How to take hydrogen sulfide baths. Hydrogen sulfide baths: indications and contraindications, beneficial effects, harm and benefits Hydrogen sulfide baths where

  • 17.06.2019

Treatment of diseases can be carried out by various methods, among which are the use of medicines, physiotherapy procedures, folk remedies, herbal preparations. The greatest effect is given by an integrated approach that combines a variety of effects, including the use of balneotherapy. This type of therapy is based on various methods of using mineral waters, among which the most active is the effect of hydrogen sulfide (sulfide) baths. But hydrogen sulfide baths have indications and contraindications that are important to know.

Hydrogen sulfide baths: what is it?

The benefits of water from hydrogen sulfide sources were noticed even under Peter I. At the beginning of the 18th century, factories were built near Samara, whose workers used bathing in Sulfur Lake to treat skin diseases. Due to the fact that it was located next to the Sergievsk fortress, the waters began to be called Sergievsky.

As a result of the use of hydrogen sulfide baths, a specific effect occurs, which is denoted by a special term - Matsesta reaction. This definition arose in connection with the name of the most popular resort in Russia, Matsesta, located near Sochi.

Bathtubs filled with water from natural sources began to be used for medical reasons in sanatoriums built in places of hydrogen sulfide deposits. Now many health resorts offer such a course of treatment. The method is used in beauty salons, it is easy to take a healing bath at home, using artificially created concentrates.

  • weak - with the amount of hydrogen sulfide from 10 to 50 mg / l;
  • medium - from 50 to 100 mg / l;
  • strong - from 100 to 250 mg / l;
  • very strong - from 250 mg / l.

Hydrogen sulfide bath: useful action

The effect after taking a bath is formed due to the action of active substances, in which hydrogen sulfide ions penetrate the body through the pores of the skin, mucous membranes, respiratory system. Once in the blood, free ions are oxidized, subsequently excreted naturally.

Why is hydrogen sulfide good? As a chemical substance, it is a strong reducing agent - a natural antioxidant that has the ability to oxidize. This process produces sulfuric acid or sulfur dioxide. Its presence in high concentrations is poisonous and dangerous to humans. In nature, water contains a substance in small quantities, so sulfide baths are beneficial to the body and have a healing effect.

Together with sodium chloride, water from mineral springs contains:

  • ions - iodine, fluorine, bromine;
  • trace elements - tin, strontium, barium, iron, magnesium, potassium, sodium, gold, copper;
  • compounds - sulfates, bicarbonates.

healing action

Hydrogen sulfide ions contained in water are able to activate the enzyme system, increase the resource of cellular energy, bring nervous systems back to normal, and help accelerate recovery processes.

As a result of taking baths:

  • blood pressure returns to normal, the heart rate slows down and calms down;
  • blood flow is accelerated, increasing the blood supply to organs;
  • metabolic processes are activated;
  • increased oxygen consumption;
  • improved ventilation of the lungs.

The influence of sulfuric water on the nervous system is expressed in the prevalence of inhibition processes over excitatory reactions. This causes a feeling of peace, relaxation, slight drowsiness.

Bathing is accompanied by reddening of the skin 2-3 minutes after the start. This effect is due to the effect of hydrogen sulfide on the skin. Penetrating through the pores, it affects the nerve endings of the walls of blood vessels. As a result, the capillaries expand, due to which they become able to place within themselves a third of the entire blood of the body. It turns out that the heated blood from the internal organs is collected under the skin surface, and, again saturated with active substances, continues to circulate throughout the body.

As a result of the expansion of blood vessels, heat rushes to the surface, a slight burning sensation appears, blood circulation improves not only in the skin, but also in the tissues located under it, internal organs, cartilage, articular bags.

The benefits of hydrogen sulfide baths

The course of treatment with sulfide baths leads to positive changes in all body systems. The first results are felt after several sessions and are expressed in:

  • healing, smoothing, increasing skin elasticity, reducing and disappearing allergic, inflammatory manifestations;
  • favorable changes in psoriasis;
  • decrease in pressure, increase in hemoglobin, red blood cells;
  • the growth of phospholipids, lowering cholesterol, triglycerides;
  • improving the condition of the joints, reducing their swelling, reducing pain, accelerating the restoration of cartilage tissues;
  • normalization of sugar in diabetes mellitus;
  • improving the general condition of the patient, increasing immunity, feeling a surge of strength;
  • cessation of premature aging, destructive processes resulting from hormonal disorders.

Indications: what can be treated

Baths with sulfuric water have a pronounced positive effect in the treatment of many types of diseases:

skin- dermatitis, dermatosis, eczema, psoriasis, neurodermatitis;

gynecological- obstruction of the tubes, inflammatory phenomena and infertility associated with these factors;

urological- diseases of the genitourinary system;

cardiovascular- hypertension, poor blood circulation, vascular and heart muscle diseases;

musculoskeletal system- arthritis, arthrosis, ankylosing spondylitis, osteochondrosis;

endocrine-, diabetes mellitus;

neurological- neuralgia, radiculitis, post-traumatic conditions, diseases of the nervous system.

Order of conduct

200 liters of water are collected in a bathing container, then the necessary substances are gradually added, bringing the solution to the required concentration. The procedure itself lasts from 8 to 15 minutes at a temperature of 35–37°C. The patient then rests for 30–40 minutes.

The course of treatment is 10-14 sessions with their holding in 1 or 2 days. Re-baths can be taken after 4-6 months.

Contraindications for hydrogen sulfide baths

Despite the high efficiency and general healing effect of hydrogen sulfide baths, there are a number of contraindications to their use. Among them:

  • tuberculosis;
  • oncological diseases;
  • chronic diseases of the liver, biliary tract;
  • angina;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • repeated myocardial infarction;
  • thyrotoxicosis;
  • allergy susceptibility.

It should be remembered that only a specialist is able to decide on the issue of taking hydrogen sulfide baths, their concentration, temperature regime, duration and determination of contraindications. An incorrect procedure can not only not give a positive effect, but also cause harm to the patient.

Studies have established that when taking hydrogen sulfide baths, the hydrogen sulfide contained in them (if it is not dissociated) penetrates through intact skin into the internal environment of the body.

The mucous membranes are also easily permeable to hydrogen sulfide. The penetration of hydrogen sulfide through the skin will be the stronger, the higher its concentration in the bath. At high concentrations (of the order of 250 mg / l and above), it not only penetrates the skin, but also begins to circulate in the blood. Naturally, in addition to its irritating effect on the huge receptor field of the skin, in these cases it can also cause irritation of interoreceptors (sensitive nerve endings in the walls of blood vessels).

Most of the hydrogen sulfide that enters the body is oxidized to sulfates, hyposulfite and other inorganic sulfur compounds. Some of it can participate in the formation of organic compounds, in particular chondroitin sulfate B, which has the ability to keep blood cholesterol in a dissolved state, thereby preventing its deposition on the walls of blood vessels.

The bulk of hydrogen sulfide that has entered the body (or rather, its oxidation products) is excreted through the kidneys, in a much smaller amount it is removed from the body through the lungs, including unchanged.

A vivid manifestation of the action of hydrogen sulfide on the skin and mucous membranes is their redness.

The expansion of capillaries and arterioles of the skin and deeper tissues under the influence of hydrogen sulfide, which underlies this reaction, is accompanied by a pronounced reaction of the cellular elements of the skin, in particular, the so-called mast cells, which secrete very biologically active substances (heparin, histamine).

The action of hydrogen sulfide baths is associated with reflex reactions that occur in response to irritation of sensitive nerve endings (receptors) embedded in the skin (and in blood vessels). Humoral reactions (that is, those transmitted by blood and lymph) are closely related to the reflex effect on the body, which are included in the overall reaction of the body to hydrogen sulfide procedures. In other words, the body's response to the bath is neurohumoral in nature.

The reflex-humoral effect of hydrogen sulfide baths is also manifested in relation to the cardiovascular system, respiratory organs, endocrine glands, and metabolism. Thus, a complex chain of reactions arises, involving all the main systems of the body.

The reddening reaction associated with the reflex expansion of the blood vessels of the skin is accompanied by the movement of blood from the internal organs, which are a kind of blood depot, to the periphery. At the second stage of this reaction, the expansion of blood vessels in the internal organs occurs.

