Types of windows or what windows are. Types of plastic windows and accessories for them

  • 14.06.2019

Windows are the eyes of your home. Without them, in a room, even illuminated by bright artificial light, it would still be uncomfortable. Now almost all modern private and apartment buildings equipped with plastic windows - fortunately, there are plenty of them, and you can always choose the ones that are suitable in shape, number of wings, glasses, opening method and material of manufacture.

Perhaps you can still imagine a house without fashionable furniture or without modern renovation, but it's hard to imagine without high-quality windows. At the same time, we think about the decoration of walls and ceilings and about changing furniture much more often than about installing new windows. And completely in vain. These elements play an important role in creating a cozy atmosphere. In addition, high-quality windows will help save heat in the house and protect against unwanted encroachment on your property.

You will learn about what types of plastic windows are and what fittings are needed for them in this material.

Varieties of modern plastic windows (with photo)

Today, no one will remember that earlier only wooden windows with ordinary glass were installed in our houses. Houses under construction, on the contrary, are equipped only with PVC windows of one kind or another. Another interesting trend has also emerged: a few years ago, there was an active replacement of wooden windows with plastic ones, and today modern models PVC windows are replacing obsolete plastic windows, which can no longer meet all the requirements of homeowners.

The problem of choosing one or another type of plastic window can be solved by knowing the signs by which PVC is classified. Knowing this is not only useful, but also necessary: ​​this is the only way to make the best choice of plastic windows.

Windows can consist of a single sash or multiple sashes. Depending on this, the following types of plastic windows can be distinguished:

  • single-leaf windows;
  • double-leaf windows;
  • tricuspid windows.

PVC windows with one sash are quite logically made to open. A window with two sashes can be of two options: with one opening sash or with two opening sides. But with the third kind, everything is much more complicated. Three-leaf windows are often made with one opening sash for reasons of economy. But it's rather inconvenient. Experts advise to spend a little more money and choose a window with two opening sashes, which will be installed on the sides of the blind sash. Or you can choose the most expensive option - a window with three opening sashes.

These photos show the varieties of plastic windows by the number of wings:

Types of plastic windows by opening method

Depending on the method of opening the sashes, plastic windows are divided into the following types.

A blind (not opening) window.

The presence of such a sash is acceptable only if it is part of a window consisting of several sashes, otherwise access to its outer part will be difficult. However, such windows are also chosen by consumers, since their cost is much lower than that of opening structures. For example, non-opening windows can be seen on the first floors, when the glass can be washed from the street; as one of the sashes of a window overlooking a balcony, etc.

Window with a rotary way of opening.

A sash of this type opens into the room by analogy with conventional wooden models that are equipped with hinges.

As shown in the photo, this type of PVC plastic windows is also equipped with special hinges that allow you to open the sash, wash the glass and ventilate the room:

Fanlight (folding) window.

Such a window opens in a folding way both in the vertical and in the horizontal plane. The shutters can both lean down and open up.

Combined sash opening.

There are models of windows, in the design of which both methods of opening the window are incorporated, and there is also a tilt-and-turn mechanism. This is the most convenient type of plastic windows for the home, but at the same time the most difficult. Such a sash can be opened inward or folded back for simple ventilation of the room. Usually, to open the window, the handle should be turned to a horizontal position, and to ventilate the room and slightly open the sash, it must be turned vertically.

This tilt and turn device is very convenient for ventilation. The window may not open fully; you can leave only a small gap so that a comfortable atmosphere is created in the room, but at the same time there are no drafts.

In order to fix the window in the desired position, a crocodile device or more complex latches can be attached to the frame. Unfortunately, the "crocodile" quite often breaks down with careless handling.

See what types of plastic windows are in these photos:

The number of glasses and the shape of PVC plastic windows

Depending on the number of glasses in a plastic double-glazed window, there are several types of PVC plastic windows:

Single chamber when two panes are provided that are separated by one chamber.

Double chamber when three glasses are provided in the double-glazed window, which are separated by two chambers.

Three-chamber with lots of glass.

The characteristics of plastic windows depend on the number of cameras: the more there are, the warmer it will be. Just a few years ago, in most cases, our houses were equipped with only single-chamber windows, but today the situation has changed: the latest models have more glass.

Plastic windows differ in their shape:

Rectangular (standard windows that are installed in most houses);




In principle, the shape of modern windows can be any, depending on the wishes of the customer.

At the same time, rectangular windows are the cheapest option. The more requirements are imposed on the shape of PVC windows, the more expensive they are.

In addition to the typologies above, plastic windows can vary in color. Frames can be either traditionally white or colored. The film with which the frames are covered can repeat the pattern of precious woods.

Glasses in frames can also be very different - for example, ordinary or shockproof. Types with high energy-saving characteristics have become a novelty on the market of plastic windows.

The glass in them is covered with a special film, which has the property of reflecting infrared light, thereby not releasing heat from the house to the outside.

These photos show various types of plastic windows for a private house:

Sills and visors of plastic windows

A plastic window is not only a double-glazed window and a frame, but also whole line additional elements, without which the window as a whole will not have a finished look and will not last for a long time. For example, owners of PVC windows cannot do without such special devices as ebbs and visors, which will drain melt and rain water.

