Stove heating - stylish ideas for creating home coziness and comfort (110 photos). Water heating system from a wood-burning stove Stove water heating in a private house

  • 20.06.2020

Despite the availability of high-tech methods of heating buildings and structures, often the choice of developers is made in favor of stove heating. The reason for this is the insecurity of many settlements with natural energy sources.

In the absence of natural main gas in private houses, developers in most cases use stove heating. Such a solution will be the most profitable in the operation of temporary buildings - change houses, warehouses, workshops. Sometimes a stove or fireplace is made in addition to the main heating system.

Features of using stoves

The main feature of furnace heating is the periodicity of the firebox. This means that for some time such a system requires human participation in the technological process. This participation is expressed in the performance of work on bringing fuel, starting (igniting) the furnace, removing residual combustion products (ash). As a rule, the time required to perform these actions is small compared to the duration of the technological period (the time from the beginning of the furnace to the beginning of the next furnace).

The second distinguishing feature is the obligatory location of the stove in a heated room, and this requires compliance with increased requirements for the fire-prevention condition of the building and for ventilation.

The laying of the furnace is made of stone or brick. These materials absorb heat during combustion, giving it away within a few hours. To increase the cooling time, a valve is built into the chimney that blocks it.

Note! The installation location of the valve should be as high as possible in order to use the heat of the furnace more efficiently. However, this height is limited by the possibility of convenient opening and closing.

There are stoves for temporary heating of premises. They are small and light, heat up very quickly and cool down quickly after the fire is stopped. Such stoves are called potbelly stoves.

Positive sides

The use of stoves for home heating has a long history. They are still often used today due to many advantages that are not available to modern heaters:

  • complete autonomy and independence from external factors in the presence of a fuel reserve. For the operation of such heating, there is no need for electricity, gas, water;
  • the cost of installing furnaces is several times lower than the cost of installing equipment for using other types of heating;
  • the frequency of the process and the availability of firewood in some regions, together with their low price make this type of heating economical.

If you have sufficient skills, it is realistic to do stove heating for a private house with your own hands. In its design, most often there is no liquid coolant, which is used as water. This makes it possible to stop the burning process for a long time and resume it at any time, regardless of any conditions. The last factor is most relevant for buildings with the temporary presence of people, for example, for summer cottages, garden houses. However, water heating if desired, you can add if you install pipes and radiators.

When installing a furnace, it is possible various options execution. At the stage of construction of the furnace, you can make it in the form of a fireplace, provide for stove benches, dryers, stoves in the design, build in tanks for heating water.


Together with many good points, of course, there are negative sides use of stove heating.

Initial startup takes a significant amount of time. It will take some more time to warm up the furnace array until it begins to give off heat inside the building.

Note! The last drawback is deprived of fireplaces, the open firebox of which generates infrared radiation, which quickly warms up the volume of the room.

For the operation of stove heating, human participation is required. It is almost impossible to automate the process. The furnace heating system has a low efficiency. Its increase is facilitated by an increase in the length of the smoke channels - revolutions, an increase outer surface, as well as correct position chimney dampers during the combustion process. Firewood must be prepared in advance to ensure drying.

A good oven should be massive and have a fairly large volume. Moreover, all this volume should be located inside the building, reducing the usable area of ​​the rooms. The decision on the installation of furnace heating should be made at the design stage of buildings, since furnaces very often require a foundation.

Types of stove heating

In addition to the traditional furnace heating, which heats the premises due to infrared radiation emanating from the furnace body, there are also options that additionally use physical laws to increase efficiency.

Water heat exchangers

The first type involves embedding a water heat exchanger in the furnace, which is connected to a circuit with heating devices - radiators, registers, heated towel rails. This method significantly increases the efficiency of heating and allows you to heat even those rooms that are far from the stove and even separated from it by partitions. In addition, this method solves the problem of uneven heating of the room.

Radiators can be installed under window openings, eliminating the possibility of creating cold air currents. This type of heating, similar to heating from a solid fuel boiler, is also convenient because after the end of the furnace, the furnace retains heat for a long time, providing natural circulation in the water circuit. The efficiency increases due to the fact that hot streams from the burning fuel give off heat not only to the walls of the stove and chimney, but also heat the coolant in the heat exchanger. Therefore, much less heat escapes into the pipe.

Increased air circulation

The second option is based on the phenomenon of convection, with the help of which the air in the premises is given a circulation motion. This is done by arranging through inclined channels in the furnace body that are not connected with the volume of the furnace. Sometimes additional channels are arranged to ensure air circulation, structurally separated from the smoke channels. Air, heated in such channels, enters the room through the upper hole, while less heated air is drawn into the lower hole.

The speed of air movement will depend on the difference between the temperatures of the incoming and outgoing streams. Convective air movement is formed in the room, providing fast and uniform heating. If such a system is thought out in advance and correctly designed, then heated air can be supplied through air ducts to different rooms that are not in contact with the volume of the furnace.

