Importance of insects in nature and human life. Beneficial insects Why do we need insects on earth

  • 15.06.2019

    Probably insects ask themselves exactly the same question: why does nature need people?

    Seriously, the role that insects, beetles, ants, butterflies and others play in nature is huge and varied.

    There are pollinating insects that make possible the formation of ovaries in plants and, as a result, the appearance of fruits. These are bees, wasps, flies, butterflies.

    There are predatory insects that eat other insects and thereby limit their numbers. This is important in dealing with garden pests. Examples of such insects are ladybugs, ground beetles, and some bed bugs.

    There are insect pests that spoil plantings and forests, but which serve as food for birds, mammals and amphibians.

    There are insect destroyers that recycle organic remains, fertilizing the soil, such as dung beetles.

    Insects are an important part of the food chain of organisms, and also perform a huge range of functions:

    1. Most insects are involved in the decomposition process, as soon as the animal dies, worms and larvae start up in nm that eat it, so the corpse of a sick animal does not lie and rot, infecting other animals and exuding bad smell, but quickly decomposes and is eaten by insects.
    2. Larger animals are fed, almost all small animals and birds eat insects sparrows, swallows, bats, some types of rodents, snakes, frogs, lizards, even some types of fish. The extinction of insects can lead to the extinction of 50% of animals, reptiles, birds and fish.
    3. Dung beetles territory and fertilize the soil, flies contribute to the rapid decomposition and drying of waste by sucking liquid from the object, which avoids mold and stench.
    4. Butterflies, bees and bumblebees play a key role in plant pollination.
    5. Ants plant the seeds of plants (as scientists have proven, they do this unconsciously, they drag the seed into their shelter as a supply, and after a while it begins to germinate.
  • The Lord God, having created nature, thought for a long time about what kind of living creatures to populate the Earth, it is clear that according to his plan, a person should have the likeness of God, but insects were also needed, which were supposed to play a very useful role: to carry pollen from plants, to participate in natural metabolic processes, become food for birds and insects (do not forget that the anteater feeds on ants), give healthy food to people (for example, honey bees), the functions of insects are diverse. If insects disappear from the surface of the Earth, it will be the turn of man. Everything in nature is interconnected.

    Insects are needed as food for birds and animals.

    Some insects are good for us too.

    For example, bees, they give MD, pollinate plants.

    Ladybug protects plants from harmful insects.


    It is difficult to answer this question with one answer, I will explain why. Each insect is included in different ecosystems and performs some specific role or several roles there at the same time, but, nevertheless, you can try to highlight the general prerequisites for the need for their existence in nature. So, First of all, they serve as food for other, sometimes larger animals, such as butterflies are eating dragonflies, praying mantises, spiders, etc. Secondly, there are types of insects that pollinate plants, namely: bees, wasps, bumblebees, beetles, flies, butterflies, etc. Thirdly, each insect eats other types of insects (I don't know any insects that wouldn't eat others) and a variety of food: from fruits, vegetables, juices, and ending with leftover food. Insects, feeding on other animals, regulate the number of their populations. Some insects contribute to the development of soil layers for plants, that is, soil-forming function, where organic matter processed into minerals.

    Insects are quite useful creatures. Take, for example, the dragonfly.

    Perhaps only a spider (which, by the way, is not an insect at all) will compete with its ability to destroy other insects harmful to humans. Mosquitoes, flies, and sometimes butterflies are not very small, turn out to be food for dragonflies. Even dragonfly larvae eat a huge number of larvae mosquitoes, flies and other future pests. Annoying midges would be much more on earth if not for dragonflies.

    In nature, nothing is in vain. Harmful insects not only harm, but also serve as food for birds, animals, fish and other insects.

    And beneficial insects protect the planet from harmful counterparts, serve as a source for obtaining medicines (for example, ants).

    And even disgusting cockroaches are useful. Since ancient times, dropsy powder has been made from red cockroaches, thereby saving many patients whom doctors could not help ....

    I will not repeat about bees, although this is perhaps the most amazing creature, God's creature and hard worker, about which many grateful parables, proverbs and stories have been composed.

    Many will say, but what about locusts? From it, except for harm, no benefit, but only multimillion-dollar losses!

