Bad credit history. Which bank will give a loan with a bad credit history? List of banks

  • 21.10.2019

Many people use the services of banks, applying for loans. Now these services are offered by many financial institutions. At the same time, not all applications are approved, since there are several reasons for their rejection. Why banks refuse loans is described in the article.

Bad credit history

Why does a bank refuse a loan? There are several of them, one of them is a bad credit history. Moreover, this does not always imply the existence of facts about delays and debts. “Bad” means that it does not meet the specific parameters of the bank that are currently in effect. When evaluating it, there is a high risk of refusal if the client really violated the terms of past contracts.

But after all, some people have a good credit history, but they still get rejected applications. In this case, there may be other factors in the assessment of the borrower, confirming the unreliability of the client. And some banks refuse because of the material impeccability of a person, for example, if he quickly repaid loans, which limits the institution's ability to make a profit.

How does she appear?

Why are they denied a loan in all banks, if, it seems, there should be an approval? Often this is associated with the formation of a bad credit history. It appears in case of rejection or complete non-compliance with contractual conditions.

There are several factors that negatively affect the reputation of the borrower:

  1. Delayed payment.
  2. Multiple delays.
  3. Early payment.
  4. There are delays.
  5. A previously issued loan has not been paid.
  6. Bank litigation.

These factors indicate the unreliability of the client. The bank does not want to risk its money, so it is easier for it to issue a refusal. But bad credit history is an individual concept, since all banks have their own requirements for customers. Therefore, a borrower may be suitable for one institution, but not for another. You can find out about your reputation by submitting an application to a bank or a loan broker.

How do other banks find out about credit history?

If you get a loan in one bank, but it is unsuccessful to repay it (or not pay it in full), other institutions also issue a loan refusal. How will they know about it? Now there is an organization - the bureau of credit histories or BKI. It contains customer information.

These institutions provide information at the request of banks. Information is stored in the BKI for 15 years and then deleted. There are several of these institutions, and banks can work with some of them. Therefore, not every bureau has a dossier on the recipient of the loan.

Other factors

Why do banks refuse loans if the history is positive?

Since the reasons for the deviation may be different, in practice, frequently encountered factors have already developed:

  1. A very large sum is requested. There is a debt load assessment applied to all clients. The monthly payment should not exceed 30-40% of the total income. The bank takes into account all official income. If the requested amount is unbearable for the client, then a refusal follows. In this case, you can reduce the amount.
  2. The borrower does not meet the age when loans can be issued. In banks, this period is different, but usually loans are issued from 20 to 60 years. But many institutions individually assess the age of the borrower, so there may not be a refusal. There are programs for retirees and young people.
  3. Why do banks refuse loans? Typically, the application is rejected due to lack of collateral. Based on many programs, borrowers are required to provide a surety or collateral; in a business, there may be another guarantee. Even if the other criteria are met, but if there is no security, the bank refuses to issue a loan.
  4. Why are all banks denied loans? This may be due to the lack stable income, the impossibility of its confirmation, a small experience. These parameters are not taken into account by all banks, but large institutions make them mandatory requirements.
  5. Other debts, including loans, may cause you to be denied a loan.
  6. If false documents or information are provided in the application, then the client should not expect the application to be approved. The bank would rather refuse to register than expose itself to risks.
  7. Rejection of the application follows when the client is in the "black" list of the bank. Non-payers fall into it, clients from whom many complaints come. The bank does not want to cooperate with such categories.
  8. If the client does not meet some of the requirements for granting a loan, then this is also the reason for refusal. It includes the lack of registration at the place of registration, age mismatch, inability to provide certain documents.

Hidden reasons

Why do banks refuse loans if there seems to be no reason to do so? In fact, there are hidden reasons. Although they are usually not talked about, they are still taken into account and analyzed. These are the factors that create conditions for risky lending.

Hidden reasons include:

  1. Unpleasant appearance client. Everything is taken into account in this: dirty clothes, untidiness, drunkenness, deviant behavior.
  2. Disproportion of the required amount and financial situation.
  3. Questionable purpose of the loan. Although there are many programs for which you do not need to indicate what the money will be spent on, it is still usually asked about it.
  4. social status. There are many of them, but usually banks are unwilling to issue loans to people with a criminal record, dependents, and also in the absence of valuable property. The chances of obtaining a loan are reduced in the presence of serious ailments, for workers in hazardous areas, and start-up entrepreneurs.

Can a bank refuse a loan if the client meets all the requirements? This also happens. Many people take out loans, but pay them off quickly, which prevents the bank from making a profit. This is also one of the factors for rejecting the application.

Which banks do not check credit history?