Water circuit diagram

The water circuit is built either in the firebox, or in the cap or smoke channels. All options are effective, but in the hood or in the flue ducts, the heat exchanger will be subjected to less heat loads and therefore its service life will be longer. The service life here plays an important role, because to replace the heat exchanger, you will have to disassemble the furnace and chimney.

The piping scheme for the water circuit is similar to the wiring for a solid fuel boiler. It is necessary to place the branch pipe connecting the heat exchanger with the supply line slightly higher than the one that connects to the return line.

Important! For effective work water circuit with natural circulation coolant, the heat exchanger should be located 40-50 cm below the radiators, otherwise the latter will have a temperature insufficient to warm up the internal volume.

The thing is that circulation is possible only if the temperature on the return line is significantly lower than the supply temperature. The radiator, located at the same height as the heat exchanger, will simply be cold, and the coolant will cool down in the pipes.

If there are one or two radiators in the circuit and they are located in the same room, the last statement can be neglected. But in the case when a large country house is heated with this type, radiators must also be taken into account.

If the house is two-story, you can, for example, place a stove with a heat exchanger on the ground floor, and heat the second floor with radiators included in the water circuit. If the house is low-rise and it is impossible to position the stove below the level of the radiators, it is necessary to provide for the installation of an electric circulation pump in the return line directly in front of the stove. In this case, the furnace heating system is dependent on the performance of the power supply system at home.

brick oven

Traditionally, heating stoves in private houses are made of bricks. This material allows you to get any shape and configuration. The Russian stove is the most obvious example of such a structure. It is a body with a large firebox, which is cleaned after the firebox, closed and was previously used for cooking. The temperature allowed cooking like in a modern oven.

Sometimes a stove for cooking is laid out of brick, connected by a chimney to the stove. The plate is covered with a cast-iron plate with concentric rings.

Additional information: the simplest brick heating stove is laid out vertically, with a direct chimney. Such ovens are also called Dutch ovens. Their efficiency is low, since hot air simply rises and exits through the pipe. But due to the low flue gas temperature losses, these furnaces can heat two rooms at once, located one above the other.

To improve heat transfer, two or three smoke turns are provided. For this, a shield is laid out, inside which smoke channels pass. At the bottom of each of them there is a closing hole for cleaning.

When installing brick ovens, it is imperative to provide for waterproofing the body from the foundation. The first two or three rows must be laid out from burnt bricks. It is recommended to lay the firebox inside with refractory bricks.

cast iron stove

Cast iron stoves can also be used in buildings for space heating. The advantage over brick stoves is that cast iron stoves can be installed without a special foundation, even on an interfloor ceiling. Cast iron heats up fairly quickly and does not cool down for a long time.

Prices for cast iron stoves are low, almost everyone can install it. As a result, the final cost of heating with cast iron oven much lower than brick.

There are some drawbacks to cast iron stoves. It should be installed at a distance of at least a meter from the walls in a wooden or frame house. It is impossible to build such furnaces into partitions, therefore, only one room in the building can be heated.

Self installation

For self-manufacturing furnace heating, it is necessary to think through everything in advance to the smallest detail, so that you do not have to solve unforeseen problems later. Need to calculate thermal power future furnace, the amount of material needed.

Where to place

If it is planned to install a brick oven in a house under construction, it is necessary to determine its location on the plan so that it can heat the largest possible area. The ideal location would be approximately in the center of the house at the junction of several partitions. In this case, the chimney will be able to heat the premises of the second floor or attic.

For more efficient heating of the premises of the upper floor, holes are provided in the ceiling for the circulation of heated air. In the ceiling within the same room there must be at least two such holes - one near the stove, the other - on the opposite side.

Material selection

For the device of the furnace, well-burned solid clay bricks are used. It is possible to use ordinary building solid bricks made of clay, provided that the firebox is lined with refractory bricks. The masonry mortar is used from greasy clay with the addition of fine sand.

The part of the chimney located above the roof level must be made of silicate brick on cement mortar. The temperature of the flue gases at this point in the chimney is already low, and exposure to heat and atmospheric moisture (as well as exposure to wind and precipitation) will quickly destroy the clay brick.

For the manufacture of doors, grates, valves, finished cast iron products are used, produced at enterprises specializing in the production of such products.

Important Details

When installing furnaces, it is necessary to provide for a lot of important points. Here are some of them:

  • bricks before laying must be soaked in water to improve the adhesion to the mortar;
  • for grates, doors, cast-iron stoves, it is necessary to leave gaps of 0.5-1.0 cm around the perimeter of the product. These gaps are needed to compensate for the difference in thermal expansion of metal and brick;
  • the cross section of the smoke channels must be strictly observed and their narrowing must not be allowed;
  • metal cannot be used either for reinforcing masonry, or for covering the furnace. With a five-fold difference in the coefficient of thermal expansion, the furnace will quickly collapse. It is necessary to block the furnace with a brick vault.