These structures are installed on the outside of the window in its upper and lower parts, so they are invisible to the eyes of the inhabitants of the house. Ebbs and visors are designed not only to drain precipitation, but also to protect the installation seam under the window. If the seam is not closed in time, moisture will damage it, which can lead to the destruction of the wall and the window falling out. Even if you have an expensive PVC window installed without high-quality drainage, it may soon, literally in a couple of years, become unusable.

Ebbs and peaks can be made of plastic, tin, galvanized steel and aluminum. Today, they are practically not made of tin, as it rusts too quickly, and also looks unaesthetic, spoils the facade of the building and lets water through. Drains made of galvanized steel do not have these disadvantages, so now they are the most popular among consumers.

For the manufacture of an ebb or visor for a plastic window, a rolled galvanized sheet 0.55-0.7 mm thick is used, on which a protective coating is applied on top. Polyester-based lacquers can be used to create the coating.

The color palette of the composition can be very diverse. In addition, such a varnish helps to extend the life of the drainage system, as well as to preserve its appearance. An ebb or visor covered with such a composition will not fade in the sun and will be resistant to temperature extremes. Window structures treated with polymer will give the appearance of the whole house a finished look.

After the all-metal sheet is painted, it is cut into pieces and given the desired shape.

A standard window sill or a plastic window canopy has following construction: steel sheet, galvanized coating, anti-corrosion coating, primer, polymer coating and varnish.

As you can see in the photo, the shape and size of the tide and the visor of the plastic window can be very different:

Often they are made according to customer drawings.

The color of the design can be any according to your desire. It can repeat the shade of the entire PVC window or be of a different color. The items are mainly produced in white and brown colors.

It should be noted that ebbs and visors are produced by both domestic and foreign manufacturers.

Those made abroad will cost more, but this does not mean that they have better quality characteristics compared to domestic ones.

Drainage systems made in Russia have a number of important advantages: low cost (and, consequently, low final price), and durability, which is ensured by the use of high-quality steel.

Compared to castings made of aluminum and plastic, steel constructions are superior to them in a number of ways:

  • resistant to UV radiation;
  • look aesthetically pleasing;
  • resistant to precipitation (rain, snow) and temperature extremes;
  • resistant to corrosion;
  • durable;
  • resistant to mechanical damage;
  • are inexpensive.

It should be noted that plastic sills can also be used for installation on the outside of windows.

Some experts advise to choose exactly plastic structures, as their use will optimally solve the problem of waterproofing. The use of drainage and window made of the same material gives the whole building a more stylish and finished look.

In addition, plastic elements are durable, do not require special care, do not fade under the influence of sunlight, and also increase the sound and heat insulation of PVC windows.

Canopies and flashings are easy to manufacture, but it takes some work to install them correctly.

First, the lower ebb is fixed, then they move to the visor. Silicone sealant must be applied prior to installation. The upper tide is brought into the room by 30 cm and fixed with dowels.

This design will allow you to use the drainage system for the maximum amount of time.

The next section of the article is devoted to which slopes are better to choose for plastic windows.

What are the types of slopes of plastic windows: the best options and their photos

The installation of modern plastic windows cannot be considered complete if the slopes have not been finished and the canopies and ebbs have not been installed.

Slopes refer to the inside of the window. The need for their installation is due to the fact that PVC windows are smaller in thickness than wooden structures, installed during the construction of the building, therefore, an untreated area 5-30 cm wide is formed on the slopes of the window opening.

To solve this problem, you can use in the following ways. For example, to make plaster slopes of plastic windows that are suitable for finishing any type of room in concrete, block, brick and panel houses.

However, in the latter case, preference should be given to plastic slopes, which have a number of advantages over plaster. These include quick installation and additional thermal insulation between the room and the street. In addition, this finish does not require additional care, does not fade, does not fade or crack over time. The window opening with slopes has a complete and attractive appearance.

Slopes are of several varieties. The best slopes for PVC windows are plastic, this is a new word in installation technology. They appeared on Russian market in 2005 and are currently considered ideal option when installing plastic windows. Installation is carried out as soon as possible: as a rule, on the same day as the installation of the window.

The window itself and the slopes are made of the same material, so they are an integral part of the efficient design and logically complete it. As a result, the window acquires a modern and attractive appearance. Slopes also act as additional thermal insulation between the room and the street.

The plastic type of slopes for windows has the following advantages:

  • high level of insulation, which prevents the penetration of moisture;
  • plastic slopes do not need additional finishing, they have a shiny surface, they do not need to be painted, they are easy to clean, dust does not accumulate on them;
  • ease of installation.

Their disadvantages include the inconsistency of the color palette with some PVC profiles.

The plasterboard version of the slopes for plastic windows is less popular, due to the complexity of the installation. They are used for plasterboard walls if no finishing work has been carried out inside the room. This material is characterized by rigidity and good thermal insulation properties.

The main advantage of drywall slopes is the low heat absorption coefficient, so they are warm to the touch. The disadvantages include instability to moisture and the need for periodic repairs and painting. In addition, a layer of air sometimes remains between the wall and the structure. If moisture gets in, it can cause slope distortion and staining.

Installation of plastic slopes is carried out immediately after installing the window. Before installing plastic panel, it is necessary to align the window opening with a level and wooden lath that is attached to the wall. This allows you to get perfectly smooth plastic slopes and right angles.

