What beautiful flowers can be planted on the balcony. What flowers are suitable for a luxurious balcony

  • 14.06.2019

As soon as the weather is warm, the townspeople begin to equip their yards and loggias. In the spring-summer period, for many, the question is relevant - how to decorate a balcony with flowers, given its position relative to the sun. Fragrant flowers on the balcony became fashionable back in medieval Venice, they were grown to fill apartments that were damp during the winter with aromas. Designers offer different ways organization of external space, taking into account centuries-old traditions and new ideas.

Flowers on the balcony

Balcony with flowers

Although the balcony is limited space with a narrow area, there are still proven ways to fill it with vegetation for the summer almost entirely. The fashion for decorating loggias, apartment greenhouses and winter gardens is quite changeable, but there are many interesting ways that have become classics:

  • external boxes with petunias and night violets, fixed around the perimeter;
  • ampelous varieties of lush flowering and indoor plants in hanging pots;
  • small tubs for "indoor" palms, citrus and tall flowers, which are brought into the room for the winter;
  • climbing plants and vegetable crops that take root well as an addition to the decoration of the balcony with flowers;
  • decoration of balconies with garden crops of compact sizes - lilies, dahlias, roses, etc.

Balcony design with flowers

Flowers on the balcony

Although there is always little space in city apartments, even on a loggia or balcony with an area of ​​no more than 2-3 sq.m. there is always a corner for your favorite flowers. To do this, it is enough to create a base for curly forms on a free end wall. It is better to attach hanging flower pots to the ceiling. In the remaining area, add:

  • shelves;
  • jumpers on the frame;
  • light shelves for flowers.

Advice. To have more space for flowers, it is worth removing unnecessary items from the balcony, old furniture and all sorts of little things stored "just in case." If you are engaged in floral decoration of a balcony, then this should be done with all seriousness.

Before landscaping the exterior of an apartment, it is important to sensibly assess the additional stress from large pots filled with soil. If this an old house for demolition, and the balcony itself does not inspire confidence, it is better to limit yourself to flowers fixed on a main or load-bearing wall, as in the photo.

Balcony with flowers

Flowers on the balcony

You should not buy unfamiliar plants if the peculiarities of caring for them are not known, otherwise they may degrade and die. Decide in advance how to decorate the balcony with flowers in order to get the maximum result with minimum costs... If everything is organized well, then next year it will be enough to add some new flowers.

Attention! When buying rare plants or capricious in care, it is important to assess whether they will have enough light, warmth and watering if they have to go on vacation. Today there are many ways to organize automatic watering with your own hands.

When choosing plants for landscaping a balcony, it is important to consider whether it is glazed. An open space will not be protected from sudden cold snaps, gusty winds and oblique showers. For outdoor terrace, loggias and balconies use undersized plants with a strong stem, dwarf conifers and ampelous (hanging) forms.

When decorating a balcony with your own hands, it is important to imagine the end result. For example, you can choose vertical landscaping for one wall or cascading for the entire balcony. It is useful to make a preliminary plan, markup and sketches of how the balcony will be decorated with flowers (as in the photo).

Balcony with flowers

Balcony design with flowers

What is important to consider when landscaping a balcony

For lovers of flora and fauna, the main thing is that a loggia or balcony all year round decorated with evergreens - dwarf bonsai, undersized thuja and juniper. They are sold in garden and flower shops in pots, do not require transplanting or planting in open ground.

For those who practically do not go out onto the balcony in winter, it is better to plant large flowering annuals every year. Seeds in the fall and winter cost much less, the assortment is much wider than in the high season - use catalogs.

Flowers on the balcony

Balcony with flowers

Indoor plants need good lighting, and to compensate for the lack of sunlight, they are often taken out to the balcony for the summer. Consider a separate spot for each pot so that the flowers don't shade each other.

Advice. An orchid is not suitable for outdoor gardening with indoor flowers, it does not like permutations. Use chlorophytum, tradescantia, pelargonium, zamioculcas (dollar tree), violets, mother-in-law's tongue, cyclamen, hibiscus, etc.

Plants that require shading are best protected from glass with gauze or translucent curtains - think over their design. Perhaps an additional visor or blinds will be needed for the balcony for the summer.

Relaxing surrounded by fragrant flowers is a pleasure. Plan what you will sit on. If the balcony is very narrow, use reclining seats, stacking chairs or stools. They will not interfere with the passage of your daily flower care.

Balcony design with flowers

Flowers on the balcony

Place tall plants along the wall, small ones along the perimeter along the aisles. On the spacious balcony, surrounded by flowers, you can put a chaise longue or fix a hanging swing.

