Kalanchoe Kalandiva: the secrets of plant care at home. Beautiful Kalandiva mix - Kalanchoe with flowering for more than six months Kalanchoe mini mix reproduction

  • 15.06.2019

Surely, you have often paid attention in stores to small pots, densely strewn with small rose-like flowers. They look very impressive and enjoy well-deserved authority in floriculture. After all, they are not only attractive, but also unpretentious in care. With a miniature size, do not take up much space on the windowsill. And, at the same time, they are a bright spot among other plants due to the numerous lush and colorful inflorescences.

This is Kalanchoe Kalandiva, which is valued, first of all, for its attractive appearance and, to a lesser extent, for its medicinal properties.

Few people know that Kalanchoe Kalandiva is the closest relative. But it differs from it in a more miniature size, profusion and duration of flowering.

Kalandiva does not grow in the wild. This plant was bred by breeders in artificial conditions. It is a compact bush with neat smooth (or velvety) leaves, rarely growing above 30 cm.

The flowers are varied - pink, red, white. Small, they are collected in lush and bright inflorescences. Flowering - plentiful and long - up to six months. Flowering begins in January and continues until summer.

Kalanchoe Kalandiva is bred as a highly decorative plant and is not used for medicinal purposes, although it has mild healing effects.

Of great popularity, especially in Holland and Denmark, is the Kalanchoe variety Kalandiva mix - a mixture of plants with flowers of different colors. This composition looks very impressive.

How to care for Kalanchoe kalandiva at home?

Kalanchoe Kalandiva is an exceptionally unpretentious flower. Even during the flowering period, which lasts quite a long time, it does not require special care. The only thing that can be recommended is to periodically clean the plant from wilted flower stalks.

Light mode

This variety of Kalanchoe tolerates partial shade well. Although it prefers, like other types of Kalanchoe, good, intense lighting. At the same time, placement in direct sunlight is not recommended, as well as excessively shaded places.

The light regime is especially important for flowering, during the laying of buds. At this time, the lighting should be bright and long.

For a dormant period, the flower can be removed to a less lit place.

Air humidity

Kalandiva tolerates dry air well. Heavy spraying is not required. You can generally do without it, so as not to provoke the decay of the plant.

Air temperature

The most comfortable temperature for Kalandiva is from +15 to +30 degrees Celsius. It perfectly transfers fresh air in the warm season, therefore it is recommended in summer time, if possible, place a flower on a balcony, veranda or in the garden. Lowering the temperature to + 10 ° C is best avoided, since this Kalanchoe variety is sensitive to cold.

Watering mode

Water Kalandiva moderately, as the earthen clod dries in a pot. It is advisable to use soft water (rain, settled tap water).

It must be remembered that, like all succulents, Kalandiva easily tolerates a lack of moisture, but its excess can be detrimental to the plant.

Therefore, the flower is watered only when the earth in the pot dries up: when the top layer of the earth dries up - in the summer and when 2/3 of the earthen coma dries up - in the winter.

top dressing

Kalandiva needs to be fed during the budding period. As a rule, this is late summer - early autumn. As top dressing, ready-made fertilizers intended for succulents are used. It is advisable not to use fertilizers with a high nitrogen content, because. this can cause root rot.


Kalanchoe Kalandiva does not require frequent transplantation. This is due to the small size of both the bush itself and the root system. Therefore, a transplant may be needed only after purchase or as a therapeutic measure for a plant disease.

plant pruning

Pruning of Kalandiva is carried out mainly for decorative purposes, to give the bush a neat, compact shape. Pruning "under the root" is also practiced in order to rejuvenate the flower and prepare it for the next flowering.

Diseases and pests: methods of treatment

Kalandiva is resistant to pests and is very rarely affected by them. If an infection occurs, then most often it happens:

  • scab;
  • powdery mildew;
  • gray rot.