Hydrogen sulfide baths increase the permeability of cell membranes, which favors the normal flow of nutrients to the cells, intensifies the activity of enzymes and hormones in the body, improves metabolism in the heart muscle, establishing a mode of more economical use of the energy of heart contractions. They slow down blood clotting and thus prevent thrombosis, increase the intensity of regenerative processes in damaged tissues, promote the resorption of foci of sluggish inflammation.

Facts have been established that testify to the normalizing effect of hydrogen sulfide baths on the functional state of the central nervous system. They increase the tone of the cerebral cortex and balance the main nervous processes (excitatory and inhibitory).

In patients who have taken a course of hydrogen sulfide baths, the disturbed balance between the sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions of the autonomic nervous system, which is in charge of the activity of the heart and other internal organs, the vascular system, and metabolism, is restored.

Hydrogen sulfide baths, as it were, level the functional state of the vasomotor centers, regulating the main nervous processes and normalizing vascular reactions. The shifts in blood pressure that occur under the influence of hydrogen sulfide baths are more significant with hypertension than with normal or low blood pressure. In addition, a hydrogen sulfide bath is characterized by a phase change in blood pressure in hypertensive patients. So, when a patient with hypertension is in a hydrogen sulfide bath, his blood pressure decreases, when leaving it it often rises, and then, after 15-20 minutes after the bath, it drops below the initial state.

At normal blood pressure, hydrogen sulfide baths do not cause significant changes.

Under the action of hydrogen sulfide baths, the pulse rate also undergoes certain changes. In the first minutes of taking a bath, there is a slight increase in the pulse rate, and by the end of the bath it slows down, especially in cases where it was quickened in the initial state.

It has been proven that under the influence of hydrogen sulfide baths, the systolic and minute volume of the heart improves. The speed of blood flow increases, especially if it was slowed down before the bath.

Hydrogen sulfide enhances the processes of oxidation in tissues, increases the activity of enzymes, especially sulfur-containing ones, and thereby contributes to an increase in the energy resources of the heart muscle. It has been established that hydrogen sulfide affects histamine and acetylcholine metabolism by changing the activity of histaminase and cholinesterase enzymes, which are actively involved in metabolism.

Hydrogen sulfide waters tend to reduce the level of sugar in the blood during a sugar load in healthy people and in patients with diabetes mellitus, as well as create energy reserves in the body.

Due to the diverse influence of hydrogen sulfide baths on various functional systems of the body, they are widely used for various diseases of the nervous, cardiovascular systems, musculoskeletal system, and metabolic disorders.

Without going into details of indications or contraindications for the use of hydrogen sulfide baths, we will only point out that in the conditions of spa treatment, a whole complex of various environmental factors acts on the patient simultaneously with balneotherapy. It is the whole complex as a whole (and not just baths) that determines the high effect of spa therapy in a number of diseases.

When prescribing hydrogen sulfide baths for the treatment of various diseases, the concentration of hydrogen sulfide, the temperature of the baths, their duration, combination with other types of therapy, the number of baths per course and, most importantly, the general condition of the patient's body, the activity of his pathological process, are taken into account.

Currently, the Sochi resort uses baths with a concentration of total hydrogen sulfide from 25 to 400 mg/l. bath temperature in summer time most often 34-35 °, in winter - 35-36 ° (it can be increased or decreased depending on the individual sensitivity of the patient to it). The duration of the baths is set from 6-8 to 15 minutes and can be changed depending on the general condition of the patient and the applied concentration of hydrogen sulfide.

The course of hydrogen sulfide baths causes a significant and generally favorable restructuring of the functional state of the body of a sick person. However, in some cases, such a restructuring is accompanied by a temporary imbalance in the activity of various body systems, which is regarded as a balneological reaction. It can be expressed in a deterioration in well-being, the appearance of weakness, lethargy, in a sleep disorder, and a local increase in temperature. Usually the balneological reaction is temporary.

The balneological reaction, which is a manifestation of a "physiological measure" aimed at restoring the balance disturbed in the pathological focus, is not a pathological phenomenon. At the same time, a pronounced and even more "violent" reaction, threatening to turn into an aggravation, is harmful and even dangerous, and should not be allowed.

The possibility of a pronounced balneological reaction and its transition to an exacerbation of the inflammatory process will be different even with the same intensity of balneological procedures. The question, therefore, is the selection of a stimulus corresponding to the reactivity of the patient. It is necessary to distinguish between different degrees of balneological reaction. It can be "mute", "subclinical" with clinical manifestations, moderate, bordering on exacerbation, and, finally, strong, being to a certain extent a phenomenon of a pathological nature, threatening to exacerbate the pathological process.

Recently, doctors, prescribing balneotherapy to patients, tend to avoid a pronounced balneological reaction and achieve the desired therapeutic effect without a significant violation of the physiological balance of the body. This trend should be considered correct, since an exacerbation in a pronounced form can interfere with the normal course of recovery processes.

Success can be expected from hydrogen sulfide baths only if the patient's stay in the bath, the concentration of hydrogen sulfide in it will increase gradually. In recent years, the Sochi Research Institute of Balneology and Physiotherapy has developed a harmonious system for prescribing hydrogen sulfide baths according to different regimes impact.

When prescribing a course of treatment with hydrogen sulfide baths, doctors usually take into account individual characteristics the patient, the functional state of his body, and primarily the nervous system, as well as general indications and contraindications.

The specific purpose of this or that mode of hydrogen sulfide balneotherapy is dictated by the state of health of patients.

In the low impact mode (mode No. 1, after the end of the adaptation period), baths with a hydrogen sulfide concentration of 25-50 mg / l are prescribed. These baths have a relatively gentle, gentle effect on the body, without causing sharp responses. They gradually normalize the altered reactivity of the body, improve metabolism and blood supply to organs and tissues, and thereby help strengthen the body's defenses against disease. In some cases, the final baths in this mode are given with a hydrogen sulfide concentration of 100 mg/l. Less often, instead of common, four-chamber baths with a hydrogen sulfide concentration of 150 mg / l are prescribed.

The duration of taking a general bath is 6-15 minutes. In the treatment of children, as well as adults with damage to the valves and heart muscles, the duration of the bath is reduced to 5-10 minutes.

Baths according to regimen No. 1 are prescribed every other day. In the cold period of the year (November-April), the temperature of the hydrogen sulfide baths released (in the absence of hypotension in patients) can be brought up to 37 °, that is, 1 ° higher than usual. At the same time, patients are recommended to have a longer (up to 30 minutes) rest after taking a bath in a specially equipped relaxation room. A hydrogen sulfide bath can be combined with any local procedure (irrigation, inhalation). All local procedures, with the exception of microclysters, are taken by patients before a common bath.

With appropriate indications, balneotherapy according to mode No. 1 does not exclude the appointment of air, sunbathing and sea bathing. Climatic procedures are allowed to be taken 3-4 hours after taking a hydrogen sulfide bath. Morning hygienic gymnastics can be carried out 2 hours before taking the Matsesta bath, other procedures of therapeutic physical culture - 2 hours after it. Physiotherapeutic procedures can be prescribed only on days free from Matsesta baths.

According to mode No. 2 (moderately intense exposure), baths (less often - half-baths) are prescribed with a hydrogen sulfide concentration of 100-150 mg / l. The water in the bath is heated to 34-37 °, and the patient lies in it for 6-15 minutes (in the treatment of children, and sometimes adults with rheumatic heart disease - from 4-5 to 10 minutes). The doctor prescribes the patient to take baths, as a rule, every other day or two days in a row, followed by a day of rest, in total for a course of treatment 8-12, less often 13-15 baths.

Baths of medium concentration of hydrogen sulfide (100-150 mg/l), dispensed according to this regime, have a versatile effect on the patient's body and, acting sparingly and training on a number of his organs and systems, rebuild the body's reactivity, contribute to the normalization of the functional state of the central nervous system, metabolic processes, improve the adaptive mechanisms in the body and increase its functionality.

The procedure for combining a general bath with local sulfide procedures (irrigation, inhalations, two- and four-chamber baths) is the same as in mode No. 1. Patients take climate procedures 3-4 hours after taking hydrogen sulfide baths. In some cases, sea bathing and air baths (but not solar) adults can take before bathing.

