Levkoy cultivation and care. "Coniferous phytozont", "Rakurs", "Pinocid" - unique preparations for the health and beauty of coniferous plants

  • 14.06.2019

Levkoy is an annual plant of the cruciferous family. Homeland - Southern Europe. It is also named Mattiola in honor of the Italian botanist Mattioli. A wild form found along the shores of the Mediterranean Sea is a rather nondescript plant with four-petal white fragrant flowers.

The plant is semi-bushy, 20-80 cm high. The leaves are oblong, lanceolate, bluish-green, pubescent. The flowers are simple and double, 2-3 cm in diameter, with a strong spicy aroma, collected in spike inflorescences.

Levkoy summer has a whole range of tones from pure white to deep red, from light blue, silver-lilac to dark purple. Terry plants bloom much longer than simple ones. Seeds are produced only in plants with simple flowers.

To have a flowering plant throughout the summer, it must be sown from the end of February every 20 days.


Crops at high humidity, high temperature and thickening are damaged by the black leg. To prevent this from happening, the boxes are stuffed with a mixture of turf and humus earth and sand and watered with a hot, slightly pink solution of potassium permanganate, seeds are sown, covered with a thin layer of sand and not watered until germination.

After the emergence of seedlings, the seedlings are transferred to a bright, well-ventilated room with a temperature of 8-10 ° C and watered very moderately as the earth dries out. Watering is carried out only in the morning, so that the surface of the soil is ventilated and dried.

Seedlings dive into pottery or peat pots, since the plant has a taproot and, when transplanted into the ground, gets sick and often dies.

Levkoy seedlings as early as possible, at the end of April - beginning of May, should be planted in ridges and flower beds, since the stem of seedlings overexposed in pots due to lack of nutrition becomes woody and subsequently does not give side shoots and good long inflorescences.

The flower grows well in sunny areas with loamy, well-fertilized soil. It responds well to mullein and mineral fertilizing. It is also widely used in flowerbeds, flowerbeds and lawn groups, such as pot culture and for cutting. It remains in water for more than 10 days if pulled out of the soil with a root.

Today, more than 1000 varieties of this flower have been bred. All of them are very diverse: both in color, and in the shape of the inflorescence, in the height of the bush (from 15 cm to 1 m).

AT middle lane Levkoy is grown as a one- and two-year-old plant. Sown mainly by seeds.

It must be remembered that the plant is very capricious: it does not tolerate transplants at all, even a slight intervention in an earthen lump can lead to the death of plants.

Growing (Secret #1)

In early April, I take a plastic bottle (always with a screw cap), put it in a horizontal position and cut off the upper part (1/3) with a knife. I pierce drainage holes in the bottom of the lower part with a hot nail. After that, I pour drainage, on top - a mixture of earth, sand, humus and wood ash (2: 0.5: 1: 0.5).

Before sowing the seeds, I soak them for a day in boiled water at room temperature, wrap them in a damp cloth and put them on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator for a day.

I deepen the seeds to two seed heights. By May, four leaves are already formed on the sprouts. This is a signal that seedlings can be planted in the ground.

On a pre-selected piece of land, I make small grooves, on the bottom of which I put drainage, pour a layer of wood ash on top. On the container with seedlings, I make a circular horizontal incision with a sharp knife to remove the bottom.

I pour water into the groove and immerse the remains of the container with plants there (it's okay if the water does not have time to soak well), I deepen it a little, but do not tamp it down - it will settle by itself. In no case do not water the plants immediately after planting! Planting is best in the evening. It is advisable to immediately shade the seedlings.

I plant no more than 2-3 seeds in a container, taking into account that all varieties grow differently.

Secret #2

And once I decided to experiment. I sowed the seeds of levkoy in open ground, when there was still snow on the street. She carefully unfolded the snow cover, put seeds into the grooves prepared in the fall (2 seeds at a distance of 5-10 cm).

I covered everything with dry sand and sprinkled with snow. The first sprouts appeared in mid-May. Germination was about 70%, but then flowering pleasantly surprised me with its abundance and very early dates. With this sowing, I did not soak the seeds.

Basic care

1. In hot weather, the plant needs watering. From lack of moisture, the leaves wither and curl. It is better to water it at the very root in the early morning.

2. You can try to change the shade of the flowers yourself. I know for sure that this experiment works well on the parrot indoor variety. Just add a couple of drops of brilliant green (or blue) to the water for irrigation, and the flowers will acquire a characteristic ebb. Just do not overdo it with "dyes"!

3. Flowers of Levkoy Vasherok, grown as a cut crop, are best placed in a vase in this way. Do not cut the stems, but remove the plant from the ground along with the roots. Wash them and cut off the protruding processes. Put in water, dissolving an aspirin tablet in it. Bouquet t will stand for at least a week.

