How to put a bed according to Feng Shui - useful tips. The location of the bed in Feng Shui according to the cardinal points What is the best way to put the bed in the bedroom

  • 17.06.2019

In which they described all the subtleties of a successful bedroom layout. But still, we would like to separately highlight the topic of placing a bed in a bedroom, and not only from the point of view of Feng Shui, but also from the side of a simple layman who is primarily interested in the practical side of the issue.

So, let's decide on the basic rules for placing your bed, which will become the key to healthy sleep and relaxation.

Bed selection

  1. The bed should be, first of all, comfortable, moderately hard, ideal option will become orthopedic mattress, and the bed can have a frame made of flexible slats;
  2. Next is the question of functionality, whether you want a real bed or a pull-out sofa. Of course, in this matter, a lot depends on the size of the bedroom and the apartment as a whole;
  3. And already in third place is the question of her appearance- it should match the rest of the furniture and decoration of the room.


Choosing a place for a bed

  • It would be ideal if you have a small alcove or niche for a bed - then you will have a small cozy "mink" in which you can always lie down. Why many people love small, compact places, since childhood - the answer lies in our psychology, it's all connected with the mother's womb, in which it was very cozy, comfortable and safe. Therefore, many people strive to place a bed against at least one wall, or they love to make a bedroom from an attic room;
  • The next rule - it is one with feng shui - you should not put the bed on the same line with the door and window. It often happens that in standard apartment layouts, window and door openings coincide and are on the same line. So, besides the fact that it is bad according to Feng Shui, it is also not very convenient. After all, if someone comes to visit, then when open door, will be able to see the most secluded place in the bedroom - the bed. Do not forget about the drafts that always stretch from the window to the door, and this is fraught with colds;
  • A bed by the window is also not always comfortable, because bright sunlight or noise from the street can wake you up from time to time. But if there is no other place for a bed, take care of good thick curtains that will help keep you calm.

How to arrange a bed in a bedroom

Let's look at the options for arranging a bed in a bedroom using the example of one room.

  1. Bed near the wall. Good location.
  2. Headboard near the window. An unsuccessful decision, you should not put the bed headboard against the window. With this arrangement, there is not enough support, a reliable rear, since there is no wall behind your head. If you are forced to sleep with your headboard to the window, then curtain the window with thick curtains at night.
  3. Bed in the center of the bedroom. An unfortunate solution, since with this arrangement the bed does not have a “support” in the form of a wall.
  4. Bed opposite the door. Bad decision, don't put the bed opposite front door. If the configuration of the room does not allow the bed to be placed differently, put some object at the feet that would separate it from the door - a screen, a bookcase or a wooden lattice with climbing plants. This item must be above bed level

Important Details

  • If you put the bed against the wall, do not hang anything heavy or bulky on it, because it all creates discomfort for the same reasons, and besides, a shelf or some things may sooner or later fall right on you in a dream. The same applies to low chandeliers;
  • Try to place the TV or computer as far away from the bed as possible - this will help preserve your eyesight, and the harmful radiation will have time to dissipate at a distance of several meters;
  • If you love to read, take care of additional source light, as well as a small table or bedside table on which you can store books. It's also a good idea to have a light switch close to the bed so you don't have to get up to turn it off when you're already asleep;
  • There is one more important nuance- heavy bedspreads and blankets will prevent you from sleeping properly, because all night long they will put pressure on you with their weight and prevent you from freely changing your position, so be vigilant in choosing bedding;
  • An important issue in addition to linen is a pillow for sleeping - your sleep very often depends on its quality and shape. After all, as often happens, if you sleep in an uncomfortable position all night, in the morning it will be headache or worse - it can jam the nerve. Therefore, the pillow, like the mattress, should be moderately soft and comfortable.


How should a bed be in a bedroom in order to fall asleep quickly, wake up with good mood m and nowhere, nothing hurt. How much time a person spends in bed, few people think.

Sometimes you get so tired that one desire appears, to crawl to your bed, but there is no time to count how much time you spend there, I would like more. The photo above shows a sample of the design of the bedroom and the placement of furniture in the space of the room.

