Do-it-yourself wood-fired oven. Do-it-yourself brick ovens drawings Brick oven for home heating

  • 20.06.2020

The hearth is the heart of buildings that are not connected to centralized networks. It generates the heat necessary for life and provides energy for cooking. Both the microclimate in the building and the terms of its service directly depend on its performance and efficiency, and this is very important factors operation of the unit, do you agree?

The article presented by us details how to correctly build a brick oven for the house. Schemes for the construction of a hearth are given, technological nuances are thoroughly analyzed. We offer carefully selected, scrupulously verified, practice-proven information on the selection and installation of brick stoves.

Novice stove-makers and owners of suburban property who want to control the work of hired craftsmen will be helped by the information we have proposed, based on building requirements. Photographs and video tutorials will be an excellent help in mastering the material.

It is not easy to understand the constructive abundance of brick ovens. However, owners of suburban real estate who want to equip the house with a brick unit should study this difficult issue. It is better to determine in advance the option that is optimal for its purpose and device than to rebuild and modernize.

The division of brick stoves into types is carried out according to the following aspects:

  • Appointment.
  • type of gas movement.
  • Performance.
  • Firebox frequency.
  • geometric data.

Ideally, an impeccable oven for you personally is selected according to two or three of the most important criteria. We will analyze what should be attributed to aspects that are significant in your opinion, which will become the basis for choosing the optimal brick unit.

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Calculation of heat losses will make it possible to determine the productivity of the furnace, which should be slightly larger than the calculated value, but not more than 15%. If the power of the brick unit is greater than the specified limit, a different design should be selected.

To facilitate the process of choosing the most suitable brick oven for masonry in a low-rise building, nomograms have been developed. The graph below, which simplifies the calculations for the selection of the stove, was created for rooms with one outer wall.

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Brick stoves are ideal for heating a private house or cottage. They not only effectively warm the room, but also create a unique home comfort in it.


Features of brick ovens

The main function for which the device is laid is the heating of the room. Brick is the material that is able to accumulate heat, and then give it away for a long time.

In addition to heating, the stove device for the home has several features that distinguish it from stoves for other rooms (baths, etc.). It can be used for:

  • cooking;
  • heating beds for sleeping;
  • drying clothes and shoes;
  • creating a special atmosphere in the room.

When choosing a stove heating device, you should pay attention to the heat needs of the room.

If you want to make a stove for a residential building, then you need to consider that it will be used very often and its power should be maximum. To heat a small dacha or a room with a small area, a small dacha brick stove can be used.

When choosing the most optimal oven, you need to decide for what needs it will be used.

Example brick oven

There are three main types: heating, cooking and heating-cooking units.

  1. The first type is used exclusively for space heating. Their design is quite simple. It includes a firebox, an ash pan and a chimney. Even a beginner can make such an oven.
  2. Brick ovens. They are installed in cottages and houses where there is another type of heating - gas or electric. A brick oven is used to save money, because firewood is much cheaper than gas fuel or electricity.
  3. The most versatile and popular are models that belong to the latter type. Such heating devices can be used both for heating the room and for preparing various dishes. They have a hob that can also be used to heat water.

Overview of brick ovens

There are many models of furnace devices that are different both in their form and function. The most popular are Russian, Dutch and Swedish furnace units. They are slightly inferior to the Finnish, Kuznetsov's stove and the housekeeper.

This multifunctional design with large dimensions is one of the oldest models. In the past, it was very common: in every house, the presence of a beautiful Russian stove was a must.

Russian oven

The main advantages are:

  • the possibility of heating the room, beds;
  • cooking food;
  • use as a drying device for clothes and shoes;
  • with regular heating provides an even long temperature;
  • creates a special Russian flavor, will become the main decoration of any room.

Despite their advantages, such brick stoves for a wood-burning house have several disadvantages:

  • massiveness requires the installation of a solid foundation;
  • occupies a significant area in the room;
  • the need for regular cleaning;
  • difficulty in installation;
  • The efficiency is only 60 percent.

Another very popular model is the Dutch oven. This design, resembling a column, was very liked by the owners of summer cottages and small-sized premises. Its height is much greater than its width, so the Dutch model takes up little space.

dutch oven

Advantages of a brick oven for a Dutch-type wood-fired cottage:

  • compactness;
  • low cost of masonry material;
  • the possibility of rapid heating due to thin walls;
  • long breaks between fireboxes do not affect the quality of heating;
  • you can heat a medium-sized room.

The disadvantages of this model:

  • relatively low efficiency, which is 40 percent;
  • requires regular cleaning of the ash pan. In the absence of proper care, traction may deteriorate;
  • requires constant attention during the furnace and some skills to maintain the fire.

This model is designed for the cold climate of the Nordic countries, so it is ideal for our region.

Swede oven

The advantages of this model:

  • compactness;
  • high performance;
  • fast heating;
  • the possibility of heating adjacent rooms.


  • the price of construction due to the use of fireclay bricks rises;
  • the need for good thermal insulation to avoid heat loss through the floor;
  • not suitable for houses and areas where heating is rare. With complete cooling and infrequent heating, the masonry of the furnace may be broken.


This is a small Russian brick oven for a summer residence or a house, which can be installed even in a small room. Its design is very simple, but the oven can also be used for cooking. This model is becoming increasingly popular, because its dimensions contribute to the rational use of space.


Advantages of the economy oven:

  • does not take up much space;
  • heats the room well;
  • you can cook food.


  • it is impossible to heat two fireboxes at the same time;
  • requires constant cleaning of ash;
  • it takes time to heat up;
  • for better combustion, you need to use firewood of noticeably the same thickness.

Furnace "Finka"

Such a heating device differs from other types in a special design: one firebox body is inside the other.

The advantages of the furnace unit:

  • high heat transfer efficiency;
  • ease of manufacture;
  • low cost;
  • fast heating;
  • safety and environmental friendliness.

The disadvantages of this type of furnace device:

  • relatively large dimensions;
  • it is necessary to carefully monitor the amount of fuel in the furnace.

Kuznetsov's oven

The heating device got its name thanks to the name of the developer Kuznetsov. The principle of operation of such a unit is based on the movement of free gases.

Kuznetsov's oven


  • excellent thermal efficiency;
  • complete combustion of fuel;
  • lack of soot;
  • not a large number of masonry material.


  • difficulty in installation due to the design;
  • high requirements for the material;
  • some skills are required to fire such a device.

Other oven models

In addition to the above models, there are other, less common:

Where is the best place to install?

The place where the stove is placed in a house or cottage is important. The best option is to equip the stove near the wall with an adjacent room.

With this arrangement, you can heat several small rooms with one heating device. And in this case, there is no need to install several heating structures in one house.

Do not install the stove near a wall that is outside. With such heating, part of the heat will go outside, and this will lead to irrational use of fuel resources.

There are several factors to consider when choosing an installation site:

  • ceiling height;
  • The area under the base;
  • The exit point of the chimney pipe - it should not be near the floor beam or truss system of the house.

Good install option

Choosing a place to install the oven is one of the most important steps. If you make a mistake already during this period, then even the most correct brickwork and good wood fuel will not be able to help in the long-term heating of the entire room.


A simple stove for a summer residence or a private house can have a different design. There are many models of heating devices made of bricks, which differ in both appearance and functional characteristics.

When choosing a type, the purpose of the unit, the size of the room and the period of operation should be taken into account. One of the main stages is the choice of the location of the furnace: it should be installed near the wall with an adjacent room. So you will achieve the most optimal temperature for the whole house.

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Once upon a time, classic brick stoves for the house were its obligatory attribute and the only way of heating. Professional stove-makers were in demand and respected. To date, there are many new means for space heating, which operate on various energy sources, from solid fuel to electricity. However, good stove-setters remain in demand and the online request for “brick ovens for home drawings with orders” remains frequent.

Some build stoves for baths, for giving, or simply because of the remoteness of housing, which is why there is no alternative. Different types of ovens can perform a heating function, some models can cook traditional dishes. Some are large in size, others are compact and prefabricated. Some plan before building a house, while others need to fit into an existing room. Furnaces are ordered or made with their own hands in order to save money, others are erected to fill the decor. In any case, all such equipment should be built from high-quality and suitable materials, in accordance with the existing SNiP. On the Internet, you can find any drawings with orders, but you need to understand that it will not be so easy to build a stove for a house with your own hands.

Why does the brick oven remain competitive, more and more are being built, so many advantages?

It would seem that today there are many alternatives for heating, which are much more convenient to operate, and according to manufacturers, have a higher efficiency factor (coefficient useful action). But why are bricks still in demand in some areas or buildings. One of the reasons is that the brick stove “breathes”.

This means that when the furnace is heated, moisture is released from the base of the structure. As it cools, the moisture reabsorbs. Due to this, it maintains a normal dew point in the room. It is this indicator that indicates that "a cozy atmosphere is maintained in the house."

The ability of a brick oven to "breathe" not only has a positive effect on human health, but also allows you to feel comfort even at a non-domestic level. During the heat engineering calculation of the house, the temperature indicators during the heating season are set within 18-20 Celsius. At the same time, air humidity should be optimal for health. The furnace for the house provides optimum humidity of air, at a temperature of warming up about 16 degrees Celsius. At this temperature, a person does not feel discomfort, clothes, bedding remain dry. At the same time, in panel houses, when using centralized water heating, even at a temperature of 18 degrees Celsius, excessive humidity may be felt.

For water heating, the optimal temperature range will be 20-23 Celsius. And for electric heating with infrared emitters, the temperature should be even higher (since they dry the air a lot). It turns out that a brick oven with an efficiency of about 50% will be more profitable, in terms of economy, than modern systems, with indicators of 60-80%. Thus, the savings will be more significant, because the heat loss of the house depends on the difference in temperatures inside and outside the room.

Selecting the size of the furnace surface

Before proceeding with the construction, it is necessary to choose the type and model of the future structure. The main criteria for selection will not be its appearance and ease of construction, but heat transfer (the ability to heat the required area).