    But not everything is so simple. The locust arranges its raids not every year on the same place, but every few years. Instinct tells her that it is useless and dangerous to fly back to where she has already been.

    But on next year after the invasion of the locust, the harvest in this place is much larger than before, thanks to the fertilizer (the locust dies by the millions, having eaten) and due to the fact that there are much fewer pests on the field, the locust destroys everything: both the crop and the pests.

    Birds also reproduce better after a locust raid, having received mega-portions of healthy protein after a locust diet.

    Insects are an essential food chain. But even without their participation, certain processes are impossible (pollinate, destroy, and so on). There is nothing on our planet that lives just like that, everything plays a role in its life.

The role and importance of insects in nature are enormous. The number of species of insects far outnumbers the species of any other group of animals, according to rough estimates, at least 108 billion insects live on our planet at the same time.

The positive activity of insects in nature is expressed in their pollination of plants, for example, about 30% of European flowering plants are pollinated by insects. Some plants are unable to reproduce without special pollinators. Clover giving in New Zealand excellent harvests, did not produce seeds until bumblebees, which were absent there, were introduced - pollinators of clover. Hymenoptera and especially bees and bumblebees play the main role among pollinators; Diptera are second in importance and butterflies are third.

The importance of insects in soil-forming processes, especially termites and ants, is great. These insects, like the larvae of many insects living in the ground, loosen the soil with passages, promote ventilation and moisture, and enrich it with humus. Without the activity of insects, for example, the decomposition of litter is impossible. coniferous plants, and where this does not occur, peat-like infertile layers accumulate. The destruction of animal corpses and excrement by insects is of great sanitary importance.

The role of insects in the cycle of substances in nature is enormous. In almost every class of vertebrates (especially birds and mammals) there are entomophages - forms that feed exclusively on insects.

No less significant are the negative consequences of insect activity. So, many of them feed on living tissues of plants, causing significant harm. Damage caused by insects is diverse and affects various organs of plants: the root system, stems, trunks, leaves, flowers, fruits, etc. called mines). In other cases, the presence of insects leads to the formation of galls, which are growths of plant parts. Both lead to a weakening of the plant organism, a decrease in its resistance to fungal and other diseases, a decrease in the production of fruits and seeds, and often to death.

Failure to take precautions leads to the introduction of pests into such areas the globe where they were previously absent. Not finding in new conditions natural enemies, pests begin to multiply rapidly. The absence of protective reactions developed over a long period of time in plants on which the pest settles leads to the fact that the damage inflicted increases significantly.

The harmful properties of insects can sometimes be used by humans to their advantage. The successful experience of using insects to limit the spread of some plants (in Australia, for example, specially acclimatized leaf beetles destroyed St.

Sometimes the transfer is made by simple contact with insects - transmitters, for example, when food is contaminated by them, etc. In this way, it spreads various diseases house fly (Musca domestica) that captures bacteria, helminth eggs and transmits them to humans. Flies carry about 70 species of various organisms, many of which are pathogens of dangerous diseases (cholera, diphtheria, etc.).

Irina Leonidovna Ermolaeva, a specialist in plant protection against pests and diseases, tells.

In our gardens there are not only visible enemies, but also friends. These are various predatory beetles, ground beetles, hoverfly flies, ladybugs, ants and spiders, which, eating, invisibly help us, destroying pests on different stages development.

To attract beneficial insects and to stimulate their active work, nectarifers should be sown, i.e. plants that attract such helpers. These are phacelia, mustard, buckwheat, carrot seeds, onions, etc. Moreover, it is necessary to create a flower-nectar conveyor - sow them in different dates between rows or empty spaces.

fly tahina

One of the many beneficial insects is the tahina fly. The range of pests that it destroys is simply huge, and its effectiveness is high. Suffice it to say that the number of silkworms, sawflies, leafworms, moths, tahini moths is kept under constant control. The survival and accumulation of these flies is facilitated by the presence of flowering carrots, parsnips, goutweed and other umbrella crops.

The body of tachin flies is usually covered with strong bristles, and therefore they are also called sand flies. The family of flies-tachin has about 5 thousand species.

