Sheathing of the bathroom with pvc panels. Finishing the toilet with plastic panels: design options

  • 20.06.2020

A bathroom is a very important room in any apartment, which is why many people are concerned about the question of how to finish the toilet. What is this room? As a rule, we are talking about a small, separate room for sanitary purposes, however, someone loves to retire here in order to be alone, just to read. That is why it is very important that the bathroom is distinguished not only by convenience, but also by cosiness, comfort, beauty.

Finishing steps

How to finish the toilet in the apartment? The scheme is something like this:

  • First work with the walls;
  • Then they make the ceiling;
  • After the floor covering is equipped.

A fairly common question is how to decorate a toilet other than tiles. Actually the choice finishing materials large, but when working it is important to take into account the fact that the level of humidity in this room is very high.

Like it or not, the main finishing material for bathrooms is still ceramic tiles. The tile is used for wall cladding, it is also chosen to cover the floors.

It is not difficult to explain such popularity - the tile responds perfectly to moisture, as well as open water, therefore, this is a very big plus. If you want to use some other option, you should pay attention to plastic panels for finishing the toilet, but we will talk about this a little later.

Wall covering

Before talking about how to decorate a toilet other than tiles, let's talk about trends in this area. Bathrooms that look bright, beautiful, and tasteful are considered a good tone in our time. Tiling - this option can be called aesthetic, practical. However, if you pay attention to the cost, such a solution will not be cheap, the work will be quite time-consuming. It is important to remember when choosing tiles for the toilet that the room is not too spacious, therefore, it is worth giving up dark colors- to prevent visual reduction of space. The ideal way: buying light-colored tiles - the dimensions will increase visually, as if “opening up” towards visitors.

What is also good, in our time, manufacturers make tiles of the most different characteristics- the choice is rich both in terms of texture and shades, there are many decorative elements for tiles. To make the bathroom look more comfortable, it is recommended to select some combined options- to look bright, but not too catchy.

It is important to remember that the tile in the toilet often comes into contact with certain chemicals, therefore, the material must have moisture resistance, acid resistance.

An excellent option, for example, is a tile with high chemical resistance. A simpler solution, at the same time the most optimal and cheapest, is to decorate the toilet with plastic panels. To do this work, you do not need any serious skills. Let's talk about how to panel the toilet, what work needs to be done for this.

Wall decoration with plastic panels

How to finish the toilet with plastic panels? This is not difficult - first they make a crate: wooden blocks are attached to the walls of the bathroom, they should be 0.2 by 0.3 cm or so.

When the crate is completed, plastic panels are installed on it. For fastening, they usually choose a construction stapler - in this case, it turns out to work very conveniently and quickly.

Special transitional plastic corners are installed at the corners. You can choose plastic panels both by pattern and color, but the main advantage of this material is its excellent resistance to moisture. Of course, there are other finishing options - you can, for example, choose MDF lining: in this case, the bathroom will be decorated "under the wood."

The fact is that repair is a rather acute, painful topic for any modern man. It becomes especially disturbing in the soul when the repair will be carried out in the toilet or bathroom. If you choose traditional tiling, you will need a large number of money - it is unlikely that the budget of an ordinary family will cope with such a "damage".

If finances are limited, it's time to finish the toilet with PVC panels - this method is increasingly being chosen today when the question arises of how to finish the toilet other than tiles.

What are the advantages of PVC

Per last years this finishing material has gained great popularity, but what is most interesting is that not every person knows about all its advantages.

  1. For example, the panels will not rot - even after a few years the material will not change its properties.
  2. Also, the panels are very beautiful, especially in modern design. You can hardly find anything better for the same price.
  3. Rapidity installation work: it does not take much time to finish the toilet with PVC panels.

If the bathroom has a standard shape, and you have everything at hand the right materials and tools, cladding can be done, if desired, in one day (of course, this does not include fine finishing). What can I say - efficiency today is a priority for many works, all the more you can forget about cement, tiles, and other tedious procedures.

What you need to work with PVC panels

First, select the panels themselves. Here everything can be done in accordance with your own tastes - the choice of color schemes is rich today, so everyone will find something interesting for themselves. It should also be remembered that it is imperative to purchase the necessary consumables, the necessary tools - without all this, it will hardly be possible to sheathe the walls of the toilet with plastic panels. What do you need to buy for cladding?

