Stove for sauna and heating of the rest room. Heating in the bath - an overview of "non-furnace" ways to heat in winter

  • 23.06.2020

Loved by many true connoisseurs. And they are not ready to exchange it for either a Finnish sauna or a Turkish hammam. Today there are many various ways to heat a bath - from a traditional stove to the introduction of the most modern technologies. However, not all potential owners are familiar with the nuances of additional heating of the bath in winter. And because of this, some problems may arise during operation.

Of course, with a very tight budget, additional heating can be abandoned using only the classic version - good. This will be quite enough to take a bath, and then dive into luxurious snowdrifts from a running start, while experiencing the whole unique range of feelings. But if you can afford to spend extra money, then your bath will become even more cozy and comfortable.

The stove-heater is the most popular way to heat the bath

Additional heating is usually understood as additional heating equipment that allows you to maintain a high temperature not only in the steam room, but also in the dressing room. After all, many connoisseurs of baths like to sit with a group of friends in the dressing room after visiting the bath itself, to talk about life, remember the old days and discuss plans for the future. Unfortunately, when using conventional stoves, it is not possible to heat the dressing room. And if in the summer this is not a problem, then in the winter it can cause discomfort. Almost all the heat is given off to the steam room, as a result of which being in the waiting room for even a few minutes to undress or dress is unpleasant due to the extremely low temperature. What can we say about gatherings and long conversations!

But when installing additional heating, you can always maintain in the dressing room, which is located on the same level as the steam room or at a temperature that is suitable for you.

What equipment is required for this

In general, to ensure the heating of the bath in the winter, you can use a variety of equipment. Some users prefer water heating. Radiators can either be connected to a heating plant or. However, there is a certain downside here. If you do not live in a country house permanently, the water in the pipes will simply freeze, breaking them, as the heating plant may stop working for several days for some reason. As a result, you will have to spend a lot of money and time to eliminate the consequences of such a breakdown.

Stove in a bath with a water heater

Many people prefer electric heaters. Their main advantage is ease of use. No need to spend money on installation and disassemble already finished bath. You can bring one or two electric heaters to the dressing room at any time and turn them on half an hour or an hour before the start of the gatherings. During this time, the temperature in small room will rise to a level that suits you. If necessary, you can easily move them from place to place or even take them into the house.

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But there is also a downside here. Most often, the humidity in the dressing rooms is quite high, especially if it is located across the wall from the steam room, and the door opens and closes regularly. Electrical appliances do not work well in environments high humidity- High risk of breakage. And being left without a heater before meeting friends on cold winter days is not a very pleasant surprise.

Electric heater for a bath

Therefore, electric underfloor heating remains one of the best solutions. Yes, you will have to spend a fairly large amount during installation - only specialists should do this work if you do not have the appropriate skills. But in this case, you do not have to be afraid of breakage and some other unpleasant consequences.

Electric cables are reliably protected from moisture, which means they will not be damaged even when working in difficult conditions. Temperature fluctuations are also not terrible for them. Even if you leave the cottage for several weeks or months, it is enough to turn off the warm floors - nothing will harm them. But when you are going to the bath, then 3-4 hours before water procedures Just turn on the heating system. During this time, the temperature in the dressing room will rise to the point at which you and your guests will feel comfortable even after a hot steam room.

Underfloor heating scheme

The possibilities of electric underfloor heating are not limited to this. Some bath owners decide to install a heating system, both in the bath itself and outside it. First of all, this is a porch. Many connoisseurs of baths are familiar with the problem of icing the porch. There may be accidentally spilled water if you carry it into the bath by hand. Thrill-seekers who dive into the snow after a steam room put their wet foot on the porch with their feet. As a result, the porch is covered with a thin crust of ice, which can cause an accident - no one is immune from trouble on ice.

But this can be avoided if, when installing the system warm floors you will order two circuits: one, large, for heating the dressing room, and the second, small, for heating the porch. In this case, the water will never freeze on the porch, but drain from it or gradually evaporate. Whatever it was, the ice problem will be solved.

