Kalanchoe how to make a beautiful bush. How to trim Kalanchoe: basic rules and tips

  • 12.06.2019

Kalanchoe is famous not only for its remarkable appearance and unpretentiousness, but is also used for medicinal purposes. Any grower is familiar with this plant. Our article will tell you about the important "ritual" that gives your green friend the final refined appearance - how to pinch a Kalanchoe.

Step-by-step instruction at your service.

1 Things to know before pinching

In the photo Kalanchoe

The heroes of our article belong to plants that have been used for medicinal purposes since ancient times. Juice was squeezed out of their leaves, which has an anti-inflammatory effect, applied to wounds, burns, and even from the “scourge of mankind” - the common cold (for which, until now, there are almost no more effective drugs). Especially after pinching, Kalanchoë grows fast,

Although almost all varieties of Kalanchoë need to be pinched, there are certain varieties that do not need to be pinched - they are already all year round have a complete form, without shoots, periodically drying up at the ends in other species. One of these - the most famous of all, among scientists and gardeners is called Degremona, and among the people he received the honorary name "doctor" (or "surgeon"), for exceptional medicinal properties. And also - "crocodile", behind the fleshy toothed leaves growing in pairs, between which the "younger generation" huddles. Although this kalanchoe pinching withstands steadfastly, and if desired, you can do it, lateral shoots after this procedure grows without much zeal.

About Kalanchoe

2 How to pinch Kalanchoe - step by step

  • Let's start with observation. We see that any Kalanchoë feels great even in the bank, and grows by leaps and bounds. The main thing is that he gets plenty of light, so it would be a bad idea to put a flowerpot with him in a poorly lit corner of the room. Over time, in most varieties, thinning of the upper shoots can be noticed. In parallel with this, the leaves on them are becoming smaller and smaller. This is a sign that not enough juices are coming into these areas. Such shoots can not only not bloom, but also dry out entirely. Seeing this, it's time to start pinching off the weakened shoots.
  • You can tear off the top of the plant without any preparation of the green pet for the procedure. You can do this with scissors, and just nails, without fear of the formation of wounds. Occasionally the latter, however, appear. This happens if you go too far with pinching, pinching further than necessary. However, wounds are treated very simply. It is enough to sprinkle them with ashes, or better - with charcoal. After some time, the vacated space will give rise to two side shoots.
  • As new shoots form, continue to observe their growth. The compact flower shape can be maintained for a long time after this operation, but in some cases you may again notice signs of drying out of new branches. Then you should carry out with them the same manipulations that we considered in the second paragraph.
  • The photo shows how to pinch Kalanchoe

    3 Other useful things to know about pinching

    There is one more moment when it is very desirable to pinch Kalanchoe - if it should bloom, but still will not give buds. Please note that standing on the northern windowsill, the flower grows with noticeable effort and may not bloom. If it is in the south, it should be pinched before the onset of December, and if it looks to the west or east - on any convenient day. By courting Kalanchoë in this way, you will no doubt expect gratitude from him.

    About caring for Kalanchoe

    Often gardeners ask a question specifically about Kalanchoe kalandiva, how to pinch this flower. The main thing to consider is that the plant must be thoroughly cut immediately after flowering. The rest are the same instructions.

    Whether it is necessary to pinch Kalanchoe - everyone decides for himself and his green pet, without this operation the plant will not die. However, we recall that the procedure can help the process of healthy lush growth, as well as improve the aesthetics of the appearance.

    In general, the plant is quite unpretentious, it is not very difficult to care for it, so it is well suited to buy it as a gift. At home Kalanchoe conditions, as a rule, does not grow more than half a meter in height. You can find out how to care for Kalanchoe so that it blooms.

    The plant tolerates a short period of drought quite easily., but excessive watering is dangerous for him. When watering, it is worth making sure that the earth is wet to the full depth, but there should not be excess moisture. It is worth choosing such a frequency of watering so that the soil has time to dry out. In summer, watering should be frequent, in winter - once every two weeks.

    Reference! Kalanchoe loves bright light, and in winter period she needs additional source Sveta. It is better to keep Kalanchoe at a temperature not higher than +25 and not lower than +12 degrees, and in the heat of Kalanchoe it is necessary to water daily.

    What is the procedure?

    "Pruning" is the removal of faded buds and excess leaves. Pruning is necessary to give the plant a beautiful shape, juiciness of the leaves and create favorable conditions for the life of the plant. As a result of pruning, the juice accumulated inside the Kalanchoe is more evenly distributed throughout the plant and the flower becomes resistant to drying out and wilting.

