Pinching Kalanchoe at home. Pruning Kalanchoe at home: how to form a beautiful bush

  • 12.06.2019

This plant can be seen in many houses and apartments of Russian lovers of indoor floriculture. Kalanchoe does not require complex care, but the plant needs moderate watering, periodic feeding and pruning. The plant not only blooms luxuriantly and often, which pleases its owners very much, but is also good helper during treatment various diseases nasopharynx, ears and skin.

So that the flower does not stretch out, but has a rounded, neat shape, it must be cut in time. Despite the fact that many plant this medicinal plant in their homes, decorative types he is in no way inferior in popularity. Lush and colorful flowering, green stems and lush foliage throughout the year, make them spectacular decorations for any home.

Today there are more than 200 species of this plant. Some of them are suitable for indoor floriculture. The most popular are Kalanchoe single-flowered and pinnate, as well as Kalanchoe Degremont and Blossfeld. Native to the tropics, Kalanchoes of all kinds tolerate drought and high humidity equally well. Plants practically do not need fertilizers, are resistant to diseases and pests.

In this article, we will talk about how Kalanchoe is pruned correctly at home, why such a procedure is needed and how to carry it out so as not to harm the plant.

As already mentioned, caring for a plant is simple, but certain rules for cultivation of Kalanchoe must be observed. It depends on how comfortable the plant will feel in your home, and how it will develop.

Temperature regime

Optimal in summer time for flowering Kalanchoe, the temperature is considered to be in the range from +23 ° C to +29 ° C. The plant will tolerate higher temperatures, but in this case, if it blooms, you should increase the frequency of watering, otherwise the buds may dry out.

Surprisingly, this tropical plant tolerates low temperatures well. In autumn and winter, when the temperature rises slightly above +10 ° C, it can be safely set to Fresh air.


You can place Kalanchoe anywhere in the room where the sun's rays reach. The plant feels most comfortable in partial shade or in diffused light. Direct sunlight is dangerous from 11 am to 3 pm from March to September.

Watering Kalanchoe

Kalanchoe is a succulent, in other words, it is a plant that can accumulate moisture in the leaves. Because of this, it can survive drought. Excessive watering for Kalanchoe is harmful. This indoor plant is watered in such a way that the water soaks the earthen ball, and the excess water must be drained. In hot summer days increase the frequency of watering (not forgetting about excess water). In winter, it is enough to moisten the soil no more than twice a week.


This is not the most important indicator for normal development kalanchoe. This is due to the fact that the plant retains moisture in the leaves. That is why drought is not terrible for this flower. It is only necessary to ensure that water does not fall on the leaves when watering, as this can cause plant disease.

top dressing

Once a month, Kalanchoe should be fertilized with compounds intended for succulents. This is necessary for the regular flowering of the plant. Experienced flower growers recommend using half the dose indicated on the packaging of nutrient mixtures. In winter, the plant is in a dormant period, so it does not need top dressing.

Do I need pruning Kalanchoe?

Yes, it's needed. Moreover, this is the most important condition for proper care. Pruning Kalanchoe at home involves removing excess flowers and leaves. This procedure will help create beautiful plant. Flower growers believe that a small compact bush looks much more attractive than a long and unkempt stem. And for lush flowering pruning Kalanchoe is simply necessary.

When removing excess shoots, juice accumulates in the stem, which after the procedure is distributed over the remaining branches. The flower becomes juicy, the plant becomes more resistant to drying. It should be noted that pruning Kalanchoe is of three types:

  • initial;
  • preventive;
  • after flowering.

Often, especially when placed in the sun, the flower outgrows. Therefore, many novice flower growers are interested in how to correctly prune Kalanchoe if it is stretched out so as not to injure the plant. If a long and not very beautiful top has grown, it should simply be cut off. Constantly watch for escapes. When they start to grow, pinch off two leaves from the top.

Pruning different types of Kalanchoe

Of the many types of Kalanchoe, only a few of them are common in indoor floriculture. The pruning technique is almost the same for all varieties, but for some varieties there are special rules that must be followed. The most common variety in our country is Blossfeld's Kalanchoe. This variety is ideal for growing indoors. The plant has beautiful flowers of different shades.

This one can be cut at the root. In this state, the plant begins to actively develop, the bush becomes beautiful and lush. Varieties that bear flowers of white and yellow color, cut differently. But these varieties are quite rare in indoor floriculture. These plants require special care. Pruning Kalanchoe of these species should not be cardinal. Removing too much foliage can harm the plant: it may not recover from such stress.