With properly performed stove heating, a well-insulated building will not require frequent heating, and staying in such a house will be comfortable, and its operation will be economical.

A brick oven is a traditional heating unit that surpasses any boilers and other types of heating equipment in terms of basic characteristics. A properly equipped brick oven is characterized by highest performance practicality, reliability and performance. At the same time, the brick oven is absolutely unpretentious in maintenance.

There are several types of ovens. Regardless of the features of the selected unit, its construction will be carried out approximately according to the same scheme. At the same time, you can cope with the construction of a brick oven on your own.

The most popular are the following modifications brick ovens:

Also, ovens can vary in shape. For example, in private houses, stoves are most often built that have a round, rectangular, and also square shape. The available variety of shapes and designs allows the owner to choose the most optimal design option for a room of any size, configuration and with any interior.

Regardless of the chosen modification, size, shape of the stove and the fuel used, the structure must be erected and equipped in compliance with fire safety requirements. The finished stove will have a rather impressive weight, which imposes a number of requirements on the choice of the place for the construction of the stove and the arrangement of the base for its placement.

Place for arranging the furnace

Select optimal location placement of the heating furnace. For example, a stove installed in the center of the room will give off heat as efficiently and evenly as possible. However, such placement of the furnace is not always convenient.

If the stove structure is placed against the wall (this option is the most popular and often used), cold will go on the floor of the house.

Select in advance the location of the furnace compartment door. Design the stove so that later on you don't have to carry fuel around the room, spreading dirt around the room.

The best option is to arrange a firebox in a little-visited room.

Calculate the design of the foundation in such a way that it is able to withstand the load not only of the furnace itself, but also of the smoke exhaust structure, which is also strongly recommended to be built of brick.

The main structural elements of the heating furnace

All existing heating furnaces have approximately the same and quite simple design. However, despite their simplicity, furnace units are able to fully solve the problems associated with heating residential premises.

The main components of the heating furnace are the fuel compartment and the smoke exhaust structure. If a heating and cooking stove is being considered, a stove or oven must be included in the design. At the request of the owner, his stove can be supplemented with a tank for heating hot water.

The most important part of any heating stove. Calculate the volume of the firebox in accordance with the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe heated space, the characteristics of the fuel used, etc. For the manufacture of the furnace firebox, use high-quality fire-resistant bricks. The walls of the firebox should have a thickness of half a brick.

Ash pan

This compartment is designed to collect waste from the operation of the furnace. Also, through the ash chamber, oxygen is supplied to the combustible fuel.

The ash pan is arranged below the grate of the grate and is equipped with an individual door.

The height of the firebox is usually made in 3 bricks.


A very important part of any oven. Gases are removed through the chimney. At the same time, the design provides additional heating of the room.

If possible, the chimney should be designed so that it is as straight as possible. Any bends will negatively affect the performance of the heating stove.

Mortar for laying out a heating stove

In order for the operation of your heating stove to be as efficient, reliable and safe as possible, and the structure itself to serve as long as possible, you must properly prepare the mortar for masonry.

The layout of heating stoves is carried out using a viscous solution prepared on the basis of clay and sifted sand.

To obtain such a solution, you need to fill the clay of normal humidity with water and soak it thoroughly. Pass the mixture through a sieve and stir until smooth. Then add sand to the mixture in the amount necessary to obtain a solution with the required plasticity and viscosity.

Pay due attention to the preparation of the mortar for masonry. The quality of the finished furnace unit, its main characteristics and service life depend on the correctness of its preparation.

Guide for self-laying a heating stove

Start laying in 1-1.5 months after the arrangement of its foundation. It is during this period that concrete will gain the required strength, and the finished furnace unit will serve as long as possible, reliably and efficiently without deteriorating its main characteristics.

The process of laying the furnace Radonezh

First step. Cut a hole in the wall for the oven. Hammer reinforcing dowels into the ends of the timber (if the wall is made of this material).

Second step. Pour the foundation.

Proceed to masonry 1-1.5 months after the arrangement of the foundation. It is during this period that the concrete will gain the desired strength.

Third step. Cover the dried foundation with waterproofing material.

Fourth step. Lay out the first row of the oven. Check the evenness of the masonry with a level. Make seams no wider than 3 mm.

Continue laying the furnace in accordance with the order.

The grates and the blower are arranged in the combustion chamber. The width of the furnace blower must be sufficient for the inflow of the required amount of air to the loaded fuel during the operation of the heating unit.

Lay out the furnace chamber and sew the channels. Cut off excess solution.

When laying the 26th row, make a 20 mm overlap on each side.

Complete the laying of the main part of the furnace in order and proceed to the laying of the chimney.

Continue the arrangement of the chimney in accordance with the previously prepared project.