Experts dealing with these problems have outlined the basic principles of how to properly place a bed in a bedroom and where a sleeping bed should not be placed in order to avoid health problems.

  • Headboard on the wall with a doorway.
  • Do not put a bed under shelves, flowers, paintings and chandeliers, as well as under beams and in niches. The bed will be deprived of positive energy, which will not be able to circulate in a niche.
  • Electrical sockets and computer emitting negative energy, will also affect those sleeping next to them.
  • You can not overload and force the bedroom with plants in pots.
  • Place the bed in the center of the room.
  • Drafts occur in each room under certain conditions and open windows, so placing a bed in these places is fraught with consequences.
  • The head of the bed should not face the front door.

What has to rest:

  • How should the bed be in the bedroom in order not to turn to specialists with complaints about Bad mood and well-being? Cleanliness and order are at the forefront, no boxes and lying things.
  • The bedroom is not complete without tables, poufs (see), chairs, some have sharp corners. They should not be sent to a resting place without drapery, which smooths out all the geometric, sharp forms.
  • In order not to experience unnecessary nervousness and headaches, you do not need to hang a lot of mirrors in the rest room.
  • Cabinets may have mirrored doors, but they should not reflect the bed from the end.
  • TO positive moment applies mirror ceiling in the room, as well as photographs and drawings of animals.
  1. Turtles symbolize safety and peace.
  2. The image of a bear means strength, confidence, stability, which contributes to a deep and healthy sleep.
  3. Fish in the water cause lightness and good mood, and a pair of dolphins, with their cute faces, helps the spouses understand each other.

Attention: The head of the bed cannot be adjacent to a wall with pipes running in the toilet room or kitchen. It is believed that the flowing water takes health and well-being with it.

  • There will be no good health on a bed standing by an air duct or a chimney.
  • The video in this article allows many of the recommendations of experts to be reduced to several positions.
  1. The bed should be in the far corner, as far as possible from the front door, but so that the door is visible from it.
  2. The dimensions of the sofa or bed are in proportion to the size of the bedroom. In a large room, a small bed is out of place and vice versa.
  3. The redevelopment of the bedroom or its repair should be carried out taking into account the location of the bed away from the pipes in the toilet room and kitchen.

Small space how to get out

How to install a bed in the bedroom if not the largest room is allocated for the rest room. It’s good to think when space allows you to embody design finds and home improvement projects. Often, the bedroom looks like a tram salon, rectangular, long, with only one window and spin on this springboard.


  • If it is not possible to contact a specialist who will put everything in its place and can compare the nuances in order to answer the question of how to properly install a bed in the bedroom so that there is space for other pieces of furniture, then you can do the layout yourself.
  • Instructions and experts recommend that you first compare the length and width of the bed with the size of the room.
  • The best option would be the location of the bed along the room, but subject to a free approach from each side. In the same place, you can put bedside tables with at the head, but the width of the room may not be enough.
  • When this option does not suit the owners, the bed can be turned across, while maintaining a free approach from both sides. The passage remains small, but the room takes on a square shape and this is undeniable.

Attention: The windows are closed with thick curtains that do not let light into the room.

  • According to the logic of things, the conclusion suggests itself that for a small space it is necessary to choose light materials for curtains and necessarily light colors, so as not to reduce an already small space.
  • However, the specifics of the rest room require isolation from noise and daylight, so preference is given.
  • Many teachings agree on one opinion that during sleep, the position of the body should correspond to electromagnetic field planets.
  • Attention is drawn to the main points of the location of the headboard to the cardinal points.
  1. North serves Starting point and promotes the development of intuition.
  2. The northeast promotes the development of logic.
  3. The East gives the joy of dreams and sound sleep.
  4. The South develops the qualities of a leader with a positive reputation.
  5. The southeast develops in people a sense of purpose in achieving their goals, perseverance and perseverance.
  6. Southwest strengthens mutual understanding of loved ones and preserves love.
  7. The Northwest is chosen by people who know how to make friends and work in a team of associates and partners.
  8. The West promotes the desire to have heirs.
  • Each owner himself determines how to place a bed in the bedroom, because not everything is simple and unambiguous. Take at least a children's bedroom with its nuances or a bedroom for adults.
  • When choosing an option, personal observations of children and intuition will bring benefits. Small children are not spoiled by civilization and perceive magnetic fields, especially their Negative influence during sleep, and put their body in a position favorable for health, and adults are left to rely on their own feelings in the bedroom.

