Flower Bloom Time - Garden Plant Calendar. When does petunia start blooming? When the gardens start to bloom

  • 13.06.2019

The sun has already returned to spring. So, it's time for us to think about what flowers to plant in our country house, so that they delight us with their flowering from early spring to the first frost. In this article I will talk about perennial flowers for summer cottages blooming from May to September

For those who are thinking about forming a flower garden continuous flowering, you need to know - at what time certain flowers bloom. Below you will find a list of common garden flowers with average flowering times for Central Russia and the Moscow region.

I’ll start, perhaps, with calendar tables, and only then I will paint about each specific flower.

Flower bloom time

This one is beautifully designed! By the way, I was recently asked about the time of flowering of daisies in the Moscow region. So, the season varies from season to season, but as a rule, they bloom in July-August.

Flowering time for garden plants

The scheme of flowering flowers during the season

And I liked this diagram because you can visually understand on it which flowers bloom when and what height they can grow. According to the signatures, I will translate - in the first row from left to right: early spring, mid-spring, late spring. Second row: early summer, midsummer, blooming all summer until frost. Third row: early summer, mid summer, late summer.

Alphabetically in pictures

Pansies bloom from April to June

Astilba blooms from July to August

Perennial aster blooms from September to October

The annual aster blooms from August to September.

Periwinkle blooms from May to June.

Marigolds bloom from June to September.

Begonia blooms from June to August.

Verbena blooms from July to September.

The flowering time of the watershed is June.

Cornflower blooms from July to August.

Dahlias from July to September.

Hydrangea blooms from July to August.

Hyacinth flowering time from late April to May.

Godetia from July to September.

Sweet peas bloom from June to September

Delphinium blooms from June to July.

The Chinese carnation blooms in July.

Calendula blooms from June to September.

The flowering time of clematis is also quite extended. The first flowers appear in May, and delight the eye until late autumn. Selecting several varieties different terms flowering, you can enjoy the whole season with beautiful inflorescences.

The bell flower blooms from June to July.

Cosmea blooms from July to August.

Bathing suit blooms from May to July

Levkoy June-August

Daylily blooms from May to July

Snapdragons bloom from June to September.

Lobelia blooms from June to September.

Poppies bloom from May to June.

Daisies bloom from April to June.

Narcissus blooms in May.

Digitalis will bloom from June to August.

Nasturtium blooms in July-September.

Forget-me-not blooms in April-May.

Stonecrop will bloom from June to September.

Petunia blooms from May to August. very beautiful and unpretentious plant, ideal for beginner gardeners gardeners. The abundance of colors will allow you to form flower beds of continuous flowering throughout the site, even without ever repeating!

Peony bloom time is June. During this period in the garden in the evenings there is simply a fantastic floral aroma. After the bud wilts, it must be cut off so that the plant does not waste energy on maintaining a fading flower.

Chamomile garden - amazing plant which I discovered only this year. Months of flowering garden chamomile - June-July. Now it was struck by aphids, but I destroyed it by spraying with a solution of laundry soap.

Roses on our site grow lush and fragrant. The flowering time of roses is almost all summer and until the frost, subject to care and regular feeding. So, the rose garden is a real find for those who want to have permanent fragrant plantings.

With roses, everything is simple - some buds fade, others bloom. I am especially pleased with our multi-colored rose, which is simply incredibly beautiful! Somehow I'll brag about it...

Fragrant tobacco blooms from June to September.

The tulip blooms from late April to mid-May.

Zinnia blooms from June to September.

Phloxes bloom from July to August.

Eschscholzia blooms from June to September.

Related videos

In conclusion, I bring to your attention a very informative video on the topic of creating a continuous flowering flower garden.

The topic of today's article is a flowering calendar for allergy sufferers, relevant for 2019. A calendar that reflects the timing of the flowering of various plants that can provoke an allergy will help you take the necessary measures in advance in order to successfully fight the disease.

Allergy, despite its prevalence, managed to acquire a huge number of myths. In particular, many blame poplar fluff for seasonal allergies. In fact, the fluff does not cause allergies, but it carries the pollen of flowering herbs over long distances - for example, fescue or timothy. Pollen can also cause an allergic reaction.

Among all types of allergies, pollinosis (hay fever, seasonal allergies) is especially common. If you have hay fever, a flowering calendar can help you take steps to ease your symptoms.

Current news for 2019

There is an active dusting of birch.

In addition, bloom: willow, maple, elm, alder,

Seasonal allergies manifest themselves:

  • conjunctivitis (inflammation, itching, pain in the eyes), lacrimation,
  • runny nose (allergic rhinitis),
  • coughing and sneezing.

Sometimes pain in the throat and (or in the ears) joins.

