Installing the window sill: detailed instructions for do-it-yourself installation. How to install a window sill on a plastic window? Scheme for installing a window sill on a plastic window

  • 27.06.2020

There are enough on the market today a large number of various window sills, which are made of plastic, wood and other materials. Installation of such structures by specialists will be expensive, because many people want to know how to properly install a window sill with their own hands.

How is a plastic window sill installed?

The plastic profile is an environmentally friendly material, and all structures that are made from it undergo careful control.

Such window sills have many advantages:

  1. The structures are light in weight.
  2. They are easy enough to install.
  3. Such designs do not need to be painted.
  4. Plastic products are impact resistant.
  5. Resistant to heat and light.
  6. Do not rot.
  7. Products practically do not ignite.

Such structures can be installed even by a person who does not have the appropriate work experience, and special tools will not be needed. Plastic window sill can be installed on any window in the room or on the balcony.

To properly mount such a window sill with your own hands, you need to know the sequence of actions.

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Existing methods of installing a window sill

For installation plastic construction you need to measure the parameters of the window.

There are several options for installing such structures. In the first case, the window sill is fixed special composition. This method is outdated and is rarely used today, as other, more modern and convenient mounting methods have appeared.

In order to be able to quickly, self-tapping screws should be used. In this case, it will be necessary to drill a hole in the frame into which the fasteners are installed. The joint should be treated with a silicone-based sealant. The extreme part of the window sill starts under the frame and is attracted by self-tapping screws. The rigidity of the structure can be given with special linings. The place under the window sill must be treated with mounting foam.

In the process of mounting such structures, metal spring clips can also be used. They should be screwed to the profile with self-tapping screws. The product is installed in the groove that is formed between the frame and the fastener.

The latter method will not use any extras such as self-tapping screws or staples. This method is labor-intensive, but the most reliable. The principle of installation is that special linings are installed under the structure so that its edge fits snugly under the window frame.

The last 3 methods are used quite often. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages. For example, it is impossible to fasten a plastic window sill to self-tapping screws if the sash opens. All methods differ only in the way PVC window sills are inserted into the frame, all other stages of work are identical.

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How to do preparatory work?

The first step is to purchase all the necessary tools and materials. The quality of the work performed will depend on the quality of the tools used.

Items you will need:

  1. PVC profiles.
  2. Self-tapping screws.
  3. Silicone sealant.
  4. Mounting foam.
  5. Spring clips made of metal.
  6. Linings.
  7. Simple pencil.
  8. Building level.
  9. Saw or electric jigsaw.
  10. Metal strips.
  11. Masking tape.
  12. Polyurethane foam.
  13. Nails.
  14. Screws.

In order to correctly install the structure for PVC windows, measurements should be taken. Strength and how well the structure will cope with its functions depend on the measurements. In case of incorrect measurements, the design will not have the best appearance.

You should know that it will not work to fix the installed window sill made of plastic or wood in case of incorrect measurements. In this case, all installation work will need to be done again.

In the process of measurements, it is necessary to take into account the properties and characteristics of the plastic, as well as a number of some other parameters. These parameters include the height of the batteries located under the windows. If the distance between the two structures is small, then the air circulation will be disturbed, as a result, the microclimate will deteriorate greatly.

When measuring the window sill to be installed, it is necessary to take into account the fact that its length should be several centimeters longer than the width of the window. The width of the structure can be chosen based on your own preferences, but the distance between the wall and the window sill should not be more than 8 cm. If the window sill is wide, this may affect the functions of the radiators. In the process of determining the dimensions of the structure, it is necessary to check the air circulation that forms in this area.

The products are installed close to the plastic window, therefore a special profile must be fixed on them, which will be used to fix the ebb.

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How to trim a window sill?

The design can be purchased ready-made or cut out of plastic yourself. If the window sill is cut out of PVC, then the profile must be purchased with a margin of about 5 cm.

The first step is to check the product for defects, as they can spoil the appearance. In some cases, it may be necessary to cut the structure to fit the size of the opening. To do this, first of all, you need to correctly mark the window sill. You can do this with a simple pencil.

The maximum length of the plastic structure is 3 m. The width of the product varies between 25-70 cm. If the width of the structure is too large, then the excess can be cut off from the part with which it is attached to the wall. Cut lines need to be given special attention. It should pass 0.5-1 cm behind the stiffeners, which are located inside the product. In this case, the window sill will be able to fit snugly into the window frame. The rear part of the structure should go under the window and be firmly supported by wedges and construction foam. If the extreme part of the product loses the stiffening ribs, then the inner base will not be able to maintain the necessary shape at the junction, as a result of which it will bend inward.