4. Contrary to the assertions that it is better to buy new seeds every year, and not collect from your plants, I always use only my own seeds. Both germination and decorative qualities do not suffer from this at all. The exception is hybrids.

5. To get the most double flowers, in the fall, the area where the levka will grow must be fertilized with wood ash. After flowering, the plant should be planted in this place no earlier than 3 years later. All this time here will feel very good

As soon as twilight falls on the ground, she opens her delicate buds, fills the garden with an exquisite aroma and gives unforgettable moments of happiness. This beauty is called Levka, but many people know her as mattiola. Once the plant was grown on the terraces of the royal gardens to enjoy its fragrance. Over time, the flower appeared in the front gardens ordinary people. Today night beauty regains its former glory, because fashion, although changeable, still goes in circles.

Detailed characteristics of a fragrant flower

When a woman is presented with flowers, the first thing she does is bend down and inhale their fragrance. To smell the matthiola, just enter its habitat. In addition, it has beautiful buds and comes in different shades.

The flowers got their name in honor of the Italian botanist of the 16th century - Pietro Mattioli. Thanks to his efforts, new varieties of daffodils, tulips and hyacinths appeared. The very word "levkoy" means violet, which is reminiscent of the amazing smell of the plant, especially at night.

Culture has the following features:

  • abundant flowering;
  • graceful view of the bushes;
  • original foliage coloring;
  • unusual shape of buds;
  • a variety of shades of colors;
  • intoxicating and unique aroma.

It is for these virtues that Levkoy flowers, the photo of which is shown below, have earned universal love and recognition. Biologists say that in nature there are more than 400 varieties of night. Each of them has its own unique appearance and characteristics. In general, gardeners distinguish between three main types:

Summer matthiola is sown in March or April. But it blooms almost the entire season. The autumn hybrid is grown in a similar way. Its lush beauty reaches the first frosts. The winter version is sown in the middle of summer, and the flowers are admired only next spring.

Levkoy flower is a herbaceous or semi-shrub culture that grows in height from 29 cm to 80. Its shoots come with a pubescent, delicate pile or a glossy character. Leaf blades oblong lanceolate with serrated edges. The buds are painted in the following colors:

  • snow-white;
  • yellow;
  • pink;
  • purple;
  • coral;
  • red;
  • blue;
  • silver;
  • Violet.

In addition, there are simple and double buds, which are collected in brushes or spike-shaped inflorescences. They appear on the culture in early summer and bloom until late autumn. At the final stage of the growing season, the plant bears fruit in the form of pods filled with flat seeds.

It's interesting that terry varieties in levkoy, they are formed from simple varieties, although they themselves do not produce seeds.

Amazing Variety of Levkoy Species

Since gardeners have a huge number of types of annual and perennial matthiola, consider the most popular of them. Botanists divide them into such divisions:

  • dwarf;
  • undersized;
  • tall.

Levkoy of dwarf varieties grows only up to 20 cm. It has small inflorescences and small leaf plates. These include:

The undersized levkoy can reach a height of about 35 cm. The flower pleases gardeners for 3.5 months, continuously exuding a fragrant aroma. It has a compact bush shape in the form of a small pyramid. The division includes the following varieties:

I would especially like to note the stunted "Caprice" with the left hand. The culture grows up to 30 cm. It has large double or semi-double buds, which are collected in voluminous spike-shaped inflorescences. The greyish-green leaf blades are usually lanceolate, making a wonderful backdrop for vibrant flowers. Grow the plant on home gardens or as a border decoration.

Tall varieties (from 60 to 80 cm) are often used for cutting:

Surprisingly beautiful - Levkoy flowers will fill with aroma not only household plot, but also any room where there are people. Let's look at a few types in detail.

To keep the plant fresh longer in the cut, it is advisable to uproot it, wash it off the ground, and then put it in a container with water.

Levkoy gray

Particularly noteworthy is the view - "Levkoy gray-haired", whose homeland is considered to be the Mediterranean. The plant grows from 30 to 70 cm in height. It has a rich aroma. It has woody shoots with large dark green diamond-shaped leaves. The plate is both pubescent and glossy. The buds are collected in dense or loose inflorescences from 10 to 60 pieces. The first flowers appear in June, the last - in November. On the territory of the southern regions, levkoy can bloom even in winter.

Since matthiola seeds of this variety can be stored for up to 6 years, the year of release of planting material should be controlled.

Levkoy "Royal mix"

This plant grows up to 45 cm in height. It has erect flower stalks, on which fragrant terry buds are located, collected in heavy brushes.

Levkoy "Royal Mix" prefers areas where there is an abundance of sunlight. Grows well in neutral soil. Does not like long periods of drought, as well as stagnant water. It is grown to decorate garden beds, on balconies in boxes, as indoor plant and cut to decorate the premises.