Dry the finished oven. To save time, install a fan in the combustion chamber.

After the masonry has dried, do a few test runs. Don't make the first fires too intense.

If everything is done in accordance with the instructions, the order and the basic requirements, after an average of 30-40 minutes, the side of the stove that goes into the room will heat up. After about 1.5 hours, the unit will warm up evenly and begin to fully heat the room.

The self-made construction of a heating furnace is a rather complicated and lengthy process, but if you wish, you can cope with such an event. You just need to follow proven technology, use only high-quality Construction Materials and adhere to the chosen masonry scheme in everything.

As a result, the heating unit will serve as long as possible, reliably and efficiently, and you will additionally save on arranging the heating system of your home by refusing the services of third-party stove-makers and doing everything with your own hands.

Successful work!

Video - Do-it-yourself heating furnaces

The warmth in the house is one of the most important factors coziness and comfort. Nowadays, there are many ways to heat a house, and every year this list is updated with new technologies and developments. However, old and proven methods do not go by the wayside. Stove heating with a water circuit is one of the old and proven ways to create warmth and comfort in the house. It combines the advantages of two methods at once: stove and water heating, which significantly increases efficiency. In this article you will find the necessary diagrams and manuals for the construction of such a furnace with your own hands.

Conventional stove heating is characterized by uneven distribution of heat - there is always a strong heat near the stove itself, and the farther from the stove, the cooler. The water circuit makes it possible to evenly distribute the heat generated by the stove over the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe house. Thus, with the help of one stove, several rooms of the house are heated at once. Such a furnace works on the principle of a solid fuel boiler, but in addition to heating the coolant and the water circuit, the furnace also heats the walls and smoke channels, which play a significant role in heating.

Construction of a heating furnace with a water circuit

The main structural element is a heat exchanger, most often called a coil. It is installed directly in the firebox, and the entire water heating system is already connected to it.

Advantages of furnace heating

Disadvantages of furnace heating with a water circuit

Advice. If heating with a water circuit is arranged in country house, in which no one lives regularly, especially in winter, it is better to use an antifreeze liquid in order to avoid freezing the water in the circuit.

Principle of operation

The principle of operation of heating with a water circuit is quite simple. Water is sent to a heat exchanger located in the firebox of the furnace, where it is heated by burning fuel. Further hot water is distributed over radiator batteries, where it gives off its heat and, cooling down, returns back to the coil.

Serpentine for the construction of a furnace with a water circuit

Installation and installation of equipment

Is it possible to make stove heating with a water circuit with your own hands? Perhaps if you already have experience in arranging furnaces or laying bricks. First of all, you need to prepare the most important structural element - the heat exchanger. It can be bought in specialized stores, as well as made from pipes or sheet iron. Self-construction of the stove gives you the opportunity to show imagination and build your own version of the stove, which will take into account all the needs and features of your home.

Attention. Stove heating is potentially dangerous, so the design and installation must be entrusted to specialists if you do not have sufficient skills.

The creation of such a heating system is possible in two ways:

  • installation of a heat exchanger and subsequent laying of the furnace;
  • installation of the coil in the operating furnace.

Installing a radiator as a coil for a furnace with a water circuit

The second method is considered more time-consuming, since for its implementation it is necessary to disassemble the firebox, and mounting a coil into it will significantly reduce its size.

Installation Requirements

The thickness of the water layer in the heat exchanger must exceed 4 cm, since with a smaller thickness the water will boil.

The walls of the coil must be at least 5 mm, and in the case of coal, even thicker. Failure to comply with the thickness can lead to burning of the walls.

Furnace building process

Under no circumstances should the heat exchanger be mounted close to the furnace wall. Leave at least 2 cm. This space is necessary for thermal expansion of the coil.

Particular attention must be paid to the fire safety of the system. Between oven and wooden partitions there must certainly be air gaps, since it is overheating wooden structures is the first cause of fires. It is best to clad with brick or other refractory materials.

Furnace heat exchangers

Scheme of arrangement of the coil

The diagram shows one of the options for the coil. It is good to place this type of exchanger in heating and cooking furnaces, because its structure makes it easy to place a stove on top.

In order to reduce the complexity of the manufacturing process, you can make some changes to this design and replace the upper and lower U-shaped pipes with profile pipe. In addition, vertical pipes are also replaced with rectangular profiles if necessary.

If a coil of this design is installed in ovens where there is no cooking surface, then to increase the efficiency of the exchanger, it is advisable to add several horizontal pipes. Processing and withdrawal of water can be done from different sides, it depends on the design of the furnace and the design of the water circuit.

Coil-heat exchanger

Sheet steel coils

The steel thickness for this type of exchanger must be at least 5 mm. The design also uses a 60 x 40 mm profile and 50 mm branch pipes, which serve for the inlet and outlet of water. The size of the exchanger depends directly on the length of the firebox of your stove.