If the balcony is glazed, make sure that the plants will not interfere with closing the transoms, and the pots will not break from a suddenly opened door or a window in a draft.

When deciding how to do gardening on the balcony with your own hands, try to minimize the load on the supports. Do not use wrought iron stands for flowers, banquets and heavy furniture. For sleeping outdoors, it is best to use inflatable mattress or a light folding bed so as not to burden the balcony with bulky old furniture.

Attention! The total mass of pots with moistened soil, coasters and decor, plants and furniture is an additional 200-500 kg. The lighter and more elegant the design of the balcony, the better you feel there and the more pleasant you will spend your rest time.

Balcony with flowers

Balcony design with flowers

Functional balcony landscaping

Climbing plants - good way hide defects in the walls of a balcony or loggia. It is easy to hide tool boxes and other rarely used items behind the mini garden. A bubbling indoor fountain promotes relaxation and distracts attention from unsightly areas of the living space.

Today it has become fashionable to cultivate not only decorative flowers on the sunny side of the balcony for the sake of design, but also to shade it with useful and edible plants.

Flowers on the balcony

Balcony with flowers

By decorating the open area of ​​the apartment for the summer, you can get the most out of this:

  • use as a greenhouse for growing vegetables (special varieties of cucumbers, tomatoes and bell peppers are needed);
  • sow herbs in boxes (dill, anise, parsley, shallots);
  • grow indoor plants for sale with maximum natural light;
  • acquire special varieties of strawberries ( garden strawberry) ampel, curly and remontant forms;
  • collect indoor lilies, roses, orchids, violets;
  • organize a greenhouse for growing dwarf lemons and tangerines.

In the pantries of the loggia, you can grow edible mushrooms on a mixture of wood dust and seed husks. Mushroom culture is ordered from a catalog. The main condition is to maintain a certain temperature regime and high humidity. In the northern part of the house, light-loving plants do not take root, but shade-tolerant exotics can be used if the balcony is insulated.

Balcony interior with flowers

Flowers on the balcony

The easiest green balcony design techniques

For arranging a balcony, it is undesirable to buy everything in a row, it is better to use one interesting idea or a general concept. Plant varieties are selected according to the principle of compliance with the design concept.

If you organize a gym or a mini-room on an insulated loggia, then large plants this is not the place. They will interfere with training. It is better to arrange a collection of succulents in free corners. They are compact plants with fleshy leaves that retain moisture, like cacti. It is cacti and other thorny plants that will be inappropriate here - an awkward movement, and a mass of needles in the body. Nothing will happen to lithops and succulents, even if you touch them with a weight, they easily reproduce vegetatively. Plants are undemanding to care for, they are rarely watered, which is convenient for those people who forget about them.

Balcony with flowers

Flowers on the balcony

Balcony plants will help to emphasize the Japanese style in interior design. This is a collection of bonsai, a compact sakura tree in a tub and 2-3 junipers for a "rock garden", skillfully arranged by craftsmen around a small homemade pond, as in the photo. A Japanese-style curtain with hieroglyphs will complement the overall picture.

There are many other ways to decorate your balcony with flowers. For example, imitate a corner of a certain climatic zone or a recognizable corner of the planet. Or you can arrange a few square meters as a Parisian courtyard terrace, using adhesive film for glasses with views of Paris. Inside, the balcony is designed as a place for romantic dates with indoor roses. Another option is the same collectible cacti for a Mexican-style apartment design.

Balcony design with flowers

Flowers in the interior of the balcony

An unexpected play of color is a good design trick. Dark purple, black and green colors are in fashion today ( different types) against a background of juicy greens and white plastic containers... The extravagant decoration of the balcony with flowers is appropriate in an apartment with elegant white decor in any modern style.

Ivy and wild grapes are ideal plants for landscaping and shading an apartment on the 1st floor on the south side of the house. Only they will have to be planted under the balcony in the yard. There are very beautiful varieties, which will be quite appropriate for decorating a corner of the house in English style... It will turn out in the apartment an aristocratic interior and a courtyard entwined with ivy, as in literary works... Just do not forget to cut a few layers of ivy for the winter and put in a vase to get cuttings. Ivy dies in severe frosts, although it is a persistent perennial.

Balcony landscaping often suffers from pets who like to rummage in the ground with plants and nibble on fresh greenery (due to lack of vitamins). Do not punish them for this - organize a green "lawn" in a small box. The corner where they can misbehave with impunity should be at the bottom. And it is better to plant flowers in hanging pots, which form a kind of arch on the front side of the balcony. Plants can be hung in any order, the main thing is that they are inaccessible to the cat.