The window sill can be cut with a saw or an electric jigsaw. You can also use a hacksaw for plastic. You need to cut carefully, do not press hard on the tool so that scratches or other defects do not appear on the structure. Small pieces of plastic can get into your eyes. To avoid this, you should know the safety rules. You need to cut the plastic in goggles and work gloves.

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How to lay the lining?

To install the lining, bars should be used. They will take the load from the windowsill. If there are potholes or cracks, then you should use mounting foam. At this stage, it is important to check the fit of the product to the frame, as this indicator will guarantee the strength and reliability of the structure.

Slopes are installed. Their lower part must be cut down to the wall, after which the installation site must be cleaned of debris. The bars on which the window sill will be held should not go beyond the wall. Blades are best fixed immediately. Thus, it will be possible to form a groove into which the window structure will be installed. The window sill should be adjacent to the window frame. The gap between the structure and the walls should be less than 4 mm.

The part of the window sill that protrudes beyond the slopes should adjoin the wall tightly, since gaps are not allowed.

To prevent the structure from deforming, metal strips must be mounted under it. These products must fit into the bottom plug of the product.

PhD, site expert.

When installing plastic windows, installers regularly encounter a situation where customers do not know what a window sill is for - they perceive it as a standard element of a window structure. In fact, the window sill has many functions, depending on which the material for the window sill is chosen. Let's fill the gap in knowledge and talk about the functionality of the window sill, its types, advantages and disadvantages of the material from which it is made, as well as how the window sill is installed on plastic windows with your own hands.

Initially, the window sill had four functions:

  1. prevent the entry of cold air into the room in the area of ​​​​the connection of the window structure with the base of the window opening;
  2. level the difference between the bottom of the window opening and the frame that is installed on the gaskets;
  3. collect condensate when window panes are fogged;
  4. close the visible part of the wall in the opening.

Over time, the role of the window sill expanded. He became:

  • decorative element in the interior of the room;
  • stand for flowers and various figurines;
  • a table in the kitchen, a desk or a work table in the nursery, living room, bedroom;
  • support when washing windows and hanging curtains;
  • business card of the wealth of the owners;
  • a place to watch the street and relax.

Based on how the owners see their window sill, the material from which it is made is selected.

Types of window sill

The construction industry offers the basis for a window sill from:

  • natural (granite, marble) and artificial (based on acrylic or quartz) stone;
  • natural wood (oak, cherry, pine, larch);
  • composite materials (MDF, chipboard);
  • plastic (polyvinyl chloride).

A natural stone

window sill from natural stone- one of the few elements of the interior, which very clearly demonstrates the prosperity in the house, the status and good taste of the owners. Him:

  • beautiful, respectable appearance, which is maintained until the end of operation;
  • a variety of colors and patterns, which allows you to fit it into any interior;
  • the highest strength - granite and marble, one of the best in this indicator on the planet among minerals (second only to diamond);
  • there is no reaction to external influences in the form of temperature changes (does not burn and is not afraid of frost), high humidity, ultraviolet irradiation (does not fade in the sun);
  • has an unlimited service life - in old castles you can find stone window sills with a service life of several centuries;
  • easy to wash.

Natural stone also has disadvantages:

  • on polished up mirror shine surfaces, despite their high strength, can be easily scratched with a sharp object (granite is more resistant to sharp objects);
  • marble is afraid of vinegar and acid (this mineral is essentially limestone). Tea and coffee stains are poorly washed on it;
  • both minerals accumulate radiation- in areas contaminated with radiation, it is better to refuse them;
  • high level of thermal conductivity (granite - 3.5 W / (m x hail), marble - 2.9);
  • limited dimensions (a large slab is difficult to polish, transport and install);
  • in case of accidental damage (chip, crack), cannot be restored;
  • a lot of weight - in most cases, the window sill is served by a crane through the window;
  • a limited number of color palettes for granite (in fairness, we note that the natural pattern of the material is fantastic);
  • high cost of the product.

Fake diamond

An alternative to a marble or granite window sill is an artificial stone made on the basis of acrylic or quartz agglomerate. The product has a lot of advantages:

  • light weight - easier to transport and secure;
  • there are no restrictions in size - thickness and width;
  • high strength - higher than that of PVC and wood window sills, but lower than that of natural stone;
  • long operational resource;
  • with the addition of various components to the mixture, you can get unique colors and patterns that mimic various natural materials;
  • not afraid of moisture, easily cleaned of dirt, does not absorb odors;
  • feel warm to the touch natural wood;
  • can be restored with glue, heat treatment and grinding.

disadvantages artificial stone related to its nature

  • afraid of high temperature - traces of cigarettes and hot dishes remain on the surface;
  • is destroyed when interacting with aggressive chemicals;
  • easily scratched and abraded (fears abrasive materials), which is clearly visible on polished plain surfaces, especially on black, chocolate and dark gray backgrounds;
  • high cost, in some cases exceeding the cost of natural stone.