Tahini flies find their hosts in different ways. Some types of flies lay their very small eggs on the surface of the leaf where the caterpillar feeds. Caterpillars, eating the leaf, swallow the eggs, then larvae appear inside the caterpillar, which feed on the body of the host insect, which leads to its death. Other species lay their eggs directly into the body of the insect host. And, finally, there are types of tahini, the larvae of which themselves find the owner and bite into his body.

Tahini flies lay a large number of eggs, and therefore one fly can kill many caterpillars.

Ants and spiders

Ants and spiders do a great job of destroying pests. Coriander and anise can be sown next to cabbage. When sown at the same time, they bloom from May to September. Their flowers feed many beneficial insects and do not attract butterflies whose caterpillars damage cabbages.

Ants are nurses. They build their houses in the soil and above it and are of great benefit. Numerous passages of ants make the soil looser, and this improves the breathing conditions for plant roots. Getting their own food, ants bring a huge number of insect pests and their larvae into the passages and chambers of the anthill: the inhabitants of only one anthill destroy an average of up to 20 million garden pests per year. But it is worth watching for an increase in the number of ants, this can lead to oppression of the garden, and because of the favorite delicacy of ants that aphids secrete, they also contribute to the settlement of aphid colonies. Here you need to think about whether to leave the ants in their areas or not.

Spiders. A significant part of the prey of spiders of the families of jumping spiders (Salticidae), funnel spiders (Agelenidae), wolf spiders (Licosidae), side-walker spiders (Thomisidae) is made up of such dangerous pests as a harmful turtle, Colorado potato beetle, meadow moth, different kinds moths, many Diptera.

Attention! I want to warn you that beneficial insects, like pests, overwinter in the bark, leaves, in the soil on garden plot. And in the summer, you should not catch all the insects you see in the garden, because you can leave the garden without defenders - beneficial insects, which are called entomophages.


Everyone knows what a ladybug looks like, but not everyone knows what benefits it brings. She is prolific and lays eggs in small groups of 30, the eggs are yellow, similar to the eggs of the Colorado potato beetle and hawthorn butterflies.

An adult beetle eats 100-200 aphids per day, the larvae are ten times more voracious than mites, whiteflies (Aleyrodidae) and mealybugs (Coccoidea).

Ladybugs will be attracted to our garden by plants of the Compositae family: daisies, tansy, or yarrow.

Ladybug Larva

ground beetles

These workers can be seen in the process of digging or loosening the soil. These are nocturnal predators that prey on insects living in the soil: moth pupae, moths, larvae of click beetles (wireworms), gall midges. Destroy slugs and caterpillars. The menu of one ground beetle per day is about one hundred moth larvae, 5 adult moth caterpillars and 5-6 weevil larvae. And the larvae are much more voracious than adults, they sit in dug holes and grab insects crawling past.

To have more ground beetles in the garden, take care of soil fertility. Those. apply organic fertilizers, humus, etc. in spring and autumn.


This is a gentle and slender insect. The color is pale green. Adult insects feed on the nectar of flowers, aphids, pollen, as well as the mites and aphids themselves, destroying up to 4000 individuals per day. The larvae suck spider mites and aphids. The lacewing prefers cool shady places covered with thickets of ferns for breeding.


A two-centimeter ktyr cannot be confused with any other fly. Powerful paws armed with bristles and suckers. A strong proboscis, pointed at the end, protrudes from the flattened head. They ktyr can pierce even such a strong shell as beetles have.

Ktyri, destroying a lot of harmful insects, bring undoubted benefits. Their menu includes beetles, flies, fillies, leafhoppers, butterflies and even caterpillars. Not only adult insects are useful, but also larvae that live in the soil and destroy the larvae of click beetles, beetles and dark beetles, locust eggs and caterpillars that gnaw on the scoop.

Interesting. The largest ktyri reach 5 centimeters. You should not touch the ktyri with your hands - their bite is as painful as a prick of a bee sting.

Such flies are attracted to plants from the aster family - goldenrod, chamomile, daisies, as well as various types of mint - catnip, peppermint and spearmint.


This is an egg-eater, the mass reproduction of which has already been put on an industrial basis. Trichogramma females lay their eggs in the eggs of many pests - apple codling moth, yellow and pale-legged gooseberry sawfly, meadow moth, cabbage scoop, cabbage white and others.

Since these insects are very small, they take nectar from small open flowers such as anise, dill. A good shelter for them are plants of the celery family.