Various flowers on the balcony

Balcony with flowers

Beautiful flowers on the balcony

Experts have developed an all-season way to decorate a balcony with flowers. It is when different flowers delight with their fragrance all year round. For example, crocuses and primroses are replaced by balcony forms of tulips and daffodils, and after that “flowerbed” annuals bloom violently. In autumn, they are replaced by asters, dahlias and chrysanthemums, and in winter dwarf needles with small cones turn green.

Do not forget about adequate lighting, watering and feeding the plants. Then, with any design of the balcony, they will delight the eye with their healthy appearance, luscious greenery and charming flowers.

Video: What PLANTS are suitable for landscaping a BALCONY or LOGGIA

Not every city dweller has a dacha, but if you have a loggia, you can arrange a green corner on it. With a competent approach, this will not be difficult.

What flowers to plant on the balcony? There are many suitable varieties, but when choosing a specific variety, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of the culture, such as frost resistance and the ability to grow in the shade or in the sun. In other words, first of all, you need to focus on the degree of illumination of the loggia and climatic conditions terrain.

For reference. Balconies facing south, southwest and southeast are considered sunny. They are illuminated for more than 12 hours a day. The penumbra loggias are located on the northwest and northeast sides, their rays illuminate for less than 10-12 hours. And, finally, the sides located in the north, where the sun penetrates for no more than 6 hours a day, are considered to be shady.

Flowers for balconies: name, description and photo

Flowers for balconies should be unpretentious and suitable for growing in an urban setting. Below are the most common varieties.

Begonia - a plant for partial shade

Many people want to plant such plants on the balcony so that they bloom all summer. In this case the best choice begonia of low-growing varieties will become. The flowering period of this culture lasts from May to October, and the range of shades is striking in its variety. The petals can be white, yellow, salmon, crimson and bright red. The flowers are simple, double or semi-double.

It is better to place begonia pots in the northwest or northeast, and in winter, remove the tubers in a cool room and store until early March in sand or peat crumbs at a temperature of 8-12 degrees.

Bougainvillea - light-loving balcony plant

This climbing plant with purple flowers will be a real decoration for a balcony or terrace. Graceful shoots entwining the railings, placed on specially installed gratings, will look simply luxurious.

The culture prefers to grow in lighted places with normal humidity, so for its location it is better to choose loggias located in the south, southwest or southeast.

Verbena is a medicinal plant with a long flowering period

People call this plant "pigeon grass" or "Juno's tears". Culture is valued not only for its decorative qualities, but also for its medicinal properties. Since ancient times, it has been used to prepare medicinal broths and tinctures.

Verbena can be grown both in pots on the balcony and in flower beds. The flowering period of the culture is long, and lasts from June to November. Lighting for verbena should be moderate, and it is better to place this flower from the east or west side.

Heather - a beautiful balcony in winter

To keep the balcony beautiful in winter, it is worth planting heather. This frost-resistant shrub whose flowering period lasts from January to April. Even in severe frosts, the culture does not lose its decorative effect.

Such a plant needs moderate lighting, and it will feel best on a loggia located on the east or west side.

Bindweed - ease of care and unpretentiousness

Often on city balconies you can see one or another type of bindweed. This is due to the fact that such plants are undemanding to the composition of the soil and do not need abundant watering. In addition, the bindweed has a high "tenacity" and is able to braid any support.

Despite its resistance to drought, in very dry soils, the culture loses its decorative effect, its leaves and flowers become smaller. Therefore, the sunny side is not the best place for bindweed. But in cases where there is nowhere else to put the pots, you will need to ensure that the earth in the containers does not dry out, and also regularly spray the plant with water. The main thing is not to do this at the moment when the sun "looks" at the balcony, and to perform manipulations in the early morning or in the evening.

Geranium (Pelargonium) - a flower that needs a lot of sun

Placing such a plant on a balcony located on the south side, do not be afraid that the leaves will receive sunburn. Under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, pelargonium only grows better and enhances flowering, which lasts for quite a long time.

To prevent geraniums from dying, it needs daily abundant watering, as it quickly draws moisture from the soil.

Godetia is a cold-resistant annual for a sunny or partial shade balcony

This beautiful plant with large silky inflorescences of white, pink or red color, it can be grown both in flower beds and in pots. If the dried buds are cut off in time, the bush will bloom again and this process will last until the very frost.

Godetia is cold-resistant, but demanding watering, which will need to be done regularly. The best location for this culture would be the south, southwest, and southeast side. However, with proper care, the flower will thrive in the northeast and northwest.

Morning glory - shade-loving bindweed

This lush vine with beautiful vibrant flowers is a great option for landscaping a balcony. The main thing is to make sure that the shoots have something to catch on to. To do this, you need to install a net or pull on the ropes.

