Which bank has the best mortgage deals? Where is the best place to get a mortgage? Which bank

  • 20.10.2019

Anyone who is going to take a home loan, counts on the opportunity at a low interest rate. But is it really possible to get such a mortgage? Sometimes banks offer promotions that lower mortgage rates. Also, payroll clients, as well as certain categories of citizens, can count on more favorable conditions.

What are the conditions for a low-interest mortgage in Moscow?

If you want to take a mortgage with a minimum overpayment, then you should consider loan programs for certain categories of citizens:

  • for young families;
  • for large families;
  • for the military;
  • for budget employees.

It is also worth paying attention to apartments in new buildings. As you know, the lowest mortgage rate is provided for housing in new buildings. A loan for secondary housing is issued at a rate of 1.5-2% higher. Low mortgage rates in Moscow are also possible with refinancing. Refinancing offered by banks is issued on more favorable terms.

You can reduce the percentage in several ways:

  • provide a complete package of documents;
  • get a loan for a short period of time;
  • make the highest possible down payment.

To find the best deal and find out which ones offer the lowest mortgage rates, we recommend using our website loan calculator. On the same page you can see the list of banks whose interest rate is lower than that of most credit institutions. The application can be filled out on the bank's website or at the nearest branch.

Many people dream of buying an apartment, but not everyone can afford to spend such a tangible amount of money at once. There is often only one way out in such a situation - to take a mortgage loan. Many cannot decide on such a responsible step, realizing that such a loan will have to be repaid for a very long time. However, if you follow a few rules and choose your bank carefully, you can move to own apartment without significant problems.

How to get a mortgage loan correctly and profitably

The decision to buy an apartment on a mortgage becomes the most important decision in life for many people. At the same time, I really want the loan to be as profitable as possible and not become bondage.

How to get a mortgage loan? This question inevitably arises among potential borrowers. Actually there are several important rules, compliance with which will help make the purchase of an apartment a joyful event and will not allow registration of a mortgage to spoil the life of the borrower.

  1. Before applying for a mortgage, you should evaluate your options. It is desirable that monthly payments do not exceed one third family budget. If you do not follow this rule, pulling a mortgage can be very difficult.
  2. It is best to improve housing conditions gradually. In this case, the payment amount will be lower. In addition, it will be possible to pay off the mortgage faster, and if you want to buy a bigger apartment in the future, you can get a loan under more favorable terms.
  3. It is not enough just to take a mortgage loan from a bank. You must make monthly payments on time. Maximum savings in the family budget will help create an airbag. Ideally, it should be around three monthly payments. This will help pay the mortgage even in case of temporary difficulties. When the "stash" is created, you can start partially early redemption. This will help you save on interest payments.

The minimum overpayment can be achieved not only when the best conditions for a mortgage loan are selected. It is important to buy an apartment when the market is falling. In this case, you should carefully study the forecasts of specialists.

The best banks for mortgage loans

There is no need to rush into getting a mortgage. Even before making a decision, you should carefully read the offers of various credit organizations. To understand where it is better to take a mortgage loan. In this case, it is necessary to take into account not only the size of the interest rate, but also other conditions:

  • Availability of additional commissions, insurances and payments.
  • Terms of early repayment (including partial).
  • The amount of the down payment. Let's say right away that it is quite difficult to get a mortgage loan without a down payment in 2019, because these are big risks for the bank. As a rule, the down payment on such loans starts from 10 percent. If you do not have a down payment to buy an apartment on credit, pay attention to banks where you can get a consumer loan for any purpose. The money you receive can be used to make a down payment on a mortgage.

A large number of offers on the market often leads to the fact that potential borrowers can get confused and confused. A huge number of tempting advertising slogans can be completely misleading. Therefore, it will be useful to use when choosing the TOP-5 best banks for a mortgage loan, compiled by specialists.

Profitable mortgage loan online through the Tinkoff.Mortgage service

Offers to consider the proposals of several banks for loans for the purchase of an apartment. At the same time, the frightening thought of the need to run around the offices of various credit organizations can be abandoned. An online application for a mortgage through the Tinkoff website allows you to shift all the problems of sending documents to the bank to a personal manager.