If the bank refused to issue a loan due to a bad history, then you should contact the institution that does not check it. These include several organizations:

  1. Young banks that want to attract a lot of customers. They offer favorable conditions, often without a guarantee. These institutions should be contacted by those who have a bad credit history.
  2. Only partially include information about borrowers by those banks that are not recognized as leading or operate in the average time range for these institutions. Institutions do not cooperate with BTI and may not be aware of the situation. Therefore, if large banks do not issue loans, you can try to take a loan with a bad credit history in them, as applications are often approved.

Banks with good positions that have been operating in Russia for a long time cooperate with BKI, so they always check customer information.

Correction of credit history

Banks refuse credit - what to do? In this case, you can correct your credit history. Banking reputation needs to be improved. Since it will not be possible to prove reliability by accurately repaying a loan, you should buy something on credit in a store household appliances, and better for a long time, since information for the last 2 years is usually taken into account. Stores do not request data from the BKI, so there is unlikely to be a refusal. Then it is important to pay the loan on time, but not ahead of schedule.

There is another way to improve reputation - fixing bugs. It also happens that due to typos good story becomes bad. For example, a person paid a loan on time, but payments came later. In this case, the payer did not violate the contract, but the bank did not take this into account. To find out whether everything is correctly indicated, it will turn out in the BKI. If there are inaccuracies, the bank must require a report on transactions. The data may be corrected.

How to get a loan?

In this case, you must proceed as follows:

  1. Get a loan at a young bank that issues them to everyone. The disadvantage may be a high percentage. But since refusals follow in other banks, this option will best solution. Paying on time improves your credit history.
  2. Get a large loan or mortgage. In these situations, the bank personally reviews cases and decides whether to issue money. With a request for a small loan, a reputation analysis is performed electronic system"Scoring", displaying the indicator due to mechanical calculations. She, in comparison with the bank employees, cannot be convinced of the reliability as a client.
  3. You can use the services of a credit broker or a special organization. If you come across a competent worker, he will help you get a loan. But such employees can take an advance payment that remains with them, even if loans are not issued.
  4. It is possible to contact individuals. But there are many scams in this area, so you should carefully choose such people.
  5. You can assure the bank that refuses to receive a loan with documents confirming that in the past case there was no personal fault in the failure to fulfill the contract.
  6. With a bad credit history, loans are issued if it is issued on the security of property.

Where can you apply?

Yet now there are banks that do not refuse credit. These include:

  1. Tinkoff. The bank does not care about a dubious credit history, it gives customers up to 300,000 rubles. The overpayment is 24.9%, it can increase due to non-compliance with the contract up to 45.9%. You must have a passport, and the age of the borrower must be 18-70 years old. Fill out an application on the site.
  2. "Renaissance Credit". Clients can expect to receive a loan of up to 500 thousand rubles at 25.9%. The application can be left on the website and in the office. Required age - 24-65 years.
  3. Zapsibkombank. Issues loans in various amounts. The contract is made up to 5 years. The rate may differ: if you issue up to 300 thousand rubles, then it is 36%, and for large amounts - over 42%. An income statement and insurance is required.
  4. "Russian standard". You can get up to 450 thousand rubles on your passport. When obligations are fulfilled, the limit increases. The rate is 36%. Large penalties apply for delays.
  5. Home Credit Bank. The institution does not check credit history. In addition, it offers a rate of 19.9%. Up to 700 thousand rubles are issued. It is required to have a passport and TIN.
  6. "Trust". The bank issues loans even to unreliable borrowers. It is required to have a passport and TIN. The amount can reach 750 thousand rubles, and the rate is 20%.


Thus, the reasons for refusal to obtain a loan may be different. But it should be borne in mind that it can be issued in those banks that approve applications. The main thing is to choose the most advantageous offer for yourself.

In which banks can I get a loan without a certificate of income? Banks impose rather serious requirements on borrowers on loans, since lending is associated with high risks of non-return Money and the bank needs to minimize these risks. At the same time, some banks have a loyal credit policy towards borrowers; in such banks, you can take a loan without a certificate of income. However, such loyalty of banks has to be paid with higher interest rates on loans.

Banks where it is easy to get a loan or a credit card

The following are banks where it is easy to get a loan with a bad credit history, as well as get a credit card under the same conditions. To obtain a loan from a future borrower, you only need a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation and a source of income. Borrower's age must be at least 21 years old.

Which bank will give a 100 percent loan?

There is no 100% approval in any bank. But there are banks that have good feedback from borrowers and a high percentage of loan approval:

our choice! - a bank where you can get a loan without certificates and guarantors, even with a bad credit history, but you have to pay a higher interest on the loan - from 15% from 10.9% per annum.