In order for the formation of Kalanchoe to be carried out correctly, you need to find out which variety grows in your home. Remember that pruning is a necessary and painless procedure for the plant. If rotting has begun at the cut points, treat them with charcoal. To prevent such complications, use a tool that has been previously disinfected for trimming. It is strictly forbidden to cut off excess leaves with your hands. Such pinching can weaken the plant.

Initial and preventive pruning

As soon as the plant has taken root in a new place, it needs initial pruning. On the shoots, cut off the top two leaves in turn. In place of pruning, young shoots will soon grow.

Now it's time to carry out preventive pruning of Kalanchoe (we posted a photo in this article). It can be carried out repeatedly until the flower looks like a pretty and compact bush. You don't have to wait for the leaves to grow. As soon as young shoots appear, the procedure can be carried out.

Flower pruning is stopped in late autumn. The next bush formation can be started in late spring or early summer. But if the flower has bloomed, pruning is prohibited.

Should the plant be pruned after flowering?

Every year, the lush hat of inflorescences and leaves becomes noticeably smaller. The exquisite beauty of Kalanchoe is losing its former splendor. But this is not a reason to abandon the plant. Just a flower signals that it needs pruning. It depends on the variety of Kalanchoe.

For example, the Blossfeld variety blooms until the end of May, and then enters a dormant period. After pruning and treating wounds, the plant is transferred to a cool place until spring.

For hybrid varieties it is important not to overdo it and remove leaves and inflorescences to a minimum. Only shoots that have lost their former attractiveness are removed. Don't forget about slicing. Kalanchoe is also cut to update decorative forms.

A few words in conclusion

Kalanchoe is very beautiful flower. Connoisseurs indoor plants love him for being attractive appearance during the flowering period, but also for it healing properties. As it became clear from the article, pruning Kalanchoe is an absolutely simple procedure. But it should be carried out regularly so that the bushes always have a beautiful shape. Subject to all the rules, the flower looks amazing and is actively developing.

Pruning is handled differently. The common Kalanchoe Blossfeld, blooming with red flowers, can dive without restrictions. Even if you leave only one stump, after a while it will sprout and curl up. Take care of rare hybrids with yellow, pink, white flowers more carefully, they may even die as a result of improper pruning.

If the plant has overgrown (this often happens in sunny places), has lost its compact form, and an ugly frail top has formed, remove it. After each, be sure to cut everything. To form buds, put the plant on a dark windowsill (you can even close it with a bucket or box at night) and keep it for almost a whole month. Then move to a bright place and start watering, such a change of regime has a positive effect on Kalanchoe, and it will almost certainly bloom.

To make Kalanchoe a dense bush, carefully observe the shoots. As soon as they begin to grow, pinch off the top two leaves from them. After a while, two shoots will appear at the pinching point, let them grow to the appearance of the third pair of leaves, and cut them off at this level. Wait for the appearance of two more shoots and a third pair of leaves, pinch again. Proceed in this way until a neat, dense bush of a rounded (or desired) shape is formed.

Cut the Kalanchoe shoots for the last time in November (on the south window) or (on the west or east window). Please note that in winter it is advisable to keep Kalanchoe in a cool place, the optimum temperature is 10-15?

You can propagate Kalanchoe or simply update. To do this, cut young shoots 10 to 15 cm long with a sharp blade or knife. Remove the leaves from the bottom of the cutting, dry for 1-2 days. Prepare a place for the flower in with a mixture of sand and wet peat. Place the cutting to a depth of about 5 cm, press the ground around well. Do not cover the cutting with polyethylene or a jar, or spray it with water. Just water it moderately and keep it at a temperature of 20-25?

Kalanchoe is one of the most popular indoor plants. In apartments there are several of its types. Kalanchoe is not only an exquisite interior decoration, but also an excellent medicine. The juice from its fleshy leaves is able to relieve a runny nose, heals abscesses and inflammations, and one of its species even received the name “surgeon” among the people. Kalanchoe grows very quickly and does not always look the way the owners would like. Its crown must be formed.

You will need

  • - Kalanchoe;
  • - charcoal.