After filling out the questionnaire on the Tinkoff Bank website, your application will be considered by several partner banks at once. After approval, it remains only to choose the best bank for a mortgage from the proposed list. Moreover, when applying for a loan through Tinkoff, you can get a discount on the interest rate of up to 1.5%. Given the large amount and term of the loan, this is quite a tangible savings.

At the moment, the minimum rate on a mortgage loan for an apartment in a new building starts at only 6% per annum. The maximum term is 25 years and the loan amount is up to 100 million rubles. It is very important that not only employees of companies, but also individual entrepreneurs can apply for a mortgage loan through the service.

Mortgage loan with bad credit history in BZHF bank

In the Housing Finance Bank, anyone can apply for a mortgage loan. Moreover, according to the bank, even borrowers with bad health can get a loan. credit history in past. The main thing is that at the time of application there are no current overdue payments on loans in other banks. This is one of the few banks where you can get a mortgage loan without refusal due to bad credit history in the past. BZHF statistics show that the bank approves 82% of submitted mortgage applications. This is a very high rate!

In addition, a mortgage loan in the BZF has the following advantages:

  • Mortgage on 2 documents (passport and second document - SNILS, TIN driver's license).
  • There is a mortgage program that allows you to get a loan without references on the day of application.
  • Official confirmation of income, reduces the interest rate and increases the credit limit.
  • Registration of the transaction and the apartment takes no more than 3 days.
  • A mortgage loan is issued directly from the bank, without the participation of agents, intermediaries and commissions.
  • Important! Residents of the following cities can apply for a mortgage loan online: Moscow and the region, St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region, Volgograd, Yekaterinburg, Kazan, Krasnodar, Krasnoyarsk, Nizhny Novgorod, Saratov, Novorossiysk, Novosibirsk, Omsk.

Favorable conditions for a mortgage from Otkritie Bank

When deciding which bank to apply for a mortgage loan, you should not disregard Otkritie Bank. Mortgage lending conditions are quite loyal here. The client is offered several interesting programs to choose from, depending on the needs of the borrower:

  1. Buying an apartment in a new building.
  2. Buying an apartment on the secondary market.
  3. Refinancing of mortgage loans of other banks.
  4. military mortgage.
  5. Real estate under maternity capital.
  6. Mortgage lending for the purchase of large apartments.

The interest rate at Otkritie Bank is determined by the mortgage program under which the loan was issued. You can count on a minimum percentage of 8.9% when buying an apartment in a new building or military mortgage. Other features include a down payment of 10% and a maximum term of 30 years.

A mortgage loan is profitable with state support from VTB Bank

  • The interest rate here starts at 10.2%.
  • The initial payment is less than in many other banks - 10%.
  • The possibility of registration without an advance payment for maternity capital.

In addition, this bank has a program “Mortgage loan with state support”. The program provides for preferential lending to families who have had a second or third child since 01/01/2018. For a certain period, a preferential rate of 6% is established with an initial payment of 20%. Do you agree that it is beneficial?

There is also an interesting program "More meters - lower rate" when buying an apartment from 65 sq. meters. That is, the larger the apartment, the lower the interest rate.

Mortgage lending for the construction or purchase of a country house from Sberbank

The country's largest bank, Sberbank, is also very active in the mortgage lending market. The bank willingly lends both to developers themselves and to borrowers who want an apartment on a mortgage loan. Moreover, even pensioners can apply for a mortgage loan, but on the condition that the repayment of the loan is provided for up to 75 years of the borrower.

As in other banks, it offers a mortgage loan with state support for families with children; mortgages for new buildings and secondary housing; military mortgage programs; mortgage using maternity capital. There are also programs that are not always found in other banks. This is a mortgage loan for the construction of a residential building, as well as a mortgage loan for the purchase or construction of suburban real estate ( private house, garden plot etc).

Experts say that interest in mortgage lending in 2019 will not decrease. Most likely, it will only grow. With the right attitude to such loans, a mortgage will bring only the joy of moving to a new home. In this case, you should not take a loan in the first available bank. It is important to figure out where it is more profitable to take a mortgage loan. This will help save the lion's share of the family budget.

