeared a long time ago, but even in the most popular ones this symbol is absent, since they were compiled even before the advent of this miracle of technology.

Today this is very unfair, because the phone is an indispensable attribute of our life, so it may well appear in dreams.

If you call someone on the phone, it means that confidential information will soon be entrusted to you, but you, unfortunately, will spread it “in secret to the whole world”, what will follow is better for you, because only you can realistically assess the importance of the information received and the degree her secrecy.

If they call you on the phone: in collecting gossip, to which you devote all your leisure, and not only leisure, you will not be the starting point, but only one of the links in the chain of rumors, but this will amuse you, which cannot be said about that person around which this gossip curls.

Interpretation of dreams from