What does an inn of an individual look like. Why does an individual need a TIN? What data can be found on the TIN of an individual

  • 16.12.2020

According to the current legislation, individuals must pay mandatory payments in the form of taxes, report on certain forms, etc. In the tax office, each person is assigned a unique identification number, according to which he is in it as a taxpayer. How to get a TIN for an individual? For the first time, you can get a TIN via the Internet, or by directly contacting the IFTS or MFC.

TIN is the number of identification of taxpayers, which is assigned to them by the relevant authority, and is reflected in the certificate issued to them in their hands.

At present, it is assigned to every citizen, and this is carried out even in early childhood, if children become payers of such mandatory payments.

The initiator of the appropriation can be both the citizens themselves or their representatives, and the tax authorities.

This identification number for an individual consists of twelve digits:

  • The first two reflect the number of the region in which the certificate is issued, the next - the number of the tax authority that issued it.
  • The numbers 5-10 reflect the immediate number of the taxpayer.
  • The remaining two last digits reflect the checksum by which the TIN is checked.

Attention! Since 2017 Registration is carried out in any tax office.

TIN is affixed in all payment documents for which taxes are paid by an individual. According to this number, the tax authorities keep records, accrue and receive mandatory payments.

Individuals can receive information on property taxes, personal income tax only if they know their TIN.

Despite the fact that the TIN certificate is not in the mandatory list, its copy is often asked to be given by the personnel of the company.

Important! TIN must have not only citizens of our country, but also foreigners. This obligation has been imposed on them since 2016. Now they will not be able to obtain a patent for work if they do not first register.

What documents are needed for TIN

Regardless of how to make a TIN - via the Internet, mail or in person, you must submit a certain package of documents.

  • An application (in the form 2-2-Accounting) can be printed from the IFTS website or taken directly from the tax office. If a certificate is issued for a person under the age of 14, then the application is drawn up from one of his parents.

Important! When applying to the IFTS for issuing a TIN, such an application is filled out by the inspector on his own (in most cases), based on the documents submitted.

  • A copy of the taxpayer's passport or other similar document identifying the person. For a minor who is not yet 14 years old, a copy of the birth certificate is submitted.
  • A copy of the applicant's passport - must be presented to the parents of minors when they apply for a TIN.
  • A copy of the certificate of registration at the address of residence - is required for minors who do not have a passport and there is no such mark in the birth certificate.

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Where to get a TIN for an individual

It is possible to obtain a TIN in the general manner at the IFTS at the place of permanent residence. To do this, you can order a TIN via the Internet, apply by mail, or bring a package of documents to the tax or MFC in person.

When sending documents by mail, copies of documents must first be certified by a notary.

If at the time of receipt of this certificate a person does not have a permanent residence permit, then the certificate is issued at the address of his temporary location or at the location of his property.

Is it possible to get a TIN at a place of residence

Attention! Since 2017, you can get a TIN at any tax office, but you will be registered at the place of registration. The basis is Federal Law No. 243-FZ of July 03, 2017. The amendments were made to the Tax Code of the Russian Federation Art. 83, p. 7. How to find out the TIN number from a passport or other document, if you have already received it, read here.

How to get a TIN for an individual

An individual can obtain a TIN in various ways.

How to get a TIN via the Internet

This method makes it possible not to stand in line, and send an application for extradition at any time of the day or night. Currently, there are two ways to issue a TIN using the Internet - on or through the State Services portal.

These options differ in design and procedure, but in practice they provide two opportunities to apply and receive a form:

  • If a citizen does not have an enhanced one, you must register on the site using an email address (or SNILS) and a password. For the Gosulugi portal, it will still be necessary to pass an identity confirmation in the manner prescribed by it. After that, in your personal account you will need to specify personal data, information about your passport and registration, contacts. The generated application for extradition can be sent to the Federal Tax Service in this way, but it will be possible to receive it only in person with the provision of original documents.
  • If a citizen has an enhanced electronic signature, then it is necessary to prepare an encrypted request using a special program and send it to the Federal Tax Service. The completed form can be received by registered mail or in an electronic PDF file certified by a qualified electronic signature of the tax service.

Obtaining a TIN at the MFC

Recently, it has become available to issue a TIN through the multifunctional centers (MFC) "My Documents". At the same time, you can contact the institution both personally and through your authorized representative. The process of obtaining the form is included in the “One window” mode, which means that all the necessary procedures can be performed on the spot with one operator.