Also, Renaissance Credit Bank can issue a free credit card with a credit limit of up to 200 thousand rubles under 24.9% per annum And interest-free period of 55 days. The card is issued to persons over 24 years of age with at least 3 months of experience at the last place of work.

The chances of getting a Renaissance Bank credit card for people with a bad credit history are greater than a regular loan, however, a fee of 2.9% is charged for cash withdrawals from the card, and the interest rate may be higher (but not more than 36.9% per annum).

our choice! Tinkoff Bank is another bank where you can get a loan with a passport and without references. It should be noted right away that a loan from Tinkoff Bank can be taken in two options:

Tinkoff works with clients with a problematic credit history, but in this case, when applying for a consumer loan, you should be prepared for an increased loan rate of up to 28.9%. However, Tinkoff is quite popular among potential borrowers looking for banks where it is easy to get a loan with a bad credit history.

our choice! issues a cash loan without certificates and guarantors (it is enough to fill out a certificate in the form of a bank yourself) to persons from 26 to 76 years old. However, the borrower must have worked at least 12 months at the last job. Rate - from 15% per annum, loan amount - from 25 thousand to 1 million rubles (on average, the bank approves 50 thousand rubles), term - 1-5 years.

The bank also has a line of credit cards only by passport, but the credit limit for past dues will be small: 15-50 thousand rubles, and the rate is at least 29.9% per annum.

our choice! - It has a large number of lending programs, the maximum loan amount reaches 30 million rubles. Sovcombank issues loans at a rate of 11.9% per annum. But for the minimum rate, you will at least have to provide the bank with a 2-NDFL certificate, otherwise the rate will be higher. The age of the borrower in all cases must be at least 20 years.

Stock! If you actively use, your interest rate on a loan at Sovcombank will be 0% per annum! You pay the loan according to the schedule, but at the end of the term, the bank returns the interest paid.

Home Credit Bank - here you can instantly get a passport without references if you are from 22 to 70 years old. The bank can issue a loan up to 100 thousand rubles for up to 7 years, but the interest rate here can reach up to 24.9% per annum. It is worth noting that the bank may require the borrower to have a home phone, the number of which must be registered to him, the borrower must have permanent job with 3 months experience. Home Credit Bank is one of the most popular banks that are loyal to bad credit history with delays of no more than 30 days, but if you have a lot of existing loans and large delays, there is no chance.

Attention! Only for borrowers without current delinquencies: The Ural Bank for Reconstruction and Development (UBRD) offers an express loan in the amount of 50 to 200 thousand rubles under 38% per annum for up to 7 years. If there are no delays, the rate can be reduced to 17%. To get such a loan All you need is a passport and 15 minutes of free time. A 2-NDFL certificate is not needed, but the bank may require you to confirm your place of work (at least three months at your current place and at least a year in total experience).

The bank also has a free credit card with interest-free period of 120 days even for cash withdrawals! But you can withdraw cash from the card only with a commission of 4%, but not less than 500 rubles. The credit limit when issuing a card without certificates is up to 100 thousand rubles.

Also today, Russian Standard offers to issue a credit card with an interest-free period of 55 days and interest-free cash withdrawals from all ATMs. Credit limit - 50-75 thousand rubles, the rate - from 21.9% per annum. Get this card often easier than a loan and your income shouldn't be more 50 thousand rubles a month.

To those who did not take loans over the past 5 years, you can try to send a loan application to. The bank offers a cash loan from 50 thousand rubles, and, most likely, this will be the maximum amount that the bank will offer you if it approves the issue. The loan rate is 13.5-19.9% ​​per annum

Tip: send an application for a loan first to one bank from this list, if it refuses, then send it to the next one on the list. This can increase your chances of getting a loan if you have bad credit. Having received a positive decision from the bank, you can continue to send applications, so it will be easier for you to choose a bank, since you will already know which banks will 100% give you a loan and compare conditions.


It is worth noting that in most banks from this list, the client will have to pass an interview at the bank's security department, as this is a mandatory standard procedure. However, the future borrower should not be seriously afraid of any difficulties when going through this procedure, in most cases the bank has already approved the issuance of a loan, and a conversation with a representative of the security department is just a formality. The bank shows closer attention to customers who want to take a loan with open delinquencies (there are not many chances for such borrowers, but they exist).

If you need a loan to pay off other loans, a number of banks offer special programs to reduce interest rates and combine several loans into one.

Recently, requests for credit have increased greatly among the population, and the concept of a loan has become firmly established in everyday life Russian citizens. Every second Russian has a credit card, or has already applied for a loan from a bank. However, not everyone treats the terms of obligations equally responsibly and pays the debt on time. As a result, the client earns a bad credit history, which negatively affects future applications to the bank for a loan. Bad credit history - what to do to fix it and get a new loan?