Pay attention to the photo - when installing the slopes of plastic windows, the joints are treated with silicone sealant, which provides reliable insulation:

The joints are almost invisible. After the installation work is completed, the window opening is sealed, durable, well-insulated and aesthetically pleasing.

Modern PVC windows cannot be imagined without high-quality slopes.

When choosing a material for panels, you should pay attention not to their cost, but to the quality and reliability of the material used: after all, windows should serve you for many years.

In the next section of the article, you will learn which window sill to choose for a plastic window.

Which window sill to choose for a plastic window: the best views (with photo)

Currently, the construction market has a wide range of building materials for every taste. Therefore, it will not be difficult to find the necessary window sill for a plastic window, whether it is made of plastic, stone or wood.

When studying information about which window sills for plastic windows are best, keep in mind that plastic is the most common and economical option. At the same time, manufacturers offer various plastic window sills, which differ significantly from each other in price and quality.

The purchase of the cheapest plastic does not give any guarantee that the window sill will last as long as the window itself. At best, it will last several years.

More reliable and expensive is the type of window sills for plastic windows made of chipboard. They have a dense structure, which is created by a combination of natural wood fibers and synthetic resins.

Window sills are also on sale. artificial stone. However, in Russia, due to the cold climate, they are not widely used.

The owners of houses and apartments prefer to use warmer and more pleasant materials, so rooms with stone window sills under plastic windows are quite rare. Despite the wide range various materials, wood remains the most popular.

First of all, the window sill plays an important role in terms of functionality: it is convenient to put flowers or any other objects on it, given that the width of the plastic windows allows this.

As you can see in the photo, the window sill under the plastic window is important element decor in the room and the final stage of installation window construction:

In order for the window sill to harmoniously fit into the surrounding interior, it must be made of the same material as the window. Thus, for a plastic window, a plastic window sill is best suited.

Mosquito nets for plastic windows

When ordering plastic windows, it is very important to take care of high-quality and modern mosquito nets. They serve as protection against the penetration of flying insects into the room, and in the spring and summer - poplar fluff. The mosquito net can be easily removed for the winter and put away for storage. It is made from a material called fiberglass. It consists of fiberglass, sealed in a polymer. The mesh is securely fastened with a rubber cord in aluminum frame connected by plastic corners.

It is installed on the outside of the plastic window on special fasteners. Today you can order a mosquito net for any opening.

On the balcony doors mosquito nets are also installed; at the same time, they are attached to the door frame with side hinges and are fixed with a magnetic latch on the reverse side. Despite the ease of use, they are short-lived and begin to sag 3-4 years after installation. This is due to insufficient rigidity of the joints between the thin aluminum frame and plastic corners.

In the design of the latest mosquito nets, there is a horizontal cross bar, which provides the necessary mesh tension and frame rigidity. Its absence reduces the service life of the product, while increasing the likelihood of breakage.

The gray color of the mosquito net provides good visibility and does not change over time. It is quite easy to care for the mesh: you just need to periodically wipe it with a damp cloth.

These photos show plastic windows with window sills and a stretched mosquito net:

The final sections of the article are devoted to what fittings better fit for plastic windows, and how to care for it.

What is the fittings for plastic windows: the best views and their photos

Plastic window fittings include various mechanisms and parts designed to open and close it.

Depending on the method of opening the sashes, fittings for plastic windows are divided into several types.

Swivel fittings, equipped with a vertical suspension, make it possible to rotate the sash in only one direction relative to the vertical axis. This method is the simplest: the window opens and closes strictly vertically.

With the help of tilt-and-turn fittings, the sash rotates around a vertical axis; in addition, it can be tilted.

This opening mechanism is the most popular, as it provides additional features: for example, to perform micro-ventilation.

By changing the position of the handle, you can effortlessly open the window in the desired direction.

Due to the swivel fittings with horizontal suspension, the window can be rotated 180° relative to the horizontal axis. This fitting is installed on windows with different geometry and weight - for example, on elliptical and round structures. This mechanism is often used in skylights.

Sliding fittings are used for glazing balconies and loggias. Special locking handles fix the window in the closed position. The kit includes hook hooks that also help hold the window.

Knowing what kind of fittings for plastic windows are, in addition to the standard set of elements, you can purchase special parts that perform additional functions. For example, a tilt-and-turn limiter helps to open the sash and fix it at a given angle. This ensures ventilation in four positions.

If you often ventilate the room and want to avoid drafts, then you will need a slot ventilator.

The latch does not allow the sash to slam and swing open with a strong gust of wind.

If the family has small children, then you should purchase a handle with a key or a “children's” lock. Folding scissors, which are attached to the bottom of the sash, will save it from sagging. A wonderful decoration for the window will be decorative lining and multi-colored caps that are put on the fittings.

High competition in the fittings market encourages manufacturers to improve their product. For example, specifically for the Russian consumer was developed the new kind accessories. It is made from high-quality materials and does not require complex maintenance. When installing window handles no screws needed. Also, hinges are not visible on such a window, and the sash opens at an angle of up to 100 °.