When choosing a place for its placement, you should know that the side surfaces of the furnace have the highest heat transfer. This factor determines when choosing a place.

Different models have different forms:

  • Rectangular;
  • In the shape of the letter T;
  • With a bench or kitchen equipment for cooking.

They can serve as a heating device for living rooms, or be a space separator.

For a small house area, you should not choose too massive structures, even if they have a wide range of functions, they will take up too much space and give off too much heat. To warm up the entire furnace, a lot of fuel is needed, while the heat transfer will be too great.

The location of the stove, relative to the living rooms, is also important, and the criterion is the insulation of the whole house.

Oven dimensions table, taking into account the area of ​​​​the room

The structure of the stove for the house, stoves for the house of the classical scheme

The furnace consists of 3 main parts. Furnace body, foundation and chimney leading to the roof.

Furnace diagram example:

The oven consists of:

  1. Foundations - foundation;
  2. waterproofing material;
  3. Shantsy. They are holes, they make you create heating in the lower part of the room. They perform the function of "legs" in the design;
  4. Blew;
  5. The opening of the air channel, contributes to the heating of the room along the entire height;
  6. Door for blower;
  7. grate grate;
  8. Kindling door;
  9. Furnace part;
  10. Arch of the furnace part;
  11. “Hailo” (Sometimes the vertical part of the firebox with a nozzle is called a hail);
  12. door for cleaning;
  13. Dusnik pass;
  14. Dusnik;
  15. Valves regulating the direction of travel;
  16. Convector channel;
  17. A valve that closes the chimney after heating the furnace. Close after heating, so that the furnace does not cool down.
  18. Air outlet door;
  19. flue hole;
  20. Overlapping (upper part of the furnace);
  21. Cutting the chimney under the ceiling;
  22. overlap;
  23. Chimney on the roof (otter or fluff).


The foundation for the furnace is made separately from the general foundation of the house. Use the usual reinforced concrete strip foundation. Insulation is laid on it in several layers of roofing material, and on top of them is a sheet of asbestos. Asbestos is covered with an iron sheet (cast iron is best, but it is very expensive, ordinary roofing metal will do), and covered with felt on top. Felt bedding is pre-moistened, laid on the foundation and allowed to dry. Only after that they begin laying. By itself, the litter is needed so that the foundation does not take on all the thermal energy of the furnace. In simple words"so that the heat does not go into the ground."

masonry base

The base of the masonry is made in oblique hatching from a simple red brick, on a cement-sand mortar. This part is located under the firebox and will not experience high thermal loads. The furnace part is laid out of red ceramic bricks, in combination with refractory (chamotte) material. As a clay mixture with sand is used (sometimes with the addition of fireclay).

A sheet of metal and asbestos is placed in front of the blower door. The thickness of the asbestos layer should be about 5 mm. Its edges should be laid in the masonry of the furnaces. Removal of a metal sheet not less than 250 mm. The edges are tucked, knocking to the floor.

Unlike a cement-sand mortar, a mixture of clay and sand dries rather than sets. Therefore, with the constant action of moisture (especially in winter), the solution soaks. For this reason, some part of the furnace that does not experience high temperatures (up to 300 degrees Celsius) is placed on a cement-sand mortar. Portland cement grade 400 and quartz quarry sand are used.

To ensure the accumulation of soot in the lower part of the channels, the edges of the transitions are made of a rounded appearance. Each new channel must be higher in height than the first (bottom transition). It is much easier to clean soot from the lower channels.


It is laid out from red ceramic bricks and ordinary cement-sand mortar. Such a brick is cheaper than fireclay, and the solution is much stronger. We must not forget about cutting the chimney inside the apartment (in the ceilings). The cutting performs fire-fighting functions. A thick layer of bricks warms up more slowly, in the event of a soot fire, and thereby gives less heat load to the ceiling.

The upper chimney pipe (otter), which is located above the roof, performs decorative functions, is a side for rain to drain. From the height of the pipe, the draft in the furnace will hang.

Place for the stove in the house

Its effective operation will depend on the installation location of the furnace. best location will be the intersection of all the walls in the house. With no larger area, it will be possible to effectively heat the entire space. The closer the oven is to the outlet, the better. The heated air will prevent cold air from entering from outside. In addition, in this case it will be easier to deliver fuel for the furnace.

Factors to consider:

  • The structure must be installed so that all side parts can be reached. This is necessary for proper operation and the possibility of full cleaning.
  • The stove should not be part of the general foundation of the house, as its foundation will experience completely different types of loads.
  • The location must be such that the chimney pipe does not rest against the floor beams. This must be calculated when building a house or when laying the foundation for the furnace.
  • In front of the door of the furnace part, there must be a flooring that can withstand fire. (metal sheet or ceramic tile) to prevent accidental fires.

Do-it-yourself equipment and building materials for building a furnace


There are sources on the Internet claiming that brick for furnaces and refractory are one and the same. In fact, they only have linear dimensions. The dimensions of an ordinary single building brick are 250 by 125 by 65 mm., And the standard stove has a size of 230 by 114 by 40 mm. Sometimes there are 230 by 114 by 65 mm. In the construction of the furnace, a special quality brick brand 150. It is resistant to temperatures up to 800 degrees. It would be possible to build an entire furnace from it, but it cools quickly and is not suitable for a full-fledged furnace.

Fireclay bricks are used for laying furnace channels in the furnace part. It withstands high thermal loads. It is used in Swedish ovens or sauna ovens. It is able to withstand temperatures up to 1800 degrees, but in home ovens, this temperature does not happen. It is valued for other qualities - the ability to keep warm for a long time. It does not make sense to build the entire body of the furnace from it, since it is very expensive and has poor strength.

In order to distinguish high-quality fireclay from low-quality fireclay, there is an opinion that it should have a yellowish tint. But such a calculation is not correct, since chamotte can change color depending on its deposit. A sign of high-quality fireclay is the fine grain of the brick. Another way to check is to check for sound. The brick is tapped with a hammer. The sound should be loud and clear, not dull. The last way to determine the quality of the material is radical. The brick is broken in half and looked at the break. Qualitative fireclay is broken into large pieces.

As a substitute for expensive fireclay, clinker bricks are sometimes used in furnace construction. It is that de red ceramic, only it is fired at elevated temperatures. It has greater strength and fire resistance.

White silicate is not suitable for any parts. It is not resistant to thermal stress and absorbs moisture too much.


Quarry sand of medium fraction is used as sand in a cement-sand mortar. It is sifted through a sieve to sift out large fractions and various organic inclusions. The presence of additional inclusions in this case is very important. All organic impurities will burn out from heating, due to which the masonry will crack and begin to crumble.

Masonry mortar

For laying the furnace, you will have to use several types of mortar based on:

  • cement;
  • Lime;
  • clays;
  • Fireclay.

Characterized by its plasticity. It is used in places experiencing high temperature loads. This solution is cheap. Clay can be easily found on almost any land plot after cleaning it up. It can withstand temperatures up to 1100 degrees Celsius. Such a mixture dries out under the action of high temperature, but becomes wet when exposed to moisture. The stove masonry can always be disassembled and reassembled. But it is impossible to lay the foundation on such a solution.

A mixture of clay with the addition of fireclay is used in furnace parts. Such a solution withstands the highest thermal loads.

The lime mixture is used on the foundation masonry or for the chimney. This solution is strong enough, but can only withstand 450 degrees Celsius.

Cement-lime is even more durable than ordinary lime, but the fire resistance is reduced even more. Used in foundation.

Cement-sand mortar is used for masonry chimney. It has the best indicators of strength and resistance to precipitation. The seams of such a solution will not let smoke through and dig into the room and provide good draft for the firebox.

Brick oven projects examples

Furnace for giving

Medium sizes country house are about 15-20 square meters. With a consumption of only 280 bricks, you can build a small stove, 2 by 3 meters in size and with a heat capacity coefficient of 1.90 kW. As mentioned earlier, the furnace part is made of refractory bricks, and the whole body is built from ceramic red.

The figure shows the project of the furnace in the context

Such a simple option can easily be made of bricks with their own hands by every beginner, without even making mistakes.

Scheme with ordering, ordinal instruction

Despite the small dimensions and light weight, it still requires the construction of a separate foundation. The foundation must also withstand the pressure of the chimney.

The thickness of the seam for masonry should be standard 8-10 mm., while the thickness of the seam between refractory bricks should be half as much.

It is better not to change the drawing if you do not have your experience.

For such a furnace, the chimney is laid in a brick floor.

Material Quantity:

You will need about 210 pieces of ordinary brick, about 75 pieces of fireclay. The clay solution will take about 70 liters. Sand 0.4 cu. m. One grate, door for furnace, blower and cleaning. Two smoke dampers. Sheet of metal for the foundation. For waterproofing about 3 meters of roofing material.

The number of bricks is approximate, as there will be a certain percentage of brick battle.

Russian oven

Such a furnace has an efficiency of 80 percent. She has a beautiful appearance. On such an oven you can cook food and there is a stove bench in its design. Laying and erection schemes are quite simple. Its main disadvantage is the design feature, due to which it heats only the upper part of the room. But in our country, it is still popular.

What does it consist of:

  • A) the ward part;
  • B) niche;
  • B) six;
  • D) bugle;
  • D) stuffy part;
  • E) shield;
  • G) valve;
  • H) chimney pipe;
  • I) Repainting the crucible.

Large, small and medium-sized furnaces are built according to their size. Consider a small one, measuring 1270 by 650 by 2380 mm.

Necessary materials:

Brick red about 1620 pieces. The clay solution will take about 1000 liters. From steel, a plug measuring 430 by 340, a valve measuring 300 by 300 (two pieces), a samovar, measuring 140 by 140 (one).

