Loan with bad credit. Does Sberbank give a loan with a bad credit history

  • 21.10.2019

There are many reasons why a person can ruin their own credit record. Everything life situations, which can cause a lot of trouble to the borrower, it is simply impossible to predict or plan. Therefore, cases when a bank refuses a person because of his damaged credit history are now not uncommon.

But even if the bank does not want to immediately make contact with an unreliable client, you should not immediately despair and give up. Today, a bad credit record is not a reason to refuse a loan.

So, how can a borrower who owns an imperfect, according to the bank, credit file, get a coveted loan?

These are the six most common ways to get a loan if the borrower has a bad credit history that exist today and are available to almost anyone who wants to get a cash loan. If you have any additional questions on this topic, our lawyers will be happy to help you deal with them. Just ask your question in the form at the bottom of the page, and our staff will promptly answer it.

When considering an application for a loan, the credit history of the applicant is almost of paramount importance for the bank. This is a kind of track record of all his loans, payments on them, timely repayments and delinquencies. And the worse it looks, the more unreliable this applicant becomes for lending. However, there are also banks that completely or partially do not pay attention to the bad past of a potential client (although if it becomes necessary to correct a credit history, this issue is discussed in more detail).

Which bank gives a loan with a bad credit history

Anyone who has taken out a loan at least once has a personal lending list. It is stored in the relevant bureau, where the bank applies when considering the application. There are three main criteria by which an applicant's background is judged. A gross violation is the partial or complete non-return of the loan, with such a past, a rare bank will risk issuing even a minimal loan to the applicant. Moderately serious violations are repeated delays in payments. In this case, only short and infrequent delays are allowed.

No borrower is immune from a bad credit history. Various circumstances, both objective and subjective, can spoil the reputation. Often, a delay can also occur due to the fault of the bank, when funds are deposited on time, but credited a little later.

When evaluating your chances of getting a loan with a bad history without refusal, you should pay attention to the following points. If there were conflicts with the bank or collectors, litigation - almost certainly in this case there will be a refusal. At the same time, bank employees can turn a blind eye to delays and outgoing repayment notices.

Of particular importance is the very fact of repayment of all credit obligations and cooperation with creditors even in the event of problem situations. Almost certainly in this case there will be banks ready to meet the needs of the borrower.

For applicants with a bad loan history, it is important to know that some banks may not cooperate with the bureau that holds up-to-date client information. Also, a thorough check can be avoided if the loan does not appear to be too large, such cases are often found in online services. It is worth paying attention to young banks that have just appeared. For them, it is important, first of all, to increase the client base, and therefore they can meet the halfway of unreliable applicants and apply for a loan with just two documents without refusal.

A list of which banks give delinquent loans with a bad credit history

As a result, even if you have a bad credit history, it is important to try and look for various options. Some experts recommend applying to as many financial institutions as possible. However, in this case, it is also worth considering the risks, multiple failures will not add any positive aspects to the applicant.

Below is a list of banks that provide loans with a bad history or delinquency:

  • Tinkoff Bank - here you can issue funds to a credit card, with a maximum amount of 300 thousand rubles;
  • Sovcom Bank - online you can get a cash loan with a maximum amount of 750 thousand at 12%;
  • Renaissance Credit - here you can get a consumer loan or a card if you have a bad history; the size of the loan varies in the range of 30-500 thousand rubles at 19.9%;
  • Life Financial Group is an association of small banks offering excellent opportunities for obtaining both a credit card (up to 75 thousand rubles) and a cash consumer loan up to a million rubles;
  • Russian Standard - has its own archive with customer data, supports high rates, but issues loans both in cash and on a card; sizes vary up to 300 thousand, however, upon first receipt, you can issue no more than 150 thousand;
  • Home Credit - issues both consumer loans in cash and on a card, and car loans; the maximum loan amount is 700 thousand, interest rate starts growing at 20%.

This list offers the most common and affordable options for getting a loan with a bad credit history.

Which banks do not check credit history?

The past on loans may not be checked by those banks that are interested in the growth of the client base. Usually these are young, newly opened financial institutions that can turn a blind eye to a bad story. There are also cases when the policy of the bank changes, and the development priority is no longer on the quality of customers, but on their quantity. In this regard, a bad credit history may well be turned a blind eye, or not checked at all.

Do not forget also that the bank may not cooperate with the bureau in which the applicant's data is stored. When applying, you may need only two documents - a passport and official confirmation of the source of income.

How to fix a credit history if there are delays

The credit bureau, upon request, can provide any person with a certificate of his past. Once a year it can be taken for free.

You should pay attention to the frequency of delays, as well as the reasons for which they were formed. In the case of minor errors, and even due to objective circumstances, it is quite possible to count on obtaining a loan without refusal.

You can correct the past on taken credit obligations and existing delinquencies with the help of brokerage services. An additional percentage will be charged for their services, but in this case it is possible to take a loan with a bad credit history and rehabilitate her.
Some banks provide micro loans without a thorough background check on the applicant.