In general, such a culture is unpretentious, but it is better to protect it from direct sunlight. Therefore, the northwest or north side will become the best place to place it.

Kalistegia - perennial bindweed for a sunny or partial shade balcony

It is a beautiful climbing plant with bright green leaves and luxurious pale pink flowers. Their shape is most often bell-shaped, but there are varieties with a double type of petals.

Calistegia is not capricious and easy to care for, it takes root well in any kind of soil, it feels best on the southern or eastern side.

Clematis is a light-loving flower for the south or east side

This plant with small herbaceous emerald leaves and flowers ranging from white-lilac to deep purple is perfect for growing on a sunny balcony. The main thing is to choose a frost-resistant variety of culture, and then there will be no problems.

Owners of dimly lit loggias facing the north side should better opt for another plant. Clematis will grow poorly in conditions of lack of sun and will quickly die.

Daisy is an unpretentious crop with a long flowering period

Daisies, depending on the variety, have round or elongated, "needle-like" leaves of a dark green color, and the shade of flowers can be very diverse.

They are unpretentious and undemanding to the composition of the soil and watering. However, it should be borne in mind that a large amount of sunlight does not affect the plant very well, so shaded balconies are best suited for it.

Nasturtiums - annuals for the southern balcony

This is an unpretentious culture that even a novice gardener can grow from seeds.

The abundance of varieties that are completely different from each other allows you to create original compositions from nasturtium, which can be:

  • bushy;
  • ampelous;
  • curly.

The flowering period of the culture begins in July and lasts until the end of September. Since this plant is photophilous, it should be placed on a loggia located on the south side.

Primroses - a kaleidoscope of colors in early spring

Most often early flowering plants found in city flower beds and front gardens of personal plots, planted in open ground. But they can also be grown on the balcony, in separate containers or common pot, in which other flowers will then be "settled".

Such crops bloom early, and this period does not last long, but if you combine them with plants with later bud formation, the loggia will look attractive throughout the warm season.

Petunia is an ampelous annual with abundant flowering

If there is not enough space on the loggia to arrange containers with flowers, you should pay attention to petunia. It is an ampelous plant suitable for growing in "hanging" pots.

Such a culture reaches 25 cm in height and is characterized by a compact bush shape and abundant, bright flowering, lasting until the November cold weather.

Any variety of petunias can be grown on the southern or southeastern balcony, and if the loggia is on the north side, only frost-resistant hybrids will survive here.

Ivy is a thick "blanket" for any loggia

Ivy, densely wrapping around the balcony, will reliably protect the room from the penetration of bright sunlight better than any blinds. It is not at all difficult to care for such a culture, it does not need frequent watering and is able to grow on loggias located anywhere: both in the sun and in the shade.

However, in order for the foliage to remain thick and not lose color saturation, it will be necessary to regularly spray the ivy with water, and, if possible, douse it with a hose.

Polyanthus roses - light-loving long-flowering culture

"Queen of flowers" can be called a win-win option for a flower bed or balcony, this lush plant with dark green leaves and light pink medium-sized flowers will become a real decoration of the loggia. The flowering period of the culture is long and lasts throughout the summer.

A polyanthus rose will need watering as needed and regular feeding, as well as an abundance of sunlight. Therefore, it is better to place the pots on the balconies on the south side.

Zinnia is a heat and drought tolerant annual

This beautiful plant with dense green leaves and large, bright flowers can survive and remain decorative even in the hottest and driest summers. The main thing is to provide the culture with regular watering during prolonged drought, and act carefully so that moisture does not get on the leaves.

It is best to place pots with these flowers on balconies located on the south, southeast or southwest side.

In full review.

Rules for growing flowers on the balcony

To turn your loggia into a real blooming corner, you need to familiarize yourself with the rules for growing plants on the balcony.

You should pay attention to the following criteria:

In this video, the specialist tells which flowers are best to grow on the balcony.

In our city apartments, the balcony is the very place that brings us closer to nature, and it is from the balcony that we try to make a blooming corner. How to make a piece of beauty at home and how to organize a luxurious floral balcony in your apartment? What kind of balcony flowers need to be planted? Read the article to the end and get answers to these questions.

What flowers to grow on the balcony

First of all, it is imperative to take into account the location of the balcony. After all, flowers are also whimsical to light, moisture and other external factors.

After you know which side your balcony comes out on, you can start purchasing certain colors. Below we will tell you what flowers to grow on the balcony, depending on the location of the balcony. And pictures with photos of blooming balconies and balcony flowers will allow you to get a feel for the idea of ​​\ u200b \ u200bdesigning your flower garden.