The latest developments also include a new line of fittings, which are distinguished by high reliability and smooth opening of the window. Its main advantage is the protection of the window structure from the weather. By default, the window package includes a micro-ventilation mechanism, as well as a closer that makes it easier to pull the sash. The best accessories for plastic windows exclude blowing and penetration of street noise into the room.

The novelties also include tilt-sliding fittings, which are used in the production of windows up to 2.7 m high, when it is necessary to glaze the wall from floor to ceiling. It allows you to easily tilt and move windows made of wood or PVC weighing up to 160 kg. This type of fittings is also used for narrow profile systems, with the help of which the maximum penetration of light into the room is ensured.

These photos show modern fittings for plastic windows:

Proper care of plastic window fittings

In order for the fittings to last as long as possible, you should choose products from well-known manufacturers. The quality of their products is confirmed by certificates. Cheap fittings of unknown origin can quickly break down. As a result, you will spend time and money replacing parts and mechanisms.

Quality products contain power metal elements. They are able to withstand the excess of the specified weight of the structure.

Once a year for proper care behind plastic windows, moving fittings are treated with machine oil or special means for PVC windows.

All operations with the handle are carried out with the sash closed. During repairs, the fittings must be protected from the ingress of glue, paint, sealant, etc.

The cost of a window is influenced by many factors, including the selected fittings. Its price depends on the country of manufacture, the availability of additional elements and the method of opening the window.

Additional elements (protection against sagging of the sash, various modes micro-ventilation, blocking the erroneous turn of the handle, etc.) lead to an increase in the number of parts in the kit, which affects the total cost.

The method of opening it has a similar effect on it.

The more working positions the sash has, the more various elements will be required.

Pay attention to the appearance of the elements. There must be no rust, scratches, stains, etc. on the products.

All moving parts must be lubricated (grease is always visible).

The main advantage of wooden windows is strength, reliability, high sound and heat insulation. Wooden windows differ in the way the sashes open and in their design.

Construction of wooden windows

Window with a separate wooden part (Russian windows)

Such a window has one frame and two sashes that open in series, both with glass. The wooden part consists of solid pine, not glued beams. Shutters with a thickness of not more than 40 mm. The main disadvantage of such a wooden window is that warping and deformation occur due to high humidity and temperature differences.

The narrow profile does not allow for multi-profile milling, which in turn excludes the possibility of installing several sealing contours. Therefore, the sashes in such a window do not have a tight fit to the window frame.

The absence of an aluminum profile on the box, which closes the porch of the box and sashes, allows water to flow from the outside onto the window sill. These wooden windows are equipped with conventional non-adjustable hinges and handles. Such fittings make it impossible to adjust the sashes and tilt for ventilation.

Double-glazed windows - wooden euro windows (German windows)

The name - eurowindows appeared from the fact that they are installed. It is installed around the entire perimeter of the sash of a wooden window, it is possible to adjust and tilt-and-turn opening, there are many locking mechanisms.

The design of a wooden eurowindow consists of a window frame and a sash. A double-glazed window is installed in the sash, usually two-chamber, most suitable for the Russian climate. The window opens in one motion. Therefore, when washing windows, we have only two sides outside the window and from the side of the room.

Video: Types and range of glass for windows

Manufacturers of wooden windows mainly use timber with a thickness of 68 - 78 - 88 mm. The thickness of the beam allows you to make a multi-contour seal, as well as grooves for fittings and a double-glazed window with a width of 44 mm. The design of a wooden eurowindow has many advantages: warm, reliable, comfortable, durable.

Service life - more than 70 years. The long service life is due to glued laminated timber, which is glued from 3 lamellas. The lamellas are glued in such a way that the wood fibers are located in different directions. Such a glued construction does not allow it to dry out, warp and lose its geometric shape.

Window tree - aluminum

Let's take the described above and sheathe it on the outside with aluminum, then as a result we get the so-called. That is, in fact, this is a wooden euro-window, only best quality. The advantage of this window is that it practically does not require restoration of the outer paintwork.

Aluminum window - wooden

The name is consonant with the previous window, but they are completely different in design. In this window, the load-bearing part of the window is completely made of aluminum. In principle, this is completely covering it from the inside of the room.

The wood panel makes the window warmer and more beautiful. Being in the interior of the room you will see a wooden window made of such precious woods as: oak, beech, ash. The design combines the lightness and durability of aluminum with the warmth and beauty of natural wood.

In the Russian market, aluminum-wooden windows are rare, due to the high cost of aluminum profiles, which are purchased in European countries.

Finnish window

The wooden window has a wide frame up to 180 mm and two sashes that open in sequence. The outer sash is equipped with simple glass, and is inserted into the inner sash. The outer sash can be wooden or aluminum.

Between themselves, they are connected by a joint opening mechanism, which will allow them to be opened simultaneously or separately by opening the mechanism. The frame and sashes of the Finnish window are made of solid wood, not glued beams.

Unlike eurowindows, the cross section of a Finnish window is only 40 x 40 mm, so although it looks more attractive and elegant, there are no advantages of glued beams. The sashes in the Finnish window do not have a tight clamp around the perimeter due to their fittings, so there can be no tilt and turn.

All these are structural differences of wooden windows, but they can still differ in the way the sashes open.