    Pruning rules depend on the type of plant:

    • Kalanchoe Blossfeld, a plant that blooms with red flowers, tolerate the pruning process very calmly.
    • With other species (most often with plants that have white and yellow flowers) you need to be extremely careful: if you prune incorrectly or remove too many leaves, it will be detrimental to these types of Kalanchoe.

    If you damage the stem during pruning, you should immediately sprinkle the cut with wood ash.

    Advice! For pruning kalanchoe it is better to use scissors with a sharp blade to avoid unnecessary damage.

    How and when?

    In winter (more precisely, after November), cutting Kalanchoe is categorically not recommended, since the plant is at rest. You can start in late spring, but at this time the plant may already bloom. crop flowering plant it is forbidden! If Kalanchoe has bloomed, the procedure must be postponed until the end of flowering (?).

    It is better to prune the plant in the morning (before lunch). After pruning, you need to give the plant a rest, it is not recommended to water it after the procedure.

    There are several types of pruning:

    • As soon as the plant got into your house, you need to pinch it to form a crown and set the correct direction of growth. To do this, remove two or three extreme leaves on each branch. After that, new shoots will begin to grow.

      Until you achieve the desired result, Kalanchoe should not be allowed to come into contact with direct sunlight. Sunlight will contribute to the rapid growth of the plant, and therefore the flower may stretch too much.

    • From now on, you need to periodically carry out preventive pruning to create a beautiful shape, and you need to do this until the desired result is achieved. There is no need to wait for young shoots to grow. You can start pruning (cut branches) and form Kalanchoe as soon as new leaves appear.

    How to do it after flowering?

    Pruning Kalanchoe after flowering is also called clearing pruning. Before you make a cleansing pruning, be sure to make sure that the plant has completely finished flowering.

    1. The leaves in this case are cut in the same way as with preventive pruning: two or three extreme leaves on the stems.
    2. After that, remove the bloomed buds (peduncles). The buds are removed at the very base. It is necessary to remove every single flower stalks so that the plant does not begin to rot.

    Important! Pruning after flowering is necessary not only to return to the plant beautiful view, but also in order to "free" it from dried buds.

    How to take care in the future?

    At the end of pruning, the plant must be allowed to rest.. At this time, it is necessary to reduce watering and remove the plant away from direct sunlight, that is, do not keep it at the very solar time days on the window, a table near the window is much better suited, especially if the window is curtained with transparent tulle. The time for which the plant should fully recover after the pruning procedure is about a month (from 20 to 40 days).

    So, if you follow all the rules (it is also advisable to consult with more experienced flower growers), you can grow in your home beautiful flower and provide him comfortable conditions for further reproduction.

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    Kalanchoe grows in many houses and apartments. The plant does not require special care, but like everything else it needs watering, fertilizer and, of course, pruning. In this article, we will look at how to properly prune Kalanchoe so as not to harm the plant.

    Pruning homemade Kalanchoe is the removal of excess leaves and flowers. This procedure will help shape the plant so that it looks beautiful. A small bush looks more original than a long stem.

    In addition to the decorative purpose, pruning is also needed for lush flowering. When we remove the extra shoots, the juice accumulates in the stem, which is then evenly distributed over the remaining branches. Kalanchoe becomes juicy, the plant increases resistance to drying.

    Note that pinching is of three types:

    • initial;
    • preventive;
    • after flowering.

    How and when each type of pinching is done, you will learn further. Sometimes, especially in sunny places, the flower can outgrow. Therefore, many flower growers are interested in how to cut Kalanchoe if it is stretched out. If it so happened that a long, ugly top has grown, you just need to cut it off. Try to constantly watch the shoots. As soon as they begin to grow, you need to immediately pinch off two leaves from above. Of course, the green inhabitant of your house can do without pruning, only then it will look ugly, and old shoots will interfere with the development of young shoots.

    How to prune different types

    And now we will figure out how to cut Kalanchoe of different varieties. It is noteworthy that today about 200 varieties of this flower are known. However, only a few can be grown at home. For almost all varieties, the pruning instructions are the same, but for some individual representatives there are special rules.

    The most common variety is . The variety is excellent for growing at home. The plant blooms with beautiful red flowers. This Kalanchoe can be cut to the very root. In this state, the flower will begin to develop intensively, its bush will become lush.
    Species that bear flowers of yellow and white color, you need to pinch in a different way. True, such varieties are rarely found in homes. They need special care. It is necessary to form such a bush correctly. If you remove a lot of foliage, you can cause irreparable damage to the green space.
    To perform the pinching correctly, it is important to find out what variety you have. However, it is worth remembering that pruning is a necessary procedure and painless for the plant. If rotting has begun at the cut points, these areas must be treated with charcoal. To avoid such troubles, it is necessary to disinfect the tools for pruning. In no case do not cut off extra leaves with your hands, such actions can weaken your green friend.