We listen to ourselves

The human body, with its mysteries and mysteries, determines itself comfortable conditions for yourself, you need to pay attention to the signals that it sends. For people who are biased towards ancient teachings and knowledge, you can listen to yourself, your intuition and make a cozy bedroom with your own hands to stay in it for a long time.

  • When meters allow, you can stay on a round or oval bed.
  • This form of sleeping bed is conducive to good rest, because the body is in optimal position and direction.
  • Try sleeping on the floor for a while before you decide which bed shape you prefer.
  • By the way, here you can do experiments for a few days and rest your head on different parts Sveta. Feeling well and deep sleep will tell you the location of the bed.
  • Even in the smallest room, it is important to determine the right option for arranging living space.
  • Rearranging the furniture will allow you to feel the quality of sleep, the price of such movements is negligible, but if after a deep sleep there is an easy awakening with a good mood, then everything is done correctly.

Summing up, it can be noted that common sense should prevail when organizing this important space, not everyone has huge apartments where you can put a bed on the side of the world or follow all the canons of ancient teachings, but everyone can afford to have a stylish bedroom if there is such a goal .

How best to put a bed in the bedroom, many owners of such premises are thinking. Its good location affects a good rest, which will be without nightmares.
The article proposes to familiarize yourself with where it is better to put a bed in the bedroom.

The well-being of a person depends on where to put it. According to Feng Shui, the head of a person should be located in the direction favorable for his well-being.
In the matrimonial bedroom, you need to navigate by best place for a spouse.
The location of the head of the bed depends on:

  • The ideal position is head to the north. Then the magnetic lines of the Earth will run along the human body.
    In this case, he receives material stability, peace of mind, good health, and in case of illness, a quick recovery.

At the same time, sleep is calm and strong, and peace and tranquility reign in the soul. Married couples begin to understand each other better, become more attached to each other, but such a situation is too calm for a teenager and an active person in life.

  • natural displacement celestial bodies corresponds to the position of the head of a person to the east, which has long been associated with the spiritual principle, with the concentration of the mind, mental forces and freedom of the spirit. In hot summer weather, it gives a feeling of coolness.

The east endows strong ambitions and ambition, gives the desire to accelerate the course of events. His energy can help start a new business, wake up in the morning in high spirits.
  • The location of the head to the west can bring love, increase creative inclinations, which is especially important for poets and artists. The direction to the west makes passion more intense, which strengthens family relationships fills life with contentment.
  • For singles who want to become famous and more successful, the head should be directed to the south. In this case, all affairs on a broad front receive positive energy for rapid progress.
  • The northeast is saturated with heavy energy. This is necessary for those who want to achieve a goal in life, to make the right decision.
    The northeast gives vivacity, but does not allow a person to relax and improve the quality of his sleep.
  • Long and healthy sleep the northwest direction of the headboard can help, which is more necessary for mature and elderly people. In this case, young and carefree, such a direction can contribute to the acquisition of leadership qualities and properly dispose of their responsibility.
  • To get rid of instinctive complexes, to increase creativity, the direction of the head during sleep to the southeast helps, which is very necessary for those who start a new business, for the influx of fresh energy.
  • Sleepers with the direction of the head to the southwest can acquire harmony and satisfaction in life. This position can improve family relationships and at work.

How it is made out, how to put the bed correctly shows the video in this article. If the sleeping bed is in accordance with the requirements of Feng Shui, this unites the successful Qi flows, increases and balances their movement, positively affects the preservation of health, and makes people more successful.