Blind wooden windows

The window has no moving parts and cannot be opened. The cost of such windows is cheaper, due to the fact that they do not use fittings. A blind window may have several double-glazed windows between which there is an impost. Before deciding to install a blind window, you need to think about how you will wash it and ventilate the room.

Single sash tilt and turn wooden windows

In a single-sash pivot window, the sash opens in only one direction - horizontal. Basically, they open inside the room, there are options with external opening. The tilt-and-turn sash opens both horizontally and vertically - ventilation mode.

Double-leaf, blind - tilt-and-turn window

They are made from glued laminated timber, have two wings. One deaf and one second - tilt-and-turn which opens and leans back on the lower suspension into the ventilation mode. Such double-leaf wooden windows are very popular.

Double-leaf, pivot and tilt-and-turn window with mullion

Impost - a profile made of wood, with the help of which several wings are connected into a single structure. used for porch sashes and their hanging. A wooden window with an impost is the most convenient, reliable and durable option. Due to the complete set of windows with tilt-and-turn fittings and an additional profile, the price of this window is higher than a blind one.

Double-leaf pivot and tilt-and-turn wooden sash windows

Such windows open according to the same principle as described above. The window sashes are dependent and connected by a shulp. The first sash is equipped with turn-and-turn fittings with a handle, the second without a handle.

The second sash opens only when the first one is open. With open sashes, the window opening will be completely free, since there is no impost, and the shtulp is attached directly to the sash and is not visible.

Now knowing at least a little about the types of wooden windows and their design differences, you can choose the right wooden window for your house or apartment.

Video: Installing imposts, seals and fittings

The window is one of the main elements of any room, affecting the creation of coziness and comfort. Most people understand these concepts as a bright, warm room in which peace and quiet reign. However, this effect can be achieved only with the help of a high-quality window that does not let street noise into the room and does not release heat into the street.

The most popular designs are plastic windows. In connection with the development of popularity, many varieties of plastic windows have been developed.

Plastic windows have a number of advantages - cheapness, resistance to moisture and others. natural phenomena, no need for additional care. To choose a truly reliable and convenient window, you need to familiarize yourself with the types of available designs.

What is a plastic window made of?

  1. A frame is an element that is attached to a window opening in a building wall. It completely repeats the shape of the opening, so the frame is made individually in accordance with the shape and size of the window opening. The frame is made of metal-plastic profile.
  2. The sash is the movable part of the window, attached to the frame by means of hinged canopies. One window can have several sashes. It depends on the individual preferences of the customer.
  3. A double-glazed window is several glasses arranged parallel to each other and hermetically fastened together. Double-glazed windows are inserted into the frame and sashes of the window. The number of glasses and their thickness is selected individually, depending on the preferences of the customer. There are single, double and triple glazing.
  4. Glazing beads are plastic strips that hold double-glazed windows in seats frames and sashes.
  5. are mechanisms for opening and closing window sashes(hinges, locks, handles, etc.).
  6. Window seals seal the joints between window structural elements.

All plastic windows consist of the listed elements, however, their individual design, quality and physical characteristics make it possible to create windows that are radically different from each other.

Main technical characteristics of plastic windows

The reliability and functionality of the window consists of technical features each individual element. There are standard ready-made window sets for those who do not understand the features of their design.

But you can arrange all the elements at your discretion, and for this you need to understand the features and varieties of components.

The metal-plastic profile is a reinforced PVC, from which the supporting frame of the window (frame and sashes) is created. Main specifications profile: heat transfer, profile width and number of chambers in it.

Metal-plastic profile parameters:

  1. Chambers are partitions inside a metal-plastic profile, each chamber has its own purpose. The most common is the three-section profile. One section gives rigidity to the structure, the second carries out the outflow of condensate, the third is needed for fastening the fittings. However, there are four, five and six-chamber profiles. The number of chambers directly affects the thermal conductivity of the window frame, because each section is filled with air, and it is a poor conductor of heat.
  2. Increasing the width of the profile allows you to increase the air gap in the chambers, and also provides the ability to install thicker glasses and double-glazed windows, and this, in turn, provides more reliable protection from external noise and heat leakage.
  3. Heat transfer is a value that characterizes the profile, taking into account all the advantages and disadvantages of the design.

double glazing

A double-glazed window is several connected glasses that create air chambers between themselves. It can be single, double or triple. The glasses themselves can also have different thicknesses.

Double-glazed windows are various kinds:

  1. – the inner glass is covered with silver atoms, which ensures the reflection of heat from the radiators and reduces heat loss.
  2. covered with light-absorbing material.
  3. Impact-resistant double-glazed windows are treated with a special resin, which increases their strength.

How does changing the parameters of glass affect the reliability of the window:

  1. The number of glasses in a double-glazed window provides better thermal and sound insulation. However a large number of glasses with strong noise can get into resonance from vibration, which is a source of noise and destruction of the window structure.
  2. The thickness of the glass in a double-glazed window directly affects the thermal conductivity and sound insulation of the window. The thicker the glass, the better the insulating properties.
Triplex has the best insulating properties - this is ordinary glass coated with a special transparent film that increases the strength of the glass and other physical characteristics.