For information: the above damages are easily removed by specialists on site, without dismantling the window sill. But it costs money.


Like granite and marble, wood is a natural material and has the same centuries-old history of use in window construction. With the advent of artificial materials on the construction industry market, the position of wooden window sills fell sharply, but still retained their fans and connoisseurs.

Wooden window sills have their pros and cons.

  • ecological purity of natural material;
  • durability during operation - they do not break like natural stone, they are not afraid of hot objects like plastic or acrylic board;
  • high level of thermal insulation;
  • beautiful color and original texture: the surface can be made glossy under modern styles interior design, or give the appearance of old wood - under the country;
  • high strength - withstand the weight of a person and flower pots;
  • natural warmth both in direct contact and visual inspection.
  • afraid of direct contact with water and wet rooms - the surface swollen with water is deformed, so such a window sill must be either painted or varnished;
  • constant care is needed: first of all, regular and timely repainting;
  • does not tolerate close contact with central heating batteries (it deforms) - if there is not enough distance from a constant heat source to the window frame, it is better to refuse a wooden window sill.

On the price factor, experts do not have a consensus: some consider it a plus because of the democratic price, others consider it a minus, because, on the contrary, the very high cost of wooden window sills. Here, oddly enough, both sides are right. A pine window sill does not differ much from plastic in cost, oak board costs about the same as natural stone.

Composite materials

Composites are called upon to replace natural wood - chipboard and MDF. However, alternative window sills lose a lot not only to wooden ones, which they are intended to replace, but also to all other types of window sills. The main problem is their property to swell when in contact with water.

The protection of chipboard with a waterproof film is not very reliable. The film is easily damaged by sharp objects and is afraid of high temperatures. In this regard, laminated MDF is more reliable material, but also more expensive.


A plastic window sill is a hollow panel with a thickness of at least 2.0 cm from two thin sheets(upper thickness not less than 3 mm, lower not less than 2.5 mm), interconnected by stiffening ribs. The more ribs or thicker sheets, the stronger the product.

Installation plastic window sill allows:

  • save finances - its price is lower than the cost of natural and artificial stone, as well as wood;
  • synchronize the service life of the window sill with a plastic window;
  • get a window element of various design that fits into any interior, including wood or natural stone;
  • provide good thermal insulation between the frame and the lower base of the window opening;
  • produce everything installation work on one's own.

Among the disadvantages of PVC window sills, it should be noted:

  • fear of high temperatures - there are traces of cigarettes and hot pots;
  • low strength.

With proper operation, these shortcomings, as a rule, do not appear.

Note that all types of window sills can be installed independently. Using an example of how to install a plastic window sill with your own hands, consider general principle organization of work and describe the entire technology step by step, noting at the end the nuances of fastening this window element from other materials.

Materials and tools

The efficiency of the construction process depends on the correct selection of materials and necessary tools. To install a window sill in one window, you will need:

  • window sill material;
  • polyurethane foam - poured between the window sill and the wall of the house;
  • silicone-based plastic sealant - the joints between the window sill, the window frame and the slope panel are sealed;
  • perforated metal strip and self-tapping screws, if additional fixing of the window sill is planned;
  • putty for sealing grooves in the wall;
  • plugs for the ends of the window sill;
  • wedges made of wood or plastic under the window sill (3 pieces per window).

Of the tools needed:

  • roulette;
  • putty knife;
  • mallet or rubber mallet;
  • perforator for making a groove in the wall under the window sill;
  • one of the following plastic profile cutting tools. These can be: grinder - cuts quickly, accurately, with smooth edges along the cut line; electric jigsaw with a metal saw as a cutting tool; a hacksaw for metal - almost every home has it;
  • building level;
  • gun for polyurethane foam;
  • builder's pencil or marker;
  • screwdriver or Phillips screwdriver;
  • construction (stationery) knife with a retractable blade;
  • clean rags.

Preparatory work

Before installing the window sill, it is necessary to carry out a number of preparatory work:

  • take measurements of the window opening to determine the size of the window sill;
  • select the window sill panel;
  • make grooves in the wall;
  • clean the base of the window opening from debris;
  • cut the window sill to size.

window opening measurements

Quality installed window sill determined by several parameters. Among them, an important place is occupied by the accuracy of the measurements taken and the calculation on their basis of the size of the window sill. In the case of a plastic plate, bringing the window sill to size is given at home.

Other types of window sill are ordered ready-made. Therefore, errors in calculations, if they are made in a smaller direction, are not subject to correction. For larger sizes, you will have to increase the grooves and install brackets for additional support for the window sill.