Many people are interested in what it is and why an individual needs a TIN.

Regularly encountering this requisite in various official ones, not everyone clearly understands its status and meaning.

Let's consider this question in more detail.

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What is TIN

The abbreviation "TIN" stands for "individual taxpayer number", and is assigned to any person (both a citizen and an organization) who is obliged to pay certain contributions to the budget.

The requirement for a TIN is contained in the tax. Its purpose and structure are established in accordance with the Procedure approved by the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation on June 29, 2012. Order No. ММВ-7-6/435.

In accordance with this Procedure, the TIN is a digital code that allows you to provide a unique number to each taxpayer, which eliminates any confusion associated with the coincidence of the names and surnames of individuals, names of legal entities, etc. This number is used for all without excluding taxes or fees.

The TIN of an individual includes 12 digits: the first 4 serve to designate the tax authority in which the registration was made, the next 6 are the individual number itself, and the last 2 are control numbers specially calculated according to a certain formula.

How can I get a TIN

Subjects of tax accounting are entered into the register by the inspectorate serving the territory at the address of their registration (permanent, and in its absence - temporary).

If there is no official place of residence at all, you should contact the Federal Tax Service at the location of real estate or vehicles owned by a citizen.

There are several ways to get a TIN:

  • With a personal appearance at the tax office. The taxpayer fills out an application, attaches a copy of the passport to it, and also presents the original passport for verification.
  • On the website of the Federal Tax Service, by registering and filling out all the required information.
  • Also, the application can be sent by mail with a notification or a description of the attachment.

In the letter, along with the application, a notarized copy of the passport and a document containing information about registration at the address of residence are sent. By a notarized power of attorney, these actions can be performed by a representative.

Registration is carried out within the established period, which cannot exceed 5 days after the application is accepted.

The document that confirms the individual number of a particular taxpayer is issued to him, drawn up on a numbered form of the established form, in a single copy, and containing the following information:

  • surname, name, patronymic
  • day and month, year and place of birth
  • start date of accounting
  • date of issue of the document
  • actual TIN
  • official's signature and seal

The certificate is issued simultaneously with registration, within the same five-day period. It is necessary to come to the territorial division of the Federal Tax Service with the original passport for it, the date of receipt is set by the tax officer upon acceptance, or it will be determined in an electronic message if an application is submitted on the website.

The issuance of a certificate is free of charge. In addition, if desired, a TIN mark can be placed in the taxpayer's passport.

Is it mandatory to register with the tax service for an individual?

The obligation to obtain a TIN for citizens (except for individual entrepreneurs) is not established by law.

At the same time, state registration authorities and other persons (for example, notaries), by virtue of the requirements of the law, provide information about the taxpayer to the inspection, both regarding property and transactions, in addition, about registration at the place of his residence, execution of documents in the registry office , guardianship.

Based on this information, the Federal Tax Service assigns a tax number to an individual, regardless of whether he applied with a corresponding request.

Thus, for everyone who works and pays income tax, owns a house, apartment or car, receives social support from the state, etc., the IFTS has already been assigned a TIN in any case, even if it is unknown to the taxpayer.

You can find out your individual number from any document received from the tax office - for example, a payment request, or from personal and passport data on the website of the Federal Tax Service, as well as on the website of public services (for those who are authorized there).

How to find out your TIN in 10 minutes is presented in the video:

Why does an employer require a TIN

Quite often the question arises why an individual needs a TIN when applying for a job.

Labor law does not oblige an employee to present a certificate with his tax number when applying for a job or later. The documents required for the execution of an employment contract are listed in Article 65 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. The TIN is not included in this list. The exception is the public service, for admission to which the presentation of a certificate is required.

Moreover, the law expressly prohibits upon admission to insist on the provision of documents that are not provided for by the above article.

However, the employer, being a tax agent, is obliged to transfer the withheld income tax, and at the same time, for the convenience of its accounting and in order to avoid any errors, it is very desirable to indicate the employee's TIN. Therefore, the request of the employer to provide the TIN should not be considered a whim and, if possible, should be satisfied.

What has changed in 2016

To determine why an individual needs a TIN in 2016, new regulatory requirements should be taken into account.

So, adopted on December 29, 2015. Law No. 385-FZ established from April 1, 2016. the need to indicate an individual taxpayer number when making payments to the Pension Fund.