Order of the Russian stove:

Row No. 1 is laid out from solid ceramic bricks, on lime mortar with the addition of cement. There is a formation of the ward part;

Row number 2 to number 4 is laid out well. All sutures are tied. On the one hand, they leave room for baking;

Rows No. 5 to No. 7 erect a vault over the oven;

Row No. 8 to No. 10 a lock is being erected for the vault;

Row number 11 lay out a cold stove. Sand is poured into the remaining space between the stove and the stove;

Row number 12 is laid out "under". It is made from a special brick;

Row No. 13 the beginning of the cooking chamber;

Row No. 14 to 16 are done in the same way as the previous one;

Row No. 17 set the vaults of the mouths;

Row No. 18 laying the walls of the furnace;

Row No. 19 of the wall of the vault;

Row No. 20 with the help of halves of bricks narrow the hole above the hearth;

Row No. 21 align the walls;

Row No. 22 stage of alignment and reduction of the pre-pipe part;

Row No. 23 lay out a samovar;

Rows from No. 24 to No. 32 installation of view valves;

Row No. 32 chimney masonry. In a Russian stove, a chimney is laid in 2 bricks.

Some features can be seen in Fig.

Before you start laying furnaces, you should try to lay out at least one without mortar in order to understand the essence of the schemes. But with effort and patience, everyone can make a stove with their own hands.


In the proposed video you can see the order of the heating furnace:

Away from cities, the issue of heating is acute. The comfort of living and the health of people depends on its decision. Most stoves for a brick house not only warm the air, but also make it possible to cook food. To maintain the optimum air temperature, 1-2 heatings per day are sufficient.

  1. Features of functioning
  2. Rules for selection and operation
  3. Do-it-yourself installation
  4. Reviews
  5. Advantages and disadvantages

Principle of operation, design features

A brick oven, unlike a metal one, is able to accumulate heat. It heats up for a long time, but it also does not cool down quickly, continuing to heat the house for 8–20 hours. Combustion products are discharged through brick chimney channels and a pipe using natural draft. The flow of air comes from the room, ventilation must not be neglected. The complex device of the chimney and channels provides additional heat transfer. After the wood burns out, the draft is stopped by closing the damper in the pipe.

In the process of kindling traditional oven for a private house made of bricks, it is allowed to use any type of solid, liquid or gaseous fuel, if it is safe for health, not explosive and does not cause overheating of the structure.

If necessary, the combustion chamber is equipped with special devices. The best fuel for a stove is dry firewood from dense woods. When they are burned, ash is formed, falling through the grate into a separate compartment with a door. Sometimes the grate is missing, soot remains in the furnace.

The maximum heating efficiency of the house is achieved in the case of a central location of the masonry, in which each room has a part of it. The installation location assumes the absence of combustible materials closer than 50 cm; the possibility of erecting a brick chimney through the ceiling and forming a foundation on solid ground under the floor.

Classification by purpose

There are several main types of brick ovens: heating, cooking and combined.
The first ones spend all their heat on heating one room or several rooms in the house. Connecting a water circuit expands their potential. Cookers are installed mainly in summer kitchens for cooking, drying mushrooms and berries, they are inferior to heating ones in weight and dimensions. More common in residential homes combined options, combining heating surfaces with a stove and oven. At will, they are equipped with a stove bench, a niche for drying, a ledge made of bricks for dishes, panoramic glass in the firebox door. Heating and cooking devices with a summer and winter chimney in the warm season are used only for cooking.


In shape, brick structures are divided into: square, rectangular, round, angular, T-like. The design is dominated by classic styles, although there are also modern models with an original configuration. Options exterior finish: plaster, tiling, metal case. The wall thickness affects the heat transfer. The larger it is, the more smoothly the surface temperature changes. For example, a Dutch oven with a wall thickness of 1/2 brick is more susceptible to temperature fluctuations than the same design with masonry in a whole brick.

There are a number of classifications of the structure of the channels: co-current or counter-current device means that smoke moves in one or the opposite direction; possible arrangement of gas ducts - horizontal or vertical. Single-turn furnaces for the home have one ascending and several outgoing branches, while multi-turn ones remove combustion products through a single winding path.

Primary thrust in the second case is weaker, however, after heating and pushing out cold air, it becomes stronger compared to single-turn ones. There are no channels in a bell-type furnace for a brick house; a chamber above the firebox acts as a heat-absorbing surface. Separately, configurations with lower heating are considered.

Choosing a place where the oven will stand

First of all, you need to decide on a place for the oven. It must be installed in such a position that not only heat the maximum possible area, but also the safety rules must be observed.

A gap of at least 15 cm must be observed between the rafters and the chimney. In addition, the highly heated parts of the stove must also be removed from walls, ceilings and other fire hazardous elements.

There are several basic schemes for small rooms, how you can place different types of stoves. As a rule, a brick oven for a house, the projects of which provide for the location in such a way as to heat as many rooms as possible, is placed at the junction of two or three rooms, with one of them being a kitchen. The only exception is the fireplace stove, which is usually installed in the big room on the wall opposite the entrance.

Safety requirements for the installation site

Due to the fact that the brick oven for the house is installed on a foundation specially poured for it, it is necessary to choose a place in such a way that you do not have to cut the ceiling and underground logs. A separate base, not connected to the foundation of the house, is required in almost all cases, even if the stove was designed with the house.

An exception can be made only for certain types of furnaces that have a small structural weight. So, for example, a low and wide brick cooking oven for the house, the projects of which involve the use of a minimum amount of material, is installed only on thermal insulation.

If the floor is on logs, it is a good idea to strengthen the flooring with additional jumpers before installing the stove. If a monolithic foundation is laid under the house, then an additional foundation is not necessary, it is enough to lay a litter and you can lay out a brick.

The pipe must be at least 1.5 m from the roof ridge and be 0.5 m higher than it.

Once the site is determined, a brick perimeter can be laid out on the floor to give a better idea of ​​what it will look like in the future.


As a rule, a do-it-yourself brick oven for a house is used in wooden houses installed on strip or rubble foundations. In this case, it is required to perform a full-fledged reinforced concrete or, if it is planned to bake on the trenches, a tape-filled base.

After the place on which the stove for the brick house will stand is determined, it is necessary to complete the foundation. The reliability and uniformity of the masonry, as well as the appearance of the future furnace, depend on how well it will be filled. Therefore, the pouring of the base should be approached with due attention.

The base is poured 5 cm wider on all sides than the future furnace, according to the general technology for making foundations. If modern materials are used, for example, Izospan D, it is enough to lay two layers of waterproofing: on a sand cushion under the base and on top of the foundation itself. Another way to perform waterproofing: sheets of asbestos 4-6 cm high are laid on top of the top layer of roofing material. Then roofing iron and, last layer, felt soaked in a very liquid masonry composition. After the felt has dried, bricks can be laid.

Basic rules for laying a brick oven

If you want to fold the stove so that it lasts as long as possible without requiring repair, and even more so re-laying, you must follow some requirements for the materials used and the laying technology.

A brick oven for the house, built with your own hands, heats up quite unevenly throughout the body. Particularly high temperatures in the area of ​​​​the furnace, which is due to the use of different material for masonry. Firstly, this will significantly save on raw materials, since cheaper material can be used for some parts of the furnace. Secondly, the use of a clay-sand mixture throughout the body of the furnace is unreasonable. Such a solution has the peculiarity of strongly absorbing moisture, which leads to the destruction of the masonry in places that are not subject to heating and drying.

Requirements for laying bricks

When choosing a brick, pay attention to its quality, which can be determined even visually. A good, high-quality brick is distinguished by a pinkish tint and a clear sonorous sound. You should not choose a brick oven for laying a brick house (photo below), the orange-red material is unburned raw material, but the purple hue indicates burnt brick.

The first rows of the underfloor part are laid from ordinary red brick with a cement-based mortar.

The firebox and part of the convector in the places of greatest heating are made of mixed masonry of ordinary stove and fireclay bricks. In this case, a clay-sand mortar is used.

The part of the furnace, which is also heated, but not higher than 200 degrees, will be made, albeit with the use of ceramic bricks, but already on a cement mixture.

In the upper part of the chimney, where the heating temperature does not exceed 80 degrees, ordinary red brick is again used.

Varieties of brick ovens

There are several main types of ovens:

  • heating, designed exclusively for space heating, therefore, it occupies a minimum of usable area;
  • cooking, intended only for heating the stove, such an oven can be used even in summer time, since it does not strongly heat the surrounding air;
  • Heating and cooking, combining the characteristics of the two previous types. The most common option in the manufacture of a stove for a brick house (photo below);
  • a fireplace stove, which is used not only for space heating, but also as a decorative element for the interior of a room.

Heating or Dutch oven

The execution of the stove for a brick house, the drawings for which are given below, is the simplest, due to the minimum structural elements during its manufacture. In addition, such a furnace involves the lowest fuel consumption.

One of the main advantages is the ability to fit it into almost any room. At the same time, such a brick oven for the house warms up quickly enough, in just 1.5-2 hours, however, it cools down quite quickly in comparison with other types of ovens.

Among the shortcomings, one can note a rather low efficiency - less than 40%. In addition, to build a water heater into it, you will have to thoroughly break your head. The problem is that the flow of hot air that moves in the oven cannot be disturbed by the inclusion of additional elements. This leads, firstly, to a large decrease in efficiency, and secondly, to the appearance of a large amount of soot.

Cooking ovens

"Cooking" does not mean at all that this stove is not capable of heating housing, with a room of up to 50 square meters. m she can handle it. However, its main function is still cooking, so the main heat is spent on heating a thick cast-iron stove with two burners. Cast iron is used to increase heat transfer.

The main advantage of such an oven is the possibility of cooking in an area where there are frequent power outages, besides, any food turns out to be much tastier on a live fire. It is beneficial to install a similar brick oven for the home, on wood, and for preparing feed for livestock and poultry, steaming cereals and drying dried fruits. In addition, the design of the stove involves its use in the summer, when excessive heat in the house is completely unnecessary.

The disadvantage of the cooking stove is that it is unrealistic to use it for full heating in the winter. Even if you increase the overall dimensions of the device, this will not increase its efficiency. Therefore, as an alternative, a generally accepted option is used, which combines the advantages of both types, while successfully compensating for their shortcomings.