Aphid most often gets on Kalanchoe from other plants (including recently purchased infected specimens). It feeds and clogs the pores of the plant with waste products. To combat aphids, special insecticides are needed, which are used to treat the soil in the pot and the aerial part of the plant.

The reason for the appearance gray rot (mold) there may be cold drafts on the leaves, too humid plant habitat (excessive spraying, watering) combined with stagnant air. Leaves and stems are covered with weeping spots and dark patina. Treatment is carried out with the help of fungicides, which are sprayed both on the flower itself and on the ground in a pot.

No less detrimental to kalandiva and high air temperature, combined with high humidity. This may give rise to powdery mildew. In this case, the flower must be processed by special means against fungus.

In the fight against gray rot and powdery mildew, along with the treatment of the plant with special means, it is necessary to revise the conditions for keeping the flower in order to avoid recurrence of diseases.

Change after purchase

After the purchase, it is necessary to transplant the flower from a temporary pot into a permanent one. A small pot will do as the plant does not grow large. Any ready-made soil for succulents is used. Or cooked on your own: four parts of sod land are mixed with two parts of hardwood, one part of sand and the same amount of peat. Drainage must be laid at the bottom of the pot. A good nutritional effect is achieved by adding pieces of birch charcoal to the soil.

How to propagate Kalanchoe kalandiva?

Kalandiva is propagated by cuttings, rooting both cut shoots and leaves.

The cutting is placed in a humid environment: wet sand or water. Since Kalanchoe Kalandiva is enough miniature plant, then the cuttings are usually small. Wet sand is more suitable for small cuttings, in which they take root better than in water. It is recommended to cover the stalk placed in a nutrient medium with a glass jar and periodically spray it.

After the Kalanchoe is well rooted, you should pinch the top. This is necessary for better branching of the future bush.

Reproduction by leaves occurs in a similar way. The cut sheet is immersed in wet sand and covered with glass on top. After the appearance of the first roots, the glass is removed. Before planting a leaf in the sand, you can stand it for a day in the shade.

The temperature favorable for rooting is +16 ... +20 ° С. The best period for plant propagation is from mid-spring to mid-summer.

Observing simple rules care for Kalanchoe kalandiva, you will get an amazing miniature bouquet in a pot. A chic palette of kalandiva flowers - from all shades of red to yellow - will cheer you up and decorate your windowsill.

Kalanchoe Kalandiva is an amazingly beautiful bright flower that has securely settled on our windowsills. Its lush inflorescences of yellow, crimson, orange, white, pink and red double flowers delight us for more than six months. Flowering begins in January - February and lasts almost until autumn. Wild Kalanchoe of this species does not exist in nature. The flower was bred as a result of selection work from Blosfeld's Kalanchoe growing in Madagascar.

It differs from it in miniature (grows up to 25-30 cm tall), abundant and long flowering. Since Kalanchoe is a succulent, it has glossy fleshy leaves of rich dark green color. The leaves are oval or ovoid, 4-6 cm long, with serrated edges, arranged oppositely. On sale you can often see Kalanchoe Kalandiva mix, original and very effective. It is not a separate variety or subspecies, but is a mixture of several plants with flowers of various shades.

Kalanchoe Kalandiva: home care

All Kalanchoes, including Kalandiva, are quite unpretentious: breeding and maintenance is within the power of even a novice amateur grower. But in order for the flower to have an attractive appearance, please long flowering, he needs to create favorable conditions.

Conditions of detention: lighting, temperature, humidity

This is very photophilous plant, preferring east, west and south windows. Can withstand direct solar lighting, but it is not worth exposing it to the aggressive midday sun. North windows - not the most better place for a flower. For flowering, he will have to arrange additional lighting with fluorescent or phytolamps to extend the daylight hours to 9 hours. For Kalanchoe, both excess and deficiency of light are undesirable. These factors may be the reason for the lack of flowering.