To ensure that the plant blooms for a long time, it is necessary to feed it, water it, protect it from weeds and weed it in a timely manner.

Levkoy "Thumbelina"

Attractive variety, which is characterized by large terry buds. They smell good and bloom much longer than other types of matthiola. This short bush levkoy grows up to 35 cm, so it does wonderfully in containers. As a result, it is used as a decoration near gazebos, near benches or on the balconies of high-rise buildings. In addition, the flower looks wonderful on the alpine slides and next to the curbs. To get an early version of Thumbelina, it is grown using seedlings.

Due to the ability to successfully tolerate cold, it is advisable to plant the plant on open area already at the beginning of May.

Levkoy "Fragrant"

A low deciduous shrub of this species grows up to 30 cm. Its numerous shoots are abundantly covered with delicate villi that shine with silver in the light of the morning dawn. The leaves of Levkoy "Fragrant" are ovoid in shape with a serrated border. The inflorescences are located at the top of a dense shoot, like pretty bouquets that you just want to give to someone. The plant is endangered, so it requires careful treatment.

Passing by an unfamiliar dacha in the summer, you will immediately understand that levkoy grow somewhere behind the fence - by the enchanting aroma that these lovely plants.

The Levkoy flower, another name for which is the matthiol flower, comes from the Cabbage (Cruciferous) family of the herbaceous genus, can be both perennial and annual.

In the recent past, the most fragrant levka adorned almost every garden, not to mention parks. But today it has been undeservedly forgotten.

However, if you get to know Mattiola better, there will be an irresistible desire to plant it in your area.

Levkoy is a perennial, but many gardeners consider it an annual plant and plant it every spring as seeds or seedlings in their garden.

This low (25-75 cm) erect semi-shrub with white, pink, dirty yellow, purple, smooth or double flowers pleases with its flowering and aroma from early summer to late autumn.

Matthiola has a root system that does not penetrate too deep into the soil. That is why the levka needs to be watered regularly.

The stems and leaves of almost all species have a small edge, the villi of which act as reservoirs for the accumulation of moisture.

If there is an interruption in watering, especially on a hot day, the plant will take food from its villi.

Smooth varieties of matthiola are excellent honey plants, it is from them that it is possible to collect seeds, but you will admire terry levkoy almost until winter.

The duration of flowering divides the left into three types:

  1. Summer (annual) - the most popular among gardeners, as it is the most colorful. Flowering continues all summer.
  2. Winter (biennial) - planting time - summer, flowering time - next spring.
  3. Autumn - sowing time - spring, the beginning of flowering - early autumn.

Thus, by correctly choosing mattiola varieties and observing the planting time, you can turn your site into a constantly blooming and fragrant flower bed.

There are more than 2 dozen types of levkoy and about four hundred varieties.

Most known species- Gray-haired Levkoy, Fragrant Levkoy, Long-petaled Levkoy, Tatar Levkoy.

Breeders create new varieties and hybrids, taking as a basis Levkoy gray-haired, another name for which is Mattiola gray-haired.

Gardeners pay special attention to terry matthiola. If we disassemble the smooth flower of the levkoy in parts, then we will see a cup, petals, a stamen and a pistil.

An example of a simple levkoy in the photo below:

Terry matthiola has only a cup with a huge number of petals, without stamens and pistils. That's why she's barren.

What does terry left look like:

The question arises: how does terry matthiola reproduce?

The answer is simple: nature arranged it so that several terry ones grow from seeds collected from a smooth levkoy.

Levkoy gray (Mathiola gray)

It can be both an annual and a perennial plant.

Most often, the height of this flower does not exceed 60 cm, but some species can reach up to 1 m.

This plant has a bare or slightly hairy stem.

In one species it may be solitary, in another it may be branched. The root system is expressed by one small tap root.

Seeds of the gray-haired levkoy (up to 8 pcs.) Can be found in the fruit that appeared after flowering - the pod. They remain viable for up to 6 years.

The color of the leaves of the plant is gray-green, as if gray-haired, hence the name of the species.

The types of gray-haired levkoy include varieties:

Lavender Giant, Excelsior F1, Lapis Lazuli, Viking Red, White Giant, Viking Blue, Swing, Quick, Fox.

Fragrant levkoy or odorous levkoy

Levkoy fragrant (odorous)

No wonder it has such a name. During flowering, it saturates the air around it with the finest and very pleasant aroma, which intensifies in the late afternoon, especially after sunset.

It belongs to herbaceous perennial plants, has a simple or branched stem up to 0.5 m high with felt pubescence, which “pops out” from the rosette.

The leaves on the stem are oblong, grouped mainly from below, with a delicate edge.

The flowers are yellow-brown in color, the petals of which are much longer than the sepals (2-2.5 cm).