Watch the plant. Kalanchoe, standing on a bright window, can grow very strongly even in a jar of water. Rapid growth is characteristic of almost all species of this plant. However, on overgrown upper shoots, the leaves become smaller and smaller, and the shoots themselves are thin and not particularly beautiful. At the same time, plants that are very tall in height often do not have enough strength to, although in fact almost all varieties of Kalanchoe in apartments are very willing. Noticing such manifestations, tune in to the fact that you have to pinch off extra shoots. Do not be afraid of this moment, such an operation will benefit the flower.

Do not touch while its crown is thick and the leaves are large and beautiful. As soon as a thin, non-viable tip forms, remove it. Kalanchoe perfectly tolerates such operations, the plant does not even need to be specially prepared for this. Its stem is quite soft, so just tear off the top with your nails. Wounds usually do not form. If it is still (and this happens when the stem is already thick enough, sprinkle it with charcoal or ashes. Ash from a small burnt piece of paper is enough. After a couple of side shoots appear very quickly.

Let the shoots grow freely for the first time. It may very well be that no more operations are required, and Kalanchoe itself will retain its compact form. However, this is not always the case. New shoots may initially grow well and produce excellent fleshy leaves, and

Kalanchoe is a plant that can be seen in many apartments. And there is an explanation for this: almost all of its varieties are unpretentious and are able to have a therapeutic effect on the body. However, even the most picky flower needs. This is fertilizer, loosening the soil, pruning. Pruning is a simple process, but in order not to harm the flower, you need to know how to cut Kalanchoe, namely the sequence of the procedure and the best time for this.

What is Kalanchoe pruning at home and why is it needed?

Pruning Kalanchoe is the removal of excess leaves or flower stalks. It is necessary to give the flower a neat rounded shape. Growing in the form of a small bush, the plant looks more original than a long thin stem stretched upwards with chaotic branches.

In addition to the decorative purpose, pruning Kalanchoe at home is necessary to create the most favorable conditions for the life of the plant. The accumulated juice inside the flower is distributed evenly over the shoots, filling the leaves. The plant becomes succulent and more resistant to drying and wilting.

Pruning Kalanchoe is of three types:

  1. initial;
  2. preventive;
  3. after flowering.

To cut a flower, it is better to use a sharp table knife or a stationery blade. Picking the leaves off by hand can damage the plant and cause it to wilt.

How to prune Kalanchoe depending on the type of flower

Depending on the pruning rules are different. To date, more than 200 varieties of the plant are known, however, few can grow at home. The most common is the Blossfeld variety, which blooms with bright red flowers. Pruning of its excess leaves can be done in unlimited quantities. Even if you cut off all adventitious branches and leaves, leaving only a "stump", this flower will again be covered with thick leaves after a while.

The situation is more complicated with Kalanchoe varieties that bloom with white and yellow flowers. Such varieties of it are quite rare and whimsical. Excessive removal of leaves can lead to detrimental consequences for the plant. Before pinching Kalanchoe rare species, it is necessary to accurately determine its grade.

As a rule, competent pruning of Kalanchoe occurs painlessly for a flower. However, in the case of a wound on the stem in the form of rotting, it is necessary to sprinkle this place with a small amount of wood ash.

Initial and preventive pruning

young plant it is necessary to pinch almost immediately, as soon as it has taken root and began to grow. On each of the shoots of Kalanchoe, it is necessary to cut off one or two upper leaves. This is the original pruning of the flower. Further, as necessary, preventive pruning will already take place: new shoots will appear at the place of splitting off, on which leaves will form. This procedure must be repeated until the plant takes a neat rounded or bushy shape.

If you have any questions, you can watch a video on how to cut Kalanchoe at any stage of its growth.

In winter, in particular, after November, it is advisable to stop pruning. It will be possible to resume the procedure in late spring, however, at this time the flower may bloom, and then pruning will already be contraindicated.

Preventive pruning can be carried out immediately when new leaves form on the shoots. You don't have to wait until they grow up.

During the initial formation of a flower, you should not keep it in a heavily lit room. In bright light, the plant quickly sprouts, as a result of which its overgrowth occurs.

Pruning Kalanchoe after flowering

After flowering, Kalanchoe pruning is done not only in order to remove excess leaves, but also in order to free the flower from peduncles. The leaves are removed, as with normal pruning: one or two extreme on the stems. This procedure stimulates new growth of stems ready to bloom. Upon completion of pruning Kalanchoe after flowering, the plant needs a dormant period. This is the time to cut back on watering and ensure there is no direct sunlight. The time for which the flower will come to its senses again is about 20 - 40 days.

