Video instruction for uprooting stumps. How to uproot stumps - we consider different ways Uprooting stumps with a jack

  • 13.06.2019

Experienced summer residents know that uprooting stumps with their own hands can be lengthy, troublesome and labor-intensive. It all depends on what method of getting rid of the remains of cut trees will be chosen. The choice of uprooting method is often determined not only by the desire of the owner of the site, but also by various points, which are described below.

Most fast way uprooting - with the help of technology.

mechanized uprooting

If a piece of land needs to be cleared of a large number of stumps for future development or gardening, it is better to use heavy equipment - a tractor, a bulldozer, a truck crane. Especially if there is no danger of damaging any elements of landscape design.

To remove the above-ground part of the stump, an electric or chainsaw is suitable. This option is cheaper, but without removing the root system of the dead tree, the site cannot be planted or built up.

Many owners use a rented stump grinder. It is also best used when it is necessary to remove a large number of stumps.

The aerial part of the stump is cut off with a chainsaw.

If you need to free the site from 1-2 stumps, it is better to use other methods. Attracting technology in such a situation would be unreasonably expensive. In addition, equipment, especially heavy construction equipment, can damage various elements of landscape design.

Uprooting stumps is not as difficult as it seems. The main thing is to competently approach the solution of this problem: to get an idea of ​​the root system various trees, choose the appropriate method of uprooting, prepare everything you need - tools, materials, substances.

For successful stump removal without extra effort need to find out:

  • age, breed and type of tree;
  • type and depth of the root system;
  • the location of the main roots.

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More about the root system of trees

The root system of trees consists of the main root, lateral and adventitious roots. According to the degree of development of the main and additional roots, the following types of root system are distinguished:

  • rod;
  • fibrous;
  • superficial.

The tap root system is distinguished by the presence of a powerful main root that goes deep into the ground. The fibrous root system is formed by adventitious roots after the death of the main root. It is located at a shallower depth than the rod, but its components better braid the soil. The superficial root system is formed by powerful horizontal rods and their processes and lies in upper layers soil.

With age, the root system of trees becomes more powerful due to the lengthening and thickening of the main roots, which are overgrown with many additional processes. The approximate size of the root system in most cases corresponds to the size of the crown.

The exception is, for example, cherry or plum trees, whose roots grow far beyond the crown.

Most fruit tree crops have a fibrous or superficial type of root system. The depth of the roots is no more than 70-75 cm. With the correct determination of the location of the horizontal processes, the stumps remaining after cutting them can be easy to remove, although troublesome.

The most difficult is the uprooting of pine stumps. The reason for this is a powerful tap root, which lies at a depth of 2 to 6 m. Spruce stumps usually do not cause trouble. Their root system is of a superficial type; horizontal rods are not very thick.

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Preparation for manual uprooting

In order to uproot stumps with your own hands, you will need the following tools and devices:

  • shovel;
  • sledgehammer;
  • saw or hacksaw for wood;
  • axe;
  • mallet hammer made of hardwood;
  • lever (pole or pipe made of hard metal);
  • rope, cable, cord or chain;
  • winch;
  • metal wedges.

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Manual Stump Removal

Digging a stump is an inevitable labor-intensive operation.

After finding out all the data about the cut tree, you can start uprooting the stump. First, a hole is dug around the stump using a shovel and other trenching tool. In this case, the blade of a shovel or hoe must be inserted into the ground parallel to the location of the main roots. As the hole deepens, its diameter must be gradually expanded.

Exposed roots should be sawn and chopped in turn in 2-3 places so that the length of the resulting chocks is at least 30 cm. After removing the upper roots, you can begin to eliminate the next root layer. The location of the roots is checked by swinging the stump with a lever and hitting it with an ax or a sledgehammer. Deepen the hole if necessary. Before cutting down a tree, you need to leave a piece of the trunk higher, so that later you can use it instead of a lever when uprooting. You can tie a stump with sawn main roots with a cable or rope and pull it out of the ground with a winch or manually by inviting assistants.

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Getting rid of stumps with water

Such uprooting of stumps is possible only if there is a water supply on the site. First, you need to dig a hole near the stump, connecting it with a groove to the hole surrounding the stump. Then a stream of tap water is directed under the stump with a hose. Flowing down the groove into the hole and washing out the soil, the water will gradually expose the upper tier of the root system so that it can be removed. After that, the soil under the next tier is washed away with a stream of water. Water does not need to be removed from the filled pit, it will gradually be absorbed into the soil.