It blooms quite early, around mid-May, in August it forms a fruit with seeds in the form of a pod.

Levkoy long-petal (mattiola bicornu)

Refers to annual plants.

Many flower growers love her very much for her grace and tenderness, coupled with a delicate aroma that intensifies in the evening.

The plant is not very tall (up to 0.5 m), with large-toothed green leaves, arranged one at a time along a branched stem.

The calyces are usually closed during the day, opening after sunset so that nocturnal pollinating insects can find them by scent.

This is also the reason for the inconspicuousness of the flowers of matthiola bicorne - the color of the petals is not important for nocturnal insects.

The habitat of the Tatar levkoy is arid regions.

His favorite places are rocks and sands.

In this he is very different from the levkoy cultivated in our gardens.

And the rest of the Tatar Levkoy resembles fragrant mattiola, only the flowers are much smaller.

Growing Levkoy through seedlings

If you want the levkoy to bloom as early as possible, then you will have to grow seedlings.

You can, of course, sow the seeds immediately in the first half of May in a flower bed, but flowering will begin no earlier than the first decade of August.

And the seedlings planted in the ground will grow together, and in mid-June they will delight you with their flowers.

There is another reason why the seedling method better growing levkoev from seeds.

Having bought a bag of seeds of a rare matthiola variety, you will find in it an extremely small number of them, literally 4-5 pieces.

When sowing levkoy seeds immediately in open ground, you run the risk of being left without seeds and without coveted flowers, as you may not calculate the planting depth or, conversely, they may be practically on the surface and become food for birds or insects.

When to sow

March has come - it's time to sow levkoy seedlings. In regions with cold summers, they sow later, around the end of March, respectively, and plant them in the ground later.

In more southern regions, it can be sown at the beginning of the month, so that it can be planted in a flower bed in May.

Seed preparation before planting

In order for future plants to be healthy, planting material requires some preparation:

  • disinfect levkoy seeds in a pink solution of potassium permanganate for a quarter of an hour, then rinse in clean water;
  • wrap the seeds in wet wipe for swelling, make sure that it does not dry out for 12-20 hours;
  • after this time, place a damp cloth with seeds in the lower area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe refrigerator for 3 days for hardening.

Now matthiola seeds can be planted.

Soil for growing seedlings

In order for the seeds of levkoy to sprout quickly and efficiently, the soil must have good air permeability and lightness.

This can be achieved by adding perlite or vermiculite to it. In their absence, you can use sifted and calcined sand.

Or you can just buy a soil mixture in the horticultural department, soil for cacti and succulents is best suited for matthiola.

According to its composition and the presence of sand, it is ideal for the germination of seeds of levkoy. When picking seedlings, they can be planted in another, more nutritious soil.

For self-preparation of the substrate you will need:

  • garden soil - 3 parts;
  • humus or rotted compost - 1 part;
  • sod land - 1 part;
  • add wood ash - a liter jar and superphosphate - 2 tablespoons to a 10-liter bucket of substrate.

It is good if the garden soil prepared in the fall did not winter in an apartment or house, but in a street room, so that the frost would destroy all pathogenic microbes.

Sowing seeds of levkoy for seedlings

Sow the seeds for germination in small dishes so that the sides are no higher than 5 cm. In such bowls, the soil will not become soured.

Don't forget to make holes in the bottom to drain excess moisture.

Do not bury the seeds when planting, a sufficient depth is 5-6 mm.

Try to plant them not often, there should be at least 1.5 cm between them, so that after germination the plants do not intertwine and it is easier to pick them out.

Put glass or transparent film on the container to create the effect of a greenhouse, and place it in a dark, warm place. Shoots will appear by the end of the week.

seedling care

Growing levkoy is not a hassle, but seedlings need to be given a little attention:

  • after germination, remove the glass or film;
  • move the container with seedlings to another place, with good lighting, but not hot (not higher than 12-14˚С);
  • carefully water the seedlings, but not earlier than two days after its appearance;
  • prepare pots for picking by filling them with a mixture: sand - 1 part, turf and leafy earth - 2 parts each;
  • after a couple of weeks, make a pick of the grown seedlings;
  • after the appearance of two strong leaves, feed with a solution of zinc sulfate (0.1 g), manganese (0.1 g), copper sulfate (0.3 g) and boric acid (0.3 g).

For further growing seedlings, a greenhouse or window sill is suitable. Do not allow excessive moisture in the soil or its drying out.

Seedling hardening

Before planting Levkoy in an open garden, harden seedlings for a couple of weeks to make it easier for them to adapt to new living conditions.

This is achieved by lowering the temperature: take containers with seedlings to the balcony, in the canopy, or simply open the window for a few minutes, each time increasing the time spent in the cold.

In the last two days before planting, seedlings can not be brought into the house, leaving it for the whole day and night in the hallway or with an open window.