  • A quality utility knife: you need to make sure that it can cut panels optimally, without any effort. Thinking of using in this work kitchen knife? It is possible and so, but at your own peril and risk - plastic, as a rule, quickly blunts metal, cut lines will also turn out to be crooked.
  • Self-tapping screws, screwdriver: during work, you will have to fasten panels to the crate. Dowels may also be required.
  • You need bars with a cross section of 3 by 10 cm, or you can choose an aluminum profile, the main thing is that it has a similar configuration.
  • If you plan to throw panels directly on the wall, you need to get liquid nails, a gun for their application, polyurethane foam.
  • Repair work should not be started without a tape measure, a building level, decorative skirting boards and profile corners.

Choice of paneling method

If the decision is made, it's time to find out how to panel the toilet. To begin with, it is worth understanding which method of fixing the panels on the walls to use. There are two possible ways:

  1. On a crate made of wood or a metal profile;
  2. With foam.

If the second option is chosen, it is worth buying cylinders on which the expiration date is “fresh”. In this case, the foam output will be much greater. Which method should you personally choose? If the bathroom in the apartment is spacious enough, there are even brick or concrete walls, it makes no sense to work on the crate. Plastic panels are best attached to liquid nails.

Be sure to keep in mind - in the process of work you will have to be patient, in a matter of seconds PVC does not stick. Moreover, you will need to either hold the panels yourself, or install spacers between the walls.

Gluing panels on liquid nails is nothing complicated in such work, so let's talk about how to work with the crate correctly.

Preparing for paneling

Before starting work, the toilet needs to be prepared - all trim elements that may interfere are removed, sockets and lighting devices are removed. If the work can be complicated by hoses or pipes, in an ideal situation it is better to dismantle it all, otherwise it will be much more difficult to finish the toilet with PVC panels.

There is another relevant remark - you can often stumble upon messages on the net, as if the timber is not the best best material for the crate. They write that it can deform, swell - because of this, the wall will immediately begin to look not very attractive. If indeed the humidity level in the room rises regularly, it is worth considering such statements: there is some common sense in them. But there is also a way out - just before sheathing the toilet with plastic panels, the timber is carefully processed: any antiseptic for wood is suitable for this. If the humidity level is normal, there is no reason to worry at all.

Starting work on finishing the bathroom with PVC panels

First, the crate is attached. Since almost always the panels will be located from top to bottom, it is necessary to fix the bars perpendicular to the floor. To fulfill this work dowels are usually used. Since something will also need to be done with the ceiling, the crate is also attached to it.

It is recommended to maintain a distance of up to 400-500 mm between individual bars. The correctness of fixing the bars is constantly monitored - this is done using the building level.

Before sheathing the toilet with plastic panels, you need to fix decorative profiles in the corners - the very ones where the corner panels will then be inserted.

Get to work from the corner. One edge of the PVC panel is inserted into the profile, after which the second side is attached to the screws.

The screw must be screwed into the lock, which is flexible and large.

How to cut plastic panels– many people ask this question. In fact, there is nothing complicated here: the panels are turned over with the wrong side out, laid on some solid base, then an incision is made with a clerical knife. It turns out a line, the panel breaks along it, the thin layer of plastic that remains is cut off with the same knife.

Already with the next panel, everything will be easier: it must be inserted until a distinct click occurs. Then re-attach with screws. You can finish the ceiling in the PVC toilet in the same way (if these works are in the plans, a profile should be installed on its surface). Further, you can take on decorative linings and skirting boards, with which you can easily hide defects, various technological gaps.

Something like this, everyone can finish the toilet with plastic panels. There are no special, insoluble difficulties in the work. The main thing in the process of execution is to carefully fasten the panels to each other - so that there are no gaps. It is better to put ceiling plinths on glue - they are needed only for decoration.

Finishing MDF panels (lining)

We have analyzed in detail how to panel the toilet, now a few words about MDF panels. These are very thin, light panels, the facing layer of which imitates expensive wood species. Often this finishing option is chosen for large toilets, or for those cases when you want to get a room decorated in a classic style.

What is good lining? The panels are moisture resistant, perfectly tolerate the effects of various microorganisms, harmful fungi - thanks to all this, MDF panels can be called hygienic, safe for domestic use.

Yes, this option in terms of cost will cost more than tiles, but there is significant savings when compared with natural wood. In general, the walls in the bathroom can be whatever you want - the most important thing is that they are water resistant and smooth.