Being a succulent, Kalanchoe feels good in a wide temperature range - from 14 to 30 degrees Celsius. This makes it possible to grow it not only in room conditions but also on the balcony, veranda, in the garden. In autumn, the plant needs a temperature of 14-16 degrees Celsius to lay buds.

For an indicator like ambient humidity, Kalanchoe is indifferent. It can be washed in the shower to wash away dust and dirt, or wipe the leaves with a damp sponge. But you can not place the plant next to heating appliances and expose it to hot air currents.

Watering and feeding

Kalanchoe is hardy. In its fleshy succulent leaves and twigs, nutrients and moisture are accumulated, thanks to which it is able to withstand short-term overdrying of the soil. But wrinkled and soft leaves indicate that the plant is running out of safety margin, and it must be watered immediately. Do not bring the flower to such a state. Water it regularly and sparingly as the topsoil dries out.. Filling it up is also not recommended. Excess water leads to rotting of the root system.

In September, a period of rest begins, which lasts until January - February. Watering should be gradually reduced to once every 12-15 days. Monitor the condition of the green pet: if the leaves are limp, water it immediately and change the watering regimen.

For irrigation, use soft tap water at room temperature, settled for at least a day. Can be watered with spring or filtered water.

At the time of flowering, Kalanchoe requires additional feeding. Feed it with a cactus or succulent fertilizer at half the recommended concentration. Top dressing is applied simultaneously with watering once every two to three weeks.. After the plant fades and goes into a dormant state, top dressing is stopped.

Can't use organic. Increased nitrogen fertilization causes an increase in green mass, and the plant does not have the strength to bloom.


The need for a transplant arises every two to three years, when the roots are completely braided with an earthen ball. Replant Kalanchoe Kalandiva mix, mini and other species should be in the dormant period. During flowering, the roots of Kalanchoe practically do not grow, and any stressful situations, which include transplantation, lead to the loss of flowers.

For transplanting, prepare a new pot 1.5–2 cm wider than the previous one, and loose, light soil. You can use a special soil mixture for succulents or make it yourself from:

  • 4 parts of universal soil and 1 part of sand;
  • equal parts turf and leafy soil, humus, peat and sand.

15 g of superphosphate can be added to the soil mixture for every kilogram of soil.

Be sure to use good drainage: pebbles, expanded clay, polystyrene. The drainage layer should be a quarter of the height of the pot. Water the transplanted plant and place it in partial shade for several days. Further care is no different from the usual.


All types of Kalanchoe delight their owners with intensive growth, but excessively elongated shoots, growing by 30 cm per year, lead to a loss of the compact form of flowers. Pruning is useful for crown formation, which, by awakening new growth points and stimulating the formation of flower shoots, returns an attractive appearance and ensures flowering.

While Kalanchoe does not bloom, young bushes can be pinched, and adult plants can be cut to form a beautiful lush crown. Faded flower stalks are cut off at the base to activate the development of shoots..

For cutting use blade or sharp knife. Do not break leaves and shoots. You can also not cut the plant too much. At one time, you can cut no more than a quarter of the green mass.

To grow Kalanchoe in the form of a tree (on one bole), cut off all the side stems and buds without touching the tops. When the stem reaches the height required for the trunk of the tree, pinch the apical buds to stimulate branching. On the stem of the formed tree, all resulting shoots are removed.

Flowering Kalanchoe

The plant must be prepared for flowering by organizing a dormant period for it. The laying of buds and the formation of flower buds is facilitated by temporary lowering the temperature to 14-16 degrees Celsius, moderate ambient lighting and watering. In November, pinch the branches and wait for flowering. If it did not come in March, repeat the procedure.

Make sure all the conditions are created for the flowering of the plant. Reasons for not blooming:

  • lack of illumination - this is evidenced by shoots stretched upwards;
  • too long, more than 12 hours, daylight hours;
  • lack of nutrients - the purchased plant should be transplanted into a new soil, as store soil usually emaciated;
  • waterlogging can cause rotting of the roots - in this state, Kalanchoe is unlikely to be able to bloom.