Planting seedlings of Levkoy in open ground

If the seedlings have been well hardened, then they are not afraid of light frosts, so feel free to plant them in the garden in mid-May.

Seedlings must have at least 4 leaves. The best time to land is in the evening when the sun is already setting.

Before planting, make small holes and fill them with water. Without waiting for the water to be absorbed, plant the seedlings.

It is desirable that these be peat cups, then you can simply dig them in without disturbing the plants.

Once planted, there is no need to water. In order for the seedlings to take root faster, shade it for a few days.

Growing area

Choosing the right place to grow matthiola is very important if you want a healthy, flowering plant.

The site should have good lighting and protection from through winds.

Choose a place with fertile, soddy-sandy, well-drained and loose soil, it is desirable that it has a neutral reaction.

The soil should be moist, but without stagnant water. Excess moisture has a bad effect on the plant, up to the death of seedlings.

Seedling planting scheme

The planting pattern is determined by the levkoy variety, a bag of seeds is usually provided with such information.

In short and single-stemmed matthiola, the distance between seedlings should be at least 0.15 m, in tall pyramidal - at least 0.25 m, in sprawling - at least 0.35 m.

Too dense plantings negatively affect the growth and development of flowers.

Growing and caring for Levkoy

Most gardeners are very fond of Levkoy flowers for their extraordinary beauty and aroma, coupled with absolute unpretentiousness.

Even a schoolboy can easily cope with growing and caring for Mattiola.

Regularity and abundance of watering

Levkoy does not like both excessive humidity and prolonged drought - this immediately affects appearance plants and flowering.

We conclude: it is necessary to water regularly and moderately, it is important here golden mean. To avoid a mistake, dig the soil to a depth of 7-8 cm.

If this layer of earth is dry, then watering is necessary. If it rains, watering is canceled, and in the heat, on the contrary, you need to water more often.

Weeding and loosening the site

Be sure to loosen the ground under the levkoy after watering or rain, so that the water does not stagnate.

In addition, the earth is saturated with oxygen, which is so necessary for the matthiola root system.

During loosening, at the same time remove the weeds that come to hand so that they do not pull food and water out of the ground and do not interfere with the development of the levkoy.


Levkoy, like the rest flowering plants, are very responsive to fertilization, but of all organic matter, they prefer only wood ash.

It accepts balanced mineral complexes very well. During the budding period, nitrogen should prevail in the complex, and potassium and phosphorus should prevail at the beginning of flowering.

Pests and diseases of Levkoy, their control

The most dangerous diseases are black leg and clubroot.

The black leg occurs even at the seedling stage, the nature of the disease is a fungus.

The reason may be stagnant moisture, excessive dampness and thickening of plantings.

Regular ventilation and potassium permanganate solution can help.

Kila is a typical disease for cruciferous people, the nature of the disease is a fungus. To protect plantings from infection, do not plant levka where a culture from this family has previously grown.

Belyanka, cabbage- white butterflies flying in daytime. They lay their eggs on the leaves of the plant, the hatched caterpillars eat these leaves. Deal with them like folk remedies and chemical insecticides.

cruciferous fleas- tiny black jumping beetles, very similar to fleas.

They gnaw through leaves, buds, cause irreparable harm to flower stalks. Control methods: tobacco dust, chemical insecticides.

Preparing perennial levkoy for winter

Levkoy perennials can winter only in the southern regions of Russia, where winters are very mild.

At the end of autumn, cut off the aerial part of the mattiola, and insulate the root system with mulch, spruce branches or agrofiber.

Well sheltered, it will endure bad weather perfectly, and in the spring it will delight you with friendly new shoots.

In central Russia, for example, in the Moscow region, annuals are grown, which are dug up and transplanted into flowerpots to winter indoors.

In the spring, you can plant them again in your garden.

When to Harvest and How to Store Levkoy Seeds

The end of September - the beginning of October is the ripening time for matthiola seeds. The degree of their maturity is judged by the color of the pods, it should turn brown.

The annual levka is usually pulled out with a rhizome and hung in a barn or in the attic.

After the pods have dried, they should be harvested and seeds obtained.

Collect the pods from the perennial mattiola and dry them.

harvested seeds dry some more time to be sure, put them in cloth bags or paper bags, store them in a dry and dark place.

Mattiola in landscape design

It is simply wonderful to have a spicy-aromatic garden under your window or near the porch to enjoy wonderful aromas in the evenings.

The combination of different varieties of levkoy in size, color and flowering period will help in creating interesting flower beds and discounts.