Wallpapering bathroom walls

If we consider the decoration of the walls of the toilet with wallpaper, we can say that this is the cheapest, fast way decorate the room. The main basic condition for such work is even, smooth walls. But there is one drawback - many wallpapers are very susceptible to a wet wall. If you choose wallpaper for finishing the toilet, then only moisture resistant or vinyl.

How to finish the ceiling of the toilet

Facing the ceiling of the bathroom - the second stage repair work in this room. Everyone knows that the toilet is the place where you need to regularly perform wet cleaning. That is, the ideal solution for the top is a moisture-resistant ceiling. There are several options for finishing this place:

  • Moisture resistant drywall;
  • Plastic plates;
  • Suspended structures made of aluminium.

Today quite often choose stretch ceiling. This tool is very attractive. What is most interesting, spotlights can be installed in a similar design. This is a big plus for small spaces - the fact is that light from the lamps is reflected on shiny surfaces, thanks to which the space can be optically expanded.

An alternative solution that will tell you how to finish the toilet is to equip the ceiling with foam plastic decorative plates. However, you can just paint the surface in some pretty color. Shelves in the bathroom, made of PVC panels - a really good, practical solution.

Floor cladding

Processing the floor begins at the final stage of repair in the toilet. Of course, the best suggestion is to tile the floor in the bathroom. This method looks great, it is very easy to clean if you use certain cleaning products. On the floor, the tiles are selected taking into account some requirements, for example, it should be well combined with the coating that is on the walls. The design, which was carefully chosen for laying tiles on the floor surface, will make the toilet more voluminous visually.

The floor in the toilet is often subjected to temperature changes, and there is also high humidity. In the toilet (when compared with the bathroom), only waterproofing can be performed - it is usually applied not only to the floor, but also to the surface of the walls - at least 20 cm.

The ideal solution is tiles in the toilet, both for the floor and for the walls. But there are also more economical, practical options, for example, linoleum. To carry out the laying of this material, special skills are not needed; these floors are easy to equip on their own. If you want the toilet to have a film underfloor heating, you should definitely implement it - it will be very comfortable in the room. At the end of laying the floor, skirting boards are installed. What is also interesting is that various communications usually lie in the toilet: sewer, water pipes and so on. It is important to make the finish so that all these elements are hidden from view. But access to them should always be - if necessary, special doors are mounted so that you can quickly get to one or another communication node. Boxes are often made of plastic or moisture-resistant drywall, it is also finished - usually the same material is chosen as for wall cladding. This is the only way to achieve the ultimate goal - a practical, comfortable, comfortable bathroom in the apartment.

Video: toilet finishing

We bring to your attention an excellent video - how to decorate the toilet with your own hands. After viewing, everyone will understand that such works are not too complicated, so it is not so important to seek help from specialists.

Do-it-yourself toilet repair with plastic panels has two obvious benefits, rendered in the title - this is the swiftness and economy of such a finish. At the same time, it is quite possible to achieve a design effect and guarantee the durability of the repair, if you avoid common mistakes when working with PVC panels.

Toilet renovation - why plastic?

Plastic as a finishing material for walls and ceilings has a whole range of advantages:

  • The lightness of the material is such that even a teenager can install PVC panels in the toilet, physical strength for such work is not required;
  • Cheaper compared to tiles plastic is 3-6 times more economical;
  • You don’t have to level the walls and ceiling, their irregularities will be “smoothed out” when installing the frame base;
  • Polyvinyl chloride is completely inert to moisture. Just do not confuse this quality with moisture resistance, not a single type of PVC panel will become an obstacle to dampness. Waterproofing will have to be taken care of in advance, at the stage of installing the frame;
  • Ease of maintenance and cleaning. After high-quality installation, cleaning up the toilet will be a matter of 5-10 minutes, just wipe the plastic surface with a damp cloth;
  • Durability - the original appearance of the plastic panel is difficult to damage, even if desired. The material is resistant to most types of household chemicals, solvents and oxidizers.