South side

Are you lucky and your balcony faces south? Then feel free to plant plants that love the sun. It can be pelargonium and geranium, to which you can add cloves and sage.

If you need more plants, feel free to plant American agave, laurel, dracaena, aloe and cacti.

All this will allow you to feel as a resident of tropical countries. All this luxury can be completed with curly flowers such as cobea, nasturtium, honeysuckle.

Kobeya climbing it is distinguished by large bell-shaped flowers of an exotic shape on long pedicels, painted first in green, and later in bluish-purple color. There is a variety with white flowers.

Thanks to its tenacious and strong tendrils on paired leaves, this rapidly growing summer grows up several meters even along plastered walls, although it is more reliable to fix it on a rare wire mesh or a support on a balcony box.
Blooms from June to October.

Flower balcony on the north side

In case your north side or balcony is in the shade, then you need to pay attention to flowers that are resistant to shade lighting.

These can be species such as forget-me-nots, marigolds, Japanese astilba. Also, on a balcony of this type, you can safely place any flowering indoor plants.

If you want to completely green your balcony, then you can plant any type of climbing vineyard, they thrive very well in dark places.

Windy side

Is your balcony on the windy side? But do you want to make a real garden out of it?

This is not a problem; go for hardy and resilient plants that are not too large and have small flowers. Chrysanthemums, gazania, calendula, ageratum and many others are suitable for such balconies.

Constantly blooming balcony

You want your balcony garden to delight you with flowers and aromas almost all year round: from early spring to late autumn, then you should plant flowers in the fall. Are you wondering what kind of flowers bloom on the balcony all summer long?

For these purposes, tulips, daffodils and other spring flowers are suitable, which will be replaced by such biennial plants as violets, daisies and others. Blooming in summer- these are petunia, begonia, perennials and other perennial flowers.

Now you know how to create blooming balcony do it yourself. At the same time, if you can choose the right flowers, then you will enjoy the aromas and riot of colors throughout the summer.

A blooming garden - a beautiful island of relaxation - can take place not only on a house plot or a summer residence, but also on a balcony. Making a decision on its landscaping is inevitably associated with the search for answers to some questions. In conditions of limited soil, it is necessary to decide which flowers to plant on the balcony, how to arrange them correctly and organize their care. For this, it is necessary to correctly assess the conditions for growing plants.

Light is the main stimulant for flower growth. However, according to the need for lighting, their representatives can be divided into several large groups... Each of them is suitable, respectively, for the south, north, east or west balconies.

Flowers for the hot "home" south

A balcony facing south is a 10-12 hour daylight (in summer), hot midday sun, quickly drying soil. Under such conditions, not all plants are able to grow and bloom. However, their choice is many times greater than for the northern side. And if you shade the windows with tulle, curtains or special film, then the choice will become even richer.

Note! Long daylight hours and bright sun love not only traditional flowers, but also some vegetables, herbs, herbs.

  • Indoor flowers on the sunny side of the balcony: pelargonium (geranium), date palm, tunbergia, jasmine, hippeastrum, adenium, cacti, milkweed, succulents, anthurium, monstera, dieffenbachia, dracaena, oleander.
  • Garden flowers: climbing varieties petunias, roses (shaded only), purslane, verbena.
  • Herbs: basil, parsley, lavender, rosemary, thyme.
  • Vegetable crops: cherry tomatoes, peppers, miniature varieties cucumbers.

Resistant to hot sun rays, adenium is called the rose of the desert for a reason.

Large bright "gramophones" of the hippeastrum

Citrus likes the southern sun

Most citrus fruits love the southern sun. However, it is worth purchasing grafted trees from nurseries in your region. They are already adapted to its climatic conditions.

Flowers for the west and east balcony

The west and east sides are ideal for growing flowers. Daylight hours there are 6-8 hours. However, in the east, the intensity of sunlight is higher in morning hours(until about one in the afternoon), and in the west - in the afternoon. In such conditions, most colors are comfortable.

  • Indoor: violets, cyclamen, gardenia, azalea, asparagus, syngonium, calathea, spathiphyllum, aglaonema, zamioculcas.
  • Garden: daffodils, lilies, pansies, primrose, lobelia, petunia.
  • Vegetables and herbs: garlic, green onions, peas, spinach.

Low-growing large-flowered petunia

Pansies are good in any planting container - from a box to a hanging planter

The juicy greens of spinach will overshadow even some flowering plants.

Crotona with its bright juicy leaves will like it on the western balcony

Note! Delicate plants are suitable for a balcony looking to the east. They respond with pleasure to the soft rays of the morning sun. The western balcony is comfortable for cultures accustomed to bright daylight. These are representatives of the tropics and the Mediterranean, variegated species.