Levkoy (lat. Matthiola) or mattiola belongs to the genus of herbaceous perennials and annuals of the Cabbage or Cruciferous family, common in Africa, Southern Europe, neighboring regions of Asia and numbering, according to various sources, from 20 to 50 species. This is ornamental plant with fragrant flowers. The Latin name Levkoy was given in honor of the 16th century Italian botanist and physician Pietro Mattioli, given by Robert Brown. Russian name Levkoy came either from German, or from Italian, and maybe from Latin, since each of these languages ​​\u200b\u200bhas similar words. From the Greek language levkoy is translated as "white violet". Even in the last century, a flower of levkoy could be seen in every garden and park, today for some reason it is not in fashion, but levkoy belongs to plants that are highly consistent with the classic park style.

Levkoi are one-, two- and perennial herbaceous plants or subshrubs with erect, bare or pubescent with felt pile branched stems from 20 to 80 cm high with lanceolate or oblong leaves that are whole or serrated along the edges. White, pink, dirty yellow or purple, simple or double flowers are collected in spicate or racemose inflorescences. Levkoi bloom from June to November. The fruit is a pod containing narrow-winged and flat seeds of levkoy. A special sign of the plant is the smell of levkoy, which cannot be confused with anything. Non-double varieties of levkoy are excellent honey plants, and terry ones are the most refined and unpretentious decoration of the flower garden, because even a child can plant and care for levkoy in the open field.

Levkoy growing from seeds

Levkoy sowing
Before planting, the seed is soaked for a day in water to swell, and then, wrapped in damp gauze, placed in a refrigerator for stratification for several days. Levkoy seeds are sown for seedlings at the end of March or at the beginning of April in containers or boxes with a wet substrate consisting of sand and soddy soil in a ratio of 1: 3. The seeds are laid out on the substrate not densely, at intervals, planted to a depth of 0.5 cm, cover the seedling container with polyethylene and put it in a dark, warm (20-22 ºC) place. Shoots may appear in 4-5 days, but it is quite possible that you will have to wait for them for two weeks.

Levkoy seedling care
As soon as the levkoy sprout, the cover is removed from them, the container is exposed to bright diffused light so that the seedlings do not stretch out, the room temperature is lowered to 10-12 ºC, and even better, put the seedling container on a wired balcony or unheated veranda. A couple of days after germination, they are watered for the first time since sowing. And 10-12 days after seed germination, seedlings dive into separate pots with drainage holes and soil consisting of sand (one part), sheet and sod land (two parts each).

Let it not bother you that by this time the seedlings had not developed a single true leaf. When picking, add a little hydrogel to the soil to strengthen the root system of seedlings. Mid-flowering and late levkoy varieties can be dived directly into open ground. In the development phase, seedlings have two true leaves, they are fed with a solution of micronutrient fertilizers: 0.1 g of zinc sulfate and manganese sulfate and 0.3 g of copper sulfate and boric acid are dissolved in a liter of water.

Growing levkoy at the seedling stage, it includes hardening the seedlings before planting in open ground, for which a window is first opened on the balcony or veranda for a short time, then the duration of the hardening session is gradually increased and, finally, the seedlings are kept with the window fully open. Hardening procedures begin two weeks or ten days before planting seedlings in open ground.

Levkoy planting in open ground

When to plant Levkoy in the ground
Planting a flower with a levka is carried out at the end of May, on a cloudy day or in the late afternoon - the bright sun can destroy newly planted young plants. Do not plant levkoy in the area where Cruciferous grew before them - the flowers can be destroyed by the cruciferous flea. It is also impossible to take soil for seedlings from such a site, since the probability of seedling disease with a club or black leg is too high.

The site for levkoy should be well lit and drained, since stagnation of water in the roots of levkoy is harmful. The soil needs a slightly alkaline or neutral reaction, fertile, best of all sod-loamy sandy or soddy-loamy. It is only necessary to fertilize the site before planting if the soil on the site is severely depleted.

How to plant a levka
Levkoy is planted in wells filled with water, right in earthen slurry - this is how the seedlings take root better. After filling the holes with earth, it is well compacted. Single-stemmed and low-growing varieties are planted at a distance of 15-20 cm from each other, an interval of 25-30 cm is maintained between seedlings of tall and branched varieties.

One can guess with closed eyes that levkoy grow in the garden - the flowers smell deliciously, and it is impossible to forget this enchanting aroma. A large family of Levkoys is represented by herbaceous perennials and annuals, growing mainly in Africa, Southern Europe and selectively in Asia. Beautiful flowers are an integral part of the classic park style: it is the Levkoy plant that sets the tone for the general mood of the garden. If you get to know this flower better, then by all means invite it to your garden. Read the article about the features of growing and caring for Levkoy.

Advanced gardeners know that Levkoy has another name. The plant is also known as matthiola, after the Italian botanist Pietro Mattioli. In the 16th century the scientist did a great job in the field of studying the Cruciferous (Cabbage) family, to which the levkoy belong. There is also a third name - in literal translation from Greek "Levka" means "white violet".