Types of plastic windows

There are several types of plastic windows that differ in certain characteristics:

  1. Window shape. This parameter is determined by the shape and size of the window opening. There are round, square, triangular and other windows.
  2. The color of the window is also determined by the individual preferences of the customer. The most common colors are white, brown and other colors that mimic expensive woods.
  3. The type of sash opening is selected individually. There are the following types of opening: folding (fanlight), rotary (traditional), tilt-and-turn (complex) and spool (type of closing "sash in the sash"), sliding, rotary-sliding. A window can also be without shutters at all - a blind window.

Swivel opening of the window is carried out by vertical canopies. The disadvantage of this method is that the sash has a large span (takes up a lot of space) and there is no possibility of adjusting the air flow - the window can swing open under the pressure of the wind.

The hinged mechanism allows you to slightly open the sash, slightly tilting it - this ensures smooth ventilation of the room, while the window is almost closed.

Tilt and turn plastic windows are equipped with a mechanism that allows you to open the window with two different ways– traditional and folding.

The sash-to-sash slat opening provides a large open space when both sashes are open.

Sliding windows move on rollers along the plane of the window (as in a closet). This mechanism has an excellent advantage - saving space.

Tilt-sliding windows open a little on themselves, and then move to the side. This option is much more convenient than the traditional opening.

What design of a plastic window is the most reliable

The most reliable plastic window is considered to be a design that provides the best thermal and noise insulation. If you have an unlimited budget and use every opportunity to improve the characteristics of the window, then you can assemble the following design:

  1. Six-chamber metal-plastic window profile 90 mm wide to be used for the supporting structure of the window.
  2. Insert a triple-glazed window into the profile, the chambers of which are filled with an inert gas to improve the insulating properties of the window. For even greater insulation, you can use triplex, energy-saving and tinted glass.
  3. Install sashes with a complex mechanism that allows you to open the window in a hinged and rotary way. If you need to save space, you can install a sliding sash.
  4. It is better to choose a plastic window among the most famous brands: Veka, KBE, Rehau, etc.
Even the best plastic window will not be reliable and durable if installed incorrectly. Therefore, it is better to contact a well-known company that employs qualified specialists.

Some features that should be considered when arranging the design of a plastic window:

  1. If you increase the number of chambers in the profile, then you must definitely increase its width, if this is not done, then the desired insulating effect will not be achieved. For example, for a three-chamber profile, the optimal width is 60 mm, for a six-chamber profile, 90 mm.
  2. To increase the sound insulation of double-glazed windows, but avoid vibrational resonance, you need to alternate the thickness of the glasses. For example, the thickness of the outer glass is taken equal to 8 mm, and the next glass - 4 mm, and so on.
  3. The fittings of the window should ensure a snug fit of the sashes to the frame and provide the possibility of adjustment.

During window operation, most of the heat escapes through the glass surface and not through the frame, so there is not much point in installing an expensive six-chamber profile. And in the case of a double-glazed window, it is better to install a two-chamber version with alternating glass thickness, but increase the distance between the glasses.

If you stock up on information, then it will not be difficult to make a reliable choice of a plastic window. The main advisers for choosing high-quality and durable products are certificates and technical specifications. After all, sellers can embellish the benefits of the product.

May 8, 2017
Specialization: professional in the field of construction and repair (full cycle of finishing works, both internal and external, from sewerage to electrics and finishing works), installation of window structures. Hobbies: see column "SPECIALIZATION AND SKILLS"

Plastic, aluminum and wooden window frames used in the glazing of houses and apartments differ significantly from each other. Moreover, these differences concern not only the appearance, but also the functional parameters.

Let's see what the features of different products are, and what you should pay attention to when choosing / manufacturing window frames.

Frame selection by material

Option 1. Metal-plastic profile

Windows without frames, that is, with glass fixed directly in the opening, are extremely rarely used in residential construction. So whatever one may say, but when designing a house or when planning an apartment renovation, we will have to choose frames.

The most common option today is the construction of a metal-plastic profile. Their key features:

  1. Universal configuration. The shape of the product allows not only to securely fix the window in the opening, but also to connect several frames to each other. In addition, such products are compatible not only with double-glazed windows (solid glazing), but also with sashes.

Before pulling the plastic window out of the frame, you must either remove the sash from the hinges or remove the glazing beads that hold the double-glazed window from the grooves.

  1. Plastic case. All surfaces in contact with the external environment are made of resistant polyvinyl chloride (PVC). This not only protects the window from moisture, but also facilitates maintenance. For example, we do not have to search for a long time how to wash the frames of plastic windows - they are well cleaned with a damp cloth, but if necessary, they can also withstand exposure to more active household chemicals.

  1. Internal reinforcement. Plastic - the material is elastic and soft enough, therefore, to stiffen the frame, metal inserts (square or U-shaped) are installed in it. This improves the mechanical properties of the structure, but complicates the work with products. For example, before reducing the frame of a plastic window, you have to cut it at the corners, shorten the metal reinforcement and weld the cut parts again.

  1. Drainage and ventilation. Despite the almost complete tightness, the design of the plastic frame provides for the presence of technological holes. So that water in the frame of a plastic window does not stagnate after rain and does not provoke corrosion, drainage grooves are almost always made in its lower part.

Option 2. Aluminum profile

Despite the fact that a plastic window is considered today as a “default” option, there are still alternatives to such products. And one of the most technologically advanced alternatives is windows with aluminum frames.