In addition, as of March 28, 2016 based on the new rules for entering information about the payer and the payment, adopted by Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation No. 148n dated September 23, 2015, when an individual pays money to the budget, for example, state duty, it is mandatory to reflect the UIN in the payment - a unique accrual identifier of 20 (or 25 ) signs, little known, or TIN.

It follows from the foregoing that, despite the declared optionality of obtaining a TIN by an individual, in fact, if not obtaining a certificate, then knowing your number to indicate it in the documents is necessary for a citizen.

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Of course, almost every person at least once in his life met with such an abbreviation as TIN. And what it means remains unclear to many. What is the decoding of the TIN? This question can confuse ordinary people. At the same time, it will be a complete surprise for them that the decoding of the TIN is quite simple. Let's try to understand this issue in more detail.

Everyone has a certificate of tax registration

The above abbreviation means "Individual Taxpayer Number". And that's it!

No additional TIN decryption is required. Russian legislation obliges every citizen capable of work to have a certificate confirming registration with the "fiscal" body, where the taxpayer number is indicated. It is necessary in order to control pension contributions to the Russian Pension Fund during the period of his ability to work and to check whether a citizen complies with the legislation on taxes and fees in our country.

It should be emphasized that an individual taxpayer number is assigned not only to citizens, but also to entrepreneurs. The decoding of the above abbreviation is well known to lawyers of commercial enterprises. They are also aware of why businesses need an individual tax number. And it is needed in order to distinguish among themselves having the same name.

It should be noted that the decoding of the TIN of a legal entity is similar to the decoding In both the first and second cases, this is an individual taxpayer number.

It should be remembered that it is always unchanged. From the moment of birth, a citizen is assigned a taxpayer number and it is valid throughout his life. If a person suddenly wants to change his surname or place of residence, then his individual taxpayer number will remain the same. The period of validity of the certificate of tax registration of an individual is equal to the date of his death. After that, the individual is considered invalid.

So TIN. The decoding of the abbreviation is now clear to many. Consider the question of what is the structure of the concept under consideration.

What is the structure of the TIN

An individual is a kind of code that includes a certain sequence of numbers, while each of them means something.

The taxpayer number for legal entities has ten digits.

For example, by the first four digits, you can determine the code of the "fiscal" division, where the organization was issued a certificate of tax registration.

The combination of numbers, starting from the fifth and ending with the ninth, means the ordinal record of the tax payer.

The last, tenth digit is a control numerical value, which is selected based on a special algorithm.

The taxpayer number for citizens consists of twelve digits.

At the same time, its decoding is completely identical to the decoding of the TIN of commercial enterprises, with the addition that the control numerical value, which is calculated using a special formula, corresponds to the eleventh and twelfth digits recorded in the TIN.

For what purposes you may need an individual tax number code

The taxpayer is obliged to enter the number assigned to him in each document addressed to the "fiscal" body. And various statements, complaints, declarations, reports are simply “overwhelmed”.

It helps employees of the "fiscal" authorities to maintain an up-to-date database of each tax payer. It also "simplifies life" for individuals. For example, if someone has the right to count on tax deductions from those funds that are spent on medical or educational services. Having a TIN, it will not be difficult for employees of the fiscal authorities to process the data and minimize the likelihood of errors on the part of the applicant. Moreover, the provision of a number will significantly speed up the resolution of the issue of granting benefits to taxpayers.

How to find out TIN

If you forgot what combination of numbers it contains and you urgently need to find out, but, unfortunately, you did not find evidence, then it is quite possible to solve this problem. How? Very simple.

There are Internet portals through which you can find out your own TIN number. You only need to fill in the blank fields by entering yours. Using these same resources, you can also check your individual tax number. You will be provided with information about the amount of your debt, if any.

Checking the TIN through the services of the Internet resource "INN.RF"

By choosing the site "INN.RF", you can get information regarding the validity and invalidity of the certificate of tax registration. At the same time, keep in mind that not all information of interest is provided free of charge, since there are both paid and free tax service portals.

Commercial sites "INN.RF" provide an opportunity to find out the latest information from regularly updated registers and databases for all categories of taxpayers.

At the moment, you can use information from the registers of the USRIP, USRLE, as well as databases contained in the financial statements of Russian companies and subsidiaries.

The above recommendations will be useful for those who have repeatedly been interested in the topic of what constitutes a TIN decoding. Ukraine, by the way, has also developed Internet resources in order to “make life easier” for its taxpayers.