Morning hygienic gymnastics in mode No. 2 is carried out 1-2 hours before taking hydrogen sulfide baths, and therapeutic exercises and other types of physiotherapy exercises - 1.5-2 hours after the bath. Physiotherapeutic procedures (with the exception of erythemal doses of ultraviolet radiation, paraffin therapy or mud procedures) are allowed 1-2 hours before taking hydrogen sulfide baths.

According to regimen No. 3 (intensive balneological treatment), baths are prescribed with a hydrogen sulfide concentration of 250-350 mg/l. These baths, having a multifaceted effect on the body, cause a deeper restructuring of the most important functions of the body, its reactivity and metabolic processes, improve blood supply and nutrition of organs and tissues, and contribute to the mobilization of the compensatory mechanisms of the body.

In the regime of intensive exposure, doctors prescribe to patients general baths (less often half-baths) with a water temperature of 34-36 ° (less often 37 °), the duration of the bath is from 3-5 to 10 minutes. The course of treatment provides for 8-10 baths (they are taken every other day).

According to regimen No. 3, treatment is carried out according to the following scheme: 2-3 baths with a concentration of hydrogen sulfide 100 mg/l, 1-2 baths with a concentration of 150 mg/l, 2-3 baths with a concentration of 250 mg/l and subsequent ones with a concentration of 350 mg/l l. Local treatments are recommended after a general bath with a high concentration of hydrogen sulfide. Climatotherapeutic procedures and physiotherapy exercises are prescribed in the same way as in mode No. 2.

Naturally, these modes are a scheme that the doctor of the sanatorium modifies depending on the patient's condition and the reactions of his body to the procedures.

Hydrogen sulfide baths are indicated for patients with rheumatic heart disease 10-12 months after the disappearance of acute and subacute manifestations of the rheumatic process, as well as for patients with cardiosclerosis, provided there are no gross violations of the main functions of the myocardium. Such baths have a good effect in the treatment of stage I hypertension and in the initial phase of stage II with circulatory disorders not higher than stage I, obliterating endarteritis.

At many balneological resorts, hydrogen sulfide baths are used to treat various articular pathologies, in particular infectious non-specific polyarthritis, dystrophic, padagric, metabolic, endocrine and age-related joint lesions, traumatic arthritis, joint contractures and some other lesions of the musculoskeletal system.

Indications for sulfide balneotherapy are also some diseases of the nervous system - neuralgia, neuritis, sciatica and others in the period of remission of the pathological process. Mandatory conditions for treatment with hydrogen sulfide baths are normal body temperature, low numbers of leukocytes (up to 7000) and erythrocyte sedimentation rate (up to 20 mm / h) in the patient's blood test. An increase in body temperature, an increase in the number of leukocytes over 7000 and an ESR over 20 mm/h indicate an active inflammatory process in the body, which is a contraindication for hydrogen sulfide balneotherapy. That is why this type of treatment should be preceded by a doctor's consultation.

Very large group among those treated with hydrogen sulfide baths are those suffering from skin diseases - psoriasis, eczema, neurodermatitis, pruritus, recurrent urticaria, lichen planus, scleroderma and some other forms of dermatosis, as well as inflammatory gynecological diseases in the chronic stage.

The benefits and harms of hydrogen sulfide baths, indications for use, possible consequences and much more must be considered before starting treatment. Hydrogen sulfide bath is a procedure based on the use of mineral water with the addition of hydrogen sulfide.

This procedure is quite common and popular, it is used in sanatorium treatment for rehabilitation and prevention of diseases. The specificity of the treatment lies in the composition of water, temperature, time of use.

What is hydrogen sulfide water

This name is derived from the elements that make up the composition. Many tend to assume that the water is gray in color, but in fact it has a soapy texture and a specific smell.

Hydrogen sulfide is contained in water that is extracted from deep wells, this is due to the fact that its content is minimal in surface waters. Hydrogen sulfide can be detected only in those waters where there is a deposit of iron and sulfur.

It is allowed to drink no more than 50 mg / l daily; at a higher concentration, poisoning can be caused. The recommended dose is up to 30 mg/l.

Types of hydrogen sulfide baths

As practice shows, the use of hydrogen sulfide baths is beneficial for women, men and children. To date, there are several types of baths, the properties of which differ. If we consider the amount of hydrogen sulfide in water, then the baths can be classified according to the following criteria:

  • weak - the amount of hydrogen sulfide 50 mg / l;
  • medium - the level of active substances varies within 100 mg / l;
  • strong - the concentration of hydrogen sulfide in water is 250 mg / l;
  • very strong - hydrogen sulfide from 250 mg / l.

Thus, before choosing a suitable type for yourself, you need to study in advance medicinal properties, benefit, harm, possible consequences, and best of all, consult a doctor, which will avoid disastrous consequences.

The principle of operation of hydrogen sulfide baths

The more hydrogen sulfide, the higher the efficiency of use. Hydrogen sulfide ions begin the process of oxidation in the blood, thereby providing a therapeutic effect. Excretion is carried out through the kidneys.

In some cases, skin irritation can be observed. In the process of treatment, the veins expand, blood circulation improves, and active substances begin to enter the bloodstream. An excess of this substance in water adversely affects health, but if you use natural waters with a normal concentration, then you can not be afraid of side effects. During treatment procedures, attention is paid not only to the properties, but also to the temperature regime.

Attention! Hydrogen sulfide baths are prescribed for children and adults, but you can start treatment only after consulting a doctor and under the supervision of a specialist.

What are the benefits of hydrogen sulfide baths for the body

The benefits of hydrogen sulfide water for the human body are undeniable, treatment is recommended for most diseases. Thanks to useful properties, you can achieve an anti-inflammatory, cleansing effect, improve the immune system.

Hydrogen sulfide baths have a large list of useful properties;

  • improve blood circulation;
  • significantly reduce blood clotting, which minimizes the likelihood of blood clots;
  • normalize sugar content, preventing the appearance of diabetes;
  • normalize blood pressure;
  • improve the work of the heart rhythm;
  • activate the metabolism of nutrients in the body;
  • increase the amount of oxygen in the organs;
  • contribute to the rapid restoration of damaged tissues;
  • improve the functioning of the nervous system;
  • rejuvenate the skin.

You can continue the list of useful properties endlessly, but, despite such superiority, you should always remember about contraindications and harm that can be caused to the body if you start treatment with hydrogen sulfide baths without consulting your doctor.

Indications for the use of hydrogen sulfide baths

Due to the large number of useful properties, hydrogen sulfide baths are widely used.

Among the main indications for the use of hydrogen sulfide baths are:

  • dermatitis, lichen, urticaria, eczema;
  • disturbed menstrual cycle, chronic inflammatory processes, obstruction of the fallopian tubes;
  • prostatitis, which has passed into the chronic stage;
  • uncomplicated type of hypertension, impaired blood circulation;
  • hydrogen sulfide baths are also useful for varicose veins;
  • hydrogen sulfide baths are prescribed for arthrosis, slow fusion of bones during a fracture;
  • diabetes;
  • sciatica, poliomyelitis, paralysis;
  • after flu and tonsillitis;
  • people with cerebral palsy, cardiovascular diseases and much more.

Before using hydrogen sulfide baths, it does not hurt to undergo a medical examination.

Advice! It is imperative to take into account the amount of hydrogen sulfide in water, temperature, duration of use, health status and the possibility of combining with other types of treatment.

Preparation for the hydrogen sulfide bath

Reception of hydrogen sulfide baths should be carried out taking into account some recommendations:

  • it is not recommended to undergo treatment on an empty or full stomach, it is necessary to find a middle ground. Thus, it is best to take baths 2 hours after eating;
  • you will need a towel and change of clothes;
  • before the procedure you need to be rested;
  • so that the skin absorbs useful substances as best as possible and more, it is recommended to wash;
  • if the doctor allowed a pregnant woman to take hydrogen sulfide baths, then an accompanying person should be next to her.

These rules should be taken into account even if the hydrogen sulfide bath is taken at home.

How is the procedure carried out

Water with hydrogen sulfide benefits the body, but harm cannot be ruled out due to personal intolerance to some components. For procedures, special rooms are used that have good ventilation system and extract. This is due to the fact that it is possible to get hydrogen sulfide poisoning.

The floor and walls are covered with special tiles, and the metal elements are painted with an oil coloring composition. Baths for hydrogen sulfide are used from faience or concrete, they are subsequently covered with tiles.