Pruning of leaves and peduncles is best done in the morning, preferably before noon.

Timely pruning of Kalanchoe will provide a lush and rich bush with regular flowering. Proper pruning is the health of the flower.

Video about Kalanchoe

Kalanchoe is a plant that can be seen in many apartments. And there is an explanation for this: almost all of its varieties are unpretentious and are able to have a therapeutic effect on the body. However, even the most picky flower needs proper care. This is watering, fertilizing, loosening the soil, pruning. Pruning is a simple process, but in order not to harm the flower, you need to know how to cut Kalanchoe, namely the sequence of the procedure and the best time for this.

What is Kalanchoe pruning at home and why is it needed?

Pruning Kalanchoe is the removal of excess leaves or flower stalks. It is necessary to give the flower a neat rounded shape. Growing in the form of a small bush, the plant looks more original than a long thin stem stretched upwards with chaotic branches.

In addition to the decorative purpose, pruning Kalanchoe at home is necessary to create the most favorable conditions for the life of the plant. The accumulated juice inside the flower is distributed evenly over the shoots, filling the leaves. The plant becomes succulent and more resistant to drying and wilting.

Pruning Kalanchoe is of three types:

  • initial;
  • preventive;
  • after flowering.

To cut a flower, it is better to use a sharp table knife or a stationery blade. Picking the leaves off by hand can damage the plant and cause it to wilt.

How to prune Kalanchoe depending on the type of flower

Depending on the variety of Kalanchoe, pruning rules also differ. To date, more than 200 varieties of the plant are known, however, few can grow at home. The most common is the Blossfeld variety, which blooms with bright red flowers. Pruning of its excess leaves can be done in unlimited quantities. Even if you cut off all adventitious branches and leaves, leaving only a "stump", this flower will again be covered with thick leaves after a while.

The situation is more complicated with Kalanchoe varieties that bloom with white and yellow flowers. Such varieties of it are quite rare and whimsical. Excessive removal of leaves can lead to detrimental consequences for the plant. Before pinching rare species of Kalanchoe, it is necessary to accurately determine its variety.

As a rule, competent pruning of Kalanchoe occurs painlessly for a flower. However, in the case of a wound on the stem in the form of rotting, it is necessary to sprinkle this place with a small amount of wood ash.

Initial and preventive pruning

A young plant must be pinched almost immediately, as soon as it has taken root and began to grow. On each of the shoots of Kalanchoe, it is necessary to cut off one or two upper leaves. This is the original pruning of the flower. Further, as necessary, preventive pruning will already take place: new shoots will appear at the place of splitting off, on which leaves will form. This procedure must be repeated until the plant takes a neat round or bush shape.

If you have any questions, you can watch a video on how to cut Kalanchoe at any stage of its growth.

In winter, in particular, after November, it is advisable to stop pruning. It will be possible to resume the procedure in late spring, however, at this time the flower may bloom, and then pruning will already be contraindicated.

Preventive pruning can be carried out immediately when new leaves form on the shoots. You don't have to wait until they grow up.

During the initial formation of a flower, you should not keep it in a heavily lit room. In bright light, the plant quickly sprouts, as a result of which its overgrowth occurs.

Pruning Kalanchoe after flowering

After flowering, Kalanchoe pruning is done not only in order to remove excess leaves, but also in order to free the flower from peduncles. The leaves are removed, as with normal pruning: one or two extreme on the stems.

Before pruning Kalanchoe after flowering, you need to make sure that all of its flowers have completely faded. Flower stalks must be removed at the very base so that the plant does not begin to rot. They must be removed every single one after each flowering of the plant.

This procedure stimulates new growth of stems ready to bloom. Upon completion of pruning Kalanchoe after flowering, the plant needs a dormant period. This is the time to cut back on watering and ensure there is no direct sunlight. The time for which the flower will come to its senses again is about 20 - 40 days.

Pruning of leaves and peduncles is best done in the morning, preferably before noon.

Timely pruning of Kalanchoe will provide a lush and rich bush with regular flowering. Proper pruning is the health of the flower.

Video about Kalanchoe

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Pruning Kalanchoe plays an important role in the succulent, it is especially needed to create decorative bushes and ensure necessary conditions for the formation of flower stalks.