P/S Before you take out a mortgage, be sure to check out “5 Rules for a Comfortable Mortgage”

Minimum interest on cash loans.

from 10.9%
in 1 hour from 11.3%
from 11.4%
Without refusal from 11.5%
from 11.99%
from 12%
from 12%
from 12.9%
from 13.5%
from 14.9%
up to 7 years from 15%
from 15.99%

You can take a loan at 12% per annum or lower at Renaissance, Tinkoff Bank, Vostochny, the advantage of these banks is that they consider applications without providing a certificate of employment. Sovcombank and UBRD also do not require confirmation of income, but their minimum bar is from 12% per annum. It is quite possible to receive money at a relatively low percentage of 15% in Alfa-Bank.

Loan at low interest

Renaissance Credit - up to 700,000 rubles at 11.3%

A bank with low interest rates, where you can get a consumer loan on two documents. Works in almost all major cities Russia, issues cash on the day of treatment for up to 5 years, has a special program for pensioners.

Summary: "Renaissance Credit" is a bank with the lowest interest rates, where you can get a loan on two documents.

Eastern Bank - low interest and high odds

In our opinion, Vostochny Bank does not have the smallest rates, but there are maximum chances for approval of an application even for borrowers with a bad credit history. In this bank, you can take a loan on a passport, without a certificate of income and any additional documents. Applications are accepted online, and are considered within 5-10 minutes.

Summary: Bank "Vostochny" - not the smallest interest, but the maximum chance of approval of the application.

How to get a consumer loan at a low interest rate?

Start with "your" bank. If you receive a salary on a card, apply for money to the bank that issued this card. You're probably waiting for lower interest rates and minimum requirements to the package of documents. For example: a standard consumer loan at Alfa-Bank is 15.99%. And if you receive a salary on a card, then the interest rate is reduced to 13.99%

To increase your chances of finding the best deals, consider several options. Apply to two or three places at the same time, find out your individual rate and choose the bank that offers the most favorable conditions.

Collect documents. Many banks issue cash loans without a certificate of income, and sometimes simply on the basis of a Russian citizen's passport. This is convenient, but if you are counting on low interest, try to confirm your financial situation with some documents. Best of all - a certificate in the form of 2-NDFL and a copy of the work book.

How to choose the cheapest resale mortgage of 2018? Which bank in Moscow has the most profitable mortgage? Who can help you get a mortgage?

Hi all! Denis Kuderin is back in touch!

We continue the series of articles on mortgage lending. The topic of the new publication is a profitable mortgage. The material will be useful to anyone who is thinking about buying a home on credit and is looking for the most favorable conditions in financial institutions.

So, let's begin!

1. What conditions for mortgage loans are considered favorable?

For many citizens, mortgage lending is the only way acquire your own housing not after many years of savings and savings, but right now.

Mortgage loans secured by real estate are a popular type of lending throughout the civilized world.

In Russia, this method of acquiring housing became popular only 15 years ago. Nevertheless, thousands of citizens of the Russian Federation have already managed to buy real estate on credit against a multi-year pledge, and some even fully paid off their loans.

Secured loans - briefly about the main

Before talking about a profitable mortgage, you need to say a few words about the properties of loans secured by the acquired property.

Briefly about the main features of a mortgage:

  • loans are taken for a long period (from 5 to 30 years and more);
  • loans are targeted - they are issued only for the purchase of housing, in extreme cases, for the construction of their own home;
  • the buyer, although he becomes the owner, does not have the right to dispose of the property without the knowledge of the bank until the full payment of the loan.

The main advantages of a mortgage are the speed of obtaining a loan (especially if you act through professional loan brokers), a large selection of programs, and profitable investment of funds.

Good apartments do not become cheaper over the years and, whatever one may say, renting someone else's housing is always more expensive than buying your own.

True, there is a danger that in case of non-payment of the debt, the bank will take the collateral for itself in accordance with the clauses of the mortgage agreement. In addition, loans are not issued to everyone in a row - in order to issue a loan, you must meet the requirements established by banks.

These requirements in all financial institutions are approximately the same:

  • certain age (from 21 to 40-45);
  • having a stable job;
  • appropriate income of the borrower;
  • good credit history.

Mortgage rates vary from bank to bank. Its value depends on the period for which you take a loan, on the availability of collateral, insurance, commission payments.

Many banks hold temporary promotions, reducing the cost of a loan to purchase a home.

Pledges and guarantees

When deciding whether to take out a mortgage, please note that in conditions of market instability, credit organizations set strict requirements for collateral.