A more severe manifestation of hay fever is pollen asthma. Allergic manifestations such as urticaria and Quincke's edema are possible.

Manifestations of hay fever can affect both children and adults. It is important to know which plants bloom in your area in order to avoid allergies as much as possible.

In children, such a symptom as stuffy ears (up to a complete temporary hearing loss) is quite common. Sometimes children's hay fever takes on the character of severe bronchial asthma.

It will be useful to know about the probability - after all, the reaction can occur not only to pollen, but also to similar proteins in foods.

Allergenic plants: when they bloom

There are three main types of seasonal allergies.

  • spring(flowering trees). Falls in April - May.
  • Summer(flowering of cereals and meadow grasses). Comes in June-August.
  • Summer-autumn(flowering weeds). Falls in August-October.

You can get acquainted with the flowering calendar for allergy sufferers in the table below, after selecting your region.

  • South of Russia
  • Volga region
  • Central Russia
  • Siberia
  • Northwest Russia

Another interesting calendar for the central regions from the Scientific and Clinical Center for Allergology, Immunology and Dermatology:

In addition, there is from the PollenClub project. (It is not recommended to watch from smartphones, it does not display well)

In spring, herbaceous plants almost do not bloom.

Willow blooms first in March, willow and cherry blossoms in April, “earrings” appear on the birch. In May, hawthorn, cornflower, chestnut, oak, ash and wild rose begin to bloom, from herbaceous plants - clover. Herbaceous plants such as cinquefoil, chamomile and lily of the valley bloom in May. Flowers appear on bird cherry and lilac.

In summer, most of the plants that can cause allergies bloom. The allergy sufferer's calendar at this time is distinguished by a large number of herbs.

In June, cornflower, hawthorn, dope, elecampane and carnation bloom. Chestnut, clover, viburnum, St. John's wort, celandine and thistle continue to bloom.

In July, ambrosia blooms (in the southern regions), hemp, carnation, dope, elecampane. Herbs such as motherwort, wheatgrass and sow thistle bloom.

August - flowering of ambrosia, carnation and cornflower. This month is the time when digitalis, quinoa, nettles and sunflowers begin to bloom. Chamomile and thistle bloom.

In September, allergy sufferers continue to be annoyed by ragweed, as well as weeds (thistle, quinoa and nettle).

Around the end of September, a period of relative calm sets in for a person suffering from allergies. Until next spring.

But sometimes an allergy reminds of itself in late autumn, after a romantic walk in the park strewn with fallen leaves. The fact is that plant pollen can also be preserved on fallen leaves.

We have listed the main flowering plants, in fact there are many more: in the table below you can see the complete composition of the families of wind-pollinated plants that cause hay fever.

Table: Related wind pollinated plants within major families

Useful video: what plants cause allergies

Why is the flowering calendar useful for an allergic person?

Having information about the flowering of various plants in a particular area, having carefully studied the allergic calendar, an allergic person will be able to take preventive measures in time. For example, take a vacation, leave for a “dangerous” period in another area where there are no allergic plants and their flowering has ended.

Before the beginning of the dangerous period, you can start taking antihistamines, purchase nasal and eye drops, antiallergic sprays.

If you are a supporter traditional medicine, then it's time to take the mummy (a good prophylactic against allergies). Shilajit solution, as a rule, begins to be drunk for prophylactic purposes about a month before the start of the flowering period.

There is time to check the operation of the air conditioner, the condition of its filters (if necessary, and clean them).

If you carefully analyze the data, it becomes clear: the flowering calendar for allergy sufferers by region differs quite a lot. For residents of the southern regions, the duration of the “dangerous” period is longer than for northerners. Take, for example, one of the strongest allergens - ragweed. In central Russia, this plant blooms for 1.5 - 2 months: from about the beginning of August to mid-September. At the same time, for residents of the southern regions (Krasnodar Territory, Rostov Region), ragweed blooms from July to October.

Flowering time and plants in the Crimea differ from Moscow or St. Petersburg. That is why it is so important that the calendar is adapted to the specific climate zone. Today, the Internet helps allergy sufferers. It is possible to view the flowering calendar online.

Below you can see flowering calendars for some Russian cities.

What blooms in Moscow

Forecast of the level of danger for allergens in the air from PollenClub

In central Russia, dusting begins with alder and hazel.

  • Alder, hazel - end of March - April.
  • Birch - from the end of April.
  • Apricot, oak, ash, elm, maple, lilac, apple- May.
  • Willow, poplar, linden, conifers- May June.


  • Cereal - from the end of May - June.
  • Plantain, nettle, sorrel- since the end of June.
  • Marevy - from the end of June.
  • Wormwood - from July.