The measurement is carried out in the following order:

1. The distance from the frame to the edge of the wall is measured on both sides of the window, i.e. measure the depth of the window opening. To determine the actual width of the window sill, 2 cm is added to the result obtained to enter under window construction and 4-6 cm for going outside the wall into the room.

On many sites you can find a recommendation to let out 10 cm outside the wall. Only the aesthetic perception of the window sill is taken into account here. In technological terms, a large protrusion prevents warm air flows from heating radiators from spreading around the room (the air convention is violated);

2. The distance between the walls next to the window is measured (in Fig. line B), and then the length of the edge of the wall at the base of the window opening, if the slopes are not made at a right angle (in Fig. line C). To the results obtained, 2-3 cm are added on each side, for the window sill to enter the grooves on the wall (stone and wood are hidden in the slopes by 1.5-2 cm). In addition, 3-5 cm are added to the eyes.

Window sill panel selected

The plastic window sill has standard sizes:

  • length 6 m;
  • width from 20 cm to 100 cm, in increments of 5 cm to a width of 60 cm and 10 cm further.

Therefore, the choice of the required size is not difficult - you can always cut off the excess. More difficulties arise when choosing a specific plastic model. Here you need to follow the advice of experts.

  1. Buy a window sill board with an allowance for size.
  2. Do not save on material - cheap plastic has low strength (brittle) and fades in the sun.
  3. Take a PVC panel of the same color as the window, unless there is an interior design solution where the window sill can be under natural materials.
  4. The stiffeners should not be located vertically, but at an angle, in the form of saw teeth - the panel has higher strength.
  5. White color is less noticeable scratches and scuffs.
  6. The distance between the stiffeners must not exceed 35 mm.
  7. Examine the certificate. It is necessary to pay attention to the percentage of polyvinyl chloride (the norm is about 60%) and chalk - no more than 5%.

Grooves are knocked out

The window sill board should go 2-3 cm inside the slope. To do this, at the level of the base of the window opening in the wall, a groove measuring 50x50 mm is knocked out with a perforator. If there is no such tool at hand, you can select a recess in a brick with a hammer and chisel.

If the slope is concrete, a grinder with a special cutting wheel makes 2-3 cuts in the place where the groove will be. In order not to accidentally damage the frame, a spatula is pressed close to it. It is easier to knock out cut concrete than monolithic.

Preparing the base of the wall

The mounting foam must come into contact directly with the wall material. Therefore, the base of the opening is cleared of construction debris and foam that has come out excessively when foaming the space between the frame and the walls. Foam is also cut out from under the bottom window profile to a depth of up to 2-3 cm for partial pinching of the window sill leaf by the window structure.

If the distance between the lower plane of the installed window sill and the base of the wall is less than 1 cm, a recess up to 70 mm wide and 20-30 mm deep is cut in the wall to form a foam joint, on which it will lie plastic panel.

Preparing the plastic panel

plastic window sill for sale rectangular shape. You need to insert a panel in the form of the letter "T" with a wide leg (often placed in the form of a rectangle or trapezoid). Therefore, the dimensions of the real window sill are transferred to the plastic and the cut lines are drawn with a construction pencil. The necessary shape is cut along the lines.

Important: when installing windows, they often shift along the vertical axis, when the distance from the edge of the wall to the frame is different on different slopes. In these cases, the cutting of the back side of the panel is carried out obliquely so that a parallel is observed between the wall and the ledge of the window sill.

Window sill installation

Instructions on how to properly install a window sill on plastic windows, simple and easy to understand for beginners in the construction business. Let's analyze all the operations step by step.

Step 1. A protective film is removed from the underside of the window sill, as well as from the sides at a distance of 3-4 cm.

Step 2 The window sill is being tried on - it is inserted into the place of permanent fixation. If an undercut section is found, the inaccuracy is corrected.

Step 3 A vapor barrier tape is attached under the frame.

Step 4 Wedges (bars) purchased in advance are installed. There are several important points to consider here:

  • The minimum width of the bars is 5.0 cm;
  • The length of the wedge should be less than the width of the panel, but not more than 10.0 cm, while the bar should not protrude beyond the wall;
  • The ideal distance between the bars is 40.0-50.0 cm. This rule does not apply to narrow window openings of Soviet-built houses - at least three bars must be placed on one window under the windowsill;
  • Under the wedges, the wall surface is leveled or plaster mortar or putty;
  • With the help of a level, all supports are brought into one plane. In addition, the length of the bar is aligned horizontally.

Step 5 A protective film is removed from the surface of the plastic from the side of the window to a width of 3-4 cm. Plugs are placed at the ends.

Step 6 The last, control fitting is carried out, during which the following tasks are solved:

  • a snug fit of the window sill panel to the frame is ensured - if necessary, the bars are additionally regulated;
  • the slope of the window sill towards the room is ensured by 2-3 mm for every 20 cm of the width of the window sill - necessary for the condensate stack.