Until the moment of registration in the register of ownership of the acquired property, most likely, it will be necessary to issue not only a guarantee of solvent persons, but also an additional liquid pledge - an already existing car or apartment.

"Anti-crisis" mortgage products

Credit institutions are interested in attracting wealthy clients. Mortgage banks are actively offering new products for individuals that are in demand during the crisis, but are quite expensive.

For example, FC Otkritie offers a service for previously issued in other commercial banks. Obligations received in foreign currency are converted, at the request of clients, into rubles. The minimum interest rate on "on-lending" is 13% per annum. It grows if certain conditions for comprehensive services in the bank are not met by the following values:

  • +0.25% - for borrowers who are not payroll clients of the bank;
  • +1% - for business owners;
  • +0.5% - in case of refusal to pay a one-time fee for "reducing" the rate;
  • +4% - if life insurance and employment contracts are not concluded.

Also, FC Otkritie offers a loan product called Mortgage Plus: money is issued against the security of existing real estate for the purpose of its overhaul. Provision of documents confirming the intended use is not required. Interest rate - 16.25% per annum. Maximum term financing - 30 years.

Loans for the purchase of housing with state support

The most significant parameter when a mortgage is issued is the rate. There is a calculator for calculating the amount of overpayments on the official website of each bank.

The cost of servicing a mortgage is reduced when obtaining a loan under the program of state subsidies for loans for the purchase of unfinished apartments in the primary housing market.

Banks-participants are allocated funds from Pension Fund, due to which they get the opportunity to reduce rates on mortgage loans for the purpose of acquiring apartments in new buildings. At present, PJSC Sberbank of Russia, Gazprombank, VTB 24, Uralsib, Rosselkhozbank, Promsvyazbank and many other lending organizations have joined the program.

Mortgages with state support can be obtained in the amount of up to 8 million rubles. in the Moscow and St. Petersburg regions, in other regions - no more than 3 million rubles. The longest loan term under the Novostroyka program, according to the rules, is 30 years. Your contribution must be at least 20% of the price of the property that is being purchased.

Buy square meters at the expense of loans received under the subsidy program, it is possible only from developers approved by banks.

When applying for a loan with state support, an appropriate calculation of the mortgage is carried out. Sberbank sets a fixed interest rate, 12% per annum, before and after registration in the Rosreestre of ownership of the acquired property. In this case, it is mandatory to conclude a life insurance contract for the borrower. For violation of the condition on the annual renewal of the policy, the rate rises to 13% per annum.

In PJSC "VTB 24" you can also get a loan with state support at 12% per annum, with the obligatory execution of a comprehensive insurance contract.

In Gazprombank, the mortgage interest rate is from 11.25% per annum.

In PJSC Bank VTB, a loan "Novostroyka" is issued with an initial payment of 15% of the amount at 11.75% per annum. The decision to grant a loan is made within 24 hours.

In FC Otkritie, the rate on mortgages with state support is from 11.45% per annum, mandatory payments (surcharges) in total do not exceed 2.5% per annum. Accredited by the bank a large number of building companies.

Loans under the Young Family Program

Another way to get the mortgage rate lower is to apply for a loan under the Young Family subsidy program.

If the age of both husband and wife does not exceed 35 years, and the couple, according to the law, needs best conditions residence, it is advisable to contact the district administration. When buying an economy-class house or apartment, the state will pay up to 30% of the price of housing.

In for a young family is usually cheaper. There are fewer incremental factors applied to it.

In the mortgage "Young Family" varies depending on the term of the loan and the size of the down payment.

Interest rates on the mortgage "Young Family" in PJSC "Sberbank of Russia" are presented in the table.

Many commercial banks also have the right to accept housing certificate funds as repayment on a loan, but do not provide interest rate benefits.

However, a mortgage for a young family is now also a means of acquiring a house or apartment at a much lower cost.

How to determine future mortgage costs

When comparing lending conditions in different banks, be sure to ask the manager to prepare a preliminary calculation of the mortgage. Sberbank, VTB-24, FC Otkritie and other banks on their official websites show only an approximate amount of future loan servicing costs.