Heating and cooking stoves

The most preferred option for permanent housing are heating and cooking stoves for a brick house, combining all the functions of these devices. In addition, such stoves can be easily oriented in the room to obtain the most efficient heating of the home, and the standard set of basic features can be supplemented with an oven, a drying niche, a sun lounger and a water tank. It all depends on the design of the heating and cooking stove that you choose.

For heating in such furnaces, a channel or bell design is used, each of which has its own advantages. A duct stove made of bricks for the house, on wood, warms up the room faster, while a bell-type stove allows you to maintain the optimum temperature for a long time. Therefore, for a residential building, it is better to use an option that combines these two structures.

Traditional Russian stove

The most common is the Russian stove, which can be used in two different modes. In the summer, it is used exclusively for the cooking process, due to the fact that the heating channels are closed with an additional damper and hot gas goes directly into the chimney. In winter, the damper is opened, which provides heating of the room. As a rule, an oven is built into the Russian stove, which is a kind of additional heat accumulator.

Often, a heated lounger is additionally attached to the oven for a brick house due to the use of caps, which are performed without losing the efficiency of the entire device.

The disadvantage of the Russian stove is mainly its rather impressive size due to the removal hob separate from the body.

Swede oven

Another option for cooking and heating stoves. This is a more compact device in which the hob is hidden in a recess. In addition, additionally above the stove there is a special niche for drying various herbs, berries and other products.

What is another name for such stoves for a brick house - "Swede". Such a device has a lot of advantages in comparison with other stoves. Due to its design, the device has the highest efficiency - more than 60%, since the heating channels go to the entire brick oven for the house. Reviews of those using such a furnace note that with small dimensions, this design is capable of heating up to 70 sq.m of living space.

It is also possible to use it in different operating modes, while the possibility of smoke is practically excluded due to the design features of the chimney. In addition, it is possible to combine such a stove with a fireplace when both devices use the same chimney. If you place this design on the border of the living room and kitchen, then in the working room you will get a real stove with all the necessary attributes, and in the living room there is a cozy fireplace.

fireplace stove

The advantages of a fireplace stove are not even worth describing, perhaps. Of course, you can’t cook borscht or meatballs on it, but one kind of open live fire can transform the whole look of even the most ordinary housing. In addition, it perfectly copes with the function of heating the room, and the fireplace will allow you to quickly warm up from the cold.

This design has two fireboxes - open and closed, which allows you to heat the room in two modes. You can use the fireplace only from time to time, and in most cases, operate a conventional closed firebox.

Such stoves for a brick house with the right constructive solution can take up very little space and have light weight, therefore, in most cases, it is not necessary for them to carry out a separate foundation. In addition, fireplaces have the ability to use not only wood and coal as fuel, but also various briquettes, which increases their efficiency.

Types of wood stoves

According to the design model, wood-burning brick stoves for heating a house are divided into Russian, Dutch and Swedish stoves. These three models are the most popular of all available. And according to their intended purpose, furnaces are distinguished with hob, heating and heating and cooking. Outdoor brick two-burner wood-burning stove most often used in personal subsidiary plots for preparing feed, heating water, and only in some cases - for cooking.

A stove made for heating a private house differs significantly from a stove for giving, in which residence is carried out only during the summer season, and heating is required only in early spring and late autumn. Due to the increased popularity of owning household plot, we present to your attention a photo of various options for brick wood-burning stoves for summer cottages.

Despite the complexity of the construction of brick wood stove, it can be done without special efforts build on your own. This requires certain building materials, cast iron parts and tools.

Construction Materials:

  1. Furnace brick (fireclay), brand Sh8, withstands high temperatures (up to + 1600 C), it is usually used to build a firebox, it retains heat well and is durable when compared with other types of bricks.
  2. Red refractory brick can withstand temperatures up to + 800 C, it is used to mount the entire structure of the furnace, it is quite brittle and therefore you need to be extremely careful during transportation and work with it. Read more about firing bricks at home.
  3. Mastic designed for gluing brickwork, which can withstand high temperatures (up to + 1500 C), you can use the finished mixture "Garant +". For better bonding of the oven masonry, we advise you to prepare the following solution: take mastic, chamotte powder and chamotte clay in 1: 1: 1 proportions.

Cast iron parts:

  • firebox door;
  • blower door;
  • hob (depending on the chosen stove design);
  • grates (cast-iron grate inside the furnace, located between the firebox and the blower);
  • chimney valves.


  1. Electrical Circular Saw, "Bulgarian".
  2. An electric sharpener, with the help of which they chamfer bricks.
  3. Hammer.
  4. A set of spatulas of different sizes. (some more types of spatulas are discussed in this article)
  5. Building level and plumb.
  6. Electric drill.

Furnace installation (step by step)

Before starting work on laying out a brick wood-burning stove, it is necessary to prepare a stand that will save the floor from excessive load and overheating. It consists of several layers: plywood treated with an anti-rot compound (at least 4 mm thick), basalt cardboard, aceite (8 mm) and galvanized (0.7 mm). To protect the wall from overheating, it is necessary to build a heat shield from aceite sheet, basalt cardboard and galvanization.

To begin with, let's discuss the installation features of the main structural parts: oven doors, grate, chimney valve.

The installation of stove doors is carried out as follows: the cast-iron parts of the firebox door and blower are attached to the brickwork with steel wire and mortar, but it will be more reliable to use a stainless steel frame that matches the size of the opening for the firebox door and blower.

The grates are installed in the furnace compartment, taking into account expansion during heating, a gap of at least 5 mm is left between them. They are mounted on two cast-iron or steel plates with a thickness of at least 6 mm. The grates are installed in such a way that nothing prevents their replacement.

To install a furnace valve, it is necessary to ensure its entry into brickwork not less than 20 mm, lay a frame of basalt under it.
Video on laying a brick wood-burning stove:

Scheme of laying out the furnace (ordering)

For each type of wood-burning stove, there is a brick layout scheme (order), following which you can easily and efficiently perform installation work. But for greater certainty, it is recommended to lay out a couple of test rows without mortar. This is necessary in order to estimate the required number of bricks and check the correctness of the ordering scheme. And it is best to carry out such a “fitting” throughout the work.

Consider the ordering option used when laying out the Swede oven. So let's get started.

1 row - we lay on the bottom of the structure of the future furnace required size sheet of roofing material, on it a layer of sand no more than 10 mm thick, it is necessary to ensure that the base is strictly horizontal. We lay out the corners of the structure.

2 row - with the help of steel wire and mortar, a blower door is installed.

3 row - lay out the bricks in such a way that the brick of the new row overlaps the junction of the bricks of the previous row. On the right side, we lay a strip of metal with a size: width - 40 mm, thickness at least 4 mm, length - 400 mm.

4 row - it is necessary to install a pair of metal corners, the vertical shelves of which are turned down and brought into the seams of the brickwork. Next, we install the grate.

5 row - it is necessary to chop off the corners of the bricks of this row, directly adjacent to the grate, by 70-80 mm.

6 row - we begin the installation of a cast-iron door for the firebox, fastening occurs due to steel wire and mortar, but so that the brickwork does not collapse from heating the cast iron, the door frame must be wrapped with asbestos cord.

7th row, as well as 8th and 9th rows - we continue to enclose the firebox door, it is necessary to monitor the thickness of the horizontal seams, they should not exceed 5 mm, as a result, it is necessary to ensure that the 9th row of masonry coincides in level with the upper side of the frame of the furnace door.

10 row - laid out according to the scheme, which consists in overlapping with bricks a new row of joints of the previous one.

11 row - we lay out the row completely, and on top we place two strips of steel having the following dimensions: width - 45 mm, thickness - 4 mm, length less than 400 mm.

12 row - a whole brick is laid on the left side on steel strips, and on the right side two bricks are placed 3/4 of the whole, so it is necessary to match the size of the resulting opening with the size of the hob with one burner. Along the entire edge of the resulting opening, we lay out an asbestos cord, previously moistened with water and a solution. We fasten the panel with steel wire, check the horizontal level with a level.

13 row - we lay bricks on the back side of the hob, while leaving a thermal gap of at least 10 mm, which is then covered with sand.

14, as well as 15, 16 and 17 rows - laid out according to the ordering scheme. The wall to the left of the hob is aligned in height with the entire masonry. To build a ceiling above the hob, on the brickwork of the 17th row we place three corners about 600 mm long and three strips of durable steel, at least 300 mm long.

18 row - with the help of brickwork, we overlap the cooking chamber, carefully filling the seams with mortar.

19 row - on the right side in the brickwork, it is necessary to leave an opening the size of half a brick, designed to clean the furnace.

20 row - when laying out a row, we install a “knock-out” brick in the above opening, on the bricks of this row we attach a steel plate 140 mm in size each side, this is necessary for the zigzag movement of gases in the smoke channel, which, in turn, will ensure uniform heating of all oven walls.

21 row - the laying out of partitions begins, separating the lowering and lifting smoke channels.

22nd row - lay out a row of brickwork and install another steel plate with similar dimensions (see 20th row).

23 row - brickwork must comply with the ordering scheme.

24 row - the last steel plate is installed on the bricks of this row to ensure the zigzag movement of gases in the smoke channel.

25 row - on the finished row we place a sheet of steel with a hole cut out at the location of the smoke channel. The sheet is fastened with steel strips.

26 row - we lay out the brickwork in accordance with the ordering scheme, after which we install the valve for the chimney.

27 row - a solid row is laid out with a hole for the chimney.

28 row - is the last row of the furnace, after which all the seams of the brickwork are checked for fullness to ensure complete tightness.

29th row - a pipe is laid out passing through the wooden roof. And when installing the pipe, it is necessary to comply with all fire safety rules, using a special material.