Step 7 A mounting seam is foamed at the base of the opening.

Step 8 After the foam reaches the state of “dry to the touch”, a window sill is placed. With a rubber mallet, he sits in a permanent place.

Step 9 The level once again checks the plane of the window sill. If necessary, adjustments are made - another gasket (fourth) is placed or existing ones are adjusted.

Step 10 A small load is placed on the window sill closer to the room - in this way they achieve a snug fit of the window sill to the frame due to expanding foam.

Step 11 After half an hour, an additional 10 kg of cargo is placed on the windowsill, after which the remaining space can be foamed.

Step 12 The grooves are sealed with putty, after which the slopes can be sheathed with plastic panels.

Step 13 The joints of the window sill with the slope panels and the frame are sealed with a plastic sealant - silicone.

Step 14 After a day, the load is removed, the protective film is removed.

Now you can install plugs from the ends, and remove the protective film.

For information: on balconies and loggias, the window sill is installed according to the same algorithm.

The nuances of installing window sills from other materials

How to fix a window sill to a plastic window made of other materials? A window sill made of natural and artificial stone must be fixed with glue. To do this, the base of the window opening is leveled with a cement-sand mortar. The ends of the stone are protected with felt.

A wooden window sill can be installed in various ways:

  • clamping method - under the frame;
  • on wedges;
  • on glue;
  • on the brackets.


On sale you can choose a window sill for every taste and at any price:

  • from natural stone (granite, marble);
  • artificial stone (acrylic, quartz agglomerate);
  • tree;
  • Chipboard, MDF;
  • plastic.

The installation instructions are simple. Provides the following types of work:

  1. measurements of the window opening are carried out;
  2. a panel is bought and then cut to size;
  3. grooves are knocked out in the wall;
  4. the base is cleared of debris;
  5. wedges are placed;
  6. the plane of the window sill is set in accordance with the requirements of the technological regulations;
  7. the window sill board is fastened with mounting foam;
  8. the grooves are sealed with putty, the slopes are sewn up with plastic panels.

For balcony windows, the installation of window sills is carried out according to the same scheme.

Today we will describe all the technological aspects of fastening and sealing plastic window sills for various options installation. At the end of the process of installing PVC windows, the same close attention is required as when fixing the frame and when forming the foam joints.

Requirements for the preparation of the opening

Although the installation of the window sill is carried out at the final stage, the possibility of correct installation depends on timely preparation. Universal prescription does not exist, because the material and structure of the walls can be completely different, in addition, the window sill itself can have a different purpose. However, there are a number of nuances that should be foreseen in advance.

The most important requirement is the quality of preparation of the lower edge of the opening. In the ideal case, preparatory plastering is carried out, due to which a flat horizontal plane is formed under the frame, which serves as a base for the subsequent alignment of the window and a support for the window sill. It is important to remember that the window sill never rests directly on the prepared plane. The presence of a warm seam helps to avoid freezing and the formation of condensate caused by it in the lower junction.

We'll have to work hard on the side faces of the opening. Classic method installation involves inserting the ends of the window sill into the slopes, but the depth of this very insert is practically not regulated by anything. Construction practice shows that the optimal depth of overlapping the window sill with a slope is 30-50 mm. However, if the slope is made with plastic panels, the window sill should protrude 15-20 mm beyond the framing decorative profile. Thus, on the side faces, it is necessary to cut two niches along the level of the upper edge of the mounting groove.

Correct installation of the window sill is impossible without observing correct sequence installation. Please note that the frame is first fixed and the outer hydroprotection is glued, then the double-glazed window is installed in place and foam seams are formed. At this stage, the lower plane of the opening should be leveled, hemming should be made in the corners, all surfaces should be dust-free and primed, and the inner sealing tape should be glued. Only after fulfilling these requirements is it possible to install a window sill. Finishing slopes is carried out at the final stage.

Options for the position and function of the window sill

The installation of the window sill is carried out with some specific differences depending on the purpose of this structural element. There are three most common options:

  1. The window sill simply forms the lower junction.
  2. The window sill will be used to install flowerpots and other items.
  3. The window sill is designed for an operating load of more than 30 kg/r.m. m.

In almost all cases described, the window sill also overlaps the heating device located under the window. If there is none, the window sill has almost zero overhang, that is, it protrudes above the wall plane only by the thickness of the visor. Otherwise, the window sill should completely cover the heater with an overlap of about 10-15 mm.