Description of Levkoy

Levkoy is a herbaceous plant or semi-bush with strong, branched stems standing upright. Its height ranges from 20 to 80 cm. Completely smooth or fleecy stems are framed by lanceolate or elongated foliage with an uneven or solid edge. Simple and double flowers of levkoy, painted in white, pink, lilac, dirty yellow, united by spicate or racemose inflorescences.

The family includes annual and biennial plants, as well as levkoy and perennials. Flowering begins in June and ends in November. The plant bears fruit in pods filled with narrow-winged and flat seeds. Distinctive feature Levkoy - its pleasant aroma, all notes of which are revealed in full after 8 pm. Non-double plant varieties have gained fame as wonderful honey plants, and terry levkoy makes even the most modest flower beds incredibly elegant. To decorate the garden with a fragrant flower, you do not need to be a specialist - the levkoy is distinguished by a complaisant and unpretentious character.

How to grow levka from seeds

Before you start growing levkoy, pay attention to a few important points.

Sowing levkoy for seedlings

To increase the percentage of germination, the seeds of the plant need special treatment: first, they are poured with water at room temperature for one day, and then the swollen seeds are wrapped with wet gauze and left in a cool place for stratification for several days.

Then comes the time of sowing - at the end of March or at the beginning of April, the seeds of levkoy are laid out on a moistened substrate in a container. The components for the substrate are 1 part of sand and 3 parts of sod land. The seed is laid out evenly, but not thickly, by 0.5 cm, gently pressing it into the ground with your finger. After sowing, the container is tightened from above plastic wrap and transferred to a well-shaded warm (about 21 - 22 0 C) place. Healthy strong seeds germinate already on the 5th day, but they can “sit out” longer, sprout only 10-14 days after sowing.

Levkoy seedling care

After the emergence of sprouts, the film on the container is no longer needed. The container is placed under scattered sunlight, and the temperature in the room is reduced to an average of 12 0 C. Under such conditions, the seedlings will quickly grow, but they will not stretch much. Perfect option for growing seedlings of levkoy - a bright veranda without heating.

After 2 - 3 days after the appearance of the seedlings, they are watered. Please note that this is the first time this has been done since sowing. After 2 weeks or a little earlier, the picking time comes. Seedlings are planted in separate small pots filled with soil with drainage holes at the bottom. The composition of the earth includes sand (1 part), leaf and sod land (2 parts each) and a little hydrogel (to feed the roots). At this stage, the seedlings are usually still without true leaves, and this is normal. Seedlings of mid-flowering and late plant varieties can be planted immediately in the garden.

After the appearance of the first pair of true leaves, the seedlings are fertilized. The nutrient solution is prepared by mixing zinc sulfate (0.1 g), manganese sulfate (0.1 g), blue vitriol(0.3 g) and boric acid(0.3 g). Next, the mixture is dissolved in 1 liter of water. In addition to top dressing, it is also advisable to harden the seedlings: on the balcony or veranda where the seedlings are located, a window is periodically opened, each time increasing the session time. Shortly before planting in open ground, seedlings should be at an open window all day. Hardening begins approximately 10 - 14 days before the transfer of young levkoys to the garden.

Landing Levkoy in open ground

Levkoy are planted in the open area of ​​​​the garden in the last days of May. It is best to start planting in cloudy weather or shortly before sunset, otherwise the sun will destroy the young flowers that have not yet matured.

Note! The areas where other representatives of the Cruciferous family used to grow are categorically not suitable for planting levkoy. There, the plants, most likely, are already waiting for a pest - a cruciferous flea. It is also not worth digging up the ground from this place for sowing seedlings, since the seedlings are likely to be infected with the black leg disease.

In the garden, Levkoy is planted in a well-drained area with diffused lighting. The plant will feel great in fertile soddy-sandy or soddy-loamy soil with a slightly alkaline or neutral reaction.

Planting and caring for Levkoy begins with the preparation of holes. Small holes dug at intervals of 15–20 cm (25–30 cm if the variety is tall and sprawling) are filled with water and seedlings are planted in this slurry. Then all the holes are covered with earth and compacted well.

Levkoy care in the open field

Caring for the left first of all provides for moderation in everything. The plant accepts exceptionally balanced regular watering, since too much moisture or a long dry period will adversely affect it to the same extent. After watering the flower with Levkoy, it is advisable to loosen and weed the soil around it. In the year of planting, perennial levkoy do not need mulching.

Let's also remember about top dressing: levkoy prefer organics in the form of ash, complex mineral compounds in spring and potassium-phosphorus fertilizers when they bloom.

Features of breeding levkoy

The number of garden levkoy in a short time is increased thanks to the seed propagation method: you can sow a plant at least every two weeks, and as a result, the site will be full of exquisite flowers for the whole summer.