Any credit institution perceives a client with a bad history as unreliable, which greatly complicates the lending process.

When issuing a loan, there is a certain algorithm for checking the borrower in order to identify his solvency. Credit history check is one of the key points, which indicates whether the borrower will be able to fulfill its obligations and return the money on time.

But what if in the past there were problems with repayment of the loan and the schedule for depositing money was violated? In fact, there are several options for correcting your credit history so that the bank approves a loan in the future.

Fixing your credit score is difficult, but possible. Sometimes negative points are considered a more positive result than the complete absence of any data about the client.

Where are credit records kept?

Many customers who apply to a bank and hear a refusal due to a bad credit history are interested in the question, where is this information stored and how legal is the use of this information by banks?

In order to systematize the work of banks and reduce the financial risks of credit institutions, the Unified Bureau of Credit Histories was created. All information about customer loans instantly falls into this Bureau and is reflected in the register. At the same time, it is impossible to influence, correct or change this information. The register is located in the department of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation and has full authority to collect and accumulate data on loans issued to individuals and legal entities.

The Russian Bureau of Credit Histories (abbreviated as RBKI) is an organization created to systematize the credit histories of all borrowers for banks, leasing and insurance companies, credit cooperatives and organizations.

The credit bureau contains information about how often the client took loans, for what amount and whether there were problems with payments.

At the same time, the client, before contacting the bank, can independently check it to find out how real it is. The BKI has several official partners who have this information and provide it to the public on a paid basis.

But, does this really mean that it is worth skipping a payment once and a person will no longer be able to take a loan? Of course not. Each bank sets its own requirements for the client's solvency and the level of his credit history.

The situation when a person missed 1-2 payments, but at the same time paid off a mortgage for 10 years, will not be similar to another situation if a person took a TV set for 20 thousand rubles and stopped paying after the third month.

Therefore, even if a client is included in this list of spoiled stories, this does not mean that he has no chance to get out of it.

What is the essence of bad credit history? As a rule, it is enough to miss the loan payment day several times, according to the schedule, as the data with information is sent to the Bureau. But in reality, it also happens that a client ends up on the list of "penalty boxes", but at the same time the client himself did not have a single loan in the past. How does it work? Sometimes even debt public services, problems with tax office can negatively affect your credit history.

Any litigation and proceedings are also recorded in history and can cause problems in the future. Thus, the credit history contains all the information about the client regarding his performance of obligations.

According to the legislation, every citizen of the Russian Federation has the right to one free check per year of his credit history.

How does the bank check the client before issuing a loan?

Each bank has its own algorithm for checking the client's solvency and discipline regarding loan repayment. This process is called and includes checking several key factors.

Scoring is an algorithm for checking a client by a bank in order to determine its solvency.

When determining financial risk, the program takes into account the following indicators:

  • age;
  • availability of employment;
  • social status;
  • marital status;
  • credit history.

Having formal employment is one of the the most important criteria that influences decision making. If a potential borrower can provide a copy of the work book along with a 2-NDFL certificate, which reflects a large salary, then the financial risk for the bank is minimized.

But many banks understand the realities of the current economic situation in the country and go "to meet" those customers who have big income, but they can not confirm officially. In this case, the credit institution offers to fill out a certificate in the form of a bank, where a person indicates his real income not only from his place of work, but also from additional sources.

It is the presence of a permanent income that allows banks to make a decision on lending and indicates that the client will be able to fulfill his obligations under the contract and pay the amount according to the payment schedule.

But in order for the bank to approve an application for a loan without official employment and a 2-personal income tax certificate, it is necessary that the client has a good credit history.

The client's history of all banking products that he has drawn up has been formed over the years and kept for years. Sometimes even a conscientious and disciplined client can be refused because of an allegedly corrupted dossier.

What affects a bad reputation?

Video. Bad credit history. What to do?

8 ways to fix your credit history

Method number 1. Submission of applications to several banks at once.

It should be said that each bank has its own verification algorithm and credit rating indicator, which determines solvency and influences the decision to issue a loan.

For example, if one bank refused you, this does not mean that another bank will not agree to issue a loan. Some banks not only apply to RBKI for information, but also check the client in a different way. And, having received information about past loans, they analyze what exactly caused the decline in reputation.

Method number 2. Changing the amount and term of the loan.

When checking the solvency of the client, the bank takes into account several factors. The amount of the loan and the term of the loan plays a big role in making a decision and indicates the financial risk to the bank. The larger the amount, the higher the financial risk for the credit institution.