Don't forget about safety

But in the steam room itself, it is undesirable to install electric heated floors. Yes, it will make going to the bath more comfortable. After all, true connoisseurs of the bath know that it is the floors, especially in winter, that can remain cool even after many hours of heating. All the heat rises, and near the ceiling the temperature can reach 70-80 degrees, but the floors will remain cool. When using electric underfloor heating, this will definitely not happen - they will heat up much faster than the bath is heated.

Visiting the Russian bath has become a family tradition for many. Many owners of private houses wish to install on personal plot bath building, but often they are faced with the problem of arranging heating. There are several ways to heat a modern steam room and other rooms located in the bath.

The choice of the type of heating structure depends on the financial capabilities and wishes of the owners. Since the steam room is used from time to time, therefore, before heating the bath, it is necessary to decide how this building will be used.

If it is planned not only to bathe in it, but also to wash and take a bath, then using a conventional stove for heating will not be very convenient.

Modern ways to provide heating in the bath all year round are diverse, among them the most popular are:

  • electric floors;
  • installation of water heating;
  • installation of the "warm floor" system and others.

Using the stove

When the room is small in size and it is used only for its intended purpose, the heating of the bath in winter and at other times of the year can be provided by an ordinary heater. Usually, in this case, they purchase a ready-made unit, having previously decided on its power. In this case, you can use the stove for a bath and heating at the same time, which is very convenient.

The stove-heater shown in the photo mainly runs on wood - a traditional and inexpensive form of fuel. There are other options for heating, including, for example, the use of electricity, gas, diesel fuel, etc.

Electric heating

When deciding how to make heating in the bath, it must be borne in mind that the most clean option creating a heating system is considered the use of electricity. Application modern equipment allows you to provide heat to the building in an autonomous mode in the desired thermal regime.

To make it work electric heating baths, you need to install a boiler that operates on electricity. At the same time, there is no need to equip ventilation and build a chimney (read also: ""). This option would be the best solution if an uninterrupted supply of electricity is provided in the region. Otherwise, you should stop at another heating method.

Modern electrical units are characterized by a high degree of safety, their package includes:

  • expansion tank;
  • coolant pressure sensors;
  • filters for water treatment;
  • valves.

Gas heating bath

The advantage of gas heat supply:

  • environmental Safety;
  • use of equipment that is easy to operate and maintain;
  • cheap way heating.

Gas boilers for heating baths even in winter time in case of prolonged non-use, they are able to heat the room up to desired temperature within a few hours, depending on the size of the room.

The operation of a gas oven is similar to that of electrical design. The gas burns in a special chamber located under the stones. As a result, not only they heat up, but the room and the water in the tank also warm up.

Water heating structure

Comfortable and enough effective way providing heat for the bathhouse is considered to be the installation of water heating. As a fuel for this method heating can use wood, gas, electricity, as it depends on the modification of the fuel boiler to be installed.

The best choice of a thermal unit would be a cast-iron boiler for a liquid coolant. Water is heated in it, through the pipes it enters the radiators installed in the bath building, and after the heat is released, it returns to the boiler. water system allows you to evenly and efficiently heat any room. In the same way, you can organize the heating of the bath from the house.

Underfloor heating system

This option for heating a bath refers to modern methods, which in last years are used frequently. Installing special equipment without the appropriate experience is quite difficult.

It is much easier to install an electric floor system and you can do this work yourself:

  1. First of all, a waterproofing material is laid, on which a layer of mortar is placed.
  2. Next is the arrangement of thermal insulation.
  3. An electric cable is mounted on top of the thermal protection layer and the screed is poured again.

The technology for creating a floor with water heating is similar, but in this case they do not use a cable, but lay pipes for circulating a hot coolant.

Heating from the central heating main

When the household is connected to the heating main, then it is possible to connect the bath building to it. This method of heat supply is the most efficient and economical.

Before you conduct heating in the bath from home, you will need to lay an additional circuit in this room. It is best to do this job with a professional who has special equipment and relevant knowledge. Before connecting to a centralized heating main, it is necessary to develop project documentation and obtain permission, which is issued by the relevant authorities.

Independent arrangement of a warm floor

The base of the floor is preliminarily prepared, then the screed is poured using cement mortar. Then they make the waterproofing of the rough base, using a special mastic. Then a thin layer of mortar is laid and carefully leveled.