From the above, it follows that the more nursery plants in the garden, the less pest problems you will have. These plants can be placed along the edges of the garden or border areas with vegetables. It is necessary to select plant species in such a way that they bloom for a long time, replacing each other. Marigolds, alyssum, tansy, chamomile, daisies are suitable for this. Savory, lavender, hyssop, basil, rosemary, oregano bloom for a long time.

You can name many more useful insects - our helpers. But their number is still less than pests. Birds, frogs and toads, dragonflies, spiders - many animals help to keep the garden and vegetable garden clean from pests and healthy. But they themselves are not protected from chemicals.

Chemical treatments primarily destroy beneficial insects, since for a number of reasons they are more sensitive to chemistry and, in addition, their numbers are much smaller. Against the background of an abundant food base and the absence of natural enemies, the pests remaining after processing begin to multiply intensively. First of all, this applies to sucking pests - aphids and mites, which give several generations during the growing season.

This information is for lovers of chemistry and for those who consider it necessary to destroy everything that flies, crawls, jumps around the site.

Boyev Anton

Every summer I meet many different insects around me. Some of them are beautiful, others bite, some of them I'm afraid of.

Many insects harm human crops. For example: the arrival of a locust is like natural disaster. From its invasion in the fields there is bare land with the combined remains of plants.

Insects are carriers of human and animal diseases. For example: fleas. Female mosquitoes drink blood from animals and humans.

Hypothesis: I suggested that many insects are not needed, since they are harmful to humans.

Target: I wanted to find out, so why are insects needed?



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Slides captions:

Many insects harm human crops. Insects are carriers of human and animal diseases. For example: fleas. Female mosquitoes drink blood from animals and humans.

Purpose: why do we need insects? Hypothesis: many insects are not needed, since they are harmful to humans.

Conversation Observation Work with literature and the Internet Creation of a collection Research methods

The word "insect" comes from the word "notch", i.e. it indicates that the insects are divided into parts by notches.

STRUCTURE OF INSECTS: head, chest and abdomen Limbs are attached to the chest All internal organs located in the abdomen On the head are antennae, eyes, mouth apparatus

Insects live all over the planet. They can live under water, underground and in the air. They can even live at the poles, where it is very cold. There are insects in the desert, where there is no rain for a long time.

What do insects eat? fungi algae plants and roots pollen of plants nectar of flowers fruits and seeds Predators - kill and eat prey: worms, mites, aphids Bloodsuckers - drink blood

Who eats insects? fish, frogs, lizards, birds, bats moles, anteaters scorpions, spiders people

Conclusions: The hypothesis was not confirmed. Even if an insect harms a person, in nature it is beneficial. It is impossible to imagine what would happen in nature if all insects disappeared!

Want to know everything. Encyclopedia of the little erudite / translation from English. V. A. Zhukov, Yu. Eva - Maria Dreyer, Animals, Birds, Insects / translation from it. A.A. Kosareva - M .: "Planet of Childhood", AST: Astrel, 2000 - pp. 36-42. Magazine "Insects and their acquaintances" - LLC "De Agostini", Russia - No. 1-No. 14 Literature:

I learned a lot of new words and concepts, learned how to find the right articles in the encyclopedia, began to read better, learned how to use the Internet. Working on a project

Thank you for your attention!


School Festival of Experimental and Research Works

senior preschoolers of MDOU and junior schoolchildren of the educational institution "About everything in the world"

Research work


Why are insects needed?


student 1 B class MBOU secondary school No. 4

Boyev Anton


teacher of the first category MBOU secondary school No. 4

Eltsova Marina Nikolaevna

Polyarnye Zori

year 2013

Introduction ………………………………………………………….. 3 Main part…………… ……………………………………... 4 Conclusion…………………………………………………….….. 5 References ………………………………………………. 6 Annex 1 .…………………………………………………......7

Annex 2………………………………………………………8

Appendix 3…………………………………………………………9

Appendix 4……………………………………………………..10


Every summer I meet many different insects around me. Some of them are beautiful, others bite, some of them I'm afraid of.

Many insects harm human crops. For example: the arrival of locusts is like a natural disaster. From its invasion in the fields there is bare land with the combined remains of plants.