Reproduction methods

Propagate Kalanchoe, as a rule, vegetatively: leaflets and stem cuttings. The seed method for hybrid plants is not applicable, since there is a high probability of loss of color or doubleness of the petals.

Reproduction of Kalanchoe Kalandiva at home (step by step guide):

At good care young Kalanchoe will bloom in six months.

Diseases and pests

When purchasing indoor flowers, carefully inspect them for signs of disease or pests. At home, isolate the beginner from home flowers for a week. If no problems are identified, transplant from a new soil and determine the place allocated for it.

Kalanchoe - unpretentious and resistant to various diseases and pests. But with errors in care, an excess of moisture, leading to rotting of the roots, they become vulnerable.

The main problems faced by owners of Kalanchoe mix, mini and other varieties:

You will not be disappointed if you place one or more specimens of Kalanchoe Kalandiva on your windowsill. Caring for them is simple and easy, but they will thank you with lush long flowering, especially appropriate in the cold months of the year, they will create home comfort and lift your spirits.

Miniature flower with colorful and abundant flowering, pleasing the owners for up to eight months a year - this is one of the most unpretentious succulents Kalanchoe Kalandiva mix. The spectacular decorative effect of the plant, combined with the ease of caring for it at home, are the reasons for its high popularity among flower growers.

Origin and botanical description of the plant

Genus Kalanchoe plants belongs to the Tolstyankov family, and Kalandiva is a hybrid bred by breeders in the laboratory, therefore it does not occur in the wild. It is a shrub that rarely reaches a height of more than 30 cm.

This is a succulent plant that accumulates "in reserve" water in fleshy leaves, and then gradually consumes it.

The stems of the Kalanchoe Kalandiva flower are rounded, thick, densely leafy. Numerous branched shoots produce aerial roots.

The leaves can be smooth or velvety, dark green in color. Their shape is oval or ovoid, the edges are finely serrated.

The form of the inflorescence is paniculate (in the form of false lush umbrellas). The flowers are double, small and numerous, on short peduncles. A feature of the Kalandiva mix species is its color variety: white, red, pink and salmon-colored buds open from January to the summer months. Each bush of Kalanchoe Kalandiva mix blooms in one color, but the composition of several copies looks very impressive.

Kalandiva is bred as a highly decorative flower. healing properties the plant does not possess, but benefits, purifying the air in the room and delighting with a bright view.

Main varieties

Kalanchoe Kalandiva mix is ​​a bright variety of Kalanchoe Kalandiva mini, a hybrid derived from Kalanchoe Blossfeld. The main difference between varieties of Kalandiva and Blossfeld is terry, not simple flowers, longer flowering period.

Necessary conditions for growing

Kalandiva perfectly adapts to home conditions, the temperature range that is comfortable for her is wide - from 15 to 30 ° C. tributary fresh air the plant perceives with gratitude, and in the warm season the best place for it is on the balcony, veranda or in the yard. The critical temperature for Kalanchoe is less than 10 ° C. A short-term drop to 7-9 ° C will survive the flower, but a long-term cold snap can cause its death.

The period of many months of active flowering will not add worries to the grower - it is enough just to remove wilted flower stalks.

Location and lighting

Flowering Kalanchoe Kalandivs directly depends on the light regime. The plant for flowering needs long and intense lighting (at least during the laying of buds), but it does not like direct sunlight.

After the end of flowering, it “requires” rest for a month in a darkened place (some flower growers put a flower pot on a shelf in a closet). The main thing is not to forget to water it occasionally.

The rest of the time, the plant needs diffused sunlight (or artificial lighting) during a normal daylight hours.

Air humidity

In dry air, Kalandiva feels quite comfortable and does not need additional moisture. Moreover, excessive moisture can provoke the development of putrefactive processes.

For the hygiene of the flower, it is enough to wipe its leaves from dust with a damp cloth.