If a steel exchanger is planned to be built into a heating and kitchen stove, then it would be more expedient to build the structure in such a way that the hot gas flows around the upper shelf of the exchanger and exits into the smoke circuit located in front of the coil. In this case, a hob can be installed above the coil.

Sheet steel heat exchanger

In addition, there is a variant of manufacturing a heat exchanger from sheet steel in the form of a book, connecting the walls of the exchanger with pipes or a profile. In this case, the register does not have an upper shelf, and for better circulation, connecting pipes can be added at the top of the register. Input and output can be done both on the back of the exchanger and on the side wall.

In this case, the hob can be placed directly above the surface of the register.

How to install a water circuit

Installation takes place in the same way as installation for any other heating system. The only point to consider is that the “return” for stove heating is located higher.

The circulation of the coolant is of three types:

Furnace installation

The installation of the furnace is usually trusted to the master, because without experience it is unlikely that it will be possible to fold a competent design on your own.

The size of the stove depends on the area of ​​​​the house - the larger the house, the larger the stove should be. If the weight of the furnace exceeds 750 kg, then in the place where it will be laid out, it is necessary to prepare a special foundation. The furnace pedestal must be separated from the main foundation by a gap filled with sand. It is also important to make the correct thermal insulation of the floor in this part.

Installation of a heating furnace with a water circuit

Stove heating with a water circuit is one of the most practical and cheapest solutions for heating a private house. For all its effectiveness, the installation of such a system does not require large material costs, in addition, this type of heating can bring zest to the design of your home.

Construction of a brick oven with a water circuit: video

Furnace with water circuit: photo

Users of the site are well aware that from right choice heating equipment depends on the comfort and safety of living in the house. Due to the steady rise in energy prices and the high cost of connecting gas, many developers are looking for an alternative to blue fuel. They exist, but stove heating is not going to give up its positions. In this article, we understand how efficient stove heating is in a private house in modern conditions.

From this article you will learn:

  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of a stone oven;
  • Where is the best place to install a stove in the house;
  • Stove heating in the house: problems and features;
  • What brick should the structure be made of;
  • What are the requirements for the foundation for a stone oven;
  • Can it become an alternative to a solid fuel boiler;
  • What you need to know about fire safety standards for stove heating in a private house.

Stove heating in a private house: pros and cons

To understand whether stove heating is suitable for a modern cottage, you need to understand its main advantages and disadvantages.

Important benefits include:

  • Full energy independence and autonomy of work;
  • A brick stove has a high efficiency: it heats up hot, retains and long time gives off heat;
  • It is easy to operate and has many options. exterior finish;
  • It simultaneously heats the house and allows you to cook more tasty and healthy food, bake pies and heat dinner;
  • A favorable and especially cozy atmosphere is created in the house;
  • The air in the room does not overheat and does not dry out;
  • The stove in the house can become a multifunctional heat generating device, combining a heating, cooking and water heating device;
  • High maintainability. If necessary, any of the bricks can be quickly replaced.

St. Petersburg baker:

- The heat generated by the heated brick warms the human body from the inside, which is good for health . And warm, and feed, and heal!

The opinion of the furnace master of the company "Art Master" Vadim Kornev :

- If there is no gas in the house, and heating with electricity or diesel fuel is very expensive, then heating with a stove is what you need!

Expert in pipe and furnace works of the company SPP Rubin Alexey Telegin, Moscow:

– In the absence of central heating, in a non-gasified building and strongly limited budget using this method is the best option for permanent residence of a family outside the city!

Despite the many advantages, stove heating in a private house also has a number of disadvantages:

  • Prolonged warm-up before the start of heat transfer. From the moment of ignition to the time when the full heat transfer begins, several hours may pass.
  • The inability to automate work and achieve uniform heating. As it burns out, firewood will have to be added manually;
  • Increased requirements for the quality of materials (bricks) and the professionalism of performers;
  • Loss of useful space in the room. The larger the oven, the more space it can heat, respectively, this leads to an increase in its dimensions;
  • Big mass. Depending on the size and number of bricks used, it can weigh from 4.5 tons (about 1000 bricks) to 20 tons (5000 bricks). Therefore, under the device it is required to build a separate foundation or resort to strengthening the main one;
  • Uneven room heating. The further you are from the stove, the colder it gets. That is why in village houses all life has traditionally centered around it;
  • A heating device built in violation of the rules and regulations - possible reason the occurrence of a fire;
  • Rapid heating can lead to cracks in the structure.

Vadim Kornev:

- The main disadvantage of this method of heating is the need for manual filling of fuel. But if you are not too lazy to work with a saw and an ax, then the possession of such beauty will bring real pleasure!

Any homeowner, as soon as he thinks about stove heating, a number of questions arise: is it profitable, how well it will be possible to heat the cottage, and are there any general criteria by which one can understand the degree of efficiency of such heating.