Deprived of the main roots, the stump is removed with a lever. This stage usually requires the combined efforts of 2-3 people.

Stumping is the removal of tree stumps and shrubs from the ground along with the roots. There are many methods of stump removal - check out the best.

Uprooting is the process of removing the stumps of trees or shrubs from the ground along with the roots. Produced during afforestation and clearing areas.

There are the following main categories of uprooting methods:

Mechanical- the main industrial method, which consists in the use of machines and mechanisms for applying force to the stump, leading to its extraction from the ground. There are different principles of operation of mechanisms - screw, gear wheels, lever and hydraulic press.

Explosive- also an industrial method in which one or more explosive charges are placed under the stump into holes drilled in the ground. It is mainly used in the preparation of stump resin.

fire- consists in burning out a previously prepared stump. It is practically not used as an industrial one.

Manual- includes digging, cutting off the roots and pulling out with the help of a log, winch or chain hoist. It is also almost never used on an industrial scale.

Chemical and Fungal methods of uprooting stumps are not mentioned here.

Chemical- the most harmful method of uprooting stumps, which I fundamentally refuse.

Chemical method of stump removal.
The chemical method, which is one of the simplest, is aimed at accelerating the decomposition of wood.

To destroy the stump with chemistry, it is necessary to make several holes in the stump with a perforator to a depth of 50 cm and fill them with a chemical solution. Cover the stump with polyethylene and wait.

But you have to wait at least a year. After 1-2 years, only dust will remain from the stump. The main chemicals are: sodium and potassium nitrate, ammonium nitrate and urea.

Benefits of chemical stump removal
A cheap way to remove a stump.
You can do the work yourself.
Does not require the use of physical force.
Does not damage the surrounding landscape.

Disadvantages of chemical stump removal
The stump decomposition process can take several years.
There is a possibility of poisoning fertile soil around.
The soil in place of the stump long time becomes unsuitable for plant growth.

Mushroom- most The best way stump removal, because it has been proven by Nature for millions of years, and besides, stumps can be turned into edible mushrooms.


Here we will fit in just a few paragraphs, since this way simple and interesting, but rarely used.

Removing stumps with mushrooms

An old stump can be populated with mycelium of edible mushrooms, which will spread along the stump, developing into a real colony. As a result of vital activity, mushrooms will decompose, that is, completely destroy wood, and you will get your own mushrooms for cooking delicious and fragrant dishes.

This process is lengthy and may take several years. It is also dangerous for other trees in the garden and small architectural forms, which means that you should be very careful when using it.

In the Ecopark I will try to use the mushroom method of removing stumps.

With extra money, you can always order uprooting stumps. See Prices for uprooting stumps. After reviewing the prices, there is a desire to do Uprooting on your own in order to transfer money from one of your pockets to your other pocket - this will allow you to use them with greater benefit.

Stumps can be removed manually using available funds small mechanization.


So we come to the most important method for us, since on own site we are used to doing everything by hand. You can also uproot stumps on your own, but this method is also not the best, and therefore, we will consider separately its advantages and disadvantages.

Benefits of manual uprooting

Manual stump removal is carried out in absolutely any place on your site, which is very good, because not all stumps can be approached with a crusher and, especially, on a tractor;

With a skillful approach, uprooting stumps by hand is enough effective method, since it is possible to remove from the soil not only the stump, but also the absolute maximum of the root system;

After the release of the land from the stump, already on next year it is ready for cultivation.

Disadvantages of manual stump removal

First of all, it is really hard, and sometimes even hellish physical labor;

This method cannot be applied in winter, since its effectiveness is completely lost due to the significant complication of work - snow, frozen soil, mud, and so on;

The cost of such uprooting from firms is now almost impossible, and if so, it will cost you a fortune, especially if the tree was tall and old, and had a serious root system.

How to uproot stumps with your own hands?

Manual uprooting of stumps is used everywhere, and every experienced summer resident has come across it more than once. It happens approximately the same in any region of our country, and indeed the whole world as a whole.

So, do-it-yourself stump removal occurs completely independently or with the help of physically strong like-minded people. You will need crowbar, shovels, axes, hammers, levers, possibly winches, as well as cutting tools and, of course, gloves and plastic goggles for your own protection.

The stump is dug from all sides to a certain depth - more often, a couple of tens of centimeters. Further, its main roots are separated from the stump and, with the help of levers or a hefty force of the participants in the process, the stump is removed from the soil.