Naturally, plastic panels have their drawbacks, otherwise, due to their low price and installation advantages, they would have long ago taken a monopoly position in the market of finishing materials. The main disadvantages:

  • Any plastic burns, and PVC wall panels are no exception. Manufacturers indicate data on its thermal stability and self-extinguishing qualities, but even smoldering polyvinyl chloride becomes a source of toxic gases. A fire in a toilet lined with plastic is a real danger, it must be taken into account when smoking, working with open fire, etc.;
  • Finishing the toilet with PVC panels is not as simple as it seems. A lot depends on the stage of preparation, which we will discuss in detail below. Begins preparatory stage not in the apartment, but also in the store;
  • Plastic trim will narrow the dimensions of the room by at least 3-4 cm from each wall and ceiling. With uneven walls, the spatial loss will be even greater. For the height of the toilet, such a decrease is not critical, but for the length and width it can lead to certain inconveniences - for example, during the further installation of plumbing, when opening and closing doors, etc.

Therefore, plastic is installed on the ceiling of sanitary facilities more often than on walls. There are various design options for mixed wall repairs, using ceramic tiles and PVC panels, but they are more relevant for bathrooms than for smaller toilets.

Finishing the toilet with PVC panels - choose the main and consumable material

One of the main mistakes when choosing wall plastic is the primary focus on its design qualities. . The strength of the panels is much more important than the pattern and patterns! This material of any strength is suitable for the ceiling, and we lean on the walls with our hands, hang shelves and accessories, etc. Therefore, start the selection with the rigidity of the panels - the higher it is, the better. A rigid panel will not vibrate when accidentally touched and will require less effort when installing the frame, because. mounting clearances can be made wider.

After selecting sufficiently strong PVC panels, we pay attention ... no, not yet to the color, but to their size and design. The length of wall plastic is standard (3 meters), and the width varies from 12 to 25 cm. The wider the PVC panel, the more precisely and evenly the frame base is required to which it will be attached. If you do not have natural carpentry talents, choose a width up to 15 cm.

Now you can choose colors and patterns for the glossy "packaging" of your toilet. And do not save on fittings - plastic corners and endings. The strength and aesthetics of the entire repair depend on these fastening strips. They should be of a similar color to the main panels, with wide shelves for easy attachment. Buy plastic fittings with a margin - at the first attempts to fit it, mistakes are possible, and you hardly want to go to the market around several corners.

As a rack base of the frame, use slats with dimensions from 20x25 mm. For proper strength, it is more reasonable to choose a square section of the rails, from 30x30 mm. Pay attention to their straightness, for which do not hesitate to untie a stack of rails and measure several (or even each).

On curved rails, even the Tula Lefty will not be able to build an even frame. Buy self-tapping screws for attaching the frame base to the walls and mounting studs for the plastic itself. Construction nails of small size will not work; rather, you need an analogue of roofing nails, but with a low head. If the toilet is damp or the neighbors from above differ in man-made "floods", you will need antiseptic composition for wood processing.

Repair of the toilet with plastic panels - we mount the frame with our own hands

Even before the toilet is repaired with plastic, a toilet must be installed and floor tiles laid; a ready-made flat floor is required for work. Fold all the plastic away from the repair area, with a quality installation of the frame, its installation will take only a few hours, but this will be later.

Mounting the frame for plastic panels - step by step diagram

Step 1: Treating the rails with an antiseptic

This step is often skipped, but in vain. If you carefully coat the rack base with compounds against rotting and fungus, it will last for decades and will not lose its strength from dampness. Due to the fact that most of these compounds are toxic, the processing of slats can be performed on outdoors the day before installation - dry it in the same place, bringing the bars ready for hydro-disturbances into the apartment. It is necessary to lubricate the entire surface with an antiseptic, with the exception of the ends - the same requirements as for the overlap between floors, a tree is a tree.

Step 2: Set up the side rails

These are the four slats in the corners of our room for the obligatory reflections. Their installation has its own secret - the main rails should not touch the floor and ceiling. Why do they put small scraps of the same plastic under them, and then pull out impromptu linings when the rail is firmly fixed to the wall with screws. The exact installation of the side racks is very important, they are installed strictly on a plumb line, the parallelism of the edges is checked with a wide steel ruler. In fact, the accuracy of the entire frame depends on these "four pillars". Fastening is carried out in increments of 30-40 cm with self-tapping screws, under which holes are drilled in the walls (at least 5 cm deep), plastic plugs are hammered into the holes.