Video of laying a Swede stove with three firing modes:

Video of laying the Swede stove with a fireplace designed by A.I. Ryazankin:

Video of masonry heating stove-Swedish:

Video on laying a Swede stove with a stove bench:

Video on laying a Swedish stove with a fireplace:

Arrangement and laying of a heating and cooking stove of the Swede type:

Swede A Batsulin oven two-bell with masonry video oven:


After completing all the work on the installation of a brick wood-burning stove built to heat the house, it is necessary to dry it:

  • natural drying lasts for 6–8 days, for this it is necessary to open all the valves and doors, the moisture will evaporate naturally;
  • forced drying consists in burning a small amount of firewood with only the furnace door closed, such drying lasts about 10 days with a daily increase in the amount of firewood burned for drying.

Work on the construction of a wood-burning brick oven completed and it is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. It will take a lot of effort and time, but the end justifies the means. Perhaps, after reading the above information, questions might arise, so let's clarify some points again.

Clarifying information on working with ordinary brickwork

  • work on laying out the furnace must begin from the corner;
  • a brick of a new row should always overlap the junction of bricks of the previous row;
  • the blower door, the furnace and the grate are installed and fixed on the structure with steel wire;
  • in the space formed behind the grate, the mortar used for laying bricks is poured;
  • it is important to remember that the firebox must be laid out with a brick specially designed for this;
  • the hob, if it is used during installation, it is better to lay it on a metal corner welded into a single frame, this will allow the structure to be more durable;
  • the chimney and chimney of the furnace being constructed must have the same opening size.

For more information about the construction of a large Russian stove, read the link.

Types of furnaces

Brick ovens for giving or at home are divided into the following types depending on their functions:
heating - designed to heat residential premises.

Can be used in combination with other heaters:

  • cooking - used for cooking;
  • cooking and heating - are used both for heating the building and for cooking;
  • Russians - a special type of wood-burning stove, which is equipped with a stove bench;
  • fireplace stoves - combine the functions of a closed stove and an open fireplace in one unit;
  • specific devices - designed for drying clothes, berries, for heating a large volume of water.

Structural elements of brick ovens

Any stoves for home or summer cottages, regardless of their functionality, consist of the following elements:

  • the combustion chamber, where the process of burning firewood takes place;
  • the foundation is an obligatory part if the furnace is massive and produces a load of more than 250 kg / m2;
  • grate - designed to place solid fuel in the furnace and free movement of ash into the ash pan;
  • ashpit - a small chamber where ash accumulates;
  • chimney - designed to remove carbon monoxide from the heating system;
  • blower - provides the system with fresh air.

Brick ovens for cooking are also equipped with a hob. Additionally, an oven, a drying chamber, a water heating tank and other devices can be installed to increase the functionality of the heater.

Brick pyrolysis oven

brick oven long burning Outwardly, it is no different from a conventional stove. It can be used to heat a house or cottage. The long-burning unit has a peculiar design. Inside a conventional combustion chamber there is a special shaft. It is connected to an intermediate hood, where the afterburning of gases from the furnace takes place.

Advantages of long-burning wood burning stoves:

  • high efficiency - when using the same volume of firewood, you can get much
  • more thermal energy;
  • high efficiency - in some devices this figure reaches 85%;
  • a long-burning stove can be used as the only source of heat for the house;
  • the gas that exits through the chimney has almost no harmful substances;
  • it is necessary to lay additional firewood only after 5-6 hours.

When installing a long-burning unit, it must be borne in mind that the wood that is used for heating must be dry. If their humidity is increased, this will significantly reduce the productivity of the heater. The chimney for a long-burning stove should be as vertical as possible.

It also needs to be cleaned frequently, because due to the low temperature of the exhaust gases, inner surface smoke channel accumulates a large amount of soot.

swedish stove

The Swedish stove, which is equipped with a hob, is one of the most successful models brick heating appliances. It is equipped with an oven with a duct convector and a dryer.

Advantages of the Swedish stove:

  • sufficiently high efficiency - 60%;
  • convector and oven do not have feedback with a firebox, which allows you to choose different schemes for their placement;
  • the convector can be built from ordinary brick and cement-sand mortar;
  • this heater allows you to evenly heat the room over the entire height;
  • the design of the stove allows you to vary its size and configuration.

What will be needed to build a stove?

To build a stove for heating a house with your own hands, you need to stock up on the following tools:

  • trowel;
  • building level;
  • plumb;
  • rule;
  • hammer;
  • roulette;
  • shovel.

To build a firebox for a heater with your own hands, use refractory fireclay bricks. For the construction of elements that are not exposed to high temperatures, you can use ordinary red brick. For the solution, take sand and clay of medium fat content. You can also buy a special mixture that is designed for stoves and fireplaces.

Additional materials that are necessary for the construction of a heating stove for heating a house with your own hands:

  • metal corner;
  • hob, if the stove will be used for cooking;
  • doors for the combustion chamber, ash pan, blower;
  • valves;
  • oven if necessary.

Foundation construction

When installing a heater with a hob with your own hands, you must first build a solid foundation. At the same time, it must be remembered that the base of the stove should be at least 5 cm away from the load-bearing walls of the building.

Under the heating equipment, you need to dig a small pit 30 cm deep. It should be 5 cm wider from the stove body on all sides. In the resulting pit, using an understudy, make several wells with a diameter of 20 cm and a depth of 1 m.

At the bottom of the holes, pour crushed stone, which must be carefully tamped. Also insert a roofing material twisted into a tube into the well. After the preparatory work, you can start pouring concrete.

Ground part masonry

Do-it-yourself laying of the body of the heater takes place in several stages:

  • The first two rows play the role of the base. Brick is laid in a continuous layer.
  • The next three rows form an ash pan. The door is installed on the second row.
  • Starting from the 6th row, start building up the body of the stove inward.
  • On the 7th row, install the grate and the door of the combustion chamber.
  • Build a firebox on the 8-10th row.
  • On the 11th row, begin to form a place for the chimney.
  • On the 12th row, install the hob.
  • Starting from row 12, install the chimney.

Start and finish bricklaying only with rows of rows. Also make sure that the vertical seams of the spoon and butt rows do not match. When laying the stove with your own hands, watch the thickness of the seam. It should be 2 to 3 mm. In places where different materials come into contact, the thickness of the seam can reach 5 mm.

After erecting the heater, wait a few days, after which you can carry out the first test fire with a small amount of firewood.

Advantages and disadvantages of a wood-burning stove

If firewood is taken as fuel, then the stove in the house, garage or country house must meet a number of requirements. Both the furnace and the chimney of the device are constructed so that they do not collapse during operation.

Thanks to the special manufacturing technology, a wood-burning stove has many advantages:

  1. Efficiency. The stove, in the furnace of which firewood is laid, easily heats the air into a room with an area of ​​​​at least 4 m².
  2. A pleasant aroma emanating from the wood in flames.
  3. The possibility of using not only firewood, but also coal.
  4. Long service life with timely repairs.
  5. Small cost for the purchase of fuel.

However, it is worth paying attention to some disadvantages of a wood-burning stove:

  1. The need to control the process of fuel combustion every 15 minutes, adding new batches in time.
  2. The requirement to remove ash from the furnace, the accumulation of which impairs draft.

Types of wood stoves

Furnaces in which wood is burned are classified into the following types:

  1. A cast-iron wood-burning stove is a room heating device used as an additional heat source. Smoke and gases are removed from it through a corrugated chimney or sleeve. The cast iron stove heats the air in the house very quickly and is mounted in any area of ​​the house. Equipped with a blower, it allows the room temperature to remain comfortable for many hours.
  2. A metal wood stove is a structure capable of heating the air in a room in an amazingly short time, since it is made of steel that retains heat. But the effect of the metal furnace disappears quickly, because its walls are made of thin material. Therefore, in order to avoid an instant drop in temperature in the house, the stove should be constructed from stainless steel sheets, creating thick seams that will protect the structure from cracking.
  3. A brick wood-burning stove is the most reliable device for heating a room, requiring high construction costs. The brick oven is equipped with a serpentine-shaped chimney, so that the received heat does not leave the house for a long time. True, this device takes a long time to create a comfortable temperature, which distinguishes it from a metal furnace. But the room, heated by a brick structure, does not cool down for a long time, and the oven itself can be used for cooking.

V wooden house it is more reasonable to install a compact oven made of heating and cooking type bricks. And the heat capacity of the device should be medium.

The design and principle of operation of a brick wood-burning stove

Each stove in which firewood is laid has the following structural elements:

  • a chamber where firewood is laid;
  • cast iron grate on which they are located;
  • ash pan, where non-combustible fuel residue gets through the holes in the grate;
  • chimney for removing gases emanating from firewood during combustion.

Burning wood in a furnace leads to the formation of gases heated to a high temperature. These substances pass through the pipe, making the walls of the furnace hot. As a result, heat is transferred to the air in the room. How fast will the temperature rise in the house? air environment, depends on the thickness of the furnace wall material. Usually, it takes about 5 hours to heat the rooms of a private house.

To keep the fire in the furnace, it is necessary to regulate the traction force. To do this, open the blower door less or more and the smoke damper located in the chimney. At the same time, it is important to prevent excess or lack of oxygen in the chamber for laying firewood. Excess air lowers the temperature in the furnace, and insufficient air causes the formation of products of incomplete combustion. Because of this, the heat transfer of the furnace deteriorates significantly, and accelerated soot formation occurs in the chimney.

Video: all about the brick oven

Making a brick wood-burning stove with your own hands

Calculation of the parameters of a wood stove

To determine what size furnace you need to build, you should take into account the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room. The square of the building is obtained by multiplying the outer perimeter by 21 (the amount of heat required to heat 1 m³ of area to 18 degrees).

You can find out what a wood-burning stove should be according to a table that reflects the dimensions of the surface of the equipment, depending on its location and room parameters. The data presented should be used if the height of the house is 3 meters, and the temperature outside the window is not lower than 25 degrees below zero.