How many words, but the features of the process are not described. I make up for this deficiency.

When removing a stump, you have to dig a larger hole, the larger the tree - this is necessary to get to those places of lateral roots where they are not too thick.

Earth and sand on the roots quickly dull the cutting tool, so its use is desirable only after cleaning the roots from the bark.

You have to dig up each lateral root to remove a piece from it.

You need to chop with an ax obliquely towards the direction of the root.

Uprooting stumps takes a lot of time and physical strength, because you have to work at an uncomfortable height.

Therefore, manual uprooting of stumps should be taken only when the stumps really interfere and there is no time to use the Mushroom method.

And now I describe the ancient and forgotten stump twisting method:

Using a ladder, cut down the tree at a height of 400 cm, then remove the trunk and branches to the side, sawing them into pieces.

With an ax or a shovel, we remove the bark from two opposite sides of the tree at a height of 60 cm.

Using a chainsaw or cordless chainsaw, cut a through hole.

We insert a long lever into the hole - a rail, a channel, a thick-walled metal pipe.

So that the stump does not crack, we wrap the stump with a rope or a thick rope, at the same time it is useful to grab the lever so that it does not slip in the hole.

We lean on the lever and twist the stump - while the lateral roots bend, break and tear at some distance from the stump, and the central root (if the tree has one) is twisted, shortened in length, which leads to tearing off many small roots. It is only foolish to hope for the removal of most of the root system, because in all plants the volume and mass of the aboveground and underground parts are approximately equal.

To observe the reaction of the roots and facilitate the twisting process, you can dig into the tree and even cut off some of the roots.

If you don’t have enough strength, either call your neighbors for help, or use a chain hoist, or use a winch.

If there is a hoist and there is not enough total length of extension cords, you can bring an electric generator to power the hoist.

To pull out the central root, we apply a sawn off piece of the trunk to the rest of the trunk, fixing it with two pins driven into the soil, tie a rope to the upper end of the trunk and, using a lever with a good aspect ratio, pull out the central root from the soil.

The genius of this method lies in the fact that it is not the Force that is used, but the Moment of Forces!

So, in my opinion, Stump Uprooting is best done using the Mushroom Method and the Stump Twisting Method. It is these two methods that I am going to use in the ecopark.

I invite everyone to speak in

Calling cutting down a tree "removal" is not entirely correct, because, in fact, cutting down a tree is only 50% removal of it, since the root system of trees is half the tree, hidden from our eyes. However, it often happens that part of the root system must also be removed (the foundation will be laid in place of the tree, sewerage, etc.) There are many ways to get rid of an interfering stump on your site, in this article we will discuss the main of them, their advantages and disadvantages on concrete examples. In this article, we will try to consider the main methods used in practice in order to get rid of the root system of an old tree in our area.

This type of work can be done by yourself or ordered from an organization engaged in uprooting stumps professionally. You can call our specialist free of charge to evaluate the work and consult.

Methods for removing (uprooting) tree stumps:

Mechanical uprooting of stumps

  1. Stump uprooting by hand produced as follows: around the stump with a shovel and other auxiliary hand tool(scrap, pick) a certain amount of earth is taken out, sufficient to remove the stump. If a flower bed is planned to be laid out at the site of the stump, for example, then the depth of root removal may be insignificant,

    If, on the site of the stump, a building will be constructed, and a foundation will be located in this place, or underground communications will pass, then the removal depth must be increased depending on the technical conditions of the future object. After the roots are freed from the ground to a sufficient depth, they are cut with axes, followed by removal of the root system from the ground, or

  2. Uprooting a stump with a manual or electric winch, in which, after the procedures described above for freeing the root system from the ground, a winch cable is fixed to the rest of the trunk and the stump is pulled out of the ground. This method of uprooting a stump, although it requires special equipment, is considered more acceptable compared to purely manual, mechanical uprooting, because. the root is removed to a greater depth and you have to spend less time on the same amount of work
  3. Uprooting a stump with an excavator. This type of uprooting can be beneficial for people when there are a lot of stumps on one site, and large-scale construction and (or) work is planned on the site itself. landscape design(device of lawns with underground systems irrigation, construction of artificial reservoirs, such as a pool or a pond, etc.) In such cases, it is certainly expedient and economically justified, perhaps, uprooting stumps with an excavator.