To many, the pruning procedure seems harsh and blasphemous. There are many people among flower growers who feel sorry for hurting their favorite plant. After all, it is a living organism that only talks and does not know how, but, like people, breathes, eats and, judging by some scientific research, even with a different mood meets its owner - the person who cares for him.

However, in the case of Kalanchoe, emotions and lyrics should be thrown aside, because without pruning, the plant loses its decorative appearance, the pagons are exposed from below, losing old leaves, leaning anywhere, bent, and during flowering they are covered with thin few inflorescences. Pruning Kalanchoe - important element care, not subject to doubt and objection, and any owner of a succulent should learn how to produce it correctly and in deadlines plant life cycle.

How and when to prune

There are several types of pruning: initial, preventive and after flowering. Each of them is produced in a certain period of the life cycle, corresponding to the season.

The initial pruning is carried out on young plants immediately after transplantation in the spring. For older specimens, branches are shortened throughout the growing season - preventive pruning is carried out. During the flowering and dormant period, no manipulations are made to form the crown, but immediately after the last corollas wither, the flower stalks are removed. The exception is diseased or pest-affected tops of pagons or individual leaves, which are harvested even during the rest period of the plant.

How to trim Kalanchoe at home

Not all succulents take pruning painlessly. Delicate white and yellow-flowering varieties of Blossfeld's Kalanchoe take a long time after manipulation with the shortening of shoots, and some wither away until they die. When cutting a plant, it is necessary to understand the sense of proportion and not to shred the shoots with leaves at random, breaking off with your hands or cutting off near the root itself.

The tool used for pruning is also important - it must be sharp and disinfected, and if there is a need to carry out the procedure for several succulents, it must be disinfected after each plant, moving from one to another.

It is desirable to shorten the stems of Kalanchoe in the morning, so that by the evening, when the air temperature in the room begins to decrease at night, the sections have already dried and tightened.

Initial pruning

It is carried out in the spring after transplanting young plants into another, more spacious flower container. The fact that Kalanchoe has taken root will become clear from the formation of new leaves on the tops of the shoots. The top two of them should be cut off on each branch. It is necessary to observe open wounds - if they dry up within 3-4 hours, it means that the plant safely and independently copes with the pruning procedure. Otherwise, the sections are crushed with charcoal powder or cinnamon.

Preventive pruning

Produced throughout the growing season. Young branches are cut off, which have grown from the cut or from the axils of the lower leaves and formed three pairs of leaves. A similar procedure must be repeated with the next batch of newly grown shoots, and so on until a compact and beautiful bush shape is obtained.

With the advent of autumn, the plants stop cutting off the tops of the branches. During this period, succulent, and all attention must be focused on observing the period of short daylight hours, so that the flower buds actively start growing in the plant, forming flower stalks with buds.

How to prune Kalanchoe after flowering

After making sure that the last corolla has withered, the flower stalks are cut off at the very base. It is not advisable to leave them on the bush for some time. Firstly, they completely spoil the appearance, and secondly, they begin to die off, dry, rot and become a source of infection on the plant. Therefore, in order not to reach such a moment, flower-bearing stems are removed in a timely manner.

Many flower growers at this time carry out cardinal pruning, removing all the pagons on the bush by one third of the length. This is followed by a period of rest, lasting at least a month and a half, and then the growing season begins, and the cut branches soon give new regrown stems, covered with juicy green foliage.

It should be noted that during dormancy on a bush often die off lower leaves, exposing the base of the stems. This natural process, old leaves must also be removed; in their place, new pagons grow from dormant buds in the axils due to pruning.

How to pinch Kalanchoe: differences from pruning

Pinching differs from pruning in a more gentle way of manipulation and is carried out primarily for plants of those varieties that react painfully to pruning.

After removing the succulents from the dormant period, the last two leaves are pinched off at each top of the pagons. As soon as new branches grow from the axils of the leaves and when they form three pairs of leaves, the next pair - the fourth is pinched again. You can repeat these steps until November, and then start preparing Kalanchoe for flowering by adjusting the number of hours under bright light.

Summing up

Any kind of Kalanchoe lends itself to pruning and pinching, just the reaction of different plants is not the same: some recover immediately from “surgical” interventions and grow quickly, while some “shine” with stumps for a long time and only after some time are covered with a new dense crown. However, pruning is an essential element of Kalanchoe care, and due attention must be paid to it.