Table: recommended oven surface depending on its location

Let's say the stove is going to be built between the kitchen and the hallway. When calculating the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe equipment, it is necessary to proceed as follows:

  1. Add the volume of the kitchen with the volume of the hallway (let, for example, it will be 54.39 m³ + 18.87 m³ = 73.26 m³).
  2. Find out the value of the return of thermal energy - 73.26 x 21 \u003d 1,538 kcal / h.
  3. Determine the heating area of ​​the furnace, given that square meter the oven gives off 300 kcal / h - 1,538 kcal / h: 300 \u003d 5.1 m².
  4. Divide the furnace heating area by its active height (heated height) and get the active surface perimeter - 5.1: 2.2 = 2.3 m.
  5. Determine the sum of the two sides of the furnace - 2.3: 2 = 1.15 m.
  6. Ask for some width and find the length (for example, if the width of the oven is 510 mm, the length will be 640 mm).

List of materials and tools

Starting the construction of a wood-burning brick oven, it is necessary to prepare the following building materials:

  • fireclay bricks of the Sh8 brand (for the furnace), since they easily tolerate high temperatures, retain heat and do not collapse for a long time;
  • red refractory bricks, which are immune to intense heat, but are fragile and therefore require extreme care when laying;
  • mastic used as an adhesive for bricklaying;
  • furnace door;
  • a sash for a blower;
  • cast iron hob;
  • cast-iron grates mounted between the firewood combustion chamber and the blower;
  • chimney valve.

The construction of a brick oven is carried out using the following tools:

  • electric saw with a metal disc;
  • grindstone, eliminating the irregularities of bricks;
  • hammer;
  • spatulas with plates of various widths and lengths;
  • level and plumb for construction control;
  • drill, functioning from the mains.

Finding a place to install the furnace

A brick structure for heating a house is supposed to be installed so that it does not cause a fire in the house. For furnace equipment, it is necessary to find a place that would allow the maximum use of its power.

The installation of a brick oven should be done in one of the following areas:

  • the center of the room, where the air heating equipment will divide the room into sectors;
  • a niche in the wall located between two or three rooms;
  • a place against the wall (further by about 30 cm), if you want to raise the air temperature in only one room.

Having decided on the site for the furnace, markup is performed. To draw lines that define the contours of the manufactured furnace equipment, start from the ceiling. At the same time, they use a plumb line, since it is very important to make sure that the chimney passes through the attic floors at a distance of 15 cm from the rafter legs.

When looking for a suitable site for the furnace, it must be borne in mind that a lot of space is needed to build the foundation. Therefore, the area where the stove will be located in the future needs to be increased by 10 or 15 cm on each side.

Before laying the bricks, a stand is placed on the floor, which will protect the area under the furnace from the pressure of a heavy structure and overheating. The device must be multi-layered, that is, it must consist of plywood coated with a composition that protects the material from decay, dense basalt cardboard, aceite 8 mm thick and galvanized.

A sheet is also nailed to the wall, which will be located next to the stove, to protect it from strong heat. It is customary to create this heat shield from pieces of basalt cardboard and aceite coated with molten zinc.

Options and schemes for the manufacture of wood-burning stoves

According to which scheme the oven should be built from bricks, depends on the type of equipment. For example, a Swedish oven is laid out as follows:

  1. 1 row - a piece of roofing material is placed on the bottom of the future furnace, which is sprinkled with sand, forming a layer of 1 cm. At the same time, the horizontalness of the base is kept under control, otherwise the furnace will turn out to be a curve. Having created a platform, lay out the first row of bricks, thereby obtaining the corners of the structure.
  2. 2nd row - with the help of wire and cement composition, the blower door is mounted.
  3. 3rd row - when placing a line of bricks, make sure that the blocks of the next row overlap the joints of the bricks laid out earlier. A metal strip 4 cm wide, 40 cm long and 4 mm thick is placed on the right.
  4. 4th row - several metal corners are mounted with vertical elements facing down and inserted into the brick joints. Then a cast-iron grate is put in place.
  5. 5 row - the corners of the brick blocks are leveled, eliminating roughness. We are talking about those bricks that are adjacent to the grate. It is supposed to cut off 7–8 cm.
  6. 6th row - put cast iron doors for the combustion chamber. The element is fixed in place using steel wire and cement mortar. So that the brick structure does not become brittle due to the strong heating of the cast iron, the area around the door is wrapped with asbestos cord.
  7. Rows 7, 8 and 9 are formed by lining the door of the fuel combustion chamber. At the same time, horizontal seams are made thin (no more than 5 mm). This will lay out the ninth row at the level of the upper edge of the frame from the furnace door.
  8. 10th row - the joints of previously built blocks are covered with a new line of bricks.
  9. 11 row - two steel plates 4.5 cm wide, more than 4 cm long and about 4 mm thick are placed on the laid out line of bricks.
  10. 12 row - strips of steel are placed on the left side of the structure, and whole bricks are placed on it. After that, they work on the right side of the structure, put two bricks, reduced by ¼. When laying out whole bricks, it will not be possible to make an opening corresponding in size to a hob with one burner. An asbestos cord soaked in water and cement mortar is laid along the edge of the created window. The hob is fixed using steel wire and a level that allows you to evaluate the horizontalness of the structure.
  11. 13 row - a line of bricks is laid out behind the hob, leaving a space of 1 cm for the passage of heat. Later, this gap is covered with sand.
  12. 14-17 rows are created as required by the ordering scheme. The height of the wall to the left of the hob is adjusted, focusing on the size of the entire masonry. To mount the floors above the hob, the 17th line of bricks is supplemented with three corners 60 cm long and three strips of dense steel 30 cm long.
  13. 18 row - they perform the installation of the ceiling of the cooking chamber, taking care of the complete filling of the joints with mortar.
  14. 19 row - on right side brickwork leaves a void the size of half a brick. This space will later serve as an opening for cleaning the oven.
  15. 20 row - laying out the next line, a brick is laid in the opening left earlier, which can be easily pulled out. A steel strip is mounted on the laid out bricks, the length and width of which is 1.4 cm. The plate will provide a zigzag movement of gases along chimney, which means it will contribute to uniform heating of all zones of the furnace.
  16. 21st row - create partitions that will separate the lowering and lifting channels for removing combustion products from each other.
  17. 22nd row - during the laying out of the next line of bricks, another steel plate is installed.
  18. 23 row - act according to the ordering scheme.
  19. 24th row - having laid out a new line of bricks, they lay the last steel strip, the task of which is to make the smoke move zigzag through the pipe.
  20. 25 row - a piece of sheet steel with an even hole at the chimney passage is attached to the laid bricks with steel strips.
  21. 26 row - continue to create brickwork, focusing on the ordering scheme, and install a valve for the chimney.
  22. 27 row - lay out a continuous line of bricks with a gap for holding the pipe.
  23. 28 row - the walls of the furnace are supplemented with the last line of bricks, after which they check how well all the seams are sealed.
  24. 29 row - lay out the design of the pipe going through the roof.

If you want to build a small stove that will consume little firewood, despite the high heat transfer, then you should give preference to the following option for assembling a brick structure:

  1. 1st row or base for the oven. A blower door with a gap and an asbestos-cement cord is also installed here.
  2. 2-3 rows. The walls of the ash chamber and one cleaning are laid out, which is closed with a dry half of the brick.
  3. 4th row. It partially covers the ash chamber and begins to form smoke channels.
  4. 5th row. It involves the installation of a grate. The holes are located along the fuel chamber. The laying of the walls of the channels continues.
  5. 6–8 row. Form a furnace. Here, at the same time, a firebox door with a gap (3–5 mm) is installed, into which an asbestos cord is laid.
  6. 9 row. Forms the walls of the furnace and channels according to the orders.
  7. 10 row. Continues the construction of the walls of the furnace and channels according to the order.
  8. 11th row. A single-burner stove is installed, a niche frame is laid, and the laying of the furnace wall and channels continues.
  9. 12-18 row. A hob niche and channels are laid out. On the thirteenth row, a valve for kindling is installed.
  10. 19th row. On the metal carcass cooking niche and the second half of the stove with a valve is installed on the bricks and the nineteenth row is laid out.
  11. 20th row. Assumes installation oven and further laying of channels according to the orders.
  12. 21–22 row. Continue laying around the oven and laying channels.
  13. 23rd row. Supports are installed to cover the oven chamber.
  14. 24–26 row. The laying of channels is done according to the orders.
  15. 27–28 row. The channels overlap, leaving one pipe channel 140x140 mm according to the order.
  16. Next is laying the chimney pipe.

Video: do-it-yourself stove laying for the home

Wood stove operation

To keep the oven safe, you need to take care of the following:

  • nail a sheet of steel 30 cm long and 2 mm thick to the floor from the side of the combustion chamber, which would extend 15 cm beyond the brick structure;
  • use a chimney (if it is not brick) made of acid-resistant material that can dissipate smoke well.

The firebox of the stove will not create problems if, during its operation, the rule is followed - to lay in the chamber only those firewood that is stored in a covered woodpile that protects the fuel from dampness.

Operating a wood-burning stove is a real craft. In order for it to bring pleasure and benefit, you should listen to some tips:

  • firewood is laid in the firebox more tightly, with gaps that were left in the woodpile;
  • it is more reasonable to put thick firewood on top, and thin firewood on the bottom;
  • under the vault of the firebox, it is supposed to leave a gap of 1/5 of its height;
  • after laying the first batch of firewood, the firebox door must not be opened for an hour.

Features of furnace heating

Stove heating has a number of advantages, thanks to which wood-fired brick ovens have not lost their popularity for several centuries. The most important merit- the ability of ceramic bricks, from which stoves are laid, store and release heat for a long time.

At the same time, radiant energy useful for the human body is released into the space, giving a feeling of warmth and comfort. With regular heating in the cold season, the house is always warm and dry, and due to stove draft, natural ventilation. In the heat, the stove, on the contrary, cools the rooms by removing excess heat into the ground and air through the foundation and chimney.

In addition to creating a comfortable microclimate, a brick oven can carry additional functions, the presence of which depends on the design:

  • cooking - boiling, frying, stewing and baking;
  • drying clothes, shoes, food;
  • heating beds for sleeping;
  • the opportunity to admire the open flame.