*Data are given according to E.E. Northern

What and when blooms in Krasnodar and the region. Kuban

The south of Russia is a special territory where flowering plants “torment” allergy sufferers for almost 8 months a year. Due to the warm climate, a large number of plants that can cause an allergic reaction grow here.

Almost every third inhabitant of the Krasnodar Territory suffers from allergies.

The beginning of the allergy season depends on the weather conditions.

End of winter-spring

Blooming trees:

  • Hazel, alder - from mid-February to the end of March.
  • Willow, hornbeam, pine- March.
  • Poplar, maple, oak, ash, elm, birch- April - beginning of May.
  • Willow - April - May.
  • Bird cherry, plane tree, walnut, cherry plum end of April - May.
  • Lilac, plum, currant- May

From herbs and shrubs:

  • Foxtail, wheatgrass, rapeseed end of April - May to beginning of July.
  • Acacia, ryegrass, fescue, hedgehog, feather grass, lily of the valley from the middle of May.
  • - from the end of May.

Poplar fluff actively helps to spread the pollen of other plants.


In this season, most of the trees have already faded, they are being replaced by weeds and grasses.

  • Chestnut, linden - from the beginning of June.
  • Corn, sorghum, barley, oats, wheat, rye- June.
  • Sunflower - from the end of June.
  • Wormwood - all July.
  • Quinoa - end of July - end of August.
  • Ambrosia - early August - early October.


The flowering season usually ends in mid-October.

  • Ambrosia - flowering ends in late September - early October.
  • Rice - until the end of September.
  • Wormwood annual- mid-September - end of October.

During the flowering of ambrosia, people feel best in the highlands.

Data on A.I. Ostroumov

Dusting calendar for Stavropol

Saint Petersburg

*Data are given according to L.G. Nikolskaya, G.T. Fedosov, N.I. Ivanova, E.F. red

When allergenic plants bloom in Siberia

One of the reasons a large number allergy sufferers in Siberia - bad ecology. Because of this, pollinosis is much worse tolerated.

  • April - May - trees (birch and others),
  • May - August - dandelions,
  • summer - cereals (fescue and ryegrass),
  • end of summer - September - weeds (wormwood).

Altai region

April May. A common allergen is birch, which is used for landscaping the city.

Tomsk region

April May. In addition to birch - maple, linden and willow.


April May. Alder and birch.

June July. Meadow grasses (bluegrass, timothy grass, ryegrass). Cultivated cereals (rye, oats).

The Republic of Buryatia

The main allergen of the steppe is wormwood and other weeds. In spring, trees. There are almost no meadow grasses.

What and when blooms in Krasnoyarsk

On the territory of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, 3 periods of pollination of allergenic plants have been established. Wind-pollinated plants are widespread. Their pollen has a small size and considerable volatility, so it is easily spread over long distances.

April May

It is characterized by the maximum content of pollen in the air. First of all, trees bloom - birch, alder and poplar.

Most often, this period begins in May, but if the spring is early, in the southern regions of the region - and at the end of April.

Not very long, but hard to bear period.

End of May - mid July

The lowest concentration of pollen in the air. During these months, pine and meadow grasses bloom.

Pollen coniferous trees heavy, hard to carry by the wind. But here it is worth being careful for those who grow them near housing.

Mid July - end of August

A wide variety of weeds and ornamental plants. First of all - haze, hemp and wormwood (found on roadsides, in yards, wastelands). Decorative - marigolds, asters, chrysanthemums.

Air temperature and humidity are the main factors influencing the dynamics of plant dusting in the Krasnoyarsk Territory.


Data on B.A. Chernyak, N.S. Korotkov


Data on K.A. Cancer


*Data for N.S. Gurina and N.G. Astafieva

Vladivostok (Primorsky Territory)

Seasonal allergies do not leave the inhabitants of the region from late April to mid-September. Proximity to China also has an influence, from the sown areas of which the winds easily carry pollen.

  • April May . Trees bloom: oak, ash, birch, alder, hazel, poplar, maple, willow.
  • June August . The flowering period of cereals and some weeds: wheatgrass, bluegrass, rye, corn, fescue, quinoa, sunflower and others.

    In June, pollen allergens are widely carried by poplar down.

  • Aug. Sept. Weeds bloom: ambrosia, wormwood, dandelion, quinoa and others.

What blooms in Volgograd and the region

The flowering season of herbs in the Volgograd region lasts more than 8 months. This is one of the longest periods in Russia.

The wind carries pollen for tens of kilometers.

A huge number of weeds grow in the region.