– For the device to work
effectively, it is necessary to calculate its dimensions. The dimensions, and hence the power, are determined in accordance with the heat loss of the house.

The heat loss of a building largely depends on the location of the rooms. For a preliminary calculation, you can use the following formula:

On average 1 sq. m of the furnace can heat up to 30-35 sq.m of living space.

Vadim Kornev:

- A house of 200 sq.m. in winter can be heated with an ordinary heating and cooking "Dutch".

Russian, on the other hand, can heat a much larger house. If the house has a complex configuration, you can put two small stoves at different ends of the house, this is better than one, but massive, large in area. The main economic component is the price of firewood. They are different everywhere. Flexible, heat-resistant hoses can be used to supply hot air to the back of the house. But this is rarely done - it is unaesthetic.

It should be remembered that the heating stove is best installed in a special furnace, or in the kitchen, living room or dining room, but so that the flood is in the non-residential area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe house. It is better not to put it in the corners of the house, because. the circulation of warm air around the house worsens. The closer to the center, the better.

maintenance comfortable temperature in the house depends on many factors: the quality and energy intensity of the stove itself; thermal insulation and volume of the room; fuel quality. Old boards, oak firewood, etc. can be used as fuel. Naturally, heat transfer different types fuel varies significantly, which affects the degree of efficiency of stove heating in the house.

Furnace heating at home: about device features

When choosing stove heating, one of the most common mistakes is the idea that you first need to build a house, and only then start laying the heating device. The house and the stove should be perceived as two objects that are closely interconnected with each other, requiring an integrated approach and careful calculation.

"Dance from the stove!" - this is exactly the motto of the stove-makers. This means that before starting construction, it is necessary:

1. Understand what kind of oven you need;

3. Determine the place of its installation in the house.

5. Consider a chimney system.

Figuratively speaking, not a stove is built inside the house, but a house is built around the stove!

Alexey Telegin:

- It happens like this: the developer will first build a house, cover the roof, do the finishing, and then suddenly remember about heating and want to put in a stove. Here it turns out that she simply does not "fit" into the room. We have to solve this problem, redo or strengthen the foundation, break and rebuild the floors and the truss system.

"Implantation" of a heating device in an already built house leads to unjustified costs.


- Only if you have a project or a sketch of the stove, you can link it to the plan of the house.

Therefore, the construction of the stove should be divided into a number of successive stages. Namely:

1. Design. At this stage:

  • choose the type and design of the furnace;
  • pre-determine a place for it;
  • we calculate safe distances at the intersections and junctions of its surface with the floor, ceiling, ceilings, roofing, walls, partitions;
  • think over its appearance, Decoration Materials, surface texture.

2. Control. At this stage, you need to make sure that all work is carried out in accordance with the project.

This approach guarantees a high-quality result.

It is also necessary to pre-select the correct material for the manufacture of the furnace and chimney. It is better to use a solid brick of plastic molding, since dry-pressed brick does not withstand high temperatures.

Alexey Telegin:

- Masonry must be carried out from red solid ceramic brick, normally fired, without cracks and impurities, grade not lower than M100.

It is forbidden to use burnt or unburned, hollow, silicate, porous and lightweight bricks for laying chimneys and stoves!

Vadim Kornev:

- For laying an array, it is best to use a good red brick, and make a firebox from fireclay bricks.

Technical features

Like any construction, the construction of the furnace begins with the construction of the foundation. You need to know a number of features that will help you avoid mistakes.

St. Petersburg baker:

– There are no light brick ovens. Even a low 630x630 mm in 1/4 brick with a lining will weigh about 700-800 kg.

Even such a relatively "light" device can not be placed on every floor.

Installation of stoves, fireplaces and chimneys weighing more than 750 kg must be carried out on a separate foundation.

According to Alexey Telegin, The foundation must provide:

1. Uniform distribution of the load on the ground in accordance with the bearing capacity of the soil;

2. Stability and protection of building and furnace structures from external influences during house movements, shrinkage and heaving of soils.

Any foundation (its depth, dimensions and reinforcement) is calculated based on the load acting on it, as well as bearing capacity soil.

The load on the foundation of the furnace (with its large mass) is very different from the load acting on the main foundation. If the foundation is made in one piece, it turns out that at the place where the furnace is erected, the loads are summed up, which can lead to undesirable consequences.

For buildings subject to shrinkage and movement, it is necessary to arrange a separate foundation for the furnace, not connected with the foundation of the house.


- The foundations are made independent, and in the case of two foundations adjoining each other, a soft insert is installed between them.

The simplest soft insert between two foundations can be made of a 5 cm thick foam board.

This will protect the foundation from any lateral loads and the destructive properties of frost heaving of the soil. No wonder they say that a separate foundation for a stove is folk wisdom.

If a single foundation is being laid, then the uneven load should be taken into account in the calculation. And in order to compensate for it, additional reinforcement is laid in the “body” of the foundation, in the place where the installation of the furnace is planned.