The algorithm for the procedure is as follows:

  1. The temperature regime in the room should be at least + 25 ° С. About 200 liters of water are taken into the bath, the temperature should be from + 35 ° C to + 37 ° C, after which hydrogen sulfide of the required concentration is added.
  2. You can stay in the bath for 6 to 15 minutes.
  3. After a hydrogen sulfide bath, you must take a horizontal position and rest for 35 minutes.
  4. The course of treatment is about 14 procedures with a frequency of several days.
  5. A second course can be carried out after 6 months.
  6. It is also worth considering that there are baths for individual parts of the body: waist, foot, multi-chamber.

After taking hydrogen sulfide baths, a specific smell remains on the body for some time.

Modes of treatment with hydrogen sulfide baths

Given the properties and the fact that hydrogen sulfide water benefits and harms certain groups of people, treatment regimens have been developed that bring the expected effect and result:

  • low impact baths. In such baths, the content of hydrogen sulfide is from 25 to 50 mg / l, the time of admission is 5-15 minutes, the procedures can be repeated after 24 hours. Such baths have a mild effect, gradually normalize impaired reactivity, improve blood circulation;
  • baths with moderate intensity. The water contains from 100 to 150 mg/l of hydrogen sulfide, the residence time in the water is 6-15 minutes, the procedure can be repeated after 48 hours. This option allows you to have a versatile effect, increasing the capabilities of the body;
  • intensive baths. Hydrogen sulfide varies between 250-350 mg / l, the time of admission is 3-10 minutes, repeated after 24 hours. The actions of the procedure are multifaceted, there is a restructuring of body functions.

These modes are indicative scheme, which tend to change depending on the individual patient.

Attention! Regardless of the selected regimen, treatment will begin with a minimum concentration of hydrogen sulfide in water.

Hydrogen sulfide bath at home

Due to the properties of hydrogen sulfide water and the benefits, baths can be used for bathing at home. For these purposes, on sale you can find special formulations for hydrogen sulfide baths at home. Before you buy this substance, you should understand that volatile vapors can cause poisoning of the body. That is why it is recommended to follow the attached instructions and take precautions.

It is also worth understanding that such procedures have contraindications and side effects, so instead of the expected benefits, you can harm the body. Before starting treatment with hydrogen sulfide baths at home, you will need to undergo a medical examination and consult with your doctor.

Attention! In some diseases and pathologies, hydrogen sulfide is contraindicated.

Harm of hydrogen sulfide baths and side effects

After hydrogen sulfide baths, the entire body is restructured, some patients may experience an imbalance in the functioning of some systems. Side effects include:

  • health is deteriorating;
  • there is weakness, a certain lethargy;
  • sleep disorders;
  • body temperature rises.

Side effects from taking such baths can be hidden, subclinical, moderate. With a pronounced reaction to hydrogen sulfide, an exacerbation of the existing disease cannot be avoided. The benefits and harms of hydrogen sulfide sources border on each other, so it is so important to choose the right balance for treatment.

Contraindications to the use of hydrogen sulfide baths

Taking into account the fact that hydrogen sulfide baths have benefits and harms, it is necessary to take into account all contraindications before use. Hydrogen sulfide baths are prohibited when:

  • hypertension;
  • exacerbated chronic diseases;
  • during pregnancy;
  • the use of hydrogen sulfide baths for myoma is not allowed;
  • tuberculosis;
  • chronic liver diseases;
  • with the tendency of the body to bleed;
  • blood diseases;
  • re-infarction;
  • oncological diseases;
  • allergic reactions;
  • personal intolerance to some components.

If a person has similar diseases, then hydrogen sulfide baths will only bring harm, and not the expected benefits. If you neglect these rules, you can significantly worsen your condition.

Is it possible to drink hydrogen sulfide water

The benefits of hydrogen sulfide baths for men, women and children are undeniable. Thanks to the beneficial properties of hydrogen sulfide, you can not only take therapeutic baths with it, but also use it inside. Drinking water saturated with hydrogen sulfide is allowed only under the supervision of a specialist.

As a rule, this type of treatment is carried out in sanatoriums and medical institutions where there are sources of hydrogen sulfide. Hydrogen sulfide water is recommended for use in the presence of chronic diseases of the digestive tract.

Such water is perfectly absorbed by the body, it is even allowed to be used by children who have a weak immune system or a tendency to allergic reactions. Before starting treatment with hydrogen sulfide, you should consult a pediatrician.


The benefits and harms of hydrogen sulfide baths are the first thing to consider, I plan to start treatment. If you approach the process of treatment with hydrogen sulfide responsibly and competently, then there is an opportunity to permanently get rid of many chronic diseases, improve health, and normalize the functioning of the body. At the same time, it should be understood that with an excess, irreparable harm can be caused and complications can arise.

Update: October 2018

Hydrogen sulfide bath is a balneological procedure based on the use of mineral water saturated with hydrogen sulfide. It is one of the most frequent and affordable procedures during spa treatment, rehabilitation and therapy of a number of diseases. The specificity of treatment is determined not only by the composition of the water, but also by its temperature, exposure time, and a number of others.

Hydrogen sulfide baths have strict indications and limitations, so they cannot be prescribed to everyone: all contraindications are absolute.

A bit of history

The benefits of water from hydrogen sulfide sources were first noted under Peter I. Already at the beginning of the 18th century, factories were built near Samara, whose workers bathed in Sulfur Lake, and the water from it treated various skin diseases well. This lake was located not far from the Sergievsk fortress, therefore the waters began to be called Sergievsky.

A little later, a specific effect was noted that develops in a person against the background of the use of these baths, which was called the Matsesta reaction. The name is associated with the most popular Russian resort Matsesta, located near Sochi.

Baths with water from natural hydrogen sulfide sources began to be actively used in sanatoriums that were built in places of hydrogen sulfide deposits (natural waters containing from 10 mg / l of total hydrogen sulfide are classified as hydrogen sulfide). These waters are used for baths, inhalations, irrigation, etc. In addition, many beauty salons offer this method, and using concentrates, you can go through the procedure at home.

Types of hydrogen sulfide baths

Depending on the level of hydrogen sulfide content, baths are classified into:

  • weak, with the amount of hydrogen sulfide from 10-50 mg/l;
  • medium, with the level of the active substance 50-100 mg / l;
  • strong, the concentration of hydrogen sulfide in which is 100-250 mg / l;
  • very strong, with a concentration of hydrogen sulfide from 250 mg / l.

Healing mechanisms and beneficial effects

The benefits of hydrogen sulfide baths are realized through the action of active substances. Hydrogen sulfide ions enter the body through mucous membranes, skin pores, and the respiratory system. When released into the bloodstream, free ions are oxidized and, having a certain effect, are excreted naturally through the kidneys and partially through the lungs.

The higher the concentration of hydrogen sulfide in water, the more it penetrates the body through the skin. At high concentrations of 250 mg / l and above, hydrogen sulfide begins to circulate in the blood. In addition to the irritating effect on the skin receptors, hydrogen sulfide, which is located in the blood vessels, has the same effect on the interoreceptors.

Most of the hydrogen sulfide is oxidized to sulfates, hyposulfite and other inorganic sulfur compounds. A small part of hydrogen sulfide takes part in the synthesis of organic compounds.

Hydrogen sulfide is a strong reducing agent: a natural antioxidant capable of being oxidized. Oxidation produces sulfur dioxide. Its increased concentration is dangerous for humans, but natural water contains the substance in low concentrations, which is why baths have a therapeutic effect.

Also, water from natural sources contains ions of fluorine, iodine, bromine, trace elements such as iron, barium, potassium, magnesium, gold, sodium, copper, as well as hydrocarbonates.

What happens while taking a bath?

Redness of the skin occurs 2-3 minutes after immersion in the bath. Penetrating through the skin, hydrogen sulfide affects the nerve endings localized in the walls of blood vessels. A pronounced reaction of cellular elements develops, namely mast cells that secrete active substances such as heparin, acetylcholine and histamine. Under the influence of these substances, the capillaries expand and in such an expanded state are able to place inside 1/3 of all freely circulating blood in the body. Those. blood from the internal organs, as it were, is collected under the skin, saturated with active substances and continues to circulate throughout the body. The result of vasodilation are objective sensations: a surge of heat to the skin, a slight burning sensation. The second stage of this reaction is the expansion of blood vessels located in the internal organs.