It is important for novice gardeners to know that double levkoy does not propagate by seed, as it is sterile, however, it has been noticed that double flowers produce seeds of poorly developed levkoy specimens with simple flowers. The fruits of such plants are represented by short, blunt pods, pressed close to the stem. From such seeds, simple and double flowers appear in approximately the same quantity.

If you want to know in advance what kind of seedlings to expect a gift in the form of beautiful double flowers, the seedlings are first placed in a place where the temperature is kept at around 12 - 15 0 C, and after a while the planting container is moved to where the temperature is much lower - about 6 - 8 0 C. As a result of such manipulations, an interesting difference appears: shoots, which will give terry flowers in the future, are overgrown with large and not very bright cotyledon leaves. Thus, the required planting material can be sorted already at the stage of seedling cultivation.

Diseases and insects dangerous for levkoy

The cruciferous flea insect causes the greatest harm to garden levkoy. If a small number of pests are detected from potential damage, the plant is saved with an ash solution, treating the outer surface and inner part leaves. For efficiency, 3 treatments are carried out with an interval of 4 to 5 days. In case the left attacked a large number of fleas, you can not do without insecticidal preparations. Decis, Actellik, Bankol, Intavir have proven themselves excellently.

In addition to the harmful effects of insects, levkoy suffer from blackleg. The disease is expressed by a change in the color of the basal section of the stem: at first it becomes brown, and then completely blackens. An infected plant can no longer be cured. To protect young seedlings of levkoy from illness in the future, the area before planting the plant is treated with a special drug Hom. The remedy has a remarkable effect: the disease, as a rule, no longer develops, even if its causative agents were present in this area before.

Levkoy seed collection

The sowing crop of levkoy is harvested in September - October, when their pods turn brown. Mother plants are uprooted and laid out in a dry, ventilated area to dry completely. Dry pods are stripped and small seeds are extracted from there.

wintering levkoy

In a harsh winter, heat-loving levkoy do not survive, therefore, on the eve of cold weather, flowers are pulled out of the ground, without waiting for their final withering, they are disposed of, and the soil in the place of the former flower bed is carefully dug up. In areas with a warm and mild climate, levkoy bushes are simply cut off at the root. You can also transplant your favorite flower into a separate container or pot and put it in the house so that you can enjoy the pleasant fragrance of levkoy all winter.

Varieties of Levkoy

The most popular representative of the family is recognized as a species called gray-haired left. Motherland beautiful plant Mediterranean countries and the Canary Islands. A strong annual is not afraid of the cold. This tall (up to 60 - 70 cm) plant has strongly branching, very often lignified stems and large alternate diamond-shaped or narrowed leaves of different shades of green. Lush flowers together "sit" 10 - 60 pieces in loose inflorescences.

The gray-haired levkoy begins to bloom magnificently in June, and you can admire this spectacle until November itself. In the conditions of the southern climate, such levkoy acquire flowers even in winter time of the year! Seeds do not lose their germination until 4 - 6 years. Today there are about 600 varieties of gray levkoy, which are distinguished by the type of flowers. In the photo - a riot of colors of gray-haired levkoy:

In addition to the gray-haired Levkoy, there are many others no less beautiful views plants. We list the main ones:

  • bouquet levkoy. These are mid-early plants up to 30 cm in height, which pamper gardeners. abundant flowering all summer. They have large and very beautiful flowers of various shades. The bush itself looks slender due to the same length of the central and lateral stems;
  • gigantic levkoy. They give double flowers that last until the arrival of the first cold weather. The plant reaches a height of 60 cm. A specific feature of the species is that the flowers on the central stems bloom earlier than on the lateral ones;
  • Quadlinburg Leftists. The plant has two types of large flowers - double and non-double. The species is divided into subgroups consisting of six-shaped and bush levkoy. Those, in turn, are late high, early low and high;
  • Erfurt lefties. These Levkoy know how to attract the attention of others - they have large and very fragrant flowers. The plant itself reaches 40 cm in height;
  • large-flowered treelike levkoy. They resemble a small tree, because they rise above the ground at a distance of 1 m, while only the upper part of the stem is decorated with flowers. The flowers are large and incredibly fragrant;
  • single stem levkoy. Quite tall - up to 80 cm in height - plants, during the flowering period they give large double flowers of various shades;
  • pyramidal levkoy. By the name, you can guess what geometric figure the bushes of the plant look like. The height of the flower "pyramids" varies. Some of the most beautiful representatives of the species are Ruby and Sapphire;
  • sprawling levkoy. They are divided into two subgroups, represented by remontant and large-flowered plants.

As you can see, Levkoy is very graceful and beautiful, which is why landscape art specialists often pay attention to this culture. Basically, flowers are used to build picturesque flower beds in the garden. A variety of shades of weightless colors will transform even the dullest corner in the backyard.