What grows and blooms on the northern balconies

The north-facing balcony is just 2-3 hours of bright sunshine. For the vast majority of flowers, both garden and indoor, this is too little. Being constantly in partial shade, they will grow poorly, will not be able to pick up buds, and will lose the rich color of the leaves.

However, there are also those amazing representatives in the flower kingdom who feel great with a shortage of sunlight:

  • fuchsia;
  • balsam;
  • ferns;
  • mimulus;
  • host;
  • sansevier;
  • hoya.

Potted hosta can grow even in the darkest corner of the loggia

Stunning hydrangea bloom

The air temperature on the northern balcony is important. If it's warm there, then you can try to grow a golden mustache, oaky ficus, ruella. Cold rooms are suitable for hydrangeas, myrtle, araucaria.

Which flowers are best for the balcony - garden or indoor

On a loggia or balcony, you can successfully grow both indoor and garden flowers. But there are several fundamental points here.

You can grow indoor plants on the balcony during the warm season, and all year round. An open space without glazing or a glazed but not insulated room is suitable for seasonal gardening. In this case, indoor flowers can be taken out there not earlier than the end of April-beginning of May (for middle lane Russia), and this should be done gradually. Start at two o'clock in the morning, gradually increasing the time the plants are in the sun and at a different temperature regime.

Winter in open ground indoor views will not survive. You will have to insulate the balcony well under the flowers or bring them into the house during the cold period, creating a comfortable microclimate there.

The first option is not always affordable, and the second is not always convenient. Think carefully before equipping a luxurious garden with only indoor plants on your balcony.

Garden species are more resistant to weather conditions and temperature fluctuations. However, not many of them can grow in limited soil conditions. Most of these are annuals. Good examples: petunias, marigolds, lobelia, pansies.

Note! From garden species choose those that grow in your climatic zone... If you are looking at “outsiders”, then let them be flowers that grow in conditions of slightly lower temperatures. Then they will definitely be comfortable with you.

Marigolds bloom profusely all summer

Features of growing annual and perennial plants

Decide in advance if you want to grow annual or perennial plants.

Annuals manage to go through all stages of the growing season during the season - from the appearance of the first seedlings to the ripening of new seeds. Without requiring particularly careful care, they bloom brightly and profusely, delight with a riot of greenery. Ideal for beginner gardeners and non-glazed loggias.

Note! If you grow annuals on your own, then those sown in May will delight you with flowering in July. Seedlings bought in late April-early May will “paint” your balcony in June.

Mix of annuals on an open loggia

So, what kind of flowers to plant on the balcony in the summer? It can be:

  • sweet pea;
  • asters;
  • nasturtium;
  • purslane;
  • diastia;

Flower waterfall suters

If this corresponds to the concept of a balcony garden, then use fragrant and edible annuals - herbs in landscaping.

Balcony perennials have been actively growing and blooming for several years. These include many indoor plants and only a few garden plants, most of which are bulbous. These can be: horned violet, hyacinths, tulips, daffodils.

The difficulty in growing perennials is that they are too sensitive to environment, require the formation of certain conditions in winter and during dormancy (they often coincide).

Advice! Experienced gardeners are advised to combine flowers. For landscaping, it is enough to take perennials already in the house to the loggia and dilute them with freshly planted annuals. The latter will bloom by autumn and go to waste, and houseplants will return to their places on the windowsills.

Ampel views - decoration of any room

The easiest way to green your balcony is to use ampelous plants... They can be planted in long boxes along the walls, or hanging planters... In any case, they will look impressive.

Note! For landscaping walls, it is better to use fast-growing annuals. But in the pots you can place indoor perennials with shorter stems.

What ampelous flowers can be planted on the balcony? Of the garden ones, the following are best:

  • Cascading petunias. Choose multi-flowered varieties. They are the most resistant to atmospheric conditions.
  • Decorative loach. Combine varieties and your garden will be decorated with multi-colored "gramophone".
  • Hop. Perennial, able to survive the winter even on an open balcony. Has a weak specific odor.
  • Lobelia. In hanging pots, forms dense flowering caps. It goes well with geraniums, ivy, petunias.
  • Campanula (bell). It has stems 30-50 cm long, densely covered with flowers. It can grow on an open loggia until September. Not demanding in care. The only condition is protection from direct sunlight.

Scindapsus golden is attractive for its leaves

Hops grow quickly and easily wrap around any obstacle

In hanging pots, some indoor flowers look good: chlorophytum, fuchsia, golden scindapsus, common ivy.