It should be noted that a bad story has a different degree of severity and character. In one case, the bank may offer a smaller amount or a longer loan term, in others - completely refuse. An overdue payment indicates, rather, not a bad solvency, but a lack of discipline. But a complete refusal to repay the loan immediately transfers the client to the category of "penalty boxes". This situation will be very difficult to correct.

For the bank, a gross violation of the terms of the contract is an overdue payment for a period of more than one month.

In a situation where in the past there were cases with missed payments, which were then closed with one amount, you can ask a bank employee to change the amount in the application and enter a smaller one into the program.

Method number 3. Providing a complete document package.

As a rule, each bank requires a standard package of documents, which includes:

  • the passport;
  • certificate 2-NDFL;
  • a copy of the work book.

If you want to prove your ability to pay and emphasize that the situation has changed compared to the previous loan, and today you have the opportunity to pay the monthly installment in full. These documents may be a certificate of income from the lease of real estate, land, etc.

Method number 4. Take out a small loan

If you need a large amount of money, but the bank does not approve the decision due to a damaged credit history, then the situation can be changed as follows.

Get a small targeted loan, for example, for household appliances. Chain stores quickly approve such loans and at the same time require a minimum package of documents. A small amount will be easy to repay. Don't try to close it early repayment It doesn't bode well for the story either.

Already after the disciplined fulfillment of all obligations under one contract, you can count on a change in the credit rating.

Method number 5. Become a bank customer

This method will also be convenient for those customers who rely on big loan, but at the same time, the bank does not risk issuing money due to a damaged credit history.

Banks are quite loyal to their customers. You can issue any banking product in order to get into the list of "your clients" of this bank.

It could be debit card, savings deposit for a small amount of money, credit card, etc.

Within 3-4 months after using these products, you can again go to the bank and apply for a large loan. The situation for you may change in better side and you will get a positive decision.

Method number 6. Loan with collateral and guarantors

A secured loan or loan with the provision of guarantors for the bank represents the least financial risk. In this case, the company can “turn a blind eye” to the damaged credit history and approve the amount you need.

But keep in mind that the bank will also check the credit history of the guarantors. If these people also did not differ in discipline in the past, it will be difficult to count on a positive decision.

On the decision to issue a loan in positive side will also play the provision of collateral. A car can be used as collateral for a loan. land plot, apartment, dorm room, etc. But be prepared for the fact that the transaction process will take a lot of time, because the bank will have to additionally check the liquidity of the collateral.

Method number 7. Contact an intermediary

To get a loan with a bad credit history, you can contact a broker.

The specialist, having analyzed your situation and the level of credit history, will determine for himself where it would be best for you to take a loan. Firstly, it will allow you to significantly save time, because the analysis of banking offers presented on the modern market will take a lot of time and effort.

Secondly, the expert will objectively assess your situation and give useful advice. Alternatively, he may offer you a loan from an MFI or a private investor.

Interest rate for these products is much higher than in the bank, but the percentage of loan approval is high. In addition, if you disciplinedly fulfill all the conditions and pay the loan on time, this will positively affect your credit history. After paying off such an express loan, you can again try to take a loan from a bank.

Method number 8. Credit card processing

At the same time, it is important to issue 1 credit card in different banks and one electronic wallet, with which some manipulations will need to be performed.

The mechanism is simple - you withdraw money from one card by opening a loan. Then transfer money to an electronic wallet that acts as a clipboard.

Wait for some time until the grace period (grace) ends and return the entire amount of the debt back. you may have to pay a small commission for transactions, but at the same time, after 2-3 such transactions, you will be able to improve your credit rating and apply for a loan from a bank.

This is legal and you risk nothing. It is only important to observe the repayment terms and clearly consider the amount of the commission for transferring funds, otherwise you will only aggravate the situation with your credit reputation.

Where can I get a loan with bad credit?

Every day, the number of refusals on applications to customers due to a damaged credit history is growing. But many banks, not wanting to lose potential customers, are beginning to be more loyal to this factor and check the client's solvency in all other ways.

Before you go to a credit institution for a loan, carefully prepare and collect a complete package of documents that will confirm your ability to pay. Perhaps this will help change the decision of the bank in a positive direction.

Banks that lend with bad credit history:

  • Moscow Credit Bank issues up to 2 million rubles. Interest rate around 18%;
  • Zapsibkombank issues 750 thousand rubles at 20%;
  • VTB 24 - up to 500 thousand rubles. under 19.5%;
  • TransKapitalBank - up to 850 thousand rubles. under 18.5%;
  • Nomos-Bank issues up to 1 million rubles at 17%.