Soil and pot requirements

For the healthy development of Kalanchoe, easy access of air and water to the root is important, so it needs loose soil of a neutral reaction, with drainage inclusions. in the best way ready-made soil is suitable for succulents and cacti, however, you can “assemble” the mixture yourself:

  • the first option is to combine 3 parts of garden soil and one part of coarse sand;
  • the second option is to replace garden soil with humus, taken in the same proportion;
  • the third - take turf and leafy soil, peat, sand and humus equally and add a little perlite.

Be sure to have drainage - expanded clay, broken shards or small brick fragments. The pot must also have drainage holes. Its shape and material do not play a special role.

How to care for Kalanchoe Kalandiva mix

Flowering Kalanchoe Kalandiva at proper care after it, starting in the winter months with short daylight hours, it will last until mid-summer. The mode of watering, top dressing at this time and during the rest period of the flower is different. For lush flowering next year, the plant needs a quality rest.

Need for watering

Kalanchoe is a succulent, and therefore tolerates drought more easily than overflows. Moisten the soil moderately: in summer - after the topsoil has dried, in winter - when the earthen ball dries out by 2/3. In the months of active vegetation, one watering every few days is usually enough, during the dormant period (from early September to January) - two or more times less often.

A few minutes after watering, the water accumulated in the pan is removed. Repeat the procedure for an hour several times (experienced flower growers end up even wiping dry both the pan and the bottom of the pot). Waterlogging the succulent is fraught with the development of root rot.

Water for irrigation is well defended so that chlorine comes out. It is undesirable to use hard. Excess lime forms a coating on the surface of the soil, making it difficult for air to reach the roots. If it is not possible to use thawed or rainwater, boil and cool the tap water.

top dressing

Kalandiva needs to be fed with fertilizers when laying buds. As a rule, this is the end of summer and the beginning of autumn. As a top dressing, it is most useful to use ready-made mixtures intended for succulents. Organics are not used, since excessive nitrogen content adversely affects the condition of the roots, provoking decay, and in addition, it is also the cause of fattening of the bush, when all its forces are spent on growing leaves and shoots, and there is no strength left for flowering.

The fertilizer mixture is dissolved in water for irrigation.

plant formation

pruning kalanchoe Kalandiva mix is ​​practiced:

  • for decorative purposes - to give the flower a more harmonious, neat look;
  • for its rejuvenation - under the root;
  • to prepare for next year's flowering (since inflorescences form only at the ends of young apical stems);
  • after flowering to remove wilted flower stalks.

During the flowering period, Kalandiva is not disturbed by pruning, and during the rest of the growing season they pinch or cut the branches from above at a distance of two leaves - do so until the bush acquires the desired shape.

After withering, the flower stalks are removed so that they do not spoil the “smart” appearance.

As a tool, a sharp knife, ordinary or clerical, is suitable. If it has already been used to trim other plants, you need to disinfect the blade with alcohol. Breaking shoots or tops is not recommended.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that no more than a quarter of the total amount of greenery can be removed at a time.

Pests and diseases

Kalanchoe Kalandiva is a plant with high immunity, it rarely gets sick or is affected by pests - only with a chronic violation of the rules for caring for it. If, nevertheless, an attack of pests occurs, these are, as a rule, aphids or scale insects:

Over-watering combined with cool temperatures or drafts can cause gray mold or powdery mildew to develop. A sign of the first of the diseases is weeping spots with a dark coating on leaves and stems. Powdery mildew, as the name implies, appears as a flour-like, slightly sticky coating on the trunk and foliage. In both cases, both the flower and the soil are treated with fungicides for treatment.

Reproduction methods

Kalandiva is propagated vegetatively (cuttings and leaves) and seeds.


The first option is very simple and fast in execution. Since the plant itself is small, its cuttings are also small in length. It is preferable to root them in wet sand than in water. Pre-treated with any root formation stimulant and placed in the sand, the stalk is covered with the cut off bottom of a plastic bottle or glass jar, lifting them once a day and spraying the young Kalanchoe. After the rooting of the cuttings begins, the semblance of a greenhouse is removed.