Heating water circuit

To get rid of one of the main disadvantages of a conventional stove - uneven heating of the premises, it is necessary:

1. Install a heat exchanger (register) filled with water into the furnace;

2. Connect to the system circulation pump, which will drive heated water through the heating system - radiators or underfloor heating.

Such a system works on the principle of a solid fuel boiler and closed system heating.

In this case, the stone stove is multifunctional: it simultaneously performs the function of water and stove heating, which ensures even distribution of heat throughout the rooms.

Vadim Kornev:

- It is better to place a stove with a water circuit against one of the walls of the house in order to facilitate battery wiring. The presence of a circulation pump, as well as expansion tank, required. Such devices are safe enough if the heating element is professionally welded and there is always water in the circuit.

interesting practical experience building a house based on a stone oven with a water circuit by a specialist from our portal Vasily Katriychuk :

- I built a tank of water into my oven. The total capacity of the system, together with pipes to the riser, turned out to be 65 liters. When it is heated, the water in the tank is heated at the same time, after which, with the help of a circulation pump, the coolant is driven into the warm floors and radiators of the heating system.

With such a heating system, all safety measures must be provided. In the event of a power outage, the circulation pump will stop working, and the stove will still continue to heat the water (it cannot be extinguished immediately). As a result, the water may boil, and the pipes will burst. To prevent this from happening, a security group is mounted on the system. And in case of boiling of the coolant, excess water is discharged.

The operating pressure in the heating system is from 0.6 to 2 atmospheres. The safety group will work at a pressure of 3 atmospheres.

Vasily Katriychuk:

- In the event of a power outage, a backup power supply system can be provided - an individual inverter or a gas generator.

In addition to providing the house with heat, a water circuit stove prepares hot water for the DHW system. And in order not to heat the stove in the summer, an electric boiler can be additionally installed for the DHW system.

We will analyze whether the house becomes dirty from a working stove and how much one bookmark of firewood is enough.

Vasily Katriychuk:

- I lay firewood twice - in the afternoon and in the evening. Thanks to the large firebox, even logs can be put into my wood-burning stove. Thus, the burning time on one tab is extended. And since the thermal furnace is built according to all the rules, it is very economical, does not smoke, and the ashes must be removed once every three days.

The register can be installed in the furnace in two ways:

1. Install the heat exchanger in the already folded furnace. This is expensive and will have to partially disassemble the device. Also, the volume of coolant in the register will limit the size of the furnace;

2. Design and fold the furnace under a carefully calculated heat exchanger. This method will make it possible to perfect combination furnace and register, which will ensure their efficient operation.

Vasily Katriychuk:

- In my case, the water tank is installed in the furnace through removable doors.

To pull out the tank at any time (for repair or maintenance), a gap of 3-4 mm is left between the walls of the heat exchanger and the walls of the furnace.

The gap is also necessary to compensate for the thermal expansion of the steel heat exchanger.

Basic knowledge of fire safety regulations

Chimneys and heating stoves can pose a threat to combustible building structures. Fire-fighting retreats and cuttings will help to avoid this.

A retreat is a fireproof structure that protects the combustible surfaces of building parts from the heated parts of the furnace and chimney, if they are placed in parallel.

It is a set of safety distances and measures to protect combustible parts of the building.

Cutting is a fire-prevention structure that forms a non-combustible space, performed when crossing combustible parts of the building - when driving chimney through the interfloor ceiling or stove walls, etc.

According to Alexey Telegin, The following methods contribute to the protection of structures from fire:

1. The use of fireproof materials in the chimney system;

2. Increasing the distances from the heated surfaces of the furnace to the combustible parts of the house in accordance with the regulations;

3. Thermal insulation of furnace surfaces and closely spaced parts of walls, ceilings, etc.;

4. Shielding. Radiant energy comes from any heated bodies. The bright spectrum of infrared radiation of high intensity can ignite combustible structures at a distance of up to several meters. Fireproof partitions and screens are necessary to prevent the spread of this radiation. The screen protects against fire only in conjunction with other protection methods such as: ventilated gaps, spacing and heat dissipation;

5. Heat dissipation. Thermal insulation prevents the spread of heat, but it is also able to store energy, which often leads to ignition of combustible structures after the combustion process is completed. A vertical steel plate located in the groove “pulls out” part of the heat to the surface, thereby lowering the temperature inside;

6. Ventilated gaps. Thanks to them, the temperature decreases (heat is removed) from the heated surfaces;

7. Air tightness (tightness). Target this method- prevent oxygen from reaching the place of possible ignition.

Read our article for details on fire regulations and distances on the installation example .

Alexey Telegin:

– Ideal protection is a design made of non-combustible materials, in which all combustible parts are removed to safe distances. It must be multi-layered, moderately strong so as not to collapse, but at the same time resist fire, heat and thermal radiation even when the walls of the furnace or chimney are destroyed.