The most unpretentious and abundantly flowering plants for a loggia

To facilitate your work on caring for a landscaped loggia, choose the most unpretentious flowers that will actively grow and bloom profusely all summer, even with minimal lighting and watering. The most unpretentious options with abundant flowering:

  • Marigold. They bloom from spring to the first frost. They are represented by a huge number of varieties.
  • Calendula. Easy to grow from seed. It successfully coexists with pansies, tulips, petunias and even spicy herbs.
  • Pelargonium (geranium). It is not afraid of the hot sun, it grows quickly, it can bloom all year round.
  • Dwarf varieties of snapdragons. They bloom amazingly and fragrant until October.
  • Ever-flowering begonia. It blooms profusely even in partial shade, is not afraid of the wind, changes in day and night temperatures.
  • Nasturtium. Its stems can be up to three meters! Suitable for decorating balcony walls and planting in hanging planters.

Beautiful compositions can be created from evergreen begonias

Dwarf snapdragon pleases with a riot of colors and abundant flowering

Feel great on fresh air the following indoor plants: chlorophytums, coleus, ficuses, monstera, palms, sansevieria, syngonium, fittonia.

Balcony garden concept

If you are going to take out to the balcony 3-5 flower pots then you can simply place them in the most appropriate places. Are there many more flowers? Then you need to carefully think over the concept of the garden and develop its design.

One of possible options- imitation of a terrace. Suitable for open spaces not limited by the glazing structure. Use flowerpots, floor boxes, hanging planters. Decorate the walls with ampel flowers. For completeness, use streetlights (or imitation) and lightweight folding furniture.

Tropical garden. Suitable for a carefully designed balcony. Important: long daylight hours, high humidity, regular watering. Use large deciduous and flowering perennials. It is better if their buds are single, but large and bright.

Large palm species "plunge" into the tropics

The garden of one plant is a rose garden or orchidarium, where only roses or orchids grow, respectively. Requires careful maintenance and constant monitoring of the room microclimate. However, all efforts will more than pay off with a luxurious bloom.

For those looking to save time, the concept of a natural garden is the way to go. For him, it is better to use garden plants, both ampelous and erect. Let them grow freely without giving the bushes a clear shape. Ampelny can only be directed in the desired direction with the help of special supports. Such a garden will be decorated with large dry tree branches, small stumps and even stones.

The idea of ​​a natural garden is best realized on an open balcony.

If you prefer flowering species, then you can pick them up so that all flowers have the same shade or contrast favorably. A bright solution is a combination of yellow, orange and red buds, a classic one is a combination of any shade with white.

What crops are suitable for gardening a balcony

Several win-win options:

Get inspired real example:

Knowing which flowers are suitable for decorating a balcony, you can combine them to create beautiful compositions. Focus on the characteristics of their growth and decorate a room of any size.

The topics of this publication are soil preparation, correct fit plants in balcony boxes and containers, as well as care rules flowers on the balcony.

How to plant flowers on the balcony
There are two options: buying ready-made seedlings or sowing seeds directly into balcony boxes. The best results when growing flowers in boxes are achieved by planting a strong, well-developed . Most summer plants are planted at the budding stage, and pansies, daisies and asters can be planted during flowering.

Planting seedlings it is better to spend on the balcony in cloudy weather or in the evening. Having marked out the landing sites, they make a hole in the ground with a hand or a small scoop, sufficient for the free placement of the root system; having placed roots in it, they are covered with earth and squeezed. When planting, it is very important to preserve an earthen ball with a root system, since when the roots are broken and damaged, the seedlings get sick and lag behind in flowering. Water the plants abundantly after planting.

Flower seedlings can be planted in a box in two or three rows in a checkerboard pattern. If you want to combine plants, then in the outer, first row, you can plant ampelous or undersized (border) flowers, and in the back rows - higher ones. Curly beans, sweet peas are best grown by sowing seeds directly into the box.

It is important not to thicken the planting: the optimal distance between individual bushesseedlings of dahlia, chrysanthemum, salvia, gatsania, petunia, pelargonium, aster,tuberous begonias, fuchsias and celosia - 20-30 cm; for verbena, heliotrope,balsam, godetia, Drummond phlox, viola, zinnia, daisies, reseda,marigolds and ever-flowering begonias - 12-15 cm; for beans and sweet peas - 10 cm.

Sowing seeds
Plants on the balcony can also be grown by directly inflower box soil. Seeds are sown in rows in grooves or nests of 3-5 grainsinto moist earth. The sown seeds must be covered with finely sifted earth orsand in a layer equal to twice the thickness of the seeds. Be careful! Somesmall seeds do not need to be sprinkled - this information is usually indicated on the package.Some plants grow better in the light, others in the dark, in addition,the seeds different types plants sprout unevenly. Learn more aboutsowing seeds for seedlings you can read in the article "".