The editors of Arguments and Facts have prepared an entertaining infographic - a flowering calendar for allergy sufferers in Volgograd and the Volgograd region. You can check it out below:

Infographics: What and when blooms in the Volgograd region. Risk zones for allergy sufferers during the flowering season in Volgograd

What blooms in Crimea

A large number of allergenic plants bloom in the Crimea from May to August.

Main allergens:

  • Poplar (they are densely planted with city streets) - May - June,
  • Cypress - April - May,
  • Ambrosia (everywhere, especially in Simferopol, Dzhankoy, Saksky, Kirovsky and Leninsky districts) - July - October.

What else can be the reaction:

  • May - dandelion, walnut, chestnut, linden, mulberry, birch
  • June - sunflower, rye, castor beans
  • July - elderberry, wormwood

Terms of pollination of plants in Ukraine and the structure of hay fever

How to identify an allergen and treat allergies

Recognizing an allergen is not an easy task. For example, the flowering time of lily of the valley is only 10 - 15 days. Allergy manifestations (sneezing, coughing, runny nose) can be disguised as a common cold, often a person is unaware of the presence of an allergy. You need to think about this if such symptoms appear with a certain frequency (the pollen allergy calendar helps to analyze the situation in more detail).

Another warning sign

An allergic person does not feel well in windy, dry weather, but all symptoms disappear without a trace after rain. At the slightest suspicion of an allergy, you should consult an experienced allergist.

The most commonly used method is skin testing. Its essence lies in the subcutaneous injection of a small amount of the allergen. After the allergen is introduced, you need to track how the body reacts to it. This is a fairly informative method for identifying an allergen, but at the height of the flowering of allergic plants, when an allergic person takes antihistamines, it should not be used.

Allergy treatments include:

  • taking antihistamines;
  • use of nasal and eye drops;
  • for skin manifestations of allergies - ointments, creams with anti-inflammatory, wound healing and (or) antihistamine effect.
  • ASIT.

What will help from hay fever: some useful tips

  1. Help relieve allergy symptoms dietary adjustment. For example, you will have to refrain from honey (any variety). The reason is simple: honey may contain exactly the type of pollen that provokes allergies. If you are hypersensitive to pollen from trees and shrubs, reduce your intake of fruits, nuts and berries. If you react to herbs, such as fescue or timothy, you will have to give up cereals for a while (with the exception of buckwheat), sunflower oil, seeds, halva and from bread kvass.
  2. Keep your house clean. try to do wet cleaning as often as possible. This will create an obstacle to the spread of pollen throughout the house. You need to leave the house as little as possible; preferably after rain.
  3. Buy good antihistamines. But only those prescribed by the doctor. Many of the antihistamines are far from harmless, and diphenhydramine and suprastin significantly reduce attention.
  4. In no case do not combine antiallergic drugs with alcohol. This can significantly worsen the patient's condition.
  5. Visit an allergist in the fall, during the "quiet" period. This is the best time to start allergen treatment (ASIT). Remember that self-treatment is unacceptable here. The type and dosage of the drug is prescribed by the doctor.

By following these simple rules, you will significantly reduce the likelihood of an allergic reaction.

Today we will talk about the plant flowering calendar, what it is and how to use it.

Symptoms of the disease develop when the concentration of pollen in the air reaches certain values.

It is believed that a health hazard occurs when 1 cubic meter air accounts for 10 to 20 pollen grains. Naturally, the higher the concentration, the more pronounced hay fever.

The allergenicity of plant pollen is explained by the special plant protein contained in it, which is perceived as foreign by the human immune system.

Of particular danger is the pollen of wind-pollinated plants, as it is carried through the air and easily gets on the mucous membranes.

Plants pollinated by insects are not considered strong allergens for humans, since their pollen is practically not found in the air. Such flowers can be recognized by their bright color and strong smell, which attract insects.

Plant allergens are divided into three groups.

  1. Trees;
  2. Cereals (meadow);
  3. Weed herbs.

Their flowering occurs at different periods of spring, summer and even autumn, and therefore exacerbations of seasonal rhinitis depend on which plant is available. allergic reaction.

But some allergy sufferers react to several herbs, trees or flowers at once, and therefore hay fever can bother them for a long time or repeat several times over the summer.

allergenic trees

All trees are divided into two groups - angiosperms and gymnosperms.

Most often, hypersensitivity reactions occur on pine and spruce.

Angiosperms have maximum allergenic activity, most often hay fever develops on pollen:

  1. Hazel;
  2. maple;
  3. Lindens;
  4. Tisza;
  5. apple trees;
  6. Ash;
  7. Oak;
  8. Olives.

cereal crops

Cereals, depending on their type, bloom almost all summer. The most allergenic crop of them is timothy, followed by meadow fescue, foxtail, bluegrass, feather grass, chaff, cocksfoot, reed, bamboo.