When the mixture is completely dry, the heat-insulating material is mounted. They take a heating cable or mat and spread it over the floor surface, connect it to the power supply and test the functioning of the system.

In the event that the design works, a thin layer of solution is placed over the cable. After it dries, proceed to finishing floor surface.

  1. To ensure optimal and efficient heating of the room, the heating of the bath from the stove in the steam room is done as follows: the firebox is placed in the dressing room, the heater in the steam room, and the tank with warm water in the washing department.
  2. Non-combustible material is placed between the stove-heater and the wall, and when firewood is used as fuel, it is placed in front of the door right size a metal sheet.
  3. When a steel stove is purchased, then the room will warm up quickly, but to maintain the required temperature, you need to constantly put firewood in the firebox, since it does not retain heat energy well.
  4. Stone stoves, despite the fact that they warm up for a long time, remain hot for a long time and release heat into the room gradually. Such a heating structure made of bricks should be laid out by a master. If a metal stove heats up a room in about 2 hours, then a stone stove in 5 hours.
  5. When a residential building has a small area and is located near the bath, then a bath stove can be used to heat a house, for example, a country house.

The choice of fuel often depends on the individual wishes of the owner of the building. Some of them prefer firewood, because in the process of their combustion in the steam room there is a pleasant aroma, but we must not forget that firing the stove with their help is a laborious process. It may be easier to install an electric or gas heating unit.

Owners of private houses, and sometimes owners of summer cottages, build baths on their land plots. The most popular are Russian baths and Finnish saunas with a swimming pool. To heat the premises of these buildings, heating is required, since bath procedures are closely related to water. Water freezes at low temperatures and can subsequently damage pipelines, mixers and other equipment (defrost). The creation of an autonomous source of heating for a bath entails major financial expenses, besides, the installation of a boiler for a bath (which, as a rule, has a small area) is irrelevant. The best option is considered to be the heating of the bath from the boiler in the house located on the site.

Stove heating in the bath

In relation to the bath, there are three types of heating:

  • Water;
  • Electrical;
  • Furnace.

Stove heating is used in baths without permanent plumbing and having a small area. This is due to the fact that the furnace is designed for local rapid heating of the room, has an unstable (episodic) mode of operation. With this method of heating, the water will freeze in the communications and unfreeze them.

Water heating is the most popular space heating configuration. Water has suitable thermophysical properties and acts as an excellent heat carrier. Water heating is realized from a centralized system or an autonomous heat generator. The following types of devices act as heat generators:

  • A gas boiler;
  • Solid fuel boiler;
  • Liquid fuel boiler;
  • Electric boiler.

Electric heating is divided into two heating schemes:

  • Water heating using an electric boiler;
  • Heating with individual appliances.

A heating gas boiler for a bath requires a permit and a gas project. Heating a bath (sauna) with an electric boiler does not require approval, but is implemented by the construction of a water heating system.

Water heating of the bath implies a constant mode of operation to prevent freezing of communications. Purchase of a boiler (gas, electric, solid fuel), coupled with fuel costs to ensure permanent mode work results in serious financial costs.

The use of separate heating electrical appliances will simplify the situation somewhat - no need to worry about freezing water - but the cost of electrical energy will be substantial. In addition, electric heating has another significant drawback - it is possible to turn off the power supply and downtime of heating equipment.

Bath heating from home

In private houses and summer cottages, for the purposes of heating and hot water supply, they construct autonomous systems heating with its own heat generator. The most popular option is the use of heating gas boiler(if connected to main gas pipelines). Natural gas is considered the cheapest type of fuel and the operation of systems based on gas boilers is famous for its economy.

Having your own boiler allows you to use it thermal power for heating the bath, even if it is removed from the location of the boiler. The advantages of this solution are the following factors:

  • It is not required to purchase the main equipment (new boiler);
  • Constant maintenance of the set temperature in the bath (without visiting it, remotely);
  • There is no need to store firewood and manually maintain the stove;

From the constant mode of operation follows the main drawback - the cost of fuel. This value can be significantly reduced by maintaining a standby temperature in the bath at 10 - 15 degrees. Water will not freeze at this temperature, the heating of the bath for bathing procedures from this temperature will occur in the shortest possible time.