Insects are carriers of human and animal diseases. For example: fleas. femalesmosquitoes drink the blood of animals and humans.

Hypothesis: I suggested that many insects are not needed, since they are harmful to humans.

Target: I wanted to find out, so why are insects needed?


  1. find out what insects exist and what they consist of;
  2. find material about the life of insects and their significance in nature;
  3. collect a collection of insects.

To answer my questions, I decided to do some research.

Research methods and plan:

No. p / p



I will find and read articles in encyclopedias, books, magazines, the Internet

I learn the names of insects, how they look, where they live, what they eat, whether they bring any benefit

I will ask the opinion of the teacher, mother, friends about the meaning of insects and draw conclusions

Find out what benefits insects bring

I will build a collection with the help of my parents, grandparents

The ability to closely examine insects, show them to your friends and classmates


The word "insects" comes from the word "notch", it indicates that the insects are divided into parts by notches.

The body of an insect consists of 3 sections: head, thorax, abdomen.

On the head are a pair of antennae and compound eyes, a mouth apparatus. On the chest part there are often 3 pairs of legs and 2 pairs of wings, all internal organs are located in the abdomen. However, there are insects that have only 1 pair of wings, like flies and mosquitoes. In some, like lice and fleas, the wings gradually died out as unnecessary. The external skeleton of insects consists of hard movable plates.

Insects live all over the planet. They can live underwater, underground and in the air. They can even live at the poles, where it is very cold. There are insects in the desert, where there is no rain for a long time.

Insects feed on fungi, algae, plants and roots, plant pollen, flower nectar, fruits and seeds. Insect predators - kill and eat prey: worms, mites, aphids. Bloodsuckers - drink blood.

Insects eat: fish, frogs and lizards, birds and bats, moles, anteaters, scorpions, spiders and humans.

Almost all plants are pollinated by insects: butterflies, wasps, bees, bumblebees and others. If there were no insects, there would be no development of plants.

Honey is another benefit from insects - bees.

The mulberry silkworm is used by man for the production of silk.

Dead insects are important fertilizer for soil.


I reached my goal- found out why insects are needed.

From my research I found out : who are insects, their structure (Appendix No. 1). I read about the sense organs of insects, their reproduction (Appendix No. 2) and habitat. And also, I found out what the food chain is (Appendix No. 3), what insects eat and who eats them.

Conclusion: It is impossible to imagine what would happen in nature if all insects disappeared!

My hypothesis that many insects are not needed,not confirmed.Insects are essential in nature.

The food chain is the most important purpose of insects, because everything in this world is nothing but links in the food chain. Even if an insect harms a person, in nature it is beneficial. And such insects as bees, silkworms, ladybugs are of great importance for humans.

While working on the project, I acquired additional new knowledge and skills:

  • I learned a lot of new words and concepts (see Appendix No. 4),
  • learned to find the necessary articles in the encyclopedia,
  • began to read better
  • learned to use the Internet.

To research work attached presentation : Why do we need insects? and collection insects in synthetic resin.


  1. Want to know everything. Encyclopedia of the little erudite / translation from English. V. A. Zhukov, Yu.
  2. Eva - Maria Dreyer, Animals, Birds, Insects / translation from it. A.A. Kosareva - M .: "Planet of Childhood", AST: Astrel, 2000 - pp. 36-42.
  3. Magazine "Insects and their acquaintances" - LLC "De Agostini", Russia - No. 1-No. 14

Application No. 1

Application №2

Insect breeding

  • Complete metamorphosis: egg - larva - pupa - adult (butterflies, dragonflies, beetles).
  • Incomplete metamorphosis: egg - larva - growing individual

(grasshoppers, locusts, praying mantis).

Application №3

Part of the food chain in the forest:
1. Insects eat plants.
2. Birds eat insects.
3. Foxes eat birds.
4. But foxes also eat insects and birds eat plants.

Part of the food chain in the lake:
1. The plant uses the energy of light.
2. Planktonic animals eat plants.
3. Insects eat plankton.
4. Small fish eat water insects.
5. Big fish eat small fish.
6. Kingfisher eats big fish.
7. But also big fish, and the kingfisher also feed on aquatic insects.