Here you need to keep in mind the following aspects:

  1. Two aluminum profile options. A cold window frame is made without heat-insulating inserts, but it also weighs less. "Warm" aluminum retains energy indoors much better, but weighs more, and its price is higher than that of many PVC structures.

  1. Not the best insulation. Even a profile with internal inserts is inferior to plastic products with metal reinforcement in terms of energy saving.
  2. High strength. This applies to both resistance to deformation and wear resistance. That's why aluminum is chosen for glazing industrial and public buildings. But if the window is already out of order, then the repair will be quite expensive and time-consuming.

It is advisable to choose products coated with powder paint - it is the most resistant, and restoration of the appearance will not be required for at least 10 years after installation.

Option 3. Wooden bars

The manufacture of window frames and their parts from wood is a traditional technology that does not lose its relevance today. The most important features of wooden windows are:

  1. There are products in a very cheap segment. As a rule, these are single or double frames designed to install single glazing. Of the advantages - low price and low weight, but in houses and apartments they try to get rid of such structures.

  1. Eurobeam is a functional analogue of metal-plastic. Modern wooden frames are made from glued beams in such a way that a sealed double-glazed window can be installed in them. In terms of thermal insulation, they are almost as good as plastic products, and in appearance they outperform them "with a devastating score."

  1. Difficulties in assembly. Fittings for wooden windows are available from most manufacturers, but they cost more than standard kits. Therefore, by default, the simplest latches and hinges - canopies - are placed on the frame, and advanced mechanisms are mounted when finances allow.

The advantage of wooden frames is that you can repair and even make them at home. Of course, this will require suitable material, tools and skills. But if you are interested in the technology of making wooden windows with your own hands, we advise you to study the next section.

Self-made window frame

How to do the simplest wooden frame do it yourself - step by step we will tell in the table:

Illustration Stage of work

Production of blanks.

From a flat pine beam we cut out details, the dimensions of which should be slightly larger than the dimensions of the future window.

Profiling workpieces.

On the milling machine we make selections on the bars for the installation of glazing.

In parallel, we align all the planes of the parts.

Connection markup.

In places where the parts of the frame will be connected, we mark with a tape measure and a square.

If the markup is done accurately, and all the details on it can be cut cleanly, then putty at the joints will not be needed!

The formation of spikes.

On the transverse parts of the frame, we cut out the spikes that will be used to fasten the parts. They can be made either with a milling cutter, or simply sawing off the fragments with a hacksaw, followed by stripping.

Groove formation.

Opposite each spike in vertical racks, we select grooves, the size of which should be equal to or slightly smaller than the size of the spike.

The work is most conveniently done with a wood cutter.

Frame assembly.

We assemble the structure by inserting the spikes into the grooves and upsetting the details with a mallet.

Fixing details.

We glue the joints with moisture-resistant glue for wood. At the time of gluing, we fix the frame with clamps.

Additionally, all corners can be tightened with self-tapping screws, twisting them from different sides.

Of course, this is not the only answer to the question "how to make a frame yourself." But the described design organically combines sufficient reliability and ease of manufacture.


Making window frames with your own hands is both long and troublesome. But if you chose wooden structures from all the available options, then the tips and videos in this article, as well as advice in the comments, will help you cope with this task. And save more!

May 8, 2017

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The window is a very important and integral part of our home. What does it represent? First of all, this is the appearance of the house, its comfort, warmth, silence and tranquility. Can all windows provide your life with the above qualities?

Surely not all. And, probably, you have been thinking about changing windows for a long time, but you just get lost in all the variety that the modern market is saturated with.

What types of window frames are most in demand? We will try to understand this issue and help you choose the best option for your home.

Tightness, ergonomics, attractiveness

With the help of plastic windows, you can realize any idea of ​​​​the designer.

So, let's start with the fact that all modern windows from the outside look very simple, ergonomic and at the same time attractive.

Beautiful appearance is organically combined with ease of use. However, she internal construction the windows are quite complicated.

It consists of a sealed double-glazed window installed in the sash, and the sash is attached to the window frame.

A double-glazed window is a non-separable structure consisting of two, three or four glasses, which are tightly sealed at the seams.

Since temperature fluctuations can provoke the appearance of condensate, a special tape containing silica gel granules is laid inside the double-glazed window along the contour. This helps to dry and defuse the air between the panes.

Due to the tightness of the double-glazed window, the window is protected from dust, insects, moisture and, most importantly, due to this, its thermal insulation properties increase.

A sealed double-glazed window with a special energy-saving film passes less air (and, accordingly, heat) from the apartment to the street and reduces heat loss by almost 8 times. Plus, these windows help save on heating.

If you do not want curious passers-by to constantly look into your windows, the best option would be a double-glazed window with a special film (color or mirror).

However, with such windows, the room will need additional lighting.

It is also possible with the help of additional protective films to strengthen the strength of the double-glazed window. This will protect the house from hooligan tricks or even (if necessary) from a bullet.

The degree of impact resistance will depend on the manufacturing technology. For example, the usual "triplex" will protect the glass from shattering into fragments, and the most durable - from a bullet.

In addition, glass can be selected and tinted under blue, bronze or green color depending on where it will be installed.