Almost every one of us has come across a situation where, when submitting certain documents, at the request of the authorities, they ask for a TIN. Today we will talk about what a TIN is, what a TIN certificate looks like and what is needed to obtain it, as well as in what areas and for what it is used.

What is a TIN and what does a certificate look like

So what is a TIN? TIN is an abbreviation that stands for taxpayer identification number, which is assigned to him upon registration as a taxpayer of his country. Registration is accompanied by the issuance of a certificate, which almost everyone has. The taxpayer becomes registered, both an individual and a legal entity. The certificate of assignment to the taxpayer of an identification number is issued in the form of a document drawn up on a form that includes the following details taxpayer:

  • Full name of the recipient;
  • gender;
  • place and date of birth of a person;
  • date of registration with the tax service;
  • the identification number of the citizen;
  • signature of the representative of the local tax authority and the seal of the organization.

There is a category of citizens who refuse to receive a certificate due to religious and other beliefs, however, if a person does not have such a document in his hands, this does not mean at all that he does not have an individual number.

TIN is assigned automatically all citizens who work as employees or run their own business, pay taxes on real estate or a car, receive certain benefits from the state. Depending on the financial relationship a person has with the state, an authorized body (for example, a social security agency or Rosreestr when making real estate transactions) transfers all information about him to the tax service.

A certificate of assignment of a TIN to a person is issued upon request free of charge. As a rule, this happens at the place of residence - permanent or at the place of registration, or at the location of the property owned by him.

An individual identification number for a taxpayer in our country can be assigned both at his personal request and at the initiation of the tax authorities, if a person takes part in real estate transactions, purchases or sells a car, or registers a business.

To obtain a certificate of assignment of an individual tax number, You will need the following set of documents:

  • an application for issuing a certificate in accordance with the established form;
  • passport (copy) or other document capable of proving identity.

When it comes to obtaining a document for a child under 14, then the list of documents will be more:

  • a statement written on behalf of one of the parents or guardians of the child;
  • a copy of the parent's passport;
  • a copy of the birth certificate;
  • a document on the registration of the child at the place of residence from the passport office (copy), if the birth certificate does not indicate the place of registration of the child.

You can issue and receive a certificate of assignment of a TIN at the tax authority at the place of residence. If a person does not have a permanent place of registration, then he can draw up a document at the tax office at the place of temporary residence or in the region where the property that is his property is located.

First, the tax officer enters information about the applicant into the electronic register and prints the certificate on a numbered form. Such a certificate has one copy and is issued to the owner five days after the tax authority receives a corresponding request from the applicant.

TIN certificate can be obtained in the following ways:

  • personally through a visit to the tax office;
  • through your authorized representative;
  • postal message;
  • through the Internet.

How to get a TIN personally or through a trustee

In cases where the applicant brings documents to obtain an identification number to the tax authority on his own, he can provide only original documents and their uncertified copies. Next, there is a procedure for comparing uncertified copies with all originals, after which the latter are returned to the owner.

And if the application and copies of documents are sent by mail, then they should first be certified by a notary to prove their authenticity.

If for one reason or another a person does not have the opportunity to obtain a TIN certificate on his own, he can entrust this procedure to your confidant. However, such a person is obliged to provide not only certified copies of the documentation, but also a power of attorney from the applicant, previously issued by a notary. Such a power of attorney should include information on granting the right to this citizen to represent the tax interests of the applicant in the relevant state bodies. A trustee can also receive a ready-made certificate if he has a power of attorney, and if the applicant comes himself, then he is only required to have a passport.

Features of obtaining a TIN via the Internet

You can also get a TIN certificate via the Internet, for this you should register on the site Federal Tax Service, then:

  • you need to fill out an electronic application form for receiving a document;
  • after filling out the form, a pdf-version of the document will be sent to your e-mail, which can be accompanied by your electronic signature.

In addition, the document can be obtained in the same way in electronic form through the state portal of services, although the procedure for obtaining access is somewhat different.

So, we have already figured out what a TIN is, but why is it needed?

As mentioned earlier, by the identification number, you can regulate the actions of a particular citizen when making certain financial transactions or actions.

The TIN number depends on whether its owner is an individual or a legal entity. For individuals, a number of 12 digits is assigned, and for legal entities - of 10, respectively. Why is it so, and what do these numbers mean:

If the document is secondary to the number itself, why is it so important?

The fact is that this document may be requested when making certain commercial transactions or disputes, lawyers, notaries and other officials. It is often requested when concluding legal and commercial contracts, without them it is impossible to qualify for bidding under government contracts, without this document it is impossible to perform any actions that are related to the activities of the tax authorities.