    Our specialist can visit your facility free of charge and conduct a consultation to determine the most economical way for you to remove the stump

  4. Tree uprooting by crushing (milling) With this method, special equipment is used: a stump grinder. For many years, our colleagues abroad have been removing tree stumps using this method abroad, both in the private households of their clients, and in the public sector and in business. In our market it professional equipment appeared not so long ago. This method has its drawbacks and advantages. There is only one drawback - the price. Stump grinders are professional, powerful, imported equipment that costs more than one thousand dollars if you add the cost to this. Supplies and maintenance, then at today's prices a very impressive amount comes out. But this method also has a number of serious advantages, which are especially obvious when working with large stumps with a diameter of more than 60 cm.

    If a large stump is located in close proximity to buildings, underground utilities, other plants whose root system cannot be damaged, then such methods mechanical removal stumps, like uprooting a stump with an excavator or with a winch, are not at all suitable. This threatens to damage nearby objects. In such cases, a stump grinder is an excellent option. With this method of removal, buildings and communications are not damaged, removal is carried out quickly.

  5. Uprooting a stump by drilling. This uprooting method is mainly used in industrial logging, large-scale clearing of forest plantations for construction or agricultural work. This method requires a powerful industrial equipment. As a rule, these are mechanical-hydraulic units connected to tractors and powered by hydraulic system tractor, from the power take-off shaft, or both power systems are used at once. For example, I will give a video from the Internet on the operation of such devices:

  6. Chemical uprooting of stumps

  7. Uprooting stumps with urea (urea) or ammonium or potassium nitrate. This method of removing roots was known to our grandfathers. Its principle is as follows: in the cut of the stump, using a drill with a thick drill, multiple vertical holes are made to a depth of 15-20 cm. The second option is without using a drill. With the help of a chainsaw, vertical cuts are carried out, the saw bar plunges vertically deep into the stump, while you should be very careful and careful, since when the nose of the tire is immersed, a so-called rebound often occurs, in which the saw is thrown up, such rebounds for inexperienced chainsaw operators sometimes cause neck and head injuries. Therefore, you should be extremely careful when cutting vertically.

    The essence of the process is the same as when drilling holes: to create deep and capacious voids in the thickness of the stump. After that, we need saltpeter. Typically, in such cases, ammonium or potassium nitrate, which can be bought at the nearest gardening store for little money. But I'm based on personal experience I recommend applying urea (urea), which, like saltpeter, is a mineral nitrogen fertilizer. If the percentage of active substance (nitrogen) in ammonium nitrate is 34.6%, then urea or in other words carbamide is the most concentrated ammonium fertilizer and contains 46% nitrogen, respectively, it is almost a third more effective than ammonium nitrate for the purposes of chemical uprooting of stumps. Regarding the quantity: for a large stump with a diameter of 70-80cm. you need to take 1 kg of urea. Pour urea into the holes prepared by us and carefully pour water on top (100 ml per 1 kg of urea). The next important step: sealing so that the rains do not wash the fertilizer into the ground, it is necessary to exclude precipitation from falling on the stump. In the old Soviet literature, it is recommended to plug holes with chops. Never did that. Much easier and more economical in every sense to take 1 square meter dense polyethylene, wrap the stump tightly and tie twine on top or sprinkle the edges of the film with earth. Uprooting a stump with saltpeter is a rather lengthy process, for a large stump (about 1 meter in diameter) it will take at least 1 year, but at the same time you will get a guaranteed and what can be a decisive factor - a cheap result. So, a year has passed and we have come to the final stage of uprooting with saltpeter. We lay out some firewood on a stump and kindle a fire. Over the past year, processes related to the penetration of the urea solution into the roots of our stump took place in the thickness of the stump. The combustion of wood impregnated with saltpeter or carbamide (urea) is quite violent, since the saltpeter itself burns releases oxygen, then combustion goes deep into the earth to a great depth (up to two meters). After everything burns out, you will see an amazing picture: in place of the stump there will be a pit that completely repeats the contours of the root system, with tunnels diverging in different directions. The second variant of the end of chemical uprooting does not provide for burning out. The structure of wood under the action of chemicals is broken, turns into dust, using a crowbar and a shovel, you can easily destroy the top of the stump and go deep to the required depth. After that, in place of the removed stump, you can, for example, break a flower bed, pouring fertile land on top. The remains of the root system (soaked in saltpeter) in this case will serve as additional fertilizer for plants in the flower bed.
  8. Uprooting stumps with the help of herbicides "arboricide", "ruandap" and others.There is such a way to remove trees, but to be honest, we have never used it in our practice. Since, firstly, if we talk about the poisoning of a whole tree, then it does not make sense to poison the soil, wood, yourself in order to get a dry tree at the exit, which can be removed either entirely (if the site allows) or from an aerial platform (which in urban conditions buildings happen much more often) since a healthy arborist (tree climber) categorically will not climb a dry trunk, life and health are more expensive than money. So simpler tree remove without the use of chemicals. And if we talk about uprooting the stump of a freshly sawn tree, then again, the effectiveness of these herbicides in the process of accelerated destruction of wood has not been studied (in any case, such information is not available to us to this day). Therefore, we do not recommend the method of uprooting a stump with herbicides to anyone, just like and the last chemical uprooting method:
  9. Uprooting the stump with salt- this is another "folk" way, which is often poisoned by innocent neighboring trees growing on the boundary. Usually, the root circle is watered several times with a concentrated saline solution, after which the tree begins to hurt, and subsequently dies due to a violation of metabolic processes caused by an off-scale content. table salt in the ground. In this method, we, as well as in the previous one, see some disadvantages. This is soil poisoning, and mockery of a living tree, and again, as a result, we get a dry emergency tree, which is always more difficult to work with. The effect of table salt on the rate of decomposition of stump wood, as in the case of herbicides, has not been sufficiently studied, in the available specialized literature and on the Internet, there is no such information, as in the case of herbicides