    Initial and prophylactic sample

    The initial pruning is that as soon as the plant has taken root after transplantation, it is immediately pinched. How to pinch Kalanchoe - more on that below. On the shoots, you need to cut off the top two leaves in turn. In the place where the pruning took place, young shoots with leaves will grow.
    Now carry out preventive pruning. It is repeated from time to time until Kalanchoe looks like a pretty and neat bush. Don't wait for the leaves to grow. Only the young ones appeared - you can already carry out the procedure.

    In late autumn, when winter is just around the corner, cutting the flower is stopped. You can again form a bush in late spring. But if the flower began to bloom, pruning is prohibited.

    Before you dive, identify the species of Kalanchoe, as each species is pruned differently. If the flower is overgrown, remove the top without any remorse. To get a dense bush as a result, watch the growth of the shoots. As soon as a young shoot appears, pinch off two leaves - in this place you will eventually see two shoots.

    Let them grow until the third leaves appear, and pick at this level. Then let the next pair grow to the third leaf, and pinch again. And so on until you get a beautiful spherical bush.

    Pruning after flowering

    Pruning Kalanchoe at home after flowering is a must.

    During the preventive procedure, leaves and flowers are removed. The leaves are cut, as usual, one by two extreme. Now let's talk about how to prune Kalanchoe after flowering correctly. The step-by-step procedure is as follows: first of all, you need to carefully examine the flower to find out if the whole flower has faded; flower stalks should be removed at the very base, otherwise the plant may begin to rot.
    Every time the plant has faded in a lush color, you should carefully remove every single flower stalks. Then pruning is done. It is better to carry it out early in the morning, in extreme cases, you need to manage before noon. Thanks to this simple procedure, the formation of new stems is stimulated, which are ready to bloom.
    When the pruning of Kalanchoe after flowering is completed, the green space needs rest. At this time it is less

    Grow beautiful bush Kalanchoe is quite simple - for this he needs to create optimal conditions for growth so that the shoots do not stretch, and the leaves become large and healthy. And correct pruning will help to form the crown of the plant, giving it an attractive shape. This procedure is associated with some risk, so you should familiarize yourself with the algorithm for its implementation in advance so as not to destroy the plant and not disrupt its life rhythm.

    What types of Kalanchoe require pruning?

    Kalanchoe is a genus of tropical succulents that includes decorative floral and decorative leafy species grown in room conditions. Blossfeld's Kalanchoe (Kalanchoe blossfeldiana), reaching half a meter in height, has received wide recognition from gardeners. The decorative value of this plant lies in the abundant long flowering of small flowers collected in inflorescences. After flowering, the plant also looks quite attractive due to the fleshy, glossy dark green leaves. A dwarf variety of this species is Kalanchoe kalandiva with racemose inflorescences.

    Kalanchoe Degremont received a popular name " living tree"due to the unique type of vegetative propagation for plants - live birth. Small viable layers with roots and shoots are formed along the edges of its leaf blades, quickly rooting in the ground after falling off. This type of Kalanchoe is a typical succulent, has a colorful appearance thanks to an upright stem and fleshy jagged gray-green leaves, bordered by young seedlings. Like Kalanchoe Blossfeld, this species is also pruned to form a dense, branched bush.

    How to form a bush?

    Kalanchoe shoots (first of all, we are talking about decorative flower varieties) reach a height of up to 50 cm, but the densest low bush without bare stems translucent between the leaves is of the greatest decorative value. To form such a bush, regular pruning is required from the first stages of the plant's life. Pruning of Kalanchoe is carried out according to the "pinching" technology - they cut off the top of the shoot with two young leaves with a sharp knife or blade and. It is not recommended to use scissors for this, as they squeeze the thickness of the fleshy stem, causing severe damage to it. Sections quickly dry up and tighten. If rot begins to form on them, the affected surface should be treated with potassium permanganate or wood ash.

    One of the advantages of Kalanchoe is its quick and easy propagation by cuttings. All pruned shoots are suitable for obtaining daughter plants. If it was not possible to successfully form a bush, you can simply replace it by putting one of the cuttings in water for 1-2 weeks before the roots appear and planting the resulting plant instead of an unsuccessfully formed or too old one.

    There are such types of pruning Kalanchoe at home:

    • initial;
    • preventive;
    • pruning after flowering.