Blood microcirculation improves not only in the skin, but also in the tissues located under it, in the internal organs, cartilage, articular bags. Thus, the action of baths is associated with reflex reactions that develop in response to irritation of sensitive nerve endings located in the skin and blood vessels. And the humoral reactions transmitted by lymph and blood are also associated with the reflex action, which are included in the overall response of the body to the procedures. It turns out that the response is complex - neurohumoral and manifests itself in relation to the respiratory organs, cardiovascular system, endocrine glands, metabolism. A complex chain of reactions is implemented, involving all the main systems of the body.

It should be understood that this is a course treatment, and the maximum effect can be expected after passing all the procedures prescribed by the doctor.

Hydrogen sulfide baths:

  • activate the activity of enzymes and hormones in the body;
  • accelerate blood circulation, thereby improving the blood supply to organs. While taking baths, the minute and systolic volume of the heart improves, the speed of blood flow increases, and this is especially noticeable in patients with slow blood circulation;
  • slow down blood clotting and prevent the formation of blood clots in the vessels;
  • increase the permeability of cell membranes, improving the quality of tissue nutrition,
  • normalize blood sugar both in patients with diabetes and in healthy people with a sugar load;
  • activate metabolic processes. Hydrogen sulfide accelerates the processes of oxidation and increases the activity of sulfur-containing enzymes, helping to increase the energy resources of the myocardium. It has been proven that hydrogen sulfide affects acetylcholine and histamine metabolism by changing the activity of the corresponding enzymes (cholinesterase and histaminase) involved in metabolism;
  • improve metabolism in the heart muscle, due to which the energy of heart contractions is spent more economically;
  • increase oxygen consumption by organs and tissues;
  • increase the speed of recovery processes in damaged tissues, which contributes to the resolution of sluggish inflammatory foci;
  • improve lung ventilation;
  • improve energy and metabolic processes in the joints and skeletal muscles, which lead to a decrease in pain, inflammation; the processes of restoration of cartilaginous tissues are accelerated;
  • normalize blood pressure. The procedures align the work of the vasomotor centers by regulating the main nervous processes and normalizing vascular reactions. More significant shifts in blood pressure are observed in hypertension: there is a phase change in vascular tone in patients with this pathology. While in the bath, the pressure in such patients decreases, when leaving, it rises, and after 15-20 minutes it drops below the initial state and becomes normal or close to it;
  • normalize the pulse and rhythm of heart contractions. In the first minutes of the procedure, the pulse rate increases, and by the end of the procedure, the pulse slows down;
  • calm and relax the central nervous system, cause a slight drowsiness due to the prevalence of inhibition processes over excitation;
  • restore the disturbed balance between the parasympathetic and sympathetic divisions of the autonomic nervous system, which regulate the activity of internal organs and metabolism;
  • improve the condition of the skin, which heals and smoothes. Its elasticity increases, allergic, inflammatory phenomena decrease or disappear;
  • stop premature aging of the body.


There is a wide range of indications for the appointment of hydrogen sulfide baths. Be sure to take into account: the concentration of hydrogen sulfide (most often, on the rise), water temperature, duration of the procedure, the possibility of combining with other types of treatment, the number of baths per course and general health, especially the activity of the pathological process, which is the main indication for treatment.

Main indications:

  • skin diseases: dermatitis, dermatosis, psoriasis, eczema, neurodermatitis, scleroderma, psoriasis, ichthyosis, urticaria;
  • gynecological diseases: chronic inflammatory processes, obstruction of the fallopian tubes, insufficiency of ovarian function, menstrual irregularities, not associated with increased synthesis of female sex hormones;
  • urological diseases: chronic prostatitis;
  • cardiovascular pathologies: uncomplicated hypertension, circulatory disorders, heart defects (aortic and mitral valve) with circulatory failure not more than 1 tbsp. and in the absence of severe stenosis, myocardiostrophy, uncomplicated obliterating endarteritis, the consequences of thrombophlebitis of deep and superficial veins after 3-6 months. after an acute period;
  • bone and joint diseases: arthritis, arthrosis, infectious polyarthritis in remission (6-8 months after exacerbation), non-infectious polyarthritis, Bechterew's disease, brucellosis polyarthritis (3 months after acute events), osteochondrosis, slow bone fusion after a fracture;
  • endocrine pathologies: diabetes;
  • neurological diseases: neuralgia, sciatica, post-traumatic conditions, reflex traumatic syndrome, vegetovascular dystonia, consequences of poliomyelitis, meningomyelitis, paralysis and paresis of the spinal cord;
  • conditions after influenza, tonsillitis;
  • Pediatrics: cerebral palsy, condition after birth injuries, perinatal encephalopathy, cardiovascular diseases described above.

How are the procedures carried out

The procedure is carried out only in a specially equipped room with good ventilation and exhaust - this is very important point to avoid poisoning by volatile hydrogen sulfide. The floor and walls are covered with special tiles, and metal parts (pipes, radiators) are painted with oil varnish. The bathroom is made of faience or concrete and covered with tiles.

How to take:

  • The air temperature is 25 C. 200 liters of water T 35-37 C are taken into the bath and the concentrate is added, bringing it to the required concentration (or water from a natural source with a predetermined concentration). The patient is immersed in the bath and takes it for 6-15 minutes. After the bath, rest for 30-40 minutes in a horizontal position.
  • The course is 10-14 baths with a frequency of 1 or 2 days. You can repeat the same course in 4-6 months.
  • Also used are half-baths, foot and multi-chamber baths for individual parts of the body, irrigation and inhalation. Local baths can be carried out up to 20 minutes at a T of water of 38 degrees, daily or every other day.

After the procedure, a slight specific smell emanates from the body, which persists for a certain period of time.

Treatment regimens

Clear treatment regimens have been developed that have already known, expected effects on the patient.

  • Weak impact (1 mode). Baths with a concentration of hydrogen sulfide 25-50 mg / l, taking 6-15 minutes, every other day. A combination with a local procedure using mineral water (irrigation, inhalation) is acceptable. They have a soft and gentle effect and do not cause sharp responses. Normalize the disturbed reactivity of the body gradually, improve metabolism and blood supply and lead to the strengthening of the defenses.
  • Moderately intense exposure (mode 2). The concentration of hydrogen sulfide is 100-150 mg/l, the exposure is 6-15 minutes, the frequency is 1-2 days. They have a versatile effect, which can be called sparingly training. Increase the functional and adaptive capabilities of the body.
  • Intense impact (3rd mode). The concentration of hydrogen sulfide - 250-350 mg/l, duration 3-10 minutes, after 1 day. A multifaceted action that causes a deep restructuring of functions, reactivity and metabolism in the body, improves blood circulation and compensatory capabilities of the body.

The indicated modes are an approximate scheme that is modified for each patient. In any regimen, treatment begins with low concentrations of hydrogen sulfide.

Hydrogen sulfide baths at home

On sale there are special compositions for conducting baths at home. But it is very important to follow all precautions and follow the instructions in order to avoid poisoning with volatile hydrogen sulfide vapors. However, it should be understood that baths have a lot of contraindications, before taking them, you should undergo an examination and exclude pathologies, diseases and conditions in which procedures cannot be taken.

Contraindications for hydrogen sulfide baths

There are a number of strict contraindications that cannot be ignored:

  • hyperthermia;
  • exacerbation of chronic pathology and the acute period of any disease;
  • pregnancy;
  • fibroids, uterine fibroids and other gynecological diseases against the background of hyperestrogenism;
  • tuberculosis;
  • chronic diseases of the liver and biliary tract;
  • all kidney diseases;
  • thyrotoxicosis;
  • tendency to bleed;
  • blood diseases;
  • recurrent myocardial infarction in history;
  • decompensated endocarditis or myocarditis;
  • angina pectoris 2 or more degrees, severe stenosis accompanying valve damage, atrial fibrillation, blockade of the conduction system of the heart, terminal stages of hypertension;
  • oncological diseases;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • tendency to allergic reactions;
  • individual intolerance.

In these conditions and diseases, hydrogen sulfide baths can only bring harm to the body: worsen the condition and lead to exacerbation and progression of pathologies.