How well you need to position the bed

The instructions for installing a sleeping bed offer the following ways to place it:

  • Around the wall. This is the most successful location, a person has a feeling of security, and the bed is fully supplied with the necessary energy.
  • Headboard at the window. In this case, the person feels discomfort.
  • Central placement. This is not the best bed position in the room. There is not a single wall nearby for protection, which can be alarming.
  • Across from the door. In this case, if there is no other option, a screen or partition is required to separate the bed from the door.

The device depends on the size and shape of the room, and the preferences of its owner are also taken into account.
But still some general principles exist, and it is not recommended to violate them:

  • Niche. Placement in an alcove or a niche is the most correct version of the arrangement of the bed in the bedroom. Closed space gives comfort and safety, an example is shown in the photo.
  • The arrangement of the bed between the window and the door has a negative effect on the person:
  1. indoors, this place is most prone to drafts, which is dangerous for maintaining health;
  2. getting into the room, a stranger will immediately see the bed - the most intimate place in the house.
  • Window. There must be free access to the window. If there is no other option, close the window with blackout curtains, which will make sleep more peaceful.
  • It is necessary to ensure that no heavy objects hang over the bed: chandeliers, paintings in heavy frames, shelves with books. It will not be able to give a 100% guarantee, even a very reliable fixation of them to the wall with their own hands, from an unintended fall, which can lead to injury in a dream.

How to fit a bed in a narrow bedroom

A narrow bedroom in an apartment is quite common, especially in Khrushchev apartments. How to put a bed in a narrow bedroom?
Where to place the rest of the furniture so that there is no feeling of clutter in the room? Such problems arise when solving these issues.
When creating the interior of a narrow bedroom, compact furniture should be preferred:

  • , not a great depth wardrobes fit perfectly indoors.
  • The room will seem more spacious, when installing the bed near a smaller wall, you can put it along or across the room.
  • If possible better bed replace with a sofa bed.
  • Bedside tables can be replaced with tall narrow chests of drawers, more functional and practical.
  • No need to clutter up the room with decorative elements and accessories, even furniture should not have frills.
  • In the design of a narrow bedroom, it is better to adhere to the principles of minimalism, where methods of visual expansion of space are used.
  • For narrow room, main decorative element, as a rule, is large mirror. You can install it on one long wall. It will not only decorate the room, but also visually make it more spacious.
  • Space zoning is not a bad technique for decorating a narrow bedroom. It can be zoned in two or three zones using through partitions that look like whatnots, shelves or screens.
    Visual zoning can be done with various finishes in different zones. Zoning is necessary to "expand" the room, it makes it more comfortable and cozy.
  • Proper lighting and light wall decoration can make the room more spacious and comfortable.

Tip: If in an apartment narrow bedroom how to put a bed, you can get acquainted with the catalogs of designers and choose the option most suitable for this room.

How to choose indoor flowers for the bedroom

In today's life, constant companions of people have become low humidity in their homes and negative energy hovering in the air in the rooms, which are furnished with items made from ultra-modern artificial materials.

The first assistants in solving these issues are plants.
In addition to this main task, flowers in the house bring other benefits:
  • They make the room look beautiful.
  • They purify the air from dangerous elements, releasing phytoncides.
  • Treat such as aloe.

The question of which flower to put in the bedroom is well answered by the teachings of Feng Shui. Its supporters strongly recommend getting rid of plants that absorb positive energy, they oppose many colors in the bedroom.
For example, having sharp leaves or needles.
In their opinion:

  • It is not necessary to keep cacti in residential visits. Their spines make the inhabitants of the bedroom prickly and unapproachable, which does not contribute to a warm relationship with a loved one.

Tip: For cactus lovers, it is better to put them in the office or near the computer.

  • To diversify the interior in the bedroom with indoor flowers, there should be no more than three pots located away from the bed.
  • It is best that these are plants that enhance the feeling of love and mutual understanding of the plant.
  • According to feng shui, auspicious indoor plant for the bedroom should be red. For example, feces. It helps to avoid conflict situations between spouses.
  • You can place a small ficus in the bedroom. Most of all, it is suitable for couples who want the appearance of a baby. According to Feng Shui, when caring for a small ficus, the energy of the house is set up for the appearance of a child.