    Initial pruning

    The secret of the attractive appearance of Kalanchoe lies in the correct formation of the above-ground part immediately after the engraftment of the cutting or the germination of the seed. The first pinching is carried out when the plant releases 2-3 pairs of leaves. It is important to remove the apical bud of the plant, since it produces the auxin substance that keeps the lateral buds dormant. When the top is removed, the lateral buds "wake up" and begin to grow actively, Kalanchoe becomes branched.

    Lateral shoots are also pinched, leaving several pairs of leaves. Sequential pruning leads to the fact that the plant forms many branched stems. Such a bush should be fed and allowed to gain vegetative mass so that it blooms in the future.

    The initial pruning is the most important stage in the formation of the aerial part of Kalanchoe, without which the plant will have elongated shoots and an uneven crown. Next, they carry out preventive pruning of leaves that prevent growing peduncles from straightening out or that have lost their attractiveness due to improper care.

    After flowering

    Flowering Kalanchoe lasts 4-6 months and stops gradually. Care after flowering involves the removal of flower stalks, but before that you need to make sure that there are no unblown buds left on them. Peduncles are removed at the very base of the stem, leaving no petioles, which can become a source of rot. The procedure is not postponed, if the inflorescences are not removed in time, Kalanchoe may not bloom next season.

    Flowering depletes the plant, so faded inflorescences are removed, the soil is replenished with minerals, making fertilizer. The end of flowering is the right time to remove old shoots and pinch out young ones. The bush is cut to approximately 2/3 of the height, leaving a small part of the vegetative mass and forming a compact crown. Without pruning, Kalanchoe may not bloom, since new buds are laid only on the tops of young shoots. After that, the plant is transferred to a dark, cool place, providing it with peace and stopping watering. Such a "quarantine" should last 14-20 days, after which Kalanchoe again activates growth and gains vegetative mass.

    After flowering, Kalanchoe kalandiva is recommended to be cut almost at the very root, leaving a few centimeters of the aerial part. New shoots develop from buds laid at the very bottom of the stem. Such pruning is mandatory, since this subspecies of Kalanchoe quickly grows after the inflorescences wither and discards lower leaves losing its decorative effect.

    Pinching the plant is not carried out in winter, so as not to accidentally remove the tops of the shoots, which will give rise to new inflorescences. With the correct formation of the crown and good care Kalanchoe bush will bloom in the middle of winter.

    Kalanchoe is a richly flowering plant with lush pink inflorescences. It refers to succulents. The flower is used in traditional medicine, therefore, its cultivation has not only a decorative, but also a practical function. Kalanchoe is unpretentious indoor plants, but sometimes there are problems with its flowering. You can make Kalanchoe bloom at home by observing the light and watering regime, the composition of the earthy coma, the presence or absence of pests, and humidity.

    After the end of flowering, you need to remove all the flowers. Cut off unnecessary shoots, giving the plant a neat look. Break off the elongated top. Watch for new shoots to appear and pinch them properly. If you do not pay attention to these aspects of caring for Kalanchoe, then the flower will take on a sloppy look and refuse to bloom.

    1. After processing the crown at the end of the flowering period, it is necessary to wait for the formation of new shoots and their slight growth. Remove top leaves.
    2. After the appearance of fresh shoots (up to the third pair of leaves), remove their upper parts.
    3. With the following processes, perform the manipulations described in paragraph No. 2. The result should be a bush with a compact crown, ready to form buds.
    4. If the plant has not bloomed before March, it is permissible to make another pinch. This will awaken the bloom.

    Violation of the light regime in Kalanchoe

    Kalanchoe is a sun-loving flower. But the successful growth of its green part and lush bloom depends on a clear rationing of daylight hours. In winter, it should be brought closer to 12 o'clock with the help of electric light. In summer, the flower can be covered with a paper bag to remove extra light hours.

    • In winter, water the plant rarely, as the top layer of the earthy coma dries significantly. Frequent moisture can lead to unnecessary Kalanchoe activity during this period, which will prevent it from blooming in the spring.
    • In summer, the flower should be watered abundantly a couple of times a week. Check the dryness of the earth to the touch. Lack of water will cause the plant to weaken, which will prevent the formation of buds.

    Kalanchoe becomes vulnerable to harmful insects from overflow. The root system weakens, the leaves lose turgor. It can settle spider mite, tomentum, aphid. You can save a flower by processing it by special means against pests.

    Humidity for Kalanchoe

    The plant is suitable for dry air. It does not need to be sprayed, as Kalanchoe can wither from this. Spraying is permissible only with excessive dryness of the air, but it should be carried out moderately.

    Video about caring for Kalanchoe at home

    From all of the above, it follows that in order to make Kalanchoe bloom at home, it is first of all necessary proper care behind the plant, so we recommend that you watch this video about home care