Adverse reactions

The course of procedures leads to a significant favorable restructuring of the whole organism, but in a number of patients it is accompanied by a temporary imbalance in functioning. different systems. This is called a balneological reaction. Main manifestations:

  • deterioration of well-being;
  • lethargy, weakness;
  • sleep disorder;
  • local rise in temperature.

There are several degrees of balneological reaction. It can be hidden, subclinical, subclinical with manifestations, of moderate severity, bordering on exacerbation and strong, which almost always leads to an exacerbation of chronic pathology.

A mild balneological reaction does not apply to pathological phenomena. But if the reaction is pronounced, it threatens to exacerbate the disease, from which, in fact, the treatment is carried out, so it should not be allowed. And here there is a very fine line - and the possibility of an acute inflammatory reaction, and its transition to an acute process can be in different patients with the same intensity of balneological procedures, i.e. the benefits and harms of treatment are actually on two scales. Therefore, it is very important to choose all the parameters of the treatment in accordance with the reactivity of the patient's body.

The most popular resorts and sanatoriums in Russia with natural hydrogen sulfide sources


The most famous Russian resort located near Sochi. Matsesta mineral water is distinguished by a record concentration of hydrogen sulfide over 700 mg/dm3. In addition, the climate of the resort is unique - this is the only place in Russia with humid subtropics. In a relatively small area, mineral waters with different concentrations of hydrogen sulfide are brought to the surface of the earth, which are indicated for balneotherapy.
In Sochi there is the only plant in the country for the preparation of medium-mineralized highly sulfide therapeutic mud from local freshwater silts and Matsesta strong hydrogen sulfide water. These muds have found application in the resort's sanatoriums. In addition, they are also exported to other resorts in the country in packaged form.

Hydrogen sulfide baths in the body of Mount Mashuk

These are the oldest baths in Pyatigorsk, which are formed in natural rock in places where hydrogen sulfide sources come to the surface of the earth. These baths have long been a source of health for the local population. The people spoke of them as "shameless" or "Yermolov's" baths. They still exist today: modern bathroom buildings were built above them, where patients from all over the world come for treatment.

Resort "Sergievsky Mineralnye Vody"

located in the Samara region, or rather, in the steppe part of the Samara Trans-Volga region. There are multi-debit sources of hydrogen sulfide waters, which have no analogues on the territory of the Russian Federation. These are low-mineralized hydrocarbonate-sulfate magnesium-calcium waters, the concentration of hydrogen sulfide in which is 50-100 mg/dm 3 . The resort is also rich in lake-key medium sulphide mud.

Resort "Ust-Kachka" is located in Perm Krai

It is rich in natural iodine-bromine and hydrogen sulfide waters, which are extracted from a well depth of 200-500 m. Hydrogen sulfide water belongs to 2 groups: brine with a concentration of H2S and HS 76 g / dm 3 and very strong (301 mg / dm 3). Used for baths, as well as irrigation for the gums and scalp.
The history of the resort is interesting - hydrogen sulfide mineral waters were accidentally discovered in 1935 during geological exploration, when healing water was extracted from the Glavneft well. Its composition turned out to be close in composition to the sources of Matsesta, and after a while a health resort was built here.

Balneo-mud resort "Usolye" is located in the Irkutsk region

The natural water deposit is unique both in its composition and in its formation. Usolsky waters are saturated with bromine, chlorine and sodium, iodine, silicic acid, potassium, manganese and hydrogen sulfide. Water, flowing through underground labyrinths, washes the rocks and is saturated with useful minerals, salts, gases, acquires healing value, and comes to the surface in the form of springs and springs with the help of natural pressure. Those. sources are natural in all respects.

Hydrogen sulfide baths in Abkhazia

On the territory of Abasia there are many natural sources of mineral waters with hydrogen sulfide, which are popular.

  • Famous thermal springs are located in Kyndyga, the water from which has T +110 C at the outlet, flows down the mountain, cools down to a comfortable temperature and enters special distribution troughs, under which you can take a kind of healing shower.
  • Besletka is a river located on the edge of Sukhumi. It is here that 7 wells were drilled, from where warm waters are extracted with a temperature of +29 to +42 and enter special baths.
  • The hydrogen sulfide source in Gagra contains about 44.2 mg/l of hydrogen sulfide, the outlet water temperature reaches +43 C.
  • The hydrogen sulfide springs in the village of Primorsky are a modern small complex where, in addition to water treatment, you can also take procedures with healing mud.

Some patients are wondering if it is possible to take hydrogen sulfide baths if they are intolerant to the specific smell of hydrogen sulfide? If this condition is not associated with an allergy to the substance, then some discomfort can be tolerated, for example, by using a special nose clip during the procedure.

Water with hydrogen sulfide (sulphurous water) is a chemical compound, in small concentrations it is used to treat pathologies of internal organs. Hydrogen sulfide is a colorless gas with a characteristic smell of rotten eggs, it is quite dangerous for the human body when accumulated and can be fatal. Death occurs even with a single inhalation of a high concentration of gas.

However, medicine has learned to use the substance for therapeutic baths, gas can be taken orally as a component of mineral water. The extraordinary benefits and harms of the procedure are explained by the special chemical composition of hydrogen sulfide.

The role of hydrogen sulfide in the body

When hydrogen sulfide is present in the body, this is an absolute norm, since it is a natural antispasmodic that perfectly relaxes the walls of blood vessels and smooth muscles. Gas has a positive effect on the functioning of the nervous system, improves memory.

Sulfuric water prevents the occurrence and complication of diseases of the cardiovascular system, expands capillaries, small blood vessels, helps to improve intracellular metabolism, and has powerful anti-inflammatory properties. Drinking sulfuric water is especially useful for men, it has the ability to increase potency.

When there are severe disorders of the heart muscle, for example, with myocardial infarction, there is a deficiency of hydrogen sulfide, which threatens with necrosis, slowing of blood circulation in the vessels, and intracellular oxidation.

An increased level of a substance in the body harms a person so much, endogenous hydrogen sulfide contributes to:

  1. the occurrence of type 1 diabetes;
  2. inhibition of pancreatic cells;
  3. inhibits the production of insulin.

Gas can be used both for treatment and for recovery, strengthening immune defenses, and preventing a number of unpleasant diseases. Hydrogen sulfide water can be used for balneotherapy, baths are indicated for ailments in the fields of medicine: gynecology, dermatology, orthopedics, andrology, rheumatology, endocrinology, neurology, cardiology, gastroenterology.

It is allowed to use hydrogen sulfide with other chemical elements, thus, it is possible to find an individual approach to absolutely any patient.

Contraindications for hydrotherapy with sulfur, methods

If sulfuric water is used for treatment, its benefits are invaluable, for example, hydrogen sulfide baths have proven themselves well. They are indicated for all kinds of chronic diseases, but are categorically contraindicated in the acute phase of pathological conditions.

It is also better to avoid the procedure with sulphurous water after surgery, in violation of the circulation of the brain, hyperthyroidism, inflammatory disorders of the filtration of the kidneys.

There are also temporary restrictions of hydrogen sulfide baths, we are talking about elevated body temperature, acute infectious diseases and purulent lesions of the skin. Hydrogen sulfide baths are prohibited for oncological ailments, severe blood diseases, liver and kidney diseases.

The course of treatment is prescribed to each patient individually, it depends on:

  • the diagnosis made;
  • ultimate goal of therapy.

It is important for patients to carefully follow all the recommendations of the doctor. Usually, two methods of treatment are used in practice: stepwise and stationary therapy, the fundamental difference lies in the variable or constant concentration of sulfuric water.

The stationary method provides for equal dosages of the substance for each procedure, while using the stepwise method, the amount of hydrogen sulfide is gradually increased during the course of treatment.

Hydrogen sulfide baths, the benefits and harms are described above, some are necessary for general immersion, while others involve exposure only to certain parts of the body. The average duration of the course of treatment is from 10 to 12 procedures. Balneotherapy is not prescribed every day, it is important to take short breaks, at least a day. Baths are recommended to people according to the following scheme: 1 or 2 days of treatment, and after 1, 2 days of rest.

  1. have a good calming effect on the whole body;
  2. improve the psycho-emotional background, physical condition;
  3. relieve stress and tension.

Additionally, after therapy, it is possible to achieve an analgesic effect, increase microcirculation in the vessels, blood flow to internal organs, limbs. As a result, tissue regeneration improves, they recover much faster.