The owner himself should decide which flowers to use in the bedroom, based on his preferences and well-being.
Good health and sound sleep are closely related. One person sleeps a lot, another needs very little time, but the bed for everyone is the mistress of the bedroom.
You need to choose it convenient and comfortable, even if the price of the product is quite high, but in this case you cannot save. The best way correctly orient the installation of the bed in the room - experiment until pleasant sensations and joyful events in life come.

Chinese wisdom says: "your day will pass as you rested at night." Therefore, sleep should be taken seriously. First, it is worth changing the general atmosphere in the room, and then fixing small details in the interior.

There is a whole science about how to properly install a sleeping place, and in which direction of the world your body should be directed during sleep. If you block the flow of energy with various objects or partitions, then you will never get enough sleep and constantly feel overwhelmed and tired.

General Feng Shui Rules

The rules described below must be observed by everyone who decides to rebuild their lives according to Feng Shui. This is a set of general recommendations that will help open the passage of positive energy and allow you to establish a favorable atmosphere in the house.

How to put the bed:

  1. If you place your bed in front of a mirror, then all the energy restored during sleep will flow out of you, and you will never be able to get enough sleep. In addition, it provokes frequent nightmares and disturbing dreams. Place your bed in a position where you can't see your reflection in any position while lying on it.
  2. Never position your bed so that your feet point towards an exit or window. This bad omen is based on the tradition of carrying the dead feet first.
  3. Remove portraits and photographs from the head of the bed. The alien energy with which they are charged does not contribute to a calm and deep sleep. The same applies to figurines with images of people, crafts, handmade gifts.
  4. Place the bed so that there are no lamps, paintings, mirrors and other objects above it.
  5. The sleeping place should not stand between the entrance to the room and the balcony or window. So through you will pass through energy.
  6. Take it to another room flowering plants, if you like, leave one or two to keep the air clean. Also, Feng Shui highly discourages placing vessels with water in the bedroom, including flower vases, aquariums and indoor fountains.
  7. Get out of the bedroom workplace. If this option is not possible, then separate these two zones with a partition or screen.
  8. The bed should stand along one of the walls, that is, have a "support". Make sure that the sharp corners of other pieces of furniture and decorative elements do not “look” at it.
  9. It is very important in Feng Shui to clean the area around the bed and under it. There should be no foreign objects, only everything you need.

If you follow these conditions, you will soon notice that you begin to feel much better. Moreover, a properly directed flow of energy will help bring harmony and happiness into your life.

For adults and children, the bed should be different. For example, if the bedroom belongs to the child, then it is better to place the sleeping place in the corner so that the walls adjoin it on both sides. So the baby will have a feeling of security and tranquility.

Spouses need to put the bed with the headboard against the wall so that it can be accessed from both sides. So you keep peace and harmony in the relationship. Husband and wife should have separate bedside tables for storing personal belongings and enough free space for sleeping.

Pregnant women need to especially carefully monitor the cleanliness of the bed and the space around it. Feng Shui does not recommend moving the bed during all 9 months while you are carrying the baby under your heart.

If it so happened that a person died lying on the bed, then you should not sleep on it. Buy a new one, but do not put it in place of the old one, so as not to absorb negative energy. It would be best to completely change the interior of the bedroom. If this is not possible, then at least make a permutation.

Which direction to go to bed according to feng shui

Gua is a personal number of each person, which is calculated to determine the biofield and is used to create the best environment around oneself. It will help you find out in which direction it is better to sleep in order to receive positive energy.

Write the year of your birth and calculate the sum of all single digit numbers. If you get a two-digit number, then add it up again until you get one number. Then, if you are male, then subtract it from 10, if you are female, add it to 5. The result will be the Gua number.

The numbers 1, 3, 4 and 9 refer to the eastern direction, and 2, 6, 7 and 8 to the western direction. Please note that there is no number 5 here. If you got it as a result, then for men it will be equal to 2, and in women - 8.

Which way to put the bed:

  • North and south: 1, 3, 4, 9.
  • Southeast and East: 1, 3, 4, 9.
  • Northeast and northwest: 2, 6, 7, 8.
  • West and southwest: 2, 6, 7, 8.