Of the cereal crops, allergies are most often caused by:

  1. The wheat is soft.
  2. Sowing rice.
  3. Oats.
  4. Barley.
  5. Sorghum seed.


Of the weeds, a high degree of allergenicity is possessed by:

  1. Hemp;
  2. Sagebrush;
  3. Plantain;
  4. Dandelion;
  5. Sunflower;
  6. Coltsfoot;
  7. Chamomile;
  8. Sorrel;
  9. Nettle.

Similar antigens are found in wormwood pollen and allergens of dandelion, coltsfoot, birch, so it often develops on these plants.

Periods of exacerbation of allergies to flowering plants

Flowering of plants falls on different periods of the warm season, it is customary to distinguish three time periods in which pollinosis is most pronounced.

  • The spring period lasts from April to May. Most of the trees are in bloom during this time.
  • Summer lasts from June to August. Throughout the summer, the flowering of meadow grasses and cereals continues.
  • Summer-autumn covers August, September and October. Most weeds bloom in early autumn.

Depending on the weather conditions, the flowering of any plants can shift by one to two weeks in one direction or another. In the southern regions, pollinosis begins to appear earlier.

plant flowering calendar

A plant flowering calendar is necessary for people suffering from hay fever in order to prevent another relapse of the disease.

Focusing on the calendar, you can choose the safest time for yourself to visit the forest, river.

If possible, then during the flowering period of the allergenic plant, you can plan a vacation in another geographical area.

The flowering calendar also helps to undergo a course of preventive treatment approximately two to three weeks before pollination, which helps to reduce the manifestations of hay fever.

For Moscow.

Calendar of flowering plants by months in Moscow.


  • Hazel;
  • Alder.

March, April:

  • Pine.

May June:

  • Poplar;

April May:

  • Birch;
  • Ash;
  • Maple.

July August:

  • Sagebrush;
  • Quinoa;
  • Pigweed;
  • Spinach;
  • Beet;
  • Plantain.

June July:

  • Timofeevka;
  • Wheat;
  • Barley;
  • wheatgrass;
  • Foxtail;
  • Bonfire;
  • Bluegrass;
  • Cane;
  • Bamboo;
  • Oats;
  • Nettle.

For St. Petersburg.

For middle lane Russia.

  • Alder
  • Aspen
  • Hazel
  • Poplar.
  • Birch
  • Pine
  • Maple.
  • Pine
  • Dandelion
  • Bonfire
  • Foxtail.
  • Linden;
  • Fescue;
  • wheatgrass;
  • Bluegrass;
  • Timofeevka.
  • Sagebrush;
  • Ambrosia;
  • Quinoa.


  • Sagebrush;
  • Ambrosia.

Northwestern region of Russia.

In the Krasnodar Territory.

February March:

  • Alder.

March, April:

  • Hazel;
  • Pine;

April May:

  • Birch;
  • Ash;
  • Maple;
  • Walnut;
  • Poplar;
  • Sycamore.

May June:

  • Corn;
  • Sorghum;
  • Barley;
  • wheatgrass;
  • Oats;
  • Fescue;
  • Feather grass;
  • Wheat;
  • Rye.

July August:

  • Quinoa;
  • Pigweed;
  • Beet;
  • Sagebrush;
  • Kochia;
  • Spinach;
  • Solyanka.


  • Ambrosia.

For Crimea.

  • Periwinkle;
  • Jasmine;
  • Iris;
  • Crocus;
  • Magnolia;
  • Almond;
  • Rosemary;
  • Snowdrop;
  • Dandelion.
  • Spruce blue;
  • Honeysuckle;
  • Dogwood;
  • Peach;
  • Primrose;
  • Hazel;
  • Birch.
  • Wisteria;
  • Honeysuckle;
  • Chestnut;
  • Oleander;
  • Peach;
  • Peony;
  • The Rose;
  • Lilac;
  • Birch.
  • Honeysuckle;
  • Spanish gorse;
  • chestnut pink;
  • Oleander;
  • The Rose.
  • Geranium parka
  • Wisteria
  • Oleander
  • Judas tree
  • Quinoa
  • Sagebrush
  • Fescue.
  • Cannes;
  • Crocus;
  • Oleander;
  • The Rose;
  • Sagebrush.


  • Wisteria Crocus;
  • Cannes;
  • Chrysanthemums.
  • Crocus;
  • Chrysanthemums.

Basic methods of treatment and prevention

The most important thing is the exclusion of contact with the main allergen. If this can be done, then the slightly pronounced symptoms of the disease disappear quickly enough.

For the treatment of moderate and severe allergies, medications are prescribed - immunomodulators, enterosorbents.