A separate line (supply and return) is connected to the existing heating system, designed to supply home bath coolant. The line is connected to the main heating distribution manifold located near the boiler. There are two types of boilers - with built-in and with a separate pump. In any case, it is advisable to install a separate circulation pump low power. This will ensure the independence of the circuit from the hydraulic circuit of home heating.

Heating devices at the choice of the owner are installed in the bathhouse premises - convectors, radiators, underfloor heating systems. Depending on the thermal power of the selected devices, the diameter is calculated main pipelines baths (supply and return).

In the case of underfloor heating, it is necessary to install a control unit for underfloor heating circuits with a thermostatic mixer. Due to the small heated area, when installing the heating system, you can choose a single-pipe piping scheme for radiators (convectors).

When installing the system, it is imperative to install shut-off valves (general and on devices). Equipment and pipelines should be installed with a slope so that the coolant can drain when the heating is turned off (or gas, electricity, and so on).

Laying pipelines from the house to the bath

The laying of heating lines to the bath is carried out in two ways:

  • Outdoor (open);
  • Underground (hidden).

External laying is used at a small distance to the bath - in this case, the construction of numerous supports, which are unnecessary elements on the site, is not required. When laying outdoors, pipelines are insulated and laid with a slope to free them from water.

The main method of laying heating pipelines is underground. The choice of material is carried out with the condition of special operating conditions - inaccessibility and the absence of connections (hidden). The best choice– polymer pipelines. Pipes made of polyethylene (cross-linked), metal-plastic, polypropylene are laid on a sand cushion in an open trench, then buried.

The depth of the trench - the pipe laying point - must be below the freezing point of the soil for a particular region.

The depth of freezing is determined by the reference book. Pipelines can not be isolated by using a protective material - fiberglass and other types of material with similar characteristics.

Connection to heating mains

Connecting not only baths, but also private houses to centralized heating mains is very problematic. This is due to the hydraulic structure of the central heating system. Connecting an insignificant object of low power, without the possibility of constant access for repair and maintenance, can adversely affect the operation of the entire centralized system as a whole.

As a rule, heat supply organizations do not accept applications and do not issue specifications for such events.

Traditionally dacha or Vacation home are complemented by a bath, it does not matter - Russian or Finnish. To make your stay in the room more comfortable, organize a shower room, toilet and rest room, conduct hot and cold water supply, you need to equip the heating in the bath.

How to heat a bath

Until recently, most owners of dachas, private country houses used all the facilities on the site mainly in summer, autumn and spring. Accordingly, heating the bathhouse in winter was not a priority. But today you can observe the growth of interest in living outside the city all year round. This, accordingly, forces us to think about heating both the living space and the room for bath procedures.

In order for the conditions of stay in this room to be optimal, you need to choose the right heating scheme. There are several of them:

  • fireplace or stove;
  • gas;
  • electrical;
  • alternative.

Each scheme has its own advantages and disadvantages. To make the right choice, you need to consider all the options.

We are heated by the oven

It is a mistake to think that the time of the Russian stove has passed. The wood-burning stove familiar to many continues to be popular. In general, its advantages can be formulated as follows:

  • simple operation;
  • the possibility of mounting with your own hands;
  • work on one of the available types of fuel - wood.

Going through the options and giving preference to the Russian stove, we must not forget about the shortcomings:

  • the bulkiness of the oven;
  • the heating process is not subject to automation;
  • high probability of a fire;
  • wood-burning stoves are a source of dirt.

An analogue of the usual Russian stove is the so-called potbelly stove. This stove also works on wood, but it is distinguished by its compact dimensions.

It should be remembered that the installation of such a furnace is impractical due to the fact that a comfortable temperature regime is not maintained for a long period of time.

In addition, if the “potbelly stove” is made by hand, its use is very dangerous.

Heating with water and liquid fuel

Water heating is becoming more and more popular today. This is facilitated by a large selection of equipment that can be used. It should be remembered that this type of heating in the bath should be arranged so that in the warm season it can be turned off, leaving the heat exchanger to work only to heat the water. That is, you need to purchase a boiler with two circuits.