If you study the theory of Feng Shui in more detail, you can not only improve the atmosphere in the house and attract positive energy to yourself, but also learn how to influence certain areas of your life, change them for the better and move internal forces in a specific direction.

In order for Feng Shui to begin to positively influence your life, rearranging the bed is not enough. It is necessary to create an atmosphere thanks to which energy can circulate freely in space and change everything around.

Color solution
If you want to sleep soundly and get up in the morning full of strength and energy, then you do not need to decorate the bedroom in bright colors. They are too heavy for the brain to perceive and do not allow you to fully relax and fully rest. Prefer calm muted shades, from light to dark.

It is better to choose textiles that are dense, especially for curtains, and pleasant to the body for bed linen. If you like paintings, then hang landscapes or still lifes that are pleasing to the eye and evoke positive emotions.

If the bedroom belongs to the representative of the stronger sex, then several bright details can be added to its interior. They will help nourish male energy. For example, put a bright blue vase or a red lamp at the head of the bed.

The right furniture
The furniture in the bedroom should not be old or broken. Be sure to change the sofa for a bed. Also near it you need to put bedside tables for personal items. If you do not have a separate dressing room and you store things in the closet in the bedroom, then it should be large and roomy. Make sure it is always in order.

In the room where the bed is located, there should not be many electrical appliances. If you have a TV or computer there, then hide it under a blanket at night. All you need is a bedside lamp and an alarm clock.

How true the feng shui theory is, you can evaluate for yourself when you try out all the tips in practice. If you sincerely believe that rearranging the bed and changing the interior will change your life for the better, then so be it. The main thing is to strictly follow the recommendations to keep the house clean and comfortable.

Video: what should be the feng shui of the bedroom

Despite numerous jokes about the culture of Feng Shui, this science continues to exist and find its adherents. Even desperate skeptics, having visited an oriental knowledge shop, rarely leave without a nice souvenir. So where do you start learning the ancient practice? It will be interesting for beginners to learn how to properly place a bed in the bedroom, because the resting place is the most important area in any home.

Rules for room feng shui

The bedroom is a place where the inhabitant of the house not only sleeps, but also recuperates after a busy day. The arrangement of such an important room should not be done carelessly. In order to make your sleep as productive as possible, it is advised to use the recommendations of the eastern sages.

In addition, the bedroom is not just a rest. For a married couple, this is also a place of solitude, so it is necessary to equip the marriage bed more than carefully.

So, basic rules for arranging a bedroom:

Bedroom protagonist

The bedroom is a place of relaxation and tranquility. It is a sea of ​​calm and recovery. The ship for traveling on this ocean will be a bed. In order for a soft ship to deliver its passenger only to the heavenly lands of dreams, it should be moored according to all the rules of Eastern teaching.

Starting the arrangement of the right bedroom should be with the choice of a bed. This is especially true for young couples who are just setting off on a "swimming trip".

What should be the bed:

How to position the bed

In the bedroom, the energy is special - the Eastern teaching repeats. To adjust its flows, you need to place the “nail of the program” in the room according to all the rules.

The most common rule that even those who have not heard of Feng Shui are familiar with is the combination of a mirror and a bed. It is generally accepted that it is absolutely impossible to place these objects opposite each other. Eastern teaching agrees with this statement. If there is not enough space in the bedroom for such an interior maneuver, it is advised to cover the mirror while sleeping.

Most ladies' magazines give general recommendations according to the location of the bed. But in a rare article it is mentioned that for each person there is a favorable zone. It is determined life goals, therefore, choosing a place for furniture, you need to follow your desires.

Cardinal points and their scope of activity:

  • The north side of the room is responsible for intuitive abilities. To enhance the so-called sixth sense, you need to move the bed to the north wall.
  • Northeast - science and education. A favorable zone for those who master a new profession or receive education.
  • The Feng Shui East is the tranquility of the sleeper. It will be comfortable to sleep here for those who suffer from insomnia.
  • The southeast is the center of strength and perseverance. Having slept in this zone, a person gains power for new achievements.
  • South. Authority and a good reputation live on the south side of the room.
  • The southwest side took charge of love affairs.
  • The west of the room is a place of fertility and replenishment in the family.
  • Northwest - friendship and cooperation, contacts.