To alleviate the manifestations, conjunctivitis is prescribed - with an anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic mechanism of action.

Prevention of pollinosis is to prevent the action of allergenic plant pollen on the human body.

To achieve this, you must follow a few rules:

  • Close the airways with respirators or special ones during the stay on the street.
  • Use indoor air cleaners and air conditioners with special filters.
  • After visiting the street, thoroughly rinse the nasal passages and gargle with water. Street clothes should be stored separately.
  • Constantly carry out wet cleaning in the apartment.
  • You can not often ventilate the room during the flowering period of plants.

Allergists also prescribe a prophylactic course of taking antihistamines and other drugs for people with hay fever.
This course should be carried out approximately two to three weeks before the flowering of plants, this helps to endure seasonal allergies much easier.

Blooming apple orchards are one of the best decorations of our spring. In addition, it is during flowering that the foundation for the future harvest of apples is laid.

How and when apple trees bloom

Abundantly and regularly, apple trees bloom only in well-lit places. In a deaf shade, flowering may never occur, or there will be the first single flowers closer to 20 years of the tree's life.

Apple trees bloom profusely only in places well lit by the sun.

The usual average dates for the beginning of flowering and fruiting of apple trees in good conditions (table)

Apple trees are quite durable and, under favorable conditions, can bloom and bear fruit for up to 100 years or more.

The apple tree blooms simultaneously with the blooming of the leaves or a little after it. It usually takes about two weeks from the beginning of buds to bloom in hot weather and up to three to four weeks in cool weather.

Timing of bud break and apple blossom in different growing regions (table)

Regionbud breakBloom
Black Sea coast of the Caucasus, Crimea, south of Ukraineend of March - beginning of April
Saratov, Volgograd, center of Ukrainesecond - third decade of Aprilend of April - beginning of May
South and west of central Russia (Tula, Orel, Bryansk), Chernozem region, Belarus, northern Ukrainesecond half of Aprilfirst - second decade of May
Center of central Russia (Moscow, Moscow region, Nizhny Novgorod), Kazan, Ulyanovsk, Samara, Ufa, Orenburgend of April - beginning of Maysecond - third decade of May
North-West of Russia (St. Petersburg, Leningrad region, Karelia), Kirov region, Middle Urals (Perm, Yekaterinburg, Chelyabinsk), Novosibirskfirst half of Mayend of May - beginning of June

The timing of the start of flowering is very dependent on local conditions:

  • apple trees bloom earlier in the city than outside the city limits;
  • on the plains earlier than high in the mountains;
  • on the southern slope earlier than on the northern;
  • in an open sunny place earlier than in shading.

The average duration of apple blossom is about 10 days. In hot sunny weather, flowering begins earlier and lasts only 5-6 days. In cool cloudy weather, flowering is delayed and can stretch for 2-3 weeks.

Small-fruited apple trees (ranetki, chinese), genetically related to the Siberian berry apple tree (Sibirka), usually bloom a few days earlier than European large-fruited varieties.

The Siberian apple tree and its descendants (ranetki, Chinese) are easily identified by their characteristic long pedicels

We have on Middle Volga bloom order is:

  1. The first decade of May - small-fruited (wild or semi-wild, with long pedicels, obvious descendants of Siberian) apple trees on city streets.
  2. The second decade of May - ordinary domestic apple trees in the city, ranetki and Chinese trees in country gardens, individual wild apple trees on the open southern slopes along the high bank of the Volga.
  3. The third decade of May - the bulk of cultivated apple trees in country gardens, wild apple trees on forest edges, random seedlings in the dense shade of city courtyards.

Photo gallery of blooming apple trees

Ornamental apple trees with bright pink flowers are often planted to decorate city parks.

All decorative apple trees (with red flowers, terry, weeping, and so on) have edible fruits, but their apples are most often small, sour and tart, like wild birds, and are suitable only for processing and canning.

The fruits of ornamental apple trees are usually small, sour and tart.

The frequency of flowering apple trees

Some old varieties of apple trees bloom and bear fruit in a year:

  • the first year abundant flowering and fruiting;
  • next year the trees rest - no flowers, no fruits;
  • in the third year again abundant flowering and a good harvest.

Most modern varieties bloom and bear fruit annually.

Many old varieties (for example, Antonovka, Shtreifling, Anisy) have a weakly pronounced periodicity: flowering occurs annually, but the number of flowers is greater or less, depending on the year. You can even out the fruiting of such varieties with the help of good care:

  • timely anti-aging pruning, providing annual strong growths of branches;
  • annual application of a sufficient amount of fertilizer;
  • maintaining optimal soil moisture (the apple tree is moisture-loving, and in arid areas needs watering).