Step 3: Side railing

Along the lower and upper perimeters of the room, bars for the lower ends and upper corners are attached to the main vertical rails, respectively. Mounting screws are twisted at an angle of 45 ˚ to securely "hook" both rails. After the end screws, the fastening of the batten is supplemented by fastening the rails to the walls using long self-tapping screws. When the frame "skeleton" is ready, additional racks or crossbars are mounted (depending on the direction of laying the plastic, vertical or horizontal). Make the step between the frame racks smaller, about 50 cm - then the reliability will be higher, and the strength of the entire structure will be "like a glove".

Step 4: Mounting hardware

Nailed to the main posts and perimeter rails plastic fittings. Its corners are cut with a sharp knife at an angle of 45˚, with the calculation of an exact articulation with visible side. Due to the elasticity of the plastic panels, the entire fitting is mounted, in all corners and turns. The step between the nails is the same 30-35 cm. If the rail lags behind the wall, then plastic scraps are squeezed tightly into the slot, and only then the nail is hammered. A separate topic is mounting nails. They should have wide and flat hats. If you could not find such nails, buy any 20-25 mm long and cut 1x1 cm spacers from PET bottles. They will attract the plastic to the tree and will not damage it. The last blows with a hammer should not be performed directly on the nail, but on an auxiliary nozzle such as a bolt, so as not to damage the corners or the panel itself.

Installation of PVC panels in the toilet - according to the finished frame, it's quick and easy

When the frame with fittings nailed to it is completely ready, the installation of PVC panels is easy and pleasant. Each part is sawn off with a hacksaw with fine teeth, about 1-1.5 cm less than the seat (the lack of size is compensated by the hardware shelves), inserted into the grooves, slightly fed back and nailed to the rails. All subsequent plastic elements are pushed all the way into the previous panel and fastened in the same way - with nails, with plastic washers, with a guarantee that the plastic will not be hit by a hammer.

The last PVC panels will need to be cut to length, this must be done with great accuracy. The cut panel is brought into the corner until it stops and gently pushed into the lock of the previous one with a thin screwdriver. Therefore, the value of the locks is always less than seats in fittings - the last panel must have contact with their surface. It cannot be fixed with nails, so the completion of the wall decoration must be done in the most inaccessible place for movement.

Do-it-yourself repair of the toilet with plastic panels is completed. Do not forget to leave mounting marks on the new plastic, which will later be used to attach the shelves, holder toilet paper, extractor hood, etc. - the search for plastic-covered rails is not included in our installation plans.

If you decide to repair the toilet with plastic panels, do it yourself. Sheathing walls and ceilings with these materials is not at all difficult, and even a non-professional can do it. As a result, you will get a large number of advantages, and the finish itself will cost you several times cheaper than using ceramic tiles.

Do-it-yourself ceiling in the bathroom in 15 minutes

What is a plastic lining?

Plastic panels intended for the toilet are a lining that has light weight and is made of PVC materials. It can be used to decorate both walls and ceilings.

The outer surface of the lining is smooth, and can be matte, glossy and even mirror. A large assortment material, the availability of various color solution, allows you to apply any design to design a bathroom. In this case, the plastic surface can be:

  • white color, matte;
  • white, glossy;
  • with imitation of wood, marble and other expensive finishing materials;
  • with a pattern that is applied to the surface using a special film.

Inside, these toilet modules have a porous structure. Their thickness is from 8 to 12 mm, length - from 2.5 to 6 m, and width - from 0.1 to 0.3 m. Such a variety allows you to apply any design when decorating the toilet.

Advantages and disadvantages of this material

Finishing the toilet with plastic panels allows you to get a large number of advantages:

The main disadvantage of this material is its low stability to burning. Most often, plastic is not flammable. But when exposed to high temperature or fire, it begins to smolder and melt. In this case, toxic gases are released, which are very dangerous.

Also, finishing the toilet with plastic panels will steal at least 3-4 cm on each side. If there are large irregularities, the width of the room decreases even more. Therefore, this material is not suitable for a bathroom with a small area.

What design solution can be applied to the bathroom?

The design of the room when using plastic modules can be varied. This material can be revetted as all surfaces from the ceiling to the walls, as well as a small part of them. For example, install panels on the wall from the floor to half the height of the wall. On the upper part, you can apply cladding with putty. Thus, the room can be easily cleaned. The bottom part, which gets the most dirty, can be easily cleaned with detergents and disinfectants.