Having dealt with the cardinal points and life priorities, you should understand how to properly place the bed in the room. There are many nuances in this matter, which completely confuses the beginners of the Eastern teachings.

Having studied all the rules for installing a bed, there are several main points:

Errors in the arrangement of the premises

The beginning of learning oriental knowledge, as a rule, coincides with the discovery of errors in one's own interior. Quite by accident, a person stumbles upon a note about home improvement and decides to attract positive energy into his life.

To determine how to properly place the bed in the bedroom, you should study not only the rules, but also common mistakes. What to avoid when looking for harmony:

Choosing a room design

In order for favorable energy flows to bring only peace, and negativity to bypass the bedroom, you should carefully equip the room. And it's not just about choosing and installing a bed. It is important to create an overall picture of the interior, drawn up in accordance with all the rules of Feng Shui.

Door. There are no special requirements for the entrance door to the bedroom. It is only necessary to avoid its mirror design. It is also advised to keep the door open throughout the day so that nothing stops the flows.

Wallpaper. Tastes are relative colors- an eternal topic of controversy. But Eastern science leaves the question of color open, paying more attention to the structure of the drawing. Especially carefully you should choose the subject of photographs if it was decided to stick photo wallpapers on the wall. cityscapes and nature not suitable for bedroom decoration. Favorable will be images made using the macro technique. For example, garden flower or enlarged dewdrops.

Wallpaper with stripes, checks and other geometry is allowed only in minimal quantities. They are usually used to limit zones, but not as the main motive.

Paintings. To fill the room with harmony, you can use both paintings and photographs. First of all, the picture should please the inhabitants of the bedroom. The technique itself and the color scheme should not irritate the eyes.

It is better to give preference to positive stories. Particularly favorable are modular paintings in light frames located above the bed.

Dry flowers and dried insects are bad manners for the bedroom. This decor will not only bring negativity, but also poison the atmosphere in the room.

Clock. The ticking of the clock can disturb the harmony, so minimal dials should be preferred. It is best if the arrow will float, and not crackle all over the room. It is optimal if the bedroom does not have a huge wall clock at all.

Lamp. A chandelier or sconce is a must in a bedroom. In order not to disturb the created comfort, you should use lampshades from natural materials. Wood, fabric or vine will do.

Regarding color in the Eastern sciences, there are no clear rules. The bedroom can be decorated in any shades. But it is worth remembering that color creates a mood, therefore it requires increased attention.

Mirrors. The presence of a mirror in the rest room is contrary to the rules of the East. It is generally accepted that the circulation of energy is distorted when it hits a reflective surface. Western culture is unanimous with this opinion. Since ancient times, all sorts of mysticism has been attributed to mirrors.

If a mirror in the room is necessary, it should be positioned so that the sleeping person does not see his reflection. Placement in front of the door, which includes negative energy, will also be unfavorable.

By the way, it is highly recommended to hang a mirror in front of the front door in the apartment. But internal doorways should not be reflected and multiplied.

Influence of color on the atmosphere of the room:

Decoration of children's and playroom

The children's bedroom needs harmony no less than the "parent" one. Toddlers are energetic creatures, so even at night they need appropriate nourishment.

Favorable will be the bright design of the nursery and playroom. It is optimal if the interior will be combined different colors and their shades.

If one baby lives in the room, place his crib and other furniture according to the "adult" rules. The same principles apply when determining where a Feng Shui bed should be placed.

In a room for several children, it is important not to mix the energy of children. The presence will be extremely negative bunk bed. The kid from the top shelf will overwhelm the bottom one. This will lead to disharmony in the psycho-emotional sphere.

Feng Shui is an ancient science. Western culture got acquainted with its concepts relatively recently. But those who have already managed to adjust their interior according to the rules of the East will certainly feel positive changes in their lives.