You can often hear the question of which banks lend money to borrowers with a bad credit history so that there is a 100% approval? After all, there are often situations when life circumstances have developed in such a way that a person could not make the next payment on his loan.

How long is a bad story kept?

There can be many reasons for the lack of money for personal needs - an unplanned trip to another city or country, poor health, loss of a source of work, and much more. If you cannot deposit funds on time, then the result is a delay, which is instantly entered into your CI.

And remember!!! Before taking out a loan, think 10 times and apply once once. If today you are offered a loan with a rate of over 17% - this is a clear robbery. Look for best offers. They are there, you have to look for them. And do not forget to read this note before applying, it will help you not to make serious mistakes!

Bank % per annum Filing an application
Oriental is more likelyFrom 11.5%Checkout
Tinkoff credit card0% for 55 daysApplication
Renaissance Credit is the fastestFrom 12%Checkout
Alfa-bank credit card0% for 60 daysApplication
Sovcombank quick responseFrom 12%Checkout
SKB-BankFrom 19.9%Checkout
UBRDFrom 15%Checkout

If you have had delays in the past, or they are still valid, and you tried to apply for a new loan, you probably faced a refusal. It should be remembered that the data of each borrower is stored in a single database in the BKI for 10 years, and any bank can see your history.

If you are offered services for “cleaning” your CI, assistance in obtaining money with a 100% guarantee, then you can safely say that this person is a scammer. CI cannot be erased or removed in any way, it can only be gradually improved by taking new loans and returning them in time.

Where exactly will the application be approved?

This is not to say that there are companies that will surely give you a loan. Each case of contacting a financial institution is individual, and everything will depend on the following parameters:

  • how exactly did you mess up your CI,
  • do you currently have a formal job,
  • have you paid off your past debts,
  • what documents can you provide
  • whether you have the opportunity to offer the bank a real estate or a car as collateral.

If you focus on reviews on the Web, then there is a certain list of banking organizations where customers are treated loyally even if they had minor errors in the dossier in the past. It is important that all debts are closed!

Of course, you still have to pay for a loyal attitude with high interest rates and the need to take out insurance, but it's still better than getting a categorical refusal. Many advise contacting organizations such as:

BankAmount, rub.Percentage, per annum
Up to 3.000.000From 10.9%
Up to 700.000From 11.3%
From 300.000From 11.5%
Up to 500.000From 12%
Up to 1.000.000From 12.9%
Up to 500.000From 14.9%
Up to 600.000From 14.99%

They make quick loans shopping malls and may not check your reputation, but issue a small amount on your passport. But there can also be large overpayments. This option is described in detail.

Credit cards with delivery

If you are satisfied with receiving a card with an individual credit limit, which can be used at a rate of 14.9% per annum, then you can contact Tinkoff Bank. There are several advantages here, namely:

  • to receive a card, you do not need certificates from work, guarantors and collateral;
  • it will be delivered by mail to your home or office within 7 days from the date of approval of your application;
  • you will have a grace period of 50 days for non-cash purchases without interest.

The main advantage is that you do not need to prepare documents from work, just your passport is enough. You fill out an online application on the official website of TCS Bank, and if it is approved, a credit card will be sent to you by Russian Post.

A courier will come to you to sign the contract. He checks the documents, passes everything necessary papers. To activate the card, you will need to call hotline companies.

Quick microloan on the passport

If you need a small amount in the very next few days, or better, with an application considered within half an hour, then it is best to contact microfinance companies. It can be MFI:

  • Home Money ,
  • small egg,
  • Your money ,
  • In the pocket,
  • Sberfund, etc.

Be prepared for the fact that if you are overdue, you will be subject to stringent requirements, for example, you will need to provide a lot of income papers, valuable collateral, or pay an increased interest rate. To reduce the percentage, it is better to get several small amounts in different companies.

Our organization has been providing assistance in obtaining a loan for citizens of the Russian Federation for more than 10 years.
- We will help you get a loan in a short time (up to 5,000,000 rubles)
- Adequate commission on the fact of the work performed
- Bank rate from 10.9 to 13.9%, we issue without insurance!
- We work with a zero credit history, with a credit load, without proof of income
- We have connections in banks on high level, which will allow us to actually ensure the approval of your loan.
- From you it is necessary: ​​passport + second document, age 18-70 years

Guaranteed loan approval through personal connections in the bank. We are located in Moscow
- Age from 18 to 70 years old, passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation
- We help with zero history, credit load, working without 2NDFL
- The minimum commission on the fact of the work performed
- The rate is 9-15% per annum, for up to 10 years, without insurance!
- Without running around the banks, buying certificates and other unpleasant "surprises"
- Our brokers have been providing financial assistance for more than 10 years