If the window sill protrudes above the wall plane by more than 2/3 of its own width, its installation is carried out in the same way as with increased operational loads. This method consists in placing at least 2 support brackets under the window sill. on the m. For mounting these brackets on the back of the window sill, longitudinal grooves of the dovetail type are provided. reverse side the brackets are attached to the wall with plastic dowels, while they are hidden in hems 20-30 mm deep, which are subsequently walled up. The window sill brackets are fixed to the wall at the final stage of installation after landing on the mounting foam. AT frame buildings for the purpose of strengthening, the lower edge of the opening can be formed by a wider board, which is supported from below by slopes, however, the thickness of the board should not exceed the protrusion of the visor above the rear plane of the window sill.

Also, the window sill can have one or both open ends, for example, when decorating parapets panoramic windows or balcony blocks. In this case, it is highly desirable that the open corner be held by at least one bracket, which will prevent the window sill from being undermined upwards. To mask the cut edge, you will need an end cap for the entire depth of the window sill.

Marking and trimming

Before proceeding with fixing the window sill, it must be “driven to size” in accordance with the size of the opening and frame, as well as taking into account the desired protrusion size. The window sill is trimmed on three sides - two side and one back, facing inside the installation groove. Pruning is most convenient electric jigsaw, and in its absence, hand saw with small teeth.

First you need to cut the back side. If the window is installed correctly and the width of the slopes at the bottom is the same on both sides, this step can be skipped. Otherwise, longitudinal trimming helps to level the installation flaws and ensure that the window sill protrudes equally above the wall plane on both sides. Please note that the plastic window sill has a honeycomb structure, which can complicate trimming if a vertical jumper falls on the cut line. In such cases, it is recommended to slightly increase the protrusion of the window sill.

The trimming of the ends is carried out in such a way that the total length of the window sill is equal to the sum of the length of the visible part of the frame, dawns and side protrusions. To facilitate installation, the rear corners can be cut obliquely so that at the edges the window sill goes deeper into the slope body by at least 20 mm and about 30-50 mm in the places of the side protrusions. When trimming is completed, decorative caps must be glued to the ends of the window sill, shortening them if necessary. Before installation, two marks must be made on the rear edge of the window sill, the distance between which is equal to the width of the visible part of the frame, while equal symmetrical indents must remain on the sides. Thanks to this marking, you can easily align the window sill with a horizontal offset.

Window sill installation

Before fixing the window sill, you need to select support pads, which are usually used as sets of mounting wedgesglued together to prevent displacement. Linings are placed on the lower plane of the opening with an indent of 25-30 mm from the leading edge. The thickness of the linings is selected in such a way that the window sill has a slight slope towards the room of the order of 1-1.5 °. The installation spacing of the linings should not be less than 60 cm for window sills with a purely decorative function and not less than 40 cm for increased operational loads.

When everything is ready, the window sill is installed on the lining and slides with the rear edge until it stops into the installation groove. You can slightly widen the gap in this node and fill it with plastic sealant, removing the excess after the sill is pressed into the groove. Next, you need to pick up a wide board and place it on top of the window sill so that the longitudinal axis is located strictly along the installation line of the linings. After that, oppression of the order of 15-20 kg is set on the board. running meter. In this case, the load must be placed with a slight offset towards you, ensuring that the back of the window sill is firmly pressed against the edge of the mounting groove without any gap.

When positioning is completed, mounting foam is injected into the gap between the window sill and the opening. Beforehand, it will not be superfluous to irrigate the cavity with water from a spray bottle, which will contribute to a more active polymerization. First, the deepest part of the gap is foamed, which is 100% filled, so that when the foam expands, it firmly presses the plate against the frame. After that, you need to wait until the filler fully expands and partially polymerizes, and then check the correct installation and the absence of shifts. If everything is in order, the remaining space is filled with foam by about 50-70% of the volume, taking into account further active expansion. The gap must be filled in such a way that, after increasing in volume, the foam fills the space between the linings, but does not protrude beyond them, thus forming a groove about 30 mm deep for further embedding.

Filling gaps

To maintain a holistic view of the finish, the cracks under the window sill, the notches in the slopes and the attachment points of the brackets must be repaired by bringing the adjacent sections of the wall into a common plane. Mounting foam is not suitable for this, in monolithic buildings it is better to use ordinary cement mortar, in frame buildings - to fill the voids with fragments of expanded polystyrene or mineral wool, then carefully "go around" the window sill with a finishing material.

Filling gaps is best done at a stage when preparations for interior decoration. In this way, the sealing is covered with a common preparatory and decorative layer, which will reduce the likelihood of cracks and irregularities. Particular attention should be paid to the gap under the windowsill. Although it is almost never visible, a thin gap almost always forms between the plastic and the body of the wall. At this point, it is recommended to select a shallow groove of the order of 5 mm with a thin scraper, and then fill it with a thin strip of plastic sealant.