After sowing, carefully (through a fine sieve!) Water the seeds so that the seeds do notwere washed with water. In the future, the earth is kept moist all the time. condition. Sowing seeds on the balcony must be carried out when severe frosts have passed - inlate April, early May. First of all, seeds of cold-resistantplants, and then thermophilic. Boxes should be covered before germinationpaper or glass.

Seeds can also be sown directly in peat pots or tablets... If youbought, then put them in water at home and let them swell, thenpress 1-2 seeds into the peat mass of each pot. In this case, you canlater plant the rooted seedlings in flower pot or straight into a box along with a peat ring. You can read more about the use of such tablets in the articles "" and "".

Young shoots and tender, freshly planted seedlings are best covered with newspaper, gauze, matting, etc. when the temperature drops. (until morning). If the seedlings freeze, then it can be saved by spraying at 4-5 o'clock in the morning. cold water and protecting from solar heat. It is necessary that the frozen seedlings thaw not immediately, but gradually. With this method, it is preserved and completely departs.

Soil for balcony plants
It is important to know that earthen mixtures for indoor flowers are not suitable for balcony flowers containing too few nutrients. A three-meter balcony requires about 30 kg of potting soil.

Balcony flowers are planted in a loose fertile land mixed with river sand. For large balcony box an earthen mixture consisting of 2 parts of humus, 1 part of peat and 1 part of sand is most suitable. In any case, some kind of nutritious earth must be added to the soil mixture and, necessarily, as a baking powder - sand, perlite or coal chips, semi-decomposed sawdust.

For most letnikov humus-rich compost soil with the addition of peat crumb (10-20%) and lime material (ground egg shells) is suitable. Summer plants such as sweet peas, asters, and chrysanthemums are especially sensitive to a neutral or slightly alkaline soil reaction.
In general, the soil should have moisture permeability, for which river sand is added; be sufficiently moisture-absorbing, which is achieved by adding peat chips, and always fresh - the soil for balcony flowers must be changed annually.

Care of flower plants in boxes consists in daily watering, loosening and top dressing . It is better to water in the morning before 9 o'clock or in the evening after 18 o'clock. Water the plants with settled water, you can - with the addition of low concentration fertilizers (see below). In roast daytime do not water the flowers. It is very useful to refresh the flowers, in addition to watering, by spraying a watering can through a sieve, especially on the southern balconies. Watering must be carried out in such a way that the entire layer of earth from top to bottom is saturated with water. Then the soil in pots and boxes can be mulched with peat or humus from drying out.

Along with the usual watering, fertilizers and fertilizing watering are of great importance for growth and flowering: due to the limited area of ​​nutrition and the rapid depletion of the soil flowers on the balcony need more frequent feeding compared to garden.Complex mineral fertilizers with microelements are excellent for these purposes. Top dressing is carried out every 7-10 days, alternating with watering, using weak concentrations (2-3 g per 1 liter of water).

The first feeding is carried out 4-6 weeks after planting the seedlings, and then continues until the end of August. Minimum feeding(once every 2-3 weeks) give nasturtiums, gatsanias, purslane, sedum, godetia and dorotheanthus: on highly fertilized soil, they form many leaves to the detriment of flowering, purchased soil for them it is better to dilute 30% with river sand.

Alternate the application of mineral fertilizers and fertilizing watering with organics. For fertilizing watering (in the first half of summer), saltpeter, ammonium sulfate and superphosphate are used at the rate of 1 g per 1 liter of water or 2 g of the finished flower mixture. Before and after fertilizing, the soil in the box must be watered to avoid root burns. Such watering is carried out carefully into the ground so as not to spray the plant itself. Then be sure to loosen the soil. Generally upper layer the soil in the boxes must be regularly loosened with a special fork to such a depth so as not to damage the roots.

Simultaneously with loosening, weeding is carried out. If the flowers are grown from seeds, it is necessary to thin the seedlings at the same time as weeding, since the thickened plants stretch out and do not bloom.

So that tall flowers in boxes do not suffer from the wind, they must be tied to pegs as they grow, and climbing plants - to frames, wire, cord. Also, on southern balconies, try to protect the flowers from overheating.

Dried leaves and faded flowers must be removed so as not to delay further flowering. When the flowering of ageratum, lobelia and nemesia weakened, it is important to cut off the upper part of the plant, leaving only stems 3-5 cm high: they soon form young shoots and flower buds. How to properly care for a petunia to get more profuse flowering, read the article “ ».