On small trees with periodic fruiting, it is sometimes also advised to cut off some of the flowers and extra ovaries to reduce the load and ensure the laying of flower buds for the next year.

Only a few old varieties bear fruit strictly after a year, and nothing can be done about it. For the northern and central regions, this is primarily characteristic of Grushovka; in the southern horticultural zone, Kandil-synap behaves in a similar way.

Moscow Grushovka - an old Russian apple variety with sharply periodic fruiting that cannot be corrected

In my garden, there are two huge old Pear trees (conditionally called "yellow" and "red", their fruits differ slightly in color and taste) with clearly defined periodic fruiting. Once upon a time in my childhood, they fruited in turn (year one, year two), and this was very convenient. Then, after several unsuccessful years in a row (either frosts, or weevil, or something else), the schedule went wrong, and both Pears began to bloom and bear fruit at the same time. Nothing could be done about it. And so we live: one year there is nowhere to step from summer apples - the second year not an apple until September, when the autumn varieties begin to ripen.

Protective measures associated with apple blossom

Apple orchards are very vulnerable during flowering. If the weather is cloudy, cold and rainy, and also when strong wind, domestic bees almost do not fly out of their hives, and many flowers remain unpollinated. In bad weather, only bumblebees and wild bees fly, so it is so important to protect these wild pollinating insects, and for this, first of all, maintain a healthy ecological situation on the site and not abuse pesticides.

Bumblebees are the most valuable wild pollinating insects that regularly visit flowers even in bad weather.

Frosts are very dangerous during flowering, damaging buds, flowers and young ovaries. The only one for real reliable protection against frost can be considered only a shelter dwarf trees protective agrofibre for the period of air temperature decrease.

The recommendations reprinted from book to book on protecting gardens from frost with the help of smoke piles seem to me personally very doubtful. At least, in the Middle Volga, absolutely all classic frosts (short-term sharp drops in air temperature at night and early morning hours) occur exclusively in clear calm weather, when any smoke rises vertically in a narrow column. And from the long-term cooling caused by Arctic cyclones with a strong gusty wind, all the more no smoke will save.

Apple orchards suffer greatly from the weevil flower beetle, capable of destroying almost all buds on apple trees during the years of its mass appearance.

Apple flower beetle weevil and damage to buds caused by it (photo gallery)

Therefore, from the moment the buds open until the beginning of flowering, the gardener should regularly inspect the trees in his garden in order to detect the pest in a timely manner and take action. In a small garden, you can simply shake off the beetles in the early cool morning, when they are inactive, on a tarpaulin spread under the trees and destroy them. Large gardens are sprayed with pyrethroid insecticides no later than 5 days before bud opening. Immediately after the flowering of the trees, repeated spraying with pyrethroid preparations is carried out to protect the crop from the codling moth and fruit sawfly.

Any chemical treatments directly during flowering are strictly prohibited: pesticides kill not only pests, but also beneficial insects including bees and bumblebees.

The flowering period is a very important and crucial stage in the life of an apple orchard that requires attention from the gardener. Trees will surely thank a caring owner with a plentiful harvest of delicious apples.

After the frozen soil thaws at the end of winter and begins to pass water and the minerals dissolved in it to the roots of the plants, the stems and trunks receive the necessary organic and nutrients, and it's time to bloom: spring confidently comes into its own.

The flowering period is the process of sexual reproduction of plants, which begins with the laying of the buds of flowers in the buds, followed by their appearance, pollination and flowering, as a result of which seeds and fruits appear, allowing the plants to continue their genus.

At the same time, flowering time in different plants occurs at different periods of their life cycle.

For example, the first flowering in annual plants begins early, after the sprout germinates, strengthens in the ground and releases a pair of leaves. Other plants (this primarily applies to trees) before they start the first flowering, develop the root system and accumulate nutrients so that the flowers and seeds develop normally.

Annual and biennial plants bloom once in a lifetime, and die, having spent all their strength and energy on this process. True, among such flowers there are also perennial plants, for example, the first flowering of puya raymondia growing in the Andes begins at the age of one hundred and fifty years.

As for perennial herbaceous and woody plants, then their first flowering does not begin before they reach a certain age: in herbs, the beginning of flowering ranges from two to five years, while the flowering of trees begins in the twentieth, and in some species even in the thirtieth year of life.

Unlike annuals and biennials, perennials bloom multiple times. Some of them are characterized by periodicity (most fruit trees bloom once every two years, and oak - once every five to seven years), while in others the flowering time is continuous (this is especially true of tropical plants, such as coconut palms).