Well, if the stump does not interfere at all, then on a large stump you can break a wonderful flower bed that will delight your eye from spring to autumn.

Summarizing this article, let's say that the choice of a stump uprooting method is an individual matter and the choice should be approached responsibly, since in conditions of dense buildings and green spaces, the wrong choice of stump removal can have negative consequences. If you need to carry out work on uprooting a stump in Kharkov, then we can help you with right choice method, as well as to evaluate this work and produce it. Choose best deal, order a free visit of our specialist, listen to the recommendations, the price, and then without losing anything, you can find out the prices and methods of uprooting stumps in other organizations and do the best choice. When choosing a tree care company, be sure to ask for experience, ask to see finished work, compare prices.

The appearance of stumps in the garden plot is associated with the periodic renewal of fruit trees, their natural death and the clearing of the site for construction. The presence of woody skeletons reduces the aesthetics of the backyard territory, makes it difficult to move freely and makes it impossible to erect new buildings. Stumps must be removed in order to return the space to its proper look and usability. Only in rare cases can they be left, adapted for a table or an artistically designed flower bed.

There are several ways

The process of removing stumps is not always associated with the use of special equipment and the involvement of specialists. It can be done independently, using only improvised means and materials.

There are two approaches to the destruction of stumps - chemical and physical. Chemical methods (without uprooting) are based on the treatment of wood residues with reagents, leading to their accelerated destruction or complete burnout during combustion. Physical methods(usual manual uprooting) consist in the use of classic tools for work - shovels, saws and axes.

Removal with saltpeter - chemical burning

This approach is universal for the destruction of stumps in most garden areas and adjacent areas. The essence of the method lies in the burning of wood residues impregnated with saltpeter - a strong oxidizing agent. A stump remover (potassium or sodium nitrate) allows you to burn out not only the aerial part of a sawn tree, but also deep roots.

The principle of preparation for removal is as follows:

  • in the tree, several holes are drilled with the thickest possible drills. The process is carried out in late summer or early autumn;
  • potassium or sodium nitrate is poured into the resulting perforation to the top, which should then be poured with water to intensify the impregnation of wood;
  • the top of the holes is closed with pre-cut wooden plugs or wrapped plastic wrap tightly tied along a tree trunk.

The prepared stump remains in this state until next summer. During this time, the entire root system is saturated with saltpeter and dries up. A fire is built around the stump, which must be maintained until the skeleton is completely destroyed. If the top cut of the stump is flush with the ground, additional recesses can be drilled in it for pouring gasoline or kerosene. The combustible mixture is ignited, initiating the process of combustion and smoldering of hemp throughout the volume. After complete burnout, the place where the stump was located is dug up and covered with earth.

How to quickly remove the stump without uprooting, using saltpeter, look at the video:

For one stump left from fruit tree medium-sized (up to 15 cm in diameter), about 2 kg of saltpeter is consumed. Its quantity affects mainly not the completeness, but the rate of wood burning out. To achieve maximum destruction of the stump, including the roots, you should wait until the tree is completely dry after winter and spring rains.