Furnaces that provide several functions are called combined. These types of stoves include heating and cooking stoves, fireplace stoves, as well as several popular basic models, including a Russian stove.

At furnace heating have and limitations, they include inability to efficiently heat remote rooms. Therefore, in large-area houses, several stoves with separate or combined chimneys are usually installed, or stove heating is combined with other types of heating.

In compact houses, consisting of one or more rooms, the stove is usually located in the center, so that its walls are located in all rooms. The hob and oven are placed on the side of the kitchen, the stove bench is in the bedroom or nursery, and the open fireplace insert is in the living room or dining room.

Overview of brick ovens

The most popular and time-tested basic designs are widely used by stove-makers: they make small adjustments to them, adjusting the size and functionality to the customer's desire. However, the principle of their work is preserved, so all brick stoves can be divided into several groups.

Video: do-it-yourself masonry master class

Russian oven

Differs in massiveness, large dimensions and wide functionality. It consists of an open firebox, which in some cases is closed with a damper, as well as extended smoke channels that run along all the walls of the stove and heat them well. Sometimes a Russian stove is equipped with another firebox with a hob.

The Russian stove, in addition to heating, allows you to:

  • cook a variety of food - boil, fry, stew, bake;
  • dry things and shoes;
  • heat a couch or beds used for sleeping and relaxing.

The efficiency of the Russian stove is not too high - up to 60%, in addition, its firebox requires certain skills. Moreover, it is necessary to heat the Russian stove in winter regularly, avoiding interruptions and cooling the body of the stove. With periodic heating in a cooled stove, condensate forms, the brick absorbs it and cracks during the next cooling and freezing.

In summer, the Russian stove is heated regularly or periodically, for cooking, while using the “summer” mode, directing the smoke with a damper straight into the chimney. The body of the stove does not heat up.

Advantages of the Russian stove:

  • multifunctional, solves a whole range of tasks;
  • with regular heating during the cold season, it creates an even microclimate in the house without temperature fluctuations;
  • decorates the house and gives it a peculiar national flavor.


  • large weight and dimensions - the construction of a massive foundation is required;
  • a large amount of masonry materials, high construction costs;
  • complex maintenance, the need for regular cleaning of the channels and the chimney with your own hands;
  • not too high efficiency.

It is advisable to build a Russian stove in a house for permanent residence, if there is free space and financial capabilities.


The Dutch stove is a fairly popular design of heating stoves, sometimes they are equipped with a hob. This is a channel-type stove - for efficient heating of the walls, it is equipped with smoke channels with a vertical arrangement. Passing through them, the smoke completely burns out and gives off heat to the brick.

The design feature of the Dutch oven is a small footprint, which makes it popular with summer residents and owners small houses. At the same time, the stove can be made of any height, so it can successfully heat two floors. The shape of the stove also varies from square and rectangular to round, but in any case, its height is much greater than its width, so the Dutch stove is often compared to a column.

Advantages of the "Dutch":

  • saving on space and materials - it needs two to three times less bricks than a Russian stove, and the price of its construction is much lower, it can be easily folded with your own hands;
  • the Dutch woman has rather thin walls and warms up quickly;
  • it can be heated after long breaks, immediately bringing it to full power;
  • with modest dimensions, the "Dutch" can heat a house up to 70 square meters.

However, it also has disadvantages:

  • Its efficiency is low - about 40%;
  • the optimal mode of operation is smoldering, which is why the "Dutch" is sometimes called a long-burning brick oven;
  • to ensure good traction, cleaning the furnace from ash and soot should be regular;
  • if the view is not closed after the firebox, the stove cools down instantly, so it requires close attention and firebox skill.

The Dutch stove is great for heating a summer house or a small house, including those with a second or attic floor, while it can be equipped with a stove, oven or water tank.


The Swedish stove has a more versatile design compared to the Dutch one, while its efficiency is much higher with compact dimensions. The standard Swede is multifunctional, it has a hob, an oven, and two niches for drying shoes and clothes, and some masters complement the Swede with a fireplace or a stove bench.

This is a channel-type stove, in which the principle of a bell-type stove is also implemented - the afterburning of flue gases under the roof of the furnace. The stove effectively heats two adjacent rooms, usually a kitchen and a room, the "Swede" will not cope with heating a large house.

Advantages of "Swede":

  • fast warming up;
  • efficient fuel combustion;
  • the special design of the channels allows you to warm up the lower part of the oven, so that the floors become warm;
  • the ability to cook various dishes;
  • in the niches located on top it is convenient to dry vegetables, fruits and berries, as well as heat up food;
  • they can also dry clothes, shoes;
  • if desired, you can build a heat exchanger into the oven and heat water for household needs.

Disadvantages of "Swedes":

  • for laying highly heated elements, it is imperative to use fireclay bricks, which increases the price of its construction;
  • to avoid heat loss through the bottom of the stove, you need to make good thermal insulation;
  • it is not recommended to completely cool the stove in the cold season, since the ignition of a cold, damp stove leads to the gradual destruction of the masonry.

Swede is suitable for small houses with permanent residence or as additional source heat in houses with water heating.


Photo: bell-type furnace
One of the most modern developments is bell-type furnaces. Their difference is the ability to warm up evenly from all sides and retain heat for a long time. Unlike duct stoves, bell or dome stoves do not have winding narrow channels, so they are no less susceptible to solid particles settling and narrowing of the chimney.

The principle of their action is as follows: the smoke from the furnace rises up, under the hood, where it lingers until it cools, after which it descends along the walls, heating them. The stove can have a whole cascade of hoods in which the smoke gradually cools, so the efficiency of such stoves is very high.

Advantages of bell-type furnaces:

  • simple design and a small amount of material required for masonry, low price;
  • the stove can be heated from a cold state, while it quickly heats all adjacent rooms;
  • if you forget to close the damper, the stove will not cool down like a “Dutch”, thanks to the so-called gas view, which prevents back draft;
  • if desired, it can be equipped with a hob and a heat exchanger;
  • even a novice stove-maker can fold such an oven with his own hands.

This stove is practically devoid of shortcomings, therefore it is very popular with summer residents and owners of country houses.

Bell-type stoves are an excellent choice for giving, a country house, a cottage. Thanks to any possible number of cascades, it can heat several rooms at once, including those on two floors.

Brick long-burning stoves - is it possible?

Any homeowner, faced with stove heating, tries to reduce labor costs, including the time spent on heating the stove. Therefore, many are interested in the possibility build a brick oven with a long-burning mode.

However, this impossible for several reasons. The long burning mode, implemented in industrial metal stoves, implies a slow smoldering of firewood, during which a large amount of smoke containing carbon monoxide is released. Industrial stoves equipped with a long-burning mode have a sealed firebox, so that waste cannot enter the room.

In addition, to ensure slow smoldering of firewood, it is necessary to limit the flow of air into the furnace. In brick stoves, this can be done by covering the blower, but it is inconvenient to regulate the air supply in this way.

Partially, the long-burning mode can be implemented in the "Dutch" and the Russian stove. But you should not rely on the effectiveness of this method, it is better to choose the design of a brick stove that allows you to keep warm for a long time, or to purchase a metal stove with a long burning mode - their price is lower than that of brick models, and the efficiency is almost as good as them.

Basic masonry techniques

Having decided to fold a brick oven with your own hands, the first thing you need to do is choose a design that meets your needs, find an ordering scheme and a description of the masonry, after which you can start buying material and purchased items. Laying a brick oven requires knowledge of basic working methods.

  • Under a brick oven, a foundation is required, the dimensions of which exceed the dimensions of the hearth of the oven by 100-150 mm on each side. It can be made of reinforced concrete, as well as made of concrete blocks or rubble. The main requirement that must be observed is that the foundation for the furnace should not have a rigid connection with the foundation of the house, otherwise, seasonal ground shifts may damage the furnace or pipe.
  • For laying the furnace with their own hands, two types of bricks are used: red full-bodied ceramics and refractory fireclay, yellow in color. The most heated surfaces are laid from fireclay bricks - a firebox, smoke channels, while using a refractory masonry mortar based on fireclay clay. The price of these materials is higher than that of ordinary bricks, so fireclay is used only where necessary. All other elements of the furnace and the chimney are laid from ceramic bricks, and a mortar based on red clay furnace or a purchased composition, including heat-resistant cement, is required.

Between fireclay and ceramic masonry, it is imperative to maintain a gap of about 5 mm in order to compensate for the different temperature deformation of these materials.

  • Purchased elements - grates, doors, views and hobs - are placed in accordance with the scheme. The doors are fixed with the help of annealed steel wire with a length of at least 30-40 cm. It is inserted at one end into the holes intended for this in the door frame, and the other end is fixed between the bricks on the masonry mortar. The slab and grate are placed on the previous row of masonry in the grooves selected in the brick. To compensate for the different thermal expansion of brick and cast iron, asbestos cloth or cord is used.
  • The chimney of a brick oven is usually also made of brick, but a ceramic block chimney can also be used. industrial production. It is characterized by a long service life, increased resistance to condensate containing carbonic acid, creates stable traction, and does not clog.
  • To give the stove an aesthetic appearance, it can be lined with finishing stone, clinker, tiles. Finishing gives the stove not only a beautiful appearance, but also protects it from the harmful effects of water and dust, and although the price of such a stove is somewhat higher, its service life is significantly increased.

Video: do-it-yourself oven masonry

The choice of the correct design of the furnace and high-quality masonry is the key to its long and safe operation . A do-it-yourself brick wood-burning stove will decorate any home, moreover, this heating method is reliable and allows you to create comfort and a favorable temperature regime.

Brick ovens for wood-fired houses

Residents of private houses do not always connect gas heating. Therefore, an alternative is to install a brick oven for wood-fired cottages. Some homeowners install the equipment as additional heating equipment. There are several types of brick ovens for heating different rooms and areas.