Happy to help, from 9 to 23, seven days a week: 8-909-908-47-46 Vladislav

We invite brokers and intermediaries to cooperate (Moscow and all regions)
- We accept any volume of clients. Receipt in Moscow / St. Petersburg
-Amounts up to 1,000,000 r (more depending on the client)
-Come already to receive (no running around the banks)
-APPROVAL By phone (100%)
-Fast. Honestly. Reliably. unemployed and pensioners.
- WhatsApp, Viber, Telegram (In touch)
*requirements to the borrower STRICTLY WITHOUT OPEN DELAYS!
* We help everyone except the Caucasus and Crimea.
Call - we will be glad to cooperate

According to the requirements of modern legislation, each financial institution that is engaged in lending individuals, is obliged to submit information about the good faith of its customers to the credit reference bureaus (BKI). Based on these data, those organizations that will lend to a person in the future (or only consider applications submitted by him) will be able to draw conclusions about the integrity and responsibility of a potential client. Accordingly, if the borrower has repeatedly violated the terms of the loan agreement, or even brought the case to court, his credit history will be damaged, and no bank will approve the issuance of a loan. But it also happens when even the person who has repeatedly violated the loan repayment schedule needs money, and urgently. However, not a single bank will contact such a borrower, because a request to the BKI will allow lenders to find out about the damaged history of a potential client.

A quite logical question arises - what should this person do in this situation? After all, violations of the payment schedule were not necessarily due to the fault of the borrower - there are often situations when a loan was issued for another person, and he did not want to repay the debt, thereby spoiling the credit history of the official borrower. So here it is the only way solving the issue is contacting a company that will issue a loan online with a bad credit history!

Getting a loan on a card is the best option

Recently on the market financial services microfinance organizations (MFOs) were designated. Their specific work is characterized by the fact that they issue small loans for a short period of time, while the requirements for a potential borrower are characterized by increased loyalty. In the vast majority of cases, to obtain a loan from a microfinance organization, it will be enough to have Russian citizenship and the age of majority. Yes, funds are issued to MFO clients at a significantly higher percentage than on a bank loan, but at the same time you can be sure that you will not be refused when applying (according to official statistics, about 90-95% of applications submitted to microfinance organizations are approved ). Thus, we can conclude that the main advantage of MFIs is their relative loyalty to potential clients - these companies are almost never interested in the credit history of their future borrower. Even those who have overdue debt under the current loan agreement in another bank can safely count on assistance in the form of a microloan. It is most convenient to receive instant funds by urgent transfer to a card - of all the available methods, this is the fastest.

And this is far from the only advantage of cooperation with microfinance organizations - there are many more benefits that a person receives by applying for a loan online with a bad credit history. They are worth considering in more detail.


If it takes an average of 2-3 days to draw up a loan agreement at any bank (this is due to waiting for a response from the CBI), then you can get funds from an MFI much faster - as a rule, approval or refusal of an application comes within a few minutes. Employees of microfinance organizations are well aware that their clients need funds urgently, so they do everything in their power to resolve the issue of issuing a loan as soon as possible. Usually online loans with bad credit history are processed within half an hour, no more. Moreover, the client can, for greater certainty, apply to several microfinance organizations at once - obtaining Money will happen only after the client’s repeated consent (a request for it comes after the preliminary approval of the application). And it doesn't matter a bad credit history - MFI employees simply do not bother sending a request to the BCI, trusting the client!

Moreover, an unemployed person (or simply not having the opportunity to officially confirm his income) can urgently take a microcredit on a card, without refusal.


You can get a loan online with a bad credit history on a card at any time of the day online. Moreover, the vast majority of microfinance organizations operate 24/7, so even on holidays and weekends you can count on their help. That is, the client can draw up a loan agreement online, receive an instant transfer to the card specified in the application (the funds will be credited very quickly, you won’t have to wait 3 banking days), and then, if necessary, go to an ATM and cash them out. Agree, it is convenient - without leaving your home to solve your financial problems!

Microfinance organizations are ready to provide money around the clock to all those who really need it. Moreover, borrowers are always given the opportunity to repay the loan ahead of schedule, without overpaying interest.


MFI employees will not ask the borrower for "additional phone numbers" to contact relatives, friends and neighbors. Getting a loan online with a bad credit history will remain a secret. No one, under any circumstances, will know that a person has drawn up a loan agreement. In addition, it will not be necessary to take a certificate of income from work, attract guarantors and pledge your own property in order to provide extra guarantees for the return of funds to the lender.


For those clients who apply for loans online with a bad credit history, MFIs offer the most different ways debt repayment. Typically, customers simply transfer funds from debit card to the creditor's account - they arrive instantly, and without charging additional fees. This can be done in your own account, which the user registers when contacting a microfinance organization online. In addition, payments are made through all electronic systems(Kiwi, Yandex Money and others).

Interest rate

It is clear that a microfinance organization takes a greater risk than a bank, because it lends even to those borrowers who have a hopelessly damaged credit history. Accordingly, the interest rate on a microloan agreement will be slightly higher than on a bank loan, but contrary to the stereotype formed, it is quite acceptable. At the very least, it is much more profitable than going to a pawnshop for money, mortgaging your property - in the latter case, a person overpays much more.