After that, you can even give the glass a heterogeneity, which is very convenient when using it in the bathrooms of cottages or as a partition between rooms.

Additional decor will be given by layouts (made of gold, silver or white aluminum) inside the double-glazed window and false bindings on the glass outside.

Wooden windows and doors

In addition to double-glazed windows, window systems naturally require a profile - glass and frames. This is where the glass pane will be attached.

Profiles can be made from:

  • Tree;
  • aluminum;
  • combinations of these materials.

The material used determines the cost of the window as a whole, as well as the period of its manufacture. The quality of the finished product is affected by fittings - a set of components and mechanisms that open / close windows and ensure a snug fit of the sash.

It is the fittings that provide ease of use, reliability of the entire structure and anti-burglary protection.

Wooden windows - modernity and functionality

We have been accustomed to wooden windows since childhood. This natural material pleases the eye, fits perfectly into the interior and is highly environmentally friendly.

Now there are wood processing options that help to achieve excellent window functionality. Wooden windows fall into two categories:

  • Windows made of solid timber (very environmentally friendly, have an acceptable cost, but can be deformed under the influence of moisture);
  • Glued laminated timber windows (highly stable due to good material preparation).

Making a wooden profile is a rather complicated process. During the production process, the wood must have a certain moisture content. It is pre-dried and then primed. The strength of the structure is achieved due to the multi-layer (up to three layers of timber).

To prevent the window from becoming covered with fungus and mold, it is treated with an antiseptic and covered with three layers of paint. Modern wooden windows are very durable and well resist the effects of natural factors.

Currently, three series of wooden windows are being produced, which are distinguished by the refinement of forms and various possibilities.

For example, the Serrabitto model is sheathed in copper or steel, sometimes painted with aluminum. This avoids additional care for the outside of the window. This profile has excellent sound insulation.

The composition of elite window frames includes high-quality wood species: miranti, larch, pine.

Plastic windows are a worthy alternative to modern wooden windows.

original window handle

PVC windows do not let through cold air, unpretentious in operation and the biggest plus is now available to almost everyone.

Let's look at the design of PVC window systems. In their profile, everything is thought out to the smallest detail. They are made of high quality and durable PVC.

Metal reinforcement is placed inside the profile for strength. The modern production of plastic windows is different in that the configuration of windows can be any, depending on the architecture of the building. Even in old buildings it is possible to install antique windows.

The undeniable advantage of PVC windows is that they are not subject to corrosion, well resist atmospheric influences, are absolutely harmless (according to manufacturers) and unpretentious.

Inside the profile there are jumpers that form various compartments for forced air exchange. Such qualities as sound insulation, thermal insulation, tightness and durability depend on extruders - plastic shirts, from which the profile is produced.

The birthplace of plastic windows is Germany. From there, we are supplied with the main volume of profiles.

Different companies can offer additional “tuning” for the window: lamination with special films of the main profile to change the color, matte or glossy gloss, double counter-sealing. You can even order the color of the profile, which will already be painted with special paints at the factory.

aluminum windows

This group of windows is perhaps the most unpopular on the window construction market. Such profiles are used rather for loggias, winter gardens and facades.

Aluminum is a stronger material than PVC or wood. At the same time, it has a greater indicator of flexibility, which means that windows of the most complex configuration can be made from it.

However, among the pluses there are some minuses. These include: susceptibility to anodic oxidation and the coldness of the metal (this does not quite correspond to our ideas about home comfort).

But modern production has found a way out and now there are two directions on the market: cold and warm profile. In a cold profile, there is no special chamber, which is called an isothermal insert.

This profile is very light and at the same time durable, but it does not differ high rates thermal insulation. Such profiles are unreasonable to use in residential areas. They are rather used for stained-glass windows, visors, shop windows, etc.

Types of window frames

"Warm" profiles are more often used in residential areas.

In such structures, a special thermal bridge is installed. It retains heat well and does not let noise through.

Outwardly, it practically does not differ from a plastic window. The aluminum profile is not covered with a film. It is painted with a special powder paint.

Combined window options

The most optimal option at present is to combine different profiles, since modern production technologies allow this. What is a combined profile?

This is a profile consisting of aluminum, wood and plastic. As you can see, all possible materials are combined.

Double-glazed windows of combined types of windows

It looks like this: the outer component of the window structure is made of aluminum, the inner one is made of wood or plastic. However, some firms produce structures with a more complex combination of materials.

In such window models, the outer part is made of aluminum (white or brown), the inner part of the profile is made of wood (for example, oak) and both these parts are connected with a hollow plastic thermal bridge.

How to care for plastic windows?

Caring for plastic windows is not difficult

It was already mentioned earlier that plastic windows are very unpretentious and do not require expensive detergents or additional care.

The main thing to remember is to lubricate the fittings and moving mechanisms. After your windows have been installed, remove all construction residue (cement, whitewash), otherwise these substances will cause damage.

When washing windows, it is advisable to use mild detergents without abrasive particles, so as not to damage the surface of the profile. Do not use aggressive agents, including solvents. This will also damage the profile and seal.

It is recommended to clean the frame with a simple soap solution if it is not possible to purchase detergent free of solvents, acetone and abrasives. Chemical composition PVC windows are not resistant to acid solutions.