Summing up, we can say that stone stoves, with a competent approach to design, masonry and installation, can become a full-fledged heating system for a modern cottage. And the heat from the stove can not be compared with any other!

Learn how to build your own. Get familiar with the basic principles. In the forum topic, you can ask professional questions. We will help you build the most correct brick!

Stove heating remains very popular in Russia, as it has proven effective and has a low price. In any case, it is much less than the organization of electric, gas or air heating. Although these new technologies are considered more advanced and should provide more heat, the Russians still remain true to the traditional way of creating comfort in the house.

In addition, do-it-yourself stove heating is easier to organize and operate than modern counterparts. And after all, not everyone knows how to work with gas or welding machines.

And yet, such equipment is more reliable and has increased functionality, since the stove is used not only for heating, but also helps to cook food. Even the city dwellers agreed that the food cooked with the help of the oven has a special taste that is hard to miss.

Because of this, such a device remains in demand and is used even in our progressive time. In particular, this applies to the eastern regions of Russia, which are almost all year round under the rule of great frosts.

They noticed that gas, electric or other methods of heating are not suitable for these latitudes, as they often break down. In addition, the stove looks beautiful in any home.

You can see for yourself by looking at the photo of the stove in the house based on various popular designs. Next, we will consider different versions of designs suitable for different types of houses.

How to choose the right oven?

Previously, its design was uncomplicated, a base was created from brick, clay, metal corners and the upper part for cooking various foods. In other words, it was formed from what was at hand. Although now this approach is still practiced due to the fact that not everyone has the opportunity to purchase new versions.

But still, advanced furnace heating systems have appeared that deserve attention. And they can be used with more impact than homemade versions. And most importantly, their cost is within reasonable limits.

And the Russians may well provide their housing with one of the improved versions. Consider the nuances of installing a modern stove:

It must provide warmth to the entire area of ​​the house through proper placement based on the primary housing project.

With the help of the correct choice of the water circuit scheme, it is necessary to ensure the greatest efficiency during its operation. Some versions work on the basis of summer or winter mode, which helps to increase efficiency.

It should cool for a long time, which will help reduce the consumption of solid fuel.

If the furnace has simplified operation and maintenance, then it can be considered suitable option for any home.

The place and method of its installation must be optimal to ensure the efficiency of heating and comply with all safety regulations.

The furnace must be designed for a long service life.

Worth paying attention to appearance so that it harmoniously merges with other elements of the interior.

How are kilns used today?

Even now, very high-quality projects of houses with stove heating are being created, focusing on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe building and the needs of the owners. To understand what kind of stove you need, you need to estimate the size of the house.

If the furnace is too efficient, it will absorb funds, but its return may be wasted.

Consider which houses are ideal for different kinds ovens:

If the house is small and has one or two well-insulated rooms, then one stove for heating and cooking purposes is suitable for it. It is reasonable to assemble it on the basis of a brick.

For large buildings, a more serious stove heating scheme with increased output is needed to provide heat to all rooms. In this case, it is worth using a system based on a water or steam type.

If we are talking about a building with one floor, then you can rely on a brick or cast-iron version of the stove. And for two or three-story buildings, a cast-iron version of the furnace will be required in the form of an almost full-fledged boiler.

Positive and negative aspects of using the oven

Usually it is used if there is not enough money for a modern type of heating or there is no access to the main gas network. Although some Russians just want to use this type of heating. They believe that stove heating of a private house suits them based on various reasons.

This may be a feature of the design idea of ​​​​the building or fear of using gas, facilitated operation, and other reasons.

But let's consider positive sides its operation:

It has autonomy and can provide heating in the absence of gas or electricity, the main thing is that there is a solid or liquid fuel for this purpose.

Its price in the process of creation and operation is much lower than various modern analogues. Because of it, bills for gas or warm water will not come.

There is no need to install any complex programs, and if something is broken, in most cases, it can be fixed by one's own efforts.

It does not require communications, which allows you to use its qualities on the territory of any region of the planet.

But it also has negative sides, consider them:

It heats up for a long time, which affects the slow flow of heat into the living quarters.

Not a high level of efficiency, provided that a brick version of the furnace is used. But due to the high design of the chimney, created in a labyrinth form, it is possible to keep heat in the premises of the house longer.

The brick version of the stove will take up too much space, but only due to this it will be able to provide full heating for the whole house.

If we are talking about a brick version of the stove, then you will have to regularly add firewood, otherwise its efficiency will not be sufficient to constantly feel the heat in the house, but this does not apply to the cast-iron version of the stove, since it involves one laying of firewood for the entire heating session.

Now you have received enough information to decide whether you need one of the oven versions or not. We hope that your choice will be correct, and the stove will be able to serve for a long time, creating comfort in your home.

Photo stove heating