After the Kalandiva mix starts roots, it must be transplanted for further cultivation to a permanent place and pinch the top to start active branching.

Leaf cultivation

The leaf breeding technology is exactly the same, except that before immersing in wet sand, leaf plates are recommended to be kept in a shaded place for a day.

To propagate a flower best time- from April to July, temperature - from 16 to 20 °C.


The seed method of propagation of Kalanchoe Kalandiva is possible, but impractical - not only because it is time-consuming and labor-intensive. Kalandiva is a hybrid plant, and therefore, when seed propagation varietal characteristics are not preserved.

Terms and technology of transplantation

Feature of growing a flower - thanks to small sizes both ground and root parts, it needs a planned transplant no more than once every 2-3 years. Be sure to transplant Kalanchoe after purchase (about a week later, giving the plant time to adapt to new conditions), transferring it to the “right”, nutritious soil, and also if the procedure is needed as part of the plant’s treatment.

Usually, the root system is gently washed with lukewarm running water to wash away the remnants of depleted store peat soil (or contaminated with pathogenic bacteria).

In any case, both during the planned transplantation of Kalanchoe Kalandiva, when a new, slightly larger pot is used, and during transplantation as part of the treatment process, the container for the flower is disinfected with boiling water. You can additionally place it in a strong solution of potassium permanganate.

Drainage is placed in the pot so that it occupies a quarter of its height. Some flower growers immediately add superphosphate to the soil for Kalanchoe at the rate of 15 g of fertilizer per kilogram of substrate.

A small layer of soil mixture is poured, forming a tubercle from it, on which the plant is installed, and the empty spaces are covered with earth. The neck of the root should remain at the level of the top layer of the earth. The distance from the edge of the root ball to the walls of the pot is 1-3 cm. The soil is compacted with a peg.

When flowering, the transplant procedure is not carried out, they are waiting for the completion of this process.

Possible difficulties in growing

The unpretentiousness of Kalanchoe Kalandiva is sometimes overestimated by novice flower growers, and gross violations in caring for it lead to a lack of flowering, for which a flower is bred. The following reasons are likely why Kalandiva does not bloom older than two years:

  • excessive moisture, It causes rotting of the roots and a general painful condition of the plant, which does not have enough strength to bloom;
  • incorrect lighting mode - lack of light provokes stretching of the stems, their thinning, inflorescences do not form in the shade;
  • poor soil that does not provide the flower with the necessary nutrients - if, after purchase, Kalandiva was not transplanted into good soil;
  • excess nitrogen in fertilizer mixtures. This is the reason why the flower grows only green mass.

Correcting these errors will kalanchoe bush mix throw away buds (perhaps as early as next season).

Small decorative bushes of Kalanchoe Kalandiva mix take up very little space on the windowsill or desktop, but invariably delight the eye with bright colors of fresh flowers for more than six months. You just need to pay a little attention to this unpretentious, but very cute plant.

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How to care for Kalanchoe Kalandiva mix?

Compact bushes of Kalanchoe Kalandiva mix attract everyone's attention in the windows of flower shops with bright caps of inflorescences. Their range of colors includes all shades of pink and orange, and double flowers have the ability to stay on the plant for a long time (Fig. 1). Thanks to this unpretentious, but beautiful plants flower growers willingly acquire with the hope that Kalanchoe will always bloom like this. But, as a rule, fading once, the bush loses its decorative effect, stretches out and no longer ties the buds. After waiting for some time, the owner disappointedly throws the plant away.

Figure 1. Kalanchoe flowers always attract attention and do not fall off for a long time.

How to care for a flower?