You can also use modules that, after installation, form a pattern. In this way, it is easy to create a cozy atmosphere by applying any design of the room. Panels that imitate expensive wood, granite or stone cladding look good. In this case, the design of the bathroom will be very successful.

Necessary materials

Do-it-yourself repair of the toilet with plastic panels is very simple. The design of the room must be thought out in advance, since the choice of specific materials depends on it.

In this case, you need to purchase:

  • the required number of PVC panels;
  • edging elements;
  • accessories for decorating the surface;
  • slats for creating a frame - wooden, aluminum, plastic;
  • dowel;
  • self-tapping screws - you need to choose with wide hats at the rate of 2 pieces per 1 running meter profile.

It is also necessary to prepare tools that will help to carry out the installation as quickly and correctly as possible. To do this, take building level, tape measure, jigsaw or hacksaw, screwdriver, drill.

Surface preparation

Before installing PVC modules, it is imperative to remove old finishing materials from the walls and ceiling. This will help to increase the usable area in the room, which is significantly reduced in the future.

Also be sure to repair the plumbing, sewer system and electrical wiring. Replace old pipes, cables, check the quality of the connecting elements. This will help prolong the life of the finish. In case it happens emergency situation, it will be necessary to completely dismantle some of the panels, which most often become unsuitable for further use.

To prevent the formation of fungus and mold on the surface of the walls, be sure to treat them with a primer. The design of the room must be thought out in advance, since additional planks must be fixed at the installation site of the washbasin and cabinets.

Frame installation

Making a frame for this design is very simple if you follow the following recommendations:

  • Using wooden slats treat them with an antiseptic solution. This is best done the day before the frame is installed. Treat it outside with a liquid that prevents the formation of fungus, and wait for it to dry.
  • Along the perimeter of the room at a distance of 2-3 cm from the ceiling, you need to attach rails or a UD profile. In the latter case, you need to use dowel-nails. Fasten the profile every 0.6-0.7 m.
  • In the direction of the floor, fasten the following rails in a horizontal position. Install them every 0.5 m. Attach to the wall in the same way with dowels.
  • On top of the crate, install a U-shaped profile in the corners of the room.

Toilet cladding

It is very simple to make a reliable covering from plastic panels. Before installation, cut each element so that its length was 1-1.5 cm less than the height of the room. This shortage of material is compensated for when installing decorative strips.

The lining process consists of the following steps:

  • Install the start panel in the right place, while the narrow shelf should be inserted into the profile, which is located in the corner of the room.
  • Using self-tapping screws, attach the panel to the frame in the place of a wide strip on the surface of the lining.
  • Thus, install all plastic modules.
  • Near doorways and in the corners of the room, additionally install finishing strips.

Only after facing the walls, you can proceed with the installation of panels on the ceiling. The installation of the frame in this case is carried out in the same way. At the same time, along the perimeter of the ceiling, you need to attach a special bar for mounting the plinth.

The panels are interconnected using a special lock and self-tapping screws to the frame. In this way, you can do the installation of plastic lining in the toilet with your own hands.

Video: Plastic toilet design and decoration

Repair is a necessary thing, but not always pleasant. This is due to financial waste, physical effort and some other inconvenience. However, everyone will agree that the end result is worth it. In addition, the materials from which the repair is carried out play an important role. Today we will look at decorative trim toilet.

The place is small, but very necessary. It has its own characteristics, including high humidity inside. And this means that the finishing material must withstand such an environment. One of the great options are plastic panels.

Why is this material special? What are its advantages and disadvantages? How is the toilet finished with plastic panels with your own hands? We will cover all this in this article. We will provide step by step instructions, and also see how the toilet is finished with plastic panels video tutorials.

Features of PVC products

What is good about this material? Let's start with the fact that among the many finishing materials, plastic panels occupy a worthy place. And for the toilet they are just perfect. Why can you say so? The toilet has its own characteristics. That is why durable moisture-resistant materials are used for its decoration. Often tiles are bought for this purpose. But, its cost is much higher than the cost of plastic products. The toilet itself is quite small, so working with tiles is inconvenient.

Another thing is plastic elements. With almost the same characteristics, they are much cheaper and easier to work with. Finishing the toilet with plastic panels can be done by hand. Here are other features of the material that are important to consider:

If we talk about the shortcomings, then they are the lack of strength of the panels, burning and their ability to fade. But, for the toilet, the second factor is not relevant, since usually there are either no windows in it at all, or they are made very small. So the sun's rays can not spoil the material. And with careful use, it will be difficult to damage the surface.