  • What is important to know before installing a window sill with your own hands
  • Preparing to install a PVC window sill
  • Video tutorial. Do-it-yourself PVC window sill installation

Photo 1 - Plastic window sill photo

Practical, attractive and inexpensive plastic window sills are most often installed together with the same windows, although others are possible. design solutions. Installation of window sills does not require special skills, but you need to follow the technology exactly and perform all actions carefully.

The list of materials needed to install a PVC window sill

What you need to know in order for the installation of the window sill to be successful

Before starting any work, you need to carefully study the accompanying documents for all materials and tools used, if they have not been used before. This fully applies to the installation of a plastic window sill.

For example, it is very important to know at what temperature you can work with mounting foam. This information is on the product label. When choosing this material, you should give preference to products with the lowest coefficient of expansion, which will prevent the window sill from rising. Perfect option- use a foam gun. In this case, as a rule, professional material is used, which does not expand significantly.

If you have to install a window sill in a window longer than 3 meters, then you will have to use additional parts that need to be carefully adjusted and glued, or special fillers for joints.

Preparing to install the window sill

In order for the window sill to serve for a long time, it is important to correctly determine its dimensions. The width is calculated taking into account the following components:

Window sill width :

  • Desired indent from the inner surface of the wall. Experts do not recommend making it more than 15 cm, because it can become a hindrance. It is also important to consider the location of the heating devices. Too much wide window sill may cause condensation to form on the side slopes and glass surfaces.
  • Another 2 cm is added to enter the window sill under the window.

To determine the length you need to measure the window opening with a tape measure and add another 10 cm to this value. This is necessary so that the cut edges of the window sill are not visible.


After taking all the measurements, check them again. It is better to follow the rule: measure seven times, cut once. Thus, it will be possible to avoid annoying mistakes, which are quite difficult to correct, and sometimes impossible.

It remains only to cut off all unnecessary and you can proceed with the installation.

Video installation of PVC window sill. Main stages

First you need to clean the surface of the window opening from debris and dust. This must be done carefully so that the subsequent foaming is successful. The next step is to try on the window sill already prepared in size. If necessary, it is cut in the right places.

Photo 3 - Do-it-yourself PVC window sill installation

Next step- installation of a window sill. To do this, it is inserted into a special stand profile located under the window frame by 2 cm. Using a level, the surface of the window sill is exposed and substituted wooden poles, which are necessary to ensure the design rigidity during the operation of the window sill.

The window sill is installed with a slight slope towards the inside of the room. This is necessary so that when condensation forms or watering flowers, excess moisture does not stagnate, but roll off the windowsill.

Photo 4 - Do-it-yourself PVC window sill installation

The next step is foaming. It is quite important, and it must be carried out with special care. Before proceeding directly to the process itself, the surface of the window opening must be moistened. This technique improves adhesion and more uniform distribution of the mounting foam.

First covered with foam inner surface window sill and the junction with the staging profile. This avoids the appearance of such an unpleasant phenomenon as cold bridges.

Photo 5 - Do-it-yourself PVC window sill installation

After this operation, experts recommend installing a small load on the windowsill, which is removed after the foam has completely hardened.

Polyurethane foam is afraid of ultraviolet radiation, so you should not allow the sun's rays to fall on it. Even a thin layer of plaster or other material can protect it.

It remains to install the plug, cutting off the desired length from the workpiece and lubricate it with a cosmofen, press it to the ends of the window sill. And at the final stage, you need to remove the protective film and fill all the joints with silicone sealant, doing this very carefully.

Photo 6 - Do-it-yourself PVC window sill installation

From the foregoing, it becomes clear that even those who have a minimum of knowledge and skills in this area can cope with the installation of a plastic window sill. It is only important not to allow violations of technology and not to rush.

Nowadays, plastic products are gaining more and more popularity. This material is quite practical and reliable, moreover, not expensive. If you decide to change wooden windows on plastic ones, and you don’t want to overpay for installing a window sill, or you just want to install a window sill with your own hands, then this article is just for you.

Preparatory stage includes measurements of the future structure, as well as all materials and tools, as well as preparing the window opening for the installation of a new window sill.

Before buying, you need to make several measurements, namely:

  • Window sill width. It is equal to the width of the window opening plus 10-15 centimeters.
  • Window sill length. Measured as the length of the window opening plus 10-15 centimeters.

It should be noted that a window sill that is too large and wide can significantly impair air circulation, therefore, water droplets will accumulate on the windows and their service life will be reduced.

From the tools, you should prepare or purchase:

  • Electric jigsaw or grinder.
  • Level.
  • A hammer.
  • Ruler corner.
  • Masking tape.

Materials you will need:

  • Construction foam.
  • Sealant.
  • End caps.
  • Panel pvc suitable size.
  • Plastic pads.

Surface preparation for window sill installation

First, you need to remove the old structure. This is done with a jigsaw or hacksaw. Next, you need to remove the cement screed around the edges.