Another useful feature of hydrogen sulfide baths is the improvement of the sebaceous glands, the reduction of sweating, and the production of sebum. Often, patients get rid of atherosclerotic plaques.

While taking a bath, a person has redness of the skin, this reaction of the body is considered normal, it is due to a powerful blood flow to the capillaries and small vessels. Taking a bath for longer than the recommended time, the patient will notice that his skin has turned blue. After the bath, the body temperature rises by a couple of degrees.

You need to know that an excess of hydrogen sulfide is dangerous to health, a spasm of the coronary vessels can occur when the arteries that feed the heart are affected.

How to take inside

Water for drinking, saturated with hydrogen sulfide, is consumed exclusively under the supervision of the attending physician. Treatment is carried out in sanatoriums, hospitals or dispensaries, where there are hydrogen sulfide sources.

Water is indicated for chronic diseases of the digestive tract: bile stasis, biliary dyskinesia, can become an antidote for poisoning with salts of heavy metals.

Sulfuric water is perfectly tolerated by the human body, it can be drunk even for children with reduced immunity, chronic allergic reactions. The source of sulfuric liquid is deep underground, surface water contains little substance. There is a lot of hydrogen sulfide in regions where there is a sufficient amount of iron and sulfur in the soil.

The most famous sources of sulfuric water are:

The permissible amount of a substance that is allowed to be consumed during the day is 50 mg / l. Exceeding the recommended dose will cause serious poisoning of the body, on average they use from 10 to 30 mg / l.

It should be noted that the attitude towards hydrogen water is ambiguous, this is due to the high probability of adverse reactions of the body, even with a slight excess of the dosage of the substance prescribed by the doctor. An excess of sulfuric water can aggravate the course of diseases, cause even more serious complications.

However, with a reasonable approach, hydrogen sulfide treatment will be an ideal way to get rid of chronic diseases of internal organs, restore the body's immune defenses, normalize the functioning of the musculoskeletal system, and psychological state.


Various physiotherapy procedures, including electro-, water- and light therapy, are becoming increasingly popular. Without medical intervention, they can cure or prevent many diseases. Therefore, it is not surprising that many are interested in the harm and benefits of hydrogen sulfide (sulfide) water. This product, unique in its chemical composition and physical properties, has been known to medicine for a long time. True, disputes about its effectiveness and safety do not subside even today. According to most physiotherapists, a properly conducted and well-planned course of hydrogen sulfide baths or ingestion of water will provide a clear therapeutic effect.

What is hydrogen sulfide water?

Hydrogen sulfide water got its name from the main elements that make up its composition. It should not have a gray color, as some people think, but it can be easily distinguished by a special "soapy" texture and a characteristic smell of rotten eggs. Hydrogen sulfide has been known to mankind for many centuries. But to use it for therapeutic purposes began not so long ago.

From chemistry lessons, many people know that hydrogen sulfide is a very poisonous gas. But for medical purposes, it is used in low concentrations, which determines its medicinal properties and guarantees safety. In addition to hydrogen sulfide itself, the composition of high-quality water should include the following elements and compounds:

Interesting fact
Items that are exposed to hydrogen sulfide for a long time turn black. According to scientists, the Black Sea, rich in hydrogen sulfide deposits, got its name precisely for this reason.

  • bicarbonate;
  • hydrosulfides;
  • calcium ions.

Hydrogen sulfide does have a pronounced unpleasant odor. But practice shows that getting used to it is developed quite quickly. The specific aroma ceases to irritate after several procedures.

The benefits of baths with hydrogen sulfide water

The pronounced therapeutic effect of hydrogen sulfide baths is due to the fact that the healing component penetrates through the respiratory tract of a person and his skin. Three factors act simultaneously on the body:

  1. Special water temperature.
  2. Set of chemical elements.
  3. The pressure created by the fluid.

During the procedure, hydrogen sulfide penetrates the tissues, enters the bloodstream and circulates through the body. The composition is oxidized, saturates the cells with microelements and is excreted from the body.

The course of hydrotherapy with hydrogen sulfide has a versatile positive effect on the body:

  • The walls of blood vessels are strengthened, become more elastic. This provokes a decrease in high blood pressure in people suffering from hypertension.
  • There is an acceleration of metabolic processes, as a result of which the tissues are better saturated with useful components and get rid of decay products and toxins faster.

Despite the fact that hydrogen sulfide springs are not uncommon and can be found everywhere, only equipped ones should be used for medicinal purposes. Most of these are in Russia, for example, in the vicinity of Sochi.

  • Hydrogen sulfide acts as an irritant of nerve endings, which has a positive effect on the state of the central and peripheral nervous system.
  • Warm water opens the pores of the skin, hydrogen sulfide stimulates the sebaceous glands. The skin is cleared, its condition noticeably improves.
  • Hydrogen sulfide baths stimulate liver cleansing. True, if problems are noted in the work of this body, increased care should be taken in the process of recovery.
  • Healing baths are prescribed for problems with the musculoskeletal system. They have proven themselves with better side during treatment inflammatory processes among women.
  • Baths from such water can be prescribed in combination with other actions aimed at treating diabetes mellitus, diseases of the digestive system.
  • Due to the fact that hydrogen sulfide normalizes metabolic processes, it can be used as one of the means of normalizing weight in obesity.

Hydrogen sulfide baths are used both for treatment and prevention for healthy people.

In any case, a physiotherapist should prescribe a course based on the state of the body. After just a few sessions, it will be possible to notice an improvement in the condition of the skin and the functioning of the joints. The body will be cleansed, which will positively affect the general condition.

Harm of hydrogen sulfide baths

Any physiotherapy procedure can be harmful if not carried out according to the rules. The concentration of the solution, the duration and number of sessions, their frequency is prescribed exclusively by the doctor. Also, the therapy has a number of contraindications:

  • Sessions are accompanied by increased stress on the heart. They should not be visited after a recent heart attack, in the presence of serious heart disease.
  • Hot water in combination with hydrogen sulfide can provoke the growth of tumors. So in the presence of neoplasms of any nature, baths are prohibited.
  • Procedures can worsen the condition during an exacerbation of systemic diseases of the liver, intestines, stomach.
  • Hydrogen sulfide baths are an energy-consuming procedure. They should not be taken after exercise or if symptoms of chronic fatigue are present.
  • Absolute contraindications to physiotherapy are the active phase of tuberculosis, any pathology of the kidneys, severe forms of hyperthyroidism, hypotension.

In addition, hydrogen sulfide is perceived differently by people, including, it can cause allergies. Therefore, even before the start of the sessions, you need to make sure that there is no negative reaction of the body to the components of sulfide water.

Is it possible to drink hydrogen sulfide water

More recently, it was believed that drinking hydrogen sulfide water is prohibited. However, the concentrations at which sulfide water has a therapeutic effect have now been established. A solution with the lowest concentration of hydrogen sulfide (10-40 mg/l) is suitable for drinking. Such a drink reduces the secretion of gastric juice, has a mild laxative and choleretic effect. At the same time, the solution also works as an antioxidant, helping to cleanse the body.

Sulfide water as a drink shows its effectiveness even with severe liver damage, poisoning with salts of heavy metals. Sometimes the solution is used as a diuretic.

Only a doctor can prescribe the use of such water. Treatment is carried out strictly under the supervision of a specialist, it is impossible to exceed the dosage. There are quite a few contraindications to the use of the solution, which is why self-medication sometimes leads to unpleasant consequences.

It should be understood that hydrogen sulfide water, like any drug, can manifest itself differently in each case. Therefore, you need to carefully monitor your condition during the physical procedure and after it.


Our modern world for the treatment of various diseases has a mass of methods, which include traditional medicine, physiotherapy and medication. However, the most qualitative approach to solving any health problem is a comprehensive one. With its help, it is easy to achieve excellent results and fix them for a long time.

Balneotherapy is recommended by many specialists. Including it in the main course of therapy, the patient receives an additional effect on the body of many useful substances that mineral waters are saturated with. The most healing of them are hydrogen sulfide or sulfide baths.

If you have the desire and opportunity, be sure to visit the Matsesta hydropathic center in Sochi. It is famous for its rich deposits of hydrogen sulfide. Local hydrogen sulfide sources and hydrogen sulfide mud will give you an unforgettable feeling of comfort and lightness in the whole body after completing the course of recovery.