Options for finishing the toilet with plastic panels photo.

Immediately before finishing the walls, you need to purchase material. How to do it?

Choosing plastic panels for the toilet

So that the work was not done in vain, and the finish looked decent and was durable, it is important to choose the right materials. On the shelves of stores you can find a variety of products, but how to choose the right one? We immediately note that demand creates supply. And since the panels are popular, you can get to an unscrupulous manufacturer. Determining a defective product can be difficult. What will help in this? Let's look at a few tips.

Thanks to these tips, you can save yourself the opportunity to buy low-quality Construction Materials. Right choice materials - this is already 50% of the work on high-quality finishing of the toilet. This is what the correct wall decoration in the toilet looks like with plastic panels in the photo.

Getting ready to install PVC panels

The first stage of work is preparation. If the panels have already been purchased, then it is time to take care of other tools and materials. Principle PVC mounting panels resembles clapboard trim. Therefore, the work will require the creation of a frame. It can be metal or wood. We recommend that you refuse the wooden one, because the toilet is a wet room, the tree can rot and quickly fail.

To create metal carcass would need:

In addition, the work can not do without such tools:

  • screwdriver or drill driver;
  • metal scissors;
  • kleimers, self-tapping screws or a stapler for fixing panels to the frame;
  • special profiles and skirting boards for plastic;
  • tape measure, level, pencil;
  • hacksaw for plastic;
  • metal spatula;
  • stationery knife.

When everything is assembled, you can begin to prepare the walls of the toilet.

Preparing the walls

Break, as they say, do not build. The first task is to remove from the walls old finish. The good news is that the toilet is small, so it won't take much time. Using a spatula, you need to remove the old finish. The work is easy, but time consuming. Then the walls are cleaned of dust and dirt.

Note! So that nothing interferes with you during work, you should remove all unnecessary from the toilet.

When the surface is prepared, you can begin to create a frame or crate on the wall. The features and pluses of this finishing method are that in the space under the plates you can hide the wiring or insulate the toilet. Consider a step-by-step instruction for creating a metal frame.

We mount a metal frame

The main task is to make the frame even and correct, so you can not do without marking and controlling the process with a level. Since the panels will be mounted in a vertical position, the frame for them is made in a horizontal position. The creation instructions are as follows:

That's all, the frame for the walls is ready. Finishing the toilet with plastic panels (frame stage) do-it-yourself video.

Installation of plastic panels

Further work is to use plastic moldings. What are they needed for? PVC strips must be inserted into the appropriate grooves, this applies to the floor, ceiling and corners. For each case there is a molding. The photo shows exactly how to implement this in practice and what kind of molding is needed in this or that case.

That's it, the walls are ready. To make it easier for you, you can view the following information: wall decoration in the toilet with plastic panels video.

This is how the toilet decoration with plastic panels looks like photo.

Ceiling trim with plastic panels

If everything is clear with the walls, then the next step is the ceiling. It is recommended to trim it with panels too. It will look harmonious. Moreover, if you yourself learned how to decorate the walls with panels, then there will be no problems with the ceiling. Here the principle of work is the same. It all comes down to the following steps:

  1. Marking on the wall.
  2. Fixing the crate and other elements.
  3. Installation of ceiling molding around the perimeter.
  4. Installation of plastic panels.

As for the ceiling, there are some nuances here. For example, in the slats, you need to make appropriate holes for fixtures. For the toilet, it is better to use built-in spotlights. To do this, markings are made in the appropriate place, and a hole is cut out in the panel using a special bit for a screwdriver. The work is easy. We have prepared a visual video on how to complete the work from start to finish (mounting on walls and ceilings). Let this apply to the bath, but the principle of operation does not change. Finishing the toilet with plastic panels video.


Now your toilet is ready for full functioning. Repairs in the toilet were made at minimal cost. As you can see, all the work is quite simple. If you try, then after 1-2 days the toilet will be ready. Plastic panels are an excellent material that is easy to work with, it will last a long time, and there will be no problems with its operation. The toilet will look like new. And due to the fact that the surface of the products is glossy, it will visually increase the small space in the room. With such work experience, you can successfully finish not only the toilet, but the apartment as a whole. Such skills will be useful in life.