Video. Get a loan with bad credit


When applying for a bank loan, always be very careful about contractual obligations.

As you can see, credit history is a key factor in determining the solvency and discipline of the client. The decision of the bank to issue a loan depends on its nature. But even with a bad credit history, you can count on getting a loan if you restore it using one of the above methods.

Where can you get a loan with bad credit? This question occupies a leading position in search engines, and on financial portals. Every year in Russia, the number of borrowers who, for certain reasons, cannot fulfill their financial obligations is increasing. Violation of the payment schedule leads to a bad credit history.

Making a new loan with a bad rating can take a lot of time and effort. Although, it all depends on the parameters of the loan and the institution. Therefore, in order to find out where to get a loan with a bad credit history, which bank or MFI to apply to, you need to figure out all the nuances.

What is a credit history and how does it deteriorate?

Credit history (CI) is a dossier that reflects information about the fulfillment of obligations by the borrower. The history is stored in the Bureau of credit histories (BKI). Its condition is directly reflected in the rating: if it is damaged, the rating is underestimated.

Interesting to know!

Over 70% of Russian banks are not ready to lend to citizens with a bad credit rating. This is explained by the risk of non-return of funds. At the same time, there is a small percentage of institutions that have programs for clients with a bad credit history.

Credit history deteriorates for three main reasons:

Due to delays. These can be either short but regular delays, or a violation of the schedule for 3-6 weeks;

Due to denial of payment for a good reason. For example, loss of ability to work or life;

Due to intentional denial. This is usually the practice of scammers who apply for a loan and try to hide from the bank.

Since 2015, there has been a decrease in the number of scammers. This is due to the fact that banks have optimized the security system, and also carefully check information about potential customers.

Credit history can also deteriorate due to a technical error. For example, bank employees will mistakenly indicate in the dossier that the client did not fulfill his obligations or made delays. You can correct this “misunderstanding” if you contact the BKI and the bank.

Is it possible to take money from a bad CI in a bank?

Every year, financial institutions tighten the requirements for potential customers. At the same time, experts note that some banks are changing their attitude towards citizens with a bad credit history.

If negative marks were received for a good reason or by mistake, all debts were repaid, and the borrower can confirm income, there is a chance that the loan will be approved. True, you should not count on favorable conditions.


Despite a positive response to the application, the bank is mindful of the risks and tries to compensate for them with high rates and additional requirements.

A loan to persons with a damaged credit history is issued:

At a rate of over 18-21%;
In the presence of a guarantee or pledge (if it is a large amount);
With the condition of providing a full package of documents.

Often, banks take into account the level of income, as well as the timeliness of payments for utilities, etc.

If it was decided to take a loan with a bad history, you should not count on a large amount. The maximum bank will approve 300,000 rubles. If the client repays the debt on time and does not allow violations, then the next time the limit will be increased to 500,000 or 1,000,000 rubles.

Where to get money with bad credit

"LOKO-Bank". The maximum here will be 3,000,000 rubles, and the term is 7 years. The rate starts at 16.9%. When issuing a loan to persons with a low rating, the parameters are determined personally;

Housing Finance Bank. It is an institution with a high application approval rate. True, citizens with poor CI can only receive 500,000 or 1,000,000 rubles, with a maximum limit of 8,000,000 rubles. The loan term is 1-20 years. The rate starts from 15.99%;

Investtorgbank. Offers a loan under the "Premium" program. The loan amount is large - 40,000,000 rubles. The term is only 5 years, and the rate is from 19.5%.

If the application is denied, then you can try to issue a card. This is a worthy alternative.

For this you need to contact:

In Touch Bank;
In "Opening";
In "Renaissance Credit".

These financial institutions are engaged in express lending. Here you can get a card by sending an online application. It will be reviewed within 12-24 hours.

Where can I get a microloan?

You can take money with a bad history in a microfinance organization. They appeared on the Russian financial market in 2011. The popularity of microcredit is growing every day.

It's connected with:

Prompt decision-making - 5-30 minutes;
High approval rate - 98%;
The minimum set of documents is only a passport;
Different ways receiving money;
Loyal attitude to different categories of customers.

Since MFIs give small amounts for a short period, they approve applications from students, pensioners, the unemployed, and even citizens with a bad credit history.

It's important to know!

By contacting any microcredit organization, you can be sure that it will provide financial support. However, you should be prepared for high interest rates that are charged daily.

To apply for a loan in the MFI you need:

Choose the right company;
Apply online;
Wait for a decision;
Take money.

Despite the loyalty of MFIs, when filling out an application, you need to be extremely careful and enter only reliable information.