At the same time, the benefits of hydrogen sulfide baths at home will be no less than if you were treated at a resort. Also today, many salons include healing hydrogen sulfide baths in their range of services - a natural source of youth, beauty and health.

However, indications and contraindications for hydrogen sulfide baths, despite all their positive properties, are the same as for other medical procedures.

The benefits of hydrogen sulfide water

Hydrogen sulfide in water is a natural antioxidant that is able to quickly restore all organs and systems. Penetrating through the skin, ions, trace elements and other nutrients in its composition, actively saturate every cell inside the body. Therefore, the benefits of hydrogen sulfide baths are invaluable.

In addition to the therapeutic effect, hydrogen sulfide water is successfully used for cosmetic purposes. It perfectly smoothes fine wrinkles on the face, gives the skin elasticity, eliminates allergic, inflammatory reactions and gives a healthy look in general.

You can also drink hydrogen sulfide water, but it is recommended to do this only under the supervision of a doctor. Otherwise, you risk harming your body. If you suffer from bile stasis, chronic constipation, or work in a hazardous industry where regular cleansing of the body from accumulated heavy metals is required, drinking healing water will be very useful.

Indications for treatment

Baths with sulfide water, due to the presence in them of a rich set of trace elements and other useful components, have a beneficial effect in the treatment of the following pathologies:

  • Gynecology: inflammation of various localization, leading to the absence of a desired pregnancy in women; obstruction of the fallopian tubes.
  • Urology: deviations in the work of the genitourinary organs.
  • Skin: eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis, neurodermatitis.
  • Neurology: painful conditions after injuries, radiculitis, diseases of the nervous system, neuralgia.
  • Heart and blood vessels: circulatory disorders, hypertensive crises, diseases of the heart muscle and blood vessels.
  • Endocrinology: diabetes mellitus, thyroid problems.
  • Musculoskeletal system: osteochondrosis, arthrosis, arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis.

Contraindications for sulfide baths

As you already know, treatment with hydrogen sulfide baths has a number of contraindications. They are appointed only after a medical examination and passing some tests. Sometimes a person may not even think about the presence of a particular disease, so the examination is first of all, since the expected benefits and harms of a hydrogen sulfide bath can ultimately overlap each other.

Baths with sulfide acid should not be taken under the following conditions:

  1. pathologies of the kidneys, liver;
  2. pulmonary tuberculosis;
  3. heart disease;
  4. diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  5. cancers;
  6. various kinds of bleeding;
  7. reduced pressure;
  8. high temperature;
  9. inflammatory and viral diseases;
  10. hemorrhoids;
  11. III degree of diabetes;
  12. vein diseases;
  13. during pregnancy and lactation;
  14. rashes on the skin of fungal etiology.

Remember that you can not make hasty independent decisions about the passage of a particular medical procedure. Not always what turned out to be useful for your girlfriend, neighbor or close relative will also work for you without negative health consequences. And the advertisements of newfangled salons, full of calls to improve your health with the help of another new product, are always silent about contraindications to hydrogen sulfide baths, however, like to any other procedure. Take such information as no more than a call for thought, and not as a competent solution to the problem. Seek appointment only from a specialist. And only after the prescribed course, proceed to its passage.


Various physiotherapy procedures, including hydro-, electro-, or light therapy, are becoming more common. Without the intervention of drugs, they make it possible to treat or prevent many diseases. Therefore, it is clear that many people are interested in the benefits and harms, whether hydrogen sulfide water can be drunk. Such a unique composition in medicine has long been known. But disputes about medicinal properties and safety are still ongoing. Many doctors are of the opinion that a properly performed and planned course of baths using hydrogen sulfide, as well as drinking such water, provides a positive effect of treatment.

What is hydrogen sulfide water characterized by

It got its name from the main components in the composition. Its color should not be gray, as many believe, but it can be quickly distinguished by a special soapy texture and a peculiar smell of rotten eggs. Hydrogen sulfide has been known to humans for a long time, but it has only recently been used for medicinal purposes.

From the subject of chemistry, people know that hydrogen sulfide is a poisonous gas, but in medicine it is used in small concentrations. This gives it medicinal properties, ensures safety. In addition to hydrogen sulfide, magnesium and sodium chloride, calcium ions, bicarbonate should be included in high-quality water. An interesting fact is that objects exposed to hydrogen sulfide blacken over time. Scientists claim that the Black Sea got its name from the occurrence of a large amount of this substance in it.

Hydrogen sulfide actually has a nasty smell, but in practice you can quickly get used to it. The peculiar smell after several treatment procedures is no longer annoying.

The benefits of hydrogen sulfide baths

Effective therapy from hydrogen sulfide baths is provided by the healing substance passes into the skin and respiratory tract. The following factors act on a person at this time:

  1. Liquid pressure.
  2. Set of chemical components.
  3. Special temperature regime.

During the procedure, hydrogen sulfide enters human tissues, into the blood, and circulates through the body. The substance is oxidized, the cells receive the necessary trace elements, then the substance leaves the body through the excretory system.

The course of treatment with hydrogen sulfide in water has various positive effects on a person:

  1. Vessels are strengthened, their elasticity increases. As a result, blood pressure decreases in hypertension.
  2. The rate of metabolic processes increases, as a result, tissues are saturated with useful elements faster and excrete decay products, toxic substances faster.
  3. Hydrogen sulfide irritates the nerve endings, it has a positive effect on the peripheral and central nervous system.
  4. Influences the opening of the pores of the skin warm water, and hydrogen sulfide stimulates the functioning of the sebaceous glands. As a result, the skin is cleansed and its condition improves.
  5. Baths with hydrogen sulfide help cleanse the liver. But if there are problems in the liver, you need to be careful when carrying out medical procedures.
  6. Doctors prescribe therapeutic baths for diseases with the musculoskeletal system. Such baths showed their best side during the treatment of female diseases.
  7. The appointment of baths with hydrogen sulfide occurs in conjunction with other procedures that contribute to the treatment of diabetes, digestive organs.
  8. In view of the normalization of the processes of hydrogen sulfide metabolism, it is used as a means for normalizing weight and treating obesity.

Baths with hydrogen sulfide are used in the form of medical procedures and for preventive purposes to healthy people. At the same time, only a physiotherapist should prescribe such procedures, based on the state of the body. Improvement in the condition of the skin is manifested after several sessions, and the functioning of the joints also improves. After cleansing the body, the general condition improves.

Why are hydrogen sulfide baths harmful?

All physiotherapy procedures can become harmful if they are carried out incorrectly. The concentration of the solution, the duration and number of sessions should be prescribed only medical worker. In addition, there are several contraindications in the treatment:

  1. Such procedures increase the load on the heart muscle, the procedures do not need to be attended after a heart attack, with heart disease.
  2. Hot water together with hydrogen sulfide can provoke an increase in the tumor. Therefore, in the event of neoplasms, such baths are contraindicated.
  3. Hydrogen sulfide procedures worsen the condition during exacerbation of diseases of the liver, stomach and intestines.
  4. Such baths take a lot of energy from a person. They are not recommended to be taken after a heavy load or with severe fatigue.
  5. Contraindication to physiotherapy is tuberculosis, kidney disease, hypotension, hyperthyroidism.

In addition, people perceive such a substance as hydrogen sulfide in different ways. Allergies can appear from it, so before the session you need to make sure that there is no negative reaction to the elements of hydrogen sulfide water.

Hydrogen sulfide water - is it safe to drink?

Not so long ago, doctors believed that it was impossible to drink such water. But today, concentrations have been established to create a therapeutic effect with sulfide water. As drinking water you can use a solution with a very low concentration of hydrogen sulfide, not more than 40 milligrams per liter. Such a solution reduces the production of gastric juice, acts as a choleretic and laxative. The solution acts as an antioxidant, cleanses the body of harmful elements.

Hydrogen sulfide water shows high efficiency as a drink, even with serious liver damage, heavy metal toxicity. A solution of such water is sometimes used for diuretic action. The appointment of the use of hydrogen sulfide water should be only a doctor. Therapeutic procedures are carried out under the supervision of a doctor, it is forbidden to change the dosage.

There are many contraindications to the use of this solution. Therefore, self-treatment often leads to negative consequences. You need to know that hydrogen sulfide water, like many medicines, can behave differently in certain cases. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully monitor your condition during the entire physiotherapy procedure, as well as after its completion.