Check with the responsible person who advises you:

1. Is an appraisal of the acquired property required? If so, at whose expense is it carried out?

2. How much will be the cost of notarization of the transaction?

3. Which of the parties to the transaction pays the state fee at the registration chamber?

4. Will the mortgage rate be higher before the registration of the encumbrance of the pledge in favor of the bank?

5. What will be the additional payments under the loan agreement, in addition to the interest rate?

6. Is it necessary to insure the collateral, as well as the life and health of the borrower? How much will the policy cost?

7. What will be the repayment schedule for the loan?

8. Are there any restrictions on early repayment of a loan?

9. What fines and penalties are provided for by the loan agreement?

Only having complete information, you will be able to decide whether it is worth buying a home right now.

Mortgage from Sberbank for future owners of apartments and houses in the secondary market

Loans to individuals in the country's largest bank remain profitable and inexpensive. Acquisition financing finished house or apartments can be obtained in the amount of 300,000 rubles. for up to 30 years at an interest rate of 12.5% ​​to 16.5% per annum. Your down payment is 20% or more of the price of future housing.

When determining the loan term, your actual age will be taken into account. According to the rules of lending, at the time of the final repayment of the loan, the borrower must be no more than 75 years old.

The loan amount you will be given will be the smaller of:

80% of the purchase price of a house or apartment,

80% of the appraised value of the property.

The acquired real estate is issued as a pledge and is insured against the risks of loss, death, damage without fail.

Upon receipt of a housing loan in the amount of up to 15 million rubles. in Sberbank, it is possible not to confirm the fact of having a permanent place of work and not to provide income statements.

You will not need to pay a commission for issuing a loan.

Until the right of ownership of the acquired property arises, other forms of security must be provided as security for the loan: a pledge of property or a guarantee of solvent persons.

An important advantage of applying for a mortgage at Sberbank is the ability to early repayment without additional fees or commissions. However, it will be necessary to notify the lending office in advance about partial or full repayment of the loan.

Calculation of the cost of housing loans in Sberbank

The mortgage rate is lower in the following cases:

  1. Loan term within 10 years.
  2. You receive a salary to an account opened with Sberbank
  3. Initial payment - from 50% and above.
  4. You have submitted income statements to the bank. Experience at the most recent place of work is at least 6 months. General term labor activity for the last 6 years exceeds 1 year. This requirement does not apply to payroll customers of the bank.
  5. Life and health are insured in one of the accredited companies.

Approximate mortgage interest rates are shown in the table below.

Added to these rates:

  • +0.5% - if you do not receive income to the bank's salary accounts.
  • +1% - for the period until the registration of ownership of the acquired property.
  • +1% - if the borrower's life is not insured.

Loan products for the purchase of finished housing

Competitive mortgage lending programs in the secondary market are offered by PJSC VTB24. Its main advantage is that the down payment can be from 15% of the cost of a house or apartment.

Loans are provided for up to 30 years at 13.5% per annum upon conclusion of a comprehensive insurance contract. In the absence of an insurance policy, the interest rate is 14.5%.

A 0.5% discount is provided to customers who receive salaries on accounts with PJSC VTB 24.

PJSC VTB Bank previously worked exclusively with representatives of large and medium-sized businesses. However, after the takeover, he began to develop the retail direction.

Since May 2016, VTB also offers mortgage products individuals. Since the retail direction of lending in the bank is only open, the mortgage rate is extremely low, ranging from 11% per annum.

Favorable financing conditions are offered by Promsvyazbank PJSC. The initial payment for individual programs is from 10%. The interest rate on mortgages in the secondary housing market is from 13.35% per annum.

Inexpensive loans are issued to clients by AO Raiffeisenbank. Interest rates for the purchase of finished housing and apartments in new buildings for payroll clients range from 11% per annum, for persons who receive a salary from non-Raiffeisenbank JSC - 12.25-12.5% ​​per annum. Down payment - from 15% of the cost of housing. However, the maximum possible loan term is quite short, only 25 years, which affects the amount of monthly payments.


In the context of the financial crisis, banks are still interested in active cooperation with solvent customers. If you have a sufficiently high income, which is officially confirmed, do not rush to accept an offer from the first mortgage center that agreed to lend to you. Look for optimal conditions.

In conclusion, I would like to give advice, borrowed from Bodo Schaefer's book "A Dog Called Mani": try to deal only with those bank managers that you like. In this case, every transaction will be successful.