The online application includes the following columns:

Personal data - full name;
The amount of the amount;
Contact Information.

Many MFI services involve automatic calculation of overpayments. It will work as soon as the online application is completed.

Making a private loan

This is another way that will allow you to take the necessary amount of funds.


Often, citizens who need a large amount apply for a private loan. It can be both individuals and legal entities.

Design benefits include:

Fast conclusion of the transaction;
Minimum documents;
No need to verify income.

A private investor can request collateral if the loan amount exceeds 100,000 rubles.

3 rules that will help you get a loan with a bad credit score

Prove your solvency. This must be documented by presenting a certificate of wages, additional sources income;

Be sure you need a loan. Do you need a loan? Is the desire to receive it imposed?;

Assess the risks. It is very important to be sure that after a couple of months it will be possible to repay payments.

Making money with a bad CI can improve the credit rating, but subject to the clear fulfillment of the obligations assumed.

In everyone's life there are situations when there is an urgent need for a large amount of money, because of which a person is forced to turn to banks that provide it in a short time. A small salary and various force majeure often become an obstacle in paying off debt. And then the borrower may find himself in a difficult situation, because any failures in payment are great difficulties for obtaining a future loan, even if this loan is repaid in full. How to get a loan with bad credit history (KI)? The situation looks hopeless, but it is not - there is a way out!

Why credit history can be bad

Bad credit history is a loan repayment with any deviations or complete non-compliance with contractual terms. There are several points that can damage a person's banking reputation, which can be a reason for refusal. This:

  • repayment of debt on a loan with delays;
  • repeated delay in payments;
  • their early payment;
  • presence of open delays;
  • not returning the loan taken earlier;
  • litigation with a banking institution regarding the repayment of a loan, i.e. everything that says about the borrower as an unreliable client. At the same time, a banking organization may not dare to risk its own funds and refuse to lend to a person.

At the same time, “bad credit history” is a purely individual concept, each bank interprets it in its own way and sets its own requirements for borrowers. So, for some (and these are mostly large, well-known organizations with a large number of clients), a particular credit record may seem bad, for others it is quite acceptable. You can find out how a particular bank will treat your banking reputation only when applying for a loan, or from special consultants - loan brokers.

How does another bank find out about the status of your credit history?

It often happens that having taken a loan from one bank, having unsuccessfully repaid it (or not paying it at all), other organizations also refuse a loan due to a bad banking reputation. How does it turn out, because banks cannot trace the entire outline of the client's relationship with other similar institutions (there are a lot of them at the moment), and information of this kind is competitive, and indeed should not be made public at all?!

They can, and it's very easy! There are specialized organizations - credit history bureaus (BKI). They are intermediaries between banks, collecting and organizing information about borrowers, about how, with or without violations, they repaid loans, and providing it at the request of banking institutions that are considering cooperation with such a client. BCIs store data for 15 years, after which they are deleted.

BKI is not one, there are several of them, and banks can either cooperate with some of them or not. Therefore, not all bureaus have a dossier on the recipient of the loan, but only in those with whom banks work that previously issued a loan to this to an individual. This is an excellent field for maneuver, because not all loans could be repaid by a person with violations, which means that for some bureaus and their client banks, his credit history may turn out to be good.

Which banks do not verify CI

  • A loan without checking a credit history can be given by young banking organizations that want to attract the largest number of customers. They offer the most convenient conditions for borrowers, often without a guarantor. Such banks should be considered first of all by those who think where to get a loan with a bad CI, whether they will give it.
  • Only partially cover information about borrowers by those banking organizations that are not leading or are open in the average time range for such institutions. They do not work with all BCIs and may not be aware of your situation. Persons who are not given a loan from the big banks can try to apply to them, success here is variable.
  • Banking organizations with good positions in this area, which have been successfully operating in Russia for a long time, cooperate with all BCIs, they always check all customer data and are unlikely to provide a loan to a person with a dubious / bad reputation.

How to fix

If you have a bad credit history, attempts can be made to correct it. The best way- improve your banking reputation. Since you won’t be able to prove your loyalty by paying off a bank loan yet, get something on credit at a household appliance store, and better for a long time, because. heaviest weight when reviewed by the bank, the information will directly have the last 2 years of your credit history. Stores do not request data from the BKI, and therefore will not refuse. After that, the main thing is to correctly, without violations and, preferably, not to pay it off ahead of schedule.

Another way to improve your banking reputation is to correct mistakes in it. It happens that due to misunderstandings or typos, a good dossier on a borrower turns into a bad one. For example, a person made payments on time, but due to the imperfection of the banking system, payments arrived at the bank a few days later. In this case, the payer did not violate the contract, but the banking organization may not know about it or not take it into account. Or, due to an operator or system error, the information in your file was distorted, and you are absolutely sure of the discrepancy.