It is carried out using three types of fuel:

  1. Gaza. To organize gas heating, it is necessary to connect to common system gas supply. You will also need special equipment through which fuel will flow. On the territory of our country there are a large number of settlements that are still not provided with gas. An alternative type of fuel - liquefied or bottled gas - has an increased degree of fire hazard.
  2. Electricity. To provide electrical heating comfortable temperature indoors, it is important to accurately select the power of the equipment. Due to the complexity of these calculations, it is not recommended to purchase and install an electric boiler with your own hands. Unlike gas heating, the use of electricity does not require the installation of a chimney. The disadvantage is the high cost of electric boilers, as well as the complexity of the technical process.
  3. Firewood. The wood burning system allows you to warm up the room relatively quickly. In general, heating the steam room of a private house with the help of wood-burning equipment is traditional. But many do not like the complexity of the process of harvesting fuel and kindling the furnace.


Not only the wood and gas system is used for a steam room or dressing room. Today, infrared equipment is gaining more and more popularity. It does not require any special permission to install.

This system has whole line advantages:

  • easy installation / dismantling, which can be done by hand;
  • small sizes;
  • no need to purchase and add/report fuel;
  • cost-effectiveness in comparison with electrical equipment;
  • safety for people in the bath;
  • a short time interval for heating;
  • low cost.

Via infrared heater you can even heat a compact sauna, which is now installed in large apartments.

Despite the large number of positive aspects, the use of infrared heaters also has disadvantages:

  1. With the help of a heater, it is possible to heat a room of only a small area.
  2. It is impossible to simultaneously heat the bath and stones, which are often used for medical procedures.
  3. To heat a steam room, it will take from 4 to 6 appliances, which will cost the consumer a significant amount.

Ensuring in the steam room and other areas of optimal temperature regime can be organized with the help of a heating main - start heating from the house. To do this, radiators are installed inside the building (the exception is the steam room). Another option is underfloor heating. It is safe and effective, but there is also a drawback - it is very difficult to implement, especially if the bath is already built.

It is important to remember that it is possible to organize the heating of the bath from the house only on the condition that the two buildings are located at a short distance from each other or have a closed insulated passage (tambour). This will reduce heat loss.

If the bath is multi-storey

The appearance of private households has changed significantly over the past few centuries. The same applies to baths. Today, baths are not uncommon, which have, for example, two floors.

The presence of more than one floor implies the organization of heating of both the first and second floors. Existing systems conditionally divided into a number of categories:

  • solid or single heating;
  • separate heating.

In the first case, it is assumed that the stove is mounted directly in the steam room or behind its wall. The pipe through which the smoke will be removed is fixed to a special layer on the equipment. It passes the perimeter of the first and second floors and only then is displayed on the roof.

It is important to remember that single heating requires the stove to be heated continuously, even if the steam room is not in use. In addition, the complex path of hot air circulation results in a long heating time of the room.

A separate system is based on the use of several types of heating at once. This is the so-called combined system.

In this case, in the area where people are steaming, a standard set is installed - a stone, a vertical pipe and the stove itself. The rest of the premises are heated by gas, electricity and other sources.

In order for the steam room fire chamber to give the maximum effect, certain rules should be followed.

  1. First of all, it concerns firewood. They must be dry, the presence of even a small amount of moisture in them will slow down the heating.
  2. Firewood must be of the correct size: the diameter does not exceed 9 cm, but not less than 6 cm. Average values ​​will allow the fuel to burn for a long time, give the required heat and, accordingly, the temperature.

Experienced users claim that high-quality heating is also determined by the use of raw materials of a certain breed. If the question is how to make heating in a bath with several floors, it is better to give preference to birch. This wood does not have a large diameter. However, the high tar content provides long-term smoldering, due to which a high combustion temperature is achieved in comparison with other materials.

Additionally, to increase the time of maintaining a high temperature, use coal. Oak and linden also showed themselves well when solving the problem of heating a bathhouse with several floors. Poplar and aspen emit less heat, so they will need much more.

If the bath is equipped with an attic, it is better to use a fireplace to heat it. When installing it, be sure to take into account the weight of the device, which requires mandatory strengthening of the zone. The weight of the fireplace depends on how often you plan to use it. It is known that intensive heating requires a large firebox. To make installation and operation easier, it is better to give preference to an electric fireplace. It will also reduce the cost of anticipated repairs.