For reference, in order to fit 1 kg of saltpeter into a stump, you need to make twenty holes with a diameter of 1 cm, five holes with a diameter of 2 cm or two holes with a diameter of 3 cm (depth - 30 cm). The thicker the drill, the faster the work will go.

Advantages of the method:

  • minimum physical effort for preparation;
  • almost complete removal of residues, with the exception of the deepest roots;
  • ease of implementation;
  • lack of green shoots from the remnants of the roots in the future.


  • during impregnation, the soil is saturated with saltpeter. It is a good fertilizer, but harmful in in large numbers for tuberous and fruit crops;
  • a long wait between preparing the stump and destroying it;
  • the need to purchase, store and transport chemicals.

The process of burning a stump under the action of saltpeter:

This method should be used with caution in peaty areas to avoid peat fires. The roots of trees can go to a considerable depth, saturated with saltpeter to the very tips. The slow smoldering of the root wood, which occurs with a limited air supply, often initiates a prolonged burning of the peat deposit.

Decomposition by urea

Preparation of the stump this method completely identical to the use of saltpeter - the stump is perforated with drills of maximum diameter, and carbamide (urea) is poured into the holes formed. The top of the holes is filled with water, after which the stump is tightly wrapped with a polymer film. After 1-2 years, the woody remains completely rot, and in their place is a fertile layer of soil.

Do not confuse urea and ammonium nitrate . These are completely different compounds - urea is relatively harmless, while ammonium nitrate is a rather explosive and toxic substance.

Advantages of the method:

  • minimum physical work;
  • the soil is not polluted with nitrates;
  • the stump is completely removed. This makes the site suitable for building, laying out flower beds and planting any garden and garden crops.


  • very long period of destruction of the stump;
  • the need to purchase additional materials;
  • high consumption of chemicals to remove a few stumps.

For reference - to place 1 kg of urea in a stump, you will have to make about thirty holes with a diameter of 1 cm, eight holes with a diameter of 2 cm or four holes with a diameter of 3 cm (30 cm deep). The consumption of urea for removing a medium-sized stump is selected in the same way as when laying saltpeter.

Precautions when working with chemicals:

When using any fertilizer, it is recommended to use protective equipment. Suitable for saltpeter old clothes and hand gloves. When working with urea, you can not use such precautions, however, scatter the chemical over the entire area and take it with bare hands not worth it either.

It is advisable not to plant plants around the removed stumps, the fruits or tubers of which will be eaten. It should also be borne in mind that high concentrations of saltpeter can "burn out" plantings at a distance of 0.5-1 m from the stump, so take care in advance about transplanting the plants that you want to save.

Uprooting a stump with your own hands

You can quickly remove the stump when using a tractor, excavator or puller (hand cutter). Attracting large-sized equipment can be inconvenient or even impossible due to the presence of a fence, plants and equipped paths on the site. Buying a manual rooter or hiring a specialist with his own tool is a very costly undertaking to remove one stump. To save money and effort, you need to involve one or two assistants and stick to general rules work.

Preparation for the procedure: before removing the stump, it must be cleared of the surrounding earth. To do this, you can go two ways:

  1. excavate the nearest space about half a meter using a small bayonet shovel. So that the soil does not roll back, it is thrown to the side with a shovel tool;
  2. dig a hole with a diameter and depth of about 1 and 0.5 m at a distance of 1-2 m from the stump, equipping a drain (gutter) from the remains of the tree to it. Then the earth around the stump is washed out with a jet of water from a hose. The greater its pressure, the faster access to the upper root system will open.

Extraction of the skeleton using a winch: to get a stump out of the ground, you can tie it along the trunk and roots with a metal cable stretched through a winch. The cable should extend to the winch from the saw cut, thus providing a lever for overturning the stump. The winch is mounted on a firmly fixed pole or other tree.

Mechanical removal: if it is impossible to use a winch, the tree frame can be removed by cutting or sawing off its roots. The specific method depends on the degree of openness of the roots and the availability of access to them with an ax or saw. If it is not possible to expose the root, it can be cut right in the ground using a pick - scrap metal or a thin pipe with an ax welded at one end. A similar tool is often used by janitors, breaking off icing from the asphalt.