How to provide a capricious bush with such care at home so that it blooms, as at the time of purchase? It turns out that there is nothing complicated about this: in general, Kalanchoe Kalandiva mix is ​​​​considered one of the most unpretentious and undemanding to the conditions of keeping plants. It perfectly tolerates the dry air of a city apartment and daily temperature fluctuations, you can forget to water it on time and you don’t need to spray or roll over growing bushes at all.

But Kalanchoe has some secrets that are skillfully used by organizations that grow flowering bushes for sale.

Kalanchoe should be watered moderately and only as needed.

To keep the shape of the bush and not allow it to stretch out over the summer into a long stem with rare lateral processes and sticking out in all directions aerial roots, you need to cut off the peduncle immediately after flowering, leaving a stem stump with several leaves. Such a measure will cause the growth of side shoots.

If the growth of these branches is too strong, and the grower wants to have a small Kalanchoe bush, then pruning can be repeated. So closer to autumn it will be possible to make a bush of the desired shape and size.

So that the shoots do not stretch too much, he needs a fairly bright light. The southeast or southwest location of the windows will be quite acceptable for him. At midday, on the southern windows, it can be too hot even for tropical plants, so when placing Kalanchoe in such a place, this fact should be taken into account and the bush should be shaded in the middle of the day.

Watering Kalanchoe Kalandiva should be moderate, it must be done depending on the degree of drying of the earthen clod. A flower should never be watered if the soil in the container is moist at a depth of about 1 cm. Given the ability of the succulent plant to accumulate moisture in the tissues and retain it for a long time, watering can be started when the ground seems already very dry. The moisture flowing into the pan after watering must be drained to prevent root rot.

Closer to autumn, to stimulate the laying of flower buds, the plant needs to be fed with fertilizers containing potassium and phosphorus. IN flower shop you can choose special mixtures for flowering plants. Apply fertilizer during the next watering with an interval between top dressings of about 15 days.

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How to make it bloom?

Blooming at home at the end of summer and maintaining habits even when grown at home, the bushes begin to form buds with a gradual reduction in daylight hours. In mid-latitudes, this occurs naturally closer to winter, and therefore Kalanchoe begins to bloom mainly on short winter days. It is important to know at the same time that with a long day (more than 9-10 hours), with artificial illumination of nearby plants, with bright light in the room where the flower pot stands, you can not wait for flowering, because. the plant will not receive a signal that its time has come.

This property of Kalanchoe is used in greenhouses when growing flowering bushes for sale. By artificially reducing daylight hours to 7-8 hours a day, flowering can be achieved even at unusual times for the plant - in summer or spring. To do this, you just need to cover it with a dark cap (box or other similar object) in time, gradually reducing the time the plant stays in the light. The deceived Kalanchoe will not be slow to respond, and 30-40 days after the start of the reduction in daylight hours, it will form flower stalks with numerous buds.

Kalanchoe Kalandiva is a very common plant due to its unpretentiousness and long flowering. Africa is the birthplace of Kalanchoe, it has decorative and medicinal properties. This species is also called Kalanchoe Kalandiva mini, but in general there are more than 200 in the world.

Did you know? Such kind of kalanchoe, like Kalandiva mix, can bloom for more than six months, and its flowers are very bright and varied in color.

Description Kalanchoe Kalandiva

When choosing a source for a future plant, you need to be very careful: the best option will become stalk or leaf from a young shoot. Using a disinfected tool, you need to carefully cut off the selected stalk (with leaves) and put it in water.

Also, before breeding Kalanchoe Kalandiva, it is necessary to shorten the old shoots to 7-8 cm.

Did you know? It happens that babies appear on the edges of the Kalanchoe leaves, which can take root on their own.

The rooting of the plant in water will occur faster, but cuttings can also be planted in the soil. For this, peat or wet sand is suitable. Planting depth - about 1.5-2 cm. The planted stalk or leaf must be covered with a transparent container.
Roots are formed in 7-10 days, after which Kalanchoe Kalandiva needs to be transplanted into separate pot. The development of a new plant will be better in nutrient soil.