The Russian stove will not only heat the house, you can use it to cook a delicious dinner and bake a loaf Source

Advantages of furnace heating

Wood burning stoves heat up quickly and distribute the heat for a long time. Radiant energy is released from the brick, which is good for health. In the house where the stove is installed, it is always comfortable and warm. Due to the draft in the room, natural ventilation is created. The structures often have a hob on which you can cook food. In addition, on such an oven you can dry things, shoes and products.

A combination oven is a device that has several functions. This includes a fireplace stove, a heating and cooking stove and a Russian stove.

The only significant drawback is the poor heating of remote rooms. That is why they try to install the entire structure in the center of the house for uniform heat transfer. In large houses, it is desirable to install several stoves that have a combined chimney. The hob is usually installed in the location of the kitchen.

Heating equipment differs in appearance and design.

Typically, the stove is installed between several adjacent rooms so that they all warm up evenly Source

Overview of brick ovens

Furnace designs have evolved independently in different countries. Accordingly, they received names - either according to the principle of action, or from the name of the country in which they were developed:

dutch oven

The design is one of the most popular. Some models are equipped with a hob and an oven, which solves the problem of cooking, but the classic "Dutch" is used only for heating.

The channel-type firebox heats the walls perfectly. The smoke is removed through a vertical channel, in which almost all of it burns out. Although usually brick stoves for a wood-fired house are large, this cannot be said about the Dutch woman, so it is best suited for comfortable heating of a private house - one or two floors. Outwardly, the Dutchwoman resembles a column. The shape of the structure can be round, square or rectangular.

Dutch benefits:

    After long breaks, you can start firing the furnace at full power.

    Design small size can heat a house of 70 sq. m.

    Profitability. Little material consumption. The installation cost is lower, as well as saving space.

    The design has thin walls, so it warms up quickly.

Classic "Dutch women" take up less space, but they are used only for heating the house Source


    The efficiency is no more than 40%.

    You should not forget about cleaning the stove from ash, as well as soot for normal traction.

    The most effective mode is smoldering. Often this design is called a long-burning furnace.

    After the firebox, you need to close the view, otherwise the stove will cool down quickly.

Such equipment can heat small houses that have 2 floors or an attic floor.

Russian oven

It is large and multifunctional, and also has smoke channels and an open firebox. It is sometimes closed with a damper. The equipment may have a cooking surface.

In addition to heating the room, this design allows you to cook food and dry clothes.

The efficiency factor is maximum 60%. In winter, the stove must not be allowed to cool, so it should be heated regularly. If the structure cools down, condensation may occur. The brick is saturated with moisture, and upon subsequent cooling, it freezes and cracks.

In summer, you can use the oven in summer mode to cook food. In this case, the smoke is directed directly into the pipe using a damper, and the body of the structure does not heat up.

A modern Russian stove with a stove bench in a wooden house Source


    With a timely firebox, a comfortable microclimate and temperature are created in the house.

    Multifunctional design.

    A brick oven for a summer residence decorates the room.


    The high cost of installation due to the large volume of bricks.

    Due to the large weight and size, it is necessary to build a solid foundation.

    Little efficiency.

    Ducts and chimneys need to be cleaned regularly.

Such equipment is suitable for year-round use.

On our site you can find contacts of construction companies that offer the service of installing fireplaces and stoves. You can directly communicate with representatives by visiting the exhibition of houses "Low-Rise Country".

swedish oven

The furnace has a universal design and is intended primarily for effective work in small spaces. The standard "Swede" is equipped with an oven, a hob, as well as niches for drying things. Some Swedes have a stove bench and a fireplace.

The principle of operation of the Swedish furnace is approximately the same as that of the bell-type furnace - afterburning of flue gases occurs under the arch of the furnace.

Design advantages:

    The room heats up very quickly.

    The possibility of cooking, both on the hob and in the oven.

    Almost complete combustion of fuel.

    Due to the design of the channels, the lower part of the equipment warms up, and, consequently, the floors are slightly heated.

    A heat exchanger can be installed in the design for heating water.

The Swedish brick oven has its own characteristics, but it does a good job of warming up the house. Source

    To prevent heat loss through the floor, it is necessary to arrange high-quality thermal insulation.

    For the installation of heated elements, fireclay bricks are used, which have a higher cost.

Bell-type furnace

One of the modern designs is such a furnace. The equipment heats up perfectly and retains heat for a long time. The design does not have small tortuous channels, therefore, they are not so prone to soot settling.

The principle of operation of the bell-type furnace: smoke goes up from the furnace, then remains there until it cools. And then it begins to descend along the walls of the chimney, thus heating it. Such designs are effective, as they can have several caps.


    Low material and installation cost. Simplicity of design.

    You can install a heat exchanger and a hob.

    Heats up quickly even after it has completely cooled down.

    The gas view prevents reverse thrust. That is why when the damper is open, the oven cannot cool down.

In modern hand-masonry stoves, it is possible to heat several rooms in the house at once. Source

Such a stove can have several caps, and, therefore, it will be possible to heat 2 floors and several rooms. It is difficult to single out any flaws in it, which is why the bell-shaped model is popular with homeowners.

Video description

An example of laying a bell-type furnace, see the video:

Where to install a wood-burning brick oven in the house

You can install the oven anywhere, but for efficient heating it is recommended to place it in the center of the house. Experts do not recommend installing equipment near the outer wall of the house, in order to avoid heat loss to the street. When constructing the structure, it is necessary to determine the dimensions of the sides of the foundation, the location of the pipe and the height of the furnace.

Is it possible to build long-burning brick ovens

Every homeowner wants to install heating that does not require a lot of labor. It is quite problematic to arrange this in a brick oven for a long-burning wood-burning house. In industrial furnaces made of metal, which work according to this principle, carbon monoxide is released. Long burning mode can be arranged in a Russian or Dutch oven. But this method is not 100% effective. Therefore, it is recommended to install a standard brick oven that retains heat for a long time.

Video description

See the following video for some thoughts on long-burning stoves:

Basic masonry techniques

In the manufacture of heat-resistant and refractory materials for the furnace, as well as hardened bricks. It is not recommended to make the oven device yourself. It is necessary to contact specialists for high-quality and safe masonry.

Specialists carry out work in compliance with all safety standards and rules. For laying bricks, a cement mortar is used, which is diluted with sand in a ratio of 1 to 3.

For a binding material, many craftsmen use clay with sand.

Each row of bricks is laid out in a certain way, forming a furnace of a given project. Source

What you need to purchase for the construction of the stove

First you need to purchase a masonry mortar and bricks. The amount of material will be calculated by a specialist. Do not forget about the construction of a separate foundation for installing the furnace. For the equipment, you will need cast-iron elements: a door for the firebox, a blower (ash pan door), burner rings, a chimney damper, a grate and a hob.

In addition, it is necessary to purchase steel elements: a hot water tank and an oven. During the construction of the structure, strips made of metal of different widths and lengths will be needed. Metal corner standard size 0.5 x 0.5 cm. Annealed steel wire with a diameter of 0.2 - 0.3 cm. A sheet of steel must be placed in front of the firebox.

In some designs, roofing iron may be needed to cover the cooking chamber.

The required amount of material is calculated by the specialist based on the size and type of furnace.

Brick stoves for a house on long-burning wood are built from fireclay and red bricks, clay and sand. For the construction of the foundation, you will need sand and cement, crushed stone, roofing material, as well as formwork boards.

Doors and grates (grids) are mounted along the laying of the main structure Source

Brick pyrolysis oven

Such heating equipment can be classified as long burning. Solid fuel burns without oxygen. With the help of wood, volatile gases are saturated, and then they are burned out at a temperature regime of more than 450 ° C, while they are mixed with the remaining air in the 2nd chamber.

This design has a high efficiency, which can reach up to 95%.

You can install equipment in the country, in the garage or country house small area. The pyrolysis oven consumes little fuel at maximum operation. All solid material burns almost completely. Soot practically does not settle, as coal and gas are burned.

All pyrolysis models work according to this principle, but different designs differ in characteristics and appearance.

A pyrolysis oven may not differ much from classic brick ovens. Source

How does a wood-burning brick oven work?

Brick ovens collect heat and gradually distribute heat throughout the room. The house of a small area is heated from 15 to 24 hours. Smoke escapes through the chimney thanks to natural draft. The room in which the heating equipment is installed should be regularly ventilated. The damper on the main pipe closes to stop the draft.

The use of dry firewood will be optimal for the firebox. In the receiving compartment it is necessary to clean the ash. When using the equipment, there are usually no problems.

Brick structures have some disadvantages:

    Chimney cleaning about 2 times a year;

    It is necessary to throw firewood manually;

It is necessary to carry out the construction of the furnace only from quality materials that meet all standards. Otherwise, the equipment may not heat the room well or the house will smell of smoke.

If the oven is built from 450 bricks or more, then it is necessary to arrange a foundation. Heating equipment can be installed on the basis of the house if it is made in the form of a whole slab. A separate foundation is arranged without being tied to the base.

Basically, the foundation for a brick oven is done according to the standard scheme. Source

According to the plan of the house, a place for installation is selected heating structure when building a house. In an already operated house, the layout of the equipment is designed so that the chimney is located between the floor beams. It should be at a distance of 1 meter from the rafters.

The chimney must be at least 0.5 m higher than the roof. The closer the pipe is to the ridge, the higher it must be.

Video description

A little about the secrets of using a brick oven in the house in the following video:

The cost of a brick oven on wood

The cost of fireclay bricks starts from 58 rubles. Red brick has a cost of about 20 rubles. Laying one brick will cost 85 rubles. The cost of the foundation, depending on the height of the basement, will be approximately 20 thousand rubles. In addition, it is necessary to pay separately for the installation of doors, gratings, valves, etc.


A well-chosen and built stove will not only warm your home, but will also become a noticeable piece of furniture. To ensure that all installation work goes smoothly, and the oven itself lasts a long time, contact professionals who will not only do their job quickly and efficiently, but also give a guarantee on it.