Application No. 4

New words and concepts

Hypothesis is a guess or conjecture. G the hypothesis is expressed on the basis of observations. It is subsequently either proved, turning it into an established fact, or refuted, turning it into the category of false statements.

Insects is a class of invertebrate arthropods. They have the greatest diversity among all other animals on Earth.

invertebratescalled animals in which, instead of the internal skeleton, the outer chitinous shell (dense outer shell).

arthropods called animals in which the legs (legs) are divided into movable parts (segments). For example, arachnids and crustaceans.

Metamorphosis - this is a transformation, a transformation in the structure of the body that occurs during development.

Food chain - this is a series of plants, microorganisms and animals in which the organisms of the next link eat the organisms of the previous link.

Plankton - the smallest organisms that freely drift in the water column (not resisting the flow). For example, bacteria, small algae, protozoa living in rivers, lakes, seas and oceans.

Pollination of plantsis the transfer of pollen from one flower to another. This process is necessary for the formation of fruits in place of the flower. This is how plants reproduce.

Habitat - this is the place in which this animal lives and receives everything it needs from nature.

For most urban children, the village is a living museum of nature, much more interesting and instructive than all the "adult" expositions put together. After all, there are so many interesting, unknown and mysterious things in the countryside! First of all, it is worth paying the attention of children to insects from the “inner environment”. These are ladybugs, caterpillars, butterflies, grasshoppers. We got used to their presence and almost stopped noticing them, and children will be happy to listen to stories about the everyday life of these funny creatures. Watching insects, the baby will not only acquire new knowledge, but also learn to think, analyze, compare, reason.

10 interesting facts about insects:

1. All insects have common features: six legs, antennae and wings. Their body is, as it were, divided into parts by thin lines - notches. Hence the name "insects".

2. Ladybug is of great benefit: it destroys many plant pests - aphids. Ladybug is cunning - she can pretend to be dead if you put her on the palm of your hand. A ladybug emits a yellow liquid at the first danger - even if the bird once grabs a ladybug, it will understand that this bug is tasteless, remember its color and will not touch it again.

3. Why is it said that the grasshopper plays the violin? The fact is that on his wings there are special notches. He rubs them quickly, quickly, one against the other, as if he were running a violin with a bow, and a chirring is heard. Let the kid properly examine the grasshopper (what color is it, does it have antennae and eyes), and at the same time think about why it needs such long hind legs. Of course, to jump!

4. Bees, bumblebees and wasps are pollinating insects. Indeed, without them, flowers would never have become fruits, which means that we would not be able to enjoy delicious apples.

5. Often babies are afraid of stinging insects. But the one who waves his arms and screams in fear, the bee will sting sooner than calm person. Because the insects will not attack first.

6. Ant is the strongest on earth! He can carry loads 10 times heavier than his own weight. If adults do not forget to take a magnifying glass to the dacha, with its help, kids will learn a lot of interesting things about the life of these ubiquitous ants. To do this, it is enough to find a small anthill with holes-doors in the ground and from time to time observe it: what do the ants do, how they treat each other, what prey they drag, how far do they run away from their home?

7. The main pest for country garden- the Colorado potato beetle, regularly "attacking" potatoes. The child needs to be told about the harm this insect causes, and asked to help in the fight against it. Usually, children do a good job of this task, collecting bugs in a jar of water, while training their fingers.

8. At night, it is interesting to follow the fireflies. The firefly flies in zigzags. Be sure to show with your hand in the air how the firefly flies. In the dark, the firefly glows with a yellowish light.

9. Bees collect nectar from which they make honey. The bee collects nectar with its proboscis. Bees have a whole set of tools on their legs. Here you will see brushes for collecting pollen, and baskets for transferring pollen, and brushes with which bees clean their eyes from pollen that has fallen into them. Bees, flying, buzz: "zh-zh-zh-zh-zh-zh-zh". Play bees with your child: repeating this sound is good for speech development.

10. In the summer in the countryside or in the country, you will surely see a dragonfly. These beautiful insects hunt in the air: in flight they keep strong, hairy legs folded in a net. Their sleepy victims fall into these "nets". Interestingly, in just an hour, a dragonfly can eat as many as 40 house flies. If you want to mold a plasticine dragonfly, it is useful to know that its body consists of three parts: head, chest and abdomen.