Clear the area of ​​debris, crumbling material, insulation and everything else. This will guarantee reliable fastening new window sill. It is best to vacuum the base under the window sill, so you are guaranteed to reliably clean the base.

If you plan to install a window sill with ledges on the sides, then you should create small openings so that the panel enters easily. First, the wall is filed, then the opening is knocked out with a hammer right size. The openings must be the same on both sides and such that the PVC panel can be easily inserted.

After cleaning the base under the window sill, it should be well primed to ensure adhesion of the mortar to level the base.

If you only plan to replace the window sill and the windows remain old, then the width and height will be the same as the width and height of the old wooden window sill. It will be enough for you to remove it and transfer the measurements to the PVC panel. If the windows are planned to be changed or new windows have already been installed, then the dimensions of the window sill are recalculated. It is important that the window sill is installed only after the installation of new windows has been completed. With accurate measurements before cutting, it is important to consider that the window sill should go under the window frame by 10-15 centimeters, and the protrusions on the sides should not exceed 5 centimeters. The window sill should be made at an angle so that absolute height under the window frame and the height on the periphery differed by 2-3 millimeters.

Installing a PVC window sill with your own hands involves cutting the material. Cutting PVC can be ordered at a hardware store or you can do it yourself with a jigsaw.

Once you have your cut PVC panel, follow the instructions:

  • Cut the bars for the substrates. They can be both plastic and wooden. Their width should not be less than 5 centimeters, and the length is the same as the width of the base, excluding the window frame. The thickness of the substrate is selected based on the height of the window opening and the width of the PVC panel. Please note that the PVC panel must fit freely between the window frame and the substrates.
  • The optimal number of substrates is 2-3 pieces per meter of length. Before installing them, the base must be properly leveled.
  • The base is leveled using cement mortar or a solution of alabaster. This is done so that the window sill does not have significant irregularities and maintains the integrity of the structure.
  • After the base is leveled, it is checked with a level.
  • Supports are installed every 40-50 centimeters. After that, they are checked by level in two directions. Supports can be tilted away from the window, but the angle of inclination should not exceed 0.5-1 degree.
  • To check the correctness of the installation of the supports, a control installation of the panel is done. If she enters well and lies down evenly, then work continues.
  • Before proceeding with fixing the window sill frame, you should first clean the window frames from protective film and install end caps.
  • The supports are securely fixed, and only after that, the plastic panel can be installed. In order for it to fit as best as possible to the base, it is tapped with a hammer. After that, again make control measurements of the level in two directions. If the panel lies flat, then work continues, if not, the panel is removed and the supports are leveled.
  • Small gaps should be left to the left and right to prevent deformation of the panel. At the end of the work, they are sealed with sealant. The gaps should be no more than 5 millimeters. This is done so that the foam does not deform the window sill.
  • All cracks and voids are filled with foam. Some experienced experts advise filling the voids between the supports not with foam, but with some kind of mortar, for example, gypsum or cement. In this case, the support will be securely fixed.
  • If you are afraid that the window sill may be deformed under the influence of foam, then leave a few weights on it for a couple of days. Although, this should not happen if you left small gaps on the left and right.
  • After the foam is completely dry, the excess should be removed with a knife, fill all the remaining cracks with sealant, align and putty the joints of the window sill with the wall. Thus, you will give your window sill a neater look.

In order to better understand the sequence of work, we suggest you watch the installation of plastic window sills with your own hands video.

Unlike plastic, wood gives the interior a touch of luxury and home comfort. But, at the same time, wood is a heavier and more capricious material.

The preparation process is no different from the preparation process for a plastic window sill.

The plane is cleaned and primed, leveled and supports are installed. The only difference is that wooden window sill also needs a metal frame.

Wood is a rather heavy material. Small blocks of aerated concrete or wooden bars can serve as an excellent support for it. It is best if the gaps between these blocks are minimal. All cracks should be pre-filled with a solution of cement or gypsum.

So that the window sill does not hang in the air and is securely attached to the surface, screws are screwed on top of the base with a distance of 30-40 centimeters. The caps of the screws should stick out as far as necessary so that the window sill fits snugly against the base of the window frame and does not hang in the air. To prevent the caps of the screws from falling inward, they are coated with plaster or cement around. Then, building foam is applied to the plane. Particular attention is paid to the surface under the window, the rest of the space is filled with foam evenly.

After all the work done, a wooden window sill panel is mounted on top, blown with foam at the seams. After a few days, the foam is cut off, the cracks are filled with sealant.

Do-it-yourself window sill installation on a plastic window requires certain knowledge, therefore, carefully re-read the instructions and watch the training video before you start.

The installation of a window sill involves such basic types of work as: surface preparation, leveling, fixing the base, fixing the window sill, sealing the structure.