After cutting off the side branches, a central post is usually left, which is difficult to approach. It is already turning from side to side and partially rotates around its axis. You can break it with a deep vertical root by active turns and tilts in different directions.

Relatively easy way uprooting a stump without the use of special equipment:

Pros and cons of self-uprooting


  • minimal cash and financial costs;
  • high speed of work (the remains of two or three large trees can be destroyed per day).


  • significant laboriousness of the process;
  • in some cases, it is impossible to approach the stump and dig a hole of a suitable size (because of the nearby paths or flower beds);
  • lateral and vertical roots remain in place of the hemp, which can interfere with construction;
  • need for additional helpers.

To remove a small dry stump (no more than 10 cm in diameter), you can break it with a long crowbar using brute force. First, the stump is split in the middle by inflicted blows, and then the formed fragments are loosened with a crowbar, like a lever, breaking off 10-15 cm below ground level.

Precautions to keep in mind

While working with a winch, the extracted stump can jump out of the ground abruptly and fly several meters in the air. Because of this, you should move away from the possible flight path of the tree and remember that a broken rope or cable can also cause serious injuries.

Safety elements when cutting roots:

  • when using a pick, it is necessary to set the feet wide so as not to accidentally hit them through a layer of crumbling earth;
  • you can’t get close to a person with an ax or chop a stump together. Follow the rule - one cuts, the other rests;
  • when working with an ax, one should stand on widely spaced legs so as not to be injured by the tip bouncing off a hard root.

What to be guided by when choosing a removal method?

There are several criteria by which you can determine the optimal approach.

  1. The mechanized method with the involvement of large special equipment is suitable for clearing a building site and requires free space and access roads. The method is suitable for removing a large number stumps.
  2. The chemical method is suitable for the subsequent construction and renewal of the garden, if there is time to wait 1-2 years. Urea is ideally suited for obtaining fertile plot and has a minimum of negative effects, while saltpeter in high concentrations has a “burning” effect on plants.
  3. Manual removal is used in most situations where a suitable size hole can be dug around the stump. The method requires significant physical effort and minimal financial investment.

A site cleared of stumps can be used much more efficiently than an area with unremoved tree skeletons. Hemp interferes with the full realization of a beautiful landscape composition, with the exception of rare design solutions. In addition to great functionality, well-groomed area always pleasing to the eye and safe for recreation and business activities. Spending a few days clearing the area of ​​stumps can make harvesting and gardening easier for years to come.

is to try to leave it in place. It can be integrated into the overall design garden plot- for this, the stump can be arranged in the form of a garden table, flower garden or mycelium. But this method can be applied only in very rare cases. Most often, it must be somehow uprooted in order to remove it from the site.

How to uproot a stump

There are many ways to get rid of a stump - they can be chemical or mechanical. Chemical methods can be described as less time-consuming - but they will require more time and patience. The purpose of such methods is mainly to decompose the stump to a state of dust. Mechanical methods require more effort.

The ground near the stump is carefully shed with water. When it becomes softer, one should try to determine in which places especially thick roots are located. To do this, they tie a strong metal pin to a stick and pierce the soaked earth around the stump with it - this is intelligence.

When the location of the roots is approximately known, between them it is necessary to select the ground with a small spatula. Without reconnaissance, digging the earth is simply unproductive. Pits should be dug to a depth of approximately 10-20 cm below the roots. They need to be cleaned from the ground as much as possible.

What tools can be used

Do not try to cut the roots with a shovel - the result will most likely be wasted time and a damaged tool. Fuss, performing uprooting, should not be. Carefully roll the soil from the roots into the holes dug around them. Now the roots are completely open - they can be cut with a hacksaw. An ax should not be used here - the roots are usually elastic and difficult to cut.

The stump can now simply be to the side, find the central root going deep and cut or cut it. The easiest way to tilt the stump is with a winch or lever. When all the roots are cut, nothing holds the stump in place - it is pulled to the side, and the resulting hole is covered with earth.

The use of levers, winches, jacks when uprooting stumps is not always justified. Stumps of thin or young trees lend themselves best to their action.

If you have to uproot several stumps, you can make a special tool with which you can conveniently cut the roots. Simple shovels blunt instantly, and swinging an ax in this position is inconvenient. The pick is best suited - it is, as it were, on the butt of which a handle is welded. Such a tool is designed to break off ice on sidewalks, but roots can be cut with such a tool quite effectively even though they are in an uncomfortable position for this.