How plants bloom

Inside each flower is a pistil (the part of the flower where, after fertilization, seeds are formed that begin to grow and turn into fruits) or a stamen (it contains the pollen necessary for fertilization, it is also called the male reproductive organ), or both together.

Seeds in the pistil begin to form no earlier than the pollen from the stamens reaches the stigma of the pistil. But this requires pollination. If it does not happen in time (and it happens during flowering), the pistil will dry out and reproduction will not occur.


Interestingly, if a flower has both a pistil and a stamen, it is rarely pollinated by its own pollen: plants almost never allow this. The reason is simple: in order to form a fruit from which strong and strong plants will sprout, pollen must be obtained from a neighboring flower (this process is called cross-pollination).

Therefore, when flowering begins, it is time to avoid the possibility of pollination by its own pollen, the stamens and pistils inside one flower ripen into different time flowering. For example, the pistil first ripens, and after it is pollinated by pollen from a neighboring flower, the anthers at the stamen open. It is because of this that we can observe the flowering of perennial plants for about two to three weeks a year.

Wind pollinated flowers

There are plants in which stamens and pistils are not only in different flowers, but also in “houses”: the flowers of some plants have only pistils, while others have stamens. Such plants are called dioecious and include willow, poplar, date palm, hops, hemp, nettles.

This means that in order to pollinate the pistil during flowering, pollen must fly from one flower to another, and desired flower may well be several kilometers away. Dioecious plants have adapted to this quite original way: some use the wind, others use insects.

Plants pollinated by the wind are interesting because they never have bright and fragrant flowers, which, firstly, would interfere with the movement of pollen, and secondly, would attract insects that could well break the thin stamen filaments with anthers.

Therefore, instead of petals, such plants usually have nondescript scales that protect them from negative influences. environment or no petals at all.

Interestingly, the plants even took into account the inconsistency of air currents, so those that are pollinated with the help of the wind usually grow close to each other: birch and pine trees form forests, corn, rye and others cereal crops occupy large fields. All flowers that are pollinated by air masses create a lot of pollen, for example, only one adult corn sprout contains about 50 million pistils.

Therefore, no matter which way the wind blows during flowering, pollen will still find suitable flowers. Moreover, plants do not wait until the pollen is right in the flower, but catch them with long and fluffy stigmas of pistils: when the pollen is between the hairs, it gets tangled in them.

There is one more circumstance that facilitates the work of air currents: plants that use wind for pollination almost always bloom. in early spring, until leaves appear, which, by retaining pollen, could interfere with the process.

insects and pollination

It should be noted that this method of pollination is still not suitable for many plants, so they prefer to deliver their pollen to other flowers with the help of winged insects (bees, bumblebees, butterflies), luring them with honey, bright colors and an incredibly attractive aroma.

Interestingly, plants are quite picky about the choice of an insect suitable for them: some prefer bees, others prefer bumblebees, others prefer butterflies. Therefore, depending on preferences, they not only create the shape of flowers, inside which only a certain type of insect can be, but also open the petals at a time when this insect is awake (for example, all night flowers have a white color, since only this color is visible in darkness).

Plants that are characterized by early spring flowering, due to which pollination occurs with the help of bees, are white, yellow or blue in color - bees see only these colors. Closer to summer, a lot of red flowers appear - this tone is attractive to butterflies, which appear much later than bees. It is worth noting that White color attractive to absolutely all types of insects.

As for the honey that insects hunt for, it is hidden so deep in the flower that the bee, in order to get to it during flowering, needs to make its way between the pistils and stamens, smearing itself with pollen. After that, having flown to another plant, making her way for the next portion of honey, she leaves part of the pollen in the flower.

The time when plants bloom

The timing of flowering primarily depends on the type of plant, the amount of pollen and flowers, climatic conditions and soil quality. For example, poor or too abundant nutrition slows down flowering and reduces the quality of flowers.

It's time for flowering fruit trees in temperate latitudes of the northern hemisphere, it usually begins in mid-April and the flowering season continues until mid-May. If, due to climatic conditions, flowering of plants is observed at the end of summer or early autumn, this does not lead to anything good.

The secondary appearance of flowers on trees will deprive the gardener of next year harvest, since flowers will not appear in this place after winter: the plant will spend additional nutrients on the flowering of trees, the formation of seeds or seeds, which will make it less winter-hardy and endure winter harder. Since this phenomenon cannot be prevented at the moment, in order to preserve nutrients in the tree, gardeners are advised to pick flowers and buds from it.

Watch for flowering plants possible during the warm season. To this end, many gardeners, when planning the landscape of their suburban area, take into account the flowering season and strive to make the gardens bloom for as long as possible. To do this, they use specially compiled calendars for the flowering of tuberous and bulbous plants, where the period and time of flowering of a particular species is indicated.