You can find out if everything is correctly indicated about you in the database by contacting the BKI and requesting this data. By reviewing them carefully, you may find that there are inconsistencies (if any). In this case, you need to request a report on the transactions performed at the bank with which you worked and submit it to the CBI, after which the data will be corrected. The same statements confirming your correctness can be referred to the banking institution where you want to take a new loan. Watch a video on how to find out your credit history:

What to do to get a loan with bad credit

So can you get a loan with bad credit? Even if your bad banking reputation is not due to inaccuracies in the BKI dossier, you can still count on a bank loan. To do this, you can do the following:

  • Take out a loan from a young bank that lends to everyone, including those with bad banking records. The only negative here may be too high interest rates, however, if other banks refuse to provide a loan, and the money is needed urgently, something very important is at stake, the increased interest is not such a significant factor. By taking such a loan and paying it off successfully, without violations, you improve your credit situation.
  • Take a loan for a large loan amount, or a mortgage - in these cases, the bank personally examines each case and decides whether to provide the requested funds. When asking for small loan, analysis of banking reputation and determination of the degree of trustworthiness of the client is carried out by the electronic system "Scoring", which displays the indicator on the basis of mechanical calculations. She, unlike bank employees, cannot be convinced of her reliability as a borrower.
  • Hire a loan broker - a specialist or organization that provides assistance in obtaining a loan to people with a bad banking reputation. Such specialists have all the information about banks, the specifics of their work, the requirements that they impose on borrowers, the bureaus with which they cooperate. If a credit broker is competent, he can help in a very difficult situations. However, there is also a certain risk here - such organizations take an advance payment, which remains with them even if it is impossible to obtain a loan.
  • Seek help from individuals. Often in the media there are advertisements for assistance in obtaining a loan for people with a negative credit history. By manipulating this problematic topic, many scammers work. However, some of them can really help, but they also require a high percentage of remuneration for the services rendered, which can reach up to half of the loan funds received. In order not to become a target for deception, it is necessary to carefully check such specialists, look for moments of their activity that are dangerous for oneself, and study the reviews of people who used their services.
  • To assure a reliable and eminent bank that refuses you a loan of its reliability by submitting documents that will testify that it was not your fault in the previous failure to fulfill the contract, that it was an accident beyond your control.
  • By asking for a loan secured by property.

Which banks give a loan with a bad CI

If you have a bad credit history, it is still possible to borrow money. Even turning a blind eye to the fact that you often have short-term delays and long delays in payments. At the moment, some banks are more loyal to people who cannot get a loan due to a bad banking reputation. Their list is presented below:


He does not pay attention to a dubious credit history, is loyal to his customers, issuing up to 300,000 rubles. It has a relatively small percentage for this category of banking organizations - only 24.9% per annum for its services, the rate can be increased due to non-compliance with the contract to 45.9%. To obtain a loan, you must have a passport with you, and correspond to the age category from 18 to 70 years.

Renaissance Credit

In Renaissance Credit, if you have basic documents (passport, identification code), it is possible to take loans in the amount of 500,000 rubles. at 25.9% per annum. An application for receipt can be left both at the branch and online at the organization's Internet representative offices. Reliable bank with not very good banking reputation. The age required to receive funds varies from 24 to 65 years.


Provides a loan for any amount of money, has no limits and restrictions. Lending term - up to 5 years, regardless of the size of the loan. The interest rate varies: for a loan up to 300,000 rubles. will be from 36%, for more - from 42%. A guarantee is required for small loan amounts. The list of required documents for obtaining: certificate of income, insurance.

Russian standard

Express loans for a passport up to 450,000 rubles. With the conscious fulfillment by the borrower of his repayment obligations, increases the credit limit. Provides cash and card loans. If the credit is on a credit card, the expiration date is updated automatically, with the cards sent to the house. The interest rate is 36%. In case of non-compliance with obligations, a small penalty is charged.

Home loan

Home Credit Bank is the most beneficial for people with a negative banking reputation - it does not check credit history at all. Plus, it has a very low loan rate for young banking institutions - only 19.9% ​​per annum. Can provide the client with a sum of 700,000 rubles. and below. To obtain it, it is mandatory to provide basic documents to the bank branch: passport, TIN code.


The most popular bank among previously unreliable borrowers, because works for a long time and has already managed to prove itself well. Provides loans without refusal, even to persons without income, in the presence of basic documents (passport, TIN code) up to 750,000 rubles. at 20% per annum, which, apart from Home Credit Bank, creates best conditions for clients. No guarantors.