In most cases, a document on the assignment of a TIN is required from a person along with a passport when applying for a job. This makes it easier to pay taxes for employees.

TIN is assigned to a person once for life and even if a person moves from hired work to his own business, he does not change. The number is invalidated only after the death of its owner and can subsequently be reused.

Almost every adult citizen is faced with a document such as TIN. What does this paper look like? Why is she needed? Where and how is it done? We will have to answer all these questions further. In reality, everything is much simpler than it seems.


What is a TIN? So called individual It serves as an identifier of a citizen in the tax system. Required for many financial and tax transactions.

What does a TIN look like? It is a digital code of 12 or 10 Arabic numerals. In the first case, the number is assigned to individuals, in the second - to legal entities. The first 4 digits in the TIN are the code of the region of the Russian Federation where the number and code of the tax inspectorate appeared. The remaining 6 are the taxpayer's record number. The last digits are the control code for checking the correctness of the entry.

If we are talking about the TIN of the organization, then here the record will be formed as follows:

  • the first 2 digits are the region;
  • the second pair of digits is the tax authority;
  • the next 5 digits - the number of the organization's record in the USRN;
  • the last digit is the control number.

An individual taxpayer number is assigned once and for life. It does not change under any circumstances. Only not all citizens know this combination.


What does a TIN look like? Usually this is how they describe a document on which an individual taxpayer number is written. More precisely, the certificate of the established sample.

This document is printed on A4 sheet. It has an image of the state emblem and a stamp of the tax office. The individual taxpayer number is written at the top of the certificate. Also on paper there will be information about the owner of the corresponding certificate.


Now let's take a closer look at each type of TIN. The certificate of the established form for individuals is printed on a beige form. As already mentioned, the size of the document is A4. In different years, the individual number was printed on pinkish or yellow sheets.

The certificate contains the following information:

  • Full name of the citizen;
  • gender;
  • place and date of birth;
  • date when the citizen got on the tax account;
  • in the FTS system.

Now it’s clear what the TIN (document) of an individual looks like. To use an individual taxpayer number, it is not at all necessary to obtain an appropriate certificate. But under certain circumstances, this paper is necessary.


And what kind of document is issued to organizations? It should be noted right away that this paper does not have a single form. When thinking about what an organization's TIN looks like, it is worth preparing for the fact that you will have to study a huge number of different interpretations.

Each region has its own TIN forms. The certificate is printed on A4 paper, if desired, it can be laminated. In the center of the document is the coat of arms of the region. Otherwise, the certificate resembles the certificate of the TIN of an individual.

On paper, you can see the following information:

  • organization number in the tax system;
  • The name of the company;
  • OGRN;
  • date of registration;
  • information about the issuing authority.

From now on, it is clear what the TIN looks like. But how can you get this paper? And where to turn for help with the implementation of the task?

Where to arrange?

In Russia, tax registration is carried out in several bodies. Where exactly to go for help? Everyone gives the answer to this question independently. The main thing is to choose where it is more convenient to register for tax purposes.

In general, the TIN is issued:

  • in the Federal Tax Service;
  • at the MFC;
  • through the portal "Gosuslugi".

There is no significant difference in exactly how to act. Through the "Gosuslugi" certificates with individual taxpayer numbers are issued more and more often. This technique allows you to register with the Federal Tax Service without leaving your home.


What does a TIN look like? The answer to this question will no longer cause trouble. It is worth paying attention to the fact that the issuance of the relevant document requires certain papers from the citizen/company. Which ones?

Documents for issuing an individual number will be as follows:

  • passport;
  • application in the prescribed form;
  • receipt with paid duty.

Usually this is enough. All of the above documents are brought to the MFC or the Federal Tax Service, after which in a few days it will be possible to receive a ready-made certificate with a TIN.

Production time

How fast is the service? Usually, when ordering a document through "Gosuslugi", a certificate will be produced in approximately 3 days. In other cases, the TIN will take longer to issue.

As a rule, the waiting period is 5 days. And no more. The TIN registration process does not take much time.


How much does this operation cost? If we are talking about individuals, then they do not need to pay for the procedure. Tax registration does not require any costs.

But if a citizen decides to open an individual entrepreneur or become a legal entity, you will have to pay a little. In 2017, as a legal entity or entrepreneur, it is 800 rubles.